Exact Bounds for Degree Centralization
eta-Scaling of dN_{ch}deta at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV by the PHOBOS Collaboration and the Or
a r X i v :n u c l -t h /0209004v 2 20 D e c 20021η-Scaling of dN ch /dηat√s NN =200GeV,we have analyzed themby means of stochastic theory named the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with two sources.Moreover,we display that z r =η/s NN =130GeV by PHOBOS Collaboration.2)Those distributions have been explained by a stochastic approach named the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU)process with the evolution parameter t ,the frictional coefficient γand the variance σ2:∂P (y,t )∂y y +1γ∂2s NN /m N )at t =0and P (y,0)=0.5[δ(y +y max )+δ(y −y max )],we obtain the following distribution function for dn/dη(assuming y ≈η)using the probability density P (y,t )1)dn2V 2(t )+exp−(η−ηmax e −γt )2η2 )scaling function with z max =ηmax /ηrms and V 2r (t )=V 2(t )/η2rms.dn2V 2r (t )+exp−(z r −z max e −γt )22Letters2.Semi-phenomenological analyses of data In Fig.1,we show distributions of dn/dη.As is seen in Fig.1,the intercepts of dn/dη|η=0with different centrality cuts are located in the following narrow intervaldns NN=200GeV.Next,we should examine a power-like law in(0.5 N part )−1(dN ch/dη)|η=0( N part being number of participants)which is proposed by WA98Collaborations4)as1dη η=0=A N part α.(5) As seen in Fig.2,it can be stressed that the power-like law holds fairly well∗).Using estimated parameters A andα,we can express c as0.5 N partc=2πV2(t))·exp −(ηmax e−γt)2/2V2(t) andχ2are shown in Table II.The results are shown in Fig.3.To describe the dip structures,thefinite evolution time is necessary in our approach.Letters322.533.544.55(d N c h /d η)|η=0 /(0.5〈N p a r t 〉)〈N part 〉22.533.544.55(d N c h /d η)|η=0 /(0.5〈N p a r t 〉)〈N part 〉Fig.2.Determination of the parameters A and α.The method of linear regression is used.Thecorrelation coefficient (c.c.)is 0.991(200GeV).From data at 130GeV we have A =1.79,α=0.103and c.c.=0.993.Table I.Empirical examination of Eq.(6)(√N part 93±5138±6200±7.5277±8.5344.5±11N (Ex)ch 1230±601870±902750±1403860±1904960±250c (Ex)0.123±0.0120.124±0.0120.127±0.0120.129±0.0120.130±0.012c (Eq.(6))0.122±0.0090.124±0.0080.127±0.0080.130±0.0080.128±0.008p 0.855±δp 0.861±δp 0.864±δp 0.868±δp 0.873±δp 0.876±δp V 2(t ) 3.62±0.26 3.49±0.23 3.31±0.20 3.09±0.17 2.95±0.15 2.79±0.13N (Th)ch 780±131270±211930±302821±433951±605050±77c ∗(Th)0.121±δc t 0.123±δc t 0.124±δc t 0.125±δc t 0.127±δc t 0.127±δc t χ2/n .d .f . 1.07/510.91/510.88/51 1.18/51 1.06/51 1.46/51ηrms =3.2Comparison with other approaches First we consider a problem between the role of Jacobian and dip structure at η≈0.The authors of Refs.5)and 6)have explained dN ch /dηby means of the Jacobian between the rapidity variable (y )and the pseudorapidity (η):The following relation is well knowndnEdndy,(7)where dn/dy =(1/s NN =200GeV can be explained by Eq.(7).As is seen in Fig.4,for dn/dηin the full phase space (|η|<5.4),it is difficult to explain the ηdistribu-tion.On the other hand,if we restrict the central region (|η|<4),i.e.,neglecting the data in 4.0<|η|<5.4,we have better description.These results are actually4Letters0.040.080.12d n /d ηη00.040.080.12d n /d η00. n /d ηηFig.3.Analyses of dn/dηwith centrality cuts using Eq.(2).(See Table II.)utilized in Refs.5)and 6).In other words,this fact suggests us that we have to consider other approaches to explain the dip structure in central region as well as the behavior in the fragmentation region.In our case it is the stochastic theory named the OU process with two sources at ±y max and at t =0.3.3z r scaling in dn/dηdistributions The values of ηrms =s NN =200GeV.To compare z r scaling at 200GeV with one at 130GeV,1)we show the latter in Fig.5(b).It is difficult to distinguish them.This coincidence means that there is no change in dn/dz r as colliding energy increases,except for the region of |z r |>∼2.2.4.Interpretation of the evolution parameter t with γIn our present treatment the evolution parameter t and the frictional coefficient γare dimensionless.When we assign the meaning of second [s]to t ,the frictional coefficient γhas the dimensionLetters50. n /d ηηηFig.4.Analyses of dn/dηby means of single Gaussian and Eq.(7).(a)Data in full-ηvariable aredescribed by V 2(t )=5.27±0.26and m/p t =1.13±0.10.The best χ2=20.0/51.(b)Data in |η|<4.0are used,i.e.,4.0<|η|<5.4are neglected.V 2(t )=7.41±0.85and m/p t =0.82±0.13are used.The best χ2=4.0/37.Introduction of renormalization is necessary,due to the Jacobian0. n /d z rz r = η/ηrms n /d z rz r = η/ηrmsFig.5.Normalized distribution of dn/dz r with z r =η/ηrms scaling and estimated parameters usingEq.(3).(a)√s NN =130GeV,p =0.854±0.002,V 2r (t )=0.494±0.010,χ2/n .d .f .=25.5/321.Dashedlines are magnitudes of error-bars.Notice that z 2r =z max (1−p )+V 2r =1.0,due to the sum of two Gaussian distributions.of [sec −1=(1/3)×10−23fm −1].The magnitude of the interaction region in Au-Au collision is assumed to be 10fm.See,for example,Ref.7).t is estimated ast ≈10fm /c ≈3.3×10−23sec .(8)The frictional coefficient and the variance are obtained in Table III.They are com-parable with values [τ−1Y =0.1−0.08fm −1]of Ref.8),which have been obtained from the proton spectra at SPS collider.5.Concluding remarks c1)We have analyzed dn/dηdistribution by Eqs.(2)6LettersTable III.Values ofγandσ2at√γ[fm−1]0.0960.0990.1000.1010.1030.1040.101σ2[fm−1]0.8170.8000.7630.7200.6960.6660.744σ2/γ8.518.087.637.13 6.76 6.407.42s NN=200GeV and130GeV,we have shown that both distributions are coincided with each other.If there are no labels(200GeV and130 GeV)in Fig.5,we cannot distinguish them.This coincidence means that there is no particular change in dn/dηbetween√1)M.Biyajima,M.Ide,T.Mizoguchi and N.Suzuki,Prog.Theor.Phys.108(2002)559andAddenda(to appear).See also hep-ph/0110305.2) B.B.Back et al.[PHOBOS Collaboration],Phys.Rev.Lett.87(2001),102303.3)R.Nouicer et al.,[PHOBOS Collaboration],nucl-ex/0208003.4)M.M.Aggarwal et al.[WA98Collaboration],Eur.Phys.J.C18(2001)651.5) D.Kharzeev and E.Levin,Phys.Lett.B523(2001),79.6)K.J.Eskola,K.Kajantie,P.V.Ruuskanen and K.Tuominen,Phys.Lett.B543(2002),208.7)K.Morita,S.Muroya,C.Nonaka and T.Hirano,nucl-th/0205040;to appear in Phys.Rev.C.s NN/m N) asc(200GeV)exp −η2(200)max2V2(t)(130) ≈0.94,V(t)(130)where the suffixes mean colliding energies.Letters7 8)G.Wolschin,Eur.Phys.J.A5(1999),85.。
“I shall consider myself as not having hands or eyes, or flesh, or blood or senses, but as falsely believing that I have all these things”
Second Meditation
2学时 2学时 2学时 2学时 2学时 2学时 2学时 2学时
Reference Books
Miller, Alexander. 2007 (2nd edition).
Philosophy of Language. UCL Press. Morris, Michael. 2007. An Introduction to the
Proof of the existence of God
Two important principles
Every thing has a cause “There must be at least as much reality in
the efficient and total cause as in the effect of that cause”
Meditations on First Philosophy (1641)
Brief account of Meditations Summary
I. Introducing Descartes
Exact metric for the exterior of a global string in the Brans-Dicke theory
a rXiv:g r-qc/9827v13Feb1998Exact metric for the exterior of a global string in the Brans-Dicke theory B.Boisseau ∗,and B.Linet †Laboratoire de Math´e matiques et Physique Th´e orique CNRS/UPRES-A 6083,Universit´e Fran¸c ois Rabelais Facult´e des Sciences et Techniques Parc de Grandmont 37200TOURS,France Abstract We determine in closed form the general static solution with cylindrical symmetry to the Brans-Dicke equations for an energy-momentum tensor corresponding to the one of the straight U(1)global string outside the core radius assuming that the Goldstone boson field takes its asymptotic value.1Introduction Topological defects could be produced at a phase transition in the early universe [1,2].Their nature depends on the symmetry broken in the field theory under consideration.A class of topological defects are the global defects as the global strings which are not finiteenergy.So,a static,straight U(1)global string in general relativity has a metric which is not asymptotically Minkowskian [3,4,5,6].Indeed,the spacetime has necessarily a physical singularity at a finite proper distance of the axis [4]giving constraints on the abundance of the global strings in the early universe [7].The explicit metric outside the core radius within the approximate theory in which the Goldstone boson field takes its asymptotic value has been obtained by Cohen and Kaplan [3]and it presents a curvature singularity at a finite proper distance.It is widely accepted that a gravitational scalar field,beside the metric of the spacetime,must exist in the framework of the present unified theories.These scalar-tensor theories of gravitation take their importance in the early universe where it is expected that the coupling to matter of the scalar field would be as same order as the one of metric althought the scalar coupling is negligeable in the present time.Now topological defects are producedduring vacuum phase transitions in the early universe,therefore several authors studied the static solutions generated for instance by a straight U(1)gauge string in the Brans-Dicke theory[8,9],in the scalar-tensor theories with matter minimally coupled[10]or in the dilaton theories[11].Of course the scalarfield is supposed massless because in the massive case the theory is pratically general relativity for distance much larger than the range of the scalarfield.Recently,Sen et al[12]studied the static,straight U(1)global string in the Brans-Dicke theory but they did not arrive to determine in closed form the general solution outside the core radius of the straight U(1)global string.Also,we take up again the problem of the determination of the exact solution outside the core radius in the case where the Goldstone bosonfield takes its asymptotic value.The gravitationalfield variables of the Brans-Dicke theory are the metricˆgµνof the spacetime and a scalarfieldˆφ.The matter is minimally coupled toˆgµνand its energy-momentum tensorˆTµνis conserved.Nevertheless,it is now well-known that it is more convenient to use a non-physical metric gµνand a new scalarφdefined by1ˆgµν=exp(2αφ)gµνandˆφ=2ω+3in terms of the usual Brans-Dicke parameterω.We also introduce a non-physical source Tµνdefined byTµν=exp(2αφ)ˆTµν.(2) We describe the straight U(1)global string by a static,cylindrically symmetric space-time.Consequently,we can write the non-physical metric in the formds2=dρ2+g2(ρ)dz2+g3(ρ)dϕ2−g4(ρ)dt2(3) in the coordinate system(ρ,z,ϕ,t)withρ>0and0≤ϕ<2πwhere the functions g2,g3 and g4are strictly positive.The scalarfield depends only onρ.Under our assumptions, the form of the energy-momentum tensorˆTµνoutside the core radius of the U(1)global string yieldsTρρ=T z z=T t t=−Tϕϕ=−σ(ρ)(4) where the strictly positive functionσis to be determined forρ>ρC,ρC being the core radius.As noticed by Gibbons et al[13],form(4)corresponds also to aσ-model with vanishing potential and having a target space with closed geodesics.The purpose of this work is to give the general expression of static metrics with cylin-drical symmetry and the scalarfield which are the solutions to the Brans-Dicke equationswith a source having the algebraic form (4).Intheparticularcase ofa straight U(1)global string,metric (3)must exhibit the boost invariance,i.e.g 2=g 4.The plan of the work is as follows.In Section 2,we give the basic equations of our problem which are to be solved.The explicit solutions are obtained in Section 3.We discuss in Section 4the singularities of the solutions and the existence of black hole solutions.We add in Section 5some concluding remarks.2Gravitational field equationsIn terms of the non-physical metric g µνand the scalar field φintroduced by relations (1),the Brans-Dicke equations areR µν=2∂µφ∂νφ+8πG (T µν−12Rg µν=2∂µφ∂νφ−g µνg γδ∂γφ∂δφ+8πG T µν.(8)For metrics (3)with source (4),equation (7)reduces todσg 3dg 3dρwhose the general solution has the formσ(ρ)=σ0g 3(ρ)(9)where σ0is an arbitrary positive constant.We are now in a position to write down the gravitational field equations.In equation(5),the components R z z ,R ϕϕand R t t of the Ricci tensor give firstlydg 2dg 2dρ u dρ=−4σ0u exp(2αφ)dρ u dρ=0(12)where u denotes the square root of the determinant,u 2=g 2g 3g 4.Secondly,the scalar equation(6)iswrittenasd dρ=ασ0u exp(2αφ)g 2g 3dg 2dρ+1dρdg 4g 4g 2dg 4dρ=−4σ0exp(2αφ)dρ 2.(14)We have a system of five differential equations for g 2,g 3,g 4and φwhich are compatible since we have taken a T µνsatisfying identically the integrability condition (7).In order to solve these equations we introduce a new radial coordinate r related to ρby u (ρ)dr dr1dr =0,(17)dg 3dg 3dr1dr =0,(19)d 2φg 2g 3dg 2dr +1dr dg 4g 4g 2dg 4dr =−4σ0g 2g 4exp(2αφ)+4 dφαφ(23)where g 03and K 3are arbitrary constants.Hereafter we denote g 3by g .We have now to distinguish two cases.3.1Case K2=0and K4=0In the case where K2=0and K4=0,metric(16)reduces tods2=g(r)dr2+dz2+g(r)dϕ2−dt2(24) in rescaled coordinates r,z and t.It remains three equations of system(17-21).Equation (21)leads todφσ0exp(αφ)(25) and from this equation(20)is automatically satisfied.We can integrate equation(25)and we get the expression of the scalarfieldexp(2αφ)=1µ2g02g04g3(x)dx2+g02x1−w dz2+g3(x)dϕ2−g04x1+w dt2.By a rescaling of the coordinates x,z and t,we can put this metric in the following form ds2=g(x)dx2+x1−w dz2+g(x)dϕ2−x1+w dt2.(29) The energy-momentum tensor keeps form(4)andσis given by(9).It is convenient to write directly thefield equations(5)and(6)for metric(29);we thus obtain1x2+g′g2−g′′g2−g′′xg=4σ0exp(2αφ),(31)1the other components being identically verified.Moreover relation(23)is now written asg(x)=g0x c exp −4xy′=2α2σ0exp y(35) for the unknowm function y.In the appendix,we give the explicit expression of the common solutions to the differential equations(34)and(35)by setting C=α2(1−w2+2c).To summarise this,the desired metric(29),for a given w and g0,and the scalarfield φdepends on three constants C1,C2and n because we express c in terms of n and w.A convenient classification of the solutions is to use the sign of n;we obtain thereby for n>0g(x)=g0x(2/α2−1/2+w2/2+2n2/α2)[|Z(x)|]4/α2φ(x)=−1α(ln x+ln|Z(x)|)(37)with Z(x)=C1+C2ln x C2=0 and for n<0g(x)=g0x(2/α2−1/2+w2/2−2n2/α2)[|Z(x)|]4/α2φ(x)=−14.1Case K2=0and K4=0We write down the physical metric(1)associated with metric(24)where the function g is given by(27)dˆs2=g0α2σ0(r−k)2 dz2−dt2 (39)with−∞<r<∞in principle.It is obvious that the Riemann tensor of metric(39) diverges at r=k.So,there exists two intervals of definition of the metric:−∞<r<k and k<r<∞.The point r=k is at afinite proper distance in the two domains r<k and r>k since the values of the proper radial coordinate,respectively given by the integralsr(−r+k)2/α2−1exp(Kr/2)dr and r(r−k)2/α2−1exp(Kr/2)drarefinite as r→k.We see from(26)that the scalarfield is also singular at r=k. 4.2Case K2=0or K4=0In this case the physical metric(1)associated with metric(29)has the formdˆs2=g(x)Z2(x)dz2−x−1+wg(x)5ConclusionWe have explicitly found the general static solution with cylindrical symmetry to the Brans-Dicke equations with a source having the algebraic form(4).There are two classes of solutions:metrics(39)and metrics(40).The general static metric describing a straight global string outside the core radius is obtained by requiring that g2=g4.We write down the physical metric(1)for the two classes.Firstly,we have directly metric(39)dˆs2=g0α2σ0(r−k)2 dz2−dt2 ,ˆφ=α2σ0x2Z2(x) g(x) dx2+dϕ2 +x dz2−dt2 ,ˆφ=1xy′=2α2σ0exp y,(44)2x2y′′−2xy′−x2y′2+C=0(45) where C is a constant.Wefirstly solve equation(45).By means of the change of functiony(x)=−2ln x−2ln|Z(x)|,(46) we derive the Euler equationx2Z′′+xZ′−[1+11.If1+C/4>0then we getZ(1)(x)=C(1)1x n+C(1)2x−n with n=−1−C/4(50) where C(3)1and C(3)2are constants of integration.We now verify that solutions(48-50)satisfy the second equation(44).Wefind that this is true if the following constraints on the constants of integration are satisfied −4C(1)1C(1)2n2=α2σ0(C(2)2)2=α2σ0 (C(3)1)2+C(3)2)2 n2=α2σ0.(51)References[1]Kibble,T.W.B.(1976).J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.9,183.[2]Vilenkin,A.,and Shellard,E.P.S.(1994).Cosmic Strings and Other TopologicalDefects(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press).[3]Cohen,A.G.,and Kaplan,D.B.(1988).Phys.Lett.B,215,67.[4]Gregory,R.(1988).Phys.Lett.B,215,663.[5]Harari,D.,and Sikivie,P.(1988).Phys.Rev.D,37,3438.[6]Gibbons,G.W.,Ortiz,M.E.,and Ruiz Ruiz,F.(1989).Phys.Rev.D,39,1546.[7]Larson,S.L.,and Hiscock,W.A.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,3242.[8]Gundlach,C.,and Ortiz,M.E.(1990).Phys.Rev.D,42,2521.[9]Barros,A.,and Romero,C.(1995).J.Math.Phys.,36,5800.[10]Guimar˜a es,M.E.X.(1997).Class.Quantum Grav.,14,435.[11]Gregory,R.,and Santos,C.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,1194.[12]Sen,A.A.,Banerjee,N.,and Banerjee,A.(1997).Phys.Rev.D,56,3706.[13]Gibbons,G.W.,Ortiz,M.E.,and Ruiz Ruiz,F.(1990).Phys.Lett.B,240,50.[14]Harari,D.,and Polychronakos,A.P.(1990).Phys.Lett.B,240,55.[15]Kamke,E.(1983).Differentialgleichungen:L¨o sungsmethoden und 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GPS HIGH PRECISION ORBIT DETERMIANTION SOFTWARE TOOLS (GHOST)M. Wermuth(1), O. Montenbruck(1), T. van Helleputte(2)(1) German Space Operations Center (DLR/GSOC), Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling, Germany, Email:martin.wermuth@dlr.de(2) TU Delft, Email: T.VanHelleputte@tudelft.nlABSTRACTThe GHOST “GPS High precision Orbit determination Software Tools” are specifically designed for GPS based orbit determination of LEO (low Earth orbit) satellites and can furthermore process satellite laser ranging measurements for orbit validation purposes. Orbit solutions are based on a dynamical force model comprising Earth gravity, solid-Earth, polar and ocean tides, luni-solar perturbations, atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure as well as relativistic effects. Remaining imperfections of the force models are compensated by empirical accelerations, which are adjusted along with other parameters in the orbit determination. Both least-squares estimation and Kalman-filtering are supported by dedicated GHOST programs. In addition purely kinematic solutions can also be computed. The GHOST package comprises tools for the analysis of raw GPS observations as well. This allows a detailed performance analysis of spaceborne GPS receivers. The software tools are demonstrated using examples from the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X missions.1.INTRODUCTIONThe GPS High precision Orbit determination Software Tools (GHOST) were developed at the German Space Operations Center (DLR/GSOC) in cooperation with TU Delft. They are a set of tools, which share a common library written in C++. The library contains modules for input and output of all common data formats for GPS observations, auxiliary data and physical model parameters. It also provides modules for the mathematical models used in orbit determination and for modelling all physical forces on a satellite.The tools can be classified in analysis tools and tools for the actual precise orbit determination (POD). Additionally a user can implement new tools based on the library modules.The user interface of the GHOST tools consists of human readable and structured input files. These files contain all the parameters and data filenames which have to be set by the user.Although a software package for orbit determination and prediction existed at GSOC, it was decided with the availability of GPS tracking on missions like CHAMP and GRACE, to implement GHOST as a flexible and modular set of tools, which are dedicated to the processing GPS data for LEO orbit determination. GHOST has been used in the orbit determination of numerous missions like CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X, GIOVE and Proba-2. The newest tool for relative orbit determination between two spacecrafts (FRNS, see section 5.5) was designed using data from the GRACE mission and will be used in the operation of the TanDEM-X, PRISMA and DEOS missions.Due to its modular design the library offers users a convenient way to create their own tools. As all necessary data formats are supported, tools for handling and organizing data are easily implemented. For example many GPS receivers have their own proprietary data format. Hence for each new satellite mission a tool can be created, which converts the receiver data to the standard RINEX format in order to be compatible with the other tools. This is supported by the library modules.Figure 1: GHOST Software Architecture.2.THE TERRASAR-X AND TANDEM-XMISSIONSGHOST has been used and will be used in the preparation and the data processing of numerous satellite missions including the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X missions. The examples shown in this paper are taken from actual TerraSAR-X mission data or from simulations done in preparation of the TanDEM-X mission. Hence these two satellite missions are introduced here.TerraSAR-X is a German synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite which was launched in June 2007 from Baikonur on a Dnepr rocket and is operated by GSOC/DLR. Its task is to collect radar images of the Earth’s surface. To support the TerraSAR-X navigation needs, the satellite is equipped with two independent GPS receiver systems. While onboard needs as well as orbit determination accuracies for image processing (typically 1m) can be readily met by the MosaicGNSS single-frequency receiver, a decimeter or better positioning accuracy must be achieved for the analysis of repeat-pass interferometry. To support this goal, a high-end dual-frequency IGOR receiver has been contributed by the German GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam. Since the launch DLR/GSOC is routinely generating precise rapid and science orbit products using the observations of the IGOR receiver.In mid 2010 the TanDEM-X satellite is scheduled for launch. It is an almost identical twin of the TerraSAR-X satellite. Both satellites will fly in a close formation to acquire a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth’s surface by stereo radar data takes. Therefore the baseline vector between the two satellites has to be known with an accuracy of 1 mm. In preparation of the TanDEM-X mission, GHOST has been extended to support high precision baseline determination using single or dual-frequency GPS measurements.Figure 2: The TanDEM-X mission. (Image: EADSAstrium)3.THE GHOST LIBRARYThe GHOST library is written in C++ and fully object-oriented. All data objects are mapped into classes and each module contains one class. Classes are provided for data I/O, mathematical routines, physical force models, coordinate frames and transformations, time frames and plot functions.All data formats necessary for POD are supported by the library. Most important are the format for orbit trajectories SP3-c [1] and the ‘Receiver Independent Exchange Format’ RINEX [2] for GPS observations. The SP3 format is used for the input of GPS ephemerides (as those files are usually provided in SP3-c format) and for the output of the POD results. The raw GPS observations are provided in the RINEX format. At the moment the upgrade from RINEX version 2.20 to version 3.00 is ongoing to allow for the use of multi-constellation and multi-antenna files. Other data formats, which are supported, are the Antenna Exchange Format ANTEX [3] containing antenna phase center offsets and variations and the Consolidated Prediction Format CPF [4] used for the prediction of satellite trajectories to network stations. The Consolidated Laser Ranging Data Format CRD [5] which will replace the old Normal Point Data Format is currently being implemented.The library provides basic mathematical functions needed for orbit determination like a module for matrix and vector operations, statistical functions and quaternion algebra. As numerical integration plays a fundamental role in orbit determination, several numerical integration methods for ordinary differential equations are implemented, like the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method and the variable order variable stepsize multistep method of Shampine & Gordon [6].Forces acting on the satellite are computed by physical models including the Earth's harmonic gravity field, gravitational perturbations of the Sun and Moon, solid Earth and ocean tides, solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag and relativistic effects.In orbit determination several coordinate frames are used. Most important are the inertial frame, the Earth fixed frame, the orbital frame and the spacecraft frame. The transformation between inertial and Earth fixed frame is quite complex as numerous geophysical terms like the Earth orientation parameters are involved. The orbital frame is defined by the position and velocity vectors of a satellite. The axes are oriented radial, tangential (along-track) and normal to the other axes and often denoted as R-T-N. The spacecraft frame is fixed to the mechanical structure of a satellite and used to express instrument coordinates (e.g. the GPS antenna coordinates). It is connect to the other frames via attitude information. The GHOST library contains transformations between all involved frames.Similar to reference frames, also several time scales like UTC and GPS time are involved in orbit determination.A module provides conversions between different time scales.In order to visualize results of the analysis tools or POD results like orbit differences or residuals, the librarycontains a module dedicated to the generation of post script plots.4.ANALYSIS TOOLSThe GHOST package comprises tools for the analysis of raw GPS observations and POD results. This allows a detailed performance analysis of spaceborne GPS receivers in terms of signal strength, signal quality, statistical distribution of observed satellites and hardware dependent biases. The tools can be used either to characterize the flight hardware already prior to the mission or to analyze the performance of in flight data during the mission. An introduction to the most important tools is given here.4.1.EphCmpOne of the most basic but most versatile tools is the ephemeris comparison tool EphCmp. It simply compares an orbit trajectory with a reference orbit and displays the differences graphically (see Fig. 3). The coordinate frame in which the difference is expressed can be selected. In addition a statistic of the differencesis given. It can be used to visualize orbit differences in various scenarios like the comparison of different orbit solutions, the comparison of overlapping orbit arcs or the evaluation of predicted orbits or navigation solutions against precise orbits.Figure 3: Comparison of two overlapping orbit arcsfrom TerraSAR-X POD.4.2.SkyPlotSkyPlot is a tool to visualize the geometrical distribution of observed GPS satellites in the spacecraft frame. A histogram and a timeline of the number of simultaneously tracked satellites are given as well. Hence the tool can be used to detect outages in the tracking.Fig. 4 shows the output of SkyPlot for the MosaicGNSS single-frequency receiver on TerraSAR-X on 2010/04/05. The antenna of the MosaicGNSS receiver is mounted with a tilt of 33° from the zenith direction. This is very well reflected in the geometrical distribution (upper left) of the observed GPS satellites. It can be seen, that mainly satellites in the left hemisphere have been tracked. The histogram (upper right) shows, that – although the receiver has 8 channels – most of the time only 6 satellites (or less) were tracked. The lower plot in Fig 4. shows the number of observed satellites as timeline. It can be seen, that there was a short outage of GPS tracking around 11h. This is useful information for the evaluation of GPS data and the quality of POD results.Figure 4: Distribution of tracked satellites by the MosaicGNSS receiver on TerraSAR-X.4.3.EvalCN0The tool EvalCN0 is used to analyze the tracking sensitivity of GPS receivers. It plots the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N0) in dependence of elevation.The example shown in Fig. 5 is taken from a pre-flight test of the IGOR receiver on the TanDEM-X satellite. The test was carried out with a GPS signal simulator connected to the satellite in the assembly hall [7]. It can be seen, that under the given test-setup, the IGOR receiver achieves a peak carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) of about 54 dB-Hz in the direct tracking of the L1 C/A code. The C/N0 decreases gradually at lower elevations but is still above 35 dB-Hz near the cut-off elevation of 10°.For the semi-codeless tracking of the encrypted P-code, the C/N0 values S1 and S2 reported by the IGOR receiver on the L1 and L2 frequency show an even stronger decrease towards the lower elevations. The signal strength of the L2 frequency is about 3dB-Hzlower than that for the L1 frequency. To evaluate the semi-codeless tracking quality, the size of the S1-SA and S2-SA difference is shown in the right plot of Fig.5. Both frequencies show an expected almost linear variation compared to SA. The degradation of the signal due to semi-codeless squaring losses increases with lower elevation.Figure 5: Variation of C/N0 with the elevation of the tracked satellite (left) and semi-codeless tracking losses (right) forthe pre-flight test of the IGOR receiver on TanDEM-X.4.4.SLRRESSatellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is an important tool for the evaluation of the quality of GPS-based precise satellite orbits. It is often the only independent source of observations available, with an accuracy good enough to draw conclusions about the accuracy of the precise GPS orbits.SLRRES computes the residual of the observed distance between satellite and laser station versus the computed distance. The residuals are displayed in a plot (see Fig.6). As output daily statistic, station-wide statistics and an overall RMS residual are given.In order to compute the distance between satellite and laser station, the orbit position of the satellite has to be corrected for the offset of the satellites laser retro reflector (LRR) from the center of mass using attitude information. The coordinates of the laser station are taken from a catalogue and have to be transformed to the epoch of the laser observation. This is done by applying corrections for ocean loading, tides, and plate tectonics. Finally the path of the laser beam has to be modelled considering atmospheric refractions and relativistic effects.Figure 6: SLR Residuals of TerraSAR-X POD forMarch 2010.5.PRECISE ORBIT DETERMINATION TOOLSThe POD tools comprise two different fundamental methods of orbit determination. A reduced-dynamic orbit determination is computed by the RDOD tool, while KIPP produces a kinematic orbit solution. Both tools process the carrier phase GPS observations. They need a reference solution to start with. This is provided by the tools SPPLEO and PosFit.SPPLEO generates a coarse navigation solution by processing the pseudorange GPS observations. The satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a least squares adjustment. Next PosFit is run to determine a solution in case of data gaps and to smoothen the SPPLEO solution by taking the satellite dynamics into account.5.1.SPPLEOSPPLEO (Single Point Positioning for LEO satellites) is a kinematic least squares estimator for LEO satellites processing pseudorange GPS observations. The program produces a first navigation solution, with data gaps still present. For each epoch, the satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a least-squares adjustment.The tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency observations. In case of single frequency observations, the C1 code is used without ionosphere correction. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of P1 and P2 code observations is applied. In case range-rate observations are available, it is also possible to estimate velocities. Before the adjustment, the data is screened and edited. Hence the user can choose hard editing limits for the signal to noise ratio of the observation, the elevation and the difference between code and carrier phase observation. In case of the violation of one limit, the observation is rejected. If the number of observations for one epoch is below the limit set by the user, the whole epoch is rejected. After the adjustment the PDOP is computed, and if it exceeds a limit, the epoch is rejected as well. If the a posteriori RMS of the residuals exceeds the threshold set by the user, the observation yielding the highest value is rejected. This is repeated until the RMS is below the threshold or the number of observations is below the limit.The resulting orbit usually contains data gaps and relatively large errors compared to dynamic orbit solutions. Hence the gaps have to be closed and the orbit has to be smoothed by the dynamic filter tool PosFit.5.2.PosFitPosFit is a dynamic ephemeris filter for processing navigation solutions as those produced by SPPLEO. This is done by an iterated weighted batch least squares estimator with a priori information. The batch filter estimates the initial state vector, drag and solar radiation coefficients. In addition to those model parameters, empirical accelerations are estimated. One empirical parameter is determined for each of the three orthogonal components of the orbital frame (radial, along-track and cross-track) for an interval set by the user. The parameters are assumed to be uncorrelated over those intervals.The positions of the input navigation solution are introduced as pseudo-observations. The filter is fitting an integrated orbit to the positions of the input orbit in an iterative process. In order to obtain initial values for the first iteration, Keplerian elements are computed from the first two positions of the input orbit. All forces that act on the satellite (like atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, tides, maneuvers…) are modelled and applied in the integration. Due to imperfections in the force models, the empirical accelerations are introduced, to give the integrated orbit more degrees of freedom, to fit to the observations. The empirical acceleration parameters are estimated in the least squares adjustment together with the initial state vector and model parameters. The partial derivatives of the observations w.r.t. the unknown parameters are obtained by integration of the variational equations along the orbit (for details see [8]). The result of PosFit is a continuous and smooth orbit without data gaps in SP3-c format. It can serve as reference orbit for RDOD and KIPP.Figure 7 displays the graphical output of PosFit. The three upper graphs show the residuals after the adjustment in the three components of the orbital frame. In this example, which is taken from a 30h POD arc of the TerraSAR-X mission, the RMS of the residuals lies between 0.5m and 1.5m. This mainly shows the dispersion of positions of the SPPLEO solution. The three lower graphs show the estimated empirical accelerations in the three components of the orbital frame.Figure 7: Graphical output of PosFit Tool forTerraSAR-X POD.5.3.RDODRDOD is a reduced dynamic orbit determination tool for LEO satellites processing carrier phase GPS observations. This is also done by an iterated weighted batch least squares estimator with a priori information. Similar to PosFit, RDOD estimates the initial state vector, drag and solar radiation coefficients and empirical accelerations. Contrary to PosFit, where the positions of a reference orbit are used as pseude-observations, RDOD directly uses the GPS pseudorange and carrier phase observations. Nevertheless a continuous reference orbit – normally computed by PosFit – is required by RDOD for data editing and for obtaining initial conditions for the first iteration.The tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency data. In case of single frequency observations, the GRAPHIC (Group and Phase Ionospheric Correction) combination of C/A code and L1 carrier-phase is used as observation. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of L1 and L2 carrier phase observations is applied.The data editing is crucial to the quality of the results. Hence the data is also screened and edited by RDOD using limits specified by the user. If the signal-to-noise ratio of the observation exceeds the limit, or the elevation is below a cut-off elevation, the observation is rejected. This is done if no GPS ephemerides and clock information is available for that observation. Next outliers in the code and carrier-phase observations are detected. This is done comparing the observations to modelled observations using the reference orbit.The RDOD filter is fitting an integrated orbit to the carrier-phase observations. This is done in a similar way as in PosFit, considering all forces on the satellite and estimating empirical acceleration parameters. But while PosFit uses absolute positions as observations, the carrier-phase observations used in RDOD contain an unknown ambiguity. The ambiguity is considered to be constant over one pass – the time span in which a GPS satellite is tracked continuously. Hence one unknown ambiguity parameter per pass is added to the adjustment.The graphical output of RDOD shows the residuals of the code and carrier phase observations (see Fig. 8). This is an important tool for a fast quality analysis and for detecting systematic errors.Figure 8: Output of RDOD tool for TerraSAR-X POD.Both the antennas of the GPS satellites and the GPS antennas of spaceborne receivers show variations of the phase center dependent on azimuth and elevation of the signal path. It is necessary to model those variations in order to obtain POD results with highest quality. GHOST does not only offer the possibility to use phase center variation maps given in ANTEX format. It also offers the possibility to estimate such phase center variation patterns, and thus can be employed for the in-flight calibration of flight hardware. This was done for the GPS on TerraSAR-X as shown in Fig. 9. The figure shows the phase center variation pattern for the main POD antenna of the IGOR receiver on TerraSAR-X. It was estimated from 30 days of flight data and needs to be applied to carrier phase observations in addition to a pattern which was determined for the antenna type by ground tests (for details cf. [9]).Figure 9: Phase Center Variation Pattern for the MainPOD Antenna on TerraSAR-X.5.4. KIPPKIPP (Kinematic Point Positioning) is a kinematic least squares estimator for LEO satellites. Similar to RDOD carrier phase observations are processed. But in contrast to RDOD no dynamic models are employed, and only the GPS observations are used for orbit determination. For each epoch, the satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a weighted least squares adjustment. KIPP also requires a continuous reference orbit, as that computed by PosFit.Like RDOD, the KIPP tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency data. In case of single frequency observations, the GRAPHIC (Group and Phase Ionospheric Correction) combination of C/A code and L 1 carrier-phase is used as observation. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of L 1 and L 2 carrier phase observations is applied.5.5. FRNSThe Filter for Relative Navigation of Satellites (FRNS) is designed to perform relative orbit determination between two LEO spacecrafts. This is done using an extended Kalman filter described in [10]. The concept is to achieve a higher accuracy for the relative orbit between two spacecrafts by making use of differenced GPS observations, than by simply differencing two independent POD results. FRNS requires a continuous reference orbit for both spacecrafts, such as computed by RDOD. It then keeps the orbit of one spacecraft fixed, determines the relative orbit between the two spacecrafts and adds it to the positions of the first spacecraft. As result a SP3-c file containing the orbit of both spacecrafts is obtained. The tool is able to process both single and dual-frequency observations.The FRNS tool was developed using data from the GRACE mission and will be applied on a routine basis for the TanDEM-X mission. In contrast to TanDEM-X, GRACE consists of two spacecrafts, which follow each other on a similar orbit with about 200 km distance. The distance between the two spacecrafts is measured by a K-band link, which is considered to be at least one order of magnitude more accurate than GPS observations. Hence the K-band observations can be used to assess the accuracy of the relative navigation results – with the limitation, that the K-band observations only reflect the along-track component, and contain an unknown bias. The differences between a GRACE relative navigation solution and K-band observations are shown in Fig. 10. The standard deviation is about 0.7 mm. As the TanDEM-X mission uses GPS receivers which are follow-on models of those used on GRACE, and the distance between the spacecrafts is less than 1 km, one can expect that the quality of the relative orbit determination will be on the same level of accuracy or even better.Figure 10: Comparison of GRACE relative navigation solution with K-band observations.6.REFERENCES1. Hilla S. (2002). The Extended Standard Product 3Orbit Format (SP3-c, National Geodetic Survey,National Ocean Service, NOAA.2. Gurtner W., Estey L. (2007). The ReceiverIndependent Exchange Format Version 3.00,Astronomical Institute University of Bern.3. Rothacher M., Schmid R. (2006). ANTEX: TheAntenna Exchange Format Version 1.3,Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie TUMünchen.4. Rickfels R. L. (2006). Consolidated Laser RangingPrediction Format Version 1.01, The University of Texas at Austin/ Center for Space Research.5. Rickfels R. L. (2009). Consolidated Laser RangingData Format (CRD) Version 1.01, The Universityof Texas at Austin/ Center for Space Research. 6. Shampine G. (1975). Computer solution of OrdinaryDifferential Equations, Freeman and Comp., SanFrancisco.7. Wermuth M. (2009). Integrated GPS Simulator Test,TanDEM-X G/S-S/S Technical Validation Report,Volume 15: Assembly AS-1515, DLROberpfaffenhofen.8. Montenbruck O., Gill E. (2000). Satellite Orbits –Models, Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.9. Montenbruck O. Garcia-Fernandez M., Yoon Y.,Schön S., Jäggi A..; Antenna Phase CenterCalibration for Precise Positioning of LEOSatellites; GPS Solutions (2008). DOI10.1007/s10291-008-0094-z.10. Kroes R. (2006). Precise Relative Positioning ofFormation Flying Spacecraft using GPS, PhDThesis, TU Delft.。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】JJF 中华人民共和国国家计量技术规范JJF1059.1-2012测量不确定度评定与表示Evaluation and Expressionof Uncertainty in Measurement2012-12-03 发布2013-06-03实施国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布测量不确定度评定与表示归口单位:全国法制计量管理计量技术委员会起草单位:江苏省计量科学研究院中国计量科学研究院北京理工大学国家质检总局计量司本规范委托全国法制计量管理计量技术委员会解释本规范起草人:叶德培赵峰(江苏省计量科学研究院)施昌彦原遵东(中国计量科学研究院)沙定国(北京理工大学)周桃庚(北京理工大学)陈红(国家质检总局计量司)目录引言1 范围2 引用文献3 术语和定义4 测量不确定度的评定方法4.1 测量不确定度来源分析4.2 测量模型的建立4.3 标准不确定度的评定4.4 合成标准不确定度的计算4.5 扩展不确定度的确定5 测量不确定度的报告与表示6.测量不确定度的应用附录A 测量不确定度评定举例(参考件)附录B t分布在不同概率p与自由度ν的)(νt值(t值)(补充件)p附录C 有关量的符号汇总(补充件)附录D 术语的英汉对照(参考件)1 引言本规范是对JJF1059-1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》的修订。
本次修订的依据是十多年来我国贯彻JJF1059-1999的经验以及最新的国际标准ISO/IEC Guide98-3-2008《测量不确定度第3部分:测量不确定度表示指南》(Uncertainty of measurement-Part 3:Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement以下简称GUM),与JJF 1059-1999相比,主要修订内容有:--编写格式改为符合JJF1071-2010《国家计量校准规范编写规则》的要求。
数学专业英语词汇英汉对照1 概率论与数理统计词汇英汉对照表Aabsolute value 绝对值accept 接受acceptable region 接受域additivity 可加性adjusted 调整的alternative hypothesis 对立假设analysis 分析analysis of covariance 协方差分析analysis of variance 方差分析arithmetic mean 算术平均值association 相关性assumption 假设assumption checking 假设检验availability 有效度average 均值Bbalanced 平衡的band 带宽bar chart 条形图beta-distribution 贝塔分布between groups 组间的bias 偏倚binomial distribution 二项分布binomial test 二项检验Ccalculate 计算case 个案category 类别center of gravity 重心central tendency 中心趋势chi-square distribution 卡方分布chi-square test 卡方检验classify 分类cluster analysis 聚类分析coefficient 系数coefficient of correlation 相关系数collinearity 共线性column 列compare 比较comparison 对照components 构成,分量compound 复合的confidence interval 置信区间consistency 一致性constant 常数continuous variable 连续变量control charts 控制图correlation 相关covariance 协方差covariance matrix 协方差矩阵critical point 临界点critical value 临界值crosstab 列联表cubic 三次的,立方的cubic term 三次项cumulative distribution function 累加分布函数curve estimation 曲线估计Ddata 数据default 默认的definition 定义deleted residual 剔除残差density function 密度函数dependent variable 因变量description 描述design of experiment 试验设计deviations 差异df.(degree of freedom) 自由度diagnostic 诊断dimension 维discrete variable 离散变量discriminant function 判别函数discriminatory analysis 判别分析distance 距离distribution 分布D-optimal design D-优化设计Eeaqual 相等effects of interaction 交互效应efficiency 有效性eigenvalue 特征值equal size 等含量equation 方程error 误差estimate 估计estimation of parameters 参数估计estimations 估计量evaluate 衡量exact value 精确值expectation 期望expected value 期望值exponential 指数的exponential distributon 指数分布extreme value 极值Ffactor 因素,因子factor analysis 因子分析factor score 因子得分factorial designs 析因设计factorial experiment 析因试验fit 拟合fitted line 拟合线fitted value 拟合值fixed model 固定模型fixed variable 固定变量fractional factorial design 部分析因设计frequency 频数F-test F检验full factorial design 完全析因设计function 函数Ggamma distribution 伽玛分布geometric mean 几何均值group 组Hharmomic mean 调和均值heterogeneity 不齐性histogram 直方图homogeneity 齐性homogeneity of variance 方差齐性hypothesis 假设hypothesis test 假设检验Iindependence 独立independent variable 自变量independent-samples 独立样本index 指数index of correlation 相关指数interaction 交互作用interclass correlation 组内相关interval estimate 区间估计intraclass correlation 组间相关inverse 倒数的iterate 迭代Kkernal 核Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米诺夫检验kurtosis 峰度Llarge sample problem 大样本问题layer 层least-significant difference 最小显著差数least-square estimation 最小二乘估计least-square method 最小二乘法level 水平level of significance 显著性水平leverage value 中心化杠杆值life 寿命life test 寿命试验likelihood function 似然函数likelihood ratio test 似然比检验linear 线性的linear estimator 线性估计linear model 线性模型linear regression 线性回归linear relation 线性关系linear term 线性项logarithmic 对数的logarithms 对数logistic 逻辑的lost function 损失函数Mmain effect 主效应matrix 矩阵maximum 最大值maximum likelihood estimation 极大似然估计mean squared deviation(MSD) 均方差mean sum of square 均方和measure 衡量media 中位数M-estimator M估计minimum 最小值missing values 缺失值mixed model 混合模型mode 众数model 模型Monte Carle method 蒙特卡罗法moving average 移动平均值multicollinearity 多元共线性multiple comparison 多重比较multiple correlation 多重相关multiple correlation coefficient 复相关系数multiple correlation coefficient 多元相关系数multiple regression analysis 多元回归分析multiple regression equation 多元回归方程multiple response 多响应multivariate analysis 多元分析Nnegative relationship 负相关nonadditively 不可加性nonlinear 非线性nonlinear regression 非线性回归noparametric tests 非参数检验normal distribution 正态分布null hypothesis 零假设number of cases 个案数Oone-sample 单样本one-tailed test 单侧检验one-way ANOVA 单向方差分析one-way classification 单向分类optimal 优化的optimum allocation 最优配制order 排序order statistics 次序统计量origin 原点orthogonal 正交的outliers 异常值Ppaired observations 成对观测数据paired-sample 成对样本parameter 参数parameter estimation 参数估计partial correlation 偏相关partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数percent 百分数percentiles 百分位数pie chart 饼图point estimate 点估计poisson distribution 泊松分布polynomial curve 多项式曲线polynomial regression 多项式回归polynomials 多项式positive relationship 正相关power 幂P-P plot P-P概率图predict 预测predicted value 预测值prediction intervals 预测区间principal component analysis 主成分分析proability 概率probability density function 概率密度函数probit analysis 概率分析proportion 比例Qqadratic 二次的Q-Q plot Q-Q概率图quadratic term 二次项quality control 质量控制quantitative 数量的,度量的quartiles 四分位数Rrandom 随机的random number 随机数random number 随机数random sampling 随机取样random seed 随机数种子random variable 随机变量randomization 随机化range 极差rank 秩rank correlation 秩相关rank statistic 秩统计量regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression line 回归线reject 拒绝rejection region 拒绝域relationship 关系reliability 可靠性repeated 重复的report 报告,报表residual 残差residual sum of squares 剩余平方和response 响应risk function 风险函数robustness 稳健性root mean square 标准差row 行run 游程run test 游程检验Ssample 样本sample size 样本容量sample space 样本空间sampling 取样sampling inspection 抽样检验scatter chart 散点图S-curve S形曲线separately 单独地sets 集合sign test 符号检验significance 显著性significance level 显著性水平significance testing 显著性检验significant 显著的,有效的significant digits 有效数字skewed distribution 偏态分布skewness 偏度small sample problem 小样本问题smooth 平滑sort 排序soruces of variation 方差来源space 空间spread 扩展square 平方standard deviation 标准离差standard error of mean 均值的标准误差standardization 标准化standardize 标准化statistic 统计量statistical quality control 统计质量控制std. residual 标准残差stepwise regression analysis 逐步回归stimulus 刺激strong assumption 强假设stud. deleted residual 学生化剔除残差stud. residual 学生化残差subsamples 次级样本sufficient statistic 充分统计量sum 和sum of squares 平方和summary 概括,综述Ttable 表t-distribution t分布test 检验test criterion 检验判据test for linearity 线性检验test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验test of homogeneity 齐性检验test of independence 独立性检验test rules 检验法则test statistics 检验统计量testing function 检验函数time series 时间序列tolerance limits 容许限total 总共,和transformation 转换treatment 处理trimmed mean 截尾均值true value 真值t-test t检验two-tailed test 双侧检验Uunbalanced 不平衡的unbiased estimation 无偏估计unbiasedness 无偏性uniform distribution 均匀分布Vvalue of estimator 估计值variable 变量variance 方差variance components 方差分量variance ratio 方差比various 不同的vector 向量Wweight 加权,权重weighted average 加权平均值within groups 组内的ZZ score Z分数2. 最优化方法词汇英汉对照表Aactive constraint 活动约束active set method 活动集法analytic gradient 解析梯度approximate 近似arbitrary 强制性的argument 变量attainment factor 达到因子Bbandwidth 带宽be equivalent to 等价于best-fit 最佳拟合bound 边界Ccoefficient 系数complex-value 复数值component 分量constant 常数constrained 有约束的constraint 约束constraint function 约束函数continuous 连续的converge 收敛cubic polynomial interpolation method 三次多项式插值法curve-fitting 曲线拟合Ddata-fitting 数据拟合default 默认的,默认的define 定义diagonal 对角的direct search method 直接搜索法direction of search 搜索方向discontinuous 不连续Eeigenvalue 特征值empty matrix 空矩阵equality 等式exceeded 溢出的Ffeasible 可行的feasible solution 可行解finite-difference 有限差分first-order 一阶GGauss-Newton method 高斯-牛顿法goal attainment problem 目标达到问题gradient 梯度gradient method 梯度法Hhandle 句柄Hessian matrix 海色矩阵Iindependent variables 独立变量inequality 不等式infeasibility 不可行性infeasible 不可行的initial feasible solution 初始可行解initialize 初始化inverse 逆invoke 激活iteration 迭代iteration 迭代JJacobian 雅可比矩阵LLagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子large-scale 大型的least square 最小二乘least squares sense 最小二乘意义上的Levenberg-Marquardt method 列文伯格-马夸尔特法line search 一维搜索linear 线性的linear equality constraints 线性等式约束linear programming problem 线性规划问题local solution 局部解Mmedium-scale 中型的minimize 最小化mixed quadratic and cubic polynomial interpolation and extrapolation method 混合二次、三次多项式内插、外插法multiobjective 多目标的Nnonlinear 非线性的norm 范数Oobjective function 目标函数observed data 测量数据optimization routine 优化过程optimize 优化optimizer 求解器over-determined system 超定系统Pparameter 参数partial derivatives 偏导数polynomial interpolation method 多项式插值法Qquadratic 二次的quadratic interpolation method 二次内插法quadratic programming 二次规划Rreal-value 实数值residuals 残差robust 稳健的robustness 稳健性,鲁棒性Sscalar 标量semi-infinitely problem 半无限问题Sequential Quadratic Programming method 序列二次规划法simplex search method 单纯形法solution 解sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵sparsity pattern 稀疏模式sparsity structure 稀疏结构starting point 初始点stationary point 驻点step length 步长subspace trust region method 子空间置信域法sum-of-squares 平方和symmetric matrix 对称矩阵Ttermination message 终止信息termination tolerance 终止容限the exit condition 退出条件the method of steepest descent 最速下降法transpose 转置Uunconstrained 无约束的under-determined system 负定系统Vvariable 变量vector 矢量Wweighting matrix 加权矩阵3 样条词汇英汉对照表Aapproximation 逼近array 数组a spline in b-form/b-spline b样条a spline of polynomial piece /ppform spline 分段多项式样条Bbivariate spline function 二元样条函数break/breaks 断点Ccoefficient/coefficients 系数cubic interpolation 三次插值/三次内插cubic polynomial 三次多项式cubic smoothing spline 三次平滑样条cubic spline 三次样条cubic spline interpolation 三次样条插值/三次样条内插curve 曲线Ddegree of freedom 自由度dimension 维数end conditions 约束条件Iinput argument 输入参数interpolation 插值/内插interval 取值区间Kknot/knots 节点Lleast-squares approximation 最小二乘拟合Mmultiplicity 重次multivariate function 多元函数Ooptional argument 可选参数order 阶次output argument 输出参数Ppoint/points 数据点rational spline 有理样条rounding error 舍入误差(相对误差)Sscalar 标量sequence 数列(数组)spline 样条spline approximation 样条逼近/样条拟合spline function 样条函数spline curve 样条曲线spline interpolation 样条插值/样条内插spline surface 样条曲面smoothing spline 平滑样条Ttolerance 允许精度Uunivariate function 一元函数Vvector 向量weight/weights 权重4 偏微分方程数值解词汇英汉对照表Aabsolute error 绝对误差absolute tolerance 绝对容限adaptive mesh 适应性网格Bboundary condition 边界条件Ccontour plot 等值线图converge 收敛coordinate 坐标系Ddecomposed 分解的decomposed geometry matrix 分解几何矩阵diagonal matrix 对角矩阵Dirichlet boundary conditionsDirichlet边界条件eigenvalue 特征值elliptic 椭圆形的error estimate 误差估计exact solution 精确解Ggeneralized Neumann boundary condition 推广的Neumann边界条件geometry 几何形状geometry description matrix 几何描述矩阵geometry matrix 几何矩阵graphical user interface(GUI)图形用户界面Hhyperbolic 双曲线的Iinitial mesh 初始网格Jjiggle 微调LLagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘子Laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程linear interpolation 线性插值loop 循环Mmachine precision 机器精度mixed boundary condition 混合边界条件NNeuman boundary condition Neuman边界条件node point 节点nonlinear solver 非线性求解器normal vector 法向量PParabolic 抛物线型的partial differential equation 偏微分方程plane strain 平面应变plane stress 平面应力Poisson’s equation 泊松方程polygon 多边形positive definite 正定Qquality 质量Rrefined triangular mesh 加密的三角形网格relative tolerance 相对容限relative tolerance 相对容限residual 残差residual norm 残差范数Ssingular 奇异的。
Two-dimensional Quantum Field Theory, examples and applications
Abstract The main principles of two-dimensional quantum field theories, in particular two-dimensional QCD and gravity are reviewed. We study non-perturbative aspects of these theories which make them particularly valuable for testing ideas of four-dimensional quantum field theory. The dynamics of confinement and theta vacuum are explained by using the non-perturbative methods developed in two dimensions. We describe in detail how the effective action of string theory in non-critical dimensions can be represented by Liouville gravity. By comparing the helicity amplitudes in four-dimensional QCD to those of integrable self-dual Yang-Mills theory, we extract a four dimensional version of two dimensional integrability.
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5 Four-dimensional analogies and consequences 6 Conclusions and Final Remarks
f −1 (O) = f −1 (A) A ∈ O 是对X 的开覆盖.由X 的紧致性可知,存在有限子覆盖 V = f −1 (A1 ), · · · , f −1 (An ) A1 , · · · , An ∈ O , 使
f −1 (Ai ) = X .于 是
Ai ⊇ f (X ),从 而f (X )紧 , 紧
令O =
Oxi ,则O 就 是O的有 限子覆 盖. 的
紧致与局部紧 致
紧致空间 紧致性与分离 公理 吉洪诺夫紧致 性定理 局部紧致性 附录A:紧致 性与分离性 附录B:局部 紧致性与分离 性 本章练习题
注意,此定理对任意积都成立,见后面的吉洪诺夫定 理 (定理 25)。 )
紧致与局部紧 致
Theorem 紧致空间在连续映射下的像是紧致的,从而紧致性是拓扑 性质. Proof. 设f : X → Y 是连 续映射 ,O是Y 的开 集族, 是 使 A ⊇ f (X ).则 .
紧致空间 紧致性与分离 公理 吉洪诺夫紧致 性定理 局部紧致性 附录A:紧致 性与分离性 附录B:局部 紧致性与分离 性 本章练习题
紧致与局部紧 致
紧致空间 紧致性与分离 公理 吉洪诺夫紧致 性定理 局部紧致性 附录A:紧致 性与分离性 附录B:局部 紧致性与分离 性 本章练习题
X 紧致的充分必要条件是X 的每个具有有限交性质的闭集族 具有非空交. Proof. 必要 性:设 X 紧致 ,F是 具有有限 交性质 的闭集 族,下 是 证F具有非 空交. 用反证 法.如 果 具 F = ∅, , 则
统计学术语中英文对照Absolute deviation 绝对离差Absolute number 绝对数Absolute residuals 绝对残差Acceleration array 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential 切向加速度Acceleration vector 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis 可接受假设Accumulation 累积Accuracy 准确度Actual frequency 实际频数Adaptive estimator 自适应估计量Addition 相加Addition theorem 加法定理Additivity 可加性Adjusted rate 调整率Adjusted value 校正值Admissible error 容许误差Aggregation 聚集性Alternative hypothesis 备择假设Among groups 组间Amounts 总量Analysis of correlation 相关分析Analysis of covariance 协方差分析Analysis of regression 回归分析Analysis of time series 时间序列分析Analysis of variance 方差分析Angular transformation 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance)方差分析ANOVA Models 方差分析模型Arcing 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation 反正弦变换Area under the curve 曲线面积AREG 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper 算术格纸Arithmetic mean 算术平均数Arrhenius relation 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit 拟合的评估Associative laws 结合律Asymmetric distribution 非对称分布Asymptotic bias 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency 渐近效率Asymptotic variance 渐近方差Attributable risk 归因危险度Attribute data 属性资料Attribution 属性Autocorrelation 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals 残差的自相关Average 平均数Average confidence interval length 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate 平均增长率Bar chart 条形图Bar graph 条形图Base period 基期Bayes' theorem Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator 最好切尾估计量Bias 偏性Binary logistic regression 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution 二项分布Bisquare 双平方Bivariate Correlate 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population 双变量正态总体Biweight interval 双权区间Biweight M-estimator 双权M估计量Block 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs) BMDP统计软件包Boxplots 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation 典型相关Caption 纵标目Case-control study 病例对照研究Categorical variable 分类变量Catenary 悬链线Cauchy distribution 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship 因果关系Cell 单元Censoring 终检Center of symmetry 对称中心Centering and scaling 中心化和定标Central tendency 集中趋势Central value 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector 卡方自动交互检测Chance 机遇Chance error 随机误差Chance variable 随机变量Characteristic equation 特征方程Characteristic root 特征根Characteristic vector 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart 圆图Class interval 组距Class mid-value 组中值Class upper limit 组上限Classified variable 分类变量Cluster analysis 聚类分析Cluster sampling 整群抽样Code 代码Coded data 编码数据Coding 编码Coefficient of contingency 列联系数Coefficient of determination 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation 积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression 回归系数Coefficient of skewness 偏度系数Coefficient of variation 变异系数Cohort study 队列研究Column 列Column effect 列效应Column factor 列因素Combination pool 合并Combinative table 组合表Common factor 共性因子Common regression coefficient 公共回归系数Common value 共同值Common variance 公共方差Common variation 公共变异Communality variance 共性方差Comparability 可比性Comparison of bathes 批比较Comparison value 比较值Compartment model 分部模型Compassion 伸缩Complement of an event 补事件Complete association 完全正相关Complete dissociation 完全不相关Complete statistics 完备统计量Completely randomized design 完全随机化设计Composite event 联合事件Composite events 复合事件Concavity 凹性Conditional expectation 条件期望Conditional likelihood 条件似然Conditional probability 条件概率Conditionally linear 依条件线性Confidence interval 置信区间Confidence limit 置信限Confidence lower limit 置信下限Confidence upper limit 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research 证实性实验研究Confounding factor 混杂因素Conjoint 联合分析Consistency 相合性Consistency check 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate 相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression 受约束非线性回归Constraint 约束Contaminated distribution 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution 污染正态分布Contamination 污染Contamination model 污染模型Contingency table 列联表Contour 边界线Contribution rate 贡献率Control 对照Controlled experiments 对照实验Conventional depth 常规深度Convolution 卷积Corrected factor 校正因子Corrected mean 校正均值Correction coefficient 校正系数Correctness 正确性Correlation coefficient 相关系数Correlation index 相关指数Correspondence 对应Counting 计数Counts 计数/频数Covariance 协方差Covariant 共变Cox Regression Cox回归Criteria for fitting 拟合准则Criteria of least squares 最小二乘准则Critical ratio 临界比Critical region 拒绝域Critical value 临界值Cross-over design 交叉设计Cross-section analysis 横断面分析Cross-section survey 横断面调查Crosstabs 交叉表Cross-tabulation table 复合表Cube root 立方根Cumulative distribution function 分布函数Cumulative probability 累计概率Curvature 曲率/弯曲Curvature 曲率Curve fit 曲线拟和Curve fitting 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression 曲线回归Curvilinear relation 曲线关系Cut-and-try method 尝试法Cycle 周期Cyclist 周期性D test D检验Data acquisition 资料收集Data bank 数据库Data capacity 数据容量Data deficiencies 数据缺乏Data handling 数据处理Data manipulation 数据处理Data processing 数据处理Data reduction 数据缩减Data set 数据集Data sources 数据来源Data transformation 数据变换Data validity 数据有效性Data-in 数据输入Data-out 数据输出Dead time 停滞期Degree of freedom 自由度Degree of precision 精密度Degree of reliability 可靠性程度Degression 递减Density function 密度函数Density of data points 数据点的密度Dependent variable 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable 因变量Depth 深度Derivative matrix 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods 无导数方法Design 设计Determinacy 确定性Determinant 行列式Determinant 决定因素Deviation 离差Deviation from average 离均差Diagnostic plot 诊断图Dichotomous variable 二分变量Differential equation 微分方程Direct standardization 直接标准化法Discrete variable 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT 判断Discriminant analysis 判别分析Discriminant coefficient 判别系数Discriminant function 判别值Dispersion 散布/分散度Disproportional 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape 分布形状Distribution-free method 任意分布法Distributive laws 分配律Disturbance 随机扰动项Dose response curve 剂量反应曲线Double blind method 双盲法Double blind trial 双盲试验Double exponential distribution 双指数分布Double logarithmic 双对数Downward rank 降秩Dual-space plot 对偶空间图DUD 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method 新复极差法/Duncan新法Effect 实验效应Eigenvalue 特征值Eigenvector 特征向量Ellipse 椭圆Empirical distribution 经验分布Empirical probability 经验概率单位Enumeration data 计数资料Equal sun-class number 相等次级组含量Equally likely 等可能Equivariance 同变性Error 误差/错误Error of estimate 估计误差Error type I 第一类错误Error type II 第二类错误Estimand 被估量Estimated error mean squares 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance 欧式距离Event 事件Event 事件Exceptional data point 异常数据点Expectation plane 期望平面Expectation surface 期望曲面Expected values 期望值Experiment 实验Experimental sampling 试验抽样Experimental unit 试验单位Explanatory variable 说明变量Exploratory data analysis 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize 探索-摘要Exponential curve 指数曲线Exponential growth 指数式增长EXSMOOTH 指数平滑方法Extended fit 扩充拟合Extra parameter 附加参数Extrapolation 外推法Extreme observation 末端观测值Extremes 极端值/极值F distribution F分布F test F检验Factor 因素/因子Factor analysis 因子分析Factor Analysis 因子分析Factor score 因子得分Factorial 阶乘Factorial design 析因试验设计False negative 假阴性False negative error 假阴性错误Family of distributions 分布族Family of estimators 估计量族Fanning 扇面Fatality rate 病死率Field investigation 现场调查Field survey 现场调查Finite population 有限总体Finite-sample 有限样本First derivative 一阶导数First principal component 第一主成分First quartile 第一四分位数Fisher information 费雪信息量Fitted value 拟合值Fitting a curve 曲线拟合Fixed base 定基Fluctuation 随机起伏Forecast 预测Four fold table 四格表Fourth 四分点Fraction blow 左侧比率Fractional error 相对误差Frequency 频率Frequency polygon 频数多边图Frontier point 界限点Function relationship 泛函关系Gamma distribution 伽玛分布Gauss increment 高斯增量Gaussian distribution 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment 高斯-牛顿增量General census 全面普查GENLOG (Generalized liner models) 广义线性模型Geometric mean 几何平均数Gini's mean difference 基尼均差GLM (General liner models) 通用线性模型Goodness of fit 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方Grand mean 总均值Gross errors 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity 大错敏感度Group averages 分组平均Grouped data 分组资料Guessed mean 假定平均数Half-life 半衰期Hampel M-estimators 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance 偶然事件Harmonic mean 调和均数Hazard function 风险均数Hazard rate 风险率Heading 标目Heavy-tailed distribution 重尾分布Hessian array 海森立体阵Heterogeneity 不同质Heterogeneity of variance 方差不齐Hierarchical classification 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method 系统聚类法High-leverage point 高杠杆率点HILOGLINEAR 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge 折叶点Histogram 直方图Historical cohort study 历史性队列研究Holes 空洞HOMALS 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance 方差齐性Homogeneity test 齐性检验Huber M-estimators 休伯M估计量Hyperbola 双曲线Hypothesis testing 假设检验Hypothetical universe 假设总体Impossible event 不可能事件Independence 独立性Independent variable 自变量Index 指标/指数Indirect standardization 间接标准化法Individual 个体Inference band 推断带Infinite population 无限总体Infinitely great 无穷大Infinitely small 无穷小Influence curve 影响曲线Information capacity 信息容量Initial condition 初始条件Initial estimate 初始估计值Initial level 最初水平Interaction 交互作用Interaction terms 交互作用项Intercept 截距Interpolation 内插法Interquartile range 四分位距Interval estimation 区间估计Intervals of equal probability 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature 固有曲率Invariance 不变性Inverse matrix 逆矩阵Inverse probability 逆概率Inverse sine transformation 反正弦变换Iteration 迭代Jacobian determinant 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function 分布函数Joint probability 联合概率Joint probability distribution 联合概率分布K means method 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation Kendall等级相关Kinetic 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis 峰度Lack of fit 失拟Ladder of powers 幂阶梯Lag 滞后Large sample 大样本Large sample test 大样本检验Latin square 拉丁方Latin square design 拉丁方设计Leakage 泄漏Least favorable configuration 最不利构形Least favorable distribution 最不利分布Least significant difference 最小显著差法Least square method 最小二乘法Least-absolute-residuals estimates 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line 最小绝对残差线Legend 图例L-estimator L估计量L-estimator of location 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale 尺度L估计量Level 水平Life expectance 预期期望寿命Life table 寿命表Life table method 生命表法Light-tailed distribution 轻尾分布Likelihood function 似然函数Likelihood ratio 似然比line graph 线图Linear correlation 直线相关Linear equation 线性方程Linear programming 线性规划Linear regression 直线回归Linear Regression 线性回归Linear trend 线性趋势Loading 载荷Location and scale equivariance 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance 位置同变性Location invariance 位置不变性Location scale family 位置尺度族Log rank test 时序检验Logarithmic curve 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation 对数变换Logic check 逻辑检查Logistic distribution 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation Logit转换LOGLINEAR 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution 对数正态分布Lost function 损失函数Low correlation 低度相关Lower limit 下限Lowest-attained variance 最小可达方差LSD 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable 潜在变量Main effect 主效应Major heading 主辞标目Marginal density function 边缘密度函数Marginal probability 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution 边缘概率分布Matched data 配对资料Matched distribution 匹配过分布Matching of distribution 分布的匹配Matching of transformation 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation 数学期望Mathematical model 数学模型Maximum L-estimator 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method 最大似然法Mean 均数Mean squares between groups 组间均方Mean squares within group 组内均方Means (Compare means) 均值-均值比较Median 中位数Median effective dose 半数效量Median lethal dose 半数致死量Median polish 中位数平滑Median test 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator 最小方差估计量MINITAB 统计软件包Minor heading 宾词标目Missing data 缺失值Model specification 模型的确定Modeling Statistics 模型统计Models for outliers 离群值模型Modifying the model 模型的修正Modulus of continuity 连续性模Morbidity 发病率Most favorable configuration 最有利构形Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL) 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison 多重比较Multiple correlation 复相关Multiple covariance 多元协方差Multiple linear regression 多元线性回归Multiple response 多重选项Multiple solutions 多解Multiplication theorem 乘法定理Multiresponse 多元响应Multi-stage sampling 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution 多元T分布Mutual exclusive 互不相容Mutual independence 互相独立Natural boundary 自然边界Natural dead 自然死亡Natural zero 自然零Negative correlation 负相关Negative linear correlation 负线性相关Negatively skewed 负偏Newman-Keuls method q检验NK method q检验No statistical significance 无统计意义Nominal variable 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics 非参数统计Nonparametric test 非参数检验Nonparametric tests 非参数检验Normal deviate 正态离差Normal distribution 正态分布Normal equation 正规方程组Normal ranges 正常范围Normal value 正常值Nuisance parameter 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis 无效假设Numerical variable 数值变量Objective function 目标函数Observation unit 观察单位Observed value 观察值One sided test 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial 开放型序贯设计Optrim 优切尾Optrim efficiency 优切尾效率Order statistics 顺序统计量Ordered categories 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable 有序变量Orthogonal basis 正交基Orthogonal design 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions 正交条件ORTHOPLAN 正交设计Outlier cutoffs 离群值截断点Outliers 极端值OVERALS 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot 迭代过度Paired design 配对设计Paired sample 配对样本Pairwise slopes 成对斜率Parabola 抛物线Parallel tests 平行试验Parameter 参数Parametric statistics 参数统计Parametric test 参数检验Partial correlation 偏相关Partial regression 偏回归Partial sorting 偏排序Partials residuals 偏残差Pattern 模式Pearson curves 皮尔逊曲线Peeling 退层Percent bar graph 百分条形图Percentage 百分比Percentile 百分位数Percentile curves 百分位曲线Periodicity 周期性Permutation 排列P-estimator P估计量Pie graph 饼图Pitman estimator 皮特曼估计量Pivot 枢轴量Planar 平坦Planar assumption 平面的假设PLANCARDS 生成试验的计划卡Point estimation 点估计Poisson distribution 泊松分布Polishing 平滑Polled standard deviation 合并标准差Polled variance 合并方差Polygon 多边图Polynomial 多项式Polynomial curve 多项式曲线Population 总体Population attributable risk 人群归因危险度Positive correlation 正相关Positively skewed 正偏Posterior distribution 后验分布Power of a test 检验效能Precision 精密度Predicted value 预测值Preliminary analysis 预备性分析Principal component analysis 主成分分析Prior distribution 先验分布Prior probability 先验概率Probabilistic model 概率模型probability 概率Probability density 概率密度Product moment 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace 截面迹图Proportion 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers 成比例次级组含量Prospective study 前瞻性调查Proximities 亲近性Pseudo F test 近似F检验Pseudo model 近似模型Pseudosigma 伪标准差Purposive sampling 有目的抽样QR decomposition QR分解Quadratic approximation 二次近似Qualitative classification 属性分类Qualitative method 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis 定量分析Quartile 四分位数Quick Cluster 快速聚类Radix sort 基数排序Random allocation 随机化分组Random blocks design 随机区组设计Random event 随机事件Randomization 随机化Range 极差/全距Rank correlation 等级相关Rank sum test 秩和检验Rank test 秩检验Ranked data 等级资料Rate 比率Ratio 比例Raw data 原始资料Raw residual 原始残差Rayleigh's test 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z 雷氏Z值Reciprocal 倒数Reciprocal transformation 倒数变换Recording 记录Redescending estimators 回降估计量Reducing dimensions 降维Re-expression 重新表达Reference set 标准组Region of acceptance 接受域Regression coefficient 回归系数Regression sum of square 回归平方和Rejection point 拒绝点Relative dispersion 相对离散度Relative number 相对数Reliability 可靠性Reparametrization 重新设置参数Replication 重复Report Summaries 报告摘要Residual sum of square 剩余平方和Resistance 耐抗性Resistant line 耐抗线Resistant technique 耐抗技术R-estimator of location 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale 尺度R估计量Retrospective study 回顾性调查Ridge trace 岭迹Ridit analysis Ridit分析Rotation 旋转Rounding 舍入Row 行Row effects 行效应Row factor 行因素RXC table RXC表Sample 样本Sample regression coefficient 样本回归系数Sample size 样本量Sample standard deviation 样本标准差Sampling error 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ) SAS统计软件包Scale 尺度/量表Scatter diagram 散点图Schematic plot 示意图/简图Score test 计分检验Screening 筛检SEASON 季节分析Second derivative 二阶导数Second principal component 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling) 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis 贯序分析Sequential data set 顺序数据集Sequential design 贯序设计Sequential method 贯序法Sequential test 贯序检验法Serial tests 系列试验Short-cut method 简捷法Sigmoid curve S形曲线Sign function 正负号函数Sign test 符号检验Signed rank 符号秩Significance test 显著性检验Significant figure 有效数字Simple cluster sampling 简单整群抽样Simple correlation 简单相关Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样Simple regression 简单回归simple table 简单表Sine estimator 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate 单值估计Singular matrix 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution 偏斜分布Skewness 偏度Slash distribution 斜线分布Slope 斜率Smirnov test 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation 变异来源Spearman rank correlation 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor 特殊因子Specific factor variance 特殊因子方差Spectra 频谱Spherical distribution 球型正态分布Spread 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science) SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation 假性相关Square root transformation 平方根变换Stabilizing variance 稳定方差Standard deviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Standard error of difference 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate 标准估计误差Standard error of rate 率的标准误Standard normal distribution 标准正态分布Standardization 标准化Starting value 起始值Statistic 统计量Statistical control 统计控制Statistical graph 统计图Statistical inference 统计推断Statistical table 统计表Steepest descent 最速下降法Stem and leaf display 茎叶图Step factor 步长因子Stepwise regression 逐步回归Storage 存Strata 层(复数)Stratified sampling 分层抽样Stratified sampling 分层抽样Strength 强度Stringency 严密性Structural relationship 结构关系Studentized residual 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers 次级组含量Subdividing 分割Sufficient statistic 充分统计量Sum of products 积和Sum of squares 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression 偏回归平方和Sure event 必然事件Survey 调查Survival 生存分析Survival rate 生存率Suspended root gram 悬吊根图Symmetry 对称Systematic error 系统误差Systematic sampling 系统抽样Tags 标签Tail area 尾部面积Tail length 尾长Tail weight 尾重Tangent line 切线Target distribution 目标分布Taylor series 泰勒级数Tendency of dispersion 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses 假设检验Theoretical frequency 理论频数Time series 时间序列Tolerance interval 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit 容忍上限Torsion 扰率Total sum of square 总平方和Total variation 总变异Transformation 转换Treatment 处理Trend 趋势Trend of percentage 百分比趋势Trial 试验Trial and error method 试错法Tuning constant 细调常数Two sided test 双向检验Two-stage least squares 二阶最小平方Two-stage sampling 二阶段抽样Two-tailed test 双侧检验Two-way analysis of variance 双因素方差分析Two-way table 双向表Type I error 一类错误/α错误Type II error 二类错误/β错误UMVU 方差一致最小无偏估计简称Unbiased estimate 无偏估计Unconstrained nonlinear regression 无约束非线性回归Unequal subclass number 不等次级组含量Ungrouped data 不分组资料Uniform coordinate 均匀坐标Uniform distribution 均匀分布Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate 方差一致最小无偏估计Unit 单元Unordered categories 无序分类Upper limit 上限Upward rank 升秩Vague concept 模糊概念Validity 有效性VARCOMP (Variance component estimation) 方差元素估计Variability 变异性Variable 变量Variance 方差Variation 变异Varimax orthogonal rotation 方差最大正交旋转Volume of distribution 容积W test W检验Weibull distribution 威布尔分布Weight 权数Weighted Chi-square test 加权卡方检验/Cochran检验Weighted linear regression method 加权直线回归Weighted mean 加权平均数Weighted mean square 加权平均方差Weighted sum of square 加权平方和Weighting coefficient 权重系数Weighting method 加权法W-estimation W估计量W-estimation of location 位置W估计量Width 宽度Wilcoxon paired test 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验Wild point 野点/狂点Wild value 野值/狂值Winsorized mean 缩尾均值Withdraw 失访Youden's index 尤登指数Z test Z检验Zero correlation 零相关Z-transformation Z变换。
高等数学中定义定理的英文表达Value of function :函数值Variable :变数Vector :向量Velocity :速度Vertical asymptote :垂直渐近线Volume :体积X-axis :x轴x-coordinate :x坐标x-intercept :x截距Zero vector :函数的零点Zeros of a polynomial :多项式的零点TTangent function :正切函数Tangent line :切线Tangent plane :切平面Tangent vector :切向量Total differential :全微分Trigonometric function :三角函数Trigonometric integrals :三角积分Trigonometric substitutions :三角代换法Tripe integrals :三重积分SSaddle point :鞍点Scalar :纯量Secant line :割线Second derivative :二阶导数Second Derivative Test :二阶导数试验法Second partial derivative :二阶偏导数Sector :扇形Sequence :数列Series :级数Set :集合Shell method :剥壳法Sine function :正弦函数Singularity :奇点Slant asymptote :斜渐近线Slope :斜率Slope-intercept equation of a line :直线的斜截式Smooth curve :平滑曲线Smooth surface :平滑曲面Solid of revolution :旋转体Space :空间Speed :速率Spherical coordinates :球面坐标Squeeze Theorem :夹挤定理Step function :阶梯函数Strictly decreasing :严格递减Strictly increasing :严格递增Sum :和Surface :曲面Surface integral :面积分Surface of revolution :旋转曲面Symmetry :对称RRadius of convergence :收敛半径Range of a function :函数的值域Rate of change :变化率Rational function :有理函数Rationalizing substitution :有理代换法Rational number :有理数Real number :实数Rectangular coordinates :直角坐标Rectangular coordinate system :直角坐标系Relative maximum and minimum :相对极大值与极小值Revenue function :收入函数Revolution , solid of :旋转体Revolution , surface of :旋转曲面Riemann Sum :黎曼和Riemannian geometry :黎曼几何Right-hand derivative :右导数Right-hand limit :右极限Root :根P、QParabola :拋物线Parabolic cylinder :抛物柱面Paraboloid :抛物面Parallelepiped :平行六面体Parallel lines :并行线Parameter :参数Partial derivative :偏导数Partial differential equation :偏微分方程Partial fractions :部分分式Partial integration :部分积分Partiton :分割Period :周期Periodic function :周期函数Perpendicular lines :垂直线Piecewise defined function :分段定义函数Plane :平面Point of inflection :反曲点Polar axis :极轴Polar coordinate :极坐标Polar equation :极方程式Pole :极点Polynomial :多项式Positive angle :正角Point-slope form :点斜式Power function :幂函数Product :积Quadrant :象限Quotient Law of limit :极限的商定律Quotient Rule :商定律M、N、OMaximum and minimum values :极大与极小值Mean Value Theorem :均值定理Multiple integrals :重积分Multiplier :乘子Natural exponential function :自然指数函数Natural logarithm function :自然对数函数Natural number :自然数Normal line :法线Normal vector :法向量Number :数Octant :卦限Odd function :奇函数One-sided limit :单边极限Open interval :开区间Optimization problems :最佳化问题Order :阶Ordinary differential equation :常微分方程Origin :原点Orthogonal :正交的LLaplace transform :Leplace 变换Law of Cosines :余弦定理Least upper bound :最小上界Left-hand derivative :左导数Left-hand limit :左极限Lemniscate :双钮线Length :长度Level curve :等高线L'Hospital's rule :洛必达法则Limacon :蚶线Limit :极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation :线性方程式Linear function :线性函数Linearity :线性Linearization :线性化Line in the plane :平面上之直线Line in space :空间之直线Lobachevski geometry :罗巴切夫斯基几何Local extremum :局部极值Local maximum and minimum :局部极大值与极小值Logarithm :对数Logarithmic function :对数函数IImplicit differentiation :隐求导法Implicit function :隐函数Improper integral :瑕积分Increasing/Decreasing Test :递增或递减试验法Increment :增量Increasing Function :增函数Indefinite integral :不定积分Independent variable :自变数Indeterminate from :不定型Inequality :不等式Infinite point :无穷极限Infinite series :无穷级数Inflection point :反曲点Instantaneous velocity :瞬时速度Integer :整数Integral :积分Integrand :被积分式Integration :积分Integration by part :分部积分法Intercepts :截距Intermediate value of Theorem :中间值定理Interval :区间Inverse function :反函数Inverse trigonometric function :反三角函数Iterated integral :逐次积分HHigher mathematics 高等数学/高数E、F、G、HEllipse :椭圆Ellipsoid :椭圆体Epicycloid :外摆线Equation :方程式Even function :偶函数Expected Valued :期望值Exponential Function :指数函数Exponents , laws of :指数率Extreme value :极值Extreme Value Theorem :极值定理Factorial :阶乘First Derivative Test :一阶导数试验法First octant :第一卦限Focus :焦点Fractions :分式Function :函数Fundamental Theorem of Calculus :微积分基本定理Geometric series :几何级数Gradient :梯度Graph :图形Green Formula :格林公式Half-angle formulas :半角公式Harmonic series :调和级数Helix :螺旋线Higher Derivative :高阶导数Horizontal asymptote :水平渐近线Horizontal line :水平线Hyperbola :双曲线Hyper boloid :双曲面DDecreasing function :递减函数Decreasing sequence :递减数列Definite integral :定积分Degree of a polynomial :多项式之次数Density :密度Derivative :导数of a composite function :复合函数之导数of a constant function :常数函数之导数directional :方向导数domain of :导数之定义域of exponential function :指数函数之导数higher :高阶导数partial :偏导数of a power function :幂函数之导数of a power series :羃级数之导数of a product :积之导数of a quotient :商之导数as a rate of change :导数当作变率right-hand :右导数second :二阶导数as the slope of a tangent :导数看成切线之斜率Determinant :行列式Differentiable function :可导函数Differential :微分Differential equation :微分方程partial :偏微分方程Differentiation :求导法implicit :隐求导法partial :偏微分法term by term :逐项求导法Directional derivatives :方向导数Discontinuity :不连续性Disk method :圆盘法Distance :距离Divergence :发散Domain :定义域Dot product :点积Double integral :二重积分change of variable in :二重积分之变数变换in polar coordinates :极坐标二重积分CCalculus :微积分differential :微分学integral :积分学Cartesian coordinates :笛卡儿坐标图片一般指直角坐标Cartesian coordinates system :笛卡儿坐标系Cauch’s Mean Value Theorem :柯西均值定理Chain Rule :连锁律Change of variables :变数变换Circle :圆Circular cylinder :圆柱Closed interval :封闭区间Coefficient :系数Composition of function :函数之合成Compound interest :复利Concavity :凹性Conchoid :蚌线Cone :圆锥Constant function :常数函数Constant of integration :积分常数Continuity :连续性at a point :在一点处之连续性of a function :函数之连续性on an interval :在区间之连续性from the left :左连续from the right :右连续Continuous function :连续函数Convergence :收敛interval of :收敛区间radius of :收敛半径Convergent sequence :收敛数列series :收敛级数Coordinate:s:坐标Cartesian :笛卡儿坐标cylindrical :柱面坐标polar :极坐标rectangular :直角坐标spherical :球面坐标Coordinate axes :坐标轴Coordinate planes :坐标平面Cosine function :余弦函数Critical point :临界点Cubic function :三次函数Curve :曲线Cylinder:圆柱Cylindrical Coordinates :圆柱坐标A、BAbsolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum :绝对极大与极小Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法by differentials :用微分逼近linear :线性逼近法by Simpson’s Rule :Simpson法则逼近法by the Trapezoidal Rule :梯形法则逼近法Arbitrary constant :任意常数Arc length :弧长Area :面积under a curve :曲线下方之面积between curves :曲线间之面积in polar coordinates :极坐标表示之面积of a sector of a circle :扇形之面积of a surface of a revolution :旋转曲面之面积Asymptote :渐近线horizontal :水平渐近线slant :斜渐近线vertical :垂直渐近线Average speed :平均速率Average velocity :平均速度Axes, coordinate :坐标轴Axes of ellipse :椭圆之轴Binomial series :二项级数。
Currents in the Compressible and Incompressible Regions of the 2DEG
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9409004v 1 1 S e p 1994Currents in the compressible and incompressible regionsof the two-dimensional electron gasMichael R.Geller and Giovanni VignaleDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of MissouriColumbia,Missouri 65211We derive a general expression for the low-temperature current distribution ina two-dimensional electron gas,subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field and in a confining potential that varies slowly on the scale of the magnetic length ℓ.The analysis is based on a self-consistent one-electron description,such as the Hartree or standard Kohn-Sham equations.Our expression,which correctly describes the current distribution on scales larger than ℓ,has two components:One is an “edge current”which is proportional to the local density gradient and the other is a “bulk current”which is proportional to the gradient of the confining potential.The direction of these currents generally display a striking alternating pattern.In a compressible region at the edge of the n th Landau level,the magnitude of the edge current is simply j =−eωc ℓ2(n +12)eωc /2π,whereas in an incompressible strip with integral fillingfactor νit is νeωc /2πwith the opposite sign.PACS numbers:73.20.Dx,73.40.–c,73.40.Hm,73.50.–hI.INTRODUCTIONIn the past several years,there has been tremendous interest in the low-temperature properties of a two-dimensional(2D)electron gas in a strong magneticfield.The most common experimental realization of this system is at a modulation-doped semiconductor heterojunction,grown by molecular beam epitaxy.One important question,now receiving much attention,is the distribution of current when the system is subjected to a confining potential,or to an applied voltage,or to both.Knowledge of the equilibrium and nonequi-librium current distributions is important for understanding the quantum Hall effect,the electronic properties of low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots or quantum wires in the presence of a magneticfield,and for understanding meso-scopic transport in general.The current distribution can also be used to calculate the magnetic properties(for example,the orbital magnetization)of a confined2D electron gas.Two types of methods are commonly used to obtain a confined2D electron gas.Litho-graphic methods result in the well-known etched structures consisting of a patterned region of the2D electron gas along with its compensating positively charged donors.The second method produces a confining potential via one or more evaporated metal gates.In both cases,the actual confining potential is the sum of the potential from the remote donors and gates,plus the self-consistent electrostatic potential(and possibly the exchange-correlation scalar potential)of the electrons.Typical electron sheet densities in the modulation-doped 2D electron gas vary from1011to1012cm−2.The most interesting effects of an applied magneticfield then occur atfield strengths ranging from1to10Tesla,where only a few Landau levels are occupied.At these highfield strengths,the magnetic length,ranging from50to a few hundred˚A,is small compared with the length scale over which the con-fining potential changes by¯hωc,whereωc is the cyclotron frequency.In this sense,theconfining potential is slowly varying.Vignale and Skudlarski1have recently used current-density functional theory2to derive an exact formal relation between the ground-state current and density distributions of a three-dimensional interacting electron gas in the presence of a magneticfield.In the local density approximation(LDA),valid when the density varies slowly on the scale of the magnetic length,they obtain an explicit formula for the current in terms of the density gradient with a coefficient of proportionality involving thermodynamic quantities for a uniform electron gas.However,the application of this LDA result to the2D electron gas is complicated by the presence of incompressible regions,where the density gradient vanishes and the coefficient diverges.Furthermore,in the2D electron gas,the density may change from one integralfilling factor to another over a single magnetic length,invalidating the a priori application of the LDA.This has motivated us to reexamine the relation between current and density in two dimensions,without using the LDA.Another motivation for this work is to study the equilibrium currents in edge channels.3−7 In a recent paper,Chklovskii et al.5have calculated the classical electrostatic potential and density of a gate-confined2D electron gas.They show that the electrostatic potential consists of a series of wide steps of height¯hωc.In contrast to a naive single-electron picture, there are wide compressible regions where the density gradually changes from one integral filling factor to another,the so-called edge channels,and narrow incompressible regions of integralfilling factor.This type of bahavior had been previously noted by McEuen et al.6in the context of quantum dots.The classical electrostatic analysis of Chklovskii et al.has also been extended to narrow gate-confined channels7and to quantum dots.8 The electrostatics of edge channels in mesa-etched samples has been studied by Gelfand and Halperin,9and considerable effort has been recently devoted to extending the classical electrostatic treatment to self-consistent Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations.9−13A related question is the transition between sharp and smooth density distributions as theslope of the confining potential is changed.13,14Prior to the recent work on edge channels,considerable progress had already been made in understanding the distribution of current in the quantum Hall regime.In one of the early papers on this subject,MacDonald et al.15used the localized nature of the Landau states to show that the ground-state current density,directed in the y direction along a Hall bar whose confining potential V(x)varies in the x direction only,is simply proportional to V′(x)in the interior of the Hall bar.Several authors15−20have calcu-lated nonequilibrium density and current distributions in particular confining potentials, and the correct description of the nonequilibrium steady state is now a problem of great interest.18−23In particular,Thouless has emphasized the importance of nonequilibrium bulk currents that are induced by edge-charge redistribution.20In this paper,we derive the low-temperature(k B T<<¯hωc)density and current dis-tributions for a high-mobility spin-polarized2D electron gas in an arbitrary confining po-tential V(r)and uniform magneticfield B=B e z,assuming only that the potential varies slowly on the scale of the magnetic lengthℓ≡(¯h c/eB)1)∇ρn(r)×e z(1.1)2andej bulk≡−Hereωc≡eB/mc is the cyclotron frequency.The electron number density,ρ,is given byρ=12)+V(r)−µ ,(1.3)whereµis the chemical potential,f(ǫ)≡ eǫ/k B T+1 −1is the Fermi distribution function, andρn is simply the n th term in(1.3).At low temperatures,the electron density is uniform everywhere except near a number of edges,where the density changes by an amount (2πℓ2)−1.These compressible regions,or edge channels,follow lines of constant confining potential.The edge current(1.1)is a sum of nonoverlapping parts;the contribution from the edge of the n th Landau level is j edge=−eωcℓ2(n+1νisνeωc/2π,independent of the strip position,geometry,and width.Similarly,the mag-nitude of the integrated current in an ideal edge channel at the edge of the n th Landau level is found to be(n+1II.EQUILIBRIUM CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONWe shallfirst obtain the single-particle Green’s function for the confined electron gas by the following method:(i)First,a Dyson equation is obtained for the Green’s function G of the confined electron gas,in terms of the Green’s function G0of the uniform electron gas and the confining potential V(r);(ii)Then the short-ranged nature of G0is used to separate the potential near r into a local constant potential,V(¯r),and a gradient,(r−¯r)·∇V(¯r), for some¯r near r;(iii)Next,the local constant potential terms are summed to all orders, resulting in a Green’s function G1;(iv)The gradient terms are then treated tofirst order, resulting in afirst order gradient expansion for G;(v)Finally,the local direction of the potential gradient is used tofind a gauge in which the Green’s function takes a particularly simple form,corresponding to an expansion in eigenstates that are localized in the∇V(¯r) direction.As stated above,we consider a2D electron gas in a uniform magneticfield B=B e z and in a slowly varying potential V(r),where r=(x,y).We assume that the electrons are spin-polarized by the strong magneticfield,and we disregard the resulting constant Zeeman energy.The Hamiltonian may be written asH=H0+V,(2.1) where H0≡1c A 2is the Hamiltonian for an electron in the presence of the magnetic field alone.In terms of the exact normalized eigenstatesΨαand eigenvalues Eαof H,the Green’s function for the confined electron gas may be written asG(r,r′,s)= αΨα(r)Ψ∗α(r′)f[s−µ]G(r,r,s),(2.3)2πiand current density,j(r)=−e2πif[s−µ]limr′→rRe −i¯h∇+es−¯hωc(n+12)φnq.(2.6)In the gauge A=Bx e y these eigenstates areφnq=C n e−iqy e−1ℓ−qℓ)2H n x2ℓ −1 4|r−r′|2/ℓ2,except at its poles.ThenG(r,r′,s)=G0(r,r′,s)+ d2r′′G0(r,r′′,s) V(¯r)+(r′′−¯r)·∇V(¯r) G(r′′,r′,s),(2.9) where¯r is any point near r,and where higher order gradient terms have been neglected. Equation(2.9)is now solved iteratively,keeping all terms containing no gradients and all terms containing one local gradient.This leads toG(r,r′,s)=G1(r,r′,s)+ d2r′′G1(r,r′′,s)(r′′−¯r)·∇V(¯r)G1(r′′,r′,s),(2.10)where G1(r,r′,s)satisfiesG1(r,r′,s)=G0(r,r′,s)+V(¯r) d2r′′G0(r,r′′,s)G1(r′′,r′,s).(2.11) For notational simplicity,the dependence of G1on¯r has been suppressed.The solution of the integral equation(2.11)isG1 r,r′,s =G0 r,r′,s−V(¯r) ,(2.12) valid for any¯r near r.The Green’s function G0,when renormalized by the local potential V(¯r),simply has its energy argument shifted by V(¯r).Because of the arbitrariness in the choice of¯r,G1is not unique.However,the effect of a change of¯r on G1is compensated for by the corresponding change in the second term in(2.10),and the complete Green’s function(2.10)is independent of¯r tofirst order in the local gradient∇V(¯r).At this point we have obtained a gradient expansion for the Green’s function G.Un-fortunately,the expression(2.10)contains all matrix elements nq|r|n′q′ of r in the basis (2.7).To circumvent this,we shall perform a gauge transformation,for each¯r,which rotates the direction of the vector potential so that it is perpendicular to the local gradient of the confining potential.The gauge-transformed Green’s functions may then be written in terms of eigenfunctions which are localized in the∇V(¯r)direction,resulting in a simple closed-form expression for G.To this end,we shall use the slowly varying function V(r)to define a local orthonormal basis n a(a=1,2)on the z=0plane:∇V(r)n1(r)≡fixed¯r,and hence directed perpendicular to∇V(¯r),is given byA′≡B[n1(¯r)·r]n2(¯r).(2.14)We suppress the parametric dependence of A′on¯r.This vector potential describes a uniform magneticfield(∇×A′=B)and is transverse(∇·A′=0).The normalized eigenstates of H0in this gauge areψnq(r)=C n e−iqηℓe−1¯h c [Λ(r)−Λ(r′)]GA′(r,r′,s).(2.16)This allows one to compute a given matrix element(r and r′regarded as matrix indices) of G A by transforming to some gauge A′where G A′is simpler.One may choose a different gauge for each matrix element.The generator of the gauge transformation from A=Bx e y to A′is given by∇Λ(r)=B[n1(¯r)·r]n2(¯r)−Bx e y.(2.17) Then we obtainG A(r,r′,s)=e ies−¯hωc(n+1[s−¯hωc(n+12)−V(¯r)],(2.18)whereΛis given by(2.17).The matrix elements nq|r|n′q′ are now in the basis(2.15).Because∇V(¯r)points in the n1(¯r)direction,only the matrix elements of n1·r are required.In what follows,we shall always choose¯r=r;the symmetric choice¯r=12πℓ2 n f ¯hωc(n+1m ds c n1·A G(r,r′,s).(2.21)Using(2.18)leads toj1=−eωcℓ2e2πif[s−µ]Re −emcBx n2·e yρ.(2.23)A straightforward calculation leads toj2=−e2ωcℓ22)|∇ρn|+eωcℓ2|∇V|2)+V(r)−µ .Finally,after using(2.17),wefindj2=−eωcℓ2 n(n+1¯hωcρ.(2.25) Note that∇ρis antiparallel to∇V.Therefore,the equilibrium current density is given by the expression stated in Section I.PARISON WITH AN EXACTLY SOLVABLE CASEIn this section,we compare our results to the exact equilibrium density and current distributions of a noninteracting2D electron gas in a uniform magneticfield B=B e z and a parabolic confining potentialV(x)=12L)−12(xΩkL)2Hn xΩkL (3.2)E nk=¯hΩ(n+12)+V(kL2)−µ]|Ψnk|2,(3.4) whereµis the chemical ing(3.2),this may be written asρ=1ω2cn 2n n!π12)+Ω2L−K)2H2n xwell.The curvature of the confining potential is chosen to be ω0=14ω2c ℓ.(3.6)Hence,the actual density profile is slightly contracted relative to the profile given by (1.3).The exact equilibrium current density,which is directed in the y direction,may be written asj = n ∞−∞dk f [¯h Ω(n +1m Re Ψ∗nk −i ¯h ∂c A ·e y Ψnk (3.8)is the contribution to the current density from the state Ψnk .From (3.2),we obtainj nk =eωc kℓ2−x |Ψnk |2,which may be rewritten asj nk =eL Ω2L |Ψnk |2+eωc ℓ2 V ′(x )edge current,where the bulk contribution is exactlyj bulk=eωcℓ2 V′(x)2πℓ 1+ω204 n(2n n!π12)+Ω2L e−(K−x L .(3.11)In Fig.2we compare the exact ground-state current distribution(dashed curve)to the current distribution given in Section I(solid curve).The bulk contributions to the current density are nearly identical;they differ only in that the density in(1.2)and the exact density in(3.10)are slightly different,as shown in Fig.1.The sharp steps inρlead to the sharp zig-zag structure in the solid curve of Fig.2.However,we see that the approximate edge current(1.1),which at zero temperature consists of a series ofδ-functions,does not capture the form present in the exact edge current(3.11).However,as we shall show, the edge current(1.1)correctly accounts for the net current associated with a given edge (the integrated edge current density),in accordance with the earlier assertion that our distributions correctly describe the large-scale features of the exact distributions.To prove this,we define the integrated edge currents,I+n and I−n,associated with the two edges of the n th Landau level,one edge located to the right(+)of the origin and the other located to the left(−).I+n is defined byI+n≡eωcω2c72)−1 ∞dx ∞−∞dK f[¯hΩ(n+1ω2c V KL −µ]× K−x L)2H2n K−xof each Landau level are of equal magnitude and are opposite in sign,as is well-known.In Appendix I,we show that the integrated ground-state edge currents are equal toI±n=∓ n+12π 1+ω202.(3.13) This result is also valid for low temperatures such that k B T<<¯hωc.The integrated edge currents given by the distribution(1.1)are easily shown to beI±n=∓ n+12π,(3.14) which is equal to(3.13),apart from small corrections of orderω20/ω2c.Fig.2also demonstrates that the direction of the current oscillates with position. This striking feature is correctly accounted for in our general expression by noting that ∇ρis antiparallel to∇V.These oscillations,which originate from the oscillations in the magnetization of the2D electron gas as a function offilling factor,are a generic feature of the current distribution in a confined2D electron gas.This is explained further in Appendix II.IV.APPLICATIONSA.Current distribution in a Hall barThe general expression we have derived for the low-temperature current distribution in a2D electron gas can be easily used with a self-consistent potential obtained by solving the Hartree,Hartree-Fock,or Kohn-Sham equations.We now apply our result to a stepped potential characteristic of the low-temperature self-consistent Hartree potential of a narrow gate-confined Hall bar.The Hall bar is assumed to lie along the y direction,with a confining potential V(x)and chemical potential as shown in Fig. 3.A uniform magneticfield is applied in the z direction.The confining potential we use is similar to that obtained classically by Chklovskii et al.6for a narrow gate-confined channel,and confirmed by self-consistent Hartree and Hartree-Fock calculations.9−12.However,we have approximated the potential by a series of linear potentials and we have included small slopes(10−3¯hωc/ℓ),on the plateaus and in the central region,to include,in a simple fashion,the effects of imperfect screening. These slopes are too small to be resolved in Fig3.We shall show that this piecewise linear potential,which supports a low-temperature density distribution consisting of wide compressible edge channels and narrow incompressible strips,is sufficient to accurately characterize the low-temperature current distribution in a narrow Hall bar.In Fig.4,we plot the low-temperature(k B T=0.002¯hωc)density and current distribu-tions in the confining potential of Fig.3.The large number of fractionally occupied states in the compressible edge regions leads to smooth edge profiles(solid curve).The edge channels occur in the plateaus of the potential,whereas the incompressible strips occur at the potential steps.The current distribution(dashed curve)consists of edge currentsin the compressible regions and bulk currents in the incompressible regions.Small steps occur in the density(at x=±15ℓ)and current density(at x=0)because of the sharp corners in our piecewise linear potential.B.Universal integrated currentsIn the ideal case of perfect compressibility and incompressibility,only one type of current contributes to a given region.We now show that,in this ideal case,the integrated currents in these regions are universal,independent of the size and position of the regions, and the geometry of the sample.It is easy to calculate total current carried in each edge channel and in each incompressible strip(we neglect incompressible strips at fractional filling factors).From(1.1),we see that the integrated edge current depends only on the net density change across the edge channel,which is(2πℓ2)−1at low temperatures,and on the index n of the Landau states which form the edge.Therefore,an edge channel at the edge of the n th Landau level carries a current of magnitudeI edge,n=(n+1,(4.1)2πindependent of the width and position of the edge channel.A central compressible region which supports no net density change across its boundaries,carries no integrated current. From(1.2),we see that the integrated bulk current in an incompressible strip with integral filling factorνis simplyeωcI bulk=νC.Quantized persistent currentsAs afinal application of our result,we shall investigate the quantization of the per-sistent current(total azimuthal current through a radial cross section)in a quantum dot predicted recently by Avishai and Kohmoto24.Consider a system of noninteracting elec-trons in a slowly varying cylindrically symmetric potential V(r)subjected to a uniform magneticfield B=B e z.The quantum dot is assumed to be large enough so that there are many degenerate Landau states in the bulk.The ground-state radial density and current distributions will be similar to those in Figs.1and2(with x acting as a radial coordi-nate),except that the central incompressible region will be larger and the bulk currents will vanish there because of the assumedflatness of the confining potential.Following Ref. 24,we shall calculate the integrated azimuthal currentI= ∞0dr j(r),(4.3) when the Fermi energy lies in a bulk Landau level.We shall initially assume,for simplicity, that the Fermi energy is just below Landau level n so that thefilling factor isν=n in the center of the dot.Afterwards,we treat the realistic situation where the Fermi energy is somewhere in the bulk states of Landau level n.We shall evaluate the persistent current by dividing the integral(4.3)into n regions of filling factor n,n−1,...,1.The central region is from r=0(where the azimuthal current density vanishes)to r=r′where V(r′)−V(0)=¯hωc,and has constantfilling factor ν=n.The integrated bulk current in this region is simply neωc/2π.The edge current concentrated about r=r′comes from states with Landau level index n−1and contributes an amount−(n−1Therefore,whenever the Fermi energy lies just below the bulk states of Landau level n, the persistent current is neωc/4π.As the number of electrons in the quantum dot is changed,the Fermi energy is generally pinned in a set of bulk states,not below them.Because the bulk states carry no bulk current,the persistent current calculated above is modified by the integrated edge current −(n+1.(4.4)4πAvishai and Kohmoto24have also predicted a persitent current which is quantized in integer multiples of eωc/4πas a function of particle number.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant No. DMR-9100988.We thank Rolf Gerhardts,Yigal Meir,Boris Shklovskii,and David Thou-less,for providing us with preprints of their work.Here we calculate the integrated ground-state edge currents,I+n,which may be written asI+n≡g A n ∞0dx ∞−∞dKΘ[µ−¯hΩ(n+1ω2c V KL ]× K−x L)2H2n K−x2)−1,g≡(eωc/2πℓ)[1+(ω0/ωc)2]72H n+1+n H n−1and H′n=2nH n−1 lead toI+n=−1∂XH n(X−K) ,(A2) where X≡x/L,and where K n L,defined byµ=¯hΩ(n+12H′n+1/(n+1),wefindI+n=−1∂X H 2n+1(X−K)2gL.Therefore,the zero-temperature integrated edge currents are equal toI±n=∓ n+12π 1+ω202,(A4) as stated.In this appendix,we shall derive the current distribution given in Section I from linear response theory to provide a deeper understanding of the result and to estab-lish the connection with the distribution derived from current-density functional theory.1 We start with a uniform electron gas in a magneticfield B=B e z at low temperature (k B T<<¯hωc).The static current-current response functionχµν(q)(µ,ν=0,1,2),de-fined by jµ(q)=χµν(q)Aν(q),describes the Fourier components of the three-current jµ≡(ρ,j)induced by the application of an infinitesimal potential Aµ≡(V,A).Combin-ingχ00(q)andχi0(q)together leads to the nonlocal relationj i(q)=χi0(q)e¯h∂ρ/∂B µ∂B µ=ρ2πℓ2 e¯h2)F−1n(µ)(B3)and∂ρ2πℓ2 n F−1n(µ),(B4) where F n(µ)≡4k B T cosh2 [µ−¯hωc(n+12)with a width of order k B T.Note that thedenominator in(B2)is positive definite,whereas the numerator is a sum of two terms with opposite signs.We shall show that thefirst term in(B3)largely determines the current density in the incompressible regions while the second term largely determines the current in the compressible regions.In a compressible region nearfilling factorν=n+12).The narrow range|µ−¯hωc|≤k B T corresponds to the entire range of compressible densities.Because only a single term contributes to the summations(apart from terms exponentially small in k B T/¯hωc),γ=−2ρ∂µ−1B+(2n+1).(B5)Then∇ρ=− ∂ρ/∂µ B∇V leads to the distribution given in(1.1)and(1.2),atfilling factorν=n+1REFERENCES1G.Vignale and P.Skudlarski,Phys.Rev.B46,10232(1992).See also G.Vignale, in Proceedings of the NATO ASI on Density Functional Theory,edited by E.K.U. 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Controlled experiments Conventional depth Convolution Corrected factor Corrected mean Correction coefficient Correctness Correlation coefficient Correlation index Correspondence Counting Counts Covaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้iance Covariant Cox Regression Criteria for fitting Criteria of least squares Critical ratio Critical region Critical value
Asymmetric distribution Asymptotic bias Asymptotic efficiency Asymptotic variance Attributable risk Attribute data Attribution Autocorrelation Autocorrelation of residuals Average Average confidence interval length Average growth rate BBB Bar chart Bar graph Base period Bayes' theorem Bell-shaped curve Bernoulli distribution Best-trim estimator Bias Binary logistic regression Binomial distribution Bisquare Bivariate Correlate Bivariate normal distribution Bivariate normal population Biweight interval Biweight M-estimator Block BMDP(Biomedical computer programs) Boxplots Breakdown bound CCC Canonical correlation Caption Case-control study Categorical variable Catenary Cauchy distribution Cause-and-effect relationship Cell Censoring
tain de rivatives (this is true for the e quation s c on side red h ere). In th is p roce ss we take the integration con stants to b e ze ro. T he n ext cruc ial step is to exp ress th e solu tions of th e resu ltin g O DE b y the Jac obi e lliptic- fun ction meth od in Ref. [12], u (ξ ) c an be ex pre sse d as a fin ite p ower se rie s of J acob i ellip tic sine fu nc tion , sn ξ , i.e., the an satz u( ξ ) =
d cn ξ = −sn ξ d n ξ , dξ d dξ dn ξ = −m 2 sn ξ cn ξ . (8)
In this artic le, for Jacob i e llip tic fu nc tions, we u se the n otation sn ξ, cn ξ, d n ξ w ith argu me nt ξ an d mo du lu s parame ter m (0 < m < 1). T he param eter n in Eq. (4) will b e fi xe d b y balan cing th e h ighe st ord er of de rivative term an d the n online ar term in th e non lin ear OD E Eq. (3) by u sin g Eq. (5). Su bstituting Eq . (4) (w ith fix ed valu e of n ) in to the re du ce d non linear O DE (3) an d equ ating the c oeffi cients of variou s p owers of sn ξ to ze ro we get a se t of algeb raic e quation s for aj , k , l , s , an d ω . S olving th em c onsistently we obtain re lation s am ong the p arWave Solut ions for (2+1)-Dimen sional Bou ssines q Equ at ion an d ( 3+ 1)-D im ens ional K P Equ at ion∗
分水岭算法 英文文章
分水岭算法英文文章Title: Introduction to the Watershed Algorithm in Computer Vision.The Watershed Algorithm, a fundamental tool in computer vision and image processing, has found widespread applications in areas such as image segmentation, object detection, semantic segmentation, and target tracking. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Watershed Algorithm, its principles, and its applications.The Watershed Algorithm is based on the concept of watershed transformation, which is analogous to the process of flooding in a geographical landscape. In this analogy, the image is considered as a landscape where pixel intensities represent elevations. The algorithm aims to identify the boundaries between different regions in the image, similar to how water divides into different basinsin a geographical landscape.The Watershed Algorithm typically consists of two stages: preprocessing and watershed transformation. Preprocessing involves converting the input image into a gradient image, which represents the local changes in intensity. This gradient image is then used to identify regions of local minima, which correspond to potential watershed basins.The watershed transformation stage involves the gradual flooding of these basins. Starting from the local minima, water is simulated to flow uphill, following the gradients in the image. As the water rises, it encounters ridges or watershed lines that separate different basins. These watershed lines are identified as the boundaries between different regions in the image.The Watershed Algorithm has several advantages. It is able to handle noise and irregularities in the image, resulting in robust and accurate segmentations. It also has the ability to detect weak edges and boundaries, thanks to its sensitivity to local intensity gradients. However, itcan also suffer from over-segmentation, where small regions are incorrectly separated. To address this issue, techniques such as marker-based watershed segmentation can be employed, which incorporate additional information to guide the segmentation process.In terms of applications, the Watershed Algorithm finds widespread use in various computer vision tasks. In medical imaging, it is used for segmenting organs, tissues, and lesions in MRI and CT scans. In remote sensing, it is employed for identifying different land cover types and features in satellite imagery. In general image processing, it is used for tasks such as object detection, image segmentation, and scene understanding.The Watershed Algorithm also finds applications in areas beyond computer vision. In computer graphics, it is used for tasks such as texture segmentation and image-based rendering. In robotics, it is employed for tasks such as object recognition and scene understanding, enabling robots to interact with their environment.In conclusion, the Watershed Algorithm is a powerful tool for image segmentation and analysis. Its ability to handle noise, detect weak edges, and identify boundaries between different regions makes it a valuable asset in various computer vision and image processing applications. As technology continues to advance, the Watershed Algorithm will undoubtedly find new applications and improve upon existing ones, further推进ing the field of computer vision and image processing.。
应用瑞利-李兹法求高阶频率时剪力边界条件的效应-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述本文主要探讨了在高阶频率下应用瑞利-李兹法求解剪力边界条件的效应。
1.2 文章结构本文按照以下结构组织:第一部分:引言引言部分主要对本文研究的背景和意义进行概述。
Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscienceExact controllability of multiplex networksThis content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text.2014 New J. Phys. 16 103036(/1367-2630/16/10/103036)View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for moreDownload details:IP Address: content was downloaded on 25/10/2014 at 12:43Please note that terms and conditions apply.Exact controllability of multiplex networksZhengzhong Yuan1,2,Chen Zhao1,Wen-Xu Wang1,3,Zengru Di1andYing-Cheng Lai31School of Systems Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,10085,China2School of Mathematics and Statistics,Minnan Normal University,Fujian,363000,China3School of Electrical,Computer and Energy Engineering,Arizona State University,Tempe,Arizona85287,USAE-mail:c_zhao@ and wenxuwang@Received12August2014Accepted for publication11September2014Published24October2014New Journal of Physics16(2014)103036doi:10.1088/1367-2630/16/10/103036AbstractWe develop a general framework to analyze the controllability of multiplexnetworks using multiple-relation networks and multiple-layer networks withinterlayer couplings as two classes of prototypical systems.In the former,net-works associated with different physical variables share the same set of nodesand in the latter,diffusion processes take place.Wefind that,for a multiple-relation network,a layer exists that dominantly determines the controllability ofthe whole network and,for a multiple-layer network,a small fraction of theinterconnections can enhance the controllability remarkably.Our theory isgenerally applicable to other types of multiplex networks as well,leading tosignificant insights into the control of complex network systems with diversestructures and interacting patterns.Keywords:Controllability,Mulitplex networks,Diffusion1.IntroductionThe past decade has witnessed a great deal of effort towards understanding the dynamics of complex network systems[1].Extensive research,however,has focused on single-layer networks with one type of nodal interactions.In a variety of complex systems,multiplex networks are becoming increasingly ubiquitous[2,3].For example,bus,subway and airlines constitute a Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution3.0licence.Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)and the title of the work,journal citation and DOI.New Journal of Physics16(2014)103036typical multiplex public transportation network,making traveling more ef ficient compared with the case of a single traf fic munications through phones,emails,online chats and blogs represent a typical multiple-relation network in a modern society,where networks with different relations,each having its own physical function,share the same set of nodes.Multiplex networks are also quite common in biochemical systems [4].It has been demonstrated that multiplex networks exhibit distinct dynamical properties from those in single-layer networks,examples of which include cascading failures [5–8],diffusion [9],evolutionary-game dynamics [10,11],synchronization [12]and traf fic dynamics [13].How to control multiplex networks is a fundamental problem,but it has not been addressed despite intense recent studies of the structural controllability [14,15]of directed complex networks [16–21].In this paper,we present a general framework based on the maximum multiplicity theory[22,23]to address the exact controllability of multiplex networks comprising multiple relations (e.g.,multi-modal communication networks)and multiple interconnected layers (e.g.,multi-modal transportation networks).We focus on the controllability measure de fined by the minimum set of driver nodes that need to be controlled to steer the whole system toward any desired state.Our framework is generally applicable to multiplex networks of arbitrary structures and link weights.We study,in detail,duplex networks with two different relation layers that share the same set of nodes and two-layer networks with interlayer couplings as representative examples of two general classes of multiplex networks,as illustrated in figure 1.In the two-relation network,each layer characterizes interactions among one of the two types of physical variables,such as displacement (zeroth order)and velocity (first order),where the latter is the derivative of the former.A finding is that the zeroth-order layer plays the dominant role in the controllability in the sense that the layer exclusively determines the lower and upper bounds of the controllability measure.In the interconnected two-layer network,there is no dominant layer,but we find that the interlayer connections are important to facilitate the control of the whole system.Our exact controllability theory and the resulting criteria for ef ficiently assessing the minimal set of required controllers can be readily extended beyond duplex networks,offering a general framework for many types of multiplex networks.The representative class of multiplex networks we treat constitutes multiple interconnected layers,where diffusion takes place in each layer.The diffusion dynamics of these typesofFigure 1.Examples of (a)a multiple-relation network and (b)a multiple-layer networkwith interconnections,with M =2layers.In (a),two relation networks (solid and dashedlinks)share the same set of nodes but characterize distinct relations associated withdifferent physical variables.In (b),the interactions at each layer are independent of eachother,and the interlayer connections (dashed links)are from each node in a layer to itscounterpart in the other layer.New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et almultiplex networks have been studied recently [9],but here we investigate these systems from the perspective of control .We also introduce a general method to find a minimum set of driver nodes to fully control an arbitrary network,based on the following theoretical tools:the PBH theory [22],our maximum multiplicity theory [23]and elementary column transformation as well as column canonical form.Insofar as the control matrix has been obtained,the input signal can be determined via the standard method from canonical control theory [15].That is to say,if we find all the driver nodes,we can steer the network system to any collective state in the high-dimensional state space.In section 2,we first introduce the notion of exact controllability by using the setting of single-layer complex networks.We next present a comprehensive theoretical framework for the exact controllability of multi-relation networks,focusing on the key quantity of the minimal number of controllers required to achieve full control of the networked system.The cases of sparse and dense connections will be treated in detail.Finally,we present an exact controllability theory for multi-layer networks with diffusion dynamics.In section 3,we present results from extensive numerical tests of our theory for a large variety of network structures.In section 5,we present a brief conclusion.Certain mathematical details are treated in a number of Appendices.In particular,in Appendix A we present a proof of the exact controllability for single-layer networks.In Appendix B,we derive a theory of exact controllability for multi-relation networks of arbitrary order.In Appendix C,we present detailed calculations of exact controllability of multiple interconnected layers with diffusion dynamics.In Appendix D,we provide details of our method for identifying the minimum set of driver nodes.2.Theoretical methodsOur goal is to develop a general theoretical framework based on the maximum multiplicity theory introduced in [23]to quantify the exact controllability of multiplex networks.Without the loss of generality,we primarily use a duplex network system with two relations,as illustrated in figure 1(a).The system is described byc A c A B x v v x v u ˙,˙,(1)0011==++where the vectors x x x (,,)N T 1=⋯and v v v (,,)N T 1=⋯characterize the two types of states of the same set of N nodes.The N ×N matrices A 0and A 1characterize the unweighted coupling network (transpose of adjacency matrix)associated with the zeroth-order and the first-order layer,respectively,and c 0and c 1are the interaction strengths.equation (1)can represent a mechanicalsystem where x is the vector of displacements of all nodes,v x˙=is the corresponding velocity vector,and the input signal represents a kind of acceleration or force.Hence,A 0and A 1de fine two different kinds of interactions or relationships among the same set of nodes,as shown in figure 1(a).The two-relation dynamical system is also similar to a high-order consensus problem with external inputs;see,for example,[24].Although the two-relation dynamical system used here is similar to that in [24],we focus on our ability to control the system,while [24]explored consensus dynamics with apparent difference from our work.Our goal is to find a set of B so that the number N D is minimized with respect to controllers or independent driver nodes required to achieve full control of the system,which can be expressed as [15,17]{}N B min rank().(2)D =New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alIn the following,we first consider the exact-controllability theory for single-layer networks,and then develop a general and detailed theory for duplex and multiplex networks.2.1.Exact controllability theory for single-layer networksWe consider the following single-layer network system under control:A B x x u ˙,(3)=+where the vector x x x (,,)N T 1=⋯characterizes the states of N nodes,A denotes the coupling matrix,B is the control matrix and u u u u (,,,)m T 12=⋯is the input signal.According to the Popov-Belevitch-Hautus (PBH)rank condition [22],system (3)is fully controllable in the sense that it can be steered from any initial state to any final state in finite time,if and only if the rank condition sI A B N rank[,]N −=holds for any complex number s ,where I N is the N ×N identity matrix.Note that in contrast to the development of a structural controllability framework[14,17]based on the Kalman rank condition [25],here we choose the PBH condition as the base of the analysis,which,strikingly,enables us to establish an exact controllability framework for arbitrary complex networks.In general,we have proved that [23]for an arbitrary single-layer network as described by A ,the following relation holds:{}()N max ,(4)D i i Aμλ=where λi A i l (1,2,,)=⋯are the distinct eigenvalues of A ,and ()i A μλis the geometricmultiplicity de fined as N I A rank()i A N λ−−.Equation (4)is applicable to any networks with arbitrary structure and link weights.If A is diagonalizable, e.g.,a symmetric matrix characterizing an undirected network,the geometric multiplicity is equal to the algebraic multiplicity or eigenvalue degeneracy ()i A δλ(the number of eigenvalues with identical value λi A ),so we have{}()N max .(5)D i i Aδλ=For sparse and dense networks,the maximum multiplicity theory leads to an ef ficient criterion to determine N D ,which solely depends on the rank of the coupling matrix A .In particular,for an arbitrary sparse network,we have N N A max {1,rank()}D s =−and for a dense network with unit link weights,we have N N I A max {1,rank()}DN d =−+(See Appendix A).2.2.Exact controllability theory for two-relation networks of second orderConsider now the two-relation network system (1).In order to find N D ,we use the transformation y x v (,)T T T =to write the system asM B I c A c A B y y u y u ˙00,(6)N 0011⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥=+′=+where 0represents the zero matrix of proper dimension and M R N N 22∈×.It can be veri fied that system (6)possesses the same controllability measure as system (1).Note that half of the control matrix B ′has zero elements and,consequently,the structural-controllability theory[14,17]is not applicable.The PBH condition stipulates that system (6)is controllable if and only if sI M B N rank[,]2N 2−′=is satis fied for any complex number s .After some elementary New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alalgebra,we obtain[]sI M B N s I sc A c A B rank ,rank ,.N N 221100⎡⎣⎤⎦−′=+−−The necessary and suf ficient controllable condition becomes thens I sc A c A B N rank ,,N 21100⎡⎣⎤⎦−−=which is determined by both layers A 0and A 1,so that N D is affected by the interplay between them.We explore such interplay in terms of two categories:(I)A A 01=(special case)and (II)A A 01≠(general case).2.2.1.Lower and upper bounds of N D .We find that the lower and upper bounds of N D are determined exclusively by the properties of A 0:{}()()N A N rank max ,(7)D i i A 00μλ−⩽⩽where max {()}i i A 0μλis the maximum geometric multiplicity determined by A 0,suggesting that the network property of the zeroth-order layer plays the key role in the controllability of the whole system.The proof of (7)proceeds,as follows.Applying the transformation y x v (,)T T T =,system (4)can be rewritten asM B y y u˙(8)=+′with M I c A c A B B 0,0.N 0011⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥=′=Here 0represents some zero matrix with proper dimension.According to the PBH rank condition,system (8)is controllable if and only if[]sI M B Nrank ,2(9)N 2−′=for any s ,which can be simpli fied as []()()sI M B sI I c A sI c A B sI I s sI c A c A B I s sI c A c A B N s I sc A c A B rank ,rank 0rank 00rank 000rank ,,(10)N N N N N N N N N N 200111100110021100⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥⎡⎣⎢⎢⎤⎦⎥⎥⎡⎣⎤⎦−′=−−−=−−−=−−−=+−−indicating that system (8)is controllable if and only ifs I sc A c A B N rank ,.(11)N 21100⎡⎣⎤⎦−−=Note that the minimum number of controllers or independent drivers is de fined as N B min {rank()}D =.According to equation (11),we have New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et al()B N s I sc A c A rank()rank .(12)N 21100⩾−−−Thus,for any A 0and A 1,we can obtain {}{}{}()()N B N s I sc A c A N s I sc A c A min rank()max rank min rank .D N N 2110021100==−−−=−−−It is apparent that {}()()()s I sc A c A c A A min rank rank rank ,(13)N 21100000−−⩽−=which gives the lower bound of N D as {}()()N N s I sc A c A N A min rank rank .(14)D N 211000=−−−⩾−Finally,we obtain the lower and the upper bounds as given by (7).It is noteworthy that the bounds are determined solely by the zeroth-order network,and they hold for any A 0and A 1,either sparse or dense.2.2.2.The case of A 0¼A 1.For the special case A A 01=,we can prove that system (8)has thesame controllability measure and drivers as the single-layer system A B x x u ˙(15)0=+but with different control signal u .This result is rigorous and valid for any A 0,c 0,and c 1in the absence of self-loops.The proof proceeds,as follows.Under the condition A A 10=,equation (11)can be rewritten ass I sc c A B N rank (),.(16)N 2100⎡⎣⎤⎦−+=•If s c c 01=−,for any B ,we haves I sc c A B c c I B N rank (),rank ,.N N 2100012⎡⎣⎤⎦⎡⎣⎢⎢⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟⎤⎦⎥⎥−+==•If s c c 01≠−,we have s I sc c A B s sc c I A B N rank (),rank ,.N N 21002100⎡⎣⎤⎦⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥−+=+−=Therefore,when B satis fies sI A B N rank[,]N 0−=for any s ,we can conclude:sI M B N rank[,]2N 2−′=for all s ,indicating that system (4)has the same controllability and input matrix as system (15).Nevertheless,system (4)has a different input signal u from that associated with system (15).2.2.3.The case of A 0≠A 1.A Sparse .0When the network A 0is sparse,the networkcorresponding to M is sparse as well,since M contains three sparse parts 0N ,I N and c A 00,where 0N represents a zero matrix of order N .So,N D associated with M ,according to the exact New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alcontrollability of single network [equation (A4)],becomes{}N N M max 1,2rank(),D =−where M rank()can be calculated as[][]()()()M I c A c A I c A I c A I c A N A rank()rank 0rank 00rank 0,rank ,0rank rank rank .N N N N 00110000000⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥===+=+=+We thus have the following ef ficient criterion:{}()N N A max 1,rank ,(17)D 0=−regardless of the link density of A 1.This suggests that,when A 0is sparse,the controllability of system (4)is solely determined by A 0.As a special case,if A 00=and A 01≠,equation (11)becomes s I sc A B N rank[,]N 211−=,which can be satis fied for s =0if and only if B N rank()=,indicating that for the system c A B xx u ¨˙011=+,the number of driver nodes required is N N D =.A Dense .0We next analyze the detailed dependence of N D on the interplay between A 0and A 1.In general,N D for the two-layer network system (4)under control is given by{}{}()N B N s I sc A c A min rank()max rank .(18)D s N 21100==−−−The key to calculating N D lies in identifying the eigenvalue s associated with the maximum geometric multiplicity of matrix M .We treat the two cases where A 1is sparse and dense,separately.Sparse A 1.According to equation (10),the characteristic polynomial of M is p I c A c A ()||M N 21100λλλ=−−,where |·|represents the determinate.This means that,if we find λthat satis fies p ()0M λ=,then λis an eigenvalue of M .From the exact-controllability formula,we already have that,for dense A 0,the maximum geometric multiplicity occurs at the eigenvalue 1λ=−.Thus,in the absence of A 1(A 01=),p ()M λbecomesp I c A c c I A c p c (),M N N N N A 20002000200⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟λλλλ=−=−=where p ()A 0λis the characteristic polynomial of A 0containing the factor 1λ+resulting from the eigenvalue of 1λ=−associated with the maximum geometric multiplicity.This leads to the characteristic polynomial factor c 120λ+in p ()M λ.The solution to the equation c 1020λ+=gives the eigenvaluec ,(19)0λ=±−which corresponds to the maximum geometric multiplicity of M .When A 1is present but is sparse,we can check that A 1has little effect on such crucial eigenvalues of M .Hence,in the case where A 0is dense and A 1is sparse,the controllability measure can be determined as N N I c A c A rank()D N 21100λλ=−−−with c 0λ=±−,yielding the following ef ficient criterion:New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et al()N N c I c c A c A rank .(20)D N 010100=−±−+Dense A 1.We then turn to the case of dense A 1,where the eigenvalue associated with the maximum multiplicity of a single network is −1as well.Substituting A A 10=into the characteristic polynomial p ()M λ,we have()()()p I c A c A I c c A c c c c I A c c p c c ().M N N N N N A 210002100102100102100⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟λλλλλλλλλλλ=−−=−+=++−=++We see that c c 010λ+≠and,hence,the characteristic polynomial suggests the existence of a factor c c ()1210λλ++.Solving the equation c c ()10210λλ++=gives the eigenvalue associated with the maximum geometric multiplicity asc c c 42.(21)1120λ=−±−We see that,when A 1is dense,there is little difference from case of dense A 0,validating the approximation used in the derivation of the eigenvalue of M .Consequently,for dense A 1,c c c (4)21120λ=−±−becomes the eigenvalue of the maximum geometric multiplicity.The is thus given by the following ef ficient criterion:N N c c c I c c c c A c A rank 4242.(22)D N 1120211120100⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢⎛⎝⎜⎜⎞⎠⎟⎟⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥=−−±−−−±−−The above treatment of the two-relation network can be extended to multi-relation networks of arbitrary order.See Appendix D.2.3.Exact controllability theory for multiple-layer networks with diffusion dynamics We consider the general setting of multiple-layer networks in which two types of diffusion dynamics occur with a in each layer and among M layers,respectively.There are in total M ×N nodes and the state x t ()i K of each node is indexed by a layer K and a number i within each layer.The equations describing the multiple-layer diffusion system are [9]()D a D c b u x x x x ˙,(23)i K K j N ij K i K l M Kl ii Kl i l i K j m ij K j 111∑∑∑=+−+===where D K is a diffusion constant within layer K ,a a ij K ji K =represents the connections in the layer,D Kl stands for the interlayer diffusion constant,c ii Kl represents the interconnectionsbetween K and l layers,and b u ij K j denotes the control at layer K .Without loss of generality,we consider the case of M =2.Denoting the inter-diffusion constant D D 1221=by D x ,we can rewrite equation (23)in the matrix form:H B D A D D D D A D B x x u u ˙,(24)x x x x 1122⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥ΛΛΛΛ=+=−−+where A 1and A 2are the adjacency matrices of each layer,the diagonal matrix Λrepresents the interlayer couplings with c c ii ii ii 1221Λ==,and x x x x x (,,,,,)N N T 111122=⋯⋯represents theNew J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alstates of N 2nodes.If interconnections exist between all pairs of corresponding nodes,we have I N Λ=,where I N is unit matrix of dimension N .Since H is symmetric,according to the exact controllability theory [equation (5)],we have{}()N max ,(25)D i i Hδλ=where ()i H δλis the algebraic multiplicity of λi H .Analogous to the two-relation network,we are able to derive the lower and upper bounds of N D .In particular,we rewrite H asH H H D A D A D D D D 00.(26)x x x x 121122⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥ΛΛΛΛ=+=+−−The two bounds are given in terms of the eigenvalue properties of H 0(H 0with I N Λ=equals to H )and H 1:{}{}()()N max max .(27)i i H D i i H 01δλδλ⩽⩽In contrast to the two-relation network,here the bounds are determined by both layers.To reveal the impact of interconnections on N D ,we consider two cases:(I)I N Λ=(full interconnections)and (II)I N Λ≠(partial interconnections).We set D D 21=to simplify the formulation of N D .For case (I),we consider two subcategories:(i)A 1and A 2are both sparse and (ii)they are both dense.For (i),we can derive from the characteristic polynomial that there are two eigenvalues:01λ=and D 2x 2λ=−corresponding to identical maximum algebraic multiplicity.Inserting the eigenvalues into equation (4)leads to the ef ficient criterion:()N N H N D I H 2rank()2rank 2.(28)D x N 2=−=−+For (ii),the two eigenvalues are D 11λ=−and D D (12)x 21λ=−+,which are associated with identical maximum algebraic multiplicity.We obtain the following ef ficient criterion:()()N N D I H N D D I H 2rank 2rank 12.(29)D N x N 1212⎡⎣⎤⎦=−+=−++For case (II)I N Λ≠,we explore the effect of the fraction of interconnections on N D by simply setting D 1,D 2and D x to be unity.In this case,the trace tr ()Λof Λis less than or equal to N due to partial interconnections.There are also two subcategories:(i)A 1and A 2are both sparse and (ii)they are both dense.Our theoretical analysis indicates that for (i),zero becomes the key eigenvalue,yielding the following ef ficient criterion:N N H 2rank().(30)D =−For (ii),the eigenvalue becomes −1,leading to ()N N I H 2rank .(31)D N 2=−+Appendix C presents detailed derivations of equation (28)-(31).3.Numerical results Random,scale-free,and small-world double-relation networks.We numerically validate our exact controllability theory using Erdö–Rényi (ER)random [26],Barabási –Albert (BA)New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alscale-free [27]and Newman-Watts (NW)small-world networks [28].Figure 2shows the controllability measure n N N D D ≡of the networks with two types of relations [figure 1(a)and equation (1)]with respect to different cases in terms of the zeroth-order layer A 0and the first-order layer A 1.For A A 01=[figure 2(a)]n D of the duplex network is exactly the same as that of the single network A 0,as predicted.For A A 01≠and A 0is sparse [figure 2(b)],n D (M )of the duplex network is exactly equal to n A ()D 0of layer A 0,regardless of the average degree of layer A 1,in agreement with our prediction.If A A 01≠and A 0is dense [figures 2(c)and 2(d)],n D is a result of the interplay between the two layers.The lower and upper bounds are explicit and determined solely by A 0,as predicted by our theory.An interesting finding is that n D can be either a non-monotonic [figures 2(a)and 2(c)]or a monotonic [figure 2(d)]function of the link density of two layers,depending on the structural property of each layer.All the results from the maximum multiplicity theory are in excellent agreement with our ef ficient criteria.Figure 3shows n D of duplex networks with two interconnected layers A 1and A 2[figure 1(b)and equation (24)].We find that there is no dominant layer in the sense that A 1and A 2play the same role in determining n D .Two cases are considered:(I)adjusting link densities of both layers by fixing the fraction N tr ()Λof interconnections [figures 3(a)and 3(b)]and (II)changing N tr ()Λby fixing link densities [figures 3(c)and 3(d)].We see that for fixed values of N tr ()Λ,n D can be either a non-monotonic or a monotonic function of the link density,depending on the structural property of each layer.Interestingly,as shown in figures 3(c)and 3(d),the presence of a small fraction of interconnections can considerably improve the system ʼs controllability compared with that for isolated layers,as demonstrated by the rapid decrease of n D for small values of N tr ()Λ.The results from the maximum multiplicity theory and the lower and upper bounds again are in exact agreement with those from our ef ficient criteria.Control implementation.To address this issue,we offer a general method to identify the minimum set of driver nodes required to fully control multiplex networks.In particular,for the network system (8),the control matrix B associated with a minimum set of drivers satis fies I c A c A B N rank (),N max 2max 1100⎡⎣⎤⎦λλ−−=,where max λis the eigenvalue corresponding to the maximum geometric multiplicity.We implement elementary column transformation on the matrix I c A c A ()N max 2max 1100λλ−−to obtain the column canonical form of the matrix that reveals a set of linearly-dependent rows.The nodes corresponding to the linearly-dependent rows are the drivers.For the two-layer network system (24),the condition becomes []I H B N rank ,2N max 2λ−=.Driver nodes can be identi fied as well via the column canonical form of I H N max 2λ−.For more details,see Appendix D.Undirected networks .figure 4shows the controllability n D of undirected two-relation networks with different combinations of two layers.In particular,figures 4(a)and 4(b)show n D of ER –BA and BA –ER duplex for the case where the zeroth-order layer A 0is sparse.We see that n D (M )of the duplex is always equal to n A ()D 0,regardless of the connection density of the first-order layer A 1,which is analogous to the observation in figure 2,further validating our theoretical prediction.In contrast,if the zeroth-order layer A 0is dense,n D of the duplex depends on both layers,as shown in figures 4(c)and 4(d)for ER-NW and NW-ER pairs.Both the upper and lower bounds of exact controllability are successfully predicted analytically,as well as the controllability in between,providing stronger support for the validity of our theory.New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et alFigure 2.Controllability measure n D of two-relation networks.(a)n D as a function ofthe connection probability p of ER –ER pair with A A 01=.(b)n D (M )of the two-relationsystem versus n A ()D 0of the zeroth-order layer for different half average degree k 2A 1〈〉of the first-order layer A 1,where A 0is sparse in the BA –BA pair.(c)n D as a function ofthe connecting probability p of A 1for ER –ER pair,where A 0is dense.(d)n D as afunction of random shortcut probability p in A 1for NW –NW pair,where A 0is dense.Here,superscript MMT and EC denote the maximum multiplicity theory and theef ficient criteria,respectively.In (a),A 0MMT and M MMT are from equation (4),and A 0ECdenotes the results from the ef ficient criteria for sparse and dense connections.In (b),n D (M )and n A ()D 0are obtained from equation (4)and (17),and the dashed line is foreye guidance.In (c)and (d),the solid and dashed lines represent the upper and lowerbounds of n D obtained from equation (7),where the quantity M MMT is from equation (4)and M EC is from equation (20)and (22)for sparse and dense A 1,respectively.P A ()0in(c)is the connecting probability of A 0,and in (d)it is the random shortcut probability inA 0.Both A 0and A 1are undirected and unweighted networks.Data points are theaverage of 50independent realizations.In (b)–(d),N =2000.We set c 0and c 1to beunity and have checked that n D is insensitive to their values.New J.Phys.16(2014)103036Z Yuan et al。
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A prominent line of inquiry since the early decades of network analysis concerns the causes and consequences of centralization in network structure (e.g., Bavelas, 1950; Marwell et al., 1988; Buskens, 1998; Topper and Carley, 1999); i.e., the extent to which certain vertices are far more central than others within the network in question. Freeman’s (1979) definition of centralization in terms of the family of indices C∗ (G) =
for arbitrary centrality index c∗ and graph G = (V, E ), continues to serve as the standard formal notion of this concept. While Freeman’s centralization family has been used profitably for a quarter-century, many questions still remain regarding the properties of these indices. Here, we focus on one of the simplest and most widely used centralization indices – degree centralization – deriving exact bounds for attainable values as a function of order (network size) and density. As we shall show, a substantial fraction of the space of conceivable degree centralization scores is not actually feasible, and (consistent with Anderson et al., 1999) the overwhelming majority of graphs is concentrated on a small section of this feasible region. Using the centralization bounds, we propose renormalized versions of the standard degree centralization measures which account for limits on possible centralization scores due to order and density.
Thus, the degree centralization of a simple graph can be shown to be a fairly straightforward function of size, density, and maximum degree. Interestingly, we can also see from Equation 7 that (ceteris paribus ) Cd falls ∂ Cd (G) = − NN linearly in density; since ∂d −2 , density and degree centralizaG tion exhibit an approximate 1:1 tradeoff for large N . By turns, scaling of C d 1 for large graphs will be roughly proportional to N given fixed density and maximum degree. It follows, then, that large and/or dense graphs cannot be highly centralized. Note that the relationship of Equation 7 still depends upon the maximum degree of G; however, maximum degree is itself related to both size and density. For instance, a lower bound on the maximum degree is obtained
Bounding Degree Centralization
The “raw” or unnormalized degree centralization of graph G = (V, E ) under degree measure d∗ is defined as Cd∗ (G) =
v ∈V
v ∈V
max c∗ v − c∗ (v ) ,
v ∈V
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award NSF ITR #0331707. † Department of Sociology and Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine; SSPA 2145, Irvine, CA 92697; buttsc@
v ∈V
Rewriting the sum in the numerator gives us =
v ∈V
∆ − v∈V d (v ) , (N − 1)(N − 2)
whichdegree sum, becomes = N ∆−d . (N − 1)(N − 2) (5)
(∆∗ − d∗ (v )) ,
where ∆∗ = maxv∈V d∗ i (Freeman, 1979). While degree centralization is conventionally normalized so as to be restricted to the interval from 0 (for a complete or null graph) to 1 (for the appropriate maximal star configuration1 ), it does not follow that all values within this range are feasible. In addition to restrictions arising from the granularity of the degree distribution, graphs with a given density are often heavily constrained as to the centralization scores they can exhibit. Indeed, this is immediately apparent from the above: densities of 0 or 1 must be associated with centralization scores of 0 (under any measure), while maximum centralization is only pos2 1 sible for the appropriate star density ( |V | or |V | , depending on the graph type and degree measure employed). Here, we follow this intuition further, obtaining exact bounds for degree centralization given order and density (in the spirit of Snijders, 1981). We begin with the undirected case, proceeding next to centralization of indegree, outdegree, and total degree for directed graphs.
The degree centralization is maximized by a maximal star, instar, outstar, or reciprocated (bidirectional) star, with respect to undirected degree, indegree, outdegree, and total degree (respectively).
Undirected Case
We begin our derivation of bounds on the degree centralization, Cd , by demonstrating that Cd can be expressed as a function of size, density, and maximum degree. Let G be a simple graph of order N with mean degree d and maximum degree ∆, and let d(V ) be the degree of vertex v ∈ V . By definition, the normalized degree centralization of G is given by Cd (G) = (∆ − d (v )) . (N − 1)(N − 2)