外国文学2 (双语)基础知识练习(一)




单项选择(1/15)、“三一律”是指:() (2分)A、时间、地点、动作的整一B、时间、人物、空间的整一C、时间、人物、情节的整一D、时间、空间、地点的整一(2/15)、莫里哀的()提出了妇女地位、女子教育等一系列社会问题。















Multiple-choice questions with only one correct answer.Directions:Choose the best answer marked A, B, C or D to each question or incomplete statement, and put the letter in the corresponding bracket.()1. Nietzsche said “God is dead” in his book ______.A. The Will to LifeB. Thus Spoke ZarathustraC. Time and Free WillD. Being and Nothingness()2. Whose novel Jean-Christophe is composed of a series of independent narratives.A. Romain RollandB. N. OstrovskyC.Bertolt Brecht D. Georg Kaiser()3. The representative work of Thomas Mann is ———.A. Little Herr FriedemannB. BuddenbrooksC. The Unbearable Lightness of BeingD. The Magic Mountain( ) 4. The writer of A Kiss For The Leper is ———A. SchopenhauerB. F. MauriacC. NietzscheD. Roman Roland( ) 5.The Rainbow was written by ———.A. William FaulknerB. Nathaniel HawthorneC. David Herbert LawrenceD. Walt Whitman( ) 6.The Lost Generation writers include ———A. Ernest HemingwayB.Marcel ProustC. Romain RollandD.Nathalie Sarraute( ) 7. The hero of the novel A Farewell to Arms is——A. Frederic HenryB. CatherineC. Jake BarnesD.Nick Adams( ) 8. The author of Gone with the Wind is ______.A. Margaret MitchellB. Gertrude SteinC. Jane AustenD. Charlotte Bronte() 9.The novel Buddenbrooks was written by ———.A. Gorge Bernard ShawB. Thomas MannC. Elizabeth C. GaskellD. Jane Austen.()10. From 1904 to 1912 Romain Rolland published his great novel ———, which won him the 1915 Nobel Prize for literature.A. Remembrance of Things PastB. The Old Man and the SeaC. The RainbowD. Jean-Christophe( ) 11. The representative work of F. Scott Fitzgerald is ———.A. This Side of ParadiseB. The Beautiful and DamnedC. The Great GatsbyD. Tender Is the Night( ) 12.In Death in the Afternoon,——— put forward the famous “Iceberg Theory”.A. Ernest HemingwayB. Henry JamesC. Jean-Paul SartreD. Thomas Mann() 13. Quiet Flows the Don is an epic novel in four volumes by Russian writer——.。



《外国文学(2 )》平时作业(二)一、填空题1.20 世纪20年代,苏联有三部被称作“里程碑”式的长篇小说, 即富尔曼诺夫的 ________________ 、___________ 的 ____________ 、__________ 的2. ______________________________________________ 马雅可夫斯基在十月革命后最主要的两首长诗是___________________3. ___________________________________________________ 《俄罗斯与革命》、《安娜•斯涅金娜》的作者是_____________________。

4.1934年,在_________ 的主持下召开了第一次全苏作家代表大会,并成立了作家协会。

作协章程规定,____________ 是苏联文学创作与批评的基本方法。

5.《钢铁是怎样炼成的》的作者是_______________ 。

6.苏联30年代具有史诗性的巨著有_________ 的《克里姆•萨姆金的一生》、肖洛霍夫的 _________ 、阿•托尔斯泰的 ____________。

7.苏联卫国战争时期的主要诗歌有___________ 的《华西里•焦尔金》;长篇小说主要有西蒙诺夫的 ________ 、戈尔巴托夫的_________戏剧主要有柯涅楚克的 __________ 、列昂诺夫的 __________ 、西蒙诺夫的 ________ 。

8 .战后初期:苏联有两位有才华的作家遭到了批判,他们是_____ 和9. _______________________________________ 战后初期的优秀作品有法捷耶夫的 _______________________________ 、爱伦堡的— _______ 费定的_________ 和_________ 等。

列昂诺夫的____________ 被认为是这一时期最重要的作品。



Oedipus Complex俄狄浦斯情节:俄狄浦斯失手杀死了父亲,又娶了自己的母亲,后来知道真相后承受不了心中痛苦,刺瞎了双眼,流放了自己。


Electra Complex厄勒克特拉情结,恋父情结:厄勒克特拉的母亲与其恋人共同谋杀父亲,她决心替父报仇,便怂恿自己的兄弟杀死了母亲。


Pygmalion Effect皮格马利翁效应:皮格马利翁国王善于雕刻,他有一次雕刻了一个理想中的女性的美女像。






Narcissism 纳西瑟斯情结,自恋情结:纳西瑟斯是一个容貌俊美的少年,虽然有许多少女爱慕他,他均不为所动,自负而冷淡地拒绝女神爱可的爱情,使之因伤心憔悴而死,仅留美妙的回声。




one’s Achilles’ heel阿喀琉斯之踵,致命弱点:忒提斯为了让儿子炼成“金钟罩”,在他刚出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河,遗憾的是,乖儿被母亲捏住的脚后跟却不慎露在水外,全身留下了惟一一处“死穴”。



Sphinx’s Riddle斯芬克斯之谜,难解之谜:斯芬克斯是希腊神话中一个长着狮子躯干、女人头面的有翼怪兽。




单项选择(1/15)、“三一律”是指:() (2分)A、时间、地点、动作的整一B、时间、人物、空间的整一C、时间、人物、情节的整一D、时间、空间、地点的整一(2/15)、莫里哀的()提出了妇女地位、女子教育等一系列社会问题。














外国文学第二篇练习与答案思考与练习一、名词解释1、《一千零一夜》2、悬诗3、法国骑文学二、单项选择题1、被誉为“波斯语的《古兰经》”是()A 《蔷薇园》B 《玛斯拉维》C 《列王记》D 《熙德之歌》2、阿拉伯历史上第一部散文著作是()A 《愚人船》B 《古兰经》C 《玫瑰传奇》D 《蔷薇园》3、被高尔基誉为是世界民间文学史上“最壮丽的一座纪念碑”的是()A 《一千零一夜》B 《列那狐的故事》C 《玫瑰传奇》D 《伊戈尔远征记》4、日本最早出现的汉诗集是()A 《怀风藻》B 《万叶集》C 《古事记》D 《枕草子》5、日本最早的和歌集是()A 《源氏物语》B 《怀风藻》C 《万叶集》D 《土佐日记》三、多项选择题1、法国骑士文学的体裁有()A 骑士抒情诗B 骑士故事诗。

C 骑士讽刺诗D 韵文故事2、欧洲中古的英雄史诗有()A 《罗兰之歌》B 《尼伯龙人之歌》C 《熙德之歌》D 《伊戈尔远征记》3、《列王记》的内容有()A 韵文故事B 神话传说C 勇士故事D 历史故事4、波斯最负盛名的大诗人有()A 菲尔多西B 莫拉维C 萨迪D哈菲兹5、法国的骑士故事诗分为()A 古代系B 宫廷系C 不列颠系D 拜占庭系四、判断题1、法国市民文学的主要体裁是韵文故事。













外国文学2复习资料一、填空题(一)作家作品(二)文学常识(1)17世纪文学a.法国文学多比涅:诗集《春天》典型巴洛克风格情诗《惨景集》宗教战争马莱伯:《圣彼得的眼泪》维奥:《作品集》圣阿芒:长诗《被拯救的摩西》索莱尔:《弗朗西翁的滑稽故事》弗朗西翁追求美女斯卡龙:《滑稽小说》流浪剧团演员生活讽刺现实于尔菲:《阿丝特蕾》玛德莱娜·德·斯居代里:历史小说《居鲁士大帝》、《克雷莉娅》拉法耶特夫人《克莱芙王妃》欧洲第一部心理巨著布瓦洛:《讽刺诗》、《书简诗》、《诗的艺术》(论诗艺)让·拉封丹:《故事诗》彼埃尔·高乃依:法国古典主义悲剧奠基人、法兰西“悲剧之父”四大古典主义悲剧《康熙德》、《贺拉斯》、《西拿》、《波利厄克特》让·拉辛:悲剧家、法国古典主义最高成就《安德洛玛克》《费德尔》莫里哀:法国十七世纪最高成就、奠定了法国古典主义喜剧在世界文学中的崇高地位《伪君子》、《唐璜》、《恨世者》、《悭吝人》《乔治·唐丹》b.英国文学培根:《随笔集》约翰·弥尔顿:清教徒文学的杰出代表,诗人、散文家,代表十七世纪欧洲散文最高成就三大诗作,《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》本·琼生:开创十七世纪英国喜剧的传统《狐狸》、《炼金士》威廉·达文南特:《围攻罗得岛》,英国第一部歌剧约翰·班扬:清教徒文学重要代表,英国近代小说先驱语言讽刺小说《天路历程》c.西班牙和德语文学贡戈拉(西班牙):长诗《波吕斐摩斯和加拉特亚的寓言》《孤独》贡戈拉主义卡尔德隆(西班牙):《人生如梦》巴洛克典型风格格里美尔斯豪森(德):《痴儿西木传》巴洛克文学马丁·奥皮茨(德)巴洛克诗歌之父(2)18世纪文学a.法国文学狄德罗:《百科全书》、辩证法的杰作小说《拉摩的侄儿》伏尔泰:戏剧《扎伊尔》《穆罕默德》《中国孤儿》哲理小说代表作《老实人》《哲学通信》《论人》《论宽容》《哲学辞典》卢梭:政论文《论科学和艺术》《论人类不平等起源和基础》《社会契约论》《爱弥儿》教育小说、哲理小说自传《忏悔录》书信体小说《新爱洛琦斯》博马舍:费加罗三部曲《赛维勒的理发师》《费加罗的婚姻》《有罪的母亲》b.英国文学笛福:《鲁滨逊漂游记》斯威夫特:《格列佛游记》理查生:《帕梅拉》英语国家第一部现代意义上的书信体小说菲尔丁:18世纪最杰出的小说家《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》18世纪英国现实主义小说最高成就谢立丹:《造谣学校》英国喜剧典范劳伦斯·斯泰恩:18世纪后期英国感伤主义最杰出代表《游历法兰西和意大利的感伤旅行》《项迪传》亚历山大·蒲柏:18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,古典主义“英国的布瓦洛”诗体论文《批评论》翻译《伊利亚特》《奥德赛》讽刺诗《群愚史诗》哲理诗《人论》哥尔斯密:《旅行者》《荒村》英国感伤主义诗歌重要作品c.德国文学席勒:德国古典美学的重要理论家《审美教育书简》《论素朴的诗和感伤的诗》早期抒情诗《欢乐颂》贝多芬谱曲代表戏剧《阴谋与爱情》强烈反封建精神的悲剧德国第一部有政治倾向的戏剧歌德:与荷马但丁莎士比亚“世界诗人”德国最伟大的民族诗人市民牧歌《赫尔曼与窦绿苔》; 《少年维特的烦恼》强烈社会批判意义《浮士德》史诗性巨著莱辛:《明娜·封·台尔海娜》德国第一部古典喜剧《萨拉·萨姆逊》德国第一部市民悲剧《爱米莉雅·嘉洛蒂》思想性最强《拉奥孔》美学著作(3)19世纪文学a.德国文学霍夫曼:浪漫主义文学代表,文艺界全才小说集《卡洛特式的幻想故事集》《谢拉皮翁兄弟》长篇小说《魔鬼的万灵药水》《公猫摩尔的人生观,附乐队指挥克莱斯勒的传记片断》中的克莱斯勒被罗伯特.舒曼作为钢琴音乐会主题《跳蚤师傅》《堂兄的屋隅之窗》柴可夫斯基将霍夫曼的《胡桃夹子和鼠王》改编为芭蕾舞剧海涅:德国著名抒情诗人和政治讽刺诗人理论批评《论浪漫派》《论德国宗教与哲学的历史》抒情诗集早期:《歌集》晚期:《罗曼采罗》旅行札记《哈尔茨山游记》《思想——勒格朗集》《从慕尼黑到热那亚的旅行》《英国断片》长诗(优秀的政治诗篇)《西里西亚的纺织工人》《德国——一个冬天的童话》b.英国文学拜伦:孤独的反抗者后浪漫主义诗集《懒散的时光》组诗《东方叙事诗》“拜伦式英雄”哲理诗剧《曼弗雷德》成名作《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》斯宾塞体长诗《唐璜》诗体小说,拜伦首创浪漫主义现实主义高度结合雪莱:天才的预言家、后浪漫主义、第一个表现空想社会主义理想的抒情诗人长诗《伊斯兰的起义》诗剧《解放了的普罗米修斯》《钦契》抒情诗《西风颂》《致云雀》文学理论——《诗辩》英国浪漫主义美学的纲领性文献司各特:叙事长诗《最末一位行吟诗人之歌》《马密恩》《湖上美人》历史小说《威弗莱》《清教徒》《罗伯-罗伊》《昆汀·杜沃德》《中洛辛郡的心脏》代表作《艾凡赫》华兹华斯:“桂冠诗人”“自然之子”湖畔派(前浪漫主义)《抒情歌谣集》(与柯勒律治合著)《丁登寺旁》(自然风物代表作)《致杜鹃》(田园诗代表作)《咏水仙》柯勒律治:《克里斯特贝尔》“哥特式”小说情节《忽必烈汗》传奇色彩《古舟子咏》(代表作)老水手的罪恶与忏悔c.法国文学乔治·桑:法国著名女作家,女性文学和女权主义文学的先驱。



英美文学第二单元练习题一、填空题1. 英国浪漫主义文学的代表人物有________、________和________。

2. 美国现实主义文学的奠基人是________。

3. 《傲慢与偏见》的作者是________。

4. 《了不起的盖茨比》的作者是________。

5. 《哈姆雷特》是________的作品。

二、选择题A. 莎士比亚B. 拜伦C. 狄更斯D. 艾略特A. 《红字》B. 《老人与海》C. 《了不起的盖茨比》D. 《飘》3. 《简·爱》的作者是谁?A. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特B. 艾米莉·勃朗特C. 安妮·勃朗特D. 简·奥斯汀A. 《大卫·科波菲尔》B. 《雾都孤儿》C. 《双城记》5. 《草叶集》的作者是谁?A. 惠特曼B. 爱伦·坡C. 马克·吐温D. 菲茨杰拉德三、判断题1. 英国浪漫主义文学时期,诗人华兹华斯提出了“回到大自然”的口号。

()2. 《傲慢与偏见》讲述了一个关于爱情和婚姻的故事。

()3. 美国现实主义文学的代表人物马克·吐温的作品《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》描绘了美国南方的社会风貌。

()4. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》。

()5. 英国维多利亚时期的作家狄更斯在作品中关注社会底层人民的生活。

()四、简答题1. 请简要介绍英国浪漫主义文学的特点。

2. 请列举三部美国现实主义文学作品及其作者。

3. 简述《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白与达西的爱情历程。

4. 请简要分析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的形象。

5. 请阐述《哈姆雷特》中哈姆雷特复仇心理的发展过程。

五、论述题1. 论述英国维多利亚时期文学的主要成就及其对社会的影响。

2. 分析美国现代主义文学的特点,并以一部作品为例进行阐述。

3. 探讨《简·爱》中女性独立意识的表现及其在当时社会背景下的意义。

外国文学1 (双语)基础知识练习题(四)

外国文学1 (双语)基础知识练习题(四)


外国文学1(双语)基础知识练习题(四)Explain the following literary terms.1.The Oedipus complex2.Homer’s epics3.Chivalric Literature4.The Renaissance5.Utopianism6.Falstaffian Background7.Classicism8.The Enlightenment9.The sentimental novel10.Romanticismke Poets12.The Byronic Hero1参考答案1.The term coined by Sigmund Freud explains a child's desire to have sexualrelations with the parent of the opposite sex in his unconscious, via dynamic repression. It occurs between the ages of three and six. Freud points out that a child's identification with the same-sex parent is the successful resolution of the complex and is necessary for the development of a mature sexual role and identity.2.The Iliad and the Odyssey written by Homer are generally named as Homer’sepics. The former tells of the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek states; the latter mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus and his journey home after the fall of Troy.3.Chivalric Literature include chivalric lyrics and romances. The latter are proseand verse narratives that were popular in the aristocratic circles of the Medieval ages. They were fantastic stories about marvel-filled adventures ofa knight to prove his chivalric virtues, either in knightly duels or in somepursuit of courtly love. The most famous examples are the Arthurian romances or Knights of the Round Table.2。



答案见文后外国文学与文化(双语)基础知识练习(三)II、Multiple-choice questions.Directions: In this section, there are more than one correct answer from the choices marked A, B, C and D for each question or incomplete statement. Choose them and put the letters in the corresponding bracket.1.( ) The two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India include———.A. IliadB. MahabharataC. RamayanaD. Odyssey2.( ) ———are known as the deities in Roman myth .A. CleopatraB. JupiterC. DianaD. Mars3.( ) Which of the following belong to Greek deities?A. ApolloB. AchillesC. ZeusD. Athena4.( ) The Greek deities include ———.A. AphroditeB. ArtemisC. ZeusD. Cupid5.( )Ancient Greek literature genres include ———.A. dramasB. MythsC. EpicsD. Novels6.( ) The main characters in the Iliad are ———.A. AchillesB. OdysseusC. DidoD. Hector7.()The characters in the Epics of Homer include ———.A. DidoB. AchillesC. OdysseusD. Hector8.( ) The famous Greek Tragedians include ———.A. AeschylusB. SophoclesC. EuripidesD. Menander9.()In 395, the Rome Empire was permanently divided into ———.A. The Holy Roman EmpireB. the Eastern Roman EmpireC. the Western Roman EmpireD. the Ottoman Empire10.( ) The Christian Bible consists of ———.A. The Old TestamentB. The New TestamentC. The City of GodD. Summa Theologica11.( ) Torah also known as Pentateuch consists of Genesis and ———.A. ExodusB. LeviticusC. NumbersD. Deuteronomy12.()The three primary divisions of Christianity are ______.A.Catholicism B. Eastern OrthodoxyC. ProtestantismD. Judaism13.( ) Which of the following belong to the medieval literary works?A. The Rose GardenB. I Am a CatC. One Thousand and One NightsD. The Tale of Genji14.( ) In 843, under the Treaty of Verdun, the Charlemagne’s Empire was dividedinto three parts, namely ______A. East FranciaB. Middle Francia。

























































A、拉丁语 B.希腊语 C.意大利语 D.希伯来语4.在《神曲》中维吉尔象征的是()。















In the early 1600‘s, a group known as the Separatists lived in England. They were people who wanted to worship God, study the Bible and pray, bu t the English laws did not allow then to worship as they desired.They were hunted down beaten, and locked up. Eventually, they heard about freedom of religion in Holland, and planned to escape. After much hardship, they were allowed to leave England. Now called Pilgrims, they lived in Holland for 12 years, but left because they couldn ‘t stand the hard life, and couldn‘t w ork their own trades.They wanted to find a Kingdom of God for their poste rity(后代)to practice religion freely. So they hired the Speedwell and Mayflowe r to carry them across the Atlantic to a new land in America. The Speedwel l had many leaks and had to return back. The Mayflower took in their passe ngers, making a total of over 100. They sailed two months and three days, c ramped and hungry. On November11,1620, the Mayflower spotted land. The y landed in Province town, Massachusetts. For over a month, they sent to fin d the perfect place for them to build their colony.When they finally found a place, they called Plymouth. Right away they started building homes, knowi ng winter was near. Unfortunately, a violent storm hit when the houses were not yet finished. The Pilgrims were forced to stay on the cramped( 狭窄的)M ayflower for their first winter in the new world.When this winter was over,o ver half of them had died. The Pilgrims eventually made a good friend who helped them.His name was Squanto.He showed them where fish swam,ho w to hunt deer, and how to plant corn. Squanto was a Native American who was kidnapped(绑架)earlier in his life and taken to England. This is why he was able to communicate with the Pilgrims. With the help of the Native A mericans, there was plenty for everyone to eat that first summer, and also plenty to last for the next winter. The Pilgrims had so much to be thankful fo r. They gave thanks for friends, new homes, freedom of religion, and plenty of food in a three-day celebration with their Native American friends. Today we continue the celebration of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans,and called it thanksgiving.1. The Separatists left England in pursuit of ___A) wealthB) adventureC) an easier lifeD) religious freedom2. The Pilgrims spend their first winter________A) in their newly finished housesB) on the ship that carried them across the AtlanticC) celebrating their newly-won freedomD) making friends with the native people3. The Pilgrims learnt to adapt to the new environment______A) with the help of the nativesB) by imitating the Native AmericansC) by trial and errorD) by learning from their earlier experience in Holland4. How did the Pilgrims get along with the Native Americans?A) They were hostile to each otherB) They kept a distance from each otherC) They were very friendly to each otherD) They learned from each other5. What is the central idea of this passage?A) The origin of Thanksgiving.B) Religious FreedomC) Early English settlements in American]D) Hardships experienced by the Pilgrims————————————————————————————————————————Recently, one of my best friend Jennie, with whom I have shared just about ev erything since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I m oved to a new town several years ago, we have both always looked forward to th e few times a year when we can see each other. Over the weekend, we spent ho urs and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was ha ngingaround with. She started tellingme stories about her new boyfriend, about how he experimented with drugs andwas into other self-destructive behavior. I was blown away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about wh ere she was going and even stealing out to see this guy because they didn t‘ wan t her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she deserver better, s he didn ‘t believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared. I tried to co nvince her that she was ruiningher future and headingfor bigtrouble. I felt like I was getting nowhere. I just couldn‘t believe that she really thought it was acc eptable to hangwitha bunchof losers, especially her boyfriend. By the time she left, I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had bee n so frustrating that I had come close to telling her several times during the week end that maybe we hadjust grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn‘t. I put t he power of friendship to the ultimate test. We d‘ been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me enough to know that I was tryin g to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that ourfriendship could conquer anything. A few days later, she called to say that s h e had thought longand hard about our conversation, and thenshe told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the ph one with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding mo ments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.6. What word best sums up Jennie s‘ boyfriend?A) A drug userB) A loserC) A trouble makerD) A criminal7. What was the attitude of Jennie‘s parents towards her relationship with h er boy friend?A) They were rather tolerant.B) They were indifferent to it.C) They thought their daughter deserved a better friend.D) They did not allow her to continue it.8. How did the author react to Jennie s‘ re lationship with her boy friend?A) She tried her best to dissuade Jennie from continuing it.B) She threatened to break up with Jennie if her advice was ignored.C) She was overcome with pride that Jennie told her about her boy friend.D) She was very angry withJennie for choosingsucha friend. 9. How did the author feel when Jennie told her she had broken up with her boyfriend?A) She felt relived.B) She felt happy and proud.C) She felt frustrated and angry.D) She felt exhausted.10. What message does the author try to convey in this passage?A) The power of true friendship can conquer anything.B) Young people should be careful in choosing their friends.C) Parents should take good care of their children.D) Drugs can destroy innocent young people.————————————————————————————————————————For many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into their stories. Now Dale Air, a leading firm of aroma (香气) consultants, has been approach ed by Barclay‘s Bank to develop suitable artificial smells for their banks. Res earchers have suggested that surrounding customers with the “smell if mone y” will encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the bank ’s security and professionalism.But before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks‘ air conditioning systems. It must be identified and chemically analyzed, and thi s has proved to be difficult. The problem is that banknotes-and coins tend t o pick up the smell of their surroundings. So cash that has been sitting in a cash register at a fishmonger’s (鱼贩) will smell of fish , and banknotes used to pay for meals in restaurants will tend to smell of food.It may be a challenge, but aroma experts have little doubt that the useof artificial smells can be an effective form of subconscious advertising. Lunn Poly , a British travel company, introduced the smell of coconuts (椰子) into its travel agencies and saw a big increase in spending by holiday maker s. Many cafes now have electric dispensers (自动售货机) that release the sm ell of freshly roasted coffee near their entrances, subtly encouraging custom ers to come in and have a drink or snack. Even prestigious car maker Rolls- Royce has been spraying the inside of its cars to enhance the smell of the l eather seats.“The sense of smell is probably the most basic and primitive of all hum an senses,” explains researcher Jim O‘Rordan. “ There is a direct pathwa y from the olfactory (嗅觉的) organs in the nose to the brain. ” It is certai nly true that most people find certain smells incredibly strong, stringing me mories and feelings in a way that few other stimulants (刺激物 ) can rival. It is a phenomenon marketing consultants have long recognized, but until re cently have been unable to harness. “We ’ve made great progress but the t echnology of odour production is still in its infancy,” says O‘Riordan ,“W ho knows where it will take us. ”31. Artificial smells have NOT been used inA cafesB banksC travel agenciesD supermarkets32. Researchers believe that introducing the s“mell of money” intobanks will encourage peopleA to spend moneyB to feel confident about banksC to earn more moneyD to withdraw money from banks33. The difficulty of producing the s“mell of money” lies i n thatA people’s attitudes toward money are differentB it’s hard to identify and analyze itC no technology can do itD experts have no motive34. The word “harness” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toA seeB studyC controlD understand35. Researchers thinkA artificial smells help to improve people’s memoryB the technology to produce artificial smells is in the early stageC artificial smells are harmfulD the production of artificial smells is profitablyChoice, we are given to1 believe, is a right. In daily life, people have come to expect endless situations about which they are required to make decisions one w ay or another. In the main2, these are just irksome moments at work which dema ndsome extra energy or brainpower, or during lunch breaks like choosing which typ e of coffee to order or indeed which coffee shop to go to. But sometimes selectin g one option as opposed to another can have serious or lifelong repercussions. M ore complex decision-making is then either avoided, postponed, or put into the h ands of the army of professionals, Iifestyle coaches, lawyers, advisors, and the like. waiting to lighten the emotional burden for a fee2. But for a good many4 people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, not a right. And for th ose who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, created by companies and advertisers wanting to sell their war es5. The main impact of endless choice in people's lives is anxiety. Buying somet hing as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of consumer goods induces a sense of powerlessness, even paralysis, in many peopl e, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away6, or just buying an unsuitab le item that is not really wanted in order to solve the problem and reduce the une ase. Recent surveys in the United Kingdom have shown that a sizeable proportionof electrical goods bought per household are not really needed. The advertisers and the shareholders of the manufacturers are, nonetheless, satisfied.It is not just their availability that is the problem, but the speed with which ne w versions of products come on the market. Advances in design and production mean that new items are almost ready by the time that goods hit the shelves7. Pr oducts also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to r eplace them within a short time. The classic example is computers which are almo st obsolete once they are bought. At first, there were only one or two available fr om a limited number of manufacturers, but now there are many companies all wit h not only their own products but different versions of the same machine. This m akes selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease. i nto a shop and buy one thing8; no choice, no anxiety.The plethora of choice is not limited to consumer items. With the greater mo bility of people around the world, people have more choice about where they wa nt to live and work — a fairly recent phenomenon. In the past, nations migrated a cross huge swathes of the earth in search of food, adventure, and more hospitabl e environments. Whole nations crossed continents and changed the face of histor y, So the mobility of people is nothing new. The creation of nation states and bor ders9 effectively slowed this process down.36. Sometimes people ask professionals to help them make decisions becaus eA the decisions may have serious impact on their livesB only professionals have the right to do thatC they have sufficient money to payDthey have emotional problems37. When people cannot easily decide what to buy, which of the following is t he least possible choice?A Giving upB Walking awayC Buying an unsuitable itemD Seeking advice38. Why do products have a short lifespan nowadays?A They are of poor quality.B They are quickly replaced with new ones.C They have too many versions.D They are not designed by computers.39. How does migration today differ from that of the past?A People now migrate to find better jobs.B People now migrate for better life.C People now migrate for better environments.D People now have more choice about where to migrate.40. Which of the following best expresses the writer’s view on choice?A Better more choice than no choiceB Better no choice than more choiceC All choice is easyD More choice, more anxiety还有作文的话是青少年之自我反省以自我为中心被溺爱之类的作文是在百度上找的不保证正确率而且如果大家都写一样后果很严重参考一下吧The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the dev elopment of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. As a result, children today are experiencing more and more enjoyment. Th eir parents will give me unlimited allowance to satisfy them so as to encourage th eir children to study harder. Consequently. children are turning in to "little princes ses" and "little princes" in today's society. This is definitely not the outcome we w ould love to see. Since children are going to be the future of our society, it is imp ortant to train them to develop a sense of independence as well as responsiblity r ather than laziness. Parents should realize the seriousness of this problem soon a nd start to take actions to rescue their children. Otherwise, our society will eventu ally move towards a direction that everyone doesn't want to face.1. 1.小汽车正在进入中国家庭 2. 2.家用汽车的利和弊。




单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.《尤利西斯》. B.《我弥留之际》. C.《为芬尼根守灵》. D.《一个青年艺术家的肖像》正确答案: A.2.“马克•吐温”这个笔名来源于()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.城市生活. B.放牧生活. C.乡村生活. D.水手生活正确答案: D.3.莫泊桑短篇小说大都取材于()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.《圣经》. B.希腊罗马神话. C.荒诞传说故事. D.平凡的日常生活正确答案: D.4.《到灯塔去》是()的代表作之一。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.伍尔芙. B.海明威. C.德莱塞. D.卡夫卡正确答案: A.5.象征主义的先驱波德莱尔的代表作是()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.《高龙巴》. B.《塔曼果》. C.《恶之花》. D.《珐琅与雕玉》正确答案: C.6.《查泰莱夫人的情人》是英国作家()创作的小说。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.劳伦斯. B.高尔斯华绥. C.毛姆. D.格雷厄姆•格正确答案: A.7.《恰尔德•哈罗德游记》中的抒情主人公形象是一个()人物。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.多愁善感的神秘. B.沉缅花天酒地生活的. C.骄傲、孤僻、忧郁的. D.热情奔放,富有反抗精神的正确答案: D.8.苏联卫国战争题材小说《这里的黎明静悄悄》的作者是()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.邦达列夫. B.恰科夫斯基. C.瓦西里耶夫. D.巴克兰诺夫正确答案: C.9.果戈理创作的《钦差大臣》是一出()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.正剧. B.音乐剧. C.悲剧. D.喜剧正确答案: D.10.长篇小说《红与黑》中的男主角是()。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.木尔. B.拿破仑. C.于连. D.德瑞那正确答案: C.11.《人间喜剧》在结构上分为()三大类。

单选题 (3 分) 3分. A.风俗研究、哲理研究、分析研究. B.民情研究、哲理研究、分析研究. C.风俗研究、小说研究、分析研究. D.风俗研究、哲理研究、乡村研究正确答案: A.单选题 (3 分) 0分. A.长篇小说. B.剧本. C.短篇小说. D.诗歌正确答案: B.13.德莱塞的长篇小说《美国的悲剧》中的主人公是()。



west二级考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 西方文学中,被誉为“现代小说之父”的作家是:A. 简·奥斯汀B. 威廉·莎士比亚C. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯D. 查尔斯·狄更斯答案:C2. 下列哪部作品不是由美国作家海明威创作的?A. 《老人与海》B. 《永别了,武器》C. 《了不起的盖茨比》D. 《太阳照样升起》答案:C3. 以下哪个选项不是浪漫主义文学的特点?A. 强调个人情感和主观体验B. 对自然的热爱和崇拜C. 倾向于现实主义的描写D. 追求理想和超越现实答案:C4. 在西方哲学中,提出“我思故我在”这一著名命题的哲学家是:A. 柏拉图B. 亚里士多德C. 笛卡尔D. 康德5. 以下哪个选项不是西方音乐史上的古典主义时期的特点?A. 强调音乐的逻辑性和清晰性B. 音乐形式上的对称和平衡C. 音乐内容上的复杂和多变D. 重视音乐的装饰性和技巧性答案:C6. 以下哪个选项不是西方艺术史上的文艺复兴时期的主要特点?A. 重视人文主义思想B. 追求艺术的真实性和自然性C. 强调宗教主题和神秘主义D. 重视艺术家的个人创造力答案:C7. 在西方政治思想中,提出“社会契约论”的哲学家是:A. 霍布斯B. 洛克C. 卢梭D. 柏拉图答案:C8. 以下哪个选项不是西方经济史上的工业革命的主要影响?A. 机械化生产方式的普及B. 城市化进程的加速C. 农业生产方式的根本改变D. 国际贸易的迅速发展答案:C9. 在西方科学史上,提出“日心说”的科学家是:B. 伽利略C. 开普勒D. 牛顿答案:A10. 以下哪个选项不是西方宗教史上的基督教的主要教义?A. 信仰上帝B. 信仰耶稣基督C. 信仰多神教D. 信仰圣灵答案:C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 西方文学中,被誉为“现代戏剧之父”的剧作家是________。

答案:易卜生2. 《哈姆雷特》是英国剧作家________的代表作之一。

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外国文学2 (双语)基础知识练习(一)
I. Multiple-choice questions.
Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each question or incomplete statement, and put the letter in the corresponding bracket.
( ) 1. In ———, Stendhal formulated the principle of realistic literature.
A. Racine et Shakespeare
B. Main Currents in the 19th Century Literature
C. Criticism and Fiction
D. The Art of the Novel
( ) 2. The hero of the novel The Red and The Black is——
A. Mathilde
B. Madame. de. Renal
C. Marquis de la Mole
D. Julien Sorel
()3. The Red and the Black is a chronicle of France ——
A. after Napoleon's defeat
B. before Napoleon's defeat
C. before the French Revolution
D. after the revolution in 1848
()4.Goriot in the novel Old Goriot is ———.
A. a merchant abandoned his daughters
B. a noble man
C. a merchant abandoned by his daughters
D. a student
( ) 5. The hero of the novel Old Goriot is——
A. Madame de Beauséant
B. Madame. de. Renal
C. Marquis de la Mole
D. Eugène de Rastignac
( ) 6.The The Human Comedy was named after ———.
A. names of the heros
B. the author's name
C. the author's homeland
D. the great epic by Dante
()7. In Madame Bovary Emma Bovary at last ________
A. left her husband
B. left her homeland
C. killed Charles Bovary
D. poisoned herself
( ) 8. which of the following works is written by Merimee is ———.
A. Carmen
B. Scarlet Letter
C. Moby Dick
D. The Charterhouse of Parma ( ) 9. Ball of Fat is a story set in ———.
A. Franco-Prussian War
B. French Revolution
C. Paris Commune
D. American Revolution ( ) 10.The Lady of the Camellias was written by ———
A. W. Faulkner
B. N. Hawthorne
C. A. Dumas, fils
D. W. Whitman
( )11.The protagonist of Germinal is ——
A. Maheu
B. Etienne Lantier
C. Catherine
D. Souvarine。
