Pharaoh 法老
[法老][ONLY ONE]歌词
ONLY ONE2019-03-05作曲 : dannyebtracks team作词 : 小精灵/Genius/法老《only one》Prod by dannyebtracks team小精灵feat.pharaohhook by.genius(一个不愿意透露姓名的神秘歌手)(genius)我是only one我如假包换hunting从早到晚他们四处逃窜only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)(小精灵)是金子总会发光这句话到哪里都一样我的心态很平常你对我的欣赏都向往我也会为钱奔波为一首新歌祈祷我灵感蓬勃把算了我不多说把他们都给我的期待塞进绷带让我尸首不再腐烂你失手把我的封印打开让我的未来充满意外对的我是独一无二应该可以霸占你的播放列表看你咧嘴笑替换掉你的符号你们总是把我孤立我的外表是你们攻击的武器你鼻子不高身材矮小该去开眼角omg我什么时候变得全是缺点变得让自己讨厌为什么我父母没有发现只不过这个世界片面而我却没有太多时间兑现我也认清我自己我是独立的个体没有人可以因为外在而否决掉我的一切所有人都在劝解说这样太肤浅然后他们的本质都并没有发生改变(genius)我是only one我如假包换hunting从早到晚他们四处逃窜only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)(法老)这是pharaohin da house (bounce)演出加州(bounce)配上顶级的长袍我地位已上半山腰不同于以前的低调如今我谦虚也招摇我不想要听见你对我评价就算新人再多我也不进冰箱齐喊hardcore head to toe (yeah)八年才出头(yeah)炸掉live house楼(yeah)挣钱大笑着这是唯一地下巨星(hold on )但愿你在倾听(yeah)唯一的疗伤药剂(hold on)平复你的心情(yeah)唯一的不喝酒精喝唯怡的鼠尾草唯一的配比唯一的球衣唯一的就像唯一的梅西Mayby你对我很随意但唯一的心和唯一的累积的堆积的韵脚都给了唯一的你right不管第七第八代我声音永远在诸多计划我的时代马上来你不知道说明你的脑袋坏活死人的黎明比电影里更加快我生活的低谷不会再重来yeahOnly only me wow(genius)我是only one我如假包换hunting从早到晚他们四处逃窜only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)only one (X3)来自活死人团队感谢收听。
统计机器翻译开源软件介绍1990年代初IBM 公司的Brown 等人提出了5个模型来刻画统计机器翻译,取得了不错的效果,但是在此之后很长一段时间内都没有被大家认可和接受,原因是他们的模型非常复杂,难以理解和实现。
直到1999年,一些研究人员齐聚约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)开办了一次讨论班,大家共同合作,重复了IBM 的实验,并在讨论班结束时发布了一个开源软件包Egypt,才使得IBM的模型被广泛研究和使用。
1. 第一个开源的统计机器翻译工具包Egypt它包括四个模块:Whittle :语料库预处理模块;GIZA :用于从句子对齐的双语语料库中训练词语对齐;Cairo :词语对齐的可视化工具;Decoder:解码器,即用来执行具体的翻译过程模块,这一模块没有开放源码。
随着技术的快速发展,Egypt中很多方法现在已经过时了,然而, 其中用于训练词语对齐的模块GIZA 现在仍然被广泛使用,利用它能够非常方便地从大规模的双语文本中获取统计知识。
现在大家使用的是它的改进版本GIZA++,GIZA++实现了IBM 公司提出的5 个模型,其主要思想是利用EM 算法对双语语料库迭代训练,由句子对齐得到词语对齐。
以汉英翻译为例,假设我们有如下的语料库:汉谄…已经勁「诃诰切兮」:新华社it京二月+-0 m斷隼社垃靜_月二日电记君先珍}英诰:Xinnua News Agency . Be屮ng T February 12 , by wireXlrhua News Agency , Lhasa P February 2 . (reporter Zhen Yang )这轉亍文件屮时应仃的汎诸和英诰足圧为儒枠的S ifiidGlZA++训瓠40冋以得到单词之詞的邮神骷牢.低如“芾丰計”觀洋力-Xinhua"的概率AlP (Xinhua儲华利* =0.8, 同时.虫冊幷了旬F之阿小词的时应兀系{祢之为词诒时齐h倒咖:新电社北玄二月 +二日电Xinhua News Agency , Buijing , February 12 , by wire这一过程完全由计算机自动进行,不用人工干预,节省了很多人力。
砍死法老(feat龙崎)2019-03-05作曲 : 法老/龙崎作词 : 法老/龙崎《砍死法老》feat.龙崎活死人制造。
你想杀了我吗?朋友请你给我一点威胁好吗你想杀了我吗?朋友来把我的权威撼动试试好吗?你想杀了我吗?朋友来给硬核之王一点威胁好吗?你想杀了我吗?朋友快把硬核之王权威撼动好吗?砍不死他不止有八条命不怕死是他特质他个子两米八打拳击比泰森难不成你阻止了他?跳进湖假死之后则是他随时一举刀变成杰森到处是找路的找处的假呼的暴徒吧智障和乌合之众就随便你们结盟告诉你跑路吧保住你仅剩的脑路吧世上有我这种怪物追杀你可别怂砍不死的法老百年保值就像玛瑙信念改变圈子快把路易十六打到召集我的神兵可把纣王关进大牢王侯将相宁有种乎加句Mother ****er我从底层走出至今从未改变初衷踩着平庸圈子里面已是百年出众随你说我对不上拍没有天赋平庸这些喝紫水的毫无建树只能当个蛀虫我车子不带刹车撞死学舌的八哥黑怕圈梅威瑟脚踩嘴炮拳打嘉禾贝爷dna 却常犯七宗罪我从不道歉谁叫对手都是嘎嘣脆惹到爷就像大妈掉进粪坑那种背惹到爷掉进大海也被鸟屎砸中背制作人从不让我买单还给加工费是个人都想砍死法老非洲到台北Pharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首的前奏给加到六十秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃傻逼老外靠边站脑残迷妹靠边站没实力的靠边站因为我要砍死法老白脸娘炮靠边站胆小懦弱靠边站逆来顺受靠边站因为我要砍死法老带上顶极麻药再磨好金背大刀不喜欢大枪大炮我要往你眼睛里灌辣椒蓄力积攒大招带再上发套buzzy真皮发套凶杀现场我会找一个人打扫不过不好意思我跟你们不是一路砍死法老的只有我你们只能在家吸毒一度溢出的伤害让群众来不及写下遗嘱****你的信仰管你穆斯林还是基督实力的差距正在扩大就像四维高于三维用时间发育不管你们弄虚作假制造犯规把难度调低以为你们就能赢过我顺手就暴击撕开了所有的隐蔽的肮脏龌龊Mother****er法老一段时间不见你怎么又有进步怎么又有一堆废物说唱生涯被你禁锢我真的很想剖开进入你的大脑调包你的研究进度从此只有龙崎没有法老现在是神与神之间的战斗小逼都离开生物圈来不及时间给你颤抖要砍死法老先砍死我要砍死我先砍死rango可能他一根腿毛就足够让你烫口Pharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首前奏给加到60秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要?我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃开着无敌的挂Hiphop独立的爸炸到你妈都怕嘴巴武器绝杀即使无情的无名也对我如临大敌施瓦辛格的乳清写的正是我的大名Like bruce lee用着传统搏击爆揍国际巨星改造五十一区女粉都像暴走萝莉抬高你再多身价你也被我给套走money在高手如林的世界我是悟空你是库林接下这元气弹致敬给天津饭不过说唱圈的蛋糕我要准备切一半我不骂前辈因为这事前辈从不干新人谁敢冒犯那就让我言归正传即使隐藏不再隐藏也没法将我隐藏Young cee再强硬也难以将我枪毙堂堂的光光见我也要慌慌伴随铛铛在礼堂接过老脏的underground别再来吹牛你有多少斤两早在八年前我就得到你哥欣赏用着花呗的buzzy都能把你们秒你扎堆的发霉的韵脚臭过你的脚我用八倍的努力换来扒灰的武器你想炸毁我飞机可以麻烦先升级你的小炮小打小闹小看大道一群跳蚤还想要砍死法老Pharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首前奏给加到60秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要?我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃演出正式开始活死人再次回到你的身边打趴你身边的每个fake rapper 我们从来不是玩虚的你想灭了我那得看看你的水平这是mcpharaoh和markielil mother****in andy龙崎rango和干架王buzzy卢瓷航和lil gu know we are back !!。
• 图坦卡蒙的父母究竟是谁一直不清楚,发 掘出一个铭文说图坦卡蒙是一位法老的儿 子,但究竟是谁的儿子,却没有记载。他 是接替阿肯那吞作法老的,在位可能仅为810年,对他的木乃伊进行检验发现他死时 只有17-18岁。而他即位时阿肯那吞前一位 法老已经去世17年,所以不可能是前一位 法老的儿子。由于图坦卡蒙登基时年纪非 常小,只能同老臣阿伊共掌大权。在他死 后,老臣阿伊继承了王位。
• • • Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the King. 谁扰乱了这位法老的安宁,展翅的死神将降临他头上 刻在图坦卡蒙墓上的咒语,声称要报复擅闯他陵墓的人。1922年11月26日下 午,以英国考古学家霍华德· 卡特(Howard Carter)为首的一个探险队打开了这 个沉睡几千年的古墓。1923年4月23日,也就是打开法老墓室6个月后,参与 此次探险的科学家罗德· 卡纳冯勋爵(Lord Carnarvon )神秘死去,这使许多 人联想起那个诅咒,媒体和公众也纷纷开始关注,甚至连英国著名侦探小说 家、《福尔摩斯探案》一书的作者柯南· 道尔(Conan Doyle)也称他很相信这 古老诅咒的存在。离奇的事情还包括不祥的征兆——就在卡纳冯勋爵死的当 天,开罗发生全城大停电,勋爵的狗也在英国死去。除卡纳冯之外,在此后 的三年零三个月里,先后有22名参与图坦卡蒙陵墓发掘的人员意外死去。后 来当科学家要为图坦卡蒙的木乃伊进行CT扫描的当天,负责这项任务的10人 研究小组遇上了一连串的“怪事”:他们当天来回“帝王谷”的汽车差点遭 遇了一场夺命的车祸,科学家们都被惊出了一身冷汗;而在进行CT扫描实验 时,负责CT扫描的计算机却突然无缘无故“罢工”达两小时之久,最后科学 家好不容易让计算机重新启动,进行了15分钟的扫描工作。此外,在为木乃 伊进行CT扫描当天,埃及“帝王谷”中突然狂风大作,黄沙漫天,这突如其 来的狂风让从不信邪的科学家们也感到“十分古怪”,不得不联想到“法老 的诅咒”。美国《医学月刊》报导100名曾到金字塔的游客在未来10年里,死 于癌症的有百分之40,而且年龄都不大。胆大妄为爬上金字塔的很快出现昏 晕现象,无一生还。
1000000¥2019-03-05C-Low:If I made a million,then I am able to make two,the what I gonna do?我爸会比我有钱 so 不用管他他有些喜欢柳岩包给他一晚吧嗯我妹妹还小要给她买最棒的Raggedy Ann Doll要让我妈的眼睛从Vogue杂志上移到镜子里要她信自己把所有钱都花掉它们还会再次生长让我今晚就死掉续集再登场为我的生命买上一份高额保险照顾我的爱人当我突然离去来不及道歉和所有朋友宿醉吃最饱的胃用镶金的Bong呼吸睡最好的妹订制镶钻石的鞋舌来覆盖我的脚背穿它走进帆船酒店空白支票付小费诶别着急这故事没完I made 99 millionswhen you never made one, blah艾福杰尼:If i got a million what I gonna do Should I living goodProbably gonna buy shoes Should I travel round worldto see whats goodto see whats goodListen to thispreviously on this每个人有一百万拿它干嘛拿它买啥拿它吃好吃的吗穿好看的吗去好玩的吗钱也不是很多嘛要那么多钱干嘛钱多了你会糟蹋你可以去学C-Low拿钱滚动钱又或者买辆私人座驾不用挤坐中间或者花个几十万增强工作室的火力By the way有女友的时候这时要小心LV Prada Gucci Chanel 包包从头要武装到脚那分手赶早不赶巧旁人的眼光或许猜测你只是侥幸100万并不多这时候要请你小心有了100万你是不是就真的不吃早餐有了100万你是不是就真的不去上班有了100万你是不是就只听A$AP放弃Kendrick Taylor Gang 爱上Joey Bada$$ MC Pharaoh:我去** 第一次看见钱吗一群人围观你像显微镜般微观你晚上约你打牌是为了让你赔干净我就是不用解释劣质的戒指带在我手像是***娘想把我给劫持我有些上头必须赶紧走把你的思维交给我加在歌词里头我拿着KTV的麦通宵的吼 Yeah没Money搭不上我一句就算是Nami Girl 像Jay-ZBaby 你是Loli而我是疯子ODB买WuTang全球一张专辑逗B把钱包勒紧抓紧银行卡不给老婆这一百万调音台是MOTU 他麦克是U87真的和Easy Boyz每天花天酒地可是半个月都过去或许真的他妈变成过去Motherf***** 2014没有Cash如何Flow没有开始如何Roll BPark没肉也饿瘦钱钱钱最后变成了欠钱法老离了金字塔**也想考公务员中了一百万进了动物园真是犯贱饭店都不开饭干想收手没收手走前全被赌场收走Bi*ch艾福杰尼:If i got a million what I gonna doShould I living goodProbably gonna buy shoes。
我想(正式版)feat.泠风2019-03-05作曲 : gowe - I wonder instrumental作词 : 法老/泠风编曲:I wonder-gowe instrumental (MCpharaoh)我到底属于哪地球火星木卫六我没法喝酒因为酒会让我感觉过敏哦押的韵多荒谬而单词又该如何拼凑英文课没有学好那时又是离了多久你说我Flow 6可我为人不算优秀妈妈总说我没有办法办好自己的事哦真的我一个人都没有办法度日老话是新人学着说的可出新话的人才能变成老炮祷告没用我不要信徒我不是真的法老但非洲很迷人有时我想要变成小鸟拿笔我写个手稿如果灵感可以爆发可能这张碟我能够卖的超级的好去赚笔旅游费吧带上我远方女友她英文不错沿途见见南非那个大学室友也想去欧洲是否欧洲人都踢足球我在小学开始守门可是至今仍是三流是不是我不适合呢我车没买呢房呢别问了我可不可以自己去做选择呢我想做eminem可那边都说我是垃圾呢褪色的梦想我喝着可乐在夕阳一复一日问着自己同样问题存在的证据在哪我可能50岁都去不了那美好的民政局身体熬垮了生命是如此短暂他没法暂停是否我老了死了歌词能保存几个世纪(泠风)我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐作舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境(MCpharaoh)我现在23岁但活的也不算累老人也走了几个你看看我的眼泪这是张Mixtape我不知道听众你能有几位我不懂如何上位上次有人说我烂的不行我恍然大悟我根本不算歌星没有人想要我合影不过我还算有点热情我不是普通人反而就学不会用窍门Hiphop for life翻译过来是不是我不会做人大学毕业了三年我还在家吃泡面我最怀念的日子不吹是做少先队员我想要拍MV得花时间存够8000还想做做巡演可今夜听众喝彩只为嘉宾我住的城市嘉兴你是否懂我声音我想要让你听懂哦那只是一个曾经我是台机器但激励我的是发生一些奇迹我想要老了死了歌词能保存几个世纪(泠风)我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐作舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境(MCpharaoh)请记住我的名字Pharaoh如果我找不到伯乐我可能会突然消失随着旋律走入大海随着音符走进森林随着咆哮点燃火山随着历史变成遗产让时间去给看法错的会被正义斩杀你知道天堂很美孩子们千万别喊害怕你想要的东西必须用全力去争取金钱和权利才不是你想要的生活真谛For real我想要做一个真的Rapper real让爸妈能看见我努力对梦想的追求也许我就像是一个精心设计的滑稽秀逗你一笑也会成为我永不放弃的理由坐在老式拖拉机看着钢架和人流看着为钱奔波的人们还在边走边吼看着不值得的人都走了只留下了知己看着我老了死了歌词能保存几个世纪我想(泠风)我想呼风唤雨用奇妙旋律我想一日千里踩疯狂节奏我想遨游四海让音乐作舟我想睡在梦里醒在梦境我想呼风唤雨。
pharaoh 汉语意思
pharaoh 汉语意思
在现代英语中,pharaoh常用来比喻某个拥有无限权力和控制的人或组织,例如“the pharaohs of Wall Street”(华尔街的掌权者)。
语鹅市安置阳光实验学校2014高考英语阅读理解专题训练二轮精品题(22)及答案阅读理解In ancient Egypt the pharaoh (法老) treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace if he brought good news.However if the exhausted runner had the misfortune to bring the pharaoh unhappy news, his head was cut off.Shades of that spirit spread over today's conversations.Once, a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing.As we walked light-heartedly out of the door picnic basket in hand, a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and said, "Oh boy, bad day for a picnic.The weatherman says it's going to rain." I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches.Not for his stupid weather report, but for his smile.Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter, the sales agent said with a broad smile, “Oh, that bus left five minutes ago.” Dreams of head-cutting!It's not the news that makes someone angry.It's the unsympathetic attitude with which it's delivered.Everyone must give bad news from time to time and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude.A doctor advising a patient that she needs an operation does it in a caring way.A boss informing an employee he didn't get the job takes on a sympathetic tone.Big winners know when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver.Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this.When you're tired from a long flight, has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn’t ready ye t? When you had your heart set on the toast beef, has your waiter merrily told you that he just served the last piece? It makes you, as traveler or diner, want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces.Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said “Oh that's all ri ght.I'll catch the next one.” When they bear bad news, big winners deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded (被轰炸的) person is sure to have54.In Paragraph 1 the writer tells the story of the pharaoh to ________.A.make a comparison B.describe a scene C.introduce a topic D.offer an argument 55.From "Dreams of head-cutting!"(Paragraph 3) we learn that the writer ________.A.was mad at the sales agent.B.was reminded of the cruel pharaohC.wished that the sales agent would have had dreams.D.dreamed of cutting the sales agent's head that night.56.What is the main idea of the text?A.Learning ancient traditions can be useful.B.Receiving bad news requires great courage.C.Helping others sincerely is the key to business success.D.Delivering bad news properly is important in communication.【】54---CA 56---- D阅读理解--------CWith fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of big industrial plants for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dustbin would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy of nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million citizens and discover exactly what raw (未经加工的) materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be treated like this: First, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements (元素) from the heavy solids; after that rollers will break up everything that can be broken. Finally, the rubbish will pass under magnets (磁铁), which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final step.The first full-scale (全方位的) big recycling plants are perhaps fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dustbins, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.7. The underlined phrase “be well on with…” most probably means __ .A. have completed what was startedB. get ready to startC. have achieved a great deal inD. put an end to8. What is NOT mentioned as a part of the recycling process (过程) described inParagraph 3?A. Breaking up whatever is breakable.B. Sharpening metal bars.C. Separating light elements from the heavy ones.D. Sorting out small pieces of metal.9. What’s the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To deal with wastes more economically.B. To protect the environment from pollution.C. To get raw materials locally.D. To get advantage from those plants.10. The passage is mainly about .A. a cheap way to get energyB. the position of recycling plantsC. new ways of recycling wastesD. the probability of city environment【参考答案】7—10、CBA C阅读理解---------BBelow is from a book of facts.VITAL STATISTICS—MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS; CAUSES OF DEATHAbout 45,800people in the US were killed in the motor vehicle accidents in 2005, according to preliminary figures from the National Safety Council, up 1% from the revised total for 2004. as the number of drivers (201.5 million) and vehicle miles driven (3 trillion) increased in 2005, the death rate per 100 million vehicle miles increased 1% to 1.54%.US Motor Vehicle Accidents, 2004, 2005Sources: National Safety Council; Natl. Highway Traffic Safety Admin.Improper Driving Reported in Accidents 2000, 2002, 2005Source: National Safety CouncilThe Leading Causes of Death in the US, 2004Source: National Center for Health Statistics, US Dept. Of HealthServices5. In the US, people killed in all motor vechile accidents in 2005 wasmore than the total deaths in 2004.A. 3%B. 11%C. 4%D. 1%6. Among the leading causes of deaths in the US in 2004, “Accidents”took up .A. 27.2%B. 2.5%C. 9.2%D. 4.7%7. When a driver was under the influnce of acohol or drugs, the accidentwas included under .A. Other improper drivingB. Driving errorsC. No improper driving statedD. Improper driving【参考答案】5—7、DDC阅读理解------DIf you're someone who is eager to do something beyond the ordinary,Disregarded signa l……… 1.4 4.0 8.2 2.5 3.3 1.3 1.7 3.4 2.2Passed stop sign…………. 2.8 3.3 3.8 2.5 1.3 3.6 1.8 1.6 5.6Drove left of center………. 8.0 5.7 0.7 2.2 0.9 1.1 1.6 0.7 1.0Improper overtaking…….. 1.4 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.5 2.0 0.8 0.8 2.4Made improper turn…….. 4.5 0.5 0.7 4.2 1.2 0.6 4.5 1.7 0.9Deaths 2005 % change from 2004 Rate 2005All motor vehicle accidents……….. 45,800 +1 15.5Collision between motor vehicles…19,200 ─1 6.5Number Death Rate % of deathsALL CAUSESE ………………........... 2,397,615 826.5 100.01. Heart disease…………………….. 652,486 222.2 27.22. Cancer……………………………. 553,888 188,6 23.13. Stroke………………………….…. 150,074 51.1 6.34. Chronic lower respiratory diseases…121,987 41.55.15. Accidents………………………….. 112,012 38.1 4.76. Diabetes mellitus…………………. 73,138 24.9 3.17. Alzheimer’s disease………………. 65,965 22.5 2.8Percentage of percentage of percentage offatal accidents injury accidents all accidentsType 2005 2002 2000 2005 2002 2000 2005 2002 2000you must have figured out by now that there will always be those who are jealous or resentful(怨恨) of your success.It doesn't matter that you've worked long and hard to get where you are, nor that you've made great sacrifices in achieving your goals. The "haters" will always find a reason to speak ill of you and even condemn you.They're spiteful (恨的) people who envy you the pride you have in yourself and the recognition you're receiving from others. They can't stand it that you're happy, fulfilled and achieving your goals.These hateful individuals are unwilling to do the work that you've done. They hate your success but are too lazy to invest real time or energy in achieving their own goals.The thing you need to know about these haters is that the only reason they behave this way is that you have something they want, but they aren't willing to work for it.The haters are convinced that you've been lucky or that you've had some unfair advantage, but the truth is that your success is born of your untiring efforts, and it's these efforts that have brought about your "luck."The best way to deal with haters is what I call the "one-two punch." First, don't let them hurt you. Be happy about your success and proud of your accomplishments. Company with those who approve you, recognize you and support you, and never doubt that you deserve all the success. The haters are angry, jealous people. What they think or say is meaningless.Next, the more the haters annoy you, the more you should be motivated to succeed. They want to ruin you, but your response should be to work that much harder in order to increase your level of success.When your reaction to their bad behavior has inspired you to achieve further success, you've transformed the haters' negativity (消极) into fuel for your creative fires. Not only can they not hurt you but they've inspired you onto even greater heights by chance.41. Why will the "haters" always find a reason to speak ill of you?A. They care more about you.B. You always work too hard.C. You are lazy but proud.D. They envy you the success.【答案】D【解析】他们嫉妒你的成功,故选D。
砍死法老(feat宁大人)2019-03-05作曲 : 法老/宁大人作词 : 法老/宁大人《砍死法老》feat.龙崎活死人制造。
你想杀了我吗?朋友请你给我一点威胁好吗你想杀了我吗?朋友来把我的权威撼动试试好吗?你想杀了我吗?朋友来给硬核之王一点威胁好吗?你想杀了我吗?朋友快把硬核之王权威撼动好吗?砍不死他不止有八条命不怕死是他特质他个子两米八打拳击比泰森难不成你阻止了他?跳进湖假死之后则是他随时一举刀变成杰森到处是找路的找处的假呼的暴徒吧智障和乌合之众就随便你们结盟告诉你跑路吧保住你仅剩的脑路吧世上有我这种怪物追杀你可别怂砍不死的法老百年保值就像玛瑙信念改变圈子快把路易十六打到召集我的神兵可把纣王关进大牢王侯将相宁有种乎加句Mother ****er我从底层走出至今从未改变初衷踩着平庸圈子里面已是百年出众随你说我对不上拍没有天赋平庸这些喝紫水的毫无建树只能当个蛀虫我车子不带刹车撞死学舌的八哥黑怕圈梅威瑟脚踩嘴炮拳打嘉禾贝爷dna 却常犯七宗罪我从不道歉谁叫对手都是嘎嘣脆惹到爷就像大妈掉进粪坑那种背惹到爷掉进大海也被鸟屎砸中背制作人从不让我买单还给加工费是个人都想砍死法老非洲到台北Pharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首的前奏给加到六十秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃Looking at the world througha glass eye-Filling in the colorstrying to unwind The liquorin the bottle is disappearing all the timeI am drowning in this river as my problems multiply Blue lights on my white shin could never justify The current situation that I call lifeTrying to draw a picture but I can't see shitI am willing in the colors trying to unwind Sipping on the bottle you could diefrom the smell- ****ing hookersin a motel (hell)And my homies sayI got to change the way I live**** it, this ain't no parallel universethat shit would be impossiblecan't you tell? This is who I amso let me be me23 sipping on that benzene with a big dreambut it's difficult to run aroundwhen you have blisters on your feetknees week extra dose of morpheme huh?I just want to pick a hammer ( hammer hammer) hit a mirror watch it shatteras the glass skaters ( skater skaters)my mothers voice trembles throughthe passage to the kitchen asI pick up that imaginary pistolpull the triggerI be drowning in this liquordrowning in the liquorPharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首前奏给加到60秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要?我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃开着无敌的挂Hiphop独立的爸炸到你妈都怕嘴巴武器绝杀即使无情的无名也对我如临大敌施瓦辛格的乳清写的正是我的大名Like bruce lee用着传统搏击爆揍国际巨星改造五十一区女粉都像暴走萝莉抬高你再多身价你也被我给套走money在高手如林的世界我是悟空你是库林接下这元气弹致敬给天津饭不过说唱圈的蛋糕我要准备切一半我不骂前辈因为这事前辈从不干新人谁敢冒犯那就让我言归正传即使隐藏不再隐藏也没法将我隐藏Young cee再强硬也难以将我枪毙堂堂的光光见我也要慌慌伴随铛铛在礼堂接过老脏的underground别再来吹牛你有多少斤两早在八年前我就得到你哥欣赏用着花呗的buzzy都能把你们秒你扎堆的发霉的韵脚臭过你的脚我用八倍的努力换来扒灰的武器你想炸毁我飞机可以麻烦先升级你的小炮小打小闹小看大道一群跳蚤还想要砍死法老Pharaoh是个砍不死的bug而且他会继续在你身边骂着在你听着摇滚之前他就准备发车在你改听民谣之后还要继续发歌把这首前奏给加到60秒我不要迈克那么谁敢接过要?我没有时间理会那些尼安德特人我的火箭已经升空你却只有树皮啃演出正式开始活死人再次回到你的身边打趴你身边的每个fake rapper我们从来不是玩虚的你想灭了我那得看看你的水平这是mcpharaoh和markielil mother****in andy龙崎rango和干架王buzzy卢瓷航和lil gu know we are back !!。
写法老rapper的作文英文回答:Pharaoh, the enigmatic and revered figure from the annals of Egyptian history, has captured the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike for centuries. His enigmatic nature, shrouded in layers of myth and legend, continues to fascinate us, inviting us to delve into his life and reign.Pharaoh, a title borne by the rulers of ancient Egypt, denotes an individual who wielded immense political, religious, and military power. As the embodiment of the divine on Earth, the Pharaoh's authority extended beyond the temporal realm, influencing every aspect of Egyptian society and culture.The annals of Egyptian history are replete with accounts of mighty Pharaohs who left an indelible mark on the civilization. From the enigmatic Sphinx to the towering pyramids, these architectural marvels bear witness to theirpower and ambition. Yet, among the countless Pharaohs who ruled Egypt, one stands out as particularly intriguing: Pharaoh Akhenaten.Akhenaten, also known as Amenhotep IV, ascended to the throne in the 14th century BC. His reign marked a radical departure from the traditional religious practices of ancient Egypt. Akhenaten introduced a monotheistic cult centered around Aten, the sun disk, challenging the prevailing polytheistic beliefs.The reasons behind Akhenaten's religious reforms remain a subject of intense debate among scholars. Some suggest that it was a sincere attempt to purify Egyptian religion, while others speculate that it was a strategic move to consolidate his power. Regardless of his motivations, Akhenaten's religious revolution had a profound impact on Egyptian society, leaving a legacy that would continue to shape the course of its history.In addition to his religious reforms, Akhenaten is also renowned for his unconventional artistic style. Breakingaway from traditional conventions, he introduced a more naturalistic and intimate depiction of human figures in Egyptian art. The elongated faces and sinuous bodies depicted in his reign's artwork reflect a shift towards a more expressive and introspective form of artistic expression.Pharaohs, as the embodiment of divine authority on Earth, played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of ancient Egypt. Their decisions, both in the realms of politics and religion, had far-reaching consequences that continue to resonate today. The enigmatic figure of Pharaoh Akhenaten, with his radical religious reforms and unconventional artistic style, stands as a testament to the enduring power and influence of these ancient rulers.中文回答:法老,这个来自埃及历史编年史中神秘而令人敬畏的人物,几个世纪以来一直吸引着学者和普通人的想象力。
消失的法老观后感【中英文版】Title: Disappearing Pharaoh - A ReflectionTitle: 消失的法老—观后感After watching the documentary "Disappearing Pharaoh", I was left with a profound sense of awe and contemplation.The story unfolds around the mysterious disappearance of the famous Pharaoh Ramses II, which has baffled historians and archaeologists for centuries.在观看纪录片《消失的法老》之后,我深感敬畏和沉思。
The documentary delves into the rich history of ancient Egypt, providing insights into the culture, religion, and political landscape of that time.It explores the possible reasons behind Ramses II"s disappearance, ranging from natural disasters to assassination attempts, and even alien intervention.纪录片深入探讨了古埃及的丰富历史,为我们提供了当时文化、宗教和政治格局的见解。
The narrative is weaved together with captivating visuals, taking the viewer on a journey through the ancient temples and tombs of Egypt.The interviews with experts in the field add depth to the narrative,offering different perspectives on the enigmatic Pharaoh and his mysterious disappearance.叙述通过迷人的视觉效果编织在一起,带领观众穿越埃及古老的庙宇和坟墓。
对法老的歌200字作文英文回答:The song "To Pharaoh" is one of my all-time favorites.It has a catchy melody and meaningful lyrics that resonate with me. The song tells the story of a powerful and influential ruler, Pharaoh, who is both feared and revered by his people. The lyrics depict the grandeur and opulenceof Pharaoh's kingdom, as well as the challenges he faces in maintaining his power.One of the reasons why I love this song is because ofits powerful chorus. The chorus goes like this: "To Pharaoh, we bow down, to his greatness we are bound. With his scepter, he rules the land, his power we can't withstand." This chorus captures the awe and admiration that peoplehave for Pharaoh, and it always gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.Another aspect of the song that I appreciate is its useof metaphors. For example, in one verse, it says, "Pharaoh's heart is made of gold, his words are worth more than gold." This metaphor highlights Pharaoh's wisdom and eloquence, emphasizing his ability to lead and inspire his people.Furthermore, the song also touches upon the challenges and sacrifices that Pharaoh has to make in order to maintain his power. In one verse, it says, "Pharaoh's burden is heavy, his crown weighs him down. But he carries on, for his people's sake." This verse reminds me that even the most powerful leaders have their own struggles and responsibilities.中文回答:《对法老的歌》是我最喜欢的歌曲之一。
四年级英语古代文明成就单选题40题1. The Great Pyramid in Egypt is very famous. It is a great _____.A. buildingB. paintingC. songD. story答案:A。
2. Ancient Egyptians used _____ to write.A. alphabet lettersB. hieroglyphsC. numbersD. pictures答案:B。
选项A“alphabet letters”((字母)不是古埃及人书写的方式。
3. The pyramids were built as _____.A. housesB. tombsC. templesD. markets答案:B。
4. Which one is a famous ancient Egyptian symbol?A. The crossB. The ankhC. The starD. The heart答案:B。
法老英语作文In the dusty tombs of ancient Egypt, a voice echoes through the ages, "Hey, you! Yes, you with the pen and paper. Let's write an essay on pharaohs, but with a twist. Make it so good that even the mummies would sit up and take notice."So, let's dive into the realm of the pharaohs, where the Nile flowed like a liquid time machine, and the pyramids stood as towering proof of human ingenuity. Imagine a place where cats were worshipped, and a good wig was a sign of high fashion. Welcome to the land of the pharaohs, where the sun never set on their reign, and the afterlife was just as important as the one we're living.Picture this: a pharaoh, decked out in gold and adorned with jewels, sits on his throne, surveying his kingdom. He's not just a ruler; he's a living god, a walking, talking deity with a penchant for grandeur. But don't be fooled by theglitz and glamour. This pharaoh is no slouch when it comes to the business of ruling. He's got a hand in everything from the building of temples to the regulation of the Nile's annual flood.Now, let's talk about the language. The pharaohs spoke a tongue that was as complex as their society, filled with hieroglyphs that danced across papyrus like a secret code. But fear not, dear reader, for we're here to unravel the mysteries of the past, to translate the hieroglyphs ofhistory into the vernacular of today.In the halls of the pharaohs, laughter was as common asthe scent of frankincense. They had their jokes, their puns, and their own brand of humor that would make even the Sphinx crack a smile. Imagine the court jester, a man with a quickwit and a faster tongue, keeping the pharaoh and hiscourtiers in stitches with his antics.But let's not forget the serious side of pharaoh life. These rulers were responsible for the well-being of their people. They were the overseers of agriculture, thearchitects of monumental structures, and the guardians of the spiritual realm. Their decisions shaped the course of history, and their legacy endures to this day.So, as we wrap up this essay on the pharaohs, let's raise a glass to these ancient rulers. May their wisdom guide us, their achievements inspire us, and their humor remind us that even in the most solemn of times, a good joke can lighten the mood. And who knows? Maybe if we write well enough, they'll hear us from their eternal resting places, and the mummieswill finally get the punchline they've been waiting for millennia to understand.。
以埃及第十八王朝的图特摩斯三世为例,其五个王衔为:∙荷鲁斯名:来自底比斯的荷鲁斯神牛(Kanakht Khaemwaset);∙两女神名:两女神之子,在天上像拉神一样行驶王权(Wahnesytmireempet);∙金荷鲁斯名:权能的金荷鲁斯,神圣的仪表(Sekhempahtydsejerkhaw);∙登基名:莎草和蜜蜂之子,拉神的化身(Menkheperre);∙原名:图特摩斯和拉神的美丽之子(Thutmose Neferkheperu)。
1. 《埃及法老病症与医学考古学》("The Pharaoh's Curse and Medical Archaeology")— Helene J. Smith
2. 《法老病症:从古埃及到现代》("The Pharaoh's Curse: From Ancient Egypt to the Present")— Joyce Filer
3. 《埃及法老病症:医学考古学新视角》("The Pharaoh's Curse: A New Perspective on Medical Archaeology")— M. A. Bugwandeen
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2. Headwear
3. Truncheon
4. Cobra
Egyptian Mummies
Who disturbed the sleeping of the Pharaoh, and death will spread its wings upon his head. Having any impure heart into the grave, I would like to grip his neck like a bird choke.
-- the king of Ancient Egypt
I. Origin II. Symbols III. Mummy IV. Pyramid V. Curse
The Origin of Pharaoh
Байду номын сангаас
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法老是古埃及国王的尊称,也是一个神秘的名字,它是埃及语的希伯来文音译,其象 形文字写作,意为大房屋,在古王国时代(约前2686~前2181)仅指王宫,并不涉及国王 本身。新王国第十八王朝图特摩斯三世起,开始用于国王自身,并逐渐演变成对国王的一 种尊称。第二十二王朝(前945~前730)以后,成为国王的正式头衔。习惯上把古埃及的 国王通称为法老。法老作为奴隶制专制君主,掌握全国的军政、司法、宗教大权,其意志 就是法律,是古埃及的最高统治者。法老自称是太阳神阿蒙-赖神之子,是神在地上的代理 人和化身。