Evolution of Inhomogeneous Condensates Self-consistent Variational Approach
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389(2014)209–220Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEarth and Planetary Science Letters/locate/epslTrace element content of sedimentary pyrite as a new proxy for deep-time ocean–atmosphere evolutionRoss rge a ,∗,Jacqueline A.Halpin a ,Leonid V.Danyushevsky a ,Valeriy V.Maslennikov b ,Stuart W.Bull a ,John A.Long c ,d ,Daniel D.Gregory a ,Elena Lounejeva a ,Timothy W.Lyons e ,Patrick J.Sack f ,Peter J.McGoldrick a ,Clive R.Calver gaCentre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Science (CODES),University of Tasmania,Private Bag 126,Hobart,Tasmania 7001,Australia bInstitute of Mineralogy,Russian Academy of Science,Urals Branch,Miass,Russia cSchool of Biological Sciences,Flinders University,PO Box 2100,Adelaide,South Australia 5001,Australia dMuseum Victoria,PO Box 666,Melbourne,Victoria 3001,Australia eDepartment of Earth Sciences,University of California,Riverside,CA 92521,USA fYukon Geological Survey,PO Box 2703(K-102),Whitehorse,Yukon Y1A 2C6,Canada gMineral Resources Tasmania,PO Box 56,Rosny Park,Tasmania 7018,Australiaa r t i c l e i n f o ab s t r ac tArticle history:Received 29July 2013Received in revised form 8December 2013Accepted 15December 2013Available online 20January 2014Editor:G.Henderson Keywords:palaeo-oceanography sedimentary pyrite trace elements ocean chemistry oxygenation proxy seleniumSedimentary pyrite formed in the water column,or during diagenesis in organic muds,provides an accessible proxy for seawater chemistry in the marine rock record.Except for Mo,U,Ni and Cr,surprisingly little is known about trace element trends in the deep time oceans,even though they are critical to developing better models for the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere and evolutionary pathways of life.Here we introduce a novel approach to simultaneously quantify a suite of trace elements in sedimentary pyrite from marine black shales.These trace element concentrations,at least in a first-order sense,track the primary elemental abundances in coeval seawater.In general,the trace element patterns show significant variation of several orders of magnitude in the Archaean and Phanerozoic,but less variation on longer wavelengths in the Proterozoic.Certain trace elements (e.g.,Ni,Co,As,Cr)have generally decreased in the oceans through the Precambrian,other elements (e.g.,Mo,Zn,Mn)have generally increased,and a further group initially increased and then decreased (e.g.,Se and U).These changes appear to be controlled by many factors,in particular:1)oxygenation cycles of the Earth’s ocean–atmosphere system,2)the composition of exposed crustal rocks,3)long term rates of continental erosion,and 4)cycles of ocean anoxia.We show that Ni and Co content of seawater is affected by global Large Igneous Province events,whereas redox sensitive trace elements such as Se and Mo are affected by atmosphere oxygenation.Positive jumps in Mo and Se concentrations prior to the Great Oxidation Event (GOE1,c.2500Ma)suggest pulses of oxygenation may have occurred as early as 2950Ma.A flat to declining pattern of many biologically important nutrient elements through the mid to late Proterozoic may relate to declining atmosphere O 2,and supports previous models of nutrient deficiency inhibiting marine evolution during this period.These trace elements (Mo,Se,U,Cu and Ni)reach a minimum in the mid Cryogenian and rise abruptly toward the end of the Cryogenian marking the position of a second Great Oxidation Event (GOE2).©2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWhole rock variation of trace elements (TE)—in particular Mo,U,V,Cr and Ni —in black shales deposited in marine environments have been successfully used to interpret palaeo-redox conditions on the ocean floor (Lyons et al.,2003;Tribovillard et al.,2006;Reinhard et al.,2013),including temporal changes in oxygenation*Corresponding author.E-mail address:rge@.au (rge).of the global ocean (Holland,1984;Anbar et al.,2007;Scott et al.,2008;Partin et al.,2013).Most of the redox sensitive TE,as well as multitude of other TE in black shales,are concentrated in early-formed pyrite (Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992;Large et al.,2007,2009;Gregory et al.,in press ).Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA-ICPMS)techniques devel-oped to study zonation in the composition of pyrite (FeS 2)in var-ious ore systems (Danyushevsky et al.,2011)have demonstrated how this information can be used to study potential sources of metals (Meffre et al.,2008),track changes in the chemistry of hy-drothermal fluids (Large et al.,2009),determine the evolution of0012-821X/$–see front matter ©2013Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.epsl.2013.12.020rge et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters389(2014)209–220ore deposits(Thomas et al.,2011)and establish the effectivenessof pyrite as a trap for TE in contaminated sediments(Gregoryet al.,2013,in press).We suggest here,that in the same way thathydrothermal pyrite tracks changes in chemistry of orefluids,sedi-mentary pyrite,which is a common trace mineral in carbonaceousmarine black shales(Fig.1a–d),can be used to trackfirst-orderchanges in the chemistry of seawater and ultimately oxygenationof the ocean–atmosphere system.Whereas bulk shale studies re-quire samples of particular palaeo-redox facies(Lyons et al.,2003;Scott et al.,2008;Algeo and Rowe,2012),the focus on early-formed pyrites developed here allows sampling of a wider rangeof redox conditions,enabling a more complete record of seawatervariation.For this study we have analysed over1880sedimentarypyrites from131black shale samples covering77time intervalsfrom3515Ma to present day(Supplementary Tables1–4).2.TE analysis of sedimentary pyrite as a proxy for seawaterchemistry2.1.Incorporation of TE in sedimentary pyriteSedimentary pyrite forms in seafloor muds when H2S,pro-duced by the microbial reduction of marine sulfate,reacts with iron to form pyrite(FeS2),arguably by way of an iron mono-sulfide precursor,such as mackinawite or greigite(Rickard and Luther,1997;Rickard,2012).Experimental studies(Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992;Morse and Arakaki,1993)have shown that many TE are incorporated into the precursor iron monosulfide at an early stage,including(in approximate order of incorpora-tion)As,Hg,Mo,Co,Cu,Mn,Ni,Cr,Pb,Zn and Cd,which are absorbed from seawater and local pore waters in seafloor muds (Larget et al.,2007,2009;Gregory et al.,in press).This TE en-richment process is controlled by the amount of pyrite produced and the amount of trace metals available from seawater and pore waters(Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992).However it is recognised that microbially controlled reduction and sequestration of TE and sulfate on the seafloor are complex biochemical processes.Vari-ables like Eh/pH conditions in the sediment/water column,de-gree of bio-productivity and availability of preferred electron ac-ceptors will influence which TE the microbes reduce and co-precipitate with pyrite at any given time(Kulp and Pratt,2004; Mitchell et al.,2012).Various textural forms of pyrite are typical of syngenetic/dia-genetic sedimentary origins,including framboids,microcrystalline clusters,small nodules and layers offine crystals(Fig.1a–d). Late diagenetic pyrites typically overgrow earlier pyrite genera-tions(Thomas et al.,2011;Rickard,2012)and commonly have a rounded anhedral surface which may be expressed as elon-gate nodules or various spheroidal and nodular forms(Large et al.2007,2009).Recent studies have shown that many of the TE originally thought to be present in the structure of pyrite, are actually present as micro-inclusions(Ciobanu et al.,2009; Large et al.,2009;Deditius et al.,2011)abundant in early forms of pyrite(Fig.1a–c).Whereas Ni,Co,and Se are commonly present in the pyrite structure,As,Cu,Zn,Pb,Bi,Sb,Tl,Mo,Ag,Cd,Mn, Hg,and Te may be either in the structure or as sulfide micro-inclusions,and Ti,V,U,Ba,Sn,W,and Cr,are invariably present within micro-inclusions of matrix material.This earliest formed inclusion-bearing sedimentary pyrite is the most TE rich,and sub-sequent,more crystalline generations with fewer inclusions(late diagenetic to early metamorphic)may contain lower TE concentra-tions and trend toward a pure FeS2composition(Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992;Large et al.,2007;Large et al.,2009;Rickard,2012). Trace elements that are loosely held in the pyrite structure or oc-cur as nano-inclusions(e.g.,Zn,Cu,Pb,Ag,Mo)are readily expelled from the pyrite during metamorphic recrystallisation,whereasTE Fig.1.a–d,Various textures of sedimentary pyrite;a,cluster of framboids,b,cloud offine framboids and microcrystals,c,nodule,d,fine microcrystals concentrated in a sedimentary bed.e–j,LA-ICPMS images of TE distribution in pyrite nodule (c above)and surrounding matrix.Note the high concentration of Se in pyrite rela-tive to matrix in(e),compared with low concentration of V in the pyrite relative to matrix in j.k,time resolved LA-ICPMS spectra of selected TE in a sedimentary pyrite analysis.The laser was switched on at31s after the start of the analysis.Ablation continued for60s.The intensity of the signal for each isotope is taken as the dif-ference between the mean signal with laser off(background,thefirst30s of each acquisition)and the mean signal with the laser on.As the vertical axis is counts recorded by the detector on ICPMS,differences in intensity of the signals from dif-ferent isotopes do not directly reflect differences in concentrations.The plot shows the differing response from TE in the pyrite structure(Pb,Co,Sb and Se)compared to TE in micro-inclusions(Ti,Zn and Cr).Copper shows a dual response.rge et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters389(2014)209–220211Table1Summary of TE variations in the Archean and Proterozoic oceans based on sedimentary pyrite composition.Eon/Era Trace elements enriched*in ocean Trace elements depleted*in ocean Little change in mean trace elementconcentration*Across GOE2(c.660Ma)Mo,Se,Zn,Cd,Ni,Co,As,Cu,Mn,Hg,Pb,Sb,Te,UBi,Ba,W,Sn Ag,Cr,V,TlNeoproterozoic to660Ma#Cu,Bi,Ba Mo,Zn,Ni,As,Se,Cd,Tl,Hg,Cr,Ag,Sb,TeCo,Mn,Pb,U,V,W,SnMesoproterozoic As,Tl Mo,Co,Mn,Hg,U,Cr,Ba,V,W,Te Zn,Ni,Se,Cd,Cu,Pb,Bi,Sn,Ag,Sb Palaeoproterozoic Cu,Bi,U,Cr,V,W Mo,Zn,As,Cd,Co,Tl,Hg,Ba,Ag,Sb,TeNi,Se,Mn,Pb,SnAcross GOE1(c.2500Ma)Mo,Se,Tl,Mn,U Zn,Cd,Ni,Co,As,Cu,Ag,Sb,Hg,Te,Pb,Bi,Cr,Ba,SnV,WArchean Ni,As,Co,Cu,Hg,Bi,Cr,W,Sn,Sb,Te Mo,Zn,Se,Cd,Mn,U,Ba Tl,Pb,V,Ag*Compared with the range of average values through time(0to3.5Ga).#Neoproterozoic prior to GOE2(Tonian-Cryogenian).that are stoichiometric in the pyrite structure(e.g.,Co,Ni,As,Se) tend to remain and even become enriched during metamorphism (Large et al.,2007,2011b).2.2.Sample selection,rationale and analysisIn this study,samples of sedimentary pyrite were selected on the basis of:(1)metamorphic grade of the host shale,(2)texture of pyrite and(3)Co/Ni ratio of pyrite,as outlined below.1.Black shales of mid greenschist facies or below were chosen.Post lithification metamorphism and/or hydrothermal activity leads to recrystallisation of earlier pyrite forms and commonly results in pyrite overgrowths with euhedral outer surfaces and well developed crystal growth zones with alternation of TE chemistry(Large et al.,2009,2013;Thomas et al.,2011).These latter euhedral and zoned pyrite types have been studiously avoided in this current study,as their chemistry reflects the composition and conditions of the metamorphic or hydrother-malfluids rather than the precursor seawater chemistry during sedimentation.Samples with pyrrhotite were also rejected,as previous studies have shown a marked loss of TE during con-version of pyrite to pyrrhotite(Thomas et al.,2011).2.Pyrite was selected that retained textures indicative of syn-genesis or formation during early diagenesis.Textures indica-tive of diagenetic pyrite include;framboids,microcrystalline pyrite in clouds in the shale,microcrystalline pyrite aligned parallel to bedding,small cubic euhedral and bladed crystals, small porous patches and rounded or elongate zoned nod-ules(Fig.1a–d)(Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992;Large et al., 2007,2009;Guy et al.,2010).Pyrite textures indicative of metamorphic and/or hydrothermal growth,including medium and large sized euhedral crystals(>1mm),clear crystals with-out inclusions,and pyrite which cuts across the bedding as blebs or veins,were not selected for analysis.Textural dis-crimination between diagenetic and metamorphic pyrite tex-tures was assisted by etching pyrite with nitric acid(Large et al.,2007),coupled with the LA-ICPMS mapping technique when required(Fig.1e–j,Supplementary Fig.7)(Large et al., 2009,2013;Thomas et al.,2011).3.Chemical screening of the pyrite was undertaken following LA-ICPMS analysis.On a Co versus Ni plot,samples which showeda linear array parallel to Co/Ni=1,and with Co/Ni<2wereselected as suitable.This is based on previous work(Bajwah et al.,1987;Large et al.,2009)that have shown diagenetic pyrite commonly has Co/Ni 2,whereas hydrothermal pyrite has higher Co values that trend away from the Co/Ni=1line.More than80%of our data was deemed acceptable on this ba-sis.All LA-ICPMS analyses of pyrite were performed at the Cen-tre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Science(CODES),University of Tasmania(see Supplementary Information for LA-ICPMS method-ology).LA-ICPMS element maps clearly show those TE that are evenly distributed through the pyrite(e.g.,Se in Fig.1e),com-pared with those that are zoned(Cu,Fig.1h),those with a patchy distribution(As,Fig.1i),and those dominated by inclusions (Mo and Zn,Fig.1f–g).The time-resolved signal of an individ-ual LA-ICPMS analysis(Fig.1k)provides information on the likely form of elements incorporation in the pyrite(Large et al.,2009; Thomas et al.,2011).Removal of the effects of matrix micro-inclusions leads to the pyrite compositions measured on several pyrite grains from the same black shale sample commonly exhibit-ing a variation of less than one order of magnitude(ppm scale), compared with the overall dataset variation of up to four orders of magnitude for any given TE(see example in Supplementary Fig.1).2.3.Proof of conceptFive separate lines of evidence support our contention that vari-ations in the TE composition of early-formed sedimentary pyrite in black shales are a goodfirst order proxy for TE variations in the ocean through time(Table1).The physical/chemical connection between early-formed sedimentary pyrite and seawater underpins ourfirst line of evidence.Syngenetic pyrite which forms in eu-xinic water columns adsorbs TE from the seawater(Huerta-Diaz and Morse,1992)is an obvious proxy for seawater TE chem-istry(Berner et al.,2013).However,diagenetic pyrite in anoxic to dysoxic bottom water conditions forms by biogenic reduction of sulfate in the pore waters of seafloor muds within thefirst few centimetres of the seafloor(Wilkin et al.,1996).In this environ-ment the muds contain from60to85%seawater(Baldwin and But-ler,1985;Harrold et al.,1999)and thus ensure a strong connection between pyrite chemistry and seawater chemistry,even though sedimentary clays and organic matter are likely to play a role in partitioning TE into pyrite.The seawater content of seafloor muds remains over40%in the top100to200m(Baldwin and Butler, 1985)and thus diagenetic pyrites forming at considerable depth will maintain a seawater connection influenced by matrix interac-tions.The significance of matrix/pore water interaction in effecting a change in sedimentary pyrite chemistry can be evaluated from data on pyrite TE depth profiles in recent sedimentary environ-ments from Huerta-Diaz and Morse(1990,1992).Their data,col-lected from a range of anoxic to euxinic sedimentary environments in the Gulf of Mexico,shows that most TE in sedimentary pyrite increase with depth from0up to100cm depth.However,the in-crease is variable,depending on sedimentary environment and the TE measured,and is commonly in the range of1.4to6times(less than one order of magnitude),compared to the2to4orders ofrge et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389(2014)209–220Fig.2.a,Changes in mean LA-ICPMS analyses of Mo,As,Ni,Co and Se in the paragenetic stages of sedimentary pyrite from the Neoproterozoic Khomolkho Formation,Siberia from Large et al.(2007).Py1=syngenetic to early diagenetic pyrite;py2=early diagenetic pyrite;py3=late diagenetic pyrite;py4=metamorphic pyrite;py5=late metamorphic pyrite;pyrrhotite =late metamorphic pyrrhotite replacing pyrite.b,Range in TE content (Se,As,Ni and Mo)plotted against pyrite framboid size for a Late Permian black shale from the Perth Basin,Western Australia.The range in individual TE for each framboid size is similar.magnitude variation exhibited by sedimentary pyrite in our sam-ples from different epochs and eras through time.The second line of evidence comes from a study of the LA-ICPMS composition of a range of different textural and paragenetic pyrite types,from syngenetic,through diagenetic to metamorphic,in the Neoproterozoic Khomolkho Formation in the Lena Gold-field,Siberia (Large et al.,2007).This study demonstrated a general trend of steady to decreasing mean TE content in pyrite with time,from syngenetic to diagenetic to metamorphic through the para-genesis (Fig.2a).The changes during diagenesis for all five TE are substantially less than one order of magnitude.This suggests that the first order (2to 4orders of magnitude)temporal changes are unlikely to relate to diagenesis in the seafloor muds,but more likely reflect the changes in TE content of seawater within and overlying the muds.The third line of evidence,based on our framboid data from the Perth Basin in Late Permian marine black shales (Thomas et al.,2004)shows there is no substantial difference in the TE (range ppm)of small ( 5μm)syngenetic framboids,compared with larger (6to 35μm)pyrite framboids (Fig.2b).All sizes of framboids in this Late Permian black shale sample show similar TE contents (40to 800ppm Ni and As;3to 80Mo and Se;Fig.2b)suggesting that early-formed sedimentary pyrite is a first order recorder of TE variations irrespective of its framboid size and mode of origin (syngenetic or diagenetic).The fourth line of evidence is exhibited in Fig.3,which demon-strates a first order positive relationship between the LA-ICPMS TE composition of sedimentary pyrite from an actively forming sed-imentary basin the Cariaco Basin on the Venezuela shelf (Lyons et al.,2003;Piper and Perkins,2004),and the TE composition ofrge et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 389(2014)209–220213Fig.3.Positive correlation (large dashed field)between mean TE concentrations in current ocean and mean TE concentrations in modern sedimentary pyrite from Cari-aco Basin.Vanadium,U and Ba do not fall in the same field as the other traces,as they are concentrated in non-sulfide inclusions within thepyrite.Fig.4.Down hole comparison between LA-ICPMS Mo and Se analyses from whole rock and sedimentary pyrite in black shales from drill hole CD 12c,Carlin District Nevada (Large et al.,2011a ).modern ocean water (/chemsensor/summary.html ).Relative to seawater,TE in Cariaco Basin pyrite are enriched between 5and 8orders of magnitude (Supplementary Table 1).Trace elements Mo,As,Ni,Zn,Cu and Se which are enriched in the current ocean (>100ng/kg)are also enriched in the currently forming sedimentary pyrite (>100ppm),whereas Co,Pb,Sb,Tl,Cd and Ag which are in lower abundance in the ocean (>1and <100ng/kg)are also in lower abundance in sedimentary pyrite (>10and <100ppm).The least abundant TE in the ocean (Te,Bi,Au)are also the least abundant in Cariaco Basin sedimentary pyrite.Barium,V and U,which are present within silicate inclu-sions in the sedimentary pyrite,plot outside the pyrite correlation field.The final proof of concept for the approach proposed here in-volves comparing our data on the TE composition of pyrite with the TE content of whole rock black shale samples,particularly for Mo,which is commonly used to interpret palaeo-ocean con-ditions and changes in oxygenation of the atmosphere/ocean sys-tem through time (Lyons et al.,2003;Tribovillard et al.,2006;Scott et al.,2008).A small group of black shale samples from the Devonian Popovich Formation,Nevada,reveal similar down-hole trends (Fig.4);those TE concentrated in pyrite such as Mo and Se are commonly between 10to 100times the whole rock value,depending on the percentage of sedimentary pyrite and organic matter in the sample.In order to evaluate the deep time variability of TE in sedimen-tary pyrite in black shales,we compare Mo data on whole rock euxinic and/or organic-rich black shales from Scott et al.(2008)with our data on the Mo content of sedimentary pyrite in black shales over the same time interval (Fig.5a and b).The two data patterns are remarkably similar,with several times more Mo in pyrite compared with the whole rock values,even though Mo is present both in the sedimentary matrix and in the sedimentary pyrite (Fig.1)(Chappaz et al.,2014).A second comparison is made with the Ni/Fe ratio measured on whole rocks and minerals in ma-rine Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)(Konhauser et al.,2009)(Fig.5c and d).Again the two datasets show similar patterns,although the Konhauser et al.(2009)plot contains no Phanerozoic data due to the lack of BIFs in this era.In summary,our pyrite TE plots have reproduced the temporal trends in the previous whole rock data and confirm the value of sedimentary pyrite as a proxy for deep time variations of TE in the oceans.3.Temporal trends in TE from sedimentary pyriteIndividual TE time curves derived from LA-ICPMS analysis of 1885pyrite spots on 131black shale samples are given in the Supplementary Information (Supplementary Tables 2and 3;Sup-plementary Figs.3–5).We have selected a subset of the TE to focus our discussion;Mo,Ni,Co,As and Se measured in sedi-mentary pyrite,and U and Cr measured in the sedimentary matrix (Figs.6–8).In the summary figures to follow,we use a rolling TE mean to highlight the long-term TE trends (Fig.6b–f,see also Sup-plementary Fig.2)at the expense of the variation in individual sample sets (Fig.6a).In general terms (see Mo,Ni,Co,As and Se in Fig.6b–f),most TE exhibit significant cyclic variation of sev-eral orders of magnitude in the Archaean and Phanerozoic,but less variation on longer wavelengths in the Proterozoic.In the Precam-brian,there are four general TE trends:Trend 1:a flat-to-broadly increasing pattern through the Archaeanand Proterozoic:only Mo,Zn,Mn,and Cd show this pattern.Although this pattern is not unidirectional,it suggests that supply of these TE to the ocean has exceeded drawdown into seafloor muds through most of the Precambrian.Trend 2:A variable,but generally decreasing pattern through theArchaean and Proterozoic:Ni,Co,As,Te,Tl,Hg,Sb,Pb,Bi,Cr,Sn,and W.This pattern suggests drawdown has exceeded sup-ply for the Precambrian.Trend 3:a general increase through the Mesoarchaean to earlyPalaeoproterozoic followed by a decrease through the Meso-and Neoproterozoic:Se,U,and V.In the first half of the pe-riod supply exceeded drawdown,with reversal in the second half.Trend 4:a relatively flat pattern with no obvious trend throughthe Archaean and Proterozoic:Cu,Ag,and Ba.In this case TE supply and drawdown were roughly matched through the pe-riod but with perturbations.rge et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters389(2014)209–220parison of published data on temporal variation in whole rock Mo and Ni analyses on black shales and BIFs with LA-ICPMS analyses of sedimentary pyrite in black shales.a,Mo whole rock black shale data from Scott et al.(2008)and b,Mo in sedimentary pyrite derived from this study.c,Ni/Fe whole rock and mineral data from BIFs (Konhauser et al.,2009)and d,Ni in sedimentary pyrite derived from this study.All TE show high frequency and high amplitude variations throughthe Phanerozoic suggesting geologically rapid changes in oceanchemistry over this latter period of Earth history.It should be em-phasised that the four trends discussed above are afirst attempt togroup the data,but in fact each TE shows its own individual pat-tern(Supplementary Figs.3and5),that is probably controlled bya number of factors,which are beyond the scope of analysis here.A brief discussion of the temporal trends of thefive TE shown inFig.6,and comparison between these pyrite TE trends and thosepreviously published for whole rock datasets follows below.Molybdenum(Trend1)is a conservative TE in the currentocean,present as the soluble MoO4=species(Helz et al.,1996).The general rise in the Mo time curve(Fig.6b)is attributed tooxygenation of the atmosphere,particularly in the Neoarchean andPhanerozoic,leading to increased continental oxidative weatheringsuch that supply of Mo to the oceans exceeded the drawdowninto seafloor sediments(Anbar et al.,2007;Scott et al.,2008;Dahl et al.,2011).Our time curve shows that Mo in pyrite com-menced at a relatively low0.5to1ppm at3500Ma and increasedthrough a series of steps to reach10to70ppm at1000Ma.Thestep up at around2500Ma likely corresponds to the Great Oxi-dation Event(GOE1)(Farquhar et al.,2001;Holland,2006)whenappreciable O2first accumulated in the atmosphere.In the Neo-proterozoic there is a trough in the Mo time curve(referred to asthe Cryogenian TE trough hereafter)that concludes with the Stur-tian glaciation and proposed Snowball Earth(Hoffman et al.,1998).A rapid rise corresponding to a second Great Oxidation Event(re-ferred to here as GOE2)occurred during the Neoproterozoic whenoxygen rose to significant levels that ultimately supported the riseof animal diversity.Our TE data suggests a threshold was reachedby660Ma,earlier than recent estimates that place this event ei-ther shortly after the Marinoan Glaciation(630Ma)(Sahoo et al.,2012)or prior to the late Ediacaran(580–550Ma)(Fike et al.,2006;Canfield et al.,2007;Scott et al.,2008).Nickel(Trend2)is a nutrient TE present as Ni2+in the mod-ern ocean.The Ni time curve(Fig.6c)shows an overall decreasethrough the Precambrian to660Ma,but most of the drop oc-curs in the Archaean,decreasing from around2500–10,000ppm tojust under1000ppm through the Palaeoproterozoic.This pattern,also seen in Ni/Fe ratio in BIFs(Fig.5c),is attributed to coolingupper mantle and decreased eruption of Ni-rich komatiite ultra-mafic rocks from about2700Ma(Konhauser et al.,2009).Cobalt(Trend2)shows a similar pattern to Ni,but with more varia-tion(Fig.6d).Most of the segments on the time curve when Niand Co in pyrite exceeds1000ppm and500ppm respectively,overlap with episodes of Large Igneous Province(LIP)eruptions ofmafic lavas and associated intrusives,both subareal and submarine(Prokoph et al.,2004)(Fig.7).The komatiitic LIPs of the Archaeanare particularly enriched in Ni and Co,and thus contributed to thesustained high levels of Ni and Co to the global oceans and sed-imentary pyrite(Fig.7).The highest Phanerozoic Ni and Co weremeasured in sedimentary pyrite of250Ma from the Perth BasinWestern Australia;values up to48,000ppm Ni and16,000Cowere recorded,indicating the likelihood of widespread enrichmentof the global ocean in Ni and Co due to the Siberian Trap erup-tions.It is noteworthy that these Siberian eruptions are associatedwith the largest nickel ore bodies on Earth,Norilsk and Talnack.Arsenic(Trend2)(Fig.6e)also exhibits a declining trendthrough the Precambrian.However,the As pattern has two seg-ments;1)a continuous decrease from a mean of5000to300ppmin pyrite over the period3000to1800Ma;2)followed by a rise to10,000ppm at1400Ma and fall to the Cryogenian TE trough,ris-ing again at GOE2around660Ma.The cause for the sharp declinein As through Late Archean and Early Proterozoic is not source-rock controlled,as unlike Ni and Co,As is not enriched in ultra-mafic or mafic rocks(Reimann and Caritat,1998),and alternativeAs-bearing Archean source rocks are not known.A possible expla-nation for the As trend relates to the fact that As forms a solublearsenate complex(HAsO2−4)in oxic to anoxic ocean conditions andsoluble polysulfide complex(H2As3S−6)in euxinic ocean conditions(see Supplementary Table5).Thus higher levels of volatile ele-ments,S and As,associated with a degassing Earth in the Archean,may have contributed to stable arsenic polysulfide complexes inthe mainly H2S-bearing Archean ocean,which declined in concen-tration through the Early Proterozoic as H2S levels in the oceandropped and As was drawn-down into seafloor pyrite.An increasein As through the Mesoproterozoic(Fig.6e)supports a switch toanoxic conditions as the SO2−4/H2S ratio of the ocean continued toincrease,followed by an As decline as euxinic conditions took holdagain in the Neoproterozoic(Poulton and Canfield,2011).Selenium(Trend3)(Fig.6f),like Mo,is sourced from the ox-idative weathering of continental pyrite,with release of seleniteand selenate species(SeO2−3and SeO2−4;see Supplementary Fig.6),which accumulate in the ocean.Selenium is a nutrient TE,with。
The evolution of dinosaurs is a fascinating subject that has captured the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike. Dinosaurs first appeared during the Mesozoic Era, which is often referred to as the Age of Reptiles. This era is divided into three periods: the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.The early dinosaurs of the Triassic Period were relatively small, bipedal creatures. They evolved from a group of reptiles known as thecodonts. Over millions of years, these early dinosaurs diversified into a wide variety of species, each adapted to different environments and ecological niches.During the Jurassic Period, dinosaurs reached their peak in terms of diversity and dominance. Herbivorous dinosaurs like the longnecked sauropods, such as Apatosaurus and Diplodocus, roamed the land, while carnivorous dinosaurs like the fearsome Allosaurus and the smaller, agile Velociraptor hunted them. This period also saw the emergence of the first birds, which evolved from small, feathered dinosaurs.The Cretaceous Period marked the final chapter in the history of dinosaurs. This era was characterized by the rise of large, armored herbivores like Ankylosaurus and the massive, carnivorous Tyrannosaurus rex. However, it was also during this period that a catastrophic event occurred, leading to the extinction of all nonavian dinosaurs around 65 million years ago.The exact cause of the dinosaur extinction remains a topic of debate among scientists. The most widely accepted theory is that a massive asteroid impact, combined with volcanic activity, led to a dramatic change in the climate and the collapse of ecosystems, ultimately causing the demise of the dinosaurs.Despite their extinction, the legacy of dinosaurs lives on in the form of birds, which are considered to be the descendants of a group of twolegged dinosaurs known as theropods. Additionally, the study of dinosaur fossils has provided valuable insights into the history of life on Earth and the processes of evolution and adaptation.In conclusion, the evolution of dinosaurs is a captivating journey through time, showcasing the incredible diversity and adaptability of these prehistoric creatures. Their story is a testament to the power of natural selection and the everchanging nature of our planet.。
The changing basis for global leadership
NEC’s top management reckoned, would hinge on acquiring core competencies.
• It is essential to make this distinction between
core competencies, core products, and end products because global competition is played out by different rules and for different stakes at each level.
• Core products are the components or
subassemblies that actually contribute to the value of the end products.
• Honda's engines, for example, are core products,
Cultivating core competence does not mean outspending rivals on research and development Nor does core competence mean shared costs, as when two or more SBU's use a common facility – a plant, service facility, or sales force – or share a common component Building core competencies is more ambitious and different than integrating vertically, moreover
中文题目:古生物的进化英文题目:Evolution of Ancient extinct life于佳鑫指导老师:邢沈阳、赵志辉摘要:地球上的生物发展至今,已经经历了三十八亿年的进化,生物的进化是生物对环境适应的表现,本文介绍了生物进化的概念和规律,并简述了分子古生物学在生物进化研究中的应用。
Abstract:Crearures on earth had processed 3.8 billion years of evolution since it had appeared on the earth. Evolution of creature is the present of creatures’ adaptative to environment. The article explained the concept and patten of creature evolution, and stated the utilization of molecule paleobiology in research of evolution of creature.关键词:分子进化、生物进化、化石基因组Key words:Molecular Evolution; Evolution;Fossil Genome1生物进化概念生物进化是自然科学一个的永恒之迷。
由于不是任何变化都可称为进化或演化,因而evolation 一词两译是合适的。
托福阅读TPO5-3 The Cambrian Explosion
The Cambrian ExplosionThe geologic timescale is marked by significant geologic and biological events, including the origin of Earth about 4.6 billion years ago, the origin of life about 3.5 billion years ago, the origin of eukaryotic life-forms (living things that have cells with true nuclei) about 1.5 billion years ago, and the origin of animals about 0.6 billion years ago. The last event marks the beginning of the Cambrian period. Animals originated relatively late in the history of Earth—in only the last 10 percent of Earth’s history. During a geologically brief 100-million-year period, all modern animal groups (along with other animals that are now extinct) evolved. This rapid origin and diversification of animals is often referred to as “the Cambrian explosion.”Scientists have asked important questions about this explosion for more than a century. Why did it occur so late in the history of Earth? The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself. Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals? Why did animal life evolve so quickly? Paleontologists continue to search the fossil record for answers to these questions.One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize. Fossilization of soft-bodied animals is less likely than fossilization of hard-bodied animals, but it does occur. Conditions that promote fossilization of soft-bodied animals include very rapid covering by sediments that create an environment that discourages decomposition. In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years.The Ediacara fossil formation, which contains the oldest known animal fossils, consists exclusively of soft-bodied forms. Although named after a site in Australia, the Ediacara formation is worldwide in distribution and dates to Precambrian times. This 700-million-year-old formation gives few clues to the origins of modern animals, however, because paleontologists believe it represents an evolutionary experiment that failed. It contains no ancestors of modern animal groups.A slightly younger fossil formation containing animal remains is the Tommotian formation, named after a locale in Russia. It dates to the very early Cambrian period, and it also contains only soft-bodied forms. At one time, the animals present in these fossil beds were assigned to various modern animal groups, but most paleontologists now agree that all Tommotian fossils represent unique body forms that arose in the early Cambrian period and disappeared before the end of the period, leaving no descendants in modern animal groups.A third fossil formation containing both soft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian explosion. This fossil formation, called the Burgess Shale, is in Yoho National Park in the Canadian Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. Shortly after the Cambrian explosion, mud slides rapidly buried thousands of marine animals under conditions that favored fossilization. These fossil beds provideevidence of about 32 modern animal groups, plus about 20 other animal body forms that are so different from any modern animals that they cannot be assigned to any one of the modern groups. These unassignable animals include a large swimming predator called Anomalocaris and a soft-bodied animal called Wiwaxia, which ate detritus or algae. The Burgess Shale formation also has fossils of many extinct representatives of modern animal groups. For example, a well-known Burgess Shale animal called Sidneyia is a representative of a previously unknown group of arthropods (a category of animals that includes insects, spiders, mites, and crabs).Fossil formations like the Burgess Shale show that evolution cannot always be thought of as a slow progression. The Cambrian explosion involved rapid evolutionary diversification, followed by the extinction of many unique animals. Why was this evolution so rapid? No one really knows. Many zoologists believe that it was because so many ecological niches were available with virtually no competition from existing species. Will zoologists ever know the evolutionary sequences in the Cambrian explosion? Perhaps another ancient fossil bed of soft-bodied animals from 600-million-year-old seas is awaiting discovery.the origin of Earth about 4.6 billion years ago, the origin of life about 3.5 billion years ago, the origin of eukaryotic life-forms (living things that have cells with true nuclei) about 1.5 billion years ago, and the origin of animals about 0.6 billion years ago. The last event marks the beginning of the Cambrian period. Animalslate in the history of Earth—in only the last 10 percent of Earth’s history. During aof animals is often referred to as “the Cambrian explosion.”passage is closest in meaning to○ numerous○ important○ unexplained○ sudden○ surprisingly○ collectively○ comparatively○ characteristicallythe passage is closest in meaning to○ emergence of many varieties○ steady decline in number○ gradual increase in body size○ sudden disappearanceWhy did it occur so late in the history of Earth? The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself. Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals? Why did animal life evolve so quickly? Paleontologists continue to search the fossil record for answers to these questions.○ occurred 0.6 billion years ago,late in Earth’s history○ was characterized by the unusually fast evolution of many new life-forms○ was characterized by widespread animal extinction○ was characterized by violent volcanic eruptions5. According to Paragraph2, which of the following is NOT a question that paleontologists asked about the Cambrian explosion?○ Why was the origin of life a simple step in Earth’s history?○ Why did it take so long for multicellular organisms to develop?○ Why did animal life evolve so rapidly?○ Why do es the fossil record lack evidence of animal evolution during that time?6. Which of the following best describes the relationship between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?○ Paragraph 2 puts forward several scientific claims, one of which is rejected in p aragraph 3.○ Paragraph 2 poses several questions, and paragraph 3 offers a possible answer to one of them.○ Paragraph 2 presents outdated traditional views, while paragraph 3 presents the current scientific conclusions.○ Paragraph 2 introduces a general ization that is illustrated by specific examples in paragraph 3.Paragraph 3: One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft-bodied and simply did not fossilize. Fossilization of soft-bodied animalsof soft-bodied animals include very rapid covering by sediments that create an environment that discourages decomposition. In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years.○ complicate○ prevent○ encourage○ affectParagraph 4: The Ediacara fossil formation, which contains the oldest known animal fossils, consists exclusively of soft-bodied forms. Although named after a site in Australia, the Ediacara formation is worldwide in distribution and dates to Precambrian times. This 700-million-year-old formation gives few clues to the origins of modern animals, however, because paleontologists believe it represents an evolutionary experiment that failed. It contains no ancestors of modern animal groups.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 4 as being true of the Ediacara formation?○ It contains fossils that date back to the Precambrian period.○ It contains only soft-bodied animal fossils.○ It is located on a single site in Australia.○ It does not contain any fossils of the ancestors of modern an imals.Paragraph 5: A slightly younger fossil formation containing animal remains is the Tommotian formation,the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○ The animals found in the Tommotian fossil bed were once thought to belong to a variety of modern animal groups, but now they are thought to have descended from a single group.○ Animals in the Tommotian fossil beds were initially assigned to modern an imal groups but are now thought to belong to groups that emerged and died out during the Cambrian period.○ Though at first they thought otherwise, paleontologists now agree that the animals in the Tommotian have body forms from which modern animals have descended.○ It is unclear whether the Tommotian fossils from the early Cambrian period represent unique body forms or whether they should be assigned to various modern animal groups.Paragraph 6: A third fossil formation containing both soft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian explosion. This fossil formation, called the Burgess Shale, is in Yoho National Park in the Canadian Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. Shortly after the Cambrian explosion, mud slides rapidly buried thousands of marine animals under conditions that favored fossilization. These fossil beds provide evidence of about 32 modern animal groups, plus about 20 other animal body forms that are so different from any modern animals that they cannot be assigned to any one of the modern groups. Theseate detritus or algae. The Burgess Shale formation also has fossils of many extinctis a representative of a previously unknown group of arthropods (a category of animals that includes insects,spiders, mites, and crabs).10. Why does○ To contrast predators with animals that eat plants such as algae○ To question the effects of rapid mud slides on fossilization○ To suggest that much is still unknown about animals found in the Burgess Shale○ To provide examples of fossils that cannot be assigned to a modern animal group○ a relative of Anomalocaris and Wiwaxia○ a previously unknown Burgess Shale animal○ an extinct member of a currently existing category of animals○ an animal that cannot be assigned to any modern animal groupParagraph 7: Fossil formations like the Burgess Shale show that evolution cannot always be thought of as a slow progression. The Cambrian explosion involved rapid evolutionary diversification, followed by the extinction of many unique animals. Why was this evolution so rapid? No one really knows. Many zoologists believe that it was because so many ecological niches were available with virtually no competition from existing species. Will zoologists ever know the evolutionary sequences in the Cambrian explosion? Perhaps another ancient fossil bed of soft-bodied animals from 600-million-year-old seas is awaiting discovery.12. What can be inferred from paragraph 7 about why the Cambrian explosion is so unusual?○ It generated new ecological niches through the extinction of many unique animals.○ It was a period of rapid evolution, and evolution is often thought of as a slow process.○ It is a period whose evolutionary sequences are clearly marked.○ It generated a very large number of ancient fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals.Paragraph 3: One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils during this important 100-million-year period is t hat early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize. ■Fossilization of soft-bodied animals is less likely than fossilization of hard-bodied animals, but it does occur. ■Conditions that promote fossilization of soft-bodied animals include very rapid covering by sediments that create an environment that discourages decomposition. ■In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years. ■13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.It is relatively rare because the fossilization of soft-bodied animals requires a special environment.Where could the sentence best fit?14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The term “Cambrian explosion” refers to the geologically brief period during which all modern animal groups evolved.●●●Answer Choices○Little is known about the stages of evolution during the Cambrian period, in part because early animals were soft bodied and could fossilize only under particular conditions.○While animal fossils from before the Cambrian explosion have no modern descendants, many animals that evolved during the Cambrian explosion can be assigned to modern groups.○The Cambrian period is significant because it marks the emergence of eukaryotic life-forms—organisms that have cells with true nuclei.○The Ediacara fossil formation provides the most information about the Cambrian explosion, while the earlier, Tommotian and Burgess Shale formations give clues about Precambrian evolution.○Zoologists are awaiting the discovery of a 600-million-year-old fossil formation in order to be able to form a theory of how animal evolution progressed.○Although the reasons for the rapid evolution of animals during the Cambrian period are not known, one proposed explanation is an abundance of niches with a lack of competitors.参考答案:1. ○22. ○33. ○14. ○25. ○16. ○27. ○38. ○39. ○210. ○411. ○312. ○213. ○214. Little is known about the…While animal fossils…Although the reasons for the…。
纳米技术的发展英语作文The Evolution of Nanotechnology: Transforming the World.In the realm of scientific advancements, nanotechnology has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing various industries and opening up unprecedented possibilities. Nanotechnology refers to the manipulationand engineering of matter at the nanoscale, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. At this microscopic scale, materials exhibit unique properties and phenomena that are distinct from their macroscopic counterparts, enabling scientists and engineers to design and fabricate materials with exceptional characteristics.Origins and Historical Development.The concept of manipulating matter at the nanoscale can be traced back to the early 20th century. However, it wasnot until the 1980s, with the advent of scanning tunneling microscopes and atomic force microscopes, that scientistsgained the ability to visualize and manipulate individual atoms and molecules. The field of nanotechnology gained significant momentum in the 1990s and early 2000s, as advancements in microscopy, synthesis techniques, and computational modeling laid the foundation for the rapid development of nano-enabled technologies.Key Principles and Applications.Nanotechnology encompasses a diverse range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science. Its key principles revolve around the manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, enabling the creation of materials with tailored properties. Some of the fundamental concepts in nanotechnology include:Size Dependence: The properties of materials change significantly at the nanoscale, as quantum effects become dominant. This size dependence allows for the creation of materials with enhanced strength, reactivity, andelectrical conductivity.Surface Area to Volume Ratio: Nanoparticles have a large surface area relative to their volume, providing increased reactivity and interaction with surrounding molecules.Quantum Confinement: The confinement of electrons in nanoparticles results in discrete energy levels, leading to unique optical and electronic properties.Industries Impacted by Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology has found applications in a wide range of industries, including:Electronics: Nano-enabled materials are used to create smaller, faster, and more efficient electronic devices, such as transistors, displays, and sensors.Healthcare: Nanoparticles are utilized for drug delivery, gene therapy, and tissue engineering, offering targeted treatment and improved patient outcomes.Energy: Nano-materials are employed in the development of more efficient solar cells, batteries, and fuel cells.Manufacturing: Nanotechnology enables the creation of new materials with enhanced properties, leading to advancements in lightweight materials, coatings, and manufacturing processes.Consumer Products: Nano-additives are incorporated into textiles, cosmetics, and other consumer products to enhance their properties and introduce new functionalities.Nanoscale Phenomena and Novel Properties.The manipulation of matter at the nanoscale has led to the discovery of novel phenomena and properties, such as:Nanoparticle Self-Assembly: Nanoparticles can self-assemble into ordered structures, forming periodic patterns and even complex architectures with tunable properties.Surface Plasmons: The interaction of light with metalnanoparticles can generate surface plasmons, which are collective oscillations of electrons that give rise to unique optical properties.Quantum Dots: Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that exhibit quantum confinement effects, resulting in tunable emission colors and improved quantum efficiency.Challenges and Future Prospects.While nanotechnology holds immense promise, it also presents several challenges:Toxicity and Safety: Concerns exist regarding the potential toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, necessitating thorough risk assessment and regulation.Mass Production and Cost: Scaling up nanotechnology for mass production remains a challenge, as the synthesis and processing of nanomaterials can be complex and expensive.Ethical and Regulatory Issues: The ethical implications of nanotechnology, such as privacy concerns and potential misuse, require careful consideration and regulation.Despite these challenges, the future of nanotechnology looks promising. Continued advancements in microscopy, synthesis techniques, and computational modeling will enable the development of even more advanced and sophisticated nano-enabled technologies. Research in areas such as quantum computing, nano-biotechnology, and nano-medicine is expected to lead to groundbreaking discoveries and transformative applications that will shape the world for generations to come.Conclusion.Nanotechnology has emerged as a transformative force in the 21st century, empowering scientists and engineers to create materials with unprecedented properties and functionalities. By harnessing the unique phenomena and interactions that occur at the nanoscale, nanotechnology isrevolutionizing industries, improving healthcare, and opening up new frontiers in scientific research. As the field continues to advance, we can expect even more remarkable innovations that will shape our future and improve the human experience.。
第六章 岛屿生物地理学理论与生物多样性保护
Galapagos 群岛
0 325 Preston(1962)
0 165 Brown(1978)
0 326 Brown(1978)
0 170 Browne(1981)
0 230 Browne(1981)
4 库萨伊岛 Kusaie 5 图木图群岛 Tuamotu 6 马贵斯群岛 Marquesas 7 法属社会群
岛 Society lslands 8 波纳佩岛 Ponape 9 马里亚纳群岛 Marianas Islands 10 汤加岛
Tanga 11 加罗林群岛 Caroline Iqlands 12 卑硫群岛 Pelew Palau Islands 13 圣克
Байду номын сангаасz 值
0 340 Darlingion(1943)
0 300 Wilson(1992)
0 301 Preston(1962)
0 237 Hamilton 等 1964
斯群岛 New Hebrides 23 布鲁 Buru 24 希兰岛 Ceram 25 索罗门群岛 solomons
如果这一关系用一曲线表示 我们就可得到生态学中的所谓 物种 面积曲线
Species-Area curve 图 2
生态学&进化生物学词汇精选abundance多度(对物种个体数目多少的一种估测指标,多用于群落野外调查)abyssal zone深海带bathyl zone半深海带euphotic zone透光带pelagic zone浮游带,远洋带profundal zone深底带,深水层littoral zone沿岸带,滨海带 limnetic zone湖沼带,湖泊透光层intertidal zone潮间带acclimation驯化(指在实验条件下诱发的生理补偿机制,一般需时较短)acclimatisation驯化(指在自然环境条件下所诱发的生理补偿机制,通常需时较长)acquired character获得性状inheritance of acquired characters获得性状遗传adaptation适应(指生物的形态结构和生理机能与其赖以生存的一定环境条件相适应的现象)adaptive peak适应峰adaptive suite适应组合(生物对一组特定环境条件的适应必定会表现出彼此之间的相互关联性的协同适应特性)aerodynamic method空气动力法(用于测定初级生产量)aestivation夏眠 hibernation冬眠torpor 蛰伏(对恒温动物而言)diapause滞育(指某些昆虫的发育停滞) dormancy休眠age distribution年龄分布age pyramid年龄金字塔,年龄锥体age structure年龄结构increasing population增长型种群stable population稳定型种群declining population衰退型种群agglomerative method归并法agonistic behavior争斗行为altruism利他主义、利他行为(指一个个体牺牲自我而使社群整体或其他个体获得利益的行为)communication通讯行为courtship behavior求偶行为ingestive behavior索食行为parental behavior双亲行为social behavior社群行为territorial behavior领域行为atavism返祖现象atavistic regeneration返祖性再生allele等位基因allelopathy他感作用、克生作用(某些植物分泌一些有害物质,阻止别种植物在其周围生长的现象)allelopathic effects异种抑制效应,他感效应(指植物将其次生物质释放到周围环境中用以抑制别种生物的现象)allelopathic substances他感作用物质ammonification氨化作用(分解含氮有机物产生氨的生物学过程)mineralization矿化作用(微生物分解有机物质,释放CO2和无机物的过程)nitrification硝化作用(氨态氮被微生物氧化成亚硝酸,并进一步氧化成硝酸的过程)amphibian两栖动物reptile爬行动物mammal哺乳动物primate灵长类动物rodent啮齿动物arthropod节肢动物analogous organs同功器官homologous organs同源器官ancon sheep(短腿)安康羊Anthropoid类人猿anthropomorphism人神同性论(18~19世纪,即对社会和人类作神学的、形而上学的解释)antibiosis抗生(一种生物产生物质有害于一起生活的另一种生物)aposematic color警戒色(=warning coloration)protective coloration保护色mimicry拟态archeobacteria古细菌eubacteria真细菌Archeo-pteryx始祖鸟Ardipithecus ramidus始祖阿德猿、始祖南猿Australopithecus afarensis 阿法南猿Australopithecus南方古猿Homo habilis能人(“早期猿人”,早期人类第一阶段的代表)Homo erectus直立人(“晚期猿人或猿人”,早期人类第二阶段的代表)Homo sapiens智人(“化石智人”,早期人类第三阶段的代表,与现代人属同一个种)[人类起源发展的几个阶段]artificial ecosystem人工生态系统natural ecosystem自然生态系统technosphere工艺圈(指城市工业生态系统)agnosphere农艺圈(指农业生态系统)noosphere理智圈(Vernadsky,1945 定义为“人类按其意志、兴趣和利益而重新塑造的生物圈,即人类影响和控制的特殊生态系统”)association coefficient关联系数(表达种对之间是否关联。
THE PARADOX OF KNOWLEDGE关于认知的悖论Paragraph 1The greatest achievement of humankind in its long evolution from ancient hominoid ancestors to its present status is the acquisition or accumulation of a vast body of knowledge about itself, the world, and the universe.翻译:人类从古老的类人猿祖先进化到如今的等级,在这漫长的进化中最伟大的成就就是人类对于自身、世界、宇宙的认知的获得和积累。
主干:The achievement is the acquisition or accumulation.The products of this knowledge are all those thing that, in the aggregate ,we call “civilization”, including language, science, literature, art, all the physical mechanisms, instruments, the structures we use, and the physical infrastructures of which society uses.翻译:所有这些知识产物,我们称之为“文明”,包括语言、科学、文学、艺术、所有的物理设备,工具、我们使用的结构,以及社会运转依靠的基础设施。
主干:The product are civilization.Most of us assume that in modern society knowledge of all kinds is continually increasing and the aggregation of new information into the corpus of our social or collective knowledge is steadily reducing the area of ignorance about ourselves, the world, and the universe.翻译:大多数人认为在当今社会人类各方面的知识都在持续增长,以及人类对社会主体新信息的积累逐渐减少了我们对自身、世界、宇宙的未知。
tpo35三篇阅读原文译文题目答案译文背景知识阅读-1 (1)原文 (2)译文 (5)题目 (8)答案 (17)背景知识 (18)阅读-2 (21)原文 (21)译文 (24)题目 (27)答案 (36)背景知识 (36)阅读-3 (39)原文 (39)译文 (43)题目 (46)答案 (54)背景知识 (55)阅读-1原文Earth’ s Age①One of the first recorded observers to surmise a long age for Earth was the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived from approximately 480 B.C. to 425 B.C. He observed that the Nile River Delta was in fact a series of sediment deposits built up in successive floods. By noting that individual floods deposit only thin layers of sediment, he was able to conclude that the Nile Delta had taken many thousands of years to build up. More important than the amount of time Herodotus computed, which turns out to be trivial compared with the age of Earth, was the notion that one could estimate ages of geologic features by determining rates of the processes responsible for such features, and then assuming the rates to be roughly constant over time. Similar applications of this concept were to be used again and again in later centuries to estimate the ages of rock formations and, in particular, of layers of sediment that had compacted and cemented to form sedimentary rocks.②It was not until the seventeenth century that attempts were madeagain to understand clues to Earth's history through the rock record. Nicolaus Steno (1638-1686) was the first to work out principles of the progressive depositing of sediment in Tuscany. However, James Hutton (1726-1797), known as the founder of modern geology, was the first to have the important insight that geologic processes are cyclic in nature. Forces associated with subterranean heat cause land to be uplifted into plateaus and mountain ranges. The effects of wind and water then break down the masses of uplifted rock, producing sediment that is transported by water downward to ultimately form layers in lakes, seashores, or even oceans. Over time, the layers become sedimentary rock. These rocks are then uplifted sometime in the future to form new mountain ranges, which exhibit the sedimentary layers (and the remains of life within those layers) of the earlier episodes of erosion and deposition.③Hutton's concept represented a remarkable insight because it unified many individual phenomena and observations into a conceptual picture of Earth’s history. With the further assumption that these geologic processes were generally no more or less vigorous than they are today, Hutton's examination of sedimentary layers led him to realize that Earth's history must be enormous, that geologic time is anabyss and human history a speck by comparison.④After Hutton, geologists tried to determine rates of sedimentation so as to estimate the age of Earth from the total length of the sedimentary or stratigraphic record. Typical numbers produced at the turn of the twentieth century were 100 million to 400 million years. These underestimated the actual age by factors of 10 to 50 because much of the sedimentary record is missing in various locations and because there is a long rock sequence that is older than half a billion years that is far less well defined in terms of fossils and less well preserved.⑤Various other techniques to estimate Earth's age fell short, and particularly noteworthy in this regard were flawed determinations of the Sun's age. It had been recognized by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) that chemical reactions could not supply the tremendous amount of energy flowing from the Sun for more than about a millennium. Two physicists during the nineteenth century both came up with ages for the Sun based on the Sun's energy coming from gravitational contraction. Under the force of gravity, the compressionresulting from a collapse of the object must release energy. Ages for Earth were derived that were in the tens of millions of years, much less than the geologic estimates of the lime.⑥It was the discovery of radioactivity at the end of the nineteenth century that opened the door to determining both the Sun’s energy source and the age of Earth. From the initial work came a suite of discoveries leading to radio isotopic dating, which quickly led to the realization that Earth must be billions of years old, and to the discovery of nuclear fusion as an energy source capable of sustaining the Sun's luminosity for that amount of time. By the 1960s, both analysis of meteorites and refinements of solar evolution models converged on an age for the solar system, and hence for Earth, of 4.5 billion years.译文地球的年龄①希腊历史学家希罗多德是最早有记录的推测地球年龄的观察家之一,他生活在大约公元前480年到公元前425年。
进化树在细菌亲缘关系分析中的应用研究迟文静, 刘宜昕, 王 粟, 刘 涛, 赵 虎, 张艳梅(复旦大学附属华东医院检验科,上海 200040)摘要:随着生物技术的发展与应用,许多未知的细菌陆续被发现。
关键词:细菌;进化树;基因组;亲缘关系Evolutionary tree and its application in the analysis of bacterial kinship CHI Wenjing ,LIU Yixin ,WANG Su ,LIU Tao ,ZHAO Hu ,ZHANG Yanmei.(Department of Clinical Laboratory ,Huadong Hospital ,Fudan University ,Shanghai 20004,China )Abstract :As the development and application of biological technology ,many unknown bacteria have been identified gradually. Meanwhile ,with environment changing ,some known pathogenic bacteria have evolved new phenotypes involved in pathopoiesia or resistance. In the face of growing threats ,carrying out research in bacteria evolution and its relationship with classical pathogens and exploring the emerging mechanisms of new pathogen or new phenotypes would provide a reference for the prevention and controlling of pathogens. Because the genome carries all the genetic information of a species ,the research based on the bacterial genome analysis would present a more realistic evolutionary process. Especially ,the development of the molecular biotechnology ,such as sequencing ,will provide powerful tools for understanding the evolutionary process and mechanisms and their genetic traits and functional characteristics of bacteria.Key words :Bacterium ;Evolutionary tree ;Genome ;Phylogeny基金项目:上海市科委引导类科技支撑项目(184****0600);上海申康医院发展中心新型前沿技术联合攻关项目(SHDC12015107); 上海市科委科技创新行动计划(184****0800)作者简介:迟文静,女,1995年生,硕士,主要从事临床微生物学研究。
复杂进化关系类群 英文
复杂进化关系类群英文The Intricate Evolutionary Relationships of Complex TaxaThe study of evolutionary relationships among organisms has long been a subject of fascination for scientists and naturalists alike. One particularly intriguing aspect of this field is the examination of complex taxa, which often exhibit intricate and multifaceted evolutionary histories. These taxa, characterized by their diverse morphological features, ecological adaptations, and genetic compositions, present a unique challenge in unraveling the intricate web of their evolutionary connections.At the heart of this endeavor lies the concept of phylogenetics, the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms based on their shared characteristics. Phylogenetic analyses, employing a variety of techniques such as morphological comparisons, molecular sequencing, and computational algorithms, have been instrumental in shedding light on the complex evolutionary histories of many taxa. By carefully examining the similarities and differences between organisms, scientists can construct hypothetical evolutionary trees, or phylogenies, that illustrate the branching patterns and divergence points that have shaped the diversity of life on our planet.One such example of a complex taxon is the order Carnivora, which includes a diverse array of mammals such as cats, dogs, bears, and seals. These animals exhibit a wide range of morphological and behavioral adaptations, reflecting their varied ecological niches and evolutionary trajectories. Phylogenetic studies of the Carnivora have revealed intricate relationships, with some species sharing more recent common ancestors than others, and the emergence of distinct clades or lineages that have diversified over time.Another compelling example can be found in the class Reptilia, which encompasses a broad range of organisms, from the iconic dinosaurs to the modern-day crocodiles, snakes, and lizards. The evolutionary history of reptiles has been a subject of intense scrutiny, with ongoing debates and revisions to their phylogenetic relationships. The emergence of new fossil evidence and the application of advanced molecular techniques have helped to refine our understanding of the complex evolutionary connections within this diverse group of animals.The study of complex taxa is not limited to the animal kingdom; the plant world also presents numerous examples of intricately related organisms. The angiosperm, or flowering plant, clade is a prime illustration, with its vast diversity of species exhibiting a wide range of morphological, ecological, and genetic characteristics. Unravelingthe evolutionary relationships among angiosperms has been a major focus of botanical research, with phylogenetic analyses providing insights into the origins and diversification of this dominant group of land plants.One of the key challenges in studying the evolutionary relationships of complex taxa lies in the inherent complexity of their histories. Many organisms have undergone multiple episodes of speciation, extinction, and adaptation, resulting in a tangled web of evolutionary connections that can be difficult to disentangle. Additionally, the acquisition of new traits, the loss of ancestral features, and the phenomenon of convergent evolution can further complicate the interpretation of phylogenetic data.To address these challenges, scientists have developed increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques for phylogenetic analysis. Advances in DNA sequencing, computational algorithms, and statistical modeling have allowed researchers to delve deeper into the genetic underpinnings of evolutionary relationships, providing a more robust and nuanced understanding of the complex taxa under study.Furthermore, the integration of multiple lines of evidence, such as morphological, ecological, and developmental data, has become crucial in constructing comprehensive and reliable phylogenetichypotheses. By considering a diverse array of characteristics, scientists can better account for the multifaceted nature of evolutionary processes and arrive at more accurate representations of the intricate connections within complex taxa.The study of complex taxa and their evolutionary relationships holds immense value for our understanding of the natural world. It not only sheds light on the historical patterns and mechanisms that have shaped the diversity of life but also has practical applications in fields such as conservation biology, disease ecology, and biotechnology. By unraveling the complex evolutionary histories of organisms, we can gain insights into their adaptations, vulnerabilities, and potential for future diversification, ultimately informing our efforts to protect and manage the natural world.In conclusion, the study of complex taxa and their evolutionary relationships is a fascinating and multifaceted field of inquiry. Through the application of advanced phylogenetic techniques and the integration of diverse lines of evidence, scientists are continuously expanding our understanding of the intricate web of life on our planet. As we delve deeper into the complexities of evolutionary histories, we unlock new insights that have the potential to transform our perspectives and guide our stewardship of the natural world.。
Evaporation of charged bosonic condensate in cosmology
Bosonic condensates probably existed in the early universe and played an important role in the cosmological history. Well known examples are the classical real inflaton field, Φ [1], or complex field, χ, describing supersymmetric bosonic condensate, which carries baryonic, leptonic, or some other U (1)-charge [2]. Evaporation of the inflaton produced particles creating primeval plasma, while evaporation of χ could generate baryon or lepton asymmetry of the universe. Though evaporations of a real field condensate and a complex one share some similarities, the rates of the processes are very much different. In the case of the inflaton the rate of evaporation is determined by the particle production rate and may be quite large, while the evaporation of a charged condensate with a large charge asymmetry is much slower and is determined by the universe expansion rate H = a/a ˙ during most of its history. The impact of a large charge asymmetry on the process of evaporation has been considered in ref. [3] (see also [4]). A proper account of thermal equilibrium with a large charge asymmetry strongly changes results of refs. [5]-[9], where evaporation of bosonic condensate was considered. These works are applicable to the case of evaporation of uncharged condensate (e.g. inflaton) but evaporation of a charged condensate proceeds in a much different way, determined by thermal equilibrium with a large chemical potential and not just by the rate of particle production into plasma. 1
The evolution of inefficiency in a simulated stag hunt
I thank Jason Arndt, Amanda Brown, Thomas S. Wallsten, Jonathan Vaughan, and two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Their input improved the paper dramatically. Matlab.m files for simple genetic algorithms are available from the author by request. Correspondence regarding this article should be addressed to J. N. Bearden, Department of Psychology, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (e-mail: neil@).
have enough food for one day and the other will go hungry. If both follow the rabbit, each will get only a small amount of food. Clearly, it is in the players’ best interests to coordinate their actions and wait for the deer; however, a player is guaranteed food by following the rabbit. Thus, the players have a dilemma: Each must choose between potential efficiency and security. We are interested in the evolution of reinforcement learning agents that play repeated stag hunt games with one another.1 Our questions are: Will the populations evolve to choose the efficient outcome or will they evolve to choose the secure outcome? What behavioral characteristics will emerge in the evolving populations and how will these be shaped by the characteristics of the game? We will explore the process of evolution in two different risky environments. The environments differ in their penalties to the players for not coordinating their actions on an equilibrium. The two stag hunt payoff matrices that are used in this study are shown in Table 1. The cell entries correspond to the utilities that obtain for the players for each possible outcome of the one-shot game. For example, in the top payoff matrix, when player 1 chooses C and player 2 chooses D, player 1 earns .00 utiles and player 2 earns .40 utiles; and when both choose D, both earn .20 utiles, and so on. The difference between the matrices is explained below. Game Analysis The payoff matrices shown in Table 1 each have two pure strategy equilibria, CC and DD. Each also has a mixed strategy equilibrium in which both players play C with probability .80. However, the latter strategy is unstable, and hence not very important; thus, we focus on the two pure strategy equilibria in this paper.2,3 In both games, CC yields payoffs higher than DD and is the efficient ( payoff dominant) equilibrium outcome. DD is said to be the risk dominant (and inefficient) equilibrium point.4 Intuitively we can understand risk dominance by observing that D offers a higher minimum payoff than C; that is, the worst case outcome is better when one selects D than when one selects C, regardless of what the other player does. The bottom line is that CC offers the players the
lesson nine the origin of species
又称宏观进化,指物种和种以上的高级分类 群在地质时间尺度上的进化模式、进化趋势 和进化速率。
Microevolution:微进化 由突变,遗传漂变,基因流和自然选择导致的 等位基因频率的改变
Parallel evolution: 平行进化
指由共同祖先分出来的后代有关进化方面 显有同样趋势的现象。 一般是指2个不同类群的动物生活于极为相 似的环境中,具有一些共同的生活习性, 而造成一些对等的器官出现相似的性状或 相似的行为。
Contrast this fact with the very different outcome of crossbreeding between two genetically distant members of the same species, where the result is often heterozygote advantage (hybrid vigor精力,活力). 杂种不育与同种远基因成员间的杂交产生不同结果 相比较,后者产生杂种优势。
前合子隔离分两类:生态学的和行为学的。第一 种情况,两个相关群体可能分别适应稍微不同的 环境,如土壤类型或食物来源的变化。
Over time, these genetic differences become so great that successful cross-fertilization can no longer take place. In behavioral isolation, related groups evolve differing behaviors such as specific mating rituals-that restrict the exchange of genes to members of the same group. 长时间,这些遗传差异变得很大而很难异体受精。而 行为学隔离,相关的群组进化成不同的行为方式,例 如,结婚仪式,从而限制了同群成员基因交流。
在 1950 年代,他培殖了大量淡色的斑蛾及暗色的斑 蛾,且數量已知並給予標籤。他選擇了兩個區域釋放 這些斑蛾出外。過了一段時間後,他發現這兩種斑蛾 有不同的分佈 :
近 Birmingham 市的工業區,90% 的斑蛾是暗色的
在 Birmingham 的郊外,卻鮮能找到暗色斑蛾
最後,他利用 light trap 捕捉回這些具標籤的斑蛾並 發現 :
近 Birmingham 市的工業區內,淺色斑蛾的數目較 暗色的少兩倍
在 Birmingham 的郊外,淺色斑蛾的數目卻較暗色 的多兩倍
隨著 Dr. Kettlewell 進行的其他研究顯示出 :
在工業區內,暗色斑蛾的選擇優勢較淺色的高。 因為工業革命推動大量工廠在城內建造。工廠排 出的廢氣將大廈的外牆及樹幹被煙燻黑,淺色斑 蛾若在晝間停留在其上,必被飛鳥 (如歐洲鴝及痳 雀) 發現而被捕食。工廠的廢氣亦含有大量 SO2, 殺死了原在樹幹上生長的地衣。
例子 (一) - 解釋現今長頸鹿的形成 :
長頸鹿的祖先是短腳及短頸的動物,因地上的糧草供 應不足,牠們需要吃樹上的葉子充飢
由於要經常伸長頸子以攝食樹上的葉子,頸部不斷被 伸延而令該器官越變更長,逐漸形成長頸子
例子 (二) - 解釋水鳥 (aquatic birds) 的形 成:
由於這些鳥隻經常游水,使趾骨間的皮膚時 常被伸展,逐漸演變出趾間的蹼 (web)。
“ As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive, and as consequently, there is a frequent accuring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving and thus be naturally selected. From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate it’s new and modified form. ” (1859)
Gene Duplication’s Role in Evolution Gets Richer, More Complex
19 OCTOBER 2012 VOL 338 SCIENCE 316NEWS&ANALYSISC R ED I T : J . N ÄS V A L LE T A L ., S C I E N C EIn 1970, geneticist Susumu Ohno proposed a simple, yet elegant, idea: New genes arise when a hiccup during cell division produces an extra copy of an existing gene, and that spare copy is free to mutate and take on new functions. This mechanism, he argued, is the single most important factor in evolution. His book, Evolution by Gene Duplication , quickly became a classic that’s still cited today, 12 years after his death.No one is casting aside Ohno’s tome, but some say it’s time for an update.An experimental evolution study in bac-teria, presented on page 384, shows that at least some genes take another route to giving an organism new functions. And other recent work has established that partial copies of genes—rather than complete duplications of genes or genomes, the focus of Ohno’s work—regularly become useful. All told, a growing body of research demonstrates that Ohno’s ideas were a little too simple. “In the past decade, we’ve realized there’s additional complexity” to evolution by gene duplica-tion, says Richard Meisel, an evolutionary geneticist at Cornell University. In 1932, about 20 years before scientists demonstrated the structure of DNA, evolu-tionary biologist J. B. S. Haldane suggested that gene duplications might be important to evolution. Ohno greatly elaborated on the idea. He proposed that mutations could accumulate in a complete copy of an exist-ing gene because it would not be under natu-ral selection to remain unchanged. In most cases, the extra gene eventually disinte-grates, but sometimes the mutations would impart a new function on the copy’s pro-tein product. If that function was bene-fi cial, then natural selection would kickin to preserve that copy and its usefulsequence. In the late 1990s, Michael Lynch, anevolutionary biologist now at Indiana University, Bloomington, proposed that twinned genes would also both stick around if they divided the originalgene’s work between them: Each mightbe expressed to a lesser degree or in different tissues, or code for distinct parts of the original protein. Several studies bore out his “subfunctionaliza-tion” theory.But John Roth, a microbiologist at the University of California, Davis; DanAndersson, a microbiologist at Uppsala University in Sweden; and their col-leagues weren’t completely satisfiedwith those explanations. Given naturalselection’s tendency to purge unneces-sary genes, how would the gene copy stick around long enough to take on a new or subfunction? In 2007, this team proposed a different model for evolu-tion by gene duplication, one in whichselection prompted the temporary for-mation of gene copies.In their scenario, the best candidate forgene duplication is a gene whose single protein product not only performed its pri-mary job but also could carry out a second-ary, nonessential function. If new conditions arose that made the secondary function cru-cial for survival, it would become advanta-geous for a duplicate gene, even multiple copies of the gene, to arise to meet the need for more of that protein. Once a mutation in one extra copy improved the resulting protein’s effi ciency in performing this sec-ondary function, that duplicate’s perpetuity would be guaranteed, and other extra copiesGene Duplication’s Role in Evolution Gets Richer, More ComplexE VO L U T I O N+ b + b A + b b A + b Divergenceaccumulation ofbeneficial mutations Segregation Expanding the genome. Selection on double-duty genes helps prompt gene duplication.to redefi ne genetic testing. “We will be iden-tifying risk at the level of the potential child, … not at the level of donor or client,” Morriss and Silver write in an e-mail. But they admit that identifying risk in a potential child might implicate a parent. If someone wants to know more, GenePeeks “will provide raw genotype data to donors or clients” upon request, “and we will encourage them to have it interpreted.” The company plans to consult with its lawyers to determine whether the informed consent already signed by sperm donors is enough to cover the deeper sequencing they plan to do. They also plan to partner with biomedical eth-icists, although they decline to name anyone who might participate.Standards now vary for gene testing of sperm and egg donors across the industry. Cal-ifornia Cryobank, a large sperm bank head-quartered in Los Angeles, follows guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, which recommends that any-one planning a pregnancy be tested to see if they carry mutations for cystic fi brosis, spi-nal muscular atrophy, or eight other diseases in a panel associated with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. California Cryobank also performs additional genetic testing in certain circum-stances. For example, if a female client knows she carries a mutation for a particular disease and hopes to use a donor, the bank may ask the donor if he is willing to be tested for carrier status for that disease as well.“We probably coordinate about 100 requests like that a year” and always check back with the donor for additional informed consent, says Pamela Callum, a genetic counselor at California Cryobank. “We never want to turn around and say to a donor, ‘Hey, we tested you for this and we didn’t tell you.’ ” All donors are offered the chance to learn their genetic testing results.Callum worries about ever-expanding gene testing panels, especially when the results may be tough to interpret. “It’s really hard to give consent” if the test provider says, “ ‘We’re going to look at all your DNA, [but] we don’t really know what it means.’ ”With genetic technology advancing fast, a company like GenePeeks may be inevitable, some say, to help sperm- and egg-donor oper-ations keep pace. But how far will the com-pany go as its testing strategy develops? “Are they going to test for albinism, risk of deaf-ness, risk of being short?” Caplan wonders. “Once you get into this, you’re quickly sitting face to face with the value question of what counts as a difference that should be classifi ed as a disease, what counts as a difference that should be worth disclosing.”–JENNIFER COUZIN-FRANKELPublished by AAASo n O c t o b e r 22, 2012w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m SCIENCE VOL 338 19 OCTOBER 2012317NEWS&ANALYSISwould disappear, they suggested. The original gene would continue carrying out the primary function.Now Andersson, his postdoctoral fellow Joakim Näsvall, Roth, and col-leagues have documented this pro-cess in bacteria. Näsvall fi rst screened mutant Salmonella for one that could still make a little tryptophan even though the researchers had disabled the gene for an enzyme, called TrpF , nor-mally needed for the amino acid’s syn-thesis. Tests showed that this ability arose in Salmonella because its version of the gene, HisA , for making the amino acid his-tidine, encodes a protein that could also craft tryptophan from its precursors.Näsvall put this dual-function gene and a gene for yellow fl uorescent protein into Sal-monella bacteria lacking typical HisA and TrpF genes and grew them on media lack-ing both those amino acids—an environ-ment that should select for microbes able to make both substances on their own. The intensity of the yellow fl uorescent protein was a quick indicator of the increase in gene copy numbers. At fi rst, the bacteria grew slowly, tak-ing 5 hours to double theirpopulation. But in several hundred generations, that doubling time plummeted to about 2 hours. Over the course of a year—and 3000 bacterial generations—Näsvall periodically exam-ined the genome of the microbes. He f ound that the single intro-duced copy of the dual-function HisA gene became amplif ied into multi-ple copies. And in some strains, one copy mutated to become much more effi cient at making tryptophan and another excelled in making histidine, evidence of the evolution-ary process Roth, Andersson, and their col-leagues had proposed.“Ohno will go down as a very impor-tant historical fi gure, but Andersson has the new model for how genes duplicate,” says Antony Dean, a microbial evolutionary biochemist at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. “His theory is square one.”Other researchers have previously explored the idea that multifunctionality ingenes can promote duplication, Meisel says, but this “is a nice, elegant experimental sys-tem, and the model seems to be supported.” He cautions, however, that this process might be limited to bacteria and viruses. But Dean and Austin Hughes, an evolutionary biologist at the University of South Caro-lina, Columbia, suspect it’s more common. No matter what, Näsvall’s experiment will encourage more experimental tests of gene-duplication scenarios, Hughes says.In a review in the September Interna-tional Journal of Evolutionary Biology , evo-lutionary geneticist Vaishali Katju of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, drew attention to another simplifi cation by Ohno. She documents numerous cases in which partial duplications of a gene, some of which acquire additional DNA, perhaps during the copying process, have become key precursors to novel genes. The work “enriches Ohno’s theory by showing that two gene copies need not be identical at birth,” says Jianzhi Zhang, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. “Ohno would be pleased with these additions and modifi cations.”–ELIZABETH PENNISIC R ED I T : (B O T T O M ) J . R O S I N DE L L A N D L .J . H A R M O N , P L o S B I O L 10 (2012)Ever since Charles Darwin, biologists have been building trees to showhow organisms are related to one another. Now, computational biolo-gist James Rosindell of Imperial College London and his colleagues have come up with a tree that outdoes all trees. Called OneZoom, the approach works like Google Maps: A user can drill down the tree’s trunks, branches, and tips to view ever-fi ner details, and the structure can incorporate an infi nite amount of information. (See .)The concept is based on fractal geometry, in which patterns repeat themselves at different scales. Rosindell’s open-source program embeds biological data—text, graphs, etc.—he and Luke Harmon of the Univer-sity of Idaho in Moscow reported this week in PLoS Biology . “It seems to be a very elegant solution to a problem that’s been widely recognized in evolutionary biology: how to have a tree of life that’s visually appealingand accurate,” says Richard Ree, an evolutionary biologist at The Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.Researchers can use the program to view their own phylogenetic data and can add information to the nodes, such as references, links to other Web sites, and even whether a species is endangered. OneZoom is for computers only, however. The simplest way to represent the bacteria, if printed out, would be 2000 kilometers long, Rosindell says. Over the next year, a large-scale project sponsored by the National Science Founda-tion called the Open Tree of Life plans to produce one tree encompassing 1.8 million named species. “Until I saw [OneZoom], I was apprehensive about how we were going to do this,” Ree says. But he thinks OneZoom may offer a solution.–ELIZABETH PENNISINew Way to Look at Lifen e r-n-ose ing 5popuhundoutothangpiduced copB I O I N F O R M AT IC SPublished by AAASo n O c t o b e r 22, 2012w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m。
用英文写一篇关于体内连续进化的综述文章Title: Evolution within the Body: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction: Evolution is a fascinating process that has shaped the diversity of life on Earth over millions of years. While the traditional concept of evolution primarily focuses on the genetic changes occurring across generations of organisms, there is growing evidence for another type of evolution that takes place within an individual's body. This phenomenon, known as "within-body evolution" or "somatic evolution," involves genetic changes occurring within the cells of an organism during its lifetime. In this review, we will explore the concept of within-body evolution, its underlying mechanisms, its importance in various contexts, and its potential implications for our understanding of biology.Mechanisms of Within-Body Evolution: Unlike traditional evolution, which operates through natural selection and genetic variation across generations, within-body evolution arises due to mutation and selection within the cells of an individual's body. Various factors contribute to this process, including DNA replication errors, environmental influences, and selective pressures exerted by the surrounding tissue microenvironment. These mechanisms give rise to genetic mosaicism, where different cells within an organism possess distinct genotypes.Within-Body Evolution and Disease: Within-body evolution is closely associated with the development and progression of diseases such ascancer. Somatic mutations accumulated over an individual's lifetime can lead to the initiation of tumor formation and the emergence of genetically diverse cancer cell populations. This diversity enables tumors to adapt and evolve in response to selective pressures such as therapeutic interventions. Understanding within-body evolution in the context of diseases is crucial for developing improved diagnostics, treatment strategies, and personalized medicine approaches.Impact on Development and Aging: Within-body evolution also plays a critical role in development and aging. The accumulation of somatic mutations over time can contribute to tissue dysfunction, age-related diseases, and the aging process itself. Additionally, somatic evolution influences cellular plasticity, allowing for tissue regeneration and repair. Studying within-body evolution provides insights into the mechanisms governing tissue homeostasis, regeneration, and cellular reprogramming.Evolutionary Implications: The recognition of within-body evolution raises intriguing questions about the relationship between the individual and its evolving cell populations. How does within-body evolution affect the overall evolutionary trajectory of a species? Can these accumulated genetic changes be passed on to future generations? Exploring these questions may enhance our knowledge of the genetic contributions to evolution and the complexities of multicellular organisms.Technological Advances and Future Directions: Advancements in DNA sequencing technologies, single-cell genomics, and computational analysis have revolutionized our ability to study within-body evolution in unprecedented detail. By characterizing the genetic landscapes of individual cells, researchers can uncover the dynamics, origins, and consequences of within-body evolution. Integrating large-scale genomic datasets with experimental models and mathematical modeling will further elucidate the underlying processes and functional implications of within-body evolution.Conclusion: Within-body evolution represents a paradigm shift in our understanding of the evolutionary process, emphasizing the importance of genetic changes occurring within an individual's lifetime. The study of within-body evolution not only sheds light on diseases like cancer but also contributes to our understanding of development, aging, and tissue homeostasis. As technology advances, further exploration of within-body evolution will undoubtedly unravel new insights into the intricacies of evolution and the complexity of life.This comprehensive review aims to provide a broad overview of within-body evolution, highlighting its mechanisms, implications for health and aging, evolutionary implications, and future directions of research. Continued investigation in this field promises to provide valuable insights into the dynamic nature of life and open new avenuesfor scientific exploration.标题: 体内连续进化:综述性论文介绍: 进化是一个令人着迷的过程,它在地球上塑造了数百万年来的生命多样性。
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D. Boyanovsky(a) , F. Cooper(b) , H. J. de Vega(c) , P. Sodano(d)
We establish a self-consistent variational framework that allows us to study numerically the non-equilibrium evolution of non-perturbative inhomogeneous field configurations including quantum backreaction effects. After discussing the practical merits and disadvantages of different approaches we provide a closed set of local and renormalizable update equations that determine the dynamical evolution of inhomogeneous condensates and can be implemented numerically. These incorporate self-consistently the backreaction of quantum fluctuations and particle production. This program requires the solution of a self-consistent inhomogeneous problem to provide initial Cauchy data for the inhomogeneous condensates and Green’s functions. We provide a simple solvable ansatz for such an initial value problem for the Sine Gordon and φ4 quantum field theories in one spatial dimension. We compare exact known results of the Sine Gordon model to this simple ansatz. We also study the linear sigma model in the large N limit in three spatial dimensions as a microscopic model for pion production in ultrarelativistic collisions. We provide a solvable self-consistent ansatz for the initial value problem with cylindrical symmetry. For this case we also obtain a closed set of local and renormalized update equations that can be numerically implemented. A novel phenomenon of spinodal instabilities and pion production arises as a result of a Klein paradox for large amplitude inhomogeneous condensate configurations. 11.10.-z,11.10.Wx,11.10.Ex,25.75.-q
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The dynamical evolution of spatially inhomogeneous semiclassical field configurations along with quantum fluctuations that dress them play an important role in many relevant problems in high energy and condensed matter physics. Such situations are ubiquitous in the description of semiclassical processes such as baryogenesis via sphaleron decay [1,2], bubble and droplet nucleation during supercooled phase transitions as it could be the case in QCD [3,4], the formation of topological defects [5,6] and the possibility of formation of disoriented chiral condensates [7–10]. Localized high energy and large amplitude field configurations are of particular relevance for modelling the dynamics of relativistic heavy ion collisions as was proposed for example by [11] in terms of collisions of Yang-Mills wave-packets. In this case an approximation to the dynamics of high initial multiplicity states would be to provide an initial value problem with a particular initial condition on the field at some proper time surface. By proposing a large amplitude field configuration localized in space in the form of a semiclassical coherent state, the features associated with an initial state of large energy density and high multiplicity are captured. For example such field could be a strong color field or electric field whose relaxation will result in high multiplicity particle production [11]. The dynamics of coherent structures and semiclassical field configurations is also of theoretical and experimental relevance in condensed matter physics within the context of transport phenomena mediated by soliton excitations in quasi-one dimensional systems [12–14]. Although there have been several studies of real-time dynamics of classical field configurations within the context of sphaleron decay [2], Non-Abelian wave-packet collisions [11] and coherent structures in scalar field theories [15] including classical [16–18] and semiclassical [19] studies of disoriented chiral condensates, there have been very few and limited attempts to incorporate consistently the effects of quantum fluctuations upon the dynamics of semiclassical inhomogeneous configurations and mainly in one spatial dimension [20]. Whereas the dynamics of inhomogeneous field configurations had been studied in the small amplitude regime [22], the important regime of large amplitude and non-perturbative field configurations is still not understood. Recently there has been tremendous progress in studying the non-equilibrium dynamics of high energy and high multiplicity quantum states including self-consistently quantum fluctuations in the case of spatial or spatial rapidity homogeneity to study particle production in strong fields, dynamics of phase transitions and relaxation and the dynamics of inflation [21]- [35]. In particular these methods had been used to study the formation of disoriented chiral condensates, and pion production and relaxation during the chiral phase transition in low-energy phenomenological models [33,34] and more recently initial quantum states of large multiplicity distributions with localized momenta [35]. These studies rely on an implementation of variational and large N [23]- [25] approximations generalized to strongly out of equilibrium situations. These approximations [36][39] are specially suited for studying non-perturbative phenomena and in particular the largeN approximation is amenable to consistent improvement [24,25]. Since these methods allow one to study the full quantum evolution in a non-perturbative manner they are specially tailored to studying the non-equilibrium evolution of initial inhomogeneous quantum states of large energy including quantum back-reaction effects. This is specially important in the modelling of relativistic heavy ion collisions in a man2