Sandpile Models of Self-Organized Criticality



Self-Organized Criticality
How Nature Works : The Science of Self-Organized Criticality by Per Bak
Self-Organized Criticality (自組織臨界現象) 一種相變現象
• 相變與臨界現象是同一種物質在因應不同外在 變因,如溫度、壓力等參數的不同,而表現的 不同巨觀行為。如水的固、液、汽三相變化, 以及導體與陶瓷材料在低溫時所出現的超導現 象,都是屬於相變現象的範圍。更廣義的延伸, 凡一系統在特定參數條件下有非連續性變化, 如蛋自質折疊過程中的二態變化。或是一些非 線性系統的自組臨界現象(Self-Organized Criticality),皆可稱為相變現象。

Self-Organized Criticality (自組織臨界現 象)
In physics, a critical point is a point at which a system changes radically its behavior or structure, for instance, from solid to liquid. In standard critical phenomena, there is a control parameter which an experimenter can vary to obtain this radical change in behavior. In the case of melting, the control parameter is temperature.
1. 2. Bak, P., Tang, C. & Wiesenfeld, K. Self-organized criticality: An explanation of 1/f noise, Phys. Rev. Lett., 59, 381-384, 1987. Bak, P. & Chen, K. Self-organized criticality. Scientific American, 264, 46-53, 1991.



Connections with electrical networks
➢ Every edge – a resistor of 1 ohm. ➢ Voltage difference of 1 volt between u and v.
R(u,v) – inverse of electvrical current from u to v.
➢ Maximal matching
➢ Maximum matching
➢ Perfect matching
Our works
➢ Enumerating spanning in various networks
➢ Scale-free networks: Pseudofractal scale-free web, Apollonian networks, Koch networks
➢ Spanning trees
We determine the exact number of spanning trees and derive an explicit formula of the eigentime identity.
Journal of Physics A, 2012, 45:345101.
Journal of Physics A, 2012, 45: 025102
Spanning trees in fractal scale-free lattices
Fractality can significantly increase the number of spanning trees in fractal scale-free networks. Fractal dimension has a predominant influence on the number of spanning trees.



英语科普环保类阅读试题答案及解析1. February 16, 2014(VOA)JAKARTA — The United States and China say they recognize the need for "urgent action" to address the twin challenges of climate change and the air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for greater political will to address a warming planet.China is the leading producer of greenhouse gases and joins the United States as the largest consumers of energy. So U.S. officials say the world's two biggest economies agreeing to limit emissions and promote energy efficiency in buildings and industry "sends a strong message to the world" that this is an issue that needs to be addressed now.Following that agreement with Chinese leaders, Secretary Kerry told an audience in Indonesia that Washington hopes this "unique partnership" with Beijing will help set an example for global leadership and global seriousness on climate change.Kerry Warns About Global Climate Change"Together we account for roughly 40 percent of the world’s emissions. But this is not just about China and the United States," Kerry said. "It is about every country on Earth doing whatever it can to pursue cleaner and healthier energy sources.Kerry said scientific evidence compels the world to act."It is not a lack of ability that is the problem," Kerry said. "It is a lack of political resolve that is standing in our way.The European Union is calling for a 40 percent cut in carbon emissions by 2030. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso says that target is ambitious and affordable."It shows that we are beyond debate where we either have to be green or a defender of industry," Barroso said. "We believe these two issues are not contradictory, but can perfectly go together if handled smartly.Some European parliamentarians and some environmentalists believe the carbon reduction goals do not do enough to encourage cleaner energy. Jason Anderson heads European climate and energy policy for the World Wildlife Fund."We want to make sure that they do not put the brakes on the energy transition that we are seeing now," Anderson said. "Their ambitions for renewable energy would actually slow down the pace of change, which it is completely senseless as it is one of those areas of the economy that is growing right now.Kerry's climate speech was the first in a series of events meant to focus on cutting carbon emissions before talks in Paris next year on coming up with a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which was never ratified by the United States. ()419【1】European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso believes that________.A.The European Union accounts for 40 percent of the world’s emissions.B.we either have to be green or a defender of industry.C.we have to be green and a defender of industry if handled smartly.D.the carbon reduction goals do not do enough to encourage cleaner energy.【答案】C【解析】考查细节理解。

Moral Disengagement in Processes

Moral Disengagement in Processes

Moral Disengagement in Processesof Organizational Corruption Celia MooreABSTRACT.This paper explores Albert Bandura’s concept of moral disengagement in the context of orga-nizational corruption.First,the construct of moral dis-engagement is defined and elaborated.Moral disengagement is then hypothesized to play a role in the initiation of corruption by both easing and expediting individual unethical decision-making that advances organizational interests.It is hypothesized to be a factor in the facilitation of organizational corruption through dampening individualsÕawareness of the ethical content of the decisions they make.Finally,it is hypothesized to contribute to the perpetuation of corruption in organiza-tions,because if individuals who have a greater propensity to morally disengage are more likely to make decisions that advance organizational interests regardless of the ethicality of those decisions,they may also be rewarded for those decisions in terms of organizational advance-ment.Together these studies form an argument that moral disengagement plays an important role in processes of organizational corruption.KEY WORDS:moral disengagement,corruption,moral awareness,unethical decision-making,organizational advancementIntroductionThis article examines the concept of moral disen-gagement(Bandura,1990a,b,1999,2002),defined here as an individualÕs propensity to evoke cogni-tions which restructure oneÕs actions to appear less harmful,minimize oneÕs understanding of responsi-bility for oneÕs actions,or attenuate the perception of the distress one causes others.In particular,it ex-plores three ways in which moral disengagement might pervade processes relevant to organizational corruption.First,it investigates how moral disen-gagement may help to initiate corruption,by allowing individuals to pre-empt the discomfort of cognitive dissonance at the prospect of making organizationally expedient,but corrupt,decisions, since moral disengagement facilitates the cognitively reframing of issues to exclude moral considerations. Second,it investigates how moral disengagement may help to facilitate corruption within organizations, through dampening individualsÕmoral awareness (Butterfield et al.,2000),a key step in taking moral action(Rest,1986).Finally,it investigates how moral disengagement may help to perpetuate cor-ruption,by seeing whether organizations reward individuals who have a greater propensity to morally disengage and advance more quickly through orga-nizations.Moral disengagementAlbert BanduraÕs theory of moral disengagement was developed to explain why certain people are able to engage in inhumane conduct without apparent dis-tress(Bandura,1990a,b,1999,2002).In his theory, individuals with high levels of moral disengagement have made habitual the use of cognitive mechanisms which reframe those individualsÕactions in ways which downplay their ethical content or import, thus suspending the self-regulatory processes that socio-cognitive theory suggests govern individual moral behavior.To date,the work on moral dis-engagement has remained primarily theoretical,used in explanations of political and military violence (Bandura,1990a).The empirical work on moral disengagement has taken place predominantly in the context of predicting aggression and anti-social behavior children and adolescents(Bandura et al., 1996;Bandura et al.,2001),though it has also been effectively applied to adults in targeted ways, studying the relationship between moral disengage-Journal of Business Ethics(2008)80:129–139ÓSpringer2007 DOI10.1007/s10551-007-9447-8ment and the decline in civic behavior(Caprara and Capanna,2006),computer hacking(Rogers,2001), and reactions to war(Aquino et al.,2007).It is reasonable to wonder whether moral disen-gagement might also play an important role orga-nizational corruption.Bandura himself theorized that the mechanisms of moral disengagement‘‘rou-tinely’’operate in individualsÕmundane decisions ‘‘to further their own interests or for profit’’(Ban-dura,1990b:43).Though other scholars have also theorized that moral disengagement might be‘‘the root cause of sanctioned corporate corruption’’(Brief et al.,2001:473),to date no thorough theo-retical account of how moral disengagement may play a distinctive role in processes of organizational corruption has been offered in the literature,nor has the role of moral disengagement been empirically investigated in this context.This article provides such a theoretical account,and argues that the pro-pensity of individuals to morally disengage may influence not only their awareness of the ethical content of the decisions they make,but also their likelihood of making unethical decisions which advance organizational interests,and ultimately,their ascent up the corporate ladder.This research defines corruption as unethical actions undertaken to advance organizational interests,which may or may not directly advance the interests of the individuals undertaking them (following Clinard and Quinney,1973;Schrager and Short,1978;Szwajkowski,1985).1Clearly, over a long time horizon,unethical decisions are rarely within an organizationÕs interest;they can be costly and even threaten an organizationÕs survival (Enron no longer exists).However,at the time, unethical decisions are commonly undertaken to meet some organizational interest.2For example, hiring foreign sales agents to pay bribes to potential customers has been a very productive way for many organizations to gain market share internationally and expand globally(Coleman, 1989).It was originally thought to be in FordÕs bestfinancial interests not to recall the Pinto car, even in the face of evidence that even low-speed accidents caused their fuel tanks to rupture and ignite intoflames(Gioia,1992).EnronÕs accounting practices before its bankruptcy,which established indirect partnerships to mask billions of dollars in corporate debt,allowed the corporation to remain viable for longer than it should have (McLean and Elkind,2003).How does moral disengagement work?BanduraÕs theory suggests that disengagement operates through eight different cognitive mechanisms.Three of these mechanisms(moral justification,euphemistic label-ing,and advantageous comparison)facilitate the cognitive restructuring of inhumane acts to appear less harmful to the individual occupied in them;these cognitions work by making the act seem beneficial in some way.For example,moral justification might involve telling oneself that selectively disclosing product information to customers is critical to pro-tecting the companyÕs public image.Similarly, euphemistic labeling renames harmful actions so as to appear benign.For example,Jackall notes that those who collude with unethical actions within corrupt organizations are often termed good‘‘team players’’(1988:52–53).Advantageous comparison draws on even more harmful activities to make the action in question seem innocuous in contrast. Two cognitive mechanisms(displacement of responsibility and diffusion of responsibility)mini-mize the role of the individual in the harm that is caused by an individual’s actions.Cognitions which displace responsibility tend to attribute the responsibility for oneÕs actions onto authorityfigures,who may have tacitly condoned or explicitly directed oneÕs behav-ior(see Kelman and Hamilton,1989).Cognitions which diffuse responsibility tend to distribute blame across the members of a group rather than on any individual.For example,research on the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster reveals that diffusion of responsibility was an important factor leading to the decision to launch(Vaughn,1996).These mecha-nisms work by absolving individuals from moral agency:‘‘I was made to do it by my boss’’,for example,or‘‘I played such a small part that IÕm not really responsible,’’are cognitions of this type. Thefinal three cognitive mechanisms(distortion of consequences,dehumanization and attribution of blame)reframe the effects of oneÕs actions,either by minimizing the outcomes of those actions or by minimizing the perception of distress those actions cause others.Unlike thefirst three mechanisms, these are not intended to reframe the activity in a positive light;rather,they work by minimizing the true consequences that those actions have on others. In the context of corruption,the distortion of130Celia Mooreconsequences is abetted by calling such criminal activity‘‘victimless’’(Schur and Bedau,1974). Though dehumanization is often thought as extreme, Bandura points out that it occurs in more mundane circumstances as well,especially in conditions of bureaucratization,automation,and impersonal conduct(Bandura,2002:109).Attributing blame to the victim occurs in all types of contexts,from rape to white-collar crime(Douglas,1995). Together,these eight mechanisms restructure the way that individuals make decisions,and experience the choices they make.Moral disengagement,then, is an individual predisposition to evoke cognitions that allow individuals to restructure their actions to appear less harmful,minimize their role in the out-comes of their actions,or attenuate the distress that they cause to others,thereby disengaging the self-sanctions that socio-cognitive theory claims drive individual moral behavior.A few things should be clarified about the way the construct is being conceptualized here.First,moral disengagement is not being conceptualized as a stable trait;rather,it is understood to be a cognitive ori-entation to the world that develops over time and is influenced by the social contexts in which one operates.Bandura described moral disengagement as explicitly interactive,and describes it as an outcome of the interplay between personal and social influ-ences(Bandura,2002).This means that it is important to think of disengagement as a malleable property of individuals,a result of the continued reciprocal influences of the individual on his or her environment and vice versa,rather than as a measure of the‘‘bad apple’’-ness of an individual.This conceptualization makes sense given that most work on moral development argues that our ethical orientation to the world is socially learned rather than a genetic inheritance(Bandura,1986;Kohlberg, 1984;though see Hauser,2006for a different view). It also suggests that individualsÕlevels of moral disengagement would be amenable to intervention or learning.Moral disengagement is also understood to be context-dependent.Research on business ethics has been quite consistent infinding that individuals segment their moral lives,applying different set of ethical standards in different contexts(Jackall,1988). Individuals may be more prone to operate in a morally disengaged way in war than at the U.N.,or with their gambling buddies than with their grand-mother,for example.This article focuses on moral disengagement in the workplace context.However, moral disengagement is also understood to be a tendency which remains relatively stable over time, because the ongoing practice of cognitively restructuring the(unethical)actions in which one engages makes habitual the use of similar justifica-tions in the future,and embeds those practices within an individualÕs normative behavior.This article makes the argument that the mecha-nisms of moral disengagement help to initiate, facilitate,and perpetuate corruption in organizations through their effect on moral awareness,unethical decision-making and organizational advancement.I now turn to these arguments(see Figure1fora pictorial representation of the hypotheses that follow).Unethical decision-making:moral disengagement in the initiationof corruptionModels of organizational corruption tend to focus either at the macro-level,on variables that create environmental pressures that help trigger corruption (e.g.,Baucus,1994;Szwajkowski,1985),or,at the micro-level,on how‘‘otherwise ethical’’individuals become effectively socialized into wrongdoing(e.g., Ashforth and Anand,2003;Brief et al.,2001). However,if all individuals who enter organizations would not engage in unethical behavior unless pressured or socialized to do so,we have a proverbial chicken without an egg.In other words,the unethical decisions of some individuals need to set a tone within the organization before the socialization of other employees into the corrupt actions can occur.Certainly,aspects of the situation(Mischel,1977; Trevino,1986),contingencies regarding the deci-sion itself(Jones,1991),and organizational role requirements(Gioia,1992)can‘‘override’’individ-ual values or motivations and compel employees to engage in acts in which they would not otherwise take part.However,the arguments for the role of these external forces in unethical behavior rest tacitly on an assumption that all organizational members are equally likely to enact the‘‘initial,idiosyncraticMoral Disengagement131corrupt practices’’(Ashforth and Anand,2003:4) responsible for the initiation of corruption within organizations.The argument here is that moral dis-engagement may play a role in instigating corruption within organizations because individuals may not be equally likely to trigger those initial,idiosyncratic practices:individuals who have a greater propensity to morally disengage might be more likely than others to make those key early decisions that are required in order for corruption to be normalized within organizations.Specifically,moral disengagement may assist individuals in more easily and expediently making unethical decisions that are in the organizationÕs interest.Moral disengagement may ease unethical decision-making by pre-empting the psychological discomfort(cognitive dissonance)experienced by individuals at the prospect of making an organiza-tionally valued but morally questionable decision.In this context,being able to more easily make uneth-ical decisions means being able to make unethical decisions without resultant psychological discomfort. Moral disengagement may also expedite unethical decisions by operating to shield competing values from adding to the cognitive complexity of the decision.Here,expediting unethical decisions means being able to make unethical decisions using fewer cognitive resources and less complex reasoning.Cognitive dissonance theory provides support for the argument that individuals with greater propen-sities to morally disengage will be able to more easily make unethical decisions in the organizationÕs interest.The theory holds that individuals will go to great lengths to change their attitudes tofit with their behavior,or enhance the value of their choices (vis-a-vis alternative choices),when two cognitions relevant to a decision are dissonant(Festinger,1957; Harmon-Jones,2000).However,dissonance research tends to focus on outcomes of dissonance(the mental gymnastics required to reduce that dissonance)rather than what might predict a lack of dissonance in the first place.The argument here is that moral disen-gagement plays into our cognitive processes in a way that allows individuals to pre-empt the simultaneous cognitions that create dissonance.How would this work in practice?As Tetlock reminds us,recognizing an issue as a moral dilemma inherently involves acknowledging a tension between two conflicting values;moreover,the dilemma or conflict of interest is worse for the individual experiencing it to the degree to which both values are strongly held(Tetlock,1986).For example, imagine an individual is faced with a strong incentive to bribe a foreign official in order to secure a large contract.For many,a conflict would arise between the value of benefiting oneÕs organization with thef o kno i t a t i l i c aFs e s s e c o r pno i t a i t i n Is e s s e c o r pno i t au t ep r ePs e s s e c o r p132Celia Moorecontract(and oneself with a hefty commission),and the moral(and in most jurisdictions,legal)value prohibiting bribery of foreign nationals in the effort to secure local contracts.In this case,the cognitive mechanisms of moral disengagement would operate to minimize the importance of the value against bribery(for example,evoking a cognition which diffuses responsibility away from oneself,such as ‘‘everyone bribes in this culture’’),leaving no con-flicting values to be resolved(between the impor-tance of the contract and the prohibition against bribery),and no cognitive dissonance to result.It will therefore be cognitively easier for the morally disengaged individual to make the unethical decision (offer the bribe),because that individual will not face the discomfort of cognitive dissonance in the face of the ethical dilemma.There is no need,in other words,to engage in the discomforting mental gymnastics of changing oneÕs attitude(from valuing the prohibition against bribery)tofit with oneÕs behavior(offering the bribe),if moral disengagement has already cognitively reframed the action for that individual in such a way that makes it acceptable behavior.The second argument uses cognitive moral devel-opment theory to argue that individuals high in moral disengagement will be able to make unethical deci-sions more expediently than individuals low in moral disengagement.Theorists of moral development hold that advanced moral reasoning requires high levels of cognitive complexity(Kohlberg,1984;Rest,1986). For example,Kohlberg understood that the most advanced moral reasoning involves applying universal ethical principles in a logically comprehensive way, while the least advanced moral reasoning conceives of moral choices in terms of pure self-interest,asking questions such as‘‘Will I be punished for this act?’’(Kohlberg,1984).In other words,it takes more time and greater mental capacity to engage in principled moral reasoning.Thisfits nicely with TetlockÕs work on integrative complexity,which suggests that indi-viduals can make decisions more expediently when they reason in less complex ways(Tetlock,1986).If this is true,it will be more expedient for individuals high in moral disengagement to make unethical choi-ces,because they are not otherwise occupied in the cognitive complexity of advanced moral reasoning. Moral disengagement expedites unethical decision making by helping to simplify individualsÕmoral reasoning,which has the additional benefit of leav-ing cognitive capacity available to better focus on the goals of best serving their organizationÕs interest. Basic research in social psychology confirms that engaging self-regulatory processes in one area of life can deplete oneÕs self-regulatory resources,and lead to less available effort to extend to other spheres of behavior(Baumeister et al.,1998;Muraven et al., 1998).Research on goal-shielding indicates that individuals are better able to focus on and meet specific goals when alternate,and potentially com-peting goals,have been‘‘shielded’’from immediate relevance,and as such,leave more cognitive room to focus in a targeted way on the goal of interest(Shah et al.,2002).This would indicate that there can be organizational payoffs to pre-empting cognitive dissonance and simplifying oneÕs moral reasoning to a calculus that minimizes ethical concerns:one can imagine a strongly organizationally relevant goal such as meeting quarterly sales targets might be better met if individuals were not simultaneously concerned with a secondary(and dissonance inspir-ing)goal such as ensuring that the actions involved in meeting those sales targets did not violate moral codes of behaviour.In sum,individuals high in moral disengagement will pre-empt cognitive dissonance at the prospect of making unethical choices because they will not have competing values to resolve,easing unethical decision-making,as well as reason about moral choices in less complex ways,expediting unethical choices and leaving cognitive capacity available to better focus on the most organizationally relevant goals.H1:Individuals high in moral disengagement will be more likely to make unethical decisionsthan individuals low in moral disengagement. Moral awareness:Moral disengagementin the facilitation of corruptionThe next argument is that moral disengagement leads to a dampened awareness of the moral content of our decisions,which will facilitate the spread of organizational corruption.Moral awareness is the first step in the parsimonious and respected frame-work developed by Rest to describe the stages ofMoral Disengagement133moral cognition and action(1986).In RestÕs model, which is used as a framework in many of the most influential theoretical(e.g.,Jones,1991;Trevino, 1986)and empirical studies(see OÕFallon and But-terfield,2005)of ethical decision-making in orga-nizations,ethical decision-making requires that an individual(1)recognize a moral issue–have a moral awareness,(2)make a moral judgment about the issue, (3)establish moral intent regarding oneÕs behavior by prioritizing moral concerns above others,and(4)act –proceed with moral behavior.Moral awareness involves the recognition that the issue at hand involves factors that could detrimentally affect oth-ersÕwelfare or operate against oneÕs own or societyÕs ethical standards,the understanding that oneÕs actions could contribute to those detrimental effects, and the sensitivity to realize how the outcomes of oneÕs actions may be at odds with internal(self-regulatory)or external(societal)moral standards (Butterfield et al.,2000;Rest,1986:5–7). Surprisingly little research has investigated moral awareness empirically.The majority of empirical research on ethical decision-making focuses on the second and third steps in RestÕs framework:making moral judgments and establishing moral intent.The most recent review of the ethical decision-making literature examined384separatefindings related to RestÕs framework,and found185findings relating to moral judgment,86for moral intent,85for moral behavior,and only28for moral awareness(OÕFallon and Butterfield,2005).This indicates that moral awareness may be a misunderstood phenomenon with an important influence on both moral judg-ment and moral intent:what is currently viewed as errors or missteps in judgment or intent may be more accurately attributed to dampened moral awareness.This does not mean that people have been uninterested in how our awareness of the moral content of our decisions affects the ethicality of those decisions.The understanding that individualsÕcapacity to process information is always bounded has been around since Simon(1957)introduced the notion of bounded rationality in the1950s. Recently,researchers have begun to think about the ways in which our cognitive biases make us boundedly ethical as well as boundedly rational (Chugh et al.,2005;Murnighan et al.,2001; Tenbrunsel and Messick,2004).Theoretical interest in exactly how individuals blind themselves to eth-ical concerns is clearly growing,and there is an attendant call for furthering empirical investigation into exactly how our awareness of the ethical con-tent of our actions can become bounded,and how that boundedness then affects our ethical decision-making.It is important to specify the difference between moral disengagement and moral awareness.Moral disengagement describes an intra-individual prop-erty,the generalized tendency to evoke cognitions which suspend the self-regulatory processes that typically direct our moral behavior.It is a cognitive orientation to the world to which we become habituated,which then affects how we approach decisions.Moral awareness describes how an individual views the moral content of a particular decision.It is the perspective one has toward a particular decision. Being morally disengaged–having a predisposition to evoke the cognitive mechanisms of moral disen-gagement–will result in that individualÕs lack of moral awareness about the ethical content of the specific decisions they make.H2:Individuals high in moral disengagement will demonstrate lower levels of moral awareness ofethical issues within a business context thanindividuals low in moral disengagement.It is further argued that moral awareness will operate as a mediator in the relationship between moral disengagement and unethical decision-mak-ing.Moral disengagement operates to frame our decisions in ways which dampen moral awareness, thus making unethical decisions in the interest of an organization more likely.While it is not new to acknowledge that the way decisions are framed dramatically influences the choices individuals make(Tversky and Kahneman,1981),most of the research on scripts and framing in terms of deci-sion-making looks at external,situational stimuli as the source of the ethically compromised frame (Batson and Moran,1999;Messick,1999;Tenb-runsel and Messick,1999).For example,GioiaÕs description of the situation surrounding the recall of the Ford Pinto suggests that scripts are often formulated and stored in memory as a result of exposure to amoral or corrupt organizational norms(Gioia,1992).134Celia MooreThis research does not challenge the view that many behavioral scripts that drive individual deci-sions in organizations are organizationally acquired and controlled.It does make room for the possibility that individuals enter organizations with pre-existing behavioral scripts that may be activated without the need for additional external stimuli.Moral disen-gagement frames the way individuals conceptualize the choices they are faced with,providing an intra-individual trigger of the ethically compromised frame,dampening individualsÕawareness of the ethical content of the decisions they are making. This idea is supported by research that has found that individualsÕideological world views,which arguably pre-exist organizational entry,are strong predictors of managerÕs reactions to scenarios about account-ability within organizations and models of corporate governance(Tetlock,2000).I suggest that individ-uals high in moral disengagement,through its influence on moral awareness,will access pre-exist-ing behavioral scripts that frame their decisions in ways that obviate moral concerns.H3:Moral awareness will mediate the relationship between moral disengagement and unethicaldecision-making.Organizational advancement:Moral disengagement in the perpetuationof corruptionThe arguments posed thus far make the case that moral disengagement helps to initiate organizational corruption through fostering unethical decision making advancing organizational goals and helps to facilitate organizational corruption though dampen-ing individuals’moral awareness.However,in order to truly make the argument that moral disengage-ment is implicated in the perpetuation of corruption in organizations,disengagement needs to be con-nected to how individuals move through organiza-tions and up the corporate hierarchy.Thefinal and most important connection this article makes is between morally disengagement and organizational advancement.The hypothesis specifying the connection between the propensity to morally disengage and organiza-tional advancement follows from the argument that individuals high in moral disengagement are able to make unethical decisions in the organizational interest both more easily and more expediently than others,and proposes that the organization will re-ward those who act in its interest,regardless of the morality of those actions.The ability to prioritize organizational goals above all other concerns has been shown to be an enormously valued leadership skills,especially in times of crisis or uncertainty (Bligh et al.,2004).It is not unreasonable to think that those who are best at doing that would advance more quickly through organizations.Scott Sullivan quickly rose through the ranks of WorldCom in part because of his willingness to misrepresentfinancial statements(Jeter,2003).Andrew Fastow was hand-picked by the leadership at Enron in part because it was understood that he would do‘‘whatever it took’’for Enron to make its numbers(McLean and Elkind,2003).It is not difficult tofind other ac-counts of corrupt organizations that reward indi-viduals who are most willing to collude in corrupt practices(e.g.,Eichenwald,1995).Even in the face of these corporate examples, ethics and advancement have rarely been studied together in organizational research,though the fact that reward structures in many organizations pri-oritize short-term gains over long-term survival, and profit over all else,has not gone unnoticed (e.g.,Carroll,1975;Gellerman,1986).An analysis of corporate offences by Yeager notes that,in certain results-oriented environments,the‘‘implicit message received from the top may be that much more weight is attached to job completion than to legal or ethical means of accomplishment’’(Yeager, 1986:110).Why would an organization fail to proscribe employeesÕunethical behavior?Regardless of the efforts to have corporations acknowledge that they might have ethical responsibilities to stakeholders outside the shareholders(Dodd,1932;Sundaram and Inkpen,2004),the understanding that the pri-mary purposes of a corporation are survival and growth(Thompson,1967:128)has remained intransigent.In one way,there is simply a lack of intentionality on the level of the organization about how its structures or processes might influence unethical behavior to serve its interest,and some of the research on corruption has stressed the lack ofMoral Disengagement135。


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Model to Reduce Loss of Forest Fire .................................. 16
6.1 Merchant Model ............................................................... 6.1.1 Construction of Merchant Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 Result of Merchant Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Ecology model.................................................................. 6.2.1 Construction of Ecological Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Result of Ecological Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Strengths and Weaknesses ................................................. 24 References .......................................................................... 24
1.1 Background ..................................................................... 1.2 Problem Description .......................................................... 3 3

Self-organized flocking in mobile robot swarms

Self-organized flocking in mobile robot swarms

Swarm Intell(2008)2:97–120DOI10.1007/s11721-008-0016-2Self-organizedflocking in mobile robot swarmsAli E.Turgut·HandeÇelikkanat·Fatih Gökçe·Erol¸SahinReceived:13February2008/Accepted:22July2008/Published online:30August2008©Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2008Abstract In this paper,we study self-organizedflocking in a swarm of mobile robots.We present Kobot,a mobile robot platform developed specifically for swarm robotic studies. We describe its infrared-based short range sensing system,capable of measuring the dis-tance from obstacles and detecting kin robots,and a novel sensing system called the virtual heading system(VHS)which uses a digital compass and a wireless communication module for sensing the relative headings of neighboring robots.We propose a behavior based on heading alignment and proximal control that is capa-ble of generating self-organizedflocking in a swarm of Kobots.By self-organizedflocking we mean that a swarm of mobile robots,initially connected via proximal sensing,is able to wander in an environment by moving as a coherent group in open space and to avoid obstacles as if it were a“super-organism”.We propose a number of metrics to evaluate the quality offlocking.We use a default set of behavioral parameter values that can generate acceptableflocking in robots,and analyze the sensitivity of theflocking behavior against changes in each of the parameters using the metrics that were proposed.We show that the proposed behavior can generateflocking in a small group of physical robots in a closed arena as well as in a swarm of1000simulated robots in open space.We vary the three main characteristics of the VHS,namely:(1)the amount and nature of noise in the measurement This work is funded by TÜB˙ITAK(Turkish Scientific and Technical Council)through the“KAR˙IYER: Kontrol Edilebilir Robot O˘g ulları”project with number104E066.Additionally,HandeÇelikkanat acknowledges the partial support of the TÜB˙ITAK graduate student fellowship.Fatih Gökçe is currently enrolled in the Faculty Development Program(ÖYP)at Middle East Technical University on behalf ofSüleyman Demirel University.A.E.Turgut·H.Çelikkanat·F.Gökçe·E.¸Sahin( )Kovan Research Lab.,Dept.of Computer Eng.,Middle East Technical University,Ankara,Turkeye-mail:erol@.trA.E.Turgute-mail:aturgut@.trH.Çelikkanate-mail:hande@.trF.Gökçee-mail:fgokce@.trof heading,(2)the number of VHS neighbors,and(3)the range of wireless communication. Our experiments show that the range of communication is the main factor that determines the maximum number of robots that canflock together and that the behavior is highly robust against the other two VHS characteristics.We conclude by discussing this result in the light of related theoretical studies in statistical physics.Keywords Swarm robotics·Self-organization·Flocking1IntroductionFlocking,the coherent maneuvering of a group of individuals in space as if they were a super-organism,is a widely observed phenomenon in animal societies.Flocks of birds, herds of quadrupeds and schools offish are often shown as fascinating examples of self-organized coordination(Camazine et al.2001;Okubo1986;Parrish et al.2002).Biological studies(Ballerini et al.2008;Pitcher and Parrish1993;Simpson et al.2006)indicate that, throughflocking,individuals gain a number of advantages that increase their survival rate. First,individuals in aflock have reduced chances of being captured by predators,since through collective sensing individuals can sense approaching predators more easily,and as a large group they may warn off an attacking predator to deflect its attack away from the group(Partridge1982).Also by traveling together,the individuals reduce the probability of detection by predators.Second,it has been argued(Kruszelnicki2008;Simons2004) that during migration,flocks of birds or schools offish can follow migration routes in a more precise and robust way through collective sensing.Third,flocking can improve energy efficiency during the travel.For example,migrating birds are known to utilize the stream-lines formed by their frontal neighbors to increase theirflying ranges(Ballerini et al.2008; Kruszelnicki2008).In artificial swarms,Reynolds(1987)was thefirst to demonstrate thatflocking,which he described as a“general class of polarized,non-colliding,aggregate motion”of a group of individuals,can be created.Being interested in obtaining a realistic lookingflocking behav-ior in computer animations,Reynolds assumed that the individuals can sense the bearing, range,and orientation of their neighbors and showed thatflocking can be achieved using three simple behaviors:namely collision avoidance,velocity matching,andflock centering. Roughly speaking,thefirst behavior keeps the individuals away from each other avoiding collisions,the second aims to match the velocity of an individual with its neighbors,and the third forces an individual to stay close to its neighbors.1.1Previous workIn one of the earliest attempts towards obtainingflocking in a group of robots,Matari´c (1994)combined a set of“basic behaviors”:safe-wandering,aggregation,dispersion,and homing.In this study,the robots were able to sense the obstacles in the environment,localize themselves with respect to a set of stationary beacons and broadcast the position information to the other robots in the group.Theflocking behavior developed can be seen as collective homing,where a homing direction is known and the robots try to stay together while moving. Through the utilization of the safe-wandering behavior the robots were also shown to be able to avoid obstacles on the path towards the goal.Kelly and Keating(1996)used a group of10robots,that were able to sense the obstacles in close proximity using ultrasonic sensors,and the relative range and bearing of neighbor-ing robots through the use of a custom-made infrared(IR)system.The robots used wireless communication to elect a leader for theflock.The leader would then wander in the envi-ronment and the others would follow.The IR system was used to generate attractive forces towards other robots whereas the ultrasonic sensors generated repulsive forces from other robots and obstacles.Hayes and Dormiani-Tabatabaei(2002)proposed a“leaderless distributedflocking al-gorithm that is more conducive to implementation on embodied agents”than the ones be-ing used in computer animation.Theflocking behavior consisted of two simple behaviors, namely collision avoidance and velocity matchingflock centering.It was assumed that the robots were able to sense the range and bearing of their neighbors within a predefined sens-ing ing this information each robot would compute the center-of-mass(CoM)of the group based on the relative position of its neighbors and the heading towards a pre-defined goal area.The CoM was then used to implementflock cohesion,and the change in CoM at each time step was used to align the robot with the group.The authors imple-mented the proposed algorithm on the Webots simulator and optimized the parameters of the algorithm,which were then verified using a group of10robots.In the experiments with physical robots,however,the authors had to“emulate the range and bearing sensor signals”by tracking the robots using an overhead camera system and broadcasting these readings to the robots.Campo et al.(2006)presented a method for the self-organized negotiation of goal direc-tion for a group of robots to cooperatively transport a heavy object to a nest located at an estimated position.The robots negotiate their estimation of the location of the nest through an omni-directional vision system and announce their own estimations of the nest by form-ing a specific pattern of colored LEDs surrounding their body.They perceive their peers’estimations and align to a common estimation of the nest,which improves the individual estimations greatly.Nembrini et al.(2002)developed a set of behaviors that use wireless connectivity among robots to achieve aggregation,collective obstacle avoidance,and collective taxis towards a beacon.The behaviors were tested on a swarm of seven robots that were equipped with a set of IR sensors for obstacle detection,an omni-directional IR system for robot detection and a wireless communication system.Although the behaviors were shown to be robust and scalable in simulated experiments,the authors reported limited success with physical robots blaming the insufficiency of the hardware for the failure in maintenance of coherence(Nem-brini2005).Despite the interest inflocking,self-organizedflocking as observed in nature has still not been achieved in robotics.The few experimental studies in robotics reviewed above either used a virtual or an explicit leader(Kelly and Keating1996)to lead a group of individuals,or they assumed that a goal heading(or area)is sensed by the whole group(Campo et al.2006;Hayes and Dormiani-Tabatabaei2002;Matari´c1994; Nembrini2005).Moreover,in some of the studies(Hayes and Dormiani-Tabatabaei2002; Regmi et al.2005),the authors had to resort to using“emulated”sensors.Studies that pro-pose using vision to controlflocking(Moshtagh et al.2006),although promising,still remain to be implemented and evaluated on physical robots.Hence,swarm robotic systems that can maneuver in an environment as a“super-organism”and avoid obstacles on their path as a flock do not exist yet.The main reason behind this failure,as partially discussed above,is that theflocking behaviors proposed and studied in other domains,such as computer graphics,statistical physics,and control theory,assume that the individuals can sense the relative position and bearing of their neighbors on an individual basis.Such sensing abilities are still not availableon most available robot platforms,with Kelly and Keatings’(1996)custom active IR system and Campo et al.’s(2006)heading negotiation mechanism being two exceptions.The prox-imity sensors on most mobile robots,such as ultrasound and IR-based systems,can sense only the range to the closest point of a neighboring robot,and multiple range readings can be returned from a close neighboring robot.Furthermore,the sensing of bearing,velocity, and orientation of neighboring robots are still difficult with off-the-shelf sensors available on robots.Hence,there exists a major gap between studies that proposeflocking behaviors in simulation and studies on real robots.In this paper,we study the self-organizedflocking of a swarm of mobile robots.By self-organizedflocking,we mean that a swarm of mobile robots,initially connected through proximal sensing,should be able to wander in an environment as if it were a“super-organism”by moving as a coherent group in open space and avoiding obstacles in the en-vironment.Different from other roboticflocking studies,the challenge of self-organized flocking as studied in this paper lies in developing a fully decentralized and scalable coor-dination method.Behaviors that include the use of a designated or elected leader within the group,or the use of a common goal/homing direction,are excluded.2The Kobot robot platformIn this study,we use a mobile robot platform(Turgut et al.2007)specifically designed for swarm robotic studies,called Kobot,and shown in Fig.1(a).The robot has the size of a CD(diameter of12cm),a weight of350grams,and it is differentially driven by two high quality DC motors.It has eight IR sensors for kin and obstacle detection and a digital com-pass for heading measurement.An IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee compliant XBee wireless module with a range of approximately20m indoors is used for communication between robots and between the robots and a computer console.The robot hosts a20MHz PIC18F4620A mi-crocontroller,which provides a control step duration of110ms.The microcontroller can beFig.1(a)Photo of a Kobot.(b)The scaled sketch.The circle represents the body.The small rectangles show the placement of the IR sensors placed evenly at multiples of45◦around the body.Each square patch in the gray scale blob indicates the output of the sensor averaged over200samples.A white plastic stick with a diameter of2cm is used as the target.Darker colors denote higher values of sensor measurement.(c)The reference frame isfixed to the center of the robot where the x-axis coincides with the rotation axis of the wheels.The forward velocity(u)is along the y-axis.ωdenotes the angular velocity of the robot.v R and v L denote the velocities of the right and left motors,respectively.The y-axis of the body-fixed reference frame makes an angle ofθwith the sensed North direction(n s)at the instant thefigure is drawn which is the current heading of the robot.l is the distance between the wheelsprogrammed through a wireless communication link.The low-power design of its systems lets Kobot operate for10hours with a2000mAh Li-Poly battery.2.1Infrared short-range sensing systemThe infrared short-range sensing system(IRSS)is designed for proximal sensing.The IRSS can distinguish kin-robots and obstacles within a range of approximately20cm at seven discrete levels at18Hz.The use of modulated IR signals minimizes environmental interfer-ence.Figure1(b)illustrates the placement of8sensing modules each of which has an IR LED with a half-cone angle of25°,a modulated IR receiver and a microcontroller.Crosstalk among the nearby robots is avoided using the CSMA-CA(carrier sense mul-tiple access collision avoidance)algorithm during sensing.The measurement cycle of the IR sensor starts with the command of a coordinator microcontroller telling the sensors to wait for a random period of time to look for any IR signal,which indicates the presence of a nearby kin-robot.The measurement is initiated only when the sensor does not receive any modulated IR signals for a certain period of time.The measurement is performed by vary-ing the power of the IR LED to determine the minimum level at which an object is detected. The k th sensor returns an integer pair(o k,r k),where o k∈{0,1,...,7}denotes the detection level to the object being sensed(o k=1and o k=7indicate,respectively,a far and nearby object,whereas o k=0stands for no detection),and r k∈{0,1}indicates whether the sensedobject is an obstacle or a kin robot.2.2Virtual heading sensorThe virtual heading sensor(VHS)uses a digital compass and a wireless communication module to sense the relative orientations of the neighboring robots.The VHS measures the heading of the robot(θ)in clockwise direction with respect to the sensed North,as shown in Fig.1(c),and broadcasts it to the neighboring robots within its communication range at each control step.The hard-iron effect1may cause the sensed North to deviate from the absolute North. However,we assume that the sensed North remains approximately the same within the range of communication of the robots and that the heading values broadcasted can be considered to be on the same coordinate frame allowing the robots to detect their relative headings with respect to each other.In our experiments,we observed that this type of sensing is quite robust even in indoor environments where metal objects are abundant.3Characteristics and modeling of the sensorsWe developed a physics-based simulator,called Controllable-Swarm Simulator(CoSS)and shown in Fig.2(b),using the ODE(Open Dynamics Engine)physics engine to studyflock-ing behavior with a large group of robots.The body and wheels of the Kobot are modeled as cylinders.The DC motors are simulated using virtual motorized hinge joints and the virtual weights of the components are adjusted to obtain a similar movement pattern with simi-lar motor torques.The characteristics and modeling of the IRSS and VHS are developed through systematic experiments as described below.1The hard-iron effect is a local change in the magneticfield lines of the Earth near a ferrous metal or a permanent magnet,which results in a deviation of the sensed North direction of a compass from the absolute North at that point.Fig.2(a)A photo of7Kobots.(b)A screenshot from CoSS3.1Modeling of the infrared short-range sensing systemWe conducted two systematic experiments to characterize the proximal sensing and kin-detection of Kobots.In both experiments,a robot is placed at the origin of the reference coordinate frame and the second robot is placed along a25×25grid with1cm spacing,as sketched in Fig.3(a).For each of the points,200readings of(o k,r k)coming from the2nd sensor(frontal sensor)of the robot placed at the origin(see Fig.1)are recorded.In thefirst experiment,referred to as the obstacle experiment,the IRSS of the second robot remains turned off,acting merely as a circular obstacle.In the second experiment,referred to as the robot experiment,the IRSS of the second robot is turned on,creating IR interference on the IRSS of thefirst robot.Figure3(b)plots the data obtained from the obstacle experiment.The average o k values shown as gray scale patches,indicate that the sensor has a range of approximately8cm and 20cm along the lateral and the longitudinal axis,respectively.The same data for the robot experiment is plotted in Fig.3(d).The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient(Dal-gaard2004)(ρ)between the proximity measurements of the obstacle and the robot experi-ments is calculated to be0.99,proving that the proximal sensing is not affected by the active sensors of another robot.The robot detection performance is plotted in Fig.3(c)where the gray scale patches encode the rate of success.The plot shows that kin-robots can be detected with almost100%success through most of the operating range of the sensor,indicating that the disturbance caused by the crosstalk of the active sensors is minimal.The data obtained from these experiments are used to simulate the sensing characteristics of the IRSS using the sampling technique(Miglino et al.1995).However,it should be noted that these experiments model the sensing characteristics of the IRSS for circular obstacles and robots,only.The sensing of environmental objects,such as planar walls and corners,has not yet been modeled,and simulation of Kobots is only utilized to studyflocking in open space.3.2Modeling of the virtual heading sensorThe virtual heading sensor can be characterized by three parameters;namely(1)the range of wireless communication,(2)the number of neighboring robots that can be“heard”,referred to as VHS neighbors in the rest of the paper,and(3)the nature and amount of noise of the digital compass.Within the context of this study,thefirst two parameters are not indepen-dent.The number of VHS neighbors(N c)depends on the range of communication(R),theFig.3(a)The experimental setup.The circle at the lower left corner represents the robot used to make the sensing measurements.Samples are collected from the2nd(frontal sensor)while the other sensors are also turned on.The upper circle indicates the second robot that was used as an obstacle(with its IRSS being turned off)or as a robot(with its IRSS being turned on).(b)The obstacle experiment.(c)Success rate in robot detection.(d)The robot experiment.Darker colors in(b)and(d)denote a nearby obstacle or robot, respectivelydensity of the robots,and the frequency and duration of communication.In this paper,the density of the robots is usually determined by the inter-robot spacing duringflocking;the frequency of communication is determined by the duration of the control step;and the dura-tion of communication is determined by the limitations of the communication module.Both the inter-robot spacing duringflocking and the frequency of communication are constrained by the physical implementation of Kobots.Therefore,we use the range of communication as a free parameter in our characterization.Since the number of Kobots available is relatively small,we conduct the experiments using Prowler(Simon et al.2003),an event-driven probabilistic wireless network simulator. We place817nodes on a hexagonal grid with25cm spacing(estimated inter-robot spacing duringflocking),as shown in Fig.4(a),and we measure N c for the robot placed at the center of the swarm.Figure4(b)plots the distribution of N c values for different R values.It shows that N c increases with R up to24and eventually saturates around20.This is due to the increase in collisions of the heading messages when the range is wide.The noise in the virtual heading sensor depends on the noise characteristics of the com-munication module and the digital compass.The communication module’s operation is free of noise and the digital compass module has a noise of±0.5◦in ideal operating conditionswhere there is no nearby ferrous metal.However,in typical indoor environments ferrousFig.4Range of communication experiments.(a)Topology of nodes.Circles indicate various communi-cation ranges of the central node.(b)The distribution of N c for the central node.In thisfigure and the subsequent box-plotfigures,the ends of the boxes and the horizontal line in between correspond to thefirst and third quartiles and the median values,respectively.The top and bottom whiskers indicate the largest and smallest non-outlier data,respectively.The data in between thefirst and third quartiles lie within the50% confidence interval,while the data in between the whiskers lie within the99.3%confidence intervalFig.5(a,b)Vectorial noise model.The actual heading vector of the j th neighbor in the body-fixed reference frame(e iθ r)is denoted by a gray arrow.The noise vector(e iξo)is shown by a dashed arrow and the resultant vector(e iθj)is denoted by a bold continuous arrow.ηis1in(a)and1.5in(b).Adapted from Baldassarre (2008).(c)Histogram of simulated noisy measurements of VHSmetals are abundant,and their existence can create large disturbances in the readings of the compass.We treat the disturbances on the VHS as noise,and characterize it using the vectorial noise model(Gregoire et al.2003).In this model,a random noise vector,characterized by a random direction and a constant magnitude,is added vectorially to each received heading vector,as illustrated in Figs.5(a)and5(b).The resulting noisy heading vector of the j th neighbor in the body-fixed reference frame is calculated as:θj=∠e iθ r+ηe iξo,(1)whereθris the actual heading of the j th neighbor in the body-fixed reference frame calcu-lated asθ−θr+π.Here,θr is the received heading of the j th neighbor andθis the robot’sown heading.2ηis the magnitude of the noise vector that is regarded as a parameter,andξo is its direction.∠(·)calculates the argument of the resulting vector.ξo represents the noiseand is chosen from a Gaussian distribution N(μ=θr ,σ),whereμandσare the mean andthe standard deviation,respectively.In order to demonstrate the nature and the scale of disturbances in the heading readings,we simulated the proposed model.In our simulation,θr is taken as0and the noise vectoris assumed to have a distribution characterized by N(μ=θr ,σ=±π2).We variedηandfor each value we simulated10000readings.Figure5(c)plots the histogram of the noisy readings,indicating that the standard deviation of the resultant distribution is controlled by the value ofη.4Theflocking behaviorTheflocking behavior consists of heading alignment and proximal control behaviors,com-bined in a weighted vector sum:a=h+βph+βp ,(2)where h is the heading alignment vector,p is the proximal control vector having a weight of β,and a is the desired heading vector. · calculates the Euclidean norm of a given vector.4.1Heading alignment behaviorThe heading alignment behavior aims to align the robot with the average heading of its neighbors.The VHS is used to receive the current headings of the neighbors.The alignment vector(h)is then calculated as:h=j∈N Re iθjj∈N Re j,where N R denotes the set of VHS neighbors when the communication range of VHS is set to R.θj is the heading of the j th neighbor in the body-fixed reference frame(see(1)).4.2Proximal control behaviorThe proximal control behavior uses readings obtained from the IRSS to(1)avoid collisions with robots and obstacles,and(2)maintain cohesion between the robots.When an obstacle or a robot is detected by an IR sensor,a virtual force proportional to the square of the deviation of the current detection level from the desired detection level,referred to as o des, is applied to the robot.The virtual force,denoted by f k,is defined as:f k=−(o k−o des)2if o k≥o des,(o k−o des)2otherwise,(3)2The heading of the robot is the angle between the sensed North and the y-axis of its body-fixed reference frame in clockwise direction as shown in Fig.1(c).π2is added toθ−θr to obtain the heading of the j th neighbor in the body-fixed reference frame.where C is a scaling constant.o des is taken as afinite value for kin-robots,and0for ob-stacles(remember that o k indicates the detection level and that o k=1and o k=7denote, respectively,a far and a very close obstacle/robot)forcing theflock to remain together as a coherent body while avoiding obstacles.Figure6plots f k for both robots and obstacles where the o des values for robots and obstacles are set to3and0,respectively.The calculation of the normalized proximal control vector,p,is as follows:p=18kf k e iφk,(4)where k∈{0,1,...,7}denotes the sensor positioned at angleφk=πk with respect to the x-axis of the body-fixed reference frame(Fig.1(b)).4.3Motion controlThe desired heading vector,a,is used to calculate the forward(u)and angular(ω)velocities using(5)and(6),respectively.Specifically,u is calculated as:u=(a·a c)γu max if a·a c≥0,0otherwise,(5)where a c is the current heading vector of the robot coincident with the y-axis of the body-fixed reference frame(see Fig.1(c)).γis a parameter to enable(γ=1)or disable(γ=0) the modulation of the forward velocity.The forward velocity of the robot is modulated by the“urge”to turn,as sketched in Fig.7. The modulation is implemented as the dot product of the desired(a)and current heading(a c) vectors.When the urge to turn is low,meaning that the robot is already moving in the desired direction,the forward velocity is allowed to achieve its maximum value(u max)as shown in Fig.7(a).Conversely,when the urge to turn is high,u decreases,converging to0in the extreme case,where the robot only rotates around its center,as illustrated in Fig.7(b).And when the dot product is negative,indicating that the angle between the two vectors is greater than90◦,as shown in Fig.7(c),u is set to0.In this case,the robot’s motion is constrained to rotation only.Failure to do so would have resulted in robots moving backwards,a situation that would complicate the behavior and its analysis.Fig.7Modulation of the forward velocity(u)whenγ=1.(a)The robot makes mostly translation.α≈0◦⇒u≈u max.(b)The robot makes mostly rotation.α≈90◦⇒u≈0.(c)The robot makes only rotation.α>90◦⇒u=0The angular velocity(ω)of the robot is controlled by a proportional controller using the deviation of the desired angle from the current direction of the robot:ω=(∠a c−∠a)K p,(6) where K p is the proportionality constant of the controller.The rotational speeds of the right and left motors(Fig.1(c))are eventually calculated as follows:N R=u−ω2l602πr,N L=u+ω2l602πr,where N R and N L are the rotational speeds(rotations per minute)of the right and left motors, respectively,l is the distance between the wheels of the robot(meters),u is the forward velocity(meters per second),andωis the angular velocity(radians per second).5Metrics offlocking behaviorThere are no formal definitions for self-organizedflocking in the literature.However,it is generally agreed thatflocking individuals should be aligned towards a common direction, move as a compact,coherent and proximally connected group without collisions,and prefer-ably in a smooth and fast way.In this section we describe a number of measures that can be used to evaluate these different aspects offlocking and describe how these measures are computed in our experiments.(1)The order(ψ)measures the angular order of the robots(Vicsek et al.1995):ψ(t)=1NNk=1e iθk,(7)where N is the number of robots in the swarm andθk is the heading of the k th robot at time t.。



矫春娜,张健,刘芳,等. 体外模拟消化在水产品营养活性物质研究中的应用进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(8):421−428. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022040122JIAO Chunna, ZHANG Jian, LIU Fang, et al. Research Progress on the Application of in Vitro Digestion Model in Nutritional Active Substances of Aquatic Products[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(8): 421−428. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022040122· 专题综述 ·体外模拟消化在水产品营养活性物质研究中的应用进展矫春娜,张 健*,刘 芳,王共明,陈建强,井月欣,刘 昕,赵云苹(山东省海洋生态修复重点实验室,山东省海洋资源与环境研究院,山东烟台 264006)摘 要:食物营养素对人体健康的影响主要取决于胃肠道内的消化过程。






DRAFT RESOLUTION 1.2Organization of Islamic ConferenceCensorship and the InternetSponsors: France, Israel, Kuwait, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the United States of AmericaSignatories: Senegal,Organization of Islamic Conference,Reaffirming the religion of Islam and national security as the unchangeable basis.Assuring democratization and freedom of opinion and expression according to the Islamic faiths. Emphasizing the freedom excluding anti-religion, anti-tradition and anti-government. Respecting the western values of human rights and showing willingness of ideologic understanding.Recalling the related articles in Koran, the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights and Declaration of International Human Rights.Calling upon the western world and the international community to respect the Islamic values.A.The necessity of the Internet censorshipa)Emphasizes the Freedom of expression, especially towards the national administration and thenecessity of disseminating and defending the Islam, as well as the OIC’s functions only to recommend and collaborate assistance:1.Reaffirms the significance of CDHR and OIC Charter.b)Affirms the importance of defending the national security:1.Realizes the national security is one of the fundamental issues and the possibility ofsafeguarding and protecting the common interests and support the legitimate causes of the member states.c)Appreciates the potential division of the OIC member states:1.Reaffirms the equality of every member state.2.Notices the possibility of communication between OIC member states to realize thedifferent requirement for better collaboration.B.The extent of the Internet censorship:a)Anti-religion information1.Approve that the anti-Islam information will undermine the social security, owing to thespecial condition of the Islamic nations.2.Firmly ban any critical comments towards the Islam, the God, the Prophets, the Prophets’companion and family or any principles of Islamic ideology.b)Terroristic information1.Realize the detrimental consequences of the spread of the international and regionalterrorism.2.Firmly ban any terroristic information through blocking those websites.c)Anti-government information1.Approve that the anti-government information, including the attack towards thenational leader, attempts to overthrow the regime, will disturb the social peace.2.Firmly ban any anti-government information or politically-sensitive informationthrough the implement of censorship before the comments are posted online.C.The Internet and other media:a)the homogeneities of the Internet and other media:1.Regards both the Internet and other as the tools of the information publication.2.Emphasizes both tools have made efforts to the progress of humanity.b)the heterogeneities of the Internet and other media:1.Realizes the global network is the production of the digital revolution and connects thewhole world’s population and civilization, while the others mostly provide regional connection.2.Emphasizes that the Internet connection can not be turn on or off by any government, forit symbolizes the free spread of information.c)the strengths of the Internet:1.Appreciates the swifter and farther spread and the larger memory of news andinformation under the global network, which can not be reached by other public media.2.Affirms the significance of the global information infrastructure in which the Internet hasmade commitment to.3.Admits the Internet as the access to knowledge and the powerful tool to promote thecause of democratization and modernization, as well as the technological and academic sharing.4.Realizes the free use of Internet leads the advancement of freedom of speech, which isalso pushing people into the awareness of other proper rights.5.Acknowledges the media phobia commonly occurs in societies where media are run forprofit and market-competitions.d)the different regulations to the Internet and other media:1.the grade of the supervision:i.Realizes that media expect the Internet is strictly controlled by the regime in Islamicworld and is partially watched over in western world, both aiming at the protectionof the nations’ security.ii.Affirms the certain possibilities of self-regulation to media except the Internet2.Reaffirms the legitimacy of the existence of the certain Internet censorship, namelycensorship to protect the security and reputation of the nation.D.The proper actions in consideration:a)Recommends to set up a governmental website which receives the benign comments andpractical suggestions from the people.b)Implements the filtering software to censor the information before it s posted online.1.Voluntary Rating: The information providers rate themselves and block some prohibitedcontent; meanwhile the government stratifies the information and filters the unacceptable information.2.Filtering based on origin: The government uses the firewall to block the commercial ornon- profit website of pornography, extremists, racism or anti-Islam.3.Filtering based on keywords and key phases: The government makes a list of prohibitedwords and phrases or ones that herald the content find unacceptable and force the systemto stop downloading material when these are found. The technology can be applied bothpublic postings and private emails.c)Sets up a cooperation system.1.The compared wealthier and stronger countries in the Islamic world should takemeasures to offer some financial or tech support.2.The western countries should provide the Islamic countries with sophisticatedtechnology.3.Exerts the role of the summit of the information ministers in the OIC, forming a effectiveplatform for the communication and give suggestions to the problem, such as excessivecensorship.4.The Internet Content Ration Association to share more information resources and offermore support and academic opinions.5.Considering the images of the Islamic countries, western world should take action incensoring the slander towards the Islam.。

Self Organization of Edge and Internal Pedestals in a Sandpile

Self Organization of Edge and Internal Pedestals in a Sandpile

a rX iv:physics /0115v1[physics.plas m -ph]17Oct21HEP/123-qed Self Organization of Edge and Internal Pedestals in a Sandpile S.C.Chapman 1∗,1Physics Dept.Univ.of Warwick,Coventry CV47AL,UK R.O.Dendy 22EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association,Culham Science Centre,Abingdon,Oxfordshire OX143DB,United Kingdom B.Hnat 1(February 2,2008)Abstract The temperature profiles of magnetically confined plasmas can display distinctive longlived pedestals at the edge and internally.Here we show that such structures can arise naturally through avalanching transport in a sandpile model.A single control parameter that is constant across the sandpile deter-mines the occurrence and regularity of these effects,as well as the entrainment of global confinement to edge pedestal dynamics.The system dynamics indi-cate that the pedestals are a consequence of an inverse cascade in real space,and that self organization is necessary for their occurrence.52.55.Dy,52.55.Fa,45.70.Ht,52.35.RaTypeset using REVT E XA distinctive feature of magnetically confined plasmas is that they can sustain local regions having very steep(indeed,almost discontinuous)temperature gradients.Pedestals in the edge temperature are a key feature of the good confinement regimes of tokamaks (“H-modes”);for a recent review see Ref.[1].Additionally,advanced operating regimes for tokamaks have now been accessed,which involve the creation of“internal transport barriers”(ITBs)–steplike features in the temperature profiles internal to the plasma,see for example Refs.[2]-[5].The occurence of such structures in externally heated plasma systems that are diffuse,high temperature,and turbulent is surprising,and is a striking instance of their capacity for macroscopic self organization.Here we shall identify how similar structures arise spontaneously in the sandpile model of Ref.[6].Because of the simplicity of this model,it is possible to formally characterize and explain the mechanisms underlying pedestal formation, and to identify links to tokamak plasma behavior.This approach is complementary to studies that employ largescale numerical simulation of tokamak plasmas,which have had some success in illuminating the subtle interplay between turbulence and bulkflows that may give rise to ITBs[5,7].The essential ingredients of the sandpile algorithm of Ref.[6]are:(i)randomized critical gradients which must be exceeded locally before any transport can take place;(ii)central fuelling,so that sand can only leave the system by means of systemwide avalanches;and (iii)its only distinctive feature,namely a characteristic lengthscale L f for fast redistribution which may be considered a proxy for turbulent transport,as discussed in Ref.[8].Evidence for avalanche-type transport from tokamak experiments[9,10]and numerical simulations [11,12]provides growing support for the applicability in some circumstances of the sandpile paradigm introduced into fusion plasma physics in recent years[13]-[17].Particularly rele-vant to the present study are observations and analysis[18,19]of edge plasma turbulence in a range of magnetically confined plasmas.These suggest that edge plasma turbulence–the environment in which H-mode edge pedestals form,which then coexist with the turbulence –self organizes into a critical state,independent of the size and plasma characteristics of the devices considered.It is known[8]that,depending on the value of the control parameter L f,the statistical behavior of the sandpile model of Ref.[6]displays features reminiscent of enhanced confinement phenomenology in tokamaks.These include the time averaged height profiles,which possess edge pedestals in the good confinement regime;furthermore the fre-quency of systemwide avalanches resulting in mass loss scales with stored sandpile energy in the same way as the frequency of edge localized modes(ELMs)scales with stored energy in tokamaks,see Fig.6of Ref.[8].We emphasize that L f is kept constant across the sandpile in any given computational run,so that the critical gradient and redistribution rules are iden-tical at every cell of our sandpile,apart from the initial andfinal cells.It follows that where pedestals arise,they represent a true emergent phenomenon.In this respect our approach differs essentially from that of Refs.[13,17],where a local transport barrier is specified at the outset,by declaring the critical gradient and redistribution rules to be different for a specific local group of cells.The three dimensional plot of Fig.1shows sandpile height as a function of position as time evolves,for the good confinement regime[8]with L f=50in a512cell system.It displays two distinct phases.First,there is a relaxation phase where the sandpile profile is smooth down to the self organized edge pedestal,except within a distance L f of the core where fueling has a continual local effect.During the relaxation phase mass loss occurs via manysystemwide avalanches closely spaced in time,which carry sand over the sandpile boundary. The relaxation phase terminates with afinal systemwide avalanche,after which the growth phase begins.The growth phase is characterized by a stationary edge pedestal which resides at the outermost cell of the sandpile.As time progresses,additional pedestals(localized regions of steep gradient just below critical)form successively at positions increasingly close to the core of the sandpile,with average separation∼L f.Each of these is generated at positions where(outward propagating)major internal avalanches have come to rest.The location of the most recently formed(and therefore innermost)internal pedestal propagates inward during the growth phase.Figure2is motivated by simultaneous multichannel measurements of tokamak temper-ature profiles in the presence of ITBs;see for example Fig.3of Ref.[3]and Fig.1of Ref.[5],and also the results of numerical simulations shown in Fig.2of Ref.[5].Figure2shows sandpile height at different positions from the edge to the centre.Just over two growth and relaxation phases are shown.The successive formation of internal pedestals is reflected in a stepwise increase in height at any given point during the growth ing this diagnostic,evidence for stepwise increments is clearest in the region of the sandpile that lies between the core and the edge.Since the internal pedestals form at locations increas-ingly close to the core as the growth phase proceeds,the points within the sandpile that are most affected by the formation of these pedestals are those that are closer to the core of the sandpile.Points nearer the edge are only affected by the formation of thefirst few internal pedestals during the early growth phase.The results shown in Fig.2,which bear some resemblance to the experimental and numerical results of Refs.[3,5],emerge naturally from the dynamics of the sandpile during the growth phase of its good confinement regime. Central to this structure is the unexpected capacity of this sandpile to organize persistent steep pedestals both at the edge and internally.The role of these internal pedestals and their relationship to the edge pedestal is high-lighted in Fig.3:here all cells at which the gradient exceeds z c/2are marked by black points, while all other cells are left blank.Figure3(a)(L f=50)followsfive of the growth and relaxation cycles shown in Fig.2.The edge pedestal is visible close to the sandpile boundary in both the relaxation and the growth phases.Its time behaviour is essentially regular and, as we shall see,orders the structure internal to the sandpile.For any L f<N/4,the loca-tion of each internal pedestal isfixed during a given growth phase,so that they persist as distinguishable features of the time averaged phenomenology of the sandpile.In contrast, Fig.3(b)shows the behavior for the poor confinement regime with L f=250>N/4.This regime corresponds to a self organized critical(SOC)state,see Ref.[8]and below.Although the sandpile sucessivelyfills and empties,it does so in an irregular manner.Pedestals can be seen both at the edge and internal to the sandpile,but these are no longer organized in a coherent pattern.A resilient edge pedestal arises for all L f;the pedestal is steep,indeed unresolved,in that the entire change in height occurs between neighboring cells.The location of the edge pedestal is strongly time dependent for large L f,whereas for small L f it is confined to a region close to the outermost cell of the sandpile.The time averaged profile in the edge region therefore depends strongly on L f,and the steadiest edge pedestal corresponds to small L f and good confinement.Following each avalanche,in our algorithm the value of the critical gradient z c is randomised about a mean value at all cells that participated inthe avalanche.Nevertheless the gradient at the edge pedestal remains always close to,butjust below,the critical value z c as shown in Fig.4.Elsewhere in the sandpile(for example at its midpoint,see Fig.4),except where internal pedestals arise,the gradient is well belowz c.The internal pedestals appear as barriers to transport:despite their apparent fragility against avalanching(gradient z close to z c),no sand passes through either the edge or theinternal pedestals until thefinal avalanche that terminates the growth phase.The physical mechanisms and principles underlying the self organization of the edge pedestal and multiple internal pedestals that arise in the sandpile model of Refs.[6,8]aretherefore of considerable interest.As afirst step,we confirm the hypothesis of Ref.[8]thatthe good confinement regime(small L f)corresponds to low dimensional behavior.In Fig.5 the position of the last occupied cell at time t is plotted against that at time t+τ,whereτ=50,for runs with L f=(a)50,(b)150and(c)250in a512cell system.This is an example of phase space reconstruction,achieved here by embedding[20].Figure5(a)shows lowdimensional system dynamics that repeatedly follow a simple limit cycle(attractor)arounda restricted region of the reconstructed phase space.This implies that the large number of cells in the sandpile have self organized:their collective dynamics are encapsulated bya small number of dynamical variables.Once L f is increased to150(Fig.5(b)),the simple limit cycle seen in Fig.5(a)bifurcates,and more stochastic behavior is seen in Fig.5(c)(L f=250).Thus increasing complexity of the phase space portrait correlates with deteriorationof confinement[8].The lowest confinement regime corresponds to selfsimilar avalanche statistics.This is associated with a nontrivialfixed point in the space of the parameterused[21]to perform rescaling under the renormalization group procedure,corresponding tobehavior that is both self organized and critical[22].Importantly,global relaxation of the sandpile is ultimately achieved by large(systemwide)avalanches for all values of L f.WhenL f is of order the system size N,systemwide avalanches are straightforwardly propagated: because L f∼N,no characteristic scale is imposed by the redistribution process and the dynamics are selfsimilar and in SOC[21].Conversely,when L f is significantly distinctfrom the system size(found empirically to be L f<N/4),there is scale breaking.This leads to broken power law avalanche statistics[6],and the system is no longer in SOC.Byseparating the characteristic lengthscales we also effectively separate the longterm growth-relaxation timescale from the time interval between systemwide avalanches.In the SOC regime,such a distinction is not possible.Thus,in the good confinement regime(when L f<N/4)the requirement for self organization is satisfied.The feature evolving on the slow timescale,namely the position of the edge pedestal,is sufficient to determine the details of the internal dynamics.It organizes the sequence of events leading to the sucessive formation of internal edge pedestals and the time variation of total energy(sand)in the system:in short,the sandpile is entrained to its edge.The characteristic signature of the onset of self organization is low dimensional dynamics,seen in Figs.4(L f=50traces)and 5(a),as opposed to the irregular time evolution and selfsimilar statistical properties of the system when self organised and critical(Figs.4(L f=250traces)and5(c)).The confinement physics of our sandpile model offers a robust framework in which a distinctive structure of edge and internal pedestals(previously known only from tokamak plasmas)arises naturally.There is only one control parameter,L f/N,which can be con-sidered as a proxy for the lengthscale of turbulent transport,normalized to system size. Provided that this lengthscale is sufficiently short,the underlying inverse cascade in realspace gives rise to persistent,marginally subcritical profile steps whose formation point propagates inwards in the growth phase.Furthermore the self organized edge pedestal is continuously present in all phases of the sandpile evolution,and positions itself exactly at the sandpile boundary throughout the growth phase.These results are sufficient to indicate that some of the distinctive edge and internal pedestal phenomenology seen in tokamak plasmas can also arise in a simpler idealized confinement system,and that they may be linked to the observed avalanching transport phenomena.This suggests that quantitative studies to elucidate the balance between diffusive transport and avalanching transport in tokamaks would be fruitful.The results further suggest a test of the depth of the physical analogy that we have found,as follows.If the analogy is deep,there will exist one or a few dimensionless control parameters,linked to the properties of the turbulent transport,that entirely determine the key features of the confinement phenomenology–regular or irregular –of tokamak plasmas that we have cited here.For example,these parameters would control the extent to which global confinement is entrained to edge pedestal dynamics.The search for such parameters,for example by further application of the techniques of nonlinear time series analysis to edge plasma measurements as initiated in Refs.[18,19],is potentially highly rewarding.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to George Rowlands and Jack Connor for comments and suggestions. SCC was supported by a PPARC lecturer fellowship,ROD by Euratom and the UK DTI, and BH by HEFCE.REFERENCES[1]J.Hugill,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion42,R75(2000).[2]E.J.Synakowski,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion40,581(1998).[3]K.H.Burrell et al.,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion40,1585(1998).[4]G.D.Conway et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.84,1463(2000).[5]J.E.Kinsey,G.M.Staebler,K.H.Burrell,M.E.Austin,and R.E.Waltz,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,814(2001).[6]S.C.Chapman,Phys.Rev.E62,1905(2000).[7]B.N.Rogers,W.Dorland,and M.Kotschenreuther,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,5336(2000).[8]S.C.Chapman,R.O.Dendy,and B.Hnat,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,2814(2001).[9]T.L.Rhodes et al.,Phys.Lett.A253,181(1999).[10]P.A.Politzer,Phys.Rev.Lett.84,1192(2000).[11]X.Garbet and R.Waltz,Phys.Plasmas5,2836(1998).[12]Y.Sarazin and P.Ghendrih,Phys.Plasmas5,4214(1998).[13]D.E.Newman,B.A.Carreras,P.H.Diamond,and T.S.Hahm,Phys.Plasmas3,1858(1996).[14]B.A.Carreras,D.Newman,V.E.Lynch,and P.H.Diamond,Phys.Plasmas3,2903(1996).[15]R.O.Dendy and P.Helander,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion39,1947(1997).[16]S.C.Chapman,R.O.Dendy,and G.Rowlands,Phys.Plasmas6,4169(1999).[17]H.R.Hicks and B.A.Carreras,Phys Plasmas8,3277(2001).[18]B.A.Carreras et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,4438(1998).[19]M.A.Pedrosa et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.82,3621(1999).[20]E.Ott,Chaos in Dynamical Systems(Cambridge Univ.Press,1993),p93.[21]S.W.Y.Tam,T.S.Chang,S.C.Chapman,and N.W.Watkins,Geophys.Res.Lett.27,1367(2000).[22]J.P.Sethna,K.A.Dahmen,and C.R.Myers,Nature,410,242(2001).CaptionsFIG1:Three dimensional view of the sandpile height profile for L f=50.Time evolves along the partially hidden axis.One relaxation phase and one subsequent growth phase are shown.FIG2:Local height of sand as a function of time at different locations in the sandpile relative to the centre cell n=1:(a)n=20,(b)n=65,(c)n=100,(d)n=125,(e)n=150and (f)n=300.System size N=512,control parameter L f=50.FIG3:Location of cells where the value of the local gradient exceeds z c/2for(a)L f=50 and(b)L f=250.Zero corresponds to the apex where fueling occurs.The edge pedestal is visible as the uppermost trace.FIG4:Local gradient normalized to the local value of z c for cells at the edge(∆e,upper traces,value close to unity)and halfway into the sandpile(∆mid,lower traces,value close to zero),for L f=(top)250,(centre)150,(bottom)50.FIG5:Phase space reconstruction of the dynamics of the edge position ep(t).Plotted are coordinates ep(t)versus ep(t+τ)forτ=50and L f=(a)50,(b)150and(c)250.The system dynamics explore a larger region of the phase space with increasing values of L f. The topology shown is insensitive to the value ofτin the range of interest.。

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PACSnumbers02.50.-r,05.40.+j,05.90.+m,89.90.+n 1

by integer values of f (the rst bin for 1 < f < 2, the second for 2 < f < 3, etc.), and
evaluated the frequency of occurrence of the winning dividends in each bin. We found that
13]. The dividend is determined in an interesting way in these races. Betting is open for

a time interval before the race, during which people can bet on the horse of their choice.
Power-law distribution of dividends in horse races
Kibeom Park and Eytan Domany
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
During the process of betting, ni, the total amount of money that has been bet so far on each horse i, is displayed on a board, which is updated at time steps of 30 seconds. The
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International Journal of Leadership Studies , Vol. 2 Iss. 1, 2006, pp. 36-51Servant versus Self-Sacrificial Leadership: A Behavioral Comparison of Two Follow-Oriented Leadership TheoriesJeffrey A. MattesonRegent UniversityJustin A. Irving Bethel UniversitySince Greenleaf (1977), research pertaining to servant leadership has carved a unique place in the leadership literature. The last decade has produced focused theory development including instrument development and empirical studies. Similarly, since Burns (1978), this era witnessed increased theoretical and empirical attention on the role of leader self-sacrifice. Recently, Stone, Russell, and Patterson (2004) and Smith, Montagno, and Kuzmenko (2004) examined the similarities and differences of servant and transformational leadership. This paper employs analogous methods to examine servant and self-sacrificial leadership. The authors suggest that although servant and self-sacrificial leadership share many common characteristics, they differ in several behavioral dimensions. R esearch pertaining to leadership has been dominated over the last quarter century by the study of transformational leadership (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978, 2003). This theory represents an important step toward balancing the needs of both leaders and followers as they work toward fulfilling organizational goals. Meanwhile, this same era has produced several other leadership theories which represent a general movement toward follower-oriented models. Two of these models are servant leadership and self-sacrificial leadership.As the original architect behind the contemporary study of servant leadership, Robert K. Greenleaf (1977) captured the essence of servant leadership for a modern audience. Posing the question “Who is the servant-leader?” in his writing, Greenleaf answered by stating:The servant-leader is servant first. . . . It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first . Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first. (p. 27)Since Greenleaf’s initial insistence that a leader should be a servant first, several theories of servant leadership have gradually taken shape, most over the past 15 years. One of the central features of servant leadership which has been clarified in its recent history is that servantleadership is essentially focused on placing the needs of followers before the personal interests of the leader and intentionally working toward raising additional servants. The development of this © 2006 School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Regent UniversityISSN 1554-3145Matteson & Irving / SERVANT VERSUS SELF-SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP 37 view of leadership has several ramifications for organizations, leaders, and followers; not the least of which are the accompanying characteristics, attributes, practices, and outcomes of this behavior (Farling, Stone, & Winston, 1999; Laub, 1999; Patterson, 2003, 2004; Russell & Stone, 2002; Spears & Lawrence, 2002).Self-sacrificial leadership occurs when a leader forfeits one or more professional or personal advantages for the sake of followers, the organization, or a mission. One key aim of self-sacrificial leadership is to encourage follower reciprocity (Choi & Mai-Dalton, 1998, 1999). However, this modeling behavior has the added benefit of potentially moving followers toward an organizational goal; modifying their behavior; or simply persuading them to attribute legitimacy to the leader, thus allowing the leader to gain influence (Choi & Mai-Dalton, 1998, 1999; De Cremer, 2002; De Cremer, van Djike, & Bos, 2004; De Cremer & van Knippenberg, 2004; Halverson, Holladay, Kazama, & Quinones, 2004; Javidan & Waldman, 2003; van Knippenberg & van Knippenberg, 2005; Yorges, Weiss, & Strickland, 1999).In general, leadership theories such as these provide a description of a set of behaviors exhibited by leaders a majority of the time. For example, transformational leaders may still engage in transactional leadership activities in their daily routines. Given this reality, there is often a theoretical overlap of propositions associated with certain leadership models. Additionally, the average experience of organizational followers as they interact with a particular leadership type may vary due to their unique perspective on organizational life. The authors suggest that there is likely a theoretical overlap between servant and self-sacrificial leadership but that a close examination of these theories will reveal several distinct qualities. To date, no theoretical or empirical study has compared these two theories. Therefore, a study is needed that will crystallize our understanding of convergent and divergent aspects of servant and self-sacrificial leadership. Ultimately, this may afford future researchers the opportunity to share a common language of servant and self-sacrificial leadership and lead to useful empirical testing.The purpose of this paper is to describe the chief components of servant and self- sacrificial leadership and to examine the commonalities and distinctions of the two conceptualizations. This study begins by suggesting an integrated model of servant leadership. Subsequent to the delineation of the associated frameworks, the characteristics and attributes of each theory will be laid side by side in an effort to compare the concepts. It is proposed that these two follower-oriented theories share some common characteristics and attributes but differ in significant areas. As a result, a scaffold will be proposed to provide the structure for highlighting the theoretical distinctives of servant and self-sacrificial leadership.Servant LeadershipGreenleaf’s (1977) seminal work on servant leadership—the work attributed with bringing the concept of servant leadership to public discourse in the mid 1970s—has led to a growing body of literature surrounding the construct since the early 1990s. The literature surrounding servant leadership can generally be categorized into two main areas: theoretical and empirical. A majority of the works are theoretical in nature: Blanchard (1998); Buchen (1998); Cerff (2004); Farling et al. (1999); Graham (1991); Hale (2004); Irving and McIntosh (2006), Jennings and Stahl-Wert (2003); Laub (2004); Ndoria (2004); Page (2004); Parolini (2004); Patterson (2003); Patterson and Stone (2004); Quay (1997); Rude (2003); Russell (2001, 2003); Russell and Stone (2002); Sendjaya and Sarros (2002); Smith et al. (2004); Spears (1995, 1998); Spears and Lawrence (2002); Stone, Russell, and Patterson (2003, 2004); Wolford-UlrichINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES 38 (2004); Winston (2003); Winston and Hartsfield (2004); and Wong and Page (2003). An increasing number of empirical studies such as Dennis (2004), Dennis and Winston (2003), Drury (2004), Hebert (2003, 2004), Helland (2004), Irving (2004, 2005a, 2005b), Irving and Longbotham (2006), Laub (1999, 2003), Ledbetter (2003), Sendjaya (2003), and Winston (2004) have emerged as well.As the construct of servant leadership has developed over the last 15 years, it has been operationalized in several different forms. For instance, discussion has focused on the inspirational and moral dimensions of servant leadership (Graham, 1991); the dimensions of self-identity, capacity for reciprocity, relationship building, and a preoccupation with the future (Buchen, 1998); vision, influence, credibility, trust, and service (Farling et al., 1999); along with Russell’s (2001) discussion which focused on vision, credibility, trust, service, modeling, pioneering, appreciation of others, and empowerment. Of the theoretical discussions of servant leadership that have become dominant in the field, Spears (1998), Laub (1999), and Patterson (2003) have been frequently cited. The model of servant leadership that is advanced in this paper is constructed largely as a composite of these three theoretical approaches and is aimed at providing framework for further research in servant leadership studies.Because the model of servant leadership advanced in this paper fuses the Spears (1998), Laub (1999), and Patterson (2003) conceptualizations of servant leadership; it is important to begin our examination of servant leadership by briefly highlighting each at this time. Spears’ (1998) 10 characteristics of servant leadership have been identified as an outgrowth of Greenleaf’s (1977) discussion of servant leadership. Spears’ (1998) 10 characteristics of servant leadership are (a) listening, (b) empathy, (c) healing, (d) awareness, (e) persuasion, (f) conceptualization, (g) foresight, (h) stewardship, (i) commitment, and (j) community building. Spears (1998) argued that servant leadership is tied to the character exhibited by leaders in their essential traits. Spears’ (1998) focus on the character of the leader will be an important consideration as we consider an integrated model of servant leadership. Essential to the formation of servant leaders, Spears’ (1998) 10 characteristics provide a practical starting point for leaders interested in developing as servant leaders.Laub (1999) provided the second core conceptualization of servant leadership that will be utilized in this paper. Laub (1999) defined the essence of servant leadership in this manner: “Servant leadership is an understanding and practice of leadership that places the good of those led over the self-interest of the leader” (p. 81). But, in what manner do servant leaders place “the good of those led over” themselves? For Laub (1999), this is answered by the results of his Delphi study. In the Delphi process, 60 characteristics of servant leaders were identified and eventually clustered into six key areas: (a) valuing people, (b) developing people, (c) building community, (d) displaying authenticity, (e) providing leadership, and (f) sharing leadership. For Laub (1999), these are the essential behaviors that characterize what servant leaders do and are the answer to how servant leaders place the good of those led over their own self-interest.The final base conceptualization of servant leadership is offered by Patterson (2003). As a theory-building dissertation, Patterson (2003) presented servant leadership theory as an extension of transformational leadership theory. This extension was based primarily on Patterson’s (2003) observation that transformational theory was not addressing the phenomena of love, humility, altruism, and casting vision for followers. Because of this, Patterson’s (2003) model of servant leadership includes the following dimensions as the essential characteristics of servant leadership: (a) agapáo love, (b) humility, (c) altruism, (d) vision, (e) trust, (f) empowerment, and (g) service. While Spears’ (1998) model of servant leadership focusesMatteson & Irving / SERVANT VERSUS SELF-SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP 39 primarily on the character exhibited by servant leaders and Laub’s (1999) model focuses primarily on the behaviors of servant leaders, Patterson’s (2003) model provides a bridge between the dimensions of character and behavior.Though each of these models provides significant insight into servant leadership, the divergent emphases in each of these models point to the need to consider an integrative model. Toward this end, we propose the following three-fold framework for conceptualizing an integrative model that is inclusive of the wide range of theoretical factors contained in the Spears (1998), Laub (1999), and Patterson (2003) models: (a) being—the servant leader’s ontological character traits; (b) thinking—the servant leader’s attitudinal mindset; and (c) doing—the servant leader’s behavioral actions. Table 1 provides an overview of these three dimensions of servant leadership and the associated factors in the integrative model. This proposed three-fold framework provides a logical approach to assimilating the range of factors in the Spears (1998), Laub (1999), and Patterson (2003) models as well both a linear and circular approach to conceptualizing servant leadership.In the linear approach, we argue that one’s ontological character provides the basis for the attitudinal mindset with which a leader approaches leadership scenarios out of their cognitive-affective framework. Furthermore, we argue that one’s attitudinal mindset provides the basis for servant leadership behaviors (see Figure 1). Thus, this three-fold model may be conceptualized as a linear progression from leader being, to leader thinking, to leader doing; or, to put it in other terms, it is a progression from the ontological, to the attitudinal, to the behavioral.Understood as a circular approach, leader ontology, attitude, and behavior may be seen as regularly reinforcing one another in a circular or spiraling process in which a servant leader’s being (ontological) reinforces servant-oriented thinking (attitudinal) which reinforces servant leadership doing (behavioral) which reinforces servant leader being (ontological); and, the circular reinforcement continues (see Figure 2). Though the notion of circular or spiraling models in servant leadership studies is not new (i.e., Farling et al., 1999), understanding this circular process in light of servant leader ontology, attitude, and behavior is an important addition to the literature.Self-Sacrificial LeadershipThe contemporary origins of the study of self-sacrificial leadership are found in the writings of Burns (1978) and Bass (1985). These transformational leadership theorists suggested that leader self-sacrifice is a tool which great leaders use to motivate followers. Following their lead, current charismatic leadership theorists have perceived self-sacrifice in leadership to be a tactic which a leader could employ to influence follower attributions of charisma (Conger & Kanungo, 1987; House & Shamir, 1993; Shamir, House, & Arthur, 1993). Out of this movement, Choi and Mai-Dalton (1998) proposed a model of follower responses to self-sacrificial leadership. From these theoretical underpinnings, empirical studies have been undertaken to test the validity of this model along with a variety of additional variables which may be associated with self-sacrificial leadership.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES 40Table 1The Three Dimensions of Servant LeadershipDimensions Servant Leadership Factors LoveHumility Authenticity Self-AwarenessOntological Dimensions of Servant Leadership Self-Differentiation LoveOther-CenterednessOriented toward altruismValuing peopleCommitment to the growth of peopleVisionary Orientation toward trust Orientation toward listeningOrientation toward empathyLeadership mindsetOrientation toward persuasionCapacity for conceptualizationAttitudinal Dimensions of Servant Leadership Foresight LoveListeningEmpathyHealingStewardship Developing people Building communityProviding leadershipSharing leadershipEmpowering followersBehavioral Dimensions of Servant Leadership Serving followersNote. As the foundation of servant leadership (Patterson, 2003), love may be categorized in each of the dimensions of servant leadership.Figure 1. The three dimensions of servant leadership, a linear model.Matteson & Irving / SERVANT VERSUS SELF-SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP 41Figure 2. The three dimensions of servant leadership, a circular model.The empirical studies associated with self-sacrificial leadership have focused primarily on the outcomes of the sacrificial behavior on the perceptions of followers. Several of these studies found that self-sacrificing leaders were attributed charisma by followers and were perceived to be more influential, legitimate, and effective (Choi & Mai-Dalton, 1999; De Cremer, 2002; De Cremer et al., 2004; van Knippenberg & van Knippenberg, 2005; Yorges et al., 1999). Follower attributions of charisma were particularly pronounced during a period of organizational crisis or when the organization faced a social dilemma which required cooperation (De Cremer, 2002; Halverson et al., 2004).Self-sacrificial leadership has produced additional responses from followers beyond cooperative effort. Followers of self-sacrificial leaders intended to reciprocate the self-sacrificing behaviors (Choi & Mai-Dalton, 1999), were more committed to their organization (De Cremer et al., 2004), and performed at a higher level (van Knippenberg & van Knippenberg, 2005). The main effects of self-sacrificial leadership have been found to be moderated by leader self-confidence, the leader’s group-orientedness, distributive justice, and when leaders were not pushing their opinions on subordinates (De Cremer, 2006; De Cremer et al., 2004; De Cremer & van Knippenberg, 2004; van Knippenberg & van Knippenberg, 2005). The results of these initial empirical tests hint at a phenomenon, which encompasses a much larger portion of leadership theory than initially proposed. In fact, Choi and Mai-Dalton (1999) suggested that self-sacrificial leadership plays a role in all three organizational processes of production, distribution, and consumption.The proposition of a broad influence of leader self-sacrifice led Choi and Mai-Dalton (1999) to define self-sacrificial leadership as “the total/partial abandonment, and/or permanent/temporary postponement of personal interests, privileges, and welfare in the (a) division of labor, (b) distribution of rewards, and/or (c) exercise of power” (p. 399). The authors explained that self-sacrifice in the division of labor “involves volunteering for more risky and/orINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES 42arduous actions, tasks, turns, or segments of work” (p. 399). They proffer that self-sacrifice in the distribution of rewards “involves giving up or postponing one’s fair and legitimate share of organizational rewards” (p. 399). Self-sacrifice in the exercise of power is described in their research as “voluntarily giving up or refraining from exercising or using the position power, privileges, and/or personal resources one already has in his/her hand” (p. 399). Choi and Mai-Dalton (1999) drew a distinction between self-sacrifice in the distribution of rewards and in the exercise of power by noting that the former involves giving up claiming privileges and the latter involves consuming the privileges.The economic aspects of leader self-sacrifice, while supported both theoretically andempirically, should not be considered the final boundaries of the self-sacrificial leadership construct. Other theorists have noted that leader self-sacrifice includes the loss of status, credibility, and promotion (Conger & Kanungo, 1987; Javidan & Waldman, 2003). This is a small glimpse at the motivational aspects that lay the foundation of self-sacrificial behavior, which may have origins beyond the simple desire to influence followers. After all, if a leader loses his or her status or credibility or is demoted rather than promoted, it would be difficult to impossible to influence followers. Alternatively, leaders may sacrifice to demonstrate courage and conviction in the mission while serving as a role model (Shamir et al., 1993); maintainpersonal beliefs and values (Yorges et al., 1999); and exhibit commitment to the cause (Avolio & Locke, 2002) or, simply, for the good of the company (Halverson et al., 2004). Therefore, it can be stated that the motivational foundation for self-sacrificial leadership may be directly related to the outcome of the behavior.To date, the published theoretical models of self-sacrificial leadership do not address all three dimensions of leader ontology, attitude, and behavior. Instead, current models present the impact of sacrificing behavior on followers along with various moderating variables (Choi & Mai-Dalton, 1999; De Cremer, 2006; Yorges et al., 1999). While a gap in the literature regarding self-sacrificial leader ontology and attitude exists, enough research exists to present behaviors associated with self-sacrificial leaders. Table 2 offers a preliminary look at these self-sacrificial leadership behaviors.Table 2The Behavioral Dimensions of Self-Sacrificial LeadershipDimension Self-Sacrificial Leadership Factors AltruismTakes initiativeEmpathyRole modelingProvides justiceDeveloping peopleBuilding communityProviding leadershipLinks followers to shared visionEmpowering followersServing followersBehavioral Dimensions of Self-Sacrificial Leadership Yields status, privileges, powerMatteson & Irving / SERVANT VERSUS SELF-SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP 43Theoretical ComparisonWhile we propose the three-fold circular model of ontology, attitude, and behavior as an integrative answer to the divergent approaches to conceptualizing servant leadership, for the purpose of our comparison with self-sacrificial leadership, we will limit our analysis to the behavioral level. As identified in the literature review surrounding self-sacrificial leadership, the rationale for this is largely due to the relatively focused literature surrounding self-sacrificial leadership on the consequence of the behavior rather than its motivational origins. Certain attitudinal aspects of self-sacrificial leadership can be inferred from the research, but the authors do not support drawing conclusions from these secondary assumptions. While we recommend future explorations into the ontological and attitudinal dimensions of self-sacrificial leadership, the current agenda solely offers self-sacrificial research focused on the behavioral dimension.This section of the paper highlights the similarities and differences of servant and self-sacrificial leadership. In keeping with two previous attempts to compare servant leadership with another leadership theory, the authors have created a matrix to compare the two theories. Stone et al. (2004) and Smith et al. (2004) previously compared servant and transformational leadership, and their graphic representations informed this current effort. In addition to Spears’ (1998) and Laub’s (1999) lists of characteristics which were included in these prior analyses, this paper extends the servant leadership portion by including Patterson’s (2003) attributes in the comparison with self-sacrificial leadership. Recall that in this study, these three theories are presented as an integrated model of servant leadership.In Table 3, the integrated servant leadership behavioral characteristics of Spears (1998), Laub (1999), and Patterson (2003) are listed next to the self-sacrificial leadership factors. The three dimensions of leader ontology, attitude, and behavioral characteristics are listed for servant leadership in an effort to comprehensively present the integrated model. Self-sacrificial leadership attitudinal factors are listed in gray to signify their role as inferred characteristics which will not be used for drawing conclusions. The behavioral factors associated with self-sacrificial leaders as they compare to servant leadership are the primary focus of this study.It is immediately evident that servant and self-sacrificial leadership share several characteristics. The characteristics of empathy, developing people, building community, providing leadership, empowering followers, and serving followers represent overlapping categories. Empathy appears in the self-sacrificial leadership literature through its connection with altruism (De Cremer, 2002). The assumption of an empathy-altruism link, and its support in 25 empirical studies (Batson, Ahmad, Lishner, & Tsang, 2002), sustains this correlation between servant and self-sacrificial leadership. The modeling behaviors found in the self-sacrificial leadership literature shore up the additional characteristics found in both leadership theories. By sacrificing their power, self-sacrificial leaders empower followers. However, this empowerment is likely a product of sacrificing behavior. The shared commitment to service may be explained when self-sacrifice is understood as an extreme act of service. This comparison would evidently indicate that servant and self-sacrificial leaders may view followers in a similar fashion but may choose to interact with them in a slightly different manner.In general terms, it may be stated that both servant and self-sacrificial leaders hold followers in very high esteem but deviate in several core behaviors. First, there is little concrete theoretical or empirical research pertaining to leader self-sacrifice which supports the thought that self-sacrificial leaders share power. Second, it could be argued that the role modeling and altruistic behaviors of self-sacrificial leaders are loving acts and, thus, would compare favorablyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES 44with servant leadership. However, there are other motivations associated with role modeling and altruistic activities which may have very little to do with love (Avolio & Locke, 2002).Table 3The Three Dimensional Comparisons of Servant and Self-Sacrificial LeadershipDimensions Servant Leadership Factors Self-Sacrificial Leadership Factors LoveHumility Authenticity Self-AwarenessOntological Dimensions Self-Differentiation LoveOther-Centeredness Other-CenterednessOriented toward altruism Orientation toward altruismValuing people Valuing peopleCommitment to the growth of people Commitment to the growth ofpeopleVisionary Visionary Orientation toward trustOrientation toward listeningOrientation toward empathy Orientation toward empathyLeadership mindsetOrientation toward persuasion Self-ConfidentCapacity for conceptualization NonautocraticAttitudinalDimensions Foresight Foresight Love AltruismListening Takes initiativeEmpathy EmpathyHealing Role modelingStewardship Provides justiceDeveloping people Developing people Building community Building communityProviding leadership Providing leadershipSharing leadership Links followers to shared visionEmpowering followers Empowering followersServing followers Serving followersBehavioralDimensions Yields status, privileges, powerListening, healing, and stewardship are currently missing from the self-sacrificialleadership literature. The case can be made that listening is a necessary feature of empathy and that healing is closely aligned with providing justice. Yet, these are unsupported assumptions.Matteson & Irving / SERVANT VERSUS SELF-SACRIFICIAL LEADERSHIP 45 Stewardship is a different matter. In a sense, some self-sacrificial leaders are poor stewards of resources; since by definition, this type of leader may intentionally dispose of resources in orderto achieve an overall goal. Since self-sacrificial leadership theory development is still in relative infancy, the authors feel much more confident in the shared characteristic list and remaincautious in drawing firm conclusions on all of the dissimilar factors. That being said, viewingthese follower-oriented theories through the three dimensions of leader ontology, attitude, and behavior can further delineate both phenomena.Although these two leadership theories share several characteristics, the provisional conclusions stated lead to the understanding that servant and self-sacrificial leadership aresimilar but distinct theories. Since the examination of the behavioral characteristics of these two theories is not capable of revealing a comprehensive understanding of this difference, the authors propose a broader look at servant and self-sacrificial leadership. This effort may bring furtherclarity to this evaluation. An opportunity for an expanded investigation may originate in the previously mentioned work of Stone et al. (2004) and Smith et al. (2004) who offered details regarding the focus, motivation, context, and outcomes of servant and transformational leadership. These four overarching categories can be employed to scrutinize servant and self-sacrificial leadership with the goal of founding an additional baseline for future scholarly discussion. The authors present this brief theoretical comparison in an attempt to launch such a conversation. Table 4 places servant and self-sacrificial leadership in the four categoriesdiscussed in the previous leadership theory comparison. The determination of the focus, motivation, context, and outcome of self-sacrificial leadership is drawn from published research pertaining to this phenomenon. The authors have consulted existing research and selectedgeneral terms to describe each category as succinctly as possible. In other words, an attempt was made to get at the heart or direction of the research to date. For example, since earlier researchhas noted that self-sacrificial leaders may demonstrate courage and conviction in the missionwhile serving as a role model (Shamir et al., 1993), maintain personal beliefs and values (Yorgeset al., 1999), or exhibit commitment to the cause (Avolio & Locke, 2002); the authors haveplaced these activities under the umbrella of ethical self-transcendence in the broad category of focus. Additionally, since self-sacrificial leaders may be motivated by the greater good of the organization (Halverson et al., 2004), the ethical focus underpinning this motivation led theauthors to conclude that self-sacrificial leaders are provoked to serve the greater good.Table 4The Focus, Motivation, Context, and Outcome of Servant and Self-Sacrificial Leadership Focus Motivation ContextOutcomeSelf-sacrificial leadership Ethical self-transcendenceServing the greater good:doing what is morally andethically right, no matterthe sacrificeOrganizational orenvironmentalcrisisDynamicspiritualgenerativecultureServant leadership Followers Serving the good of thefollower: doing what isbest for the followersStableenvironmentSpiritualgenerativeculture。



Unit 8 Section A Animals or children?—A scientist's choice动物还是孩子?——一位科学家的选择1 I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel physician scientists involved in animal research. These rumors sting, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my supreme desire to keep them healthy. During medical school and residency, I saw many children die of cancer and bloodshed from injury —circumstances against which medicine has made great progress but still has a long way to go. More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and surgical techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation. My desire to tip the scales in favor of healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.1 我就是那个敌人!我就是那些被人诅咒的、残忍的、搞动物实验的医生科学家之一。

新视野三版 读写2 U2 TextA 课文详解

新视野三版 读写2 U2 TextA 课文详解

新视野三版读写B2U2Text AThe humanities:Out of date?1When the going gets tough,the tough take accounting.When the job market worsens,many students calculate they can't major in English or history.They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.2The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition,they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and"hard"skills that they bet will lead to employment.In other words,a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment.This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate.3Over the next few years,as labor markets struggle,the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession.There already has been a nearly50percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation,and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate.Once the dominant pillars of university life,the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours.These days,labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries.4Here,please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives.Since ancient times,people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction.This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries.The famous psychologist,Sigmund Freud,called it the"unconscious mind"or,more familiarly,"instinct".5From the beginning of time,this inner aspect of our being,this drive that can be constructive or destructive,has captured our imagination.The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over.Historians,architects,authors,philosophers and artists have captured the words,images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music,myth,painting,architecture,sculpture,landscape and traditions.These men and women developed artistic"languages"that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations.This fertile body of work from ancient times,the very foundation of civilization,forms the basis of study of the humanities.6Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write.No matter what we do in life,we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning.We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas! 7Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process.In an information economy,many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3player.Yet,very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand:the iPod.Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness,thereby releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.8Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us.Did you know that James Cameron, world-famous director of the movie,Titanic,graduated with a degree in the humanities?So did Sally Ride,the first woman in space.So did actors Bruce Lee,Gwyneth Paltrow,Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon.Dr.Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine,studied the humanities.Even Michael Eisner,Chairman of the Disney Company,majored in the humanities.Famous people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed.It's easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake,whether medicine,business,science or entertainment.If we study only mathematics,it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician.If we include studying the humanities,we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.9Of course,nowadays,if we study the humanities alone,we are liable to miss many opportunities.Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life.In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career.If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school,both having the required basic scientific courses,one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student,the philosophy applicant would be chosen.10In summary,the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions,hopes and dreams common to all humanity.The humanities,the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge,teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons.They are as useful andrelevant in our modern age as they have always been.Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities,our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge?Who knows how famous YOU might become!Language Points:1When the going gets tough,the tough take accounting.(Para.1)Meaning:When conditions or situations become difficult,determined people choose to study the subject of accounting,hoping they can more easily find a job in the future. when the going gets tough:when the situation becomes difficult当形式变得严峻时When the going gets tough,women can get as tough as men.当形势变得严峻时,女人可以变得跟男人一样坚强。



98 51 1 121-138Chinese Journal of Psychology 2009, V ol. 51, No. 1, 121-138Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939 2005 Leader-member exchange model, LMX; Graen,1976; Graen, Novak, & Sommerkamp, 1982LMX Graen et al., 1982 ; Meglino, Ravlin, & Adkins, 1989; Weiss, 1978 ;領導者上下關係認定與部屬利社會行為:權力距離之調節效果06032 2006 8 2 2007 6 30 2008 1 25 2008 4 14 2008 11 4 2009 1 4106 E-mail: chengbor@.tw1 2 3 4 51 2 345; 795 : 1 ; 2 ; 3 : ; : -1221995 1995LMX ; Graen, et al., 1982 ? ?? ?Brewer Gardner 1996 representation of the self Sluss Ashforth 2007 relational identity Flynn, 2005; Sluss & Ashforth, 2007Hsu, 1985 Ptolemian ; Galilean 2001 Hofstede 1980 Hofstede, 1980; Kim, Triandis, Kagiticibasi, Choi, & Yoon, 1994 ; Hofstede, 1980, 1991; ? relational self, Ho, 1995 1991 relational schema Baldwin, 1992; Baldwin, Carrell, & Lopez, 1990; Planalp, 1987 Fiske & Taylor, 1984 ; Baldwin, 19921991 glue Brewer & Gardner, 1996?Aryee Chen Sun Debrah 2007 trickle-down model123? prosocial organizational behavior Katz, 1964 Baruch, O’ Creevy, Hind, & Vigoda-Gadot, 2004 organizational citizenship behavior O rg a n, 1988 e m p l o y e e-organization relationship, EOR Shore & Coyle-Shapiro, 2003 EOR 1 2 3 ?social cognitive dimensions 2001 power distance Bochner & Hesketh, 1994 ; ? ——leader-subordinate relational identity 1. 領導者與部屬關係vertical dyad linkage, VDL; Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975 leader-member exchange model, LMX; Graen, 1976; Graen, et al., 1982 VDL Dansereau et al., 1975 V D L L M X compatibility competence loyalty in-group out-group : ;Lincoln & Miller, 1979; Tsui & O’ Reilly, 1989; Zenger & Lawerence, 1989 Meglino, et al., 1989; Weiss, 1978 ;1995 : ;LMX LMX124? LMXFlynn, 2005Wood, 1982 m i n i-culture Baxter, 1987 ; 2005 : ; ;— consequence2. 領導者之上下關係認定: ?1988 : 11 ? ; expressive ties ; instrumental ties ; mixed ties2001 Fiske, Haslam, & Susan, 1991Schein, 1991instrumental identity125?prosocial organizational behaviorsprosocial behaviors Brief & Motowidlo, 1986 Katz 1964 : 1 ; 2 ; 3 prosocial organizational behaviorsBrief Motowidlo 1986 : 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; Brief & Motowidlo, 1986; Organ, 1988multiple foci :Brief Motowidlo 1986 LePine, Erez, & Johnson, 2002 : 1 prosocial organizational behavior toward individual, POB-I ; 2 prosocial organizational behavior toward organization, POB-O Coleman & Borman, 2000; McNeely & Meglino, 1994prosocial organizational behavior toward leader, POB-L 1999 POB-L POB-I POB-O1988 Brewer Gardner 1996 Flynn 2005 11///;126Atkinson, 2004 ; 1988 ; 2001;Flynn, 2005 1988 2001 guanxi 2002 2001 2006 Flynn, 2005 1. 情感性關係認定與利社會組織行為— 1988 2005;Cheng, Chou, Huang, Wu, & Farh, 2004; Liden, Wayne, & Stilwell, 1993 Cheng, Huang, & Chou, 2002 2003? social learning theory vicarious learning Bandura, 1977 Konovsky & Pugh, 1994; Wat & Shaffer, 20051 :假設1 主管的領導者-部屬關係之情感性關係認定與部屬利社會組織行為具正向關係。

The Art of Self-Discipline

The Art of Self-Discipline

The Art of Self-Discipline Self-discipline is an essential skill that allows individuals to control their actions and behavior, leading to personal and professional growth. It is theability to set goals, make plans, and follow through with them, even in the face of obstacles and distractions. The art of self-discipline encompasses various aspects of life, including time management, emotional regulation, and the ability to resist temptations. Developing self-discipline requires commitment, practice, and a deep understanding of one's motivations and limitations. One of the key aspects of self-discipline is time management. This involves setting priorities, creating schedules, and adhering to deadlines. By managing time effectively, individuals can allocate their resources to activities that align with their goals and values. This may involve saying no to distractions, such as social media or procrastination, and instead focusing on tasks that contribute to personal and professional development. Time management also requires the ability to break tasks into manageable steps and allocate sufficient time for each, ensuring that progress is made consistently. Beyond time management, self-discipline also encompasses emotional regulation. This involves the ability to control one's emotions and impulses, particularly in challenging or high-pressure situations. By developing emotional resilience, individuals can maintain focus and composure, even in the face of stress or adversity. This may involve techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, or cognitive reframing, which can help individuals manage their emotional responses and make rational decisions, rather than succumbing to impulsive reactions. Furthermore, self-discipline involves the ability to resist temptations and instant gratification. In a world filled with distractions and immediate rewards, developing the capacity to delay gratification is crucial for long-term success. This may involve setting aside short-term pleasures in favor of long-term benefits, such as saving money instead of making impulse purchases, or studying for an exam instead of going out with friends. By resisting temptations and staying focused on long-term goals, individuals can cultivate self-discipline and achieve greater success in various areas of their lives. From a psychological perspective, self-discipline is closely linked to the concept of willpower. Willpower can be viewed as a muscle that requires regularexercise and training to become stronger. By consistently practicing self-discipline in various aspects of life, individuals can strengthen their willpower and increase their capacity to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. This may involve starting with small, manageable tasks and gradually increasing thelevel of difficulty, allowing individuals to build their self-discipline over time. Moreover, the art of self-discipline also involves understanding one's motivations and limitations. This requires introspection and self-awareness, as individuals need to identify their values, priorities, and areas of weakness. By understanding what drives them and what challenges they may face, individuals can develop strategies to enhance their self-discipline. This may involve seeking support from others, creating accountability systems, or modifying their environment to reduce potential distractions and temptations. In conclusion, the art of self-disciplineis a multifaceted skill that encompasses time management, emotional regulation, resistance to temptations, and the cultivation of willpower. Developing self-discipline requires commitment, practice, and a deep understanding of one's motivations and limitations. By honing this skill, individuals can achievepersonal and professional growth, overcome obstacles, and lead more fulfilling lives. Embracing the art of self-discipline empowers individuals to take controlof their actions and behavior, ultimately leading to greater success and well-being.。

Domain Modeling in Self Yields Warped Hierarchies

Domain Modeling in Self Yields Warped Hierarchies

Domain Modeling in Self Yields Warped HierarchiesEllen Van Paesschen-Wolfgang De Meuter-Theo D’HondtProgramming Technology Laboratory,Vrije Universiteit BrusselPleinlaan2,1050Brussel,BelgiumABSTRACTDomain modeling can result in a hierarchical set-up in which the modeled entities follow the standard hierarchical taxonomies while the proper execution of the corresponding code demands the reversed hierarchy.Modeling roles and the identity problem are typical cases of these”warped”hierarchies,which are difficult to implement in class-based languages.In the prototype-based language Self,entities are modeled into hierarchies of traits,supporting multiple inheritance,dynamic parent sharing and copy-down techniques.This powerful cocktail of features allows building warped hierarchies in a straightforward and natural manner.Keywords:Prototypes,multiple inheritance,dynamic delegation,traits,parent sharing,roles1.INTRODUCTIONSince the advent of Simula,object-oriented languages are promoted as programming languages that facilitate modeling the real world and make it possible to create taxonomies from the entities that surround us.Indeed, many aspects of a problem domain are easily modeled in object-oriented languages:usually,the modeled entities correspond to an object or a class and taxonomies of entities give rise to class-hierarchies.This way of thinking is pretty straightforwardly applied in a prototype-based language like Self as well.The only difference is that one will replace classes and their hierarchies by traits objects and their hierarchies.Nevertheless,there exists a significant hiatus in this story.During such a modeling process in Self,we experienced a number of occasions where this straight-forwarded approach gives rise to a hierarchical set-up in which the entities follow the standard hierarchical taxonomies but in which the corresponding code demands exactly the reverse version of this hierarchy.We discovered the existence of such warped hierarchies while doing role modeling,an activity which is known to be far from easy in a class-based language.4They also showed up in relation to fundamental and philosophical shortcomings: e.g.a mathematician would consider a circle as a special kind of ellipse,where both axes are equal,while an object-oriented modeler would rather define an ellipse as a descendant of circle.Warped hierarchies cannot be implemented in class-based languages.However,this is perfectly feasible in Self,thanks to multiple inheritance,parent sharing and copy-down techniques.We will illustrate this using the circles/ellipses example and the role modeling case.2.PROTOTYPE-BASED LANGUAGES2.1.In GeneralIn general,prototype-based languages(PBLs)can be considered object-oriented languages without classes.The most interesting feautures of a PBL are creation ex nihilo,cloning,dynamic inheritance modification,delegation with late binding of self,dynamic parent modification,and traits objects∗.Many PBLs have been designed in research labs.Examples are Self,7Agora,2Kevo9and NewtonScript.8A taxonomy can be found in.3We will elaborate on the PBL Self,since it is a textbook example of a PBL and moreover,includes a mature programming environment.Send e-mail correspondence to{evpaessc,wdmeuter,tjdhondt}∗To avoid copying behavior every time an object is cloned,the SELF-group11introduced traits objects:storing the shared behavior in an object and let the cloned objects inherit from it,i.e.a kind of class-based programming in a PBL2.2.SelfSelf is closely related to the syntax and semantics of Smalltalk5but Self has no classes.Objects in Self are created ex-nihilo by putting slot names(together with a possible initialfiller value for that slot)between vertical bars,separated by dots.The following code,for example,creates an ex-nihilo myPoint†object:myPoint:(|parent*=traits clonable.x<-3.y<-4.addPoint:point=((copy x:x+point x)y:y+point y)|)Self visualizes its objects with outliners,cfr.figure1.A slot marked with an asterisk is a parent slot and makesFigure1.The self-contained myPoint object combines data and behaviorthe child inherit all the slots of the parent slot.In this way,myPoint inherits(its behavior)from the traits object clonable‡,and has two data slots containing an x and a y coordinate.The remaining method slot contains a method for adding two points,by cloning point and initialize it with the added x and y coordinates.Self implements a delegation mechanism that respects the late binding of self.Next to dynamic inheritance and parent modification,this delegation mechanism also supports parent sharing,i.e.when two or more child objects share the same parent object.This kind of sharing is typical for all PBLs.Child sharing(multiple inheritance),on the other hand,when two or more parent objects share the same child object,is a specific feature of Self.When modeling knowledge these two inheritance features are constantly combined.3.MULTIPLE INHERITANCE IN SELFWhen modeling a data type in Self,the data(specific for each“instance”of this data type)is contained in a prototype while the behavior(shared by all objects of this data type)is typically gathered in a traits object.All prototypes inherit their behavior from the traits object,which in his turn often inherits from traits clonable: traits myPoint=(|parent*=traits clonable.addPoint:point=((copy x:x+point x)y:y+point y)|)myPoint=(|parent*=traits myPoint.x.y|)The graphical representation is illustrated infigure2.To obtain a point,we clone the myPoint prototype and set the x and y coordinates.(myPoint copy x:1)y:2.(myPoint copy x:3)y:4.†We use the name myPoint since Self already implements a point object‡Most concrete not-unique objects in the SELF world are descendants of the top-level traits object traits clonable.Figure2.The myPoint prototype inherits its behavior from traits myPointBoth points now share the traits myPoint object since they both contain a copy of the parent*pointer of the prototypical myPoint,i.e.the most common form of parent sharing.When we want to create for example a coloured point,data and behavior are to be inherited from a normal point.First,a prototypical coloured point is created that inherits its behavior from a corresponding traits coloured point object.Naturally,the traits coloured point inherit behavior from the traits myPoint, since the behavior of a coloured point will be a specialization of a normal point’s behavior.On the other hand, the coloured point prototype can inherit the coordinates of the normal myPoint,and extend them with an extra slot to contain the colour,seefigure3.Remark that this multiple inheritance structure is a diamond.Imagine adataFigure3.colouredPoint inherits data and behavior from MyPointmethod m in traits myPoint that is overridden in traits coloured point.When we now send the message m to a coloured point we get a name collision:the method lookup algorithmfinds m in traits coloured point(overriding method)but also in traits myPoint(original method)via the data inheritance link with myPoint.The early version of Self solved this ambiguity with obscure language mechanisms like prioritized parents or the tie-breaker sender path rule,which proved to be rather unsatisfying.In the current version of Self we have to resolve ambiguous methods manually by adding a directed resend in coloured Point.Calling m=(traits colouredPoint.m)would invoke the overridden method while m=(traits myPoint.m)would return the original method.But then we violate the principle of traits-based inheritance,since we add shared behavior in a prototype in stead of into the corresponding traits object.Self avoids this problem by performing a copy-down of the myPoint prototype:this mechanism for data inheritance copies(some of)the slots of the receiver into a new object,ensuring that changes(adding/removing slots)to the receiver are propagated to all copied-down children.Next,we override the parent*pointer with the traits colouredPoint object.In this way,colouredPoint inherits all the data of point except for its parent:this implies that there are no name collision when traits coloured point override methods of traits myPoint In fact,copy-down allows a kind of class-based programming:copy-down can be considered as creating a subclass.The colouredPoint and myPoint inheritance structure is illustrated infigure4.The complete Self code for the literal point objects can be found in Appendix A.4.W ARPED SELF INHERITANCE HIERARCHIESIt is our experience that modeling domains in Self often results in a rather classical object organisation,differing little from a class-based set-up.However,we found two examples where the transition from domain model notation to code notation gives rise to warped inheritance hierarchies,namely the identity problem of circles and ellipses and role modeling.Figure4.colouredPoint inherits data from myPoint,traits colouredPoint inherits behavior from traits myPoint4.1.Is a circle an ellipse?Although not many OO-programmers are aware of it,from the real world(domain model)point-of-view,a circle really is-a kind of ellipse(with major semi-axis a=minor semi-axis b=radius)and thus the code should see circles as specializations of ellipses.In a class-based language the circle type can be implemented as a subclass of the ellipse type,resulting in inefficient code since circle will not use all instance variables inherited from ellipse. The difficulty is mainly caused by the fact that the data of circle is less specialized than ellipse’s data while the behavior of circle is more specialized than ellipse’s behavior.An extra problem in this context,is that circles can receive messages intended for ellipses,transforming them dynamically into ellipses,and vice versa.E.g.when a circle receives a stretch message that largens the width of an ellipse:a circle would become an ellipse but be of class“Circle”!Thanks to the separation of data and behavior inheritance,and dynamic modification of parents,Self allows us to model the identity example with warped hierarchies.We let ellipse inherit data from circle(since it extends it with an extra slot for a major semi-axis value),while traits circle inherit from traits ellipse, seefigure5.As mentioned in the previous section,the diamond set-up can be broken by defining ellipse asFigure5.Warped hierarchy of circle and ellipsea copy-down of circle and assigning the parent*pointer to traits ellipse.Thanks to the late binding of the self variable,the correct data is accessed when executing methods(e.g,area,circumference)-and thus polymorphism is ensured.When a circle is stretched to an ellipse,we add all the slots of the ellipse prototype into the circle,thereby overriding the parent*pointer from traits circle to traits ellipse.Vice versa,an ellipse whose major semi-axis is stretched to the same value as its minor semi-axis,becomes a circle,by removing all slots that were not copied-down from circle and by overriding the parent*pointer from traits ellipse to traits circle.In this way,objects seem to change the prototypes they were cloned from dynamically.4.2.Role ModelingThe roles a person can perform are on one hand subtypes of a person: engineer is-a kind of person. On the other hand,when a role type inherits from person,how will we-in a class-based language-model that this person can perform other roles? E.g.when both engineer and manager are subclassed from person and we want to model a person that is both manager and engineer.When we instantiate the manager class, the engineer class will be invisible and vice versa.Creating combination classes is not feasible:imagine the difficulties when a person can change dynamically between a large set of roles4!Alternatively,roles are often modeled with aggregation:a set of roles is held by an instance variable in the person class.By delegating the messages of person to its roles,polymorphism is simulated.4The real difference with the previous example lies in the fact that roles can be added or removed dynamically, and that a person can have multiple roles implementing the same method.Simply warping the data hierarchy between a person and its roles will not be sufficient.Therefore,we implemented receiver createDataparent:parent§as a reverse of the copy-down method: in stead of copying down the data from the receiver into a new child object,the data of the parent is copied down into the receiver.We now create dynamically parents in stead of children.Due to the dynamic character of the derived types,we also provided a receiver remove Dataparent:parent that removes all copied-down data from the receiver.Consider a person prototype that inherits from traits person,and a set of role prototypes(e.g.manager, engineer)inheriting from their traits(e.g.traits manager,traits engineer),that in their turn all inherit from traits person.A person that dynamically starts performing a role is implemented by dynamically adding this role’s prototype as a data parent to the person prototype.Next,we remove¶the person’s parent*link to traits person since these are already inherited via the role data parent.Due to the multiple inheritance in Self we can add as many roles as we like,cfr.figure6.When a person dynamically stops performing a role,weFigure6.Warped hierarchy of person and two rolesremove the data parent.When there are no more role data parent we make the traits person visible again. In fact,the desired behavior is added or removed dynamically.To ensure polymorphism we need to intercept the dynamic diamond that is implemented by a person that inherits from two role data parents whose traits both inherit from traits person.More specifically,when two roles of a person both override the same method in their traits,sending the corresponding message to person will cause a VM ambiguity error.Our approach depends on the way the methods should be combined from the view point of person.E.g.when we send the message pay to person,he should get payed for all the roles he performs .Therefore,we implemented delegateMethod:selector that sequentially resends the message to all the data parents,i.e.the roles,of person.However,it is possible that we only want to invoke a specific method,defined in the role in whose context we currently see the person.E.g.when we send the message lunch to person,she §Meta-programming methods heavily use the technique of Self mirrors:an object is reflected on by means of a mirror; manipulating the mirror results in manipulating the object¶We simply make a plain slot from this parent slotmight simulate the specific behavior to have lunch with her best friend and not,for example,with her boss and some clients of the company she works for.In that case,we suggest to turn on/offthe parent visibility of the desired behavior,i.e.(temporarily)changing the parent slots,that point to the traits of currently non-desired roles,to normal slots.In this way we maintain the illusion that we are dealing with one person performing various roles.5.CONCLUSIONPBLs,especially Self,are a suitable medium for modeling knowledge,with powerful inheritance mechanisms which outrank the class-based ones.We experienced the phenomena of warped hierarchies and implemented a technique,that profits from the separated data and behavior inheritance in Self,and intercepts the dangers of multiple inheritance in this context.We have the“gut feelling”that these warped hierarchies are one of the fundamental“missing links”in the transformation process that leads domain models to code.REFERENCES1.G.Blashek,Object-Oriented Programming with Prototypes.,Springer Verlag,19942.W.De Meuter,Agora:The Scheme of Object-Orientation,or,the Simplest MOP in the World.In J.Noble,A.Taivalsaari,I.Moore,eds.:Prototype-based Programming:Concepts,Languages and Applications,19983.C.Dony,J.Malenfant,D.Bardou,“Classifying Prototype-based Programming Languages.”,In J.Noble,A.Taivalsaari,I.Moore,eds.:Prototype-based Programming:Concepts,Languages and Applications,19984.M.Fowler,Dealing with Roles.,Collected papers from the PLoP’97and EuroPLoP’97Con-ference,Technical Report wucs-97-34,Washington University Department of Computer Science;/cseng/titles/0-201-89542-0/apsupp/roles2-1.html,19975.A.Goldberg,D.Robson,Smalltalk-80:The Language and Its Implementation.,Addison-Wesley,19836.H.Lieberman,“Using prototypical objects to implement shared behavior in object oriented systems.”,InN.Meyrowitz,ed.:Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems,Languages,and Applications(OOPSLA).,Volume22,214-223,19877.R.Smith,D.,Ungar,“Programming as an Experience:The inspiration for Self.”,In J.Noble,A.Taivalsaari,I.Moore,eds.:Prototype-based Programming:Concepts,Languages and Applications,19988.W.Smith,“NewtonScript:Prototypes on the Palm.”,In J.Noble,A.Taivalsaari,I.Moore,eds.:Prototype-based Programming:Concepts,Languages and Applications,19989.A.Taivalsaari,A Critical View of Inheritance and Reusability in Object-oriented Programming.PhD thesis,University of Jyvaskyla,Finland,199310.D.Ungar,R.Smith,Self:The Power of Simplicity.,In:Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems,Languages,and Applications(OOPSLA),Volume22,ACM Press,1987 11.D.Ungar,C.Chambers,B.Chang,U.Holzle,Organizing programs without classes.,Lisp and SymbolicComputation4,223-242,199112.Self Home Page,/research/self/.APPENDIX A.SELF CODEA.1.myPoint objectsglobals_AddSlots:(|myPoint|).traits_AddSlots:(|myPoint|).myPoint:(|parent*=traits clonable.x<-3.y<-4.addPoint:point=((copy x:x+point x)y:y+point y)|).traits myPoint:(|parent*=traits clonable.addPoint:point=((copy x:x+point x)y:y+point y)|).myPoint:(|parent*=traits myPoint.x.y|).A.2.colouredPoint objectsglobals_AddSlots:(|colouredPoint|).traits_AddSlots:(|colouredPoint|).traits colouredPoint:(|parent*=traits myPoint.print=(’...’)|).colouredPoint:(((myPoint_Mirror)createSubclass)reflectee)_AddSlots:(|parent*=traits colouredPoint.colour<-’none’|).。



⾃组织临界(self-organized criticality,SOC)⾃组织临界理论(self-organized criticality,简称SOC)是⼀个有趣且影响较⼤的理论。


Bak等⼈(1988,Bak,1996)⽤著名的“沙堆模型”(sandpile model)来形象地说明⾃组织临界态的形成和特点。

美国物理学家Per Bak和Kan Chen做过⼀个内涵深刻的研究:他们让沙⼦⼀粒⼀粒落在桌上,形成逐渐增⾼的⼀⼩堆,借助慢速录象和计算机模仿精确地计算每在沙堆顶部落置⼀粒沙会连带多少沙粒移动;初始阶段,落下的沙粒对沙堆整体影响很⼩;然⽽当沙堆增⾼到⼀定程度,落下⼀粒沙却可能导致整个沙堆发⽣坍塌。

Bak和Chen由此提出⼀种“⾃组织临界”(self-organized criticality)的理论;沙堆⼀达到“临界”状态,每粒沙与其他沙粒就处于“⼀体性”接触,那时每粒新落下的沙都会产⽣⼀种 “⼒波”,尽管微细,却能贯穿沙堆整体,把碰撞次第传给所有沙粒,导致沙堆发⽣整体性的连锁改变或重新组合;沙堆的结构将随每粒新沙落下⽽变得脆弱,最终发⽣结构性失衡——坍塌。





临界态概念与“相变”(phase transition)密切联系;相变是由量变到质变的过程,⽽临界态正是系统转变时刻的特征。

因为在临界态时,系统内事件⼤⼩与其频率之间是幂函数关系,这时系统不存在特征尺度(characteristic scales);也就是说,事件发⽣在所有尺度上,或与尺度⽆关(即f(x)的相对变化与x⽆关)。



自制力英语作文Self-discipline is an essential quality that cansignificantly impact one's personal and professional life. It is the ability to control one's emotions, desires, and impulses in order to achieve long-term goals. Here's a composition on the topic:The Power of Self-DisciplineIn the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to get carried away by the immediate gratification of our desires. However, the true measure of success often lies in ourability to delay these gratifications and focus on our long-term objectives. This is where self-discipline comes into play.Self-discipline is like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. It is the force that propels us to complete our homework before watching our favorite TV show, or to save money for a rainy day rather than spending it on the latest gadget. It is the quiet determination that keeps us going even when the odds are stacked against us.One of the most significant benefits of self-discipline is the ability to manage time effectively. With it, we can prioritize our tasks and allocate our time to what trulymatters. This leads to increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment that fuels our motivation.Moreover, self-discipline is crucial for personal growth. It allows us to set and achieve our goals, whether they are academic, professional, or personal. It is the driving force behind the pursuit of knowledge, the development of skills, and the cultivation of healthy habits.However, self-discipline is not something that comesnaturally to everyone. It requires practice and commitment.It means saying 'no' to distractions and 'yes' to hard work.It involves setting boundaries and sticking to them, evenwhen it's difficult.To cultivate self-discipline, one must start with small, manageable goals. It could be as simple as waking up 15 minutes earlier each day or dedicating 30 minutes to reading. Over time, these small victories build up and reinforce the habit of self-discipline.It's also important to recognize the value of persistence. There will be setbacks and failures along the way, but it'sthe ability to bounce back and keep going that truly defines self-discipline.In conclusion, self-discipline is not just a trait; it's askill that can be learned and honed. It is the key tounlocking our full potential and achieving the life we desire. By practicing self-discipline, we can shape our lives in ways that are meaningful and fulfilling.This composition touches upon the importance of self-discipline, its benefits, and how to develop it, providing a comprehensive view of the topic.。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9908316v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s o f t ] 23 A u g 1999Sandpile Models of Self-Organized CriticalityS.S.MannaP.M.M.H.,´Ecole Sup´e rieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles,10,rue Vauquelin,75231Paris Cedex 05FranceandSatyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,Block-JD,Sector-III,Salt Lake,Calcutta 700091,IndiaSelf-Organized Criticality is the emergence of long-ranged spatio-temporal correlations in non-equilibrium steady states of slowly driven systems without fine tuning of any control parameter.Sandpiles were proposed as prototypical examples of self-organized criticality.However,only some of the laboratory experiments looking for the evidence of criticality in sandpiles have reported a positive outcome.On the other hand a large number of theoretical models have been constructed that do show the existence of such a critical state.We discuss here some of the theoretical models as well as some experiments.The concept of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC)was introduced by Bak,Tang and Wiesenfeld (BTW)in 1987[1].It says that there is a certain class of systems in nature whose members become critical under their own dynamical evolutions.An external agency drives the sys-tem by injecting some mass (in other examples,it could be the slope,energy or even local voids)into it.This starts a transport process within the system:Whenever the mass at some local region becomes too large,it is distributed to the neighbourhood by using some local re-laxation rules.Globally,mass is transported by many such successive local relaxation events.In the language of sandpiles,these together constitute a burst of activity called an avalanche.If we start with an initial uncritical state,initially most of the avalanches are small,but the range of sizes of avalanches grows with time.After a long time,the system arrives at a critical state,in which the avalanches extend over all length and time scales.Cus-tomarily,critical states have measure zero in the phase space.However,with self-organizing dynamics,the sys-tem finds these states in polynomial times,irrespective of the initial state [2–4].BTW used the example of a sandpile to illustrate their ideas about SOC.If a sandpile is formed on a horizon-tal circular base with any arbitrary initial distribution of sand grains,a sandpile of fixed conical shape (steady state)is formed by slowly adding sand grains one after another (external drive).The surface of the sandpile in the steady state on the average makes a constant angle known as the angle of repose,with the horizontal plane.Addition of each sand grain results in some activity on the surface of the pile:an avalanche of sand mass fol-lows,which propagates on the surface of the sandpile.Avalanches are of many different sizes and BTW argued that they would have a power law distribution in the steady state.There are also some other naturally occurring phe-nomena which are considered to be examples of SOC.Slow creeping of tectonic plates against each other re-sults intermittent burst of stress release during earth-quakes.The energy released is known to follow power law distributions as described by the well known Gutenberg-Richter Law [5].The phenomenon of earthquakes is be-ing studied using SOC models [6].River networks have been found to have fractal properties.Water flow causes erosion in river beds,which in turn changes the flow dis-tribution in the network.It has been argued that the evolution of river pattern is a self-organized dynamical process [7].Propagation of forest fires [8]and biologi-cal evolution processes [9]have also been suggested to be examples ofSOC.FIG.1.An avalanche of the Abelian Sandpile Model,generated on a 3×3square lattice.A sand grain is dropped on a stable configuration at the central site.The avalanche created has size s =6,area a =6,life-time t =4and the radius r =√of the system.It was observed that the avalanche size distribution obeys a scaling behaviour for small piles.For large piles,however,scaling did not work very well.It was suggested that SOC behavior is seen only forsmall sizes,and very large systems would not show SOC [11].Another experiment used a pile of rice between two ver-tical glass plates separated by a small gap.Rice grains were slowly dropped on to the pile.Due to the anisotropy of grains,various packing configurations were observed.In the steady state,avalanches of moving rice grains re-freshed the surface repeatedly.SOC behaviour was ob-served for grains of large aspect ratio,but not for the less elongated grains [12].Theoretically,however,a large number of models have been proposed and studied.Most of these models study the system using cellular automata where discrete,as well as continuous,variables are used for the heights of sand columns.Among them,the Abelian Sandpile model is most popular [1,13].Other models of self organized criticality have been studied but will not be discussed here.These include the Zheng model which has modi-fied rules for sandpile evolution [14],a model for Abelian distributed processors and other stochastic rule models [4],the Eulerian Walkers model [15]and the Takayasu aggregation model [16].In the Abelian sandpile model,we associate a non-negative integer variable h representing the height of the ‘sand column’with every lattice site on a d -dimensional lattice (in general on any connected graph).One often starts with an arbitrary initial distribution of heights.Grains are added one at a time at randomly selected sites O :h O →h O +1.The sand column at any arbitrary site i becomes unstable when h i exceeds a previously selected threshold value h c for the stability.Without loss of gen-erality,one usually chooses h c =2d −1.An unstable sand column always topples.In a toppling,the height is reduced as:h i →h i −2d and all the 2d neighbouring sites {j }gain a unit sand grain each:h j →h j +1.This toppling may make some of the neighbouring sites unsta-ble.Consequently,these sites will topple again,possibly making further neighbours unstable.In this way a cas-cade of topplings propagates,which finally terminates when all sites in the system become stable (Fig.1).One waits until this avalanche stops before adding the next grain.This is equivalent to assuming that the rate of adding sand is much slower than the natural rate of re-laxation of the system.The wide separation of the ‘time scale of drive’and ‘time scale of relaxation’is common in many models of SOC.For instance,in earthquakes,the drive is the slow tectonic movement of continental plates,which occurs over a timescale of centuries,while the ac-tual stress relaxation occurs in quakes,whose duration is only a few seconds.This separation of time scales is usu-ally considered to be a defining characteristic of SOC.However,Dhar has argued that the wide separation of time scales should not be considered as a necessary con-dition for SOC in general [4].Finally,the system must have an outlet,through which the grains go out of the system,which is absolutely necessary to attain a steady state.Most popularly,the outlet is chosen as the (d −1)dimensional surface of a d -dimensional hypercubic sys-tem.220110200011100001211000010FIG.2.An example to show that a directed slope model is non-Abelian.Two slopes are measured from any site (i,j )as h (i,j )−h (i,j +1)and h (i,j )−h (i +1,j +1).If either of them is greater than 1,two grains are transferred from (i,j )and are given one each to (i,j +1)and (i +1,j +1).On dropping a grain on the initial stable configuration,we see that finally two different height configurations result due to two different sequences of topplings [20].The beauty of the Abelian model is that the final sta-ble height configuration of the system is independent of the sequence in which sand grains are added to the sys-tem to reach this stable configuration [13].On a stable configuration C ,if two grains are added,first at i and then at j ,the resulting stable configuration C ′is exactly same in case the grains were added first at j and then at i .In other sandpile models,where the stability of a sand column depends on the local slope or the local Laplacian,the dynamics is not Abelian,since toppling of one unstable site may convert another unstable site to a stable site (Fig.2).Many such rules have been studied in the literature [17,18].An avalanche is a cascade of topplings of a number of sites created on the addition of a sand grain.The strength of an avalanche in general,is a measure of the effect of the external perturbation created due to the ad-dition of the sand grain.Quantitatively,the strength of an avalanche is estimated in four different ways:(i)size (s ):the total number topplings in the avalanche,(ii)area (a ):the number of distinct sites which toppled,(iii)life-time (t ):the duration of the avalanche and (iv)radius (r ):the maximum distance of a toppled site from the ori-gin.These four different quantities are not independent and are related to each other by scaling laws.Between any two measures x,y ∈{s,a,t,r }one can define a mu-tual dependence as:<y >∼x γxy .These exponents are related to one another,e.g.,γts =γtr γrs .For the ASM,2it can be proved that the avalanche clusters cannot have any holes.It has been shown thatγrs=2in two dimen-sions.It has also benn proved thatγrt=5/4[20].A better way to estimate theγtx exponents is to average over the intermediate values of the size,area and radius at every intermediate time step during the growth of the avalanche.Quite generally,thefinite size scaling form for the probability distribution function for any measure x∈{s,a,t,r}is taken to be:P(x)∼x−τx f x a recurrent configuration C′on a24×24square lattice.This configuration is obtained by dropping a grain a some previous configuration C at the encircled site.(b)The spanning tree representation of the configuration C′.(c)A new configura-tion C′′is obtained by taking out one grain at the encircled site from the configuration C′.A spanning tree cannot be ob-tained for C′′.The bonds of the spanning tree corresonding to the forbidden sub-configuration in C′′are shown by the thin lines.Using this idea,we see that the boundary sites on any arbitrary system can topple at most once in any arbitrary number of avalanches.Similar restrictions are true for inner sites also.A(2n+1)×(2n+1)square lattice can be divided into(n+1)subsets which are concentric squares. Sites on the m-th such square from the boundary can topple at most m times,where as the central site cannot topple more than n times in any avalanche. Avalanches can also be decomposed in a different way, using Waves of Toppling.Suppose,on a stable configu-ration C,a sand grain is added at the site O.The site is toppled once,but is not allowed to topple for the second time,till all other sites become stable.This is called the first wave.It may happen that after thefirst wave,the site O is stable;in that case the avalanche has termi-nated.If the site O is still unstable it is toppled for the second time,and all other sites are allowed to become stable again;this is called the second wave,and so on.It was shown,that in a sample where all waves occur with equal weights,the probability of occurrence of a wave of area a is D(a)∼1/a[25].It is known that the stable height configurations inASM are of two types:Recurrent configurations ap-pear only in the steady state with uniform probabili-ties,whereas Transient configurations occur in the steady state with zero probability.Since long range correlations appear only in the steady states,it implies that the re-current configurations are correlated.This correlation is manifested by the fact that certain clusters of con-nected sites with some specific distributions of heights never appear in any recurrent configuration.Such clus-ters are called the forbidden sub-configurations.It is easy to show that two zero heights at the neighbouring sites: (0−0)or,an unit height with two zero heights at its two sides:(0−1−0)never occur in the steady state.There are also many more forbidden sub-configurations of big-ger sizes.An L×L lattice is a graph,which has all the sites and all the nearest neighbour edges(bonds).A Span-ning Tree is a sub-graph of such a graph,having all sites and some bonds.It has no loop and therefore,between any pair of sites there exists an unique path through a sequence of bonds.There can be many possible Spanning trees on a lattice.These trees have interesting statistics in a sample where they are equally likely.Suppose when we randomly select such a tree and then randomly se-lect one of the unoccupied bonds and occupy it,it formsa loop of lengthℓ.It has been shown that these loopshave the length distribution D(ℓ)∼ℓ−8/5.Similarly, if a bond of a Spanning tree is randomly selected and deleted,then it divides into two fragments.The sizes of the two fragments generated follow a probability distri-bution D(a)∼a−11/8[26].It was also shown that every recurrent configuration of the Abelian model on an arbi-trary lattice has a one-to-one correspondence to a random Spanning tree graph on the same lattice.Therefore,there are exactly the same number of distinct Spanning trees as the number of recurrent Abelian sandpile model con-figurations on any arbitrary lattice[20].Given a stable height configuration,there exists an unique prescription to obtain the equivalent Spanning tree.This is called the Burning method[20].Afire front,initially at every site outside the boundary,gradually penetrates(burns) into the system using a deterministic rule.The paths of thefire front constitute the Spanning tree.A fully burnt system is recurrent,otherwise it is transient.Suppose,addition of a grain at the site O of a stable recurrent configuration C,leads to another stable config-uration C′.Is it possible to get back the configurationC knowing C′and the position of O?This is done byInverse toppling[27].Since C′is recurrent,a correspond-ing Spanning tree(C′)exists.Now,one grain at O is taken out from C′and the configuration C′′=C′−δO j is obtained.This means on ST(C′),one bond is deleted at O and it is divided into two fragments.Therefore one cannot burn the configuration C′′completely since the resulting tree has a hole consisting of at least the sites of the smaller fragment(Fig.3).This implies that C′′has 4a forbidden sub-configuration(F1)of equal size and C′′is not recurrent.On(F1),one runs the inverse toppling process:4grains are added to each site i,and one grain each is taken out from all its neighbours{j}.The clus-ter of f1sites in F1is called thefirst inverse avalanche. The lattice is burnt again.If it still has a forbidden sub-configuration(F2),another inverse toppling process is executed,and is called the second inverse avalanche. The size of the avalanche is:s=f1+f2+f3+....,and the f1is related to the maximum toppled zone of the avalanche.From the statistics of random spanning trees [26]it is clear that f1should have the same statistics of the two fragments of the tree generated on deleting one bond.Therefore the maximum toppled zone also has a power law distribution of the size,D(a)∼a−11/8. Sandpile models with stochastic evolution rules have also been studied.The simplest of these is a Two-state sandpile model,A stable configuration of this system con-sists of sites,either vacant or occupied by at most one grain.If there are two or more grains at a site at the same time we say there is a collision.In this case,all grains at that site are moved.Each grain chooses a randomly selected site from the neighbours and is moved to that site.The avalanche size is the total number of collisions in an avalanche.From the numerical simulations,the distribution of avalanche sizes is found to follow a power law,characterized by an exponentτs≈1.27[28].This two-state model has a nontrivial dynamics even in one dimension[29].Recently,it has been shown that instead of moving all grains,if only two grains are moved ran-domly leaving others at the site,the dynamics is Abelian [30].Some other stochastic models also have nontrivial crit-ical behaviour in one dimension.To model the dynam-ics of rice piles,Christensen the follow-ing slope model[31].On a one-dimensional lattice of length L,non-negative integer variable h i represents the height of the sand column at the site i.The local slope z i=h i−h i+1is defined,maintaining zero height on the right boundary.Grains are added only at the left bound-ary i=1.Addition of one grain h i→h i+1implies an increase in the slope z i→z i+1.If at any site,the lo-cal slope exceeeds a pre-assigned threshold value z c i,one grain is transferred from the column at i to the column at(i+1).This implies a change in the local slope as: z i→z i−2and z i±1→z i±1+1.The thresholds of the instability z c i are dynamical variables and are randomly chosen between1and2in each toppling.Numerically, the avalanche sizes are found to follow a power law dis-tribution with an exponentτs≈1.55and the cutoffex-ponent was found to beσs≈2.25.This model is referred as the Oslo model.Addition of one grain at a time,and allowing the sys-tem to relax to its stable state,implies a zero rate of driving of the system.What happens when the driv-ing rate isfinite?Corral and Paczuski studied the Oslo model in the situation of nonzeroflow rate.Grains were added with a rate r,i.e.,at every(1/r)time updates, one grain is dropped at the left boundary i=1.They observed a dynamical transition separating intermittent and continuousflows[32].Many different versions of the sandpile model have been studied.However the precise classification of var-ious models in different universality classes in terms of their critical exponents is not yet available and still at-tracts much attention[17,18].Exact values of the criti-cal exponents of the most widely studied Abelian model are still not known in two dimensions.Some effort has also been made towards the analytical calculation of avalanche size exponents[33–35].Numerical studies for these exponents are found to give scattered values.On the other hand the two-state sandpile model is believed to be better behaved and there is good agreement of nu-merical values of its exponents by different investigators. However,whether the Abelian model and the two-state model belong to the same universality class or not is still an unsettled question[36].If a real sandpile is to be modeled in terms of any of these sandpile models or their modifications,it must be a slope model,rather than a height model.However, not much work has been done to study the slope models of sandpiles[17,18].Another old question is whether the conservation of the grain number in the toppling rules is a necessary condition to obtain a critical state.It has been shown already that too much non-conservation leads to avalanches of characteristic sizes[37].However,if grains are taken out of the system slowly,the system is found to be critical in some situations.A non-conservative version of the Abelian sandpile model with directional bias shows a meanfield type critical behaviour[38].Therefore,the detailed role of the conservation of the grain numbers during the topplings is still an open question.We acknowledge D.Dhar with thanks for a critical reading of the manuscript and for useful comments. 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