History of Chinese Romanization 中文罗马化历程
中国文化概况 复习资料
Chapter 1The Origin of Chinese Culture文化词汇Confucian philosophy 儒家哲学Confucius孔子Mencius孟子the descendants of Y an and Huang 炎黄子孙the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods 春秋战国时期The Art of War《孙子兵法》porcelain 瓷器三皇五帝Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns)Gregorian calendar/ solar calendar格里高利历,是国际通用的历法,即公历lunar calendar阴历the Twenty-four Solar Terms二十四节气Chinese Zodiac生肖Chinese Culture---Past and PresentChinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches(中游)of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合并,融合)one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world, and called their state the "Middle Kingdom"(中国), thus giving China its country name.Traditional Chinese culture is recorded not only in history books and documents, but also in archeological records(考古记载), such as ancient city walls, palaces(宫殿), temples(寺庙), pagodas(宝塔), and grottos(洞窟); artifacts(史前古器物), such as bronze objects, weapons, bronze mirrors, coins, jade and pottery objects, and curios; and folk culture, including song and dance, embroidery(刺绣), cuisine(烹饪), clothing, tea ceremonies, drinking games, lanterns, riddles, martial arts(武术), chess and kites. With a continuous history of 5,000 years, it has undergone frequent transformations to produce a rich and vital cultural heritage.In the modern day, with the rise of western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization have gained adherents in China. Indeed, within today’s globalized environment, modern cultures interact and cooperate increasingly more with each other. China’s culture of the future will most likely reflect this cross-cultural dimension. Thus, obtaining a solid understa nding of China’s culture of the past is necessary in order to successfully embrace all that the culture has to offer to the world.The Appellation of ChinaChina is the appellation of our country given by foreigners. The porcelain china is the transliteration of the place name Changnan(昌南), which was the old name for Jingdezhen(景德镇). The porcelain made in Changnan was smooth and bright, and earned another name of artificial jade. It became famous both home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large quantities.As time passed, people in Europe forgot the meaning of Changnan and switched the original meaning of porcelain of the word “china” to the place of its origin.The Alternative Names of China⏹Chixian, Shenzhou(赤县、神州)⏹Jiuzhou (九州)⏹Hua ( 华)⏹Huaxia(华夏)⏹Zhonghua(中华)⏹Hainei(海内)Chinese MythologyChinese Mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales(民间故事), and religions that have been passed down in oral or written form. Chinese mythology is similar to modern religion in that they both believe in relationships between mankind and a higher power.Historians have conjectured(推测)that Chinese mythology began in 12th century BC (close to the time of the Trojan War 特洛伊战争). The myths and legends were passed down in oral form for over a thousand years, before being written down in early book such as Shui Jing Zhu and Shan Hai Jing.The classification of myth神话的分类Creation myth 创世神话:Nvwa Created Man(女娲造人)Hero myth 英雄神话:Houyi Shooting the Sun(后羿射日)War myth 战争神话:Yellow Emperor Tackled Human-God(黄帝擒蚩尤)Cultural MosaicHeavenly Stems and Earthly BranchesThe standard Gregorian calendar is generally referred to as the solar calendar in China. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Jiazi calendar, counts the years in sixty-year cycles by combining two series of numbers---the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches.The Twenty-four Solar TermsThe traditional Chinese lunar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms, according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic in relationship to the earth. The solar terms designate agricultural periods, and can predict changing seasonal conditions, temperature, and weather throughout the course of the year. They are extremely important to agricultural production.Changes in the four seasons are determined by eight solar terms:立春( the Beginning of Spring),春分( the Spring Equinox ),立夏(the Beginning of Summer ),夏至(the Summer Solstice),立秋(the Beginning of Autumn),秋分( the Autumnal Equinox),立冬( the Beginning of Winter),冬至(the Winter Solstice )Changes in temperature are indicated by five solar terms:小暑Slight Heat ,大暑Great Heat ,处暑the Limit of Heat ,小寒Slight Cold ,大寒Great ColdChanging weather conditions are indicated by seven solar terms:雨水Rain Water ,谷雨Grain Rain ,白露White Dew ,寒露Cold Dew,霜降Frost's Descent ,小雪Slight Snow ,大雪Great Snow .Recurring natural phenomena are indicated by four solar terms:惊蛰the Waking of Insects ,清明Pure Brightness ,小满Grain Full,芒种Grain in EarChinese ZodiacIn ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced people's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey , rooster, dog and pig.Chapter 2 Culinary Culture文化词汇culinary厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的cuisine烹饪,烹调法;菜肴main food主食,主粮(staple food )Fire temperature火候food tonic 食补“Food is the first necessity of the people”(“民以食为天。
Part 2 History of Translation有文字记载的翻译实践活动,远在公元前三千年就存在了。
(亚述王国Assyria国王萨尔贡Sargon);中国的起始时期:周朝(春秋战国时期)⏹“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同,达其志,通其欲” ——《礼记》“东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译” ——《礼记》⏹西方翻译史上,第一位重要的翻译理论家——西塞罗(古罗马著名学者106-43BC)I.History of Translation in the WestSix tides in five periods五个时期六个高潮●Ancient translation古代翻译:4th C BC —5th C AD翻译介绍希腊文化,促进罗马文学的诞生和发展●Medieval translation中世纪翻译;A. 罗马帝国后期——中世纪初期宗教翻译《圣经》的拉丁文译本与世俗文学翻译分庭抗礼B. 11、12世纪希腊典籍回归故里西班牙托莱多(成为欧洲学术中心)阿拉伯语译回拉丁语●Translation in Renaissance periods文艺复兴时期翻译:翻译活动达到前所未有的高峰,涉及到思想、政治、哲学、文学和宗教等,产生了大批杰出的翻译家和一系列优秀的翻译作品●Modern translation近代翻译17世纪下半叶——20世纪上半叶,继续古典著作的翻译,关注近当代的作品,如莎士比亚、巴尔扎克、东方文学●Contemporary translation当代翻译:二战以后,翻译翻译范围翻译规模扩大2. Tr anslators and translation theorists西塞罗,贺拉斯,哲罗姆,德莱顿,泰特勒,奈达,卡特福德,纽马克,巴斯内特,勒菲弗尔,图瑞II.History of Translation in China文字翻译始于汉代的佛经翻译⏹佛经翻译——中国文化的深层迁移⏹明清时期的翻译——中国近代科学和国人的科学素养与科学精神⏹五四及民国时期的翻译——中国近代思想的历史演进⏹建国后的翻译活动——对中国文化及其知识、学术、思想具有类似的模筑作用三国时期佛经翻译家支谦、维祗之间的争论,是首次对翻译问题进行的探讨,信、达、雅均以涉及。
前241年- 罗马和迦太基签定和约。西西里为罗马所有。并且迦太基割让“西西里与意大利之间的岛屿”,不包括撒丁岛和科西嘉岛。迦太基赔偿罗马3200他连特。
前237年- 迦太基胜利结束佣兵战争。要求罗马归还撒丁岛。罗马以武力威胁。精疲力尽的迦太基被迫屈服。罗马正式吞并撒丁岛和科西嘉岛。
前192年--前189年- 对塞琉西王朝的叙利亚战争
前172年/前167年-第三次马其顿战争, 罗马得胜
1982年在南京召开的ISO/TC46第19届会议上,正式通过了《ISO7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法》(英文名称是ISO 7098 Information and Documentation-Romanization of Chinese)。
1991年,在巴黎召开的ISO/TC46第24届会议上,对“ISO7098”进行了技术修改,成为了《ISO 7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法(1991)》(英文名称是ISO 7098(1991)Information and documentation:Romanization of Chinese),简称“ISO7098(1991)”。
上世纪90年代初制定ISO 7098(1991)的时候,正是世界进入信息时代的关键时刻。
使用ISO 7098(1991)的汉语拼音,可以通过拼音——汉字转换的方法输入输出汉字。
中文种类英文介绍作文English Answer:The Chinese language is one of the most spoken languages in the world, with over 1.3 billion native speakers. It is an extremely diverse language, with a rich history and a wide range of dialects and writing systems.Types of Chinese。
There are many different varieties (dialects) of Chinese, each with its own unique pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Some of the most widely spoken varieties include:Mandarin (官话): The official language of China and the most widely spoken variety.Cantonese (粤语): Spoken in southern China, Hong Kong, and Macau.Wu (吴语): Spoken in the Yangtze River Delta region.Min (闽语): Spoken in Fujian and Taiwan.Hakka (客家话): Spoken by a minority group that migrated to southern China from northern China.Gan (赣语): Spoken in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces.Writing Systems。
收稿日期:2010-12-07 修回日期:2011-01-18作者简介:张明东(1969-),男,副研究馆员,总数据师,研究方向为知识管理㊁中西文献编目比较㊂境外合作编目中的MARC21中文书目记录解析张明东(1.北京大学图书馆 北京 100871;2.CALIS 管理中心 北京 100871)摘 要 从介绍多文种记录的模式入手,对在境外合作编目中编制的MARC21格式的中文记录的结构㊁内容和特点等作了归纳和分析,对新罗马化拼音准则的特征及拼音形式进行了说明㊂以期找出提高中文MARC21书目记录质量的方法与途径,为提供标准的㊁国际化的中文文献书目数据做出努力,消除语言障碍,使中文文献直接面对各国读者㊂关键词 MARC21 中文文献 编目字段 编目标准 境外合作编目中图分类号 G254.36 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-1965(2011)03-0176-06Overseas Cooperative Cataloging in MARC21Chinese Bibliographic RecordsZHANG Mingdong(1.Peking University Library ,Beijing 100871;2.CALIS Administrative Center ,Beijing 100871)Abstract This paper summarizes and analyses the structure ,content and features of the Overseas Cooperative Cataloging in MARC 21Chinese records ,which begins with the introduction of multilingual record mode ,and describes the characteristics and phonetic forms of the New Chinese Romanization Guidelines.And efforts are made to identify the methods and approaches in increasing the quality of Chi⁃nese MARC 21bibliographic records ,to provide standard ,international Chinese bibliographic data ,to eliminate the language barrier ,and to make Chinese documents directly in the face of different readers at home and abroad.Key words MARC 21 Chinese literature cataloging fields cataloguing standards Overseas Cooperative Cataloging0 引 言MARC 21格式,90年代前名为USMARC 格式,是美欧等国及许多亚洲国家和地区使用的文献著录格式,也是我国图书馆界主要使用的西文文献著录格式㊂MARC 21格式历经半个多世纪的充实完善,已经形成了一套极其完备的规则和严谨的格式体系,在许多国家和地区被广泛采用,包括中国的港澳地区㊂而且放弃本国原先的MARC 格式而采用MARC 21的国家越来越多㊂它与各种语言文字相结合,适应了各文种的不同特点,产生了大量多文种记录㊂从作为中介语的角度,比其他用自然语言做标识的元数据更有优势㊂但是由于我国西文文献机读目录编制工作开展时间不长,而用MARC 21对中文图书进行编目只是随着境外合作编目的开展才刚刚起步,有关格式㊁规则及使用说明的文献较少,因此在使用过程中存在不少的问题㊂下面对MARC 21格式的中文记录的模式㊁结构和内容等作介绍与分析,以期找出提高中文MARC 21书目记录质量的方法与途径㊂1 多文种记录的交替文字描述及连接境外合作编目就是国内编目机构根据国外机构的要求向其提供标准的㊁国际化的中文文献书目数据的过程㊂所编中文文献的书目数据格式是以MARC 21为基本格式㊁以新罗马化拼音为主要编目字符,并通过880连接字段将拼音和汉字字段相连接而构成㊂中文MARC 21记录依据的著录条例是‘英美编目条例第二修订版“(AACR 2),著录格式是‘国际标准第30卷 第3期2011年3月 情 报 杂 志JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE Vol.30 No.3Mar. 2011书目著录规则“(ISBD),采用的主题标引工具为‘美国国会图书馆主题词表“(LCSH),分类标引工具是‘美国国会图书馆分类法“(LC Call Number)和‘杜威十进分类法“(DDC),名称规范是美国国会图书馆的规范,拼音规则是美国国会图书馆的‘新汉语罗马化准则“㊂要分析中文MARC21记录,就得先介绍多文种记录(Multi-script Records)㊂它是指一条书目记录经过计算机自动处理,能显示和提供两种文字,以便使用不同文种的用户浏览和检索机读目录㊂根据在编文献和编目语言使用文种的情况,多文种记录分原始多文种记录和音译多文种记录两种模式㊂原始多文种记录又称简单多文种记录(Simple Multi-script Records),任何语言都可以放在规定字段中,在此情况下,任何字段都是可重复的㊂音译多文种记录(Vernacular and Transliteration)也被称作本国语言和音译模式,则是比较常用的一种处理模式㊂在这个模式里,本国语言和音译被放在不同的固定字段里,一般采用880字段来处理一条编目记录中同时出现的本国语言和音译㊂根据880字段的定义,它是用来存放交替图形符号(Alternate Graphic Repre⁃sentation),那么像中日韩这样的 图形”文字,就应该放在880字段里㊂MARC21建议,如果一条记录里同时有本国语言和音译,最好使用此模式㊂一般来说,该模式用于对非拉丁文文献的拉丁化录入,即对非拉丁文文献采用拉丁字母拼音来记录㊂880字段本身可以放这种信息,其语义是通过$6连接子字段和非880字段连接起来,通过这个连接来指示特定880字段的语义㊂如88000$6245-01就和题名与责任说明项联系起来,这个880字段就是用 图形”文字描述的题名和责任者;又如880##$6260-03就和出版发行项连接起来,这个880字段就是用 图形”文字描述的出版地㊁出版者和出版年㊂英美国家的书目数据库主要是用这一模式来描述非罗马文字的书目信息的㊂中文书目记录显然属于这一模式,对于中文数据而言,汉字信息也是放在880字段㊂可见,创建这种记录,最重要的特点就是使用$6子字段和880字段㊂$6连接子字段(Link Subfield):$6子字段在一般字段和880交替文字描述字段中成对使用,且总出现在字段中的第一位置㊂在用编目语言即英文录入的一般字段中,子字段的结构形式为:$6连接字段号-序号在用编目语言(英文)录入的一般字段中,$6子字段后录入的连接字段号(Link Tag)总是等同于880,因为一般字段中的数据元素若是要用另一种文字表示,一定是通过880字段而非其他任何字段[1]㊂$6子字段连接字段号和连词符后的序号(Oc⁃currence Number)由00-99依次组成,在一般字段中通常从 01”开始[1]㊂例:1001#$6880-01$aQian,Yigui,$db.1754? 24510$6880-02$aYi lue/$cQian Yigui.880交替文字描述字段(Alternate Graphic Repre⁃sentation Field):880字段为可重复字段,用于同条记录中另一字段不同文字的指定描述㊂880字段是通过$6子字段实现与相关字段的连接的[1]㊂而880字段$6子字段的结构形式为:$6连接字段号-序号/文种识别代码/方向代码880字段中$6子字段的连接字段号即被连接字段的字段标识符,其后的序号等同于相关字段中的序号㊂第一个斜线后录入文种识别代码,中㊁日㊁韩文均为$1;第二个斜线后录入方向代码(Orientation Code),表示字段中文字行文的方向㊂一般文字从左往右书写,此时可不用录入斜线和方向代码,即作缺省处理[1]㊂880字段第1和第2指示符的定义和值与相关字段指示符相同,其子字段代码的设置也与相关字段的子字段代码相同㊂对应上例:8801#$6100-01/$1$a钱一桂,$db.1754? 88010$6245-02/$1$a医略/$c钱一桂.当880字段没有与之连接的相关字段时,$6子字段中的序号可为 00”,通常见于附注字段㊂例: 880##$6500-00/$1$a據[淸光緖]抄本影印.2 MARC21中文书目记录的主要结构一条标准的MARC21中文书目记录可分为六个主要的部分:第一部分:头标和可变长控制字段块㊂即记录头标和所有的00X字段,数据内容大部分是定义过的代码㊂系统可据此识别书目记录的特征,自动生成记录长度㊁数据基地址㊁地址目次区结构等数据元素,并按照需要对记录进行检索或批处理,也可根据某些数据元素对书目数据库中的文献类型进行管理和统计㊂第二部分:号码和代码字段块㊂即所有的01X-09X字段,属于可变长数据字段,记录与书目记录和文献实体有关的控制号㊁标准号㊁分类/索书号和各种代码等信息,部分可作检索点㊂第三部分:新罗马化拼音标目和著录信息块㊂即㊃771㊃ 第3期 张明东:境外合作编目中的MARC21中文书目记录解析除6XX字段以外的,从1XX字段到880以前的所有字段[2],包括主要款目标目㊁题名与责任说明项㊁版本项㊁出版发行项㊁载体形态项㊁丛编项㊁附注项㊁附加款目等㊂除了载体形态项外,这些字段多采用新罗马化拼音著录㊂属于可变长数据字段㊂第四部分:主题款目块㊂即6XX字段,主要包括个人/团体/会议名称款目㊁统一题名款目㊁论题性款目㊁地理名称款目等㊂属于可变长数据字段㊂第五部分:以880字段连接的汉字著录信息块㊂内容与形式同第三部分新罗马化拼音标目和著录信息块及第四部分主题款目块保持一致与对应[2]㊂属于可变长数据字段㊂第六部分:馆藏信息块㊂包括各类馆藏信息,如索书号㊁馆藏址㊁文献标识等,具体记录于9XX字段[2]㊂属于可变长数据字段㊂下面将主要涉及$6子字段的第三㊁四部分与涉及880字段的第五部分加以对照说明㊂主要款目标目:记录书目记录中作为主要款目标目的个人㊁团体㊁会议名称或统一题名,是书目查询的重要检索点㊂例:1001#$6880-01$aDing,Xueliang,$d1952-8801#$6100-01/$1$a丁学良,$d1952-1102#$6880-01$aGuo wu yuan jiu feng ban (China).$bZong he zu.8802#$6110-01/$1$a国务院纠风办(China). $b综合组.1101#$6880-01$aChina.$bQuan guo ren min dai biao da hui$n(7th,4th session:$d1991) 8801#$6110-01/$1$aChina.$b全国人民代表大会$n(7th,4th session:$d1991)1300#$6880-01$aShan hai jing.8800#$6130-01/$1$a山海經.题名与责任说明项:题名与责任说明是书目记录中最重要的著录单元,包括正题名㊁载体㊁其他题名信息和责任说明等信息㊂著录时按规定信息源出现的形式和次序如实转录㊂例:24510$6880-02$aMin jian wen yi cong hua/ $cZhong Jingwen zhu.88010$6245-02/$1$a民間文藝叢話/$c锺敬文著.24510$6880-02$aZhongguo gao duan fang wen.$n1,$pYing xiang Zhongguo gao ceng jue ce de 18ren/$cWu Zhifei,Yu Wei zhu.88010$6245-02/$1$a中国高端访问.$n1, $p影响中国高层决策的18人/$c吴志菲,余玮著.版本项:记录文献的版本信息,用于区分相同著作的不同版本㊂版次应使用阿拉伯数字形式,版本术语使用标准用语㊂第一版仍需著录,这点与CNMARC 不同㊂例:250##$6880-03$aDi1ban.880##$6250-03/$1$a第1版.出版发行项:出版地㊁出版者和出版年等事项著录在本项,印刷和发行事项根据情况选用㊂例: 260##$6880-03$aTianjin Shi:$bTianjin da xue chu ban she,$c2009.880##$6260-03/$1$a天津市:$b天津大学出版社,$c2009.载体形态项:记录文献载体的物理形态特征,是唯一不采用新罗马化拼音著录的著录信息项㊂用编目语言即英文著录,页㊁叶㊁卷册㊁图㊁图版分别转化为p.㊁leaves㊁v.㊁ill.㊁plate表示㊂例:300##$a3,7,382p.:$bcol.ill.;$c25cm. 300##$a3v.;$c25cm.丛编说明项:丛编题名记录在490字段㊂当丛编题名不作检索点时,指示符1取0;作检索点时,指示符1取值为1,此时需启用800/810/811/830字段记录规范的丛编题名㊂440字段不再使用㊂例: 4900#$6880-05$aYunnan min zu da xue xue shu wen ku8800#$6490-05/$1$a云南民族大学学术文库4901#$6880-05$aFeng huang wen ku 830#0$6880-09$aFeng huang wen ku.$pHai wai Zhongguo yan jiu xi lie.8801#$6490-05/$1$a凤凰文库880#0$6830-09/$1$a凤凰文库.$p海外中国研究系列.附注项:凡以上各项因著录规则的规定未予著录而又必须进一步补充说明的内容,均在本项著录㊂例: 500##$6880-06$a"Sheng huo shi yong ban"--title page.880##$6500-06/$1$a"生活实用版"--title page.505字段指示符2为0时,表示为 增强级”,需启用$g㊁$t和$r等子字段㊂此时,$t中的题名信息是具有检索功能的,不再需要通过740来提供题名附加款目检索[3]㊂例:50510$6880-05$g[1-11]$tZhongguo shu hua =Chinese painting and calligraphy--$g[12]$tCi qi =Porcelain--$g[13]$tYu qi,Jia ju,Gong yi pin= Jade furniture and works of art--88010$6505-05/$1$g[1-11]$t中國書畫= Chinese painting and calligraphy--$g[12]$t瓷器=㊃871㊃ 情 报 杂 志 第30卷Porcelain--$g[13]$t玉器,家具,工藝品=Jade furniture and works of art--附加款目:记录书目记录中作为附加款目标目的名称㊁题名或术语,是相对于主要款目而言的标目㊂它提供与所编文献有关的责任者㊁相关题名等检索点㊂例:24510$6880-01$a1900,Meiguo she ying shi de Zhongguo zhao pian ri ji/$cZhanmusi Lika'erdun zhu; Xu Guangyu yi.7001#$6880-05$aXu,Guangyu. 88010$6245-01/$1$a1900,美国摄影师的中国照片日记/$c詹姆斯㊃利卡尔顿著;徐广宇译. 8801#$6700-05/$1$a徐广宇. 24500$6880-01$aZhongguo dang dai shao shu min zu wen xue fan yi zuo pin xuan/$cZhongguo zuo jia xie hui bian.7102#$6880-05$aZhongguo zuo jia xie hui. 88000$6245-01/$1$a中国当代少数民族文学翻译作品选/$c中国作家协会编.8802#$6710-05/$1$a中国作家协会.主题字段:以中文个人㊁团体㊁会议㊁地理名称和统一题名作为款目要素的主题附加款目,以及论题性主题的中文地理复分,也需要多文种对应㊂注意,此时880字段第2指示符为4(未说明主题词来源),而非0 (LC主题标目)㊂例:60010$6880-05$aGuo,Moruo,$d1892-1978 $xBibliography.88014$6600-05/$1$a郭沫若,$d1892-1978 $xBibliography.61020$6880-06$aZhongguo gong chan dang $xHistory.88024$6610-06/$1$a中国共产党$xHistory. 650#0$6880-06$aRural development$zChina $zFengyang Xian.651#0$6880-07$aFengyang Xian(China) $xRural conditions.880#4$6650-06/$1$aRural development $zChina$z鳳陽縣.880#4$6651-07/$1$a鳳陽縣(China)$xRu⁃ral conditions.3 MARC21中文书目记录的主要特点通过多文种连接就构成一条完整的MARC21中文书目记录㊂其主要特点有: 3.1 注意语种地理代码 一般情况下,只需在040字段$b子字段反映编目语种即可,不用在041字段$a子字段反映所编文献正文语种㊂只有当文献中出现一种以上的文字或者编目文献是译著时,才使用041字段㊂同样,只有在出现651字段地理主题标目或6XX 字段中出现|z地理主题复分时,才在043字段反映有关的地理区域代码[3]㊂ 3.2 对应字段必须连接 中文与拼音对应字段必须连接(Link),才能使同一条记录中的有关字段能用不同的文种重复,中文信息才能显示;才能既满足国外读者的检索需求,又方便对中文文献的使用㊂文种识别代码可灵活用在各880字段的$6子字段上㊂它能使同一条记录中的有关字段能用不同的文种重复,以一条书目记录生成两条不同文种的书目记录㊂若用户采用880字段的中文检索,则显示时可看到这条记录的中文形式;而若用户使用拉丁文界面或只有拉丁文界面时,也可看到这条记录用罗马化字符表示的拉丁文形式㊂ 3.3 正确选取主要款目 主要款目是AACR2特别强调的一个款目,它是在题名款目和责任者款目中选定一个最主要的,将其著录成最完备的款目,放在所有变长字段之首,而成为整个数据中最重要的字段㊂CNMARC一般以题名作为主要款目,MARC21一般以责任者为主要款目㊂主要款目的选取㊁著录比较复杂,ISBD最新修订版中规定主要款目可以是个人责任者㊁团体责任者㊁会议名称㊁题名或统一题名,分别著于100㊁110㊁111㊁245㊁130字段,按如下顺序选取:名称主要款目:MARC21对个人㊁团体㊁会议名称主要款目的选取是以是否对作品的内容负有主要责任为标准的,因此中文文献中常用的 著”㊁ 撰”㊁ 主编”等著作方式的责任者做主要款目,而 编”㊁ 编辑”㊁ 译”等著作方式的责任者不做主要款目,应入附加款目即700/710/711字段㊂除第一位主要责任者以外的其他主要责任者也不做主要款目㊂题名主要款目:当文献没有个人主要责任者,也没有团体主要责任者,也非会议文献时,或者主要责任者超过三个时,则以题名作为主要款目㊂不过文献有统一题名时则以统一题名为主要款目,入130字段㊂ 3.4 正确使用标点符号 书目数据的子字段前及字段结束有标点,这是MARC21与CNMARC的重要差别㊂因此,尽管是著录中文文献,仍需严格遵守标点使用规则㊂主要的标点符号有(均为英文半角状态):245字段:其他题名信息前用 :(冒号)”分隔,并列题名前用 =(等号)”,第一责任者前用 /(斜杠)”,㊃971㊃ 第3期 张明东:境外合作编目中的MARC21中文书目记录解析同一责任方式的责任者之间用 ,(逗号)”,不同责任方式的责任者之间用 ;(分号)”,分辑号前用 .(下圆点)”,分辑题名前用 ,(逗号)”,若无分辑号分辑题名前用 .(下圆点)”,同一责任者的合订题名间用;(分号)”,不同责任者的合订题名间用 .(下圆点)”㊂260字段:出版者前用 :(冒号)”,出版年前用 , (逗号)”㊂300字段:其他形态细节前用 :(冒号)”,尺寸前用 ;(分号)”,附件前用 +(加号)”㊂主要款目标目和附加款目:与名称相连的日期前用 ,(逗号)”,团体下属单位前用 .(下圆点)”,会议时间和地点前用 :(冒号)”㊂505字段:分卷(章节)题名之间用 --(双横杠)”㊂字段结束符为 .(下圆点)”,246变异题名字段和490丛编说明字段无结束符;有结束符的字段若最后以 )(后括弧)”㊁ ](后中括弧)”㊁ -(单横杠)”结尾,不再加 .”为结束符(245字段除外)㊂4 新罗马化拼音准则分析编制MARC21中文记录还有一个很重要的方面就是对新罗马化拼音准则的掌握㊂新罗马化拼音是国际图联规定的在中文文献著录时使用的字符,1998年美国国会图书馆推出‘美国国会图书馆拼音转换计划:新汉语罗马化准则“(Library of Congress Pinyin Conversion Project:New Chinese Romanization Guide⁃lines),成为中文文献国际化所采用的拼音准则㊂这个准则是以我国1962年版的‘汉语拼音方案“为基础,以标准普通话发音为依据[4]㊂其主要内容有: 4.1 音节区分 将音节加以区分,即用空格来区分每个汉语字符的罗马化表示(包括团体名称)[4]㊂如:寻求历史的谜底,罗马化表示为Xun qiu li shi de mi di叶嘉莹说杜甫诗,表示为Ye Jiaying shuo Du Fu shi四川苗族史,表示为Sichuan Miao zu shi商务印书馆,表示为Shang wu yin shu guan中华书局,表示为Zhonghua shu ju区分音节有利于汉语文本的检索,也有利于汉语书目数据的国际交换㊂ 4.2 非汉语来源词 对非汉语来源的词一律系统地进行罗马化,即使有些词已经是大家熟知的,或者有些词来自于拉丁文字,也要进行罗马化㊂如:华盛顿,表示为Huashengdun(而非Washington)伦敦,表示为Lundon(而非London) 4.3 特殊字符 拼音罗马化中特殊字符的数目减少为仅有两个:撇号和分音符号㊂这两个符号很少被用到,撇号用在连写的音节需要区分时,如含有无声母而以元音字母开头的字Xi’an(西安);分音符号用来区分lu和lü, nu和nü这两组音节[4]㊂ 4.4 名称称谓 对专用人名㊁团体名㊁地名㊁称谓等的拼音表示形式做了十分详细的规定㊂4.4.1 人名:将具有多个字符的姓和多个字符的名字进行连写,不能使用空格和连字符㊂简单来说,就是姓名分写,姓前名后,复姓连写,名字连写,姓和名的首字母分别大写㊂同样地,超过一个音节的假名㊁佛教名字㊁礼仪名宇等应该连写㊂笔名(含艺名㊁网名等)㊁皇帝谥号与庙号的处理同真名[5]㊂如:张自忠,表示为Zhang Zizhong司马昭,表示为Sima Zhao玄奘,表示为Xuanzang克林顿,表示为Kelindun无名氏,表示为Wumingshi弘一法师,表示为Hongyi fa shi茅盾,表示为Mao Dun六小龄童,表示为Liuxiaolingtong汉武帝,表示为Han Wudi唐高宗,表示为Tang Gaozong4.4.2 团体名:专有名词连写,首字母大写㊂除了名称中包含的地名㊁个人名称和各民族名称外,其他无论是实词还是虚词,都按单字拼音,拼音字母采取小写形式㊂如:北京大学,表示为Beijing da xue美国民主党,表示为Meiguo min zhu dang 4.4.3 地名:具有多个字符的地名连写,不使用空格和连字符,以词的形式出现;具有管辖范围的和具有地形特征的属类词与地名不连写,而使用空格加以区分㊂简单来说,就是专名和通名分写,某些通名已经成为专名的一部分,则和专名连写[5]㊂如:中国,表示为Zhongguo兰州市,表示为Lanzhou Shi福建省,表示为Fujian Sheng宁夏回族自治区,表示为Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu武夷山,表示为Wuyi Shan扬子江,表示为Yangzi Jiang黑龙江,表示为Heilong Jiang黑龙江省,表示为Heilongjiang Sheng㊃081㊃ 情 报 杂 志 第30卷洛杉矶市,表示为Luoshanji Shi相同拼写词的区分,Shanxi山西㊁Shaanxi陕西4.4.4 群体名:将构成人类种族㊁语言学和部落群体的名字的两个或更多个字符的音译连写㊂即专名连写,与通名分开㊂如:马来人,表示为Malai ren客家话,表示为Kejia hua景颇族,表示为Jingpo zu什叶派,表示为Shiye pai基督徒,表示为Jidu tu公安派,表示为Gong’an pai4.4.5 隔音符号:在组合的音节中如果第二个音节是以字母a㊁e和o开头的,那么在第二个音节前加隔音符号㊂另外,如果第一个音节是以字母n结尾的㊁第二个音节是以字母g开始的话,那么在这组合的两个音节之间也要加上隔音符号[4]㊂如:延安市,表示为Yan’an Shi(而不是Yanan Shi)张俊娥,表示为Zhang Jun’e(而不是Zhang June)朴振纲,表示为Piao Zhen’gang(而不是Piao Zhengang) 4.5 大写字母专有名词:专有名词的第一个词的首字母大写㊂团体名称:团体名称的第一个词的首字母大写;其下属单位与其上一级的名称连写在一起,并且这个下属单位作标目时,其第一个词的首字母也应大写[4]㊂地理名称:地名的每一个分写的词的首字母大写㊂朝代名称:中国朝代名称的第一个字的首字母大写㊂题名:题名的第一个字的首字母大写㊂ 4.6 标点符号中圆点:将居于中心位置的表示联合词的圆点转换为逗号,将居于中心位置的表示空格的圆点转换为空格[4]㊂如:和平㊃民主㊃救中国,表示为He ping,min zhu, jiu Zhongguo巴拉克㊃H㊃奥巴马,表示为Balake H Aobama括号与顿号:将当作单引号使用的方括号或者三角括号,转换成单引号;顿号转换为逗号㊂如:高考X[政㊁史㊁地㊁文科综合]解题技法,表示为Gao kao X(zheng,shi,di,wen ke zong he)jie ti ji fa 4.7 日期非数字日期:将非数字日期的罗马化写成分开的音节,但是皇帝年号需要连写[4]㊂如:宣统辛亥[1911],表示为Xuantong xin hai [1911]明万历48年[1620],表示为Ming Wanli48nian [1620]民国纪年:民国作为纪年时,写成分开的音节㊂如:民国34[1945],表示为Min guo34[1945]民国三十七年,表示为Min guo san shi qi nian公元纪年:公元纪年写成分开的音节㊂如:一九七八年,表示为yi jiu qi ba nian5 结 语编制出合格的MARC21中文记录,可以通过这个中介把输出中文图书的业务推进到一个新的高度,让中文文献直接面对各国读者;可以消除语言障碍,在英语优势的环境下将中文与各国语言直接对应;更为重要的是,可以消除文化障碍,通过数据资源整合推动中国文化走向世界,促进中外文化交流㊂这些都有助于进一步提高我国文献资源体系的服务质量,提升中华文明的辐射力㊂参考文献[1] 王松林.MARC21中的多文种记录[J].大学图书馆学报,2002,20(6):73-76[2] 陈 颖.提高书目数据质量促进境外合作编目发展[J].图书馆学刊,2010,32(2):99-101[3] 赵晨洁.使用USMARC进行著录的若干疑问及解析[J].图书馆学研究,2005(4):52-54[4] 刘静一.中文数据库检索技术研究的一项新内容:兼谈‘美国国会图书馆拼音转换计划:新汉语罗马化准则“的诞生及其主要内容[J].情报学报,2003,22(2):155-162[5] 谢勤芳.CALIS联机合作编目手册(下)[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2000:54-77(责编:王平军)㊃181㊃ 第3期 张明东:境外合作编目中的MARC21中文书目记录解析。
Roman Empire, the Chinese ancient books called the Qin Empire, is a stage of civilization of ancient Rome, the Roman republic had several hundred years of history, but since the Spartacus uprising after the Roman soldiers entered the era of exercising power, and through two "three the first power ", the self-proclaimed Octavian" Augustus "and become dictator of Rome, from Rome to enter the" Roman Empire "era. Roman Empire can be used to express all the land under Roman rule.Rome's expansion to Rome, a city beyond the concept of a superpower. The heyday of the Roman territory was during the reign of Trajan, the Roman Empire now controls about 5.9 million square kilometers of land, the ancient history of the world's largest nations.罗马帝国,中国古书称为大秦,是古代罗马文明的一个阶段,罗马曾经有数百年的共和制历史,但自从斯巴达克斯起义以后,罗马进入了军人执掌政权的时代,并通过两次“三头执政”后,屋大维自命为“奥古斯都”,成为罗马的独裁者,从此罗马进入了“罗马帝国”时代。
中国人姓名含义 英语作文
The Richness of Chinese Names in an EnglishContextIn the global village of today, cultural exchanges have become an integral part of our lives. One such exchangethat often catches the attention of foreigners is the unique naming conventions of the Chinese culture. Chinese names, steeped in deep cultural and historical meanings, offer a fascinating glimpse into the values, aspirations, and traditions of the people. This essay aims to explore the essence of Chinese names and their translations into English, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that arise in the process.The Chinese naming system typically consists of three parts: the surname, given name, and sometimes a style name or nickname. Each component carries its own significance. The surname, often inherited from the father, represents the family lineage and social status. The given name, chosen by the parents, reflects the hopes and dreams they hold for their child. Finally, the style name, often adopted later in life, reflects the individual's character, interests, or achievements.When translating Chinese names into English, several challenges arise due to the differences in naming conventions and cultural backgrounds. Firstly, the lack of a direct one-to-one correspondence between Chinese characters and English words makes it difficult to find an exact translation. Secondly, the cultural and historical meanings embedded in Chinese names often go unnoticed or misunderstood by non-native speakers.Despite these challenges, there are several strategies that can be employed to effectively translate Chinese names into English. One approach is to use a combination ofpinyin (the romanization of Chinese characters) and English equivalents that convey the same or similar meanings. For example, the name "李明" (Lǐ Míng) could be transla ted as "Li Ming," with "Li" representing the surname and "Ming" the given name. Alternatively, one could opt for a more literal translation, such as "Light of the Li Family," to capture the deeper meaning behind the name.Another approach is to adopt a more culturallysensitive translation method, taking into account the cultural nuances and historical backgrounds of the name.This could involve researching the specific meanings associated with each character in the name and finding English equivalents that resonate with those meanings. For instance, the name "张伟" (Zhāng Wěi) could be translated as "Great Harmony," as "wei" in Chinese often connotes harmony and balance.In addition to these translation strategies, it is also important to consider the cultural appropriateness of the translated name. While it is essential to retain the original meaning of the name, it is also crucial to ensure that the translated name sounds natural and appropriate in the target language. This often requires a balance between maintaining the cultural essence of the original name and adapting it to suit the linguistic and cultural norms of the target language.In conclusion, the translation of Chinese names into English presents both challenges and opportunities. By employing creative translation strategies and considering cultural appropriateness, we can bridge the cultural divide and share the richness and beauty of Chinese naming conventions with the world. As we continue to explore andembrace the global village, such cultural exchanges will become increasingly important in promoting understandingand harmony among different cultures.**中国人姓名含义的英语解读**在全球化的今天,文化交流成为了我们生活的重要组成部分。
1982年在南京召开的ISO/TC46第19届会议上,正式通过了《ISO7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法》(英文名称是ISO 7098 Information and Documentation-Romanization of Chinese)。
1991年,在巴黎召开的ISO/TC46第24届会议上,对“ISO7098”进行了技术修改,成为了《ISO 7098信息与文献工作——中文罗马字母拼写法(1991)》(英文名称是ISO 7098(1991)Information and documentation:Romanization of Chinese),简称“ISO7098(1991)”。
上世纪90年代初制定ISO 7098(1991)的时候,正是世界进入信息时代的关键时刻。
使用ISO 7098(1991)的汉语拼音,可以通过拼音——汉字转换的方法输入输出汉字。
由于汉语拼音是中国初等教育必不可少的内容,每一个受过教育的中国人都会使用拼音,这样,ISO 7098(1991)就成为了汉字输入输出的一种便捷的手段。
汉字历史450字作文English Answer:The history of Chinese characters spans over thousands of years, with its earliest forms emerging during the Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BCE). These early characters, known as oracle bone scripts, were primarily used for divination and recording events. Over time, Chinese characters underwent significant evolution, with the introduction of new characters and the simplification of existing ones.During the Zhou dynasty (c. 1046-256 BCE), the use of Chinese characters expanded beyond divination to include administrative and literary purposes. The development of the official script, known as the seal script, marked a significant milestone in the history of Chinese characters. The seal script was standardized and widely used throughout the Zhou dynasty, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and cultural exchange.In the subsequent centuries, Chinese characters continued to evolve, with the emergence of new scripts such as the clerical script and the regular script. Thesescripts were more legible and easier to write, facilitating their use in a wider range of contexts. The development of the regular script, in particular, had a profound impact on the standardization and dissemination of Chinese characters.The Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) marked a golden agefor Chinese calligraphy, with the emergence of renowned calligraphers such as Zhang Zhi and Wang Xizhi. Their innovative brushwork and expressive styles elevated calligraphy to an art form, showcasing the beauty and complexity of Chinese characters.Throughout the centuries, Chinese characters haveplayed a vital role in the development of Chinese civilization, serving as a means of communication, record-keeping, and cultural expression. The evolution of Chinese characters has been shaped by political, social, and technological changes, reflecting the rich history and cultural heritage of China.Chinese Answer:汉字的历史悠久,可以追溯到商朝(公元前1600-1046年)。
Introduction to Chinese Civilizations1.The Yellow EmperorThe Yellow Emperor or Huangdi (also transliterated as Huang-ti and Hwang-ti) is one of the legendary Chinese sovereigns(君主) and culture heroes included among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Tradition holds that Huangdi reigned from 2697 to 2597 or 2696 to 2598 BC. Huangdi's cult(崇拜)was particularly prominent(著名的)in the late Warring States and early Han period, when he was portrayed as the originator of the centralized state, a cosmic(宇宙的)ruler, and a patron(保护人)of esoteric(机密的)arts. Traditionally credited with numerous inventions and innovations(创新), the Yellow Emperor is now regarded as the initiator (创始人)of Chinese civilization, and said to be the ancestor of all Huaxia Chinese.2.Beijing ManPeking Man (Chinese: 北京猿人; pinyin: Běijīng Yuánrén), Homo erectus(直立人) pekinensis, is an example of Homo erectus. A group of fossil specimens(样品)was discovered in 1923–27 during excavations(挖掘出的古迹)at Zhoukoudian (Chou K'ou-tien) near Beijing (written "Peking" before the adoption of the Pinyin romanization system), China. More recently, the finds have been dated from roughly 750,000 years ago,。
中文罗马转写-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述中文罗马转写是一种将中文汉字转换为罗马字母拼音的技术。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为三个部分:引言、正文和结论。
汉字历史的作文450字The History of Chinese Characters.Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi, have a long and rich history. They are one of the oldest writing systems in the world and have been used for thousands of years. The development and evolution of Chinese characters can be traced back to ancient times.In ancient China, people used pictograms to represent objects or ideas. These pictograms were simple drawingsthat resembled the objects they represented. For example, the character for "sun" (日) was a circle with a dot in the center, resembling the shape of the sun. This form of writing was called Oracle Bone Script.As time went on, the pictograms became more abstract and stylized. The characters became more standardized and were used for recording important events and rituals. This period is known as the Bronze Age, and the characters fromthis time are called Bronze Inscriptions.During the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), the first emperorof China, Qin Shi Huang, unified the country and standardized the writing system. He ordered the creation of a new script, known as Small Seal Script. This script was more simplified and uniform compared to the previous formsof writing.After the Qin Dynasty, the Small Seal Script evolvedinto what is known as Clerical Script. This script was widely used during the Han Dynasty (206 BC 220 AD) and was characterized by its angular and precise strokes. It became the standard script for official documents and inscriptions.Over the centuries, Chinese characters continued to evolve and change. Different styles and variations emerged, such as Regular Script, Running Script, and Cursive Script. These different scripts served different purposes and were used in different contexts.Today, Chinese characters are still widely used inChina, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other Chinese-speaking regions. They are also used in Japanese and Korean writing systems, although they may have different pronunciationsand meanings in these languages.中文回答,汉字的历史。
相互钳制相互制约的制度 The mutual clamping mutual restraint system
Men typically wore a toga(宽外袍), and women a stola. The woman's stola differed in looks from a toga(托加), and was usually brightly coloured. The cloth and the dress distinguished one class of people from the other class. The tunic worn by plebeians, or common people, like shepherds and slaves, was made from coarse and dark material, whereas the tunic worn by patricians was of linen or white wool.A knight or magistrate would wear an augusticlavus, a tunic bearing small purple studs. Senators wore tunics with broad red stripes, called tunica laticlavia. Military tunics were shorter than the ones worn by civilians. Boys, up until the festival of Liberalia, wore the toga praetexta, which was a toga with a crimson or purple border. The toga virilis, (or toga pura) was worn by men over the age of 16 to signify their citizenship in Rome. The toga picta was worn by triumphant generals and had embroidery of their skill on the battlefield. The toga pulla was worn when in mourning.
汉字是一种意音图形文字(ideophonographic character)。
汉字最显著的特色是字符繁多,是一个大字符集(big script set)。
为了提高汉字的工作效率,20世纪以来,有的专家研制了中文打字机来打汉字,这种中文打字机与基于拉丁字符的雷明顿打字机(Remington Typewriter)不同,十分复杂,非常笨重①。
翻译原题:directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from chinese english. you should write your answer on answer sheet 2.汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。
参考答案the han dynasty is one of the most significant dynasties in the history of china and it attained lots of remarkable achievements during the reign. the han dynasty is the first in opening its door to other cultures, with the foreign trade prosperous. the silk road exploited in han dynasty lead to the central and west part of asia, even rome. the schools of art also present a state of flourish, springing up lots of monumental works in literature, history and philosophy. the first dictionary inchina was compiled and finished in 100 a.d., which not only contains nine thousand chinese characters, but also offers paraphrases and examples of different writing skills. science and technology also made much progress during this period. people invented water clock, sundials and the instruments that can predict the earthquake. the han dynasty witnessed four hundred years and went to doom because of governors’ decadent.重点词汇总结汉朝 the han dynasty统治 reign显著的 remarkable对外贸易 foreign trade兴旺 prosperity开拓 exploit丝绸之路 the silk road罗马 rome艺术流派 schools of art巨著 monumental work编撰 compile释义 paraphrase水钟 water clock腐朽 decadent灭亡 doom【英语六级翻译真题:汉朝】。
作者: 杜松寿
出版物刊名: 陕西师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 64-70页
主题词: 汉语拼音方案;罗马化;汉语汉字;利玛窦;罗马字母;拼音文字;出版;传教士;西儒;西安
摘要: <正> 敬爱的周总理在《当前文字改革的任务》的报告里说:“采用拉丁字母为汉字注音,已经经历了三百五十多年的历史”。
英文作文书音译怎么写英文:When it comes to transliteration of Chinese characters into English, there are several methods that can be used. One of the most common methods is called Pinyin, which uses the Latin alphabet to represent the sounds of the Chinese characters. For examp le, the Chinese character “中文” can be transliterated into English as “Zhōngwén”.Another method is called Wade-Giles, which was developed in the 19th century. It uses a combination of letters and diacritical marks to represent the sounds ofthe Chinese characters. For example, the Chinese character “中文” can be transliterated into English as “Chung-wen”.In my opinion, Pinyin is the more widely used method today, especially in mainland China. It is also theofficial romanization system used by the Chinese government.However, Wade-Giles is still used in Taiwan and some academic settings.中文:关于中文汉字音译成英文,有几种方法可以使用。
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History of Chinese Romanization中文的拉丁化表示法——拼音Chinese romanization refers to the phonetic representation of Chinese language material in the Roman alphabet. Sporadic romanization of Chinese words started way before the Renaissance, when westerners like Marco Polo came into contact with the Chinese culture and brought back Chinese goods like silk, tea, porcelain, etc. as well as stories about China's people, places and natural wonders.中文的拉丁化表示法是指用罗马字母来表示中文的语音。
Systematic Chinese romanization started in the early 17th century by Jesuit priests like Matteo Ricci (1552-1610, Italian), Nicolas Trigault (1577-1628, French) and others as they came to China to learn the Chinese language and to promote Christianity. Their efforts were later joined by other westerners. In 1867, Thomas F. Wade, the Chinese language secretary in the British embassy to China published a book called Yuyan Zi Er Ji (语言自迩集) ["Teach Yourself Chinese"], in which he used a romanization system adapted from the 1815 system by the English priest R. Morrison. Forty-five years later, H. A. Giles published his Chinese English Dictionary, in which he used Thomas Wade's romanization system with slight modifications. This is how the famous Wade-Giles system came about.系统性的中文拉丁化进程开始于17世纪初。
四十五年后,翟理斯出版了他的《华英字典》,其中他对威妥玛的标音系统又略加改良,形成了“威妥玛-翟理斯式” (Wade-Giles)。
Realizing that the traditional Chinese writing system hampers China'smass education, many Chinese intellectuals launched a Chinese romanization movement of their own early this century. Fine scholars like Lu Xun (鲁迅), Hu Shi (胡适), Li Jinxi (黎锦熙), Lin Yutang (林语堂), Zhao Yuanren (赵元任), Qian Xuantong (钱玄同), etc., were all ardent supporters and participants of this movement. Numerous designs were proposed from 1897 onward. This effort culminated in 1928, when the Education Ministry of the nationalist government announced theFaashyh, which was designed by Zhao Yuanren, the best linguist China has ever produced, and decreed that it would be used as the standard for Chinese romanization. Gwoyeu Romatzyh (国语罗马字) does not use any diacritic tone marks, but employs an ingeniously designed set of tonal spellings to mark tones. It has been very popular among teachers and students of the Chinese language in the US, though because of decades of war and turmoil and a general lack of foresight, it has never enjoyed much popular usage inside China.十九世纪末二十世纪初期,中国一批先进的知识分子意识到中国传统的书写系统阻碍了中国教育的大众普及,于是发起了一场汉字拉丁化运动。
At the same time, many communist revolutionaries were also sympathetic with the idea of romanization. In 1931, Qu Qiubai's Latinhua xinwenz (瞿秋白的拉丁化新文字) was adopted at a conference by Chinese nationals in the Soviet far east. This scheme has no provision for marking tones, and is therefore much simpler than Gwoyeu Romatzyh. It was used to educate workers in the Soviet far east, and was also extensively used in Yan'an (延安), the base and stronghold of the Chinese communist revolution. After 1949, the communist government set up a committee to study the issue of Chinese romanization. After years of deliberation, a new scheme called Hanyu Pinyin Fang'an (汉语拼音方案) was announced in 1958. For many years, Hanyu Pinyin was used mainly to replace Zhuyin Fuhao (注音符号) as a pronunciation guide in elementary education and in dictionaries.In the meantime, Wade-Giles continued to be used in English language publications until 1979, when the International Standard Organization passed a resolution adopting Hanyu Pinyin as the international standard for Chinese romanization.In addition to the four romanization systems mentioned above, there is another Chinese romanization system called the Yale system. This system was created in 1948 and first used in a textbook called Speak Chinese. It was popular in some American institutions where Chinese was taught due to its relative simplicity.In 1986, Taiwan's Education Ministry announced a simplified version of Gwoyeu Romatzyh. This system abandons the tonal spellings of Gwoyeu Romatzyh, and instead uses the same tone marks as Pinyin and Zhuyin Fuhao to mark tones.None of the above mentioned romanization systems have any provision for distinguishing homophonous characters. But in 1991, this author published a simple Chinese word processor called CWP, which uses a modified version of Pinyin called CWP Pinyin. In addition to simplification of Pinyin and removal all the diacritical marks, this Pinyin system is capable of "spelling out" every single character.Appendix I is a comparison of the seven romanization systems discussed above.与此同时,许多共产主义的革命者也同情罗马的想法。