Renormalization of the meson-baryon SU(3) Lagrangian in chiral perturbation theory to order
2.2. Overexpressed of PTBP1 promotes migration of lung cancer cells
2.3. Knockdown of PTBP1 inhibits levels of EMT-related proteins in lung cancer cells
Seven alternative splicing (AS) subgroups: • Exon skipping accounts for nearly 40% of AS events; • alternative 3′ splice site (3′SS) selection (18.4%) and 5′SS
3. Dewei Niu, ******, Shanze Yi, Feng Wang*. Gene cloning, protein expression and functional analysis of a type 3 metallothionein gene from Sonneratia alba with biosorption potential. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Accepted. PJOES-00647-2017-02.
A. PTBP1 expression was elevated in LUAD tissues (N=515) compared with normal lung tissues (N=59) according to TCGA database (p<0.01); B. Kaplan-Meier plots of patients with LUAD according to high (N=127) and low (N=375) PTBP1 expression from the TCGA database and compared by paired t-test, p<0.01.
关键词:铁死亡;靶向治疗;膀胱癌doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.20.021中图分类号:R737.14 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X(2023)20-0083-04膀胱癌是全球最常见的恶性肿瘤之一[1]。
通信作者:程帆(E-mail: urology1969@)[33]YE T, YANG X, LIU H, et al. Theaflavin protects against oxa‑late calcium-induced kidney oxidative stress injury via upregula‑tion of SIRT1[J]. Int J Biol Sci, 2021,17(4):1050-1060.[34]KHAN S R. Reactive oxygen species as the molecular modulators of calcium oxalate kidney stone formation: evidence from clinicaland experimental investigations[J].J Urol,2013,189(3):803-811.[35]MING S,TIAN J,MA K,et al.Oxalate-induced apoptosis through ERS-ROS-NF-κB signalling pathway in renal tubular epi‑thelial cell[J]. Mol Med, 2022,28(1):88.[36]LIU Y, SUN Y, KANG J, et al. Role of ROS-induced NLRP3 in‑flammasome activation in the formation of calcium oxalate nephro‑lithiasis[J]. Front Immunol, 2022,13:818625.[37]IVERSEN M B, GOTTFREDSEN R H, LARSEN U G, et al. Ex‑tracellular superoxide dismutase is present in secretory vesicles ofhuman neutrophils and released upon stimulation[J]. Free RadicBiol Med, 2016,97:478-488.[38]KANG J, SUN Y, DENG Y, et al. Autophagy-endoplasmic retic‑ulum stress inhibition mechanism of superoxide dismutase in theformation of calcium oxalate kidney stones[J]. Biomed Pharmaco‑ther, 2020,121:109649.[39]SUN Y, KANG J, TAO Z, et al. Effect of endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated excessive autophagy on apoptosis and formation ofkidney stones[J]. Life Sci, 2020,244:117232.[40]WU Y, ZHANG J, LI C, et al. The activation of ROS/NF-κB/ MMP-9 pathway promotes calcium-induced kidney crystal deposi‑tion[J]. Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2021,2021:8836355.[41]RIGALLI J P,BARROS E R,SOMMERS V,et al.Novel as‑pects of extracellular vesicles in the regulation of renal physiologi‑cal and pathophysiological processes[J].Front Cell Dev Biol,2020,8:244.[42]SINGHTO N,THONGBOONKERD V.Exosomes derived from calcium oxalate-exposed macrophages enhance IL-8 productionfrom renal cells,neutrophil migration and crystal invasionthrough extracellular matrix[J]. J Proteomics, 2018,185:64-76.[43]YAN L, CHEN J, FANG W. Exosomes derived from calcium ox‑alate-treated macrophages promote apoptosis of HK-2 cells by pro‑moting autophagy[J]. Bioengineered, 2022,13(2):2442-2450.[44]SHI J,DUAN J,GONG H,et al.Exosomes from miR-20b-3p-overexpressing stromal cells ameliorate calcium oxalate depositionin rat kidney[J]. J Cell Mol Med, 2019,23(11):7268-7278.(收稿日期:2023-03-10)83现,铁死亡也为膀胱癌的治疗提供了新方向,现就相关文献展开综述。
化疗前后检查白细胞总数和粒细胞计数,每周1-2次,明显减少时隔日查一 次,直至恢复正常 必要时给予粒细胞集落刺激因子 白细胞减少时应减少药物的剂量或停药 清除感染源,注意观察感染的产生 必要时给予抗生素
预防及治疗性使用止吐药,包括类固醇药物、胃复安、5HT3拮抗剂 静脉补充能量、水及电解质
化疗前告知患者脱发时暂时的,可以恢复 脱发前让患者准备假发、头巾或帽子 用药后避免过分洗发和用力梳头 在给药给患者戴冰帽,使头皮冷却,血管痉挛,减少药物到 达毛囊而减轻脱发,或用头皮止血带,减少药液进入头皮
作好口腔护理 对口腔溃疡给保护粘膜药物和局部止痛药 维持营养,多饮水 口唇涂油膏,保持滑润 不吃对口腔粘膜有刺激性的食物 不吸烟 需要时应用抗炎、抗真菌药物
治疗的目的在于限制发疱扩散和减少永久性损伤,处 理的策略须简便有效 如果疑有外渗,应立即停止输注,并按以下程序处理
在静脉给药部位尽量抽吸,以清除残留针头和皮管内的药液, 吸取皮下水疱液,以尽可能除去残留液体 立即拔去针头,及时用生理盐水在漏药部位作皮下注射,以 稀释药物,或再用0.25%-0.5%普鲁卡因做局部封闭,并作 局部冷敷 必要时也可选用静脉炎软膏或如意黄金散等中药外敷 对注射部位应观察若干天并做记录
遮光 密闭保存 有效期:48个月
10mg、50mg两种规格; 速溶型冻干粉针剂; 10mg规格,180支/箱 ;
⼄醚⿇醉,科学发明史上最悲怆的故事原创:智刚知识分⼦ 2018-12-12⼄醚⽇,by Warren and Lucia Prosperi(2001), MGH 撰⽂ | 智刚责编 | 陈晓雪●●●很多⼈知道⼄醚⿇醉对⼈类的伟⼤贡献,但很少⼈知道⼄醚⿇醉发明后的悲惨故事。
1846年10⽉16⽇,⾸例⼄醚吸⼊⿇醉⼿术在美国马萨诸塞州总医院(MGH,Massachusetts General Hospital)公开展⽰的成功,标志着医学⿇醉的诞⽣,医学外科新纪元的开始。
美国作家麦克·哈特(Michael H. Hart)在其著名的《影响⼈类历史进程的100名⼈排⾏榜》书中,把⼄醚⿇醉的发现列为37位,并评价:“在历史上,很少有发明能像⿇醉受到如此⾼的评价,和使⼈类的状况发⽣如此⼤的变化。
” [1]作为这⼀事件的发源地,MGH⼈⼀直为此⾃豪和骄傲,每年都会举⾏冠以“⼄醚”的各种庆祝活动。
为庆祝建院200周年⽽建的医学历史和发明博物馆(The Paul S. Russell MD Museum of Medical History and Innovation)内,进门就可看到当年⾸例⼄醚⿇醉⼿术使⽤的器械⼯具和事件介绍,⼆楼不间断地播放1936年由MGH⼈扮演拍摄,重现当年⼿术场景的⽆声电影《⿇醉的诞⽣》(The advent of anesthesia)[2]。
Unit 10研究生英语读与写(第三版)-
Organ Donor Card as a legal document in all 50 states making it possible for anyone 18 years or older to legally donate his or her organs upon death
Background information
1967– First successful pancreas transplant performed by Dr. Richard C. Lillehei at the University of Minnesota
1968 – Brain death criteria created
Background information
Background information
Of course, these early attempts at transplantation were usually unsuccessful. It was not until early in the 20th century that transplantation offered the promise of renewed health and life envisioned by our ancestors.
1972 – End Stage Renal Disease Act paves way for Medicare coverage of all kidney transplants
A Survey of Computational Meth in Protein—Protein Interaction Research
Li Zhoujunl~,Chen Yimin91~,Liu Junwanl一,and Chen Huowan91 ’(College of Computer。National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073) 2(School of Information Science and Technology.Hunan Agricultural University,Changer Science&Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083) 4(School of Computer Science,South Center University of Forest Science and Technology,Changsha 410004)
计算机研究与发展 Journal of Computer Research and Development
ISSN 1000—1239/CN 11—1777/TP 45(12):2129—2137,2008
圆 李舟军h3 陈义明1’ 刘军万h4
1(国防科学技术大学计算机学院长沙410073) 2(湖南农业大学信息科学技术学院 长沙410128) 3(北京航空航天大学计算机学院北京 100083) ·(中南林业科技大学计算机科学学院长沙410004)
1 PPI网络的构建
1.1 PPI的计算预测 作为实验手段的重要补充,用计算方法预测蛋
关键词:奔豚汤;心血管神经症;保肝中图分类号:R277.7文献标志码:A文章编号:2096-1413(2018)31-0129-02Cases of the Bentun decoction in the treatment of cardiovascular neurosisXIA Lei 1,WANG Yi2*(1.Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Taiyuan 030619;2.Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi University of ChineseMedicine,Taiyuan 030024,China)ABSTRACT:Bentun decoction is derived from the Golden Chamber Synopsis .Its original efficacy are mainly to clear away heat and calm the liver,reduce adverse effects and relieve pain.It is mainly used to treat liver and stagnation of heat,and Qi upsurge of renal mass.It was found that the pathogenesis of cardiovascular neurosis is often related to emotional stimulation,and the symptom of stagnated heat is characterized by hyperactivity of liver fire.The pathogenesis is similar to that of renal mass.Therefore,the clinical application of Bentun decoction in treating cardiovascular neurosis and found that the effect is more significant.The purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical basis for the clinical application of Bentun decoction in the treatment of cardiovascular neurosis.KEYWORDS:Bentun decoction;cardiovascular neurosis;liver protectionDOI :10.19347/ki.2096-1413.201831056作者简介:夏蕾(1991-),女,汉族,山西汾阳人,硕士在读。
中国经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南(2016)中华心血管病杂志,第44卷第5期第382页-第400页自"中国经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南2012(简本)" [1]更新以来,在经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)及其相关领域又积累了众多临床证据。
为此,中华医学会心血管病学分会介入心脏病学组、中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会血栓防治专业委员会、中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会组织专家组,在2009和2012年中国PCI 指南[1,2]的基础上,根据最新临床研究成果、特别是结合中国人群的大型随机临床试验结果,参考最新美国心脏病学学院/美国心脏协会(ACC/AHA)以及欧洲心脏病学学会(ESC)等组织发布的相关指南[3,4,5,6,7,8,9]、并结合我国国情及临床实践,对PCI治疗领域的热点和焦点问题进行了全面讨论并达成一致共识,在此基础上编写了本指南。
益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。
骨髓间充质干细胞的主要表面标志1 骨髓间充质干细胞的发现和来源骨髓组织中有多种细胞成分,除基质细胞等已经分化的细胞外,还含有两类多潜能干细胞:造血干细胞和间充质干细胞。
1987 年Friedenstein 等发现在塑料培养皿中培养的贴壁的骨髓单个细胞在一定条件下可分化为多种类型的细胞,而且经过20-30个培养周期仍能保持其多向分化潜能。
由于骨髓中的这种多能细胞能够分化为多种中胚层来源的间质细胞, 故称之为间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs),或间质祖细胞(MPCs),是成人多能干细胞的一类。
早期分离培养时,发现其形状呈成纤维细胞样而称其为成纤维细胞集落形成单位(Colony-forming unit-fibroblast,CFU-F),或骨髓基质成纤维细胞(Marrow stromal fibroblast,MSF)。
Friedenstein AJ , Chailakhyan RK, Gerasimov UV. Bone marrow o steogenic stem cells: in vit ro cult ivat ion and t ransp lantat ion in diffusion chambers. Cell T issue Kinet, 1987, 20 (3) : 263-267]2 鉴于其强大的增殖能力及多向分化潜能,可在体外长期培养和遗传背景较稳定,而且用自体干细胞诱导构建的组织不涉及伦理问题,也不存在MHC限制,所以骨髓间充质干细胞日益受到重视。
不仅如此,一种同样来源于骨髓、贴壁生长、被认为更原始(可以分化为MSCs)也具有更强增殖能力的干细胞也被鉴定,它就是多能成体祖细胞(multipotent adult progenitor cell (MAPC) or mesodermal progenitor cell(MPC))[Reyes, M., Lund, T., Leuvik, T., Aguiar, D., Koodie, L., Verfaillie,C.M. (2001) Purification and in vivo expansion of postnatal human marrow mesodermal progenitor cells. Blood 98, 2615-2625],因能和MSCs一起被纯化而统称BM stromal stem cell。
The diagnostic routine of Endocrine diseases(1)
一、功能诊断(functional diagnosis)
1、病史、症状、体征:体型、生活规律变化 2、代谢紊乱的证据:各种生化指标 3、激素及其代谢物的浓度 4、动态功能测定:兴奋试验,抑制试验
History of Endocrinology
1982-1984年发现前列腺素和心钠素 20世纪70-80年代神经内分泌学大发展 20世纪90年代至今分子内分泌学 1999年提出传统内分泌学和广义内分泌学 内分泌与相关学科相互渗透及相互发展
内 容(Contents)
内分泌的历史 内分泌学的基本概念 内分泌疾病的分类 内分泌的诊断 内分泌的治疗
Cushing Syndrome
Cushing Syndrome
The diagnostic routine of Endocrine diseases(2)
二、病理诊断(pathological diagnosis)
1、放射学检查:X线片、CT、MRI 2、放射性核素检查 3、超声波检查 4、细胞学检查 5、静脉导管检查
PRH(PIH)---PRL---Breast(乳房) ---Development(发育)
3、Endocrine and immune regulation 内分泌与免疫系统的调节
Immune system
神经节介质肽类激素 抗体
Endocrine system
action )
•不同激素作用时限不同-- MS,S,MIN,H,Day
Medicine dosage and the blood sampling model insid
专利名称:Medicine dosage and the blood sampling model inside the new vein in awakeningrut/rat发明人:マキー,クレア・エリザベス,ハゼルドンクス,マルク・ジヨセフ・アドルフイヌ,ブロクランド,サスキア・サビネ,ウイツ,ケン,ギセムベルク,ペトラ・カルラ,ベルホーベン,イリス・ジユリアナ・マルタ,テイマーマン,フイリプ・マリア・マルタ・ベルナルド・レオ,ニイゼン,マリア・ヨハンナ・マグダレナ・アルデイナ申请号:JP2007513925申请日:20050524公开号:JP2008501110A公开日:20080117专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: Medicine kinetics (PK) from viewpoint of parameter, the new chemical independent body (NCE) necessity concerning the increase of the throughput in testing continuing, it exists. As for this purpose, a higher throughput, it was to verify the effectiveness of the new research method of making the decrease of the number of animals which are needed for the daily biological utilization talent research of NCE in test of variability between the animals and awakening rut/rat possible. As for this plan, for (iv) dosage inside the vein which minds the latency vein combining with the continual blood sampling which minds the tail vein, new method is used. Large number time sampling method sampling of the single time (the decapitation) with by comparison, and thehematocrit (Hct) the influence which it causes was researched. IV dosage which uses the neck vein catheter where the direct injection to in the latency vein is indwelling it was compared. Combination of many time sampling from the direct injection and the tail vein which mind the latency vein making use of CE of the chemical structure which differs, was shown, bearing the result of PK which follows to that with the blood plasma density which is a match to comparator method. And furthermore, Hct level stopped within the level which is recommended per 1 days making use of the entire blood sampling capacity to 2.1ml. New technology to increase throughput by decreasing the time when it is required for extra surgical operation, because you can collect density time curved line from each animal, quality is increased by making the comparison between the animals of main PK parameter possible, and the number of animals which are required is decreased.申请人:ジヤンセン・フアーマシユーチカ・ナームローゼ・フエンノートシヤツプ地址:ベルギー・ビー-2340-ビールセ・トウルンホウトセベーク30国籍:BE代理人:小田島 平吉更多信息请下载全文后查看。
第 63 卷第 2 期2024 年 3 月Vol.63 No.2Mar.2024中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI红树植物桐花树内生真菌Talaromyces amestolkiae 30的次生代谢产物*刘洪亮1,赵飞1,唐凤婷1,李锦俊1,张轩1,杜志云1,黄华容1,佘志刚21. 广东工业大学生物医药学院,广东广州 5100062. 中山大学化学学院,广东广州 510006摘要:对红树植物桐花树内生真菌Talaromyces amestolkiae 30的次级代谢产物进行了研究。
采用大米固体发酵培养,色谱分离技术纯化单体,ESIMS和NMR等波谱数据分析,鉴定了12个异香豆素单体化合物:aspergillumarin A(1)、aspergillumarin B(2)、 5,6-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxypentyl)-isochroman-1-one(3)、 mucoriso‐coumarin A(4)、 peniisocoumarin H(5)、 peniisocoumarin E(6)、 dichlorodiaportin(7)、 mucorisocoumarin C(8)、 peniiso‐coumarin G(9)、 talumarin A(10)、 5,6,8-trihydroxy-4-(1'-hydroxyethyl)-isocoumarin(11)和sescandelin(12),其中化合物4、6、7首次从篮状属真菌中分离得到。
关键词:红树林真菌;篮状菌;次级代谢产物;异香豆素类中图分类号:O629.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2097 - 0137(2024)02 - 0160 - 08The metabolites from mangrove endophytic fungus Talaromyces amestolkiae30LIU Hongliang1, ZHAO Fei1, TANG Fengting1, LI Jinjun1,ZHANG Xuan1, DU Zhiyun1, HUANG Huarong1, SHE Zhigang21. School of Biomedicine, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China2. School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, ChinaAbstract:The metabolites of the endophytic fungus Talaromyces amestolkiae30 from the mangrove plant Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco were investigated. The fungus was cultured in rice medium, the monomeric compounds were isolated and purified by the chromatographic technique, and the structures of the compounds were identified by analysis of spectroscopy such as ESIMS and NMR.Twelve known analogues of isocoumarins (1-12) were isolated and identified as aspergillumarin A (1), aspergillumarin B (2), 5,6-dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxypentyl)-isochroman-1-one (3), mucorisocoumarin A(4), peniisocoumarin H (5), peniisocoumarin E (6), dichlorodiaportin (7), mucorisocoumarin C (8), peni‐isocoumarin G (9), talumarin A (10), 5,6,8-trihydroxy-4-(1'-hydroxyethyl)-isocoumarin (11) and sescan‐delin (12). Among them, compounds 4, 6 and 7 were obtained from the genus Talaromyces for the first time. The antibacterial activities of these compounds were tested in vitro using the twofold dilution method. Compounds 4, 6, and 7 showed inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The cytotoxic activity was tested by the MTT assay. Compound 7 showed cytotoxicity against prostate cancer PC-3DOI:10.13471/ki.acta.snus.2023E048*收稿日期:2023 − 10 − 14 录用日期:2023 − 11 − 30 网络首发日期:2024 − 01 − 08基金项目:广东省海洋经济发展(海洋六大产业)专项资金(粤自然资合[2021]48号)作者简介:刘洪亮(1996年生),男;研究方向:制药工程;E-mail:*********************通信作者:黄华容(1978年生),女;研究方向:天然药物化学;E-mail:****************.cn第 2 期刘洪亮,等:红树植物桐花树内生真菌Talaromyces amestolkiae 30的次生代谢产物cells and VCaP cells.Key words : mangrove fungus ; Talaromyces amestolkiae ; secondary metabolites ; isocoumarin 异香豆素是一类重要的天然产物,广泛存在于自然界中,其种类繁多(Saddiqa et al.,2017; Reveglia et al.,2020;Shabir et al.,2021;Aierken et al.,2023)。
[关键词]秋水仙碱;非布司他;痛风伴高尿酸血症;治疗效果;血尿酸水平;不良反应[中图分类号]R4[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-0742(2020)12(a)-0005-04. All Rights Reserved.Analysis of the Efficacy and Safety of Colchicine Combined with Febuxostatin the Treatment of Patients with Gout and HyperuricemiaMOU Lun-panDepartment of Endocrinology,Quanzhou First Hospital,Fujian Medical University,Quanzhou,Fujian Province,362000China[Abstract]Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and adverse reactions of colchicine combined with febuxostat inpatients with gout and hyperuricemia.Methods A simple random selection of100patients with gout and hyperuricemia whowere treated in the Department of Endocrinology in the hospital from January2018to December2019were taken as theresearch objects.They were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group,with50cases in each group.The control group received colchicine Alkali combined with allopurinol treatment,the observation group received colchicinecombined with febuxostat treatment,the liver and kidney function levels,blood uric acid levels and adverse reactions of thetwo groups were compared and analyzed.Results There was no significant difference in baseline liver and kidney functionbetween the observation group and the control group(t=0.158,0.527,0.213,0.745,P=0.875,0.600,0.832,0.456).The liverand kidney function levels of the observation group and the control group were not statistically different after treatment(t=0.111,0.490,0.664,0.414,P=0.912,0.625,0.508,0.508).The blood uric acid levels of the observation group and thecontrol group were not significantly different before treatment and30days after treatment(t=0.453,0.467,P=0.652,0.642).The blood uric acid levels of the observation group and the control group were significantly different at90days and180days of treatment(t=2.242,2.454,P=0.027,0.016).There was no statistically significant difference in adverse reactionsbetween the observation group(total incidence10.00%)and the control group(total incidence12.00%)(χ2=0.102,P=0.749).Conclusion The clinical efficacy of colchicine combined with febuxostat in the treatment of patients with gout andhyperuricemia is satisfactory,safe,and worthy of promotion.[Key words]Colchicine;Febuxostat;Gout with hyperuricemia;Therapeutic effect;Blood uric acid level;Adverse reactions [作者简介]牟伦盼(1981-),男,土家族,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为内分泌。
The LDL-receptor pathway for uptake and degradation of LDL
LDL receptor pathway
Find LDL Receptor
到1982年,Brown, Goldstein以及他 们的同事完成了从牛的肾上腺细胞提 纯LDL受体的工作。 在接下来的几年 时间里他们克隆了LDL受体的基因。 基因序列显示LDL受体是一个嵌合体 包含多个与其他基因共同序列的部分。 每个部分都被不连续的外显子所编码。 这一发现最早证实了进化是通过复制 外显子以及基因间混排外显子来实现 的。通过对FH患者的纯合的受体基因 序列的分析,Brown和Goldstein 发现 这些患者从父母那里遗传得到了变异 的LDL受体的基因。
为了将来更好的从事研究,两名医生首先选择在基础领域 接受培训。 Goldstein选择了当时的前沿学科分子生物学,师从 Marshall Nirenberg ,后者因为破译了遗传密码而获得诺 贝尔奖。而后他又跟随这一领域的先驱Arno Motulsky 学习 人类遗传学。 Brown 跟随 Earl Stadtman学习生物化学, 后者是酶调控领 域的奠基人也是美国国家科技奖的获得者。
Dissecting Receptor Regulation and Its Implications for Statin Therapy
从最初的对LDL受体的研究中, Brown/Goldstein的团队认 识到这个受体是可以被调控的。当细胞的胆固醇被去除时, 受体的数量增加。相反,当细胞内胆固醇堆积时,受体基 因则表达受抑制受体的数量就下降。 在体内,肝脏产生了大部分的LDL受体因此肝脏从血中清 除了大部分的LDL。 Goldstein和Brown 意识到如果降低肝 细胞内的胆固醇则肝脏表达的LDL受体的数量就会增加。 这就可以通过摄入低胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸的饮食来达到。 也可以通过服用抑制胆固醇合成的药物来实现。也就是抑 制胆固醇合成的限速酶3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶 (HMG CoA 还原酶)。
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F02 4
∂µU ∂µU †
U †)
The scale F0 can be identified with the pseudoscalar decay constant in the chiral limit and the constant B0 is related to the quark condensate. One can now calculate tree diagrams using the effective Lagrangian LM and derive all current algebra predictions. One has to include higher order corrections
factor Λ is given by
µd−4 Λ = (4π)2
1 −
1 2
depending on the arbitrary renormalization scale µ. The sum of one-loop amplitudes and of tree amplitudes based on (5) is not only finite, but also independent of the scale µ. To evaluate these loop graphs one considers the neighbourhood of the solution to the classical equations of motion. The contribution to the one-loop graphs to the generating functional is given by
and meson loops, because tree diagrams are always real and thus unitarity is violated. Weinberg made the important observation that diagrams with L (L = 1, 2, . . .) meson loops are suppressed by powers of (q2)L with respect to the leading term. In the meson sector we have a one–to–one correspondence
Li = Lri (µ) + ΓiΛ .
The constants Γi serve to renormalize the infinities of the meson loops and the remaining finite pieces Lri (µ) have to be fixed phenomenologically or to be estimated by some model. With dimensional regularization, the divergent
of LM where the chiral expansion proceeds in steps of two powers of q. So we
LMB = L(M1)B + L(M2)B + L(M3)B + . . . .
The effective meson–baryon Lagrangian for processes with one incoming and one outgoing baryon is bilinear in the baryon field and starts with terms of
1 2
where the explicit definitions are given in 4. The determinant is UV divergent
and produces poles at d = 0, 2, 4, . . . in dimensional regularization and can be regularized via the heat kernel expansion.
between the number L of loops and the chiral dimension
D = 2 + Nd(d − 2) + 2L
where Nd denotes the number of vertices of dimension d. For a given Smatrix element, the chiral dimension D increases with the number of meson
noted by D and F and the average baryon octet mass m in the chiral limit.
L4 = LiPi + HiP˜i
The rLeabharlann normalization procedure at one-loop level is then achieved by simply dividing the coefficients in (5) into a scale dependent finite and divergent part:
loops. It should be not surprising that a generic one-loop diagram in CHPT is
divergent. The divergences can be taken care of once and for all by calculating the divergent part of the one-loop functional. Since it must be a local action with the symmetries of L(M2) and since it has chiral dimension D = 4, the corresponding Lagrangian must be of the general form as discussed in ref 4.
Let us now consider the meson-baryon interaction in CHPT. Because of
the different Lorentz structure of meson and baryon fields, the chiral expansion
of LMB contains terms of O(qn) for each positive integer n, unlike in the case
dimension one,
(i∇/ −
m) B
+D 2
B¯ {u/γ5, B}
+F 2
< B¯ [u/γ5, B] >
. (10)
1 2
baryon octet in
lowest order
meson–baryon Lagrangian contains two axial–vector coupling constants, de-
Nussallee 14 - 16 53115 Bonn, Germany
We perform the complete regularization of all Green functions with a single incoming and outgoing baryon to order q3 in the low energy expansion for the SU(3) meson-baryon system in chiral perturbation theory. The divergences can be extracted in a chiral invariant manner by making use of the heat kernel representation of the propagators in d-dimensional Euclidean space.
LM = L(M2) + L(M4) + . . .
where the index (d = 2, 4, . . .) denotes the low energy dimension. The leading term in the low energy expansion (1) can be easily written down in terms of the pseudoscalar Goldstone fields (φ = π, K, η) which are collected in a 3 × 3 unimodular, unitary matrix U (x),