2005年上半年软件水平考试(中级)网络工程师上午(基础知识)试题真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选择题选择题(每小题1分,共75分)下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将此选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。
软考网络工程师常用英文单词和缩写翻译DARPA国防高级研究计划局ARPARNET(Internet)阿帕网ICCC国际计算机通信会议CCITT国际电报电话咨询委员会SNA系统网络体系结构(IBM)DNA数字网络体系结构(DEC)CSMA/CD载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(Xerox)NGI下一代INTERNETInternet2第二代INTERNETTCP/IP SNA SPX/IPX AppleTalk网络协议NII国家信息基础设施(信息高速公路) GII全球信息基础设施MIPSPC的处理能力Petabit10^15BIT/SCu芯片:铜OC48光缆通信SDH同步数字复用WDH波分复用不对称数字用户服务线HFE/HFC结构和Cable-modem 机顶盒PCS便携式智能终端CODEC编码解码器ASK(amplitude shift keying)幅移键控法FSK(frequency shift keying)频移键控法PSK(phase shift keying)相移键控法NRZ (Non return to zero)不归零制PCM(pulse code modulation)脉冲代码调制nonlinear encoding非线性编程频分多路复用TDM时分多路复用STDM统计时分多路复用DS064kb/sDS124DS0DS1C48DS0DS296DS0DS3762DS0DS44032DS0CSU(channel service unit)信道服务部件SONET/SDH同步光纤网络接口LRC纵向冗余校验CRC循环冗余校验ARQ自动重发请求ACK确认NAK不确认preamble前文postamble后文ITU国际电信联合会character-oriented 面向字符bit-oriented面向位SYNC同步字符HDLC面向位的方案SDLC面向位的方案bit-stuffing位插入STP屏蔽双绞线UTP非屏蔽双绞线RG-58A/U标准RG-11用于10BASE5RG-59U75欧0.25INCH CATVRG-62U9欧0.25INCH ARCnet10BASE5IEEE802.3RG-59U0.25inch CATVRG-62U0.25inch ARCnetLED(light emitting diobe)发光二级管ILD(injection laster diobe)注入型激光二级管PIN检波器APD检波器intensity modulation亮度调制line of sight可视通路CCITT V.28(EIA RS232C)非平衡型CCITT V.10/X.26(EIA RS423A)新的非平衡型CCITT V.11/X.27(EIA RS422A)新的平衡型TD发送数据RD接收数据XON/XOFF流控制Automatic Repeat Request Protocol自动重发请求Send and wait ARQ:continuousARQ停等ARQWard Christensen人名Kermit协议circuit switching线路交换packet switching分组交换virtual circuit虚电路ATM(asynchronous transfer mode)异步传输模式ATDM异步时分多路复用packetizer打包器VPI(vritual path identifier)虚路径标识VCI(virtual channel identifier)虚通道标识syntax语法semantics语义timing定时OSI(open system interconnection)开放系统session会话synchronization同步activity management活动管理AE应用实体UE用户元素CASE公共应用服务元素SASE特定应用服务元素VT虚拟终端JIM作业传送和操作reverved保留echo回送discard丢弃active users活动用户daytime白天netstat(who is up of NETSTAT)qotd(quote of the day)日期引用chargen(character generator)字符发送器nameserver(domani name server)域名服务器bootps(bootstrap protocol server/client)引导协议服务器/客户机tftp(trivial file transfer)简单文件传送sunrpc(sun microsystems RPC) SUN公司NTP:network time protocol网络时间协议SNMP(SNMP net monitor)SNMP网络监控器SNMP traps陷井biffunix comsatdaemone.g timed daemonsyslogsystem logURG紧急字段可用ACK确认字段可用PSH请求急迫操作RST连接复位SYN同步序号FIN发送方字节流结束Manchester曼彻斯特编码FDDI(fiber distributed data interface)光纤分布数据接口TTRT目标标记循环时间aggregation of multiple link segments 多重链接分段聚合协议MAN(metropolitan area network plus)城域网CSMA/CD(carrier sense multiple access/collision detection)载波监听Token bus令牌总线Token ring令牌环SAP服务访问点request indictaion response confirmationLLC PDULLC协议数据单元DSAP address目地服务访问点地址字段SSAP address源服务访问点地址字段XID交换标识SABME置扩充的异步平衡方式DISC断开连接DM断开FRMR帧拒收solt time时间片AUI连接单元接口MAU介质连接接口MDI介质相关接口PMA物理介质接口SFD起始定界符PAD填充字段FCS帧校验序列PLS物理层收发信号slot time时间Inter Frame Gap帧attempt limit最大重传次数back off limit避免算法参数Jam size阻塞参数max frame size最大帧address size地址collaspsed backone折叠式主干网BSS基本服务集ESS扩展服务集DFW-MAC分布式基础无线MACIFS帧间空隙SIFS:短PIFS点协调DIFS分布协调CTS发送清除DQDB(IEEE802.6)分布式队列双总线TDM时分复用TMS多时分交换TSI时间片互换TST网络机构TSSST STS SSTSS TSTST网络机构PSTN公用交换电话网public switched telephone network详细PBX:private branch exchange专用交换网PABX;private automatic branch exchange 自动交换机CBX:computerized branch exchange程控交换SLIP:serial line IP串行IPLCP(link control protocol)链路控制协议NCP:network control protocol网络控制协议BRI基本速率接口PRI群速率接口LAPB:line access protocol balanced链路访问协议平衡registration登录interrupt中断LAP F link access procedure for frame-mode bearer serives 太长了rotate不知道recovery恢复discard丢弃retransmission重传switched access交换访问intergated access集成访问alerting警告progress进展AALATM适配层GFC总流控cell rate decoupling 信元率去耦SDH同步数字级PDH准国步数字级GSM:group special mobile移动通讯NSS网络子系统OMC-R操作维护中心BSS基站子系统BSC基站控制器BTS基站收发信机MS移动站SIM:subscriber identity module标识模块MSC移动交换机HLR归属位置寄存器VLR访问位置寄存器AUC鉴权中心EIR设备识别寄存器OMC-S操作维护中心SC短消息中心WAP无线应用协议WAE无线应用层WSP会话层WTP事务层WTLSWDP传输层MAP移动应用部分WML无线标记语言SSL:secure sockets layer安全套接层PCS个人通信业务PCN个人通信网GEO对地静止轨道NON-GE0(MEO,LEO)不清楚ITU国际电信联盟VSAT:very small aperture -terminal甚小天线终端低轨道卫星通信系统repeater中继器bridge网桥router路由器gateway网关ONsemble stackable 10BASE 可叠加组合型集线器transparent bridge传输桥source routing bridge源路径桥broadcast storm广播风暴encapsulation封装translation bridging转换桥接方式SRT源地址选择透明桥offset偏移more flag标识ICMPINTERNET控制报文协议SPF:shortest path first最短路径IGP:interior gateway protocol核心网关协议EGP:exterior gateway protocol扩展网关协议RIP:routing information protocol路由信息协议OSPF开放最短径优先协议acquisition request获取请求acquisition confirm获取确认cease中止poll轮询IPX/SPX internetwork packet exchange/sequented packet exchange NOVELLinterpreter解释器redirector重定向器SFT system fault tolerant系统容错ELS entry level solution不认识ODI开放数据链路接口NDIS network device interface specification 网络设备接口...DDCS数据库管理和分布数据库连接服务DCE:distributed computing environment分布计算环境OSF:open software foundation开放软件基金PWS:peer web serviceWEB服务器OEM原始设备制造商RAS远程访问服务IIS:Internet Information serverINTERNET信息服务WINS:windows internet name systemWINDOWS命名服务NTDS:windows NT directory serverNT目录服务TDI传输驱动程序接口schedule++应用程序,预约本COSE:common open software environment 普通开放软件环境RPC远程过程调用SNMP:simple network management protocol 简单网管协议SMI:structer of management information管理信息结构SMT:station management管理站SMTP:simple mail transfer protocol简单邮件传输协议SNA:system network architectureIBM网络SNR:signal noise ratio信噪比SONENT:synchronous optical network 同步光纤网络SPE:synchronous payload envelope同步PAYLOAD信CMIS/CMIP公共管理信息服务/协议CMISE公共管理信息服务agent代理IMT:inductive modeling technology 不知道plaintext明文ciphertext脱密encryption加密decryption解密symmetric key cryptography对称加密asymmetric key cryptography不对称加密public key公钥private key私钥DES:data encryption standard数据加密标准IDEA:international data encryption algorithm 国际加密算法PIN:personal identification number个人标识符session key会话层密钥KDC:key distribuetion center密钥分发中心签名seal封装certificate证书certificate authority CA证书权威机构OSF开放软件中心AFS:andrew file system分布式文件系统ticket凭证authenticatior身份认证timestamp时间标记reply attack检测重放攻击域PKI公钥基础设施certificate hierarchy证书层次结构across certificate交叉证书security domain安全领域cerfificate revoke list(CRL)证书层次结构LDAP:light weight directory access protocol 协议access matrix访问矩阵ACL:access control list访问列表reference monitor引用监控器course grained粗粒度访问控制medium grained中粒度访问控制fine grained细粒度访问控制CORBA面向对象的分布系统应用MQ报文队列VPN虚拟专网IPSEC:IP security安全IPSA:security association安全??encopulation security payload 封装安全负载AH:authentication header鉴别报头IKE:Internet key exchange交换rogue programs捣乱程序IPSP:IP security protocol安全IKMP:internet key managemetn protocol 协议IESGInternet工程领导小组SHA安全散列算法MAC:message authentication code代码CBC密码块链接SSL安全套接层协议cerfificate verify证书检验报文私用强化邮件PGP:pretty good privacy好的private保密authenticated已认证SEPP安全电子付费协议SET安全电子交易middleware中间件GSS-API通用安全服务SNP安全网络编程BWD:browser web database 浏览WEB插入件basic authentication scheme不知道digest authentication scheme摘要认证方法open group:the open group research institute研究所DCE:distributed computing environment分布式计算机环境SLP:secure local proxy安全局部代理SDG:secure domain proxy安全域代理OMG:object management group目标管理组CORBS:common object request broker architecture 不清楚authentication鉴别access control访问控制data confidnetiality保密data integrity数据完整性non-reputation防止否认enciphermant加密机制digital signature mechanisms数据完整性authentication mechanisms路由控制机制notarization mechanisms公证trusted function可信security labels安全标记event dectection事件检测security audit trail安全审计跟踪security recovery安全恢复TCSEC:trusted computer system evaluation criteria标准TCSEC TNI:trusted network interpretation of the TCSEC 标准TCSEC TDI:trusted database interpretation of the TCSEC 标准ITSEC:information technology security evaluation。
• 在应对如此规模的挑战时,我们可以毫不 夸张的说,“团结则立,分裂则亡。”
• 像在其它地方一样,欧洲的传媒集团已经 日益成功,这些集团将相互协作的电视、 广播、报纸、杂志和出版社结合在一起。
• 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, //a fact underlined by statistics //that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989. • out of: 从...中 • take a loss: 亏损 • no less than:不少于、多达
• 电视是激发和传递这些感受的手段之一---在欧洲近来发生的事件中,它把不同的民 族和国家连接在一起,其作用之大,前所 未有。
• 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multimedia groups have been increasingly successful: //groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.
• 不同的文化和传统把欧洲大陆编织成一体, 要创造出一种尊重这些不同文化和传统的 “欧洲身份”绝非易事,需要人们做出战 略性的选择。
• 50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, //it is no exaggeration to say// “United we stand, divided we fall” • united/divided: if we are united/ divided
2005年上海春季英语高考试题1.我昨天给你打了好几个电话,你都不在家.(callI called (you several times yesterday, but you were not at home / not in.2.虽然并不富裕,但是他对自己的生活相当满意.(AlthoughAlthough he is not rich, he is quite/ fairly satisfied with his life / himself.3.在叔叔的帮助下,汤姆写成了一首动人的诗.(succeedWith the help of his uncle, Tom succeeded in writing a touching / moving poem.4.由于准备充分,他在面试中一点也不紧张.(not…at allBecause he was well-prepared, he didn’t feel nervous at all during the interview.5.只要我们齐心协力,就能很快解决这个技术难题.So long as / If we wok co-operatively / with combined efforts/ joint efforts, we will be able to solve/ work out the technical problems.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试上海卷1.我希望尽快收到你的照片。
(hopeI hope (that I can/ will receive your photo(s as soon as possible./I hope to receive your photo(s as soon as possible.2.多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。
(goodEating/Having more vegetables and fruit(s does good to / is good for one’s health.3.今天下午我没空,我和牙医有约。
2005.03中口笔译试题和答案SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30minutes)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Americans have come to expect a lot of their presidents, more perhaps than any can deliver. We say that the president runs the country, but in practice, presidents have trouble running large parts of the government. We hold the president responsible for the economy, even though he has few economic levers at his command. We expect the commander in chief to lead us to victory in war, and then we complain when we think he is micromanaging the military.And we tend to think of the president as the personification of the nation he leads.Few other democracies combine the position of head of government and head of state. We do, and some of the bitterness of our politics spring from the conviction of many Americans that this of that president does not really represent their country. Yet as we look back at our presidents, we see them less as partisan politicians than as national leaders, who in different ways have helped develop the strengths and virtues of our nation.【参考译文】美国人对于自己的总统抱有非常高的期望,以至于也许没有一位总统能够达到那样的期望。
2005年全国GCT考试英语真题答案解析2005年GCT英语答案及解析Part One Vocabulary and Structure1. To speed _______ your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.答案:A.解析:短语辨析。
speed up意“加快速度”。
与之相对的是slow down。
2.More thunderstorms_____ in summer than any other time of the year.答案:C.解析:时态题。
3.Experts say the space rock is probably ______ more than U.S.$3000.答案:D.解析:该题是考词汇辨析。
4.Susan will come to watch him ________ at Wimbledon this week.答案:B.解析:这是考察考生对非谓语动词做宾补语用法的了解程度。
watch 之后应使用零不定式或现在分词。
译文:Susan 本周要来看他在Wimbledon的比赛。
5.Children don´t (necessarily) understand what they are reciting, but gradually it will have an impact on their thinking.答案:A.解析:考察词义。
1.A ______ computer is a personal computer whose hardware is capable of using any or all of the following media in a program:audio,text,graphics,video and animation.A.databaseB.multimediaworkD.mainframes2.The _______ controls the cursor or pointer on the screen and allows the user to access commands by pointing and clicking.A.graphicsB.printerC.programD.mouse3.A _______ copies a photograph,drawing or page of text into the computer.A.scannerB.printerC.displayD.keyboard4. _______ is permanently stored in the computer and provides a link between the hardware and other programs that run on the PC.A.InterfaceB.Operating systemC.InternetD.Appliciation software5. _______ is not a linear structure.A.GraphB.QueueC.StackD.1-dimension array6. _______ is the sending and receiving of the messages by computer.Itis a fast,low-cost way of communicating worldwide.NB.Post officeC.E-MailD.Interface7.The _______ is a collection of computers connected together by phone lines that allows for the global sharing of information.A.interfaceB.InternetND.WWW8. _______ are web sites that search the web for occurrences of a specified word or phrase.A.Search enginesB.WWWC.InternetD.Java9.Files can be lost or destroyed accidentally.Keep _______ copies of all data on removable storage media.A.backupB.backC.blackD.backdown10.In _______ programming,the user determines the sequence of instructions to be executed,not the progranmmer.A.top-downB.stuctureC.data-drivenD.event-driven参考译文:1.多媒体计算机是一种个人计算机,其硬件能使程序可以利用下列各种媒体:音频、文本、图形、视频和动画。
05年Part V Translation(30 minutes,1 0 points)Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.Drinking water and water for domestic use often come from ground water. In order to protect this water, local water authorities can apply to local administrative authorities to mark certain locations as water protection areas. The size of these areas is calculated in such a way that the quantity of ground water taken from them corresponds to the actual rainfall going into them. In the water protection locations areas fall into three zones. Zone 3 is the zone with a diameter of 4 kilometers around the ground water well. Here no chemical work or the use of pesticides are allowed. Zone 2 is determined around the so-called 50-day line. It is assumed that after 50 days in the ground water harmful bacteria will have died off. Here settlements and fertilizer storage are forbidden. Zone 1 marks the ten-meter boundary around the well. Here, any use of the land, as well as access by unauthorized person, is forbidden.06年Part V Translation(30 minutes,1 0 points)Each year in the United States more people are killed or i~ured in accidents--at home,atwork or school,at play,or while traveling- than were killed orinjured in the Vietnam war.Inthe earlv 1990s,about half of these accidental deaths were the result of motor—vehicle accidents.Other maj or causes of accidental deaths were falls,fires,and poisoning.On a worldwide basis,accidents involving motor vehicles are the primary cause of accidental deaths,followed by acci—dents in industry and in the home.Efforts to lessen or to eliminate the hazardous conditions that cause accidents are known assaletv measures.Safety is a growing concern around the world,and safety skillS are being taken more seriouslv today than ever before.People have come to realize that safety skills can be learn—ed,and most safety experts agree that it is possible to predict,and take steps to prevent,the ma—joritv of accidents.Few accidents simply“happen”.Most are caused by ignorance,carelessness,neglect,or 1ack of skill.07年Getting a proper amount of rest is absolutely essential for building your energy resources. If you frequently work far into the night or have a poor sleep, it stands to reason that you may start to feel a little run down. Though everybody is different, most people need at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night in order to function at their best.If you have been lacking energy, try going to bed earlier at night. If you can wake up feeling well-rested, it will be an indication that you are starting to get an appropriate amount of sleep at night. If you sleep more than eight hours every night but still don't feel energetic, you may actually be getting too much sleep.Once in while, you are bound to have nights where you don't get an adequate amount of sleep. When your schedule permits you can also consider taking a short sleep during the day, for sometimes taking a nap is the perfect way to recharge your batteries.08年Globally, most smokers start smoking before the age of 18, with almost a quarter of those beginning before the age of 10. The younger children are when they first try smoking, the more likely they are to become regular tobacco users and the less likely they are to quit.A strong link between advertising and smoking in young people has been proven. The more aware and appreciative young people are of tobacco advertising, the more likely they are to smoke or say they intend to. As a result, the tobacco industry spends billions of dollars worldwide each year spreading its marketing net as widely as possible to attract young customers. Tobacco companies market their products wherever youth can be easily accessed—in the movies, on the Internet, in fashion magazines, and at music concerts and sports events.In response to this threat, World No Tobacco Day 2008 campaigns for a total ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship by the tobacco industry.09年The office desk, as we know it, may have had its day. A large study on the future of work in the UK predicts the rise of the "mobile worker" moving with notebook computer and mobile phone between office, home, hotel, airport or highway service station as the needs of a job demand. Today, more than five million people already spend some time working at home or on the move, according to a recent report. That number will rise dramatically over the coming decades, with mobile work becoming one of the fastest-growing types of employment.According to the study "Working in the Twenty-First Century ", individuals will not necessarily see themselves as working from home. They could equally be working from the office, but they will be on the move from place to place, working at various times of the day, for much of the week. For a large proportion of workers, work in twenty years' time will be more about movement than staying in one place.10年Human friends may come and go, but a horse could be one of your most loyal, long-term friends if you treat it right.Horses understand words better than expected, since horses can hear the human voice better than even dogs can, due to their particular range of hearing. And scientists predict that trainers could have greater success if they use more verbal commands in their horse training programs.Horses possess excellent memories, which allow horses to not only recall their human friends after a long period of separation but also to remember some complex human instructions for ten years or more. The bonds with humans are likely an extension of horse behavior in the wild, since horses value their own horse relatives and friends, and are also open to new, non-threatening acquaintances. Horses maintain long-term bonds with several members of their family group, but they also interact temporarily with members of other groups when forming herds.。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 05上半年英语高级口译第一阶段翻译部分解析2005 年上半年高级口译第一阶段考试翻译部分解析 1. Yet the U.S. benefited greatly from the colonial strife next door. Broke after its Haitian defeat, France sold a large region to the U.S. for $15 million. 译文:然而美国却从其近邻的殖民地纷争中得到了巨大的好处/获利颇丰。
法国在海地遭到失败后, 把一大块土地以 1500 万美元的价格卖给了美国。
解析:考生对常用词汇和有关地名缺乏了解,根据上下文和同义词判断词义的能力较弱,因而译文不够准确,如不少考生略译了原文第一句中的strife一词,并把Haitian(海地)译为海天、海星或干脆不译,直接把英文写在译文中;还有考生没有仔细推敲上下文,把broke 一词直译为破产,不够精准。
2. The Louisiana Purchase would prove to be one of the most profitable real estate transactions ever made. 译文:路易斯安那购地被证明是以往所有的地产买卖/交易中获利最丰的交易之一。
解析:本句无难点,考生译文基本准确;若能再细心些,把real estate1 / 10译为地产而不是房地产,则更佳。
3. Napoleon would not have sold his claims except for the courage and obstinate resistance of Haitian inhabitants. 译文:要不是海地人民的勇气和顽强抵抗,拿破仑是不会出售他拥有的这块土地的。
PART ONE (40 POINTS)I. Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write your choice on the answer sheet.1.The most significant idea of the Renaissance is().A. humanismB. realismC. naturalismD. skepticism2.Shakespeare‟s tragedies include all the following except().A. Hamlet and King LearB. Antony and Cleopatra and MacbethC. Julius Caesar and OthelloD. The Merchant of Venice and A Midsu mmer Night‟s Dream3.The statement “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”opens one of well-known essays by().A. Francis BaconB. Samuel JohnsonC. Alexander PopeD. Jonathan Swift4.In Hardy‟s Wessex novels, there is an apparent()touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.A. nostalgicB. humorousC. romanticD. ironic5.Backbite, Sneerwell, and Lady Teazle are characters in the play The School for Scandal by().A. Christopher MarloweB. Ben JonsonC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. George Bernard Shaw6.Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a“()in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and s tyle.A. tragic epicB. comic epicC. romanceD. lyric epic7.In his poem “Tyger, Tyger,”William Blake expresses his perception of the“fearful symmetry”of the big cat. The phrase“fearful symmetry”suggests().A. the tiger‟s two eyes which are dazzlin gly bright and symmetrically setB. the poet‟s fear of the predatorC. the analogy of the hammer and the anvilD. the harmony of the two opposite aspects of God‟s creation8.“What is his name?”“Bingley.”“Is he married or single?”“Oh! Single, my d ear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”The above dialogue must be taken from().A. Jane Austen‟s Pride and PrejudiceB. Emily Bronte‟s Wuthering HeightsC. John Galsworthy‟s The Forsyte SagaD. George Eliot‟s Middlemarch9.The short story“Araby”is one of the stories in James Joyce‟s collection().A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. UlyssesC. Finnegans WakeD. Dubliners10.William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following except().A. the using of everyday language spoken by the common peopleB. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingsC. the humble and rustic life as subject matterD. elegant wording and inflated figures of speech11.Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of Venice:“Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew/Thou mak‟st thy knife keen.”Wha t kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?()A. Simile.B. Metonymy.C. Pun.D. Synecdoche.12.“If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by().A. J. KeatsB. W. BlakeC. W. WordsworthD. P. B. Shelley13.The poems such as“The Chimney Sweeper”are found in both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by().A. William WordsworthB. William BlakeC. John KeatsD. Lord Gordon Byron14.John Bunyan‟s Pilgrim‟s Progress is often regarded as a typical example of().A. allegoryB. romanceC. epic in proseD. fable15.Alexander Pope strongly advocated neoclassicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by()rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.A. classicalB. romanticC. sentimentalD. allegorical16.In his essay“Of Studies,”Bacon said:“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and().”A. skimmedB. perfectedC. imitatedD. digested17.“For I have known them all already, known them all—/Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,/I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”The above lines are taken from().A. Wordsworth‟s “The Solitary Reaper”B. Eliot‟s“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”C. Coleridge‟s“Kubla Khan”D. Yeats‟s“The Lake Isle of Innisfree”18.(The)()was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. RomanticismB. HumanismC. EnlightenmentD. Sentimentalism19.A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong sense of(), who never pays any attention to human feelings.A. moralityB. justiceC. propertyD. humor20.The typical feature of Robert Browning‟s poetry is the ().A. bitter satireB. larger-than-life caricatureC. Latinized dictionD. dramatic monologue21.George Bernard Shaw‟s play, Mrs. Warren‟s Profession is a grotesquely realistic exposure of the ().A. slum landlordismB. political corruption in EnglandC. economic oppression of womenD. religious corruption in England22.The story starting with the marriage of Paul‟s parents Walter Morel and Mrs. Morel must be().A. Thomas Hardy‟s Tess of the D‟UrbervillesB. D. H. Lawrence‟s Sons and LoversC. George Eliot‟s MiddlemarchD. Charlotte Bronte‟s Jane Eyre23.In American literature the first important writer who earned an international fame on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean is().A. Washington IrvingB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Walt Whitman24.The American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne is known for his“black vision.”The term“black vision”refers to().A. Hawthorne‟s observation that every man faces a black wallB. Hawthorne‟s belief that all men are by nature evilC. that Hawthorne employed a dream vision to tell his storyD. that Puritans of Hawthorne‟s time usually wore black clothes25.Theodore Dreiser was once criticized for his()in style, but as a true artist his strength just lies in that his style is very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sought.A. crudenessB. eleganceC. concisenessD. subtlety26.“He is the last of the romantic heroes, whose energy and sense of commitment take him in search of his personal Grail; his failure magnifies to a great extent the end of the American Dream.”The character referred to in the passage is most likely the protagonist of().A. Fitzgerald‟s The Great GatsbyB. Dreiser‟s An American TragedyC. Hemingway‟s For Whom the Bell TollsD. Twain‟s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn27.Almost all Faulkner‟s heroes turned out to be tragic because().A. all enjoyed living in the declining American SouthB. none of them was conditioned by the civilization and social institutionsC. most of them were prisoners of the pastD. none were successful in their attempt to explain the inexplicable28.Yank, the protagonist of Euge ne O‟Neill‟s play The Hairy Ape, talked to the gorilla and set it free because().A. he was mad, mistaking a beast for a humanB. he was told by the white young lady that he was like a beast and he wanted to see how closely he resembled the gorillaC. he was caged with the gorilla after he insulted an aristocratic strollerD. he could feel the kinship only with the beast29.In(), Robert Frost compares life to a journey, and he is doubtful whether he will regret his choice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all the difference.A. “After Apple-Picking”B. “The Road Not Taken”C. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”D. “Fire and Ice”30.Though Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were romantic poets in theme and technique, they differ from each other in a variety of ways. For one thing, whereas Whitman likes to keep his eye on human society at large, Dickinson often addresses such issues as(), immortality, religion, love and nature.A. progressB. freedomC. beautyD. death31.The Romantic Writers would focus on all the following issues EXCEPT the()in the American literary history.A. individual feelingB. survival of the fittestC. strong imaginationD. return to nature32.Generally speaking, all those writers with a naturalistic approach to human reality tend to be().A. transcendentalistsB. optimistsC. pessimistsD. idealists33.With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene,()became the major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.A. SentimentalismB. RomanticismC. RealismD. Naturalism34.American writers after World War I self-consciously acknowledged that they were(a)“(),”devoid of faith and alienated from the Western civilization.A. Lost GenerationB. Beat GenerationC. Sons of LibertyD. Angry Young Men35.In(), Washington Irving agrees with the protagonist on his preference of the past to the present, and of a dream-like world to the real world.A. “Young Goodman Brown”B.“Rip Van Winkle”C. “Rappaccini‟s Daughter”D.“Bartleby, the Scrivener”36.Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth and Pearl are most likely characters in().A. The House of the Seven GablesB. The Scarlet LetterC. The Portrait of a LadyD. The Pioneers37.Like Nathaniel Hawthorne,()also manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through symbolism and allegory in his narratives.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. R. W. EmersonD. Herman Melville38.In his realistic fiction, Henry James‟s primary concern is to present the().A. inner life of human beingsB. American Civil War and its effectsC. life on the Mississippi RiverD. Calvinistic view of original sin39.Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Mark Twain‟s writing style?()A. Simple vernacular.B. Local color.C. Lengthy psychological analyses.D. Richness of irony and humor.40.Which of the following statements about E. Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner‟s story“A Rose for Emily,”is NOT true?()A. She has a distorted personality.B. She is physically deformed and paralyzed.C. She is the symbol of the old values of the South.D. She is the victim of the past glory.PART TWO (60 POINTS)Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension (16 points, 4 for each)Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.41.“Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. What idea do the two lines express?42.“To be so distinguished, is an ho nor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge.”Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. What is the tone of author?43.“…Faith! Faith!‟cried the husband. …Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One.‟”Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. What idea does the quoted sentence express?44.“We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess—in the Ring—We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain—We passed the Setting Sun—”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. What do“the School,” “the Fields”and“the Setting Sun”stand for respectively?Ⅲ. Questions and Answers (24 points in all, 6 for each)Give brief answers to each of the following questions in English. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.45.As a rule, and allegory is a story in verse or prose with a double meaning: a surface meaning, and an implied meaning. List two works as examples of allegory. What is the implied meaning an allegory is usually concerned with?46.“Let it not be supposed by the enemies of…the system,‟that during the period of his solitary incarceration, Oliver was denied the benefit of exercise, the pleasure of society, or the advantages of religious consolation.”What do you think Charles Dickens intends to say in the above ironic statement taken from Oliver Twist?47.Whitman has made radical changes in the form of poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression. What are the characteristics of Whitman‟s free verse?48.Some of Hemingway‟s heroes are regarded as the Hemingway code heroes. Whatever the differences in experience and age, they all have something in common which Hemingway values. What are the characteristics of the Hemingway code hero?Ⅳ. Topics for Discussion (20 points in all, 10 for each)Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.49.Elizabeth Bennet, the heroine in Pride and Prejudice, is often regarded as the most successful character created by Jane Austen. Make a brief comment on Elizabeth‟s character.50.Take Mark Twain‟s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as an example to illustrate the statement that Mark Twain was a unique writer in American literature.。
第四部分外语运⽤能⼒测试(英语)(50 题,每题2 分,满分100 分)(答案仅供参考) Part One Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes sentence.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line though the center. 1.To speed ____A____ your entry,please bring your Admission Card with you.A.upB.onC.cutD.down 2.More thunderstorms ____C____ in summer than any other time of the year.A.happenedB.have happenedC.happenD.will happen 3.Experts say the space rock is probably ____D____ more than U.S.$30,000.A.weightyB.costlyC.valuableD.worth. 4.Susan will come to watch him ____B____ at Wimbledon this week.A.playedB.playC.to playD.playing 5.Children don't ___B_____ understand what are reciting,but gradually it will have in impact on thinking.A.playedB.playC.to playD.playing 6.Every year,thousands of college students apply for the CCTV Cup English Speech ____D____.A.ArgumentB.QuarrelC.DebateD.Contest 7.___B_____ shall we forget the day when we received the admission into Harvard University.A.No timeB.NeverC.No soonerD.Nonetheless 8.The newly released movie was ____D____ as to arouse so much sensation among the young people.A.No timeB.NeverC.No soonerD.Nonetheless 9.Today's popular clothing chains ____C____ teenagers,who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days.A.resort toB.attend toC.appeal toD.apply to 10.There is going to be ___A_____ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency.A.sufficientB.additionalC.efficientD.consequent Part Two Reading Comprehension Directions: In this part there are three passages and one advertisement,each followed questions or unfinished statements.For each of them,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one and.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line though the center.Questions 11—15 are based on the following passage: The first ancient Olympics were held in 776 B.C.The games got their name from Olympia,the Greek city where they took place.Like the summer Olympics of today,the ancient Olympics were held every four years. Thousands of people from all over the Greek world came to watch.The main stadium held about 45,000 people.We have accounts of visitor and pilgrims setting up tents all around the site. Lisa Cerrato of Tufts University said. During the first Olympics,there was only one competition—a 200-meter race.But over time the games grew to include wrestling,chariot racing,boxing,and other sports.Women were not allowed to compete,but they had their own separate games. The ancient athlete became celebrities(名⼈),just like today.They often lived the rest of their lives being treated to free dinners. Cerrato said,City-states even tried to steal away each other's athletes by offering them various awards. The ancient Olympics existed until A.D.393.But the modern Olympics are still going strong. 11.Where did the ancient Greeks hold their first Olympics?A.In AthensB.In OlympicsC.In a townD.In a state 12.How did researchers know that ancient Greeks rushed to watch the Olympics? A.Thousands of people came to watch. B.The main stadium is still not big enough. C.They have found the related record of events. D.Many of them were visitor and pilgrims. 13.What did women do since they were not allowed to participate in the Olympics? A.They stayed at home doing nothing. B.They organized protests in the city. C.They had their own games. D.They set up tents around the site. 14.The ancient athletes must have felt honored when they ___________ . pleted in a 200-meter race. B.wrestled with each other C.read the accounts of the games D.received the treatment of free dinners 15.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________ . A.the ancient athletes liked to celebrate their victories B.free dinners were offered during the competition C.city-states competed with each other to win the Olympics D.awards were often stolen to honor the athletes Questions 16—20 are based on the following passage: Why are mobiles so popular?Because people love to talk to each other.And it is easier with a mobile phone.In countries like Russia and China,people use mobile phone in places where there is no ordinary telephone.Business people use mobiles when they're traveling.In some countries,like Japan,many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail message and access the Internet.They use a new kind of mobile phone called i-mode。
2005.5Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)The importance of agriculture cannot be overstated. More than 50 percent of the world's labor force is employed in agriculture. The distribution in the early 1980s ranged from 67 percent of those employed in Africa to less than 5 percent in North America. In Western Europe, the figure was about 16 percent; in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, about 32 percent; and in Asia, about 68 percent.Farm size varies widely from region to region. Recently the average for Canadian farms was about 186 ha (about 460 acres) per farm, and for U.S. farms, about 175 ha (about 432 acres). The average size of a single landholding in the Philippines, however, may be somewhat less than 3.6 ha (less than 9 acres), and in Indonesia, a little less than 1.2 ha (less than 3 acres).Size also depends on the purpose of the farm. Commercial farming, or production for cash, is usually done on large holdings. The plantations of Latin America are large, privately owned estates worked by tenant labor. Single-crop plantations produce tea, rubber, cocoa. Wheat farms are most efficient when they comprise some thousands of hectares and can be worked by teams of people and machines. Australian sheep stations and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for thousands of animals.Individual subsistence farms or small-family mixed-farm operations are decreasing in number in developed countries but are still numerous in the developing countries of Africa and Asia. A "back-to-the-land" movement in the U.S. reversed the decline of small farms in New England and Alaska in the decade from 1970 to 1980.The conditions that determine what will be raised in an area include climate, water supply, and terrain.Over the 10,000 years since agriculture began to be developed, peoples everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals and domesticated and bred them. The most important are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn and rye.Agricultural income is also derived from non-food crops such as rubber, fiber plants, tobacco, and oilseeds used in synthetic chemical compounds. Money is also derived from raising animals for pelt.Much of the foreign exchange earned by a country may be derived from a single commodity; for example, Sri Lanka depends on tea, Denmark specializes in dairy products, Australia in wool, and New Zealand and Argentina in meat products. In the U.S., wheat has become a major foreign exchange commodity in recent years.The importance of an individual country as an exporter of agricultural products depends on many variables. Among them is the possibility that the country is too little developed industrially to produce manufactured goods in sufficient quantity or technical sophistication. Such agricultural exporters include Ghana with cocoa, and Myanmar with rice. On the other hand, an exceptionally well-developed country may produce surpluses not needed by its own population; this has been true of the U.S., Canada, and some of the West European countries.Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (汉译英) (40 points)由于西藏地处“世界屋脊”,自然条件恶劣,也由于几百年落后的封建农奴制社会形成的各种社会历史条件的限制,西藏在全国还属于不发达地区。
考研英语2005翻译真题In recent years, much of the world’s attention has been focused on environmental protection. Consequently, there is a growing recognition that it is our responsibility to take actions to protect the environment. However, there is still a long way to go before we can achieve a sustainable future for our planet.One of the most urgent environmental issues we face is pollution. Pollution comes in many forms, including air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. Industrialization and urbanization have greatly contributed to the increase in pollution levels, causing serious damage to ecosystems and human health. To tackle pollution, we need comprehensive measures such as improving industrial regulations, promoting renewable energy, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices.Another pressing environmental concern is the loss of biodiversity. Human activities, such as deforestation, overfishing, and illegal wildlife trade, have resulted in the extinction of many species and the destruction of natural habitats. This loss of biodiversity not only disrupts ecosystems but also affects our own well-being as we rely on biodiversity for resources and services. To address this issue, we need to strengthen conservation efforts, establish protected areas, and raise public awareness about the importance of biodiversity.Climate change is another major environmental challenge that requires immediate attention. The burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases have led to rising global temperatures, causing extreme weather events, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. To combat climatechange, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to clean energy sources, and promote sustainable transportation and practices.Furthermore, waste management is a critical aspect of environmental protection. The increasing production of waste, especially non-biodegradable materials like plastics, poses a significant threat to the environment. Effective waste management strategies, such as recycling, waste reduction, and proper disposal, are essential to minimize the impact of waste on the environment.To achieve a sustainable future, it is crucial to promote environmental education and awareness. By educating individuals about the importance of environmental protection and sustainable practices, we can empower them to make informed choices and take environmentally friendly actions.In conclusion, environmental protection is of utmost importance in our pursuit of a sustainable future. Pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate change, and waste management are among the key challenges we need to address. Through comprehensive measures, increased conservation efforts, and environmental education, we can work towards a healthier and more sustainable planet for future generations. Let us all take responsibility and contribute to the protection of our environment.。
软考网络工程师常用英文单词和缩写翻译DARPA国防高级研究计划局ARPARNET(Internet)阿帕网ICCC国际计算机通信会议CCITT国际电报电话咨询委员会SNA系统网络体系结构(IBM)DNA数字网络体系结构(DEC)CSMA/CD载波监听多路访问/冲突检测(Xerox)NGI下一代INTERNETInternet2第二代INTERNETTCP/IP SNA SPX/IPX AppleTalk网络协议NII国家信息基础设施(信息高速公路)GII全球信息基础设施MIPSPC的处理能力Petabit10^15BIT/SCu芯片:铜OC48光缆通信SDH同步数字复用WDH波分复用ADSL不对称数字用户服务线HFE/HFC结构和Cable—modem 机顶盒PCS便携式智能终端CODEC编码解码器ASK(amplitude shift keying) 幅移键控法FSK(frequency shift keying) 频移键控法PSK(phase shift keying)相移键控法NRZ (Non return to zero)不归零制PCM(pulse code modulation)脉冲代码调制nonlinear encoding非线性编程FDM频分多路复用TDM时分多路复用STDM统计时分多路复用DS064kb/sDS124DS0DS1C48DS0DS296DS0DS3762DS0DS44032DS0CSU(channel service unit)信道服务部件SONET/SDH同步光纤网络接口LRC纵向冗余校验CRC循环冗余校验ARQ自动重发请求ACK确认NAK不确认preamble前文postamble后文ITU国际电信联合会character-oriented 面向字符bit-oriented面向位SYNC同步字符HDLC面向位的方案SDLC面向位的方案bit-stuffing位插入STP屏蔽双绞线UTP非屏蔽双绞线RG—58A/U标准RG-11用于10BASE5RG—59U75欧 0.25INCH CATVRG-62U9欧 0.25INCH ARCnet10BASE5IEEE802。
(1)A、4B、5 C、6D、7(2)A、27B、28 C、29D、302、在计算机中,最适合进行数字加减运算的数字编码是,最适合表示浮点数阶码的数字编码是。
0、64 C、0、90D、0、966、在计算机系统中,构成虚拟存储器。
(1)A、链路加密B、节点加密C端-端加密D、混合加密(2)A、RSAB、RC-5 C、MD5D、ECC8、我国著作权法中,系指同一概念。
200003-200503历年真题翻译汇总200003E-CInformation and communications are central to modem society and organizations. One approach to understand the working environment is to consider an organization as a communications system. An organization that has open lines of communication with valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization will be much more effective and a much better place to work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive. When leadership attempts to keep workers in the dark, workers tend to become distrustful. This undermines their cooperation.It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communications and valid information. Yet. few organizations are able to function in this manner. In the long run, poor communication will undermine the entire organization. Restricting communication and distorting information are symptoms of short-range thinking. We must avoid these stupid, short-sighted traps and constantly strive for an open communications system with objective information.信息和交流对现代社会和机构是非常重要的。
04上半年网络工程师英文真题、译文及答案[1]For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on the answer sheet.(66is a protocol that a host uses to inform a router when it join or leaves an Internet multicat group.(67is an error detection code that most data communication networks use.(68is an interior gateway protocol that uses a distance vector algorithm to propagate routing information.(69is a transfer mode in which all types of information are organized into fixed form cells on an asynchronous or non-periodic basis over a range media .(70is an identifier of a web page.(66A. ICMP B. SMTP C. IGMP D. ARP(67A. 4B/5B B. CRC C. Manchester D. Huffman Code(68A. OSPF B. RIP C. RARP D. BGP(69A. ISDN B. X.25 C. Frame Relay D. A TM(70A. HTTP B. URL C. HTML D. TAG参考译文IGMP协议是接收者发现协议。
然而《自然》杂志新近发表的一篇由佐治亚洲亚特兰大Emory 大学的SarahBrosnan和FransdeWaal博士的调查则表明“愤愤不平”也是“猴之常情”。
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DOM is a platform-and language-neutral API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents(currently,definitions for HTML and XML documents are part of the specification).the document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented page.DOM is a tree-based AP1 to documents,which requires the whole document to be represented in memory while processing it.A simpler alternative to DOM is the event-based SAX, which can be used to process very large XML documents that do not fit into the memory available for processing.
一个简单的选择是基于DOM SAX事件,可以处理非常大的XML文档,不适合用于处理内存。
Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues.Imagine receiving an attachement from a friend who asks you to open it.This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email worms.Upon running,such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book,previous emails,web pages caches.
As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known extensions,virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection.Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.
Frequently,hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment thatlooks like a flash movie,which,while displaying some cute animation,simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the cracker access to your network.
).bat .cmd再加上其他的扩展,仍然可以运行,成功感染目标用户。