An enhanced method of providing sensitive bus fault protection
sensitivity enhancement in surface plasmon resonance sensors
Sensors and Actuators A 159 (2010) 24–32Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSensors and Actuators A:Physicalj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s naElectromagnetic fields distribution in multilayer thin film structures and the origin of sensitivity enhancement in surface plasmon resonance sensorsAtef Shalabney,Ibrahim Abdulhalim ∗Department of Electro-Optic Engineering,Ben Gurion University,Beer Sheva 84105,Israela r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 6October 2009Received in revised form 8January 2010Accepted 7February 2010Available online 13 February 2010Keywords:Surface plasmon resonance Optical sensors Surface wavesa b s t r a c tThe performance of surface plasmon resonance (SPR)sensors depends on the design parameters.An algorithm for calculating the electromagnetic fields distribution in multilayer structure is developed relying on Abeles matrices method for wave propagation in isotropic stratified media.The correlation between field enhancement and sensitivity enhancement is examined and found to agree with the overlap integral in the analyte region.This correlation was verified in the conventional SPR sensor based on Kretschmann configuration,and in the improved SPR sensor with high refractive index dielectric top layer for several cases,e.g.field enhancement due to resonance,the sensitivity dependence on the wavelength,the influence of prism refractive index on sensitivity,and the effect of the layers materials and thicknesses.© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionSurface plasmon resonance (SPR)sensors are widely recognized as valuable tools for investigating surface interactions and sensing of gases and biomaterials [1].A surface plasmon wave is a longi-tudinal compressional charge density wave that can propagate at the interface between a metal and a dielectric media under certain conditions.One of the most common techniques for plasmon exci-tation is the Kretschmann configuration shown in Fig.1(a)in which the resonance realized by a dip in the reflectivity versus incidence angle or alternatively in the reflectivity versus wavelength.Since the dip location depends on the substrate (analyte)features,one can measure tiny fluctuations in the refractive index of the analyte by tracking either the shift in the resonance angle or the shift in the resonance wavelength [2–4].Due to the pioneering works of Kretschmann [5]and Otto [6],practical devices were proposed for chemical and biological sensors applications.Several parameters and features define the perfor-mance quality of SPR sensor:(1)reflectance profile shape (dip depth and width),(2)chemical stability of the metal layer,(3)sensor reso-lution,and (4)sensor sensitivity.The sensor’s sensitivity is defined as the ratio between the resonance angle or wavelength shift per analyte refractive index unit.Gent et al.[7]defined the sensitivity∗Corresponding author at:Ben Gurion University,Department of Electro-optic Engineering,P.O.Box 653,84105Beer Sheva,Israel.Tel.:+97286479803.E-mail (A.Shalabney), (I.Abdulhalim).as the ratio between the shift and width of the dip.This definition is somehow misleading and questionable because several algorithms can be applied to determine the dip position with high accuracy even with moderate resolution.The later definition was considered by Golosovsky et al.[8]recently.They demonstrated that the sensi-tivity of SPR technique in the infrared range using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectrometry is not lower compared to the sensitiv-ity of the SPR technique in the visible range.In the present work we define the sensitivity as the dip shift per sample refractive index unit and will ignore dip width aspect in the sensitivity definition.In the last two decades few methods were proposed to improve the SPR sensor ing long range SPR (LRSPR)sensor [9,10]where the excitation of two SP waves on the interfaces of the metal layer placed between two dielectric layers increases the propagation distance on the surfaces and correspondingly increases the sensitivity.Although many works reported sensitiv-ity enhancement by measuring phase instead of intensity [11–14],recent study [15]showed that these reports are questionable and the accuracy in phase measurements is limited by the accuracy of intensity measurements.Another method to enhance SPR sensor sensitivity was using periodic metallic structures combined with TIR Kretschmann configuration [16,17].Also the use of bimetallic layers [18–20],and modification of prism refractive index [21,22]were proposed in order to enhance SPR sensor hav et al.presented for the first time the nearly guided wave SPR (NGWSPR)configuration that is similar to the conventional con-figuration with the addition of 10–15nm dielectric layer with a high refractive index between the metal layer and the cover mate-rial (the analyte to be sensed)[23,24]as shown in Fig.1(b).The0924-4247/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.sna.2010.02.005A.Shalabney,I.Abdulhalim/Sensors and Actuators A159 (2010) 24–3225Fig.1.(a)Schematic of single layer Kretschmann configuration and(b)schematic of double layer Kretschmann configuration. authors choose silicon(Si)to accomplish the task because Si hashigh real part of refractive hav et al.configuration has twoprominent advantages:first the sensitivity was enhanced by fewtimes compared to conventional SPR sensor,and second the sta-bility of the metal layer was improved because the silicon servedas protection layer for the silver which suffers from a poor chem-ical stability.When the addition of a thin dielectric layer witha high refractive index on top of the metal layer is considered,one should emphasize that the added layer is very thin(typically10nm).One should distinguish this case from the case of coupledplasmon-waveguide resonance(CPWR).CPWR biosensors incorpo-rate a thick waveguide layer(typically500nm)beneath the surfaceof the conventional SPR biosensor[25,26].Unlike the conventionalSPR biosensors,whose reflectivity demonstrates a dip only in theTM mode,the interference in the waveguide layer causes a dip bothin the TE and TM modes in the CPWR device[27].Although CPWRsensors exhibit sharp dips and improve significantly the SNR of themeasurement,their sensitivity is less than that of conventional SPRdevices by an order of magnitude since the biosensing surface islocated at a considerable distance from the SPs which exist on theinterface between the metal and the waveguide layer[28,29].Thecontribution of a thin dielectric top layer to the sensitivity enhance-ment of SPR sensor was reported for thefirst time by Lahav et al.Because the nm-thick layer does not support guided modes,it wascalled nearly guided wave SPR(NGWSPR)sensor.In the present work we investigate the sensitivity enhancementmechanism of SPR sensors by electromagneticfield and energydistribution considerations.Since the SPR is accompanied by anenhanced evanescentfield in the metal–analyte interface region,the sensor sensitivity for a perturbation in the analyte is determinedby thefield distribution in this region.According to Abdulhalim[30],the shift in the wave vector is proportional to the overlap inte-gral which in turn is proportional to the interaction volume V in(seeAppendix A):ık≈k i2V inıε·៝E∗i· E f·drVε·៝E∗i· E i·dr(1)where E i,k i are the electricalfield and its wave vector before the variation in the analyte refractive index took place,while E f is the field after the index perturbation andık is the associated shift in the wave vector due to a change fromεtoε+ıεin the analyte dielectric constant.Sinceık expresses the change in the incidence angle or alternatively the change in the wavelength,thenık/ıεrep-resents the sensitivity of the sensor,which is proportional to the overlap integral in the numerator of Eq.(1)normalized to the total energy.Hence to maximize the sensitivity one needs to maximize this integral which can be accomplished by increasing the inter-action volume,that is the evanescence depth,the SP propagation length along the surface or by increasing thefield intensity in the analyte region.One of our purposes in this paper is to demonstrate that sensitivity enhancement mechanisms are accompanied with field enhancement and correlated with the overlap integral in the analyte region.Full description of the electromagneticfield in multilayer struc-tures within the SPR modes context was done by Davis[31]where the purpose was obtaining the eigenfunctions of the differential equation for the magneticfield distribution and simultaneously the eigenvalues were derived from the dispersion relation.Chin et al.[32]presented calculations for electromagneticfield distribution by matrices approach to extract the reflectivity for the multilayer structure.In both previous works[31,32],they used propagation matrices to calculate the two components of the forward and back-ward propagating magneticfield amplitudes in arbitrary layer from the boundary values of the aforementioned amplitudes.Ohta et al.[33]proposed a method to calculate the forward and backward propagating electricfield without using inverse matrices;however, he described the fullfields by exponential expressions which may be problematic due to some numerical instability.Ekgasit et al.[34] and Hansen[35]used the characteristic matrices approach and the total transmission coefficients for explaining their SPR spec-troscopy experiments;however,they only emphasized absorbance aspects in multilayer system.The uniqueness of our work is in that it involves a detailed simplified algorithm for electromagneticfield distribution and full comprehensive investigation for the evanes-centfield role in sensitivity enhancement which was never done before to the best of our knowledge.2.The algorithm forfield distributionWe consider the general case of plane wave radiation interact-ing with a stack of N−1layers as shown in Fig.2so that we have N interfaces.The layers are homogenous and isotropic with plane boundaries,the optical properties of each layer are characterized completely by two constants which are functions of wavelength, e.g.the dielectric constantεj=n2j where n j the refractive index for layer-j and the magnetic permeability is j.The constantsεj, n j, j are complex in the general case.Under the SPR conditions, the electricfield must have a component which is perpendicular to the surface;hence the incident light should be TM polarized.We take the plane of incidence to be the XZ-plane and the Z-axis is the direction of stratification.For TM wave,H x=H z=0and E y=0.The non-vanishing components of thefield vectors into each layer-j are26 A.Shalabney,I.Abdulhalim /Sensors and Actuators A 159 (2010) 24–32of the form:H yj (x,z,t )=H yj (z )exp i (k 0˛j x −ωt ),E xj (x,z,t )=E xj (z )exp i (k 0˛j x −ωt ),E zj (x,z,t )=E zj (z )exp i (k 0˛j x −ωt ),(2)here H yj (z ),E xj (z ),E zj (z )are the amplitudes of the appropriate fields in layer-j that are in general complex functions of z ;˛j =n j sin Âj when Âj the propagation angle and k 0=2 / 0the wave number in vacuum.According to Snell’s law one can consider the following:˛j =n j sin Âj =const =˛=n 0sin Â0(3)When the general structure shown in Fig.2constitutes an SPR sensor,the substrate and the ambient will represent the ana-lyte and the prism,respectively,to be consistent with Fig.1.As was mentioned in the introduction,methods for calculating field’s distribution in N layered structure were presented by several inves-tigators [33–35],however,as algorithms we found them not clear enough and difficult to use particularly for researchers from the bio-sciences and bio-technology.In the present section we introduce a detailed and simplified algorithm for field distribution calculation.Our description completely detailed to allow convenience numer-ical implementation in three steps.Step 1:Calculating total characteristic matrix,reflection and trans-mission coefficients for the whole structure .The magnetic and electric fields amplitudes in the entrance of each layer are connected to the corresponding amplitudes at a distance z inside the layer by the well known Abeles [36]matrices:H 0yj −E 0xj=M j ·H yj (z )−E xj (z )=⎡⎣cos ˇj −iq j sin ˇj −iq j sin ˇjcos ˇj⎤⎦·H yj (z )−E xj (z )(4)H 0yj ,E 0xjare the amplitudes of H yj ,E xj ,respectively,at the appropriate boundary z =Z j of layer-j ,M j is called the characteristic matrix for the layer-j and it is determined by the optical properties and the layer thickness (d j )where:ˇj =k 0n j d j cos Âj ;q j = ( j /εj )cos Âj.Fig.2.Interaction of plane wave with a multilayer system,the stack composed of(N −1)homogenous and isotropic media with N interfaces that bounded by two semi-infinite homogenous,isotropic,and dielectric media.For a multilayered structure the field amplitudes at the first boundary are connected to those at the last boundary by the total characteristic matrix:H 0y 1−E 0x 1=M TOT ·H 0yN −E 0xN,M TOT =j =N −1j =1M j(5)The complex reflection and transmission coefficients r and t can beexpressed in terms of the elements of the total characteristic matrix of the whole system M ij :r ≡H refyH inc y =(M 11+M 12·q N )·q 0−(M 21+M 22·q N )(M 11+M 12·q N )·q 0+(M 21+M 22·q N )t ≡H 0yN H inc y=2·q 0(M 11+M 12·q N )·q 0+(M 21+M 22·q N )(6)H inc y ,H refy are the incident and reflected magnetic field amplitudes,H 0yN is the transmitted magnetic field amplitude and simultane-ously the amplitude at the last interface (z =Z N ).Step 2:Calculating the field within the 1st layer:H y 1(z )−E x 1(z )=P 1(z )·(1+r )q 0(1−r )H inc y ,Z 1≤z ≤Z 2(7)where P 1(z )is given by:P 1(z )=⎡⎣cos(k 0n 1z cos Â1)iq 1sin(k 0n 1z cos Â1)iq 1sin(k 0n 1z cos Â1)cos(k 0n 1z cos Â1)⎤⎦(8)And the incident magnetic field amplitude maybe taken asunity:H inc y=1for normalized magnetic field,while if one needs to normalize the electric field to the incident electric field ampli-tude,the following substitution H inc y =E inc x/q 0should be used in equations (7)and (9).Step 3:Calculating the field distribution within layer-j ≥2from the following expression:H yj (z )−E xj (z )=P j (z )·⎛⎝1l =j −1P l (z =Z l +d l )⎞⎠·(1+r )q 0(1−r )H inc y ,Z j ≤z ≤Z j +1(9)where P j (z )is the propagation matrix for the layer-j (inverse of thecharacteristic matrix M j (z ))and it is given by:P j (z )=cos(k 0n j (z −Z j )cos Âj )iq jsin(k 0n j (z −Z j )cos Âj )iq j sin(k 0n j (z −Z j )cos Âj )cos(k 0n j (z −Z j )cos Âj )(10)One should be careful when distinguishing between P j (z )and P l (z =Z l +d l )that appear in Eq.(9).While the first is z -dependent as was defined through Eq.(10),the second is the propagation matrix for the layer-l with thickness d l ,which is constant for layer-l .Normalizing to the incidence magnetic field amplitude could beachieved by setting H inc yto unity.Since in many cases the SPR sensor structure is composed of a single metal layer which is embedded between two semi-infinite dielectric media,namely,the prism and the analyte,the distribution expression in this case was separated and represented by step 2.For TE polarization all the expressions for the characteristic and propagation matrices and reflection or transmission coefficients are valid simply by replacing the expression for q j = ( j /εj )cos Âjwith p j =(εj / j )cos Âj and the field column for TE isE yjH xj.A.Shalabney,I.Abdulhalim /Sensors and Actuators A 159 (2010) 24–32273.ApplicationsOur 2nd purpose in this work is to investigate the origin of sensitivity enhancement in SPR sensors based on Kretschmann con-figuration.From Eq.(1)the sensitivity proportional to the ratio between the energy flow in the analyte region and the total energy.In this sense we intend to examine the correlation between sensi-tivity enhancement and the field’s distribution for several cases.In part of the cases,we deal with the conventional configuration as shown in Fig.1(a),and afterwards with the improved configuration as shown in Fig.1(b).In the simulations the resonance angle was calculated with accuracy of Â=0.001◦and the variation in the analyte refractive index was n a =0.01RIU.Hence the sensitivity accuracy obtained to be S =0.01◦/RIU.For field calculations,the amplitudes were computed in steps of z =0.5nm.3.1.Evanescent field treatment for the standard Kretschmann configurationFirst we consider the basic configuration shown in Fig.1(a).The surface plasmon wave at the metal/dielectric interface is excited if the wave vector in X -direction of the incident wave matches that of the surface plasmon.When the surface plasmon is excited,a sub-stantial decrease in reflectance is observed at the resonance angle,Âr as shown in Fig.3(a).The resonance angle,Âr depends on theanalyte refractive index,n a =√εa so that a change in the refrac-tive index causes an appropriate shift in the resonance angle,see Fig.3(b).The ratio between the angle shift and the refractive index change is defined as the angular sensitivity S Â(S Â=d Âr /dn a ).At the resonance,the reflectivity R reaches its minimum value,the intensity of the electromagnetic field reaches its maximum at the surface,see Fig.4.Near the resonance angle,an extremely strong evanescent field at the metal/dielectric interface is gener-ated by the surface plasmon wave.The unique characteristic of generating evanescent filed,where the field amplitude is greatest at the interface and exponentially decaying as a function of dis-tance from the metal/dielectric interface,makes the SPR signal very sensitive to changes at the vicinity of the metal surface.The X -component of the electric field is continuous;however,the Z -component is discontinuous.Due to the small dielectric con-stant of the analyte (εa )compared to that of the metal (|εm |),|E z |has a strong enhancement at the metal/analyte interface.As shown in Fig.4(a)and (b)the enhancement of the electric field is largest at the resonance compared to the cases near the resonance,where the resonance angle in this case is Âres =54.619◦.Since there is a need sometimes of detecting at various wave-lengths,sensitivity versus wavelength investigation is essential.As shown in Fig.5(a),the sensitivity of the configuration describedin Fig.1(a)decreases when the wavelength increases.This result was presented by Homola [37]for the Kretschmann configuration without physical interpretation.Now in terms of the evanescent field,we can attribute the high sensitivity for lower wavelength to the larger interaction of the electric field in the analyte region.Although for larger wavelengths there is a larger penetration depth into the analyte region,the amplitude becomes smaller,which indi-cates that sensitivity is not governed only by the penetration depth,see Fig.5(b),rather by both the interaction region and the energy distribution as expressed by the overlap integral of Eq.(1).The sensitivity versus wavelength was calculated after per-forming optimization of the metal layer thickness.The silver layer thickness was chosen such that the resonance condition is preserved for each examined wavelength and the reflectivity at the dip is less than 0.01.As seen from the caption of Fig.5,the silver thickness is decreasing when increasing wavelength.The losses in the metal increases with wavelength,and in order to overcome these losses and preserve resonance condition,the thickness should be reduced.In this case the sensitivity is approx-imately constant for large wavelengths,because in the IR range the sensitivity is mainly governed by the difference between the prism refractive index and the analyte refractive index S Â=(dÂ/dn a )−→ →∞(1/ n 2p −n 2a )(rad/RIU).3.2.Evanescent field treatment for SPR sensor with nm-thick topdielectric layerAs pointed our before,the addition of a thin dielectric layer with a high real part of the refractive index causes substantial enhancement in the sensor sensitivity.Silicon was chosen for its high real part of the refractive index because the sensitivity enhancement was found [23,24]to increase with the real part of the dielectric constant of the top layer.As an optimization process for the silicon layer thickness,d Si =10.5nm is the opti-mum thickness for maximum sensitivity as shown in Fig.6(a).The evanescent field distribution demonstrates that for this silicon layer thickness,maximum enhancement ratio for the amplitude E x is obtained.The addition of the silicon layer increases the sensitiv-ity by threefold,e.g.67.5◦/RIU sensitivity without the silicon layer,compared with 200◦/RIU sensitivity with d Si =10.5nm silicon top layer.The optimum silicon thickness of d Si =10.5nm was chosen for 43nm silver layer thickness because it gave the highest sensitiv-ity enhancement.As done before with the standard Kretschmann configuration,one can perform an optimization for the improved sensor with the silicon dielectric layer.The sensitivity dependence on the wavelength has been examined for the improved sensor,and the same proportion was obtained.As shown in Fig.7(a)and (b),a similar behavior for the sensitivity versus wavelength isobtained,Fig.3.(a)Reflectivity as a function of incidence angle for the configuration shown in Fig.1(a).(b)Reflectivity versus analyte refractive index for the configuration shown in Fig.1(b). =633nm,d m =43nm,n p =1.732,Âr =54.61◦,n a =1.325(blue curve),n a =1.335(red curve),silicon refractive index at 633nm is n s =3.8354+0.0245i and the silver refractive index is n s =0.1325+4.0203i .(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)28 A.Shalabney,I.Abdulhalim /Sensors and Actuators A159 (2010) 24–32Fig.4.(a)The density distribution of the X -component of the electric field.(b)The density distribution of the Z -component of the electric field through the layers at different incidence angles at and near the resonance.Both graphs correspond to the following parameters: =633nm,d m =43nm,n a =1.33,n p =1.732,Âr =54.61◦.Fig.5.(a)Sensitivity versus wavelength corresponding to the configuration in Fig.1(a).(b)The density distribution of the electric field X -component along the metal and the analyte regions for different wavelengths at the resonance.d m =43nm,n a =1.33,n p =1.732.The thicknesses for obtaining resonance in each wavelength are:47,43.25,and 29.75nm for 632,850,and 1550nm,respectively.except that in the case with the silicon layer the sensitivity starts from a higher value compared to the case without the silicon layer.The origin of the sensitivity enhancement with decreasing the operation wavelength is basically related to the metal behavior.Both the real part and the imaginary part of the metal refractive index are responsible for the transparency features of the metal layer and they become larger when increasing the wavelength.Increasing the real part makes the metal more reflective from the initial prism/metal interface,whereas increasing the imagi-nary part makes it more absorptive and as a result of the double effect the evanescent field experiences more attenuation when it propagates through the whole system.When the refractive index of the metal changes from 0.12+3.75i at 600nm wavelength up to 0.53+10.43i at 1500nm,the amplitude of the fields at the analyteinterface are significantly attenuated and consequently the sensi-tivity of the structure becomes moderate.Although the penetration depth was found to be 94and 697nm at 600and 1500nm wave-lengths,respectively,in the conventional Kretschmann SPR sensor configuration,the sensitivity is still larger for smaller wavelength.The values were calculated from the following expression of the penetration depth:ıd =4εa +εmr −ε2a(13)Here ıd is the penetration depth inside the analyte layer, ,εa ,εmrare the wavelength,analyte dielectric constant,and the metal real part dielectric constant,respectively.This last fact indicatesthatFig.6.(a)Sensitivity versus silicon layer thickness corresponding to the configuration in Fig.1(b).(b)Density distribution of the electric field X -component for different Si layer thicknesses.A.Shalabney,I.Abdulhalim/Sensors and Actuators A159 (2010) 24–3229Fig.7.(a)Sensitivity versus wavelength in the Kretschmann configuration with the silicon layer shown in Fig.1(b).(b)The density distribution of the electricfield X-component through the layers at different resonance wavelengths.The silicon refractive indices are:3.64+0.0085i;3.59+0.0057i;3.4+0.0002i;3.22+0.002i at740,780, 1000and1600nm,respectively,and(n a=1.33,n p=1.732).The silver and silicon thicknesses in this case were chosen under the resonance condition R min<0.01for each wavelength.Table1shows the corresponding thicknesses and sensitivities for(b).Table1Silver and silicon layers thicknesses that were chosen for each wavelength that appear in Fig.7(b)in order to preserve R min<0.01as a condition for resonance.The sensitivity and the E x intensity at the analyte interface were calculated for each wavelength.(nm)wavelength d m(nm)metal thickness d s(nm)silicon thickness Sensitivity(◦/RIU)Field intensity at the analyte interface74045.51720410378044.5202101411000402510536160029548225sensitivity as it was defined in the present study is not governed only by the penetration depth.Absorption considerations will be further discussed in Eqs.(14)and(15)in Section3.3.Sensitivity versus wavelength with the silicon top layer was calculated when the structure was optimized to fulfill the resonance condition at each wavelength.Table1shows the combinations(d m,d s)of the silver and the silicon thicknesses that maintain the structure at resonance,with reflectivity dip level of R min< enhancement due to prism refractive indexmodificationThe prism refractive index has an important role in the sensi-tivity determination of the SPR sensor based on TIR configuration. Two works[21,22]were recently published on this issue,and both showed that the sensitivity increases with decreasing the prism refractive index.Thefirst work was on the sensitivity enhancement with the angular interrogation mode[21],in which the authors demonstrated the prism influence without giving any physical explanation for the phenomenon.In the second work which was done by Yulk et al.[22],the spectral interrogation mode was con-sidered and the sensitivity enhancement was attributed to the large penetration depth obtained in the case of small prism refractive index.Under the last hypothesis,the sensitivity for a large wave-length should be larger than the sensitivity for smaller wavelength for all the cases,while we showed the opposite in the former discussion when we examined the wavelength influence on the sensitivity.Hence the explanation that was given by Yulk et inadequate in our opinion.Our approach is based on the correla-tion between sensitivity and overlap integral in the analyte region. Larger enhancement for the electricfield at the metal/dielectric interface for smaller prism refractive index was observed as shown in Fig.8.Fig.8(a)and(b)clearly demonstrates the correlation between the sensitivity enhancement and thefield enhancement.The case demonstrated by Fig.8(a)and(b)relates tofixed opera-tion wavelength( =632nm)while the variation is in the prism refractive index which in turn varies the incidence angle.The sensitivity versus prism refractive index was calculated when the metal layer thickness is optimized under the resonance con-dition(R min<0.01),where R min is the dip level at resonance. Considering the Kretschmann configuration,the resonance condi-tion obtained by equating the SP wave vector and the emerging light wave vector which can explicitly be written as k0n p sinÂ= k0(εmr n2a/(εmr+n2a))where n a and n p are the analyte and the prism refractive indices,respectively,andεmr is the real part of the metal refractive index.By analyzing the last condition one can con-clude that the coupling condition is fulfilled if|εmr|is higher than the quantityÁ=(n2a·n2p/(n2p−n2a))which corresponds to having the resonance anglesÂ≤90◦.For afixed wavelength,the last con-dition creates a singularity in the sensitivity for a prism refractive index which allows the quantityÁto approach|εmr|at the given wavelength.The last interpretation properly explains the dramatic increase in the sensitivity for n p≈1.41in Fig.8(a)for a wavelength of633nm.In a similar manner the influence of the prism refrac-tive index was investigated for the NGWSPR,and similar behavior of the sensitivity versus prism refractive index was found as the conventional SPR sensor.Results are shown in Fig.9(a)and(b).In the case of NGWSPR,there is a shift in the cut-off wavelength which can be clearly seen in the resonance angle positive shift due to the addition of the silicon layer.Basically,the incident light feels a higher refractive index beyond the metal layer and therefore,an appropriate modification in the dispersion relation of the SP.Since the wavelength is keptfixed,the resonance condition is satisfied at larger angle.The sensitivity in the NGWSPR case was calculated when the silver–silicon structure is optimized to maintain the res-onance condition(R min<0.01);the values correspond to thefield intensity distribution in Fig.9(b)are given in Table2.Enhancing thefields at the metal interface increases the absorp-tion as well as increasing the sensitivity of the structure.For conventional SPR sensor without dielectric layer,the only absorb-ing medium in the system is the metalfilm.When adding the silicon layer,the absorption will be both in the metal and the silicon layer. The absorption in the whole system can be expressed by the fol-。
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Typi cal Sympt oms and Si gns
ZHOU Enpi ng WEI Xuef eng YANG Mi nj i e et a l
Depar t ment of Radi ol ogy, secondHospit al , Ji' nanUni versi t y, Guangdong Shenzhen 518020, Chi na 【Abst r act 】 Obj ect i ve To i nvest i gat e t he value of nonenhaced abdomi nal CTwi t hout ent er i c opacif i cat i on f or acut e appendi ci t i s wi t hout t ypi cal sympt oms and si gns. Met hods Nonenhanced CT scans wer e conduct ed wi t hout ent er i c opaci f i cat i on i n 53 pat ient s wi t h acut e abdomen of unknowcauses t o di agnose or excl ude acut e appendi ci t i s. Resul t s Ther e wer e 32 t r ue- posi t i ve di agnoses (27 of whi ch wer e cor r ect l y di agnosed , and t he ot her 5 wer e suspect ed as acut e appendi ci t i s by CT), 21 t r ue- negat i ve di agnoses, no f al se- negat i ve di agnoses and fal se-posi t ive di agnoses, whi ch yi el ded a sensit i vi ty of 100%, a specif i ci ty of 100%, and an accur acy of 100%. Concl usi on Nonenhanced heli cal CTwit hout ent er i c opaci f icat i on is a hi ghly accur at e t echni que f or di agnosi ng or excl udi ng acut e appendi ci t i s wi t hout typi cal sympt oms and si gns.
Cheating in academic settings is a complex issue that has been a topic of debate for many years.It involves dishonest actions taken by students to gain an unfair advantage in their studies.Here are some key points to consider when discussing the topic of cheating in English essays:1.Definition of Cheating:Begin by defining what constitutes cheating in an academic context.This could include plagiarism,copying from another student during an exam,or using unauthorized materials during a test.2.Reasons for Cheating:Explore the various reasons why students might mon reasons include pressure to achieve high grades,lack of understanding of the subject matter,poor time management,or a desire to avoid the consequences of failing.3.Consequences of Cheating:Discuss the potential consequences of cheating for both the individual student and the educational institution.For the student,this could mean academic penalties,damage to their reputation,or a lack of genuine learning.For the institution,it could lead to a loss of credibility and trust.4.Detection and Prevention:Talk about the methods used by educators to detect cheating, such as plagiarism detection software,proctoring exams,and the implementation of honor codes.Also,discuss strategies for preventing cheating,such as fostering a culture of integrity and providing students with the support they need to succeed academically.5.Impact on Learning:Analyze how cheating affects the learning process.Cheating can undermine the development of critical thinking and problemsolving skills,as students who cheat may not engage with the material in a meaningful way.6.Ethical Considerations:Consider the ethical implications of cheating.Cheating is generally viewed as morally wrong because it involves deception and a disregard for the rules that govern academic work.7.Technological Influence:Discuss how the advent of technology has made cheating easier in some ways,with tools like smartphones and the internet providing new avenues for dishonest behavior.However,its also worth noting that technology has also improved the detection of cheating.8.Cultural Perspectives:It might be interesting to explore how attitudes towards cheating vary across different cultures.In some societies,cheating may be more tolerated or even expected,while in others,it is strongly condemned.9.Legal Implications:In some cases,cheating can have legal consequences,particularly in professional or standardized testing contexts.Discuss any relevant laws or regulations that pertain to academic dishonesty.10.Longterm Effects:Consider the longterm effects of cheating on a students career and personal development.Cheating can create a pattern of dishonesty that may extend beyond the classroom and into professional life.11.Solutions and Recommendations:Conclude your essay by suggesting ways to address the issue of cheating.This could include educational reforms,changes in teaching methods,or the promotion of a more supportive and honest academic environment.Remember to support your arguments with evidence,such as studies or expert opinions, and to structure your essay with a clear introduction,body paragraphs,and conclusion. Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to maintain the readers interest and demonstrate your language proficiency.。
第36卷 第10期中 国 激 光Vol.36,No.102009年10月CHINESE JO URNA L OF LASERSOctober,2009文章编号:025827025(2009)1022477208相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射显微成像技术尹 君1,2林子扬2 屈军乐2 于凌尧2 刘 星2 万 辉2 牛憨笨21华中科技大学光电子科学与工程学院,湖北武汉4300742深圳大学光电子学研究所,光电子器件与系统(教育部/广东省)重点实验室,广东深圳518060摘要 回顾了相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)显微成像技术的理论和技术的发展,介绍和比较了CAR S 显微成像技术对抽运光源的要求,以及典型的CARS 显微成像系统。
对CARS 显微成像技术中无法避免的最重要的非共振背景噪声问题做了详细的分析,对不同的抑制非共振背景噪声的方法进行了比较和讨论,对CARS 显微成像技术目前存在的问题和可能解决途径进行了简要的分析。
关键词 激光光学;显微成像方法;相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射;非共振背景噪声;超连续谱;光子晶体光纤中图分类号 O437.3;Q631 文献标识码 A doi :10.3788/CJL 20093610.2477Coh er en t Ant i 2St ok es Ra man Scat tering Micr oscopic Ima ging Techn iqueY in Jun 1,2 Lin Ziyang 2 Qu Junle 2 Y u Linyao 2 Liu Xing 2 Wan Hui 2 Niu Hanben 21College of Optoelect r onic Scien ce a nd Engin eer ing ,Hu azhon g Un iver sity of S cience an d Technology ,Wuha n ,Hu bei 430074,China2Key La bor a tor y of O pt oelectr on ic Devices a nd Syst em s of Ministr y of Educa tion an d Gua ngdong Pr ovince ,Instit ute of O pt oelectr on ics ,Shenzhen Un iver sit y ,S hen zhen ,Gua ngdong 518060,Chin aAbstr a ct I n this pape r,theor etical and technical development of coher ent anti 2Stoke s Raman scatte ring (CA RS)microscopy is r eviewe d.The re quire me nts of CA RS micr oscopy on the pump laser sour ce and typical e xpe rime ntal instr ume ntation ar e discussed and compared.We inve stigate the non 2r esonance background noise which is the most cr itical problem and can not be avoide d in the CA RS micr oscopy.Differ ent me thods for suppre ssing non 2re sonant background noise are pre sented and compared.Finally,a brief analysis of e xisting problems in CA RS microscopy and possible solutions is presented.Key wor ds laser optics;microscopic imaging me thod;cohere nt anti 2Stokes Raman scatter ing;non 2r esonance background noise;super continuum;photonic cr ystal fiber收稿日期:2009207208;收到修改稿日期:2009208210基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60627003)、广东省高等学校科技创新团队项目(06CXT D009)和教育部高等学校博士学科点专项基金(2007059000)资助课题。
AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网A:Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:Attenuation衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protectiontching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针A VCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器TOPBAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station基站BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C/S: Client/Server客户机/服务器TOPC:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CA TV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性TOPD:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting照明设备TOPE:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器TOPFAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。
In the realm of organizational management and social interactions,the concept of institutional distance plays a pivotal role.Institutional distance refers to the gap between the practices,norms,and values of different institutions or organizations.It is a measure of the degree of dissimilarity between the institutional environments of two entities. Understanding and managing this distance is crucial for effective collaboration, innovation,and the overall success of any partnership or interaction.Importance of Institutional Distance in Organizational Collaboration1.Cultural Alignment:Organizations with similar institutional environments are more likely to share common values and practices,which can facilitate smoother collaboration. Recognizing and respecting the differences in institutional distance can help in aligning organizational cultures,leading to more effective teamwork.2.Risk Mitigation:Awareness of institutional distance can help organizations anticipate potential risks in partnerships.By understanding the different regulatory,ethical,and operational standards of their partners,organizations can better prepare for and manage these risks.3.Innovation Stimulation:Diverse institutional environments can stimulate innovation. Organizations that are willing to bridge institutional distances can learn from different practices and ideas,fostering a more creative and dynamic work environment.4.Strategic Decision Making:Institutional distance can influence strategic decisions. Understanding the institutional context of potential partners or competitors can provide valuable insights for strategic planning and positioning within the market.munication Efficiency:When institutional distance is recognized and addressed, communication between organizations can become more efficient.Clear understanding of the other partys norms and expectations can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that messages are conveyed effectively.6.Adaptation and Flexibility:Organizations that are aware of institutional distance are better equipped to adapt their strategies and operations to align with those of their partners.This flexibility can be a key factor in the success of crossinstitutional collaborations.7.Enhanced Reputation:Demonstrating respect for and understanding of different institutional environments can enhance an organizations reputation.It shows that the organization is openminded and capable of operating in diverse contexts.8.Regulatory Compliance:In a globalized world,understanding institutional distance is essential for compliance with different regulatory frameworks.This understanding can help organizations avoid legal pitfalls and maintain a positive image.9.Market Expansion:For organizations looking to expand into new markets, understanding the institutional distance between their home market and the target market is crucial.It can guide the development of appropriate market entry strategies and help in tailoring products and services to meet local expectations.10.Talent Attraction and Retention:Recognizing and valuing institutional diversity can help attract and retain a diverse workforce.Employees who feel that their backgrounds and experiences are valued are more likely to be engaged and committed to the organization.In conclusion,institutional distance is not just a theoretical concept but a practical consideration that can significantly impact the success of organizations in their interactions with others.By acknowledging and managing institutional distance, organizations can foster more effective collaborations,enhance innovation,and navigate the complexities of a diverse and interconnected world.。
一、汉译英(整句)(翻译)1. 毫无疑问,读报有助于扩大我们的词汇量并提高我们的阅读理解水平。
(There)(汉译英)2. 绝大多数学生都喜欢兴趣广泛的老师。
(range)(汉译英)3. 登山运动的吸引力不仅在于运动员之间的激烈竞争,还体现在运动员与自然环境的抗争中。
(Not only...)二、完形填空文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。
文章介绍了一个新的教育组织——New Tech Network。
4. New Tech Network, a new education organization, strives to ensure all students have the skills, knowledge, and attributes they need to thrive in post-secondary education, career and civic life.New Tech Network cooperates with district leaders, administrators, and teachers who share a common purpose: to provide an education in which students acquire knowledge and develop skills vital to________in the post—secondary path of their choosing. The New Tech design is simply a blueprint,________a set of core beliefs, tools, and strategies to help each school fulfil its purpose. New Tech design principles provide for an________approach centred on project-based learning, a culture that empowers students and teachers, and the use of technology in the classroom. Through extensive professional development, personalized coaching, and access to Echo, a learning________system, New Tech Network enables principals, teachers, and students to develop relevant and meaningful learning communities. TEACHING THAT ENGAGESAK-12 pathwayThrough project—based learning, internships(见习期), dual enrolment, and other experiences in New Tech schools, students are well________post—secondary pursuits.________, New Tech Network has worked with public school districts to redesign high schools. More recently, however, New Tech Network is partnering with several school districts to________New Tech middle schools and elementary schools. In some districts, this provides students with a K-12 pathway. In elementary and middle schools, the design principles are the same—teaching that engages, culture that empowers, and technology that enables. As the elementary and middle schools mature, New Tech Network will measure success on student________. Learning________The years spent in a New Tech school allow students to gain the academic and deeper learning skills necessary for success in any post-secondary option. New Techstudents learn disciplinary knowledge and skills to conduct enquiry and solve real-world problems. Throughout a project, they cooperate with peers, facilitators, and experts in the field. Students________their learning through effective oral and written communication for authentic audiences.Ownership of their learning experience and engagement in relevant and challenging tasks helps students develop a sense of agency, a skill essential to success in________, career, and civic duty.Project-based learningProject-based learning is at the heart of New Tech Network’s instructional approach. Students cooperate on projects, ranging in________from two to eight weeks, which require critical thinking and communication. Projects often occur in integrated subject area courses, where Entry Events, the Need-to-Know(NTK)process, andskill-building workshops support student-centred learning. During projects, students often engage with subject matter experts who provide feedback on real-world products. Through project—based learning, students not onlymaster________content, but also successfully apply content when solving authentic problems.________-based internshipsNew Tech students also engage in experiences designed to prepare them for success in the contemporary workplace. By cooperating with others on projects, students acquire a level of responsibility similar to a________work environment. Students engage with field experts and community stakeholders(利益相关者)during projects, and final products are presented to authentic audiences. Additionally, two-thirds of New Tech high schools offer such practical activities, with nearly half of all seniors participating.1.A.success B.rescue C.survival D.reform2.A.owing to B.getting rid of C.depending on D.accompanied by3.A.intermediate B.intelligent C.instructional D.informative4.A.innovation B.requirement D.negotiation5.A.related to B.prepared for C.classified by D.compared with6.A.Accidentally B.Accordingly C.Absolutely D.Historically7.A.evaluate B.observe C.connect D.create8.A.teaching B.learning C.engaging D.developing9.A.problems B.outcomes C.strategies D.discipline10.A.demonstrate B.promote C.highlight D.motivate11.A.elementary school B.middle school C.high school D.college12.A.length C.topics D.targets13.A.advanced B.academic C.complex D.adequate14.A.Network B.Workshop C.Community D.College15.A.permanent B.professional C.popular D.familiar三、阅读选择(阅读理解)文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了Jean-Luc Boeve采用了将气味转化为声音的方式研究锯蝇释放的气味如何赶走敌人。
实 验 技 术 与 管 理 第37卷 第2期 2020年2月Experimental Technology and Management Vol.37 No.2 Feb. 2020ISSN 1002-4956 CN11-2034/TDOI: 10.16791/ki.sjg.2020.02.039环境科学专业“数据分析与实验设计”课程教学改革探讨王 鸣,薛 艳(南京信息工程大学 环境科学与工程学院 江苏省大气环境与装备技术协同创新中心 江苏省大气环境监测与污染控制高技术研究重点实验室,江苏 南京 210044)摘 要:“数据分析与实验设计”课程具有理论复杂、概念抽象等特点,环境科学专业学生掌握难度大。
关键词:数据分析与实验设计;实践教学;环境科学中图分类号:G642.423 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-4956(2020)02-0164-04Exploration on teaching reform of “Data analysis and experimentaldesign” course in environmental science majorWANG Ming, XUE Yan(Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Pollution Control, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Atmospheric Environment and Equipment Technology, School of Environment Science andEngineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China)Abstract: The “Data analysis and experimental design” course is characterized by its complicated theories and abstract concept, and therefore learning of this course is a challenging work for students majoring in environmental science. According to the characteristic of environmental science, a teaching model oriented by “Application + practice” and emphasized by interaction of theory and practice is developed. Teaching contents, methods and evaluation methods of this course are also reformed. A practice case closely related with teaching contents is carefully designed based on a specific research project, covering 20 knowledge points, including sampling method, outlier test, probability distribution, hypothesis test, correlation analysis, and so on. The new teaching model has greatly enhanced students’ interest in learning, strengthened their understanding and application of basic concepts and methods in this course to solve problems, and improved their innovative ability and comprehensive quality. Key words: data analysis and experimental design ;practical teaching ;environmental science环境科学是一门新兴的研究和解决环境问题的综合应用型学科,涉及内容广泛[1]。
李望铭,马荣琨,贾庆超,等. 基于反演法计算不同温度下小麦面团的水分扩散系数[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(11):111−117.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070354LI Wangming, MA Rongkun, JIA Qingchao, et al. Calculation of Moisture Diffusivity of Wheat Dough at Different Temperatures Based on Inversion Method[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(11): 111−117. (in Chinese with English abstract).doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070354· 研究与探讨 ·基于反演法计算不同温度下小麦面团的水分扩散系数李望铭1,马荣琨1,贾庆超1,张 杰1,赵学伟2(1.郑州科技学院食品科学与工程学院,河南郑州 450064;2.郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南郑州 450002)摘 要:水分扩散系数是食品加工过程中重要的物理参数。
本研究采用Peleg 、Weibull 、双指数这三种常用的食品水分吸附动力学模型拟合了冻干面团在20、30及40 ℃时的吸湿曲线。
在此基础上,通过COMSOL 软件分别建立了瞬时平衡、对流、平行指数边界三种条件下的面团吸湿模型,并通过反演法计算出对应模型下的水分扩散系数。
结果表明,Weibull 模型和双指数模型决定系数均在0.999以上,较为适合冻干面团吸湿曲线的拟合;平行指数边界模型能较好的模拟出不同温度条件下冻干面团的吸附水分变化规律。
嵌入式系统专业术语中英文比照A:Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance 员工考勤A:Attenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学AC:AnalogueController 模拟掌握器ACD:Automatic CallDistribution 自动安排话务ACS:Access ControlSystem 出入掌握系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反响AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益掌握AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A—I:Auto—iris 自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡掌握ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:AnalogueLines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module 治理模块AN:AccessNetwork 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率掌握ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 治理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 治理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 治理单元组AU—LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU 指针丧失AU—NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 治理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 治理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像掌握装置AWG:American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net 建筑物自动化和掌握网络BAM:Background Administration Module 后治理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比BCC:B—channelConnect ControlB 通路连接掌握BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector 大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP—N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N 位码B—ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B—ISDN:Broad band —Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式掌握器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑治理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 根本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station 基站BSC:Base Station Controller 基站掌握器BUL:Back up lighting 备用照明C/S: Client/Server 客户机/效劳器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting 自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫掌握CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇掌握功能CD:CampusDistributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combinationdetector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道安排CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰特地委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority 信元丧失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置治理CM:Cross-connect Matrix 穿插连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion 传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service 公用治理信息协议效劳单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder 〔Ticket reader 〕卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚效劳CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer 合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严峻误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能掌握CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 掌握字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 安排的大器DBA:Database Administrator 数据库治理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus 数据库掌握系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts 大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel 数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散掌握器DCS:Distributed Control System 集散型掌握系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller 直接数字掌握器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication 增加数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反响DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi—Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual —Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave—length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross—Connect 数字穿插连接E:Emergency lighting 照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA—DFB:Electricity Absorb—Distributed Feedback 电吸取分布反响ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或掌握通道EDFA:Erbium—DopedFiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic DataInterexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical ImpedanceCharacteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial 疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型A ESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge 静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器TOPFAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警掌握装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit 风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:FlameDetector 火焰探测器FD:FloorDistributor FD:FrequencyDirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface 光纤缆分布式数据接口. FDDIF:Fiber Distributed Data Inferface 光缆分布数据接口FDMA:Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FE:Fire Extirguisher 消防电梯FEBE:Far End Block Error 远端块误码FEXT:Far End Crosstalk 远端串扰FFES:Foam Fire Extionuishing System 泡沫灭火系统FH:Fire hydrant 消火栓FI:Fee Indicator 费用显示器FL:Focal Length 焦距FL:FuzzyLogic 模糊规律FM:FaiiltManagement 失效治理FPA:Fire Public Address 火灾事故播送FPD:Fire Public Derice 消防设施PACR:Attonuation to Crosstalk Ratio 衰减与串扰比GAP:Gaussian (filtered〕Frequency Shift Keying 高斯滤波频移键控TOP GBS:Glass Break Sensors 玻璃裂开传感器GC:Generic Cabling 综合布线GIB:Generic Information Block 通用信息模块GNE:Gateway Network Element 网关GSM:Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统H:Hybrid 混合式TOPHCBS:High C Bus Servers Unit 高速C 总线效劳单元HCS:Higher order Connection Supervision 高阶连接监视HD:Heat Detecter 感温探测器HDB3:High Density Bipolar of order 3code 高密度双极性码HDLC:High Data Link Control 高级数据链路掌握HDLC:HighDigital Link Control 高级数据链路掌握HDSL:High—bit -rate Digital Subscriber Link 高比特数字用户链路HDTV:High Definition Television 高清淅度电视HEC:Header Ervor Control:信头过失掌握域HEMS:High -level Entity Management system 高级实体治理系统HFC:Hybrid fiber coax 光纤-同轴电缆混合系统HGRP:Home Optical Network 华为公司专用协议HIFI:High Fidelity 高保真度HIPPI:High Performance Parrallel Interface 高性能并行接口HMP:Host monitoring protocol 宿主机监视协议HOA:High Order Assembler 高阶组装器HOAPID:High Order Path Access Point Identifier 高阶通道接入不敷出点标识符HOI:High Order Interface 高阶接口HONET:Home Optical Network 华为综合业务接入网商标HO—TCM:High Order Tandem Connection Monitor 高阶通道串联连接监控HOVC:High Order Virtual Container 虚容器HPA:High order path Adaptation 高阶适配HPC:High order path Connection 高阶通道连接HPOM:High -order Path Overhead Monitor 高阶通道开销监视器HPP:High —order path Protection 高阶通道保护HP-RDI:Higher order path —Remote Defect Indication 高阶通道接收缺陷指示HP—REI:Higher order Path—Remote ErrorIndication 高阶通道远端错误指示HPT:High order path Termination 高阶通道终端HRDS:Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段HSUT:High —order path Supervision Unequipped Termination 高阶通道监控未装装载终HVAC:Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 暖通空调HWS:Hot Water Supply 热水供给系统I:Interference 串扰TOP IA:Intruder Alarm 防盗报警ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol 掌握信息协议IDC:Insucation Displacement Connection 绝缘层信移连接件IDS:Industrial Distribution System 工业布线系统IFC:Intelligent Fire Controller 照明智能掌握器ILD:InjectLight Diode 注入式激光二极管IM:Impedance Matching 阻抗匹配IMA:Interactive Multimedia Association 交互式多媒体协议IM—DM:Intensity Modulation—Direction Modulation 直接强度调制IN:Information Network 信息网IO:Information Outlet 信息插座IOS:IntelligentOut Station 智能外围站IPEI:InternationalPortable 国际移动设备标识号IPTU:Indoor Pan&Tilt Unit 室内水平俯仰云台IPUI:International Portable User Identity 国际移动用户标识号ISD:Ionization Smoke Detector 离子感烟探测器IT:Information Technology 信息技术ITU:International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟ITU—T:原名CCITT,是国际电信联盟的一个委员会ITV:Interactive Tevevision 交互式电视JIT—Discussion conference system 即席发言系统L:Lens 摄像机镜头LAN:Local Area Network 局域网LAPB:Link Access Procedure—Balanced 链路接入规程--—-平衡LAPD:Link Access Procedure D—channel D 信道链路访问协议LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCL:Longituchinal Conrorsion Loss 纵模变换损耗LCN:Local Communication Network 本地通信网LCS:Lowerorder Connection Supervision 低阶连接监视LD:LaserDiode 激发二极管LE:Local Exchange 本地交换网LED:Light Emittirng Diode 发光二极管LIU:Lightguide Interconnection Unit 光纤互连装置LLC:Logic Link Control Layer 规律链路掌握层LLME:Low Layer Management Entity 低层治理实体LM:Lerel Modulation 电平调整LNA:Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器LOF:Loss Of Frame 帧丧失LOI:Low Order Interface 低阶接口LOP:Loss Of Pointer 指针丧失LOS:Loss Of Signal 信号丧失LO—TCM:Low Order Tandem Connection Monitor 低阶通道串联连接监视器LOVC:Low Order Virtual Container 低阶虚容器LPA:Lower order qath Adaptation 低阶通道适配LPC:Lower order Path Connection 低阶通道连接LPOM:Low-order Path Overhead Monitor 低阶通道开销监视器LPP:Low—order Path Protection 低阶通道保护LPT:Lowerorder Path Termination 低阶通道终端TOPMAC:Medium Access Control Layer 介质访问掌握层TOP MBMC:Multiple Burst Mode Controller 多突发模式掌握器MCF:Message Communication Function 消息通信功能MD:Mediation Device 中介设备MFPB:Multi—Frequency Press Button 多频按键MIB:ManagementInformation Base 治理信息库MIC:Mediu InterfaceConnector 介质接口连接器MIO:MultiuserInformation Outlet 多用户信息插座MLM:Multi-Longitudinal Mode 多纵模MM:Mobile Management 移动治理MMDS:Maltichanned Microware Distribution System 多路微波安排系统MMO:Multionedia Outlet 多媒体插座MN-NES:MN—Network Element System 网元治理系统MN-RMS:MN—Region Management System 网络治理系统MO:Managed Object 治理目标MSA:Multiplex Section Adaptation 复用段适配MS-AIS:Mutiplex Section—Alarm Indication Signal 复用段告警指示信号MSOH:Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销MSP:Multiplex Section Protection 复用段保护MS-RDI:Multiplex Section-Remote Defect Indication 复用段远端缺陷指示MST:Multiplex Section Termination 复用段终端MSU:Multi-Subscriber Unit 多用户单元 MTIE:Maximum Time Interval Error 最大时间间隔误差MUX:Multiplexer 敏捷复接器NDF:New DataFlag 数据标识NDFA:Niobium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铌光纤放大器NE:Network Element 网元NEXT:Near End Crosstalk 近端串扰NMS:Network Management System 网络治理系统NNE:Non-SDH Network Element 非 SDH 网元NNI:Network Node Interface 网络节点接口NPI:Null Pointer Indication 无效指针指示NWK:Network Layer 网络层NZ—DSF:Non Zero-Dispersion Shift Fiber 非零散位移光纤OAM&P:Operation Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning 运行、治理、维护和预置OAM:Operation, Administration and Maintenance 操作、治理和维护OBFD:Optical Beam Flame Detector 线型光速火焰探测器OC-N:Optical carrier level-N 光载波级 NOCR:Optical Character Recogmition 光学字符识别OEIC:Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit 光电集成电路OFA:Optical Fiber Amplifier 光纤放大器OHP:OverheadProcessing 开销处理OLT:Optical Line Terminal 光纤线路终端ON:Orerall Noise 总噪声ONU:Optical Network Unit 光纤网络单元OOF:Out Of Frame 帧失步OOP:Object Oriental Programming 面对对象程序设计OS:Operating System 操作系统OSC:Oscillator 振荡器OSI:Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连OTDK:Optical Time Doman Reflectometer 光时域反射线OTDM:Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用PA:Power Amphfier 功率放大器PA:Power Amplifier 功率放大器PABX:Private Auntomatic Branch Exchange 程控数字自动交换机Paging :无线呼叫系统PAL:Pinhole Alc Lons 针孔型自动亮度掌握镜头PARK:Portable Access Rights Key 移动用户接入权限识别码PAS:Public Address System 公共播送音响系统PBX:PrivateBrancn exchange 程控用户交换机PC:Pan unit&control 云台及云台掌握器PC:Proximinty Card 接近卡PCM:Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCS:Personal Communication Service 个人通讯效劳PDFA:Praseodymium—Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺镨光纤放大器PDH:Plesiochronous digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDN:Public data network 公用数据网PDS:Premises Distribution Systemn 建筑物构造化综合布线系统PF:Pressurization Fan 加压风机PG:Pressure Gradient 压差式PID:Passire Infrared Detector 被动式红外传感器PJE:Pointer Justification Event 指针调整大事PLC:Programmerable Logic Controller 可编程掌握器PM:Power Matching 功率匹配PMS:Prooerty Management system 资源治理系统PO:Pressure Operated 压强式POH:Path Overhead 通道开销PPI:PDH Physical InterfacePDH 物理接口Preamplification :前置放大PRI:Primany Rate Interface 基群速率接口PRM:Patter Recogniton Method 模式识别法PSC:Protection Switching Count 保护倒换计数PSD:Photoelectric Smoke Detector 光电感烟探测器TOPITU-T:International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Sector 国际电信联盟-电信标准部R:Receiver 终端解码器TOP R:Reverberator 混响器RC:Radio Communication 移动通信RC:Room”s Coefficient 房间系数RCU:RemoteControl Units 终端掌握器RDI:Remote DefectIndication 远端失效指示REG:Regenerator再生器Resolution:清楚度RF:Radio Frequency 射频RHE:Romote Head End 远地前端RMC:Repeater Management Controller 天线信道掌握器RMS:Root Mean Square 均方根值RMU:Redundancy Memory Unit 冗佘存贮器RORTD:Rate Of Rise Thermal Detector 差温探测器RR:Reverberation Radius 混响半径RS:Reflected sound 反射场RSOH:Regenerator Section Ouerhead 再生段开销RSSI:Radio Signal Strength Indicator RST:Regenerator Section Termination 再生段终端RSU:Remote Subscriber Unit 远端用户单元RT:RealTime 实时RT:Reverberation Time 混响时间RWS:Remote Workstation 远端工作站TOP S:Sprinkler 安排器S:Stereo 双声道S:Strike 电子门锁SAA:Sound Absorption Ability 吸声力量SAR:Segmetation and reassembly sublayer 拆装子层SATV:Sate Llite 卫星电视SBS:Synchronous Backbone System 同步信息骨干系统SBSMN:SBS SBS Management Network 系列传输设备网管系统SC:Smart Card 智能卡SC:Subscriber Connector 〔Optial Fiber Connector〕用户连接器(光纤连接器〕SC:Supervisong Center 中心站监控中心治理中心SCADA:监控和数据采集软件SCB:System Control Board 系统掌握板SCC:System Control&Communication 系统通信掌握SC-D:Saplex sc commector 双 ISC 连接器SCD:Sound Console Desk 调度台SCPC:Single Chnanel Per Carrier 卫星回程线路SCS:Stractured Cabling System 构造化布线系统SD:Signal Degraded 信号劣化SD:Smoke damper 排烟阀SD:Smoke Detector 感烟探测器SD:System Distortion 系统失真SDCA:Synchronization DCA 同步数据通讯适配器SDMA:Spaee Division Multiplex Access 容分SDXC:Synchronous Digital Cross Connect 同少数字穿插连接T:Teletext 可视图文TOP T:Terminal 终端机TA:Trunk Amplifier 干线放大器TC:Telecommunication Closet 通信插座TC:Transient Characteristic 瞬间特性TCI:Trunk cabling interface 星形连接TCP/P:Transmission Control Protocol Inter-network Protocol 传输掌握协议/网间协议TCS:Tele Communication System 通信系统TCS:Telecommunication System 通讯系统TD:Ticket Dispemser 发卡机TDD:Time Division Dual 时分双工TDEV:Time Deviation 时间偏差TDM:Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用TDMA:Time Division Multiple Address 时分多址TDS:Time division switching 时分交换构造TELEX:用户电报电传TEP:时间/大事软件TF:Transfer Function 传送功能TFCC:Transmission frequenay Characteristic 传输频率特性TGNP:The Greatest Noise Power 最大噪声功率TIM:Trace Identifier Mismatch 追踪识别符失配TM:Termination Multiplexer 终端复用器TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信治理网TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信治理网TNL:Total Noise Level 总噪声级TO:Telecommunications Outlet 通信插座TP:Tunst Pair 对绞线TR:Token Ring 令牌网TSI:Timeslot Interxhange 时隙交换TSU:Time Switching Unit 时隙交换单元TTF:Transport Terminal function 传送终端功能TTS:Tri Technology Sensor 三鉴传感器TU:Tributary Unit 支路单元TUG:Tributary Unit Group 支路单元组TU-LOM:TU-Loss Of Multi-frame 支路单元复帧丧失TUP:Tributary Unit Pointer 支路单元指针TUPP:Tributary Unit Payload Process 支路净荷处理UAT:Ultra Aperture Terminal 超小口径卫星地面接收站UL:Underwriters Laboratory 担保试验室UM:Unidirectional Microphines 单指向性传声器VA:Vacant auditoria 空场VCI:Virtual chammel identifier 虚信道标识VCS:vIdeo conferphone system 会议电视系统VI:Video interphone 可视对讲门铃Video switchers 图象切换掌握器Videotext :可视图文VOD:Video on demand 视频点播VSAT:Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小口径天线地球站。
专利名称:METHOD OF PROVIDING INFORMATION ACCORDING TO GAIT POSTURE ANDELECTRONIC DEVICE FOR SAME发明人:Jeong-Bin KIM,Se-Hee LEE,Sung-GookKIM,Tae-Hyun KIM,Soon-Seok OH,Hyung-JinCHO申请号:US15146336申请日:20160504公开号:US20160324445A1公开日:20161110专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method of providing information according to a gait posture and an electronic device for the same are provided. The method includes collecting sensor values detected using a plurality of sensors located at the surrounding of a user's feet, determining a user's gait posture by using the detected sensor values, and outputting at least one of information on the user's gait posture, information on muscle fatigue of the user according to the gait, information on joint fatigue of the user according to the gait, and information on a recommended exercise for the user based on the determined user's gait posture.申请人:Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.地址:Suwon-si KR国籍:KR更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Enhanced method and system for providing supply ch
专利名称:Enhanced method and system for providing supply chain execution processes in anoutsourced manufacturing environment发明人:Susan Krystek,George Andrews,PeterBadalamenti,James DeFilippo,PhilippeDuffaut,Manuel Fusco,Debra Hughes,JohnMcGarvey,Michael Meaden,John Pelesz,JanScofield,Wes Seaman,Kathy Tasnady申请号:US10014708申请日:20011113公开号:US07069230B2公开日:20060627专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An exemplary embodiment of the invention relates to a method and system for facilitating supply chain processes in an outsourced manufacturing environment comprising an original equipment manufacturer, at least one contract manufacturer, and at least one supplier. The method includes placing a purchase order with the contract manufacturing entity via an outsourced supply chain tool; filtering out parts listed on the purchase order that are flagged for special execution; and placing a second purchase order for flagged parts with the supplier. The second purchase order contains instructions for providing the flagged parts to the contract manufacturer. The method also includes coordinating delivery and payment transactions for the flagged parts and for finished products; monitoring associated activities of the entities involved; and resolving associated issues. The system includes a manufacturing entity comprising: a server executing a plurality of applications including an outsourced supply chain tool for implementing supply chain execution processes; a terminal and data storage device both in communication with the server; network links to a manufacturing division, a plurality oftrading partner systems, a customer focus team system, and a commodity team councilsystem; and a decentralized file database for providing supply chain execution data specific to a contract manufacturer system.申请人:Susan Krystek,George Andrews,Peter Badalamenti,James DeFilippo,Philippe Duffaut,Manuel Fusco,Debra Hughes,John McGarvey,Michael Meaden,John Pelesz,Jan Scofield,Wes Seaman,Kathy Tasnady地址:Highland NY US,Poughkeepsie NY US,Poughkeepsie NY US,Hopewell Junction NY US,Gradignan FR,Poughkeepsie NY US,Fishkill NY US,Poughkeepsie NY US,Hopewell Junction NY US,Poughkeepsie NY US,Fishkill NY US,Poughkeepsie NY US,New Hamburg NY US国籍:US,US,US,US,FR,US,US,US,US,US,US,US,US代理机构:Cantor Colburn LLP代理人:James Cioffi更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:AN ENHANCED METHOD FOR HANDLING PREEMPTION POINTS发明人:BRIL, Reinder, J.,LOWET, Dietwig, J., C.申请号:IB2004052312申请日:20041104公开号:WO05/045666P1公开日:20050519专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method and apparatus is provided for use by a scheduler of a multi-processing data processing system to select task preemption points based on main memory requirements and exclusive resource usage that is cost-effective and that maintains system consistency and, in particular, enables additional preemption strategies in which: matching synchronization primitives do not span a preemption point, i.e., sub job boundary; for a particular resource Rk, all intervals/sub-jobs of all tasks that use this resource (and protect it by using synchronization primitives) are either all preemptible or all non-preemptible- i. in case they are all preemptible the synchronization primitives must be executed, and ii. in case they are all non-preemptible, it is not necessary to execute the synchronization primitives; preemption of a subset of tasks is limited to the preemption points of this subset while allowing arbitrary preemption of all the other tasks; and preemption of a subset of tasks is limited to their preemption points, preemption of the other tasks is limited to a subset of their preemption points, while allowing arbitrary preemption of their remaining intervals. That is, the present invention is a main memory based preemption technique that is not restricted to preemption only at predetermined preemption points and that avoids deadlock due to exclusive use ofresources.申请人:BRIL, Reinder, J.,LOWET, Dietwig, J., C.地址:NL,US,NL,NL国籍:NL,US,NL,NL代理机构:KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS, N.V.更多信息请下载全文后查看。
亲自然探究活动中教师能力的提升英文版In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on hands-on, experiential learning in education. This shift has led to an increase in the popularity of nature exploration activities, where students are encouraged to engage with the natural world in a hands-on way. These activities not only provide students with a deeper understanding of the environment, but also offer teachers a unique opportunity to improve their own skills and abilities.One of the key ways in which teachers can enhance their abilities through nature exploration activities is by developing their observation skills. When teachers lead students on a nature exploration, they are presented with a wealth of opportunities to observe the world around them. By honing their observation skills, teachers can better understand how their students learn, what interests them, and how to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences.Furthermore, nature exploration activities can help teachers improve their ability to adapt to different learning styles. Not all students learn in the same way, and nature exploration activities provide teachers with the chance to experiment with different teaching methods and approaches. By observing how students respond to different activities, teachers can learn to tailor their teaching to better suit the needs of individual students.Additionally, nature exploration activities can help teachers develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. When leading students on a nature exploration, teachers are often faced with unexpected challenges and opportunities. By thinking creatively and working collaboratively with their students, teachers can find innovative solutions to these challenges and create memorable learning experiences.In conclusion, nature exploration activities offer teachers a valuable opportunity to enhance their skills and abilities. By developing their observation skills, adapting todifferent learning styles, and fostering creativity and problem-solving skills, teachers can become more effective educators and provide their students with engaging and meaningful learning experiences.中文翻译近年来,教育界对动手实践学习的重视日益增加。
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Keywords: satellite TT&C system; passive demodulation; modulation recognition; parameter estimation;
第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究意义 ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 课题背景 ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2.1 卫星分离测控体制时期 ...................................................................... 1 1.2.2 卫星统一载波测控时期 ...................................................................... 2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ......................................................................................... 3 1.4 本论文的结构安排 ..................................................................................... 4
高三英语教育改革阅读理解25题1<背景文章>In recent years, there have been significant changes in English education reform, especially in the aspect of curriculum setting. The traditional English teaching model is being gradually transformed to meet the needs of the new era.One of the major changes is the increased emphasis on practical language skills. Instead of focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary, more attention is now being paid to communication and real-life application. Students are encouraged to use English in various situations, such as discussions, presentations, and group projects.Another important change is the integration of technology into English learning. Online resources, language learning apps, and multimedia materials are widely used to enhance students' learning experience. This not only makes learning more interesting but also provides students with more opportunities to practice English outside the classroom.Moreover, the curriculum now includes a wider range of topics and cultural elements. Students are exposed to different cultures through English literature, movies, and music. This helps to broaden their horizonsand develop a better understanding of the world.In addition, project-based learning is being promoted. Students work on projects that require them to use English to solve real problems. This approach helps to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills while improving their English proficiency.Overall, the English education reform in curriculum setting is bringing about positive changes and providing students with more effective ways to learn English.1. According to the passage, one of the major changes in English education reform is _____.A. reducing the emphasis on grammar and vocabularyB. increasing the emphasis on practical language skillsC. decreasing the use of technology in learningD. narrowing the range of topics in the curriculum答案:B。
G-Quadruplex-Modulated Fluorescence Detection
G-Quadruplex-Modulated Fluorescence Detection of Potassium in the Presence of a3500-Fold Excess of Sodium IonsHaixia Qin,†Jiangtao Ren,†Jiahai Wang,*,†Nathan W.Luedtke,‡and Erkang Wang*,†State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun,Jilin,130022,China and Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100039,China,and Institute of Organic Chemistry,University of Zu¨rich,Winterthurerstrasse190,Zurich,CH-8057,SwitzerlandA label-free detection of K+was developed using G-quadruplex DNA(c-Myc)modulatedfluorescence en-hancement of tetrakis-(diisopropylguanidino)zinc ph-thalocyanine(Zn-DIGP).Upon the addition of increasing concentrations of potassium,a detection limit of0.8µM for K+was easily parative titrations using sodium,lithium,ammonium,transition metal, or alkali earth salts revealed that thefluorescence enhancement was highly specific for potassium ions. This system has,for thefirst time,provided a means for detecting40µM of K+even in the presence of a 3500-fold excess of Na+ions.It is well-known that potassium(K+)plays an important role in living organisms,such as reducing the risk of high blood pressure and stoke,maintaining muscular strength,balancing the pH,etc.1Therefore,numerous studies have been reported that focus on K+binding assays.1–10Despite such notable progress,it is still difficult to selectively determine extracellular K+concentrations,due to the large excess of Na+and other cations present in physiological conditions.To address this challenge,several techniques have been developed for the selective detection of K+.7–17Recently G-quadruplex DNAs have been reported as potential sensing elements for K+detection.2–11 G-quadruplexes are four-stranded structures derived from G-rich sequences.2G-quadruplex folding is promoted by monovalent cations,especially by K+partly due to the complementary size and charge of K+ion as compared to the cavities within G-quadruplexes.3,18,19Thereby,it provides a chance to design a selective sensor for K+based on some G-quadruplexes.Re-cently,fluorescent“aptasensors”for K+ion have been devel-oped using G-quadruplex DNAs.5–8In most such cases,however, these methods required an additional DNA tagging process or sophisticated experimental techniques which make the experi-ments relatively complicated and expensive to conduct.Further-more,DNA labeling with differentfluorescent and quenching molecules can even influence the properties of the target binding aptamers.16These studies have inspired our efforts to develop a label-free method for K+detection based onfluorescent G-quadruplex ligands.G-quadruplex ligands can selectively bind to and stabilize G-quadruplex structures.Features shared by many of these ligands include a largeflat aromatic surface and presence of cationic charges complementary with G-quadruplex DNAs.20,21A range of G-quadruplex ligands withfluorescent properties have been shown to bind quadruplexes selectively in vitro.22-24For example,porphyrin,phthalocyanine,and triphenylmethane-based probes can become highlyfluorescent in the presence of G-quadruplex,and thisfluorescence intensity was expected to be*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Phone:(+86)431-85262003. Fax:(+86)431-85689711.E-mail:jhwang@(J.W.);ekwang@ (E.W.).†Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun,and Graduate School of theChinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing.‡University of Zu¨rich.(1)Teresa,M.;Gomes,S.R.;Tavares,K.S.;Oliveira,J.Analyst2000,125,1983–1986.(2)Li,T.;Wang,E.;Dong,mun.2009,580–582.(3)Huang,C.C.;Chang,mun.2008,1461–1463.(4)Kong, D.M.;Guo,J.H.;Yang,W.;Ma,Y. E.;Shen,H.X.Biosens.Bioelectron.2009,25,88–93.(5)Shi,C.;Gu,H.X.;Ma,C.P.Anal.Biochem.2010,400,99–102.(6)Nagatoishi,S.;Nojima,T.;Juskowiak,B.;Takenaka,S.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2005,44,5067–5070.(7)Nagatoishi,S.;Nojima,T.;Galezowska,E.;Gluszynska,A.;Juskowiak,B.;Takenaka,S.Anal.Chim.Acta2007,581,125–131.(8)Ueyama,H.;Takagi,M.;Takenaka,S.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2002,124,14286–14287.(9)He,F.;Tang,Y.L.;Wang,S.;Li,Y.L.;Zhu,D.B.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2005,127,12343–12346.(10)Radi,A.E.;O’Sullivan,mun.2006,3432–3434.(11)Wang,L.H.;Liu,X.F.;Hu,X.F.;Song,S.P.;Fan,mun.2006,3780–3782.(12)Xia,W.S.;Schmehl,R.H.;Li,C.J.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1999,121,5599–5600.(13)Chen,H.X.;Gal,Y.S.;Kim,S.H.;Choi,H.J.;Oh,M.C.;Lee,J.;Koh,K.Sens.Actuators,B:Chem.2008,133,577–581.(14)Lee,J.;Kim,H.J.;Kim,J.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008,130,5010–5011.(15)Wu,Z.S.;Chen,C.R.;Shen,G.L.;Yu,R.Q.Biomaterials2008,29,2689–2696.(16)Choi,M.S.;Yoon,M.;Baeg,J.O.;Kim,mun.2009,7419–7421.(17)Yang,X.;Li,T.;Li,B.L.;Wang,E.K.Analyst2010,135,71–75.(18)Walmsley,J.A.;Burnett,J.F.Biochemistry1999,38,14063–14068.(19)Sundquist,W.I.;Klug,A.Nature1989,342,825–829.(20)De Cian,A.;Lacroix,L.;Douarre,C.;Temime-Smaali,N.;Trentesaux,C.;Riou,J.F.;Mergny,J.L.Biochimie2008,90,131–155.(21)Luedtke,N.W.Chimia2009,63,134–139.(22)Yang,P.;De Cian,A.;Teulade-Fichou,M.P.;Mergny,J.L.;Monchaud,D.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2009,48,2188–2191.(23)Ma,D.L.;Che,C.M.;Yan,S.C.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2009,131,1835–1846.(24)Alzeer,J.;Vummidi,B.R.;Roth,P.J.C.;Luedtke,N.W.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2009,48,9362–9365.Anal.Chem.2010,82,8356–836010.1021/ac101894b 2010American Chemical Society 8356Analytical Chemistry,Vol.82,No.19,October1,2010Published on Web08/30/2010highly potassium-dependent due to a high selectivity of such compounds for folded G-quadruplex versus unstructured DNAs.24–26 Fluorescent G-quaduplex ligands therefore provide an opportunity to utilizefluorescence readout for indirect detection of potassium ions.In this study,we develop a novel and label-free DNA-ligand sensor for detecting K+using G-quadruplexes and thefluores-cent dye tetrakis(diisopropylguanidinio)zinc phthalocyanine (Zn-DIGP).It has been reported that Zn-DIGP binds to an intramolecular G-quadruplex(c-Myc)with the highest reported affinity,and c-Myc quadruplex significantly modulates the fluorescence enhancement of Zn-DIGP which is notfluorescent in the free state.24Since K+ion can promote the formation of G-quadruplexes,thefluorescent intensity of Zn-DIGP should be K+ion dependent.Indeed,this approach provides a highly sensitive and selective method for detecting K+ion.Upon the addition of increasing concentrations of potassium,a submi-cromole detection limit for K+was easily parative titrations using sodium,lithium,ammonium,transition metal, or alkali earth salts revealed that thefluorescence enhancement was highly specific for potassium.This system has,for thefirst time,provided a means for detecting40µM of K+even in the presence of a3500-fold excess of Na+.8,9This sensor platform is even capable of quantifying potassium ion concentrations in very complex mixtures including urine samples.Previous studies,3 in contrast,reported a10000-fold selectivity for potassium determined in independentfluorescence titrations rather than in a mixture.The lowest concentration of potassium detected in these previous studies was1mM with the selectivity of145-fold when titrations were conducted in a mixture of potassium and145mM sodium(see Figure S7of the Supporting Information in ref3).EXPERIMENTAL DETAILSMaterials.Tetrakis(diisopropylguanidinio)zinc phthalocyanine (Zn-DIGP)was synthesized according to published procedures.24 Purified oligonucleotides(c-Myc,5′-TGAGGGTGGGGAGGGTGGG-GAA-3′)and tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane(Tris)were ob-tained from Sangon Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.(Shanghai,China). Dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO)was purchased from Tientsin Reagent (Tientsin,China).All reagents were used as received without further purification.DNA stock solutions were prepared by dissolving DNA in Tris-HCl buffer(50mM Tris-HCl,pH)7.4) and diluted to required concentrations before use.The stock solution of Zn-DIGP(1mM)was prepared in DMSO,stored in the dark at-20°C,and diluted to the required concentration with Tris-HCl buffer.Allfluorescence experiments were carried out using samples prepared in Tris-HCl buffer.Apparatus.Cary500Scan UV-vis spectrophotometer(Vari-an)was used to quantify the oligonucleotides.Fluorescence intensities were recorded on a LS-55luminescence spectropho-tometer(Perkin-Elmer).The emission spectra were recorded in the wavelength of655-760nm upon excitation at620nm.Fluorescent Measurements.The DNA solutions were heated at96°C for5min and gradually cooled to room temperature.An equal volume of K+solution was added to the DNA solutions and incubated at room temperature for30min.Then an equal volume of Zn-DIGP in Tris-HCl buffer was added to each G-quadruplex solution.The working solution of thefluores-cence assay was Tris-HCl buffer(50mM,pH)7.4),which contained200nM(or500nM)DNA,1µM Zn-DIGP,and variable concentrations of K+ions.The assay procedures for lithium,sodium,ammonium,calcium,magnesium,zinc,iron, and copper ions were the same as those for K+ions,except that LiCl,NaCl,NH4Cl,CaCl2,MdCl2,ZnCl2,FeCl3,and CuCl2 were used instead of KCl.Application.Urine was used to confirm the feasibility of this aptasensor for analysis of real-world sample.Urine samples were harvested from four members of our laboratory andfiltered through0.22µM membranes.KCl(10mM)was added into urine samples to test the recovery.Then the urine samples were diluted 100-fold with Tris-HCl buffer and analyzed in Tris-HCl buffer(50 mM,pH)7.4),which contained500nM DNA and1µM Zn-DIGP.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIt is well-known that K+ions can effectively stabilize G-quadruplex DNA.9However,only a few G-quadruplex ligands are known to exhibit enhancedfluorescence properties upon binding K+-stabilized G-quadruplexes.22–24Recently,a guani-dinium-modified phthalocyanine(Zn-DIGP)which exhibitsre-Figure1.Schematic illustration of the label-free assay for K+ions.8357Analytical Chemistry,Vol.82,No.19,October1,2010markable “turn-on”fluorescence upon binding G-quadruplex (c-Myc)was reported by Luedtke and co-workers.24Potassium-dependent fluorescence enhancement assays using Zn-DIGP have not been reported previously.In this study,we conducted a series of titrations to test the ability of a complex composed of Zn-DIGP and c-Myc to detect potassium ion even in the presence of a large excess of Na +ions.Fluorescent Measurements for K +Ions.Figure 1outlines the sensing mechanism that we employed in this study.In the presence of K +,the conformation of c-Myc changes from a random coil to a “parallel”G-quadruplex structure 27,28which can bind Zn-DIGP with high affinity and the resulting Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex exhibits much greater fluorescence as compared to Zn-DIGP.The presence of K +ion is therefore detected indirectly by fluorescence enhancement.The analytic protocol based on the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex was assessed by fluorimetric titration with KCl as described in the Experimental Section .As shown in Figure 2A,the observed fluorescence intensity enhanced with increasing concentrations of K +ions.In the absence of K +,the fluorescence spectrum exhibited a weak fluorescence emission peak at 700nm.With the increase of K +ions concentrations,the resulting emission intensity gradu-ally increased owing to the potassium inducing ability to form and stabilize G-quadruplex.Moreover,we also observed thatat the lower concentrations of potassium,the fluctuation of the emission peak of Zn-DIGP at 700nm was much bigger than at a higher concentration of potassium,which may be ascribed to the lower binding affinity to the random DNA coil and unstable DNA conformation.Once the stable conformation of the G-quadruplex at a higher concentration of potassium was formed,much steadier,higher emission peaks appeared,which was consistent with the result reported previously.24Sensitivity and Selectivity of K +Ions Detection.As shown in Figure 2A,a distinct increase in the emission spectrum is observed upon addition of as little as 800nM of K +,indicating that a much lower detection limit can be reached than previously reported methods.5–11,29Figure 2B illustrates the relationship between the K +concentrations and fluorescence intensity (FI)at 700nm,the maximal emission wavelength of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex.The fluorescence intensity in-creased as the K +concentration was increased from 0.8to 400µM and then saturated.The inset of Figure 2B shows the calibration curve for K +ions and reveals a linear relationship of fluorescent intensity vs potassium concentration from 0.8(25)Arthanari,H.;Basu,S.;Kawano,T.L.;Bolton,P.H.Nucleic Acids Res.1998,26,3724–3728.(26)Kong,D.M.;Ma,Y.E.;Wu,J.;Shen,H.X.Chem.s Eur.J.2009,15,901–909.(27)Qin,Y.;Hurley,L.H.Biochimie 2008,90,1149–1171.Figure 3.(A)Fluorescence response of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex upon addition of different concentrations of K +.(B)Plot of fluorescence intensity at 700nm as a function of K +concentration.Experimental conditions:50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)containing 500nM c-Myc and 1µMZn-DIGP.Figure 2.(A)Fluorescence response of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex upon addition of different concentrations of K +.(B)Plot of fluorescence intensity at 700nm as a function of K +concentration.The inset shows a linear range from 0.8to 10µM.Experimental conditions:50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)containing 200nM c-Myc and 1µM Zn-DIGP.8358Analytical Chemistry,Vol.82,No.19,October 1,2010to 10µM (R )0.998).It is reasonable to expect that a linear response to potassium ion over 10µM might be obtained by further augmenting the concentration of G-quadruplex DNA.Indeed,Figure 3demonstrates that when the concentration of c-Myc was increased to 500nM,the linear detection range can be adjusted between 10and 1000µM.These results compare very favorably with other reported methods for K +detection (Table 1).The Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex is highly sensitive to the presence of K +and therefore provided an excellent sensor platform.To test the specificity of this new sensor,metal ion selectivity assays were conducted by measuring different fluorescent re-sponses of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex toward 100µM solutions of various metal ions.As shown in Figure 4,none of the tested metal ions,except for K +,caused a significant increase in the fluorescence intensity at 700nm,suggesting that only the K +-stabilized c-Myc quadruplexes bind with Zn-DIGP and enhance its fluorescence intensity efficiently.CD spectra experiments were also conducted.It has been reported that CD spectra of a “parallel”G-quadruplex structure has a positive peak near 260nm and a negative peak around 240nm.28The CDspectrum of c-Myc in no-metal condition (Figure 5,black curve)agrees with a “parallel”G-quadruplex structure.Upon the addition of K +ion,both the intensity of positive and negative peaks of the CD spectra increased correspondingly,indicating the promotion and stabilization of the G-quadruplex structure by K +ion,which was not observed by other metal ions (Figure 5).These results suggest that the presence of NH 4+,Na +,Ca 2+,Mg 2+,Zn 2+,Fe 3+,and Cu 2+were unable to fold c-Myc from the random coil to parallel G-quadruplex conformation.5,9Interestingly the trivalent cation (Fe 3+)quenches the fluores-cence of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex which can be ascribed to the disruption of the G-quadruplex by Fe 3+(Figure 5,green curve),but this interference can be removed by using EDTA as a masking agent (Figure 4).This sensor platform therefore offers very high sensitivity and selectivity for potassium ions.It is well-known that low potassium and high sodium concen-trations up to 140mM coexist in extracellular environments such as serum and tissue fluid.It is therefore very important to find a facile method that distinguishes between potassium and sodium ions.While many previous studies regarding K +detection have been reported,most do not perform sensitive K +detection in the presence of high concentrations of Na +.5–9To study the influence of Na +ions on our system,the fluorescence intensities of the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex were examined at different concentrations of K +in the presence of 140mM Na +,similar to the extracellular environment.As Figure 6A shows,the fluorescence intensity gradually enhanced as the concentration(28)Monchaud,D.;Yang,P.;Lacroix,L.;Teulade-Fichou,M.P.;Mergny,J.L.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2008,47,4858–4861.(29)Thibon,A.;Pierre,V.C.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2009,131,434–435.Table 1.Performance Comparison of This Work with Other Homogeneous K +Sensorstypedetection limit assay time probe synthesis ref G-quadruplex ligands0.8µM rapid (minutes)convenient (label-free)TW a crystal violet -G-quadruplex complexes ∼mM slow (hours)convenient (label-free)4pyrene-labeled aptamer0.4mM rapid (minutes)expensive (dual labeling)5pyrene-labeled G-quadruplex ∼mM NR b expensive (dual labeling)6fluorescein-labeled G-quadruplex ∼mM NR b expensive (dual labeling)7synthetic oligonucleotid derivative ∼mM NR bexpensive (dual labeling)8fluorescein-labeled G-quadruplex ∼mM slow (hours)expensive (single labeling)9aptamer conformational switch0.015mM rapidexpensive (dual labeling)10gold nanoparticles colorimetric probe ∼1mM rapid (minutes)convenient (label-free)11hemin-G-quadruplex DNAzyme2µMslow (hours)convenient (label-free)17aTW stands for this work.b NR stands for notreported.Figure 4.Selectivity assays based on the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex.All the metal ions were used at the concentration of 100µM (F 0and F stand for the fluorescent intensity in the absence and presence of metal ions),1mM EDTA was used as masking agent.Experimental conditions:50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)containing 200nM c-Myc and 1µMZn-DIGP.Figure 5.CD spectra of c-Myc (6µM in 50mM Tris-HCl,pH 7.4)upon addition of different metal ions (10mM).8359Analytical Chemistry,Vol.82,No.19,October 1,2010of K +ion increases.While the linear range of K +shifted to a somewhat higher concentration range because of the relatively subtle impact from Na +ion (Figure 6B),as little as 40µM K +ion could be detected,even in coexistence with 140mM Na +.This sensitivity is still much higher than most previously reported detection methods.4–10Application.We tested the applicability of our Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex sensor for K +ion detection in urine samples.The analytical results were in good agreement with those obtainedutilizing inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS)(Table 2).In the sample solution,a 10mM K +was added,then the K +content was also measured,and the recovery was in the range of 98.4-103%(Table 2).These results showed that our sensor can be used in real samples.CONCLUSIONSWe have developed a novel and label-free fluorescence K +sensor based on a G-quadruplex (c-Myc)and its binding ligand (Zn-DIGP).In the presence of K +,c-Myc is promoted to fold into the G-quadruplex structure,thus allowing Zn-DIGP to bind to the c-Myc quadruplex to form the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex,which can significantly enhance the fluorescence intensity of Zn-DIGP.The fluorescence intensity gradually increases along with the increasing concentrations of K +.Without interference from any other metal ion,a potassium concentration as low as 0.8µM is detected,indicating a high sensitivity.Furthermore,this method exhibits a good selectivity for K +against other metal ions.Most importantly and interestingly,even in the presence of 140mM Na +,40µM of K +can be pared with other assays,our method has four important characteristics:(1)this is a label-free method,which eliminates the need for covalent modification of the DNA and greatly reduces the cost;(2)this method has only three assay elements,DNA,fluorescent dye,and K +ions;(3)it can tolerate the presence of high concentrations of Na +ion;and (4)it can be used for K +assays in real samples.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.20905056and 20735003),the 973Project (Grant Nos.2009CB930100and 2010CB933600),and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant No.116868).Received for review July 16,2010.Accepted August 10,2010.AC101894BFigure 6.(A)Fluorescence spectra for different concentrations of K +based on the Zn-DIGP/c-Myc complex in the presence of 140mM Na +.(B)Plot of fluorescence intensity at 700nm as a function of K +concentration.The inset shows a linear range from 0.04to 0.4mM.Experimental conditions:50mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)containing 200nM c-Myc and 1µM Zn-DIGP.Table 2.Analytical Results for K +in Urinesample content (mM,n )5)ICPMS (mM)added K +(mM)foundK +(mM)recovery (%)urine 112.4±1.611.910.010.3103urine 2 5.92±0.11 5.1110.010.0100urine 328.3±0.728.610.09.8998.9urine442.8±0.741.010.09.8498.48360Analytical Chemistry,Vol.82,No.19,October 1,2010。
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An Enhanced Method of Providing SensitiveBus Fault ProtectionNorman T.Stringer,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—The application of bus fault protection in industrial facilities has been primarily limited to overcurrent relays located at the upstream breaker.This does not always provide the best protec-tion for bus faults.The protection sensitivity is limited because of the need to coordinate with other downstream overcurrent devices. This paper describes an enhanced method of applying sensitive bus fault protection using digital overcurrent relays.In addition,this method provides both downstream feeder breaker backup protec-tion and relay backup protection.Index Terms—Bus protection,feeder protection,overcurrent protection,zone interlocking.I.I NTRODUCTIONT HERE HA VE been many ways to provide bus protection over the years.These have included simple overcurrent relays,high-impedance differential,low-impedance differen-tial,partial differential,and the inclusion of the bus within the transformer differential zone.The application of bus protection within industrial facilities has been limited primarily to the use of overcurrent relays located on the bus breaker,as shown in Fig.1.Phase overcurrent relays applied in this manner provide ad-equate bus protection for faults with high-magnitude currents. However,the pickup setting and time delay of the bus relay must be selected such that adequate time is allowed to coordinate with the operation of downstream feeder relays.Bus phase relays are typically set above the total maximum setting of all the feeder relays combined.Therefore,for feeder faults with lower current magnitudes,the clearing time for the bus relay could be substan-tially longer.The more time delay allowed,the more damage to equipment that can occur.The time-overcurrent function for the bus and feeder relays would normally be set for approximately150%–175%of the maximum expected load current.The time-dial setting should be sufficient to provide a coordination-time interval(CTI)of at least0.3s between the feeder relay(having the highest setting) and the bus relay(at the point of maximum current magnitude for a feeder fault).An example time–current coordination curve for the example system is given in Fig.2.Paper ICPSD01–25,presented at the2001IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference,New Orleans,LA,May 13–17,and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Power Systems Protection Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.Manuscript submitted for review May17,2001 and released for publication February12,2003.The author is with Artwel Electric,Inc.,Sacramento,CA95834USA(e-mail: terry.stringer@).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TIA.2003.810932Fig.1.Typical bus protection method for an industrialfacility.Fig.2.Typical coordination between feeder relay and main bus relay.Given a maximum feeder fault of16000A,the feeder(phase)relay should trip in about0.06s.Operation of the bus relaywould follow this by approximately0.3s,or a total of0.36s,should the feeder breaker fail to clear the fault.A substantialamount of damage could occur during this time.Furthermore,given an arcing ground fault,which may pro-duce less than50%on a medium-voltage system,a substantiallylonger clearing time can occur[1].Considering this,the clearing 0093-9994/03$17.00©2003IEEEtime may be as long as1.6s,given a failed feeder breaker op-eration.In addition,for low-magnitude bus faults the burden becomes achieving an appropriate setting that is sensitive enough to operate for minimum bus faults while being sufficiently high enough to allow for maximum loading[2].It may also be difficult to provide appropriate settings using conventional type overcurrent relays on power systems that employ impedance to limit available ground-fault currents.Several suggested modifications have been made over the last few years.However,in most cases,these methods provide only minimal improvement over existing schemes and are not ade-quate in all applications[2]–[4].This paper describes an enhanced method of providing sen-sitive bus protection.Advanced capabilities of digital relays are used to develop a simplified control logic scheme for the protec-tion of bus faults.In addition to the primary overcurrent protec-tion provided for bus faults,this scheme includes fast backup protection for the failure of either the feeder relay or feeder breaker.By using programmable contact features and hardwired interconnection between the bus and feeder relays,an enhanced bus protection scheme can be achieved.II.O VERVIEW OF E NHANCED B US P ROTECTIONOne of the many advantages of digital relays is the ability for the user to program input and output(I/O)contacts to perform various functions.This adds a tremendous flexibility for devel-oping enhanced protection schemes where traditional protection methods are otherwise limited.The enhanced bus protection scheme draws upon the features provided by digital relays to control the operation of protec-tive functions of the bus relay depending upon the action of the feeder relay.This scheme is based on a concept called zone or re-verse interlocking where the bus and feeder relays are hardwire connected[5].The zone interlocking allows the feeder relays to communicate the relative location of a fault to the bus relay, thereby providing direct control.Benefits gained by using this enhanced bus protection scheme include the following:1)more sensitive bus relay settings;2)closer coordination;3)faster bus clearing times;4)feeder breaker and relay backup.The digital overcurrent relay used in this scheme includes typical protection features such as instantaneous(no intentional time delay—typicallyFig.4.Enhanced bus protection scheme.connection should be made between the contacts of these two relays.This will result in the pickup output contact of the feeder relay becoming the blocking input contact for the bus relay.The coordination between these relays can be very close.However,a slight delay is required on the bus relay instantaneous setting to allow for the closing of the feeder relay blocking contacts and the scan time of the blocking signal by the bus relay.So now,when a feeder fault occurs,both feeder and bus relays will sense the fault,pickup,and begin timing.The pickup op-eration of the feeder relay will provide a blocking operation for the bus relay,inhibiting its operation for the feeder fault.Should the fault remain for a given time period,the blocking signal will be over-ridden and the bus relay will provide operation to clear the fault.By setting both the instantaneous and time-overcur-rent functions on the feeder relay to provide a blocking signal,additional security is achieved in the case of a low-magnitude fault current.The blocking inputs on the relay may be programmed to honor the blocking request for as long as the blocking input is active,or to ignore the blocking request after a period of time.In this case,twice the breaker failure timer setting (TBf).For the enhanced bus protection scheme,the blocking inputs on the bus relay should be set to honor the blocking request for only a fixed time period by setting TBp and TBg to 2TBf.The variable TBf on each of the feeder relays should be set to a time delay equal to their breaker’s expected operating time after receiving a trip signal.For example,given a 5-cycle breaker,TBf should be set to 5cycles.Tbg and TBp should be set to 2TBf,or2andIare assignedto operate output contact R4.These contacts will close immedi-ately when the operating current exceeds the pickup value.As shown in Fig.5,the output contact R3of the feeder relay is then connected to the phase blocking input Bf on the bus relay.The phase blocking input variable Bf should be programmed to display “BfIO800A),the bus relay can now be set towithin 105%–110%of the total feeder loading,or about 1911A.The bus relay will pickup routinely for faults located on the feeder.However,because of the input blocking signal being re-ceived from the feeder relays,any tripping will be inhibited until the blocking signal is removed.This will eliminate any nuisance tripping while providing greater sensitivity.The time-overcurrent function for the feeder relays should be set for pickup and timing as you would normally (approximately 150%–175%of maximum expected feeder load current).Sim-ilarly,the instantaneous function of the feeder relays should be set as you would normally (approximately 80%of maximum expected fault current).Using the enhanced bus protection scheme,the time-overcur-rent settings for the bus relay can be set much closer to the feeder relays.In this example,the bus relay can be moved as much as 50%closer to the feeder relay setting.As indicated in Fig.6,the closer setting of the phase relays provide a much faster clearing time for damaging bus faults as well as low-magnitude arcing feeder faults.Similar advantages are achieved with the ground relays,although to maintain clarity these were not shown in Fig.6.Application Considerations:There are four areas that should be considered in the application of this protection scheme.These are as follows:•feeder faults;Fig.5.Feeder and bus relayinterconnection.Fig.6.Coordination with enhanced bus protection scheme.•bus faults;•feeder circuit breaker failure;•feeder relay failure.Feeder Faults:When a fault occurs on a feeder,both the feeder relay and the bus relay will pickup and begin timing.The pickup contact closure of the feeder relay will block the oper-ation of the output contact of the upstream bus relay,allowing the feeder relay to clear the fault.When the fault is cleared,both relays will reset to normal.Bus Faults:If a bus fault occurs,the bus relay will pickup and begin timing or trip on instantaneous based on fault cur-rent magnitude.The feeder relays will not pick up for the given condition,eliminating the possibility of a blocking signal being sent to the bus relay.Without a blocking signal,the bus relay will close its contact after the set time delay,tripping the bus breaker.The time delay for the bus relay can be set very short.Onlyenough time (typically,10ms for the output relay to close its contacts)is required for the pickup element of the feeder relay to operate for a feeder fault and block the operation of the Bus relay.Although this method may require the addition of a short time delay of the instantaneous function,it will still provide in-herently faster clearing of bus faults.For applications where a bus fault results in current being back-fed from the feeders,there are two adjustments that can be made to this protection scheme.First,for those applications which produce decaying fault current contribution (i.e.,from downstream motors),the time delay setting of the bus relay can be increased slightly.Typically,only a few cycles delay should be necessary to allow the current to fall below the relay’s pickup setting.The second application is where fault current contribution from a downstream feeder is the result of an alternate source or path,such as a downstream generator or a loop connection back to the primary bus.In either of these or other similar situ-ations,this same protection scheme may be applied by simply utilizing directional sensing on both the feeder and bus relays.This will limit the operation of the relays for faults in only the downstream direction.Also,applying directional sensing elim-inates the need for additional time delay on the bus relay as de-scribed above.The scheme shown here is for a radial system,but this method can be applied equally to a dual-source system with a normally open tie breaker with little complication.When used on a dual-source system with a normally closed tie breaker,there are complications which are solved by adding direction-ality to the tie breaker relay [5].Feeder Circuit Breaker Failure:Upon a feeder fault,the feeder relay will attempt to trip the breaker.Should the feeder breaker fail to open and clear the fault,the breaker failure function of the relay will be initiated.After the set time delay TBg,the pickup element of the feeder relay will automatically drop out.This removes the blocking input signal from the bus relay,allowing it to trip.As noted previously,the blocking input signal to the bus relay inhibits only the closing of the output contacts,not the pickup or timing functions.Therefore,when the blocking signal is removed,the output contacts of the bus relay will close instantaneously,tripping the breaker.No further time delay is imposed in the circuit.If the breaker failure function does not operate in the feeder relay,or if the blocking circuit connection is shorted to the bus relay,the blocking signal would remain.However,the bus relay will ignore the blocking request after twice the breaker oper-ating time TBg,thereby allowing the bus relay to trip. Feeder Relay Failure:If a feeder relay fails to operate for a feeder fault,the blocking signal output will most likely not be functioning as well.Without receiving a blocking signal,the bus relay will close its output contacts after the programmed time delay,tripping its circuit breaker.Similarly,only enough time delay is required for the pickup element of the feeder relay to operate for a feeder fault and block the operation of the bus relay. Therefore,there is no additional coordination time required.As a result,the time delay can be set to a very minimal value.This scheme provides fast,effective backup protection for failure of the feeder relays.IV.C ONCLUSIONThe enhanced bus protection scheme described in this paper provides faster clearing for bus faults than traditional overcur-rent protection methods.By providing a hardwire connection between the feeder and bus relays,closer coordination can be ing programmable I/O contacts of a digital over-current relay,the feeder relay can be set to provide a blocking signal to inhibit the operation of the bus relay.As a result,the bus relay may be programmed for a lower pickup setting than you would normally consider.A lower pickup setting translates to improved sensitivity for bus faults.This comes with the added benefit of backup protection for the feeder relay or for a breaker failure condition.The enhanced bus protection allows closer coordination time intervals between the bus and feeder relays without problems of nuisance tripping.Additional time delays of typical backup pro-tection schemes are substantially reduced or eliminated.These advantages are gained without the need for additional relays.This scheme is not necessarily limited to bus and feeder appli-cations.The protection enhancements gained with this method may be considered for other applications where an upstream overcurrent relay must coordinate with a downstream overcur-rent relay.The only caveat is to ensure that the coordination of other protection devices would not be affected by applying this scheme.R EFERENCES[1]J.R.Dunki-Jacobs,“The escalating arcing ground-fault phenomenon,”IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat.,vol.IA-22,pp.1156–1161,Nov./Dec.1986.[2] A.F.Elneweihi and E.O.Schweitzer,“Improved sensitivity and securityfor distribution bus and feeder relays,”in Proc.1992Pennsylvania Elec-tric Association Relay Committee Meeting,Hershey,PA,Sept.22–23, 1992,pp.1–33.[3]M.W.Feltis,G.W.Scheer,and E.O.Schweitzer,“A fresh look at dis-tribution protection,”in Proc.2nd Int.Symp.Distribution and Demand Side Management,uderdale,FL,Jan.13–15,1992,pp.1–10.[4]T.Rick,A.T.Giuliante,and G.Jay,“Improvements in distribution feederprotective relaying,”in Proc.46th Annu.Conf.Protective Relay Engi-neers,College Station,TX,Apr.12–14,1993,pp.1–7.[5] B.Bailey and D.Jakominich,“Static digital overcurrent relay permitenhanced protection,”in Proc.1998I&CPS Tech.Conf.,p.25.Norman T.Stringer(M’82–SM’95)received from the University of Texas atArlington in1982and the M.B.A.EngineeringManagement degree from the University of Dallas,Dallas,TX,in1985.He has been in the power system protection fieldfor over20years with companies such as TXU,ABBPower T&D,Brown&Root,Basler Electric Com-pany,and Cooper Power Systems.In July2000,hejoined Artwel Electric,Inc.,Sacramento,CA,as aSales Engineer for the Northern California industrial market.He has authored or coauthored numerous technical papers,articles,tuto-rials,and training guides.He is also the chapter author of“Transformer Protec-tion”in the Encyclopedia for Electrical and Electronic Engineers(New York: Wiley,1999).Mr.Stringer is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Engineering and IEEE Industry Applications(IAS)Societies.He is actively involved in the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department of the IAS,where he has served on several committees.He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.。