历届专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机科学中,以下哪个术语代表计算机程序的执行顺序?A. 算法B. 程序C. 编译D. 运行2. 在经济学中,下列哪项不是市场经济的基本特征?A. 自由竞争B. 价格机制C. 计划调节D. 供求关系3. 英语语法中,动词的过去式通常用来表示:A. 将来的动作或状态B. 现在的动作或状态C. 过去的动作或状态D. 完成的动作或状态4. 在数学中,下列哪个选项是二次方程的一般形式?A. \( ax + b = 0 \)B. \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \)C. \( ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 \)D. \( ax + by = c \)5. 物理学中,物体的惯性是指:A. 物体保持静止或匀速直线运动的倾向B. 物体受到外力时产生的加速度C. 物体抵抗外力改变其运动状态的能力D. 物体在运动中所具有的能量二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 根据牛顿第三定律,作用力与反作用力大小________,方向________。
7. 在化学中,水的化学式是________。
8. 英语中,现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对________有影响。
9. 计算机编程中,循环结构用于重复执行一段代码,直到满足某个________。
10. 经济学中的边际成本是指每增加一个单位产品所增加的________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述操作系统的主要功能。
12. 解释什么是边际效用递减规律。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)13. 论述市场经济和计划经济的区别及其各自的优势和劣势。
14. 论述信息技术在现代社会中的重要性。
五、计算题(每题15分,共15分)15. 给定一个二次方程 \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \),其中 \( a = 2 \),\( b = 5 \),\( c = -3 \),求该方程的根。
A. 1024×1024BytesB.1024KBC.1024MBD.1000×1000KB正确答案:C8.【单选题】计算机的硬盘存储器通常比内存储器()A.容量大,速度快B.容量小,速度慢C.容量大,速度慢D.容量小,速度快正确答案:C9.【单选题】计算机的硬件主要包括:中央处理器(CPU) 、存储器、输出设备和()。
int a[5],*p=a;A)*&a[5]B)*a+1C)*(p+5)D)*(a+2)【解析】本题考查通过指针引用数组元素。
选项A、B没有这种引用形式;选项C,*(p+5)是引用数组的第6个元素,而数组一共有5个元素,出现越界;选项D,*(a+2)引用数组的第3个元素(38)设有以下说明语句:struct stu{ int a;float b;}stutype;则以下叙述错误的是()。
A)struct是结构类型关键字B)struct stu是用户定义的结构类型C)stutype是用户定义的结构类型D)a、b都是结构成员名【解析】本题主要考查结构类型的定义:struct是结构体类型的关键字;struct stu是结构体类型名;a、b都是结构体成员名;stutype是结构变量名。
(1) 在设计阶段,当双击窗体上的某个控件时,所打开的窗口是A ) 工程资源管理器窗口B ) 工具箱窗口C ) 代码窗口D ) 属性窗口(2) 以下叙述中正确的是A ) 窗体的Name 属性指定窗体的名称,用来标识一个窗体B ) 窗体的Name 属性的值是显示在窗体标题栏中的文本C ) 可以在运行期间改变对象的Name 属性的值D ) 对象的Name 属性值可以为空(3) 刚建立一个新的标准EXE工程后,不在工具箱中出现的控件是A ) 单选按钮B ) 图片框C ) 通用对话框D ) 文本框(4) 设有如下变量声明Dim TestDate As Date为变量TestDate正确赋值的表达方式是A ) TestDate = #1/1/2002#B ) TestDate = #"1/1/2002"#C ) TestDate = date("1/1/2002")D ) TestDate = Format("m/d/yy", "1/1/2002")(5) 设有如下声明:Dim X As Integer 如果Sgn(X)的值为-1,则X的值是A ) 整数B ) 大于0的整数C ) 等于0的整数D ) 小于0的数(6) 在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Private Sub Command1_Click()Static X As IntegerStatic Y As IntegerClsY = 1Y = Y + 5X = 5 + XPrint X, YEnd Sub程序运行时,三次单击命令按钮Command1后,窗体上显示的结果为A ) 15 16B ) 15 6C ) 15 15D ) 5 6(7) 设a=3,b=5,则以下表达式值为真的是A ) a>=b And b>10B ) (a>b) Or (b>0)C ) (a<0) Eqv (b>0)D ) (-3+5>a) And (b>0)(8) 设有语句x=InputBox("输入数值","0","示例")程序运行后,如果从键盘上输入数值10并按回车键,则下列叙述中正确的是A ) 变量x的值是数值10B ) 在InputBox对话框标题栏中显示的是"示例"C ) 0是默认值D ) 变量x的值是字符串"10"(9) 从键盘上输入两个字符串,分别保存在变量str1、str2中。
5.结构化程序设计的思想包括:自顶向下、逐步求精、模块化、限制使用goto语句6.N-S图提出了用方框图来代替传统的程序流程图;PAD图是问题分析图,它是继承程序流程图和方框图之后提出的又一种主要用于描述软件详细设计的图形表示工具;E-R 图是数据库中的用于表示E-R模型的图示工具7.数据库管理系统是数据库的机构,它是一种系统软件,负责数据库中数据组织、数据操纵、数据维护、控制及保护和数据服务等。
10.在用双等号运算符(==)比较两个字符串时,只有当两个字符串完全相同(包括空格以及各字符的位置)时,运算结果才会是逻辑真.T.,否则为逻辑假.F.;在用单等号运算符(=)比较两个字符串时,运算结果与SET EXACT ON|OFF的设置有关:当设置ON时,先在较短字符串的尾部加上若干个空格,使两个字符串的长度相等,然后再进行精确比较,当设置OFF时,只要右边字符串与左边字符串的前面部分内容相匹配,即可得到逻辑真.T.的结果,即字符串的比较因右面的字符串结束而终止。
全国2002年10月高等教育自学考试计算机原理试题课程代码:02384第一部分 选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。
1.家用电脑是指( )A.家用电器B.家庭电影院C.家庭音响设备D.家用计算机2.目前市场上供应的“奔腾586”机的芯片集成了几百万只晶体管,主频达几亿次,硬盘容量达几千亿字节。
按规模分类,这是一种( )A.大型机B.中型机C.微型机D.小型机3.描述下面开关灯事件的一组正确表达式是( )。
(设灯亮L=1,灯灭L=0,开关合上为1,断开为0) A.B A L +=B.L=A ·BC.L=B A +D.L=AB4.使逻辑函数F=CD AB +=1的一组A ,B ,C ,D 变量值是( )AB C D A.01 0 1 B.11 0 1 C.00 1 1 D.1 1 1 15.下图所示的门电路输出为“1”,则电路输入正确的一组(A ,EN )值是( ) A ENA.0 0B.0 1C.1 0D.1 16.十进制小数转换成十六进制数可采用( )A.除基(10)取余法B.除基(16)取余法C.乘基(10)取整法D.乘基(16)取整法7.二进制数1001101B 的十进制数表示为( )A.4DHB.95DC.77DD.9AD8.在底数取16及尾数为二进制的浮点数中,为了保持数值不变,阶码加1,小数点要( )A.左移1位B.右移1位C.左移4位D.右移4位9.以下叙述错误的是()A.语言信号经过采样量化编码后输入计算机B.计算机播放语音信息时,把声音文件中的数字信号还原成模拟信号C.图像信息在输入计算机时需要经过抽样和量化过程D.图形信息是一种点阵信息10.两个不为0的五位二进制的定点小数,经补码加法运算后结果为1.00000,若此结果不表示溢出,则下列推论中正确的是()A.两个都为正定点小数,和为1.00000B.两个都为负定点小数,和为1.00000C.两个数符号相反,被加数比加数大1.00000D.两个数符号相反,被加数比加数小1.0000011.两个n位数(不包含符号位)按原码一位乘法运算,将最后一次加操作后加法器中的结果右移一位得到的是()A.乘积有效值的高n位B.乘积有效值的低n位C.乘积有效值的高n-1位D.乘积有效值的低n-1位12.用原码一位除法进行两定点数相除,在执行运算之前首先要进行的操作是()A.判商是否为正数 B.判商是否为负数C.判商是否为0D.判商是否溢出13.16位字长的计算机中,为了进行位寻址,位指针至少应有的位数是()A.4B.8C.16D.3214.大循环移位操作与小循环移位操作的主要差别在于大循环移位操作是()A.将累加器与数据寄存器连接起来一起移位B.将操作数与数据寄存器一起移位C.将操作数与状态寄存器中的进位C一起循环移位D.将操作数与左符号位一起循环移位15.执行A—B运算的指令后,可以用来判别A和B大小关系的是()A.零标志(Z)B.进位标志(C)C.溢出标志(V)D.负标志(N)16.间接访内指令STA@A(以主存A单元中的内容作为地址,将累加器的内容存入该主存单元)的指令周期包含CPU周期至少有()A.一个B.二个C.三个D.四个17.存储器进行两次连续、独立的操作(读或写)所需的时间间隔,通常称为()A.存储器的读写时间 B.存储器的存取速度C.存储器的平均无故障时间D.存储周期时间18.一个8K 8bitRAM芯片,如果不采用地址复用技术的话,该芯片的数据线(即位线)有()A.8根B.8K根C.13根D.14根19.评价存储器的主要性能指标之一是T A,而T A的意义是()A.存储器的存储容量B.存储器的存取时间C.存储器的平均无故障时间D.存储器的性能价格比20.采用虚拟存储器一定是( )A.主存的物理空间与逻辑地址所需的容量相等B.主存的物理空间比逻辑地址代码所需的空间大C.虚拟存储器空间比物理空间小D.虚拟存储器空间比物理空间大21.按接口与设备之间的数据传输宽度,并行接口指的是( )A.逐位串行传输并成一字节B.逐位串行传输并成一个字C.每次同时传输一个字或一个字节D.逐个字节传输并成一个字22.目前微型机系统上广泛使用的机械式鼠标是一种( )A.输入设备B.输出设备C.输入输出设备D.显示设备组成之一23.为允许多重中断,在中断处理中,通常把断点及现场保存在( )A.通用寄存器B.中断向量表C.缓冲寄存器D.堆栈24.在现代计算机中存储器是系统的中心,它为CPU 和I/O 设备所共享。
(每日一练)全国通用版初三英语名词重点易错题单选题1、These ________ are green. Those ________ are yellow.A.jackets;keysB.jackets;keiesC.jacket;keyD.jacket;keys答案:A解析:句意:这些夹克是绿色的。
2、— Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate ________ Easter Day?—No. This is the first time I’ve celebrated ________ festival.A.the; theB.the; aC./; theD./; a答案:C解析:句意:——詹妮,中国人庆祝复活节吗?——不庆祝,这是我第一次庆祝这个节日。
Easter Day“复活节”,是专有名词,前面不加冠词。
3、________ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ________ teachers.A.A number of; womenB.A number of; womanC.The number of; womenD.The number of; woman答案:C解析:句意:在他们学校老师的数量大约是200,且其中的四分之一是女老师。
“the number of+名词复数”意为“……的数量”,作主语谓语动词用单数形式,“a number of+名词复数”意为“大量的”,作主语谓语动词用复数形式;根据句意及谓语动词是单数is可知,第一空用the number of;又因为一般情况下名词作定语修饰名词时,第一个名词要用单数,但是若man或者women作定语时,man和woman的单复数根据被修饰的名词的单复数而定,根据第二空后的teachers可知,用复数,即women teachers,故选C。
人教版五年级上册信息技术易错题集第一章:计算机的基本知识1. 计算机主要有哪几个组成部分?- 答案: 机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标等。
答案: 机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标等。
2. 什么是计算机硬件?- 答案: 计算机硬件是指计算机的物理部分,如机箱、显示器、键盘等。
答案: 计算机硬件是指计算机的物理部分,如机箱、显示器、键盘等。
3. 什么是计算机软件?- 答案: 计算机软件是指安装在计算机内部的程序和数据。
答案: 计算机软件是指安装在计算机内部的程序和数据。
4. 什么是操作系统?- 答案: 操作系统是计算机的核心软件,负责管理计算机的各项任务。
答案: 操作系统是计算机的核心软件,负责管理计算机的各项任务。
5. 计算机的存储设备有哪些?- 答案: 硬盘、U盘、光盘等。
答案: 硬盘、U盘、光盘等。
第二章:Windows操作系统1. 如何打开Windows资源管理器?- 答案: 可以通过点击任务栏左侧的文件夹图标或者按下`Win + E`键组合来打开Windows资源管理器。
答案: 可以通过点击任务栏左侧的文件夹图标或者按下`Win + E`键组合来打开Windows资源管理器。
2. 如何创建一个新文件夹?- 答案: 在Windows资源管理器中,右键点击空白处,选择“新建”->“文件夹”,然后输入文件夹的名称即可。
答案: 在Windows资源管理器中,右键点击空白处,选择“新建”->“文件夹”,然后输入文件夹的名称即可。
3. 如何将文件或文件夹复制到其他位置?- 答案: 选中要复制的文件或文件夹,按下`Ctrl + C`键组合,然后在目标位置按下`Ctrl + V`键组合即可完成复制操作。
答案: 选中要复制的文件或文件夹,按下`Ctrl + C`键组合,然后在目标位置按下`Ctrl + V`键组合即可完成复制操作。
4. 如何删除文件或文件夹?- 答案: 选中要删除的文件或文件夹,按下`Delete`键,然后在弹出的确认对话框中点击“是”即可完成删除操作。
1、下列关于信息的叙述错误的是 DA、信息是指事物运动的状态及状态变化的方式B、信息是指认识主体所感知或所表述的事物运动极其变化方式的形式、内容和效用C、信息与物质和能源同样重要D、在计算机信息系统中,信息是数据的符号化表示。
2、信息技术是指用来扩展人们信息器官功能、协助人们进行信息处理的一项技术,其中 C可以帮助扩展人的效应器官的功能A、计算技术B、通信与存储技术C、控制与显示技术D、感知与识别技术3、现在信息技术的核心技术主要是 B 。
AA. 硅抛光片--晶圆--芯片--成品测试--集成电路B. 晶圆---硅抛光片--成品测试--芯片--集成电路C. 硅抛光片--芯片--晶圆--成品测试--集成电路D. 硅片--芯片--成品测试--晶圆--集成电路5、集成电路可按它包含的晶体管元件的数目分类,其中英文缩写VLSI的含义是大规模集成电路。
2022-2023年职称计算机《WindowsXP》证书考核易错、难点精编(带答案)(图片大小可自由调整)一.全考点综合测验(共45题)1.【单选题】五笔字型由( )位编码组成A.4B.3C.5D.2正确答案:A2.【单选题】在某Word 文档中, A 和 B 是两个格式不同的段落,当从 A 段落中选择部分文字复制并插入到 B 段落后,则A.被复制到B 段落中的文字将变成与B 段落其它文字相同的字体B.被复制到B 段落中的文字字体不变C.B 段落的格式变为A 段落的格式D.A 段落的格式变为B 段落的格式正确答案:B3.【单选题】下列操作中,不能打开“我的电脑”窗口的是______。
A. 用鼠标右键单击“我的电脑”图标,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择“打开”命令B.用鼠标右键单击“开始”菜单按钮,然后从资源管理器中选择C. 用鼠标左键单击“开始”菜单,然后选择“我的电脑”D.菜单项用鼠标左键双击“我的电脑”图标正确答案:C4.【单选题】C 语言属于( )A.机器语言B. 汇编语言C.高级语言D.数据库语言正确答案:C5.【单选题】AB 是( ) 的简称。
A.计算机地址总线B.计算机数据总线C.计算机控制总线D.计算机存储总线正确答案:A6.【单选题】在自定义经典“开始”菜单时,使用“创建快捷方式向导”新建一个菜单项,如果不进行手动设置,新创建的快捷方式将被存放任( )文件夹下。
A.[ 开始] 菜单B.启动C.程序D.以上答案都不对正确答案:C7.【单选题】下列哪个键单独使用一般不起作用( )。
B.CtrlC.HomeD.Enter正确答案:B8.【单选题】WINDOWS XP中集成的Outlook Express 版本为( )。
A.Outlook Express 5B.Outlook Express 6C.Outlook Express 2000D.Outlook Express XP正确答案:B9.【单选题】完成将计算机外部的信息送入计算机这个任务的设备是( ) 。
A 通过格式菜单选择“段落”,然后在“特殊格式”设定“首行缩进”格式B 通过标尺调节C 通过TabD 通过工具菜单里的段落格式设置答案:D2.与激光、喷墨打印机相比,针式打印机最突出的优点是()。
A 耗材成本不高B 打印噪音低C 能多层套打D 打印分辨率低答案:C3.“文件”菜单中的“打开”命令的快捷键是()。
A Alt + OB Alt + NC Ctrl + OD Ctrl + N答案:C4.在Excel2000工作表的左上角的按钮()。
A 选中所有行号B 选中所有列号C 选中整个工作表所有单元格D 无任何作用答案:C5.在安装光驱时,必须要用耳塞听 CD-ROM 内的 CD 声音,必须连()线。
A 电源B 音频C 数据D 接地答案:B6.下列关于鼠标器的叙述中,错误的是()。
A 鼠标器输入计算机的是其移动时的位移量B 不同鼠标器的工作原理基本相同,区别在于感知位移量的方法不同C 鼠标器只能使用PS/2接口与主机连接D 触摸屏具有与鼠标类似的功能答案:C7.为单元格区域设置边框的正确操作是( )。
A 选定“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令;在其对话框中选定,“视图”标签,在:“显示”列表中选择所需要的格式类型;按“确定”按钮B 选定要设置边框的单元格区域;选定“工具”菜单中的“选项”命令;在其对话框中选定“视图”标签,在“显示”列表中选择所需要的格式类型;按“确定”按钮C 选定“格式”菜单中的“单元格”命令,在其对话框中选定“边框”标签,在该标签中选择所需的项;按“确定”按钮D 选定要设置边框的单元格区域;选定“格式”菜单中的“单元格”命令;在其对话框中选定“边框”标签,在该系统中选择所需的项;按“确定”按钮。
2002年程序员试卷(上)●数字签名技术可以用于对用户身份或信息的真实性进行验证与鉴定,但是下列的(l) 行为不能用数字签名技术解决。
(1):A.抵赖B.伪造C.篡改D,窃听●软件是一种(2) 的产品。
为了软件产业的健康发展,应对软件产品的(3) 上进行保护。
(2) A、易复制B、易损坏C、易开发D、易使用(3) A、技术B、版权C、开发D、使用说明●用户提出需求并提供经费,委托软件公司开发软件。
如果双方商定的协议中未涉及软件著作权归属,则软件著作权属于(4) 所有。
(4) A、用户B、软件公司C、用户、软件公司双方F、经裁决所确认的一方●(5) 是面向对象程序设计语言不同于其它语言的主要特点。
是否建立了丰富的(6) 是衡量一个面向对象程序设计语言成热与否的一个重要标志。
(7) 是在类及子类之间自动地共享数据和方法的一种机制。
(5) A、继承性B、消息传递C、多态性D、静态联编(6) A、函数库B、类库C、类型库D、方法库(7) A、调用B、引用C、消息传递D、继承●前序遍历序列与中序遍历序列相同的二叉树为(8) ,前序遍历序列与后序遍历序列相同的二叉树为(9) 。
(8) A、根结点无左子树的二叉树B、根结点无右子树的二叉树C、只有根结点的二叉树或非叶子结点只有左子树的二叉树D、只有根结点的二叉树或非叶子结点只有右子树的二叉树(9) A、非叶子结点只有左子树的二叉树B、只有根结点的二叉树C、根结点无右子树的二叉树D、非叶子结点只有右子树的二叉树●假设一棵二叉树的后序遍历序列为DGJHEBIFCA,中序遍历序列为DBGEHJACIF,则其前序遍历序列为(10) 。
(10) A、ABCDEFGHIJ B、ABDEGHJCFI C、ABDEGHJFIC D、ABDEGJHCFI●已知一个线性表(38,25,74,63,52,48),采用的散列函数为H(Key)=Key mod 7,将元素散列到表长为7的哈希表中存储。
1. 数据类型转换问题在计算机科目中,经常会遇到数据类型转换的问题。
2. 数组越界问题在计算机编程中,数组是一种常见的数据结构。
3. 逻辑错误逻辑错误是编程过程中容易出现的一种错误。
2010英语DA、2421码B、余3码C、雷格码D、ASCII码第1页6.为了操作处理方便,在做定点加法运算时,操作数的编码一般都采用[C]A、原码B、反码C、补码D、真值码7.在原码一位乘法中,乘积的符号是由两个操作的符号代码作相应的逻辑运算得到的,此逻辑运算是[D]A、逻辑加B、逻辑乘C、与非运算D、异或运算8.计算机硬件与软件之间的主要交界面是[ D]A、I/O设备B、指令系统C、CPUD、操作系统9.机器字长表示[ A]A、计算机内部数据通道和工作寄存器的宽度B、计算机指令的长度C、程序计数器的长度D、存储器单元的宽度10.精简指令集计算机的简称是[ C]A、ASPB、DISCC、RISCD、CISC11.如果把存储器分类为半导存储器、磁存储器和光存储器,这种分类方法是[ A]A、按存储介质分类B、按存取方式分类C、按信息的可保护性分类D、按位置和功能分类12.在存储器系统中,为了扩大程序可控制的存储空间,操作系统将辅助存储器的一部分当作主存使用。
这种存储系统称为[ C]第2页A、内部存储器B、外部存储器C、虚拟存储器D、随机存储器13.将内存地址编码扩大到外围设备上,这种输入输出设备的编方式称为[D]A、内存扩展寻址编址方式B、虚拟存储器编址方式C、外围设备的单独编址方式D、统一编址方式14.以下不属于输入输出接口要执行的功能是[C]A、数据缓存B、数据格式转换C、执行算术逻辑运算D、设备的工作状态设置15.完全由计算机程序控制来实现CPU和外围设备之间的数据传输的输入输出控制方式是[B]A、程序查询方式B、程序中断方式C、DMA方式D、通道方式二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)请在每小题的空格填上正确的答案,错填、不填均为0分。
16. 用高级语言编写的源程序是不能直接执行的,将其翻译成目标程序的软件是编译程序。
17.设RS型触发器的输入端为R和S,输出的原码端为Q,如果R为0电位、Q为0电位,那么S端应为 1 电位。
A 重新启动机器B 使用杀毒程序杀毒,重新配置CMOS参数C 更换主板D 更换CMOS芯片答案:B2.在Word 中,为了防止文档内容被他人浏览,可以通过以下()方法来实现。
A 将文档属性设置为“隐藏”B 保护文档,并输入密码C 在“另存为”对话框中设置密码D 保护文档,不输入密码答案:C3.在县农业局举办的信息技术培训班上,小张与其他学员就电脑的性能等问题有些争论,概括成一以下几点,请问他们的这些说法中哪条是正确的?A 电脑的体积越大,其功能就越强B 两个显示器屏幕尺寸相同,则它们的分辨率必定相同C 点阵打印机的针数越多,则能打印的汉字字体就越多D 在电脑性能指标中,CPU的主频越高,其运算速度越快答案:D4.在Windows中,为了便于在文档中查找信息,可以使用()符号来代表任何一个字符进行匹配。
A %B vC *D ?答案:D5.在Windows中,右击C盘根目录中某文件,在弹出的快捷菜单中选“发送到”子菜单,不能将该文件发送到()。
A 软盘B 打印机C “我的文档”D “我的公文包”答案:B6.衡量一台计算机优越的主要技术指标通常是指()。
A 所配备的系统软件的优劣B CPU的主频、运算速度、字长和存储容量等C 显示器的分辨率、打印机的配置D 软、硬盘容量的大小答案:B7.下面的说法不正确的是()。
A 计算机是一种能快速和高效完成信息处理的数字化电子设备,它能按照人们编写的程序对原始输入数据进行加工处理B 计算机能自动完成信息处理C 计算器也是一种小型计算机D 虽然说计算机的作用很大,但是计算机并不是万能的答案:C8.许多网友利用ICQ在线呼叫找人,ICQ这个看来比较古怪的名字实际上是一句英文的谐音,这句英文的含义是()。
A 我寻找你B 互相呼叫C 现在我在线D 你在哪里答案:A9.对于众多个人用户来说,接入因特网最经济、简单、采用最多的方式是()。
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2010版精编语法易错题( ) 1、_______ several times this year, the Pacific island countries are worried that the islands will be swallowed by the sea because of the climate change.A. FloodingB. To be floodedC. Having been floodedD. Having flooded ( ) 2、_______ this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn‟t mind.A. Having takenB. To takeC. TakeD. Taken ( ) 3、Almost every day we come across situations _______ we have to make decisions one way or another.A. for whichB. from whichC. on whichD. in which ( ) 4、We often put too much emphasis on test scores, ignoring that it is the learning process _______ really matters.A. whichB. whatC. itD. that( ) 5、Technology is here to stay and _______ it improves our lives or ruins the planet depends on how we make use of it.A. whetherB. whyC. whatD. how() 6、When asked _______ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who( ) 7、Some doctors have been allowing patients to bring their pets to the hospital, _______ they think anything that helps patients feel more comfortable and relaxed will speed therecovery.A. asB. whenC. althoughD. if( ) 8、Her parents were not satisfied with her performance at all. They thought it couldn‟t have been _______ .A. so badB. worseC. the worstD. better( ) 9、It is a rule that _______ wins the election will treat everybody else to a meal.A. whoeverB. whomeverC. whoD. no matter who ( ) 10、The model worker was the person in ________ honor the prize was given.A. whomB. whichC. whoseD. that( ) 11、Tom said you must have read about O.Henry long before, ________?A. did heB. have youC. didn‟t heD. haven‟t you ( ) 12、_________ all night in the rain caused him to catch a cold.A. John workedB. John to workC. John workingD. John‟s working ( ) 13、________ more personal space should be given to the students aroused a heated discussion.A. ThatB. WhetherC. WhereD. If( ) 14、In USA, it is not uncommon for there ______ problems of communication between teenagers and their parents.A. to beB. would beC. beingD. are( ) 15、Although Mr. Black has been retired, he is _____ to our English evening.A. more pleased than to comeB. more pleased to come thanC. more than pleased to comeD. more pleasing than to come( ) 16、He seems to be unhappy. _______made him upset.A. What it is thatB. What is it thatC. What it isD. What is it ( ) 17、People who have regular physical exercise seldom catch a disease like N1H1 Flu, _______A. do theyB. don‟t theyC. haven‟t theyD. have they ( ) 18、The bus driver insisted that he ______ at a normal speed and therefore shouldn‟t be responsible for the accident.A. driveB. was drivingC. shouldn‟t driveD. had driven ( ) 19、The Black Sea used to be a fresh water lake about ______ and unconnected with the Mediterranean.A. its two-thirds present sizeB. two-thirds present size of the presentC. two-thirds its present sizeD. its two-thirds of the present size ( ) 20、As we all know, _____ before the end of a concert is something we mustn‟t do.A. to be clappingB. clappingC. clapD. having clapped ( ) 21、Back in the seventeenth century, Ohio passed a law that public schools must be set up in every town _________ 50 families or more.A. having hadB. to haveC. to have hadD. having ( ) 22、Customs tend to remain unchanged ______ they become firmly established in a group of inhabitants.A. lestB. unlessC. sinceD. once( ) 23、In some countries, _____ is called ”equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. one( ) 24、As is recorded in his biography, in 1924 Hemingway left the Toronto Star, _______he had worked as a foreign correspondent.A. for whichB. with whichC. for whomD. in that ( ) 25、The professor left word with the secretary _____ he would be present at the meeting on time.A. whoB. thatC. whomD. which( ) 26、To get credits for the TOEIC, a student must score _____400 points out of 990 on the test.A. no less thanB. as many asC. no more thanD. not better than ( ) 27、----All this is so time-consuming. So why do we keep watching?----Perhaps it‟s because TV shows like these ______ our lives or lives that we want to lead.A. mirrorB. mirroringC. mirroredD. to mirror ( ) 28、Don‟t be discouraged. _______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.A. TakingB. To takeC. TakeD. Taken( ) 29、I can think many occasions ______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn‟t write a good essay.A. at whichB. in whichC. for whichD. on which ( ) 30、________ this grand scheme, total construction costs increased from the original1.4 billion to the current 1.8 billion.A. Having realizedB. RealizingC. To realizeD. realized( ) 31、The traffic problem in the city will remain just the same _______ people take traffic regulations into more consideration.A. whenB. unlessC. ifD. because( )32、Any business, ________ its size, can benefit from a training programme in management.A. howeverB. whateverC. howD. what( ) 33、Having been out of work for several months, she had so money _____ to buy a birthday present for her daughter.A. thatB. with whichC. whichD. for which( ) 34、Y ou can never imagine what great trouble I have had _______ the patient who receiveda serious wound.A. treatB. to treatC. treatingD. treated( ) 35、Because of the traffic jam ________ I got stuck in the way, I was late for the party last night.A. by whichB. in whichC. thatD. which ( ) 36、We forgot to set the alarm clock. Let‟s get _______ and leave at once. Otherwise we‟ll be late.A. dressB. to dressC. dressingD. dressed( ) 37、There was once a mountain, on the top of which ______ in which lived three monks.A. stood a templeB. a temple stoodC. did a temple standD. a temple did stand( ) 38、Large quantities of food _______ every day simply because of people‟s bad living habits.A. are wastedB. is wastedC. wastesD. waste( ) 39、We don‟t think it any good _______ children ________ online without any restriction.A. allow; to chatB. allowing; chattingC. to allow; chattingD. allowing; to chat( ) 40、_______ crime in this area has increased so much over the last 20 years?A. Why is it thatB. Why it is thatC. When is itD. How is it ( ) 41、----Jenny, how do you find the movie College Entrance Examination in 1997 ?----It ________. I really want to see it again.A. couldn‟t be betterB. couldn‟t be worseC. could be betterD. could be worse( ) 42、How long is it ________ we last spent the holiday in the country together ?A. untilB. beforeC. sinceD. that( ) 43、_________, she wanted to buy her husband a Christmas gift.A. As she was short of moneyB. Though money is shortC. She was short of moneyD. Short of money as she was ( ) 44、This May will be very precious for us by which time we ________ revision and be ready for the college entrance examination.A. will finishB. will have finishedC. have finishedD. finish ( ) 45、----It remains to be seen ________ I will ever be able to hold a conversation with John again.----It depends on you.A. whetherB. thatC. whatD. why( ) 46、When _______ help, one often says “Thank you” or “It‟s kind of you.”A. offeringB. to offerC. to be offeredD. offered ( ) 47、The city must expand the capacity of its public transport _______the use of private cars to protect the environmentA. educesB. educedC. reducingD. reduce( ) 48、_______is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them .A. ThisB. AsC. ThereD. It( ) 49、In 2005, she was invited to visit the US, _______China for an exchange trip on “Culture and Music Communication”.A. was representedB. representingC. representedD. represent ( ) 50、________on both sides of the street ________excited people who wanted to see the bride of their prince.A. Standing; wasB. Seated; wasC. Waiting; wereD. Rushed; were( ) 51、Information has been published ______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A. thatB. howC. whereD. what( ) 52、---What‟s your opinion?---_______your teacher‟s advice, in a word , and everything will be OK.A. FollowB. FollowingC. To follow D .Followed ( ) 53、Ideally _______between Broadway theatres and Fifth A venue, the New Y ork Park Hotel is a favourite with many guests.A. locatingB. being locatedC. having been locatedD. located( ) 54、He was told that it would be at least three more months ______ he could recover and return to work.A. whenB. beforeC. sinceD. while( ) 55、This problem may lead to more serious ones if ________unsolved.A. making C .seemed C .remained D. keeping( ) 56、Equipped with modern facilities , today‟s hospitals are quite different from _______of the past.A. that B .those C .one D. ones( ) 57、Our city has changed a lot, and now it is different from _______ a few years ago.A. what it used to beB. that it used to beC. which it wasD. what it was( ) 58、Despite all the wrong he has done, I still believe there is a chance_______ he can be directed toward a productive adulthood.A. howB. whenC. thatD. whether( ) 59、Careful surveys have indicated that about 50 percent of patients do not take drugs ______directed.A. likeB. soC. whichD. as( ) 60、This is the third time this week you‟ve had to work late,________?A. isn‟t itB. aren‟t youC. haven‟t youD. hadn‟t you( ) 61、I am sure that Linda‟s latest novel, once________, will prove a great success.A. being publishedB. to publishC. publishD. published ( ) 62、After graduating from college ,Mary spent a year in New Y ork, ________at a homeless shelter.A. to volunteerB. volunteeringC. volunteerD. volunteered ( ) 63、________it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personalpossessions.A. WhileB. SinceC. UnlessD. If( ) 64、I don‟t think Mary understood what you said, ________?A. do IB. didn‟t sheC. did youD. did she( ) 65、Was it in 1969 ______the American astronaut succeed _______landing on the moon?A. when; onB. that; onC. which; inD. that; in ( ) 66、There were dirty marks on her trousers _______she had wiped her hands.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what( ) 67、All things _______, the planned trip had to be called off.A. consideredB. be consideredC. consideringD. having considered ( ) 68、The problem of _______ to select as his successor was quickly solved.A. whatB. which .C. whomD. how( ) 69、Treat _______to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day.A. oneB. oneselfC. youD. yourself( ) 70、The facilities of the old hospital are _______the new hospital.A. as good or better thanB. as good as or better thanC. as good or better than that ofD. as good as or better than those of( ) 71、The first people to live in _______Hawaii were the Polynesians ,who sailed there in large canoes from other Pacific island about 2,000 years ago.A. now that isB. what is nowC. it is nowD. is now ( ) 72、_________at their first meeting by his wisdom and humour , the chairman immediately invited him to attend the coming Science Conference..A. StrikingB. To strikeC. StruckD. Having struck ( ) 73、They had survived _________was, at least , a Pretty Big One, the largest earthquake to strike northern California in eighty-three years.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. how( ) 74、Aimlessly ________, I downloaded several songs, but couldn‟t find one that I was satisfied with.A. browsedB. browsingC. browseD. to browse ( ) 75、Beneath our feet ________ that our life depends on for food and clothing.A. does the earth lieB. lies the earthC. the earth liesD. is the earth lain ( ) 76、Researchers in America have found proof ________non-smokers can develop cancer by working with smokers.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. for which( ) 77、The train ________at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about nine o‟clock tonight.A. wentB. is going C .goes D. will be going( )78、________to be an industry with good prospects, tourism is attracting many young graduates.A. ConsideringB. Considered C .Being considered D. Having considered ( ) 79、________do you suppose ________the lost property office will be open? So I can get my glasses back.A.. Why ;thatB. What; /C. When; / D ./ ; when ( ) 80、The Air France crash in June remains ________because the “ black box” hasn‟t been found.A . unexplained B. be unexplained C. to explain D .explaining ( ) 81、________-being infected with H1N1 flu , many people chose to have vaccination.A. To avoidB. A voiding C .A voided D. Having avoided ( )82、The fire was finally brought under control _______ more people‟s lives were threatened.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. although( ) 83、The reason _______ he gave us for his absence sounds ridiculous, but it is true.A. whyB. to whichC. thatD. for which( ) 84、Join us on an exciting Circle Line Cruise and discover _______ over 50million people have chosen Circle Line as the way to discover New Y ork.A. whenB. whetherC. ifD. why( ) 85、They were approaching the town when the earthquake _______.A. occuredB. would occurC. ouucrredD. was occurred ( ) 86、__________ back on what happened years ago, and you may find many things have changed.A. LookB. LookingC. If you lookD. To look ( ) 87、Travelling by rail is, generally speaking, more fun than _______ around by air.A. to getB. getC. gettingD. got ( ) 88、What they said at the meeting seems to be pointless, ________ ?A. didn‟t theyB. isn‟t itC. didn‟t itD. doesn‟t it ( ) 89、Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders __________ will happen to his family life.A. itB. thatC. whatD. this( ) 90、Attending university in France costs nothing, _______housing and food can run up quite a bill.A. asB. thoughC. untilD. if ( ) 91、________ of man-made city life, people are turning to the nature for what city lacks.A. TiringB. To be tiredC. TireD. Tired ( ) 92、Many of us visited the industrial exhibition, _________, to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products.A. whichB. whereC. asD. that( ) 93、The suspect didn‟t confess his crime without the knowledge ________ the police had already found evidence.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whether ( ) 94、He __________ in designing the cover of this journal for quite a few days, and I wonder when he can finish it.A. is involvedB. is involvingC. has been involvedD. has involved ( ) 95、In Holland, the everyday breakfast is meat and cheese sandwiches ________ with strong coffee.A. having been servedB. servingC. servedD. being served ( ) 96、Coffee differs in taste according to what beans are used and the degree ________ which they are roasted.A. atB. inC. toD. from ( ) 97、There is little hope that you‟ll get the job _______ you have five years‟teaching experience.A. ifB. whenC. as ifD. unless( ) 98、It has been announced that candidates ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. canB. willC. mayD. shall( ) 99、Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. one( ) 100、The blue car certainly looks nicer and runs faster, but it costs almost three times _________ .A. as muchB. as much asC. so muchD. so much as ( ) 101、For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread any further, ________New Y ork is an example.A. for thatB. in thatC. of whichD. from which ( ) 102、__________ again and again was what he had never expected and was just too upsetting to him.A. CheatedB. Having been cheatingC. Having cheatedD. Being cheated ( ) 103、Occasions are quite rare _______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.A. whereB. whichC. whyD. when( ) 104、It _______ to scientists of our time to develop powerful killers of the virus.A. has left B, is leaving C. is left D. had been left( ) 105、____the Customs Office, he will have to declare the sort of things he carries with him to the customs officer.A.No matter who will come throughB.Who comes throughC.No matter whom comes throughD.Whoever comes through( ) 106、The reduced cost_____ worldwide use of the medicine in treating the infectious disease .A. made it possibleB. made possibleC. made it possible thatD. possibly made ( ) 107、I‟d be very grateful if you could keep this information ______yourself.A. BetweenB. withinC. toD. for( ) 108、The food is so delicious. Treat____----you can diet tomorrow.A. oneB. oneselfC. youD. yourself ( ) 109、Recent decades ______yoga gain widespread acceptance as a method of staying in shape, as well as a away of handling stress.A. sawB. have seenC. are seeingD. See ( ) 110、A child living in an uninteresting environment will grow less intelligent than ______who lives in a rich and changing environment.A. the one B .those C. that D. one( ) 111、This kind of shoes made of fine leather _______ comfortably.A. is wornB. wears C . wearing D. re worn( ) 112、John offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _____, we declined the offer.A. not finishedB. not having finishedC. had not been finishedD. was not finished( ) 113、Everything seemed to be going smoothly _____suddenly all the radio signals from the plane disappeared.A. whileB. untilC. whenD. for( ) 114、______the large amount of time devoted to listening every day, most students do not listen effectively.A. HoweverB. WhileC. Even ifD. Despite ( ) 115、_____can be no doubt ______ genetic engineering is a wonderful new tool, whose possibilities are limited only by man‟s imagination.A. There…thatB. There…whetherC. It…whetherD. It…that ( ) 116、Part of the fun of being the editor of a tourist guide is _______ to take part in activities that have never been undertaken before.A. invitingB. being invitedC. invitedD. to invite ( ) 117、The chief food eaten in any country depends largely on _____best in its climate and soil.A. It growsB. That growsC. What growsD. Grows( ) 118、_____whether personal Internet use can make a company‟s workforce 30% to 40% less productive.A. What remains to be provedB. It remains to be provedC. It is remained to be provedD. What is remained to prove( ) 119、Those of us who belong to the Modern Language Association should have ______ membership renewed in September.A. ourB. itsC. thoseD. their( ) 120、Mr. White ______ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn‟t show up.A. should have arrivedB. should arriveC. should have had arrivedD. should be arriving( ) 121、He knows little of physics, ______ of biophysics.A. as well asB. and still lessC. and still moreD. and no less than ( ) 122、Milk bottles need cleaning thoroughly before they are used again, ______ they?A. don‟tB. mustn‟tC. needn‟tD. aren‟t( ) 123、The earthquake, _______ 9.0, is the largest of its kind since Chile‟s 9.5 one in 1960.A. measuresB. to measureC. measuringD. be measured ( ) 124、_______the bear population has increased, so have conflicts with local people.A. WhenB. ForC. AsD. While( ) 125、When ______ about his unsuccessful career, he fell into _______ silence.A. asking; embarrassedB. asked; embarrassedC. asking; embarrassingD. asked; embarrassing( ) 126、______ action is eventually taken will come too late for the victims.A. WheneverB. WhateverC. HoweverD. Wherever ( ) 127、It is uncommon _______ so many people at the school gate in the evening.A.there being B for there being C. there to be D. for there to be ( ) 128、Y ou are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _______ I disagree.A.WhyB. howC. whatD. where2010精编Key1-10 CBDDA CABAC11-20 CDBAC BABCB21-30 DDCAB AACDC31-40 BBBCB DAADA41-50 ACDBA DCDBC51-60 AADBD BACDA61-70 DBADD AACDD71-80 BCABB CDBCA81-90 ABCDB ACDCB91-100 DBACC CDDAA101-110 CDDCD BCDBD111-120 BACDA BCBDA121-130 BACCB BDD2008精编key1-10 BBBBD ADDBA11-20 DADBB ACCCA21-30 BBCBB DDDBD31-40 AADBD CCDBC41-50 BCABB CCDAD51-60 CCACB ACDCD61-70 BDBAB ACBBB71-80 DAABC ABDDC81-90 ACCAA DBBBC2008版精编语法易错题1.Playing tricks on others is_______we should never do.A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing2.-Y ou said she wouldn‟t come, _______?-Y es, but she changed her mind.A. did youB. didn‟t youC. would sheD. wouldn‟t she3.Not having finished his homework, _______to watch TV.A .mother forbade him B. he was forbiddenC. it‟s impossible for himD. so he was forbidden4.There are some encouraging signs _______ the farmers may benefit from the new program.A. ifB. thatC. whetherD. what5. _______science and technology help the society to progress is a fact accepted by most people.A. ModernB. There are modernC. It is modernD. That modern6.He never hesitates to make _______ criticisms _______ are considered helpful to others.A. such…asB. such…whichC. many…asD. many…which7.Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity _______ sight matters more than hearing.A. whenB. whoseC. whichD. where8.If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _______ in science and technology.A. had discoveredB. had been discoveredC. has discoveredD. has been discovered9.-I don‟t know whether I should go abroad or not, Mum..-I‟ll leave _______ to your own judgment whether you should do it.A. /B. itC. thisD. what10.It is said that a louse is such a good jumper that it can jump about 300 times _______ its ownbody.A. the height ofB. as higher asC. the height asD. as higher than11.The National Stadium, or the Bird‟s Nest, which is in significant progress, _______ to seat over90,000 audiences.A. designsB. will designC. designedD. is designed12.What he lacks is a little more patience, _______ ?A. isn‟t itB. is itC. doesn‟t heD. does he13.The victims of the earthquake _______ property was destroyed in the disaster were given temporary housing by the government.A. of whomB. in whichC. whereD. whose14. Obviously, there was little probability _______ the would succeed, but they didn‟t mind.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. how15.What worried the child most was _______ to visit his mother in the hospital.A. his not allowingB. his not being allowedC. his being not allowedD. having not been allowed16.China is to reform school curriculum to ease he burden _______ on children.A. putB. puttingC. to putD. being putting17.The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back _______ we enjoyed being young a little bit longer.A. to wishB. wishesC. wishingD. wish18.When attending university, they often choose to study subjects that they are interested in_______subjects that will get them high-paying jobsA. more thanB.better thanC. rather thanD. other than19.Tea gardens were outdoor gardens with flowered walks and music for dancing .They opened inApril or May and remained _______throughout the summer until August or September.A.openingB.openedC.openD.to be opened20.Studies show that laughter may help our white blood cells make antibodies _______infectionand disease.A.to fightB.fightC.thisD.to be fighting21.When writing a composition, take some time to write a plan of what you want to say ,constantly _______back to the question to make sure it still answer the question.A. refersB. referringC. to referD. referred22. _______wicked people or ghosts come to life under the light of the full moonA. It is sometimes thoughtB. It is sometimes thought thatC. As is sometimes thought thatD. Which is sometimes thought23.I don‟t think he need come to the meeting tonight, _______?A. needs heB. doesn‟t heC. need heD. needn‟t he24.Is he the student his maths teacher always _______ papers for him?A. has collectedB. has collectC. has been collectingD. has to collect25.The loss of his property dealt such a blow to the old man _______ the rest of his life was ruined.A. asB. thatC. whatD. so26. _______ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.A. However the weather is likeB. However iis the weather likeC. Whatever is the weather likeD. Whatever the weather is like27. _______ the Spring Festival ahead, we feel excited and hope to finish what we are doing sooner.A. It isB. There isC. BeingD. There being28.Studies show that people _______ unconscious due to not wearing safety belt have a greater chance of dying in a road accident.A. knockB. knockingC. having been knockedD. knocked29.Nearly a century has passed since the day in August 1905 when the 9,000-ton ship became the first in history _______ from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific.A. sailingB. to sailC. sailedD. being sailing30.More and more people agree that a few weeks spent in traveling can be just _______ classes in school.A. a part of one‟s education useful asB. as a useful part of one‟s education asC. part of one‟s education as usefulD. a part of one‟s education as useful as31. _______, and you‟ll make much progress in English.A. Work hardB. To work hardC. Working hardD. Worked hard32.Christine seemed lacking _______ enthusiasm when he told her of the invitation.A. inB. ofC. aboutD. with33.In this conference we will bring _______ to the leader‟s attention that we students are burdened with too heavy a learning load.A. thatB. whatC. thisD. it34.-Are you satisfied with the composition written by Jack, teacher?-Not at all. It couldn‟t be _______.A. so badB. any worseC. the worstD. much bad35.Hi,Mary,where were you when I called at your house this morning?-Oh, I _______ for a friend from Tokyo at the station.A. had waitedB. am waitingC. have waitedD. was waiting36. _______ different life today is from what it was fifty years ago!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a37.I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave _______ something occurred whichattracted my attention.A. unlessB. afterC. whenD. while38.We are kept _______ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watchingtelevision.A. to informB. to be informedC. informingD. informed39.It was _______ that made him angry.A. because he had failed in the examB. his failure in the examC. because of failure in the examD. as he failed in the exam40.Is the museum _______ they visited yesterday big?A. whereB. the oneC. thatD. in which41. _______ you don‟t like him is none of my business.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhoD. Whether42. _______ the rockets coming into being, the Space Age began, in which China is sure to play an important role.A. AsB. WhenC. WithD. While43.As it turned out to be an informal party, we _______ so formally.A. needn‟t have dressed upB. mustn‟t have dressed upC. didn‟t need to dress upD. needn‟t dress up44.-Why did he write to headmaster?- _______ about the poor quality of the food served in the canteen.A. ComplainedB. To complainC. ComplainingD. For complaining45.Y ou should close your _______ eye while I‟m having a checkup on the eyesight of one eye.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. one more。