An Accurate Image Simulation Method for High-Order Laue Zone Effects




摘 要当今,电子晶体学由于具有X射线晶体学所无法比拟的独特优势而变得日益活跃。














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Set up the XF project including copper traces,component locations, materials, grid, etc.2. Create a Response Matrix which uses FDTDsimulations to characterize fi eld interactions aff ecting the components.3. Perform a Circuit Optimization that usesS-Parameter and/or effi ciency goals to select the optimal set of component values.4. Verify that the matching network or fi lterperforms as desired with the selectedcomponent values.124Circuit Element Optimizer (CEO)Determine component values for Full-Wave Matching Circuit Optimization (FW-MCO).Circuit Element Optimization is a new technology that is only available in XF – no other electromagnetic simulation tool off ers it. It is unique because of its ability to considerelectromagnetic fi eld interactions between the components and the surrounding environment. 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All rights reserved.(8)NVIDIA M2090(4)NVIDIA M2090(2)NVIDIA M2090(1)NVIDIA M2090(12)NVIDIA M2090(16)NVIDIA M2090(20)NVIDIA M2090(24)NVIDIA M2090S i m u l a t i o n T h r o u g h p u t i n G i g a c e l l s p e r S e c o n dXFdtd ® Simulation Throughput Using MPI + XStream ® GPU Acceleration51015202530Number of GPUsThroughput Plot of XStream.Throughput Plot of MPI + XStream.14Why Use the FDTD Method?While many electromagnetic simulation techniques are applied in the frequency-domain, FDTD solves Maxwell’s equations in the time domain. This means that the calculation of the electromagnetic fi eld values progresses at discrete steps in time. One benefi t of the time domain approach is that it gives broadband output from a single execution of the program; however, the main reason for using the FDTD approach is the excellent scaling performance of the method as the problem size grows. As the number of unknowns increases, the FDTD approach quickly outpaces other methods in effi ciency.FDTD has also been identifi ed as the preferred method for performing electromagnetic simulations for biological eff ects from wireless devices [1]. The FDTD method has been shown to be the most effi cient approach and provides accurate results of the fi eld penetration into biological tissues.[1] C95.3.2002, Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields , 100kHz to 300GHz. IEEE Standards and Coordinating Committee 28 on Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazards, April 2002.Specifi cations & Versions15© 2016 Remcom Inc. All rights reserved.NVIDIA and CUDA are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries.XF7.5.1.5-0216Remcom, Inc.315 S. 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A Facial Aging Simulation Method Using flaccidity deformation criteriaAlexandre Cruz Berg Lutheran University of Brazil.Dept Computer ScienceRua Miguel Tostes, 101. 92420-280 Canoas, RS, Brazil Francisco José Perales LopezUniversitat les Illes Balears.Dept Mathmatics InformaticsCtra Valldemossa, km 7,5E-07071 Palma MallorcaSpainpaco.perales@uib.esManuel GonzálezUniversitat les Illes Balears.Dept Mathmatics InformaticsCtra Valldemossa, km 7,5E-07071 Palma MallorcaSpainmanuel.gonzales@uib.esAbstractDue to the fact that the aging human face encompasses skull bones, facial muscles, and tissues, we render it using the effects of flaccidity through the observation of family groups categorized by sex, race and age. Considering that patterns of aging are consistent, facial ptosis becomes manifest toward the end of the fourth decade. In order to simulate facial aging according to these patterns, we used surfaces with control points so that it was possible to represent the effect of aging through flaccidity. The main use of these surfaces is to simulate flaccidity and aging consequently.1.IntroductionThe synthesis of realistic virtual views remains one of the central research topics in computer graphics. The range of applications encompasses many fields, including: visual interfaces for communications, integrated environments of virtual reality, as well as visual effects commonly used in film production.The ultimate goal of the research on realistic rendering is to display a scene on a screen so that it appears as if the object exists behind the screen. This description, however, is somewhat ambiguous and doesn't provide a quality measure for synthesized images. Certain areas, such as plastic surgery, need this quality evaluation on synthesized faces to make sure how the patient look like and more often how the patient will look like in the future. Instead, in computer graphics and computer vision communities, considerable effort has been put forthto synthesize the virtual view of real or imaginary scenes so that they look like the real scenes.Much work that plastic surgeons put in this fieldis to retard aging process but aging is an inevitable process. Age changes cause major variations in the appearance of human faces [1]. Some aspects of aging are uncontrollable and are based on hereditary factors; others are somewhat controllable, resulting from many social factors including lifestyle, among others [2].1.1.Related WorkMany works about aging human faces have been done. We can list some related work in the simulation of facial skin deformation [3].One approach is based on geometric models, physically based models and biomechanical models using either a particle system or a continuous system.Many geometrical models have been developed, such as parametric model [4] and geometric operators [5]. The finite element method is also employed for more accurate calculation of skin deformation, especially for potential medical applications such as plastic surgery [6]. Overall, those works simulate wrinkles but none of them have used flaccidity as causing creases and aging consequently.In this work is presented this effort in aging virtual human faces, by addressing the synthesis of new facial images of subjects for a given target age.We present a scheme that uses aging function to perform this synthesis thru flaccidity. This scheme enforces perceptually realistic images by preserving the identity of the subject. The main difference between our model and the previous ones is that we simulate increase of fat and muscular mass diminish causing flaccidity as one responsible element for the sprouting of lines and aging human face.In the next section will plan to present the methodology. Also in section 3, we introduce the measurements procedure, defining structural alterations of the face. In section 4, we present a visual facial model. We describe age simulation thrua deformation approach in section 5. In the last section we conclude the main results and future work.2.MethodologyA methodology to model the aging of human face allows us to recover the face aging process. This methodology consists of: 1) defining the variations of certain face regions, where the aging process is perceptible; 2) measuring the variations of those regions for a period of time in a group of people and finally 3) making up a model through the measurements based on personal features.That could be used as a standard to a whole group in order to design aging curves to the facial regions defined.¦njjjpVM2.1Mathematical Background and AnalysisHuman society values beauty and youth. It is well known that the aging process is influenced by several parameters such: feeding, weight, stress level, race, religious factors, genetics, etc. Finding a standard set of characteristics that could possibly emulate and represent the aging process is a difficult proposition.This standard set was obtained through a mathematical analysis of some face measurements in a specific group of people, whose photographs in different ages were available [7]. To each person in the group, there were, at least, four digitized photographs. The oldest of them was taken as a standard to the most recent one. Hence, some face alterations were attained through the passing of time for the same person.The diversity of the generated data has led to the designing of a mathematical model, which enabled the acquiring of a behavior pattern to all persons of the same group, as the form of a curve defined over the domain [0,1] in general, in order to define over any interval [0,Į] for an individual face. The unknown points Įi are found using the blossoming principle [8] to form the control polygon of that face.The first step consisted in the selection of the group to be studied. Proposing the assessment of the face aging characteristics it will be necessary to have a photographic follow-up along time for a group of people, in which their face alterations were measurable.The database used in this work consisted of files of patients who were submitted to plastic surgery at Medical Center Praia do Guaíba, located in Porto Alegre, Brazil.3.MeasurementsAccording to anatomic principles [9] the vectors of aging can be described aswhich alter the position and appearance of key anatomic structures of the face as can be shown in figure 1 which compares a Caucasian mother age 66 (left side) with her Caucasian daughters, ages 37 (right above) and 33 (right below) respectively.Figure 1 - Observation of family groupsTherefore, basic anatomic and surgical principles must be applied when planning rejuvenative facial surgery and treating specific problems concomitantwith the aging process.4.Visual Facial ModelThe fact that human face has an especially irregular format and interior components (bones, muscles and fabrics) to possess a complex structure and deformations of different face characteristics of person to person, becomes the modeling of the face a difficult task. The modeling carried through in the present work was based on the model, where the mesh of polygons corresponds to an elastic mesh, simulating the dermis of the face. The deformations in this mesh, necessary to simulate the aging curves, are obtained through the displacement of the vertexes, considering x(t) as a planar curve, which is located within the (u,v ) unit square. So, we can cover the square with a regular grid of points b i,j =[i/m,j/n]T ; i=0,...,m; j=0,...,n. leading to every point (u,v ) asfrom the linear precision property of Bernstein polynomials. Using comparisons with parents we can distort the grid of b i,j into a grid b'i,j , the point (u,v )will be mapped to a point (u',v') asIn order to construct our 3D mesh we introduce the patch byAs the displacements of the vertexes conform to the certain measures gotten through curves of aging and no type of movement in the face is carried through, the parameters of this modeling had been based on the conformation parameter.4.1Textures mappingIn most cases the result gotten in the modeling of the face becomes a little artificial. Using textures mapping can solve this problem. This technique allows an extraordinary increase in the realism of the shaped images and consists of applying on the shaped object, existing textures of the real images of the object.In this case, to do the mapping of an extracted texture of a real image, it is necessary that the textureaccurately correspond to the model 3D of that is made use [9].The detected feature points are used for automatic texture mapping. The main idea of texture mapping is that we get an image by combining two orthogonal pictures in a proper way and then give correct texture coordinates of every point on a head.To give a proper coordinate on a combined image for every point on a head, we first project an individualized 3D head onto three planes, the front (x, y), the left (y, z) and the right (y, z) planes. With the information of feature lines, which are used for image merging, we decide on which plane a 3D-head point on is projected.The projected points on one of three planes arethen transferred to one of feature points spaces suchas the front and the side in 2D. Then they are transferred to the image space and finally to the combined image space.The result of the texture mapping (figure 2) is excellent when it is desired to simulate some alteration of the face that does not involve a type of expression, as neutral. The picture pose must be the same that the 3D scanned data.¦¦¦ mi nj lk n j m i lk k j i w B v B u B b w v u 000,,)()()(')',','(¦¦ m i nj n jmij i v B u B b v u 00,)()(),(¦¦ m i nj n j m i j i v B u B b v u 00,)()(')','(¦¦¦ mi nj lk n j m i lk k j i w B v B u B b w v u 000,,)()()(')',','(Figure 2 - Image shaped with texturemapping5.Age SimulationThis method involves the deformation of a face starting with control segments that define the edges of the faces, as¦¦¦ mi nj lk n j m i lk k j i w B v B u B b w v u 000,,)()()(')',','(Those segments are defined in the original face and their positions are changed to a target face. From those new positions the new position of each vertex in the face is determined.The definition of edges in the face is a fundamental step, since in that phase the applied aging curves are selected. Hence, the face is divided in influencing regions according to their principal edges and characteristics.Considering the face morphology and the modeling of the face aging developed [10], the face was divided in six basic regions (figure 3).The frontal region (1) is limited by the eyelids and the forehead control lines. The distance between these limits enlarges with forward aging.The orbitary region (2) is one of the most important aging parameters because a great number of wrinkles appears and the palpebral pouch increases [11]. In nasal region (3) is observed an enlargement of its contour.The orolabial region (4) is defined by 2 horizontal control segments bounding the upper and lower lips and other 2 segments that define the nasogenian fold. Figure 3 - Regions considering the agingparametersThe lips become thinner and the nasogenian fold deeper and larger. The mental region (5) have 8 control segments that define the low limit of the face and descend with aging. In ear curve (6) is observed an enlargement of its size. The choice of feature lines was based in the characteristic age points in figure 6.The target face is obtained from the aging curves applied to the source face, i.e., with the new control segment position, each vertex of the new image has its position defined by the corresponding vertex in the target face. This final face corresponds to the face in the new age, which was obtained through the application of the numerical modeling of the frontal face aging.The definition of the straight-line segment will control the aging process, leading to a series of tests until the visual result was adequate to the results obtained from the aging curves. The extremes of the segments are interpolated according to the previously defined curves, obtained by piecewise bilinear interpolation [12].Horizontal and vertical orienting auxiliary lines were defined to characterize the extreme points of the control segments (figure 4). Some points, that delimit the control segments, are marked from the intersection of the auxiliary lines with the contour of the face, eyebrow, superior part of the head and the eyes. Others are directly defined without the use of auxiliary lines, such as: eyelid hollow, eyebrow edges, subnasion, mouth, nasolabial wrinkle andnose sides.Figure 4 - Points of the control segmentsOnce the control segments characterize the target image, the following step of the aging process can be undertaken, corresponding to the transformations of the original points to the new positions in the target image. The transformations applied to the segments are given by the aging curves, presented in section 4.In the present work the target segments are calculated by polynomial interpolations, based on parametric curves [12].5.1Deformation approachThe common goal of deformation models is to regulate deformations of a geometric model by providing smoothness constraints. In our age simulation approach, a mesh-independent deformation model is proposed. First, connected piece-wise 3D parametric volumes are generated automatically from a given face mesh according to facial feature points.These volumes cover most regions of a face that can be deformed. Then, by moving the control pointsof each volume, face mesh is deformed. By using non-parallel volumes [13], irregular 3D manifolds are formed. As a result, smaller number of deformvolumes are necessary and the number of freedom incontrol points are reduced. Moreover, based on facialfeature points, this model is mesh independent,which means that it can be easily adopted to deformany face model.After this mesh is constructed, for each vertex on the mesh, it needs to be determined which particularparametric volume it belongs to and what valueparameters are. Then, moving control points ofparametric volumes in 3D will cause smooth facialdeformations, generating facial aging throughflaccidity, automatically through the use of the agingparameters. This deformation is written in matricesas , where V is the nodal displacements offace mesh, B is the mapping matrix composed ofBernstein polynomials, and E is the displacementvector of parametric volume control nodes.BE V Given a quadrilateral mesh of points m i,j ,, we define acontinuous aged surface via a parametricinterpolation of the discretely sampled similaritiespoints. The aged position is defined via abicubic polynomial interpolation of the form with d m,n chosen to satisfy the known normal and continuity conditions at the sample points x i,j .>@>M N j i ,...,1,...,1),(u @@>@>1,,1,),,( j j v i i u v u x ¦3,,),(n m n m n m v u d v u x An interactive tool is programmed to manipulate control points E to achieve aged expressions making possible to simulate aging through age ranges. Basic aged expression units are orbicularis oculi, cheek, eyebrow, eyelid, region of chin, and neck [14]. In general, for each segment, there is an associated transformation, whose behavior can be observed by curves. The only segments that do not suffer any transformation are the contour of the eyes and the superior side of the head.5.2Deformation approachThe developed program also performs shape transformations according to the created aging curves, not including any quantification over the alterations made in texture and skin and hair color. Firstly, in the input model the subjects are required to perform different ages, as previouslymentioned, the first frame needs to be approximately frontal view and with no expression.Secondly, in the facial model initialization, from the first frame, facial features points are extracted manually. The 3D fitting algorithm [15] is then applied to warp the generic model for the person whose face is used. The warping process and from facial feature points and their norms, parametric volumes are automatically generated.Finally, aging field works to relieve the drifting problem in template matching algorithm, templates from the previous frame and templates from the initial frame are applied in order to combine the aging sequence. Our experiments show that this approach is very effective. Despite interest has been put in presenting a friendly user interface, we have to keep in mind that the software system is research oriented. In this kind of applications an important point is the flexibility to add and remove test facilities. 6.Results The presented results in the following figuresrefer to the emulations made on the frontalphotographs, principal focus of this paper, with theobjective to apply the developed program to otherpersons outside the analyzed group. The comparisonswith other photographs of the tested persons dependon their quality and on the position in which theywere taken. An assessment was made of the new positions, of the control segments. It consisted in: after aging a face, from the first age to the second one, through the use of polynomial interpolation of the control segments in the models in the young age, the new positions are then compared with the ones in the model of a relative of older age (figure 5). The processed faces were qualitatively compared with theperson’s photograph at the same age. Figure 5 - Synthetic young age model,region-marked model and aged modelAlso the eyelid hollow, very subtle falling of the eyebrow, thinning of the lips with the enlarging of the nasion and the superior part of the lip, enlargingof the front and changing in the nasolabial wrinkle.7.ConclusionsModelling biological phenomena is a great deal of work, especially when the biggest part of the information about the subject involves only qualitative data. Thus, this research developed had has a challenge in the designing of a model to represent the face aging from qualitative data.Due to its multi-disciplinary character, the developed methodology to model and emulate the face aging involved the study of several other related fields, such as medicine, computing, statistics and mathematics.The possibilities opened by the presented method and some further research on this field can lead to new proposals of enhancing the current techniques of plastic face surgery. It is possible to suggest the ideal age to perform face lifting. Once the most affected aging regions are known and how this process occurs over time. Also missing persons can be recognized based on old photographs using this technique. AcknowledgementsThe project TIN2004-07926 of Spanish Government have subsidized this work.8. References[1] Burt, D. M. et al., Perc. age in adult Caucasianmale faces, in Proc. R. Soc., 259, pp 137-143,1995.[2] Berg, A C. 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[9] Sorensen, P., Morphing Magic, in ComputerGraphics World, January 1992.[10]Pitanguy, I., Quintaes, G. de A., Cavalcanti, M.A., Leite, L. A. de S., Anatomia doEnvelhecimento da Face, in Revista Brasileira deCirurgia, Vol 67, 1977.[11]Pitanguy, I., F. R. Leta, D. Pamplona, H. I.Weber, Defining and measuring ageing parameters, in Applied Mathematics and Computation , 1996.[12]Fisher, J.; Lowther, J.; Ching-Kuang S. Curveand Surface Interpolation and Approximation: Knowledge Unit and Software Tool. ITiCSE’04,Leeds, UK June 28–30, 2004.[13]Lerios, A. et al., Feature-Based VolumeMetamorphosis, in SIGGRAPH 95 - Proceedings,pp 449-456, ACM Press, N.Y, 1995.[14]Berg, A C. Facial Aging in a VirtualEnvironment. Memória de Investigación, UIB, Spain, 2003b.[15]Hall, V., Morphing in 2-D and 3-D, in Dr.Dobb's Journal, July 1993.。



改进准静态本征函数法求解反应堆时空中子动力学方程李明芮;黎浩峰;陈文振;邢晋【摘要】An improved quasi-static method was proposed to solve the space-time neu-tron kinetics equation.Under the improved quasi-static approximation condition,the neutron flux density was decomposed into the range-function and shape-function by the factorization method.Then the approximate analytical solutions in the axial and radial directions were obtained using the eigenfunction method to solve the shape-function.In the solving process,the range-function was simplified as the form of point reactor model,and the analytical solution of three-dimensional space-time neutron kinetic equa-tion for reactor was pared with other analytical method and numerical solution,the improved quasi-static eigenfunction method has wider application scope and faster computation speed.%本文提出一种改进准静态本征函数法并用于求解时空中子动力学方程。



关键词:缺陷检测;ROI 识别;特征提取;手机液晶屏
With the rapid progress of technology and industry, LCD screen electronic products have become an integral part of our lives and production. Reality shows a higher and higher request on the quality of LCD screen of these products, while the current level of technology can not avoid sorts of defects. So, the first problem ,which LCD manufactures need to face, is how to identify and solve the defects of the LCD screen rapidly and accurately. Current image defects of LCD products mainly rely on manual inspection that neither meet the accuracy detection of defects in LCD screen, nor guarantee the stability of test results. This thesis is precisely solves this problem as a starting point by using the mobile LCD screen as object of study and combining digital image processing, pattern recognition and computer technology, and in view of the common image defects, referring to the requirements of industrial production detection algorithm on efficiency and accuracy. This thesis have researched and designed an efficient detection algorithm. Simulation experiment results demonstrated my algorithm is efficiency and accurate on the image defects detection. First to standardize design of the mobile transmission system, and equip with acquisition equipments of appropriate models of high-speed image acquisition card, monitoring camera and computer equipment, complete the preparations of the hardware conditions. In the detection process, use surveillance camera to get the mobile image at first. And the images data are captured from the buffer of image acquisition card quickly by directshow technology. Then the weighted-averaged frame of bad frames could reduce the bad effect of the bad frames which are brought about by the harsh environment of image acquisition. In the image preprocessing stage, the noise will be removed by Gaussian pyramid sampling. Dynamic threshold value, getting from each RGB 3-channels by recursive iteration, will be helpful to detecting the screen rectangle by identifying and extracting shape feature of the image, and then using image two-dimensional geometric transformation to auto-correct the mobile

西门子(Siemens) PLM 软件传动工程-挑战与解决方案说明书

西门子(Siemens) PLM 软件传动工程-挑战与解决方案说明书

Predict and reduce gear whine noise 5 times faster Generate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceUnrestricted© Siemens AG 2019Realize innovation.Transmission Engineering ChallengesGuarantee Performance and DurabilityReduce Time for SimulationMinimize Vibration and Noise LevelsReduce Weight with Lightweight DesignsAnalysisResultsModellingPrototyping can cost up to 200k$ --per single gear80% of time for manual model creationMicrogeometry modificationscan reduce vibration level with 6dB (=half!)Transmission Error can increase 10x or more!Transmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body SimulationScopePredicting, Analyzing, Improving the positions, velocities, accelerations and loads of a mechatronic system using an accurate and robust 3D multi-body simulation approachMechatronic Systems Flexible Bodies•Integration with tools for robust design of complex non-linear multi-physics systems:control systems, sensors, electric motors, etc •Predict mechanical system more accurately wrt displacements and loads•Gain insight in frequency response of a mechanism•Enable Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) as well as Durability analysesSimcenter 3D Motion for Transmission Simulation Critical featuresMulti-Body Simulation Industry Modelling Practices•Joints •Constraints •Bearings•Linear Flexible Bodies•Nonlinearity (geometric & materials) by running FEcode•Deformations•Loads•Transmission Error•Time domain •Statics, dynamic,•Mechatronics / controlPost processing•Create gear geometry ✓CAE interface ✓Import CAD•Ext. Forces •Motor•Contacts, FrictionParametric Optimization loop Automation / CustomizationKinematicsDynamicsFlexible bodiesCADSolving1D -modelsControlsTEST dataA manual creation process can consume 80%of time!.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew ApproachTransmission Builder Vertical ApplicationProblem: Even experienced 3D-Multi Body Simulation experts can struggle to 1.Model complex parametric transmissions2.Capture all relevant effects correctly and efficiently3.Update and validate their modelsSolution: Transmission Builder Up to 5x faster Model creation processSimcenter TransmissionBuilderGear train specification based on Industry standardsMultibody simulation modelDemonstrationModel Creation and Updating1.Loading of pre-definedTransmission2.Geometry creation3.Creation of rigid bodies forgearwheels and shafts4.Positioning and Joint-definition5.Force element creation.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsNew Solver Methodologies Simulating and ValidatingValidation cases ensure resultsas accurate as non-linear Finite Elements simulationMeasured Transmission ErrorAnalytical MethodSiemens STS Advanced MethodExploiting intrinsic geometric properties of gears + Efficient-Only for gears, not for arbitrary shapes-No deformation includedBut, included as part of the Load CalculationFE based contact detection -“Brute force” Slow+ Any geometry+ Deformation effects includedDedicating Tooth ContactModeling –FE PreprocessorLocal Deformation –Analytic SolutionSlicing –Gear Force Distribution Along Line of Action •Includes Microgeometry Modifications and Misalignments in all DOF•Automatically takes in to account coupling between slices and between teeth•Accounts for actual gear body geometry with advanced stiffness formulation•Evaluates tip contact (approximation)Gear ContactMethodology HighlightsKey Features.Transmission BuilderSummaryNew Simulation Solution for GearsMulti-Body Simulation of TransmissionsMulti-Body Simulation of Transmissions SummaryValidated methodologySuperior insight in transmission vibrationsAutomated creation of transmission modelsGear simulation as accurate as FE whileextremely fast•Create CAD + MBD model•Connect and position housing•Add flexible modes (Autoflex)•Set up load casesSimcenter 3D Motion Simulate TransmissionDynamic bearing forcesSimulateAcoustic Simulation of TransmissionsTransmission Engineering ProcessTypical process for NVH analysisMore efficient process in Simcenter 3DTransmission Error or Stiffness, parametersAcoustics, NVH •Gear whine •Gear rattleEnd-to-end integrated process for transmission simulation from CAD to Loads to NoiseTransmission Builder →Motion →Motion-to-Acoustics →Acoustic Analysis•Automatic creation of multi-body simulation models •Accurate 3D simulation of gear forces•Semi-automatic link of gear forces to vibro-acoustics •Efficient and accurate acoustic simulationsPre-processing of loads orsurface vibrationsTransmission layout (stages, dimensions)Multi-body simulation •Simulation of forcesand dynamicsPositioning, dimensions…Gear-centric tool•Analysis of gear pairs.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Process OverviewvvcvMulti-body simulation resultsD a t a p r o c e s s i n g a n d m a p p i n gLoad Recipe Time series Frequency spectraWaterfalls OrdersNoise PredictionMeasured dataORAcoustic Process OverviewFrom Motion to AcousticsInput Loads Time Data to Waterfallof Time DataFFT Post-Processing•Multi-body simulation results•Data selection (forces, vibrations)•Automatic mapping •Multiple RPM•RPM function•Frame size definition•Time range selection•Time segmentation•Fourier transform(windowing, frequencyrange, averaging)•Waterfalls•Functions•Order-cut analysis Benefits•Quick switch between Motion and Acoustics solutions•Efficient data processing (fast pre-solver)•Automatic data mapping•Pre-processing time reductionAcoustic Process Overview Acoustic SimulationGeometry Preparation Meshing andAssemblyStructural/AcousticPre-ProcessingSolver Post-Processing•Holes closing •Blends removal •Parts assembly •Mesh mating•Bolt pre-stress•Structural meshing•Acoustic meshing•Loading frommulti-body analysis•Fluid-StructureInterface•Output requests•Simcenter NastranVibro-Acoustics(FEM AML,FEMAO, ATV)•Structural results•Acoustic results•Contributionanalysis (modes,panels, grids) What-If, Optimization, Feedback to DesignerBenefits•Efficient model set-up•Efficient, accurate solutions•Quick solution update•Deep insight into results.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic SimulationModel Preparation –MeshesFrom multi-body analysis•CAD geometry•Structural mesh of body→Used to compute structural modes included in Motion model when accounting for flexibility of body Specific to acoustic analysis•Acoustic mesh around body for exterior noise radiation →Geometry cleaning (ribs removal, holes filling)→Surface and convex meshing →3D elements filling•Microphone mesh for acoustic responseAssembly of structural and acoustic meshesBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between CAD and FEM environments •Quick update with associativity of meshes to CAD •Flexible modelling through assemblyAssociativityModel Preparation –Loads and Boundary Conditions Structural constraints and loads•Fixed constraints•Multi-body forces applied at center of bearings→Automatic mapping→Data processing (time to waterfall of time data, FFT) Acoustic boundary conditions•AML (Automatically Matched Layer)→Non-reflecting boundary condition to absorb outgoing acoustic wavesFluid-structure interface•Weak or strong couplingTime dataTo Waterfall of Frequency dataBenefits•Easy, fast, efficient model set-up•Quick switch between FEM and SIM environmentsρc AMLSize ~ 190k nodes ~ 14k nodes Timex s/freq.x/20s/freq.AML (Automatically Matched Layer)•Automatic creation of PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) at solver levelFull absorption of outwards-traveling waves•First, accurate results in “physical” (red) FEM domain •Then, accurate results outside the FEM domain (green), through post-processing •PML layer very close to radiatorBenefits•No manual creation of extra absorbing layer •Optimal absorption •Lean FEM model •Fast computationSolver Technologies –FEM AMLATV (Acoustic Transfer Vector)•Single computation of acoustic transfer vector between vibrating surface and microphones{p ω}=ATV ω×{v n (ω)}•Independence of ATV from load conditions (RPM, order)•For exterior radiation, smooth ATV functions in frequencyBenefits•Large frequency steps for ATV computation, and interpolation for acoustic response •Fast multi-RPM analysisSolver Technologies –ATV=+p ωv n (ω)304050607080901001003005007009001100130015001700S o u n d P r e s s u r e L e v e l (d B )f (Hz)FEMATV Response Frequency100-1700 Hz 100-1700 HzTime22 min3 minNo ATV ATVFEMAO (FEM Adaptive Order)•High-order FEM with adaptive order refinement •Hierarchical high-order shape functions•Auto-adapting fluid element order at each frequency (dependent on f, local c0, local ℎ), to maintain accuracy Benefits•Lean single coarse acoustic mesh •Optimal model size at each frequency •Huge gains vs standard FEM •Faster at lower frequencies•More efficient at higher frequencies • 2 to 10 x fasterAcoustic SimulationSolver Technologies –FEMAOStandard FEM →1 single model for all frequenciesStandard FEM →several modelsfor different frequency rangesFEMAO →1 single model for all frequenciesLess DOF required forFEMAO Optimal DOF size over all frequenciesEdge Shape Functions Face Shape FunctionsFEM FEMAO.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryRigid body vs Flexible body•No significant difference at low frequencies •Above 1400 Hz, more frequency content due to structural modes of flexible housing structurePlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low harmonic at 200 Hz (6000 RPM), due to gear stiffness variation with holes in lightweight gear •Side band due to tooth stiffness variation (amplitude effect due to coupling with holes)Bearing Forces Frequency Domain Benefits•Deeper insight on input forces•Quick solution update for comparative studies involving design/modelling changesPlain gears vs Lightweight gears (flexible body)•Low RPM•Significant impact of lightweight gears •High RPM•Extra frequency content at low frequenciesRigid body vs Flexible body •Low frequencies•Reduced impact of flexibility •High frequencies•Larger impact of flexibilityRadiated Acoustic Power Functions300 RPM –Plain gears300 RPM –Lightweight gear 5900 RPM –Plain gears5900 RPM –Lightweight gears300 RPM –Rigid body 300 RPM –Flexible body 1500 RPM –Rigid body 1500 RPM –Flexible bodyBenefits•Efficient post-processing for results analysis •Quick solution update for comparative studiesinvolving design/modelling changesRigid Body vs Flexible Body Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Plain Gears vs Lightweight Gears Benefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Global overview oncorrespondencebetween source(dynamic forces)and receiver(acoustic power)Contribution AnalysisExamplesMultiple results types: structural displacements and modes, equivalent radiated power, acoustic pressure and power, panel contributions to pressure and power, grid contributions, etcBenefits•Efficient post-processing forresults analysis•Deepunderstanding ofmodel behaviorthrough multipleresults types Structural displacements Acoustic pressure Grid contributionsPanel contributions.Acoustic Simulation of TransmissionsAcoustic SimulationPost-ProcessingSummaryAcoustic Simulation of Transmissions SummaryEfficient model set-up with CAD associativity for quicksolution updateSuperior insight in vibro-acoustic responseFast and accurate solver technologiesMore efficient link of gear forces from Motion toAcoustics =+p ωv n (ω)Associativity•Transfer bearing forces into frequency domain•Set-up vibro-acoustic model•Map bearing forces onto vibro-acoustic modelSimcenter 3D Acoustics Simulate TransmissionSimulateAcoustic resultsConclusionUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 42Siemens PLM SoftwarePredict and Reduce Gear Whine Noise 5 Times FasterGenerate transmission gearbox models automatically and boost vibro-acoustic performanceSimcenterTransmission Builder Motion Simulation Acoustic SimulationAutomation removes 80% of workload for transmission model generation New gear solver increases efficiencyand accuracy Automatic motion-to-acoustics linksimplifies pre-processing Fast acoustic solver gives superiorinsight to responseUnrestricted © Siemens AG 20192019-05-08Page 43Siemens PLM SoftwareEasy workflow from design specifications NVH gear whine analysisHyundai Motor CompanyGear Whine Analysis of Drivetrains Using Simcenter Simulation & Services•Predictive simulation for system level NVH and gear whine•Bring 3D simulation to the next level of usability, towards an holistic generative approach for drivetrain design and NVH“Simcenter Engineering and Consulting services helped us use the right analysistools to cover the entire gear transmission analysis […] The Simcenter 3D Transmission Builder software tool is well suited for our engineering purposes”Mr. Horim Yang, Senior Research Engineer•Simcenter 3D Motion and Transmission Builder for system level NVH in multibody •Simcenter Engineering and Consulting for solving complex engineering issues AutomaticCAD and multibody creationAccurateFE-based gear elementsMulti-disciplinaryCAD-FEMMultibody-Acoustic。

尺度上推 像元聚合方法

尺度上推 像元聚合方法

尺度上推像元聚合方法英文回答:Scaling up and pixel aggregation methods are commonly used techniques in image processing and computer vision. These methods aim to enhance the resolution and quality of images by combining multiple low-resolution images into a single high-resolution image.Scaling up refers to the process of increasing the size of an image while maintaining its aspect ratio. This is often done by interpolating the pixels of the original image to fill in the gaps in the enlarged image. The most commonly used scaling up method is bilinear interpolation, which calculates the values of the new pixels based on the average of the surrounding pixels. This method can produce smooth and visually pleasing results, but it may also introduce blurring and loss of details.On the other hand, pixel aggregation methods involvecombining multiple low-resolution images to create a single high-resolution image. This can be done by aligning the images and averaging the pixel values at each corresponding position. This technique takes advantage of the fact that each low-resolution image captures a slightly different perspective of the scene, which can be used to enhance the overall resolution and reduce noise. Examples of pixel aggregation methods include super-resolution and image stacking.中文回答:尺度上推和像元聚合方法是图像处理和计算机视觉中常用的技术。



图像精度评价方法进行遥感影像分类或进行GIS动态模拟时,需要评价结果的精度,而进行评价精度的方法主要有混淆矩阵、总体分类精度、Kappa 系数、多分误差、漏分误差、每一类的生产者精度(制图精度)和用户精度。

1、混淆矩阵(Confusion Matrix): 主要用于比较分类结果和地表真实信息,可以把分类结果的精度显示在一个混淆矩阵里面。




分类结束后得到的混淆矩阵为:43 5 22 45 30 1 49则第1行的数据说明有43个样本正确分类,有5样本本应该属于第1类,却错误分到了第二类,有2个样本本应属于第一类,而错误的分到第三类。

2、总体分类精度(Overall Accuracy): 等于被正确分类的像元总和除以总像元数,地表真实图像或地表真实感兴趣区限定了像元的真实分类。



3、Kappa系数:The Kappa Index of Agreement (K): this is an important index that the crossclassification outputs. It measures the association between the two input images and helps to evaluate the output image. Its values range from -1 to +1 after adjustment for chance agreement. If the two input images are in perfect agreement (no change has occurred), K equals 1. If the two images are completely different, K takes a value of -1. If the change between the two dates occurred by chance, then Kappa equals 0. Kappa is an index of agreement between the two input images as a whole. However, it alsoevaluates a per-category agreement by indicating the degree to which a particular category agrees between two dates. The per-category K can be calculated using the following formula (Rosenfield and Fitzpatrick-Lins,1986):K = (Pii - (Pi.*P.i )/ (Pi. - Pi.*P.i )where:P ii = Proportion of entire image in which category i agrees for both datesP i. = Proportion of entire image in class i in reference imageP.i = Proportion of entire image in class i non-reference imageAs a per-category agreement index, it indicates how much a category have changed between the two dates. In the evaluation, each of the two images can be used as reference and the other as non-reference.Kappa系数是另外一种计算分类精度的方法。


We model the rooms of interest as simple rectangular enclosures. This choice of geometry is made for several reasons-
P(co,X,X') =exp[{o•(R/c 4•.R- t)]'
Image method for efficiently simulating small-room acoustics
Jont B. Allen and David A. Berkley
Acoustics Research Department, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
basic studies of room acoustics.
(2) This model can be most easily realized in an efficient computer program. (3) The image solution of a rectangular enclosure
The room model assumed is a rectangular enclosure with a source-to-receiver impulse response, or transfer function, calculated using a time-domain image expansion method. Frequent applications have been made of the image method in the past as in deriving the re-











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SPWM变频调速矢量控制系统的建模与仿真一、本文概述Overview of this article随着电力电子技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,变频调速技术已成为现代工业控制领域中的一项重要技术。



With the rapid development of power electronics and computer technology, variable frequency speed regulation technology has become an important technology in the field of modern industrial control. Among them, sine pulse width modulation (SPWM), as an efficient and accurate variable frequency speed regulation method, is widely used in fields such as motor drive, wind power, and power systems. This article aims to explore the modeling and simulation of SPWM variable frequency speed vector control system, and provide theoretical support and technical guidance for practical applicationsthrough in-depth analysis and research.本文将详细介绍SPWM变频调速矢量控制系统的基本原理和组成结构,包括正弦脉宽调制的原理、矢量控制的基本原理、系统的硬件组成和软件设计等方面。


(1.中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 中国科学院光学系统先进制造技术重点实验室,吉林 长春 130033;
2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049)
摘要:本文提出了一种改良的检测方法用于实现对超大口径凸非球面反射镜进行高精度的面形检测。该方法利用计算 机再现全息和照明透镜混合补偿,实现对超大口径凸非球面的高精度检测。首先,对该方法的基本原理进行了分析和研 究;然后,以一块口径为 800mm的超大口径凸非球面为例,进行了子孔径规划和检测光路中相关光学元件的设计;最后, 以中心子孔径为例,系统分析了该检测装置的敏感度。仿真实验结果表明:计算全息补偿器的设计残差均方根值小于 00013nm,该检测系统的综合检测精度可以优于 6nmRMS。结果表明该检测系统满足超大口径凸非球面反射镜高精 度面形检测的要求。 关 键 词:面形检测;非球面;像差补偿;衍射光学元件 中图分类号:TQ171.6;O435.2 文献标识码:A doi:10.3788/CO.20191205.1147
。需要注意的是,照明透镜的凸面指向 CGH,并 以其凸面作为参考面进行 CGH对准区域的设计。 这样在光路调整时,照明透镜的倾斜,偏心及轴向 失调量都能通过对准区域的干涉条纹体现出,进 而指导光路的调节。此外,由于照明透镜的主要 功能 是 汇 聚 光 束,而 检 测 光 路 中 像 差 补 偿 是 由 CGH完成的,所以针对不同环带的子孔径进行面 形检测时,仅需对 CGH进行单独设计,而照明透 镜是通用的。这不仅降低了检测成本,也极大地 降低了检测时光路调节的难度和时间。光路中的 小孔光栏放置在干涉仪标准镜的焦平面,其作用 是对反射光路中的由 CGH产生的干扰级次进行 隔离,只让目标级次(1,1)级通过小孔。
2 CGH结合照明透镜检测方案



专利名称:SIMULATION APPARATUS, SIMULATIONMETHOD AND SIMULATION PROGRAM FORIMAGE READING APPARATUS发明人:NAKASHIGE FUMIHIRO,中重 文宏,NOMOTOMITSUMASA,野本 光正申请号:JP2003013415申请日:20030122公开号:JP2004227225A公开日:20040812专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide the simulation apparatus, simulation method and simulation program for an image reading apparatus which enable characteristics affecting image quality such as a flare phenomenon to be predicted in the design stage of the image reading apparatus thereby enable an image with higher quality to be acquired.SOLUTION: The simulation apparatus is provided with: a setting means 31 for settingan original pattern equivalent to an original, primary illuminating light distribution observed when an original is directly irradiated by an illuminator, secondary illuminating light distribution observed when the primary illuminating lights are reflected on the original surface and the original is illuminated again and the reading position of the original image in the image reading apparatus; an arithmetic means 32 for calculating the primary illuminating light intensity from the primary illuminating light distribution and the reading position and calculating secondary illuminating light intensity from the secondary illuminating light distribution and the original pattern and the reading position; and a display means 33 for displaying the value of the primary illuminating light intensity and the value of the secondary illuminating light intensity.COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO&NCIPI申请人:RICOH CO LTD,株式会社リコー地址:東京都大田区中馬込1丁目3番6号国籍:JP更多信息请下载全文后查看。

stabble diffusion的采样方法

stabble diffusion的采样方法

stabble diffusion的采样方法English:To sample stable diffusion processes, one common method is to use the Euler-Maruyama method. This method involves discretizing the diffusion process and simulating sample paths using the discretized equations. Another approach is to use the Milstein method, which is an extension of the Euler-Maruyama method and provides a more accurate approximation of the stochastic differential equation. In addition, one can employ the exact simulation method, which involves directly simulating from the conditional distribution of the process given its past. This method can be computationally intensive, but it provides exact samples from the diffusion process. Lastly, one can also use the Monte Carlo method, which involves generating random samples from a specified probability distribution. This method can be coupled with other techniques such as importance sampling to improve the efficiency of the sampling process.Translated content:采样稳定扩散过程的一种常用方法是使用欧拉-马鲁雅马方法。



catia零部件内腔容积计算Calculating the volume of internal cavities in CATIA is a crucial requirement for various engineering and design tasks. Accurate volume calculations are essential for evaluating the capacity, fluid flow, and other physical properties of the components. In this essay, we will explore the problem of calculating the internal cavity volume in CATIA from multiple perspectives, including the importance of accurate volume calculations, the challenges faced in the process, the available methods for volume calculation, and the potential benefits of using CATIA for this task.Accurate volume calculations are vital in engineering and design as they provide essential information for a wide range of applications. For instance, in fluid dynamics, knowing the volume of internal cavities helps determine the flow rate and pressure within a component. This information is crucial for optimizing the performance of hydraulic systems, cooling mechanisms, and even aerodynamic designs.Moreover, accurate volume calculations are essential for estimating material requirements, cost analysis, and ensuring the structural integrity of the component.However, calculating the volume of internal cavities in CATIA can be challenging due to the complex geometries involved. CATIA, a powerful computer-aided design software, allows engineers to create intricate 3D models with various shapes and sizes. These models often consist of multiple intersecting surfaces, curved edges, and irregular shapes, making it difficult to determine the exact volume manually. Additionally, the presence of internal features, such as ribs, fillets, and chamfers, further complicates the volume calculation process.To overcome these challenges, CATIA offers several methods for volume calculation. One commonly used approach is the "Mass Properties" tool, which provides accurate volume calculations for solid models. By selecting the desired component and using the "Mass Properties" command, CATIA can automatically calculate the volume based on the model's geometry. This method is particularly useful forcomponents with simple shapes and well-defined boundaries.For more complex components, CATIA offers the "Part Design" module, which allows engineers to create internal cavities using features like pockets, slots, and holes. By defining the dimensions and positions of these features, CATIA can accurately calculate the volume of the resulting cavity. This method is highly versatile and enables engineers to create complex internal structures while ensuring accurate volume calculations.Using CATIA for volume calculations offers several benefits. Firstly, the software provides a user-friendly interface that enables engineers to visualize the component in 3D and make precise adjustments to the model if necessary. This helps ensure accurate volume calculations and reduces the chances of errors. Additionally, CATIA's advanced algorithms and mathematical models ensure high precision and reliability in volume calculations, providing engineers with confidence in their results. Moreover, CATIA's integration with other engineering tools and simulation software allows for seamless transfer of volumedata, enabling further analysis and optimization of the component's performance.In conclusion, calculating the volume of internal cavities in CATIA is an important task in engineering and design. Accurate volume calculations are essential for various applications, including fluid dynamics, material requirements, and cost analysis. Despite the challenges posed by complex geometries, CATIA offers effective methods for volume calculation, such as the "Mass Properties" tool and the "Part Design" module. Using CATIA for volume calculations provides several benefits, including a user-friendly interface, high precision, and seamlessintegration with other engineering tools. By leveraging the capabilities of CATIA, engineers can accurately calculate the volume of internal cavities, leading to improved designs and optimized performance.。



A Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on ImageSimilarity CalculationJ. YangInformation Technology DepartmentHubei University of PoliceWuhan, ChinaJ. Qian, T.L. Ma, H.X. ZhangSchool of Printing and PackingWuhan University Wuhan, ChinaAbstract —Normalized correlation algorithms have been used indigital watermarking evaluation system at home and abroad which still exists some shortcomings. In this paper, severalcommon image similarity algorithms in image retrieval technology are selected and applied to watermarking technology. This paper chooses an adaptive embedding and extraction algorithm based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) and usessome different methods to calculate the similarity between the extracted watermark images and the original watermark image. Before embedding, the watermark image has been scrambled.The entire process of image watermarking system is conducted byMatlab, which demonstrates that applying the similaritycalculating methods used in image retrieval into digitalwatermarking technology can improve the accuracy when evaluate the robustness of a watermark system.Keywords-digital watermarking; image retrial; image feature; the similarity calculatingI. I NTRODUCTIONIn digital watermarking technology, how to calculate the similarity between the extracted watermark information with the original watermark information is a very important problem. Because it determines whether the watermark information can be detected properly or not, and whether the evaluation of the robustness of a watermarking algorithm is really reasonable. Presently normalized correlation has been widely used in digital watermarking evaluation system. Although traditional normalized correlation formula can shows the similarity between original watermark and extracted watermark, it also exists some shortcomings. It is necessary to seek a more appropriate similarity calculating method, and apply it to the digital watermarking technology. The objective of this paper is to research the digital watermarking technology based on image retrieval similarity calculation.This paper is organized as follows. The theories analysis arepresented in Section 1. The experimental methods are illustrated in Section 2.The experiment results and discussion are shown in Section 3. Finally, the concluding remarks are given in Section 4. II. T HEORIES A NALYSIS A. Analysis of the Common Watermark Similarity Algorithm Assume that )~,(w w ρrepresents the similarity, w and w ~represent the original watermark of M ×N and the extracted watermark.The watermark similarity is calculated in Eq.(1) proposed by Lin et al[1] : ϖρT TT w w w w w w w ~~~1),(=(1) The similarity proposed by [Luo et al ][2]is defined as w w w w w w TT ~~2),(=ρ (2)[Sun et al][3] proposes to determine the similarity with Eq.(3):~~~~3),(w w ww w w T T =ρ (3)If the watermark information is the length of R of binary sequences, the similarity algorithm defined by [Lv W Y et al][4]is described asIw w w w Ii i i ∑=⊗=1~~4)(),(ρ (4)Eq.(1) and Eq.(4) are generally known as the "normalized correlation". In the Eq.(1), the consideration of similarity calculation is the angle between the two-dimensional vectors. Due to the length of the vector does not affect the size of the angle between them, there will be as long as the angles between the extracted watermark and the original watermark are equal, their NC value is equal to 1. As is showed in Figure 1 left, The pixel values of the original watermark (a )is two times as much as extracted watermark (b ). The similarity NC = 1calculated by Eq.(1) represents the consistency of two imageshowever they are visually very different.As is showed in Figure 1 right, the similar problem causedby the Eq.(2) and the Eq.(3) is that the results of the calculation represent the consistency of two images however they arevisually very different. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering (AIIE 2015)FIGURE I. THE ORIGINAL WATERMARK (A) AND THE EXTRACTEDWATERMARK (B)B. Similarity Algorithms Used in Image RetrialTo solve the above shortcomings of normalized correlation, some researches had been done in the field of image retrieval. In this field, image features are extracted based on the extraction of color feature, texture feature and shape feature, which can be used to calculate the similarity[5].1) Geometric distance: At present there are many distance functions several commonly used in the calculation of image similarity, such as Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance and Chebyshev distance etc.Euclidean distance is also called L2 distance, in n-dimensional space the shortest length of the line between two points is the Euclidean distance[6]. The Euclidean distance is described as:2112),(⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=∑=n i i i y x y x ρ, ι=1,2,.....,ν (5)Manhattan distance derives from the city block distance and is also referred to as blocks distance or L1 distance. It is the sum of the calculated absolute wheelbase two points on the coordinate system of the standard. The Manhattan distance formula is given by:∑=-=ni ii y x y x 1),(ρ (6)Chebyshev distance is also called chessboard distance or L ∞distance. The chebyshev distance between two points is equal to the maximum value of the coordinate difference[7]. The actual calculation formula is as follows:{}i i ni y x y x -==,..,2,1max ),(ρ (7)2) Mahalanobis distance: In calculating the distance between image feature vector, if each characteristic component affects each other or the characteristic components play different roles in distinguishing images, a new method to calculate the metric between feature vectors differences can be used which named Mahalanobis distance [8]. Its actual calculation formula is as below:∑=-=Ni ii is C X X D 1)2()1()( (8)3) Histogram distance: In measuring the diversities between different histograms, the most commonly used method is to calculate the histogram intersection. The same number of pixels in each cell between two histograms is the two histograms’ histogram intersection[9]. If the two color histogram X and Y contains N cells, in order to make the range of histogram intersection fall between [0, 1], the formula can be standardized as:{}∑∑===ni in i i i y y x y x 11/,min ),(ρ (9)4) Bhattacharyya distance: In statistics, Bhattacharyya distance is mainly used to measure the two discrete probability distribution. In calculating the histogram similarity, Bhattacharyya has the best effect, but its calculation is the most complex. At the same domain Z, the Bhattacharyya distance formula of the probability distribution P and Q is as follows[10]:∑∈=Xx x q x p q p BC )()(),( (10)III.E XPERIMENTAL M ETHODSA. Experimental ConsiderationsThe experiment idea is as shown in Figure 2.FIGURE II. EXPERIMENTAL CONSIDERATIONSVector image used in the experiment is 512 * 512 grayscale lena. Meanwhile the watermark image is 128*128 "CS" binary image whose format is Bitmap. Watermarking algorithm tested in the experiment is based on the discrete cosine (DCT).The operating system is windows 7. It is easy to observe and compare through a very intuitive GUI(Graphic User Interface) interface which is generated in matlab 7.0 simulation environment. Part of the attack algorithms are also carried out by Matlab, the final calculation of similarity between the original watermark information and extracted watermark information are completed by Matlab 7.0.IV.D ISCUSSION AND R ESULTSTo verify the effects of diffirent methods used to calculate the similarity in digital watermarking technology, the experiment watermarked image has been tested with attacks such as image cropping, rotation, Gauss fuzzy, Guassian noise addition.A. Image CroppingThe four corners of the watermarked image is cropped in experiment 1.As shown in Figure 4, followed by the sheared image, the extracted watermark image after shearing and anti scrambling the watermark image. In the case of cropping, although the extracted watermark here has been a lot of noise, it can still identify original watermark image information "CS ". B. RotationThe watermark is rotate with 30o in experiment 2. As shown in Figure 5, the extracted watermark image after rotation and anti scrambling the watermark image are followed by the rotated image. As we can see, after rotation the extracted watermark image has been unable to identify the original watermark image information.C. Gauss Fuzzy ExperimentExperiment 3 is a Gauss fuzzy operation on watermarked image, which is known as Gaussian low-pass filtering. As shown in Figure 6, the extracted watermark image after rotation and anti scrambling the watermark image are followed by the image after Gauss fuzzy. It is clear to see that after Gauss fuzzy operation the extracted watermark image has been unable to identify the original watermark image information.D. Guassian Noise AdditionExperiment 4 adds Gauss white noise to embedded watermarking image in Matlab, the white Gauss noise density is 0.02. As shown in Figure 7, the extracted watermark image after adding Gaussian noise and anti scrambling the watermark image are followed by the image with additive Gaussian noise. The result is that after shear attack the extracted watermark although there has been a lot of noise, it can still identifyoriginal watermark image information "CS "FIGURE III. IMAGE CROPPING EXPERIMENTFIGURE IV. ROTATION ATTACK EXPERIMENTFIGURE V. GAUSSIAN BLURFIGURE VI. ADD GAUSSIAN NOISEThe normalized correlation values of two images of NC1, NC2, HD correlation value histogram intersection, Euclidean distance OD and Bhattacharyya distance BD are calculated, the results are given in table 1.TABLE I. THE CALCULATION OF WATERMARKING IMAGESIMILARITY Processing mode Attack parameters NC1 NC2 HD OD BD Cropping Four corners shear 0.8596 0.7412 0.9451 0.0777 0.9500 rotation 10 deg 0.2897 0.4014 0.8032 0.2783 0.8484 Gauss fuzzy0.2521 0.3626 0.7710 0.3239 0.8256 Guassian noisedensity 0.020.78670.91560.94210.10740.9380The experimental results shows that the resistance of selected watermarking algorithm to five kinds of attacks was ordered as: Cut >Gaussian noise >Rotate >Gaussian Blur. This result is consistent with the results of evaluation of OD and BD and more accurate than the results of NC1 and NC2.V.C ONCLUSIONDiscussing the contrast problems of extracted watermark images and the original watermark images in the field of digital watermark, the paper proposes a method to calculate the similarity of extracted watermark images and original watermark images with similarity calculation algorithm in image retrieval, and emulates and simulates the total process of embedding, attacking and detection and extraction by means of GUI. The results verifies that applying the method of similarity calculation in image retrieval to the digital watermarking technology can improve the accuracy of the digital watermarking robustness evaluation.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors thank the financial support of the Technology R&D Program of Hubei Province: the project of digital copyright protection and trade service cloud platform (No. YJG0264) and the Hubei Provincial Service Industry Guidance of Capital Construction Program: the project of digital newspaper publishing and copyright trading technology. (Development and Reform Commission issued a notice to guide capital No.[2013]765, Special Account Funds Direct Financial Payment Application No.[2013]206)R EFERENCES[1] Lin C, Wu M, Bloom J A, et al. Rotation, scale, and translation resilientwatermarking for images[J]. Image Processing , IEEE Transactions on, 2001,10(5):767-782.[2] Luo W, Heileman G L, Pizano C E. 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Telecom Power Technology设计应用技术一种腔体滤波器全腔仿真的方法孟弼慧,孙雷,刘志军(京信射频技术(广州)有限公司,广东腔体滤波器的应用十分广泛,然而目前的腔体滤波器的仿真设计与实物加工往往存在较大偏差。


通过实例分析与样品制作,验证该方法可行,仿真效率耦合矩阵;谐振频率;腔体滤波器A Full Cavity Simulation Method for Cavity FilterMENG Bihui, SUN Lei, LIU Zhijun(Jingxin Radio Frequency Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., GuangzhouAbstract: During the construction of mobile communication networks, cavity filters are widely used, but theresimulation design and physicalthis context, the article introduces a simulation method for cavity filters, which uses admittance matrix to extract the 2023年7月10日第40卷第13期· 29 ·Telecom Power TechnologyJul. 10, 2023, Vol.40 No.13孟弼慧,等:一种腔体滤波器 全腔仿真的方法(1)多端口导纳矩阵谐振频率提取的方法。


各谐振器的谐振频率计算公式为()(){}n3n,3n ωIm 0y ω =(2)式中:ω表示角频率,ω=2πf ;f 表示谐振频率;ωn 表示第n 个谐振器的角频率;y (3n,3n)(ω)表示第n 个谐振器对应的导纳矩阵中的Y 参数。



第36卷第3期计算机仿真2019年3月文章编号:1006-9348 (2019 )03-0410-04多时相遥感影像阴影角度精确校正仿真张维、陈报章2,赵亮3(1.中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院,江苏徐州221116;2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101;3.中国矿业大学力学与土木工程学院,江苏徐州221116)摘要:为了增强遥感影像对实际拍摄区域的还原效果,提高合成影像信息的利用价值,针对当前影像阴影角度校正方法中存 在的阴影区域提取不准确、补偿效果较差、角度校正过程所需时间长等问题,提出基于灰度补偿的多时相遥感影像阴影角度 精确校正方法。

分别计算遥感影像阴影区域的色调差值、蓝色通道与绿色通道的差值及亮度与饱和度差值,结合D-S证据 理论将各差值结果融合作为颜色特征提取影像中的阴影区域。


计算阴影校正后的图像间差值与初始图像间差值,结合 遥感影像设备的轨道运行参数构建阴影角度校正模型,利用模型完成影像阴影角度的精确校正。

实验结果表明,所提方法 阴影角度校正结果更接近真实值,校正耗时更短,具有较好的适用性。

关键词:多时相;遥感影像;阴影区域提取;阴影角度校正中图分类号:TF79 文献标识码:BMulti-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Shadow AngleAccurate Correction SimulationZHANG Wei1,CHEN Bao-zhang2, ZHAO Liang3(1. School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116, China ;2. I n s t i t u t e of Geographic Science and Natural Resource Research, C A S, Beijing 100101, China;3. School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116, China)A B S T R A C T:This a r t i c l e presents an accurate correction method f o r shadow angle of multi-temporal remote sensingimage based on gray compensation.Respectively, we calculated the hue difference, the difference between the blue channel and the green channel, and the difference between the brightness and the saturation degree i n the shadow re­gion of remote sensing bined with D-S evidence theory, a l l difference r e s ults were mixed together as the color feature t o extract the shadow region in image.Then, we used grayscale linear transformation algorithm t o per­form grayscale compensation on the obtained shadow area and conduct high grayscale noise f i l t e r i n g t o achieve the cor­rection of shadow area and edge smoothing processing.In addition, we calculated the difference between images a f t e r shadow correction and the difference between i n i t i a l images.In combination with the o r b i t a l motion parameter of re­mote sensing imaging equipment, we b u i l t the shadow angle correction model, and then used the model t o complete the accurate correction of shadow shading angle.According t o simulation results, we can see t hat the shadow angle correction of proposed method i s closer t o actual value.Meanwhile, the correction time i s shorter, which has better applicability.K E Y W O R D S:Multi-temporal; Remote sensing image; Shadow region extraction ;Shadow angle correction基金项目:徐州市科技计划项目(KC16SQ187);2017年度江苏省建设 系统科技项目(2017ZD222);徐州科技情报研究计划课题(XKQ2017014);江苏省高等教育教改研究立项课题(2017JSJG284)收稿日期:2018-05-21修回日期:2018-06-281引言遥感技术是当前应用较为广泛的远程测控技术,具有监 测范围广、信息获取速度快、信息更新周期短等特点。

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CHIN.PHYS.LETT.Vol.25,No.5(2008)1772 An Accurate Image Simulation Method for High-Order Laue Zone Effects∗CAI Can-Ying(蔡灿英)1,2,ZENG Song-Jun(曾松军)1,2,LIU Hong-Rong(刘红荣)1,2,YANG Qi-Bin(杨奇斌)1,2∗∗1Institute of Modern Physics,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan411105 2Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Materials and Application Technology of Ministry of Education,XiangtanUniversity,Xiangtan411105(Received16October2007)A completely different formulation for simulation of the high order Laue zone(HOLZ)diffractions is derived.It refers to the new method,i.e.the Taylor series(TS)method.To check the validity and accuracy of the TS method,we take polyvinglidenefluoride(PVDF)crystal as an example to calculate the exit wavefunction by the conventional multi-slice(CMS)method and the TS method.The calculated results show that the TS method is much more accurate than the CMS method and is independent of the slice thicknesses.Moreover,the purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction by the TS method can reflect the major potential distribution of thefirst reciprocal plane.PACS:61.05.Jd,61.50.AhIt is well known that the most crystal structure information can be extracted from the exit wavefunc-tion contributed by the zero order Laue zone(ZOLZ) diffraction.The ZOLZ diffraction is caused by the projection of the crystal potential along the incident beam direction.Thus,the potential variation along the incident beam direction is lost if only the ZOLZ diffraction is considered.In order to obtain the poten-tial variation along the incident beam direction or the distribution of plane defects,for example,GP zone and stacking fault etc,high-order Laue zone(HOLZ) diffractions must be considered.[1−4]Nowadays,the most widely used image simulation method is the multi-slice(MS)theory[5]which was originally proposed by Cowley and Moodie[6]based on the physical–optical principles.The most important reason for the MS method gaining extensive applica-tion is its relatively fast calculation speed especially after Ishizuka and Uyeda introduced the fast Fourier transformation(FFT)[7]in this method.Twentyfive years later,Van Dyck[8]successfully tackled a new method,i.e.the real space(RS)method,which is directly based on the solution of the Schr¨o dinger equa-tion.In order to carry out the simulation by both the MS and the RS methods,a crystal has to be divided into a series of thin slices perpendicular to the incident beam direction.For the HOLZ diffraction calculation, the slices should be thin enough to be able to dis-play the potential variation along the incident beam direction.[9,10]The crystal potential was described as a series of steps in the RS scheme as shown in Fig.1(a), which is the approximation of the real potential as shown in Fig.1(b).Mathematically,any function can be expanded as Taylor series,which includes many high-order differential terms.Unexceptionally,the exit wavefunction can also be expanded as Taylor se-ries,implying that the exit wavefunction is influenced by not only the magnitude of the potential itself,but also every order differential of the potential.To ig-nore the potential differential effects on the wave func-tion in the RS scheme,the slice thickness should be infinitely thin,which is impossible for the practical application.To solve this problem,we adapt a com-pletely different way to derive the exit wavefunction from the Schr¨o dinger equation.In this study,we as-sume the exit wavefunction to be a Taylor series,then substitute it into the Schr¨o dinger equation and derive the coefficients of the Taylor series,which will be de-scribed in the following in detail.As usual,we start with the Schr¨o dinger equation[11]∆Ψ(r)+4π2k2Ψ(r)+V(r)Ψ(r)=0,(1) where∆is the Laplacian operator in the x−y plane, and V(r)=iσU(r)(λ,σand U(r)are the electron wavelength,the interaction constant and the crystal potential,respectively).For high-energy electrons(≥100keV),the in-fluence of the specimen potential can be considered as perturbation.Thus,the exit wavefunctionΨ(r) can be written as a modulated plane waveΨ(r)=φ(r)exp(2πikr).Substituting the above equation into Eq.(1),one hasdφdz=iλ4π(∆+V)φ,(2)∗Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No10374077,and Key Foundation of Education Department of Hunan Province under Grant No05C097.∗∗To whom correspondence should be addressed.Email:yqb@ or Yangqibin02002@c 2008Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing LtdNo.5CAI Can-Ying et al.1773 where V can be divided into two parts,i.e.V=V P+V1.Fig.1.(a)Step potential used in the RS method(b)realpotential,versus distance along the a-axis in a unit cellwith unit a being the lattice constant.LetV P=kkF(hk0)exp[−2πi(hx+ky)],(3)V1=kkl=0F(hkl)exp[−2πi(hx+ky+lz)],(4)where V P is the projection of the crystal potential and is used to calculate the ZOLZ diffraction,V P+V1are used to calculate the ZOLZ and the HOLZ diffpared with the ZOLZ diffraction,the HOLZ diffractions are so weak that they can be con-sidered as perturbation.Among all the HOLZ diffrac-tions,thefirst one is the strongest;and the others can be neglected in the most practical cases.Thus one just needs to consider l=1in Eq.(4),V1=kkF(hk1)exp[−2πi(hx+ky+z)]=V2exp(−2πiz),(5)whereV2=kkF(hk1)exp[−2πi(hx+ky)].(6)Then Eq.(2)becomesdφdz =iλ4π[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz)]φ.(7)To solve Eq.(7),we assume thatφ(R,z)=φ(R,0)+dφdzz+12d2φdz2z2+13!d3φdz3z3+···+1n!d nφdz nz n+···=∞n=0z nn!d nφdz n,(8)orφ(R,(z+∆z))=φ(R,z)+dφdz∆z+12d2φdz∆z2+13!d3φdz3∆z3+···+1n!d nφdz n∆z n+···=∞n=0∆z nn!d nφdz,(9)where R is a plane vector.From Eq.(7),one mayfindthatdφdz=[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz/c)]φ,d2φdz2=[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz/c)]dφdz+−2πicV2exp(−2πiz/c)φ,d3φdz3=[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz/c)]d2φdz2+2−2πicV2exp(−2πiz/c)dφdz+−2πic2V2exp(−2πiz/c)φ,d4φdz=[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz/c)]d3φdz+3−2πicV2exp(−2πiz/c)d2φdz2+3−2πic2V2exp(−2πiz/c)dφdz+−2πic3V2exp(−2πiz/c)φ,······d nφdz n=[∆+V P+V2exp(−2πiz/c)]d n−1φdz n−1+(n−1)−2πicV2exp(−2πiz/c)d n−2φdz+(n−1)(n−2)2−2πic2V2·exp(−2πiz/c)d n−3φdz+(n−1)(n−2)(n−3)2×3−2πic3V2·exp(−2πiz/c)d n−4φdz n−4+···+(−2πic)n−1V2exp(−2πiz/c)φ.1774CAI Can-Ying et al.Vol.25Letηk =(∆z )k k !d k φdz k,(10)then we haveφ(R ,z +∆z )=∞ n =0ηn ,(11)whereηn =(∆+V p )∆z n ηn −1+V 2exp(−2πiz/c )∆zn· ηn −1+ −2πi ∆z cηn −2+12! −2πi ∆z c2ηn −3+···+1k ! −2πi ∆z ckηn −k −1+···+ .(12)Let∆zc=γ,the above equation becomes a recur-sive formula as follows:ηn =∆z n(∆+V p )ηn −1+V 2exp(−2πiz/c )n −1 k =0αk ηn −k −1,(13)whereαk =(−2πiγ)kk !.(14)To check the validity and the accuracy of expres-sions (11)–(14),we calculate the exit wavefunction of the ZOLZ and the HOLZ diffractions by the CMS method and the new expressions which we referred as the TS method using polyvinglidene fluoride (PVDF)crystal ((CH 2CF 2)2)as an example;then we compare the results calculated by those two different methods to find out which one is more accurate.PVDF belongs to an orthogonal crystal and the space group is P m 2m with the lattice constants a =0.858nm,b =0.491nmFig.2.(a)Amplitude and (b)phase of exit wavefunction calculated by the TS method,versus distance along the b -axis in a unit cell with unit b being the lattice constant,for z =0.5c .Fig.3.Phase map of two-dimensional exit wavefunctions:(a)calculated by the TS method with slice thickness a/32;(b)calculated by the TS method with slice thickness a/128;(c)calculated by the CMS method with slice thickness a/32;(d)calculated by the CMS method with slice thickness a/128.No.5CAI Can-Ying et al.1775 Fig.4.Maps of the potential and the purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction:(a)map of the potential of the zeroth reciprocal plane;(b)map the potential of thefirst reciprocal plane;(c)map of the purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction (amplitude)calculated by the TS method.and c=0.256nm.Thefitting constants for calcu-lating the structure factors of(PVDF)are taken from Ref.[12].The accelerate voltage is200kV correspond-ing toλ=0.00251nm.The incident beam is along the[100]direction.The y−z plane is divided into 64×32pixels.The thickness of the crystal along the incident beam direction(the a axis)is3.432nm corre-sponding to4times of the lattice constant a.A series of slice thicknesses a/128,a/64,a/32,a/16,a/8,a/4 and a/2are designed for comparing the effects of slice thicknesses on the results calculated by two different methods.The calculated results are shown in Figs.2–4.The calculated results along the[010]direction with z=0.5are schematically shown in Fig.2.From thesefigures we can see that both the amplitude and the phase almost keep constant for the different slice thicknesses(a/128,a/8,a/4and a/2).Figure3shows the phase of wavefunction in the exit plane.The results shown in Figs.3(a)and3(b) are calculated by the TS method with the different slice thicknesses(a/32and a/128).Figures3(c)and 3(d)show the calculated results by the CMS method with the different slice thicknesses.From those maps it can also be seen that the results calculated by the TS method are independent of the slice thickness.How-ever,those calculated by the CMS method are sensi-tive to the slice thickness especially in the peak area. However,when the slice thickness is very thin(here a/128),the results calculated by the CMS is in agree-ment with those calculated by the TS method.It can be concluded that the TS method is a more accurate method than the CMS method.Figure4(a)is the potential map of the zeroth re-ciprocal plane,from which the atomic positions pro-jected along the[100]direction can be obtained.Fig-ure4(b)is the potential map of thefirst reciprocal plane,i.e.V2in Eq.(6),which carries3D potential in-formation and is different from Fig.4(a).Figure4(c)is the map of the purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction (i.e.whole wave function subtracting ZOLZ wavefunc-tion)calculated by the TS pared with Fig.4(b),one mayfind that purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction can reflect major potential distribution of thefirst reciprocal plane although there are some weak differences between Figs.4(b)and4(c),which are probably caused by the interaction between ZOLZ and HOLZ diffraction.In conclusion,the CMS neglects the effect of the high-order differentials of the crystal potential on the HOLZ diffractions so that the slice thickness should be very thin.The TS method takes all the high-order differentials of the potential into account.The calcu-lated results are independent of the slice thicknesses.The purefirst order Laue zone wavefunction by the TS method can reflect the major potential distri-bution of thefirst reciprocal plane which is the3D potential information of the crystal.The TS method is suitable to the simulation requiring very accurate results.References[1]Brown J F and Clark D1952Acta Cryst.5615[2]Munson D and Wheeler M J1968J.Inst.Metal.96252[3]Gard J A1956Brit.J.Appl.Phys.7361[4]Gard J A and Taylor H F W1958Amer.Min.431[5]Spence J C H and Zuo J M1992Electron Microdiffraction(New York:Plenum)[6]Cowley J M and Moodie A F1957Acta Cryst.10609[7]Ishizuka K and Uyeda N1977Acta Cryst.A33740[8]Dyck D Van1980J.Microsc.119141[9]Chen J H,Beek M Op de,Dyck D Van1996Microsc.Mi-croanal.Microstruct.727[10]Self P G,O’Keefe M A,Buseck P R and Spargo A E C1983Ultramicroscopy1135[11]Dyck D Van1983J.Microsc.13231[12]Peng L.M,Ren G,Dudarev S and Whelan M1996ActaCryst.A52257。
