SM2 14th Batch RP Timetable - Aug to Dec 11 (Final)
在时间序列数据的应用中,机器学习算法的优劣主要取决于以下方面:1. 适用性机器学习算法的适用性是指它对于所处理的数据类型有多大的适应性。
2. 精度模型的精度是指在给定的数据集上模型的预测能力。
3. 解释性模型的解释性是指模型的预测机理是否易于解释。
时间序列数据挖掘算法的研究及应用时间序列数据(Time Series Data)是指按时间顺序采样或测量得到的数据。
常见的时间序列预测算法包括 ARIMA 模型、神经网络模型、支持向量机模型等。
常见的时间序列聚类算法包括 K-means 算法、基于密度的 DBSCAN 算法、层次聚类算法等。
《时间序列分析》第二章 时间序列预处理习题解答
《时间序列分析》习题解答�0�2习题2.3�0�21考虑时间序列12345…201判断该时间序列是否平稳2计算该序列的样本自相关系数kρ∧k12… 6 3绘制该样本自相关图并解释该图形. �0�2解1根据时序图可以看出该时间序列有明显的递增趋势所以它一定不是平稳序列�0�2即可判断该时间序是非平稳序列其时序图程序见后。
�0�2 时间序描述程序data example1 input number timeintnxyear01jan1980d _n_-1 format time date. cards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 proc gplot dataexample1 plot numbertime1 symbol1 cblack vstar ijoin run�0�2�0�2�0�22当延迟期数即k本题取值1 2 3 4 5 6远小于样本容量n本题为20时自相关系数kρ∧计算公式为number1234567891011121314151617181920time01JAN8001J AN8101JAN8201JAN8301JAN8401JAN8501JAN8601JAN870 1JAN8801JAN8901JAN9001JAN9101JAN9201JAN9301JAN9 401JAN9501JAN9601JAN9701JAN9801JAN99121nkttktknttX XXXXXρ�6�1∧�6�1�6�1≈�6�1∑∑ 0kn4.9895�0�2注20.05125.226χ接受原假设认为该序列为纯随机序列。
�0�2解法三、Q统计量法计算Q统计量即12214.57kkQnρ∑�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2�0�2查表得210.051221.0261χ�6�1由于Q统计量值4.57Q小于查表临界值即可认为接受原假设即该序列可视为纯随机序列为白噪声序列 5表2——9数据是某公司在2000——2003年期间每月的销售量。
modis数据 时间序列重建 代码
modis数据时间序列重建代码如何使用MODIS 数据进行时间序列重建的问题。
MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) 数据是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA) 在2000 年发射的Terra 和Aqua 卫星上收集的重要地球观测数据。
在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用MODIS 数据进行时间序列重建,并提供相应的Python 代码示例来帮助读者更好地理解。
以下是具体的步骤:1. 数据获取:首先,我们需要获取MODIS 数据。
NASA 提供了一系列的数据访问系统,如Earthdata、LAADS 和LPDAAC,用于从Terra 和Aqua 卫星获取MODIS 数据。
以MOD13Q1,即植被指数产品为例,我们可以通过访问LPDAAC 网站来获取该产品的数据。
2. 数据预处理:获取到MODIS 数据后,我们需要进行一些预处理步骤来准备数据进行时间序列重建。
3. 时间序列重建模型选择:选择适合的时间序列重建模型是一个关键的步骤。
根据MODIS 数据的特点,我们可以选择合适的模型来拟合数据。
此外,由于MODIS 数据具有一定的周期性,我们还可以考虑添加周期项来提高模型预测能力。
4. 模型训练和参数调优:在选择好时间序列重建模型之后,我们需要进行模型的训练和参数调优。
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最后结合算法控制流程图(CFG)与数据流程图(DFG)将ESL模型转化为寄存器传输级(RTL)模型进行逻辑综合与比较,得出在180nm CMOS工艺,50MHz频率下,当算法性能最佳时,点乘模块执行时间为20ms,门数83000,功耗约2.23mW。
关键词:SM2算法;SystemC;软硬件划分;电子系统级;周期精确中图分类号: TP302.1 文献标志码:AAbstract:Concerning the problem that the development cycle of existing elliptic curve algorithm system level design is long and the performanceoverhead indicators are not clear, a method of Hardware/Software (HW/SW) codesign based on Electronic System Level (ESL)was proposed. This method presented several HW/SW partitions by analyzing the theories and implementations of SM2 algorithm, and generated cycleaccurate models for HW modules with SystemC. Module and system verification were proposed to compare the executing cycle counts of HW/SW modules to obtain the best partition. Finally, the ESL models were converted to Rigister Transfer Level (RTL) models according to the CFG (Control Flow Graph) and DFG (Data Flow Graph) to perform logic synthesis and comparison. In the condition of 50MHz,180nm CMOS technology, when getting best performance,the execute time of pointmultiply was 20ms,with 83000 gates and the power consuption was 2.23mW. The experimental result shows that the system analysis is conducive to performance and resources evaluation, and has high applicability in encryption chip based on elliptic curve algorithm. The embedded SoC (System on Chip) based on this algorithm can choose appropriate architecture based on performance and resource constraints.Key words: SM2 algorithm; SystemC; hardware/software partition; Electronic System Level (ESL); cycleaccurate0 引言随着移动支付终端、智能卡、无线通信等嵌入式设备的普及,数据的安全性也面临越来越大的挑战。
安装模块pip install gmsslSM2算法RSA算法的危机在于其存在亚指数算法,对ECC算法⽽⾔⼀般没有亚指数攻击算法 SM2椭圆曲线公钥密码算法:我国⾃主知识产权的商⽤密码算法,是ECC(Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem)算法的⼀种,基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题,计算复杂度是指数级,求解难度较⼤,同等安全程度要求下,椭圆曲线密码较其他公钥算法所需密钥长度⼩很多。
gmssl是包含国密SM2算法的Python实现,提供了 encrypt、decrypt等函数⽤于加密解密,⽤法如下:1. 初始化CryptSM2import base64import binasciifrom gmssl import sm2, func#16进制的公钥和私钥private_key = '00B9AB0B828FF68872F21A837FC303668428DEA11DCD1B24429D0C99E24EED83D5'public_key = 'B9C9A6E04E9C91F7BA880429273747D7EF5DDEB0BB2FF6317EB00BEF331A83081A6994B8993F3F5D6EADDDB81872266C87C018FB4162F5AF347B483E24620207' sm2_crypt = sm2.CryptSM2(public_key=public_key, private_key=private_key)2. encrypt和decrypt#数据和加密后数据为bytes类型data = b"111"enc_data = sm2_crypt.encrypt(data)dec_data =sm2_crypt.decrypt(enc_data)assert dec_data == data3. sign和verifydata = b"111" # bytes类型random_hex_str = func.random_hex(sm2_crypt.para_len)sign = sm2_crypt.sign(data, random_hex_str) # 16进制assert sm2_crypt.verify(sign, data) # 16进制SM4算法国密SM4(⽆线局域⽹SMS4)算法,⼀个分组算法,分组长度为128bit,密钥长度为128bit,算法具体内容参照SM4算法。
PacBio SEQUELII 准备 HiFi SMRTbell 库说明书
Procedure & Checklist – Preparing HiFi SMRTbell®Libraries using the SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0This procedure describes the construction of HiFi SMRTbell libraries for de novo assembly and variant detection applications using the SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 and recommended HiFi sequencing conditions using PacBio’s new Sequel® II Binding Kit 2.2. A minimum input amount of 5 µg of high-molecular weight genomic DNA is recommended for generating HiFi library yields sufficient for running multiple SMRT®Cells on the Sequel II or Sequel IIe System (Sequel II Systems). Note that final HiFi library construction yields will be dependent on the specific size-selection method employed.We recommend fragmenting the gDNA so that the target size distribution mode is between 15 kb - 18 kb. To reduce the presence of fragments >30 kb, PacBio recommends a 2-cycle shearing method on the Megaruptor 3 system. Generally, a narrower fragment size distribution results in more uniform and higher-quality HiFi data. Details regarding DNA shearing conditions (e.g., buffers and DNA sample concentration) are described in the “DNA Requirements for Shearing” section.RequiredEquipment Vendor Throughput Run TimeFemto Pulse AgilentTechnologies Process up to 11 samples per runBatch process up to 88 samples 85 minsMegaruptor 3 Diagenode Shear up to 8 samples at a time40 mins(for 1 cycle of shearing)PippinHT Sage Science Maximum of 20 samples per instrument run 2 hrsBluePippin Sage Science Maximum of 4 samples per instrument run 4.5 hrsSageELF Sage Science Maximum of 2 samples per instrument run 4.5 hrs Table 1: Recommended equipment for HiFi SMRTbell library construction for de novo assembly and variant detection applications.Required MaterialsDNA SizingFemto Pulse Agilent Technologies, Inc. P-0003-0817DNA QuantitationQubit™ Fluorometer ThermoFisher Scientific Q33238Qubit 1X dsDNA HS Assay Kit ThermoFisher Scientific Q33230DNA ShearingMegaruptor 3 System Diagenode B06010003Megaruptor 3 Shearing Kit Diagenode E07010003SMRTbell Library PreparationSMRTbell® Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 PacBio 100-938-900AMPure® PB Beads PacBio 100-265-900SMRTbell® Enzyme Clean Up Kit 2.0 (New*) PacBio 101-932-600Sequencing Primer v5 (New*) PacBio 102-067-400100% Ethanol, Molecular Biology Grade Any MLSWide Orifice Tips (Tips LTS W-O 200UL Fltr RT-L200WFLR) Rainin 30389241Lo-Bind 0.2 mL tube strips USA Scientific, TempAssure1402-4708Multi-channel Pipette Rainin, 17013810Magnetic separation rack V&P Scientific, Inc, VP 772F4-1Thermal Cycler that is 100 µL and 8-tube strip compatible Any MLSSize-selection (One of the following systems)PippinHT System Sage Science HTP00010.75% Agarose Gel Cassettes, Marker 75E Sage Science HPE7510BluePippin System Sage Science BLU00010.75% Agarose Cassettes, Marker S1 Sage Sciences BLF7510SageELF System Sage Science ELF00010.75% Agarose Cassettes Sage Science ELD7510SequencingSequel® II Binding Kit 2.2 (New*)PacBio 101-894-200Sequel® II Sequencing Kit 2.0 PacBio 101-820-200SMRT® Cell 8M Tray PacBio 101-389-001* To obtain a copy of the previous version of this Procedure & Checklist that specifies use of SMRTbell Enzyme Clean Up Kit (PN 101-746-400) and Sequencing Primer v2 (PN 101-847-900), contact ****************.HiFi Library Construction WorkflowPacBio recommends that gDNA samples be resuspended in an appropriate buffer (e.g., Qiagen Elution Buffer) before proceeding with DNA shearing.Figure 1: Workflow for preparing HiFi libraries using the SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0.Reagent HandlingSeveral reagents in the SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 (shown in Table 2 below) are sensitive to temperature and vortexing. We recommend to:•Never leave reagents at room temperature.•Always work on ice when preparing master mixes.•Finger-tap followed by a quick spin prior to use.Reagent Where UsedDNA Prep Additive Remove single-strand overhangsDNA Prep Enzyme Remove single-strand overhangs DNA Damage Repair Mix v2 DNA Damage RepairEnd Prep Mix End-Repair/A-tailingOverhang Adapter v3 LigationLigation Mix LigationLigation Additive LigationLigation Enhancer LigationSMRTbell Enzyme Clean Up Mix Nuclease TreatmentSMRTbell Enzyme Cleanup Buffer 2.0 Nuclease TreatmentTable 2: Temperature sensitive reagentsGenomic DNA (gDNA) Quality EvaluationThis procedure requires high-quality, high-molecular weight input gDNA with a majority of the DNA fragments >50 kb as determined by pulsed-field gel or capillary electrophoresis. Any of the three commercially available systems listed in Table 4 below may be used to evaluate gDNA quality, but the Femto Pulse system is highly recommended for high-throughput library construction due to its ability to rapidly process multiple samples in a single run using very low amounts (<1 ng) of DNA per sample. Links to recommended procedures for each system are also provided in the table. Examples of gDNA quality assessment using Bio-Rad’s CHEF Mapper (2A) and Agilent Technologies’ Femto Pulse (2B) are shown in Figure 2. Lanes A3 and B1 correspond to high-quality gDNA samples that are suitable for HiFi library construction using this procedure. Lanes A4 and B2 show degraded gDNA samples that not suitable for use in this procedure.Method ProcedureFemto Pulse Agilent Technologies, Inc.Bio-Rad CHEF Mapper XA Pulsed Field Electrophoresis System Procedure & Checklist - Using the BIO-RAD® CHEF Mapper® XA Pulsed Field Electrophoresis SystemSage Science Pippin Pulse Procedure & Checklist - Using the Sage Science PippinPulse Electrophoresis Power Supply SystemTable 3. gDNA Quality Evaluation Methods and Procedures.Figure 2: Evaluation of high-molecular weight gDNA quality using two DNA sizing analysis systems. A) Bio-Rad CHEF Mapper and B) Agilent Technologies’ Femto Pulse.165.510 kb 50 kb 42 kb33 kb 21 kb 17.7 kb 1.3 kb1 bpLane 1: 8 kb - 48 kb Ladder (Bio-Rad) Lane 2: 5 kb ladder (Bio-Rad) Lane 3: HMW gDNA Lane 4: Degraded gDNALane 1: HMW gDNALane 2: Degraded gDNA Lane 3: 165 kb ladder48 kb-20 kb-80 kb----------10 kb-14322 1 3ABDNA Requirements for ShearingBefore shearing, ensure that the genomic DNA is in an appropriate buffer (e.g.,Qiagen Elution Buffer, 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5 or PacBio EB buffer). If you are unsure of the buffer composition or if the gDNA is not in Elution Buffer, perform a 1X AMPure PB bead purification followed by elution with Elution Buffer or an equivalent low salt buffer (i.e., 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5- 9.0).PacBio highly recommends Diagenode’s Megaruptor 3 system for shearing gDNA. The Megaruptor 3 system allows up to 8 gDNA samples to be processed simultaneously with a consistent fragment size distribution across multiple hydropore-syringes. Furthermore, the Megaruptor 3 system generates a narrower size distribution than the g-TUBE device (Covaris).Shearing Using Diagenode’s Megaruptor 3 SystemTo maximize HiFi yield per SMRT Cell, PacBio recommends fragmenting the gDNA to a size distribution mode between 15 kb – 18 kb for human whole genome sequencing. Libraries with a size distribution mode larger than 20 kb are not recommended for HiFi sequencing. Recommended library insert size distributions to use for different WGS applications are summarized in Table 4 below.Application Recommended Library Insert SizeHuman Variant Detection 15 – 18 kbHuman de Novo15 – 18 kbPlant/Animal de Novo15 – 20 kbTable 4: Library size recommendations for Human variant detection and de novo assembly.To shear gDNA on the Megaruptor 3 system, use a two-cycle shear method, which requires running a second round of shearing immediately following the first fragmentation step in the same hydropore-syringe. The recommended concentration is 83.3 ng/µL (5 µg of input DNA in 60 µL Elution Buffer).The DNA shearing guidelines below have been tested by PacBio on the Megaruptor 3 system only. The response of individual gDNA samples to the shearing recommendations described below may differ; therefore, performing a small-scale test shear is highly recommended, including the Megaruptor 3 system.For the Megaruptor and Megaruptor 2 systems, shearing optimization is necessary before proceeding with this Procedure & Checklist. The shearing procedure described in the “Shearing Using Diagenode’s Megaruptor 3 system” section below is not compatible with the Megaruptor or Megaruptor 2 systems. For Megaruptor and Megaruptor 2 systems, follow Diagenode’s DNA shearing recommendations described in their manual. For additional guidance, contact Technical Support or your local FAS.The g-TUBE device generates a broader DNA fragment size-distribution compared to the Megaruptor 3 system. Note that HiFi read quality and overall HiFi data yield may be reduced due to the residual presence of large DNA fragments generated by g-TUBEs. For additional guidance, contact Technical Support or your local FAS.Figure 3: Examples of human genomic DNA samples sheared to a target 15 kb - 18 kb size distribution mode using a 2-cycle shear method on the Megaruptor 3 system.Prepare SMRTbell LibrariesAlways work on ice throughout the library construction process. To process multiple samples at a time, the following equipment are required:• Lo-Bind tube strips• Multi-channel pipette• Wide-bore tips• Magnetic rack compatible with tube strips• Thermocycler compatible with tube stripsRemove Single-Strand OverhangsThe sample volume recovered from the Megaruptor 3 system after shearing is used directly in the single-strand overhang digestion step. Before proceeding, ensure that the sheared DNA is in Elution Buffer or an equivalent low salt buffer (i.e., 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5- 9.0). In this step, DNA Prep Additive is diluted first followed by digestion. Scale up the reaction volumes for digestion if working with multiple samples.1. Prepare the DNA Prep Additive. The DNA Prep Additive is diluted with Enzyme Dilution Buffer toa total volume of 5 µL. This amount is sufficient for processing 1 to 4 samples. The volume maynot be sufficient for 5 samples due to pipetting errors. We recommend scaling up the dilutionvolume based on the number of samples to be processed (example: prepare 2X volume for 8samples and 4X volume for 16 samples).Note: The diluted DNA Prep Additive should be used immediately and should not be stored.2. Prepare the digestion by following the reaction table below. For multiple samples, prepare amaster mix, followed by addition of 10.0μL master mix to each sheared DNA sample.3. Add 10.0 µL of the above master mix to the tube-strips containing 45.0 µL - 53.0 µL of shearedDNA. The total volume in this step is 55.0 µL - 63.0 µL.4. Using a multi-channel pipette, mix the reaction wells by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips.5. Spin down the contents of the tube strips with a quick spin in a microfuge.6. Incubate at 37°C for 15 minutes, then return the reaction to 4°C.7. Proceed to the next step.Repair DNA DamageTo each Reaction Mix 1, add 2.0 µL of DNA Damage Repair Mix v2.1. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips.2. Spin down the contents of the tube strips with a quick spin in a microfuge.3. Incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes, then return the reaction to 4°C.4. Proceed to the next step.End-Repair/A-tailingTo each Reaction Mix 2, add 3.0 µL of End Prep Mix.1. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips.2. Spin down the contents of the tube strips with a quick spin in a microfuge.3. Incubate at 20°C for 10 minutes.4. Incubate at 65°C for 30 minutes, then return the reaction to 4°C.5. Proceed to the next step.Adapter LigationIn this step, 5.0 µL of Overhang Adapter is added to each Reaction Mix 3 (from the previous step). Then, 32.0 µL of the ligase master mix is added to each Reaction Mix 3/Adapter Mix for incubation. Always work on ice. 1. To each Reaction Mix 3, add 5.0 µL of Overhang Adapter.2. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips. Leave the tube strips on ice.3. Prepare a Master Mix containing Ligation Enhancer, Ligation Additive and Ligation Mix using the table4. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips. It is important to mixwell.5. To the Reaction Mix 3/Adapter Mix, add 32.0 µL of the Ligase Master Mix. The total volume in this step is97.0 µL- 105.0 µL.6. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips. It is important to mixwell.7. Incubate at 20°C for 1 hour. Optional: The Ligation reaction may also be left at 20°C overnight.8. Proceed to the next step.Purify SMRTbell Library Using 1.0X AMPure® PB BeadsPage 11 PN 101-853-100 Version 05(August 2021)Nuclease Treatment of SMRTbell LibraryTo each library sample, add the nuclease mix to remove damaged SMRTbell templates.1. Prepare a Master Mix of the Enzyme Cleanup Mix and Buffer.2. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips. It is important to mixwell.3. Spin down the contents of the tube strips with a quick spin in a microfuge.4. To each 15.0μL of sample, add 55.0 μL of Nuclease Master Mix. The total reaction volume at this step is70.0 µL.5. Mix the reaction well by pipetting up and down 10 times with wide-orifice pipette tips. It is important to mixwell.6. Incubate at 37°C for 30 mins and store on ice immediately.7. Spin down the contents of tube strips with a quick spin in a microfuge.8. Proceed directly to the AMPure PB bead purification step below immediately. Do not store samples at thisstage. Do not let samples sit for long periods of time. Always work on ice.Page 12 PN 101-853-100 Version 05(August 2021)Purify SMRTbell Library Using 1.0X AMPure® PB BeadsSize Selection of SMRTbell LibrariesFor high-throughput whole genome sequencing applications, PacBio highly recommends the PippinHT system (Sage Science) for size-selection of SMRTbell libraries for HiFi sequencing. Typical recovery yields are 35% - 50% and are highly dependent on the size distribution of the starting SMRTbell library.Size Selection Using the PippinHT SystemVerify that your PippinHT system software is up to date and follow the procedure below to remove SMRTbellSize Selection Using the BluePippin SystemSage Science’s BluePippin system may also be used for size-selection of HiFi SMRTbell libraries. Verify that your BluePippin system software is up to date and follow the procedure below to remove SMRTbell templates <10 kb using the BluePippin system. Typical recovery yields are highly dependent on the size distribution of the starting SMRTbell library. For the latest BluePippin system User Manual and guidance on size-selection protocols, contact Sage Science ().Size Selection Using the SageELF SystemSage Science’s SageELF system may also be used to fractionate SMRTbell libraries for HiFi whole genome sequencing applications. Verify that your SageELF system software is up to date and follow the size selection procedure below. For the latest SageELF User Manual and guidance on size-selection protocols, contact Sage Science ().6Set up the run Protocol:– In the “Protocol Editor” tab, click on the “New Protocol” button.– Select the “0.75% 1-18kb v2” in the cassette definition menu.– Select “size-based” for separation mode.– Enter 3450 in the “Target Value” field and move the bar slider to selectwell #12.– Save as new protocol.– On the Main screen, clear previous run data, select cassette description,cassette definition and protocol, enter sample ID(s).– Select in the Nest Selector the cartridge that will be run.7Start the run.8 Once the run is complete, (approximately 4.5 hours), collect 30 μL of the respectivefractions from the elution wells. Fractions of interest are typically ~11 kb, ~13 kb,~15 kb, ~17 kb.9 Check the sizes of all 12 fractions by loading on a Femto Pulse. To determine theaverage library size, perform a smear analysis by selecting the region of interestby defining the start and end points of the fractions.10 Pool together fractions that have an average library size 10 – 20 kb.11 Proceed to the AMPure PB Bead purification step.Purify Size-Selected HiFi Library Fractions with 1.0X AMPure ® PB BeadsSequencing PreparationSee Quick Reference Card - Loading and Pre-Extension Recommendations for Sequel II/IIe Systems .For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © Copyright 2020 - 2021, Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in thisdocument is subject to change without notice. Pacific Biosciences assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Certain notices, terms, conditions and/o r use restrictions may pertain to your use of Pacific Biosciences products and/or third p arty products. Please refer to the applicable PacificBiosciences Terms and Conditions of S a le and to the applicable license terms at /lice nses.html. Pacific Biosciences, the Pacific Biosciences logo, PacBio, S M RT, SMRTbell, Iso-Seq and Sequel are trademarks of Pacific Biosciences. Femto Pulse and Fragment Analyzer are trademarks of Agilent Technologies. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.Revision History (Description)Version Date Initial release.01 September 2019 Internal revision with no content change (not uploaded to website).02 December 2019 On page 1, changed “HiFi reads” to just “Reads”. On page 12, under Repair DNA Damage,corrected “remove single strand overhangs” to “repair DNA damage”. On page 13, corrected “remove single strand overhangs” to “adapter ligation”.03 January 2020 Updated for SMRTbell Enzyme Clean Up Kit 2.0 and Sequencing Primer v5.04 April 2021 Removed SMRT Link Sample Setup and Run Design tables. Added reference to QRC.05August 2021。
VIAVI 4100-Series DWDM OTDR 模块(用于 T-BERD MTS-2000、
VIAVI Solutions Data SheetVIAVIDWDM OTDR Module (4100-Series)For T-BERD®/MTS-2000, -4000 V2, -5800, CellAdvisor 5Gand OneAdvisor-800 PlatformsAs xWDM technology adoption continues to grow in access networks for broadbandservices, technicians require comprehensive and lightweight xWDM test tools.Consisting of a single module, the VIAVI C-band DWDM OTDR solution enables cable,wireless, and telco operators to perform complete end-to-end link characterizationand troubleshooting of DWDM and hybrid CWDM/DWDM networks.Key Benefitsy Characterize fiber links with exactDWDM wavelengthsy Troubleshoot live networks with in-servicetesting capabilityy Verify end-to-end continuity through MUX/DEMUX and ROADMs using the continuouswave source functiony Automatically identify and test DWDM portchannel/link with patented Wavescany Avoid accidental transceiver damagewith SFP ProtectKey Featuresy C-Band (1528nm to 1568nm) tunableDWDM OTDR module at ITU-T G.694.1wavelengths (CH12 to CH62)y Integrated CW light source withmodulation capabilityy Instantaneous traffic detectiony Automatically identify Mux and Demuxcomponents with SmartLink MapperApplicationsy Metro & access rings, business to business,advanced C-RAN fronthauls & next genFTTH networksy Qualification of fronthaul access networksy Testing new DWDM wavelengthroutes without disrupting traffic onactive channelsy Pinpointing faults and their exactlocations while in serviceThe DWDM OTDR module’s optical performance, combinedwith the complete suite of T-BERD/MTS, CellAdvisor 5G andOneAdvisor-800 platform testing features, ensures thatcomprehensive testing is done right the first time.Standard testing features include:y Auto-setting of the acquisition parametersy Summary results table with pass/fail analysis per theinternational standardsy Comprehensive event diagnosisy FastReport onboard report generationT-BERD/MTS-2000One-slot handheldmodular platform forfiber network testingHandheld testinstrument for 10 GEthernet and fibernetworks testingTwo-slot handheldmodular platformfor fiber/copper andmultiple services testingT-BERD/MTS-4000 V2T-BERD/MTS-5800CellAdvisor 5GCell site test solutionOneAdvisor-800All-in-One Cell-siteInstallation andMaintenanceT est Solution2020 Broadband Technology Review ‒4.5 Diamond Award Winner2 VIAVI T-BERD/MTS 4100 Series DWDM OTDR ModuleSpecifications (typical at 25°C)2. The one-way difference between the extrapolated backscattering level at the start of the fiber and the RMS noise level, after 3 minutes averaging and using the largest pulsewidth.3. Measured at ±1.5 dB down from the peak of an unsaturated reflective event using the shortest pulsewidth.4. Measured at ±0.5 dB from the linear regression using a FC/PC reflectance and using the shortest pulsewidth.5. Subtract 3 dB when used in modulation mode (270/330/1/2 kHz).For more information on the VIAVI T-BERD/MTS-2000/-4000 V2/-5800, CellAdvisor 5G and OneAdvisor-800 test platforms, refer to their respective datasheets.Ordering Information4100 DWDM OTDR Modules Tunable DWDM OTDR Module - PCE41DWDMC-PC Tunable DWDM OTDR Module - APCE41DWDMC-APC Wavescan® SW option for DWDM OTDR Module EWAVESCAN SFP Protect SW option for DWDM OTDR Module ESFPPROTECT Optical Adapters Switchable AdaptersEUSCADS,EUSCADS-APC,EUFCADS,EULCADS, EULCADS-APC。
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2 实验为研究热压参数对麻纤板的减薄率的影响并建立减薄预测模型,本文设计了两组实验。
在热压行程对麻纤板减薄率的影响研究中,设计了在特定温度与热压速度下不同热压行程下麻纤板减薄率的测量实验,得到了减薄预热压工艺参数对麻纤板减薄率影响分析丁宏参1 候庆江2 刘赛科1 王一栋1 吴贤益11.宁波方正汽车模具股份有限公司 浙江省宁波市 3156002.华中科技大学 湖北省武汉市 430074摘 要:麻纤维制品因其高强度、高耐磨、来源广、易降解等优点,成为汽车内饰件环保、超高轻量化的新一代理想材料。
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商密算法SM2、SM3、SM4的⽤途和原理SM1对称密码SM1 算法是分组密码算法,分组长度为128位,密钥长度都为 128 ⽐特,算法安全保密强度及相关软硬件实现性能与 AES 相当,算法不公开,仅以IP核的形式存在于芯⽚中。
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GM/T 0008-2012 《安全芯片密码检测准则》
GM/T 0009-2012 《SM2密码算法使用规范》
GM/T 0010-2012 《SM2密码算法加密签名消息语法规范》
GM/T 0011-2012 《可信计算可信密码支撑平台功能与接口规范》
GM/T 0012-2012 《可信计算可信密码模块接口规范》
GM/T 0013-2012 《可信计算可信密码模块符合性检测规范》
GM/T 0014-2012 《数字证书认证系统密码协议规范》
GM/T 0015-2012 《基于SM2密码算法的数字证书格式规范》
GM/T 0016-2012 《智能密码钥匙密码应用接口规范》
GM/T 0017-2012 《智能密码钥匙密码应用接口数据格式规范》
GM/T 0018-2012 《密码设备应用接口规范》
GM/T 0019-2012 《通用密码服务接口规范》
GM/T 0020-2012 《证书应用综合服务接口规范》
GM/T 0021-2012 《动态口令密码应用技术规范》
性能分析表明,在计算开销上,SM2盲适配器签名方案的总时间仅比SM2适配器签名方案增加了5.91 ms,与现有同类方案相比,该方案盲性更强且具有自主可控性,对于隐私要求高且需要采用国产密码算法的关键应用场景具有良好的应用价值。
计算次数最多较CPU(Intel i5-8300)高352.48倍,提高了计算性能和可扩展性。
1.基于国密 SM4和 SM2的混合密码算法研究与实现
实验平均误差为21.6 mm,最大误差为36.5 mm,均方根误差为12.8 mm。
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Math Tutorial Grp D [SPMS-TR+5] Grp E [SPMS-TR+6] Grp F [SPMS-TR+7] Physics Tutorial Grp A [SS-TR63] Grp B [SS-TR80] Grp C [SS-TR81] English Grp 1 [NS-TRX43] Grp 2 [NS-TR24] Grp 3 [NS-TR26] Grp4 [NS-TR47]
Time-table for SM2 14th Batch Regular Programme August - December, 2011
8.30-9.30 Monday
Math Lecture
Math Lecture
Math Tutorial Grp A [NS-TR8] Grp B [NS-TR9] Grp C [NS-TR53] Physics Tutorial Grp D [NS-TR15] Grp E [NS-TR17] Grp F [NS-TR28]
Time-table for SM2 14th Batch Regular Programme August - December, 2011
WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DATE 8 Aug 2011 – 12 Aug 2011 15 Aug 2011 – 19 Aug 2011 22 Aug 2011 – 26 Aug 2011 29 Aug 2011 - 2 Sept 2011 5 Sept 2011 – 9 Sept 2011 12 Sept 2011 – 16 Sept 2011 19 Sept 2011 – 23 Sept 2011 26 Sept 2011 – 23 Sept 2011 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 Oct 2011 – 7 Oct 2011 10 Oct 2011 – 14 Oct 2011 17 Oct 2011 – 21 Oct 2011 24 Oct 2011 – 28 Oct 2011 31 Oct 2011 – 4 Nov 2011 7 Nov 2011 – 11 Nov 2011 14 Nov 2011 – 18 Nov 2011 21 Nov 2011 – 25 Nov 2011 28 Nov 2011 – 2 Dec 2011 Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Recess Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Teaching Week Revision & Examination Revision & Examination Revision & Examination REMARKS
Chemistry Lecture [NS -LT19]
Math Lecture [SS-LT 23]
MOE Activities
MOE Activities
Physics Lab
Physics Lab
Physics Lab
Physics Lab
English Grp 1 [NS-TR20] Grp 2 [NS-TR21] Grp 3 [NS-TR52] Grp4 [NS-TR53]
Grp5 [SS-TR71] Grp6 [SS-TR78] Grp7 [SS-TR73] Grp8 [SS-TR74] [NSGrp5 Grp5 [SS-TR73] Grp6 TR31] [SS-TR74] [NSGrp7 Grp6 [SS-TR80] Grp8 TR32] [SS-TR81] Grp7 [NSTR33] Physics Lecture Grp8 [NS TR34] [SPMS-LT1]
Notes 1. There will be no classes on public holidays. No make-up lesson is needed. 2. SPMS denotes School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences / SS denotes South Spine / NS denotes North Spine. 3. Chemistry Tutorial – Week 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (refer to Appendix A)
Math Tutorial Grp D [SPMS-TR+15] Grp E [SPMS-TR+16] Grp F [SPMS-TR+5] Chemistry Tutorial Grp A [SS-TR63] Grp B [SS-TR80] Grp C [SS-TR81]
English Lecture
English Lecture
SS-LT28 (1 Aug) SS-LT26 (8 Aug – 10 Oct) NS-LT19A (17 Oct) SS-LT26 (24 Oct – 7 Nov)
English Grp 1 [SS-TR66] Grp 2 [SS-TR70] Grp 3 [SS-TR71] Grp4 [SS-TR72]
SS-LT27 (10 Aug to 21 Sep) NS-LT19 (5 Oct to 9 Nov)
Physics Lecture [SPMS-LT1]
Schedule Teaching weeks:
1 August – 11 November, 2011 (ENG) 8 August – 11 November, 2011 (PHY/CHEM/MATH) Recess week: 26 September – 30 September, 2011 Examination & Revision weeks: 14 November – 2 December, 2011
Math Tutorial Grp A [NS-TR8] Grp B [NS-TR9] Grp C [NS-TR53] Chemistry Tutorial Grp D [NS-TR15] Grp E [NS-TR17] Grp F [NS-TR28]
12.30- 13.30
English Grp5 [NS-TR49] Grp6 [NS-TR53] Grp7 [NS-TR58] Grp8 [SS-TR121] Grp 1 [NS-TR10] Grp 2 [NS-TR13] Grp 3 [NS-TR19] Grp4 [NS-TR21] Chemistry Lecture Grp5 [NS-TR23] Grp6 [NS-TR53] Grp7 [NS-TR58] Grp8 [SS-TR121] Chemistry Lecture