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1.His parents wouldn’t let him marry anybody ______family was poor.

A. of whom

B. of whose

C. whose

D. which

2.Is this factory _______we visited last Sunday?

A. that

B. which

C. whose

D. the one

3. That is our teaching building, _________ are many trees.

A. in front of that

B. in front of which

C. where there

D. in the front of which

4. Who was the gray- haired old man _______ at yesterday’s meeting?

A. we saw her

B. we saw

C. we saw whom

D. she was seen

5. The woman _______ my brother spoke just now is my teacher.

A. who

B. to whom

C. to who

D. whom

6. Jenny was her friend, _______ she borrowed a book.

A. from who

B. from whom

C. to whom

D. to that

7. This book is for students _______ native language is not English

A. that

B. of whom

C. whose

D. who’s

8. The place _____ interests the children most is the Children’s Palace.

A. what

B. that

C. where

D. in which

9. That is the chair ______ he often sits on.

A. where

B. which

C. in which

D. on which

10. He lives in a room ________ door is broken.

A. whose

B. which

C. in which

D. that

11. She is the girl student _______ we have talked a lot.

A. of whom

B. of which

C. about whom

D. to whom

12.The old man has lost his stick, ________he could hardly walk

A. by which

B. with that

C. without which

D. by that

13. This is the driver _______ the news

A. from whom I learned

B. whom I learned

C. from who I learned

D. who I learned

14. This is the museum _________ they’ll visit tomorrow.

A. in which

B. where

C. /

D. when

15. The film _________ last night was wonderful.

A. which we saw

B. that we saw it

C. which were shown

D. that were shown

16. I want to see and thank the woman ______ helped me.

A. when

B. what

C. which

D. whose son

17. The student ______ is a five-star student.

A. whose parents is died

B. who you met

C. whose you met

D. which we were talking about

18. The lessons _______ were not easily forgotten.

A. which he taught

B. which was taught

C. that he were taught

D. that he has taught

19. The car ran over a boy and a dog ______were just crossing the street.

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. which

20. There is a mountain _______ top is always covered with snow.

A. of wh ich

B. whose

C. it’s

D. its

21. We visited a factory _______ makes toys for children.

A. where

B. which

C. in which

D. at which

22. The girl ______ you met just now is very interesting.

A. which

B. what

C. whose

D. who

23. Sep.18,1931 is a day ____ we’ll never forget.

A. when

B. that

C. in which

D. what

24.I’ll never forget the place _______ I visited ten years ago.

A. where

B. that

C. in which

D. what

25. The man _______ was a friend of mine.

A. that you just talked to

B. whom you just talked to him

C. who you just talked

D. which you just talked to him
