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What’s he like?
What’s he like? He’s…
What’s she like? She’s…
young old
What’s he like? He’s…
Meet Robin! 相识罗宾
I have a robot!His name is Robin,My grandpaFra Baidu bibliotek
Unit One What's he like?
This is Amy.she's quiet.
这是艾米。她很安静。 she's very hard-working. 她学习很努力。 That is Wu Yifan.He's veryclever. 那是吴一帆。他很聪明。 He's polite,too. 他也很有礼貌。 Hello.My name is Oliver.
madi him.我有一个机器人!他的名字是罗宾,我爷
Robin is short but strong.He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English.罗宾个矮但强壮。他真的很 聪明。他能说汉语和英语。 He is hard-working.He is very helpful at home.他很勤 奋。在家里他很有用。 He is strict,too.He makes me finish my homework!他也 严厉。他使我完成我的作业。
我(I)用am,你(you)用are, is连着 他(he),她(she),它(it); 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易, be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。
Story time
Zip:Our new PE teacher will come today! 今天我们的新体育老师要来!
Zoom:Really?What's he like? 真的吗?他长的什么样?
Zip:I only know he's a good football player. 我只知道他是一个很好的足球运动员。
Zoom:He must be tall and strang! 他一定又高又强壮! Zip:Shoot!射门! Zoom:Oh,no!I missed!哦,不!我没接住! Rabbit:Can I join you?我可以加入你们吗?
We have a new PE teacher.He's a good
football player. 我们有一位新体育老师,他是一个好 的足球运动员。
a .an 的用法
a 和 an 均用在单数名词之前,表示一 类人或事物中的“一个”,相当于汉 语中的“一”,但不强调数目概念。 a 用在辅音之前,an 用在元音之前 , 如 a notbook 、an old man
Zoom:You're very thin and so short.Can you play football?你很瘦又那么矮。能踢足球吗?
Rabbit:Sure.Let me show you.当然会了。让我展示给 你看。
Rabbit scores ten goals.兔子攻入10个球。 Rabbit:Ten to three!We win.10比3!我们赢了! Zoom:You're great!你太棒了! Rabbit:I am your new PE teacher!我是你们新的体育 老师。
Let’s Talk
Chinese teacher
English teacher
Who’s your math teacher? math teacher
science teacher
art teacher
music teacher
P.E. teacher
Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.
王老师将是我们的新中文老师。 What's she like? 她是个什么样的人啊?
She's very kind. 她是非常慈祥的。 Is she strict? 她严厉吗? Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时候。
What’s he/she like?
He’s /She’s tall and short.
tall short young old thin strong funny kind
Let’s say
Chinese teacher
Who’s your math teacher? English teacher
Let's talk
W:Do you know Ms Young?你知道杨老师吗? O:No,I don't.Who is he?不,我不知道。他是谁? W:He's our music teacher.他是我们的音乐老师。 O:Is he young?他是年轻的吗? W:No,he isn't.He's old.不,他不是。他是老的。 O:Is he funny?他有趣吗? W:Yes,he is.是的,他是有趣的。 O:Great!I like funny teachers.太好了!我喜欢有 趣的老师。
math teacher
science teacher
art teacher
music teacher
P.E. teacher
Let's talk
C:Hey,Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. 你好,王女士将是我们的中文老师。 J:Really?What's she like?真的吗?她是什么样 的人? C:She's kind.她很和蔼。 J:Is she strict?她严厉吗? C:Yes,sometimes.是的,有时候。 J:Do you know her?你了解她妈? C:Yes,She's my mother!是的,她是我的妈妈。 J:Haha,Cool!哈哈,太好了!