Hadronic Decays Preliminary DELPHI Collaboration


The Subleading Isgur-Wise Form Factor $chi_3(vcdot v')$ to Order $alpha_s$ in QCD Sum Rules

The Subleading Isgur-Wise Form Factor $chi_3(vcdot v')$ to Order $alpha_s$ in QCD Sum Rules

a rXiv:h ep-ph/9212266v116Dec1992SLAC–PUB–6017WIS–92/99/Dec–PH December 1992T/E The Subleading Isgur-Wise Form Factor χ3(v ·v ′)to Order αs in QCD Sum Rules Matthias Neubert Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University,Stanford,California 94309Zoltan Ligeti and Yosef Nir Weizmann Institute of Science Physics Department,Rehovot 76100,Israel We calculate the contributions arising at order αs in the QCD sum rule for the spin-symmetry violating universal function χ3(v ·v ′),which appears at order 1/m Q in the heavy quark expansion of meson form factors.In particular,we derive the two-loop perturbative contribution to the sum rule.Over the kinematic range accessible in B →D (∗)ℓνdecays,we find that χ3(v ·v ′)does not exceed the level of ∼1%,indicating that power corrections induced by the chromo-magnetic operator in the heavy quark expansion are small.(submitted to Physical Review D)I.INTRODUCTIONIn the heavy quark effective theory(HQET),the hadronic matrix elements describing the semileptonic decays M(v)→M′(v′)ℓν,where M and M′are pseudoscalar or vector mesons containing a heavy quark,can be systematically expanded in inverse powers of the heavy quark masses[1–5].The coefficients in this expansion are m Q-independent,universal functions of the kinematic variable y=v·v′.These so-called Isgur-Wise form factors characterize the properties of the cloud of light quarks and gluons surrounding the heavy quarks,which act as static color sources.At leading order,a single functionξ(y)suffices to parameterize all matrix elements[6].This is expressed in the compact trace formula[5,7] M′(v′)|J(0)|M(v) =−ξ(y)tr{(2)m M P+ −γ5;pseudoscalar meson/ǫ;vector mesonis a spin wave function that describes correctly the transformation properties(under boosts and heavy quark spin rotations)of the meson states in the effective theory.P+=1g s2m Q O mag,O mag=M′(v′)ΓP+iσαβM(v) .(4)The mass parameter¯Λsets the canonical scale for power corrections in HQET.In the m Q→∞limit,it measures thefinite mass difference between a heavy meson and the heavy quark that it contains[11].By factoring out this parameter,χαβ(v,v′)becomes dimensionless.The most general decomposition of this form factor involves two real,scalar functionsχ2(y)andχ3(y)defined by[10]χαβ(v,v′)=(v′αγβ−v′βγα)χ2(y)−2iσαβχ3(y).(5)Irrespective of the structure of the current J ,the form factor χ3(y )appears always in the following combination with ξ(y ):ξ(y )+2Z ¯Λ d M m Q ′ χ3(y ),(6)where d P =3for a pseudoscalar and d V =−1for a vector meson.It thus effectively renormalizes the leading Isgur-Wise function,preserving its normalization at y =1since χ3(1)=0according to Luke’s theorem [10].Eq.(6)shows that knowledge of χ3(y )is needed if one wants to relate processes which are connected by the spin symmetry,such as B →D ℓνand B →D ∗ℓν.Being hadronic form factors,the universal functions in HQET can only be investigated using nonperturbative methods.QCD sum rules have become very popular for this purpose.They have been reformulated in the context of the effective theory and have been applied to the study of meson decay constants and the Isgur-Wise functions both in leading and next-to-leading order in the 1/m Q expansion [12–21].In particular,it has been shown that very simple predictions for the spin-symmetry violating form factors are obtained when terms of order αs are neglected,namely [17]χ2(y )=0,χ3(y )∝ ¯q g s σαβG αβq [1−ξ(y )].(7)In this approach χ3(y )is proportional to the mixed quark-gluon condensate,and it was estimated that χ3(y )∼1%for large recoil (y ∼1.5).In a recent work we have refined the prediction for χ2(y )by including contributions of order αs in the sum rule analysis [20].We found that these are as important as the contribution of the mixed condensate in (7).It is,therefore,worthwhile to include such effects also in the analysis of χ3(y ).This is the purpose of this article.II.DERIV ATION OF THE SUM RULEThe QCD sum rule analysis of the functions χ2(y )and χ3(y )is very similar.We shall,therefore,only briefly sketch the general procedure and refer for details to Refs.[17,20].Our starting point is the correlatord x d x ′d ze i (k ′·x ′−k ·x ) 0|T[¯q ΓM ′P ′+ΓP +iσαβP +ΓM+Ξ3(ω,ω′,y )tr 2σαβ2(1+/v ′),and we omit the velocity labels in h and h ′for simplicity.The heavy-light currents interpolate pseudoscalar or vector mesons,depending on the choice ΓM =−γ5or ΓM =γµ−v µ,respectively.The external momenta k and k ′in (8)are the “residual”off-shell momenta of the heavy quarks.Due to the phase redefinition of the effective heavy quark fields in HQET,they are related to the total momenta P and P ′by k =P −m Q v and k ′=P ′−m Q ′v ′[3].The coefficient functions Ξi are analytic in ω=2v ·k and ω′=2v ′·k ′,with discontinuities for positive values of these variables.They can be saturated by intermediate states which couple to the heavy-light currents.In particular,there is a double-pole contribution from the ground-state mesons M and M ′.To leading order in the 1/m Q expansion the pole position is at ω=ω′=2¯Λ.In the case of Ξ2,the residue of the pole is proportional to the universal function χ2(y ).For Ξ3the situation is more complicated,however,since insertions of the chromo-magnetic operator not only renormalize the leading Isgur-Wise function,but also the coupling of the heavy mesons to the interpolating heavy-light currents (i.e.,the meson decay constants)and the physical meson masses,which define the position of the pole.1The correct expression for the pole contribution to Ξ3is [17]Ξpole 3(ω,ω′,y )=F 2(ω−2¯Λ+iǫ) .(9)Here F is the analog of the meson decay constant in the effective theory (F ∼f M√m QδΛ2+... , 0|j (0)|M (v ) =iF2G 2tr 2σαβΓP +σαβM (v ) ,where the ellipses represent spin-symmetry conserving or higher order power corrections,and j =¯q Γh (v ).In terms of the vector–pseudoscalar mass splitting,the parameter δΛ2isgiven by m 2V −m 2P =−8¯ΛδΛ2.For not too small,negative values of ωand ω′,the coefficient function Ξ3can be approx-imated as a perturbative series in αs ,supplemented by the leading power corrections in 1/ωand 1/ω′,which are proportional to vacuum expectation values of local quark-gluon opera-tors,the so-called condensates [22].This is how nonperturbative corrections are incorporated in this approach.The idea of QCD sum rules is to match this theoretical representation of Ξ3to the phenomenological pole contribution given in (9).To this end,one first writes the theoretical expression in terms of a double dispersion integral,Ξth 3(ω,ω′,y )= d νd ν′ρth 3(ν,ν′,y )1Thereare no such additional terms for Ξ2because of the peculiar trace structure associated with this coefficient function.possible subtraction terms.Because of theflavor symmetry it is natural to set the Borel parameters associated withωandω′equal:τ=τ′=2T.One then introduces new variables ω±=12T ξ(y) F2e−2¯Λ/T=ω0dω+e−ω+/T ρth3(ω+,y)≡K(T,ω0,y).(12)The effective spectral density ρth3arises after integration of the double spectral density over ω−.Note that for each contribution to it the dependence onω+is known on dimensionalgrounds.It thus suffices to calculate directly the Borel transform of the individual con-tributions toΞth3,corresponding to the limitω0→∞in(12).Theω0-dependence can be recovered at the end of the calculation.When terms of orderαs are neglected,contributions to the sum rule forΞ3can only be proportional to condensates involving the gluonfield,since there is no way to contract the gluon contained in O mag.The leading power correction of this type is represented by the diagram shown in Fig.1(d).It is proportional to the mixed quark-gluon condensate and,as shown in Ref.[17],leads to(7).Here we are interested in the additional contributions arising at orderαs.They are shown in Fig.1(a)-(c).Besides a two-loop perturbative contribution, one encounters further nonperturbative corrections proportional to the quark and the gluon condensate.Let usfirst present the result for the nonperturbative power corrections.WefindK cond(T,ω0,y)=αs ¯q q TT + αs GG y+1− ¯q g sσαβGαβq√y2−1),δn(x)=1(4π)D×1dλλ1−D∞λd u1∞1/λd u2(u1u2−1)D/2−2where C F=(N2c−1)/2N c,and D is the dimension of space-time.For D=4,the integrand diverges asλ→0.To regulate the integral,we assume D<2and use a triple integration by parts inλto obtain an expression which can be analytically continued to the vicinity of D=4.Next we set D=4+2ǫ,expand inǫ,write the result as an integral overω+,and introduce back the continuum threshold.This givesK pert(T,ω0,y)=−αsy+1 2ω0dω+ω3+e−ω+/T(16)× 12−23∂µ+3αs9π¯Λ,(17)which shows that divergences arise at orderαs.At this order,the renormalization of the sum rule is thus accomplished by a renormalization of the“bare”parameter G2in(12).In the9π¯Λ 1µ2 +O(g3s).(18)Hence a counterterm proportional to¯Λξ(y)has to be added to the bracket on the left-hand side of the sum rule(12).To evaluate its effect on the right-hand side,we note that in D dimensions[17]¯Λξ(y)F2e−2¯Λ/T=3y+1 2ω0dω+ω3+e−ω+/T(19)× 1+ǫ γE−ln4π+2lnω+−ln y+12T ξ(y) F2e−2¯Λ/T=αsy+1 2ω0dω+ω3+e−ω+/T 2lnµ6+ y r(y)−1+ln y+1According to Luke’stheorem,theuniversalfunction χ3(y )vanishes at zero recoil [10].Evaluating (20)for y =1,we thus obtain a sum rule for G 2(µ)and δΛ2.It reads G 2(µ)−¯ΛδΛ224π3ω00d ω+ω3+e −ω+/T ln µ12 +K cond (T,ω0,1),(21)where we have used that r (1)=1.Precisely this sum rule has been derived previously,starting from a two-current correlator,in Ref.[16].This provides a nontrivial check of our ing the fact that ξ(y )=[2/(y +1)]2+O (g s )according to (19),we find that the µ-dependent terms cancel out when we eliminate G 2(µ)and δΛ2from the sum rule for χ3(y ).Before we present our final result,there is one more effect which has to be taken into account,namely a spin-symmetry violating correction to the continuum threshold ω0.Since the chromo-magnetic interaction changes the masses of the ground-state mesons [cf.(10)],it also changes the masses of higher resonance states.Expanding the physical threshold asωphys =ω0 1+d M8π3 22 δ3 ω032π2ω30e −ω0/T 26π2−r (y )−ξ(y ) δ0 ω096π 248T 1−ξ(y ).It explicitly exhibits the fact that χ3(1)=0.III.NUMERICAL ANALYSISLet us now turn to the evaluation of the sum rule (23).For the QCD parameters we take the standard values¯q q =−(0.23GeV)3,αs GG =0.04GeV4,¯q g sσαβGαβq =m20 ¯q q ,m20=0.8GeV2.(24) Furthermore,we useδω2=−0.1GeV from above,andαs/π=0.1corresponding to the scale µ=2¯Λ≃1GeV,which is appropriate for evaluating radiative corrections in the effective theory[15].The sensitivity of our results to changes in these parameters will be discussed below.The dependence of the left-hand side of(23)on¯Λand F can be eliminated by using a QCD sum rule for these parameters,too.It reads[16]¯ΛF2e−2¯Λ/T=9T4T − ¯q g sσαβGαβq4π2 2T − ¯q q +(2y+1)4T2.(26) Combining(23),(25)and(26),we obtainχ3(y)as a function ofω0and T.These parameters can be determined from the analysis of a QCD sum rule for the correlator of two heavy-light currents in the effective theory[16,18].Onefinds good stability forω0=2.0±0.3GeV,and the consistency of the theoretical calculation requires that the Borel parameter be in the range0.6<T<1.0GeV.It supports the self-consistency of the approach that,as shown in Fig.2,wefind stability of the sum rule(23)in the same region of parameter space.Note that it is in fact theδω2-term that stabilizes the sum rule.Without it there were no plateau.Over the kinematic range accessible in semileptonic B→D(∗)ℓνdecays,we show in Fig.3(a)the range of predictions forχ3(y)obtained for1.7<ω0<2.3GeV and0.7<T< 1.2GeV.From this we estimate a relative uncertainty of∼±25%,which is mainly due to the uncertainty in the continuum threshold.It is apparent that the form factor is small,not exceeding the level of1%.2Finally,we show in Fig.3(b)the contributions of the individual terms in the sum rule (23).Due to the large negative contribution proportional to the quark condensate,the terms of orderαs,which we have calculated in this paper,cancel each other to a large extent.As a consequence,ourfinal result forχ3(y)is not very different from that obtained neglecting these terms[17].This is,however,an accident.For instance,the order-αs corrections would enhance the sum rule prediction by a factor of two if the ¯q q -term had the opposite sign. From thisfigure one can also deduce how changes in the values of the vacuum condensates would affect the numerical results.As long as one stays within the standard limits,the sensitivity to such changes is in fact rather small.For instance,working with the larger value ¯q q =−(0.26GeV)3,or varying m20between0.6and1.0GeV2,changesχ3(y)by no more than±0.15%.In conclusion,we have presented the complete order-αs QCD sum rule analysis of the subleading Isgur-Wise functionχ3(y),including in particular the two-loop perturbative con-tribution.Wefind that over the kinematic region accessible in semileptonic B decays this form factor is small,typically of the order of1%.When combined with our previous analysis [20],which predicted similarly small values for the universal functionχ2(y),these results strongly indicate that power corrections in the heavy quark expansion which are induced by the chromo-magnetic interaction between the gluonfield and the heavy quark spin are small.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSIt is a pleasure to thank Michael Peskin for helpful discussions.M.N.gratefully acknowl-edgesfinancial support from the BASF Aktiengesellschaft and from the German National Scholarship Foundation.Y.N.is an incumbent of the Ruth E.Recu Career Development chair,and is supported in part by the Israel Commission for Basic Research and by the Minerva Foundation.This work was also supported by the Department of Energy,contract DE-AC03-76SF00515.REFERENCES[1]E.Eichten and B.Hill,Phys.Lett.B234,511(1990);243,427(1990).[2]B.Grinstein,Nucl.Phys.B339,253(1990).[3]H.Georgi,Phys.Lett.B240,447(1990).[4]T.Mannel,W.Roberts and Z.Ryzak,Nucl.Phys.B368,204(1992).[5]A.F.Falk,H.Georgi,B.Grinstein,and M.B.Wise,Nucl.Phys.B343,1(1990).[6]N.Isgur and M.B.Wise,Phys.Lett.B232,113(1989);237,527(1990).[7]J.D.Bjorken,Proceedings of the18th SLAC Summer Institute on Particle Physics,pp.167,Stanford,California,July1990,edited by J.F.Hawthorne(SLAC,Stanford,1991).[8]M.B.Voloshin and M.A.Shifman,Yad.Fiz.45,463(1987)[Sov.J.Nucl.Phys.45,292(1987)];47,801(1988)[47,511(1988)].[9]A.F.Falk,B.Grinstein,and M.E.Luke,Nucl.Phys.B357,185(1991).[10]M.E.Luke,Phys.Lett.B252,447(1990).[11]A.F.Falk,M.Neubert,and M.E.Luke,SLAC preprint SLAC–PUB–5771(1992),toappear in Nucl.Phys.B.[12]M.Neubert,V.Rieckert,B.Stech,and Q.P.Xu,in Heavy Flavours,edited by A.J.Buras and M.Lindner,Advanced Series on Directions in High Energy Physics(World Scientific,Singapore,1992).[13]A.V.Radyushkin,Phys.Lett.B271,218(1991).[14]D.J.Broadhurst and A.G.Grozin,Phys.Lett.B274,421(1992).[15]M.Neubert,Phys.Rev.D45,2451(1992).[16]M.Neubert,Phys.Rev.D46,1076(1992).[17]M.Neubert,Phys.Rev.D46,3914(1992).[18]E.Bagan,P.Ball,V.M.Braun,and H.G.Dosch,Phys.Lett.B278,457(1992);E.Bagan,P.Ball,and P.Gosdzinsky,Heidelberg preprint HD–THEP–92–40(1992).[19]B.Blok and M.Shifman,Santa Barbara preprint NSF–ITP–92–100(1992).[20]M.Neubert,Z.Ligeti,and Y.Nir,SLAC preprint SLAC–PUB–5915(1992).[21]M.Neubert,SLAC preprint SLAC–PUB–5992(1992).[22]M.A.Shifman,A.I.Vainshtein,and V.I.Zakharov,Nucl.Phys.B147,385(1979);B147,448(1979).FIGURESFIG.1.Diagrams contributing to the sum rule for the universal form factorχ3(v·v′):two-loop perturbative contribution(a),and nonperturbative contributions proportional to the quark con-densate(b),the gluon condensate(c),and the mixed condensate(d).Heavy quark propagators are drawn as double lines.The square represents the chromo-magnetic operator.FIG.2.Analysis of the stability region for the sum rule(23):The form factorχ3(y)is shown for y=1.5as a function of the Borel parameter.From top to bottom,the solid curves refer toω0=1.7,2.0,and2.3GeV.The dashes lines are obtained by neglecting the contribution proportional toδω2.FIG.3.(a)Prediction for the form factorχ3(v·v′)in the stability region1.7<ω0<2.3 GeV and0.7<T<1.2GeV.(b)Individual contributions toχ3(v·v′)for T=0.8GeV and ω0=2.0GeV:total(solid),mixed condensate(dashed-dotted),gluon condensate(wide dots), quark condensate(dashes).The perturbative contribution and theδω2-term are indistinguishable in thisfigure and are both represented by the narrow dots.11。

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Delphi各类型笔试题目1. briefly describe what is blanking(cutting), forming, coining and embossing in stamping process.2. what is metal clading?3. what is the purpose of adding glass fiber to thermoplastic material?4. in contrast with metal and thermoplastic material,which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion(cte).5. the most suitable material for a integral hinge design (typical plasticthickness=0.25 to 0.5mm at hinge)6. can a bending load makes both compressive and tensile stress in a member?7. what is the design criteria used in plastics catch/snap?8. what is fea?9. why is natural frequency important in vibration analysis?10. what is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge?ee笔试试题1. name 3 vehicle buses.2. name 2 possible sources of electromagnetic interference on electronicscircuit asm.3. wavelength for 12mhz frequency signal is____4. name 2 important considerations for car radio performan -ce related toaudio signal processing under multipath condition?5. what is the typical fm receiver rf signal strength to achieve 30db s/nfor car radio?6. when a radio is tuned to 98.1 mhz & with a lo of 108.8 mhz, what is theimage frequency?7. for a system with a matched impedance, what is the reflection coefficient and swr?8. which property of the output capacitor is the primary cause of low dropout(ldo) regulator loop instability?(1)equivalent series resistance(esr)(2)effective series inductance(esl)(3)capacitance value(4)dielectric material9. the switching regulator is capable of:(1)higher power conversion efficiency(2)providing an output voltage that is higher than the input(3)generating an output boltage oppsite in polarity to the input(4)all of the above10. a linear regulator op vin(max) = 10v, vout(min) = 4.8v, iout(max) = 2.5ma, iq(max) = 2.5ma, ta(max) = 8.5摄氏度,the regulator is available in 3 packages.each package has the following thermal characteristics:package rja(摄氏度/w) rjc(摄氏度/w)so14 125 30d1p8 100 52choose the most suitable package to handle the power dissipation requirement without a heat sink and why.软件笔试题1. how do you code an infinite loop in c?2. volatile:(1)what does the keyword volatile mean? give an example(2)can a parameter be both const and volatile? give an example(3)can a pointer be volatile? give an example3. what are the values of a, b, and c after the following instructions:int a=5, b=7, c;c = a+++b;4. what do the following declarations mean?(1)const int a;(2)int const a;(3)const int *a;(4)int * const a;(5)int const * a const;5. which of the following statements describe the use of the keyword static?(1)within the body of a function: a static variable maintains its valuebetween function revocations(2)within a module: a static variable is accessible by all functions within that module(3)within a module: a static function can only be called by other functions within that module6. embedded systems always require the user to manipulate bits in registers or variables. given an integer variable a, write two code fragments.the first should set bit 5 of a. the second shnuld clear bit 5 of a. in both cases, the remaining bits should be unmodified.7. what does the following function return?char foo(void){unsigned int a = 6;iht b = -20;char c;(a+b > 6) ? (c=1): (c=0);return c;}8. what will be the output of the following c code? main(){int k, num= 30;k =(num > 5 ? (num <=10 ? 100:200): 500);printf(“%d”, k);}9. what will the following c code do?int *ptr;ptr =(int *)ox67a9;*ptr = oxaa55;10. what will be the output of the follow c code?#define product(x) ()main(){int i = 3, j, k;j = product(i++);k = product(++i);printf(“%d %d”,j,k);}11. simplify the following boolean expression!((i ==12) || (j > 15))12. how many flip-flop circuits are needed to divide by 16?13. provides 3 properties that make an os, a rtos?14. what is pre-emption?15. assume the bc register value is 8538h, and the deregister value is 62a5h.find the value of register bc after the following assembly operations:mov a,csub emov c,amov a,bsbb dmov b,a16. in the assembly code shown belowloop: mvi c,78hdcr cjnz loophlthow many times is the dcr c operation executed?17. describe the most efficient way (in term of executiontime and code size) to divide a number by 4 in assembly language18. what value is stored in m in the following assembly language code fragment if n=7?ldaa #nlabel1: cmpa #5bhi l3beq l2decabra l1label2: clralabel3: staa #m19. what is the state of a process if a resource is not available?#define a 365*24*60*6020. using the #define statement, how would you declarea manifest constantthat returns the number of seconds in a year? disregard leap years in your answer.21. interrupts are an important part of embedded systems. consequently, many compiler vendors offer an extension to standard c to support interrupts. typically, the keyword is __interrupt. the following routine (isr). point out problems in the code.__interrupt double compute_area (double radius){double area = pi * radius * radius;printf(“\narea = %f”, area);return area;}。

Sparticle masses from hadronic decays

Sparticle masses from hadronic decays

a r X i v :0710.0568v 1 [h e p -p h ] 2 O c t 2007Sparticle masses from hadronic decaysA R RaklevDepartment of Physics and Technology,University of Bergen,All´e gaten 55,N-5007Bergen,NorwayE-mail:Are.Raklev@ift.uib.noAbstract.We present our work on reconstructing sparticle masses in purely hadronic decay chains,using the k T jet-algorithm on Monte Carlo simulated events at LHC energies.1.IntroductionThe production and detection of supersymmetric particles is one of the primary goals of the LHC experimental programs.As a proton-proton collider we expect the dominant production at the LHC to be coloured states:gluinos and squarks.Their decays through neutralinos and charginos into leptonic final states have been widely studied.However,much less work has been done on purely hadronic decay chains,and decays which produce massive bosons such as W ,Z or a Higgs.Moreover,large branching ratios for neutralinos and charginos into massive bosons have been shown to be a generic feature of models that relax the GUT universality assumptions on Higgs masses found in mSUGRA scenarios,and models that relax restrictions on parameter space due to the measured Dark Matter density by having a gravitino LSP [1].In [2]we investigated the LHC potential for finding supersymmetry,and for setting bounds on sparticle masses,in decays of the type˜q →q ˜χ→qB ˜χ01,(1)where ˜χis a neutralino/chargino intermediate and B ={W,Z,h }.The difficulty with thehadronic decay of B is the large combinatorial background to the reconstruction -as a result of the high jet activity expected at the LHC,a single event typically has multiple boson candidates in the form of pairs of jets with the correct invariant mass.This is in particular a challenge for the measurement of sparticle masses through the invariant mass distributions of the final states in decay chains such as eq.(1).While a Z can be reconstructed from decays into electrons or muons at the expense of statistics,the missing information from the neutrino in a leptonic W decay was found to make mass determination very difficult.The same is true for a low mass Higgs decaying into taus.To correctly identify massive bosons in decay chains such as eq.(1)we have followed an idea put forward in [3]for analysing W W scattering,using the state-of-the-art k T jet-algorithm [4]for identifying a pair of collimated jets from the hadronic decay of a boosted,massive particle.Following a short summary of the method used,its successful application to a specific benchmark model and decay chain,presented in detail in [2],will be briefly discussed here.2.Method2.1.Monte Carlo event generationIn order to simulate sparticle production and top pair background at the LHC,we use Pythia6.408[5]with CTEQ5L PDFs[6]interfaced to the HZTool framework[7],with some minor changes to allow for simulations of SUSY scenarios.Decay widths and branching ratios for the SUSY particles are calculated with SDECAY1.1a[8].The most important non-top Standard Model backgrounds consist of multiple gauge boson and/or multiple jet production that are generated using ALPGEN[9],HERWIG6.510[10]and Jimmy[11].2.2.The k T jet-algorithmFor each particle k and pair of particles(k,l),the k T jet-algorithm calculates the quantitiesd kB=p2T k,d lB=p2T l,d kl=min(p2T k,p2T l)R2kl/R2,(2) where p T k is the transverse momentum of particle k with respect to the beam axis andR2kl=(ηk−ηl)2+(φk−φl)2.(3) If d kB or d lB is the smallest,then particle k or l is labelled a jet and removed from the list. If d kl is the smallest,particles k and l are merged by adding their four-momenta.The list is recalculated and the process is repeated until the list is empty1.The algorithm is infrared safe, and has the additional benefit that each particle is uniquely assigned to a single jet2.2.3.Signal isolation and jet identificationTo isolate the supersymmetry events from Standard Model background we apply cuts on missing energy E T>300GeV,and require three jets with p T>200,200,150GeV.To identify the massive boson in the signal decay chain,wefirst require p T>200GeV for candidate jets to ensure they are energetic enough to contain a boosted massive particle.Then a cut is applied on the mass of the jet(calculated from the four-vectors of the constituents)to ensure that it is in a window around the nominal mass of the desired particle.Thefinal step is to decompose the jet into two sub-jets.The information gained from this is the y cut at which the sub-jets are defined:y≡d kl/(p T)2,where p T is the transverse momentum of the candidate jet containing the sub-jets k and l.In the case of a genuine W,Z or h decay, the expectation for the scale at which the jet is resolved into sub-jets(i.e.,yp2T)is O(M2), where M is the boson mass.For QCD jets initiated by a single quark or gluon,the scale of the splitting is expected to be substantially below p2T,i.e.,y≪1,since in the region around the jet strongly-ordered QCD evolution dominates.Although no detector simulation is employed in this analysis,the jet mass and sub-jet scale cuts has previously been shown to be robust against effects due to the calorimeter granularity and resolution[13,14].3.Results and conclusionsAs an example of the method,we present infigure1the invariant mass distribution of two jets identified as coming from the squark and Higgs decays in the decay chain(1),for the SUSY 1The parameter R plays a similar role to the adjustable cone radius in cone algorithms.In our study we have used R=0.7,which is a compromise between reconstruction efficiency for the softest jets and mass resolution. 2Recently,a fast implementation of the algorithm has been developed[12],which makes it practical for use even in the very high multiplicity events expected at the LHC.Figure1.Invariant mass distributions for jet and Higgs candidate combinations.Signal-blue, solid lines;SUSY background-red,dashed lines;SM background-green,dotted lines. benchmark scenarioβ,taken from[1].See[2]for results with a W or Z in the cascade and for other benchmarks.The squark decay jet candidates are the jets in the event with p T>200GeV that are not Higgs candidates,while the Higgs candidates are picked from b-tagged3jets only (left),with an additional jet mass cut of110<m j<140GeV(middle)and a sub-jet scale cut 1.8<log(p T√。

decay of correlation 数学名词

decay of correlation 数学名词

decay of correlation 数学名词Decay of correlation(相关性的衰减)refers to the decrease in correlation between two variables as the distance between them increases. It is a mathematical concept used to quantify the relationship between two variables across different spatial or temporal distances.1. The decay of correlation between rainfall and crop yield was observed as the distance between the two fields increased.雨量与农作物产量之间的相关性随着两个田地之间的距离增加而减弱。

2. The study analyzed the decay of correlation between interest rates and stock market performance over a one-year timespan.该研究分析了利率和股市表现之间的相关性在一年的时间内是如何衰减的。

3. As the distance between two cities increased, thedecay of correlation between their population sizes became more noticeable.随着两个城市之间的距离增加,它们的人口规模之间的相关性衰减变得更加明显。

4. The researchers used statistical methods to determine the decay of correlation between air pollution andrespiratory diseases in different neighborhoods.研究人员使用统计方法来确定不同社区之间空气污染和呼吸道疾病之间的相关性衰减。



Delphi常用组件及属性说明ALIGN 设置组件对齐(同其父容器)方式BORDERSTYLE 设置组件边框形状CAPTION 设置组件标题CTL3D 设置组件边框是否为3D模式,若BORDERSTYLE设置为BSNONE则此属性无效COLOR 设定组件背景颜色CURSOR 设定鼠标经过组件时光标所显示的形状ENABLED 设定组件是否能使用,当设为FALSE时组件会呈灰色FONT 设定组件内文字的字型、字体大小、颜色等HEIGHT 设定组件高度HELPCONTENT 用来为帮助说明文件中的索引值建立关联LEFT 设定组件与父组件左边框间的距离POPUPMENU 设定鼠标右键(弹出式)快捷菜单TABORDER 设定组件在按下TAB键后焦点(FOCUS)移动的顺序TABSTOP 若设为FALSE,则按TAB键后焦点并不会在此组件上停留TOP 设定组件与父组件上边框间的距离VISIBLE 设定组件是否可见,此属性只在执行时起作用WIDTH 设定组件显示宽度DELPHI常见事件说明:ONCHANGE 当组件有所改变时触发的事件ONCLICK 当在此组件上按下鼠标左键时触发的事件ONDBLCLICK 当在此组件上双击鼠标左键时触发的事件ONENTER 当焦点进入此组件时触发的事件ONEXIT 当切换到其它组件使该组件失去焦点时触发的事件,但当切换到另一窗体或另一应用程序时此事件不会触发ONKEYDOWN 当在拥有焦点的组件上按下某个键时触发的事件,按键包括所有的英文、数字键、方向键、功能键等ONKEYPRESS 当在拥有焦点的组件上按下某个键时触发的事件,但按键只包括所有的英文、数字键、TAB、BACKSPACE、ENTER、ESCONKEYUP 当使用者放开键盘上的按键时触发的事件,按键看ONKEYDOWN ONMOUSEDOWN 当鼠标键在某个组件按下时触发的事件(其参数包括哪个鼠标键被按下、是否有特殊键(CTRL、ALT、SHIFT)被按下以及鼠标当前的坐标)ONMOUSEMOVE 当鼠标在组件内移动时触发的事件ONMOUSEUP 当鼠标键在组件上方放开时所触发的事件ONPAINT 在组件需要被重画时触发的事件,此时可进行自定义画法窗体组件(FORM)常见属性及事件属性说明ACTIVE 指示此窗体是否拥有FOCUSACTIVECONTROL 指示窗体中目前拥有FOCUS的组件ACTIVEMDICHILD 指示主窗体中目前拥有FOCUS的子窗体ACTIVEOLECONTROL 用于取得或设定此窗体上的OLE控制,以响应FOCUS改变BORDERICONS 指定哪些ICON显示在窗体的TITLE BAR上BORDERSYTLE 用以指定窗体BORDER外观及行为CANVAS 提供使用者可在窗体上CLIENT内自行显示的画板,一般在ONPAINT事件中使用CLIENTHANDLE 提供可存取系统内部使用的MDI CLIENT WINDOW HANDLE CLIENTHEIGHT 窗体客户区高度CLIENTRECT 窗体客户区所对应的矩形CLIENTWIDTH 窗体客户区宽度DEFAULTMONITOR 指定此窗体所显示的预设的显示器,用于多显示器环境下DESIGNER 此窗体的设计界面,一般不用用户设定DropTARGET 用以指定窗体是否为目前DRAG AND Drop动作的目标FLOATING 用以指示此窗体是否正在停泊在另一个视窗内FORMSTATE 用于指示此窗体所处状态FORMSTYLE 用于指示窗体的样式HELPFILE 用于指定HELP文件ICON 指定窗体最小化时所显示的ICONKEYPREVIEW 指定此窗体是否需在目前的ACTIVE组件之前取得键盘输入MDICHILDCOUNT 用于取得子窗体数目MDICHILDREN 用于取得子窗体(数组)MENU 用于指定窗体主菜单MODALRESULT 当窗体作用为MODAL对话框时,作为对话框的效果MONITOR 用于指示窗体所显示的显示器OLDCreateORDER 指定ONCreate和ONDESTROY事件何时发生OLEFORMOBJECT 对包含在此窗体内的OLE对象指定OLEFORM界面PARENT 设定此窗体的PARENTPARENTBIDIMODE 指定是否此窗体使用PARENT的BIDIMODEPIXELSPERINCH 表示此窗体设计时系统上字形的比例POSITION 表示此窗体的大小及位置PRINTSCALE 表示此窗体打印的比例SCALED 用于指定窗体的大小是否依据PIXELSPERINTCH属性来指定TILEMODE 用于指定TILE方法被调用时子窗体如何排列VISIBLE 用于设定此窗体是否被显示WINDOWMENU 如果窗体是一个MDI PARENT窗体,用于指定视窗的菜单WINDOWSTATE 用于指定窗体如何显示于屏幕中事件说明ONPAINT 当窗体必须重画时发生ONHELP 当窗体收到HELP请求时发生ONDRAGDrop 当一个对象拉进此窗体并丢下时发生ONDRAGOVER 当一个对象拉进此窗体时发生ONCONSTRAINEDRESIZE 在ONCANRESIZE事件发生后发生ONCANRESIZE 当企图改变窗体尺寸时确认是否改变ONRESIZE 当窗体尺寸改变时发生ONSTARTDOCK 当对象开始停泊时发生ONENDDOCK 当对象停泊结束时发生ONUNDOCK 当窗体解除停泊时发生ONDOCKDrop 当其它窗体停泊到此组件时发生ONDOCKOVER 当其它窗体向此组件停泊接近时发生ONGETSITEINFO 当有关停泊消息传回此窗体时发生ONCreate 当窗体创建时发生ONCLOSE 当窗体即将关闭时发生ONCLOSEQUERY 在窗体即将关闭时确认是否真的关闭窗体ONDESTROY 当窗体释放时发生ONSHOW 当窗体显示时发生ONHIDE 当窗体隐藏时发生ONACTIVATE 当窗体获得FOCUS时发生ONDEACTIVATE 当窗体失去FOCUS时发生菜单组件(MAINMENU、POPUPMENU)常见属性属性说明AUTOMERGE 用于指定主窗体的主菜单是否与其它的窗体主菜单合并HANDLE 主菜单的视窗代码BIDIMODE 用于指定选项名是由左至右读或由右至左读IMAGES 用于指定选项旁可显示的图像内容ITEMS 选项的内容OWNERDRAW 用于指定选否是否可自行显示PARENTBIDIMODE 用于指定是否继承父控件的BIDIMODE属性WINDOWHANDLE 使用此菜单的视窗代号菜单项属性说明ACTION 用于指定此选项对应的动作BITMAP 用于指定在此选项旁的图像内容BREAK 用于指定是否从此选项开始建立新的分栏CAPTION 选项显示的名称CHECKED 用于指定此选项是否CHECKEDCOMMAND 用于指定选项对应的WINDOWS COMMAND IDCOUNT 用于指示此选项的子选项数目DEFAULT 用于指示此选项是否为子菜单的预设项目EANBLED 用于指示此选项是否可用GROUPINDEX 用于指定此选项所隶属的逻辑群组,以控制主菜单之间的合并或单选钮互斥的效果HANDLE 对应此选项的Drop-DOWN菜单的WINDOWS MENU HANDLEHELPCONTEXT 对应此选项的HELP CONTEXT IDHINT 用于设定鼠标移入选项范围时的提示信息IMAGEINDEX 用以指定哪个图像显示于选项旁ITEMS 此选项的子菜单项目数MENUINDEX 此选项的父菜单内的选项索引值PARENT 此选项的父菜单的选项RADIOITEM 用于设定此选项是否与同组其它选项互斥SHORTCUT 用于设定此选项的快捷键VISIBLE 用于设定此选项是否可见标签(LABEL)常用属性:属性说明ALIGNMENT 用于设定标签内文本的对齐方式(水平方向)。



Delphi 常用API 函数[delphi] view plaincopyDelphi 常用API 函数AdjustWindowRect 给定一种窗口样式,计算获得目标客户区矩形所需的窗口大小AnyPopup 判断屏幕上是否存在任何弹出式窗口ArrangeIconicWindows 排列一个父窗口的最小化子窗口AttachThreadInput 连接线程输入函数BeginDeferWindowPos 启动构建一系列新窗口位置的过程BringWindowToTop 将指定的窗口带至窗口列表顶部CascadeWindows 以层叠方式排列窗口ChildWindowFromPoint 返回父窗口中包含了指定点的第一个子窗口的句柄ClientToScreen 判断窗口内以客户区坐标表示的一个点的屏幕坐标CloseWindow 最小化指定的窗口CopyRect 矩形内容复制DeferWindowPos 该函数为特定的窗口指定一个新窗口位置DestroyWindow 清除指定的窗口以及它的所有子窗口DrawAnimatedRects 描绘一系列动态矩形EnableWindow 指定的窗口里允许或禁止所有鼠标及键盘输入EndDeferWindowPos 同时更新DeferWindowPos调用时指定的所有窗口的位置及状态EnumChildWindows 为指定的父窗口枚举子窗口EnumThreadWindows 枚举与指定任务相关的窗口EnumWindows 枚举窗口列表中的所有父窗口EqualRect判断两个矩形结构是否相同FindWindow 寻找窗口列表中第一个符合指定条件的顶级窗口FindWindowEx 在窗口列表中寻找与指定条件相符的第一个子窗口FlashWindow 闪烁显示指定窗口GetActiveWindow 获得活动窗口的句柄GetCapture 获得一个窗口的句柄,这个窗口位于当前输入线程,且拥有鼠标捕获(鼠标活动由它接收)GetClassInfo 取得WNDCLASS结构(或WNDCLASSEX结构)的一个副本,结构中包含了与指定类有关的信息GetClassLong 取得窗口类的一个Long变量条目GetClassName 为指定的窗口取得类名GetClassWord 为窗口类取得一个整数变量GetClientRect 返回指定窗口客户区矩形的大小GetDesktopWindow 获得代表整个屏幕的一个窗口(桌面窗口)句柄GetFocus 获得拥有输入焦点的窗口的句柄GetForegroundWindow 获得前台窗口的句柄GetLastActivePopup 获得在一个给定父窗口中最近激活过的弹出式窗口的句柄GetLastError 针对之前调用的api函数,用这个函数取得扩展错误信息GetParent 判断指定窗口的父窗口GetTopWindow 搜索内部窗口列表,寻找隶属于指定窗口的头一个窗口的句柄GetUpdateRect 获得一个矩形,它描叙了指定窗口中需要更新的那一部分GetWindow 获得一个窗口的句柄,该窗口与某源窗口有特定的关系GetWindowContextHelpId 取得与窗口关联在一起的帮助场景ID GetWindowLong 从指定窗口的结构中取得信息GetWindowPlacement 获得指定窗口的状态及位置信息GetWindowRect 获得整个窗口的范围矩形,窗口的边框、标题栏、滚动条及菜单等都在这个矩形内GetWindowText 取得一个窗体的标题(caption)文字,或者一个控件的内容GetWindowTextLength 调查窗口标题文字或控件内容的长短GetWindowWord 获得指定窗口结构的信息InflateRect增大或减小一个矩形的大小IntersectRect 这个函数在lpDestRect里载入一个矩形,它是lpSrc1Rect与lpSrc2Rect 两个矩形的交集InvalidateRect 屏蔽一个窗口客户区的全部或部分区域IsChild 判断一个窗口是否为另一窗口的子或隶属窗口IsIconic 判断窗口是否已最小化IsRectEmpty 判断一个矩形是否为空IsWindow 判断一个窗口句柄是否有效IsWindowEnabled 判断窗口是否处于活动状态IsWindowUnicode 判断一个窗口是否为Unicode窗口。




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Delphi 第03章_常用组件

Delphi 第03章_常用组件

(4)ScrollBars属性:决定备注框是否具有滚动条 。 (5)WordWrap属性 :设置文本是否能够换行 。
2.Memo的使用 【例3.4】利用编辑框,把编辑框中的文本输入到Memo中。
窗体组件(TForm)在运行时表现为一个窗体,窗体是一个容器构件,它可 以包含其他种类的构件,并协同完成应用程序的整体功能。窗体由属性、事件和方 法组成。 (1)BorderIcons属性 用来制定窗体标题栏上的图标 (2)BorderStyle属性 Borderstyle属性用来设置窗体的外观和边框
按钮的表面 。 (2)Kind属性:决定bitBtn按钮的种类。
相对位置。默认值为blGlyphLeft。 (4)Margin属性:用来控制bitBtn按钮中位图与边界
(5)Spacing属性:用来控制bitBtn按钮中位图与文本 之间的(距离)象素个数,默认值为4。
(2)Down属性:设置按钮是否处于按下状态。 (3)Flat属性:当取值为True时,按钮具有Office97工具栏的风格。默认值 为False。 (4)GroupIdex属性:该属性默认值为0,表示不与其他SpeedButton成组。
3.4 复选框、单选按钮
3.4.1 CheckBox组件 位于Delphi XE8组件板Standard选项卡中。
(1)静态创建新窗体 通过集成开发环境中的【File】|【New】|【Application】菜单,创建一个应用程序,此时 自动生成一个窗体Form1,再打开【File】|【New】|【Form】菜单生成一个窗体 Form2。在Form1中添加两个Button、1个Label组件,Form2中添加1个Label组件,



delphi常用函数大全(转)Abort函数引起放弃的意外处理Abs函数绝对值函数AddExitProc函数将一过程添加到运行时库的结束过程表中Addr函数返回指定对象的地址AdjustLineBreaks函数将给定字符串的行分隔符调整为CR/LF序列Align属性使控件位于窗口某部分Alignment属性控件标签的文字位置AllocMem函数在堆栈上分配给定大小的块AllowGrayed属性允许一个灰度选择AnsiCompareStr函数比较字符串(区分大小写)AnsiCompareText函数比较字符串(不区分大小写)AnsiLowerCase函数将字符转换为小写AnsiUpperCase函数将字符转换为大写Append函数以附加的方式打开已有的文件ArcTan函数余切函数AssignFile函数给文件变量赋一外部文件名Assigned函数测试函数或过程变量是否为空AutoSize属性自动控制标签的大小BackgroundColor属性背景色BeginThread函数以适当的方式建立用于内存管理的线程BevelInner属性控件方框的内框方式BevelOuter属性控件方框的外框方式BevelWidth属性控件方框的外框宽度BlockRead函数读一个或多个记录到变量中BlockWrite函数从变量中写一个或多个记录BorderStyle属性边界类型BorderWidth属性边界宽度Break命令终止for、while、repeat循环语句Brush属性画刷Caption属性标签文字的内容ChangeFileExt函数改变文件的后缀ChDir函数改变当前目录Checked属性确定复选框选中状态Chr函数返回指定序数的字符CloseFile命令关闭打开的文件Color属性标签的颜色Columns属性显示的列数CompareStr函数比较字符串(区分大小写)Concat函数合并字符串Continue命令继续for、while、repeat的下一个循环Copy函数返回一字符串的子串Cos函数余弦函数Ctl3D属性是否具有3D效果Cursor属性鼠标指针移入后的形状Date函数返回当前的日期DateTimeToFileDate函数将DELPHI的日期格式转换为DOS的日期格式DateTimeToStr函数将日期时间格式转换为字符串DateTimeToString函数将日期时间格式转换为字符串DateToStr函数将日期格式转换为字符串DayOfWeek函数返回星期的数值Dec函数递减变量值DecodeDate函数将日期格式分解为年月日DecodeTime函数将时间格式分解为时、分、秒、毫秒Delete函数从字符串中删除子串DeleteFile命令删除文件DiskFree函数返回剩余磁盘空间的大小DiskSize函数返回指定磁盘的容量Dispose函数释放动态变量所占的空间DisposeStr函数释放字符串在堆栈中的内存空间DitherBackground属性使背景色的色彩加重或减少50%DragCursor属性当鼠标按下时光标的形状DragMode属性按动的作用方式DropDownCount属性容许的显示数据项的数目EditMask属性编辑模式Enabled属性是否使标签呈现打开状态EncodeDate函数将年月日合成为日期格式EncodeTime函数将时、分、秒、毫秒合成为时间格式EndMargin属性末尾边缘Eof函数对有类型或无类型文件测试是否到文件尾Eoln函数返回文本文件的行结束状态Erase命令删除外部文件ExceptAddr函数返回引起当前意外的地址Exclude函数从集合中删除一些元素ExceptObject函数返回当前意外的索引Exit命令立即从当前的语句块中退出Exp函数指数函数ExpandFileName函数返回包含绝对路径的字符串ExtendedSelect属性是否允许存在选择模式,True时,MultiSelect才有意义ExtractFileDir函数返回驱动器和路径ExtractFileExt函数返回文件的后缀ExtractFileName函数返回文件名ExtractFilePath函数返回指定文件的路径FileAge函数返回文件已存在的时间FileClose命令关闭指定的文件FileCreate命令用指定的文件名建立新文件FileDateToDateTime函数将DOS的日期格式转换为DELPHI的日期格式FileExists函数检查文件是否存在FileGatAttr函数返回文件的属性FileGetDate函数返回文件的DOS日期时间标记FileOpen命令用指定的存取模式打开指定的文件FilePos函数返回文件的当前指针位置FileRead命令从指定的文件读取FileSearch命令在目录中搜索指定的文件FileSeek函数改变文件的指针FileSetAttr函数设置文件属性FileSetDate函数设置文件的DOS日期时间标记FileSize函数返回当前文件的大小FileWrite函数对指定的文件做写操作FillChar函数用指定的值填充连续字节的数FindClose命令终止FindFirst/FindNext序列FindFirst命令对指定的文件名及属性搜索目录FindNext命令返回与文件名及属性匹配的下一入口FloatToDecimal函数将浮点数转换为十进制数FloatToStrF函数将浮点数转换为字符串FloatToStr函数将浮点数转换为字符串FloatToText函数将给定的浮点数转换为十进制数FloatToTextFmt函数将给定的浮点数转换为十进制数Flush函数将缓冲区的内容刷新到输出的文本文件中FmtLoadStr函数从程序的资源字符串表中装载字符串FmtStr函数格式化一系列的参数,其结果以参数Result返回Font属性设置字体Format函数格式化一系列的参数并返回Pascal字符串FormatBuf函数格式化一系列的参数FormatDateTime函数用指定的格式来格式化日期和时间FormatFloat函数指定浮点数格式Frac函数返回参数的小数部分FreeMem函数按给定大小释放动态变量所占的空间GetDir返回指定驱动器的当前目录GetHeapStatus返回内存管理器的当前状态GetMem建立一指定大小的动态变量,并将指针指向该处GetMemoryManager返回内存管理器的入口点Glyph函数按钮上的图象Halt停止程序的执行并返回到操作系统Hi返回参数的高地址位High返回参数的上限值Hint属性提示信息Int返回参数的整数部分Include添加元素到集合中Insert在字符串中插入子串IntToHex将整型数转换为十六进制数IntToStr将整型数转换为字符串IOResult返回最新的I/O操作完成状态IsValidIdent测试字符串是否为有效的标识符Items属性默认显示的节点Kind属性摆放样式LargeChange属性最大改变值Layout属性图象布局Length函数返回字符串的动态长度Lines属性缺省显示内容Ln函数自然对数函数Lo函数返回参数的低地址位LoadStr函数从应用程序的可执行文件中装载字符资源LowerCase函数将给定的字符串变为小写Low函数返回参数的下限值Max属性最大值MaxLength属性最大长度Min属性最小值MkDir命令建立一子目录Move函数从源到目标复制字节MultiSelect属性允许同时选择几个数据项Name属性控件的名字New函数建立新的动态变量并设置一指针变量指向他NewStr函数在堆栈上分配新的字符串Now函数返回当前的日期和时间Odd测试参数是否为奇数OnActivate事件焦点移到窗体上时触发onClick事件单击窗体空白区域触发OnDblClick事件双击窗体空白区域触发OnCloseQuery事件使用者试图关闭窗体触发OnClose事件窗体关闭后才触发OnCreate事件窗体第一次创建时触发OnDeactivate事件用户切换到另一应用程序触发OnDragDrop事件鼠标拖放操作结束时触发OnDragOver事件有其他控件从他上面移过触发onMouseDown事件按下鼠标键时触发onMouseUp事件释放鼠标键时触发onMouseMove事件移动鼠标时触发OnHide事件隐藏窗体时触发onKeyDown事件按下键盘某键时触发onKeyPress事件按下键盘上的单个字符键时触发onKeyUp事件释放键盘上的某键时触发OnPaint事件窗体上有新部分暴露出来触发OnResize事件重新调整窗体大小触发OnShow事件在窗体实际显示之前瞬间触发Ord返回序数类的序数OutlineStyle属性类型OutOfMemoryError引起OutOfMemory意外PageIndex属性页索引Pages属性页ParamCount函数返回在命令行上传递给程序的参数数量ParamStr函数返回指定的命令行参数Pen属性画刷设置Pi函数返回圆周率PiPicture属性显示图象PictureClosed属性设置Closed位图PictureLeaf属性设置Leaf位图PictureMinus属性设置Minus位图PictureOpen属性设置Open位图PicturePlus属性设置Plus位图Pos函数在字符串中搜索子串Pred函数返回先前的参数Random函数返回一随机函数Randomize函数用一随机数初始化内置的随机数生成器Read函数对有格式的文件,读一文件组件到变量中;对文本文件,读一个或多个值到一个或多个变量中Readln函数执行Read过程,然后跳到文件下一行ReadOnly属性只读属性ReAllocMem函数分配一动态变量Rename函数重命名外部文件RenameFile函数对文件重命名Reset函数打开已有的文件Rewrite函数建立并打开一新的文件RmDir函数删除空的子目录Round函数将实数值舍入为整型值RunError函数停止程序的执行ScrollBars属性滚动条状态Seek函数将文件的当前指针移动到指定的组件上SeekEof函数返回文件的文件结束状态SeekEoln函数返回文件的行结束状态SelectedColor属性选中颜色SetMemoryManager函数设置内存管理器的入口点SetTextBuf函数给文本文件指定I/O缓冲区Shape属性显示的形状ShowException函数显示意外消息与地址Sin函数正弦函数SizeOf函数返回参数所占的字节数SmallChange属性最小改变值Sorted属性是否允许排序Sqr函数平方函数Sqrt函数平方根函数StartMargin属性开始边缘State属性控件当前状态Str函数将数值转换为字符串StrAlloc函数给以NULL结束的字符串分配最大长度-1的缓冲区StrBufSize函数返回存储在由StrAlloc分配的字符缓冲区的最大字符数StrCat函数将一字符串附加到另一字符串尾并返回合并的字符串StrComp函数比较两个字符串StrCopy函数将一个字符串复制到另一个字符串中StrDispose函数释放堆栈上的字符串StrECopy函数将一字符串复制到另一个字符串并返回结果字符串尾部的指针StrEnd函数返回指向字符串尾部的指针Stretch属性自动适应控件的大小StrFmt函数格式化一系列的参数StrIComp函数比较两个字符串(不区分大小写)StringToWideChar函数将ANSI字符串转换为UNICODE字符串StrLCat函数将一字符串中的字符附加到另一字符串尾并返回合并的字符串StrLComp函数以最大长度比较两个字符串StrLCopy函数将一个字符串中的字符复制到另一个字符串中StrLen函数返回字符串中的字符数StrLFmt函数格式化一系列的参数,其结果中包含有指向目标缓冲区的指针StrLIComp函数以最大长度比较两个字符串(不区分大小写)StrLower函数将字符串中的字符转换为小写StrMove函数将一个字符串中的字符复制到另一个字符串中StrNew函数在堆栈上分配一个字符串StrPas函数将以NULL结束的字符串转换为PASCAL类的字符串StrPCopy函数将PASCAL类的字符串复制为以NULL结束的字符串StrPLCopy函数从PASCAL类的最大长度字符串复制为以NULL结束的字符串StrPos函数返回一个字符串在另一个字符串中首次出现指针StrRScan函数返回字符串中最后出现字符的指针StrScan函数返回字符串中出现首字符的指针StrToDate函数将字符串转换为日期格式StrToDateTime函数将字符串转换为日期/时间格式StrToFloat函数将给定的字符串转换为浮点数StrToInt函数将字符串转换为整型StrToIntDef函数将字符串转换为整型或默认值StrToTime函数将字符串转换为时间格式StrUpper函数将字符串中的字符转换为大写Style属性类型选择Suce函数返回后继的参数Swap函数交换参数的高低地址位Tabs属性标记每一项的内容TabIndex属性标记索引Text属性显示的文本TextToFloat函数将字符串(以NULL结束的格式)转换为浮点数Time函数返回当前的时间TimeToStr函数将时间格式转换为字符串Trim函数从给定的字符串中删除前导和尾部的空格及控制字符TrimLeft函数从给定的字符串中删除首部的空格及控制字符TrimRight函数从给定的字符串中删除尾部的空格及控制字符Trunc函数将实型值截取为整型值Truncate函数截去当前文件位置后的内容UnSelectedColor属性未选中颜色UpCase将字符转换为大写UpperCase将给定的字符串变为大写Val函数将字符串转换为整型值VarArrayCreate函数以给定的界限和维数建立变体数组VarArrayDimCount函数返回给定变体的维数VarArrayHighBound函数返回给定变体数组维数的上界VarArrayLock函数锁定给定的变体数组VarArrayLowBound函数返回给定变体数组维数的下界VarArrayOf函数返回指定变体的数组元素VarArrayRedim函数通过改变上限来调整变体的大小VarArrayUnlock函数解锁指定的变体数组VarAsType函数将变体转换为指定的类型VarCase函数将变体转换为指定的类型并保存他VarClear函数清除指定的变体VarCopy函数将指定的变体复制为指定的变体VarFormDateTime函数返回包含日期时间的变体VarIsArray函数测试变体是否为数组VarIsEmpty函数测试变体是否为UNASSIGNEDVarIsNull函数测试变体是否为NULLVarToDateTime函数将给定的变体转换为日期时间VarType函数将变体转换为指定的类型并保存他Visible属性控件的可见性WantReturns属性为True时,按回车键产生一个回车符;为False时,按下Ctrl+Enter才产生回车符Write命令对有格式的文件,写一变量到文件组件中;对文本文件,写一个或多个值到文件中Writeln命令执行WRITE过程,然后输出一行结束标志WideCharLenToString函数将ANSI字符串转换为UNICODE字符串WideCharLenToStrWar函数将UNICODE字符串转换为ANSI字符串变量WideCharToString函数将UNICODE字符串转换为ANSI字符串WideCharToStrVar函数将UNICODE字符串转换为ANSI字符串变量delphi字符串函数大全函数function AnsiResemblesText(const A Text, AOther: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回两个字符串是否相似说明ANSI(American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会;不区分大小写参考function StrUtils.SoundexProc; var StrUtils.AnsiResemblesProc例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiResemblesText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiContainsText(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否包含子串ASubText说明不区分大小写参考function StrUtils.AnsiUppercase; function StrUtils.AnsiPos例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiContainsText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStartsText(const ASubText, AText: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否以子串ASubText开头说明不区分大小写参考function pareString例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiStartsText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiEndsText(const ASubText, A Text: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否以子串ASubText结尾说明不区分大小写参考function pareString例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiEndsText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiReplaceText(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; $[StrUtils.pas 功能返回字符串A Text中用子串AFromText替换成子串AToText的结果说明不区分大小写参考function SysUtils.StringReplace; type SysUtils.TReplaceFlags例子Edit4.Text := AnsiReplaceText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Edit3.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiMatchText(const AText: string; const A Values: array of string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串数组A V alues中是否包含字符串A Text说明不区分大小写参考function StrUtils.AnsiIndexText例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiMatchText(Edit1.Text, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiIndexText(const A Text: string; const A Values: array of string): Integer; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text在字符串数组A Values中的位置说明不区分大小写;如果不包含则返回-1参考function SysUtils.AnsiSameText例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiIndexText(Edit1.Text, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiContainsStr(const AText, ASubText: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否包含子串ASubText说明区分大小写参考function StrUtils.AnsiPos例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiContainsStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStartsStr(const ASubText, A Text: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否以子串ASubText开头说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.AnsiSameStr例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiStartsStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiEndsStr(const ASubText, A Text: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text是否以子串ASubText结尾说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.AnsiSameStr例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiEndsStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiReplaceStr(const AText, AFromText, AToText: string): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text中用子串AFromText替换成子串AToText的结果说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.StringReplace; type SysUtils.TReplaceFlags例子Edit4.Text := AnsiReplaceStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, Edit3.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiMatchStr(const AText: string; const A Values: array of string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串数组A V alues中是否包含字符串A Text说明区分大小写参考function StrUtils.AnsiIndexStr例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiMatchStr(Edit1.Text, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiIndexStr(const AText: string; const AValues: array of string): Integer; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text在字符串数组A Values中的位置说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.AnsiSameStr例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiIndexStr(Edit1.Text, ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function DupeString(const AText: string; ACount: Integer): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text的ACount个复本说明当ACount为0时返回''参考function System.SetLength例子Edit3.Text := DupeString(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.V alue);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function ReverseString(const A Text: string): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text的反序说明ReverseString('1234') = '4321'参考function System.SetLength例子Edit3.Text := ReverseString(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function StuffString(const A Text: string; AStart, ALength: Cardinal; const ASubText: string): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回嵌套字符串说明AStart:嵌套开始位置;ALength:嵌套长度;StuffString('abcd', 2, 0, '12') = 'a12bcd'参考function System.Copy例子Edit3.Text := StuffString(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.V alue, SpinEdit2.Value, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function RandomFrom(const A Values: array of string): string; overload; $[StrUtils.pas功能随机返回字符串数组A Values中的一个元素说明之前建议执行Randomize参考function System.Random例子Randomize; Edit3.Text := RandomFrom(['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function IfThen(A Value: Boolean; const ATrue: string; AFalse: string = ''): string; overload; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回指定的逻辑字符串说明IfThen(True, '是', '否') = '是';IfThen(False, '是', '否') = '否'参考<NULL>例子Edit3.Text := IfThen(CheckBox1.Checked, Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function LeftStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text左边的ACount个字符说明LeftStr('123456', 3) = '123'参考function System.Copy例子Edit3.Text := LeftStr(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function RightStr(const AText: string; const ACount: Integer): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text右边的ACount个字符说明RightStr('123456', 3) = '456'参考function System.Copy例子Edit3.Text := RightStr(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function MidStr(const AText: string; const AStart, ACount: Integer): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回字符串A Text从AStart开始的ACount个字符说明其实就是Copy参考function System.Copy例子Edit3.Text := MidStr(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value, SpinEdit2.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SearchBuf(Buf: PChar; BufLen: Integer; SelStart, SelLength: Integer; SearchString: String; Options: TStringSearchOptions = [soDown]): PChar; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回第一个搜索到的指针位置说明这函数常用于文本中搜索字符串参考<NULL>例子///////Begin SearchBuffunction SearchEdit(EditControl: TCustomEdit; const SearchString: String;SearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions; FindFirst: Boolean = False): Boolean;varBuffer, P: PChar;Size: Word;beginResult := False;if (Length(SearchString) = 0) then Exit;Size := EditControl.GetTextLen;if (Size = 0) then Exit;Buffer := StrAlloc(Size + 1);tryEditControl.GetTextBuf(Buffer, Size + 1);P := SearchBuf(Buffer, Size, EditControl.SelStart, EditControl.SelLength,SearchString, SearchOptions);if P <> nil then beginEditControl.SelStart := P - Buffer;EditControl.SelLength := Length(SearchString);Result := True;end;finallyStrDispose(Buffer);end;end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varSearchOptions: TStringSearchOptions;beginSearchOptions := [];if CheckBox1.Checked thenInclude(SearchOptions, soDown);if CheckBox2.Checked thenInclude(SearchOptions, soMatchCase);if CheckBox3.Checked thenInclude(SearchOptions, soWholeWord);SearchEdit(Memo1, Edit1.Text, SearchOptions);Memo1.SetFocus;end;///////End SearchBuf━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function Soundex(const AText: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回探测字符串说明根据探测法(Soundex)可以找到相进的字符串;/genealogy/coding.html参考<NULL>例子Edit2.Text := Soundex(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SoundexInt(const AText: string; ALength: TSoundexIntLength = 4): Integer; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回探测整数说明ALength的值越大解码准确率越高参考<NULL>例子SpinEdit2.Value := SoundexInt(Edit1.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function DecodeSoundexInt(AValue: Integer): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回探测整数的解码说明DecodeSoundexInt(SoundexInt('hello')) 相当于Soundex('hello')参考<NULL>例子Edit2.Text := DecodeSoundexInt(SpinEdit2.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SoundexWord(const A Text: string): Word; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回探测文字数值说明没有参数ALength已经固定为4参考<NULL>例子SpinEdit2.Value := SoundexWord(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function DecodeSoundexWord(A Value: Word): string; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回探测文字数值的解码说明DecodeSoundexWord(SoundexWord('hello')) 相当于Soundex('hello')参考<NULL>例子Edit2.Text := DecodeSoundexWord(SpinEdit2.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SoundexSimilar(const AText, AOther: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回两个字符串的探测字符串是否相同说明Result := Soundex(A Text, ALength) = Soundex(AOther, ALength)参考<NULL>例子CheckBox1.Checked := SoundexSimilar(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SoundexCompare(const AText, AOther: string; ALength: TSoundexLength = 4): Integer; $[StrUtils.pas功能返回比较两个字符串的探测字符串的结果说明Result := AnsiCompareStr(Soundex(AText, ALength), Soundex(AOther, ALength))参考function SysUtils.AnsiCompareStr例子SpinEdit2.Value := SoundexCompare(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text, SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SoundexProc(const AText, AOther: string): Boolean; $[StrUtils.pas功能调用SoundexSimilar返回两个字符串的探测字符串是否相同说明系统变量AnsiResemblesProc的默认值参考function StrUtils.AnsiResemblesText例子[var AnsiResemblesProc: TCompareTextProc = SoundexProc;]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function NewStr(const S: string): PString; deprecated; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回一个新的字符串指针地址说明字符串S为空时返回NullStr参考procedure System.New例子////////Begin NewStr,DisposeStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varP: PString;beginP := NewStr(Edit1.Text);Edit2.Text := P^;DisposeStr(P);end;////////End NewStr,DisposeStr━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数procedure DisposeStr(P: PString); deprecated; $[SysUtils.pas功能释放字符串指针P资源说明配合函数NewStr使用参考procedure System.Dispose例子<如上参见,如下参见>━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数procedure AssignStr(var P: PString; const S: string); deprecated; $[SysUtils.pas功能将字符串S更新给字符串指针P说明更新值时会释放以前字符串指针的资源参考function SysUtils.NewStr;function SysUtils.DisposeStr例子////////Begin AssignStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varP: PString;beginP := nil;AssignStr(P, Edit1.Text);Edit2.Text := P^;DisposeStr(P);end;////////End AssignStr━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数procedure AppendStr(var Dest: string; const S: string); deprecated; $[SysUtils.pas 功能在字符串Dest后追加字符串S说明相当于Dest := Dest + S;Delphi6已经不建议使用参考<NULL>例子////////Begin AppendStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varS: string;beginS := Edit2.Text;AppendStr(S, Edit1.Text);Edit2.Text := S;end;////////End AppendStr━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function UpperCase(const S: string): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S的大写形式说明非小写字符不处理参考procedure System.SetLength例子Edit2.Text := UpperCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function LowerCase(const S: string): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S的小写形式说明非大写字符不处理参考procedure System.SetLength例子Edit2.Text := LowerCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function CompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个字符说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;区分大小写参考<NULL>例子SpinEdit1.Value := CompareStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; assembler; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个内存指针说明CompareMem(PChar('12a'), PChar('12c'), 2)=True;CompareMem(PChar('12a'), PChar('12c'), 3)=False参考<NULL>例子CheckBox1.Checked := CompareMem(Self, Form1, 8);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function CompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个字符串说明不区分大小写参考<NULL>例子SpinEdit1.Value := CompareText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function SameText(const S1, S2: string): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回两个字符串是否相等说明不区分大小写参考<NULL>例子CheckBox1.Checked := SameText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiUpperCase(const S: string): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S的大写形式说明ANSI(American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会;非小写的字符不变参考function Windows.CharUpperBuff例子Edit2.Text := AnsiUpperCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiLowerCase(const S: string): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S的小写形式说明非大写字符不处理参考function Windows.CharLowerBuff例子Edit2.Text := AnsiLowerCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiCompareStr(const S1, S2: string): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能反回比较两个字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;区分大小写参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiCompareStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiSameStr(const S1, S2: string): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回两个字符串是否相等说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.AnsiCompareStr例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiSameStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiCompareText(const S1, S2: string): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能反回比较两个字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;不区分大小写参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiCompareText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiSameText(const S1, S2: string): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回两个字符串是否相等说明不区分大小写参考function SysUtils.AnsiCompareText例子CheckBox1.Checked := AnsiSameText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrComp(S1, S2: PChar): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个指针字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;区分大小写参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiStrComp(PChar(Edit1.Text), PChar(Edit2.Text))━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrIComp(S1, S2: PChar): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个指针字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;不区分大小写;Ignore(忽略) 参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiStrIComp(PChar(Edit1.Text), PChar(Edit2.Text))━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrLComp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个指针字符串指定长度说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;区分大小写;Length(长度) 参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiStrLComp(PChar(Edit1.Text), PChar(Edit2.Text), SpinEdit2.Value) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrLIComp(S1, S2: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回比较两个指针字符串指定长度说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;不区分大小写参考function pareString例子SpinEdit1.Value := AnsiStrLIComp(PChar(Edit1.Text), PChar(Edit2.Text), SpinEdit2.Value)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrLower(Str: PChar): PChar; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回指针字符串小写形式说明非大写字符不处理参考function Windows.CharLower例子Edit2.Text := AnsiStrLower(PChar(Edit1.Text));━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrUpper(Str: PChar): PChar; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回指针字符串大写形式说明非小写字符不处理参考function Windows.CharUpper例子Edit2.Text := AnsiStrUpper(PChar(Edit1.Text));━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiLastChar(const S: string): PChar; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S的最后一个指针字符说明当字符串S为空串则返回空指针参考function SysUtils.ByteType例子Edit2.Text := AnsiLastChar(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiStrLastChar(P: PChar): PChar; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回指针字符串P的最后一个指针字符说明当字符串P为空空指针则返回空指针参考function SysUtils.ByteType例子Edit2.Text := AnsiLastChar(PChar(Edit1.Text));━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideUpperCase(const S: WideString): WideString; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回双字节字符串的大写形式说明WideChar双字节字符参考function Windows.CharUpperBuffW例子Edit2.Text := WideUpperCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideLowerCase(const S: WideString): WideString; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回双字节字符串的小写形式说明我怎么就测试不出来呢参考function Windows.CharLowerBuffW例子Edit2.Text := WideLowerCase(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideCompareStr(const S1, S2: WideString): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas 功能返回比较两个双字节字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;区分大小写参考function pareStringW例子SpinEdit1.Value := WideCompareStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideSameStr(const S1, S2: WideString): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回两个双字节字符串是否相同说明区分大小写参考function SysUtils.WideCompareStr例子CheckBox1.Checked := WideSameStr(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideCompareText(const S1, S2: WideString): Integer; $[SysUtils.pas 功能返回比较两个双字节字符串说明当S1>S2返回值>0;当S1<S2返回值<0;当S1=S2返回值=0;不区分大小写参考function pareStringW例子SpinEdit1.Value := WideCompareText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function WideSameText(const S1, S2: WideString): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回两个双字节字符串是否相同说明不区分大小写参考function SysUtils.WideCompareText例子CheckBox1.Checked := WideSameText(Edit1.Text, Edit2.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function Trim(const S: string): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas函数function Trim(const S: WideString): WideString; overload; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回除去字符串S左右不可见字符说明小于#32的字符看作不可见字符参考function System.Copy例子Edit2.Text := Trim(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function TrimLeft(const S: string): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas函数function TrimLeft(const S: WideString): WideString; overload; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回除去字符串S左边不可见字符说明小于#32的字符看作不可见字符参考function System.Copy例子Edit2.Text := TrimLeft(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function TrimRight(const S: string): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas函数function TrimRight(const S: WideString): WideString; overload; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回除去字符串S右边不可见字符说明小于#32的字符看作不可见字符参考function System.Copy例子Edit2.Text := TrimRight(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function QuotedStr(const S: string): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S在pascal中的表现形式说明单引号中的一个单引号将转成两个参考procedure System.Insert例子Edit2.Text := QuotedStr(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiQuotedStr(const S: string; Quote: Char): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串S以字符Quote为引号的表现形式说明AnsiQuotedStr('hello"world', '@')='@hello"world@';AnsiQuotedStr('hello"world', '"')='"hello""world"'参考function SysUtils.AnsiStrScan例子Edit2.Text := AnsiQuotedStr(Edit1.Text, '"');━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiExtractQuotedStr(var Src: PChar; Quote: Char): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回以字符Quote为引号的表现形式原形说明表现形式非法时Src不变否则为空参考function SysUtils.AnsiStrScan例子///////Begin AnsiExtractQuotedStrprocedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);varP: PChar;beginP := PChar(Edit1.Text);Edit2.Text := AnsiExtractQuotedStr(P, '"');Edit3.Text := P;end;///////End AnsiExtractQuotedStr━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AnsiDequotedStr(const S: string; AQuote: Char): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回以字符AQuote为引号的表现形式原形说明表现形式非法时则返回S参考function SysUtils.AnsiExtractQuotedStr例子Edit2.Text := AnsiDequotedStr(Edit1.Text, '"');━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function AdjustLineBreaks(const S: string; Style: TTextLineBreakStyle = {$IFDEF LINUX} tlbsLF {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} tlbsCRLF {$ENDIF}): string; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回将给定字符串的行分隔符调整为CR/LF序列说明AdjustLineBreaks('1'#13'2'#13)='1'#13#10'2'#13#10;AdjustLineBreaks('1'#10'2'#10)='1'#13#10'2' #13#10参考function SysUtils.StrNextChar例子<NULL>━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function IsValidIdent(const Ident: string): Boolean; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回字符串Ident是否是正确的标识符说明标识符::字母|下划线[字母|下划线|数字]...参考<NULL>例子CheckBox1.Checked := IsValidIdent(Edit1.Text);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function IntToStr(Value: Integer): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas函数function IntToStr(Value: Int64): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas功能返回整数Value转换成字符串说明Format('%d', [Value])参考function SysUtils.FmtStr例子Edit2.Text := IntToStr(SpinEdit1.Value);━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━函数function IntToHex(Value: Integer; Digits: Integer): string; overload; $[SysUtils.pas。









达尔文1868年在《家养动植物变异》一书讨论“泛生假说”(Hypothesis of Pangenesis)的一章。

















DELPHI常见属性说明:ALIGN 设置组件对齐(同其父容器)方式(运行时画面状态)BORDERSTYLE 设置组件边框形状CAPTION 设置组件标题CTL3D 设置组件边框是否为3D模式,若BORDERSTYLE设置为BSNONE则此属性无效COLOR 设定组件背景颜色CURSOR 设定鼠标经过组件时光标所显示的形状ENABLED 设定组件是否能使用,当设为FALSE时组件会呈灰色FONT 设定组件内文字的字型、字体大小、颜色等HEIGHT 设定组件高度HELPCONTENT 用来为帮助说明文件中的索引值建立关联LEFT 设定组件与父组件左边框间的距离POPUPMENU 设定鼠标右键(弹出式)快捷菜单TABORDER 设定组件在按下TAB键后焦点(FOCUS)移动的顺序TABSTOP 若设为FALSE,则按TAB键后焦点并不会在此组件上停留TOP 设定组件与父组件上边框间的距离VISIBLE 设定组件是否可见,此属性只在执行时起作用WIDTH 设定组件显示宽度DELPHI常见事件说明:ONCHANGE 当组件有所改变时触发的事件ONCLICK 当在此组件上按下鼠标左键时触发的事件ONDBLCLICK 当在此组件上双击鼠标左键时触发的事件ONENTER 当焦点进入此组件时触发的事件ONEXIT 当切换到其它组件使该组件失去焦点时触发的事件,但当切换到另一窗体或另一应用程序时此事件不会触发ONKEYDOWN 当在拥有焦点的组件上按下某个键时触发的事件,按键包括所有的英文、数字键、方向键、功能键等ONKEYPRESS 当在拥有焦点的组件上按下某个键时触发的事件,但按键只包括所有的英文、数字键、TAB、BACKSPACE、ENTER、ESCONKEYUP 当使用者放开键盘上的按键时触发的事件,按键看ONKEYDOWN ONMOUSEDOWN 当鼠标键在某个组件按下时触发的事件(其参数包括哪个鼠标键被按下、是否有特殊键(CTRL、ALT、SHIFT)被按下以及鼠标当前的坐标)ONMOUSEMOVE 当鼠标在组件内移动时触发的事件ONMOUSEUP 当鼠标键在组件上方放开时所触发的事件ONPAINT 在组件需要被重画时触发的事件,此时可进行自定义画法窗体组件(FORM)常见属性及事件属性 说明ACTIVE 指示此窗体是否拥有FOCUSACTIVECONTROL 指示窗体中目前拥有FOCUS的组件ACTIVEMDICHILD 指示主窗体中目前拥有FOCUS的子窗体第 1 页ACTIVEOLECONTROL 用于取得或设定此窗体上的OLE控制,以响应FOCUS改变BORDERICONS 指定哪些ICON显示在窗体的TITLE BAR上BORDERSYTLE 用以指定窗体BORDER外观及行为CANVAS 提供使用者可在窗体上CLIENT内自行显示的画板,一般在ONPAINT事件中使用CLIENTHANDLE 提供可存取系统内部使用的MDI CLIENT WINDOW HANDLE CLIENTHEIGHT 窗体客户区高度CLIENTRECT 窗体客户区所对应的矩形CLIENTWIDTH 窗体客户区宽度DEFAULTMONITOR 指定此窗体所显示的预设的显示器,用于多显示器环境下DESIGNER 此窗体的设计界面,一般不用用户设定DropTARGET 用以指定窗体是否为目前DRAG AND Drop动作的目标FLOATING 用以指示此窗体是否正在停泊在另一个视窗内FORMSTATE 用于指示此窗体所处状态FORMSTYLE 用于指示窗体的样式HELPFILE 用于指定HELP文件ICON 指定窗体最小化时所显示的ICONKEYPREVIEW 指定此窗体是否需在目前的ACTIVE组件之前取得键盘输入MDICHILDCOUNT 用于取得子窗体数目MDICHILDREN 用于取得子窗体(数组)MENU 用于指定窗体主菜单MODALRESULT 当窗体作用为MODAL对话框时,作为对话框的效果MONITOR 用于指示窗体所显示的显示器OLDCreateORDER 指定ONCreate和ONDESTROY事件何时发生OLEFORMOBJECT 对包含在此窗体内的OLE对象指定OLEFORM界面PARENT 设定此窗体的PARENTPARENTBIDIMODE 指定是否此窗体使用PARENT的BIDIMODE PIXELSPERINCH 表示此窗体设计时系统上字形的比例POSITION 表示此窗体的大小及位置PRINTSCALE 表示此窗体打印的比例SCALED 用于指定窗体的大小是否依据PIXELSPERINTCH属性来指定TILEMODE 用于指定TILE方法被调用时子窗体如何排列VISIBLE 用于设定此窗体是否被显示WINDOWMENU 如果窗体是一个MDI PARENT窗体,用于指定视窗的菜单WINDOWSTATE 用于指定窗体如何显示于屏幕中事件 说明ONPAINT 当窗体必须重画时发生ONHELP 当窗体收到HELP请求时发生ONDRAGDrop 当一个对象拉进此窗体并丢下时发生ONDRAGOVER 当一个对象拉进此窗体时发生ONCONSTRAINEDRESIZE 在ONCANRESIZE事件发生后发生ONCANRESIZE 当企图改变窗体尺寸时确认是否改变ONRESIZE 当窗体尺寸改变时发生第 2 页ONSTARTDOCK 当对象开始停泊时发生ONENDDOCK 当对象停泊结束时发生ONUNDOCK 当窗体解除停泊时发生ONDOCKDrop 当其它窗体停泊到此组件时发生ONDOCKOVER 当其它窗体向此组件停泊接近时发生ONGETSITEINFO 当有关停泊消息传回此窗体时发生ONCreate 当窗体创建时发生ONCLOSE 当窗体即将关闭时发生ONCLOSEQUERY 在窗体即将关闭时确认是否真的关闭窗体ONDESTROY 当窗体释放时发生ONSHOW 当窗体显示时发生ONHIDE 当窗体隐藏时发生ONACTIVATE 当窗体获得FOCUS时发生ONDEACTIVATE 当窗体失去FOCUS时发生菜单组件(MAINMENU、POPUPMENU)常见属性属性 说明AUTOMERGE 用于指定主窗体的主菜单是否与其它的窗体主菜单合并HANDLE 主菜单的视窗代码BIDIMODE 用于指定选项名是由左至右读或由右至左读IMAGES 用于指定选项旁可显示的图像内容ITEMS 选项的内容OWNERDRAW 用于指定选否是否可自行显示PARENTBIDIMODE 用于指定是否继承父控件的BIDIMODE属性WINDOWHANDLE 使用此菜单的视窗代号菜单项属性 说明ACTION 用于指定此选项对应的动作BITMAP 用于指定在此选项旁的图像内容BREAK 用于指定是否从此选项开始建立新的分栏CAPTION 选项显示的名称CHECKED 用于指定此选项是否CHECKEDCOMMAND 用于指定选项对应的WINDOWS COMMAND IDCOUNT 用于指示此选项的子选项数目DEFAULT 用于指示此选项是否为子菜单的预设项目EANBLED 用于指示此选项是否可用GROUPINDEX 用于指定此选项所隶属的逻辑群组,以控制主菜单之间的合并或单选钮互斥的效果HANDLE 对应此选项的Drop-DOWN菜单的WINDOWS MENU HANDLE HELPCONTEXT 对应此选项的HELP CONTEXT IDHINT 用于设定鼠标移入选项范围时的提示信息IMAGEINDEX 用以指定哪个图像显示于选项旁ITEMS 此选项的子菜单项目数MENUINDEX 此选项的父菜单内的选项索引值第 3 页PARENT 此选项的父菜单的选项RADIOITEM 用于设定此选项是否与同组其它选项互斥SHORTCUT 用于设定此选项的快捷键VISIBLE 用于设定此选项是否可见标签(LABEL)常用属性:属性 说明ALIGNMENT 用于设定标签内文本的对齐方式(水平方向)AUTOSIZE 用于设定标签组件是否根据组件内文本自动调整大小FOCUSCONTROL 用于设定键入标签内快捷键后应接受FOCUS的组件LAYOUT 用于设定标签文本如何放置(垂直方向)SHOWACCELCHAR 用于设定是否允许标签内文本是否显示画有下划线的快捷键值TRANSPARENT 用于设定组件是否透明WORDWRAP 用于设定组件文本宽于组件宽度时是否自动换行编辑框(EDIT、MASKEDIT)的属性:属性 说明AUTOSelect 用于设定组件获得FOCUS后是否自动选取所有文本AUTOSIZE 用于设定组件内增加输入文字时,是否自动加长组件长度BORDERSTYLE 用于设定组件边框风格CANUNDO 用于设定组件内文本是否可UNDOCHARCASE 用于设定组件内文本大小写状况HIDESelectION 用于设定组件失去FOCUS时,选取文本是否有效MAXLENGTH 用于设定组件内输入文本的最大长度MODIFIED 可用于判定组件内文本是否发生更改OEMCONVERT 决定是否将编辑框内文字ASCII码转换成OEM,再由OEM转换为ASCII PASSWORDCHAR 设定密码输入时取代的字符READONLY 设定编辑框内容是否可修改SELLENGTH 指示编辑框内选定文本长度SELSTART 指示编辑框内选定文本的起始位置SELTEXT 指示编辑框内选定文本EDITMASK 指示MASKEDIT掩码字符串按钮(BUTTON、BITBTN、SPEED BUTTON)常见属性:普通BUTTON属性 说明CANCEL 设定此按钮是否为取消钮(取消钮即在程序执行时若按ESC键可执行此按钮的单击事件)DEFAULT 指按下ENTER键后是否执行此按的单击事件MODALRESULT 通常用于对话框窗体中,当按下此钮时,此属性值即成为此按钮隶属的MODAL窗体的MODALRESULTCAPTION 设定或取得此按钮上显示的标题BITBTN属性 说明(图形式按钮)GLYPH 用以设定此按钮上出现的图像KIND 用以指定按钮的类型LAYOUT 用以设定图像在按钮上显示的位置第 4 页MARGIN 用以设定按钮边与图像边之间的距离(以象素为单位)NUMGLYPHS 用以设定按钮图像的数目SPACION 用以设定图像与文本之间的距离(以象素为单位)STYLE 用以设定按钮外观SPEED BUTTON[color=Red]属性 说明(快速按钮)[/color] ALLOWALLUP 用以设定是否包含此快速钮的组中是否能同时保持UP状态DOWN 用以设定此快速钮是否已被选取FLAT 用以设定此快速钮是否显示3D边的效果GROUPINDEX 用以设定快速钮的组TRANSPARENT 用以设定快速钮是否透明备注组件(MEMO)的常见属性和事件:属性 说明LINES 用于取得组件中文本(为数组,因此可支持取单行文本)TEXT 用于取得组件中文本(字符串)READONLY 用于设定组件文本是否可修改SCROLLBARS 用于设定组件滚动条模式WANTRETURNS 用于设定输入的ENTER键是否作为文本内容WORDWRAP 用于设定文本是否自动换行SELSTART 指示选中文本的起始位置SELLENGTH 指示选中文本的长度WANTTABS 用于设定输入的TAB键是否作为文本内容SELTEXT 指示选中文本事件 说明MEMO.LINES.ADD() 在当前行增加一行文本MEMO.LINES.APPEND() 在末追加一行文本MEMO.LINES.Insert 在指定位置增加一行文本MEMO.LINES.Delete 删除指定行文本MEMO.LINES.LOADFROMFILE 从指定文件导入文本到组件MEMO.LINES.LOADFROMSTREAM 从指定流导入文本到组件MEMO.LINES.SAVETOFILE 将组件文本存为指定文件MEMO.LINES.SAVETOSTREAM 将组件文本存为指定流MEMO.CLEAR 清除组件所有文本MEMO.CUTTOCLIPBOARD 将选定文本剪切到剪贴板MEMO.COPYTOCLIPBOARD 将选定文本复制到剪贴板MEMO.PASTEFROMCLIPBOARD 从剪贴板粘贴文本到当前位置复选框(CHECKBOX)常见属性:属性 说明ALIGNMENT 设定复选框标题位置ALLOWGRAYED 决定复选框是否存在GRAYED状态CHECKED 决定复选框状态STATE 指示复选框状态单选按钮(RADIOBUTTON)常见属性:第 5 页(提供互斥选项,因此通常用于成组实现,可用GROUPBOX或RADIOGROUP实现)属性 说明ALIGNMENT 设定单选框标题位置CHECKED 决定单选框状态组框(GROUPBOX)常见属性:(用于作容器)属性 说明CAPTION 组框标题,通常用于指示组件用途单选分组框(RADIOGROUP)常见属性:[color=Red]属性 说明CAPTION 指示单选组合名称COLUMNS 指示单选按钮又单行或多行为单位显示ITEMS 单选按钮标题内容(以行为单位)ITEMINDEX 指示当前选定的单选按钮的索引值列表框(LISTBOX)常见属性:属性 说明CANVAS 提供自定义显示列表框项目内容的画板,用于ONDRAWITEM事件COLUMNS 设定多重列列表框的列数EXTENDEDSelect 指定是否可使用SHIFT键进行连选ITEMHEIGHT 设定列表框项目的高度ITEMINDEX 指定选取的项目的索引值ITEMS 项目的字符串内容MULTISelect 设定是否允许多重选取SELCOUNT 列表框中选定项目数目SelectED 指示某个项目是否被选取SORTED 指定列表框中项目击者是否按字母顺序排序STYLE 指示列表框显示模式TOPINDEX 指示列表框顶端项目的索引值组合框(COMBOBOX)常见属性:属性 说明CANVAS 提供自定义显示组合框项目内容的画板,用于ONDRAWITEM事件CHARCASE 设定组合框内文字字母大小写状况DropDOWNCOUNT 设定组合框下拦菜单最大显示项目个数DropPEDDOWN 用于判定组合框是否处于下拉菜单的状态ITEMINDEX 指示下拉菜单中目前被选取的项目的索引值ITEMS 下拉菜单项目内容MAXLENGTH 设定组合框中编辑部分可输入的字符最大个数SELLENGTH 指示组合框编辑部分被选取文本长度SELTEXT 指示组合框中编辑部分被选取文本SELSTART 指示组合框中编辑部分被选取文本起始位置STYLE 指示组合框显示模式滚动条(SCROLLBAR)常见属性:属性 说明第 6 页MAX 指示滚动条最大值MIN 指示滚动条最小值POSITION 指示滑动块当前位置LARGECHANGE 指示鼠标按滚动条框至滑动块之间区域时移动值SMALLCHANGE 指示鼠标按下滚动条两端箭头时移动值KIND 指示滚动条类型(水平型或垂直型)PAGESIZE 指示按下PAGEUP或PAGEDOWN时变化量图像框组件(IMAGE)常见属性:属性 说明AUTOSIZE 本组件是否调整成为与读取图像同等大小INCREMENTALDISPALY 读较大型图像文件时是否逐步显示PICTURE 指向图像文件对象,能常为文件名STRETCH 是否将图像自动调整为本组件预设大小图像列表框(IMAGELIST)常见属性:属性 说明BKCOLOR 指定背景颜色BLENDCOLOR 前景混合颜色COUNT 组件中图像个数DRAWINGSTYLE 指示本组件绘出图像时采用的方式HEIGHT 组件内各图像的高度值IMAGETYPE 绘制图像时是否加上MASK图像MASKED 设定是否可以加上MASKWIDTH 组件内各图像的宽度值工具栏组件(TOOLBAR)常见属性:属性 说明AUTOSIZE 设定工具栏是否自动调整大小以容纳BAND BUTTONCOUNT 工具栏中按钮个数BUTTONHEIGHT 工具栏中的按钮高度BUTTONS 以INDEX表示在工具栏中的按钮BUTTONWIDTH 工具栏中的按钮宽度DISABLEDIMAGES 当工具按钮DISABLED时显示的图像列表FLAT 是否设定浮出效果HOTIMAGES 当鼠标指向工具栏按钮时显示的图像列表IMAGES 提供显示在工具栏按钮上的图像列表INDENT 设定工具栏左侧间隔大小LIST 设定标题文字是否显示在图形的右方ROWCOUNT 指定工具栏的行数SHOWCAPTIONS 设定工具按钮是否显示文字WARPABLE 设定工具栏排列按钮时是否自动换行TOOLBUTTON[color=Red]属性 说明[/color] ALLOWALLUP 设定同组工具按钮是否可以都未被选取DOWN 设定按钮是否可停在被按下的状态第 7 页DropDOWNMENU 当工具按钮按下时所出现的菜单GROUPED 设定同组工具按钮IMAGEINDEX 关联的图像在图像列表框中的索引值INDETERMINATE 是否提供工具栏第三种情况MARKED 设定按钮是否有阴影STYLE 设定按钮样式WRAP 设定在此工具按钮新增者是否为另一新栏酷栏(COOLBAR)常见属性:属性 说明ALIGN 设定COOLBAR的对齐方式AUTOSIZE 设定酷栏是否自动调整大小以容纳BAND BANDBORDERSTYLE 设定BAND的边界风格BANDS 显示COOLBAR内所有的BANDBITMAP 设定BAND的背景图像FIXEDORDER 设定是否可自行调整BAND的顺序FIXEDSIZE 设定是否以单一设度限定酷栏内所有的BAND IMAGES 提供BANDS所需要的图像SHOWTEXT 设定BAND是否显示文字VERTICAL 设定BAND的排列方式(水平排列或垂直排列)DOCKSITE 是否允许停泊状态栏组件(STATUSBAR)常见属性:属性 说明PANELS 设定状态栏组件区域SIMPLEPANEL 设定状态栏单个区域SIMPLETEXT 设定状态栏单个区域的文本ALIGNMENT 设定区域文本对齐方式TEXT 设定区域显示文本WIDTH 设定区域宽度进度条组件(PROGRESSBAR)常见属性和事件:属性 说明MAX 设定POSITION最大值MIN 设定POSITION最小值orIENTATION 设定组件显示的方向POSITION 设定进度条当前位置SMOOTH 设定进度条的进度指针为平滑或间隔方式STEP 设定调用STEPIT方法时所增加的量事件 说明STEPBY(INTEGER) 进度条增加值(由参数指定增量)STEPIT 进度条增加值(由STEP属性指定增量)轨迹条组件(TRACKBAR)常见属性:属性 说明第 8 页FRQUENCY 设定本控制刻度间的间隔值LINESIZE 设定按方向键时移动量MAX 设定POSITION最大值MIN 设定POSITION最小值orIENTATION 设定本组件显示的方向PAGESIZE 设定PAGEUP或PAGEDOWN的移动量POSITION 设定本组件当前位置SELEND 设定选定范围的最后位置SELSTART 设定选定范围的开始位置SLIDERVISIBLE 设定本组件中滑块是否显示TICKMARKS 设定刻度显示的方向位置TICKSTYLE 设定组件刻度记号的配置方式多页标签(PAGECONTROL)常见属性属性 说明MULTILINE 设定组件是否依标签数目自定调整行数ACTIVEPAGE 当前组件选中标签TABPOSITION 设定组件标签所有位置STYLE 设定组件标签样式CAPTION 设定指定标签标题PAGEINDEX 指示标签的位置TABVISIBLE 设定指定标签是否显示第 9 页。




托福TPO9阅读原文:Part1It has long been accepted that the Americas were colonized by a migration of peoples from Asia, slowly traveling across a land bridge called Beringia (now the Bering Strait between northeastern Asia and Alaska) during the last Ice Age. The first water craft theory about this migration was that around 11,000-12,000 years ago there was an ice-free corridor stretching from eastern Beringia to the areas of North America south of the great northern glaciers. It was this midcontinental corridor between two massive ice sheets-the Laurentide to the east and the Cordilleran to the west-that enabled the southward migration. But belief in this ice-free corridor began to crumble when paleoecologist Glen MacDonald demonstrated that some of the most important radiocarbon dates used to support the existence of an ice-free corridor were incorrect. He persuasively argued that such an ice-free corridor did not exist until much later, when the continental ice began its final retreat.Support is growing for the alternative theory that people using watercraft, possibly skin boats, moved southward from Beringia along the Gulf of Alaska and then southward along the Northwest coast of North America possibly as early as 16,000 years ago. This route would have enabled humans to enter southern areas of the Americas prior to the melting of the continental glaciers. Until the early 1970s,most archaeologists did not consider the coast a possible migration route into theAmericas because geologists originally believed that during the last Ice Age the entire Northwest Coast was covered by glacial ice. It had been assumed that the ice extended westward from the Alaskan/Canadian mountains to the very edge of the continental shelf, the flat, submerged part of the continent that extends into the ocean. This would have created a barrier of ice extending from the Alaska Peninsula, through the Gulf of Alaska and southward along the Northwest Coast of north America to what is today the state of Washington.The most influential proponent of the coastal migration route has been Canadian archaeologist Knut Fladmark. He theorized that with the use of watercraft, people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level. Fladmark's hypothesis received additional support form from the fact that the greatest diversity in native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americas, suggesting that this region has been settled the longest.More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice-free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,000 years ago. Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age. One study suggests that except for a 250-mile coastal area between southwestern British Columbia and Washington State, the Northwest Coast of North America was largely free of ice by approximately 16,000 years ago. Vast areas along the coast may have been deglaciated beginning around 16,000 years ago, possibly providing a coastal corridor for the movement of plants, animals, and humans sometime between13,000 and 14,000 years ago.The coastal hypothesis has gained increasing support in recent years because the remains of large land animals, such as caribou and brown bears, have been found in southeastern Alaska dating between 10,000 and 12,500 years ago. This is the time period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans. It has been suggested that if the environment were capable of supporting breeding populations of bears, there would have been enough food resources to support humans. Fladmark and other believe that the first human colonization of America occurred by boat along the Northwest Coast during the very late Ice Age, possibly as early as 14,000 years ago. The most recent geologic evidence indicates that it may have been possible for people to colonize ice-free regions along the continental shelf that were still exposed by the lower sea level between13,000 and 14,000 years ago.The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing, shellfish gathering, and the use of watercraft. Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.Paragraph 1: It has long been accepted that the Americas were colonized by a migration of peoples from Asia, slowly traveling across a land bridge called Beringia (now the Bering Strait between northeastern Asia and Alaska) during the last Ice Age. The first water craft theory about this migration was that around 11,000-12,000 years ago there was an ice-free corridor stretching from eastern Beringia to the areas of North America south of the great northern glaciers. It was this midcontinentalcorridor between two massive ice sheets-the Laurentide to the east and the Cordilleran to the west-that enabled the southward migration. But belief in this ice-free corridor began to crumble when paleoecologist Glen MacDonald demonstrated that some of the most important radiocarbon dates used to support the existence of an ice-free corridor were incorrect. He persuasively argued that such an ice-free corridor did not exist until much later, when the continental ice began its final retreat.托福TPO9阅读题目Part11. According to paragraph 1, the theory that people first migrated to the Americans by way of an ice-free corridor was seriously called into question by○paleoecologist Glen MacDonald's ar gument that the original migration occurred much later than had previously been believed○the demonstration that certain previously accepted radiocarbon dates were incorrect○evidence that the continental ice began its final retreat much later than had previously been believed○research showing that the ice-free corridor was not as long lasting as had been widely assumed2. The word "persuasively" in the passage is closest in meaning to○aggressively○inflexibly○convincingly○carefullyParagraph 2: Support is growing for the alternative theory that people using watercraft, possibly skin boats, moved southward from Beringia along the Gulf of Alaska and thensouthward along the Northwest coast of North America possibly as early as 16,000 years ago. This route would have enabled humans to enter southern areas of the Americas prior to the melting of the continental glaciers. Until the early 1970s,most archaeologists did not consider the coast a possible migration route into the Americas because geologists originally believed that during the last Ice Age the entire Northwest Coast was covered by glacial ice. It had been assumed that the ice extended westward from the Alaskan/Canadian mountains to the very edge of the continental shelf, the flat, submerged part of the continent that extends into the ocean. This would have created a barrier of ice extending from the Alaska Peninsula, through the Gulf of Alaska and southward along the Northwest Coast of north America to what is today the state of Washington.3. Paragraph 2 begins by presenting a theory and then goes on to○ discuss why the theory was rapidly accepted but then rejected○ present the evidence on which the theory was based○ cite evidence that now shows that the theory is incorrect ○ explain why the theor y was not initially considered plausible4. The phrase "prior to" is closest in meaning to○ before○ immediately after○ during○ in spite of5. Paragraph 2 supports the idea that, before the 1970s, most archaeologists held which of the following views about the earliest people to reach the Americas?○They could not have sailed directly from Beringia to Alaska and then southward because, it was thought, glacial ice covered the entire coastal region.○They were not aware that the climate would continue to become milder.○They would have had no interest in migrating southward from Beringia until after the continental glaciers had begun to melt.○They lacked the navigational skills and appropriate boats needed long-distance trips.Paragraph 3: The most influential proponent of the coastal migration route has been Canadian archaeologist Knut Fladmark. He theorized that with the use of watercraft, people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level. Fladmark's hypothesis received additional support form from the fact that the greatest diversity in native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americas, suggesting that this region has been settled the longest.6. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways to leave out essential information.○Because this region has been settled the longest, it also displays the greatest diversity in Native American languages.○Fladmark's hypothesis states that the west coast of the Americas has been settled longer than any other region.○The fact that the greatest diversity of Native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americans lends strength to Fradmark's hypothesis.○According to Fladmark, Native American languages have survived the longest along the west coast of the Americas.Paragraph 4: More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice-free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,000 years ago. Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age. One study suggests that except for a 250-mile coastal area between southwestern British Columbia and Washington State, the Northwest Coast of North America was largely free of ice by approximately 16,000 years ago. Vastareas along the coast may have been deglaciated beginning around 16,000 years ago, possibly providing a coastal corridor for the movement of plants, animals, and humans sometime between 13,000 and 14,000 years ago.7. The author's purpose in paragraph 4 is to○ indicate that a number of recent geologic studies seem to provide support for the coastal hypothesis○ indicate that coastal and inland migrations may have happened simultaneously○ explain why humans may have reached America's northwest coast before animals and plants did○ show t hat the coastal hypothesis may explain how people first reached Alaska but it cannot explain how people reached areas like modern British Columbia and Washington State8. The word "Vast" in the passage is closest in meaning to○Frozen○Various○Isolated○H ugeParagraph 5: The coastal hypothesis has gained increasing support in recent years because the remains of large land animals, such as caribou and brown bears, have been found in southeastern Alaska dating between 10,000 and 12,500 years ago. This is the time period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans. It has been suggested that if the environment were capable of supporting breeding populations of bears, there would have been enough food resources to support humans. Fladmark and other believe that the first human colonization of America occurred by boat along the Northwest Coast during the very late Ice Age, possibly as early as 14,000 years ago. The most recent geologic evidence indicates that it may have been possible for people to colonize ice-free regions along the continental shelf that were still exposed by the lower sea level between13,000 and 14,000 years ago.9. According to paragraph 5, the discovery of the remains of large land animals supports the coastal hypothesis by providing evidence that○ humans were changing their hunting techniques to adapt to coastal rather than inland environments○ animals had migrated from the inland to the coasts, an indication that a midcontinental ice-free corridor was actually implausible○ humans probably would have been able to find enough resources along the coastal corridor○ the continental shelf was still exposed by lower sea levels during the period when the southward migration of people began10. The word "inhospitable" in the passage is closest inmeaning to○ not familiar○ not suitable○ not dangerous○ not reachable11. According to paragraph 5, the most recent geologic research provides support for a first colonization of America dating as far back as○16,000 years ago○14,000 years ago○12,500 years ago○10,000 years agoParagraph 6: The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft. Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.12. The word "impetus" in the passage is closest in meaning to○ chance○ protection○ possibility○ incentiveParagraph 1: It has long been accepted that the Americas were colonized by a migration of peoples from Asia, slowly traveling across a land bridge called Beringia (now the Bering Strait between northeastern Asia and Alaska) during the last Ice Age. ■The fi rst water craft theory about the migration was that around 11,000-12,000 years ago there was an ice-free corridorstretching from eastern Beringia to the areas of North America south of the great northern glaciers. It was the midcontinental corridor between two massive ice sheets-the Laurentide to the west-that enabled the southward migration. ■But belief in this ice-free corridor began to crumble when paleoecologist Glen MacDonald demonstrated that some of the most important radiocarbon dates used to support the existence of an ice-free corridor were incorrect. ■He persuasively argued that such an ice-free corridor did not exist until much later, when the continental ice began its final retreat. ■13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Moreover, other evidence suggests that even if an ice-free corridor did exist, it would have lacked the resources needed for human colonization.Where could the sentence best fit?14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Recent evidence favors a rival to the long-standing theory that the Americas were colonized 11,000-12,000 years ago by people migrating south from Beringia along a midcontinental ice-free corridor.●●●Answer Choices○Evidence that an ice-free corridor between two ice sheets developed when the continental ice first began to melt came primarily from radiocarbon dating.○There is growing support for the theory that migration took place much earlier, by sea, following a coastal route along Alaska and down the northwest coast.○Recent geologic evidence indicates that contrary to what had been believed, substantial areas along the coast were free of ice as early as 16,000 years ago.○Research now indicates that the parts of the inner continental shelf that remained covered with ice were colonized by a variety of early human groups well adapted to living in extremely cold environments.○There is evidence sugge sting that areas along the coast may have contained enough food resources between 13,000 and 14,000 years ago to have made human colonization possible.○Even though the northern part of the continent allowed for a more varied economy, several early human groups quickly moved south.托福TPO9阅读答案Part1参考答案:1. ○22. ○33. ○44. ○15. ○16. ○37. ○18.○49. ○310. ○211. ○212. ○413. ○414. There is growing supportRecent geologic evidenceThere is evidence suggesting托福TPO9阅读翻译Part1参考翻译:美国西北海岸的移民这种观念被人们接受很长时间了:美洲被一群来自亚洲的移民殖民统治着,他们在上一个冰河时代缓慢地跨越了一个叫做白令的大陆桥(现在白令海峡位于东北亚和阿拉斯加之间)。


Cannot initialize multiple variables 不能初始化多个变量
Cannot initialize thread local variables 不能初始化线程局部变量
Cannot override a static method 不能覆盖静态方法
Cannot read a write-only property 不能读取只写属性
Compile terminated by user 用户中止编译
Constant expected 要求常量
Constant expression expected 要求常量表达式
Constant expression violates subrange bounds 常量表达式超出子界范围
* 编 译 错 误 信 息 *
';' not allowed before 'ELSE' ElSE前不允许有“;”
'<clause>' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句
Undeclared identifier: '<name>' 未说明的标识符<NAME>



***************************编译错误信息************************ ';' not allowed before 'ELSE'ElSE前不允许有“;”'' clause not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许“”子句'' is not a type identifier不是类型标识符'' not previously declared as a PROPERTY前面没有说明PROPERTY'GOTO ' leads into or out of TRY statementGOTO 进入或超出TRY语句的范围clause expected, but found要求子句,但出现16-Bit fixup encountered in object file ''在对象文件遇到16位修复486/487 instructions not enabled不能用486/487指令Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的Array type required需要数组类型Assignment to FOR-Loop variable ''给FOR循环变量赋值Bad argument type in variable type array constructor在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型Bad file format ''错误的文件格式Bad file format:错误的文件格式Bad global symbol definition: '' in object file ''对象文件''中错误的全局符号定义''Bad unit format:错误的单元格式BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loopBREAK或CONTINUE超出循环Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols不能增加或减少可重置的符号Cannot assign to a read-only property不能指定只读属性Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句Cannot initialize local variables不能初始化局部变量Cannot initialize multiple variables不能初始化多个变量Cannot initialize thread local variables不能初始化线程局部变量Cannot override a static method不能覆盖静态方法Cannot read a write-only property不能读取只写属性Case label outside of range of case expressionCASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围Circular unit reference to对单元循环引用Class already has a default property类已具有默认的属性Class does not have a default property类没有默认的属性Class or object types only allowed in type section 在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型Class type required需要类类型Close error on文件关闭错误Compile terminated by user用户中止编译Constant expected要求常量Constant expression expected要求常量表达式Constant expression violates subrange bounds常量表达式超出子界范围Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter常量对象不能作为变量参数传递Constant or type identifier expected要求常量或类型标识符Constants cannot be used as open array arguments常量不能用作打开数组参数Constructing instance of '' containing abstract methods 构造的实体包含抽象的方法Could not compile used unit ''不能用单元编译Could not create output file不能建立输出文件Could not load RLINK32.DLL不能加载RLINK32.DLLData type too large: exceeds 2 GB数据类型太大:超过2GBDeclaration of differs from previous declaration的说明与先前的说明不同Default property must be an array property默认的属性必须为数组属性Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型Destination cannot be assigned to目标不能指定Destination is inaccessible目标不能存取Dispid '' already used by ''DISPID标识号已被使用Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation sectionDISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用Division by zero除数为零Duplicate case labelCASE标号重复Duplicate tag value重复的标志值Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序Element 0 inaccessible - use 'Length' or 'SetLength'元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTHError in numeric constant数值常量错误EXCEPT or FINALLY expected要求EXCEPT或FINALLYEXPORTS allowed only at global scopeEXPORTS只允许在全局范围使用Expression has no value表达式没有值Expression too complicated表达式太复杂Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义Field definition not allowed after methods or properties在方法或属性后不允许域定义Field or method identifier expected要求域或方法标识符File not found:文件没有找到File type not allowed here这儿不允许文件类型For loop control variable must be simple local variableFOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量For loop control variable must have ordinal typeFOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deletedFOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除FOR-Loop variable '' cannot be passed as var parameterFOR循环变量不能作为参数传递FOR-Loop variable '' may be undefined after loop在循环后的FOR循环变量是不确定的Function needs result type函数需要结果类型Identifier redeclared: ''标识符重复说明Illegal character in input file: '' ($)在输入文件中的非法字符''Illegal message method index非法的消息方法指针Illegal reference to symbol '' in object file ''在对象文件中对符号的非法引用Illegal type in OLE automation section: ''在OLE自动区段中的非法类型Illegal type in Read/Readln statement在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型Inaccessible value不可存取的值Incompatible types: '' and ''不兼容的类型和Incompatible types:不兼容的类型Inline assembler stack overflow内联汇编溢出Inline assembler syntax error内联汇编语法错误Instance variable '' inaccessible here实体变量在这里不能存取Integer constant or variable name expected要求整形常量或变量名Integer constant too large整型常量太大Internal error:内部错误Invalid combination of opcode and operands操作码与操作对象的无效组合Invalid compiler directive: ''无效的编译指令Invalid function result type无效的函数值类型Invalid message parameter list无效的消息参数列表Invalid register combination无效的寄存器组合Invalid typecast无效的TYPECASELabel '' is not declared in current procedure在当前的过程中没有说明标号Label already defined: ''标号已经定义Label declaration not allowed in interface part 在界面部分不允许标号说明Label declared and referenced, but not set: ''标号被说明及引用,但不能设置Label expected要求标号Left side cannot be assigned to左边不能赋值Line too long (more than 255 characters)行太长(超出255个字符)Local class or object types not allowed不允许局部的类或对象类型Local procedure/function '' assigned to procedure variable 局部过程/函数赋给过程变量LOOP/JCXZ distance out of rangeLOOP/JCXZ距离超出范围Low bound exceeds high bound下界超过上界Memory reference expected要求内存引用Method '' hides virtual method of base type ''方法隐藏了基类型为的虚拟方法Method '' not found in base class在基类中没有找到方法Method identifier expected要求方法标识符Missing ENDIF directive缺少ENDIF指令Missing operator or semicolon缺少操作符或分号Missing or invalid conditional symbol in '$' directive在$指令中缺少或无效的条件符号Missing parameter type缺少参数类型Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker 必要的库帮助函数被连接程序删除No definition for abstract method '' allowed抽象方法没有定义Not enough actual parameters没有足够的实际参数Number of elements differs from declaration元素数与说明不同Numeric overflow数值溢出Object or class type required需要对象或类类型Object type required需要对象类型Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中只允许寄存器调用约定Operand size mismatch运算对象大小匹配Operator not applicable to this operand type运算符不使用于这一运算对象类型Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration 在记录常量中的域次序与说明不同Ordinal type required需要序数类型Out of memory内存溢出Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation转换或算术操作溢出Overriding automated virtual method '' cannot specify a dispid 覆盖的自动虚拟方法不能指定DISPIDPACKED not allowed here这里不允许PACKEDPointer type required需要指针类型Procedure cannot have a result type过程不能有结果类型Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor过程DISPOSE需要destructorProcedure FAIL only allowed in constructor过程FAIL只允许在constructor方法中Procedure NEW needs constructor过程NEW需要constructor方法PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected要求PROCEDURE或FUNCTIONProcedure or function name expected要求过程或函数名Program or unit '' recursively uses itself程序或单元递归Property '' does not exist in base class在基类中属性不存在Published property '' cannot be of typePublished属性不能具有类型Published Real48 property '' must be Single, Double or ExtendedPublished REAL属性必须为Single, Double或ExtendedRe-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler 在意外处理中只允许重新引起意外处理Read error on文件读出错Record, object or class type required需要记录,对象或类类型Redeclaration of '' hides a member in the base class的重新说明隐藏了基类中一个元素Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许属性重复说明Return value of function '' might be undefined函数的返回值可能没有定义Seek error on在中搜索错误Segment/Offset pairs not supported in Borland 32-bit Pascal 在Borland 32位的PASCAL中不支持Segment/Offset对Sets may have at most 256 elements集至少有256个元素Size of published set '' is >32 bitspublished集的大小大于32字节Slice standard function only allowed as open array argumentSlice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数Statement expected, but expression of type '' found要求语句,但出现类型的表达式Statements not allowed in interface part在界面中不允许的语句String constant too long字符串常量太长String constant truncated to fit STRING[]字符串常量截取到适合STRING[]Strings may have at most 255 elements字符串至少255个元素Structure field identifier expected要求结构域标识符Syntax error in real number实数语法错误System unit out of date or corrupted: missing ''系统单元超出日期或损坏:缺少Text after final 'END.编译器忽略END.后的文本This form of method call only allowed for class methods 该方法的窗体只允许类方法This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types 该方法的窗体只允许在导出类型的方法中This type cannot be initialized这一类型不能初始化Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE线程局部变量不能是ABSOLUTEThread local variables cannot be local to a function or procedure 线程局部变量对函数不能是局部的Too many actual parameters太多的实际参数Too many conditional symbols太多的条件符号Type '' has no type info类型没有类型信息Type '' is not yet completely defined类型至今没有定义Type '' must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section类型必须是在PUBLISHED区段中的类Type '' must be a class to have OLE automation类型必须是具有OLE自动的类Type '' needs finalization - not allowed in file type类型需要初始化-不允许在文件类型中Type '' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record 类型需要初始化-不允许在变体记录Type expected要求TYPEType not allowed in OLE Automation call在OLE自动调用中不允许的类型Type of expression must be BOOLEAN表达式的类型必须为BOOLEAN型Type of expression must be INTEGER表达式的类型必须为INTEGER型TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifierTYPEINFO标准函数要求类型标识符TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMTTYPEOF只能用于具有VMT的对象类型Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical 形参与实参必须一致Undeclared identifier: ''未说明的标识符Unexpected end of file in comment started on line以行开始的注释中出现不应有的文件结束Unit was compiled with a different version of单元与不同版本的编译Unit name mismatch: ''单元名不匹配Unknown directive: ''未知的指令Unnamed arguments must precede named arguments in OLE Automation call 在OLE自动调用中未命名的参数必须在命名的参数前Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: ''不满足的向前或外部说明Unterminated string未结束的字符串Value assigned to '' never used赋给的值从未使用过Variable '' inaccessible here due to optimization由于优化,变量名在这里不能存取Variable '' is declared but never used in ''变量名已说明,但不曾使用Variable '' might not have been initialized变量名可能没有初始化Variable required需要变量Virtual constructors are not allowed不允许虚拟的constructors方法Write error on文件写错误Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLLRLINK32.DLL版本错误或不能* 致命错误:错误编号为200-255编号说明--------------------------------------------------------- 200 被零除201 范围检查错误202 栈上溢203 栈上溢错误204 无效的指针操作205 浮点上溢206 浮点下溢207 无效的浮点操作215 算术上溢错误216 存取非法217 控制-C218 授权指令219 无效的TYPECAST220 无效的变体TYPECAST221 无效的变体操作222 没有变体方法调用DISPATCHER223 不能建立变体数组224 变体不包含数组225 变体数组边界错误226 TLS初始化错误* 操作系统错误编号说明--------------------------------------------------------- 0L 没有错误0L 操作成功的完成3L 系统不能找到指定的路径2L 系统不能找到指定的文件4L 系统不能打开该文件5L 存取非法7L 存储控制块被破坏8L 没有足够的空间处理该命令10L 环境不正确11L 企图装载不正确格式的程序14L 处理该操作没有足够的空间16L 目录不能删除17L 系统不能将文件移动到不同的驱动器上18L 没有更多的文件19L 介质写保护20L 系统不能找到指定的设备21L 驱动器没有准备好22L 设备不能识别的命令23L 数据错误24L 程序指定的命令长度不正确25L 驱动器不能找到磁盘上指定的区域和道26L 指定的磁盘不能存取27L 驱动器没有找到请求的扇区28L 打印机没有纸29L 系统不能写到指定的驱动器30L 系统不能从指定的驱动器读取31L 连接到系统上的设备不正常32L 由于文件被其他进程使用,该进程则不能存取33L 由于其他进程已锁定部分文件,该文件不能被进程存取34L 驱动器中错误的磁盘,将%2(卷系列号%3)插入到驱动器%1中36L 打开的共享文件太多38L 到达文件末39L 磁盘满50L 不支持网络请求51L 远程计算机不可用52L 网络上存在重名53L 网络路径没有找到54L 网络在忙55L 指定的网络资源不再有效56L 已达到网络BIOS命令限制57L 网络适配器硬件错误58L 指定的服务器不能执行请求的命令59L 出现意外的网络错误60L 远程适配器不兼容61L 打印队列已满62L 在服务器上存储等待打印文件的空间不足63L 要打印的等待文件被删除64L 指定的网络名不再有效65L 网络存取非法66L 网络资源类型不正确67L 网络名找不到68L 超出局域网网卡的名字限制69L 网络BIOS话路超出70L 远程服务暂停或在启动的过程中71L 网络请求不接受72L 指定的打印机或磁盘驱动器已暂停82L 不能生成目录或文件83L INT24失败84L 处理该请求没有足够的空间85L 本地设备名已在使用88L 网络写失败89L 此时系统不能启动另一进程1331L 帐号当前不能用,因此不能登录1327L 用户名是有效的,但一些限制不能验明用户1379L 指定的别名已存在1344L 分配用于更新的内存块不足183L 试图建立已存在的文件1074L 系统当前正以最新最好的配置运行534L 运算结果超出32位174L 文件系统不支持锁定类型的原子变化199L 操作系统不能运行这一程序160L 传递给DosExecPgm的参数串不正确1361L 安全描述符不在要求的格式1200L 指定的设备名无效119L 系统不支持请求的命令193L %1不是有效的基于Windows的应用程序1346L 指定的模拟级无效或没有提供要求的模拟级1340L 试图建立继承的ACL或没有继承的ACE1365L 登录段与要求的操作状态不一致161L 指定的路径名无效230L 管道状态无效1206L 网络连接协议被损坏1204L 指定的网络提供者名无效159L 线程ID地址不正确1349L 符号对象类型不当2202L 指定的用户名无效1348L 请求的确定信息类是无效的1009L 配置记录数据库被破坏1010L 配置记录密钥无效1102L 遇到磁带头或分区1076L 当前引导已接受为最新的控制设置109L 管道结束111L 文件名太长1111L I/O总线重新设置170L 请求的资源在使用142L 此时系统不能执行JOIN或SUBST120L 输入的API只能在Windows/NT模式下工作1003L 由于一些原因不能完成的功能173L 锁定请求对提供撤消区未解决266L 不能使用1407L 不能找到Windows类1368L 表示要试图通过命名管道的模拟还没有读取1205L 不能打开网络连接协议1351L 没有联系的域控制器或在域内对象被保护,因此不能存取必要信息1310L 委托组不能禁止1347L 试图打开匿名的符号,匿名级的符号不能打开1011L 配置记录密钥不能打开1012L 配置记录密钥不能读取1013L 配置记录密钥不能写1021L 试图在易变的父关键字下建立稳定的子关键字129L 应用程序%1不能在Windows模式下运行1436L 子窗口不能有菜单1059L 指定子循环服务从属1410L 类已存在1411L 类不存在1412L 类仍在打开的窗口中1418L 线程没有打开的剪切板1201L 设备当前没有连接,但要记住连接1421L 没有找到控制ID1121L 由于超时已到,一系列的I/O操作完成1065L 指定的数据库不存在1425L 传递给ReleaseDC的无效HDC1051L 终止控制已送到其他独立运行服务的服务中1435L 不能破坏其他线程产生的对象1202L 试图记住先前记住的设备2404L 设备由激活的进程在使用,不能断开连接1107L 当装载磁带时,找不到磁带的分区信息145L 目录非空144L 目录不是根目录的子目录130L 试图使用文件句柄来打开磁盘操作267L 目录名无效157L 段已丢失,不能锁定107L 由于没有插入交换磁盘,程序终止1393L 磁盘结构损坏,不能在读取112L 磁盘上没有足够的空间1127L 即使重试,存取硬盘也失败1126L 在存取硬盘时,即使重试,存取校准操作也失败1128L 即使磁盘控制器重新设置,存取硬盘也失败1114L DLL初始化例程失败1356L 指定的域已存在1357L 在该版本中试图超出每个服务器域的限制108L 磁盘在使用或被其他进程锁定1221L 工作族或域名已被网络上的其他计算机使用1078L 名字已在作服务器名或服务显示名使用196L 操作系统不能运行这一应用程序994L 对EA的存取非法276L 在安装文件系统上的EA文件被损坏255L EA不一致277L 在安装文件系统的EA文件上的EA表用完275L EA不适合在缓冲区中282L 安装文件系统不支持扩展属性1100L 在操作中出现磁带尾部标志203L 系统不能找到输入的环境选项1129L 遇到磁带的物理尾部1501L 没有打开的日志文件事件,因此事件登录服务没有启动1503L 在读取之间事件日志文件已改变1500L Eventlog登录文件之一破坏1064L 在处理控制请求时出现意外101L 专门信号被其他进程所拥有192L 操作系统不能运行%11208L 出现扩展错误1063L 服务进程不能连接到服务控制器1392L 文件或目录被损坏,不能在读取80L 文件存在1006L 文件卷已变化,因此打开的文件不再有效1101L 磁带存取达到文件标志206L 文件名或后缀太长1125L 软盘控制器返回与登记不一致的结果1122L 在软盘上没有找到ID地址标志1123L 软盘扇区ID域与软盘控制器道地址不匹配1124L 软盘控制器报告出现不能由软驱识别的错误1007L 请求的操作在全屏幕模式不能执行1360L 通配存取类型包含在存取屏蔽中1429L 该异常分支只能为全局设置1318L 指定的组已存在1428L 没有模块处理,不能设置非局部的异常处理1431L 异常分支没有安装1409L 热键已登记1419L 热键没有登记1441L 所有的DeferWindowsPosHWND必须具有相同的父1324L 在更新口令时,该返回状态表示新口令中包含不允许的值202L 操作系统不能运行%1122L 传递给系统调用的数据区太小1358L 由于灾难性的介质错误或磁盘数据结构破坏引起请求的操作不能完成1383L LSA数据库内部不一致1359L SAM遇到内部数据库不一致的错误,可防止SAM的进一步操作1800L 指定的优先级无效1448L 滚动条范围大于0x7FFF1338L 安全描述符结构无效198L 操作系统不能运行%1180L 系统检测到不正确的段号1352L SAM服务器状态错误,不能完成期望的操作1057L 帐号名无效或不存在1052L 对该服务请求的控制无效1071L 指定的服务数据锁定无效1213L 指定的服务名格式无效1215L 指定的共享名格式不正确1449L SHOWWINDOWS命令无效1337L SID结构无效209L 公布的信号不正确1439L 参数无效189L 操作系统不能运行%1188L 操作系统不能运行%11335L 子权限值无效114L 目标内部文件标识符不正确1444L 线程ID无效118L 写后验证开关参数值不正确1400L 窗口处理无效1329L 用户帐号限制,不能从源工作站登录1117L 由于I/O设备错误,请求不能完成996L 重叠的IO时间不在发信号状态997L 重叠的IO操作在处理中197L 操作系统当前不能配置来运行应用程序1119L 不能打开与其它设备共享IRQ的设备,至少有一使用该IRQ的其他设备已打开147L 没有足够的可用资源来处理这一命令133L 由于驱动器已包含连接,JOIN或SUBST命令不能使用134L 试图在已连接的驱动器上使用JOIN或SUBST命令146L 指定的路径正在用替换149L 试图替代先前已替代的驱动器目录135L 试图在已替代的驱动器上使用JOIN或SUBST命令194L 操作系统不能运行%1138L 系统试图替代已替代的目录140L 系统试图替代已替代的目录1430L 日常异常处理已安装1018L 在有删除标志的登记键上非法操作1020L 试图在已有子键或值的登记键建立符号连接154L 输入的卷标超过11个字符的限制,前11个字符写在磁盘上,其余字符自动删除1322L 请求的操作被禁止或删除最新的其余管理员帐号1434L 该列表框不支持制表符1416L 列表符ID没有找到1390L 试图修改用户口令,但没有提供要求的LM口令1303L 联接局部RPC,要求用户话路密钥167L 试图锁定文件失败的区域212L 端锁定,因此不能重新分配1502L 事件登录文件已满1326L 由于用户名或验证信息不正确,试图登录无效1380L 请求登录的类型(如网络,服务等)没有被目标系统授权1366L 登录话路ID已在使用1363L 试图启动新的话路管理程序或用已在使用的LSA登录话路1385L 请求登录的类型(如网络,服务等)没有授权1334L 没有更多可分配的LUID164L 在系统中不能生成更多的线程1110L 驱动器中的介质已改变1378L 指定的帐号名不是别名的成员1320L 指定的用户帐号已在指定的组帐号中或由于组中有成员,不能删除1377L 指定的帐号名不是别名的成员1321L 指定的用户帐号不是指定组帐号的成员1374L 由于组是基本组,因此成员不能从该组中删除208L 取决文件名符号*或?输入不正确或指定的全局文件符号更多126L 不能找到指定的模块234L 需要更多的数据1120L 一系列的I/O操作被其他写到串口的操作完成317L 系统不能找到消息号为0x%1的消息131L 试图在超出文件头的位置移动文件指针215L 不能嵌套调用LoadModule6118L 该工作组的服务器列表当前不可用232L 管道在进程中关闭1104L 在磁带存取中,到达数据标志尾部1309L 试图由当前不在模拟客户的线程上操作模拟符号1391L ACL不包含可继承的组件1019L 系统不能分配记录文件要求的空间1807L 使用的帐号在内域受托帐号中,使用正常的帐号或远程用户帐号来存取该服务器1809L 使用的帐号在服务器受托帐号中,使用正常的帐号或远程用户帐号来存取该服务器1311L 当前没有可用的登录服务器来服务登录请求1808L 使用的帐号在工作站受托帐号中,使用正常的帐号或远程用户帐号来存取该服务器1112L 由于驱动器中没有介质,磁带查询失败259L 没有更多的可用数据113L 没有更多的可用内部文件标识符1203L 没有网络提供者接收给定的路径2138L 没有网络或网络未启动1302L 对该帐号没有指定限额1447L 窗口不能有滚动条1350L 试图对没有安全性的对象操作1116L 由于没有关机在处理中,试图放弃关机失败205L 在命令子树中没有进程有信号句柄1376L 指定的别名不存在1355L 指定的域不存在1319L 指定的组不存在1312L 指定的登录话路不存在,可能已终止1387L 不存在的新成员不能添加到别名中1364L 指定的验证包未知1313L 指定的特权不存在1317L 指定的用户不存在1437L 窗口不能具有系统菜单1008L 试图引用不存在的符号1113L 对目标多字节代码页存在的Unicode字符没有映射1394L 对指定的登录话路没有用户话路密钥125L 磁盘没有卷标1417L 没有找到通配符998L 对内存位置的无效存取1445L 用非MDI子窗口调用DefMDIChildProc1332L 映射的信息没有转变1300L 不是所有权限赋给调用者1442L 窗口不是子窗口2250L 网络连接不存在1207L 不能枚举非容器1130L 没有足够的空间处理该命令服务器136L 系统试图删除没有连接的驱动器158L 段已锁定1362L 请求的动作只受登录进程的限制,调用进程没有登记为登录进程288L 试图释放不被调用者拥有的互斥法1017L 系统试图装载或恢复文件到登记中,但指定的文件格式不正确137L 系统试图删除没有替代的驱动器1022L 改变请求正在完成,信息没有返回在调用者的缓冲区.调用者现在需要模拟文件,以找到所做的修改1386L 没有提供必要的NT交*保密口令而试图以安全帐号管理员改变用户口令1304L WindowsNT的口令太复杂,无法将其转换为Windows的网络口令(该口令返回NULL字符串) 110L 系统不能打开指定的设备或文件2401L 有打开文件或请求在连接期995L 由于线程退出或应用程序请求,I/O操作放弃1105L 磁带没有分区1330L 用户帐号的口令已到期1325L 在更新口令,该状态表示违反一些口令更新规则148L 指定的路径现在不能用231L 所有的管道实体在忙535L 在管道的另一端有进程536L 等待进程打开管道的另一端233L 在管道的另一端没有进程1446L 下拉式菜单已激活1131L 已检测到潜在的僵局条件1802L 打印机已存在1415L 使用局部的DIALOG窗口字1314L 请求的权限客户机没有127L 指定的过程没有找到1067L 进程突然终止1015L 登记文件的文件结构或文件的内存印象系统损坏或文件不能恢复1016L 登记初始化I/O操作有不可恢复的错误,登记不能完成读,写等操作1014L 包含系统登记数据的文件之一已恢复成功201L 操作系统不能运行%11220L 试图建立LAN管理服务器话路,但已建立了很多1306L 两个版本级不兼容207L 2环堆栈在使用200L 代码段不能大于等于64KB1370L 在登记事务委托中出现错误1369L 登记子树的事务状态与请求的操作不兼容143L 系统不能替代相同的驱动器或目录1440L 屏幕已锁定1382L 秘密的长度超出允许的最大长度132L 文件指针不能设置在指定的设备或文件上102L 信号设置不能关闭187L 指定的系统信号名没有找到105L 该信号的先前物主关系已终止121L 信号超时期已到106L 在驱动器1中插入磁盘1118L 串行设备没有初始化,串行设备没有安装1341L GUID分配服务器此时禁止1811L 服务器在使用中,不能卸载1342L 此时允许GUID分配服务器1056L 服务实体已在运行1061L 服务在此时不能接受控制消息1055L 服务数据库锁定1075L 从属服务不存在或已做删除标志1068L 从属服务或组启动失败1058L 指定服务禁止,不能启动1060L 指定作为安装的服务不存在1073L 指定的服务已存在1069L 由于登录失败,服务不能启动1072L 指定的服务已做删除标志1077L 引导后没有启动的服务已启动1054L 不能产生该服务的线程1062L 服务没有启动1053L 服务对启动没有响应或及时地控制请求1066L 服务已返回一服务指定错误代码1070L 在启动后,服务挂在启动等待状态1219L 提供的证书与已有证书集冲突1433L LB_SETCOUNT发送到非缓慢的列表框1103L 磁带存取达到设置标志1115L 系统关闭在处理中162L 信号已暂挂156L 接受进程拒绝信号1301L 要映射的一些信息没有传送1371L 试图在与内置帐号不兼容的SAM帐号上操作1372L 请求的操作不能在指定的组上执行,由于它的内置的特殊组1373L 请求的操作不能在指定的用户上执行,由于它的内置的特殊组1001L 递归太深,堆栈溢出141L 系统试图SUBST一驱动器到已替代驱动器的目录139L 系统试图替代一驱动器到已替代驱动器的目录999L 存取分页的文件错误150L 系统追踪的信息不在指定的CONFIG.SYS文件中或追踪不允许210L 信号句柄没有设置1406L CreateWindows失败,建立WS_CHILD类的顶级窗口1375L 试图建立作为基本使用的符号,但该符号已在使用.一次只能有一个基本的符号1384L 在试图登录中,用户的安全堆集太多的安全ID1333L 请求的LUD数不能在单个的分配中分配214L 太多的动态连接模块连接到该程序中或动态模块中152L 已设置太多的信号298L 给信号太多的邮件1381L 在单个系统中可存储的最大秘密数超出103L 信号不能重新设置100L 不能建立另一系统信号1389L 指定太多的SID155L 不能建立另一线程1108L 试图锁定缺少弹出介质的机构1109L 卸载介质失败1305L 遇到或指定的版本对服务来说未知1005L 卷不包含识别文件系统1316L 指定的用户已存在240L 话路取消128L 没有等待的子进程1423L 窗口不是一命令框1420L 窗口不是一有效的对话框。

delphi makescalescreenshot

delphi makescalescreenshot

delphi makescalescreenshotDelphi Makescale Screenshot: A Detailed GuideIn the world of software development, Delphi is a popular programming language and development environment used for creating various types of applications, including those that need to capture screenshots. Capturing a screenshot, especially a scaled one, can be a complex task, but with Delphi, it becomes a manageable and straightforward process.To understand how Delphi can be used to create a scaled screenshot, let's break down the process into smaller steps.1. Understanding the BasicsBefore delving into the actual code, it's important to understand the basic principles involved. A scaled screenshot means capturing the contents of the screen and then resizing it to a different resolution or dimensions. This resizing process needs to be done while maintaining the integrity of the image, ensuring that it doesn't look distorted or pixelated.2. Preparing the EnvironmentTo begin, make sure you have Delphi installed on your development machine. Delphi comes with a range of built-in libraries and components that can be used for various tasks, including image processing. Ensure that you have the necessary components installed and configured correctly.3. Coding the Screenshot FunctionNow comes the actual coding part. You'll need to write a function that captures the screenshot and then scales it to the desired size. Delphi provides various functions and classes that can be used for this purpose. For example, you can use the TBitmap class to create a bitmap object and then use its methods to capture and resize the screenshot.Here's a simplified example of how the code might look:delphifunction MakeScaleScreenshot(Sender: TControl): TBitmap beginResult := TBitmap.Create; // Create a new bitmap objectResult.Assign(Sender.Handle); // Assign the screenshot to the bitmap Result.StretchDraw(Result.Canvas.Handle, Result.BoundsRect); // Stretch the bitmap to fit the desired sizeend;In this code, we first create a new TBitmap object. Then, we assign the screenshot captured from the control (in this case, Sender) to the bitmap. Finally, we use the StretchDraw method to stretch the bitmap to the desired size.4. Testing and DebuggingAfter writing the code, it's essential to test it thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected. Test the function with different controls and screen resolutions to identify any issues or glitches. Use Delphi's debugging tools to track and fix any potential problems.5. Optimizing and EnhancingOnce the basic functionality is working, you can start optimizing and enhancing the code. For example, you can add parameters to the function to allow for more flexibility in scaling the screenshot. You can also experiment with different image processing techniques to improve the quality of the scaled screenshot.6. Deploying and UsingAfter finalizing the code, you can deploy it in your Delphi application. Make sure to include any necessary libraries or components that the code depends on. Once deployed, you can call the MakeScaleScreenshot function whenever needed to capture a scaled screenshot.In conclusion, using Delphi to create a scaled screenshot is a powerful and flexible approach. With Delphi's robust development tools and libraries, you can easily capture, resize, and process screenshots to meet your specific needs.。



unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs;typeTForm1 = class(TForm)Button1: TButton;procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);private{ Private declarations }public{ Public declarations }end;varForm1: TForm1;implementationuses Unit2;{$R *.dfm}procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);beginShowMessage('1 FormCreate');end;procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);beginShowMessage('1 Destroy');end;initializationShowMessage('1 ini');{单元初始化代码}finalizationShowMessage('1 final');{单元退出时的代码}end.************************************************************ initialization——在单元中放在文件结尾前,包含用来初始化单元的代码,它在主程序运行前运行并且只运行一次。

finalization——在单元中放在initialization 和end. 之间,包含了单元退出时的代码。




•论著•方法学研究•中医药临床研究中应用德尔菲法的系统评价管慧\戴国华2,高武霖2,任丽丽\展志宏\王群11.山东中医药大学第一临床医学院(济南250014)2.山东中医药大学附属医院(济南250011)【摘要】目的系统评价德尔菲法(D e lp h i法)在中医药临床研究的应用现状。

方法计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、CNKI、WanFang D ata和V IP数据库,搜集有关使用Delphi法进行的中医药临床研究和方法学 研究,检索时限均为建库至2020年8月30日。

由2名研究员独立筛选文献、提取资料后,采用定性分析的方法 进行描述性分析。


涉及167种疾病,涉及研 究目的包括疾病诊疗、证候研究、量表研制、评价研究、指标研究、临床调査、方法学研究及其它8大类。

487篇文 献对Delphi法的实施过程和结果进行了不同程度的报告。

结论Delphi法在中医药临床研究应用广泛,但在具 体实施过程中存在不足。

【关键词】德尔菲法;中医药;临床研究;方法学;系统评价Application of Delphi method in clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine: a systematic reviewGUANHui1, DAIGuohua2, GAOWulin2, REN Lili1, ZHAN Zhihong1,WANG Qun11. First Clinical Medical College, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250014, P.R.China2. Affiliated Hospital o f S handong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250011, P.R.ChinaCorresponding author:DAIGuohua,Email:*****************【Abstract 】Objective To systematically review the application status of Delphi method in clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Methods PubMed, EMbase, CNKI, WanFang Data and VIP databases were electronically searched to collect original research and methodological research on Delphi method in TCM from inception to August 30th, 2020. Two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data, and then, descriptive analysis was performed by using qualitative methods. Results A total of 612 articles involving 573 original studies and 39 methodological studies were included, which involved 167 types of diseases. The primary research purposes were disease diagnosis and treatment, syndrome research, scale development, evaluation research, index research, clinical investigation, methodology research, and other 8 categories. 487 papers reported the implementation process and results of Delphi method in varying degrees. Conclusions Delphi method is widely used in clinical research of TCM, however, there are deficiencies in the specific implementation process.【Key words】Delphi method; Traditional Chinese medicine; Clinical research; Methodology; Systematic review中医学理论体系是在长期的临床实践中逐步 建立和发展的,中医药临床工作多凭个案和各家经 验,存在很强的差异性和不确定性,这可能成为阻 碍中医药向标准化、现代化发展的瓶颈。




关于delphi软件运⾏出现Invalid floating point operation的错误的解决办法关于delphi软件运⾏出现Invalid floating point operation的错误的解决办法软件如果有webbrowser载⼊⽹页的时候经常会出现这个错误。






When running floating point code, such as that found in Direct 3D, you will often get a series of floating point exceptions. Microsoft supporesses these exceptions by default, but we raise them. It is easy t Here is how to turn them off in C++Builder:#include float.h__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner): TForm(Owner){_control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);}Here is how to turn them off in Delphi:constMCW_EM = DWord($133f);beginSet8087CW(MCW_EM);end;这是官⽅解决⽅案,⼤体的意思就是加上两句代码。


constMCW_EM = DWord($133f); 这⼀句是定义的常量,当然是写在定义常量的地⽅。

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Preliminary DELPHI Collaboration
N. Skatchkov, O. Smirnova and L.G. Tkatchev JINR, Dubna
The transverse, longitudinal and asymmetric components of the fragmentation function are measured from the inclusive charged particles produced in e+ e? collisions at LEP. As in deep inelastic scattering, these data are important for tests of QCD. The transverse T and longitudinal L components of the total hadronic cross section tot are evaluated from the measured fragmentation functions. They are found to be T = tot = 0:949 0:001(stat:) 0:007(syst:) and L = tot = 0:051 0:001(stat:) 0:007(syst:) respectively. The strong coupling constant is calculated from L = tot in next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD, giving s (MZ ) = 0:120 0:002(stat:) 0:013(syst:) 0:007(scale) : Including non-perturbative power corrections leads to s (MZ ) = 0:101 0:002(stat:) 0:013(syst:) 0:007(scale) : The measured transverse and longitudinal components of the fragmentation function are used to estimate the mean charged multiplicity, hnch i = 21:21 0:01(stat:) 0:20(syst:) The fragmentation functions and multiplicities in bb and light quark events are compared. The measured transverse and longitudinal components of the fragmentation function allow the gluon fragmentation function to be evaluated.
HEP'97 #234 Submitted to Pa 2, 4 Pl 1, 2, 4
DELPHI 97-69 CONF 55 20 July, 1997
Measurement of the Quark and Gluon Fragmentation Functions in Z0 Hadronic Decays
Paper submitted to the HEP'97 Conference Jerusalem, August 19-26
Байду номын сангаас
The study of the inclusive hadron production process e+e? ! h + X provides a test of the QCD predictions h on scaling violation e ects in the fragmentation functions. These functions, Dq(g)(xp), where xp = 2ph =Q with ph and Q the hadron momentum and e+e? centre-of-mass energy respectively, describe the transition of the produced quarks (q) and gluons (g) to the nal state hadrons (h). In the framework of QCD, the fragmentation functions obey DGLAP 1] evolution equations analogous to those used for describing the structure functions of deep-inelastic scattering. QCD analysis of the scaling violation e ects in the fragmentation functions, performed on the basis of these equations, allows the value of s to be extracted 2, 3, 4, 5], as in the structure function analysis of the process of deep-inelastic scattering. A number of experiments 6] have studied the behaviour of the ratio of the longitudinal and transverse structure functions, FL and FT , in deep-inelastic scattering : ? xF F (1) R(x) = FL(x) = F2(x)2F 2x) 1(x) ; T (x) 1( where x is the Bjorken variable, which can be replaced by xp in electron-positron annihilation. These experiments have shown that the value of R(x) decreases rapidly with increasing x. In contrast with all other structure functions Fi(x); i = 1; 2; 3, the longitudinal component FL vanishes in the parton model and is non-zero only in the framework of QCD, where it is proportional to s 7, 8, 9], thus being strongly connected with the structure of perturbative QCD. In analogy with the structure functions, the corresponding inclusive cross section components in e+e? annihilation are also important for perturbation theory. Particularly interesting are the second moments of the fragmentation functions, which can be calculated up to corrections suppressed by some power of =Q, where is the QCD scale parameter. Important information for studies of the scaling violation e ects and on the shapes of the quark and gluon distributions comes from the region of small xp. In this region, the e ects caused by the contribution of the longitudinal component of the fragmentation function become very important. Measurements of the longitudinal component of the fragmentation function, FL(xp), in inclusive charged hadron production, e+e? ! h + X , were performed by the TASSO collaboration 10] at centre-of-mass energies of 14 GeV, 22 GeV and 34 GeV. Due to the limited number of events, those results gave only a qualitative description of the behaviour of FL. It was shown that FL appears to be di erent from zero only at values of xp 0:2. Similar results were found by DELPHI on the basis of the preliminary analysis of 1991 data 11], where only the ratio of the longitudinal and transverse components was obtained. Measurements of the FL and FT fragmentation functions were also published recently by the OPAL and ALEPH collaborations 12, 13]. The study of the di erent components of the fragmentation function in inclusive charged hadron production is performed here using the 1992-1993 DELPHI data. The present approach allows the transverse, longitudinal and asymmetric components of the quark fragmentation function to be measured and the corresponding components of the cross section to be extracted. Using the value of the longitudinal cross section obtained, together with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations, the value of the strong coupling constant is evaluated. Finally, the gluon fragmentation function is estimated in the leading order QCD framework. The following Section 2 describes the procedure of hadronic event selection with the DELPHI detector. Section 3 presents the evaluation method for the fragmentation function components and obtained results. Section 4 is devoted to the calculation of the strong coupling constant. Studies of systematic e ects are presented in Section 5. In Section 6 analysis of fragmentation function components in avour-tagged events is discussed. Extraction of the gluon fragmentation function from FT and FL is described in Section 7. 2