重组蛋白表征目录1. 重组蛋白介绍重组蛋白治疗药物的生产 . ........................................................................04 ........................................................................04 从药物发现到药物开发 ............................................................................04 蛋白治疗药物的表征 ................................................................................05 执行关键的QA/QC 程序 . ......................................................................... 05 应对重组蛋白药物表征的挑战 (05)2. 生物过程监控 .........................................................................06 生物过程分析技术总结 ............................................................................08 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 083. 完整蛋白质的鉴定、纯度和杂质分析完整蛋白质的鉴定、纯度和杂质分析技术汇总 . ................................09 ......................................11 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 124. 糖基化分析糖链分析技术汇总 . .............................................................................13 . ................................................................................... 17 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 185. 肽图分析肽图分析技术汇总 . .................................................................................19 . ................................................................................... 22 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 226. 电荷异构体电荷异构体分析技术汇总 . ............................................................................ 23......................................................................... 25 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 257. 聚集聚集体分析技术汇总 . ........................................................................................26 ................................................................................28 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 288. 氧化氧化分析技术汇总 . .........................................................................................29 ....................................................................................31 安捷伦应用文献........................................................................................ 319. 氨基酸分析氨基酸分析技术汇总 .............................................................................32 . ....................................................... ........................ 34 安捷伦应用文献. (34)3重组蛋白治疗药物的生产从药物发现到药物开发4过去,大多数药物都是化学合成的小分子。
[ 应用纪要 ]
0.030 0.025 0.020
0.4 mL/min 聚集体 = 3.14% USP分离度 = 2.0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 min
0.030 0.025 0.020
为了展示这些影响,我们在4.6 x 150 mm以及4.6 x 300 mm的色谱柱上运行了一组蛋白标准品。 校准曲线的对比结果显示,与150 mm色谱柱相比,300 mm色谱柱的校准曲线斜率更加平缓, 说明增加色谱柱长度可增强其分离能力(图6)。
150 mm
300 mm
甲状腺球蛋白 670000
除了蛋白质标准品外,我们还评估了溶于50-250 mM氯化钠中的小鼠单克隆抗体(mAb) 的SEC分离情况(图2)。正如通常会在凝胶过滤填料上观察到的一样2,较大的离子强度 可减少mAb单体的峰拖尾现象并使峰形更窄。当氯化钠浓度从50升至200 mM时,mAb的 峰高从0.189升至0.289。USP拖尾因子也从1.64降至1.22。而当流动相离子强度从200升 至250 mM氯化钠时,上述变化不再明显(USP拖尾因子 = 1.20)。
200 mM 聚集体 = 5.27% USP分离度 = 1.57 USP拖尾因子 = 1.22
250 mM
聚集体 = 5.39%
USP分离度 = 1.58
USP拖尾因子 = 1.20
第五章 色谱理论
2)固定相的形状根据固定相或色谱装置形状的不同,液相色谱法又分为纸色谱法(Paper chromatography)、薄层色谱法(Thin-layer chromatography)和柱色谱法(Column chromatography)。
毛细管电泳技术在单克隆抗体药物分析中的应用陈泓序;屈锋【摘要】单克隆抗体药物在生物制药行业占有重要地位,是生物医药领域发展的主要方向.因此,单克隆抗体药物的质量控制已成为全球生物制药企业及法规机构关注的热点,对单克隆抗体药物精确表征的需求日益增加.毛细管电泳技术具有分离效率高、分析速度快、分离模式多、样品用量少等特点,已成为单克隆抗体药物分析和质量控制的重要手段.该文对毛细管凝胶电泳、毛细管等电聚焦、毛细管区带电泳等模式在单克隆抗体药物的纯度分析、等电点测定、电荷异质性分析和 N-寡糖分析的应用进行综述,以期为国内单克隆抗体研究开发和生产的企事业单位提供技术参考.%Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies play an important role in biopharmaceuticals, and gradually become one of the main directions of the development of biological medicine. The quality control of monoclonal antibodies has also become the focus of global biopharma compa-nies and regulatory agencies. Capillary electrophoresis has become an important tool in the analysis of monoclonal antibodies with multi-modes and high resolution. In this paper,we reviewed the application of capillary gel electrophoresis,capillary isoelectric focusing and capil-lary zone electrophoresis on the analysis of purity,isoelectric point/charge heterogeneity and N-glycan profiling of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.【期刊名称】《色谱》【年(卷),期】2018(036)003【总页数】14页(P195-208)【关键词】毛细管电泳;毛细管凝胶电泳;毛细管区带电泳;毛细管等电聚焦;单克隆抗体药物;纯度;电荷异质性;N-寡糖;综述【作者】陈泓序;屈锋【作者单位】北京理工大学生命学院,北京100081;北京理工大学生命学院,北京100081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O658随着单克隆抗体技术近40年的发展,其在生物医学研究和生物制药以及临床治疗中的应用发展迅速,已占有重要地位。
药物分析杂志Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis药物分析杂志 线性关系考察 精密吸取混合对照品储备液、4、6、8、10 mL ,分别置10 mL 量瓶中,用70%甲醇水溶液定容至刻度,即得系列混合对照品溶液。
分别精密吸取上述系列混合对照品溶液10 μL ,按“2.1”项下色谱条件进样分析,测定峰面积。
以峰面积(Y )葛根素(puerarin ) 2. 连翘酯苷A (forsythiaside A ) 3. 黄芩苷(baicalin 牛蒡苷(arctiin )混合对照品(mixed reference substances ) B. 样品(sample ) C. 缺葛根阴性样品(negative sample of Puerariae Lobatae Radix ) D. 缺连翘阴性样negative sample of Forsythiae Fructus ) E. 缺黄芩阴性样品(negative sample of Scutellariae Radix ) F. 缺炒牛蒡子阴性样品(negative sample ofArctii Fructus ) 小儿解表颗粒HPLC 色谱图 HPLC chromatograms of Xiao ’er Jiebiao granules表2 4个成分的线性回归方程、相关系数(r )及线性范围Tab. 2 The regression equation ,correlation coefficients and linear ranges of 4 components成分(component )回归方程(regression equation )r线性范围(linear range )/(μg ·mL -1)葛根素(puerarin )Y =45.19X +7.5460.999 9 4.799~47.99连翘酯苷A forsythiaside A )Y =16.61X +1.3590.999 93.968~39.68黄芩苷(baicalin )Y =32.55X +13.430.999 916.76~167.6牛蒡苷(arctiin )Y =5.843X +0.992 80.999 97.082~70.82药物分析杂志药物分析杂志药物分析杂志药物分析杂志。
体积排阻色谱 (sec)柱用的仪器
体积排阻色谱(sec)柱用的仪器全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:体积排阻色谱(Size Exclusion Chromatography,SEC)是一种常用的色谱技术,也称为凝胶过滤色谱,它基于分子在流体中的尺寸和形状的差异,从而实现对分子的分离和分析。
1. 体积排阻色谱柱的特点体积排阻色谱柱是一种工程化的柱,与常规液相色谱柱有所不同。
赛分科技近日开发了一种离子交换色谱柱——Glycomix™ SAX,可对如肝素钠这样的带多电荷聚糖样品实现高效分离。
图1肝素钠、硫酸皮肤素和多硫酸软骨素在Glycomix™ SAX上的分离色谱图色谱条件Column: Glycomix™ SAX, 4.6 x 250 mmGuard column: Glycomix, 4.6 x 50 mmMobile phase:A: 0.04% NaH2PO4, pH 3.0B: 0.04% NaH2PO4+14% NaClO4, pH 3.0Flow rate: 0.22 mL/minGradient: 20% - 90% B in 60 minutesWavelength: 202 nmColumn temp: 25 ℃Injection volume: 10 mLPressures: 9.5 barSample: 20 mg/mL Heparin sodium1 mg/mL Dermatan sulfate (DS)1mg/mL Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) in H2O在Glycomix™ SAX柱上,肝素钠和硫酸皮肤素的分离度为3.8,肝素钠和多硫酸软骨素之间的分离度为5.8,远远超过USP所要求的1.0和1.5。
用SEC-MALS 测低分子量化合物
使用体积排阻色谱(SEC )和多角光散射(MALS )检测器结合,分析了双酚A 的二环氧甘油醚(DGEBA ,摩尔质量为340g/mol )和4,4’-二羟基二苯甲烷(DHDPM 摩尔质量为200g/mol ),目的在于检测30mw miniDAWN 检测器的灵敏度和检测下限。
DGEBA 和DHDPM 分别是环氧树脂和酚—甲醛缩合物的低聚体在科学上和实际上是重要的,它们从电子学到自动化的多种工业上得到应用。
图1和2分别表示DGEBA 和DHDPM 的MALS 和DRI 信号。
对两种化合物得到极好的信躁比,这表明在miniDAWN 中30mw GaAs 激光器的灵敏度用于这些极低摩尔质量化合物已足够了。
注入 摩尔质量(g/mol )
DGEBA DHDPM 1 374+4 212+2 2 370+3 215+2 3 368+3 216+2 各化合物三次注入所得摩尔质量列于上表。
使用Optilab 干涉折光仪在与miniDAWN 相同波长,测定比折光指数增量(dn/dc)。
上述数据证实:30mw 激光器(DAWN EOS 相同)是高度灵敏的,甚至对低于500g/mol 化合物得到极好的可重复性和好的准确度。
图1 尽管分子量比400g/mol 还小,30mW miniDAWN 对DGEBA 的反应信号仍很好。
图2尽管分子量比400g/mol 还小,30mW miniDAWN 对
DHDPM 的反应信号仍很好。
体积排阻色谱(sec)柱用的仪器概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述体积排阻色谱(Size Exclusion Chromatography,SEC)是一种常用的分离和测定高聚物、生物大分子以及纳米材料的方法。
1.2 文章结构本文包括引言、体积排阻色谱(SEC)柱介绍、体积排阻色谱仪器装置及关键组件说明、体积排阻色谱分析方法和操作注意事项以及结论部分。
1.3 目的本文的目标是全面介绍体积排阻色谱所使用的仪器,帮助读者了解仪器的工作原理和关键组件,并提供一些操作须知。
通过阅读本文,读者将对体积排阻色谱有更深入的了解,并能够在实验中正确选择和使用相关设备,从而更好地开展SEC 柱分析工作。
2. 体积排阻色谱(SEC)柱介绍:2.1 SEC柱原理:体积排阻色谱(Size Exclusion Chromatography,简称SEC)是一种基于分子尺寸差异的色谱技术。
摘 要 :采 用 体 积 色 谱 法 对 由 Ec h表 达 的 重 组 人 粒 细 胞 一巨噬 细 胞 集 落 刺 激 因子 . o (h rGM— F 复 性 与 同 时纯化 工 艺进 行 了研 究。 分别 讨论 了不 同浓度 的脲 、 CS ) 流动 相 p 以及 在 H
流动 相 中添 加 不 同比例 的 GS G/ S 对 rG — S S GH h M C F复 性 与 同 时纯化 的 影响 。 结果 表 明 : 者 三
人粒 细胞 一 巨噬细 胞集 落 刺激 因子 f GM— S ) r h CF 是调 节造 血 前 体 细胞 生 长 和 分 化 的 主要 细 胞 因子 ,
可促 进 中性 粒 细胞 和 巨噬 细胞 的增 加 ,增 强造 血 功
目前 , 利用 S C已对 多 种 变 性蛋 白质 的 复性 进 E 行 了研 究 。Mio l nH和 Ro et . i e 等 人 用 S C t b rJ Fs r h E 复性 了 R T —, Nae和 I 『 J l nB等 人也 将 E S lR s HF7 ui 】 。 a 凝 胶 过滤 应 用 于几 种 蛋 白质 的复 性 中 ,均 收到很 好 的 效 果 『 C rtn M 和 U sl R 用 S C 复 性 8 】 as 。 e rua E
大 肠 杆 菌 ( . l) 达 的 rG C F 由于 疏 水 优 化 获得 7 %的活 性 回收 率 。Mul 等利 用 S C Ec i表 o h M— S 5 lr e E
性 很 强 , 成 了难 溶 于水 的包 涵体 , 形 只有 加入 高 浓度 对 生 长 因 子 P GF实 现 了 高效 复 性 『 a h y等 研 D 9 】 ne 。F
C F纯 度 为 9 %, 质 量 回收率 仅 为 3 .%。这 些方 厂 )7 1 W 分 光 光 度 计 ( 海 第 三 分 析 仪 器 厂) S 7 但 32 ;2 一 上 ; 法 都 可 以得 到较 高 纯 度 的 rG C F h M— S ,但 缺 点 是 步 V F 5 0型 超 声 破 碎 仪 ( 国 S N C C 10 美 O I S公 司 ) 实 验 ;
体积排阻色谱柱体积排阻色谱柱体积排阻色谱柱—水溶性体积排阻色谱柱水溶性体积排阻色谱柱概述SRT 、Zenix 、SRT-C 和Zenix-C 系列体积排阻色谱柱均采用经特殊表面修饰的高纯硅胶作为填料,其修饰方式为在硅胶表面化学键合一层均一、亲水、纳米厚度的中性聚合物薄膜。
SRT 、Zenix 和SRT-C 、Zenix-C 键合方式的不同之处在于:前两者固定相表面键合的是一层“站立”着的单分子层,而后两者则是一层“平躺”着的单分子层。
同时Zenix 和Zenix-C 为3 um 粒径,SRT 和SRT-C 为5 um 粒径,这四款体积排阻柱相互配合,可满足客户对分辨率及柱效的不同要求。
固定相的差异图1. 固定相修饰的差异:SRT 和Zenix 在硅胶表面修饰了一层“站立”着的亲水中性单分子层,SRT-C 和Zenix-C 在硅胶表面修饰了一层“平躺”的亲水中性单分子层。
粒径差异图2. Zenix 和Zenix-C 以3 µm 多孔硅胶为基质; SRT 和 SRT-C 以5 µm多孔硅胶为基质Zenix 和Zenix-C 的独特优点Zenix 和Zenix-C 色谱柱采用3 µm 粒径的填料,为生物分子的分离提供最高的柱效。
表1. Sepax SEC 色谱柱的主要特点SRT体积排阻色谱柱SRT SEC键合固定相采用专利的表面修饰技术,通过在高纯度具有良好机械稳定性的硅胶基质上,键合一层均匀的纳米厚度中性亲水薄膜而制备得到。
Agilent AdvanceBio SEC 200 A
聚集体和片段的快速分离Agilent AdvanceBio SEC 200 Å 1.9 μm 色谱柱3和 mAb 致的性能 –批次间和柱间的出色重现性让您对分析结果充满信心优化的亚 2 µm 填料颗粒具有以下优势:体积排阻色谱 (SEC) 是定性和定量分析单克隆抗体 (mAb) 和抗体药物偶联物 (ADC) 等蛋白质聚集体的一种参考方法。
聚集体是关键质量属性 (CQA),因为它们可能会改变生物治疗药物的疗效或免疫原性。
AdvanceBio SEC 200 Å 1.9 μm 色谱柱适用于 UHPLC 和 HPLC 仪器。
它们旨在改善 mAb 聚集体和低分子量蛋白质片段的分离度,同时提高分离速度。
快速分析聚集体和片段,大幅提高分析效率4高分离度、高效分离、惰性表面经过安捷伦独有的亲水键合化学技术修饰的 1.9 µm 硅胶颗粒填料可确保高分离度和高效分离。
此外,它们能大大减少与 mAb 、ADC 及其他蛋白质的次级相互作用。
5.5A: Agilent AdvanceBio SEC 色谱柱 4.6 × 300 mm, 200 Å 1.9 µm 66.577.588.599.510x1021. 5.56 6.577.588.599.510x1021. 竞争厂商 SEC 色谱柱 1 4.6 × 300 mm, 200 Å 1.7 µm 5.56 6.577.588.599.510x1021. 竞争厂商 SEC 色谱柱 2 4.6 × 300 mm, 250 Å 2.0 µm 保留时间 [min]响应 [m A U ]响应 [m A U ]响应 [m A U ]单体二聚体LMW1LMW2优化的亚 2 µm 填料颗粒可提供高分离度,实现高效分离与竞争厂商的色谱柱相比,AdvanceBio SEC 色谱柱具有更好的分离度和更高的分离效率。
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磷 酸二 氢 钠 ( Na H P O ・2 H。 ( ) ) , 分析 纯; 磷 酸氢 二钠 ( N a HP O ・1 2 H。 O) , 分析纯 ; 氯化钠 , 分析 纯. 三种药 品均 购 白天津 化学 试 剂一 厂 .丙 烯 酰胺 , N, N 一亚 甲基 双丙 烯 酰胺 , 考 马 斯 亮 蓝
第 3 O卷 第 2期
Vo1 . 30 No. 2
周 口 师 范 学 院 学 报
J o u r n a l o f Z h o u k o u No r ma l Un i v e r s i t y
2 0 1 3年 3月
M a r .2 0 13
抗E GF R单克隆抗体药物纯 度分析
1 . 2 试 剂 与 样 品
化、 脱氨、 还原, 酶解, 以及物 理聚 集 、 共 价聚 集等 产
生 多聚 体 卜 _ , 使 单 克 隆 抗 体结 构 、 形 态 具 有 不 均
性, 单 克 隆抗 体 的不 均 一 性 会 对其 生 物 学 活性 、
体 内代 谢 及安 全性 造成 影 响 ~】 . 在单 克隆 抗体 药 物 开发 中, 要 对 药 物 的有 效 性 和安 全 性 进 行 评估 , 因此 , 需 要严 格 控制 单 克 隆 抗 体药 物 纯 度 , 提 高 均
1 试 验 部 分
1 . 1 仪 器 设 备
Ag i l e n t 1 2 0 0型 高效液 相 色谱 仪 , 包 括高 压 梯
度 泵 ,自动 进 样 器 , 二 极 管 阵列 检测 器, Ag i l e n t e h e ms t a t i o n化 学 工 作 站 软 件 . TS K G3 0 0 0 S W 色 谱柱 ( 1 0 t x m, 7 . 5 mm×3 0 0 mm) , P r o p a c WC X一 1 O色 谱 柱 ( 1 0/ , m, 4 . 6 mm × 2 5 0 i n o) t , S D S— P AG E凝胶 电泳成 像 系统 , B i o —R a d公 司.
AuthorsXueying Huang Xiaomi XuHaiying ChenSepax Technologies, Inc.5 Innovation Way Newark, DE 19711 USA Size Exclusion Separation of Protein Mixtures: Comparison of Sepax SRT®SEC Columns and Tosoh TSKgel®ColumnsProtein SeparationAbstractThere are increasing numbers of biological large molecules such as proteins and antibodies manufactured as pharmaceutical therapeutics. It is often a challenge to separate these molecules from lysates and partially purified protein mixes, or differentiate them from variants with different post- translational modifications. The data presented here focus on the use of analytical SRT® SEC 150 and 300Å pore sizes with 5 m particle size to separate several commercially available proteins with different molecular weights. The separation performance is compared with that of Tosoh TSK G2000SWxl and G3000SWxl respectively.IntroductionSize exclusion chromatography (SEC) has been shown as an effective way to separate different sizes of proteins, as well as buffer exchanges at the same time. Since SEC technique can be achieved with high resolution with few protein components or partially purified protein mixtures, often researchers use it in the final polishing step in a protein purification scheme or Quality Control departments use it in thedetection of the sample uniformity. Samples of interest can be separated from aggregates or variants with different modifications occurred during the process – a crucial step in ensuring the quality of biological products.Sepax SRT ® SEC columns are based on uniform, hydrophilic, and neutral nanometer thick films chemically bonded on high purity andmechanically stabilized silica. The unique property of the resin minimizes the non-specific interactions between biological samples and the column medium. SRT ® SEC provides a wide selection of pore sizes: 100, 150, 300, 500, 1,000 and 2,000Å pore sizes for different molecular weight separation limits. In this application note, the performance of SRT ® SEC 150 and 300Å pore sizes with 5 μm particle size iscompared with that of Tosoh TSK G2000SWxl and G3000SWxl respectively with the same column dimensions.ExperimentalHPLC system :Agilent 1200 HPLC with binary pump SEC columns :Sepax SRT ®SEC-150 (150 Å, 5 μm), Tosoh TSK G2000SWxl (125 Å, 5 μm), 7.8x300 mm Sepax SRT ® SEC-300 (300 Å, 5 μm), Tosoh TSK G3000SWxl (300 Å, 5 μm), 7.8x300 mmChemicals and Reagents :Thyroglobulin, BSA, Ribonuclease A, ply-DL alanine and Uracil were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Monobasic and dibasic sodium phosphate were purchased from EMD.LC Method:For SRT ® SEC-150 and Tosoh TSKG2000SWxl, the flow rate is 1ml/min, mobile phase is 150 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0, and the temperature is ambient at 23 degree C.Sample injection volume is 10 μl with following components: Thyroglobulin, BSA, Ribonuclease A at 1.0 mg/ml each and Uracil at 2.5 μg/ml. For SRT ® SEC-300 and TSK G3000SWxl, the column running conditions are the same as that for SRT ® SEC-150, except the sampleconcentration is as follows: thyroglobulin, BSA, ribonuclease A (1 mg/mL); uracil (0.1 mg/mL), injection volume is 5 μl.ResultsIn comparison of SRT ® SEC-150 and Tosoh TSK G2000SWxl, figure 1 shows the similar separation profiles from both columns under the same LC running conditions. SRT ® SEC-150 exhibits a slightly better resolution forRibonuclease A and Poly-DL-alanine. Table 2 summarizes the retention time for each eluted protein peak. With column dimension at7.8x300 mm, the retention time for each protein peak is similar using both columns.SRT ® SEC-300 and TSK G3000SWxl have the same column dimension, particle size and porosity. The elution profiles are exhibiting similar chromatographic patterns, under 1ml/min flow rate and 150 mM phosphate buffer, pH7.0. SRT ® SEC-300 shows a better separation resolution with Thyroglobulin and its aggregated forms 9 (figure 2).ConclusionIn comparison to Tosoh G2000SWxl andG3000SWxl, Sepax SRT ® SEC-150 and SRT ® SEC-300 demonstrate a similar or slightly better separation with the same protein mixturesrespectively. Sepax SRT ® SEC columns can be a great alternative for biologics separations, which currently use Tosoh TSK columns.For more information on SRT ® SEC products, please visit Sepax website: /SRT.php or contact us at 1-877-SEPAX-USFigure 1. Comparison of chromatograms of SRT® SEC-150 and Tosoh TSK G2000SWxl, 7.8x300 mm using protein mixture 1) Thyroglobulin, 2) BSA monomer, 3) Ribonuclease A, 4) Poly-DL-alanine, 5) UracilTable 1. Comparison of retention time of eluted proteins with SRT® SEC-150 and TSK G2000SWxl, 7.8x300 mm.Figure 2. . Comparison of chromatograms of SRT® SEC-300 and Tosoh TSK G3000SWxl, 7.8x300 mm using protein mixture 1) Thyroglobulin, 2) BSA monomer, 3) Ribonuclease A, 4) UracilTable 2. Comparison of retention time of eluted proteins with SRT® SEC-300 and TSK G3000SWxl, 7.8x300 mmSepax SEC to Tosoh Biosciences (TSK) cross Reference。
体积排阻色谱在蛋白质药物聚集体领域的应用张晓敏;胡志上;李红梅【摘要】蛋白质聚集现象是生物制药行业面临的重大问题之一,对蛋白质药物有效性、安全性、质量可控性有很大影响.体积排阻色谱技术是蛋白质药物及其聚集体检测分析的标准技术,具有操作简单、分离条件温和、基本不破坏蛋白质药物结构等优点.但由于蛋白质与固定相存在非特异性相互作用,采用该法检测时存在洗脱延迟、色谱峰拖尾、基线漂移、蛋白质回收率低等问题.该文介绍了体积排阻色谱的分离原理及实际应用,并对该技术在蛋白质药物检测中存在的非特异性吸附问题及相关方法优化做了简要概述.同时列举了几种与体积排阻色谱互补的可用于蛋白质药物聚集体分析的技术.最后,对体积排阻色谱技术的发展前景进行了展望.【期刊名称】《分析测试学报》【年(卷),期】2019(038)007【总页数】7页(P882-888)【关键词】体积排阻色谱;蛋白质药物;蛋白质聚集体;非特异性相互作用【作者】张晓敏;胡志上;李红梅【作者单位】北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,北京100029;中国计量科学研究院,北京100013;中国计量科学研究院,北京100013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.7蛋白质药物是目前销售额最大的生物治疗药物[1],蛋白质本身非常不稳定,其结构中非共价键的稳定性很容易被外力因素( 如摇动、温度等)破坏。
体积排阻色谱(Size exclusion chromatography,SEC)灵敏度良好、操作简单、样品前处理少、分析速度快、分离条件温和[3],自重组蛋白药物诞生以来一直是蛋白质药物聚集体表征的金标准[4-6]。
R 2(tR2 tR1) 2(tR' 2 tR' 1) (W1 W2 ) (Wb1 Wb2 )
R 2(tR' 2 tR' 1) 1.7(Wh1 Wh2 )
hi hm
N 4
1 r
k '2 '2 1
r 2 r 1
4. 所有组分浓度以起始塔板中的浓度为基准
由塔板理论可得到:在色谱过程中色谱峰是要展 宽的,展宽的宽度平方值和理论板高H成正比。即 相达成“平衡”所需的距离H值越大,则色谱峰展 宽也就越严重。反之,若理论板高H值越小。而就 一定柱长而言,组分在两相间的“平衡”次数就 越多,色谱柱的分离效率就越高,因此理论板高H 值是衡量色谱柱效率的一个很好的指标。
手册是最方便地查阅相关文献的工具,尽管所 列数据并非最新的。
高分离色谱与色谱通讯(J.of High Resolution Chromatography and Chromatography Communication)1978年创刊。
《色谱》,1984年创刊,刊登各种原始论 文和综述,为双月刊。
刊登色谱文章和评论性文章的还有各种 分析化学相关的杂志,如各国的“分析化 学”(中、美、英、日、德等),中文的 《理化检验》、《环境化学》等专业文献 上也有相当比例的色谱论文发表。
AuthorsXiaomi XuYuna LiAiyan CuiHaiying ChenSepax Technologies, Inc.5 Innovation Way Newark, DE 19711 USA High Resolution Analysis of Heparin and Heparin-like Impurities on Glycomix TM–an Anion Exchange ColumnGlycan SeparationAbstractAnalysis of heparin is challenging due to its heterogeneity, both in its size distribution and charge variance. Moreover, its impurities usually have properties that resemble heparin which makes it difficult to distinguish heparin and its impurities using analytical methods. To effectively separate heparin from its impurities, including naturally occurring impurities during manufacturing process (e.g., dermatan sulfate DS) and non-native contaminant from adulteration (e.g., oversulfated chondroitin sulfate OSCS), U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) published a chromatographic method to identify heparin and heparin-like impurities using ion-exchange liquid chromatography. However, current commercially available ion-exchange column barely meets USP separation resolution criteria; the situation calls for a new stationary phase which can improve the resolution. Sepax has recently developed an ion-exchange column – Glycomix TM SAX. It grafts charged and a certain level of hydrophilic functional groups to polymer-based resin. Here we present the high efficiency separation of highly chargedglycans.IntroductionHeparin has been widely used as ananticoagulant or anti-thrombotic agent. It is a complex mixture of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are highly negatively charged. During its extraction process from mammalian tissue (such as pig intestine), other polyanionic GAGs can co-purify with heparin since they share heparin-like properties [1]. Onerepresentative example of such impurities is dermatan sulfate (chondroitin sulfate B). Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) was identified as a non-native contaminant, which can induce severe side effects even death. The most recent heparin sodium monographpublished by U.S. Pharmacopeia [2] details the analytical method that heparin manufacturers must follow to ensure the quality of their heparin products. This application note reports the separation of heparin, DS and OSCS using Glycomix TM SAX with USP recommended method. The performance of Glycomix SAX is also discussed in comparison to competitor D’s column separation efficiency.ExperimentalHPLC systemAgilent 1200 HPLC with binary pumpIon-exchange columnsGlycomix TM -SAX (4.6 x 250 mm, P/N 901665-4625)Glycomix TM -SAX guard column (4.6 x 50 mm, P/N 901665-4605)Chemicals and ReagentsHeparin sodium salt and Dermatan sulfate (DS or chondroitin sulfate B) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (part no. 1133580) was purchased from U.S. Pharmacopeia. Monobasic sodium phosphate and sodium perchlorate were purchased from EMD. All solutions were made with Milli-Q water.LC MethodMobile phase:A: 0.04% NaH 2PO 4, pH3.0;B: 0.04% NaH 2PO 4+ 14% NaClO 4, pH3.0Gradient: 20% B to 90% B in 60 minFlow rate: 0.22 mL/min Column temperature: 25 °C Detection: UV 202 nm Injection volume: 10 μL Pressure: 10 barResultsFollowing the conditions listed on USP heparin sodium monograph, Figure. 1 demonstrates the separation of heparin from its impurities, dermatan sulfate (DS) and oversulfatedchondroitin sulfate (OSCS). The three peaks, according to elution order, are identified as DS, heparin sodium salt and OSCS, the concentration of which are 0.2 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL and 0.2 mg/mL, respectively. The resolutions are 3.8 between DS and heparin and 5.8 between heparin and OSCS; both are well beyond the USP resolution requirements, which are 1.0 and 1.5, respectively. Glycomix TM column shows the separation resolution much higher than that of Competitor D column, which is 1.1 and 1.8[3]. It was also stated in competitor D’s literature [3] that dermatan sulfate may be unresolved from heparin at >20 mg/mL concentrations as the heparin peak starts eluting from the column within 2 min after the dermatan peak. Heparin loading is not a concern on Glycomix TM column.The high resolution between heparin and dermatan sulfate also enables identification of any unknown impurities that elutes between heparin and dermatan sulfate. As shown in Figure. 2, there is an impurity peak eluted after dermatan sulfate, which is marked by an arrow on the graph. Comparing it with each single standard, it is found that this unknown impurity peak, which may be chondroitin sulfate, is also present on heparin sodium salt (Sigma-Aldrich) sample. Figure 3 is another example of a real heparin injection product analysis, which shows the presence of OSCS.Glycomix ™ can be used i n the quantitative analysis of heparin and its impurities. Figure 4 shows the calibration curve with differentheparin and impurity loadings over concentration range from 0.5 mg/ml to 10 mg/ml for heparin and from 0.25 mg/ml to 4 mg/ml for OSCS. The R 2 values exceed 0.99 for both analytes (R 2heparin =0.9997; R 2OSCS =0.9972).Figure 1. Elution profile of standard solution, containing 0.2 mg/mL dermatan sulfate (DS), 20 mg/mL heparin sodium and 0.2 mg/mL oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS).Figure 2. Comparison of standard solution (1 mg/mL DS, 20 mg/mL heparin and 1 mg/mL OSCS) and one heparin injection product provided by an undisclosed drug company.Figure 3. Comparison of standard solution (0.2 mg/mL DS, 20 mg/mL heparin and 0.2 mg/mL OSCS) and another heparin injection product provided by an undisclosed drug company, a different source than that on Figure 2.Figure 4. Heparin calibration curve over the concentration range from 0.5 mg/ml to 10 mg/ml, OSCS from 0.25 mg/ml to 4 mg/ml.ConclusionIt has been demonstrated that with careful control of surface chemistry, high resolution separation of heparin and its impurities is successfully achieved on Sepax Glycomix TM column. Glycomix TM column is well suitable for quality control for heparin products, as well as quantitative analysis due to its high sensitivity.Reference1.Advances in the separation, sensitive detection, and characterization of heparin and heparinsulfate. Anal Bioanal Chem (2009) 393: 155-1692.Heparin Sodium, Pharmacopeia Forum2009, 35 (5), 1-4.3.Determination of oversulfated chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate in heparin sodium usinganion-exchange chromatography with UV detection. Dionex Application Note 235. Ordering InformationFor more information on Glycomix TM products, please visit Sepax website: or contact us at 1-877-SEPAX-US。