Grand Canyon National Park 大峡谷国家公园入选时间遴选标准遗产面积档案编号Carved out by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon (nearly 1,500 m deep) is one of the most spectacular gorge in the world. Located in the state of Arizona, it cuts across the Grand Canyon National Park. Its horizontal strata retrace the geological history of the past 2 billion years. There are also prehistoric traces of human adaptation to a particularly harsh environment.The Grand Canyon is among the earth’s greatest on-going geological spectacles. Its vastness is stunning, and the evidence it reveals about the earth’s history is invaluable. It twists and turns 445 km and was formed during 6 million years of geological activity and erosion by the Colorado River on the upraised earth’s crust. The buttes, spires, mesas and temples in the canyon are in fact mountains looked down upon from the rims. Horizontal strata exposed in the canyon retrace geological history over 2 billionyears and represent the four major geologic eras.Some people claim that the Grand Canyon, locatedin the northwest of Arizona, is the only natural wonder1) tributary n. 支流2) traverse v. 横穿3) barren adj. 贫瘠的;荒芜的4) erosion n. 侵蚀;腐蚀5) heritage n. 遗产visible from space. This unique geologicallandscape is a masterpiece of the ColoradoRiver, renowned as one of the world’ s largestcanyons and one of the seven wonders ofnature on earth.The Colorado River, which it is namedafter, is a famous river that runs through sevenwestern U.S. states, carrying the melting snowof the Rocky Mountains and the rain water ofthe Pacific Ocean. The river concurs numerous1)tributaries , 2)traverses the red formations of Utah and Arizona, and travels more than 2,300kilometers, irrigating parched and 3)barrentracts of land in the western United Statesbefore flowing into the narrow Gulf of California.How was the stunning canyon formed?That was because the Colorado River made itthrough 4)erosion . Erosion happened when bitsof the ground was worn away. The river thenran over the ground and a canyon was madeafter many years.In 1919, the Grand Canyon became anational park and since then it has been themost popular tourist destination in the UnitedStates. It attracts not only energetic youngclimbers but also sightseers who prefer drivingand walking. Visitors can enjoy an awe-inspiringview of the magnificent ancient canyon from thesteep cliff, which is definitely an unforgettableexperience./文化万花筒WorldviewEvery year tourists from all over the world come to see this gorgeous natural scenery. The first sight of the canyon can leave visitors speechless. Depending on the time of day, the sun lights up the rock walls in red, orange, and golden colors. The bright colors are the result of minerals in the rock. Their appearance changes endlessly—with the light, the time of year, and the weather. It is universally recognized that the Grand Canyon is a magnificent geological phenomenon and a typical landmark of America’ s rich cultural 5)heritage and natural splendor.科罗拉多大峡谷深约1500米,由科罗拉多河长年侵蚀而成,是世界上最为壮观的峡谷之一。
Honeywell BW Solo - 无线气体检测器说明文档说明书
Detección de gasNOETOSO2H2NH3Cl2PH3HCNNO2C l O2H2S O2O3COFácil de manejar Fácil de leer Fácil demantenerFácil de verC A R AC T E RÍS T I C A S Y V E N TA J A SPara optimizar tiempos, incluyendo visibilidad remota de las alarmas,elija la versión inalámbrica. Y gestiónelo con su smartphone.Empareje el Honeywell BW™ Solo inalámbrico con nuestra aplicación móvil"Safety Communicator" y las lecturas del detector se enviarán instantáneamenteal software de supervisión en tiempo real de Honeywell. Acceda a él desdecualquier dispositivo mediante una conexión a Internet y obtenga unavisibilidad remota de la ubicación y la seguridad de los trabajadores.También puede utilizar el Honeywell BW™ Solo inalámbrico para compartir los datossobre gas con el software de escritorio; no requiere ninguna base de conexión.Otras funciones de Honeywell BW™ Solo son:• Opción para activar el IntelliFlash™ o la luz parpadeante de incumplimiento• La capacidad de asignar detectores a los trabajadores y a las ubicaciones• Pantalla fácil de leer que admite varios idiomas• Registro de datos con una lectura evolutiva de valor límite de 24 horasEl detector monogas de última generación que le ayudaa reducir el coste, garantizar el cumplimiento normativoy saber que sus trabajadores están protegidos.Honeywell BW™ Solo tiene todo lo que espera, además defunciones adicionales que lograrán que el cumplimientonormativo sea más fácil y más económico que nunca. Todo esocon una vida útil fiable, un funcionamiento con un solo botóny un perfil pequeño y ligero. Honeywell BW™ Solo es:• El detector monogas más fácil de mantener, sin necesidadde desmontarlo para sustituir sensores, baterías y filtros.Esto significa una larga vida y un coste reducido.• Complételo con una amplia selección de opciones desensor. Contará con una detección exhaustiva, tantosi supervisa peligros comunes como inusuales.CO, H2S y O2. Lo que significa una alta precisión, costesmás bajos y un tiempo de respuesta del sensor más rápidopara los gases que supervise con mayor frecuencia.• Compatible con IntelliDoX. Ahorre tiempo y centralice los datoscon pruebas funcionales, calibraciones y gestión de instrumentosautomáticas. Utilice las estaciones automáticas IntelliDoX conel software Honeywell Safety Suite Device Configurator.Honeywell BW™ SoloDetector monogas duradero y rentableBW™ SOLO Y BW™ SOLOWIRELESS DE HONEYWELLBW™ SOLO LITE*DE HONEYWELLTIPO DE SENSOR Serie 1**Serie 4REGISTRO DE DATOS Sí–REGISTRO DEEVENTOS50 eventos 5 eventosIDIOMAS ADMITIDOS115ASIGNACIÓN DETRABAJADOR YUBICACIÓNSí–* No disponible en América del Norte.** Póngase en contacto con el Servicio de atención al cliente o conel departamento de ventas regional de Honeywell Pregunte por ladisponibilidad al gestor.Honeywell BW™ SoloEspecificaciones técnicasDEBIDO A LA INVESTIGACIÓN CONTINUA Y A LAS MEJORAS CONSTANTES QUE SE APLICAN A LOS PRODUCTOS, LAS ESPECIFICACIONES ESTÁN SUJETAS A CAMBIOS SIN PREVIO AVISO.Datasheet_Honeywell BW Solo_DS110218-01_ES-ES | 11/18© 2018 Honeywell International Inc.* Solamente el Honeywell BW™ Solo Lite (no disponible en América del Norte).SISTEMA DE ACOPLAMIENTO INTELLIDOX IntelliDoX combina los módulos de acoplamiento inteligentes con nuestro sistema de gestión deinstrumentos para proporcionar pruebas automatizadasy facilitar la conservación de registros.Gestión de dispositivos con Honeywell Safety Suite/Safety SuitePara más información Honeywell HPPECra. 11a #98-50, Bogotá, ColombiaTamaulipas 141, 1° Piso, CDMX, México 06140Soporte al Cliente:e-mail:****************************。
D231_QSG_SP_R1 安全摄像头系统用户指南说明书
D231_QSG_SP_R1Serie D231Guía de Configuración RápidaConfiguración física de la grabadora y ajustes esenciales del sistema1 / 2Los paneles traseros que se muestran a continuación son solo ilustrativos.El panel trasero de su grabadora puede ser ligeramente diferente, con todos los mismospuertos en diferentes ubicaciones.Copyright © 2020 Lorex CorporationDebido a que nuestros productos están sujetos a mejoras continuas, Lorex se reserva el derecho de modificar el diseñodel producto, las especificaciones y los precios sin aviso y sin incurrir en ninguna obligación.Excepto errores y omisiones. Todos los derechos reservados.¿Necesita ayuda?Visítenos en línea para encontrar un software actualizado ymanuales de instrucción completosGrabe su contraseña a continuación y guárdela en un lugar seguro:PASO 1:Conecte las cámaras*PASO 2:Conecte el enrutador*PASO 3:Connect el mousePASO 5:PASO 4:Descripción general de los puertos adicionales:Salida/Entrada de audioUSBAsegurar la detección precisa de personas / vehículosLas siguientes notas son importantes para la instalación de la cámara y tienen el fin de garantizar la detección precisa de personas y vehículos. Para obtener instrucciones completas del montaje de la cámara, consulte la Consejos de instalación adicionales:• Apunte la cámara hacia donde haya la menor cantidad de bstrucciones (por ejemplo,ramas de árboles).• Instale la cámara en un lugar que no pueda ser fácilmente alcanzado por vándalos.• Asegure los cables de modo que no queden expuestos o se puedan cortar fácilmente.• Esta cámara está diseñada para usarse en exteriores. Se recomienda la instalación en una ubicación resguardada.• Incline la cámara entre 30~60° hacia abajo desde la posición de nivel.• I nstale la cámara entre 8-16 ft (2,5-5 m) del suelo.NOTA: La precisión de la detección de personas y los vehículos se verá influenciada por múltiples factores, como la distancia de la cámara del objeto, el tamaño del objeto, y la altura y el ángulo de la cámara. La visión nocturna también afectará la precisión de la detección.Busque y reproduzca grabaciones de vídeo desde el disco duro.Desde el modo de visualización en vivo, haga clic derecho y después haga clic en Playback . Inicie sesión con elnombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: admin ) y su nueva contraseña segura.Haga copias de respaldo de las grabaciones en una unidad flash USB (no incluida).Cambio de resolución de la salida de la grabadoraEl sistema ajustará automáticamente la resolución del monitor conectado la primera hora en que usas la grabadora.a. Configure la Resolution coincida con la resolución más alta admitida por su monitor. Por ejemplo, seleccione abba cPara filtrar las grabaciones de personas/vehículos:Hacer clic para detener la reproducción actual.d ePóngase sobre el . ícono. Marque Person / Vehicle para filtrar loseventos de reproducción disponibles.Smart Motion Detection en todos los canales que desee filtrar para la detección de personas/vehículos. Consulte la sección Detección de movimiento avanzado de persona/vehículo para más detalles.a b d cge Seleccione el canal que desea configurar.Haga clic en Enable .Haga clic en Setup al lado de Area para configurar el área activa para la detección de movimiento. Consulte la para obtener detalles.Haga clic en Setup junto a Schedule para establecer elprograma semanal para la detección de movimiento. Figura 2 para obtener detalles.e.Establezca preferencias sobre cómo reacciona el sistema a los eventos de detección de movimiento.f.Haga clic en Smart Motion Detection habilitar la detección de persona/vehículo. Consulte la Figura 3 para obtener detalles.g. Haga clic en Apply para guardar los cambios.fFigura 1: Área de detección de movimientoHaga clic en Enable para permitir la detección de personas y vehículos en el canal seleccionado. IMPORTANT : Un máximo de 2 canales admitirán la detección de persona / vehículo a la vez. Por defecto, la detección de persona / vehículo está habilitada en los canales 1 y 2.Seleccione un nivel de Sensitivity (un valor alto de sensibilidad detectará objetos más pequeños que un valor bajo).Compruebe Person / Vehicle .Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.El horario predeterminado mostrado en la Figura 2, está activo durante la noche, entre las 5 p.m. y las 7 a.m. Haga clic en Modify para cambiar laprogramación para el día correspondiente de la semana.Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.Figura 3: Detección inteligente de movimientoFigura 2: Programa de movimiento• La imagen de la cámara aparece con una cuadrícula superpuesta. Esto significa que toda la imagen está habilitada para la detección de movimiento. • Haga clic o haga clic y arrastre para agregar o quitar los cuadros del área activa. Las celdas que se han eliminado del área activa aparecen de color verde.• Coloque el cursor cerca de la parte superior de la imagen para revelar la selección de la zona. Puede configurar hasta 3 zonas diferentes con diferentes valores de sensibilidad y límite.• Haga clic derecho cuando haya finalizado.Configure lo siguiente:La imagen de la cámara aparece con una cuadrícula superpuesta. El área verde es el área activa para la disuasión. Haga clic o haga clic y arrastre para agregar o quitar los cuadros del área activa.En la Figura 4, solo el movimiento alrededor de la entrada activará la luz de advertencia.Haga clic con el botón derecho cuando haya finalizado.• El horario predeterminado mostrado en laFigura 5, está activo durante la noche, entre las 5 p. m. y las 7 a. m. • Haga clic en Modify para cambiar laprogramación para el día correspondiente de la semana.• Haga clic en OK cuando haya finalizado.Seleccione el canal de una cámarade disuasión conectada.Marque Enable .Haga clic en Setup junto aWarning Light para configurar las preferencias.a b cd fed. Haga clic en Setup al lado de Area para configurar el área activa para la disuasión automática: Consulte la Figura 4 para obtener detalles.e. Haga clic en Setup al lado de Schedule para configurar el área activa para la disuasión automática. Consulte la Figura 5 para obtener detalles.f.Haga clic en Apply .Figura 5: Programa de disuasiónFigura 4: Área de disuasiónPara cambiar la resolución de salida de la grabadora:En la visualización en vivo, haga clic con el botón derecho y luego haga clic en nombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: Haga clic en DISPLAY , luego configure lo siguiente:IMPORTANTE: Si necesita cambiar el monitor, asegúrese de configurar la grabadora en una resolución de salida compatible con el nuevo monitor antes de cambiar.Para hacer copias de respaldo de las grabaciones:Inserte una unidad flash USB formateada (no incluida) en un puerto USB de la grabadora.En la visualización en vivo, haga clic con el botón derecho y luego haga clic en Main Menu . Inicie sesión con elnombre de usuario del sistema (predeterminado: admin ) y su nueva contraseña segura.Para abrir rápidamente una ventana que muestre la información importante del sistema, como la Id. del dispositivo, el número de modelo, la versión de firmware y la dirección IP:Acceso rápido a la información del sistemaPresione el botón en el panel frontal de la grabadora.Haga clic derecho para abrir el menú rápido y haga clic en Info .OEn visualización en vivo, mueva el cursor hacia la parte superior de la pantalla para abrir la barra de navegación. Aleje el cursor de la parte superior de la pantalla para cerrar la barra de navegación.Durante la visualización en vivo: acercar/alejar.a b cdefggrabaciones de las que desea hacer una copia de respaldo.。
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拉尔夫· 劳伦即Ralph Laur国气息。拉尔夫· 劳 伦名下的两个品牌PolobyRalphLa uren和RalphLauren在全球开创了 高品质时装的销售领域,将设计 师拉尔夫· 劳伦的盛名和拉尔夫· 劳 伦品牌的光辉形象不断发扬。
与POLO衫一样,POLO箱包所产生的影响, 并不仅仅只是让这世界上多了一个知名品牌, 而是在全球范围内塑造出一种新的生活方式, 一种现代成功人士的生活方式。
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span作为延续POLO衫自由舒适、高端内敛风格的经典之作,POLO箱 包倾注了拉尔夫· 劳伦的心血,它不仅仅只是出行时装纳零杂物件的工 具,而是成为了一种生活方式。
选料和工艺上的考究,设计和审美上的独特,POLO箱包的风格特质, 往往让人联想到飞扬的神采、睿智的顾盼这些精英贵族的形象。POLO 箱包将贵族式的优雅与现代精英的时尚融合,定义出一种适合现代成功 人士的生活方式。于是每一个POLO箱包的拥有者,都是古典而时尚、 高贵而不羁的生活方式的拥有者。[span]至如今,POLO箱包已经像PO LO衫一样风靡全球。
在马上威风、潇洒的骑士,正扬杆击球的”便是 在美国加州创立了近90年的圣大保罗马球俱乐部 系列产品的享誉世界的著名标志。圣大保罗名牌 系列服饰,有休闲、运动服装及西服、牛仔、绒 衫
refrigerator-freezer 用户手册 .pdf_1702072400.84855说明
PLEASEREAD THIS OWNER'S MANUAL THOROUGHLY BEFORE OPERATING AND KEEP IT HANDY FOR REFERENCE AT ALL TIMES.OWNER'S MANUALREFRIGERATOR-FREEZERPOR FAVOR,LEIA TODO ESTE GUIA DO USUçRIO COM ATEN ÌO,ANTES DE OPERAR EMANTENHA-O A MÌO PARA CONSULTç-LO SEMPRE QUE PRECISAR.Guia do Usu rioFRIGOR FICO-CONGELADORLEA ESTE MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES DETENIDAMENTE Y GUçRDELO COMO REFERENCIA PARA EL FUTURO.MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONESFRIGORIFICO -CONGELADORINSTALLATION (4)FEATURE CHART (5)OPERATION (6)StartingTemperature ControlIce MakingChilled CompartmentDefrostingDeodorizer (Optional)SUGGESTIONS ON FOOD STORAGE (9)REVERSIBLE DOOR (10)PrecautionHow to reverse the doorCLEANING (12)GENERAL INFORMATION (12)LAMP REPLACEMENT (13)IMPORTANT WARNINGS (3)BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE .........13CONTENTSVitamin Kit (Optional)THIS REFRIGERATOR IS MANUFACTURED WITH GREAT CARE AND UTILIZES THE LATEST IN TECHNOLOGY.WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT YOU WILL BE FULLY SATISFIED WITH ITS PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY.BEFORE USING YOUR REFRIGERATOR, PLEASE READ THIS BOOKLET CAREFULLY. IT PROVIDES EXACT INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE, AND ALSO SUPPLIES SOME USEFUL HINTS.DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD Use this appliance on a dedicated circuit; that is, an outlet that is the only outlet on the circuit. Overloading a circuit causes low voltage, malfunction, possible damage to the equipment, and poor cooling capacity.Check your local electric code or consult a qualified electrician if you have questions. ACCESSIBILITY SUPPLY PLUGThe refrigerator-freezer should be so positioned that the supply plug is accessible for quick disconnection if an accident happens. SUPPLY CORD REPLACEMENTIf the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or replacement or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.ABOUT GROUNDING (EARTHING)In the event of an electric short circuit, grounding (earthing) reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current. In order to prevent possible electric shock, this appliance must be grounded.Improper use of the grounding plug can result in an electric shock. Consult a qualified electrician or service person if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if you have doubts on whether the appliance is properly grounded.DO NOT MODIFY OR EXTEND THEIt will cause electric shockor fire.VERY DANGEROUS ATTRACTION An empty refrigerator can be a dangerous attraction to children. Remove either gaskets, latches, lids or the entire door from your unused appliance,or take some other action to make it harmless.This appliance must be grounded (earthed).DON'T WAIT! DO IT NOW!Do not store inflammable materials, explosives, or chemicals in the refrigerator.Disposal of the old applianceThis appliance contains fluid (refrigerant, lubricant) and is made of parts and materials which are reusable and/or recyclable.All the important materials should be sent to the collection center of waste material and can be reused after rework (recycling). For take back, please contact with the local agency.SELECT A GOOD LOCATION1. Place your refrigerator where it is easy to use.2. Avoid placing the refrigerator near heat sources, direct sunlight or moisture.3. To ensure proper air circulat ion around thefridge-freezer, please maintain sufficient space on both the sides as well as top and maintain at least 2 inches (5 cm) from the rear wall.4. To avoid vibrations, the refrigerator must be level. If necessary, adjust the leveling screw(s) to compensate for unevenness of the floor.To close the doors easily, the front should be slightly higher than the rear. Leveling screw(s) can be turned easily by tipping the cabinet slightly. Turn the leveling screw(s) clockwise to raise the refrigerator, counterclockwise to lower it.NEXT1. Wipe off all dust accumulated during shippingand clean your refrigerator thoroughly.2. Install accessories such as the ice cube box,evaporating tray cover, etc., in their properplaces. They are packed together to prevent possible damage during shipping.3. Connect the power supply cord (or plug) to theoutlet. Don't double up with other appliances on the same outlet.4. Prior to use, let the refrigerator run for 2-3hours. Check the flow of cold air in the freezer compartment to ensure proper cooling hastaken place.Your refrigerator is now ready for use.DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD APPLIANCE1. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to aproduct it means the product is covered by the European Directive2002/96/EC.2. All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separatelyfrom the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilitiesappointed by the government or the local authorities.3. The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potentialnegative consequences for the environment and human health.4. For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance,please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shopwhere you purchased the product.• Information of fluorinated greenhouse gasesused as refrigerant of this refrigerator.All parts shown may not be included with every model.N O T EFREEZERCOMPARTMENTREFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENTType Ice TrayControl Knob Control MicomLampVegetable Drawer fresh and crisp.Freezer Door RackEgg Storage RackRefrigerator Door RackLeveling ScrewsCap Hinge (Optional)Removable Rack ShelfShelvesSTARTINGWhen your refrigerator is first installed, allow it 2-3 hours to stabilize at normal operating temperatures prior to filling it with fresh or frozen foods.If operation is interrupted, wait 5 minutes before restarting.The default setting of the temperature control knob for the freezer compartment is the MID point.For colder temperatures, adjust the control knob to MAX , and for warmer temperatures, adjust the control knob to MINposition.TEMPERATURE CONTROLREFRIGERATORFREEZERThe default setting of the temperature control button for the refrigerator compartment is NORMAL.You can set the refrigerator temperature using the Refrigerator Temperature Control .Whenever pressing the button, the LED emit light.The temperature of the compartment is highered as the LED luminesce from MIN to MAX .You can select the desired set point in five (5) steps between minimum and maximum.For the economic electricity, set the LED to theMINposition.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ICE MAKINGDetermine which type ice-making system you have.General TypeG To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water andplace it on the ice cube box. Then insert the icecube box in the freezer compartment.G To remove ice cubes, hold the tray at its ends andtwist gently.Twisting Ice Serve TypeG To make ice cubes, fill the ice tray with water andinsert in its position.G To remove ice cubes, hold the knob of the tray andturn gently. Then, ice cubes drop in the ice cubebox.G You can remove the Twisting Ice Serve to make thefreezer compartment larger.G You should remove the ice Trays and Ice Cube Boxfirst, then pull the frame out toword the right side.FrameIce T raysIce Cube BoxIce T rays Ice Cube BoxCHILLED COMPARTMENTWhen the door is opened, the warmer air doesn't influence the fresh meat. You can keep food fresher in it.DEFROSTINGG Defrosting takes place automatically.GThe defrosted water flows down to the evaporating tray which is located in the lower back side of the refrigerator and is evaporated automatically.DEODORIZER (OPTIONAL)G By using a catalyst, deodorizing performance is guaranteed.GUnpleasant odor of food in the fresh food compartment is deodorized with no harm to you and the food.How to useGAs the catalyst is located in cooling air outlet for circulating air in fresh food compartment, there is no need to touch it.GDo not puncture the cooling air outlet with a sharp tip because the deodorizing catalyst may be damaged.GWhen storing food with a strong odor, wrap it or store it in a container with a lid because the odor may be absorbed by other foods.VITAMIN KIT (OPTIONAL)It contains anti-oxydant that is able to avoidoxidation process in order to make the fruits and vegetables fresh for longer time.STORING FOODG Store fresh food in the refrigerator compartment. How food is frozen and thawed is an important factorin maintaining its freshness and flavor.G Do not store food which goes bad easily at low temperatures, such as bananas, pineapples, and melons.G Allow hot food to cool prior to storing. Placing hot food in the refrigerator could spoil other food and lead to higher electric bills!G When storing, cover food with vinyl wrap or store in a container with a lid. This prevents moisture from evaporating and helps food to keep its taste and nutrients.G Do not block air vents with food. Smooth circulation of chilled air keeps refrigerator temperatures even.G Do not open the door frequently. Opening the door lets warm air enter the refrigerator, causing temperatures to rise.FREEZER COMPARTMENTG Do not store bottles in the freezer compartment - they may break when frozen.G Do not refreeze food that has been thawed. This deteriorates taste and nutrition.G When storing frozen food like ice cream for a long period, place it on the freezer shelf,not in the door rack.G Avoid storing any food close to the bottom area of the freezer shelf to keep efficient air circulation. REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENTG Avoid placing moist food deep inside refrigerator shelves, it could freeze upon direct contactwith chilled air.G Always clean food prior to refrigeration. Vegetables and fruits should be washed and wiped,and packed food should be wiped clean to prevent adjacent food from spoiling.G When storing eggs in their storage rack, ensure that they are fresh. Always store them in a upright position, which keeps them fresh longer.PRECAUTION1. The door can be reversed if required by location or user preference.2. Before reversing the door, remove all foods and accessories (shelves, trays, bins, etc.) Which are not attached to the refrigerator.3. Use a phillips driver, bolt driver, torque wrench, or spanner to remove or attach the bolt.4. Be careful not to drop the refrigerator when assembling or disassembleling the lower hinge and the adjustable screw assembly.5. Don’t lay the refrigerator down while working on it, as this will cause a malfunction and damage.6. Be careful not to drop the doors when removing or replacing them.HOW TO REVERSE THE DOOR(when converting from the left-opening type to right opening type)- Converting Door is OptionalRemove the cap and upper hingeRemove the Freezer DoorRemove the center hinge and the Refrigerator Door Remove the lower hinge11Reverse the pin position of the upper hinge12Assemble the upper hinge and replace the cap567Move the cap and bracket to the opposite side of the refrigerator door8Move the cap to the opposite side andIt is important that your refrigerator be kept clean to prevent undesirable odors. Spilled food should be wiped up immediately, since it may acidify and stain plastic surfaces if allowed to settle.Never use metallic scouring pads, brushes, coarse abrasive cleaners, or strong alkaline solutions on any surface.Before you clean, remember that damp objects will stick or adhere to extremely cold surfaces. Do not touch frozen surfaces with wet or damp hands. EXTERIOR -Use a lukewarm solution of mild soap or detergent to clean the durable finish of your refrigerator. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth and then dry.INTERIOR -Regular cleaning of the interior and interior parts is recommended. If you have the No Frost model which defrosts automatically, leave both doors open during the entire cleaning process. Disconnect the power supply, and remove food and all compartment shelves, storage trays etc.Wash all compartments with a baking soda solution. Rinse and dry.INTERIOR PARTS -Wash compartment shelves, door racks, storage trays, and magnetic door seals etc. with the baking soda solution or a mild detergent and warm water. Rinse and dry.VACATION TIMEDuring average length vacations, you will probably find it best to leave the refrigerator in operation. Place freezable items in freezer for longer life. When you plan to be away for an extended period, remove all food, disconnect the power cord, clean the interior thoroughly, and leave each door OPENto prevent odor formation.POWER FAILUREMost power failures are corrected in an hour or two and will not affect your refrigerator temperatures. However, you should minimize the number of door openings while the power is off. During power failures of longer duration, place a block of dry iceon top of your frozen packages.DRY ICE WARNINGWhen using dry ice, provide adequate ventilation. Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide (CO2).When it vaporizes, it can displace oxygen, causing dizziness, light-headedness, unconsciousness, and death by suffocation.Open a window and do not breathe the vapors.IF YOU MOVEIf you move, empty the refrigerator (freezer) completely and wash a mild solution of baking soda and water. (2 TBS soda to 1 quart water) Be sure the soda is completely dissolved to avoid scratching the inside of the refrigerator (freezer). Secure any loose items, such as racks, bins, ice trays, etc. Do not try to move a loaded refrigerator. ANTI-CONDENSATION PIPEThe outside wall of the refrigerator cabinet may sometimes get warm,especially just afterinstallation.Don't be alarmed.This is due to theanti-condensation pipe,which pumps hot refrigerantto prevent sweating on theouter cabinet wall.WARNINGAlways remove power cord from the wall outlet prior to cleaning in the vicinity of electricalparts (lamps, switches, controls, etc.).Wipe up excess moisture with a sponge orcloth to prevent water or liquid from getting into any electrical part and causing a electricshock. Do not use flammable or toxic cleaning liquids.1. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.2. Remove refrigerator shelves.3. To remove the lamp cover, insert a slotted driver at the one of under hole of the lamp cover and pull it out forwards.4. Turn the lamp counterclockwise.5. Assemble in reverse order of disassembly.Replacement bulb must be the same specification as original.SERVICE CALLS CAN OFTEN BE AVOIDED!IF YOU FEEL YOUR REFRIGERATOR IS NOT OPERATING PROPERLY, CHECK THESE POSSIBLECAUSES FIRST :。
AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
”In my opinion:只要能通过英语,想出汉语,就行了。
A association 联系;社团academic 学术的astronaut 宇航员accent 口音astronomer 天文学家account 账目atmosphere 大气;气氛accurate 精确地atom 原子accuse 控告audience 听众acid 酸的automatic 自动的acre 英亩;土地avenue 大道act 法令;表演(~+ as)award 奖励actual 现实的aware 明白的administration 执行,管理admire 羡慕advance 促进,发展;前进adventure 冒险 Baffair 事,事情bacon 咸猪肉aggression 入侵bacterium 细菌(复:bacteria)aircraft 飞机badminton 羽毛球airspace 领空baggage 行李alcohol 酒精ballet 舞会allergic 过敏ballon 气球alphabet 字母表bargain 讨价还价;廉价商品ambassador 大使basement 地下室ambulance 救护车basin 脸盆analyse 分析battle 战场amusement 娱乐beast 野兽ancestor 祖宗bend 弯曲angle 角;角度beneath 在…下面ankle 踝关节bill 账单Antarctic 南极bitter 有苦味的Arctic 北极blanket 毛毯approach 接近blouse 宽罩衫approximately 大约bookmark 书签apron 围裙brake 刹车architect 建筑师branch 分公司;小树枝arithmetic 算数brand 商标ashamed 方面bride 新娘aspect 方面bridegroom 新郎assistant 助手broad 宽大broadcast 广播circus 马戏团broom 扫帚citizen 公民bucket 桶;铲斗civil 民用的budget 预算clap 拍手bunch 串;卷claw 爪子burglar 窃贼clerk 职员butcher 屠夫climate 气候button 纽扣coach 教练;马车cock 公鸡collar 衣领comb 梳子C comment 评论cabbage 卷心菜companion 同伴camel 骆驼committee 委员会cancel 取消comrade 同志candle 蜡烛comprehension 理解canteen 食堂conduct 引导carpenter 木匠consequence 后果carpet 地毯consult 查阅carriage 四轮马车contemporary 当代的cassette 磁带content 甘愿的castle 城堡contrary 相反地cathedral 大教堂coral 珊瑚cattle 牛cordless 无线的cautious 谨慎的corporation 公司cave 山洞cottage 别墅ceiling 天花板cotton 棉花centigrade 摄氏度course 经过chain 拉链court 法庭chairman 主席courtyard 院子chalk 粉笔Coworker 合作者;同事channel 频道crayon 蜡笔chant 圣歌;歌唱credit 信用chapter 章cruel 残忍的chart 图表curtain 窗帘cheat 欺骗cheek 脸蛋chef 厨师chemical 化学 Dcheque 支票damp 潮湿的chest 胸daylight 黎明chimney 烟囱debt 债务cigar 雪茄decorate 修饰deed 行迹enthusiasm 热情的defeat 击败entire 全部的degree 学位entrance 入口deserve 值得envy 羡慕determine 决心equipment 设备detective 侦探eraser 橡皮dial 拨打error 差错dialogue 对话essay 散文dictation 听写exist 存在dinosaur 恐龙existence 生存dip 蘸,浸expectation 期望discount 折扣explode 爆炸disk(disc) 磁盘exploit 开发distinction 差别explorer 探险者distinguish 辨别express 表达dive 跳水extra 额外的division 除extraordinary 离奇的divorce 离婚extreme 极端的document 文件extremely 极其的dormitory 学生宿舍eyewitness 目击证人drawer 抽屉dryer(drier) 吹风机drill 钻头drown 淹死 Fdusk 黄昏facial 面部用的dust 尘土fair 公平;皮肤白;集市dustbin 垃圾箱false 不公平dusty 尘土多的fan 风扇;粉丝fare 费用fault 缺点fax 传真E fellow 同伴edition 版本fence 栅栏editor 编辑field 田地elder 长者fierce 猛烈地electric 电file 文档;列队前进embarrass 尴尬fireplace 壁炉embassy 大使馆firm 公司;坚固的emergency 紧急情况flame 火焰empire 帝国flaming 火焰般的employ 雇佣flour 面粉engine 引擎fluent 流行fold 折叠gruel 粥folk 民间的guard 警戒fond 喜欢be ~ of guest 宾客;顾客forecast 预告guidance 引导fork 叉子guilty 有罪的franc 法郎frequent 经常fried 油煎的fuel 燃料Hfunction 作用hammer 锤子fur 皮毛handkerchief 手帕furniture 家具handle 把手handsome 英俊的harbour 港口harvest 收割G hawk 鹰gale 强风hay 干草饲料gain 获得heap 堆起来garage 停车场heaven 天空garlic 大蒜heel 脚后跟gate 大门helicopter 直升飞机general 大体上heroine 女英雄generation 代,一代人hibernate 冬眠generous 慷慨的hive 蜂房gesture 姿势,手势hole 洞gifted 有才的honour 光荣的giraffe 长颈鹿horrible 令人恐慌的glad 高兴hunt 猎取glory 光荣的glove 手套glue 胶水goat 山羊goodness 美德Igoose 鹅identity 身份gown 睡衣idiom 成语grain 谷物illegal 违法的gram 克inch 英寸granny 祖母incorrect 不正确的grape 葡萄ink 墨水grasp 抓住inn 小饭店greengrocer 蔬菜水果商innocent 清白的grocery 杂货店insect 昆虫insert 插入leak 渗漏insist 坚持leather 皮革inspect 检查leftover 剩下的;剩菜institute 学院lemon 柠檬insurance 保险金lemonade 柠檬汁intelligence 智力lid 盖子intention 意图打算link 联系interpreter 口头翻译lip 嘴唇interrupt 打断liquid 液体iron 熨烫literature 文字irrigate 灌溉literary 文学的litre 公升load 担子;货物locust 蝗虫J loose 松的jar 罐子luggage 行李jaw 下巴lorry 卡车jewel(ry) 宝石(总称)journalist 记者judge 裁判;判断jor 欢乐Mjuicy 多汁的male 雄的justice 正义mainland 大陆majority 大多数的mankind 人类march 行军;游行K marriage 婚姻kettle 水壶master 精通kick 踢mat 垫子kindergarten 幼儿园material 原料Kangaroo 袋鼠mathematic 数学mend 修补mental 脑力的;精神的mercy 怜悯L merry 高兴地labour 劳动力method 方法ladder 梯子mild 温和的lamb 羔羊minority 少数的;少数民族lap 一圈;膝部mirror 镜子laser 激光missile 导弹lavatory 厕所moral 道德的lead 铅;领导mosquito 蚊子moustache 小胡子pea 豌豆mouthful 满口的peasant 农民movement 运动pension 养老金multiply 乘pepper 胡椒粉mushroom 蘑菇period 时代pillow 枕头pine 松树pineapple 菠萝N pioneer 先锋nationality 国籍pipe 管子neat 灵巧的;整洁的plain 家常的necktie 领带plate 盘子needle 注射器platform 月台nephew 侄子plug 塞子nest 巢plus 塞上niece 侄女political 政治的nuclear 原子核的policy 方针nursery 托儿所pond 池塘nursing 护理pork 猪肉nylon 尼龙port 港口postage 邮费pot 锅powder 粉O pressure 压迫occupy 占有preview 预习official 官方的print 印刷operate 负责;做手术private 私人optimistic 乐观的pub 酒吧oral 口述的pump 用泵抽ouch 哎呦pupil 小学生outward 向外的purse 钱包puzzle 难题puzzled 困惑的Ppackage 钱包pale 苍白的Qparcel 包裹quality 质量parrot 鹦鹉quantity 数量path 小道quarter 一刻钟;四分之一pattern 样式quiz 测试pause 中止R scholar 学者race 民族scholarship 奖学金railway 铁路scissors 剪刀rainfall 降雨量seaman 水手rank 军衔secretary 秘书rapid 快的secure 安全的rat 老鼠seed 种子raw material 原料selfish 自私的reasonable 合理的senior 年长的;高级的recover 恢复separate 使分开;分开的repeat 重复settle 定居recall 回忆起sew 缝retell 复述shade 阴凉处redirect 使改变shadow 影子reform 改革shame 惭愧的refrigerator 冰箱sharp 锋利的regards 打招呼n Pencil sharpener 转笔刀regret 可惜shave 刮regular 规律的sheep 羊reliable 可靠地sheet 薄板;床单relief 减轻shoot 小树枝;芽;射击restrict 限制shore 滨;岸review 评论;复习sidewalk 人行道riddle 谜语silent 无声的roast 烤肉silk 丝绸roller 滚筒silver 银色的rope 绳子sink 污水槽;下沉row 划船ski 滑雪rubber 橡胶skilled 熟练地rule 规则;统治skyscraper 摩天大楼slave 奴隶sleeve 袖子slip 滑S smooth 光滑的sailor 水手snatch 夺salary 薪水sock 袜子salt 盐soil 土壤satellite 卫星sort 种类sauce 酱汁sour 酸的savage 野蛮人sparrow 麻雀scene 布景spirit 精神schedule 计划spit 吐痰splendid 灿烂的thread .线;螺纹;思路spoon 汤匙temporary 暂时的spot 点;现场tick 做记号spring 泉水;春天tidy 整洁的spy 侦探tight 牢牢地square 平方的toast 祝酒squid 鱿鱼tobacco 烟草squirrel 松鼠toilet 厕所standard 标准的tomb 坟statement 声明tongue 舌头status 身份tool 工具steak 牛排toothpaste 牙膏steam 蒸汽totally 完全的steel 钢铁towel 毛巾steep 陡峭的treasure 财富stove 火炉trial 试用strawberry 草莓triangle 三角形stream 溪流trick 诡计;玩笑play a ~ on strike 罢工;敲打trolleybus 无轨电车studio 工作室;摄影棚troop 部队summary 摘要trousers 裤子sunrise 黎明tutor 家庭教师sunset 黄昏tyre 轮胎suspect 犯罪嫌疑人swallow 咽;燕子sweat 汗水swell 膨胀Uundo 松开undivided 专心的union 工会;联合Ttail 尾巴tale 故事;传说Vtanker 油船valuable 值钱的tap 龙头value 价值tape 磁带vanilla 香草tear 撕开;流泪various 各式各样的telegram 电报vase 花瓶telegraph 发电报vast 巨大的temptation 引诱vehicle 陆上交通工具tent 帐篷vest 内衣theory 理论viewer 观看者vinegar 醋wise 聪明的visual 视觉的wool 羊毛voyage 旅行workforce 劳动力worm 蚯蚓wound 伤口wrist 腕W wounded 受伤的wage 工资waist 腰walnut 胡桃wallet 皮夹克Zward 保卫zebra 斑马whale 鲸鱼zip 拉开wheat 小麦Zip code 邮政区号wheel 轮whisper 口哨whistle 低语wide 宽的widespread 分布广的will 意志;遗嘱be ~ towillingness 意愿windbreaker 风衣wing 机翼wisdom 智慧。
Whirlpool 洗衣机用户手册说明书
E AWO/D 43115TABLA DE PROGRAMAS❉:opcional / Sí : requiere dosificación1)Para un mejor cuidado de la ropa, en este programa la velocidad de centrifugado está limitada a 400 rpm.5019 301 10258Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USAProgramaEtiquetas de mante-nimiento Tipo de lavado/notas- Para seleccionar la temperatura, respete las recomendaciones del fabricante quefiguran en la etiqueta de mantenimientoCarga máx.kgDetergentes y aditivos Opciones especialesVelocidad máx.centri-fugado rpmPre-lavado Lavado PrincipalSuavizante Pre-lavado Lavado en frío Anti-arrugas Centri-fugado variableAlgodón40 - 60 - 95 °C40 - 60 - 95 °CRopa de cama, mantelería, ropa interior, toallas, camisas, etc., de algodón o lino con suciedad de normal a elevada.Para ropa muy sucia también se puede seleccionar la opción adicional de “prelavado”.5,0❉Sí❉❉❉❉❉1000Sintéticos 30 - 40 - 60 °C 30 - 40 - 60 °CBlusas, camisetas, delantales etc., con un con un grado de suciedad leve o normal de poliéster (Diolen, T revira), poliamida (Perlon, Nylon) o mezclas con algodón.2,5❉Sí❉❉❉❉❉1000Delicados30 - 40 °C 30 - 40 °CCortinas y prendas delicadas, vestidos, faldas y blusas.1,5❉Sí❉❉❉—❉1000Carga diaria40 °C40 °CT extiles de algodón o fibra sintética con suciedad leve o normal.3,0—Sí❉—❉❉❉1000Lavado rápido30 °C30 °CRopa externa poco usada de algodón, poliéster, poliamida y mezclas con algodón.3,0—Sí❉—❉—❉1000LanaFrío - 40 °C- 40 °C Sólo prendas de lana sin acabado de fieltro, etiquetadas con la marca de lana y como resistentes al lavado a máquina.1,0—Sí❉—❉—❉1000Lavado a mano40 °C 40 °C T extiles de lino, seda, lana y viscosa etiquetados como “lavar a mano”.1,0—Sí❉———❉4001)Lencería 30 °C30 °CEste ciclo es especialmente adecuado para la lencería fina (se recomienda el uso de una red para lavado).1,0—Sí❉—❉—❉4001)Aclarado y centrifugado—Igual que el último aclarado y el centrifugado final del programa “Algodón”.5,0——❉———❉1000Centrifugado —Este programa incluye un centrifugado intensivo. Es el mismo que en el programa “Algodón”.5,0——————❉1000Centrifugado suave —Este programa utiliza un centrifugado suave. Es el mismo que en el programa “Lana”.1,0——————❉1000Descarga de agua—El agua se elimina sin centrifugar.—————————A.Indicación de “Puerta abierta”La lavadora posee unas funciones de seguridad automáticas gracias a las cuales reconoce e indicainmediatamente los posibles fallos y reacciona adecuadamente, p. ej.:B.Indicación de “Reparación”C.Indicación de “Grifo cerrado”D.Indicación de “Limpie la bomba”E.Selector de programasF.Botón “Inicio/Pausa”G.Selector de velocidad de centrifugadoH.Indicador de avance del programaI.Botón “Reinicio”DHC FIGEB A5019 301 10258Whirlpool is a registered trademark of Whirlpool USAAñada detergente según lo indicado en la primera página y en las instrucciones de uso. Cierre la puerta y gire el selector de programas al programa y la temperatura que desee. Destella el indicador luminoso situado junto al botón “Inicio/Pausa”.Pulse los botones de las opciones que desee. Seencienden los indicadores luminosos correspondientes.Si no es posible una combinación de programa y opciones adicionales, los indicadores luminosos se apagan automáticamente. Las combinaciones de opciones que no son posibles quedan automáticamente desactivadas.Botón “Prelavado”•Sólo para cargas de ropa muy sucia (por ejemplo con arena, suciedad gruesa). El tiempo del ciclo aumenta aproximadamente 15 minutos.Botón “Lavado en frío”•El agua sólo se calienta hasta 20 °C•Opción adecuada para ropa delicada con una temperatura máxima recomendada en la etiqueta de 30 °C.•Sólo se puede seleccionar en el paso de temperatura mínima de cada programa.Botón “Antiarrugas”•Puede utilizarse junto con los programas “Algodón”, “T ejidos sintéticos” y “Carga diaria” para facilitar el planchado.•Mejora la calidad del agua y realiza un centrifugado suave.Botón “Centrifugado variable”•Cada programa posee una velocidad máxima de centrifugado predefinida.•Pulse el botón para ajustar otra velocidad de centrifugado.•Si selecciona la velocidad de centrifugado “0” el centrifugado final se cancela pero los niveles intermedios del centrifugado continúan durante el aclarado. El agua se elimina sin centrifugar.DATOS DE CONSUMOPrograma T emperatura (°C)Carga(kg)Agua(l)Energía(kWh)Duración aprox. delprograma (horas :minutos)*Algodón 955,049**1,902:00Algodón ***605,0440,852:20Algodón 405,0440,602:00T ejidos sintéticos 602,550**0,70 1.30T ejidos sintéticos 402,5450,551:15T ejidos delicados 301,5500,500:45Prendas mixtas 403,0450,451:00Lavado rápido303,0400,400:30Lana401,0550,600:45Lavado a mano 401,0450,600:40Lencería301,0450,500:40Los datos de consumo se midieron en condiciones normalizadas de acuerdo con la norma CEI/EN 60456. Los valores de consumo en el hogar pueden variar respecto a los valores de la tabla según la presión y temperatura del agua, la carga y el tipo de lavado.*El indicador de tiempo restante puede desviarse de los valores de la tabla, porque considera las condiciones de la vivienda que corresponden en ese momento.**Para reducir la temperatura del agua, se agrega agua fría al final del ciclo principal de lavado, antes de que la bombavacíe el agua.***Programa de referencia para la etiqueta de energía.AÑADA DETERGENTE, CIERRE LA PUERTA Y SELECCIONE EL PROGRAMASELECCIONE CUALQUIER OPCIÓN Abra el grifo y pulse el botón “Inicio/Pausa”. Destella el indicador luminoso situado junto al botón“Inicio/Pausa”. El indicador de secuencia del programa muestra la fase actual del programa, de izquierda a derecha a través de Lavado, Aclarado y Centrifugado/Descarga.•Cuando termina la fase del programa, se apaga el indicador luminoso correspondiente.Antes del inicio y de la finalización de un programa, los indicadores luminosos se encienden para señalar que se puede abrir la puerta. Mientras el programa de lavado esté en marcha, la puerta permanece cerrada y por ninguna razón se debe intentar forzar su apertura. En caso de una necesidad urgente de abrirla durante un programa en marcha, consulte “Cancelación (Reinicio) de un programa antes de que termine”.“Reparación”El indicador de “Reparación” se puede encender por el fallo de un componente eléctrico. Consulte la “Guía para la solución de problemas” incluida con lasinstrucciones de uso; si el fallo continúa, póngase en contacto con el Servicio posventa.“Grifo cerrado”La lavadora no recibe alimentación de agua o es insuficiente. Abra el grifo; si la indicación sigue encendida, consulte la “Guía para la solución de problemas” incluida con las instrucciones de uso.“Limpie la bomba”La lavadora no descarga el agua. Compruebe si el tubo de descarga está doblado o si hay que limpiar el filtro; en este último caso, consulte en las instrucciones de uso (“Extracción del filtro”).•T odos los indicadores de secuencia delprograma están apagados y se enciende el indicador de “Puerta abierta”.1.Gire el selector de programas a la posición de “Apagado/O”.2.Cierre el grifo.3.Abra la puerta y retire la ropa.4.Deje la puerta entreabierta para facilitar el secadodel tambor.1.Pulse el botón “Inicio/Pausa” para detenertemporalmente el programa. El indicador destella.2.Seleccione el nuevo programa (con latemperatura), las opciones suplementarias y (si lo desea) otra velocidad de centrifugado.3.Pulse nuevamente el botón “Inicio/Pausa”. Elnuevo programa continúa el programa de lavado en la fase en que se interrumpió el anterior. En este programa no es necesario añadir más detergente.El botón “Reinicio” permite cancelar un programa antes del final.•Pulse el botón “Reinicio” durante, almenos, 3 segundos. El agua se descarga antes de poder abrir la puerta.INICIO DEL PROGRAMAINDICACIÓN DE “PUERTA ABIERTA”INDICACIONES ROJAS FIN DEL PROGRAMACAMBIO DE PROGRAMA O DE OPCIONES DESPUÉS DEL INICIO DEL PROGRAMA CANCELACIÓN (REINICIO) DE UN PROGRAMA ANTES DE QUE TERMINE。
Blanco tequila布兰克特基拉的颜色是?a)Clear无色;b)Golden金色;c)Tawny茶色;d)Mahogany红褐色
Cote Or科多尔位于?a)Bordeaux波尔多;b)Burgundy勃艮第;c)Loire卢瓦尔;d)Provence普罗旺斯
Pomerol AC的主要葡萄品种是: a)赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon);b)梅洛(Merlot);c)西拉(Syrah);d)黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)
波本是: a)来自苏格兰的威士忌;b)来自法国的白兰地;c)来自美国的威士忌;d)来自加勒比海的朗姆酒
勃艮第红葡萄酒的典型水果特征是: a)热带水果;b)草莓;c)黑加仑;d)桃子
意大利国民鞋SUPER GA休伯家品牌资料
FASHION CASUAL: This category includes all seasonal fashion styles that will change with changes trends – styles such as the 2950, ballet pump and boots
Alexa Chung, one of the UK’s most prominent fashion icons, was appointed Creative Director of Superga in 2011, helping the brand fast become the footwear of choice Since then the shoes have been spotted on the feet of fashion types such as Fearne Cotton, Liv Tyler, Sienna Miller, Kristen Stewart, and Katie Holmes. She is also the creative force and the “face” of the Spring/ Summer 2012 Superga collection styling and “starring” in the Miami based shoot The SS12 the campaign was photographed by Guy Aroch - who has previously photographed Lily Cole, Linda Evangelista and Blake Lively.
演出时间: 2009年 演出地点: 体育馆
盖勒普 2004中国10城市巡演仅仅是 个序幕,2009辉煌再度引爆。
鼻 世界逃脱术 祖
在拉斯维加斯,盖勒普是与大卫·科波菲 尔同一等级的魔术师。十年常驻拉斯维加斯表 演历程中,盖勒普与他的顶级团队为凯撒宫尊 贵宾客们带去了无数的不眠之夜。
近年来,罗伯特· 盖勒普突破传统魔术 限制,以节奏紧凑的精彩幻象,配合惊心动 魄的致命逃脱,多年来在国际上获奖无数, 在拉斯韦加斯以至欧洲及澳洲都曾荣获“最 佳表演大奖”,他曾在世界30多个国家献 技,他的表演被300多家电视台播映,而 他更曾经在中国内地成功地进行过四次特技 表演,包括在北京八达岭长城上火中悬空1 00米逃脱。
在即将呈现的顶级魔术盛宴中,盖勒普将完美 再现自己的拿手绝技。糅合传统魔术的神奇梦幻、 逃脱术的惊心动魄、拉斯维加斯式的奢华灿烂,为 现场观众带来尊贵非凡,凝神屏息的难忘夜晚。
Thank you !
舞蹈秀 激情时尚
在以往的演出中,盖勒普特别邀请了在美国本土享有 盛誉的“极限”舞蹈团前来助阵。他们不仅凭借自己出色 的舞蹈表演成为了整场演出的特色亮点,作为盖勒普巡演 团队中的一员,舞蹈团中漂亮的美女还充当了盖勒普表演 中的演出助手。酷爱中国功夫的盖勒普还曾经邀请到了三 位武艺高强的中国小伙,这些参加过“散打王擂台赛”的 武林高手和罗伯特·盖勒普在舞台上“激情开打”,让观 众大饱眼福。
少年时的盖勒普就因其精湛的表演技 艺成为著名的“儿童社团”的最年轻的 学生,直到后来在世界上最著名的场地 表演:拉斯维加斯的corsa,马德里的 LaScala,澳大利亚的Jupiters,太阳 城SuperBowl…… 盖勒普拥有英俊的外表和摇滚明星 的风度,被称为“现代版”的胡迪尼。 他结合幻术和极限表演创作极具时代感 的魔术。
难忘的旅行英语作文120词初中全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Unforgettable AdventureHey there! I'm so excited to share with you an amazing adventure I had recently. It all started when my parents told me we were going on a family trip to the mountains. At first, I wasn't too thrilled because, you know, spending time with your parents can be kinda boring sometimes. But little did I know, this trip would turn out to be one of the most epic experiences of my life!We packed our bags and hit the road early one Saturday morning. The drive was long, but I kept myself entertained by listening to music and playing games on my phone. After what felt like forever, we finally arrived at our destination – a cozy little cabin nestled deep in the heart of the mountains.As soon as we stepped out of the car, I was blown away by the stunning scenery. Towering peaks stretched as far as the eye could see, blanketed in lush green forests and crowned with glistening snow caps. The air was so fresh and crisp, I felt like I could breathe in all the wonders of nature.The first day, we went on a short hike to explore the area around our cabin. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, but the trail was absolutely breathtaking. We walked through a dense forest, the sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow. Small streams trickled alongside the path, their gentle murmurs adding to the serene ambiance.As we hiked further, we came across a stunning waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff. The roar of the water was deafening, and the spray from the falls created a misty rainbow that danced in the air. We stopped to take some pictures and just soak in the majesty of nature.The next few days were filled with even more adventures. We went rock climbing, which was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I'll never forget the feeling of conquering that seemingly insurmountable rock face and reaching the top, with the most incredible view of the valley stretching out below.We also went fishing in a crystal-clear mountain lake. I caught my first fish ever – a feisty little trout that put up quite a fight. Mom insisted on cooking it for dinner, and let me tell you, it was the most delicious fish I've ever tasted.One of the highlights of the trip was our night-time stargazing session. We bundled up in warm blankets and lay on the grass, staring up at the inky black sky adorned with millions of twinkling stars. It was as if the universe had unfurled its glittering cape just for us. We even spotted a few shooting stars, which made us all gasp in awe.As the days went by, I found myself becoming more and more enamored with the great outdoors. I realized that there was so much beauty and wonder in the world, beyond the confines of my video games and social media feeds. This trip gave me a newfound appreciation for nature and all its splendor.On our last day, as we were packing up to head home, I felt a pang of sadness in my heart. I didn't want to leave this magical place behind. But as we drove away, I knew that the memories I had made would stay with me forever.Looking back, this trip was so much more than just a vacation. It was a journey of self-discovery, a reminder that the world is a vast and wondrous place waiting to be explored. I learned to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new experiences wholeheartedly.Who knows, maybe this trip has ignited a lifelong love for adventure within me? All I know is that I can't wait for our nextfamily getaway, wherever it may take us. Until then, I'll cherish the memories of篇2An Unforgettable JourneyWow, where do I even begin? The trip to the Grand Canyon was hands down the most amazing adventure I've ever been on! I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything I saw and experienced.We left super early one morning, piling into the bus before the sun was even up. I was so excited but also a little nervous. After all, it was a long way to the Grand Canyon from my hometown. What if we got lost or broke down? My dad kept reassuring me that everything would be fine and that I'd have a blast. Little did I know just how right he'd be!The first several hours on the road were actually kind of boring. Sure, the scenery outside the window changed from suburban neighborhoods to farmland to wide open spaces. But I just wanted to get to our destination already! I passed the time by listening to music, reading comics, and annoying my little brother.Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the bus pulled over at a rest stop and our teacher made an announcement. "Okay everyone, we're about an hour away from the Grand Canyon! Grab a snack and use the restroom because our next stop is the main event!"My heart started racing with anticipation. An hour later, I understood why. As we crested a hill, the Grand Canyon suddenly came into view and it was breathtaking! The sheer size of it was mind-blowing. And the colors? Vibrant reds, oranges, and purples seemed to radiate from the rocky walls and buttes."Whooooaaaa," I must have said about a million times as we pulled into the visitor's center parking lot. I couldn't wait to get out and explore. Our guide spoke about the history and geology of the canyon as we did a short hike along the South Rim Trail. I tried my best to pay attention, but I was so awestruck by my surroundings that it was hard to focus.The next day, we went on a longer hike partway into the canyon itself via the Bright Angel Trail. That was both the coolest and most terrifying experience of my life so far! The trail was narrow with sheer drop-offs on either side. A few times, I got a little freaked out by the heights and had to stop for a breather.But our guides were so great and reassuring. They let us take it slow and didn't rush us at all.The views from the trail were simply unreal. I'll never forget the feeling of standing in that vast canyon, surrounded by ancient rock formations that made me feel so tiny and insignificant in the best way possible. It's impossible to capture the grandeur in a photo or video. You just have to see it with your own eyes.All too soon, it was time to head back home. Even though I was exhausted from all the hiking, I didn't want to leave. I could have spent weeks exploring every nook and cranny of the Grand Canyon. It's such an awe-inspiring natural wonder and I felt so lucky to have witnessed its majesty firsthand.The ride home seemed to take no time at all as I happily dozed off, my head still swirling with vivid images of the Grand Canyon. I knew this trip would give me memories to last a lifetime. In fact, I'm already bugging my parents about when we can go back! The Grand Canyon has literally taken my breath away and left me craving more adventures in the great outdoors.I have a feeling this is just the start of many unforgettable journeys ahead.篇3The Best Trip EverWow, where do I even begin? The trip to the Grand Canyon last summer was hands down the most amazing experience of my life so far! I'm still pinching myself to make sure it wasn't just an incredibly vivid dream.It all started when my parents surprised me and my little brother with the news that we were going on a big family road trip out west. At first, I wasn't really that excited.I figured it would just be a long car ride followed by looking at a big hole in the ground. Boy, was I wrong!The drive from our home in Ohio to Arizona was pretty brutal, I'll admit. My brother and I fought over the DS for a good portion of it. But my parents did a great job of trying to keep us entertained with road trip games, snacks, and letting us pick some cheesy 80s music to sing along to.After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived at the Grand Canyon. The first glimpse I got of it legit took my breath away. I had seen pictures, but they didn't do it any justice at all. The sheer size and majesty of it was indescribable. The vibrant red and orange colors of the rocky cliffs were out of this world.We stayed for three nights at a rustic lodge right on the rim of the canyon. Each morning, I'd wake up in awe at the incredible view right outside our cabin window. Watching the sunrise over that amazing natural wonder was the most peaceful, serene experience.During our days there, we hiked along some of the easier rim trails, taking in all the different vantage points of the canyon. The employee guides we had were super nice and knowledgeable about all the geology and Native American history of the area. I probably learned more on that trip than an entire semester at school!My favorite part was definitely the sunset watching. We'd claim a prime viewing spot on one of the rim outlooks hours in advance. As the sun sank lower in the sky, the golden rays hitting the canyon walls created the most vibrant, fiery shades I've ever seen. It looked almost unreal, like a grandiose painting.On our last night, we lucked out and witnessed the most spectacular sunset show nature had to offer. The skies exploded in a dazzling array of crimsons, oranges, pinks, and purples unlike anything I'd seen before. As it grew darker, more stars became visible than I even knew existed. Staring up at thatendless, glittering night sky over the vividly lit up canyon is forever burned into my memory.I have to admit, I shed a few tears when it was time to head home. Part of me never wanted to leave that magical place behind. Although I know pictures can't possibly do it justice, I made sure to take a million of them to try and capture even an ounce of the Grand Canyon's splendor to share with my friends back home.That trip gave me so many priceless memories that I'll cherish forever. More than that though, it opened my eyes to the awesomeness of exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. I can't wait until my next big adventure!In the meantime, I've been bugging my parents about where we'll go next. They just smile and say it will have to be someplace pretty incredible to top the Grand Canyon. Thanks to them, I now have a life-long case of insatiable wanderlust. I couldn't be happier about it!篇4An Unforgettable TripLast summer, my family went on the most amazing trip ever! We went to Hawaii for two whole weeks. I had never been anywhere so beautiful and exciting before.The very first day, we went to the beach right after dropping our stuff off at the hotel. The sand was so soft and white, and the ocean was bright blue and crystal clear. I could see little fish swimming around just by looking into the shallow water! The waves were pretty big though, so we weren't allowed to go out too far.My little brother Chris got knocked over by a wave and ended up with a mouth full of salty ocean water. He started crying and said he wanted to go back to the hotel, but I convinced him to build a sandcastle with me instead. Once we got started on that, he forgot all about his wave incident. We made the biggest, most awesome sandcastle, complete with a moat all the way around it. A couple of other kids came over and helped us decorate it with shells and seaweed. It looked so cool!The next day, we went snorkeling for the first time. I was a little nervous about swimming out over the reef and putting my face in the water, but Dad showed me how to use the snorkeling gear first in the shallow end. Once I got the hang of it, snorkeling was amazing! We saw so many tropical fish in all different colorsand patterns. Some were striped, others had spots, and some were just one solid bright color like neon yellow or orange. A few bigger fish even swam right underneath me, which was both cool and scary at the same time!One of the highlights was when we took a helicopter tour over the islands. The views from up in the air were breathtaking. We flew over volcanic mountains, waterfalls, rain forests, and even an active volcano! The crater looked scary with red hot lava bubbling inside. The helicopter pilot said the lava can get over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. No way could I ever get that close on foot. Seeing it from the safety of the helicopter was incredible enough.We also went on a boat tour around the Napali Coast, which is on another part of the island with huge green cliffs towering high above the Pacific Ocean. Our boat captain said there are no roads at all over there, just a few hiking trails through the wilderness. Some of the cliffs looked over 4,000 feet high! I couldn't imagine trying to climb up something so massively tall. Our captain also took us into some sea caves along the base of the cliffs. The openings looked tiny from the outside, but once you went through, the caves opened up with cathedral-like ceilings and echoes. It was such a cool experience.My favorite activity though was definitely swimming with the manta rays one night. These are huge rays that are about 12 feet across, but they're very gentle. We took a small boat out into the ocean after sunset, and then got into the water wearing life jackets with special lights attached. The lights attracted plankton, which is what the manta rays eat. Within minutes, about 8 or 9 of these massive rays just glided right up to us, doing backflips and barrel rolls under the water. A few even went right over our heads! It was magical seeing these giants up close. They looked like alien spaceships moving through an cosmic ocean. I'll never forget that incredible night.Every day in Hawaii was packed with adrenaline and adventure. We seriously did something new and exciting from sun up to sun down. I got to experience so many things I'd only seen on TV or read about in books before. Snorkeling through coral reefs, hiking through valleys and rainforests, walking across a black sand beach formed by lava, and even visiting the memorial at Pearl Harbor were all amazing.The biggest lesson I learned is that there's so much more to see and do out there in this big, beautiful world of ours. It really opened my eyes. I used to think my regular life back home was the only way to live, but now I know there are all kinds ofadventures to be had. I can't wait until our next big trip! I'm going to start researching destinations and planning our activities as soon as we get home. Maybe somewhere with igloos or the Northern Lights next time? Or maybe we could go on an African safari? There's a whole world to explore out there, and I don't want to miss a thing!篇5An Unforgettable Journey to the HimalayasLast summer, my family and I went on the most epic adventure of our lives - a trekking expedition to the mighty Himalayas in Nepal! I had been bugging my parents for years to take me hiking in the mountains, but they were always worried it would be too dangerous or difficult for a kid like me. Finally, after I turned 13, they agreed to let me join them on a guided trek as long as I trained really hard beforehand. You bet I did!We signed up for a 10-day trek to Annapurna Base Camp, one of the most famous trekking routes in the Himalayan range. The plan was to fly into the city of Pokhara and then start hiking from a village called Nayapul. From there, it would take us a week of trekking uphill to reach Annapurna Base Camp at over 13,000 feet above sea level!I could hardly sleep the night before we left, I was so excited. When we landed in Kathmandu and I got my first glimpse of the snow-capped peaks looming in the distance, I thought my heart would burst with joy. This was really happening!The first couple days of trekking were challenging but manageable. We hiked for 5-6 hours each day, slowly gaining elevation through peaceful countryside villages and terraced fields. The mountain scenery got more and more dramatic with every step. Mighty glacier-capped peaks surrounded us, and powerful rivers raged far below the trails we trekked along.Around day 4, the trail started getting much steeper as we crossed through bamboo forests and entered the pure mountain territory. I was feeling the effects of the altitude with headaches and shortness of breath. But the incredible views made every hard-earned step worth it. We'd rest at tea houses each night, playing cards and snuggling under thick blankets as the temperatures plunged.Then, on the morning of day 7, we woke up before sunrise and set off on the final push to Annapurna Base Camp. It was brutally cold and difficult, struggling for air with eachlung-burning step uphill. But when I crested that final ridge and saw the soaring, majestic peaks of the Annapurna Massif laid outbefore me, gleaming in the morning light...I'll never forget that jawdropping moment as long as I live.We had made it! Trekkers whooped and cheered, laughter and tears of joy intermingling. The energy at Base Camp was electric and communal, with trekkers from all over the world celebrating together. That night we bedded down in tents, watching the sunset paint those massive icy peaks in hues of fiery orange and pink.All too soon, it was time to begin the long descent back down the mountain. While the downhill hiking wasn't as physically taxing, it came with its own challenges like sore knees and blisters. But I was too euphoric to mind much. I had pushed myself farther than I ever dreamed possible and been rewarded with one of the most breathtakingly beautiful natural wonders in the world.When we finally made it back to Kathmandu, I felt like a changed person - stronger, braver, and with a newfound sense of what I was capable of. That epic trek will be forever seared into my mind and heart. It gave me self-confidence, appreciation for nature's majesty, and a longing to seek out more adventures in the future. The Himalayas will forever be a magical, sacred place for me. I can't wait to go back someday.篇6An Unforgettable School TripWow, where do I even begin? The school trip to the Grand Canyon was honestly the most amazing experience of my entire life so far! I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around everything we saw and did. It was just so incredibly epic!I'd seen pictures of the Grand Canyon before, but let me tell you, they did not do it justice at all. When our bus first pulled up to the South Rim viewpoint and I stepped out, my jaw just dropped. The sheer size and scale of it was mind-blowing. I'd never seen anything so massive and majestic in person before. The layers of red and orange rock seemed to stretch on forever into the distance.Our science teacher Ms. Jenkins had talked all about how the canyon was formed by erosion over millions of years, but standing there on the rim, it was hard to really comprehend that timescale. Like, millions of years? That's so much time! Longer than human civilization has even existed. The Grand Canyon just put into perspective how ancient and amazing our planet really is.After soaking in the views for a while, it was time to gear up for the highlight of the trip - hiking into the canyon itself. We all got our hiking packs and plenty of water and snacks ready. The rangers gave us a safety briefing and some tips, like how to watch out for steep drop-offs and loose rocks. I was a little nervous at first, but also just crazy excited.The first part of the trail wasn't too intense, but it definitely started getting tougher as we descended deeper into the canyon. The switchbacks seemed never-ending at times. My legs were burning like crazy from all the steep steps! A few of my friends were complaining and wanting to turn back. But there was no way I was going to miss out on reaching the bottom after coming this far.Finally, after what felt like forever, we made it to the inner canyon floor. Oh my god, the feeling of accomplishment was just unreal. We had all hiked miles and miles into this geological wonder! The views from down there were just breathtaking in every direction you looked. The ridges and buttes seemed to glow in the bright Arizona sun.We stopped to refuel with snacks and water while Ms. Jenkins went over some of the geology and natural history of the area we were in. She pointed out some fossilized footprints andancient river rock formations. It was so cool to see actual evidence of how this landscape formed over eons. You could really grasp the concept of deep time in a whole new way.After our little science lesson, we had some free time to explore the inner canyon a bit more. A bunch of us decided to wade into the shallow waters of Bright Angel Creek. The water was icy cold from snowmelt higher up, but it felt awesome to cool off from the desert heat. We skipped rocks, splashed around, and just totally soaked in the magical surroundings.Too soon, it was time to start the long trek out of the canyon before it got too late in the day. As tough as the descent was, the climb back up was honestly brutal. My body was screaming at me and each step was sheer determination. A few times I wondered if I'd actually make it with my rubbery legs. But I kept chugging along, thinking of that panoramic viewpoint waiting at the top.When we finally spilled out onto the rim trail again, sweaty and completely drained, it was the biggest sense of achievement I'd ever felt. We had done it - we had hiked into the absolute depths of one of the most iconic landscapes on the planet! The views seemed even more jaw-dropping after the struggle of getting there.As tired as I was, I also felt strangely energized. Maybe it was the thin air or just being in the presence of such ancient, raw nature. But I had this profound appreciation for the world around me and a drive to go out and explore more of it. This trip awoke something inside me - a craving for adventure and discovering new places.On the bus ride back to the hotel, I could barely keep my eyes open after exerting every ounce of energy. My friends and I were all laughing, recounting the hilarious moments from the day and inside jokes that had formed. But we also kept going back to just how beautiful and powerful the Grand Canyon was. How lucky we were to have seen it up close like。
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DEPENDENCIA:FISCALiA GENERAL DEL ESTADO GUERREROSECCiÓN:DIRECCiÓN GENERAL DE PRESUPUESTO Y ADMINISTRACiÓNOFICIO:FGElDGPAl431/2017ASUNTO:MANUAL DE EVALUACiÓN DE RIESGOSChilpancingo de los Bravo,Gro;a21de Febrero de2017.MTRO.ALFONSO DAMIAN PERALTAAUDITOR GENERAL DEL ESTADO DE GUERREROP RES E N T E.FISC A LíA G EN ER A L D E L ESTAD~IR E C C/ÓN G ENER AL D E PRE S U PUY A D MI NISTR AC/Ó¡¡C H1L P ANC lrJ GO,G U_. DIRECTOR GENERALR RcíA BADARESUPUESTO Y ADMINISTRACiÓNPor este conducto me permito informarle que con respecto al punto número6.5.23.Manual de Evaluación de Riesgos de la Entidad fiscalizable,debidamente firmado,se anexa el proyecto del manual de Evaluación de Riesgos,como se muestra este manual estáen proceso de elaboración por ese motivo no se entrega firmado sin embargo el compromiso es entregarlo concluido en el Mes de Mayo próximo.S i n más por el momento,reciba un cordial saludo.FGE·F is ca lía General del Estado de GuerreroBoulevard RenéJuárez Cisneros SIN Colonia El Potrer i to C o digo Postal39090Chilpanc i ngo de los Bravo.GuerreroTeléfono01(747)4942999.018008327692MANUAL DE, ADMINISTRACIONDE RIESGOS DE,LA FISCALIAGENERAL DELESTADO.íNDICEINTRODUCCiÓN3 IDENTIFICACiÓN DEL RIESGO DE LA FISCALlA GENERAL DEL ESTADO..4 TRATAMIENTO PARA DISMINUIR LOS RIESGOS INTERNOS Y EXTERNOS EN LA FISCALíA GENERAL DEL ESTADO DE GUERRERO9 CONCLUSIÓN10INTRODUCCiÓN.En el presente documento se describe el Manual de Administración de Riesgos dentro de la Fiscalía General del Estado de Guerrero,se identificarán y se analizarán los riesgos que pueden afectar el logro de los objetivos y metas de la dependencia,previstos en los programas sectoriales y operativos anuales,acordes al marco jurídico que rige su funcionamiento.La finalidad de este manual es hacer más sencillo el desarrollo de los objetivos con una metodología sistemática y con la herramienta tecnológica adecuada que permita facilitar el trabajo de seguimiento.Se inicia desde el conocimiento interno y externo de la Institución hasta construir un mapa de riesgos confiable y actualizado que nos de las directrices a seguir mediante planes de acción especío pieza del desarrollo laboral,formar parte de esta implementación y que permita trabajar en pro del cumplimiento de sus funciones,lo cual genera certeza del crecimiento laboral.IDENTIFICACiÓN DEL RIESGO DE LA FISCALlA GENERAL DELESTADO.Es esencial que todos los riesgos sean identificados y preferentemente desde la planeación de las actividades tendientes al logro de las metas y objetivos de la Fiscalía General del Estado,se tienen internos y externos,a continuación se describirán:Riesgos internosLiderazgo•Falta de liderazgo para impulsar proyectos•Cambios de Titular•Falta de involucramiento del TitularEstructura orgánica•Estructura orgánica obsoleta o inoperante•Plazas congeladas•Sin Vacantes•Manuales de Organización y/o Procedimientos desactualizados Recursos humanos•Perfiles de personal inadecuados•Inadecuada selección del personal•Falta de capacitación o actualización•Salarios bajos o inequitativos•Expedientes desactualizados o incompletos•Distribución desigual de personal sustantivo•Resistencia al cambio en las nuevas formas de operar•Rotación o renuncia de personal con experiencia o altamente capacitado•Competencia profesional limitada de los mandos medios y superiores •Inadecuados principios y valores del personalRecursos materiales•Recursos insuficientes•Recepción inoportuna de recursos•Distribución inadecuada•Inventarios desactualizadosRecursos financieros•Presupuesto autorizado insuficiente•Inadecuada distribución presupuestal•Ministraciones inoportunas•Uso inadecuado de los recursos•Recortes en el presupuesto autorizado•Incremento en el presupuesto programado•Altos costos de operaciónTecnología•Software o hardware insuficiente u obsoleto•Servicio de internet intermitente•Distribución inadecuada de equipo•Baja confiabilidad de la tecnología de información•Grado insuficiente de sistematización de las operaciones•Falta de acceso a nuevas tecnologíasCondiciones de trabajo y ambiente laboral•Horarios inadecuados•Bajos sueldos•Vacaciones insuficientes•Prestaciones insuficientes•Falta de estímulos y recompensas•Inoperatividad del servicio de carrera•Conflictos internos•Trato desigual•Desmotivación del personal•Instalaciones inadecuadas•Mobiliario y equipo de oficina insuficienteTrabajo en equipo•Falta de trabajo en equipo propiciado por malas relaciones interpersonales•Protagon ismos•Competencia deslealProcesos•Inadecuada sistematización de procesos•Burocracia excesiva o falta de simplificación de los procesos•Falta de alineación a los objetivos institucionales•Procesos modificados,no difundidos entre todo el personal operativo Aspectos jurídicos•Cambios frecuentes de normatividad•Falta de difusión de la normatividad interna•Falta de análisis de los efectos y alcances de los cambios a la•normatividad•Incumplimiento de la normatividadSistema de control interno•Inadecuada calidad de los controles internos en los medios,mecanismos o procedimientos para realizar las actividades que aseguren el cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas institucionalesSupervisión•Ausencia de acciones de seguimiento y evaluación para detectar desviaciones y garantizar el adecuado cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas institucionales.Información•Inadecuada sistematización de la información.•Retraso en el envío de informaciónRiesgos externosFactores sociales•Conflictos de diversos sectores de la población(manifestaciones, huelgas).Incidencia delictiva•Incremento de la incidencia delictiva•Proliferación de nuevos carteles de la droga•Incremento de nuevas organizaciones delictivas•Nuevos"modus operandi"Delincuencia organizada•Nivel de organización•Financiamiento•Tecnología•Mayor y mejor equipamiento de las organizaciones delictivas Factores políticos•Procesos electorales•Cambio de gobierno•Remoción de titulares•Cambio de políticas públicas en materia de procuración de justicia Factores económicos•Presupuesto anual autorizado para la FGE.•Estructura y plantilla de personal aprobadas•Inflación•Participación ciudadana•Incremento o baja en la cultura de la denuncia•Prevención del delito•Interacción de la sociedad civil organizada con la FGE.Aspectos jurídicos•Retraso en la aprobación de nuevas iniciativas de ley en materia de procuración de justiciaCorrupción e impunidad•Incremento de losíndices de corrupción entre el personal ministerialProveedores•Largos procesos de licitación•Retraso en la entrega de bienes o servicios con una calidad inferior a la contratadaAuditorías externas•Observaciones y recomendaciones emitidas por las instancias fiscalizadoras.•Reporte inoportunos o inadecuadosInformación veraz y oportuna•Difusión errónea o manipulada de información por los medios de comunicación.TRATAMIENTO PARA DISMINUIR LOS RIESGOS INTERNOS Y EXTERNOS EN LA FISCALíA GENERAL DEL ESTADO DEGUERRERO.Dentro del tratamiento de los riesgos,como ya vimos en el presente documento existen dos tipos de riesgos internos y externos a continuación se darán opciones para poder reducir los riesgos antes mencionados.Los controles pueden reducir los riesgos en diferentes formas:•Reducir la probabilidad de que la vulnerabilidad sea explotada;•Reducir el impacto probable si el riesgo ocurre al detectar los eventos indeseados,reaccionando,y recuperándose de ellos.Cuando se seleccionen los controles para su implementación,un número de factores deben ser considerados:La facilidad de uso del control;•La confiabilidad y repetibilidad del control;•La fortaleza relativa de los controles;y•Los tipos de funciones realizadas(prevención,disuasión,detección, recuperación,corrección,monitoreo y concienciación).Evitar el riesgo describe cualquier acción donde las actividades del Centro o la forma como se conducen las funciones de la FGE son modificadas para evitar que ocurra el riesgo.Evitar el riesgo se puede alcanzar mediante:•No conducir ciertas actividades del Centro;•Mover activos fuera de unárea de riesgo;o•Decidir no procesar información particularmente sensible.CONCLUSiÓNEn el Sistema de Administración de Riesgos en la FGE uno de losobstáculos para el seguimiento del mismo,fue que solo se asignanresponsables para cada uno de los planes de acción,pero no hay un enlaceporárea que déseguimiento a todos los riesgos competentes.Por lo cualse recomienda que para mejorar la gestión y cumplir de manera máseficiente,en tiempo y forma,los planes de acción y las tareas relacionadasal seguimiento y control del Sistema,se designe a un enlace en cada unade lasáreas que conforman el FGE.Dentro de la Institución,los cambios de sus Titulares,trae consigo el relevode los funcionarios de las Direcciones,lo que con lleva que los planes,proyectos y sistemas,en la gran mayoría de los casos,pierdan continuidad.Al evaluar los resultados del Sistema de Administración de Riesgos,serecomienda exponerlos a los nuevos integrantes de las direcciones paraque se décontinuidad al mismo y además potenciar sus fortalezas yoportunidades para crear una cultura de seguridad de la información,a lavez que se fortalece los trabajos realizados en el FGE en cumplimiento delas funciones encomendadas al mismo;lo anterior,por tratarse de unsistema que contempla el tratamiento de los riesgos,contemplando suseguimiento y control.Es de suma importancia que se haga partícipe del Sistema deAdministración de Riesgos,a todas y cada una de las personas que laboranen la FGE y que colaboran en el cumplimiento de los objetivosinstitucionales,del valor de conocer las amenazas y vulnerabilidades a losque se enfrenta y/o enfrentarála FGE,y asimismo de las oportunidades yfortalezas con que cuenta,haciendoénfasis en el valor de su colaboración,agregando todos los conceptos de seguridad de la información,todo loanterior en pláticas de concienciación al personal,información publicada encápsulas informativas a través del correo interno institucional y del periódicodigital,contribuyendo asía permear en toda la pirámide organizacional,desde los altos directivos hasta los analistas,la cultura del análisis delriesgo y de la seguridad de la información,que dicho sea de paso,éstaúltima es el activo más importante de este Centro de Planeación.10FGE·Fiscalía General del Estado de GuerreroBou l evard RenéJuárez Cisneros SIN Co l onia E l Potrerito Codigo Postal39090Chi l pancingo de los Bravo,GuerreroTe léfono01(747)4942999•018008327692。
VX-5500O PERATING M ANUALVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD.4-8-8 Nakameguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8644, JapanVERTEX STANDARDUS Headquarters10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.International Division8350 N.W. 52nd Terrace, Suite 201, Miami, FL 33166, U.S.A.YAESU EUROPE B.V.P.O. Box 75525, 1118 ZN Schiphol, The NetherlandsYAESU UK LTD.Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.VERTEX STANDARD HK LTD.Unit 5, 20/F., Seaview Centre, 139-141 Hoi Bun Road,Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong KongCongratulations!You now have at your fingertips a valuable communications tool - a two-wayradio! Rugged, reliable and easy to use, your radio will keep you in constanttouch with your colleagues for years to come, with negligible maintenance down time. Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented here will allow you to derive maximum performance from your radio. After reading it, keep the manual handy for quick reference, in case questions arise later on.We’re glad you joined the team. Call on us any time, because our business iscommunications. Let us help you get your message across.NOTICEThere are no user-serviceable points inside this transceiver. All service jobs must be referred to your Authorized Service Center or Network Administrator.Safety / Warning InformationWARNING - DO NOT operate the VX-5500V radio when someone (bystanders) outside the vehicle is within following range.Safety Training information:Antennas used for this transmitter must not exceed an antenna gain of 0 dBd. The radio must be used in vehicle-mount configurations with a maximum operating duty factor not exceeding 50%, in typical Push-to-Talk configurations.This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only where the radio operator must have the knowledge to control the exposure conditions of its passengers and bystanders by maintaining the minimum separation distance of following range.Failure to observe these restrictions will result in exceeding the FCC RF exposure limits.Antenna Installation:For rear deck trunk installation, the antenna must be located at least the following range away from rear seat passengers and bystanders in order to comply with the FCC RF exposure requirements.For roof top installation, the antenna must be placed in the center of the roof.Radiated frequency and DistanceVX-5500V (C)1.97 Feet(0.6 m)VX-5500 Operating ManualThe VX-5500 Series are full-featured FM transceivers designed for flexible mobile and base station business communications in the VHF (50/10 Watts: programmable) Land Mobile Bands. Each model is designed for reliable business communications in a wide variety of applications, with a wide range of operating capability provided by its leading-edge design.The 250-channels memories can each be programmed with a 8-character channel name.Important channel frequency data is stored in EEPROM and flash memory on the CPU, and is easily programmable by dealers using a personal computer and the VERTEX STAN-DARD CT-71 Programming Cable and CE49 Software.The pages which follow will detail the many advanced features provided on the VX-5500 transceiver. After reading this manual, you may wish to consult with your Network Ad-ministrator regarding precise details of the configuration of this equipment for use in your application.Front PanelÀPOWER BottonPress the button to turn the transceiver ON and OFF.ÁTX IndicatorThis lamp glows red when the radio is transmitting.ÂBUSY IndicatorThis lamp glows green when the channel is busy.ÃLiquid Crystal DisplayThe display include an 8-character alpha-numeric section showing channel and group names, status and identity information, and error messages. Additional indicators onthe display show priority channel assignments and scan include / exclude selection.“S PEAKER” List “OÄp/q ButtonPressing these buttons changes the current group (and displayed group number or name). Holding this button for more than 1/2 second causes the function to repeat.ÅSQC IndicatorThis lamp glows orange when incorrect position at the setting of CE49.ÆProgrammable Function Button (PF button)This button can be set up for special applications, such as high/low power selection, monitor, dimmer, talk-around, and call alert function, as determined by your network requirements and programmed by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.ÇVOLUME KnobThis knob sets the volume of the receiver.ÈEMERGENCY MicrophoneThe emergency microphone is located behind this small slit. When the emergency feature is activated, this Microphone is enabled.ÉCHANNEL Selector KnobThis knob select the operating channel.Programmable Function Button (PF button)This button can be set up for special applications, such as high/low power selection, monitor, dimmer, talk-around, and call alert function, as determined by your network requirements and programmed by your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.Side PanelMicrophone Jack (It is on both sides.)Connect the microphone plug to this jack.REAR (Heatsink)ÀAntenna SocketThe 50-ohm coaxial feedline to the antenna must be connected here, using a type-M (PL-259) plug.ÁExternal Speaker JackAn external loudspeaker may be connected to this 2-contact, 3.5-mm mini-phone jack.Caution: Do not connect this line to ground, and be certain that the speaker has adequate capability to handle the audio output from the VX-5500.Â13.8-V DC Cable Pigtail w/ConnectorThe supplied DC power cable must be connected to this 2-pin connector. Use only the supplied fused cable, extended if necessary, for power connection.ÃDSUB 25-Pin Accessory ConnectorExternal TX audio line input, PTT (Push To Talk), Squelch, and external RX audio line output signal may be obtained from this connector for use with accessories such as data transmission/reception modems, ets.B ASIC O PERATION OF THE T RANSCEIVER Important! - Before turning on the radio the first time, confirm that the power connec-tions have been made correctly and that a proper antenna is connected to the antenna jack. Switching Power ON/OFFPush the POWER switch turn on the radio. The display will become illuminated. The radio will start up on the last channel used prior to shut-down during the previous operating session.Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to choose the desired operating channel. A chan-nel name will appear on the display. If you want to select the operating channel from a different Memory Channel Group, press the UP (p) or DOWN (q) button to select the Memory Channel Group you want before selecting the operating channel. Setting the VolumeTurn the VOLUME knob clockwise to increase the volume, and counterclockwise to decrease it. If no signal is present, press and hold in the MON button more than 1/2 seconds; background noise will now be heard, and you may use this to set the VOL-UME knob for the desired audio level. Press and hold the MON button more than 1/2 seconds to quiet the noise and resume normal (quiet) monitoring. TransmittingTo transmit, wait until the “BUSY” indicator is off (the channel is not in use), and press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch on the side of the microphone (the “TX” indica-tor will appear or the “TX” indicator will glow red). While holding in the PTT switch, speak across the face of the microphone in a clear, normal voice level, and then release the PTT switch to receive.Selecting Groups and Channelsm Press the UP (p) or DOWN (q) button (repeatedly, if necessary) to select a different group of channels.m Turn the CHANNEL selector knob to select a different channel within the current group.Automatic Time-Out TimerIf the selected channel has been programmed for automatic time-out, you must limit the length of each transmission. While transmitting, a beep will sound five seconds before time-out. Another beep will sound just before the deadline; the “TX” indicator will disappear and transmission will cease soon thereafter. To resume transmitting, you must release the PTT and wait for the “penalty timer” to expire (if you press the PTT before this timer expires, the timer restarts, and you will have to wait another “penalty” period)Programmable Function Button (PF button)The VX-5500 includes the seven Programmable Function Buttons (PF button). The PF button functions can be customized, via programming by your VERTEX STAN-DARD dealer, to meet your communications/network requirements. Some features may require the purchase and installation of optional internal accessories. The possible PF button programming features are illustrated at the below, and their functions are explained on page 8.For further details, contact your VERTEX STANDARD dealer. For future reference, check the box next to each function that has been assigned to the PF button on your particular radio, and keep it handy.* requires RMK-4000 ** requires Encryption UnitChannel ScanThe Scanning feature is used to monitor multiple signals programmed into the trans-ceiver. While scanning, the transceiver will check each channel for the presence of a signal, and will stop on a channel if a signal is present.To activate scanning:m Press the assigned PF button of the “Scan” momentarily to activate scanning.m The scanner will search the channels, looking for active ones; it will pause each time it finds a channel on which someone is speaking.To stop scanningm Press the assigned PF button of the “Scan”.m Operation will revert to the channel to which the CHANNEL selector knob is set.Note:Your dealer may have programmed your radio to stay on one of the following channels if you press the PTT switch during scanning pause:r Current channel (“Talk Back”)r“Last Busy” channelr“Priority” channelr“Home” channelr“Scan Start” channelDual WatchThe Dual Watch feature is similar to the Scan feature, except that only two channels are monitored:r The current operating channel; andr The “Priority” channel.To activate Dual Watch:m Press the assigned PF button of the “Dual Watch”.m The scanner will search the two channels; it will pause each time it finds a channel on which someone is speaking.To stop Dual Watch:m Press the assigned PF button of the “Dual Watch”.m Operation will revert to the channel to which the CHANNEL selector knob is set.ARTS (Auto Range Transpond System)This system is designed to inform you when you and another ARTS-equipped station are within communication range.During ARTS operation, your radio automatically transmits for about 1 second every 25 (or 55) seconds (the interval is programmed by Dealer) in an attempt to Shake hands with the other station.If you move out of range for more than one minutes, your radio senses that no signal has been received, a ringing beeper will sound. If you subsequently move back into range, as soon as the other station transmits, your beeper will sound.The PF Button FunctionThe PF (Programmable Function) button can be programmed by the dealer to provide two of the other functions described below.To activate the primary Accessory function, press the PF button momentarily. To access the secondary Accessory function (which may include the Alarm), press and hold the PF button for 1.5 seconds or longer.Call/ResetWhen this feature is programmed and a selective call has been received, momen-tarily press the assigned PF button of the “Call/Reset” to reset the flashing indicator and mute the receiver, otherwise press the assigned PF button of the “Call/Reset” to sent your radio’s identification code (ANI) to the dispatcher.Talk-AroundThe feature causes the assigned PF button of the “Talk-Around” to select simplex operation on semi-duplex channels: the transmit frequency becomes the same as the receive frequency (regardless of any programmed offset for the channel).Note:This feature has no effect on simplex channels. After pressing the button,“-TAKARD-” is displayed on the LCD.Alpha NumericPress the assigned PF button of the “Alpha Numeric” to switch the display between the Group/Channel number, and the Group/Channel name (alphanumeric). A tone will sound each time you switch between numerical and alphanumerical display.DIMPress the assigned PF button of the “DIM” to adjust the brightness of the display and key backright.EMG (Emergency)Press the assigned PF button of the “EMG” to initiate an emergency call (requires ANI board). When an emergency call is made, not tone is emitted and the display does not change. To end the emergency call, turn the transceiver power OFF.HA (Horn Alert)Press the assigned PF button of the “HA” to turn the Horn Alert function ON or OFF. If you receive a call from the base station with 2Tone or DTMF signaling, horn alert will activate.” appears on the display. Home (Home Channel)Press the assigned PF button of the “Home” to select the pre-programmed Home Channel. Press it again to return to the previous channel. If used while scanning, pressing this key a second time will change to the revert channel.IC (Intercom)This feature requires dual head configuration. Press the assigned PF button of the “IC” to turn the intercom feature ON or OFF. While ON, you can press the PTTLow PowerPress the assigned PF button of the “Low Power” to set the radio's transmitter to the “Low Power” mode.Press this key again to return to “High Power” operation when in difficult terrain. GRP UP/DWNPress the assigned PF button of the “GRP UP” or “GRP DWN” to select a different group of channels.CH UP/DWNPress the assigned PF button of the “CH UP” or “CH DWN” to select a different channel within the current group.AUX A/B/CPress the assigned PF button of the “AUX A”, “AUX B”, or “AUX C” to turn the output port (respectively).PA (Public Address)Press the assigned PF button of the “PAMONI (Monitor)Press the assigned PF button of the “MONI” momentarily to cancel CTCSS and DCS signaling squelch; the “MON” icon appears on the display. Press and hold this key for 1/2 seconds to hear background noise (unmute the audio); the MON icon blinks on the display.RCL (Channel Recall)During scan, you can press the assigned PF button of the “RCL” to select the last called channel.ST (Selectable Tone)Press the assigned PF button of the “Selectable Tone”, then rotate the CHANNEL selector knob to select a 2-Tone.SPPress the assigned PF button of the “SPa call. However, all audio will be emitted from the PA speaker.SQL (Squelch Level)You can manually adjust the squelch level using this function:1. Press the assigned PF button of the “SQL”. A tone sounds and SQL appears onthe display with the current squelch level.2. Rotate the CHANNEL selector knob to select the desired level.3. Press the this key. A tone sounds and the display returns to the normal channel. COMP (Compander)Press the PF button assigned to the “COMP” function to turn the “Compander” IC ON or OFF.This IC contains two variable gain circuits configured for compressing and expand-ing the dynamic range of the radio's transmitted and received audio signal.When you enable this function, the signal-to-noise radio can be improved by reduc-ing the transmitted audio dynamic range.Encryption (Option)When the Voice Scrambler feature is enabled, pressing the assigned PF button of the “Encryption” toggles the Scrambler on and off.O PTIONAL A CCESSORIESMH-25B7A MicrophoneMH-53C7A Heavy Duty MicrophoneMH-53A7A Heavy Duty Microphone w/Noise CancelerMH-53B7A Heavy Duty DTMF Microphone w/Noise CancelerCE49Programming SoftwareCT-70Radio Programming Cable (Requires VPL-1)CT-71Radio to PC Programming CableCT-72Radio to Radio Programming CableCT-81Cable for RMK-4000 (6 m)CT-82Cable for RMK-4000 (2.5 m)CT-83Cable for RMK-4000 (0.6 m)CNT-6000Control HeadRF DECK RF Deck w/MMB-79 (for Dual Band Installations) RMK-4000SH Remote Kit (for Single Transceiver)RMK-4000DH Remote Kit (for Dual-Head Installations)RMK-4000DB Remote Kit (for Dual Band Installations)RMK-4000DBH Remote Kit (for Dual Band plus Dual Head Installations) F2D-82-Tone Decode Unit (Requires FIF-7)F5D-145-Tone ENC-DEC Unit (Requires FIF-7)VTP-50VX-Trunk Unit (Requires FIF-7)FVP-25Encryption/DTMF pager Unit (Requires FIF-7)FP-1030External 30A Power SupplyMLS-100Mobile Loud speaker (12 W Peak Power)MMB-79Mobile Mounting BracketMMB-77Locking Mobile Mounting BracketFIF-7Inter face Board (for F2D-8, F5D-14, VTP-50, FVP-25) CN-6Inter face Board (for Accessories)Note:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.Part 15.21: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly ap-proved by Vertex Standard could void the user’s authorization to oper-Copyright 2003VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD. All rights reservedNo portion of this manualmay be reproduced withoutthe permission ofVERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD. Printed in Japan.。
小学上册英语第1单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ancient Romans constructed impressive ________ (建筑物).2. A solution can be made more concentrated by adding more ______.3.My pet ______ (仓鼠) likes to run in its wheel.4.What is the term for a baby whale?A. CalfB. FryC. PupD. Kid答案:A5.I love to visit my ______.6.I enjoy ______ (参加) school events.7.What is the name of the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. International Date LineD. Longitude答案:D8.The bird is singing a ______ (song).9.Which animal is known for its ability to change colors?A. ChameleonB. OwlC. EagleD. Penguin答案:A10.What is the name of the popular animated series about a family of superheroes?A. The SimpsonsB. The IncrediblesC. Family GuyD. Bob's Burgers答案:B11.What do you call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. Snack12.What is the term for a person who performs tricks and entertains?A. MagicianB. ClownC. IllusionistD. Entertainer答案:D13.What do we call the first meal of the day?A. LunchB. DinnerC. BreakfastD. Snack14.I like to ______ (参与) in career workshops.15.The soup tastes ___. (delicious)16.What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. NoodlesB. BreadC. RiceD. Meat答案:C17. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the ______.18.Which season is cold?A. SummerB. AutumnC. WinterD. Spring答案:C19.I can ___ (speak) Spanish.20.What do we call the movement of the Earth around the sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. OrbitD. Cycle答案:B21.What is the name of the ocean located between Africa and Australia?A. Atlantic OceanB. Indian OceanC. Pacific OceanD. Arctic Ocean答案:B22.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on July 4th?A. ThanksgivingB. Independence DayC. Labor DayD. Memorial Day答案:B23.My dad is a very _______ (形容词) person. 他总是 _______ (动词).24.The chemical symbol for gallium is __________.25.My collection of ____ is displayed on my shelf. (玩具名称)26.The capital of Bolivia is __________.27.I can _____ my name in cursive. (write)28.I saw a ________ playing in the grass.29.The Earth's atmosphere is vital for protecting life from ______.30. A ______ is a type of animal that can fly at night.31.What is the primary color that is a mix of blue and yellow?A. RedB. GreenC. OrangeD. Purple答案:B32.What do we call the act of telling someone what to do?A. AdvisingB. DirectingC. InstructingD. Commanding33.The chemical formula for aluminum oxide is _______.34.His favorite book is about a ________.35.The cat's whiskers are sensitive to ______ (触觉).36.We saw a _____ (袋鼠) hopping in Australia.37.The city of Apia is the capital of _______.38.The _____ (果实采摘) can be a community event.39.I want to ___ a dog. (adopt)40.The flowers are _______ (opening) in the spring.41.What do we celebrate on the 4th of July in the USA?A. ThanksgivingB. Independence DayC. ChristmasD. New Year's答案:B42.What do you call a group of lions?A. PackB. PrideC. FlockD. Pod43.The capital of the Netherlands is ________.44.I call my father's sister __________. (姑姑)45.The _____ (兔子) has long ears and a short tail.46.The __________ is famous for its picturesque landscapes.47.My dad loves to play ____ (cricket) with friends.48.The _______ will bloom when the weather is warm.49.The chemical formula for magnesium oxide is ______.50.The __________ was a time of increased scientific discovery.51.I have a collection of ________ (邮票).52.The turtle is a _______ (神秘的) creature.53.We like to listen to ___. (music)54.The __________ (人类历史) is filled with triumphs and tragedies.55.What is the opposite of 'fast'?A. QuickB. SlowC. RapidD. Speedy56.How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 857.The boy has a cool ________.58.The __________ (树) grows tall and strong in the forest.59.We drink ________ (water) when we are thirsty.60.The chemical symbol for tin is _______.61.t brothers made their first powered flight in ______ (1903年). The Wrig62.What do you call the study of living things?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geography63.The chemical symbol for magnesium is _____.64.What do you call a large body of saltwater?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. Pond答案:C65.The butterfly landed softly on a ______ (花瓣). It looked very ______ (优雅).66.The _______ (Spanish Flu) pandemic occurred in 1918-1919.67.Natural resources can be renewable or ______.68.The Earth's surface is covered by approximately ______ percent land.69.The apples are ________ in the basket.70.Plants can be _______ or wild.71.I love going to the beach. My favorite activity there is __________.72.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy?A. RomeB. VeniceC. PompeiiD. Florence73.The ____ is known for its colorful feathers.74.What is the main ingredient in guacamole?A. TomatoB. AvocadoC. OnionD. Pepper答案:B75.He is very ___. (kind)76.What do we call the chemical process that occurs in living organisms to produce energy?A. Cellular respirationB. PhotosynthesisC. FermentationD. Metabolism答案:A Cellular respiration77.We will go _____ (shopping/working) tomorrow.78.The ______ teaches us about ancient history.79.The tortoise carries its house on its ________________ (背上).80.The capital of the Maldives is __________.81.What shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. CircleC. SquareD. Rectangle82.What is the name of the famous American landmark located in South Dakota?A. Statue of LibertyB. Mount RushmoreC. Golden Gate BridgeD. Grand Canyon答案:B83.What is the name of the fairy in "Peter Pan"?A. Tinker BellB. WendyC. CinderellaD. Ariel答案:A84. A ____(wetland) can filter pollutants from water.85.The rabbit burrows underground for ______ (安全).86. A _____ is an area of land surrounded by water on three sides.87.Which of these animals can swim?A. CatB. DogC. FishD. Bird88. A __________ is formed by the deposition of sediments in a river delta.89.I like to collect ______ (邮票) from different countries. Each stamp tells a ______ (故事).90.War era was characterized by tension and ________ (对抗). The Cold91.I wish I could have a ________ (飞行器) like Peter Pan. It would be an amazing ________ (体验).92.I want to _______ (学会) cooking skills.93.My uncle is a __________ (摄影师).94.The __________ (万里长征) was a significant event in Chinese history.95.Planting trees can combat __________ (气候变化).96. A parrot's beak is very ______ (强壮).97.My father _______ (工作) at a bank.98. A __________ is a reaction that occurs when two substances combine to form a new product.99.What do we call a person who makes bread?A. BakerB. ButcherC. ChefD. Cook100.The __________ (历史的独特性) shapes identities.。
山西省三晋名校2024-2025学年高三上学期10月考试英语试卷一、听力选择题1.What did the man do last night?A.He slept all the night.B.He worked all the night.C.He played all the night. 2.What does the man probably think of the tie?A.It’s cheap.B.It’s affordable.C.It’s expensive.3.What does the woman mean?A.Mary is fit to be a teacher.B.Mary is fit to be a headmaster.C.Mary is fit to be a manager.4.When did Pete get injured?A.When he was riding his bike.B.When he was going downstairs.C.When he was playing football.5.What is the woman going to do?A.Visit her dad.B.See a film.C.Write an email.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.What will the boy do to help the woman?A.Make the bed.B.Clean the house.C.Prepare some food. 7.What will the boy probably do next?A.Pick up his grandparents.B.Clean the room.C.Buy a pen.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.Why does the boy love Sundays?A.He can watch sports games on TV.B.He has no classes at school.C.He can play basketball.9.What will the boy watch after cleaning?A.A 13 minutes’ basketball game.B.A 30 minutes’ basketball game.C.A 30 minutes’ football game.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
3LApplications:Champ ® DMV HID luminaires are used:• In applications made hazardous by the presence of combustible dusts• In areas in which ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors will be present only due to abnormal, unusual or accidental conditions• In marine applications where water spray and corrosive atmospheres are considerations• In areas where combustible dusts and flammable vapors are present simultaneously• In elevated ambient temperatures often found in industrial applications• In installations where moisture, dirt, dust, vibration, corrosion and rough usage are problems• Wherever the damaging effects of wind, snow, sleet or hot sun are found• In grain handling, storage and processing plants, coal preparation plants, coalconveying areas, food processing plants, manufacturing plants, refineries, chemical, petrochemical and other industrial process facilities, waste or sewage treatment facilities, offshore, dockside and harbor installations, and other heavy industrial applicationsFeatures:• Cast copper-free aluminum construction (less than 0.4 of 1% copper) and epoxy powder finish provide excellent resistance to corrosion• Hinged ballast housing for ease of installation and maintenance• All luminaires designed to perform in a 40°C ambient temperature; selected luminaires are suitable for ambient temperatures up to 65°C• Superior gasketing seals between the mounting module, housing and opticalassembly for optimum performance in wet and corrosive environments• Hubs with an integral conduit stop and bushing to help prevent damage to field wiring during installation• Low ambient capability to (-40°C)• Dome and 30° angle reflectors made of bright white Krydon material provide superior reflectivity, with twist-on feature requiring no tools or additional hardware; will not chip, peel, dent, rust or corrode • Mogul base porcelain lamp socket• Stainless steel open bottom guard permits direct access to the globe for easy relamping• Grounding wire for safety• Ballasts available in voltages of 120, 208, 240, 277, 347, 480, 600 and multi-tap AStandard materials:• Ballast housings and mountings – copper-free aluminum (less than 0.4 of 1% copper)• Guard and exterior hardware – stainless steel• Reflectors (dome and angle) – Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester• Globes – heat- and impact-resistant internally fluted glassStandard finishes:• Copper-free aluminum – epoxy powder coat• Krydon – high reflectance white • Stainless steel – naturalElectrical ratings:• 120, multi-tap A (120, 208, 240, 277), tri-tap (120, 277, 347), 480, 600 volts • 50-150W HPS; 70-250W MHCertifications and compliances:NEC/CEC:• Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D • Class I, Zone 2• 175W max. – Class II, Class III &Simultaneous Presence (Class I, Division 2 and Class II)IEC:• Zone 2, Ex nR IIC UL standards:• UL844 – Hazardous (Classified) Locations • UL1598 – Luminaires• UL1598A – Marine Locations CSA standard:• C22.2 No. 137IEC standard:• 60079-15Accessories:• S ee pages 216-217 for complete listingNote: B G and IR options cannot be used together. IR andQTZ options cannot be used together. S865 and S826 options cannot be used together.Note: S ome T-codes (operating temperatures) change.See Temperature Performance Data section.For combustible dust applicationsOptions:Description Suffix • Restricted breathing construction .....S826 Class I, Division 2 & Zone 2 suitabilityCooler operating temperatures (T-codes)• Restricted breathing/non-sparking .....S865 Class I, Division 2 & Zone 2Provides T3 code without conduit or cable seals• Certified for IEC Zone 2 ................S826TB Furnished with terminal block, crimp terminalsand dedicated voltage ballasts (no MT, DT or TT)• Fused – to protect ballast and capacitors against abnormal line conditions ....S658A Not available with MT ballastNot for use in CanadaNot suitable for marine applications• Quick-Clip – holds weight of housing when closed; no need to support luminaire while screwing the housing to the cover ....S890• Ballast-Gard starter cut-out switch – prevents starter pulsing when lamp iscycling or inoperative; prolongs ballast and ignitor life ..............................................BG Available for use with 50-150W LX HPS only • Instant restrike – enables a hot HPS lamp to immediately restrike after a momentary loss arc due to voltage fluctuation or power outage; has no effect on thewarm-up period of cold lamps ................IR50-150W LX HPS only• During a “failed lamp” condition, thisfeature discontinues the start-up operation after 1 minute (I)50-150W LX HPS only• Quartz auxiliary lighting – comes to full brightness immediately and remains lit until the HID lamp attains 60-70% of full illumination..........................................QTZ For non-hazardous locations onlyQTZ lamp not included; use 100W single-ended lamp – Q100DC, Q100CL/DC or 100Q/CL/DC Consult factory for top hat limitations• Stainless steel insert – top hat with stainless steel threaded insert to attach ballast housing ...................................S806• Teflon coated globe for additionalprotection against breakage ..............S808 For use with 50-150W HPS and 70-175W MH(G303 only)• Factory assembled with HID lampsinstalled for additional labor savings ......FAA When ordering fuses for luminaires, you must specify the operating voltage. S658 cannot be ordered with /MT, /DT or /TT in the catalog number.Photometrics:• Complete photometrics can be found at/photometrics3For combustible dust applications2. 150W HPS luminaires:• 55V lamps standard – use suffix LX; for 100V lamps – use suffix CE • 50W HPS luminaire is dual-tap only3. Options: Add the required option suffixes (see page 187) in alphanumeric order.To complete the catalog number, include information in Notes 1, 2 and 3 below. For guards and other optics, see DMV – ordering by components page.1. Add voltage suffix to end of catalog number.Standard voltage ballasts – 60 HzMounting styleHub sizeLampwattsBASIC CATALOG NUMBERCat. # With G303 globe and P33 guard Cat. # With GR305 glass refractor B 3/”DMVS2A050GP DMVS2A050GR3053/”50DMVS2HA050GP DMVS2HA050GR3053/”DMVS2C050GP DMVS2C050GR3053/”3/”50DMVS25Q050GP DMVS25Q050GR30511/”50DMVSJ050GP DMVSJ050GR30511/”50DMVSP050GP DMVSP050GR305B For GR302 Type II refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR302.’ Example: DMVS2A050GR302. For GR303 Type III refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR303.’ Example: DMVS2A050GR303.NEC/ULCEC/CSA (cUL)Voltage Suffix Multi-tap /MT Dual-tap /DT 120V /120480V /480Tri-tap /TT Dual-tap /DT 120V /120Optional voltage ballasts – 50 or 60 HzCEC/CSA (cUL) – CWI isolated ballastsExportVoltage Suffix 208V CWI/208 CWI 240V CWI/240 CWI 480V CWI /480 CWI 600V CWI /600 CWI 220V 60 Hz /220220V 50 Hz /220 50230V 50 Hz /230 50240V 50 Hz /240 503LFor combustible dust applications2. Options: Add the required option suffixes (see page 187) in alphanumeric order.To complete the catalog number, include information in Notes 1 and 2 below. For guards and other optics, see DMV – ordering by components page.1. Add voltage suffix to end of catalog number.Standard voltage ballasts – 60 HzMounting styleHub sizeLampwattsBASIC CATALOG NUMBERCat. # With G303 globe and P33 guard Cat. # With GR305 glass refractor C 3/”DMVM2A150GP S828DMVM2A150GR305 S8283/”150DMVM2HA150GP S828DMVM2HA150GR305 S8283/”DMVM2C150GP S828DMVM2C150GR305 S8283/”DMVM2TW150GP S828DMVM2TW150GR305 S8283/”150DMVM25Q150GP S828DMVM25Q150GR305 S82811/”150DMVMJ150GP S828DMVMJ150GR305 S82811/”150DMVMP150GP S828DMVMP150GR305 S828C For GR302 Type II refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR302.’ Example: DMVM2A150GR302 S828.For GR303 Type III refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR303.’ Example: DMVM2A150GR303 S828.NEC/ULCEC/CSA (cUL)Voltage Suffix Multi-tap /MT 120V /120480V /480Tri-tap /TT 120V /120Optional voltage ballasts – 50 or 60 HzExportVoltageSuffix 220V 60 Hz /220220V 50 Hz /220 50230V 50 Hz /230 50240V 50 Hz /240 503For combustible dust applications2. 70W ballast not available in 480V.3. Options: Add the required option suffixes (see page 187) in alphanumeric order.To complete the catalog number, include information in Notes 1, 2 and 3 below. For guards and other optics, see DMV – ordering by components page.1. Add voltage suffix to end of catalog number.Standard voltage ballasts – 60 HzMounting styleHub sizeLampwattsBASIC CATALOG NUMBERCat. # With G303 globe and P33 guard Cat. # With GR305 glass refractor D 3/”DMVM2A070GP DMVM2A070GR3053/”70DMVM2HA070GP DMVM2HA070GR3053/”DMVM2C070GP DMVM2C070GR3053/”3/”70DMVM25Q070GP DMVM25Q070GR30511/”70DMVMJ070GP DMVMJ070GR30511/”70DMVMP070GP DMVMP070GR305D For GR302 Type II refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR302.’ Example: DMVM2A070GR302.For GR303 Type III refractor, change ‘GR305’ at end of catalog number to ‘GR303.’ Example: DMVM2A070GR303.E 175W and 250W not available in USA.NEC/ULCEC/CSA (cUL)Voltage Suffix Multi-tap /MT 120V /120480V /480Tri-tap /TT 120V /120Optional voltage ballasts – 50 or 60 HzCEC/CSA (cUL) – CWI isolatedballasts – 175W and 250W MH onlyExportVoltage Suffix 208V CWI/208 CWI 240V CWI/240 CWI 600V CWI /600 CWI 220V 60 Hz /220220V 50 Hz /220 50230V 50 Hz /230 50240V 50 Hz /240 50II. Ballast housings:Complete catalog number must have the voltage suffix (MT shown) and any options suffixes .DMV luminaires are available in components.A complete luminaire consists of:I. Champ cover (mounting module)II. DMV ballast housing – include voltage and required option(s) III. Globe, guard, reflector, refractorI. Champ cover (mounting module):III. Globes, guards, reflectors, refractors:TypeConduit sizeCat. #Pendant mount 3/4”APM21”APM3Quad mount/4”QM25Lamp typeLamp wattsCat. #50DMVS050/MT TypeCat. #GlobeG303High bay reflector/lensGRD4F Not available with V2PC photocell.G For non-hazardous applications only (50-100W max.).Family tree:3HHHH Plastic refractors are for non-hazardous areas only (50-100W max.).LampClass I, Div. 2Class II, Div. 1Simult.pres.Class I, Class I, Zone 2The Class I, Division 2 T -codes apply to luminaires without the restricted breathing (S826) or factory sealed (S865) options. These luminaires are listed to UL844. UL844 specifies how the temperatures are measured.The Class I, Zone 2 T -codes are for luminaires that are additionally listed to UL60079-15 that specify a different method for measuringtemperatures. Since NEC 501.1 states that equipment “…for use in Class I, Zone 0, 1, or 2 locations shall be permitted in Class I, Division 2 locations…”, then these luminaires are suitable for Class I, Division 2 but with cooler temperature ratings. They also have the advantage of meeting the more rigorous mechanical tests of UL844.I All DMVM 175W and below MH luminaires provided with catalog number G303-S808 have a T2A T -code.J For use with refractor only when this table indicates by means of a T -code that the refractor is suitable for use with Class I, Division 2 luminaires.Temperature performance data:3Dimensions (in inches):Pendant mountQuad mountStanchion mount 25° angleStanchion mount straightTop viewCeiling mountWall mountLuminaire with globe, guard, reflectorsNet luminaire weights:Deduct: 1.00 lb. for fixture without P33 guardAdd: 5.50 lbs. for fixture with GR305 refractorLuminaire series Lamp wattsLuminaire withglobe, guard (lbs.)5023.00Dome 1.2530° angle 1.75。
今周间,我们趁着⼀本名为《YELLOW EAGLE》的GORO’S品牌专集正式⾯世,便决定在此为⼤家详述这个超级银器品牌的个中魅⼒所在。
经历半⽣时间学习的体验⽣活拥有100%古印第安制银技术之传奇职⼈ : CRAFTSMAN · GORO TAKAHASHI作为⽇本银器品牌的超⼈⽓代表,要了解GORO’S创⽴40多年来的魅⼒所在,⾸要条件当然是先认识这位GORO’S创⽴者的传奇事迹:现年68岁的⾼桥吾郎(GORO TAKAHASHI),1939年于东京出⽣,⽇本⼈⽓银器品牌GORO’S创⽴者,由于⼀⽣醉⼼制作银器饰物的关系,年轻时已多次远赴海外地区,跟随印第安⼈经历体验⽣活,专注学习古印第安制银技术,更得到当中⼀些制作技术秘⽅的真传,配合其多年来⼿造银器技术的精细⼿艺,正式于60年代以⾃⼰的名字吾郎(GORO)命名⾃家⼚牌,于⽇本发售其GORO’S银器。
由于得到印第安⼈的技术传承,GORO’S的出品亦围绕着古印第安民族的传统所设计,当中被受印第安最为崇敬的鹰式标记(YELLOW EAGLE),更是GORO’S云云出品中,使⽤得最多的经典图案,因为印第安民族向来认为鹰是这个世界上能够飞得最⾼的动物,亦感觉到鹰是世界上唯⼀能够将天与地紧密连接的⽣物,所以⼀直以来都得到最⾼的崇敬,加上GORO’S的出品本⾝就是因为得到印第安民族的技术传承才有机会出现,所以最终⾼桥吾郎亦⽤上鹰作为其品牌的永远标记。
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Novità: RICOH GX200
Una compatta digitale di fascia alta da 24 mm con zoom ottico super-grandangolo e un CCD da 12 megapixel ad alta risoluzione con l’ultimo motore di elaborazione delle immagini SIE III Tokyo, Giappone – 24 giugno 2008 - Ricoh Co., Ltd. (Presidente e CEO: Shiro Kondo) ha annunciato oggi lo sviluppo e la disponibilità della GX200, in grado di riprodurre immagini ad alta risoluzione su tutto il campo, con basso rumore e gradazione naturale. Questa fotocamera è il successore della compatta Caplio GX100, premiata in varie occasioni, presentata nell’aprile del 2007. Mantenendo le caratteristiche più apprezzate della Caplio GX100, come lo zoom grandangolare ad alte prestazioni da 24 a 72 mm (lunghezza focale equivalente per una 35 mm a pellicola) su un corpo compatto e tascabile dello spessore di 25 mm, una vasta gamma di funzioni di scatto manuali e un mirino elettronico inclinabile e removibile, la nuova GX200 garantisce una risoluzione ancora maggiore grazie al suo CCD da 12 megapixel e alla significativa riduzione del rumore resa possibile dal nuovo motore di elaborazione delle immagini Smooth Imaging Engine III. Già componente apprezzato della Caplio GX100, l’obiettivo grandangolo ad alta risoluzione è stato ulteriormente perfezionato per permettere riprese a risoluzioni ancora maggiori. Con un LCD HVGA da 2,7 pollici e 460.000 punti ad ampio angolo e una funzione di livello elettronica per gli scatti orizzontali e verticali, la GX200 mette a disposizione un’ampia gamma di funzioni di scatto, che permetteranno agli amanti della fotografi a riprese fi nora impensabili. Il modello viene proposto in due diverse confezioni, con accessori diversi. La confezione GX200 contiene: batteria ricaricabile agli ioni di litio, caricabatteria, cavo AV, cavo USB, CD-ROM, cinturino e copriobiettivo. La confezione GX200 VF KIT contiene tutti i precedenti accessori più il mirino elettronico.
* Le lunghezze focali degli obiettivi citate in questo documento sono quelle equivalenti per una fotocamera da 35 mm.
Caratteristiche principali della GX200 1. Migliore qualità delle immagini grazie al CCD da 12 megapixel, al nuovo motore di elaborazione delle immagini e alla modalità di ripresa RAW continua. È stato introdotto un nuovo efficace CCD da 12 megapixel ad alte prestazioni 1/1.7: ogni pixel in più significa maggiore risoluzione. L’adozione del nuovo motore di elaborazione delle immagini Smooth Imaging Engine III permette al fotografo un migliore controllo sulla riduzione del rumore, senza sacrificare risoluzione e saturazione. Alta qualità delle immagini abbinata a un obiettivo con una maggiore capacità di retroilluminazione*. *Si tratta dello zoom grandangolare equivalente a 24-72 mm montato sul modello precedente (Caplio GX100), che mette a disposizione una generosa configurazione di 11 elementi in 7 gruppi, fra cui lenti a superficie asferica di qualità superiore e lenti ad alto indice di rifrazione e bassa dispersione. La configurazione ottimale riduce la distorsione, l’aberrazione cromatica e la dispersione della luce ai bordi per riprese in grandangolo con aperture da F2.5 (grandangolo) ed F4.4 (teleobiettivo). Inoltre è stato ulteriormente ridotto il ghosting, grazie ai miglioramenti dell’obiettivo. 2. Grande display LCD HVGA da 460.000 punti, da 2,7 pollici, ad alta risoluzione. Il nuovo display LCD ad alta risoluzione da 460.000 punti, da 2,7 pollici, presenta un angolo di visione ampio e un contrasto elevato per una visualizzazione facile e nitida anche all’aperto. Per quanto riguarda le miniature, vengono riprodotte chiaramente anche le immagini ridotte con dimensioni di 1/20.
4. Ampia gamma di funzioni di ripresa e grande maneggevolezza. Il maggiore buffer di memoria rende possibile la ripresa continua fino a cinque immagini in modalità RAW, ed è ora possibile usare la funzione di bracketing per modificare automaticamente l’esposizione durante le riprese in modalità RAW. Altre possibilità estese di ripresa RAW comprendono la possibilità di scatto nelle dimensioni 1:1 (rapporto verticale/orizzontale). Il numero di opzioni personalizzate per la definizione delle modalità di ripresa è stato portato a tre (erano due nella Caplio GX100). Sono ora presenti tasti “one-push” per la selezione della modalità sia sulla parte superiore che su quella posteriore, come pulsante a 4 direzioni. Questi tasti possono essere utilizzati ad esempio per impostazioni personalizzate per passare da JPEG a RAW, o da colore a b/n. È possibile passare rapidamente alla modalità di ripresa preferita quando si verficano improvvisamente particolari condizioni fotografiche. La funzione di spostamento del bersaglio AF, che prima poteva essere usata solo nella modalità di ripresa macro, è ora disponibile anche in quella normale. È possibile spostare il bersaglio AF, AE o entrambi senza spostare la fotocamera. Il flash viene alzato manualmente scorrendo l’interruttore di apertura. Le funzioni del flash sulla GX200 sono state ulteriormente estese con una funzione di regolazione dell’intensità luminosa (da -2.0 EV a +2.0 EV), una funzione manuale per l’impostazione dell’intensità e un’impostazione di sincronizzazione in cui la temporizzazione del flash può essere definita come “1 tendina” o “2 tendina”. Una funzione di rotazione automatica rende più facile la visualizzazione delle immagini sul display. Anche riprendendo in condizioni di contrasto elevato, la fotocamera può far uso di una funzione di correzione automatica del livello per ottenere il livello ottimale di luminosità, riducendo al tempo stesso le zone troppo chiare o troppo scure. Una funzione di correzione della distorsione (attivabile e disattivabile a piacere) permette di correggere automaticamente la distorsione dell’immagine al momento dello scatto. Questa funzione è utilizzabile anche con l’obiettivo di conversione da 19 mm. In modalità priorità di apertura, una funzione di regolazione automatica dell’apertura ne regola automaticamente il valore per evitare sovraesposizioni.