Reconstructing 3D Pose and Motion from a Single Camera View



果更加精确。 (3) 提出了一种基于局部线性回归(LLR)的姿态校正方法。通过将姿态校正
形式化为从非正面人脸估计其虚拟正面视图的预测问题,本文提出了一种基于 线性回归的正面视图预测方法,该方法可以在仅标定输入非正面人脸双眼中心 位置的条件下,通过线性回归算法预测出其虚拟正面视图。考虑到非正面人脸 视图与正面人脸视图之间的映射对于不同人而言实际上并不相同,我们进一步 改进上述算法,提出了一种基于分块模式的姿态校正方法,即所谓的局部线性 回归(LLR)姿态校正方法。该方法基于 3D 人脸结构的先验知识,将人脸区域分 成若干小的面片,在小的面片上进行上述线性回归操作以获得更为精确的预测 结果。实验结果表明,无论从视图校正的视觉效果,还是从人脸识别的精度来 看,此方法都具有很好的性能。
(4) 提出了一种基于 3D 稀疏变形模型(3D SDM)的 3D 人脸重建及姿态校正 方法。本方法利用人脸类的 3D 形状先验知识,根据单幅任意姿态下的人脸图像, 重构其特定的 3D 形状信息。在 3D 人脸重构的基础上,通过图形绘制的方法得 到正面姿态下的人脸视图,用于解决人脸识别中的姿态问题。该方法假设人脸 的 3D 形状分布为高斯分布,将所有人脸的 3D 形状分布空间用主成分分析(PCA) 模型表示。按照预先定义的 2D 人脸图像上的关键特征点,从稠密的 PCA 模型 中得到稀疏的版本,即稀疏变形模型。基于此,在输入图像 2D 特征点的驱动下, 恢复得到该特定人的 3D 形状,进而重构其 3D 人脸,实现姿态校正及任意姿态 下的虚拟视图生成。实验表明:通过 3D 人脸重建得到的虚拟视图结果,从视觉 上来看更加接近于真实人脸图像。同时,以 Gabor PCA+LDA 方法作为识别策 略,在 CMU PIE 数据库中 45 度以内的图像上测试,将姿态校正后的视图作为 输入,平均识别率达到了 97.5%左右,极大的改善了识别系统对于人脸姿态图 像的适应能力。



Initial parameters
Calibration settings 'pose' 'params' …
Observed points
Calibration result
Data gathering and parameter setup are handled by flexible operators
set_calib_data_observ_points (:: ► CalibDataID, ► CameraIndex, ► CalibObjIndex, ► CalibObjPoseIndex, ► Row, Column, 0 ► Index, ► Pose :)
1 2
Configure optimization parameters
Planare about object geometry?
Feature points
Vector to pose
No 3D object model
3D reconstruction
Primitive fitting
CAD model
Multi-view Stereo
Sheet-of-light technique
Select Your Solution: Planar
Geometric primitives?
No Clear edges?
Perspective, deformable matching
Configuration Create model create_calib_data


At the same time, AI MIT laboratory has attracted many famous scholars from the world to participate in the research of machine vision,which included the theory of machine vision , algorithm and design of system .
Its mainstream research is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: Research on the visual basic method ,which take the model world as the main object;
Stage 2: Research on visual model ,which is based on the computational theory;
the other is to rebuild the three dimensional object according to the two-dimensional projection images .
History of computer vision
1950s: in this period , statistical pattern recognition is most applied in computer vision , it mainly focuse on the analysis and identification of two-dimensional image,such as: optical character recognition, the surface of the workpiece, the analysis and interpretation of the aerial image.



基于多媒体技术的三维人物图像动态重构李天峰【摘要】The traditional three?dimensional(3D)character image dynamic reconstruction method based on self?calibration can′t acquire the 3D position of characters motion morphology accurately,and has high deviation of reconstruction results. Ac?cording to the above problems,a 3D character image dynamic reconstruction method based on multimedia technology is put for?ward,in which the monocular image reconstruction algorithm is used to reconstruct the 3D posture of human body. For the recon?struction of monocular human movement image taken by a single camera in multimedia technology,the 2D limbs detection algo?rithm based on component detector is used to detect the 2D limbs of human body according to the tree?shaped model of the hu?man body. The 3D posture reconstruction algorithm based on image coordinate of joint points is used,and the annealing particle filtering algorithm for the prediction of joint point back projection error is adopted to track the 3D posture of human body accor?din g to detection results of human body′s 2D posture,so as to realize the 3D character image dynamic reconstruction. The experi?mental results indicate that the proposed method can realize the dynamic reconstruction of 3D character image accurately,and has high reconstruction accuracy and efficiency.%针对基于自标定的三维人物图像动态重构方法不能准确获取人物运动形态的三维位置,重构结果存在较高的偏差的问题,提出基于多媒体技术的三维人物图像动态重构方法,采用单目图像重构算法完成人体三维姿态重构.对多媒体技术中单摄像机拍摄的单目人体运动图像进行重构时,首先基于人体树状模型,采用基于部件检测器的二维肢体检测算法完成人体二维肢体检测;再采用基于关节点图像坐标的三维姿态重构算法,依据人体二维姿态检测结果,通过预测关节点反投影误差的退火粒子滤波算法完成人体三维姿态的跟踪,实现三维人体图像动态重构.实验结果说明,所提方法可准确实现三维人物图像动态重构,具有较高的重构精度和效率.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2018(041)009【总页数】4页(P68-71)【关键词】多媒体技术;三维人物图像;三维姿态重构;退火粒子滤波算法;重构精度;姿态跟踪【作者】李天峰【作者单位】南阳理工学院计算机与信息工程学院,河南南阳473004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN911.73-34;TP1810 引言随着计算机动画和计算机视觉等多媒体技术的快速发展,对运动人体三维姿态进行准确的动态跟踪,在监控、体育、医疗以及影视制作等领域具有重要的应用价值。



E-mail: sxlong2013@foxmaiБайду номын сангаас.com; ychbai@
Received Sept. 24, 2013; Revision accepted Dec. 3, 2013; Crosschecked Dec. 20, 2013
Abstract: A riverbed topographic survey is one of the most important tasks for river model experiments. To improve measurement efficiency and solve the riverbed interference problem in traditional methods, this study discussed two measurement methods that use digital image-processing technology to obtain topographic information. A new and improved approach for calibrating camera radial distortion, which comes from originally distorted images captured by our camera, was proposed to enhance the accuracy of image measurement. Based on perspective projection transformation, we described a 3D reconstruction method based upon multiple images, which is characterized by using an approximated maximum likelihood estimation method (AMLE) considering the first-order error propagation of the residual error to compute transformation parameters. Moreover, a theoretical derivation of 3D topography according to grey information from a single image was carried out. With the diffuse illumination model, assuming that the ideal grey value and topographic elevation value are positively correlated, we derived a novel closed formula to explain the relationship of 3D topographic elevation, grey value, grey gradient, and the solar direction vector. Experimental results showed that our two methods both have some positive advantages even if they are not perfect. Key words: Riverbed topographic survey, Radial distortion calibration, Projection transformation, Grey information transformation doi:10.1631/jzus.A1300317 Document code: A CLC number: TV149.2



三维视觉领域中的三维重建、理解、处理相关知识Three-dimensional reconstruction, understanding, and processing are essential concepts in the field of three-dimensional vision. In this field, researchers aim to understand and interpret three-dimensional information from two-dimensional images or video sequences.Three-dimensional reconstruction refers to the process of generating a three-dimensional representation of an object or scene from a set of two-dimensional images or video frames. It involves the estimation of camera parameters and the determination of correspondences between different views. This can be achieved using techniques such as structure-from-motion (SfM) or stereo vision.三维重建、理解和处理是三维视觉领域中的重要概念。







摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



算倣语咅信is与电ifiChina Computer&Communication2021年第5期利用单目图像重建人体三维模型钱融王勇王瑛(广东工业大学计算机学院,广东广州510006)摘要:人体三维模型在科幻电影、网上购物的模拟试衣等方面有广泛的应用场景,但是在单目图像重建中存在三维信息缺失、重建模型不具有贴合的三维表面等问题-为了解决上述的问题,笔者提出基于SMPL模型的人体三维模型重建算法。

该算法先预估人物的二维关节点,使用SMPL模型关节与预估的二维关节相匹配,最后利用人体三维模型数据库的姿势信息对重建的人体模型进行姿势先验,使得重建模型具有合理的姿态与形状.实验结果表明,该算法能有效预估人体关节的三维位置,且能重建与图像人物姿势、形态相似的人体三维模型.关键词:人体姿势估计;三维人体重建;单目图像重建;人体形状姿势;SMPL模型中图分类号:TP391.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-9767(2021)05-060-05Reconstruction of a Three-dimensional Human Body Model Using Monocular ImagesQIAN Rong,WANG Yong,WANG Ying(School of Computer,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou Guangdong510006,China) Abstract:The human body3D model are widely used in science fiction movies,online shopping simulation fittings,etc,but there is a lack of3D information in monocular image reconstruction,and the reconstructed model does not have problems such as a fit 3D surface.In order to solve the above mentioned problems,a human body3D model reconstruction algorithm based on SMPL model is proposed.The algorithm first estimates the two-dimensional joint points of the character,and uses the SMPL model joints to match the estimated two-dimensional joints;finally,the posture information of the three-dimensional human body model database is used to perform posture prior to the reconstructed human body model,making the reconstructed model reasonable Posture and shape.The algorithm was tested on the PI-INF-3DHP data set.The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively predict the3D position of human joints,and can reconstruct a3D model of the human body similar to the pose and shape of the image.Keywords:human pose estimation;3D human reconstruction;monocular image reconstruction;human shape and pose;SMPL0引言人体三维模型所承载的信息量远远大于人体二维图像,能满足高层的视觉任务需求,例如在网购中提供线上试衣体验,为科幻电影提供大量的人体三维数据。



你知道3D运动雕塑吗?利用AI检测人体2D图像并恢复成3D模型你知道3D运动雕塑吗?MIT、Google和UC Berkeley的研究人员创建了一个名为MoSculp的AI系统,只需视频输入,利用AI检测人体2D图像并恢复成3D模型,就能创造出超现实主义的3D运动雕塑。


3D运动雕塑(3D motion sculpture)可以将任何物体的移动路径形成3D视图,物体的形状、运动轨迹都会影响最后的效果。

将雕塑和3D这两种艺术混合起来的这些作品,是由MIT计算机科学与人工智能实验室、Google Research以及加州大学伯克利分校的研究人员共同创造的。




论文的第一作者、MIT博士生张修明(Xiuming Zhang)认为,这一技术可以用来为想要提高技能的运动员提供详细的运动研究。






1、D. Marr; T. Poggio.Cooperative Computation of Stereo Disparity.Science, New Series, Vol. 194, No. 4262. (Oct. 15, 1976), pp. 283-287. 这一篇是marr计算机视觉框架的开创性论文,到目前为止,计算机视觉基本上都在这个框架里做。

2、LONGUET-HIGGINS H C.A computer algorithm for reconstructing a scene from two projections[J].Nature,1981,293:133-135. 这一篇奠定了计算机视觉三维重构的基础,又称"八点算法”,导致计算机视觉三维重构热了20多年。

3、H. Bülthoff*, J. Little & T. Poggio.A parallel algorithm for real-time computation of optical flow.Nature 337, 549 - 553 (09 February 1989)链接:/nature/journal/v337/n6207/abs/337549a0.html,光流实时并行算法的原始创新。

4、Hurlbert, A., and Poggio, T. 1986. Visual information: Do computers need attention?Nature 321(12).5、Dov Sagi* & Bela Julesz.Enhanced detection in the aperture of focal attention during simple discrimination tasks.Nature 321, 693 - 695 (12 June 1986)6、Gad Geiger; Tomaso Poggio.Science, New Series, Vol. 190, No. 4213. (Oct. 31, 1975), pp. 479-480.7.Gad Geiger; Tomaso Poggio.The Müller-Lyer Figure and the Fly.Science, New Series, Vol. 190, No. 4213. (Oct. 31, 1975), pp. 479-480.8.P. Sinha and T. Poggio.Role of Learning in Three-dimensional Form Perception," . Nature, Vol. 384, No. 6608, 460-463, 1996.9.Hubel DH,Wiesel TN.Cells sensitive to binocular depth in area 18 of the macaque monkey cortex.Nature,1970,225∶41~4210.Livingstone M and Hubel D.Segregation of form,color,movement and depth:Anatomy,physiology and perception.Science,1988,240∶740~-749.被引用1372次,关于眼睛立体视觉机制的原创论文。

Towards Direct Recovery of Shape and Motion Parameters from Image Sequences

Towards Direct Recovery of Shape and Motion Parameters from Image Sequences

before parameter recovery. Many of these techniques require local regularization; insufficient information is available in each sample to reconstruct the surface shape[20]. Appearance-based methods have been mostly discarded for structure from motion because much of the shape and motion information are so confounded that they cannot be recovered separately or locally[3]. Soatto proved that perspective is non-linear, therefore no coordinate system will linearize perspective effects[17]. Part of the difficulty involves how regional image changes can be represented in an appearance-based framework. Most approaches involve solving a local flow field as a weighted sum of basis flow fields with some perceptual significance[5, 6] or tracking specific image features[12] with wavelets[7], typically training on image sequences of motions of interest[22]. Converting these representations into image domain operations[11, 19] could allow direct recovery of significant model parameters without solving a local optimization problem by gradient descent. Two causes prevent the effective direct recovery of local structure from motion with appearance-based methods. First is representation: how to encode image deformation independently of image texture and without the need of feature points. Second is how to map the image deformations into some optimal image operators. This paper addresses both issues by describing a representation and a methodology for designing and using these optimal image domain operators for appearance-based local recovery of some shape and motion parameters. This feedforward system is used to compute a dense map of time to collision in image sequences. The optimal operator synthesis will discover what spatial scales most appropriately describe the different deformations for the camera model. Instead of attempting to recover the shape and motion parameters of a scene over all the possible parameter space, only those shapes and motions that cause distinctly different



colmap操作流程colmap 操作流程1. 新建⼀个项⽬数据库⽂件,放在Project workplace⽂件夹下2. 点击 Processing > Feature Extraction 进⾏特征提取参数,默认即可3. 点击Processing > Feature matching 进⾏特征匹配,参数默认,时间会⽐特征提取长4. 点击reconstruction > start reconstruction 进⾏ SfM 与三⾓化建⽴稀疏点云,期间伴随着光束法平差(Bundle Adjustment)。


可以把稀疏点云导出为.ply⽂件查看5. 点击reconstruction>dense reconstruction 进⼊稠密重建步骤(如果你电脑没cuda到这⼀步之后就可以结束了)6. 点击右上⾓select选择稠密重建项⽬保存的⽂件夹,可以在workplace下建⼀个dense⽂件夹来保存。

7. 点击Undistortion 进⾏图像的去畸变8. 点击Stereo 进⾏密集匹配(过程漫长)。


9. 点击 Fusion 进⾏深度图融合⽣成稠密点云。


10. 这⾥有两个选项,Possion是泊松表⾯重建,Delaunay是狄洛尼三⾓⽹重建。

11. 结果需要在Meshlab上看,打开dense⽂件夹下的meshed-possion.ply⽂件。

colmap官⽹对于流程步骤的作⽤解释Structure-from-MotionStructure-from-Motion (SfM) is the process of reconstructing 3D structure from its projections into a series of images. The input is a set of overlapping images of the same object, taken from different viewpoints. The output is a 3-D reconstruction of the object, and the reconstructed intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters of all images. Typically, Structure-from-Motion systems divide this process into three stages:1.Feature detection and extraction2.Feature matching and geometric verification3.Structure and motion reconstructionMulti-View StereoMulti-View Stereo (MVS) takes the output of SfM to compute depth and/or normal information for every pixel in an image.Fusion of the depth and normal maps of multiple images in 3D then produces a dense point cloud of the scene.Using the depth and normal information of the fused point cloud, algorithms such as the (screened) Poisson surface reconstruction can then recover the 3D surface geometry of the scene.。

Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images-全文翻译

Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images-全文翻译
因为分类器没有使用时间信息,我们关注静止的姿势而不是运动。通常,一macap帧到下一帧之间的姿势变化小得可以忽略。因此,我们使用“最远邻(furthest neighbor)”聚集[15]从初始mocap数据中除去大量相似、冗余的姿势,“最远邻”聚集将姿势 和 之间的距离定义为 ,即身体关节j的最大欧氏距离。我们使用100k姿势的子集以确保任何两个姿势之间的距离不小于5cm。
2.1. Depth imaging
深度图像技术在过去的几年中有了极大的发展,随着Kinect[21]的发布最终成为了大众消费品。深度图像中的像素记录(indicate)了场景的校准深度,而不是场景强度或颜色的值(measure)。我们使用的Kinect摄像机每秒能捕获640×480规格图像30帧,其深度分辨率为几厘米(a few centimeters)。
2. Data
我们将身体组件的分割(从身体分割出各组件)当作逐像素分类问题(no pairwise terms or CRF have provednecessary)。对每个像素分别评估避免了不同身体关节间的组合搜索,尽管单个身体组件在不同情形下的外观仍千差万别。我们从运动捕捉数据库中采样出不同身材和体型人物的各种姿势(人体的深度图),然后生成逼真的合成深度图作为训练数据。我们训练出了一个深随机决策森林分类器,为避免过拟合,我们使用了数十万幅训练图像。区别式深度比较图像特征简单产生3D变换不变性的同时维持了计算的高效性。为获得更高的速度,可以使用GPU在每个像素上并行运行分类器[34]。推理出的逐像素分布的空间模式使用mean shift[10]计算,由此空间模式给出3D关节的预测。



3d美术英语专业词汇英文回答:3D Art Terminology for English Majors.3D Modeling: The process of creating three-dimensional objects using digital tools.Animation: Adding movement to objects or characters.Baking: Process of merging multiple layers or mapsinto a single texture.Bevel: To add a sloped or rounded edge to an object.Bounding Box: A box that defines the spatial dimensions of an object.Bump Map: A texture map that adds the illusion of depth to a surface.Cinematic: Relating to the techniques and conventions of filmmaking.Diffuse Map: A texture map that determines the color of an object.Displacement Map: A texture map that modifies the geometry of an object.Dystopian: A genre characterized by a dark, pessimistic future.Edge Loop: A series of vertices and edges that form a loop around an object.Extrusion: The process of creating a new shape by extending part of an existing object.Facet: A flat surface on a 3D object.Game Engine: A software program that allows users tocreate and run 3D games.Hard Surface Modeling: Creating objects with sharp, defined edges, such as cars or weapons.LOD (Level of Detail): Reducing the level of detail of objects based on their distance from the camera.Material: A set of properties that define the surface characteristics of an object.Mesh: A collection of vertices, edges, and faces that form a 3D object.Normal Map: A texture map that stores information about the surface orientation of an object.Orthographic: A projection method that displays objects from a parallel angle.PBR (Physically Based Rendering): A rendering technique that simulates the physical properties of lightand materials.Polygon: A shape with three or more straight sides, forming one face of a 3D object.Quads: Polygons with four sides.Ray Tracing: A rendering technique that traces thepath of light to accurately calculate shadows and reflections.Rigging: The process of creating a skeleton for an object, allowing it to be animated.Shader: A program that defines how an object's surface is rendered.Subdivision Surface: A technique that creates a smooth, organic surface from a low-polygon mesh.Texture: A 2D image applied to a 3D object to add details and realism.Transform: The process of moving, rotating, or scaling an object.UV Mapping: Assigning 2D coordinates to a 3D model to allow textures to be applied correctly.Vertex: A point in space that defines the shape of a 3D object.Voxel: A 3D pixel that represents a point in space.中文回答:3D美术英语专业词汇。



基因组装方法Genome assembly is a fundamental process in bioinformatics that involves piecing together the DNA sequences of an organism. This can be a complex and daunting task due to the sheer amount of data involved and the presence of repetitive sequences in the genome. 基因组装是生物信息学中的一个基本过程,涉及将一个有机体的DNA序列拼接在一起。


One common method used for genome assembly is known as de novo assembly. This approach involves reconstructing the genome from scratch without the aid of a reference genome. While de novo assembly can be more challenging compared to reference-guided assembly, it is particularly useful for non-model organisms or species with complex genomes. 一个常用的基因组装方法是所谓的de novo组装。


虽然与参考引导组装相比,de novo组装可能更具挑战性,但对于非模式生物或基因组复杂的物种特别有用。

Another important aspect of genome assembly is the choice of sequencing technology. Different sequencing platforms such as Illumina, PacBio, and Oxford Nanopore have different advantagesand limitations when it comes to generating DNA sequences. The selection of the appropriate sequencing technology can greatly impact the quality and accuracy of the assembled genome. 基因组装的另一个重要方面是选择测序技术。



姿态重建英语Posture ReconstructionIn the realm of human-computer interaction and biomechanics, posture reconstruction is a critical process that involves the estimation of a person's body posture from various data inputs. This technology has a wide range of applications, from healthcare and rehabilitation to virtual reality and ergonomic design.The process of posture reconstruction typically begins with the collection of data. This can be achieved through various means, such as motion capture systems that use sensors or cameras to track the movement of the body. The data obtained is then processed using sophisticated algorithms that map the body's joints and segments into a three-dimensional model.One of the key challenges in posture reconstruction is the accuracy of the model. The human body is complex, with a multitude of joints that allow for a wide range of motion. Accurately reconstructing these movements requires a deep understanding of human anatomy and biomechanics. Advanced computer vision techniques and machine learning models are often employed to enhance the accuracy of the reconstruction.Another aspect of posture reconstruction is the integration of real-time feedback. In applications such asvirtual reality, the system must be able to quickly and accurately update the posture model as the user moves. This requires not only powerful computational capabilities but also efficient algorithms that can handle the high data throughput.The benefits of posture reconstruction are manifold. In healthcare, it can be used to monitor and analyze the movement patterns of patients, helping to identify issues such as poor posture or muscle imbalances. In sports, it can provide athletes with insights into their technique and help prevent injuries. In the field of ergonomics, posture reconstruction can inform the design of workspaces and equipment to promote better health and comfort.As technology continues to advance, the capabilities of posture reconstruction are expected to grow. With the integration of artificial intelligence and more sophisticated sensor technology, the future of posture analysis holds great promise for improving our understanding of the human body and its movements.。



像素坐标到相机坐标的转换关系When talking about the conversion relationship between pixel coordinates and camera coordinates, it is essential to understand the significance and impact this transformation has on the field of computer vision and image processing.当谈论像素坐标到相机坐标的转换关系时,了解这种转换对计算机视觉和图像处理领域的意义和影响至关重要。

Pixel coordinates refer to the locations of individual points within a digital image, typically represented as a pair of integers denoting the row and column of the pixel location. In contrast, camera coordinates describe 3D positions within a scene relative to the camera's viewpoint. The transformation from pixel coordinates to camera coordinates involves a process known as camera calibration, which establishes the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera.像素坐标是指数字图像中各个点的位置,通常表示为一对整数,表示像素位置的行和列。




Modeling and Simulation 建模与仿真, 2023, 12(5), 4437-4448 Published Online September 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/mos https:///10.12677/mos.2023.125404基于希尔伯特变换的三频三步相移结构光三维重建方法郑晓美,王勇青*,杜国红,殷少帅盐城工学院电气工程学院,江苏 盐城收稿日期:2023年7月16日;录用日期:2023年8月31日;发布日期:2023年9月7日摘要 在光学三维重建技术中,当投影仪以恒定的投影速率工作时,减少投影条纹图案的数量是减少投影时间的有效方法。





实验结果表明:该方法在对高精度标准球重建时精度为0.0399 mm ,重建精度较高。


关键词三维重建,多频外差,时间相位展开,条纹投影轮廓术,希尔伯特变换Three-Frequency Three-Step Phase-Shift Structured Light 3D Reconstruction Method Based on Hilbert TransformXiaomei Zheng, Yongqing Wang *, Guohong Du, Shaoshuai YinSchool of Electrical Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng JiangsuReceived: Jul. 16th , 2023; accepted: Aug. 31st , 2023; published: Sep. 7th , 2023AbstractIn optical 3D reconstruction techniques, when the projector works at a constant projection rate, *通讯作者。



物质文化遗产英语作文Title: Preserving and Promoting Cultural Heritage: The Significance of Tangible Cultural Heritage。

Introduction:Cultural heritage, encompassing both tangible and intangible aspects, plays a pivotal role in shaping societies and preserving their identities. Among these, tangible cultural heritage, comprising physical artifacts and structures, serves as a tangible link to our past, embodying the collective wisdom, creativity, and experiences of preceding generations. In this essay, we delve into the importance of tangible cultural heritage and explore strategies for its preservation and promotion.Importance of Tangible Cultural Heritage:Tangible cultural heritage encompasses a wide array of artifacts, including archaeological sites, monuments,artworks, manuscripts, and historical buildings. These physical manifestations of human creativity and ingenuity serve as repositories of knowledge, offering insights into the socio-economic, technological, and artistic achievements of past civilizations. For instance, ancient architectural wonders like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and the Colosseum in Rome not only showcase remarkable engineering feats but also provide glimpses into the cultural, religious, and political contexts of their respective eras.Preservation Challenges:Despite their significance, tangible cultural heritage faces numerous threats, ranging from natural disasters and environmental degradation to urbanization, vandalism, and armed conflicts. Climate change-induced phenomena such as rising sea levels, erosion, and extreme weather events pose imminent risks to coastal heritage sites and cultural landscapes. Additionally, rapid urbanization and infrastructure development often result in the destruction or alteration of historical neighborhoods and monuments tomake way for modern structures.Preservation Strategies:Effective preservation of tangible cultural heritage necessitates a multi-faceted approach involving conservation, documentation, education, and community engagement. Conservation efforts entail employing scientifically sound techniques to safeguard artifacts and monuments from deterioration caused by environmental factors, pollution, and human activities. This may involve structural repairs, stabilizing foundations, and implementing preventive measures such as climate control systems and protective enclosures.Furthermore, comprehensive documentation through surveys, mapping, and digital archiving facilitates the inventorying and monitoring of cultural heritage assets, aiding in their management and conservation planning. Digital technologies such as 3D scanning and virtual reality offer innovative tools for documenting and reconstructing damaged or lost heritage sites, enablingvirtual visits and educational experiences for a global audience.Education and outreach initiatives play a crucial role in raising awareness about the significance of cultural heritage and fostering a sense of ownership and stewardship among local communities. Collaborative efforts involving governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and grassroots organizations can empower communities to actively participate in heritage conservation and sustainable tourism initiatives, thereby promoting socio-economic development while safeguarding cultural identities.Promoting Sustainable Tourism:Sustainable tourism offers a means of harnessing the economic potential of cultural heritage while ensuring its long-term preservation and equitable benefit-sharing. By promoting responsible tourism practices, including visitor management, heritage interpretation, and capacity-building, destinations can minimize negative impacts on fragile heritage sites and foster respectful engagement with localcommunities.Furthermore, diversifying tourism offerings beyond iconic landmarks to include lesser-known sites, cultural festivals, and intangible heritage experiences canalleviate pressure on overcrowded attractions anddistribute tourism benefits more evenly across regions. Embracing principles of authenticity, inclusivity, and sustainability in tourism development can enhance visitor experiences, support livelihoods, and contribute to the holistic preservation of cultural heritage.Conclusion:In conclusion, tangible cultural heritage serves as a tangible testament to human creativity, resilience, and cultural diversity, enriching our understanding of the past and inspiring future generations. Preserving and promoting cultural heritage requires concerted efforts at local, national, and international levels, guided by principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and collaboration. By safeguarding our shared heritage, we not only honor thelegacies of our ancestors but also foster a more inclusive and resilient future for humanity.。



StructureFromMotion(⼆维运动图像中的三维重建)SfM(Structure from Motion)简介Structure from motion (SfM) is a photogrammetric range imaging technique for estimating three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional image sequences that may be coupled with local motion signals. It is studied in the fields of computer vision and visual perception. In biological vision, SfM refers to the phenomenon by which humans (and other living creatures) can recover 3D structure from the projected 2D (retinal) motion field of a moving object or scene.Structure from Motion(SfM)(从运动图像中恢复三维结构),是⼀种从可能带有本地运动信号结合的⼆维图像序列中预测三维结构的摄影测量序列图像技术。



Contents ⽬录1 Obtaining 3D information from 2D images 从⼆维图像获取三维信息2 SfM for the geosciences 地球科学中的SfM3 SfM for cultural heritage structure analysis ⽂化遗产结构分析中的StM4 See also 另外请看5 Further reading 更多阅读6 References 参考⽂献7 External links 其他链接7.1 Structure from motion software toolboxes SfM软件⼯具包7.1.1 Open source solutions 开源解决⽅案7.1.2 Other software 其他软件。

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Reconstructing 3D Pose and Motion from aSingle Camera ViewR Bowden, T A Mitchell and M SarhadiBrunel University, UxbridgeMiddlesex UB8 3PHrichard.bowden@AbstractThis paper presents a model based approach to human body tracking in whichthe 2D silhouette of a moving human and the corresponding 3D skeletal structureare encapsulated within a non-linear Point Distribution Model. This statisticalmodel allows a direct mapping to be achieved between the external boundary ofa human and the anatomical position. It is shown how this information, alongwith the position of landmark features such as the hands and head can be usedto reconstruct information about the pose and structure of the human body froma monoscopic view of a scene.1 IntroductionThe human vision system is adept at recognising the position and pose of an object, even when presented with a monoscopic view. In situations with low lighting conditions in which only a silhouette is visible, it is still possible for a human to deduce the pose of an object. This is through structural knowledge of the human body and its articulation.A similar internal model can be constructed mathematically which represents a human body and the possible ways in which it can deform. This information, encapsulated within a Point Distribution Model [5] can be used to locate and track a body. By introducing additional information to the PDM that relates to the anatomical structure of the body, a direct mapping between skeletal structure and projected shape can be achieved.This work investigates the feasibility of such an approach to the reconstruction of 3D structure from a single view. To further aid the tracking and reconstruction process, additional information about the location of both the head and hands is combined into the model. This helps disambiguate the model and provides useful information for both its initialisation and tracking within the image plane.1.1 Point Distribution ModelsPoint Distribution Models (PDMs) have proven themselves an invaluable tool in image processing. The classic formulation combines local edge feature detection and a model based approach to provide a fast, simple method of representing an object and how its structure can deform. Each pose of the object is described by a vector x e = (x1, y1, . . . ,x N ,y N), representing a set of points specifying the object shape. A training set of vectors isBritish Machine Vision Conference905 then assembled for a particular model class. The training set is then aligned (using translation, rotation and scaling) and the mean shape calculated. To represent the deviation within the shape of the training set, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is performed on the deviation of the example vectors from the mean. This provides a compact mathematical model of how the shape deforms [5].1.1.1 Linear Principal Component AnalysisTypically PDMs are generated by hand to ensure the correct identification of landmark points around a contour. Automated techniques are common place, but often require user intervention in the identification of landmark points to reduce the non-linearity that this introduces. Non-linear models when represented by the linear mathematics of PCA manifest themselves as un-robust models, which allow deformation not presented within the original dataset [2] [9] [10]. These problems become more acute when the move to 3D models is considered.It has been proposed by Kotcheff and Taylor that non-linearity introduced during assembly of a training set could be eliminated by automatically assigning landmark points in order to minimise the non-linearity of the corresponding training cluster [12]. This can be estimated by analysing the size of the linear PDM that represents the training set. The more non-linear a proposed formulation of training set, the larger the PDM needed to encompass the deformation. This was demonstrated using a small test shape and scoring a particular assignment of landmark points according to the size of the training set (gained from analysis of the principal modes and the extent to which the model deforms along these modes, i.e. the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix[12]). This was formulated as a minimisation problem, using a genetic algorithm. The approach performed well however at a heavy computation cost [12].As the move to larger, more complex, models or 3D models is considered, where dimensionality of the training set is high, this approach becomes unfeasible. A more generic solution is to use accurate non-linear representations and recent years has seen a wealth of publications on this subject (Discussed in the next section).1.1.2 Non-linear Principal Component AnalysisSozou et al first proposed using polynomial regression to fit high order polynomials to the non-linear axis of the training set [9]. Although this compensates for some of the curvature represented within the training set, it does not adequately compensate for high order non-linearity which manifests itself in the smaller modes of variation as high frequency oscillations of shape. In addition, the order of the polynomial to be used must be selected and the fitting process is time consuming.Sozou et al further proposed modelling the non-linearity of the training set using a backpropagation neural network to perform non-linear principal component analysis [10]. This performs well, however the architecture of the network is application specific, also training times and the optimisation of network structure are time consuming.Heap and Hogg suggested using a log polar mapping to remove non-linearity from the training set [7]. This allows a non-linear training set to be projected into a linear space where PCA can be used to represent deformation. The model is then projected back into the original space. Although a useful suggestion for applications where the only non-linearity is pivotal and represented in the paths of the landmark points in the original model, it does not provide a solution for the heavier non-linearity generated by other sources. What isBritish Machine Vision Conference906required is a means of modelling the non-linearity accurately, but with the simplicity and speed of the linear model.Several researchers have proposed alternatives, which utilise non-linear approximations,estimating non-linearity through the combination of multiple smaller linear models[2][3][4][7]. These approaches have been shown to be powerful at modelling complex non-linearity in extremely high dimensional feature spaces [2]. It has also been proposed that analysis of the path taken by the training set through the non-linear feature space can be used to provide a probabilistic model of how the model varies through shape space [7].2 Building a Combined Non-linear Point Distribution Modelfor a HumanThe point distribution model is constructed from three components: the position of the head and hands within the image frame; the 2D contour which represents the shape of the body silhouette; and the 3D structure of the body (see Fig 1). Each of these is generated separately from the training image sequence and then concatenated to provide a training vector representing all these attributes. The relative position of the head and hands is represented as the location of these features in the image frame. When concatenated this generates a six dimensional feature vector V H =(x 1,y 1,...x 3,y 3). The body contour, once extracted from the image, is resampled to a list of 400 connected points. These are concatenated into an 800 dimensional feature vector V C =(x 1,y 1,...x 400,y 400). Lastly the skeletal structure of the 3D model is represented by 10 3D points which produce a 30dimensional feature vector V S . The relative location of the hands and head helps to disambiguate the contour during tracking. It can also be used to estimate an initial location and shape for the body contour.When combining information for statistical analysis via PCA it is important that constituent features (V H V C V S ) are scaled to ensure that any particular feature does not dominate the principal axis’. This can be done by minimising the eigen entrophy as proposed by Sumpter, Boyle and Tillett [11]. However as all three components exist within the same co-ordinate frame and are directly linked, and thus such scaling is unnecessary.Figure 1 (a) Position of head and hands V H (b) Body Contour V C (c)Corresponding 3D model V S2.1 Hand and Head Position EstimationColour information is an important attribute within an image, which is often discarded.(b)(c)(a)British Machine Vision Conference907 McKenna, Gong and Raja have demonstrated that in a Hue-Saturation space, human skin occupies a relatively small cluster and can be used to segment a human head from a complex noisy scene. Using a gaussian mixture model to represent this colour space they have shown how multiple models for individuals can be used to probabilistically label an image and determine the most likely person present. Azarbayejani and Pentland have used similar methods to automatically segment both the hands and head from stereo image pairs, and using this, calculate their position and trajectories in 3D space [1].By taking example images of human skin and plotting the constituent points in hue saturation space, a single gaussian cluster is sufficient to provide a reliable probabilistic measure for location of skin clusters in the image frame. By performing PCA on this colour cluster approximate bounds are calculated. If a sample pixel from a new image is within the Hue-Saturation bounds calculated from the PCA of skin samples then that pixel is marked as a probable location, producing a binary image. By performing erosion then dilation, noisy points are removed and clusters of marked skin points consolidated to blobs. A simple blobbing algorithm is then used to calculate approximate locations of skin artefacts within the image.Figure 2. Blobs of skin artefactsFigure 2 shows a sample image frame after processing. The results from the blobbing algorithm are used to calculate the centre and approximate size of the skin artefacts. This is used to place a cross over the segmented features for demonstration purposes.This procedure is repeated for each image in the training sequence to extract the trajectories of the head and hand as the human moves.2.2 Shape ExtractionFor the purpose of simple contour extraction from the training set, shape extraction is facilitated through the use of a blue screen and chroma keying. This allows the background to be simply keyed out to produce a binary image of the body silhouette. As the figure always intersects the base of the image at the torso, an initial contour point is easily located. Once found, this is used as the starting point for a simple contour tracing algorithm which follows the external boundary of the silhouette and stores this contour as a list of connected points. In order to perform any statistical analysis on the contour, it must first be resampled to a fixed length. To ensure some consistency throughout the training set, landmark points are set at the beginning and end of the contour. A further landmark point is allocated at the highest point along the contour within 10 degrees of a vertical line drawn from the centroidBritish Machine Vision Conference908of the shape. Two further points are positioned at the leftmost and rightmost points of the contour. This simple landmark point identification results in non-linearity within the model. The problems associated with this are discussed in section Introducing 3D InformationThe 3D skeletal structure of the human is generated manually. Co-ordinates in the xy (image) plane are derived directly from the image sequence by hand labelling. The position in the 3D dimension is then estimated for each key frame.2.4 The Linear PDMOnce these separate feature vectors are assembled, they are concatenated to form an 836 dimensional vector which represents the total pose of the model. A training set of these vectors is assembled which represents the likely movement of the model. Figure 3 shows a sample of training images along with the corresponding contour and skeletal models in 2D.Figure 3.Sample training images and corresponding contour and skeletal modelsA linear PDM is now constructed [5] from the training set and its primary modes of variation are shown in Figure 4.Figure 4 demonstrates the deformation of the composite PDM. The crosses are the locations of the hands and head. It can be seen that although the movement of the three elements are closely related, the model does not accurately represent the natural deformation of the body. The shapes generated by the primary modes of variation are not indicative of the training set due to its inherent non-linearity. In order to produce a model that is accurate/robust enough for practical applications, a more constrained representation is required.British Machine Vision Conference 909 1st MODE 2nd MODE 3rdMODE4th MODE 5th MODE Figure 4, Primary modes of variation on the linear PDM2.6 Non-Linear EstimationAny analysis performed upon this training set is time consuming due to its high dimensionality and size. This dimensionality is therefore reduced by projecting the dataset down into a lower dimensional space while preserving the important information: its shape. The linear PDM model, which is unsuitable for modelling the deformation, is invaluable in this sense. Although the Linear PDM contains uncharacteristic deformation uncharacteristic to a human, it is capable of representing the original deformation contained in the training set [2]. After PCA, it is calculated that the first 84 eigenvectors that corresponding to the 84 largest eigenvalues encompass 99.99% of the deformation contained in the training set. By projecting each of the sample shapes down onto these vectors and recording their distance from the mean a new vector R V=(e1, ...., e84) is constructed. From this vector it is a simple back projection to reconstruct the model. Upon visual observation of the original vector and the reconstructed vector it can be seen that only the first 40 eigenvectors are necessary to represent the shape accurately. These primary 40 modes of deformation encompass 99.8% of the deformation. Projecting the entire training set down into this lower dimensional space achieves a dimensional reduction of 836 to 40, which significantly reduces the computation time required for further analysis.In this lower dimensional space the information about the shape of the training set and how the model moves throughout it is preserved allowing further statistical analysis. Using a kmeans-clustering algorithm the space can be segregated into sub areas, which estimate the non-linearity [2]. Using standard cluster analysis the natural number of clusters can be estimated to be 25. By performing further PCA on each of the 25 clusters, the shape of the model can be constrained by restricting the shape vector to remain within this volume.Figure 5 shows the training set after dimensional reduction from the original linear PDM, projected into 2 dimensions. The bounding boxes represent the 25 clusters which best estimate the curvature. These bounding boxes are the bounds of the first and secondBritish Machine Vision Conference910modes of deformation for each of the sub PCA models. The number of modes for each cluster varies according to the complexity of the training set at that point within the space. All clusters are modelled to encompass 99.9% of the deformation within that cluster.Figure 5 - Clusters in reduced shape space3 Applying the PDM to an Image3.1 Initialising the PDMUpon initialisation the first step is to locate the position of the head and hands. This can be done via the procedure described in section 2.1 which does not need to be repeated on every iteration. Once done these positions can be used to initialise the PDM and give an initial guess as to the shape of the contour to be found. As is it not clear which blobs correspond to which features, three possible contours can be produced. The contour that iterates to the best solution provides the final state from which tracking proceeds.3.2 Tracking with the PDMOnce initialised the two components must be fitted to the image separately. The contour is attracted to high intensity gradients within the image using local edge detection. The hand and head positions are used as centres in a single iteration of a kmeans-clustering algorithm on the segmented binary skin image. This is possible due to the assumption that the model will not change significantly from the last image frame.3.3 Reconstruction of 3D Shape and PoseAs the shape deforms to fit with the image so the third element of the model, the skeleton, also deforms. By plotting this 3D skeleton, its movements mimic the motion of the humanBritish Machine Vision Conference911 in the image frame.1a2a3a4a5a1b2b3b4b5bFigure 6 How the model deformsFigure 6 demonstrates the correspondence between the body contour and skeletal structure. Each contour image (a) is generated from a different sub cluster of shape space. The deformation corresponds to the largest mode of deformation for that cluster. The 3D skeletal diagrams (b) correspond to the relevant contour (a), and demonstrate the movement of the skeleton. The orientation of these skeletal models has been changed in order to better visualise the movement in 3D. Skeleton (1b) demonstrates the arms moving in the z direction corresponding to the change in contour (1a) around the elbow region. Contour (4a) represents a body leant toward the camera with moving arms. Skeleton 4b shows the corresponding change in the skeleton with the shoulders twisting as the arms move. The Skeleton 5b is a plan view showing the movement of the hands.All model points move along straight lines due to the linear clusters used to approximate the non-linear shape space. However, all poses of the models are lifelike human silhouettes, demonstrating the cluster PCAs ability at modelling the non-linearity.Figure 7 – Reconstructed poses from the modelFigure 7 shows the original model pose from the training set in grey with the reconstructed skeletal model in black. It can be seen that the original and reconstructed models are similar in pose and position with the length of limbs preserved, further demonstrating the absence of non-linear effects. However, as the constraints on shape spaceBritish Machine Vision Conference912are increased, so the performance degrades. Inconsistencies in the original and reconstructed models and the deterioration under heavy constraints can be attributed to the hand labelling of the training set. During hand labelling it is impossible to provide consistent models of the skeletal structure throughout the training set. This factor leads to the final model producing mean skeletal shapes which have been ‘learnt’ from the original training set and hence produces the inconsistencies observed in figure 7.4 ConclusionsThis paper has demonstrated how the 3D structure of an object can be reconstructed from a single view of its outline, using an internal model of shape and movement. The technique uses computationally inexpensive techniques for real time tracking and reconstruction of objects. It has also been shown how two sources of information can be combined to provide a direct mapping between them. The model appears to reconstruct 3D pose accurately. However, due to the acquisition of skeletal position, no ground truth information is available to test its accuracy. Being able to reconstruct 3D pose from a simple contour has applications in surveillance, virtual reality and smart room technology and could possibly provide an inexpensive solution to more complex motion capture modalities such as electromagnetic sensors and marker based vision systems.5 Future WorkA full body model needs to be constructed for the generic tracking and pose estimation of humans. During its construction accurate skeletal information must be acquired to ensure usability of the resulting model. Key point trajectories will be acquired using electromagnetic sensors to provide training information during image acquisition for contour extraction. This will also provide the necessary ground truth data required to assess the accuracy of the final model. It is also possible to implement a stereoscopic or quad camera system to further increase accuracy and further disambiguate the contour fitting process. Inclusion of information about the orientation of the skeleton added during training would allow the estimation of contour shape in other image frames from a multi-camera system.AcknowledgementsThis work is funded by an EPSRC case studentship in conjunction with Foster Findlay Associates Ltd.References[1]Azarbayejani, A., Penland, A., Real-time self calibrating stereo person tracking using 3D shapeestimation from blob features, Proc. ICPR’96, Vienna, Austria, 1996[2]Bowden, R., Mitchell, T. A., Sahardi, M., Cluster Based non-linear Principal ComponentAnalysis, Electronics Letters, 23rd Oct 1997, 33(22), pp1858-1859.[3]Bregler, C., Omohundro, S.: ‘Surface Learning with Applications to Lip Reading’, Advancesin Neural Information Processing Systems 6, San Francisco, CA, 1994British Machine Vision Conference913 [4]Cootes T.F., Taylor C.J., A Mixture Model for Representing Shape Variation, In: Clark A F,ed. 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