

【解析】天津市武清区杨村一中2015届高三上学期第一次段考数学(文)试卷 Word版含解析[ 高考]

【解析】天津市武清区杨村一中2015届高三上学期第一次段考数学(文)试卷 Word版含解析[ 高考]

2014-2015学年天津市武清区杨村一中高三(上)第一次段考数学试卷(文科)一、选择题(共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分)1.设全集U=R,若集合A={x|﹣1≤x≤5},B={x|y=lg(x﹣1)},则∁U(A∩B)为( ) A.{1<x≤5} B.{x≤﹣1或x>5} C.{x≤1或x>5} D.{1≤x<5}2.下列函数中,既是偶函数又在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减的是( )A.y=B.y=e﹣x C.y=﹣x2+1 D.y=lg|x|3.设与是两个不共线的向量,且向量与共线,则λ=( ) A.0 B.﹣1 C.﹣2 D.﹣0.54.已知函数f(x)=lnx,则函数g(x)=f(x)﹣f′(x)的零点所在的区间是( ) A.(0,1)B.(1,2)C.(2,3)D.(3,4)5.函数f(x)在定义域R内可导,若f(x)=f(2﹣x),且当x∈(﹣∞,1)时,(x﹣1)f′(x)<0,设a=f(0),b=f(),c=f(3),则( )A.a<b<c B.c<a<b C.c<b<a D.b<c<a6.要得到一个奇函数,只需将函数的图象( )A.向右平移个单位B.向右平移个单位C.向左平移个单位D.向左平移个单位7.已知函数f(x)=若f(2﹣x2)>f(x),则实数x的取值范围是( )A.(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(2,+∞)B.(﹣∞,﹣2)∪(1,+∞)C.(﹣1,2)D.(﹣2,1)8.如图,在等腰直角△ABO中,设为AB上靠近点A的四等分点,过C作AB的垂线L,设P为垂线上任一点,,则=( )A. B.C. D.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分)9.设集合A={﹣3,0,1},B={t2﹣t+1}.若A∪B=A,则t=__________.10.已知平面向量=(2,4),,若,则||=__________.11.已知sin(30°+α)=,60°<α<150°,则cosα的值为__________.12.奇函数f(x)的定义域为[﹣2,2],若f(x)在[0,2]上单调递减,且f(1+m)+f(m)<0,则实数m的取值范围是__________.13.在边长为1的等边△ABC中,D为BC边上一动点,则的取值范围是__________.14.已知定义在R上的函数y=f(x)对任意的x都满足f(x+1)=﹣f(x),当﹣1≤x<1 时,f(x)=x3,若函数g(x)=f(x)﹣log a|x|至少6个零点,则a的取值范围是__________.三、解答题(共6小题,满分80分)15.(13分)已知函数f(x)=sin2x﹣cos2x.(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期;(2)求函数f(x)的单调递减区间;(3)求f(x)在区间[﹣,]上的最大值和最小值.16.(13分)在△ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别是a、b、c,向量,=(a﹣b,c),=(a﹣c,a+b),且与共线.(Ⅰ)求角B的大小;(Ⅱ)设y=2sin2C+cos,求y的最大值及此时角C的大小.17.(13分)已知函数f(x)=x3﹣ax2+(a2﹣1)x+b(a,b∈R)(Ⅰ)若x=1为f(x)的极值点,求实数a的值;(Ⅱ)若y=f(x)的图象在点(1,f(1))处的切线方程为x+y﹣3=0,求f(x)在区间[﹣1,4]上的最大值.18.(13分)在△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,sin=,bsinA=asinC,c=1.(Ⅰ)求a的值和△ABC的面积;(Ⅱ)求sin(2A+)的值.19.(14分)已知函数f(x)=lnx+x2﹣ax.(I)若函数f(x)在其定义域上是增函数,求实数a的取值范围;(II)当a=3时,求出f(x)的极值:(III)在(I)的条件下,若在x∈(0,1]内恒成立,试确定a的取值范围.20.(14分)已知函数f(x)=x3+x2+ax+b(a,b为常数),其图象是曲线C.(1)当a=﹣2时,求函数f(x)的单调减区间;(2)设函数f(x)的导函数为f′(x),若存在唯一的实数x0,使得f(x0)=x0与f′(x0)=0同时成立,求实数b的取值范围;(3)已知点A为曲线C上的动点,在点A处作曲线C的切线l1与曲线C交于另一点B,在点B处作曲线C的切线l2,设切线l1,l2的斜率分别为k1,k2.问:是否存在常数λ,使得k2=λk1?若存在,求出λ的值;若不存在,请说明理由.2014-2015学年天津市武清区杨村一中高三(上)第一次段考数学试卷(文科)一、选择题(共8小题,每小题5分,满分40分)1.设全集U=R,若集合A={x|﹣1≤x≤5},B={x|y=lg(x﹣1)},则∁U(A∩B)为( ) A.{1<x≤5} B.{x≤﹣1或x>5} C.{x≤1或x>5} D.{1≤x<5}【考点】交、并、补集的混合运算.【专题】集合.【分析】利用交集与补角运算性质即可得出.【解答】解:∵集合A={x|﹣1≤x≤5},B={x|y=lg(x﹣1)}={x|x>1},∴A∩B={x|1<x≤5}.则∁U(A∩B)={x|x≤1,或x>5}.【点评】本题考查了交集与补角运算性质,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题.2.下列函数中,既是偶函数又在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减的是( )A.y=B.y=e﹣x C.y=﹣x2+1 D.y=lg|x|【考点】函数奇偶性的判断;函数单调性的判断与证明.【专题】计算题;函数的性质及应用.【分析】根据偶函数的定义,可得C,D是偶函数,其中C在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减,D在区间(0,+∞)上单调递增,可得结论.【解答】解:根据偶函数的定义,可得C,D是偶函数,其中C在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减,D在区间(0,+∞)上单调递增,故选:C.【点评】本题考查奇偶性与单调性的综合,考查学生分析解决问题的能力,比较基础.3.设与是两个不共线的向量,且向量与共线,则λ=( )A.0 B.﹣1 C.﹣2 D.﹣0.5【考点】平行向量与共线向量.【专题】平面向量及应用.【分析】把、可以作为平面向量的一组基底,求得向量和向量的坐标,再利用两个向量共线的性质,求得λ的值.【解答】解:方法1:因为向量与共线,所以存在实数x有=x[]=2x,则,解得.方法2:由于与是两个不共线的向量,故、可以作为平面向量的一组基底,故向量的坐标为(1,λ),向量的坐标为(2,﹣1)是且向量与共线,可得1×(﹣1)﹣2λ=0,解得λ=﹣,故选D.【点评】本题主要考查两个向量共线的性质,两个向量坐标形式的运算,属于基础题.4.已知函数f(x)=lnx,则函数g(x)=f(x)﹣f′(x)的零点所在的区间是( ) A.(0,1)B.(1,2)C.(2,3)D.(3,4)【考点】导数的运算;函数零点的判定定理.【专题】函数的性质及应用.【分析】求出函数f(x)的导函数,把f(x)及其导函数代入函数g(x)中,对函数g(x)求导可知函数g(x)是单调函数,且g(1)<0,g(2)>0,则函数g(x)的零点所在的区间可求.【解答】解:由f(x)=lnx,则,则g(x)=f(x)﹣f′(x)=lnx﹣.函数g(x)的定义域为(0,+∞),>0在x∈(0,+∞)上恒成立,所以函数g(x)在(0,+∞)上为增函数,而g(1)=ln1﹣1=﹣1<0,g(2)=ln2﹣=ln2﹣ln>0.所以函数g(x)在区间(1,2)上有唯一零点.故选B.【点评】本题考查了导数的运算,考查了函数零点的存在性定理,在区间(a,b)上,如果函数f(x)满足f(a)•f(b)<0,则函数f(x)在(a,b)上一定存在零点,此题是基础题.5.函数f(x)在定义域R内可导,若f(x)=f(2﹣x),且当x∈(﹣∞,1)时,(x﹣1)f′(x)<0,设a=f(0),b=f(),c=f(3),则( )A.a<b<c B.c<a<b C.c<b<a D.b<c<a【考点】函数单调性的性质;利用导数研究函数的单调性.【专题】压轴题.【分析】根据f(x)=f(2﹣x)求出(x)的图象关于x=1对称,又当x∈(﹣∞,1)时,(x ﹣1)f′(x)<0,x﹣1<0,得到f′(x)>0,此时f(x)为增函数,根据增函数性质得到即可.【解答】解:由f(x)=f(2﹣x)可知,f(x)的图象关于x=1对称,根据题意又知x∈(﹣∞,1)时,f′(x)>0,此时f(x)为增函数,x∈(1,+∞)时,f′(x)<0,f(x)为减函数,所以f(3)=f(﹣1)<f(0)<f(),即c<a<b,故选B.【点评】考查学生利用函数单调性来解决数学问题的能力.6.要得到一个奇函数,只需将函数的图象( )A.向右平移个单位B.向右平移个单位C.向左平移个单位D.向左平移个单位【考点】三角函数中的恒等变换应用;函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换.【专题】计算题.【分析】函数即f(x)=2sin(x﹣),向左平移个单位可得y=2sinx 的图象,而函数y=2sinx 是奇函数,由此得出结论.【解答】解:函数=2sin(x﹣),向左平移个单位可得函数y=2sin[(x﹣)+]=2sinx 的图象,而函数y=2sinx 是奇函数,故选D.【点评】本题主要考查三角函数的恒等变换及化简求值,函数y=Asin(ωx+∅)的图象变换,属于中档题.7.已知函数f(x)=若f(2﹣x2)>f(x),则实数x的取值范围是( )A.(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(2,+∞)B.(﹣∞,﹣2)∪(1,+∞)C.(﹣1,2)D.(﹣2,1)【考点】函数单调性的性质.【专题】计算题;函数的性质及应用.【分析】由x=0时分段函数两个表达式对应的函数值相等,可得函数图象是一条连续的曲线.结合对数函数和幂函数f(x)=x3的单调性,可得函数f(x)是定义在R上的增函数,由此将原不等式化简为2﹣x2>x,不难解出实数x的取值范围.【解答】解:∵当x=0时,两个表达式对应的函数值都为零∴函数的图象是一条连续的曲线∵当x≤0时,函数f(x)=x3为增函数;当x>0时,f(x)=ln(x+1)也是增函数∴函数f(x)是定义在R上的增函数因此,不等式f(2﹣x2)>f(x)等价于2﹣x2>x,即x2+x﹣2<0,解之得﹣2<x<1,故选D【点评】本题给出含有对数函数的分段函数,求不等式的解集.着重考查了对数函数、幂函数的单调性和函数的图象与性质等知识,属于基础题.8.如图,在等腰直角△ABO中,设为AB上靠近点A的四等分点,过C作AB的垂线L,设P为垂线上任一点,,则=( )A. B.C. D.【考点】平面向量数量积的运算.【专题】计算题;平面向量及应用.【分析】P在线段AB的垂直平分线上,通过向量的加减运算,向量的数量积的运算即可得到结果.【解答】解:设AB中点为D,则,,⇒,∴===+=•=﹣=﹣故选A.【点评】本题考查线段垂直平方线的性质、向量的运算法则、向量模的平方等于向量的平方,考查转化计算能力.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分)9.设集合A={﹣3,0,1},B={t2﹣t+1}.若A∪B=A,则t=0或1.【考点】集合关系中的参数取值问题.【专题】计算题.【分析】A∪B=A等价于B⊆A,转化为t2﹣t+1∈A解决.【解答】解:由A∪B=A知B⊆A,∴t2﹣t+1=﹣3①t2﹣t+4=0,①无解或t2﹣t+1=0②,②无解或t2﹣t+1=1,t2﹣t=0,解得t=0或t=1.故答案为0或1.【点评】本题考查集合运算及基本关系,掌握好概念是基础.正确的转化和计算是关键.10.已知平面向量=(2,4),,若,则||=8.【考点】平面向量数量积的运算.【专题】平面向量及应用.【分析】由已知求出的坐标,然后进行模的计算.【解答】解:,∴,∴,∴故答案为:8.【点评】本题考查了平面向量的坐标运算以及向量模的求法;属于基础题.11.已知sin(30°+α)=,60°<α<150°,则cosα的值为.【考点】同角三角函数基本关系的运用;两角和与差的正弦函数.【专题】计算题.【分析】先利用α的范围确定30°+α的范围,进而利用同角三角函数的基本关系求得cos (30°+α)的值,最后利用两角和的余弦函数求得答案.【解答】解:∵60°<α<150°,∴90°<30°+α<180°.∵sin(30°+α)=,∴cos(30°+α)=﹣.∴cosα=cos[(30°+α)﹣30°]=cos(30°+α)•cos30°+sin(30°+α)•sin30°=﹣×+×=.故答案为:【点评】本题主要考查了同角三角函数的基本关系的运用和两角和与差的余弦函数.考查了学生综合运用所学知识解决问题的能力.12.奇函数f(x)的定义域为[﹣2,2],若f(x)在[0,2]上单调递减,且f(1+m)+f(m)<0,则实数m的取值范围是.【考点】奇偶性与单调性的综合.【专题】函数的性质及应用.【分析】由f(1+m)+f(m)<0,结合已知条件可得﹣2<3﹣2a<2﹣a<2,解不等式可求a的范围.【解答】解:∵函数函数f(x)定义域在[﹣2,2]上的奇函数,则由f(1+m)+f(m)<0,可得f(1+m)<﹣f(m)=f(﹣m)又根据条件知函数f(x)在定义域上单调递减,∴﹣2≤﹣m<1+m≤2解可得,﹣<m≤1.故答案为:.【点评】本题主要考查了函数的奇偶性及函数的单调性在抽象函数中的应用,及不等式的求解,属于基础试题.13.在边长为1的等边△ABC中,D为BC边上一动点,则的取值范围是[,1].【考点】平面向量数量积的运算.【专题】平面向量及应用.【分析】由题意可得与的夹角等于120°,利用两个向量的数量积的定义计算等于1﹣•|BD|,结合0≤|BD|≤1 求得的取值范围.【解答】解:由题意可得与的夹角等于120°,∴==+=1+1×|BD|cos120°=1﹣•|BD|.由于D为BC边上一动点,故0≤|BD|≤1,∴≤1﹣•|BD|≤1,即的取值范围是[,1],故答案为[,1].【点评】本题主要考查两个向量的加减法的法则,以及其几何意义,两个向量的数量积的定义,属于中档题.14.已知定义在R上的函数y=f(x)对任意的x都满足f(x+1)=﹣f(x),当﹣1≤x<1 时,f(x)=x3,若函数g(x)=f(x)﹣log a|x|至少6个零点,则a的取值范围是(0,]∪(5,+∞).【考点】函数零点的判定定理;函数的周期性.【专题】函数的性质及应用.【分析】函数g(x)=f(x)﹣log a|x|的零点个数,即函数y=f(x)与y=log5|x|的交点的个数,由函数图象的变换,分别做出y=f(x)与y=log a|x|的图象,结合图象可得log a5<1 或log a5≥﹣1,由此求得a的取值范围.【解答】解:根据题意,函数g(x)=f(x)﹣log a|x|的零点个数,即函数y=f(x)与y=log a|x|的交点的个数;f(x+2)=f(x),函数f(x)是周期为2的周期函数,又由当﹣1<x≤1时,f(x)=x3,据此可以做出f(x)的图象,y=log a|x|是偶函数,当x>0时,y=log a x,则当x<0时,y=log a(﹣x),做出y=log a|x|的图象,结合图象分析可得:要使函数y=f(x)与y=log a|x|至少有6个交点,则log a5<1 或log a5≥﹣1,解得a≥5,或0<a≤,故(0,]∪(5,+∞),故答案为:(0,]∪(5,+∞)【点评】本题考查函数图象的变化与运用,涉及函数的周期性,对数函数的图象等知识点,关键是作出函数的图象,由此分析两个函数图象交点的个数,属于中档题.三、解答题(共6小题,满分80分)15.(13分)已知函数f(x)=sin2x﹣cos2x.(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期;(2)求函数f(x)的单调递减区间;(3)求f(x)在区间[﹣,]上的最大值和最小值.【考点】三角函数中的恒等变换应用;正弦函数的图象.【专题】计算题;三角函数的图像与性质.【分析】(1)由三角函数中的恒等变换应用化简函数解析式可得f(x)=2sin(2x﹣),利用周期公式即可得解.(2)由2kπ≤2x﹣,k∈Z,可解得函数f(x)的单调递减区间.(3)由x∈[﹣,],可求2x﹣∈[﹣,],利用正弦函数的图象和性质即可得解.【解答】解:(1)∵f(x)=sin2x﹣cos2x=2sin(2x﹣),∴函数f(x)的最小正周期T=.(2)由2kπ≤2x﹣,k∈Z,可解得函数f(x)的单调递减区间为:[k,k]k∈Z.(3)∵x∈[﹣,],∴2x﹣∈[﹣,],∴sin(2x﹣)∈[﹣1,],∴f(x)=2sin(2x﹣)在区间[﹣,]上的最大值为,最小值为﹣2.【点评】本题主要考查了三角函数中的恒等变换应用,正弦函数的图象和性质,属于基本知识的考查.16.(13分)在△ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别是a、b、c,向量,=(a﹣b,c),=(a﹣c,a+b),且与共线.(Ⅰ)求角B的大小;(Ⅱ)设y=2sin2C+cos,求y的最大值及此时角C的大小.【考点】余弦定理;平面向量数量积的运算;正弦定理.【专题】解三角形.【分析】(Ⅰ)由条件利用两个向量共线的性质求出cosB的值,可得B的值.(Ⅱ)利用三角形内角和公式、辅助角公式化简函数的解析式为y=sin(2C﹣)+1,利用正弦函数的值域求得它的最大值,及此时角C的大小.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)因与共线,所以(a﹣b)(a+b)﹣c(a﹣c)=0,即b2=a2+c2﹣ac,故.而0<B<π,所以.(Ⅱ)∵,∴,故y max=2,此时,因,所以.【点评】本题主要考查两个向量共线的性质,三角形内角和公式,辅助角公式,正弦函数的值域,属于基础题.17.(13分)已知函数f(x)=x3﹣ax2+(a2﹣1)x+b(a,b∈R)(Ⅰ)若x=1为f(x)的极值点,求实数a的值;(Ⅱ)若y=f(x)的图象在点(1,f(1))处的切线方程为x+y﹣3=0,求f(x)在区间[﹣1,4]上的最大值.【考点】利用导数研究曲线上某点切线方程;利用导数研究函数的极值.【专题】导数的概念及应用;导数的综合应用.【分析】(Ⅰ)求出导数,由题意可得f′(1)=0,解方程可得a;(Ⅱ)求出导数,求得切线的斜率和切点,解方程可得a,b,再由极值和区间[﹣1,4]的端点处的函数值,即可得到所求最大值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)由已知得f′(x)=x2﹣2ax+a2﹣1,∵x=1是f(x)的极值点,∴f′(1)=0,即a2﹣2a=0.解a=0,或2.经检验合题意.故a=0或a=2;(Ⅱ)∵(1,f(1))是切点,∴由切线方程x+y﹣3=0可得1+f(1)﹣3=0,即f(1)=2,即.∵切线x+y﹣3=0的斜率为﹣1,∴f′(1)=﹣1,即a2﹣2a+1=0,即a=1.代入解得.∴.∴f′(x)=x2﹣2x,∴x=0和x=2是y=f(x)的两个极值点.∵,∴y=f(x)在[﹣1,4]上的最大值为8.【点评】本题考查导数的运用:求切线的斜率和单调区间、极值和最值,考查运算能力,属于中档题.18.(13分)在△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,sin=,bsinA=asinC,c=1.(Ⅰ)求a的值和△ABC的面积;(Ⅱ)求sin(2A+)的值.【考点】两角和与差的正弦函数;两角和与差的余弦函数.【专题】三角函数的求值.【分析】(Ⅰ)△ABC中,由条件利用同角三角函数的基本关系、二倍角公式求得sinB、cosB 的值,再利用正弦定理求得sinC的值,可得cosC的值,可得sinA=sin(B+C)的值,再利用正弦定理求得a的值.(Ⅱ)求得cosA=﹣cos(B+C)的值,可得sinA的值,求得sin2A、cos2A的值,再利用两角和的正弦公式求得sin(2A+)的值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)△ABC中,sin=,∴cos==,∴sinB=2sin cos=,cosB=1﹣2=,∴B为锐角.∵bsinA=asinC,利用正弦定理可得sinBsinA=sinAsinC,∴sinC==<sinB,故C为锐角,cosC==,∴sinA=sin(B+C)=sinBcosC+cosBsinC=+=.再根据c=1,利用正弦定理=,可得=,求得a=3,故△ABC的面积为S=ac•sinB=×3×1×=.(Ⅱ)∵cosA=﹣cos(B+C)=sinBsinC﹣cosBcosC=﹣=﹣,∴sinA==,cos2A=1﹣2sin2A=1﹣2×=﹣,∴sin(2A+)=sin2Acos+cos2Asin=×﹣×=.【点评】本题主要考查同角三角函数的基本关系,二倍角公式,正弦定理,两角和的正弦公式,以及三角函数在各个象限中的符号,属于中档题.19.(14分)已知函数f(x)=lnx+x2﹣ax.(I)若函数f(x)在其定义域上是增函数,求实数a的取值范围;(II)当a=3时,求出f(x)的极值:(III)在(I)的条件下,若在x∈(0,1]内恒成立,试确定a的取值范围.【考点】导数在最大值、最小值问题中的应用;利用导数研究函数的极值.【专题】导数的综合应用.【分析】(Ⅰ)求出f′(x),因为函数在定义域上为增函数,所以f′(x)大于等于0恒成立,再利用基本不等式求出左边的最小值即可得到a的取值范围;(Ⅱ)先求导数,确定函数的单调区间.减区间与增区间的分界点为极值点,且当极值点左侧导数为正,右侧导数为负时,为极大值,当极值点左侧导数为负,右侧导数为正时,为极小值;(III)设=,求出函数的最大值,即可确定a的取值范围.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)函数f(x)=lnx+x2﹣ax(x>0),则f′(x)=+2x﹣a(x>0).∵函数f(x)在(0,+∞)上是单调增函数,∴f′(x)≥0在(0,+∞)上恒成立,即+2x﹣a≥0在(0,+∞)上恒成立.∴+2x≥a.∵当x>0时,+2x≥2,当且仅当=2x,即x=时等号成立.∴a的取值范围是(﹣∞,2];(Ⅱ)当a=3时,当0<x<或x>1时,f′(x)>0,当<x<1时,f′(x)<0∴f(x)在(0,)和(1,+∞)上是增函数,在(,1)上是减函数,∴f(x)极大值=f()=﹣﹣ln2,f(x)极小值=f(1)=﹣2(III)设=∴g′(x)=∵a∈(﹣∞,2],且x∈(0,1]∴g′(x)>0∴g(x)在(0,1)内为增函数∴g(x)max=g(1)=2﹣a∵在x∈(0,1]内恒成立,∴2﹣a≤0,解得a≥2.【点评】本题考查学生会利用导数研究函数的单调性,考查函数的极值,考查恒成立问题,考查学生分析解决问题的能力,属于中档题.20.(14分)已知函数f(x)=x3+x2+ax+b(a,b为常数),其图象是曲线C.(1)当a=﹣2时,求函数f(x)的单调减区间;(2)设函数f(x)的导函数为f′(x),若存在唯一的实数x0,使得f(x0)=x0与f′(x0)=0同时成立,求实数b的取值范围;(3)已知点A为曲线C上的动点,在点A处作曲线C的切线l1与曲线C交于另一点B,在点B处作曲线C的切线l2,设切线l1,l2的斜率分别为k1,k2.问:是否存在常数λ,使得k2=λk1?若存在,求出λ的值;若不存在,请说明理由.【考点】利用导数研究函数的单调性;利用导数研究曲线上某点切线方程.【专题】压轴题;导数的综合应用.【分析】(1)先求原函数的导数,根据f′(x)<0求得的区间是单调减区间,即可;(2)由于存在唯一的实数x0,使得f(x0)=x0与f′(x0)=0同时成立,则存在唯一的实数根x0,即b=2x3+x2+x存在唯一的实数根x0,就把问题转化为求函数最值问题;(3)假设存在常数λ,依据曲线C在点A处的切线l1与曲线C交于另一点B,曲线C在点B处的切线l2,得到关于λ的方程,有解则存在,无解则不存在.【解答】解:(1)当a=﹣2时,函数f(x)=x3+x2﹣2x+b则f′(x)=3x2+5x﹣2=(3x﹣1)(x+2)令f′(x)<0,解得﹣2<x<,所以f(x)的单调递减区间为(﹣2,);(2)函数f(x)的导函数为由于存在唯一的实数x0,使得f(x0)=x0与f′(x0)=0同时成立,则即x3+x2+(﹣3x2﹣5x﹣1)x+b=0存在唯一的实数根x0,故b=2x3+x2+x存在唯一的实数根x0,令y=2x3+x2+x,则y′=6x2+5x+1=(2x+1)(3x+1)=0,故x=﹣或x=﹣,则函数y=2x3+x2+x在(﹣∞,),(﹣,+∞)上是增函数,在(,﹣)上是减函数,由于x=﹣时,y=﹣;x=﹣时,y=﹣;故实数b的取值范围为:(﹣∞,﹣)∪(﹣,+∞);(3)设点A(x0,f(x0)),则在点A处的切线l1的切线方程为y﹣f(x0)=f′(x0)(x﹣x0),与曲线C联立得到f(x)﹣f(x0)=f′(x0)(x﹣x0),即(x3+x2+ax+b)﹣(x03+x02+ax0+b)=(3x02+5x0+a)(x﹣x0),整理得到(x﹣x0)2[x+(2x0+)]=0,故点B的横坐标为x B=﹣(2x0+)由题意知,切线l1的斜率为k1=f′(x0)=3x02+5x0+a,l2的斜率为k2=f′(﹣(2x0+))=12x02+20x0++a,若存在常数λ,使得k2=λk1,则12x02+20x0++a=λ(3x02+5x0+a),即存在常数λ,使得(4﹣λ)(3x02+5x0)=(λ﹣1)a﹣,故,解得λ=4,a=,故a=时,存在常数λ=4,使得k2=4k1;a≠时,不存在常数,使得k2=4k1.【点评】本题以函数为载体,考查导数知识的运用,考查函数的单调性,考查曲线的切线,同时还考查了方程根的问题,一般要转化为函数的最值来解决.。



天津市武清区杨村第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷一、单项选择1.— Mum, I gained a full mark in the first English test.— _________! Your hard work in the summer holidays was finally repaid.A.Good luck B.Good for you C.Go ahead D.Good idea2.I try my best at school to live up to my parents’ expectations in order that I will not ________.A.turn them down B.let them down C.make them up D.help them out 3.He performed beyond everyone’s ________ with his accurate shooting and continuous efforts.A.comprehension B.description C.expectations D.expression4.The Chinese people______the spring festival with a wide range of events.A.spend B.present C.observe D.appreciate5.The poet’s strong love for his country is________ in his recent published poems.A.awarded B.reflected C.recognized D.recovered6.If you have health examination________, any disease you may have can be discovered early.A.regularly B.particularly C.gradually D.typically 7.People were left________ when they saw the flood water rising so fast.A.in particular B.in panic C.in sight D.in order 8.—That important document is nowhere to be seen.—Don't worry! You ___________ it somewhere. Calm down and think it over.A.might leave B.might have left C.should leave D.should have left 9.Although the scientist is over 80 years old, he still devotes himself to his research, ______ moved many people greatly.A.which B.what C.that D.where10.______ impressed me most was that those disabled athletes tried their best to compete in the games.A.That B.It C.What D.Which11._______ arguments over “stupid things” now and then, Alistair agrees that having a brother isan advantage.A.Although B.Despite C.While D.Whether12.A fisherman claimed to have witnessed a giant sea turtle this morning _______ almost two meters long.A.measured B.having measured C.measuring D.to be measured 13.—Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?—I went to Ningxia and_______there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.A.had lived B.live C.am living D.lived 14.(2018·江苏)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period, _______ the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts.A.having exceeded B.to exceedC.exceeded D.exceeding15.— I’m afraid I can’t win the competition.— Don’t worry. As long as you _________, you will make it.A.go all out B.play safe C.take the lead D.take your time二、完形填空My faith in human nature has never been so great as it was last weekend after our family get-together in the town of Vail.On Saturday, we all went to the market right in the middle of the town. Near the end, we all16 at the fountain near the bridge, and the kids waded(蹚水)around in the fountain until we17 . This is one of the busiest walking streets.After we returned to the hotel late in the afternoon, my 7-year-old son Ponder 18 that nowhere could he find his backpack, which 19 his Gameboy and his watch. After a thorough 20 we determined that he must have left it at the fountain.Ponder has never 21 anything. So we just take for granted that he needs no supervision(指导)for managing his 22 .He was upset, not about the Gameboy, but about the watch. "But Dad," he said, through massive 23 , "they don't make that kind of watch anymore." We were all very 24 .Our dinner reservation was at a restaurant just on the other side of the bridge, so I 25him that we would not only search the area around the fountain when we went back for dinner, but we would also find the police and ask them if the backpack had been 26 .As we exited from the parking garage, we could see the fountain as we walked down the long staircase. I saw something black 27 there, but it was right next to a woman standing by the fountain, so I could not 28 what it was or if it was hers."See it, Dad?" Ponder shouted. "Don't get too 29 because that may not be it," I said. But that was it. It had been five or six hours since we left the fountain, and it was 30 there. There was no ID in it, and it looked like someone had looked through it and then set it right out where all could 31 it.I literally 32 when we reached it and it was his!Everyone in our party was blown away by this "miracle(奇迹)". In my wildest 33 , I would never have imagined that this could happen nowadays.What a charmed life, eh? I believe this was a perfect 34 for a child in losing something important…to lose it and feel the full 35 of that loss, and then to miraculously get it back.16.A.drove B.hiked C.met D.united 17.A.landed B.left C.settled D.slept 18.A.responded B.recognized C.realised D.recalled 19.A.contained B.combined C.comprised D.covered 20.A.preparation B.checkup C.revision D.search 21.A.wasted B.lost C.sough D.deserted 22.A.emotion B.time C.money D.stuff 23.A.tears B.fists C.reliefs D.outbreaks 24.A.hesitant B.curious C.sad D.eager 25.A.promised B.informed C.warned D.taught 26.A.worn out B.caught up C.put away D.turned in 27.A.hiding B.sitting C.swinging D.flowing 28.A.assess B.declare C.tell D.predict 29.A.excited B.puzzled C.relaxed D.amused 30.A.already B.even C.almost D.still31.A.take B.see C.touch D.protect 32.A.panicked B.exploded C.collapsed D.cried 33.A.dreams B.claims C.efforts D.passions 34.A.mode B.lesson C.option D.plot 35.A.range B.pressure C.weight D.harvest三、阅读理解The popularity of studying abroad is growing increasingly, and what are growing along with it are the people who want to share their experiences and the amount of information available. Here are some blogs that can help you if you plan to study abroad.“From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad BlogAmong thousands of colleges in the USA, Indiana University’s Office of Overseas Study is by far the best at promoting studying abroad. Students of Indiana University write blogs each term. They provide hands-on information about their locations, academic interest and cultural experiences on the “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog in an effort to help you earn IU credits in over 37 countries. Not an IU student? Check it out anyway.CIS AbroadLike most other study abroad organizations, CIS Abroad is committed to giving you the best value in studying abroad, i.e. affordability, support, cultural immersion (沉浸) and academic relevance. What most people find unique about CIS is their La Vida Local culture series, which aims to help you see where the locals eat, shop and hang out. You can also learn to understand the culture in your host country.Abroad101 BlogIt is the first and largest study abroad review website. Founded in 2007, Abroad101 providesin-depth study abroad reviews and listings of thousands of study abroad programs. It has a wealth of information covering study abroad news, stories, and advice.CEA Study Abroad CEA prides itself on making the administrative aspect of studying abroad as easy as possible for you. Along with helping you find the right program and financial aid, it also helps you know the student visa process, select housing, prepare for your health and safety in your host country, and make sure your credits transfer (转到) to your home university.36.Who would most probably be attracted to the “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog?A.Non-IU students who want to share their life.B.Teachers of Indiana University who love sharing stories.C.Students interested in Indiana University’s students’ life.D.Parents wanting to get professional views on studying abroad.37.What’s the purpose of the La Vida Local culture series?A.To help students learn about local life.B.To advertise the traditional local culture.C.To encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle.D.To tell about differences among different cultures.38.Where can students find many study abroad programs?A.On CIS Abroad.B.On Abroad101 Blog.C.On CEA Study Abroad.D.On “From I to U” Overseas Study Abroad Blog.39.What is a feature of CEA Study Abroad?A.Making students feel proud of themselves.B.Putting foreign students’ health and safety first.C.Helping students with the administrative process.D.Helping students gain enough credits in key subjects.40.What is the text meant to do?A.To encourage students to study abroad.B.To recommend some study abroad blogs.C.To help international students adapt to their new life.D.To call on people to share experiences of studying aboard.Growing up as a kid in the UK, I was fascinated by insects. Wanting to protect them, I started building houses for ants, using little pieces of wood and leaves. I then moved on to making little cups and saucers from silver foil (箔纸) for the magical creatures. When seeing my work, my mother told me that the smaller I made things, the bigger my name would become.As the years went by, my designs became more complicated. Making sculptures isn’t actually enjoyable. I sometimes work for 16 hours a day without breaks, and it takes me up tothree months to finish a sculpture. I have to hold my breath during the sculpting process.One time, a fly landed on a Cinderella carriage sculpture I was working on. The fly’s wings blew it away, and it was lost. I was heartbroken. Another time, I accidentally breathed in a microscopic Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Alice is now in the Wonderland forever. But it did give me the chance to make an even better one the second time around.My sculptures have taken me to incredible places. In 2012, I met the queen, giving her a crown on the head of a pin. In 2013, I received my first Guinness World Record for creating the smallest sculpture by hand, a 24- carat gold motorbike that fitted inside a hair. In 2017, I beat my record with a sculpture of a human fetus (胎儿) that measured 0. 078 mm by 0. 053 mm.I was diagnosed with autism (自闭症) as an adult. In school, my teachers had pointed me out as an example of failure; now, I see my autism as a gift. It’s pushed me to be the best I can be.I hold workshops in schools for neurodiverse children, sharing my story and helping them create their own miniature figures.The microscopic world has always been my happy place. I’ve tried to make bigger sculptures, but small- is best for me. We need to appreciate the little things in life. Small things can also be mighty, too.41.What drove the author to make tiny sculpture at the beginning?A.His interest in insects.B.His desire to make a name.C.His dream of setting a record.D.His awareness of wildlife protection. 42.Which of the following can best describe the author’s sculpting process?A.Eventful and enjoyable.B.Complex and frustrating.C.Money- wasting but entertaining.D.Time- consuming but fulfilling. 43.Which is NOT the theme of the author’s sculptures?A.Houses for ants B.Little cups and saucers.C.Fairy tales.D.Historical events.44.How does the author deal with his autism now?A.He receives medical treatment.B.He takes full advantage of it.C.He regards it as the source of failure.D.He shares it and asks help from others. 45.What message does the author mainly convey through the text?A.Great art comes at a cost of loss.B.Childhood experiences sculpt a career.C.Minor things in life can carry weight.D.Hard work contributes to great achievements.For decades, scientists thought of the brain as the most valuable and consequently most closely guarded part of the body. Locked safely behind the blood-brain barrier, it was broadly free of the harm of viruses and the battles started by the immune system (免疫系统). Then, about 20 years ago, some researchers began to wonder: is the brain really so separated from the body? The answer, according to a growing body of evidence, is no.The list of brain conditions that have been associated with changes elsewhere in the body is long and growing. Changes in the makeup of the microorganisms in the digestive system have been linked to disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. There is also a theory that infection during pregnancy could lead to brain diseases in babies.The effect is two-way. There is a lengthening list of symptoms not typically viewed as disorders of the nervous system, but the brain plays a large part in them. For example, the development of a fever is influenced by a population of nerve cells that control body temperature and appetite. Evidence is mounting that cancers use nerves to grow and spread.The interconnection between the brain and body has promising implications for our ability to both understand and treat illnesses. If some brain disorders start outside the brain, then perhaps treatments for them could also reach in from outside. Treatments that take effect through the digestive system, the heart or other organs, would be much easier and less risky than those that must cross the blood-brain barrier.It also works in the opposite direction. Study shows mice have healthier hearts after receiving stimulation to a brain area involved in positive emotion and motivation. Activation of the brain reward centre — called the ventral tegmental area (VTA) — seems to cause immune changes that contribute to it. Working out how this happens could help to destroy cancers, enhance responses to vaccines and even re-evaluate physical diseases that, for centuries, have not been considered as being psychologically driven.46.What do the researchers focus on about the brain?A.Its protecting system.B.Its exposure to diseases.C.Its controlling function.D.Its connection to the body.47.How does the author support his idea in paragraph 2?A.By explaining a theory.B.By providing examples.C.By making comparisons.D.By presenting cause and effect. 48.Which best describes treatments that do not cross the blood-brain barrier?A.Cheaper.B.More specific.C.Safer.D.More direct.49.What does the study suggest in the last paragraph?A.Brain health depends on immune changes.B.Brain stimulation leads to negative emotions.C.The brain can help enhance psychological health.D.The brain may be key to treating physical diseases.Lao Zi once said, “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner. ”People-pleasing, or seeking self-worth through others’ approval, is unproductive and an exhausting way to go through life. Why do we allow what others think of us to have so much power over how we feel about ourselves? If it’s true that you can’t please all people all of the time, wouldn’t it make sense to stop trying?Unfortunately, sense often isn’t driving our behavior. For social beings who desire love and belonging, wanting to be liked, and caring about the effect we have on others, is healthy and allows us to make connections. However, where we get into trouble is when our self-worth is dependent on whether we win someone’s approval or not.This need to be liked can be traced back to when we were children and were completely dependent on others to take care of us: Small children are not just learning how to walk and communicate, they are also trying to learn how the world works. We learn about who we are and what is expected of us based on interactions with others so, to a four-year-old, if Mommy or Daddy doesn’t like him or her, there is the danger that they will abandon them. We need to understand that when we desperately want someone to approve of us, it’s being driven by that little kid part of us that is still afraid of being abandoned.As you become more capable of providing yourself with the approval you seek, your need for external approval will start to disappear, leaving you stronger, more confident, and yes, happierin your life. Jmagine how much time we lose each moment we restrain our authentic selves in an effort to be liked.If we base our worth on the opinions of others, we cheat ourselves of the power to shape our experiences and embrace life not only for others but also for ourselves, because ultimately, there is no difference. So embrace the cliché (老话) and love yourself as you’ll not regret it. 50.What can we conclude from Lao Zi’s quotation?A.We should see through other people’s attempt to make a prisoner of us.B.We can never really please other people even if we try as hard as we can.C.We can never be truly free if we care about others’ opinion of us.D.We should care about other people’s view as much as they care about our own. 51.What will happen if we base our self- worth on other people’s approval?A.Our desire to be loved will be fulledB.Our Identity as social beings will be affected.C.Our life will be unfruitful and exhausting.D.Our sense of self will be sharpened and enhanced.52.What may be the reason for our need to be liked or approved of?A.Our desperate longing for interactions with others.B.Our understanding of the workings of the world.C.Our knowledge about the pain of being abandoned.D.Our early childhood fear of being abandoned.53.What can we do when we become better able to provide ourselves with the desired approval?A.Enjoy a happier life.B.Exercise self- restraint.C.Receive more external approval.D.Strengthen our power of imagination. 54.What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph?A.Embrace life for others.B.Love ourselves as we are.C.See our experiences as our wealth.D.Base our worth on others’ opinions.阅读下面短文,请根据短文后的要求答题。






在运动员缓慢向后倾倒过程中()A.地面对运动员的支持力大小变大B.地面对运动员的摩擦力大小不变C.地面对运动员的作用力大小变大D.地面对运动员的作用力大小不变5. 2022年2月7日,我国的单板滑雪选手苏翊鸣在北京冬奥会单板滑雪男子坡面障碍技巧赛中勇夺银牌。





物理Ⅰ.选择题一、单项选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.下列关于原子和原子核的说法正确的是()A. β衰变现象说明电子是原子核的组成部分B.玻尔理论的假设之一是原子能量的量子化C.放射性元素的半衰期随温度的升高而变短D.比结合能越小表示原子核中的核子结合得越牢固2.有关氢原子光谱的说法不正确的是()A.氢原子的发射光谱是连续谱B.氢原子光谱说明氢原子只发出特定频率的光C.氢原子光谱说明氢原子能级是分立的D.巴耳末公式反映了氢原子辐射光子频率的分立特性3.用α粒子轰击铝核(2713Al),在变为磷核(3015P)的同时释放一个x粒子,磷核(3015P)具有放射性,14Si)的同时释放一个y粒子,则x粒子和y粒子分别是()它在衰变为硅核(30A.质子和电子B.质子和正电子C.中子和电子D.中子和正电子[4.卢瑟福α粒子散射实验的结果A.证明了质子的存在B.证明了原子核是由质子和中子组成的C.说明原子的全部正电荷和几乎全部质量都集中在一个很小的核上D.说明原子的电子只能在某些不连续的轨道上运动5.在匀强磁场中有一个原来静止的碳14原子核发生了某种衰变,已知放射出的粒子速度方向及反冲核的速度方向均与磁场方向垂直,它们在滋场中运动的径迹是两个相内切的圆,两圆的直径之比为7:1,如右图所示。

则碳14的衰变方程为()A.146C → 01e + 145B B.146C → 42He + 104BeC.146C → 21H + 125B D.146C → 0-1e + 147N6.如图所示电路可研究光电效应规律。




天津市武清区杨村第一中学2015届高三上学期第一次阶段性检测生物试题 Word版含答案

天津市武清区杨村第一中学2015届高三上学期第一次阶段性检测生物试题 Word版含答案


下列叙述中正确的是( )A.病毒表面的两类蛋白质是在类脂层内合成的B.该病毒的遗传信息储存在脱氧核苷酸的排列顺序中C.甲型H1N1流感病毒一定含有C、H、O、N、P等化学元素D.利用高温等常规方法难以杀灭甲型H1N1流感病毒2.下列诸项均是有关显微镜操作的表述,其中错误的操作是()A.标本染色较深,应选用凹面反光镜和大光圈B.若转换高倍物镜观察,需先升高镜筒,以免镜头碰坏装片C.将位于视野内左上方的图像移向中央,应向左上方移动装片D.转换高倍物镜之后,只能使用细准焦螺旋进行调节3.下列是表示①②③④四个框图内所包括生物的共同特征的叙述,正确的是A.框图①内都是原核生物,且都能发生突变B.框图②内的生物都不含叶绿素,且都是分解者C.框图③内的生物都具有细胞结构,且都有细胞壁D.框图④内都是异养生物,且都能分裂生殖4.下列生物中,不属于真核生物的是 ( )①噬菌体②蓝藻③酵母菌④乳酸菌⑤支原体⑥水绵⑦小球藻⑧葡萄球菌⑨链球菌⑩青霉菌A.①②④⑤⑧⑨B.①②③④⑦⑨C.①③④⑤⑧⑩D.②④⑤⑥⑦⑩5.下列各项组合中,能体现生命系统由简单到复杂的正确层次是()①心脏②血液③神经元④一株蒲公英⑤细胞内蛋白质等化合物⑥噬菌体⑦同一片草地上的所有山羊⑧一个湖泊⑨一个池塘所有生物⑩一片草地的所有昆虫A. ⑤⑥③②④⑦⑧B. ③②①④⑦⑨⑧C. ③②①④⑦⑩⑨⑧D. ⑤②①③④⑦⑨⑧6.19世纪科学家提出了细胞学说,其意义在于①认识到细胞的多样性②明确了生物体结构的差异性③揭示出细胞的统一性④标志着生物学研究进入细胞水平A.①③B. ①②C.②④D.③④7.不同的放大倍数下,所呈现的视野分别为甲和乙(如图所示),下列相关叙述正确的是()(1(2 (3)(4)(5)(6)A.1个B.3个C.4个D.至少3个15.在胰岛β细胞中先合成胰岛素原,胰岛素原再通过蛋白酶的水解作用,生成胰岛素(如图所示)。



天津市武清区杨村第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—The Youth League Committee is looking for volunteers for the promotion ofrubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?—________. Everyone should do his bit.A.You asked for it B.You betC.You have my word D.You’ve got me there2.I________to finish the novel borrowed from a friend of mine, but I couldn’t manage it.A.had hoped B.am hoping C.have hoped D.would hope 3.________ the Montgolfier brothers took flight in balloons in the 18th century, air travel was not practical until the invention of powered flight in 1903.A.When B.Since C.If D.While 4.People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, looking through old magazines,________have been read hundreds of times previously.A.all of them B.each of which C.all of which D.each of them 5.Both Chris Paul and James Harden have the qualities and virtues that are________of NBA players: humorous, aggressive and hardworking.A.typical B.aware C.considerate D.skeptical6.I want to pay a visit to my parents; I _________in the foreign country for five months by next Sunday.A.have been staying B.will have stayed C.have stayedD.will be staying7.Such a simple experiment can effectively ________ people’s doubts about the new technology, so they are willing to embrace the innovation.A.bring forth B.go over C.put away D.wipe out8.A heavy snow hit our area for the first time this year, _________great inconvenience to traffic and transportation.A.causing B.caused C.to cause D.having caused 9.As Chinese players, rather than the world rankings, we are more concerned about ______we perform in major competitions for our country, whether in team or singles events.A.which B.that C.how D.what 10.It’s reported that many couples in this country aged from 30 to 35 think_________challenging to give birth to a second child.A.that B.it C.themselves D.this 11.The witness statements _________ each other, so it is difficult for the police to find out the truth of the crime.A.acknowledge B.criticize C.identify D.contradict 12.I think it is better to read a good book carefully than to read many ______.A.at random B.by chance C.on purpose D.in turn 13.— OK, I’ll fix your washing machine right now.— Oh, ______. I’m in no hurry.A.enjoy yourself B.go for it C.take care D.take your time 14.—— Guess what? I’ve won the third prize in the writing competition in Tianjin area. —— You don’t say. I know you are not good at English. You ______ great efforts!A.should have made B.must have made C.might makeD.could make15.The erhu was ______ a musical instrument of ethnic groups in northern China, which dates more than a thousand years back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907).A.originally B.eventually C.increasingly D.accurately 二、完形填空understand me better. Later, I realized taking a class would 24 me, and that my kids would have an advantage, too.“You’re 25 ,” I replied. “I decide to take an English class and see if the college will accept me.” “Give it a(n) 26 ,” Gary said. “I’m sure you’ll make it.” 27 , in my heart, I just felt a bit doubtful.And before applying to college, I was 28 baby number three. So I 29 my plan made before. One day, Gary said 30 ,“I have finally found an excellent guitar teacher.”And he added, “What about your resolution? Have you signed up for your classes?”I 31 my head, explaining it was because I was pregnant and that I had decided to apply to college after my delivery. Gary 32 , saying I should register for the spring term before the baby came. I followed Gary’s advice. Later, I went to a good college and 33 some papers. I was 34 that after my papers were read, I was given a chance to take classes.Now I fully realize the 35 of the New Year’s resolution. My following through that resolution inspired my kids, greatly contributing to their achievements in education. 16.A.leave B.quit C.pick D.visit 17.A.came around B.came about C.came down D.came in 18.A.physics B.computer C.English D.music 19.A.escape B.remember C.mind D.enjoy 20.A.encouraged B.commanded C.warned D.argued 21.A.school B.house C.hospital D.company 22.A.Since B.When C.Although D.If 23.A.talent B.spirit C.accent D.memory 24.A.challenge B.benefit C.interrupt D.impress 25.A.right B.welcome C.strange D.strong 26.A.award B.explanation C.advantage D.shot 27.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.However D.Meanwhile 28.A.raising B.counting C.expecting D.calling 29.A.canceled B.postponed C.showed D.discussed 30.A.curiously B.sympathetically C.anxiously D.excitedly 31.A.lifted B.nodded C.patted D.shook 32.A.compromised B.regretted C.disagreed D.remembered33.A.made up B.filled out C.looked through D.gave away 34.A.embarrassed B.worried C.delighted D.determined 35.A.influence B.origin C.process D.difficulty三、阅读理解Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make while you’re in college. It’s important that you make your choice confidently and after some consideration.There’s Nothing Wrong With Being “Undecided”.Between 20% and 50% of college freshmen enter school without a declared major. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong with remaining “undecided” or “undeclared” for the first few years of your college career. You can use this time to decide what you’re interested in. Also, keep in mind that even if you do declare a major your freshman year, you can always change your mind. About one-third of first-time college students change their major within three years. Even more, over 60% of college graduates say they would go back and change their major if they could, primarily to pursue their passion areas and expand their job opportunities.Explore Your Passions and Abilities.Set aside some time to really explore your passions and take stock of your unique abilities. With an undeclared major to start, you can take time to really develop into what interests you. Join clubs around campus to connect with fellow students who share your interests. Take electives in areas that you might not otherwise have an opportunity to experience. For example, when else might you be able to take a poetry course or an art history seminar? College is the perfect time to step out of your box and expand your horizons. As a student with an undeclared major, you’re uniquely positioned to do just that.Consider Employment Opportunities.While it’s important to choose a major that interests you, it’s also critical to choose a college major that will provide you with future employment opportunities. Statistically, the college majors that tend to have the most earning power are in STEM. These majors might include health sciences or computer engineering. Business majors can also expect a higher than average earning potential. That being said, employers frequently recognize that graduates who majored in the liberal arts have valuable soft skills, too, including strongcommunication, written and verbal skills, and leadership abilities. The key is to pick a major that will be marketable for the career you’re interested in pursuing.Talk to an Academic Advisor.If you need a little guidance, set up an appointment with an academic advisor or career counselors. Career development counselors and academic advisors can help you narrow down your options. If you have an idea of what classes you’ve most enjoyed and what career paths are most appealing to you, working with one of these professionals might be the final push you need to pick a major.Still have some doubts now? You can submit your questions Here.36.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Most graduates went back to college and changed their majors for a brighter future.B.Most students frequently change their majors throughout their college years.C.It is all right to remain undecided on majors for only the freshman year.D.You don’t necessarily need to declare your majors upon entering college.37.You are advised to take electives as described in the third paragraph because ______.A.the courses and seminars are popular with college studentsB.it helps you fully explore where your interest liesC.you can share your common interest with your fellow studentsD.your major lies in the areas, you can’t miss them38.An example of having good soft skills is that ______.A.you express yourself well in a controversial business discussionB.you fix the technical problems of computers in your office easilyC.you quickly figure out why the communication equipment doesn’t workD.you never delegate but shoulder more of the workload at work39.Which of the following statements is Not True?A.Your major should be a reflection of your interests and career goals.B.Choose a major that will give you future employment opportunities.C.An academic advisor or career counselors will decide the major for you.D.You should choose your major carefully and confidently.40.Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?A.A travel commentary.B.A website page.C.A university guide.D.A popular magazine.Do you think cookies can tell stories? Jasmine Cho, 35, does.A baker, artist, entrepreneur and activist, Cho tries to spread knowledge about social justice issues and diversity through the delicious medium of cookies.It was in high school that she discovered her love of baking. At a sleepover a friend taught her how to make a dessert, “sort of demystifying baking and that whole process”.Later, Cho realized her second passion: learning more about her Asian, American culture. An elective in college that taught Asian-American immigrant experiences brought an emotional moment for her. “So many emotions came up that I just couldn’t articulate. It was like this mix of anger, of relief, empowerment, sadness...” Cho said.Cho realized she could combine these two passions to educate others about influential Asian American people and showcase matters that were important to her. With her online bakery, she designed cookie portraits about people she admired and posted the images on Instagram. “I don’t think I ever really knew how to communicate these stories until I found cookies,” Cho said. “Cookies are just so disarming. Who doesn’t like cookies?”One cookie that Cho has identified with deeply is one she made of George Helm, a Hawaiian activist in the 1970s.“It’s insane the amount of injustice that the native Hawaiian population has faced as well through the whole annexation (吞并) of the kingdom. There were so many horrific stories that I heard about nuclear testing and the fallout ( 核爆炸后的沉降物) impacting native Hawaiian populations in all of this,” Cho said, “George Helm was one of those activists who really represented the spirituality of the native Hawaiians and the connection to their land, to nature.”Among her amazing cookie art are other political figures such as Larry Itliong, a Filipino-American labor organizer, and pop culture figures such as Keanu Reeves, a Canadian actor.Cho hopes her cookie art continues to inspire people to be creative and think positively.“Instead of trying to think of something new and original, just look inward and see, maybe there’s already a passion or a love that you have,” Cho said. “Use that for something that will serve the world in a better way.”41.What inspired Cho to take an interest in Asian-American culture?A.One of her sleepover experiences.B.One elective course she took at college.C.The process of learning baking from her friend.D.A book she read about Asian-American immigrant experiences.42.The underlined word “articulate” in Paragraph 4 probably mean______ .A.get rid of B.put up withC.express in words D.stay focused43.Why does Cho think cookies are a useful tool to promote Asian-American culture?A.Cookies don’t cost much.B.Cookies are easier to make.C.Cookies have different images.D.Cookies are liked by many people. 44.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning George Helm in the passage?A.To inform the reader of Helm’s contributions to Hawaii.B.To show what knowledge Cho focuses on with her cookies.C.To introduce the spirituality of native Hawaiians.D.To explain why Cho is interested in political activists.45.What can best summarize the message contained in the passage?A.Think outside the box to break new ground.B.Spread something original to one’s heart content.C.Hold your horses for a better self.D.Throw yourself into your inner world for a better one.The curb cut (下斜路缘). It’s a convenience that most of us rarely, if ever, notice. Yet, without it, daily life might be a lot harder—in more ways than one. Pushing a baby stroller onto the curb, skateboarding onto a sidewalk or taking a full grocery cart from the sidewalk to your car—all these tasks are easier because of the curb cut.But it was created with a different purpose in mind.It’s hard to imagine today, but back in the 1970s, most sidewalks in the United States ended with a sharp drop-off. That was a big deal for people in wheelchairs because there were no ramps (斜坡) to help them move along city blocks without assistance. According to one disability rights leader, a six-inch curb “might as well have been Mount Everest”. So, activists from Berkeley, California, who also needed wheelchairs, organized a campaign to create tiny ramps at intersections to help people dependent on wheels move up and down curbs independently.I think about the “curb cut effect” a lot when working on issues around health equity (公平). The first time I even heard about the curb cut was in a 2017 Stanford Social Innovation Review piece by PolicyLink CEO Angela Blackwell. Blackwell rightly noted that many people see equity as “a zero-sum game (零和游戏)” and that it’s commonly believed there is a “prejudiced societal suspicion that intentionally supporting one group hurts another.” What the curb cut effect shows though, Blackwell said, is that “when society creates the circumstances that allow those who have been left behind to participate and contribute fully, everyone wins.”There are multiple examples of this principle at work. For example, investing in policies that create more living-wage jobs or increase the availability of affordable housing certainly benefits people in communities that have limited options. But, the action also empowers those people with opportunities for better health and the means to become contributing members of society—and that benefits everyone. Even the football huddle (密商) was initially created to help deaf football players at Gallaudet College keep their game plans secret from opponents who could have read their sign language. Today, it’s used by every team to prevent the opponent from learning about game-winning strategies.So, next time you cross the street, or roll your suitcase through a crosswalk or ride your bike directly onto a sidewalk—think about how much the curb cut, that change in design that broke down walls of exclusion for one group of people at a disadvantage, has helped not just that group, but all of us.46.What was the curb cut designed for at first?A.Riding a skateboard onto a sidewalk quickly.B.Pushing a baby stroller onto the curbs independently.C.Making it easy for wheelchairs to move up and down curbs.D.Taking a full grocery cart from the sidewalk to a customer’s car.47.By “might as well have been Mount Everest” (paragraph 3), the disability rights leaderA.an unforgettable symbol B.an impassable barrierC.an important sign D.an impressive landmarkA.it’s not worthwhile to promote health equityB.it’s necessary to go all out to help the disabledC.it’s impossible to have everyone treated equallyD.it’s fair to give the disadvantaged more help than others49.Which of the following examples best illustrates the “curb cut effect” principle?A.Spaceflight designs are applied to life on earth.B.Four great inventions of China spread to the west.C.Christopher Columbus discovered the new world.D.Classic literature got translated into many languages.50.What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?A.Caring for disadvantaged groups may finally benefit all.B.Action empowers those with opportunities for better solutions.C.Society should create circumstances that get everyone involved.D.Everyday items are originally invented for people in need of help.From now on, never spend your precious time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome (令人惊叹的) machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem (自尊). Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are leaves tossed(摇摆)by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achievesuccess. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing (养育) the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks (挫折).In short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.51.People with low self-esteem are compared to leaves because they ______.A.are ready to change their mindsB.don’t have the ability to control themselvesC.can’t be successful with self-controlD.are easily affected by windy weather52.Losers would think that ______.A.their failure is accidentalB.working hard will lead to successC.they are responsible for successD.they should make efforts to succeed53.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that ______.A.our success results from our attitudesB.one can rise to the level that one expectsC.we should be responsible for our thoughts and beliefsD.setting our expectations is essential before taking action54.The last paragraph serves as ______.A.the proof of the author’s pointsB.an introduction to another topicC.the conclusion of the argumentD.a comparison between two views55.Which is the best title for the text?A.The secrets of success.B.How to achieve success.C.Develop our confidence.D.Success depends on you.四、阅读表达阅读表达I used to chase happiness a lot when I began to work. I would run after different experiences--goals, achievements and success, because I was quite sure that once I caught up with them, happiness would be with me. It was during that period that I learned happiness was a very fast runner.Later, I tried to sneak up on happiness. I thought if I didn’t care too little or too much but just enough, it wouldn’t see me coming and then I could catch it.It turned out that happiness is similar to owls, for both of them have 360-degree vision and extremely sharp hearing. Finally, I decided to sit still, very quietly, until happiness forgot I was there, let down its guard and got close to me. This, surprisingly, worked better than either of the other two ways.After reading a passage in Time, I think I know the reason. Apparently, for Americans, the chase of happiness is just linked to achieving individual goals which is different from that in other cultures. In many cultures, happiness is regarded as a social phenomenon that happens most readily when it is shared. But our society puts the responsibility for catching happiness on each individual’s shoulders --a heavy burden indeed.On Facebook, there are a lot of unbelievably happy people doing amazing happiness—producing things every day. However, most of the time, no one is really that happy all the time behind the scenes.I also like what a famous businessman told Time reporter Mandy Oaklander, “A happy life doesn’t consist of happy moments but every moment of the day.”Now you know how to get happiness, don’t you?56.What did the author learn from his first period of chasing happiness? (no more than 10 words)57.How do you understand the underlined word in Paragraph 2? (no more than 5 words)58.What does the chase of happiness mean to Americans? (no more than 6 words)59.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 5? (no more than 12 words)60.Do you think you’re on the way to chasing happiness? Please explain. (no more than 25 words)五、建议信61.假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jeff来信说他痴迷于刷短视频,对学习失去了兴趣,很苦恼。




第I卷1至 9 页,第II卷10 至 11 页。


祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷选择题 (共95分)注意事项:1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用2B铅笔涂写在答题卡上。

2. 选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再填涂其它答案,不能答在试卷上。

3. 本卷共55小题,满分95分。

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. —David didn’t invite us to his wedding party.—______? I don’t care. After all, we don’t get along quite well with him.A. How comeB. So whatC. What forD. What if2. It is hoped that the civil war will come to _____ end soon and people there can lead _____ peaceful life.A. an; aB. the; aC. an; theD. the; the3. Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only a(n) __________ and limited issue.A. contemporaryB. permanentC. temporaryD. aggressive4. —My phone was ______ and I didn’t realize it until this morning.—No wonder I couldn’t get through last night.A. out of dateB. out of placeC. out of orderD. out of reach5. To ________ a good command of English, she spends nearly three hours every day on the language.A. acquireB. requireC. admitD. adopt6. Jane has many new friends in the school, ________ she shared her feelings.A. with whichB. to whomC. for whichD. with whom7. — Have you watched the movie?— Yes. I ______ it three times while I was in the university.A. had watchedB. watchedC. have watchD. was watching8. When arranging our work, we should ________unforeseen circumstances.A. answer forB. allow forC. account forD. head for9. I’m waiting for the group to decide our traveling plan ________ making it myself.A. rather thanB. other thanC. apart fromD. far from10. —They will try to catch you out, ________ do have all your answers well prepared.—Thank you. I’ll try my bestA. butB. andC. soD. or11. Never before ________ I should have the opportunity to live with so many kind neighbors.A. did I imagineB. I imagineC. I have imaginedD. have I imaginedWhat I really doubt is ________ the western media, as they say, is really that objective and just.A. whichB. whatC. whetherD. that12. The writer always carries a notebook along with him, ______ he is seized by sudden inspiration.A. even thoughB. in caseC. now thatD. the momentIt is considered that there is a ten-month supply of newly-built houses ________ in our city.A.to be sold B.having sold C.selling D.sold15. We spent too much time on shopping, otherwise we _______ the temple dating back to Ming Dynasty yesterday.A. visitedB. had visitedC. would have visitedD. would visited第二节:完型填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)There are many brands of chocolate. If you love it, you can’t forget DOVE -- the most famous chocolate brand. But d o you know what the meaning of DOVE is?Dove chocolate is born because of 16 . One day in 1919 Princess Bazaar of Luxembourg's royal family first met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights Leon slipped into the kitchen and 17 various ice creams for Bazaar. They soon fell in love. Unfortunately owing to their quite different social 18 , both of them had to 19 the deep feelings in heart.Afterwards Bazaar was made to 20 an arranged royal marriage against her wishes. For many days Leon could not see Bazaar, and he was burning with 21 . Finally Bazaar turned up at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon22 the letters "DOVE" which is an abbreviation of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar's ice cream. Le on 23 that Bazaar could understand his feeling.A few days later, Bazaar got 24 . Leon, broken-hearted, could not 25 the mental suffering and left for America, where he and his own family 26 a candy store years later but lived unhappily.Many years later, they met again before Bazaar’s death. Bazaar 27 that she did eat the ice cream that afternoon but didn't see the 28 letters and also didn't receive any promise from Leon and she had to __29__ to her fate and missed hi m all her lifetime.Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears. If that chocolate had been 30 , those letters would never have melted and h e would not have lost his last 31 . Leon decided to create a solid chocolate which can 32 a long time.After lots of research, he succeeded and each piece of chocolate was 33 engraved(刻) with the letters–DOVE. It is a 34 of the love between Leon and Bazaar.Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the__35 _of love DO YOU LOVE ME?16. A. anger B. sorrow C. love D. envy17. A. served B. made C. drew D. heated18. A. opinion B. view C. attitude D. status19. A. discover B. forget C. bury D. struggle20. A. know B. accept C. try D. practise21. A. sympathy B. impatience C. joy D. humor22. A. mixed B. sent C. wrote D. pressed23. A. allowed B. promised C. declared D. expected24. A. married B. sick C. bored D. changed25. A. repeat B. bear C. reduce D. keep26. A. supported B. found C. ran D. sold27. A. learned B. recalled C. heard D. believed28. A. annoying B. confusing C. interesting D. melting29. A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give away30. A. powerful B. liquid C. solid D. frozen31. A. belief B. promise C. courage D. chance32. A. eat B. preserve C. miss D. sell33. A. quickly B. happily C. firmly D. lightly34. A. symbol B. sign C. survey D. study35. A. story B. secret C. rumor D. whisper第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。



天津市武清区杨村第一中学2015届高三上学期第一次阶段性检测数学(理)试题一.选择题(本题共8小题,每小题5分,共计40分)1.已知全集R U =,函数x x x f 52)(-=的定义域为M ,则=M C U ( ) A .]0,(-∞ B .),0(+∞ C .)0,(-∞ D .),0[+∞2. 已知幂函数)(x f 的图象过点)21,4(,则()8f 的值为 ( )A.42 B.64 C. 22 D. 641 3.已知命题p 、q ,“p ⌝为真”是“p q ∧为假”的 ( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.当210≤<x 时,x a x log 4<,则实数a 的取值范围是 ( )A .)2,1(B .),2(+∞C .)22,0( D .)1,22( 5.已知)(x f 是定义域为R 的偶函数,当0≥x 时,x x x f 4)(2-=,则不等式5)32(≤+x f 的解集为 ( )A .]5,5[-B .]2,8[-C .]1,4[-D .]4,1[6.已知奇函数)(x f 的定义域为R ,若)1(+x f 为偶函数,且1)1(=f ,则=+)2015()2014(f f ( ) A .2- B .1- C .0 D .17.设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>+-≤-=0,20,2)(22x x x x x x x f ,且关于x 的方程)(,)(R m m x f ∈=恰有3个不同的实数根321,,x x x ,则321x x x 的取值范围是 ( )A .)0,1(-B .),21(+∞-C .)1,0(D .)0,21(-8. 已知函数x x f x 2log 2)(+=,1log 2)(2+=x x g x ,1log 2)(2-=x x h x 的零点分别为,,a b c ,则 ,,a b c 的大小关系为 ( )A.a b c <<B.c b a <<C.c a b <<D.b a c <<二、填空题(本大题共6个小题,每小题5分,共30分)9.若对任意R x ∈,a a x x 4|3||2|2-≥++-恒成立,则实数a 的取值范 围是 .10.已知直线l 的参数方程为:2,14x t y t =⎧⎨=+⎩(t 为参数),圆C 的极坐标方程为2cos ρθ=,则圆C 的圆心到直线l 的距离为 . 11.函数)2(log log )(24x x x f ⋅=的值域用区间表示为________.12.函数⎩⎨⎧>≤+=)0(,log )0(,1)(2x x x x x f ,则函数1)]([-=x f f y 的零点个数是 .13.如图,ABC ∆内接于⊙O ,过BC 中点D 作平行于AC 的直线l ,l 交AB 于点E ,交⊙O 于G 、F ,交⊙O 在点A 切线于点P ,若3,2,3===EF ED PE , 则PA 的长为 . 14.设R b a ∈,,已知函数)(x f y =是定义域为R 的偶函数,当0≥x 时,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=2log 20,21)(16x x x x f x.若关于x 的方程0)()]([2=++b x af x f 有且只有7个不同实数根,则ab的取 值范围是 .三、解答题(本题共6题,满分80分.解答应写出文字说明, 证明过程或演算步骤.)15.设命题p :函数21()lg()16f x ax x a =-+的定义域为R ; 命题q :不等式39x x a -<对一切R x ∈均成立。



武清区2015届高三数学上学期模拟试题(附答案)一.选择题(本大题共20 小题,共45分,第1至第15小题,每题2分,第16至20小题,每题3分。

每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.若i 为虚数单位,则复数31i +等于( )A .iB .i -C .i +1D .i -1 2.已知全集{}6,5,4,3,2,1=U ,集合{}4,3,2,1=P ,{}5,4,3=Q ,则)(Q C P U ⋂等于( )A .{}6,4,3,2,1B .{}5,4,3,2,1C .{}5,2,1D .{}2,1 3.函数3)32sin(2)(+-=πx x f 的最小值为( )A .5B .1C .3D .44.椭圆1162522=+y x 的离心率是( ) A .54 B .43 C .53 D .34 5.直线0133=-+y x 的倾斜角是( )A .6π B .3π C .32π D .65π6.在正方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,B A 1与1AD 所在的两条直线所成的角等于( )A .30°B .45°C .60°D .90° 7.若向量)2,4(),1,1(),1,1(=-==c b a ,则c 等于( )A .+3B .-3C .3+-D .3+8.一个容量为40的样本数据,分组后各组中数据的频数如下:[25,25.3),6;[25.3,25.6),4;[25.6,25.9),10;[25.9,26.2),8;[26.2,26.5),8;[26.5,26.8),4;则数据在[25,25.9)上的频率为( )A .320B .110C .12D .149.已知R y x ∈,,则""y x =是""y x =的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件10.函数22)(3-+=x x f x 在区间)1,0(内的 零点个数是( )A .0B .1C .2D .311.如果执行图1的框图,输入N=5,则输出的数等于( )A .54 B.45 C. 65 D.5612.过原点且倾斜角为60的直线被 圆0422=-+y y x 所截得的弦长为( )A .3B .2C .6D . 3213.如图,矩形ABCD 中,点E 为边CD 的中点,若在矩形ABCD 内部随机取一个点Q ,则点Q 取自ABE ∆内部的概率等于( ) A .41 B .31C .21 D .3214.设变量x y ,满足约束条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤+-≥-241y y x y x ,则目标函数24z x y =+的最大值为( )A.10 B.12 C.13 D.1415.已知m 、l 是两条不同的直线,α是一个平面,则下列命题中正确的是( )A .若,,α⊂⊥m m l 则α⊥lB .若m l l //,α⊥,则α⊥mC .若,,//αα⊂m l 则m l //D .若,//,//ααm l 则m l //16.在ABC ∆中,M 为边BC 的中点,1=,点P 在AM 上且满足2PM =则)(+⋅等于( )A .94 B .34 C .34- D .94-17.为了得到函数)62cos(π+=x y 的图象,只需把函数)62sin(π+=x y 的函数( )A .向左平移4π 个单位长度 B .向右平移4π 个单位长度 C .向左平移2π 个单位长度 D .向右平移2π个单位长度18.已知2lg 8lg 2lg ,0,0=+>>y x y x ,则yx 311+的最小值是( ) A .2 B .22 C .4 D .32 19.已知P 为抛物线221x y =上的动点,点P 在x 轴上的射影为M ,点A 的坐标是⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛217,6,则PM PA +的最小值是( )A .8B .219 C .10 D .221 20.已知函数23)1(3)(2++-=x x k x f ,当R x ∈时,)(x f 恒为正值,则实数k 的取值范围是( )A .()1,-∞-B .()122,-∞- C .()122,1-- D .()122,122---二.填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。











天津市武清区2015届高三学业水平测试模拟物理试题 Word版含答案

天津市武清区2015届高三学业水平测试模拟物理试题 Word版含答案



在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的)1.在力学范围内,国际单位制的三个基本物理量是()A.质量、位移、力B.力、质量、时间C.速度、质量、时间D.质量、长度、时间2.下列物理量中,属于矢量的是()A.功 B.位移C.温度 D.重力势能3.下列图象中,表示物体做匀加速直线运动的是()4.关于力的说法正确的是()A.形状规则物体的重心一定在其几何中心B.相互接触的物体间一定有弹力C.存在摩擦力的两物体间一定有弹力D.静止的物体受到的摩擦力一定是静摩擦力5.两个做匀变速直线运动的物体,物体A的加速度a1=3m/s2,物体B的加速度a2=–5m/s2,则以下判断正确的是()A.物体A的加速度大B.物体B的加速度大C.物体A的速度变化大D.物体B的速度变化大6.一辆汽车由静止起做匀加速直线运动,4s末速度变为10 m/s()A.汽车的加速度为2m/s2B.汽车的位移为40mC.汽车的平均速度为2.5m/sD.2s末汽车的速度为5m/s7.如图所示,小球系在竖直拉紧的细绳下端,且恰与光滑斜面接触并处于静止状态,则小球的受力是()A.重力和绳的拉力B.重力、绳的拉力和斜面的支持力C.重力和斜面的支持力D.绳的拉力和小球对斜面的压力8.如图所示,两同学共提一桶水,两人手臂间的夹角取哪个数值时,手臂所受的拉力最小()A.O0 B.600C.900 D.12009.关于物体的惯性,下列说法正确的是()A.速度大的物体不能很快地停下来,是因为物体速度越大惯性越大B.静止的火车起动时,速度变化很慢,是因为静止的物体惯性大C.乒乓球可以快速抽杀,是因为乒乓球惯性小D.宇宙飞船中的物体不具有惯性10.某同学乘电梯从一楼到六楼,在电梯刚起动时()A.该同学处于超重状态B.该同学处于失重状态C.该同学的重力变大D.该同学的重力变小11.人站在体重计上称体重时,下列说法正确的是()A.人对体重计的压力和体重计对人的支持力是一对平衡力B.人对体重计的压力和体重计对人的支持力是一对作用力和反作用力C.人所受的重力和人对体重计的压力是一对平衡力D.人所受的重力和人对体重计的压力是一对作用力和反作用力12. 如图所示,某同学让带有水的伞绕伞柄旋转,可以看到伞面上的水滴沿伞边缘水平飞出。







1. What did the woman do yesterday?A. She did her homework.B. She went to a flower show.C. She showed her flowers.2. Why doesn’t the man’s wife want to go abroad?A. They can’t find the way.B. They are too poor to go abroad.C. She’s afraid the hotels there will be very expensive.3. What do we learn from the conversation?A. Everyone in England has not any television license.B. Everyone in England with a TV set must apply for a television license.C. Some people in England may have a television set without having a television license.4. What is Alice going to do?A. To look for her textbook.B. To have breakfast.C. To take classes.5. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a hotel.B. At a post office.C. At a shop.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)听下面几段材料。



2014——2015学年度第一学期第一次阶段性检测数 学 试 题 (理)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.已知全集R U =,函数x x x f 52)(-=的定义域为M ,则=M C U ( )A .]0,(-∞B .),0(+∞C .)0,(-∞D .),0[+∞ 【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:由题意知,250xx-≥,即25xx≥,所以0x ≤,即{0}M x x =≤,由补集的定义知,=M C U ),0(+∞,故应选B .考点:1、集合间的相互关系;2、函数的定义域;2.已知幂函数)(x f 的图象过点)21,4(,则()8f 的值为 ( )A.42 B.64 C. 22 D. 641 【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:因为函数)(x f 为幂函数,所以设()x f x α=,因为其图象过点)21,4(,所以142α=,解得12α=-,所以12()x f x -=,所以12(8)84f -==,故应选A .考点:1.幂函数的定义;3.已知命题,p q ,“p ⌝为真”是“p q ∧为假”的 ( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:因为“p ⌝为真”,所以p 是假命题,此时不管命题q 是真是假,命题“p q ∧”均为假,即“p ⌝为真”是“p q ∧为假”的充分条件;反过来,若“p q ∧为假”,则命题,p q中至少有一个为假,并不能判断命题p 的真假性,所以不能判断出p ⌝的真假性,即“p ⌝为真”是“p q ∧为假”的不必要条件,故应选A . 考点:1、命题及其关系;2、必要条件与充分条件;4.当210≤<x 时,x a x log 4<,则实数a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .)2,1( B .),2(+∞ C .)22,0( D .)1,22(【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:因为当210≤<x 时,142x<≤,所以1log a x <,即01a <<;1log 22a >,即2a >,所以实数a 的取值范围是)1,22(,故应选D .考点:1.指数函数;2、对数函数;5.已知)(x f 是定义域为R 的偶函数,当0≥x 时,x x x f 4)(2-=,则不等式5)32(≤+x f 的解集为 ( ) A .]5,5[- B .]2,8[- C .]1,4[- D .]4,1[ 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:因为当0≥x 时,x x x f 4)(2-=,所以(5)5f =,且在(0,2)上单调递减,在(2,)+∞上为单调递增,所以5)32(≤+x f 即(23)(5)f x f +≤,又因为函数)(x f 是定义域为R 的偶函数,所以235x +≤,解之得:41x -≤≤,故应选C . 考点:1.函数的奇偶性;2、函数的图像及其性质;6.已知奇函数)(x f 的定义域为R ,若)1(+x f 为偶函数,且1)1(=f ,则=+)2015()2014(f f ( )A .2-B .1-C .0D .1 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:因为)1(+x f 为偶函数,所以函数)(x f 关于直线1x =对称,即()(2)f x f x =-,又因为函数)(x f 是定义域为R 的奇函数,所以()()f x f x =--,所以()(2)(2)f x f x f x =-=--,所以(2)(4)f x f x -=--,所以()(4)f x f x =-,即函数)(x f 的周期为4.所以(2014)(45032)(2)(0)0f f f f =⨯+===;(2015)(45033)(3)(1)1f f f f =⨯+===,所以(2014)(2015)1f f +=,故应选D .考点:1、函数的性质及其应用;7.设函数⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧>+-≤-=0,20,2)(22x x x x x x x f ,且关于x 的方程)(,)(R m m x f ∈=恰有3个不同的实数根321,,x x x ,则321x x x 的取值范围是 ( ) A .)0,1(- B .),21(+∞- C .)1,0( D .)0,21(- 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:首先画出函数()f x 的图像,如下图所示.由图可知,满足方程)(,)(R m m x f ∈=恰有3个不同的实数根321,,x x x ,且1230,01,1x x x <<<>,其m 的取值范围为(0,1).由题意知,23,x x 是22y my x x=⎧⎨=-+⎩的根,即220x x m -+=,所以232x x +=,23x x m =,且11(,0)2x ∈-,所以12311(,0)2x x x mx =∈-,故应选D.考点:1、分段函数;2、函数与方程;8.已知函数x x f x 2log 2)(+=,1log 2)(2+=x x g x ,1log 2)(2-=x x h x 的零点分别为,,a b c ,则 ,,a b c 的大小关系为 ( )A.a b c <<B.c b a <<C.c a b <<D.b a c <<【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:对于函数x x f x 2log 2)(+=,令22log 0x x +=,得2log 2x x =-,因为0x >,所以21x >,所以21x-<-,所以2log 1x <-,即102x <<,即102a <<;对于函数1log 2)(2+=x x g x ,令22log 10x x +=,即21log 2x x =-,所以21log 0x -<<,即112x <<,即112b <<;对于函数1log 2)(2-=x x h x ,令22l o g 10x x -=,即21l o g 2x x =,所以2log 0x >,即1x >,即1c >.所以a b c <<.故应选A . 考点:1.函数与方程;2、对数函数;3、指数函数;第Ⅱ卷(共90分)(非选择题共90分)二、填空题(每题5分,满分30分,将答案填在答题纸上)9.若对任意R x ∈,a a x x 4|3||2|2-≥++-恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是 . 【答案】15a -≤≤. 【解析】试题分析:因为对任意R x ∈,a a x x 4|3||2|2-≥++-恒成立,所以|2||3|2(3)5x x x x -++≥--+=,所以254a a ≥-,解之得15a -≤≤,故应填15a -≤≤.考点:1、含绝对值不等式;2、三角不等式; 10.已知直线l 的参数方程为:2,14x t y t =⎧⎨=+⎩(t 为参数),圆C 的极坐标方程为2cos ρθ=,则圆C 的圆心到直线l 的距离为 .【答案】5.考点:1、参数方程;2、极坐标方程; 11.函数)2(log log )(24x x x f ⋅=的值域用区间表示为________.【答案】),81[+∞-. 【解析】试题分析:因为242221()log )[(log )log ]2f x x x x ===+22111(log )228x =+-,所以1()8f x ≥-,故应填),81[+∞-. 考点:1、换底公式;2、对数运算;3、二次函数的值域求法;12.函数⎩⎨⎧>≤+=)0(,log )0(,1)(2x x x x x f ,则函数1)]([-=x f f y 的零点个数是 .【答案】7. 【解析】试题分析:根据已知函数画出函数的图像如下图所示,由图可知,(x)1f =的根的个数有3个,即10t =,201t <<,31t >,于是当1()t f x =时,有2个实数根;当2()t f x =时,有3个实数根;当3()t f x =时,有2个实数根;综上所示,方程[()]1f f x =有7个实数根,即函数1)]([-=x f f y 的零点个数有7个,故应填7.考点:1、分段函数的图像;2、函数与方程;13.如图,ABC ∆内接于⊙O ,过BC 中点D 作平行于AC 的直线l ,l 交AB 于点E ,交⊙O 于G 、F ,交⊙O 在点A 切线于点P ,若3,2,3===EF ED PE ,则PA 的长为 .【答案】6. 【解析】试题分析:因为D 点是BC 中点,DE AC ,所以AE BE =,BDE C ∠=∠.又因为PA 切⊙O 于点A ,所以PAE C ∠=∠,可得BDE PAE ∠=∠.因为BDE PEA ∠=∠,所以BDE ∆∽PEA ∆,可得ED BE AE PE=,即26AE BE AE PE ED ===,所以AE =.因为2AE GE EF =,所以2GE =,所以1PG =,所以26PA PG PF ==,所以PA =故应填6.考点:1、圆的切线的判定定理的证明;2、与圆有关的比例线段;14.设R b a ∈,,已知函数)(x f y =是定义域为R 的偶函数, 当0≥x 时,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=2l o g 20,21)(16x x x x f x.若关于x 的方程0)()]([2=++b x af x f 有且只有7个不同实数根,则ab的取值范围是 . 【答案】)81,54(--.【解析】试题分析: 由题意知,函数)(x f y =在(,2]-∞-和[0,2]上是减函数,在[2,0]-和[2,]+∞上是增函数.所以当0x =时,函数)(x f y =取得极大值1,在2x =±时,函数)(x f y =取得极小值14,当16x ≥时,()1f x ≥,所以关于x 的方程0)()]([2=++b x af x f 有且只有7个不同实数根,设()t f x =,则20t at b ++=必有两个根12,t t ,其中1211,(,1)4t t =∈, 125(,2)4t t a +=-∈,121(,1)4t t b =∈所以5(2,)4a ∈--,1(,1)4b ∈,所以41(,)58b a ∈--,故应填)81,54(--.考点:1、函数与方程;2、分段函数;三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共74分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)15.设命题p :函数21()lg()16f x ax x a =-+的定义域为R ;命题q :不等式39x x a -<对一切R x ∈均成立。




下列分类描述合理的是A.根据物质组成元素的种类可知由同一种元素组成的物质一定是纯净物B.根据反应中是否有离子参加或生成,将化学反应分为离子反应和非离子反应C.溶液与胶体本质区别是能否发生丁达尔现象D.氧化还原反应的本质是化合价升降2.下列电离方程式正确的是A.B.C.D.3.下列说法正确的是()①金属氧化物一定是碱性氧化物②碱性氧化物一定是金属氧化物③酸性氧化物一定是非金属氧化物④非金属氧化物不一定是酸性氧化物⑤能电离出的化合物一定是酸⑥属于一元酸⑦含有氧元素的化合物都是氧化物⑧酸性氧化物不一定能与水化合生成酸A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个4.下列反应可用离子方程式“H++OH-=H2O” 表示的是( )A.NaHSO 4溶液与Ba(OH) 2溶液混合B.NH 4 Cl溶液与Ca(OH) 2溶液混合C.HNO 3溶液与KOH溶液混合D.NaHCO 3溶液与HCl溶液混合5.下列物质的分类组合正确的是()6.在无色水溶液中能够大量共存的一组离子是A.Cu 2+、K +、OH -、SO B.NH 、Cl -、Na +、SOC.H +、OH -、Al 3+、Cl -D.CO 、H +、Ca 2+、NO7.符合如图中阴影部分的物质是A.B.C.D.CuO8.以传统海水制盐工业为基础可制取镁、钾、溴及其他化工产品。


下列有关该反应的说法正确的是A.发生还原反应B.是还原产物C.是氧化剂D.得到电子9.下列单、双线桥的表示方法不正确的是A.B.C.D.10.向盛有一定量的Ba(OH)2溶液中逐滴加入稀硫酸,直至过量,整个过程中混合溶液的导电能力(用电流强度I表示)近似的用下图中的曲线表示是()A.A B.B C.C D.D11.下列物质间转化需要加入还原剂才能实现的是A.B.C.D.12.下列反应属于氧化还原反应,且水既不被氧化又不被还原的是A.B.C.D.13.下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是()A.氧化铜与稀硫酸反应:CuO+4H + +SO =Cu 2+ +SO 2↑+2H 2 OB.二氧化碳通入足量澄清石灰水中:Ca 2+ +2OH - +CO 2 =CaCO 3↓+H 2 OC.铁和盐酸反应:2Fe+6H + =2Fe 3+ +3H 2↑D.氢氧化钡溶液与硫酸反应:OH - +H + =H 2 O14.下列说法正确的是①难溶于水的盐(CaCO3、BaSO4等)都是非电解质②不是电解质的物质一定是非电解质③强酸溶液的导电能力一定大于弱酸溶液的导电能力④电解质溶液能导电的原因是溶液中有自由移动的阴离子和阳离子⑤熔融的电解质都能导电A.①③⑤B.②④⑤C.只有④D.只有⑤15.中国科学技术大学的钱逸泰教授等以和金属钠为原料,在700℃时反应制造出纳米级金刚石粉末和另一种化合物。


(3)该实验中,若砝码移动的距离超过 ,人眼就能感知,为确保实验成功,拉动纸板所需的拉力至少多大?
【答案】(1) ,方向水平向右;(2) ;(3)
2.如图是某轮船在海面上运动 速度-时间图像,则下列说法正确的是( )
【12题答案】【答案】①.B②.AD##DA③. ④.③⑤.C
9.假设高速公路上甲、乙两车在同一车道上同向行驶。甲车在前,乙车在后,速度均为 。甲、乙相距 , 时刻甲车遇紧急情况后,甲、乙两车的加速度随时间变化分别如图甲、乙所示,取运动方向为正方向。下列说法正确的是( )




在每小题给出的4个选项中,只有一个选项正确)1.一个电子在静电场中运动,若其只受电场力的作用,则在一段时间内A.电子的速率一定增大 B.电子的速率一定减小C.电子的速率可能不变 D.电子一定做匀变速运动2. 一根长为L的细绳,一端系一小球,另一端悬挂于O点.将小球拉起使细绳与竖直方向成60°角.在O点正下方A、B、C三处先后钉一光滑小钉,使小球由静止摆下后分别被三个不同位置的钉子挡住.已知OA=AB=BC=CD=L/4,如图所示,则小球继续摆动的最大高度h A、h B、h C(与D点的高度差)之间的关系是A.h A= h B = h C B.h A= h B > h C C.h A>h B = h C D.h A>h B > h C3. 如图所示,一理想变压器的原线圈匝数为n1=1000匝,副线圈匝数为n2=200匝,电阻R=8.8,原线圈接入电压u=220sin100t(V)的交流电源,交流电压表和交流电流表对电路的影响可忽略不计,则下列说法正确的是A.副线圈交变电流的频率是100 HzB.t=1s时刻,电压表的示数为0C.变压器的输入电功率为220WD.电流表的示数为10A4.半径为r带缺口的刚性金属圆环在纸面上固定放置,在圆环的缺口两端引出两根导线,分别与两块垂直于纸面固定放置的平行金属板连接,两板间距为d,如图(左)所示.有一变化的磁场垂直于纸面,规定向内为正,变化规律如图(右)所示.在t=0时刻平板之间中心有一重力不计,电荷量为q的静止微粒,则以下说法正确的是A.第2秒内上极板为正极B.第3秒内上极板为负极C.第2秒末微粒回到了原来位置D.第3秒末两极板之间的电场强度大小为0.2πr2/d5.正在粗糙水平面上滑动的物块,从t1时刻到时刻t2受到水平恒力F的作用,在这段时间内物块做直线运动,已知物块在t1时刻的速度与t2时刻的速度大小相等,则在此过程中A.F可能对物块做正功 B.物块的位移可能为零C.物块动量的变化一定为零 D.物块可能做匀速直线运动二、多项选择题(本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。

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下列叙述中正确的是( )A.病毒表面的两类蛋白质是在类脂层内合成的B.该病毒的遗传信息储存在脱氧核苷酸的排列顺序中C.甲型H1N1流感病毒一定含有C、H、O、N、P等化学元素D.利用高温等常规方法难以杀灭甲型H1N1流感病毒2.下列诸项均是有关显微镜操作的表述,其中错误的操作是()A.标本染色较深,应选用凹面反光镜和大光圈B.若转换高倍物镜观察,需先升高镜筒,以免镜头碰坏装片C.将位于视野内左上方的图像移向中央,应向左上方移动装片D.转换高倍物镜之后,只能使用细准焦螺旋进行调节3.下列是表示①②③④四个框图内所包括生物的共同特征的叙述,正确的是A.框图①内都是原核生物,且都能发生突变B.框图②内的生物都不含叶绿素,且都是分解者C.框图③内的生物都具有细胞结构,且都有细胞壁D.框图④内都是异养生物,且都能分裂生殖4.下列生物中,不属于真核生物的是 ( )①噬菌体②蓝藻③酵母菌④乳酸菌⑤支原体⑥水绵⑦小球藻⑧葡萄球菌⑨链球菌⑩青霉菌A.①②④⑤⑧⑨B.①②③④⑦⑨C.①③④⑤⑧⑩D.②④⑤⑥⑦⑩5.下列各项组合中,能体现生命系统由简单到复杂的正确层次是()①心脏②血液③神经元④一株蒲公英⑤细胞内蛋白质等化合物⑥噬菌体⑦同一片草地上的所有山羊⑧一个湖泊⑨一个池塘所有生物⑩一片草地的所有昆虫A. ⑤⑥③②④⑦⑧B. ③②①④⑦⑨⑧C. ③②①④⑦⑩⑨⑧D. ⑤②①③④⑦⑨⑧6.19世纪科学家提出了细胞学说,其意义在于①认识到细胞的多样性②明确了生物体结构的差异性③揭示出细胞的统一性④标志着生物学研究进入细胞水平A.①③B. ①②C.②④D.③④7.不同的放大倍数下,所呈现的视野分别为甲和乙(如图所示),下列相关叙述正确的是()A.若使用相同的光圈,则甲比乙亮B.在甲中观察到的细胞,在乙中均可被观察到C.若玻片右移,则甲影像会右移而乙影像左移D.若在甲看到的影像模糊,则改换成乙就可以看到清晰的影像8.使用高倍显微镜观察装片的顺序是 ( )①转动转换器把低倍镜移走,换上高倍镜②在低倍镜找到目标③将目标移到视野的中央④调节细准焦螺旋和反光镜,直到视野适宜,物象清晰为止A.②③④①B.②③①④C. ②④①③D. ③④②①9.下列化合物中含有的化学元素种类最少的一组是( )A.血红蛋白和糖蛋白 B.纤维素和脱氧核糖C.性激素和tRNA D.磷脂和呼吸酶10.下列有关实验操作及显色结果的叙述,正确的是A.水浴加热条件下,蔗糖与斐林试剂发生作用生成砖红色沉淀B.沸水浴条件下,淀粉与碘液发生作用呈现蓝色C.常温条件下,蛋白质与双缩脲试剂发生作用呈现紫色D.常温条件下,核糖核酸与甲基绿作用呈现绿色11.仔细观察下面四幅图,下列叙述错误的是( )甲乙丙丁A.图甲中共有8种核苷酸B.组成人体的化合物乙的R基团约有20种C.组成丙化合物的单糖是脱氧核糖D.在松鼠体细胞内检测到的化合物丁很可能是蔗糖12.以下关于核酸的叙述中,错误的有( )①甲流病毒由于无细胞核,所以不含核酸②乳酸菌内核酸、核苷酸、碱基的种类分别为2、8、5③核酸彻底水解的产物有核苷酸、含氮碱基、五碳糖、磷酸④核酸有遗传、变异、催化、调节、供能等作用A.③④ B.①②③④ C.①③④ D.①④13.若“淀粉—麦芽糖—葡萄糖—糖原”表示某生物体内糖类的某些转化过程,则下列说法中,不正确的是( )A此生物是动物,因为能将淀粉转化为糖原B淀粉和麦芽糖是植物细胞特有的糖,而糖原是动物细胞特有的糖C此生物是植物,因为它含有淀粉和麦芽糖D淀粉和糖原都是储存能量的多糖,麦芽糖是具有还原性的二糖14.在下列物质中,若将其中构成人体的氨基酸通过缩合而形成蛋白质分子,则此蛋白质分子中所含有的羧基数目是()(1(2 (3)(4)(5)(6)A.1个B.3个C.4个D.至少3个15.在胰岛β细胞中先合成胰岛素原,胰岛素原再通过蛋白酶的水解作用,生成胰岛素(如图所示)。

胰岛素原水解所需的水分子中的氢用于( )A.形成—COOH和—SHB.形成—NH和—COOH2C.形成—SH和—OHD.形成—COOH和连接碳的—H16.如图是由n个氨基酸组成的某蛋白质的结构图,其中二硫键“—S—S—”是蛋白质中连接两条肽链的一种化学键。

(—SH+—SH→—S—S—+2H)则下列说法不正确的是( )A.合成该蛋白质时生成(n-2)个水分子B.控制该蛋白质合成的基因碱基数一般超6nC.该蛋白质至少含有(n-2)个氧原子D.该蛋白质的水解产物增加了2n个氢原子17.观察下图,该图表示的过程是A.构建基因组文库B.构建cDNA文库C.构建基因表达载体D.构建转基因工程菌18.基因治疗是指( )A.把健康外基因导入有基因缺陷的细胞中,达到治疗疾病的目的B.对有缺陷的细胞修复,从而使其恢复正常,达到治疗疾病的目的C.运用人工诱变的方法,使有基因缺陷的细胞产生基因突变恢复正常D.运用基因工程技术,把有缺陷的基因切除,达到治疗疾病的目的19.下列关于各种酶作用的叙述,不正确的是()A.DNA连接酶能使不同脱氧核苷酸的磷酸与脱氧核糖连接B.RNA聚合酶能与基因的特定位点结合,催化遗传信息的转录C.一种DNA限制酶能识别多种核苷酸序列,切割出多种目的基因D.胰蛋白酶能作用于离体的动物组织,使其分散成单个细胞20.草甘膦是一种广泛应用的除草剂,能不加选择地杀死各种杂草和农作物,将抗草甘膦基因转入油菜中,使油菜能抗草甘膦。





下列有关叙述错误的是( )A.获得含抗病基因的重组质粒不可用PstⅠ、ApaⅠ限制酶切割质粒B.由①→②、②→③阶段均涉及细胞的分裂与分化C.④阶段可用不加植物激素的培养基D.上述培育过程涉及的生物技术有基因工程、植物组织培养等22.科学家依据基因工程的原理最新研制的某种疫苗是用病原微生物中编码抗原的基因制成的,这个基因编码的产物能诱导机体产生免疫反应。

该疫苗A.引起人体特异性免疫的原因是DNA分子上具有抗原B.引起免疫反应后相应淋巴细胞增多,细胞周期将变长C.能与浆细胞产生的相应抗体发生特异性结合D.可以是抗原基因A.基因工程原则上能生产任何蛋白质B.蛋白质工程能对现有的蛋白质进行改造,或制造一种新的蛋白质C.蛋白质工程可以不通过转录和翻译实现D.蛋白质工程是在基因工程的基础上,延伸出的第三代基因工程25.目的基因整合到某作物DNA片段上后()A.改变了原DNA的碱基排列顺序 B.改变了原DNA上各基因的碱基排列顺序C.改变了原DNA上各基因的复制过程 D.改变了原DNA上各基因的转录过程26.下列各项生物技术中,对遗传信息改变最小的是A.经细胞核移植克隆动物 B.经植物组织培养克隆植物C.导入外基因培育转基因动物 D.经人工授粉培育种间杂交种27.如图,下列有关基因工程中载体的说法错误的是A.基因工程的核心步骤是基因表达载体构建B.不同的基因表达载体的构建是有差别的C.图中启动子位于基因的首端,是RNA聚合酶识别和结合的部位D.抗生素基因的作用是作为标记基因,用于鉴别受体细胞中是否导入了目的基因28.下图所示为培育农作物新品种的一种方式。

下列说法正确的是( )。

A.②③过程分别称为细胞分裂和细胞分化B.该育种与传统杂交育种相比,最大的优点是繁殖速度快C.该育种过程说明已分化细胞中不表达的基因仍具有表达的潜能D.该育种方式涉及基因工程、胚胎工程和细胞工程29.下列实验或技术中没有进行分子检测的是( )。

A观察DNA在细胞中的分布 B检测目的基因是否导入细胞C检测目的基因是否翻译 D检测目的基因是否进行转录30.用植物细胞工程将天竺葵与香茅草进行杂交可产生驱蚊香草,使有驱蚊作用的香茅醛随天竺葵蒸腾作用散发到空气中,达到驱蚊的效果。



下列技术不可行的是()A.利用植物体细胞杂交技术,可以获得符合要求的四倍体杂种植株B.将乙种植物耐盐基因导入甲种植物的体细胞中,可培育出所需植株再利用单倍体育种,可较快获得所需植株C.两种植物自然杂交后,得到的F1D.诱导两种植物的花粉融合后培育成幼苗,再用秋水仙素处理可培育出所需的可育植株32.下图表示利用植物细胞工程对棉花进行改良的过程,①②③④表示实验过程,请据图回答,下列说法正确的是()A.外基因能够导入并大量复制的物质基础是自然界共用一套密码子B.②过程能定向改变原生质体的遗传特性C.③过程只能通过液体悬浮培养技术才能实现D.图中“根、芽”需要包上人造种皮,才能形成“棉花幼苗”33.“白菜—甘蓝”是用细胞工程的方法培育出的,培育过程不涉及()A.基因的选择性表达 B.同染色体分离C.制备原生质体D.形成愈伤组织34.用植物组织培养技术不能培育或生产出()A.杂交水稻B.无病毒植物 C.人工种子D.食品添加剂35.某生物兴趣小组用芦荟新鲜茎的一部分作为材料进行组织培养,待愈伤组织能正常形成且继续长大,正常根和芽却迟迟不能形成;你认为导致该情况出现的最可能的原因是( )。

A.葡萄糖、氨基酸等有机营养供应不足B.培养环境光照、温度、pH或氧气浓度不适宜C.生长素和细胞分裂素比例不协调D.无菌条件没有控制好36.下列关于植物组织培养中灭菌操作的叙述中,错误的是 ( )A.外植体用酒精消毒 B.镊子等器械需用酒精灭菌C.操作者双手用酒精消毒 D.培养基需高压蒸汽灭菌37.“生物导弹”是免疫导向药物的形象称呼,它由单克隆抗体与药物、酶或放射性同位素配合而成,因带有单克隆抗体而能自动导向,在生物体内与特定目标细胞或组织结合,并由其携带的药物产生治疗作用。
