Friction and wear properties of black oxide surfaces in rollingsliding contacts




第52卷第7期表面技术2023年7月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·397·激光熔覆原位生长TiB2/TiC增强铁基涂层组织及性能佘红艳1,屈威1,杨柳1,叶宏1,2(1.重庆理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,重庆 400054;2.重庆市高校模具技术重点实验室,重庆 400054)摘要:目的采用激光熔覆技术在45钢表面制备原位生长的TiB2、TiC陶瓷相,以提高铁基涂层的耐磨性能。






铁基复合涂层的显微硬度随着(Ti+B4C)添加量的增加逐级增加,质量分数为30%的(Ti+B4C)复合涂层的硬度最高(1 086HV0.2),比铁基涂层(611HV0.2)的硬度提高了约0.78倍。

复合涂层的磨损性能得到明显改善,其中质量分数为30%的(Ti+B4C)复合涂层的磨损率最小,为5.48×10−6 mm3/(N·m),铁基涂层的磨损率为2.01×10−5 mm3/(N·m),表明其耐磨性提高了约2.67倍。



关键词:激光熔覆;原位生长;TiB2/TiC;微观组织;显微硬度;摩擦磨损性能中图分类号:TG174.442 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)07-0397-09DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.07.036Microstructure and Properties of TiB2/TiC ReinforcedFe-based Coating Grown in Situ by Laser CladdingSHE Hong-yan1, QU Wei1, YANG Liu1, YE Hong1,2(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China;2. Chongqing University Key Laboratory of Mould Technology, Chongqing 400054, China)ABSTRACT: The preparation of ceramic phase reinforced metal matrix composites by laser cladding is currently an important research direction of wear resistant coatings. According to the way of adding the reinforcing phase, they are generally classified into two categories, i.e., the ex-situ method and the in-situ growth method. The significant advantage of in-situ growth is that收稿日期:2022−06−22;修订日期:2022−11−12Received:2022-06-22;Revised:2022-11-12作者简介:佘红艳(1998—),女,硕士生,主要研究方向为激光熔覆表面改性。



基体偏压对 Cr Ti Al N 镀层摩擦磨损性能的影响严少平1 ,2 , 孙雅琴1 冰2 张桂梅1 , 蒋百灵2, 段 , ( 1 . 安徽理工大学 数理系 ,安徽 淮南 232001 ; 2 . 西安理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 ,陕西 西安 710048)摘 要 :应用闭合场非平衡磁 控溅射离子镀技术在高速 钢和单晶硅基体上制备 了 一 组 随 基 体 偏 压 变 化 的Cr TiAlN 梯度镀层 ,并测试了其摩擦学性能 。

结果表明 ,随偏压的增大 ,镀层的厚度 、硬度 、膜基结合强度和耐磨性能表现出先升后降 、摩擦系数较低 、具有良好的韧性 ;在 - 75 V 左右偏压下沉积的镀层具有最佳的综合 性能 。

通过 XRD 、SEM 的分析表明 ,由 Cr N 、TiN 、AlN 、Cr 和 Ti 2 N 等微晶组成的复合镀层 ,晶粒细小 ,属于纳 米级颗粒 ,从而使镀层具有良好的摩擦学性能 。

关键词 :非平衡磁控溅射离子镀技术 ; 基体偏压 ; 显微硬度 ; 摩擦磨损性能 中图分类号 : T H1171 3文献标识码 : A文章编号 :100325060 (2007) 0820966205Inf l u ence of substrate bia s vol tage on f r ict i on an d w ear propert i es of C r T i A l N coat i ngsY A N Shao 2pi n g1 ,2, SU N Y a 2qi n g 1 , D U A N Bi n g 2 , Z H A N G G ui 2mei 1 , J IA N G Bai 2li n g 2( 1 . Dep t . of Mat he m ati cs a nd Physics , A n hui U ni ver s it y of Science a nd Technolo gy , Huai nan 232001 , Chi na ; 2 . School of Mat e rial s Sci 2ence a nd Engi neeri ng , X i ’a n U ni v er sit y of Technolo gy , X i ’a n 710048 , Chi na )Abstract :A se r ie s of Cr TiA l N ha r d gra d ie n t coati n gs we r e p r o d uced u s i n g t h e clo s e d fiel d un b ala n ce d ma g net ro n sp u t t e r io n p l ati n g t e ch n ique o n M2 hi g h sp e ed st e el a n d Si s ub s t r at e s wit h sub s t r at e bia s volt a g e cha n gi n g , a n d t h e f r ictio n a n d wea r p r op e r t ie s were st u died . The t e s t re s ult s of co a ti n g p e r 2 fo r ma n ce s ho w t h at t h e t h ick n e s s , mic ro 2ha r d ne s s , a d he s io n a n d wea r re s i s t a n ce of t h e coati n g i n 2 crea s e fi r s t l y a n d t h e n f a ll alo n g wit h t h e ri s e of t h e a b s ol u t e val u e of mi n u s bia s volt a g e ,a n d t h at t h e ha r d gra d ie n t coati n g ha s e x celle n t to u gh n e s s a n d lo w f r ictio n co e ff icie n t . The t e s t re s ult s al s o sho w t h at t h e coati n gs depo s it e d at - 75 V have f a v o r a b le co mp r e h e n s ive p e r fo r ma n ce . The co m po s itio n a n d st r u ct u re of t h e coati n gs we r e st u die d u s i n g XRD a n d S EM . A n al y si s re s ult s i n dicat e t h at t h e mai n p a r t of t h e coati n g wa s fo r med a s a na n o 2scale multila y e r . The grai n s i n t h e Cr A l TiN coati n gs i n cl u deCr N , TiN , A l N , Cr a n d Ti 2 N micro 2cr y st a l grai n s t h e size of w h ic h belo n g s to na n o 2scale ,t h u s ma k 2 i n g t h e Cr TiA l N ha r d gra d ie n t coati n g have e x celle n t t ri b olo g ical p e rfo r ma n ce .K ey w ords :un b ala n ce d ma g net r o n sp u t t e r io n p l ati n g t e ch n ique ; sub s t r at e bia s volt a g e ; mic ro 2ha r d 2 ne s s ; f r ictio n a n d wea r p rop e r t ie s模具和各种耐磨零件及装饰镀层上[ 2 , 3 ] 。


nitriding on the friction and wear properties of M42 (HSS) by using a high frequeney reciprocating tribo-tester. Morphologies of the worn surface was analyzed by SEM, and the type and the content of elements in the micro area of wear were calculated by EDS. According to the range analysis, it is found that the reciprocating frequeney has the greatest effect on the friction coefficient, while surface nitriding has the most significant effect on the wear mass. The friction coefficient and wear mass are negatively correlated with temperature and reciprocating frequeney, and positively correlated with load.
根据表4的极差分析结果得到摩擦系数随因素水平 变化趋势,如图4所示。可以看出:
1) 摩擦系数基本随着法向载荷增大而增大,法向载 荷的大小直接决定了摩擦接触表面的尺寸、应力场与变形 程度。但是法向载荷从5N增长至15N,摩擦系数的增长 幅度比较小,这说明在较小的法向载荷范围内,摩擦系数 受法向载荷的影响有限。因为M42高速钢的硬度非常 大,当名义法向载荷增大时,作用到摩擦表面的真实法向 应力引起接触面积和变形程度增长有限。



英文 em dash “–” 表示范围en 表示范围 dash“–” “
en dash“–”构成对等复合词 “ hyphen“-”构成不对等复合词 “
半字线: – 半字线: 一字线:- 一字线:- 波浪线:~ 波浪线:~ 二字线:——
二.句内括号、句外括号、引号末尾点号 句内括号、句外括号、
例:光学显微镜可以给出很有价值的结 构信息,比如结晶的高级结构( 构信息,比如结晶的高级结构(树枝状晶 体、球晶、单晶)、试样取向等。 球晶、单晶)、试样取向等。 )、试样取向等
句号 (period) 句号是用于陈述句的末尾, 句号是用于陈述句的末尾,但不与另外 的标点重复使用。诸如: 的标点重复使用。诸如: (1) 引语 She asked, “May I go?” ” (2)如句子以含有实圆点的某一缩略结尾, 如句子以含有实圆点的某一缩略结尾, 如句子以含有实圆点的某一缩略结尾 则不再另加句号。 则不再另加句号。 The abbreviation of for example is e.g.
分号 (semicolon) ) 分隔不是以连词连接的独立分句。 (1) 分隔不是以连词连接的独立分句。 All solvents were distilled from an appropriate drying agent; tetrahydrofuran and diethyl ether were also pretreated with activity I alumina. 用于一系列单词、短语或数据组的各项之间, (2)用于一系列单词、短语或数据组的各项之间, 如 果一个或多个项已包含逗号。 果一个或多个项已包含逗号。 (3) 用 于 以 连 接 副 词 或 诸 如 “ that is” , “ however”,“ therefore”,“ hence”,“ indeed”, , , , , “accordingly”,“besides”,和“thus”等常用短语 , , ” 连接的独立分句之间。 连接的独立分句之间。



第20卷第11期装备环境工程2023年11月EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING·115·重大工程装备H13钢表面多弧离子镀CrAlN涂层的显微硬度及耐磨性影响袁嵩1,王帅2,方略2,张永伟2,李晓燚2,周志明3,4(1.海装驻西安地区第二军事代表室,西安 710025;2.重庆长安工业集团有限责任公司,重庆 400023;3.重庆理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,重庆 400054;4.重庆合创纳米科技有限公司,重庆 400707)摘要:目的提高H13热作模具钢表面的显微硬度及耐磨性。



经过淬火和氮化处理后,H13钢CrAlN涂层的显微硬度达到3 300HV以上,达到基体的14倍多。



关键词:H13钢;CrAlN涂层;多弧离子镀;摩擦磨损;显微硬度; 显微组织中图分类号:TG174 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2023)11-0115-06DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2023.11.015Effect on the Microhardness and Wear Resistance of Multi Arc IonPlating CrAlN Coating on H13 SteelYUAN Song1, WANG Shuai2,F ANG Lue2, ZHANG Yong-wei2, LI Xiao-yi2, ZHOU Zhi-ming3,4(1. The Second Military Representative Office of Haizhuang's in Xi'an, Shaanxi Xi'an, 710025, China; 2. Chongqing Chang'anIndustrial Group Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400023, China; 3.School of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China; 4. Chongqing Hechuang Nano Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing4000707, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to improve the microhardness and wear resistance of H13 steel surface by multiarc ion plating coating technology. The CrAlN coatings were separately deposited on the surfaces of untreated H13 steel, quenched H13 steel and nitrided H13 steel. The microhardness and friction and wear properties of CrAlN coatings on these three substrates were studied. The coating surface was relatively flat and white small particles appeared. The microhardness of the CrAlN coating on H13 steel after quenching and nitriding treatment reached over 3300HV, which was more than 14 times that of the substrate.Compared with the friction coefficient of the substrate, the friction coefficient of H13 steel after quenching and nitriding treat-ment was lower than that of the substrate, while the friction coefficient after coating was higher than that of the substrate. The wear mechanism of CrAlN coating on nitrided H13 steel was an interaction of adhesive wear and abrasive wear, while the wear mechanism of CrAlN coating on quenched H13 steel was mainly attributed to adhesive wear. The wear resistance of CrAlN收稿日期:2023-08-03;修订日期:2023-11-01Received:2023-08-03;Revised:2023-11-01引文格式:袁嵩, 王帅, 方略, 等. H13钢表面多弧离子镀CrAlN涂层的显微硬度及耐磨性影响[J]. 装备环境工程, 2023, 20(11): 115-120. YUAN Song, WANG Shuai, FANG Lue, et al. Effect on the Microhardness and Wear Resistance of Multi Arc Ion Plating CrAlN Coating on H13 Steel[J]. Equipment Environmental Engineering, 2023, 20(11): 115-120.·116·装备环境工程 2023年11月coating on quenched and nitridedH13 steel increases greatly.KEY WORDS: H13 steel; CrAlN coatings; multiarc ion plating; friction and wear; microhardness; microstructure多弧离子镀是提高材料表面耐磨耐蚀性的一种物理气相沉积技术[1-3]。



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2A14/A390 复 合 材 料 热 处 理 的 组 织 和 性 能 研 究 姜 银 方 等
在480、490、500 ℃下分别固溶2、4、6h,分析后得 出最佳的固溶热处理方案。
2 试验结果与分析
2.1 显 微 组 织 分 析 图3为铸态和不 同 温 度 下 固 溶 4h 时 复 合 材 料 的
特 种 铸 造 及 有 色 合 金 2016 年 第 36 卷 第 4 期
姜银方 钱俊康 万 里 许若震 杨 青 王科委 刘 振 (江 苏 大 学 机 械 工 程 学 院 )
摘 要 对铝合金2A14和 A390复合材料进行热处理并 研 究 其 组 织 性 能。 试 验 中 采 用 热 挤 压 复 合 铸 造 技 术 使 得 两 种 金 属实现冶金结合,经过固溶热处理后对双金属复合界面的显 微 组 织、显 微 硬 度 及 结 合 强 度 进 行 测 试;并 对 热 处 理 工 艺 参 数 进行分析研究,发现最佳的热处理温度为500 ℃,固溶4h。 关 键 词 双 金 属 ;固 溶 处 理 ;力 学 性 能 中 图 分 类 号 TB331;TG146.21 文 献 标 志 码 A DOI:10.15980/j.tzzz.2016.04.023
Abstract:Effects of the heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 2A14/A390 composites were analyzed.2A14/A390composites were prepared by hot extrusion combining with cast- ing technology,and the composites prepared were treated by solid solution,and microstructure,micro- hardness and bonding strength of the composites after solid solution treatment were investigated.The results show that with solid solution at 500 ℃for 4h,the composites have desirable microstructure and



光学中光滑的英文Title: The Optical Phenomenon of Surface SmoothnessLight, a fundamental aspect of our physical world, has fascinated scientists and philosophers for centuries. One of the intriguing phenomena associated with light is the concept of surface smoothness and its optical implications. In the realm of optics, the smoothness of a surface plays a crucial role in the behavior of light as it interacts with various materials and surfaces.At the most basic level, the smoothness of a surface can be described as the absence of significant irregularities or deviations from a perfectly flat or uniform surface. When light encounters a smooth surface, it interacts with the surface in a predictable manner, exhibiting specific optical properties that are distinct from those observed when light interacts with a rough or uneven surface.One of the primary consequences of surface smoothness in optics is the phenomenon of specular reflection. Specular reflection occurs when light is reflected off a smooth surface in a manner where the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This type of reflection is often observed in everyday life, such as the reflection of lightoff a mirror or a still body of water. The smoothness of the surface is a critical factor in determining the quality and clarity of the reflected image, as any irregularities or imperfections on the surface can distort or scatter the reflected light.In contrast, when light encounters a rough or uneven surface, the reflection of light is diffuse, meaning that the light is scattered in multiple directions rather than being reflected in a single, predictable direction. This diffuse reflection is responsible for the appearance of many everyday objects, such as matte painted surfaces or rough-texturedmaterials, where the light is scattered in a more random and unpredictable manner.The smoothness of a surface can also influence the refractive properties of light as it passes through the material. Refraction is the bending of light as it transitions from one medium to another, such as from air to glass or water. When light passes through a smooth surface, the refraction is consistent and predictable, allowing for the precise control and manipulation of light beams. This property is essential in the design and manufacture of optical components, such as lenses and prisms, where the smooth surfaces are crucial for achieving desired optical outcomes.Furthermore, the smoothness of a surface can also impact the transmission of light through the material. In the case of transparent materials, such as glass or certain plastics, the smoothness of the surfaces can minimize the scatteringand absorption of light, allowing for efficient transmission and the preservation of image quality. This is particularly important in the design of optical devices, such as camera lenses, where the quality of the transmitted light is crucial for capturing high-resolution images.The importance of surface smoothness extends beyond the realm of optics and has significant implications in various scientific and technological fields. In the field of materials science, the smoothness of a surface can influence the adhesive properties, friction, and wear characteristics of a material. Smooth surfaces can exhibit reduced friction and improved resistance to wear, making them valuable in applications such as mechanical engineering, tribology, and surface coatings.In the semiconductor industry, the smoothness of surfaces is critical for the fabrication of high-performanceelectronic devices. The manufacturing of integrated circuitsand microchips requires the creation of extremely smooth surfaces, often at the nanoscale level, to ensure the accurate deposition of thin films and the precise patterning of features. Any irregularities or roughness on the surface can lead to defects and performance issues in the final devices.Moreover, the smoothness of surfaces plays a crucial role in the development of advanced materials and technologies, such as in the field of nanotechnology. The ability to engineer and control surface smoothness at the nanoscalelevel has opened up new possibilities for the creation of novel materials with unique optical, electronic, and mechanical properties. These materials find applications in areas like quantum computing, energy storage, and medical diagnostics.In conclusion, the optical phenomenon of surface smoothness is a multifaceted and profoundly important aspectof the study of light and its interactions with various materials. The smooth or rough nature of a surface can significantly impact the behavior of light, influencing phenomena such as reflection, refraction, and transmission. The understanding and optimization of surface smoothness have far-reaching implications in a wide range of scientific and technological fields, from optics and materials science to semiconductor fabrication and nanotechnology. As our understanding of the optical properties of smooth surfaces continues to evolve, the potential for innovativeapplications and groundbreaking discoveries in these fields remains vast and exciting.。


h ̄BN mass fraction. With the increase of h ̄BN contentꎬ the friction coefficient and wear amount of the composite coating decrease first
and then increase. When the h ̄BN mass fraction is 0 7% ꎬ the friction coefficient is the lowest (0 077) and the wear amount is the
least (2 34×10 8 μm3 ) . When the h ̄BN mass fraction is 1 5% ꎬ the densification and friction and wear performance of the coating could
be reduced. The wear forms of composite coating are adhesive wear and abrasive wear.
稳定 [6] ꎮ 采用超音速空气等离子喷涂技术在铸铁基
摩擦系数低ꎬ 良好的热稳定性和耐腐蚀性ꎬ 低硬度ꎬ
展和应用 [1] ꎮ 在聚四氟乙烯基材料中添加一些添加
剂ꎬ 如碳纳米管 [2] 、 ZrO2 [3] 、 MoS2 [4] 等ꎬ 能提高其
滑剂而言ꎬ 固态的 h ̄BN 承载能力更高ꎬ 物理性质更
体上制备了镍基硼硅 / 氮化硼复合涂层ꎬ 实验结果表
已经 取 得 了 众 多 进 展ꎬ 但 是 将 h ̄BN 应 用 于 改 性
∗ 国家自然科学基金 (51675232) ꎬ 江苏省青年自然科学基金 ( BK20190611)



第52卷第12期表面技术2023年12月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·351·钛合金表面等离子喷涂Al2O3-40%TiO2陶瓷涂层的高温摩擦磨损性能周志强1,郝娇山1*,宋文文1,孙德恩2,李黎1,蒋永兵1,张健1(1.重庆川仪调节阀有限公司,重庆 400707;2.西南大学 材料与能源学院,重庆 400715)摘要:目的研究温度对钛合金表面Al2O3-40%TiO2陶瓷涂层摩擦磨损性能的影响,探讨涂层在高温下的摩擦磨损机理。



借助维氏显微硬度计,研究 AT40陶瓷涂层在常温下的截面显微硬度分布规律,以及高温下的显微硬度。

采用多功能摩擦磨损试验机,测试AT40陶瓷涂层在200、350、500 ℃下的摩擦磨损性能,并进行原位在线自动3D形貌表征。

结果 AT40陶瓷涂层呈典型的热喷涂层状结构,各相分布均匀,涂层结构致密,平均显微硬度相较于TC4钛合金基材提高了81%。

AT40陶瓷涂层在200、350、500 ℃下的高温硬度分别为513HV0.3、463HV0.3、448HV0.3。

在200、350 ℃时,AT40陶瓷涂层的平均摩擦系数分别为0.18±0.02和0.38±0.03,磨损率分别为(7.8±0.01)×10–5 mm3/(N·m)和(37.2±0.01)×10–5 mm3/(N·m),涂层具有优异的抗高温摩擦磨损性能。

500 ℃时,涂层的平均摩擦系数和磨损率分别为0.77±0.02和(134.4±0.01)×10–5 mm3/(N·m),磨痕深度和磨损体积大幅增加,耐磨性能降低。



变质处理对过共晶铝硅合金组织和性能的影响林家平,徐建秋,肖于德,王伟,裴斐,乔翔(中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙410083)摘 要:通过在铸造过程中对熔体进行二元和三元变质处理,制备了硅质量分数为18%的A390过共晶铝硅合金;通过金相分析、扫描电镜观察、拉伸性能测试、耐磨性能测试等手段研究了变质处理对A390过共晶铝硅合金组织和性能的影响。


关键词:铝硅合金;变质处理;显微组织;力学性能;耐磨性能中图分类号:T G143 文献标志码:A 文章编号:100023738(2010)0320031204Influence of Modif ication on Microstructure and MechanicalProperties of H ypereutectic Al2Si AlloyL IN Jia2ping,XU Jian2qiu,XIAO Yu2de,WANG Wei,PEI Fei,QIAO Xiang (School of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha410083,China)Abstract:The A390hypereutectic Al2Si alloy with18wt%Si content was prepared through the melt modified by binary and ternary modifiers during the casting process.The influence of modification on microstructure and mechanical properties of A390hypereutectic Al2Si alloy was investigated by optical microscopy analysis,scanning electron microscopy observation,wear resistance test and tensile strength test.The results show that after the modification of A390alloy,the corner angle of the primary Si was inactivated,and its size was below30μm. Eutectic Si was spheroidized,and the grain was refined.Mechanical properties of the modified alloy were improved apparently.After ternary modification,compared to non2modification,the elongation and tensile strength of A390 alloy at room temperature had been increased by150%and31%,respectively.Wear resistance of the A390alloy was also improved.The wear resistance in ternary modification was mainly microscopic cutting.K ey w ords:Al2Si alloy;modification;microstructure;mechanical property;wear resistance0 引 言A390过共晶铝硅合金具有密度低、强度高、耐磨、耐腐蚀及热膨胀系数低等优点,是一种理想的新型汽车、摩托车等发动机活塞用材料。

摘要翻译 练习

摘要翻译 练习

1、Carbon Fiber Reinforced CMC for High-Performance StructuresThe demands in space technology originally played the decisive role in the development of carbon fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMC). Within the last few years, the properties and the manufacturing methods were consistently improved, so that now the industry in general can share in the profits of this new class of composite materials. The liquid silicon infiltration (LSI) process is regarded as one of the most promising processes for industrial products, especially if the aspect ofcost is considered. An overview of the design, manufacture, properties, and applications of C/C-SiC ceramics, produced with the LSI process, is given in this paper.2、3、Cost effective processing of CMC composites by melt infiltration (LSI-process)4、5、C/C–SiC composites for space applications and advanced friction systemsAbstractCeramic matrix composite materials are being considered the primary materials for hot structures of future launch vehicles. Melt infiltratedcomposites based on the liquid silicon infiltration process have proven their suitability under extreme thermo-mechanical environments in differentstructural parts like nose caps, nozzle jet vanes and engine flaps. Considerable progresshas been achieved within the last few years to maturethe manufacture technology and to tailor the properties of the materials. Among low densities and high damage tolerance behaviour C/C–SiCcomposites show superior tribological properties predestining these materials for advanced friction systems.6、C/C-SiC composites for hot structures and advanced friction systems7、Design of ceramic brake pads and disks8、9、The morphology of silicon carbide in C/C–SiC compositesAbstractIn the present investigations C/C–SiC has been studied by means of SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and TEM to reveal themorphology of the silicon carbide areas. It was found that there exist two different areas of SiC, a fine grained _-SiC layer witha high amount of stacking faults at the C–SiC interface, and a zone of coarser _-SiC at the SiC–Si interface. From theseobservations, reaction mechanisms governing the siliconization of porous C/C preforms are proposed. After an initial reaction ofcarbon with silicon vapour, liquid silicon has to diffuse through the already formed SiC.A violent reaction far away fromequilibrium conditions and a high number of nucleation sites leads to the observed formation of a fine grained SiC with a highdensity of stacking faults. Thermodynamically this is an instable configuration so that the coarser grained zone emerges bysolution and precipitation. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.10、Microstructure tailoring of C/C-SiC composites11、12、Microstructure and tribological properties of advanced carbon/silicon carbide aircraft brake materialsa b s t r a c tThe structural characteristics of carbon/silicon carbide (C/SiC) aircraft brake materials were studied by means of optical microscopy, SEM, XRD and TEM, and their frictional properties were investigated using a full-size aircraft wheel and brake assembly on a full-scale dynamometer. The materials were composed of layers of non-woven fiber cloth, short fiber web, and needle fibers. SiC and Si were mostly distributed in the short fiber web layers. The SiC matrix consisted of nanosize and micronsize SiC grains. Nano-SiC could help to form the friction film. Micro-SiC could enhance the debris ploughing action to increase the friction resistance. The materials possessed excellent braking performance and wear resistance. The values of friction coefficient under normal landing, overload landing, and rejected take-off dry conditions were 0.27 ±0.02, 0.26 ±0.01, and 0.24, respectively. It indicated the C/SiC materials with lower fade across the energy spectrum. The average wear rate was about 1.1 _ 10_3 mm/(side_time). The staticfriction coefficient was about 0.46 ±0.05. In particular, the fade ratios of friction coefficient in wet conditions under normal landing and overload landing were about _11%and 8%, respectively, which indicated the friction coefficient of the C/SiC brake materials was influenced slightly in wet conditions. The main wear mechanism was grain-abrasion.13、Microstructure and properties of 3D needle-punched carbon/silicon carbide brake materialsAbstractThe carbon/silicon carbide brake materials were prepared by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) combined with liquid melt infiltration (LMI). The carbon fiber preform was fabricated with the three dimension needling method. The microstructure, mechanical, thermophysical, and frictional properties of C/SiC composites were investigated. The results indicated that the composites were composed of 65 wt%C, 27 wt%SiC, and 8 wt%Si. The density and porosity were 2.1 g cm_3 and 4.4%, respectively. The C/SiC brake materials exhibited excellent toughness. The average dynamic friction coefficient and static friction coefficient of the materials were about 0.34 and 0.41, respectively. The friction coefficient was stable. The fade ratio of the friction coefficient under moist conditions was about 2.9%. The linear wear rate was less than 1.9 lm side_1 cycle_1. These results show that C/SiC composites have excellent properties for use as brake materials for aircraft.14、Preparation and friction behavior of carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide matrix compositesAbstractCarbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide matrix composites have received considerable attention because of their superior friction behavior. In this paper, carbon/silicon carbide composites were fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and the friction behavior were investigated. The carbon fiber preform was fabricated with the three dimension needling method, and the infiltrated carbon/ silicon carbide (C/SiC) composites exhibited excellent shear strength. The in-plane shear strength and the inter-laminar shear strength are 85 and 27 MPa, respectively. The composites show non-brittle failure behavior resulting from fiber pull-out as well as fiber cluster pull-out. The friction behavior and friction stability are significantly improved by increasing both the density and carbon content of the composites. If the density of the composite is 2.3 g cm_3, the coefficient of friction measured is 0.23, the coefficient of friction stability (as it will be defined later on) is 0.43, and the liner wear rate is less than 9.3 mm/cycle. Moreover, the C/SiC composites demonstrate a good friction property against fading versus several braking stops. The rapid increase of friction coefficient approaching the end of braking is mainly related to the increasing of surface temperature in a short time and the enhanced adhesion and abrasion of contact conjunctions and asperities. The friction surface is covered with wear debris including flake materials and fragments of carbon fiber. The micro-cracks and grooves observed on the friction surface are significantly determined by cyclic mechanical and thermal stresses.15、A MOTORCYCLE BRAKE SYSTEM WITH C/C-SiC COMPOSITE BRAKE DISCS16、Braking Behavior of C/SiC Composites Prepared by Chemical Vapor Infiltration Carbon fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix composites have the potential to overcome the shortcoming of the currently used carbon/carbon friction materials in aircraft brakes. In this article, the carbon/silicon carbide (C/SiC) composites were prepared by chemical vapor infiltration method, and the brake disks with different densities and component content were finally obtained. The friction coefficient and friction stability can be significantly improved by increasing both material density and carbon content. When the density of C/SiC composite is 2.3 g/cm3, the coefficient of friction measured is 0.23, the coefficient of friction stability remains about 0.43, the liner wear rate is less than 9.3 mm/cycle, and the weight wear rate is less than 9.1 mm/cycle. The rapid increase of friction coefficient approaching the end of braking is mainly related to the increasingof surface temperature in a short time and the enhanced adhesion and abrasion of contact conjunctions and asperities. The C/SiC composites exhibited a good stability of braking against fading versus the braking number and surface temperature. The surfaces of C/SiC brake disks were covered with wear debris including the fragment of carbon fibers after the braking tests. The wear on the surfaces is significantly determined by cyclic mechanical and thermal stresses, which result in the micro-cracks in the SiC matrix, the thin flakes of the surface materials as well as the grooves.17、Ceramic brake rotor for passenger cars18、Carbon/carbon–boron nitride composites with improved wear resistance compared to carbon/carbonAbstractThis paper describes the fabrication of a carbon fiber reinforced/carbon–boron nitride (C/C–BN) hybrid matrix composite for possible use in aircraft brakes. These composites were fabricated via liquid infiltration of a liquid crystalline borazine oligomer into alow-density carbon fiber/carbon matrix (C/C) composite. The friction and wear properties of the C/C–BN were explored over the entire energy spectrum for aircraft braking using an inertial brake dynamometer. The C/C–BN composites with densities of 1.55 g/cc displayed wear rates 50% lower than values observed with C/C samples with densities of approximately 1.75–1.8 g/cc. This includes the near elimination of wear from 300 to 600 kJ/kg, which represents the normal landing regime for aircraft brakes. This encouraging behavior is attributed in part to the improved oxidation resistance of the BN at high energy levels and the ability of the BN to facilitate formation of a stable wear film at lower energy levels. The coefficient of friction, while being slightly lower than the values for C/C, appeared much less sensitive to changes in energy level.19、High-speed tribological behaviour of a carbon/silicon-carbide compositeAbstractIncreasing attention is being paid to carbon-®bre/SiC-matrix composites (C/SiC) for their friction and wear performance because the carbon-®bre reinforcement enables a signi®cant reduction in the coe•cient of friction through self-lubricating properties. This study was performed by using a C/SiC composite at high-speed (15 m sÿ1). Two distinct types of tribological behaviour, as a function of the rubbing pin features (100Cr6 or alumina), were found. Analysis of both the surface degradation and velocity adaptation mechanisms has made it possible to establish the major role of debris trapped in the contact zone. The wear debris from the 100Cr6-C/SiC pair is a heterogeneous layer adhering strongly to the friction track. Consequently, the velocity adaptation is adirect e.ect of the shearing of the transfer layers and fracturing of bulk materials, resulting in severe wear. In contrast, with an alumina-C/SiC pair, wear particles are ®nely ground owing to the fact that they remain for a long time in the contact zone. The velocity adaptation here mainly occurs through debris rolling and shearing within the powder bed, thus resulting in reduced wear. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved20、Ablation of pierced C/C composite nozzles in an oxygen/ethanol combustion gas generatorA B S T R A C TThe ablation of pierced C/C composite nozzles was investigated via hot-fire testing by an oxygen/ethanol combustion gas generator simulating combustion environments of the liquid rocket engine. Ablation microstructures and mechanisms of the composite nozzle were discussed. The results showed that both linear ablation rate and mass ablation rate increased with increasing mass ratio of oxygen/ethanol. The ablation of the pierced C/C composite was attributed to the heterogeneous reactions between carbon and oxidizing species and could be interpreted by the thermochemical ablation model. The ablation rate of the composite was determined by both chemical kinetics and diffusion. The ablation of the composite resulted in cone-shape carbon fibers and shell-shape matrix with pits and grooves left on the surfaces.21、Ablation Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composites with Tungsten Carbide Abstract:The ablation properties and morphologies of carbon/carbon(C/C) composites with tungsten carbide (WC) filaments were investigated by ablation test on an arc heater and scanning electron microscopy. And the results were compared with those without tungsten carbide (WC) filaments tested under the same conditions. It shows that there is big difference between C/C composites with and without WC filaments on both macroscopic and microscopic ablation morphologies and the ablation rates of the former are higher than the latter. It is found that the ablation process of C/C composites with WC filaments includes oxidation of carbon fibers, carbon matrices and WC, melting of WC and WO3, and denudation of WC, WO3 and C/C composites. Oxidation and melting of WC leads to the formation of holes in z directional carbon fiber bundles, which increasesthe coarseness of the ablation surfaces of the composites, speeds up ablation and leads to the higher ablation rate. Moreover, it is further found that the molten WC and WO3 cannot form a continuous film on the ablation surface to prevent further ablation of C/C composites.22、Carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide mini-composites-solution approacha b s t r a c tCarbon fiber reinforced composites are widely used as aerospace materials owing to their superior properties like high specific strength and high fracture toughness. Oxidation above 600 ◦C is one of the major problems encountered with carbon–carbon composites. Replacement of carbon matrix with SiC is one of the methods to improve the oxidation resistance. A relatively inexpensive process is developed for the fabrication of carbon fiber reinforced SiC composites through solution approach. This process allowed forming high purity and fine-grained matrix in the fiber reinforced composites. Carbon fiber tow mini-composites were fabricated using this process. Typical tensile strength and fracture energy of these composites were 316MPa and 0.74 MJ/m3 at room temperature (RT). The composites exhibited load-carrying capability after crack initiation.23、Characterization of fibre/matrix interfaces in carbon/carbon compositesa b s t r a c tThe present paper proposes an approach to characterizing fibre/matrix (F/M) interface in carbon/carbon (C/C) composites with respect to both modes of loading that may be expected: opening or shearing. Pushout and tensile tests were used. The former tests involve the shearing mode whereas the latter ones involve the opening one. Push-out tests use a diamond indenter to load the fibres. The interface sliding shear stress was obtained from the load-fibre displacement curve. The tensile tests were conducted on specimens having fibres oriented at 90_ with respect to loading direction in order to preferentially open the interfaces. Interface opening strength was extracted from the composite tensile stress–strain behaviour. The specimens were examined under load and after ultimate failure by optical microscopy (OM). The mechanical properties of the F/M interfaces were then discussed。



基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (50675185));教育部新世纪人才培养计划资助(NCET06-0708) 收稿日期:2009-06-05;修订日期:2009-06-29 通讯作者:谭援强,教授,博士;电话:0731-58293210;E-mail: tanyq@
Technology & Equipment, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: The load applied on Al2O3 ceramic/45 steel coupling is not the constant one but the complex vibration load, so it is important to study on the wear properties of Al2O3 ceramic under vibration load. The friction and wear properties of the Al2O3 ceramic/45 steel coupling under alternative vibration load was studied by using a new wear tester with ring-on-block friction pairs, and its results were compared with those under normal load condition. The worn surface of the Al2O3 ceramics was observed by scanning electron microscopy and carried out spectroscopy analysis. The results show that wear volume under the alternative vibration load is higher than that of the normal load in dry condition; and there are micro cracks on the worn surface under the above vibration load, and the wear mechanisms of Al2O3 ceramic are brittle fracture, abradent particles wear and ploughing wear as well. Compared with the initial surface, the worn surface was covered by a layer of metal transfer film, of which the mainly contents are ferric oxides. Key words: vibration load; Al2O3 ceramic; friction and wear; transfer film; static load



第52卷第11期表面技术2023年11月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·63·基于多孔黏结层的超疏水复合涂层制备及其耐磨性研究汪希奎1,2,苏一凡1,程真1,花颢轩1,刘星宇1,王蕊1,周张恒1,侯泽钟1,李卓然1,赵俊豪1,张友法1*(1.东南大学 a.材料科学与工程学院 b.江苏省先进金属材料高技术研究重点实验室,南京 211189;2.贵州大学 机械工程学院,贵阳 550025)摘要:目的提高超疏水涂层的耐磨性。



结果当异构十六烷的质量分数为50%、预热温度为130 ℃、预热时间为100 s时,在底漆表面可形成较深且分布均匀的孔隙结构,基于该底漆制备的超疏水复合涂层的耐磨性相对更好。

在30 N载荷下,优化涂层经橡胶磨损700次后,仍能保持较好的疏水性。


关键词:超疏水;纳米涂层;耐磨性;树脂底漆;发泡剂;孔隙结构中图分类号:TB332 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)11-0063-09DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.11.005Fabrication and Wear Resistance of Robust SuperhydrophobicComposite Coating Based on Porous Adhesive LayerWANG Xi-kui1,2, SU Yi-fan1, CHENG Zhen1, HUA Hao-xuan1, LIU Xing-yu1, WANG Rui1,ZHOU Zhang-heng1, HOU Ze-zhong1, LI Zhuo-ran1, ZHAO Jun-hao1, ZHANG You-fa1*(1. a. School of Materials Science and Engineering, b. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallic Materials, SoutheastUniversity, Nanjing 211189, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)ABSTRACT: Superhydrophobic surface is a nanostructured surface that can provide excellent waterproof, dustproof and anti-fouling properties. In the past few years, a surge has been seen in research interest in these surfaces, particularly in收稿日期:2023-07-02;修订日期:2023-10-10Received:2023-07-02;Revised:2023-10-10基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52071076,52205304);贵州大学自然科学专项(特岗)项目((2023)25)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (52071076, 52205304); Natural Science Special Program of Guizhou University for Special Post ((2023) 25)引文格式:汪希奎, 苏一凡, 程真, 等. 基于多孔黏结层的超疏水复合涂层制备及其耐磨性研究[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(11): 63-71. WANG Xi-kui, SU Yi-fan, CHENG Zhen, et al. Fabrication and Wear Resistance of Robust Superhydrophobic Composite Coating Based on Porous Adhesive Layer[J]. Surface Technology, 2023, 52(11): 63-71.*通信作者(Corresponding author)·64·表面技术 2023年11月areas such as anti-icing, anti-corrosion, antibacterial activity, oil-water separation, heat transfer, and water collection. The potential applications of superhydrophobic coating are broad and diverse, making it one of the important new materials that have emerged in the past 20 years. In all superhydrophobic coating preparation technologies, nano-coating technology is an important means to promote the industrial application of superhydrophobic surfaces because of its convenient construction, convenient mass production and low cost. However, in practical applications, the wear resistance has a great effect on the application range and service life of the coating. Coating with poor wear resistance may be badly worn in a short time, leading to a rapid decline in its superhydrophobic properties. The coating with outstanding wear resistance can provide longer protection and extend the working life of the surface. Therefore, wear resistance should be fully considered in the design and preparation of superhydrophobic coatings. The wear resistance of the coating can be improved by optimizing the coating preparation process, selecting high wear resistance materials, and adding additives. At the same time, for the practical application of superhydrophobic coating, strict wear resistance testing and evaluation are also needed to ensure that it can meet the actual needs.In order to improve the wear resistance of the superhydrophobic coating, the method of combining primer and topcoat was adopted to enhance the coating adhesion and wear resistance. Foaming agent formed a uniform pore structure on the surface of the resin primer, so that some superhydrophobic nanoparticles sprayed on the primer surface were embedded into the pores, and the superhydrophobic nanoparticles were effectively protected by the raised structure of the hardened resin. Then, the overall wear resistance of the coating could be improved. Furthermore, rubber wear test was carried out by the friction and wear testing machine, and the wear resistance of the coating was evaluated comprehensively. The original morphology and wear morphology of the coating were analyzed by scanning electron microscope and coaxial optical microscope, and the surface wettability of the coating before and after wear was tested by contact angle measuring instrument. When the mass proportion of isocetane was 50%, the preheating temperature was 130 ℃and the preheating time was 100 s, the primer surface could form deep and evenly distributed pore structures, and the wear resistance of the superhydrophobic composite coating prepared based on the primer was relatively better. The results indicated that under 30 N of load, the optimized coating could still maintain good hydrophobicity after 700 times of rubber wear. The bonding strength between the superhydrophobic nano-coating and the substrate can be effectively enhanced by improving the composite method with blowing agent. The pore structure on the resin primer surface is conducive to the embedding of superhydrophobic nanoparticles, and the convex structure of the hardened resin can be fully used to protect the embedded superhydrophobic particles, which can effectively improve the overall wear resistance of the composite superhydrophobic coating.KEY WORDS: superhydrophobic; nano-coating; wear resistance; resin primer; foaming agent; pore structure研究表明,基于荷叶效应研发的超疏水表面具有优异的超疏水性,在自清洁、防雾、防冰、抗腐蚀及耐指纹等方面具有较好的应用前景,近十几年来一直受到国内外研究者的普遍关注[1-8]。



表面技术第53卷第5期42CrMo钢表面激光熔覆钴基金刚石耐磨层组织及性能罗亮斌,梁国星*,刘东刚,郝新辉,黄永贵,赵建(太原理工大学 a.机械与运载工程学院 精密加工山西省重点实验室b.高端精密刀具系统省技术创新中心,太原 030024)摘要:目的增强42CrMo钢的耐磨性,改善其严重的磨损失效情况。


结果使用Ti/TiC 粉末对金刚石进行预处理可以改善其烧蚀和石墨化;适量ZrH2提升了熔覆层宽厚比,促进了熔池对流传质作用,同时,活性元素Zr改善了金刚石颗粒的润湿性能,提高了黏结相对金刚石的把持力。


激光熔覆热特性使W2C、ZrC、γ-(Co,Fe)、M6W6C、CoZr2、(Ti,Zr)O2、TiC x、Co3Ti等物相存在于熔覆层内,细晶强化及弥散强化作用使得熔覆层的平均显微硬度(1 002HV0.2)是基体的3倍。



关键词:激光熔覆;复合熔覆层;显微组织;显微硬度;耐磨性中图分类号:V261.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)05-0096-12DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.05.010Microstructure and Properties of Laser Cladding Co-based DiamondWear Resistant Layer on 42CrMo Steel SurfaceLUO Liangbin, LIANG Guoxing*, LIU Donggang, HAO Xinhui, HUANG Yonggui, ZHAO Jian(a. Shanxi Key Laboratory of Precision Machining, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, b. Provincial TechnologyInnovation Center of Advanced Precision Tool System, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China) ABSTRACT: The work aims to enhance the wear resistance of 42CrMo steel and improve the serious wear failure of 42CrMo收稿日期:2022-12-23;修订日期:2023-04-27Received:2022-12-23;Revised:2023-04-27基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(YDZJSX2021B003);国家自然科学基金资助项目(52105473);山西省基础研究计划项目(20210302124050,20210302124121);山西省创新平台基地建设专项(202104010911007);山西省高等学校科技创新项目(2021L086)Fund:Central Government Guided Local Development Foundation (YDZJSX2021B003); National Nature Science Foundation of China (52105473); Shanxi Provincial Research Foundations for Basic Research (20210302124050, 20210302124121); Special Project for the Construction of Shanxi Provincial Innovation Platform Base (202104010911007); Science and Technology Innovation Project of Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province (2021L086)引文格式:罗亮斌, 梁国星, 刘东刚, 等. 42CrMo钢表面激光熔覆钴基金刚石耐磨层组织及性能[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(5): 96-107.LUO Liangbin, LIANG Guoxing, LIU Donggang, et al. Microstructure and Properties of Laser Cladding Co-based Diamond Wear Resistant Layer on 42CrMo Steel Surface[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(5): 96-107.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第5期罗亮斌,等:42CrMo钢表面激光熔覆钴基金刚石耐磨层组织及性能·97·steel. The cladding layer with material of diamond/WC particles reinforced Co-based composites was produced on the 42CrMo steel surface by a laser synchronous powder feeding machine. The laser power was 700 W during the cladding process, the powder feeding rate was 21 g/min, the scanning speed of the spot was 180 mm/min, the carrier gas flow rate was 4 L/min, the distance between the substrate and the laser cladding head was 13 mm, and the overlap rate between the adjacent cladding passes was 30%. The polished cross section was corroded with 10% HNO3 alcohol solution to prepare metallographic samples.Macro morphology and microstructure of the cladding layer were observed by SEM and EDS. The phase composition was detected by XRD, the microhardness of the cladding layer was measured by microhardness tester and the friction and wear tests were carried out. The diamond particles pretreated by Ti/TiC powder could improve graphitization and ablation. An appropriate amount of ZrH2 powder could improve the ratio of the width of the cladding layer to its thickness, and promote the convection mass transfer in the molten pool. At the same time, the active element Zr could improve the wettability of diamond and the metal bond could hold the diamond particles strongly. The overlapping cladding layer performed a regular surface and the microstructure of the cladding layer was mainly composed of fine dendrites and dense network carbide eutectic. Rapid melting and freezing velocity at the bonding interface could make all elements diffuse and change in gradient, and generate planar crystals with appropriate dislocation and slip ability. Therefore, the bonding strength between the cladding layer and the substrate was enhanced. The thermal characteristics of laser cladding was contributed to obtain the W2C, ZrC, M6W6C, γ-(Co,Fe), CoZr2, (Ti,Zr)O2, TiC x, Co3Ti and other substances in the laser cladding, and the dispersion distribution of new carbide phase could significantly improve the microhardness of the cladding layer. The average microhardness (1 002HV0.2) of the cladding layer was 3 times that of the substrate due to the fine grain and dispersion strengthening. The average wear mass loss with a value of 1.6 mg was obtained in sliding the cladding layer, which was the 1/2 compared with that in sliding the substrate. The average friction coefficient of the cladding layer was evidently lower than that of the substrate, indicating that the wear resistance of the cladding layer increased. The friction and wear test of the cladding layer showed that abrasive wear became the dominant wear mechanism in sliding the cladding layer, the diamond particles in the cladding layer were passivated, contributing to bearing the friction load. However, the diamond particles located in the wear track on the cladding layer kept an integrity statue and few grains were falling out. The microstructure of the cladding layer is uniform and dense, the microhardness and the wear resistance are significantly improved, so it can be used for surface strengthening of 42CrMo steel.KEY WORDS: laser cladding; composite cladding layer; microstructure; microhardness; wear resistance42CrMo钢属于合金结构钢材,一般被用于制造高负荷下工作的重要零部件,钻头、齿轮、截齿等构件的材料常用42CrMo钢,其磨损是主要的失效形式[1],严重制约了机械设备高效率、智能化的发展。



表面技术第53卷第7期GCr15SiMo钢中贝氏体含量对力学性能及干摩擦磨损性能的影响毛艳珊1,杜三明1,傅丽华1,2*,张永振1,高元安2,杨军3,魏超凡1,付壁聪1(1.河南科技大学 高端轴承摩擦学技术与应用国家地方联合工程实验室,河南 洛阳 471023;2.洛阳轴承研究所股份有限公司,河南 洛阳 471003;3.中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所,兰州 730099)摘要:目的通过控制等温淬火时间,在GCr15SiMo轴承钢中获得不同含量的贝氏体组织,并研究不同含量的贝氏体组织对材料力学性能和干摩擦磨损性能的影响。

方法采用SEM、3D morphology、TEM、EDS、XRD、洛氏硬度计、冲击试验机等仪器观测GCr15SiMo轴承钢经不同等温淬火时间后的微观组织、物相含量和力学性能,并使用HL-R7000重载往复摩擦磨损试验机对不同贝氏体组织含量的试样进行摩擦磨损性能检测。

结果当等温淬火时间由2 h延长至72 h时,材料中贝氏体的体积分数由14.5%增至83.5%。



结论在等温淬火温度为210 ℃、等温淬火时间为8 h时,材料中贝氏体的体积分数约为55.6%,马氏体的体积分数为33.2%,此时马氏体和贝氏体复相组织具有良好的强韧性匹配,材料的耐磨性能较好。

关键词:等温淬火工艺;贝氏体;力学性能;摩擦磨损中图分类号:TB333 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2024)07-0048-09DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2024.07.005Effect of Bainite Content of GCr15SiMo Steel onMechanical and Wear PropertiesMAO Yanshan1, DU Sanming1, FU Lihua1,2*, ZHANG Yongzhen1,GAO Yuanan2, YANG Jun3, WEI Chaofan1, FU Bicong1(1. National United Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Bearing Tribology, Henan University of Science andTechnology, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan Luoyang 471023, China; 2. Luoyang收稿日期:2023-03-01;修订日期:2023-08-22Received:2023-03-01;Revised:2023-08-22基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52101083);中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2020M682316);河南省科技攻关项目(212102210117);固体润滑国家重点实验室开放课题(LSL-1916)Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China (52101083); China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2020M682316); Henan Science and Technology Research Project (212102210117); Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication (LSL-1916)引文格式:毛艳珊, 杜三明, 傅丽华, 等. GCr15SiMo钢中贝氏体含量对力学性能及干摩擦磨损性能的影响[J]. 表面技术, 2024, 53(7): 48-56.MAO Yanshan, DU Sanming, FU Lihua, et al. Effect of Bainite Content of GCr15SiMo Steel on Mechanical and Wear Properties[J]. Surface Technology, 2024, 53(7): 48-56.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第53卷第7期毛艳珊,等:GCr15SiMo钢中贝氏体含量对力学性能及干摩擦磨损性能的影响·49·Bearing Research Institute Co., Ltd., Henan Luoyang 471003, China; 3. Lanzhou Institute ofChemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730099, China)ABSTRACT: Bearing is a key and indispensable part in mechanical equipment, which ensures the normal operation of the equipment. Bearings are widely used in real life, such as aerospace, heavy machinery, automobiles and ships, wind power generation, mining and agriculture, etc. However, as the demand for bearings increases and the working conditions become increasingly harsh, there are higher requirements for the performance and lifespan of bearings. Bainite bearing steel has been widely concerned because of its high strength, high toughness and low hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity. Obtaining the bainite microstructure of bearing steel requires isothermal quenching heat treatment, in which isothermal quenching temperature and isothermal quenching time are important parameters affecting the bainite structure and properties of bearing steel. The bainite microstructure with different contents can be obtained by adjusting the isothermal quenching time, thus affecting the strength, toughness and wear resistance of the material. The bainite content, in which the strength and toughness of bearing steel have a good match and enhance wear resistance, and the wear mechanism in the wear process are worthy of further study.The GCr15SiMo bearing steel was chosen as the research object in this work. The GCr15SiMo bearing steel with different bainite content was prepared. The microstructure and phase composition of the materials were analyzed, and the effects of the bainite content on the mechanical and wear properties were investigated. The microstructure change, phase content composition and mechanical properties of GCr15SiMo bearing steel after different isothermal quenching time were observed by scanning electron microscopy, 3D morphology, transmission electron microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, Rockwell hardness tester and impact tester. The friction and wear properties of samples with different bainite content were tested by HL-R7000 heavy-duty reciprocating friction and wear tester. The results showed that the content of bainite was increased from 14.5% to 83.5% when the isothermal quenching time was extended from 2 h to 72 h. The increase of bainite content and the decrease of martensite content resulted in the hardness reduction of the GCr15SiMo bearing steel, and the increase of impact energy. The wear rate showed a trend of first reduced and then increased. The wear mechanism mainly was adhesive wear and abrasive wear. When the content of ductile bainite was increased, the abrasive wear was more serious and the adhesive wear was light. From the wear section, it could be observed that cracks appeared on the observed section after the holding time of 2 h and 4 h. Holding time of 8 h had the least wear. If the holding time continued to be prolonged, the bainite content would increase, and the deformation area of the cross section of the specimen would become larger and larger after friction.In a word, when the isothermal quenching temperature is 210 and the holding time is 8 h, the bainite content is about℃55.6% and the martensite content is 33.2%. At this time, the martensite and bainite phase in the microstructure have goodstrength-toughness combinations, therefore they show the better wear properties.KEY WORDS: isothermal quenching process; bainite; mechanical property; frictional and wear轴承作为各类机械的关键部件之一,决定着机械的可靠性、安全性和质量,对现代工业的发展具有重要影响[1-2]。

Understanding the Science of Friction and Wear

Understanding the Science of Friction and Wear

Understanding the Science of Frictionand WearFriction and wear are an inseparable part of our lives. Everywhere we go, we encounter friction and wear in some form or the other. From the wheels of our vehicles to the zippers on our clothes, friction is always at play. But what is friction, and how does it work? How does friction affect the wear and tear of our belongings, and how can we prevent or reduce it? In this article, we will explore the science of friction and wear and try to answer these questions.What is Friction?Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. It is caused by the roughness of the surfaces and the interlocking of their microscopic bumps and ridges. When we try to slide one surface over another, the bumps and ridges of the surfaces get entangled, creating resistance that opposes the motion. This resistance is called friction.Friction can be either static or kinetic. Static friction is the force that must be overcome to start an object moving. Kinetic friction is the force that opposes the motion of a moving object. The amount of friction depends on the materials of the surfaces in contact, the surface area, and the force pressing the surfaces together. The roughness of the surfaces also plays a significant role in determining friction.How Does Friction Affect Wear?Friction and wear are closely related. When two surfaces rub against each other, friction causes some of the material to wear away. This wear can be in the form of abrasion, adhesion, or fatigue. Abrasion occurs when the rough surfaces of the materials rub against each other, causing small pieces of material to break away. Adhesion occurs when the surfaces stick together and then tear apart, causing material to be transferredfrom one surface to the other. Fatigue wear occurs when repeated cycles of loading and unloading cause cracks to form in the material, leading to surface damage or even failure.Wear can be minimized by reducing friction. This can be achieved through lubrication, the use of harder materials, or by smoothing the surfaces. Lubrication involves placing a substance, such as oil or grease, between the surfaces to reduce the friction. Using harder materials can reduce the wear and tear of the surfaces, as the harder material is less susceptible to abrasion or adhesion. Smoothing the surfaces can reduce the roughness of the surface, reducing the contact area and thus, reducing friction.ConclusionFriction and wear are natural phenomena that occur whenever two surfaces are in contact. Understanding the science of friction and wear can help us to prevent or reduce the wear and tear of our belongings. It can also help us to design better products that are more efficient, safer, and longer-lasting. As we continue to explore the properties of materials and the science of friction, we can look forward to a future with less friction and more wear-resistant materials.。



碳纳米管是碳晶体的一种同素异形体, 与一般的
纳米粒子不同, 其结构与石墨很像, 管壁具有石墨层
的六边形结构, 有很大的长径比 [1] , 除了具有极大的
长径比和极佳的力学、 电学性能, 其特殊结构和优异
的力学、 电学、 光学性能以及潜在的工业价值, 使其
逐渐成为研究热点。 厉敏宪等 [2] 将碳纳米管作为锂基
米管具有良好的减摩抗磨性能; 陆紫嫣等 [6] 将碳纳米
管作为润滑油添加剂, 发现碳纳米管易于在摩擦表面
形成润滑膜, 具有良好的摩擦学性能。 但碳纳米管在
高内聚力作用下容易缠结形成团聚体, 使得碳纳米管
在实际应用中分散性差。 有学者指出, 通过削弱碳纳
米管之间的范德华力, 提高其在有机 / 无机溶剂中的
ILs - CNTs, 发现 ILs - CNTs 可以提高 PS 和 PMMA 的
摩擦学性能; FAN 和 WANG [12] 采用机械法制备了离
子液体修饰的多壁碳纳米管, 发现其可以提高润滑油
的导电性和摩擦学性能。 由于咪唑类离子液体是一类
性能优异的极压、 抗磨和减摩添加剂, 而碳纳米管也
是一种好的抗磨减摩添加剂, 经过离子液体修饰的碳
NTs 对复合锂 - 钙脂的导电能力和摩擦学性能影响。
1 试验部分
1 1 试验材料
基础油 PAO40, 昆仑润滑油研发中心提供; 十
二羟基硬脂酸、 癸二酸、 氢氧化锂、 氢氧化钙, 国药
集 团 化 学 试 剂 有 限 公 司 生 产; 多 壁 碳 纳 米 管、
[ C 2 mim] NTf 2 、 [ C 6 mim] NTf 2 、 [ C 14 mim] NTf 2 来自
Abstract:Lithium⁃calcium complex greases were prepared with polyalphaole( PAO40) as base oil,lithium calcium soap



BrochureMore information from /reports/2214513/Friction and Wear of Materials. 2nd EditionDescription:Friction and Wear of Materials Second Edition Written by one of the world's foremost authorities on friction, this classic book offers a lucid presentation of the theory of mechanical surface interactions as it applies tofriction, wear, adhesion, and boundary lubrication. To aid engineers in design decisions, Friction and Wear ofMaterials evaluates the properties of materials which, under specified conditions, cause one material tofunction better as a bearing material than another. Featured also are thorough treatments of lubricants andthe sizes and shapes of wear particles. This updated Second Edition includes new material on erosive wear,impact wear, and friction. Professor Rabinowicz's book will be especially welcomed by mechanical anddesign engineers, surface scientists, tribologists and others who design, produce and operate products,machines and equipment which involve friction and its effects.Contents:Material Properties That Influence Surface Interactions.Surface Interactions.Friction.Types of Wear.Adhesive Wear.Abrasive and Other Types of Wear.Lubrication.Adhesion.Appendix.Sample Problems.Index.Ordering:Order Online - /reports/2214513/Order by Fax - using the form belowOrder by Post - print the order form below and send toResearch and Markets,Guinness Centre,Taylors Lane,Dublin 8,Ireland.Fax Order FormTo place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to 646-607-1907 (from USA) or +353-1-481-1716 (from Rest of World). If you have any questions please visit/contact/Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct.Product Format Please select the product format and quantity you require:* Shipping/Handling is only charged once per order.Contact InformationPlease enter all the information below in BLOCK CAPITALSProduct Name:Friction and Wear of Materials. 2nd Edition Web Address:/reports/2214513/Office Code:OC8DIMRRQTNTYS QuantityHard Copy (HardBack):EUR 147 + EUR 25 Shipping/HandlingTitle:MrMrsDrMissMsProf First Name:Last Name:Email Address: *Job Title:Organisation:Address:City:Postal / Zip Code:Country:Phone Number:Fax Number:* Please refrain from using free email accounts when ordering (e.g. Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL)Payment InformationPlease indicate the payment method you would like to use by selecting the appropriate box.Please fax this form to:(646) 607-1907 or (646) 964-6609 - From USA+353-1-481-1716 or +353-1-653-1571 - From Rest of WorldPay by credit card:American ExpressDiners ClubMaster CardVisa Cardholder's Name Cardholder's Signature Expiry Date Card Number CVV Number Issue Date(for Diners Club only)Pay by check:Please post the check, accompanied by this form, to:Research and Markets,Guinness Center,Taylors Lane,Dublin 8,Ireland.Pay by wire transfer:Please transfer funds to:Account number833 130 83Sort code98-53-30Swift codeULSBIE2D IBAN numberIE78ULSB98533083313083Bank Address Ulster Bank,27-35 Main Street,Blackrock,Co. Dublin,Ireland.If you have a Marketing Code please enter it below:Marketing Code:Please note that by ordering from Research and Markets you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions at /info/terms.asp。



Cu含量对(Ti-8Si)-xCu合金摩擦磨损性能的影响赵倩;许晓静;汝金明;史小冬;王亚【摘要】用Ti,Si和Cu等单质粉末为原料,用粉末冶金法制备(Ti-8Si)-xCu合金(x 为质量分数,%.x= 0,5,10和20),通过硬度测试、室温干滑动摩擦试验以及对摩擦表面形貌及元素组成的观察与分析,研究Cu含量对Ti-8Si合金硬度与室温摩擦磨损性能的影响.结果表明:添加Cu元素可提高Ti-8Si合金的硬度,其中(Ti-8Si)-5Cu合金的硬度最大,HV达到1434.4,比Ti-8Si合金硬度(1021.5)提高40.4%,而(Ti-8Si)-10Cu与(Ti-8Si)-20Cu合金的表面硬度相近,HV分别为1180.9和1171.9.添加Cu使合金的摩擦因数从0.36提高至0.60左右,但添加适量的Cu能明显提高合金耐磨性能,其中95(Ti-8Si)-5Cu合金的体积磨损量(0.0143 mm3)约为Ti-8Si合金体积磨损量(0.0262 mm3)的一半;(Ti-8Si)-10Cu合金的磨损量比Ti-8Si合金降低13.7%;而(Ti-8Si)-20Cu合金的磨损量急剧增加至Ti-8Si合金磨损量的2.5倍.95(Ti-8Si)-5Cu合金的磨损形式以磨粒磨损和粘着磨损为主,伴随轻微的氧化磨损,其它3种合金主要是疲劳磨损和氧化磨损,辅以一定程度的磨粒磨损与粘着磨损.%(Ti-8Si)-xCu (x=0, 5, 10 and 20%) alloy were prepared by powder metallurgy method using Ti, Si and Cu powder as raw materials. The effects of Cu content on the hardness and friction and wear properties at room temperature of Ti-8Si alloy were studied through hardness testing, room temperature dry sliding friction test and observation and analysis of the friction surface morphology and element composition. The results show that, adding Cu powder can improve the hardness of Ti-8Si alloy. The hardness of (Ti-8Si)-5Cu alloy is the highest, HV reaches 1 434.4, which is 40.4% higher than that of Ti-8Si alloy (1021.5). The surface hardness of (Ti-8Si)-10Cu is almost equal to that of (Ti-8Si)-20Cu alloy, and HV is 1180.9 and 1171.9 respectively. The friction coefficient of the alloy increases from 0.36 to 0.6 by adding Cu. However, adding the appropriate amount of Cu can obviously improve the wear resistance of the alloy, and the volume wear volume (0.014 3 mm3) of 95 (Ti-8Si)-5Cu alloy is about half of the Ti-8Si alloy (0.026 2 mm3). The wear volume of (Ti-8Si)-10Cu alloy is reduced by 13.7% than Ti-8Si alloy. The wear volume of the (Ti-8Si)-20Cu alloy increases sharply to 2.5 times that of the Ti-8Si alloy. The wear forms of 95 (Ti-8Si)-5Cu alloy are mainly abrasive wear and adhesive wear, accompanied by slight oxidation wear. The other 3 alloys are mainly fatigue wear and oxidation wear, with a certain degree of abrasive wear and adhesive wear.【期刊名称】《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》【年(卷),期】2018(023)002【总页数】7页(P222-228)【关键词】钛硅合金;粉末冶金;烧结;显微硬度;摩擦因数;摩擦磨损【作者】赵倩;许晓静;汝金明;史小冬;王亚【作者单位】江苏大学先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院,镇江 212013;江苏大学先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院,镇江 212013;江苏大学先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院,镇江 212013;江苏大学先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院,镇江 212013;江苏大学先进制造与现代装备技术工程研究院,镇江 212013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG146+2Ti-Si系合金具有金属材料与陶瓷材料的双重性能,具有密度低、硬度高、抗氧化性能和抗腐蚀性能好等一系列优良特性,在航空航天领域得到广泛应用。

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Friction and wear properties of black oxide surfaces in rolling/slidingcontactsCarl H.Hager Jr.n,Ryan D.EvansThe Timken Company,North Canton,OH44720,USAa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received23March2015Received in revised form24June2015Accepted25June2015Available online3July2015Keywords:Black oxideBlack oxidizingFrictionWeara b s t r a c tBlack oxide chemical conversion treatment of steel surfaces was originally developed as a low-costmethod to improve the corrosion resistance of the base material.Over time,this surface treatment wasintroduced on tribological components amid claims that it improved galling and smearing resistance.Inrolling element bearings,smearing damage can occur during high transient slip events between rollerbodies and raceways,and black oxide surface treatments have recently been prescribed as a solution forthis mode of adhesive wear damage.Therefore,fundamental friction and wear experiments using uni-directional sliding and rolling/sliding contacts were conducted to explore the performance of black oxidesurfaces in tribological contacts.From this work,it was concluded that mated black oxide surfaces yield similar or lower friction ascompared to mated steel surfaces(in lubricated contacts),exhibit high wear in lowλconditions,and canmitigate adhesive wear damage as long as the oxide layer remains intact.&2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe service life of a rolling element bearing is often limited orreduced by component damage or material ponentdamage can result from wear,external contaminant ingress,severeapplication conditions,neglect,or misuse.One particular type oflife-limiting bearing damage is called“smearing”.Smearing is aterm that is often used to describe adhesive wear damage inrolling/sliding contacts when sliding is substantial and the lubri-cantfilm thickness is insufficient to adequately separate the con-tacting surfaces[1].Damage associated with smearing may occurwhen rolling elements slide along the raceway surface as theyenter or exit the loaded zone[2].In some cases,this type ofdamage can be mitigated through component and/or systemdesign.However,there are some instances where the damagecannot be avoided without modifying the tribological contactsurfaces.If smearing damage cannot be avoided from a component orsystem design approach,another way to mitigate adhesive weardamage is to change the chemical composition of one or both ofthe surfaces in contact.In1978,Gregory wrote a paper providing abrief summary of conversion coatings available to improve adhe-sive wear resistance[3].Gregory suggests that black oxide surfaces(when oiled or waxed)can yield low friction and resistance toadhesive wear damage.In1998,Philström and Ström published amaster’s thesis where black oxidizing was applied to sphericalroller bearings(Part number22222E/C3–110mm bore diameter–200mm outer diameter)[4].In their work,the authors con-ducted smearing tests in bearings by periodically stopping therollers while the shaft was still rotating.This was done for a totalof100cycles at eight different shaft speeds(100,200,400,800,1600,2400,3200,and4500rpm).If no smearing damage wasfound on the bearings after each shaft speed,the shaft speed wasraised to the next level.Upon the completion of this testing withand without black oxidized rollers,Philström and Ström foundthat black oxidized rollers yielded a small improvement insmearing resistance as compared to uncoated rollers[4].A few years later,Scherb and Zech developed a smearing testusing cylindrical bearings from which the authors concluded thatblack oxide can prevent smearing damage and reduce frictionaltorque by up to20%[5].In2010,Mihailidis et al.conductedsmearing tests with a two-disc machine where the entrainmentvelocity was held constant and the slide-to-roll ratio was increaseduntil severe adhesive wear occurred between the mated samples[6].These tests demonstrated that the black oxidized discs couldsurvive higher levels of slide-to-roll ratio compared to theuntreated discs.In addition,tests were also conducted with aconstant slide-to-roll ratio and demonstrated that the black oxi-dized discs exhibit higher wear rate and lower friction as com-pared to the untreated discs during a wear-in cycle.Although the aforementioned work found that black oxidesurfaces yield some benefit in reducing adhesive wear or smearingContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/wearWear/10.1016/j.wear.2015.06.0130043-1648/&2015Elsevier B.V.All rightsreserved.n Corresponding author.Tel.:þ12342622077;fax:þ12342622282.E-mail address:carl.hager@(C.H.Hager Jr.).Wear338-339(2015)221–231damage compared to untreated surfaces,in2013Evans et al. concluded that black oxide treatment of rollers and raceways did not provide additional smearing protection in cylindrical roller bearing tests conducted under severe conditions[7].In this work, the authors conducted bearing tests where the load zone was shifted180°every15s.In three separate tests,the bearings with black oxidized raceways and rollers exhibited smearing damage after just one load cycle.Bearings that were untreated with ground raceways exhibited smearing after just one load cycle as well.This conclusion seems contrary to the previous bearing tests by Scherb and Zech[5]and the two-disc experiments by Mihailidis et al.[6], but seems to agree with the spherical bearing tests conducted by Philström and Ström[4].Although there are conflicting results in the literature(which may be due to the severity of the testing),black oxide surface treatments have recently been prescribed as a solution to mitigate various types of damage in rolling element bearings[8].In addi-tion,the literature also suggests that there may be other benefits to using black oxide such as low friction and high wear rates during break-in[5,6].Therefore,the focus of this work was to conduct bench-level tribological experiments to determine the friction and wear properties of black oxide surfaces in rolling/ sliding contacts.Several different experimental techniques and results are described in sequence and then drawn together with discussion and general conclusions.2.Black oxideAlthough black oxide or black oxidizing can be used to describe a number of surface coatings on steel,the term“black oxide”in this work refers to the conversion of a steel surface to Fe3O4or magnetite using a hot alkaline bath.This type of black oxide sur-face is created using a process that was developed in Germany in the early1900s and has been used to produce an attractive black finish,impart moderate corrosion resistance(with the addition of secondary oil impregnation or wax),enhance lubricity,and resist galling[9].It should be noted that the extent of these claimed benefits rely on a secondary process of oil or wax impregnation.In fact,many vendors state that the anti-galling properties of black oxide surfaces allow for the outer layer to be sacrificed during initial contact.Therefore,the black oxide layer is galling resistant in that it wears away without adhesive wear damage to the mated surfaces.The black oxide layer is generated by placing the steel com-ponents into a hot aqueous alkaline nitrate bath.The concentra-tion of the bath is controlled by boiling the solution at a desired temperature between285°F(141°C)and310°F(154°C)[10].This can be done using either a single-bath or double-bath process.The single-bath process typically uses one tank with a temperature range from285°F(141°C)to290°F(143°C)[10].The double-bath process typically uses a second tank with a temperature range from305°F(152°C)to310°F(154°C)[10].Depending on the process,the black oxide layer thickness can range from0.5to 3m m.A common standard for defining black oxide surface treat-ments on ferrous materials is DIN50938.Although the black oxide process is well documented,there is comparatively less data published on the properties and micro-structure of the black oxide surface layer.In this work,a through hardened AISI52100steel disk(HRC58-62)was metallo-graphically polished and then black oxidized using a double-bath process.The microstructure of the black oxide surface layer was analyzed using a focused ion beam to mill a trench followed by inspection of the cross section with a high-resolution scanning electron microscope(SEM).Fig.1shows a secondary electron SEM The oxide layer itself is dense,but there are pre-existing carbideparticles contained within the microstructure that exhibit voids atthe boundaries between the carbide and oxide materials.Mea-surements of the coating thickness varied from$1.4to2.2μm for this sample.In comparison,Evans et al.[11]published a trans-mission electron micrograph of a single-bath black oxide surfacecross section.The view shown has a thinner(200–500nm)blackoxide layer that did not exhibit voids at the carbide/oxide interfacelike those observed for the double-bath layer in Fig.1.The mechanical properties of the black oxide layer were mea-sured with a nanoindenter using the continuous stiffness techni-que[12]and a Berkovich tip.The indentation parameters includeda depth limit of2500nm,a strain rate of0.1sÀ1,a harmonicdisplacement target of1nm,a frequency of45Hz,and an assumedPoisson’s ratios for black oxide(0.25)and untreated steel(0.3).Fifteen replicate tests were performed on each sample.In additionto measurements on the black oxide surface,a second throughhardened AISI52100steel disk was metallographically polishedand analyzed along with the black oxidized sample.The mea-surement results from both surfaces are summarized in Table1.Based on these measurements,the black oxide surface layer hasapproximately25%of the hardness and27%of the modulus of thebase steel surface.These results were also published by Evans et al.in2014[11].3.Experimental detailsAll sliding and rolling sliding wear experiments were con-ducted using a Wedeven Associates Inc.manufactured WAMsc4test machine.This machine is able to run block-on-ring experi-ments with a stationary block and a rotating cylinder,and can alsoperform rotating cylinder-on-cylinder or rotating ball-on-cylinderrolling/sliding wear experiments.The machine has two opposingspindles that can be controlled independently.One of the spindlesis mounted on three load cells and an actuator that allows for it tomove toward the opposing spindle in the contact plane.Movingone spindle toward thefixed second spindle allows for a normalFig.1.High-resolution scanning electron microscope image of black oxide surface layer.Table1Nanoindentation mechanical property comparison for untreated AISI52100steel and black oxide layer[11].Sample Avg.hard-ness(GPa)Depth rangefor avg.hard-ness(nm)Avg.elasticmodulus(GPa)Depth rangefor avg.mod-ulus(nm) Untreated AISI52100steel10.670.5100–200230710100–200Double-bathblack oxide2.670.3200–300617580–100C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans/Wear338-339(2015)221–231 222rotating.The friction between the test samples was measured by the vertical load cells mounted underneath the test spindle,with the actuator system,and/or by a torque sensor on the same spindle.All of the cylinder,block,and ball geometry test samples used for this work were manufactured from hardened AISI52100steel (HRC58-62).The cylinders were fabricated with a35mm outside diameter and a25.4mm width.All the cylinders were ground to yield a457–558nm Ra surfacefinish.The block test samples were 19.05mm squares with a7.874mm thickness.The edges of the blocks were chamfered so that the block-on-ring test configuration yielded a6.5mm contact width.The test surfaces of the blocks were ground to yield a356–457nm Ra surfacefinish.The ball samples were20.6375mm diameter ABMA Grade25balls with a 6.5mm diameter hole in the center.The center hole permitted the balls to be bolted into a collet and driven by a spindle for rolling/ sliding wear experiments.The cylinder samples had a taper on the inner diameter so that they could be held onto a spindle nosepiece with a tapered outer diameter.All black oxidized test samples were manufactured similarly to the untreated samples,and then conversion coated using the double-bath process.3.1.Sliding friction test descriptionSimple lubricated sliding wear experiments were conducted to compare the lubricated sliding friction of the black oxidized sur-faces to that of the base steel material.For these experiments, 35mm diameter through hardened AISI52100steel cylinders were loaded against a through hardened AISI52100steel block with a contact width of6.5mm.The sliding experiments were conducted with a linear sliding velocity of0.5m/s and a contact stress of200MPa.The friction force was measured with three vertical load cells that support the stationary block sample.The tests were lubricated with an ISO VG68poly-alpha-olefin(PAO) oil,without extreme pressure(EP)or anti-wear(AW)additives,and an inlet temperature of40°C.Fig.2shows a picture of the samples in contact.Three experiments were conducted with untreated steel rings mated with untreated steel blocks,and three experiments were conducted with a steel ring that was black oxidized and mated with an untreated steel block.The test duration was20min to establish a steady-state friction measurement.The resolution on the normal load and friction force measurements allowed for the friction coefficient to be measured within70.009.3.2.Sliding friction test resultsFig.3shows a picture of the black oxidized test ring after all three sliding wear tests were completed.The picture shows that the black oxide surface was still intact after each sliding wear test. Fig.4shows a plot of the measured friction coefficients from all six experiments.Interestingly,the untreated steel surfaces yielded more variation in measured friction as compared to the black oxide/untreated steel surfaces.Due to the larger error bars from the untreated steel experiments,the data suggest that the lubri-cated sliding of a black oxide surface against an untreated steel surface will yield sliding friction similar to that of two untreated steel surfaces.3.3.Rolling/sliding friction test descriptionAlthough the black oxide and ground steel surfaces yielded similar friction in simple sliding wear experiments,friction in rolling element bearings results from rolling/sliding contact at various entrainment velocity levels.For this work,entrainment velocity is defined as the mean of the linear velocities at the sur-faces of two contacting bodies.The sliding velocity is defined as the difference between the linear velocities of two contacting bodies.Therefore,the slide-to-roll ratio(SRR)is defined as the ratio of the sliding velocity to the entrainment velocity(as defined above).In order to accomplish the task of measuring the lubricated rolling/sliding coefficient of friction between mated black oxide surfaces and mated steel surfaces,a ball-on-ring contact geometry was utilized,as shown in Fig.5.The tests were lubricated by continuously pumping ISO VG220PAO oil without EP or AW additives into the contact between the ball and the cylinder with a 60°C inlet temperature.The Hertzian contact pressure between the samples was maintained at a constant1.95GPa(283ksi)forFig.3.Black oxidized test ring after all three sliding wear tests werecompleted.Fig.4.Measured friction from ring-on-block sliding wear experiments.C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans/Wear338-339(2015)221–231223ball and cylinder test samples were accelerated to the same sur-face speed (SRR ¼0%)such that the entrainment velocity was 9m/s.Once the samples reached the initial test speed,with oil flowing between the contacts to create a fully flooded condition,the samples were brought into contact and loaded to 200N.After the test load was achieved,the slide-to-roll ratio was ramped to 5%by slightly slowing down the cylinder and speeding up the ball while maintaining the 9m/s entrainment velocity.Finally,the entrainment velocity was decreased from 9m/s to 0.1m/s over a period of 150s,while maintaining a constant 5%SRR.The friction force between the ball and cylinder surfaces was measured by a torque sensor on the shaft that was rotating the test cylinder.The resolution on the normal load and torque measurements allowed for the friction coef ficient to be measured within 70.01.Two experiments were conducted with untreated steel test samples,and two experiments were conducted with mated black oxide balls and black oxide cylinders.Prior to conducting each test,the ball surface roughness was measured in 10random locations around the circumference with a white light interferometric microscope.Similarly,the cylinder surfaces were measured in 15random locations around the circumference.After conducting each test,the surface roughness within the wear track on the ball sur-faces and the cylinder surfaces was measured at 10and 15random locations,respectively,around the circumference of the wear track.The pre-test and post-test measurements were then used to calculate the root mean square (RMS)composite surface rough-ness by first calculating all the possible combinations of the 25measurements from each surface (150combinations in total).The mean and standard deviations from the RMS composite roughness after a short duration test,the mated black oxide samples exhib-ited a signi ficant reduction in composite surface roughness.The untreated steel samples did not yield a statistically signi ficant reduction in composite surface roughness.The post-test RMS composite surface roughness from each pair of test samples was used to plot the measured friction coef ficient with respect to the non-dimensional film thickness (λ),as shown in Fig.7.In this work,λis de fined as the ratio of the calculated isothermal elastohydrodynamic central lubricant film thickness [13]to the RMS composite surface roughness.This allows for the friction coef ficient to be associated with the appropriate λvalue so that the effect of surface roughness and oil film thickness on the measured friction can be analyzed.3.4.Rolling/sliding friction test resultsFig.7shows that both the mated black oxide samples and the untreated steel samples yielded similar coef ficients of friction when λr 0.4.When λ40.4,the mated black oxide samples yiel-ded a friction coef ficient that was $0.01lower than that of the untreated steel samples.Although 0.01is the calculated resolution of the experiment,the replicate experiments show repeatability that is better than the calculated uncertainty.Therefore,it is possible that the mated black oxide friction coef ficient in the mixed lubrication regime is signi ficantly lower than the untreated steel pair.One explanation for this reduction could be associated with the fact that the mated black oxide surfaces yielded a smoother surface finish at the end of the test,as compared to the mated steel samples.Kang et al.[14]found that in similar rolling/sliding experiments,the measured friction in the mixed regime can be reduced due to a lower composite surface roughness without reducing the measured friction in the boundary lubrica-tion regime.3.5.Rolling/sliding wear test descriptionAfter conducting sliding wear and rolling/sliding friction tests,it became apparent that lubrication conditions govern black oxide surface wear.Evidence of this was demonstrated by the signi ficant reduction in surface roughness after short duration (150s)rolling/sliding wear tests.Because the tests were conducted by measuring the friction at various λconditions,it is impossible to determine which factors had the most in fluence on the wear of the black oxide surfaces.Therefore,a full factorial design of experiments was used to determine the effect of Hertzian contact pressure,slide-to-roll ratio and λon the wear rate of mated black oxide surfaces.Tables 2and 3summarize the variables and experimental testFig.5.Black oxide ball-on-black oxide ring test con figuration.Fig. 6.Measured surface roughness from ball-on-ring rolling/sliding wearexperiments.Fig.7.Measured friction from ball-on-ring rolling/sliding wear experiments.C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans /Wear 338-339(2015)221–231224with a repeated center point for improved error estimation.The tables describe a total of 10tests that can be modeled by Eq.(1).The test lubricant was a fully formulated ISO VG 320PAO gear oil with EP and AW additives and an oil inlet temperature of 80°C.The first 10tests were run until the mated surfaces had been subjected to a total of 1000m of total sliding distance.Upon the completion of these experiments,each of the tests was repeated (except Test 2)with increased sliding duration.The repeat experiments were run until the black oxide appeared to be visually removed,or until a maximum of 10,000m of total sliding distance had been accumulated.Wear Rate B1SRR B2Hertz B3B4SRR Hertz B5SRR B6Hertz 1λλλ=*+*+*+**+**+**()Wear analysis of each experiment focused on the ball wear track only.This was due to the relative ease of identifying the wear scars on the smooth Grade 25balls compared to the rougher cylinders.The wear volume was calculated from three-dimen-sional interferometric microscope surface measurements made on each ball surface.The first step in the calculation required making a measurement on the nominal ball surface (outside of the wear track),followed by a measurement in the wear track.This allowed for the nominal ball surface geometry to be subtracted from the ball wear track measurement,as shown in Fig.8.Once the wear track was flattened,the data set was leveled and the wear track was isolated from the surface roughness by identifying the area below À3.3*Sq (Sq is the RMS surface roughness of the nominal ball surface with the spherical radius removed).Fig.9shows an example of the isolated wear area in a two-dimensional view.The isolated wear area was integrated and then multiplied by the circumference of the ball to get an approximate wear volume.The wear rate was determined by dividing the measured wear volume by the total sliding distance from the test.3.6.Rolling/sliding wear test resultsTable 4lists the calculated wear volumes,wear depths,and wear rates from each of the rolling/sliding wear tests.Linear least squares regression [15]was used to solve for the coef ficients from Eq.(1)using the wear rate values in Table 4.Once the coef ficients were calculated,the signi ficance of each variable and each variable interaction was determined using an analysis of variance (ANOVA)for the regression components [15].Table 5lists the calculatedTable 2Design of experiments variable de finitions.Parameter xyz Level SRR (%)Hertz pressure (GPa)λÀ150.820.30055 1.240.8711051.661.44Table 3Experimental test conditions.Test #x (SRR)y (GPa)z (λ)SRR (%)Load (N)Ue (m/s)Us (m/s)1À1À1À15150.40.0221À1À1105150.40.423À11À151230.50.03411À11051230.50.535À1À11515 4.250.2161À1110515 4.25 4.467À1115123 5.310.278111105123 5.31 5.5890005552 2.3 1.271055522.31.27Fig.9.Method for flattening the determining wear area from a 2D slice of the 3D measurement.Table 4Calculated wear volume and wear rate from each experiment.Test Wearvolume (mm 3)Depth (mm)Sliding speed (m/s)Sliding dis-tance (m)Wear rate(mm 3)/m19.9*10À3 1.0*10À30.0210009.9*10À62 2.4*10À2 1.5*10À30.421000 2.4*10À53 1.4*10À29.0*10À40.031000 1.4*10À54 2.4*10-2 1.1*10À30.531000 2.4*10À55 2.9*10À5 4.0*10À40.211000 2.9*10À86 2.1*10À4 5.0*10À4 4.461000 2.1*10À77 1.5*10À37.0*10À40.271000 1.5*10À68 2.0*10À37.0*10À4 5.581000 2.0*10À69 1.3*10À2 1.2*10À3 1.271000 1.3*10À5109.1*10À48.0*10À4 1.2710009.1*10À711 1.8*10À2 1.2*10À30.0225007.3*10À612 1.7*10À2 1.0*10À30.035000 3.4*10À613 2.0*10À2 1.1*10À30.535000 4.1*10À614 1.5*10À3 1.1*10À30.2110,000 1.5*10À715 3.2*10À4 5.0*10À4 4.4610,000 3.2*10À816 1.7*10À3 1.0*10À30.2710,000 1.7*10À717 1.5*10À2 1.4*10À3 5.5810,000 1.5*10À618 6.1*10À3 1.2*10À3 1.275000 1.2*10À6192.4*10À22.5*10À21.2710,0002.4*10À6C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans /Wear 338-339(2015)221–231225coef ficients,the regression sum of squares values,and the residual sum of squares (error).It should be noted that there is a total of only 19°of freedom because Test 2was not replicated.The regression sum of squares for each coef ficient,the residual sum of squares,and the residual degrees of freedom can be used to cal-culate the F value (which is also listed in Table 4).In order for a variable or interaction to be considered statisti-cally signi ficant with 95%con fidence,the F value must be greater than F 1,13¼4.67.Based on these experiments and the analysis of the wear surfaces,only the λvalue had a statistically signi ficant effect on the wear rate of the black oxide surfaces.Fig.10shows images of the wear on black oxidized balls from tests 1through 6.These images show the impact that λhad on the black oxide wear.Although neither is statistically signi ficant,the slide-to-roll ratio had the next highest impact,followed by the interaction between λand the slide-to-roll ratio.The Hertzian contact pressure had almost no impact on the wear rates in these experiments.3.7.Rolling/sliding adhesive wear test descriptionAs stated in the introduction,smearing is a term that is often used to describe adhesive wear damage in contacts when sliding isTable 5Linear least squares regression analysis of wear rate test data.VariablesBCoef ficient value (1e À5)Degrees of freedom Regression sum of squares (1e À9)FSRR B10.183410.05050.5766Hertz B2À0.006410.00010.0007λB3À0.573010.4925 5.6285SRR*hertz B4À0.030710.00140.0161SRR*λB5À0.160010.03840.4386Hertz*λB60.065510.00640.0736Error ––13 1.1375–Total ––191.7268–Table 6Calculated λvalues based on pre-test surface roughness measurements.Contacts Entrainment velocity (m/s)λMated steel30.23Mated black oxide 30.30Mated steel70.41Matedblack oxide70.45Fig.11.Measured friction from ball-on-ring rolling/sliding wear experiments with 3m/s entrainment velocity and increased slide-to-roll ratio (scaling in %).C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans /Wear 338-339(2015)221–231226substantial and the lubricantfilm thickness is insufficient to ade-quately separate the contacting surfaces[1].With respect to black oxide and smearing,the literature must be interpreted with respect to the severity of the test methods.Evans et al.[7]and Philström and Ström[4]concluded that black oxide treatments in bearings provided minimal or no additional smearing protection under severe contact conditions.Scherb and Zech[5]and Mihai-lidis et al.[6]suggest that there is a benefit to applying black oxide to bearing surfaces for smearing protection under milder test conditions.In an attempt to clarify these varied results and con-clusions,ball-on-cylinder rolling/sliding wear experiments were conducted with mated steel and mated black oxide surfaces.The tests were lubricated by continuously pumping an ISO VG 68PAO oil without EP or AW additives into the contact between the ball and the cylinder with an inlet temperature of80°C.The Hertzian contact pressure between the samples was maintained at a constant1.95GPa(283ksi)for the duration of the test.Tests were conducted at two different entrainment velocities,3m/s and 7m/ing the composite RMS roughness from pre-test surface roughness measurements and the calculated isothermal elasto-hydrodynamic central lubricantfilm thickness[13],the pre-testλvalues were calculated and are listed in Table6.Each test was conducted by initially loading the samples in a pure rolling condition(SRR¼0%).Once the samples reached the test load of200N,the slide-to-roll ratio was increased to10%, maintaining the entrainment velocity at either3m/s or7m/s. Then every150s,the slide-to-roll ratio was increased an addi-tional10%(while keeping the entrainment velocity constant),until the samples exhibited severe adhesive wear or a maximum of 170%slide-to-roll ratio was reached.As soon as either of these conditions was met,the test was suspended.A minimum of two tests were conducted for the mated steel and mated black oxide samples at each entrainment velocity.The friction force between the ball and cylinder surfaces was measured by a torque sensor on the shaft that was rotating the test cylinder. The resolution on the normal load and torque measurements allowed for the friction coefficient to be measured within70.01.3.8.Rolling/sliding adhesive wear test resultsFig.11shows the measured friction coefficient from the experiments conducted with3m/s entrainment velocity.In the background of the plot is a stepped curve that is associated with the y-axis on the right,and shows the slide-to-roll ratio at that point in the test.Both of the untreated steel tests exhibited excessive friction and adhesive wear damage at the very beginning of the140%and130%slide-to-roll ratio stages,respectively.TheFig.13.Measured friction from ball-on-ring rolling/sliding wear experiments with7m/s entrainment velocity and increased slide-to-roll ratio(scaling in%).C.H.Hager Jr.,R.D.Evans/Wear338-339(2015)221–231227。
