The ugly duckling表演剧本_共3页
The ugly duckling演职人员表
丑小鸭:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me,Dear mum, Life is unfair to me. I’mugly.But it’s not myfault.MumdoyouthinkIam reallyugly?
鸭妈妈:no my beautiful child, you areso cute .
Friends: I’mcoming whathappened?
鸭妈妈:by borned!
Friends: wowlet’s have a look!
小鸭1:Wow, what a beautiful world!”
小鸭子2 hello I am a little duck, how beautiful I am.
旁白:It is warm, A mother duck lieson the grass, waiting for the birth of her children.
鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired.Hifriends comehere!
鸭妈妈:咦?Why is it still a baby notcrack?
鸭宝宝们:let’s havea look together!
最新小学英语绘本剧本-----小低组 英语短剧剧本3 丑小鸭
Ugly Duckling:Wow! It is fun to swim in the water.
Mother Duck:See, my baby, if you are brave, you can do anything.
The Ugly Duckling
人物角色:Ugly Ducking丑小鸭Mother Duck鸭妈妈
Mother Duck:Oh, I amsotired. I hopethatthese eggscanhatch soon. Iwant to swim in the water.(Crack! Crack!)
Mother Duck:My baby, let’s go swimming together.
The ugly duckling表演剧本
The ugly duckling场景1:丑小鸭的诞生(播放寂静山林)(一只鸭妈妈正在孵蛋,鸭妈妈在中间,其他小鸭子围蹲在妈妈身边)旁白:(音乐起的时候开始)It was a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lied in the stook. Waiting for the birth of her children.(抚摸着鸭蛋,鸭妈妈伸懒腰。
)旁白:(鸭妈妈伸完懒腰之后)Suddenly,The eggs moved and came out some duck.lings.小鸭子:mommy!mommy!鸭妈妈:Oh,you are so lovely!(鸭妈妈和蔼地抚摸着小鸭子们,突然,一只小鸭子走出来惊讶地指着大蛋说)Duck 2:Mum,What’s this?Why not crack?(鸭妈妈和小鸭子们围在蛋旁边,好奇地观察)旁白:After a long wait, then a big gray duckling came out.(突然,蛋动了起来,丑小鸭慢慢伸伸懒腰钻出来。
)丑小鸭:Hi,friends,nice to meet you!Hi,mommy,mommy!(大家仔细地看着它,先是非常惊奇,然后惊叫,两两地互相交头接耳。
)Duck 3 : Wow,his feather is gray,it’s too rube!Duck 4 : Her mouth is so big!Duck 5:She is so ugly!小鸭子:It’s an “ugly duckling”!鸭妈妈:Oh, whatever,you are all my good babies.(播放音乐《five little ducks》,鸭妈妈带领小鸭子们跳起了欢快的舞步。
)鸭妈妈:Are you hungry?小鸭子:Yes.鸭妈妈:I’m going to find some food,you can stay here and play games. OK?小鸭子:OK,see you ,mum.!鸭妈妈:See you!场景2:被排挤的丑小鸭(小鸭子一边排队型,旁白一边解说。
The ugly duckling
No.1The ugly duckling (丑小鸭)人物:解说员(A)、丑小鸭(U)、白天鹅(S)、鸭妈妈(M)、猎狗(H)、农夫(F)、两只小鸭子(D1) (D2) 、两只邻居鸭(N1) (N2) 、小鸟(B1)第一幕五小鸭出世场景:春天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
A: It’s a nice spring. A mother duck is waiting for her eggs to hatch. Her neighbor hears of this, and they want to visit her. (两只邻居鸭上场)N1: Peter, our neighbor Mary will have babies soon. Let’s visit her, OK?N2: OK. Let’s go! (邻1和邻2向鸭妈妈走去,邻3上场)N1: Let’s go quickly!N2: (走到鸭妈妈面前)Hi, Mary, your eggs are round and big. Your babies will be beautiful.N1: I think so. Look! That egg is the biggest of five.M: I hope so, but why don’t these little children come out?N1: Oh, how pretty the duckling is!N2: Yes! Yes!D1D2: Oh, what a beautiful world! Hi, mummy! Hi, uncles!D1: Oh, nice to meet you!N1N2: Nice to meet you, too.N1: I really envy you, you have four lovely children at once!N2: The biggest egg still doesn’t hatch. Another more beau tiful baby will come out soon.M: Well, I hope she’ll come out soon.N1: Come on, let’s wait for her.A: The ducks and the neighbors sit around. They wait for the big egg to hatch. They talk about the coming duckling.D1: Look, it’s movin g now!U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (众人不理睬)N1: My…,an ugly duckling!N2: Her mouth is so big! Her eyes are so small! Her feathers are so gray!N1: Oh, goodness! How terrible she looks!M: Oh, no! She is only a child! She will be beautiful.N1: Beautiful? She is so ugly!N2: What a pity! Let’s go!D1: Mum, she really shames us.D2: I don’t like her.D1: I wish she would be far away from us.D2: Go away! We don’t like you!M: Ah! Why is sh e so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world!D1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?M: OK.D1D2: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。
丑小鸭 英文剧本
丑小鸭the ugly ducklingOnce upon a time, there was a pond by a farm. Many animals lived there. There were forses, chickens, geese, and lots of ducks. A mother duck was sitting on her eggs in her nest. She sat on them for a long time. She kept them safe and warm.Finally, the eggs hatched. One by one, the baby ducklings stuck out their heads.Peep, peep, peep!Are you our mother?Yes, I am your mother. I’m so happy to see you.The world is so big!This is not the world. This is just the pond. The world is much bigger than the pond. There is also the farm and the field. There is so much to see.Suddenly, mother duck saw something in her nest.Oh, my! One egg has not hatched. And I look how big it is. I guess I’m not done yet.So she sat back down to keep the last egg warm. One of the older ducks came to visit mother duck.I heard your eggs hatched. What cute little ducklings you have. But why are you still sitting on your nest?I still have one egg left. See?Hmmm, that is too big for a duck egg. I think it is a turkey egg. Don’t waste your time with it.No, I must be a good mother duck. I’m sure it will hatch soon.Just then , the egg cracked. It rocked back and forth, and the crack got bigger and bigger. Suddenly, a head stuck out. Soon, two wings came out, then two long legs, then a whole baby bird. But this duckling looked different from the other ducklings. This one was gray. Mother duck’s other babies were white. And the new duckling’s beak and legs were black. The other ducklings had yellow beaks and legs. Also, mother duck’s other babies were all cute. But this duckling was ugly.Good morning, ma’am. Are you my mother?Awwww. He may be ugly, but he’s very nice. Yes, dear, I am your mother. And these are your brothers and sisters. Now we will all go to the pond and meet the other ducks.Mother duck waddled to the pond, and all the ducklings followed her in a line. When she got to the pond, mother duck jumped in. splash,splash, splash. All the little ducklings followed her into the pond. They all swam after her, even ugly duckling.Well, you’re not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim, and you swim very well. You must be a duck. Let’s go , children. Stay in line.Mother duck led her children to the farm. All the other ducks were there swimming and looking for food. They were very happy to see motherduck’s new babies. But they didn’t like ugly duckling.What is he? He doesn’t look like a duck.I don’t know what he is . I’ve never seen anything so ugly.I don’t want him playing with my ducklings.He doesn’t belong here. We should chase him away.Suddenly, the angry duck bit ugly duckling on the neck.Ow! Mama, that hurt!Leave my baby alone. He didn’t do anything to you .He’s ugly,and we don’t like him.He may not be cute, but he’s very nice. And he’s a very good swimmer. We don’t care. We don’t want to look at him. Send him away.The other ducks agreed. Even the other baby ducklings agreed with the angry duck.You’re so ugly. You can’t be our brother.See how cute we are! You don’t look like us at all.You should go away.No one wants you here.Children , stop saying such mean things. Be nice to your brother.But ugly duckling thought they were right.I don’t belong here. Nobody likes me. I’m going to run away.Chapter 2He ran to the pond and jumped in. He swam and swam until he came to aswamp. It was late, so ugly duckling went to sleep in the tall grass. He was very sad and lonely. The next morning, he woke up and saw some strange ducks. These ducks weren’t white like the farm ducks. They were green and brown with spots on their wings. They were wild ducks. When they saw ugly duckling, they waddled over to him.Hello there. What are you?I’m a duck, I think. What are you?We’re wild ducks. We live here in the swamp. Where do you live?I used to live by the farm, but I was too ugly. Nobody liked me, so I ran away.Well, you’re right. You are an ugly duck. But you can stay with us. We like you.Ugly duckling was so happy. He finally found some friends.Thank you! Thank you very much!What was that noise?Oh, no! it’s hunters. Quickly , everyone fly away!The hunters were firing their guns. The wild ducks flew away, but ugly duckling was too small to fly. The hunters fired their guns for a long time. Some of the wild ducks got shot and fell to the ground. Big dogs ran to the dead ducks and carried them away. Ugly duckling was so frightened. He hid in the grass until everything was quiet. When he came out, all the wild ducks were gone. He was alone again.My new friends are gone. What will I do now? ugly duckling swam across the swamp until he came to a wide field. Suddenly, a storm rolled in. the wind was very strong. It picked him up and blew him across the field to a small house. Just then, and old woman opened the door.My goodness, what a storm! What’s this? A poor , little duckling. Are you lost, little one?Well, that’s ok. You can stay with us. I live with a cat and a hen. They will be your new friends.The kind old woman took him into the house. There was a fat hen sitting in a nest, and a striped cat lying near the fire place.Hello. It’s nice to meet you.What are you?I’m a duck.A duck? Well , you’re the ugliest duck I’ve ever seen. I’m a hen. I lay eggs for the old lady’s breakfast. Can you lay eggs?No, I don’t think so.I’m a cat. I sit on the old lady’s lap and purr. Can you purr?No, I can’t purr. But I can swim very well.Swimming? Who cares about swimming? You can’t do anything useful. No, hen. He can be useful. I’m hungry, and I can eat him. That is useful. The cat jumped at ugly duckling, but the little bird was too quick.He ran out of the door and across the field. He ran and ran until he cameto a quiet lake.The lake was beautiful. The water was blue and clear , and tall trees grew nearby.Ugly duckling lived by himself on the lake. He missed his mother, but he was happy that no one bothered him there.Chapter 3A long time passed. Spring became summer, then summer became fall. The trees by the lake turned bright yellow and red. The wind became colder and colder.Then one day, ugly duckling had some visitors. He saw a flock of the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. They were as big as geese, but they were as white as the clouds. They swam gracefully across the lake. Ugly duckling wanted to say hello, but he was afraid.I am too ugly. They would not like me . those birds are so beautiful. I wish I was like them. He hid under a bush until the beautiful birds flew away. That night, it got very ,very cold. Snow began to fall, and the lake froze into ice. Ugly duckling swam and swam to stay warm. But it wasn’t enough. He froze in the ice and couldn’t move.The next morning, the sun came out. It shined brightly on the fresh snow. It was a beautiful sight, but ugly duckling couldn’t see it . his eyes were frozen shut. A farmer was walking by the lake that morning. He saw the frozen duckling and ran over to him.Aww. You poor, little thing. You are so cold. I will help you . you will be warm in my house. My children will take good care of you. The farmer broke the ice around ugly duckling. Then he wrapped him up in his scarf and carried him home.Children, look what I found.What is it, papa?It’s a little duckling. He was frozen on the lake. Let’s put him by the fire. Then he will be warm.I’ll get a blanket for him.The farmer put the blanket by the fire. Then he put ugly duckling on the blanket to get warm. Slowly, he began to warm up. He could move his wings and legs again. Then he woke up.Look! He’s alive!Hooray! I want to pet him.No, me first. I want to pet him.No, he didn’t. he gave him to both of us.The children reached for ugly duckling. They only wanted to play with him, but he did not understand. He thought they wanted to hurt him. He was very scared. He flapped his wings as hard as he could , and flew out the door.Aww, the duckling flew away.That’s alright, children. He’s a wild bird. He’ll be ok.Tommy scared him. That’s why he flew away.Did not.Did tooChapter 4Ugly duckling flew back to his lake. He felt safe there. Finally winter turned into spring. The days were warmer, the trees turned green again, and the flowers bloomed.One morning, the beautiful white birds came back to the lake. Ugly duckling had been sad and alone for so long. He decided to try to make friends. He swam up to one of the white birds.Hello. Welcome to my lake. what kind of bird are you?We’re swans. Don’t you know what swans are?Swans? That’s a beautiful name. may I be your friend?Well, of course.Really? You like me , even if I’m ugly?You’re not ugly. You’re very handsome.This surprised ugly duckling. All his life, everyone said he was ugly. Now a beautiful swan said he was handsome. He looked down at the water.When he saw his reflection, he was even more surprised. He was not ugly! He was a swan!What happened to me? I was gray and ugly. Now I have beautiful whitefeathers.Of course. All our babies are gray. When we grow up, our feathers become white. We must fly away soon. Would you like to fly with us? Yes , please. But could we visit the farm first? I’d like to say good-bye to my mother.The swans flew away from the lake, and ugly duckling flew with them. Soon they landed in the pond by the farm. All the animals stared at the beautiful swans swimming in their pond. Ugly duckling found mother duck and swam over to her.Hello mother, do you remember me ? I’m your ugly duckling who ran away.You are? I’m so happy to see you again. Look at how big you’ve grown. You’re not a duck after all . what are you?I’m a swan. I wanted to say good-bye to you, before I flew away with the other swans.You can stay with us on the farm. I missed you when you ran away. No, I will stay with my new friends. I want you to know that I am very happy now.Thank you for being a good mother to me . good bye.Fly safely, my son. I’m glad you are happy. Good bye .The swans flew away to their summer home. One day, some children came to the lake with bread. They broke the bread into pieces , and fedthe pieces to the swans.Look! There’s a new swan.He’s so graceful. He’s the most beautiful swan of them all.But ugly duckling was not proud. He remembered how he felt when he was ugly. He was never mean to anyone because of how they looked.A few years later, he married a lady swan. When their eggs hatched, their babies were gray and ulgy. But ugly duckling smiled. He knew they would grow up to be beautiful swans like him.。
英语话剧《丑小鸭》剧本The ugly duck场景:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
画外音:It is a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
)鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired.(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!(音乐停)鸭妈妈抚摸着鸭蛋.画外音:Suddenly, an egg moves and come out a duck. It looks around the world and says: 突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下。
小鸭1站了起来,看了一下周围的世界说:小鸭1:Oh, what a beautiful world!“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”转过身来对妈妈说到:Hi, Mummy!鸭妈妈:Hi, baby.画外音:Then, another three ducks come out from the eggs and run to their mother.接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,喊道:群鸭:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………鸭妈妈:Oh, my sweet babies, you are so lovely.噢,我亲爱的孩子们,你们多可爱啊!鸭妈妈和蔼地抚摸着各个鸭子,群鸭很欢快地围着鸭妈妈转,突然小鸭4走出来惊讶地指着大蛋,说到:小鸭4:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this ? Why not crack? 咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?鸭妈妈:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不见一点动静。
Fairytale Skit Script 1 (For Kids Corner 1)The Ugly DucklingStage BackgroundsRecommended Music Links(Available for download on Amazon - $0.99)The Ugly Duckling by Danny KayCharactersNarrator (teacher)Mother DuckLittle Duck 1Little Duck 2Little Duck 3Little Duck 4Little Duck 5 (optional)Little Duck 6 (optional)Ugly DucklingSwan 1 (Ugly Duckling)Swan 2BoyGirlProps● 4-6 light green eggs (big enough for children to hide behind)● 1 brown egg (bigger than the green eggs)● a hiding place made of stones and reeds● a pond● a broom or feather duster● Some gray clouds on sticksSummaryWhen Mother D uck’s eggs hatch in spring, there is one duckling that doesn’t look like the others. The other ducklings tease him and leave him out of their games. Feeling excluded, the Ugly Duckling leaves his family and spends a lonely winter by himself. When spring comes around again, the Ugly Duckling meets a swan and discovers that over the winter he has also grown into abeautiful swan.1 Spring2 Summer3 Winter[Opening Music]Scene 1: Spring[Scene: Mother Duck is standing behind a big nest. In the nest, there are four green eggs and one brown egg. All the ducklings are hiding behind the eggs.] [Sound effects: spring – birds singing]Narrator: It’s spring. Mother Duck has some eggs. There are foursmall eggs and one big egg.Mother Duck: (looks excitedly at the eggs)I’m so happy!Narrator: The eggs start to move. [eggs wobble]Four little ducklings come out of the four little eggs.[the little ducks stand up one by one from behind the eggs] Little Duck 1: One! Quack!Little Duck 2: Two! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 3: Three! Quack! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 4: Four! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 5: Five! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 6: Six! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Narrator: The big egg is still there. Mother Duck waits.[Mother Duck and little ducks wait for a while. The littleducks get bored and tired – some fall asleep.]Mother Duck: [Mother Duck knocks on the egg] Hello? Hello? Is there alittle duck in there?Narrator: Finally, the big egg starts to move. [big egg wobbles]A big gray duckling comes out of the big egg.[Mother Duck and the little ducks look surprised]Mother: Oh!Little Duck 1: He’s big!Little Duck 2: He’s gray!Little Duck 3: He’s ugly!Little Duck 4: He’s not like us.Little Duck 5: Yes. He’s not like us.Little Duck 6: Yes. He’s not like us at all![mother Duck shakes her wing/finger at the little ducks] Mother Duck: Be nice to your brother.[the little ducks turn their backs on the Ugly Duckling] Narrator: But the little duckling s aren’t nice. And the Ugly Duckling is sad.[The Ugly Duckling walks over to the pond and sees hisreflection]Ugly Duckling: (sadly) They’re right. I am big. I am gray. And I am ugly. [lights fade]Scene 2: Summer[Scene: Mother Duck is sweeping and cleaning. The little ducks are holding hands, skipping around stage, quacking and playing chase. The Ugly Duckling is sitting by himself looking sad.]Narrator: All summer, the other ducklings don’t play with him.[Little Duck 1 chases the other ducks but can’t catch t hem] Little Ducks: Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 1: You guys are fast!Little Ducks: Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Little Duck 3: You can’t catch me!Little Duck 4: Or me!Little Duck 5: Or me!Little Duck 6: Or me!Little Duck 1: Hey! Slow down!Little Ducks: Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!Narrator: The Ugly Duckling feels very sad. So one day, he leaves. He goes far, far away.[Ugly Duckling walks around the stage and then off stage] [Lights go out – all other ducklings leave stage]Scene 3: Winter[Scene: the Ugly Duckling enters stage looking sad and lost.]Narrator: It’s now winter. The Ugly Duckling is alone.Ugly Duckling: It’s c-c-c-c-cold here. I don’t like w-w-w-winter. [the Ugly Duckling curls up and hides in the reeds][Sound effects: winter storm – thunder and lightning][Boy, girl and little ducks run across stage with the clouds. Then the lights go out and the storm sounds end. The Ugly Duckling changes positions with Swan 1]. Scene 4: Spring Again![Scene: It’s Spring again. The Ugly Duckling (who is now Swan 1) is still hiding in the reeds.][Sound effects: spring]Narrator: It’s spring again.[Swan 2 comes onto the stage]Swan 2: (singing)lalalalalala …Narrator: One day, the Ugly Duckling sees a beautiful swan.[Swan 1/Ugly Duckling sticks his head out of his hiding placeand sees Swan 2.]Swan 2: Oh! Who are you?Swan 1 (UD): (Swan 1 puts his head back into his hiding place)I’m the Ugly Duckling.Narrator: The Ugly Duckling hides. He doesn’t want the beautiful swan to see him.Swan 2: (kindly) Come out, friend.[Swan 1 comes out of his hiding place slowly]Swan 2: You’re not a duck! You’re a swan![Ugly Duckling hangs his head and shakes it]Narrator: The Ugly Duckling doesn’t believe the swan.Swan 2: Look in the water!Narrator: The Ugly Duckling looks in the water. He sees himself. Swan 1: Oh! I am a swan. I’m a beautiful swan!Narrator: The two swans become friends. They swim together.[swans swimming happily]Narrator: One day, a boy and a girl visit the lake.Boy: I love spring!Girl: Me too!Boy: Wow! Look at that swan!Girl: Oh! He’s beautiful!Narrator: And nobody talks about the Ugly Duckling anymore. [Ending Music]。
音乐:(有鸟叫,知了叫等30秒)0分38秒画外音:It is a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
)0分50秒鸭妈妈—叶凯琳:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m very tired.(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!Suddenly, an egg moves and comes out a duck, it looks around the world and says:突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下,接着破壳而出,小鸭看了一下周围的世界说:1分13秒小鸭---汤盈岚:Oh, what a beautiful world! “哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”Then another three hatch from the eggs.They look around and run to their mummy happily.接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,1分35秒梁倩欣黄婷张宜汤盈岚喊:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………1分36秒鸭妈妈—叶凯琳:Oh, my sweet babies! You are so lovely!哦我的乖宝宝,你们可真可爱!However there is still an egg without cracks.1分53秒小鸭---梁倩欣:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this ? Why not crack?咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?2分01秒鸭妈妈—叶凯琳:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不见一点动静。
(妈妈摇摇头,无可奈何 ) 小鸭 1: Mum, let’s play games, OK? 鸭妈妈: OK. 四只小鸭: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。丑小鸭也想和他们玩) 丑小鸭: I want to play with you. (可怜巴巴地说) 四只小鸭: You can’t play with us. Go away! 旁白: The four ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food. 小鸭 1: Mum, I’m hungry. 鸭妈妈: Oh, my children, come to eat some food! (鸭妈妈把食物分给四只小鸭,包括丑小鸭)
uglyduckling丑小鸭英文版剧本第一篇:ugly duckling 丑小鸭英文版剧本旁白:It is warm, A mother duck lies on the grass, waiting for the birth of her children.鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please.I’m tired.Hi friends come here!Friends: I’m coming what happened? 鸭妈妈:My baby borned!Friends: wow let’s have a look!小鸭1:Wow, what a beautiful world!”小鸭子2 hello I am a little duck, how beautiful I am.小鸭子3:hello I’m coming ,look at the sunshine and flowers, it’s great.小鸭子4:nice to meet you, look at the beautiful word.合说 mom I love you 鸭妈妈 I love you too.Music。
舞蹈鸭妈妈:咦?Why is it still a baby not crack?鸭宝宝们:let’s have a look together!Music…丑小鸭舞蹈丑小鸭:Hi, friends!Nice to meet you!小鸭2:Wow, my feather is so white, your feather is gray 小鸭3:Look!His mouth is so big that he can swallow the whole pond near our home.瞧!她的嘴巴那么大,可吞下我们家门口的池塘了。
合唱you are a very ugly duck EIEIO mouth could be so angry EIEIO quack quack quack quack quack quack cry too much appalling EIEIO 丑小鸭:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me,Dear mum, Life is unfair to me.I’m ugly.But it’s not my fault.Mum do you think I am really ugly? 鸭妈妈:no my beautiful child , you are so cute.丑小鸭:Nobody loves me, they all tease me.I’m really sad..鸭妈妈:oh my dear child ,don’t worry.Play with your sisters please come on。
鸭妈妈:Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world!
小鸭4:Mum, let’s play games, OK?
小鸟:It’s very hot today . Let me drink some water.(小鸟飞到水塘边。)
小鸟:Look, a dirty thing is over there . Let me go and have a look.
小鸟:Who are you?(惊讶地问)
丑小鸭:I’m …I’m …I’m a duckling.( 低着头,小声说。)
小鸭1: I don’t need your help. Go away!
小鸭2.3.4:Go away!(众小鸭把丑小鸭往外推。)
画外音:The 4 ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food.
小鸭1: Mum ,I’m hungry.
丑小鸭:Oh, I’m frozen. ( 晕倒在舞台上)
农夫:Well, poor duckling. Let me save you!
画外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming. Ugly duckling fly to the lake,she sees some beautiful white swans over there. They have white feather and slender necks. Ugly duckling wants to play with them.
The ugly duckling表演剧本
The ugly duckling场景1:丑小鸭的诞生(播放寂静山林)(一只鸭妈妈正在孵蛋,鸭妈妈在中间,其他小鸭子围蹲在妈妈身边)旁白:(音乐起的时候开始)It was a sunny and warm day.A mother duck lied in the stook. Waiting for the birth of her children.(抚摸着鸭蛋,鸭妈妈伸懒腰。
)旁白:(鸭妈妈伸完懒腰之后)Suddenly,The eggs moved and came out some duck.lings.小鸭子:mommy! mommy!鸭妈妈: Oh,you are so lovely!(鸭妈妈和蔼地抚摸着小鸭子们,突然,一只小鸭子走出来惊讶地指着大蛋说)Duck 2: Mum,What’s this? Why not crack?(鸭妈妈和小鸭子们围在蛋旁边,好奇地观察)旁白:After a long wait,then a big gray duckling came out.(突然,蛋动了起来,丑小鸭慢慢伸伸懒腰钻出来。
)丑小鸭: Hi,friends,nice to meet you!Hi,mommy,mommy!(大家仔细地看着它,先是非常惊奇,然后惊叫,两两地互相交头接耳。
)Duck 3 : Wow, his feather is gray,it’s too rube!Duck 4 : Her mouth is so big!Duck 5:She is so ugly!小鸭子:It’s an “ugly duckling”!鸭妈妈: Oh, whatever, you are all my good babies.(播放音乐《five little ducks》,鸭妈妈带领小鸭子们跳起了欢快的舞步。
)鸭妈妈: Are you hungry?小鸭子: Yes.鸭妈妈:I’m going to find some food,you canstay here and play games. OK?小鸭子: OK,see you ,mum.!鸭妈妈: See you!场景2:被排挤的丑小鸭(小鸭子一边排队型,旁白一边解说。
丑小鸭剧中角色Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭Mother Duck 鸭妈妈Ducklings 小鸭子Marsh Duck 野鸭Swan 天鹅Farm Animals 农场的动物Big Dog 大狗Man 男人Children 孩子们Act 1The Ugly Duckling Hatches(A mother duck sits on many eggs.) Mother Duck: Oh, I am tired. I hope these eggs hatch soon.I want to swim in the water.(Crack! Crack!)Duckling 1: Peep,peep! Where am I?Duckling 2: Peep,peep! Where is Mommy?Mother Duck: Quack,quack! Oh,my babies. I am here.(Finally,the last egg hatches.)Ugly Duckling: Peep,peep! Mommy!Mother Duck: Oh,my! You are not like the other ducklings.You are big and ugly!第一幕丑小鸭出壳(鸭妈妈正在孵蛋)鸭妈妈:噢,我很累。
(The mother duck takes her ducklings to the water.)Duckling1: Wow! It is fun to swim in the water.Ugly Duckling: Can I play with you?Duckling2: No!You are too big and ugly.We don’t want to play with you.Ducklings: Go away!(The Ugly Duckling goes to a farm.)Ugly Duckling: Hi! Can I play with you?Farm Animals: No,you can’t. We don’t like you.You are a big ugly duckling. Go away!Ugly Duckling: (crying) Nobody likes me! I will run away.(鸭妈妈带着她的小鸭子们下水了。
The ugly duckling英语话剧剧本There was a beautiful lake. A mother duck sits on her eggs.Father Duck: Not yet?Mother Duck: Look, Father! One, two, three! Our babies!Father Duck: How cute they are! Look, one more.Mother Duck: One more left! It’s bigger.Ugly Duckling: Hi!Ducklings: He’s ugly!Father Duck: Who are you?Mother Duck: He’s our baby. Let’s go wal ! Left, right, left, right. Ducklings: Quack, quack, quack. Walk like us!Ugly Duckling: I can’t.Mother Duck: let’s go swimming. Come on, come on.Mo ther Duck :Very good! Let’s go. Let’s get out. Let’s meet our friends. Aunt Duck: How cute they are! Eat! Eat! Who’s that?Mother Duck: he’s bigger, but he can swim. He can swim well. Ducklings: You’re ugly! You’re an ugly duckling!Mother Duck: Be nice.U gly Duckling: Nobody loves me, I’m leaving. Good-bye, Mother.Geese: Who are you? You’re an ugly duckling. Well, we’re leaving. Good-bye!Ugly Duckling: Nobody loves me!Ugly Duckling: A farm!Old Lady: What’s the matter? Eat…Eat.Hen: Can you lay an egg?Ugly Duckling: No, I can’t.Cat: Can you catch mice?Ugly Duckling: No, I can’t. but I can swim.Hen and Cat: Who cares? Get out!Owl: Where are you going?Ugly Duckling: Nowhere.Owl: Who are you?Ugly Duckling: Oh, what beautiful birds!Ugly Duckling: I’m cold.Kids: A duck, a duck.Ugly Duckling: What! Nobody loves me.Ugly Duckling: I can fly! I can fly!Kids: Yes, he can fly. He can fly.Swans: What’re you doing?Ugly Duckling: Oh, I’m sorry. Goodbye.Swans: No. Look! Look at yourself. You’re one of us. You’re a swan! Ugly Duckling: I’m a swan? I’m a swan!Kids: Look! Look! Yes, the ugly duckling was a beautiful swan.。
The ugly duckling (丑小鸭)人物:解说员、丑小鸭、鸭妈妈、四只小鸭子、四只兔子、三只小鸡、一头狮子、一只蝴蝶,三只天鹅第一幕丑小鸭出世场景:春天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
鸭妈妈在蛋壳前做孵蛋的样子,鸭蛋围住鸭妈妈,趴在地上成圆弧状旁白: It’s a nice spring. A moth er duck is waiting for her egg to hatch.鸭妈妈: My babies, come out !(鸭妈妈抚摩着鸭蛋,满脸爱怜的神色。
)小鸭1:Mommy! Mommy ! (娇气地)鸭妈妈:My baby, you are so lovely. ( 轻轻抚摸小鸭1的头)(小鸭2和小鸭3站起来)小鸭2,3:Mommy! Mommy!鸭妈妈:My babies, I love you! (搂着四只小鸭,满脸疼爱)小鸭1:I love the world, I ‘m so happy. Let’s dance, OK?鸭妈妈和小鸭:OK!(鸭妈妈和小鸭开始跳舞,舞蹈结束,鸭妈妈想起了还有一只小鸭没出世,走到了丑小鸭的蛋旁边)鸭妈妈:I hope she will come out soon. ( 看一眼丑小鸭的鸭蛋,自言自语)(音乐响起,四只小鸭随着音乐的节奏围着丑小鸭的蛋转圈,并停一停,听蛋里的的动静。
)鸭妈妈:Come on, let’s wait for her!(四只小鸭停下来,和鸭妈妈蹲下围住丑小鸭,大家屏住呼吸,眼睛盯着蛋壳。
)丑小鸭: Mommy, my brother and sister, Nice to meet you! (众人不理睬)(四只小鸭对着丑小鸭指指点点)小鸭1: Mum, she is so ugly.小鸭2: I don’t like her !小鸭3小鸭4: Me, too !四只小鸭: Go away! We don’t like you!鸭妈妈: Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world!(妈妈摇摇头,无可奈何)小鸭1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?鸭妈妈: OK.四只小鸭: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。
英文剧本丑小鸭The Ugly Duck
英文剧本丑小鸭The Ugly DuckThere was a little lake.有一个小湖.A Mother Duck sits on her eggs.鸭妈妈坐在她的蛋上.Father Duck: Not yet?鸭爸爸: 还没有(孵出来吗)?Mother Duck: Look ,Father! One, two, three! Our babies!鸭妈妈:看,爸爸!一,二,三! 我们的宝贝!Father Duck: How cute they are! look, one more.鸭爸爸:他们多可爱呀!看,多一个.Mother Duck: One more left! It's bigger!鸭妈妈:剩下一个!The next day. The egg still didn't hatch.第二天.这个蛋还没有孵出来.Ugly Duckling: Hi! 丑小鸭:嗨!Ducklings: He's ugly!小鸭们: 他它真丑!Father Duck: Who are you?鸭爸爸: 你是谁?Mother Duck: He's our baby. 鸭妈妈: 他是我们的宝贝呀. Mother Duck: Let's go walking! Left, right, Left, right. 鸭妈妈: 让我们去散步吧!左,右,左,右.Ducklings: Quack, quack, quack. Walk like us!小们: 呱,呱,呱. 像我们一样走路!UD: I can't.丑小鸭: 我不会.Mother Duck: Let's go swimming. e on, e on. 鸭妈妈:让我们去游泳. 过来,过来.He jumps into the water. 他跳进水里.They jump into the water.他们跳进水里.Mother Duck: Very good! Let's go. 鸭爸爸:很好!我们走吧.Let's get out. Let's meet our friends.出来.我们去见我们的朋友们. Aunts: How cute they are! Eat! Eat! Who is that?大婶:他们多可爱! 吃吧!吃吧! 那是谁?Mother Duck: He's bigger, but he can swim. He can swim well.鸭妈妈: 她大点,但他会游泳.他游泳很好.They eat. He can't eat.他们在吃.她不会吃.Poor ugly duckling.可怜的丑小鸭.Ducklings: You are ugly. You're an ugly duckling.小鸭们:你真丑.你是一个丑小鸭.UD: No, I Can't.丑小鸭:不,我不会.Cat: Can you catch mice?猫:你会抓老鼠吗?UD: No, I Can't. But I can swim.丑小鸭: 不,我不会.但是我会游泳. Hen and Cat: Who cares? Get out!猫和母鸡:谁理你?滚开!It is fall. An owl!秋天(来了).一只猫头鹰!Owl: Where are you going? 猫头鹰:你到哪儿去?UD: Nowhere.丑小鸭:没有地方(可去).Owl: Who are you?猫头鹰:你是谁?UD: Oh, what beautiful birds! 丑小鸭:啊,多么美丽的鸟儿!It is winter. It is very cold.冬天(到了).天气非常寒冷.UD: I'm cold.丑小鸭:我好冷(哦)!Kids: A duck, a duck.小朋友们:一只鸭, 一只鸭.UD: What! Nobody loves me.丑小鸭:什么! 没有人喜欢我.It is spring.春天(来了).UD: I can fly! I can fly! Yes, he can fly. He can fly.丑小鸭:我会飞了, 我会飞了.是的,他会飞了, 他会飞了.Swans: What are you doing?天鹅:你在做什么?UD: Oh, I'm sorry. Good-bye.丑小鸭:哦,对不起.再见.Swans: No Look! Look at yourself.天鹅:不,瞧! 瞧瞧你自己.You are one of us. You are a swan!你是我们中的一个.你是一只天鹅!UD: I'm a swan.丑小鸭:我是一只天鹅.Kids: Look! Look! 小朋友:看啊! 看啊!Yes, the ugly duckling was a beautiful swan.是的,那只丑小鸭成了一只漂亮的天鹅.少儿英语剧本:丑小鸭所属:沪江英语难度:容易来源:网络评论:13 阅读:9354在线听写VOA、BBC、新概念等提升听力水平,注册参加吧!本文相关应用•贡献文章录音•背单词•鼠标划词关闭划词•挑错•收藏•评论•打印It was a lovely summer day in the country. Mother Duck sat on her eggs for a long time. After a while, one by one, ducklings came out of the eggs.Ducklings: Peep, peepMother Duck: Quack, quack! Are you all out?Duckling1: No, one egg is still here. Look how big it is!At last, the big egg came open. This duckling was very big and very ugly!MD: Oh,my!This duckling is big and different from the others. I wonder if it is a turkey. We will soon find out.Mother Duck took her ducklings to the water. One after another, the little ducklings jumped in the water. The Ugly Duckling also jumped in the water and swam very well.MD: Oh, he is not a turkey. Turkeys can’t swim. He is my child. Let’s go to the farmyard. But you must stay close to me and watch out for the cat.Duck1:Look at that duckling! He looks so strange.Duck2:He is so big and ugly. Go away!MD: Please, leave him alone. He is not doing any harm.But the ducks pecked the Ugly Duckling. All the animals in the farmyard bit him and pushed him, too.Ducklings: I wish the cat would eat you!MD: You should never have been born.So the poor, little duckling was very sad. Finally, he ran away.UD: Why does everyone hate me? Is it because I am so ugly? But I am really nice.The Ugly Duckling met two wild ducks.WD: What kind of duck are you? You are really ugly. But that’s OK, if you don’t marry one of our family.Then the Ugly Duckling heard, “Pop, pop!〞And the two wild ducks fell dead.Just then, many hunting dogs appeared. The Ugly Duckling was very afraid. So, he tucked his head under his wing. A hunting dog sniffed the Ugly Duckling. “Sniff, sniff!〞Dogs: You are ugly!And they went away without touching the Ugly Duckling.UD: Oh, I am alive! No one wants me. Even dogs don’t want to bite me.He felt lucky but, at the same time, he felt sad. The poor duckling waited for several hours, and then, ran away.A storm began. The rain and lightning terrified the Ugly Duckling. He was so cold and wet! He ran and ran as he looked for shelter from the storm.Finally, he arrived at a cottage. An old woman, a cat, and a hen lived in this cottage. He went inside.UD: May I have some food?Old Woman: Oh, what a prize! Is it a fat duck? Now, I can have duck’s eggs.The old woman’s sight was very bad. So the duckling lived there for a few days. But the hen and the cat were mean to the duckling.Hen: I can lay eggs. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: I can catch a mouse. Can you do that?UD: No.Cat: Then, what can you do?UD: I can swim.Cat: Oh, no one should swim! You will surely drown!UD: I won’t drown.Cat and Hen: You are a big liar!So the poor duckling left the cottage.Soon, summer turned into fall. The Ugly Duckling swam in the pond. A group of swans flew over the duckling.UD: What beautiful birds! I wish I could be like them.The weather grew colder and colder. Now, winter came.UD:I must swim and swim, or the pond will freeze around me.But every night, the space became smaller and smaller. Finally, the pond froze, and the duckling couldn’t move any more.Early in the morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling.Far mer: Oh, poor duckling! I’ll take you home to my wife and children.The wife took care of the duckling. Soon, the duckling got well.But the children wanted to play with the duckling.Children: e play with us! e play with us!The duckling was scared. The f armer’s wife and the children chased the duckling around the farm house. Finally, he ran out the door.A beautiful spring came. The Ugly Duckling saw the butterflies dancing and heard the birds singing.One day, his wings felt very strong. So, he flapped them against his sides and flew high into the sky.UD: Wow, I can fly so high! What’s happened to me?The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful garden with a pond. He decided to rest there for a while.UD: I want to stay with these beautiful birds. But, they will kill me because I am so ugly. At least, I will die happily, if I can be with them for a while.So, he swam towards the swans. When the swans saw the young bird, they swam to him.UD: Peck me, if you must!And he bent his head down to the surface of the water. The Ugly Duckling saw a beautiful swan looking back at him in the water!UD: Oh! Is that really me? I am a beautiful swan! I am not an ugly duckling after all!The three swans weled the young swan.Some children came to the pond and threw pieces of bread into the water.Children: Look, there is another swan! This new one is the most beautiful of all.The Ugly Duckling was so happy. He was more beautiful than he had ever hoped to be. And now, he knew where he belonged.英语短剧:三只小猪领衔主演:M:猪妈妈P1:猪哥哥P2:小猪P3:猪弟弟W:老狼主要演员:T:树1 T2: 树2 B1:小鸟1 B2: 小鸟2故事内容:旁白:Long long ago , there were three little pigs lived with their mother . They were very happy and they were very kind to their friends . Look ! They are ing !〔情景一:猪妈妈和三只小猪以与朋友们在森林里快乐的玩耍〕(加快乐的音乐〕(小鸟飞的音乐)B1: Hello! Nice to meet you !B2: nice to meet you , too.B1:it is a beautiful morning !B2 : yes ! look at the trees ! They are very happy!T1: hi!T2: hello!〔猪妈妈和孩子出现〕M; e on ,baby !Pp: Here we e !M : let’s do the exercises. (歌曲move body move )Lift your arms. Bend your knees . touch your toes .P1 :mom , look ! we’re so strong ! (伸出胳膊,亮出肌肉)三个小猪比健美P2 :yes ,I am strong !P3:no , I am strong !M:yes ! my baby ! you should have your own house !Pp: ok! I ’d love to .M : you can do it !Pp :yes ! we can! Yeah! (做成功的动作)旁白:The three little pigs make three houses . they all think their own house is best! But the wolf is ing ! he is very hungry! 〔音乐〕W:Gu,gu,gugugu. I’m very hungry . oh, I sniff the pig’s smell .aha! I have a good idea !(来到第一只小猪的门前敲们)little pig, little pig , let me e in !P1: No ! you are bad wolf !W :then I ’ll huff and I ’ll huff ,and I ’ll blow your house in .(吹一下,房子倒了,小猪突然发现,吓了一下,逃跑)P1:Oh !help !help! my brother ! please help me !(迅速进入第二只小猪家,然后马上关门)P1: open the door ! (堵着门)P2:Don’t be afraid !W: little pig ,little pig , let me e in !P1: no ! no !W: then I ’ll puff , blow your house!〔狼鼓足气吹一下,房子有点摇晃,又吹三下,两只小猪堵着门,挣扎之后,房子倒了〕(挣扎快跑)p1p2:oh , my god !let’s run away ,run away !〔跑到第三个小猪家的床底下哆嗦〕P1:the wolf is very strong !P2: he wants to eat us !P3:my god , help me ! ( 三只小猪都在床底下)W: little pig ,little pig , let me e in !P1P2P3:no !W : open the door! I can get the house down !(吹三下,没动,鼓足又吹三下,迟疑了一下)why ?(最后吹三下,开始喘气了,然后倒地)p1p3p2 : yeah ! we are safe !(歌曲幸福歌)旁白:the wolf is very angry ! he has a good idea ! he climbs the chimney ! the bird tells the three little pigs !B1B2 :my friends !look at the chimney ! 〔狼爬上了烟囱〕P1: how to do ? 〔开始转着跑〕P2 :MOM !where are you ? 〔哭着说〕P3:don’t worry ! let’s put the wood into the fire !P1p2p3: ok , ,123…W : (掉进火里挣扎) help ! no !P1p2p3: the wolf is dying ! we are succeed !yeah !结尾曲〔完〕。
童话剧丑小鸭剧本儿童剧本:丑小鸭丑小鸭第一场破壳而出背景:森林、房子、房前鸭巢(置舞台右前位)画外音:在一座茂密的大森林里,住着许多可爱的小动物,鸭子一家就住在森林边上的一幢房子里,房子旁边有清澈的小河,五彩的鲜花,碧绿的草地,很美,很美…… 可是有一年夏天,鸭子家却发生了一件奇怪的事……鸭妈妈:今天,是我最幸福的日子,因为我的宝宝要出生了。
英语话剧《丑小鸭》The ugly duckling人员安排:三个小鸭,鸭妈妈,丑小鸭,两只公鸡,小猫,小狗,两只小猪,老奶奶,三只白天鹅;场景一:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
画外音:It is a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
)动作:(蛋壳破碎声)3只小鸭在鸭妈妈的带领下,绕场走一圈,然后站在舞台中间摇着鸭屁股!在角落的一只丑小鸭走出来说:“Hello! I’m coming!”群鸭:“Oh~ Who are you ?Ha Ha``````”丑小鸭低落地说:“I don’t know!”小鸭1说:“His feather is grey! Ha Ha~~ He is ugly!”群鸭:“Yes! He is very ugly! Ha Ha~~”动作:所有小鸭们都嘲笑丑小鸭,还对着她扭屁股!鸭妈妈走出来说:“Babies, let’s go walking! One by one!”动作:音乐《One little two little baby ducks``````》(可以在网上搜索八只小鸭子下载),所有小鸭们一边跟着妈妈,一边随着音乐跳舞并绕舞台一圈。
鸭妈妈说:“Let’s come to sleep!”动作:接着, 就走到舞台的一角睡觉,而最后一只小鸭却把尾随的丑小鸭推开,于是丑小鸭趴在地上伤心地哭起来,说:“Mum , Bye—Bye! Nobody likes me! Nobody likes me!站起来,边走边说I’m`````` Bye—bye```”场景二: 丑小鸭流浪,秋冬,黄叶,枯草。
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The ugly duckling
旁白:(音乐起的时候开始)It was a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lied in the stook. Waiting for the birth of her children.
旁白:(鸭妈妈伸完懒腰之后)Suddenly,The eggs moved and came out some duck.lings.
鸭妈妈:Oh,you are so lovely!
Duck 2:Mum,What’s this?Why not crack?
旁白:After a long wait, then a big gray duckling came out.
丑小鸭:Hi,friends,nice to meet you!Hi,mommy,mommy!
Duck 3 : Wow,his feather is gray,it’s too rube!
Duck 4 : Her mouth is so big!
Duck 5:She is so ugly!
小鸭子:It’s an “ugly duckling”!
鸭妈妈:Oh, whatever,you are all my good babies.
(播放音乐《five little ducks》,鸭妈妈带领小鸭子们跳起了欢快的舞步。
鸭妈妈:Are you hungry?
鸭妈妈:I’m going to find some food,you can stay here and play games.
小鸭子:OK,see you ,mum.!
鸭妈妈:See you!
旁白:So the ducklings played games together. The ugly duckling also wanted to play with them..
小鸭子:Go away !you are too ugly!
丑小鸭:I’m lonely,I want to play with you.
Duck 1:No,you can’t,we don’t want to play with an ugly duckling!
小鸭子:Go away,Go!Go!
丑小鸭:Oh,mum,I’m ugly,no one likes me…(丑小鸭很伤心,委屈地离开。
旁白:(丑小鸭进场之后开始)The Ugly duckling waddled and waded for a lonely time,she felt very thirsty and wanted to drink
some water.
Bird 1:It’s very hot,I want to drink some water.
Bird 1:Who are you?
丑小鸭:I’m …I’m a duckling.
Bird 2:wow,look at your feathers,so ugly!
Bird 3:Go away,don’t make the water dirty!(小鸟推开丑小鸭开始喝水,丑小鸭既伤心又委屈的看着小鸟们。
猎人:(小鸟们开始喝水的时候出场)good luck,a duckling ,my tasty food!
旁白:(音乐响起之后开始)Winter came,It was really very cold,The ugly duckling felt very cold and lonely,how she wished
someone could help her,at last she couldn’t move any more.
农夫:(丑小鸭蹲下之后出场)Oh,a duckling,poor duckling,let me help you.
旁白:(音乐响起之后)Spring came,the flowers were blooming,The ugly duckling flew to the lake,she saw some beautiful white
swans over there.
女孩:Wow,How beautiful!
丑小鸭:Hi,friends,you are so beautiful !
天鹅们:Hello,my lovely friend,come and play with us.
丑小鸭:Me? you are so kind,but don’t you think that I’m ugly?
天鹅们:No,you are a beautiful swan!L ook at yourself!
丑小鸭:wow,Is this me?I’m no longer an ugly duckling,I am a pretty swan!(丑小鸭和天鹅们拉着手围成一个圈,高兴地转圈。
旁白:No matter where you are born in,If you are a swan egg,you ought to be a beautiful swan one day!