2023年海南省高考数学全真模拟卷(五)1. 若复数为纯虚数,则实数a的值为( )A. 2B. 2或C.D.2. 已知集合,,若,则实数m的取值范围为( )A. B. C. D.3. 已知,则( )A. B. C. 2 D. 44. 已知直线与圆C:交于A,B两点,且线段AB关于圆心对称,则( )A. 1B. 2C. 4D. 55. 家庭农场是指以农户家庭成员为主要劳动力的新型农业经营主体,某家庭农场从2019年开始逐年加大投入,加大投入后每年比前一年增加相同额度的收益,已知2019年的收益为30万元,2021年的收益为50万元,照此规律,从2019年至2026年该家庭农场的总收益为( )A. 630万元B. 350万元C. 420万元D. 520万元6. 若函数,则的图象大致为( )A. B.C. D.7. 如图,点P是棱长为2的正方体表面上的一个动点,直线AP与平面ABCD所成的角为,则点P的轨迹长度为( )A.B.C.D.8. 设,,,则a,b,c的大小关系是( )A. B. C. D.9. 某网友随机选取了某自媒体平台10位自媒体人,得到其粉丝数据单位:万人:,,,,,,,,,若该平台自媒体人的粉丝数其中和分别为上述样本的平均数和标准差,根据上述数据,则下列说法正确的是( )附:若随机变量X服从正态分布,则,,A. 这10位自媒体人粉丝数据的平均数为B. 这10位自媒体人粉丝数据的标准差为C. 这10位自媒体人粉丝数据的第25百分位数为D. 用样本估计总体,该平台自媒体人的粉丝数不超过万的概率约为10. 已知抛物线C的方程为,F为焦点,O为坐标原点,S表示面积,直线l:与抛物线交于A,B两点,且A在第一象限,则下列说法正确的是( )A. B. C. D.11. 若函数的图象如图,且,,则下列说法正确的是( )A. 函数的周期为5B. 函数的对称轴为,C. 函数在内没有单调性D. 若将的图象向左平移个单位长度,得到的函数图像关于y轴对称,则的最小值为112. 如图所示,在边长为3的等边三角形ABC中,,且点P在以AD的中点O为圆心,OA为半径的半圆上,若,则( )A.B.C. 存在最大值D. 的最大值为13. 已知向量,,定义,,则______ .14. 已知6名同学国庆假期相约去珠海野狸岛游玩,途中6名同学排成一排照相留念,若甲、乙、丙3人互不相邻,则不同的排法共有______ 种.15. 在平面内,设一动点P到点,的距离差的绝对值等于,若动点P的轨迹是曲线C,则曲线C的离心率的最小值为______ .16. 已知母线AD的长为的圆锥,其侧面积为,P是该圆锥内切球球面上一动点,则的最大值为______ .17. 已知等差数列中,,,数列的前n项和为,满足求数列,的通项公式;记,求数列的前20项的和18. 在圆内接四边形ABCD中,已知,,,为锐角.求及AD的长;求四边形ABCD周长的最大值.19. 某商场对M、N两类商品实行线上销售以下称“A渠道”和线下销售以下称“B 渠道”两种销售模式类商品成本价为元/件总量中有将按照原价200元/件的价格走B渠道销售,有将按照原价折的价格走A渠道销售;N类商品成本价为160元/件,总量中有将按照原价300元/件的价格走B渠道销售,有将按照原价折的价格走A渠道销售,这两种商品剩余部分促销时按照原价6折的价格销售,并能全部售完.通过计算比较这两类商品中哪类商品单件收益的均值更高收益=售价-成本;某商场举行让利大甩卖活动,全场M,N两类商品走A渠道销售,假设每位线上购买M,N商品的顾客只选其中一类购买,每位顾客限购1件,且购买商品的顾客中购买M类商品的概率为已知该商场当天这两类商品共售出5件,设X为该商场当天所售N类商品的件数,Y为当天销售这两类商品带来的总收益,求Y的期望,以及当时,n可取的最大值.20. 如图所示的多面体由正四棱柱与正四棱锥组合而成,与交于点,,,证明:平面平面;求平面PAD与平面夹角的余弦值.21. 已知椭圆C:的离心率为,且过点求椭圆C的标准方程;设Q为椭圆C上一动点,且Q不与顶点重合,M为椭圆C的右顶点,N为椭圆C的上顶点,直线QM与y轴交于点E,直线QN与x轴交于点F,求的值.22. 已知函数,求的单调区间;若,证明:;对于任意正整数n,,求t的最小正整数值.答案和解析1.【答案】C【解析】解:复数为纯虚数,则,解得故选:根据纯虚数的定义,得到方程组,求解即可.本题考查纯虚数的定义,属于基础题.2.【答案】B【解析】解:集合,,若,则,,解得,则实数m的取值范围为故选:由,得,从而,由此能求出实数m的取值范围.本题考查集合的运算,考查交集定义、不等式性质等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.3.【答案】A【解析】解:因为,所以故选:由已知利用同角三角函数基本关系式,二倍角的正弦公式化简所求即可求解.本题考查了同角三角函数基本关系式,二倍角的正弦公式在三角函数化简求值中的应用,考查了转化思想,属于基础题.4.【答案】D【解析】解:由圆C:,可得圆心,线段AB关于圆心对称,直线过圆心,,解得故选:由题意可得直线过圆心,即可求解.本题考查直线与圆的位置关系,属基础题.5.【答案】D【解析】解:根据题意,加大投入后每年比前一年增加了相同额度的收益,故每年增加的收益为万元从2019年至2026年每年的收益分别为30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100万元,总收益万元故选:根据题中条件先算出每年增加的收益,然后计算出从2019年至2026年每年的收益,最后算出总收益即可.本题考查函数模型的应用,属于中档题.6.【答案】B【解析】解:函数,定义域为R,,即为奇函数,图像关于原点对称,排除AC,当时,,,可得,排除故选:判断函数的奇偶性和对称性,利用函数符号,结合排除法进行判断即可.本题主要考查函数图象的识别和判断,利用函数的奇偶性和对称性,以及函数符号关系是解决本题的关键,是基础题.7.【答案】A【解析】解:若直线AP与平面ABCD所成的角为,则点P的轨迹为圆锥的侧面与正方体的表面的交轨,在平面内,点P的轨迹为对角线除掉A点,不影响;在平面内,点P的轨迹为对角线除掉A点,不影响;在平面内是以点为圆心2为半径的圆弧,如图,故点P的轨迹长度为故选:由题意易得点P的轨迹为圆锥的侧面与正方体的表面的交轨,进而求解即可.本题考查轨迹的长度的计算,属中档题.8.【答案】C【解析】解:因为,,,所以令,则,,,,令得,所以在上,单调递增,在上,单调递减,因为,所以,所以,故选:,,,令,则,,,求导分析单调性,即可得出答案.本题考查导数的综合应用,解题中需要理清思路,属于中档题.9.【答案】AD【解析】解:计算平均数为,选项A正确;计算方差为,所以标准差为,选项B错误;因为,所以这组数据的第25百分位数是第3个数据,为,选项C 错误;因为,且,所以,选项D 正确.故选:根据题意计算平均数和方差、标准差以及百分位数和正态分布,再判断即可.本题主要考查了平均数与方差、标准差和百分位数和正态分布的应用问题,是基础题.10.【答案】AC【解析】解:抛物线C 的方程为,为焦点,O 为坐标原点,S 表示面积,直线l :与抛物线交于A ,B 两点,可得,解得,,所以,所以A 正确;,所以B 不正确;C 正确;所以D 不正确.故选:联立直线与抛物线方程,求解A ,B 坐标,然后求解判断选项的正误即可.本题考查直线与抛物线的位置关系的应用,抛物线的简单性质的应用,是中档题.11.【答案】BD【解析】解:根据函数的图象,且,,可得,即,再根据五点法作图,可得,,可得函数的的周期为,故A 错误;令,,求得,,故函数的对称轴为,,故B正确;当,,函数单调递增,故C错误;若将的图象向左平移个单位长度,得到的函数的图像关于y轴对称,则的最小值为1,故D正确,故选:由特殊点B求出,由五点法作图求出的值,可得的解析式,再根据正弦函数的图象和性质,得出结论.本题主要考查由函数的部分图象求解析式,由特殊点求出,由五点法作图求出的值,正弦函数的图象和性质,属于中档题.12.【答案】ABC【解析】解:对于选项A,,且点P在以AD的中点O为圆心,OA为半径的半圆上,,,故A正确;对于选项B,,,故B正确;对于选项C,以点O为原点建立平面直角坐标系,如图所示:则,,,点P在以AD的中点O为圆心,OA为半径的半圆上,点P的轨迹方程为,且在x轴的下半部分,设,,则,,,,又,,当时,取得最大值9,故C正确;对于选项D,,,,,又,当时,取得最大值,故D错误.故选:对于AB,将,分别用表示,再结合数量积的运算律即可判断;对于CD,以点O为原点建立平面直角坐标系,设,,根据平面向量的坐标表示及坐标运算即可判断.本题主要考查了平面向量基本定理,考查了平面向量数量积的运算和性质,属于中档题.13.【答案】3【解析】解:,,,,,,,又,,,,故答案为:根据向量的模的定义,向量夹角公式,即可求解.本题考查向量的模的定义,向量夹角公式,属基础题.14.【答案】144【解析】解:先将除甲、乙、丙3人外的另外三个人排成一排,再将甲、乙、丙3人插入到已经排好的三个人形成的四个空中,共有种.故答案为:利用插空法可求出结果.本题考查不相邻的排列问题,属于基础题.15.【答案】2【解析】解:在平面内,设一动点P到点,的距离差的绝对值等于,可得曲线的离心率为:,当且仅当时,取等号,所以曲线C的离心率的最小值为故答案为:列出离心率的表达式,利用基本不等式求解最小值即可.本题考查双曲线的离心率的求法,基本不等式的应用,是基础题.16.【答案】【解析】解:设圆锥底面圆心为C,半径为r,该圆锥内切球球心为O,作出过母线AD的轴截面ABD,如图所示,,且圆锥侧面积为,,,圆锥底面直径,为正三角形,大圆O切AD于中点E,设EO交大圆于点F,又易知,球的半径,,,两式相减可得极化恒等式:,的最大值为故答案为:设圆锥底面圆心为C,半径为r,该圆锥内切球球心为O,作出过母线AD的轴截面ABD,根据题意易得,从而得为正三角形,且大圆O切AD于中点E,最后再利用向量极化恒等式,即可求解.本题考查圆锥的内切球问题,向量数量积的最值的求解,极化恒等式的应用,属中档题.17.【答案】解:由题意,设等差数列的公差为d,则,整理,得,解得,,,当时,,解得,当时,由,可得,两式相减,可得,整理,得,数列是以为首项,为公比的等比数列,,由可得,,则【解析】先设等差数列的公差为d,再根据题干已知条件列出关于首项与公差d的方程组,解出与d的值,即可计算出等差数列的通项公式,对于数列,先将代入题干表达式计算出的值,当时,由,可得,两式相减进一步推导即可发现数列是以为首项,为公比的等比数列,计算出数列的通项公式;先根据第题的结果计算出数列的通项公式,再运用分组求和法,等差数列和等比数列的求和公式即可计算出前20项的和本题主要考查等差数列和等比数列的基本运算,以及数列求和问题.考查了方程思想,分类讨论,转化与化归思想,分组求和法,等差数列和等比数列的求和公式的运用,以及逻辑推理能力和数学运算能力,属中档题.18.【答案】解:在中,,,,由余弦定理可得,即,整理可得:,可得或,当时,由余弦定理可得,可得为钝角,与题意相矛盾,当时,,所以,,符合条件,所以,;由四边形ABCD为圆内接四边形,,所以,在中,由余弦定理可得,当且仅当时取等号,所以,所以四边形的周长的最大值为,即四边形ABCD的周长的最大值为【解析】在中,由余弦定理可得AD的值,再由为锐角,确定AD的值,再由勾股定理可得的大小;由圆内接四边形可得B角的大小,再由余弦定理及均值不等式可得的最大值,进而求出四边形ABCD的周长的最大值.本题考查余弦定理及圆内接四边形的性质的应用,均值不等式的应用,属于中档题.19.【答案】解:设M类服装,N类服装的单件收益分别为元,元,则,,,故N类服装单件收益的期望更高;由题意可知,元,又,所以元,,,,因为,所以当时,n可取的最大值为【解析】结合期望公式由单件总盈利减去成本即可计算;由题知N类服装的销售件数符合二项分布,求出对应,,⋯⋯,的值,可确定n的最大值;先列出这5件衣服总收益关丁X的关系式,得,结合化简即可求解.本题考查了二项分布和离散型随机变量的期望计算,属于中档题.20.【答案】证明:多面体由正四棱柱与正四棱锥组合而成,与交于点,,,,,平面,,以为坐标原点,所在直线为x轴,所在直线为y轴,所在直线为z轴,建立空间直角坐标系,,,,,,,,,设平面PCB的法向量为,则,取,得,设平面的法向量,则,取,得,,平面平面;解:,,设平面PAD的法向量为,则,取,则,设平面的法向量为,则,取,得,设平面PAD与平面夹角为,则平面PAD与平面夹角的余弦值为:【解析】以为坐标原点,所在直线为x轴,所在直线为y轴,所在直线为z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,利用向量法能证明平面平面;求出平面PAD的法向量和平面的法向量,利用向量法能求出平面PAD与平面夹角的余弦值.本题考查了面面平行的证明和二面角的计算,属于中档题.21.【答案】解:由,,,,,又点在椭圆上,,,,椭圆C的标准方程为;,,则,,直线QM的方程为:,令,得,直线QN的方程:,令,得,则,,的值为【解析】由已知可得,,求解即可;写出直线QM、QN的方程,得E,F的坐标,进而可得本题考查椭圆的方程的求法,考查直线与椭圆的位置关系,考查运算求解能力,属中档题.22.【答案】解:因为,所以,若,则当时,,函数单调递增;若,则当时,,函数单调递增,当时,,函数单调递减,综上所述,当时,函数的单调递增区间为;当时,函数的单调递增区间为,单调递减区间为证明:由知,当时,函数的单调递增区间为,单调递减区间为所以,即,所以当时,,故当,,且,又,即,故由知,当时,,即,则有,当且仅当时等号成立,一方面:,即另一方面:当时,,当时,,,的最小正整数值为【解析】利用导数的正负与函数单调性的关系及对参数进行讨论即可求解;根据的结论及函数的单调性与最值的关系即可求解;将不等式恒成立问题转化为最值问题,根据的结论及不等式放缩,再利用对数不等式求解.本题主要考查了导数与单调性及极值关系的应用,还考查了由不等式恒成立求参数范围,属于中档题.。
152023年高考化学仿真押题模拟试卷及答案(五)可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32 Cl 35.5K 39 Ca 40 Mn 55 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ag 108选择题单项选择题:本题包括 10 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共计 20 分。
每小题只.有.一.个.选.项.符合 题意。
1.2017 年世界地球日我国的主题为“节约集约利用资源,倡导绿色简约生活”。
下列做法应提倡的是A .夏天设定空调温度尽可能的低B .推广使用一次性塑料袋和纸巾C .少开私家车多乘公共交通工具D .对商品进行豪华包装促进销售2.下列有关化学用语表示正确的是A .质量数为 31 的磷原子:31PB .氟原子的结构示意图:C .CaCl 2 的电子式:D .明矾的化学式:Al 2(SO 4)3 3.下列有关物质性质与用途具有对应关系的是A .Na 2O 2 吸收 CO 2 产生 O 2,可用作呼吸面具供氧剂B .ClO 2 具有还原性,可用于自来水的杀菌消毒C .SiO 2 硬度大,可用于制造光导纤维D .NH 3 易溶于水,可用作制冷剂4.下列制取 SO 2、验证其漂白性、收集并进行尾气处理的装置和原理能达到实验目的的是5.短周期主族元素 X 、Y 、Z 、W 原子序数依次增大,其中只有 Y 、Z 处于同一周期且相邻,Z 是地壳中含量最多的元素,W 是短周期中金属性最强的元素。
下列说法正确的是A.原子半径:r(X)<r(Y)<r(Z)<r(W)B.W 的最高价氧化物的水化物是一种弱碱C.Y 的单质的氧化性比Z的强2 通电 2 212 2 222 23 233 3 3242 3 32D .X 、Y 、Z 三种元素可以组成共价化合物和离子化合物 6.下列指定反应的离子方程式正确的是A .钠与水反应:Na +2H 2O =Na ++2OH -+H ↑B .电解饱和食盐水获取烧碱和氯气:2Cl -+2H O ===== H ↑+Cl ↑+2OH-222C .向氢氧化钡溶液中加入稀硫酸:Ba 2++OH -+H ++SO 2-=BaSO ↓+H O44 2D .向碳酸氢铵溶液中加入足量石灰水:Ca 2++HCO -+OH -=CaCO ↓+H O3327.在给定条件下,下列选项所示的物质间转化均能实现的是Cl 2NaOH(aq)O 2H 2OA .Fe ---------→ FeCl 2 ---------→ Fe(OH)2B .S ---------→ SO 3 -------→ H 2SO 4点燃点燃高温 SiO 2O 2 H 2OC .CaCO 3 -------→ CaO ---------→ CaSiO 3D .NH 3 ------------→ NO -------→ HNO 3高温催化剂,△8.通过以下反应可获得新型能源二甲醚(CH 3OCH 3 )。
仿真模拟(五)一、选择题(每题6分,共42分)7.(2019·福建漳州高三质检)下列有关化学用语或基本概念说法正确的是()A.HClO的结构式为:H—Cl—OB.CO2的比例模型C.质子数与中子数相等的氢原子符号:11HD.金刚石、石墨、C60互为同素异形体答案 D解析HClO的结构式为:H—O—Cl,故A错误;碳原子半径应该大于氧原子半径,故B错误;质子数与中子数相等的氢原子符号为21H,故C错误;金刚石、石墨、C60都是由碳元素组成的不同的单质,互称为同素异形体,故D正确。
下列关于1,2-环氧丁烷的说法不正确的是()A.化学式为C4H8OB.氧原子与所有碳原子可能处于同一平面C.能发生氧化反应和取代反应D.二溴代物的结构有9种(不考虑立体异构)答案 B解析根据结构简式确定分子式为C4H8O,故A正确;该分子中所有C原子都采用sp3杂化,所有C原子形成的结构都是四面体结构,所以该分子中所有碳原子不可能位于同一个平面上,故B错误;该物质属于烃的含氧衍生物,能发生氧化反应,甲基和亚甲基能发生取代反应,所以该物质能发生氧化反应和取代反应,故C正确;该分子中有4种氢原子,其二氯代物中两个氯原子可能位于同一个碳原子上也可能位于不同碳原子上,如果两个氯原子位于同一个碳原子上有3种,如果位于不同碳原子上有6种,所以二氯代物的结构有9种,故D 正确。
下列说法错误的是()A.碱式硫酸铁水解能产生Fe(OH)3胶体,可用作净水剂B.该温度下,(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2在水中的溶解度比FeSO4的大C.可用KSCN溶液检验(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2是否被氧化D.为防止NH4HCO3分解,生产FeCO3需在较低温度下进行答案 B解析碱式硫酸铁电离产生Fe3+,Fe3+能发生水解生成Fe(OH)3胶体,Fe(OH)3胶体具有吸附性,可用作净水剂,故A正确;(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2在水中的溶解度比FeSO4的小,所以FeSO4才能与(NH4)2SO4反应生成(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2,B 错误;KSCN溶液遇Fe2+溶液无现象,(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2若被氧化则生成Fe3+,KSCN溶液遇Fe3+溶液变红,C正确;NH4HCO3不稳定,受热易分解,所以为防止NH4HCO3分解,生产FeCO3需在较低温度下进行,D正确。
2023高考全国甲卷文综地理模拟试题 (5)
2023年湖南省湘潭一中高考化学模拟试卷(五)1. 下列关于物质的性质、用途等描述中不正确的是( )A. 具有还原性,并且可以杀菌、消毒,在葡萄酒中添加适量的能杀灭微生物并防止葡萄酒的氧化变质B. 乙烯是一种重要的化工原料,可用于制取聚乙烯等化工产品,工业上可通过石油的裂化获得乙烯C. 分解是吸热反应且分解后生成和水蒸气是其作阻燃剂的主要原因D. 透明度高,折射率合适,光能够发生全反射,故是制作光导纤维的主要原料2. 设为阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是( )A.一定条件下,与足量碘蒸气充分反应,转移电子数目为B. 1molCu和足量稀硝酸反应产生个NO分子C. 时,的氨水中由水电离出的氢离子数目为D. 标准状况下,氦气所含的质子数为3. 对于下列实验,能正确描述其反应的离子方程式是( )A. 将闪锌矿浸没在足量的蓝矾溶液:B. 向小苏打溶液中滴加少量苛性钠溶液:C. 用醋酸溶液处理水垢中的碳酸钙:D. 向明矾溶液中加入过量的氨水:4. 氮的氧化物是大气污染物之一,如图为科研人员探究消除氮氧化物的反应机理,下列说法错误的是( )A. 整个过程中作催化剂B. 过程Ⅰ中发生的化学反应为C. 过程中涉及的反应均为氧化还原反应D. 过程Ⅱ中氧化剂与还原剂的物质的量之比为1:25. 由W 、X 、Y 、Z 、M 、N 六种短周期元素组成的某种离子化合物是一种很好的二次电池的电解质。
六种元素的原子序数依次增大,只有W 是金属元素,由非金属元素构成的阴离子如图所示,其中X 元素形成的化合物种类繁多。
下列说法正确的是( )A. 元素N 的含氧酸均是强酸B. 非金属性强弱顺序是C. M 元素的氢化物的水溶液可保存在玻璃瓶中D. 该阴离子中Y 不满足8电子稳定结构6. 水合联氨是具有腐蚀性和强还原性的碱性液体,它是一种重要的化工试剂,其制备的反应原理为:。
下列装置和操作能达到实验目的的是( )ABCDX 是该装置作为反应过程的安全瓶制备水合联氨时从a 口通入用该装吸收反应中过量的A. AB. BC.CD. D7. 贝里斯一希尔曼反应条件温和,其过程具有原子经济性,示例如图。
英语高考模拟试题及答案一、听力部分(共30分)1. What does the man mean?A. He is not interested in the lecture.B. He has to go to the library.C. He can’t go to the lecture.D. He is looking forward to the lecture.2. What is the woman doing?A. Cooking dinner.B. Washing dishes.C. Cleaning the house.D. Doing laundry.3. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Take a bus.B. Drive carefully.C. Walk to the station.D. Wait for the next train.4. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Doctor and patient.B. Teacher and student.C. Mother and son.D. Waitress and customer.5. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. In a bank.B. In a post office.C. In a restaurant.D. In a bookstore.二、阅读理解(共40分)AThe following passage is about a new method of teaching English.6. What is the main idea of the passage?A. A new teaching method has been introduced.B. English is a difficult language to learn.C. The traditional teaching method is outdated.D. Students are not interested in learning English.7. According to the passage, what is the advantage of the new teaching method?A. It is more cost-effective.B. It is more engaging for students.C. It is easier to implement.D. It is more focused on grammar.8. What does the author suggest about the future of language learning?A. It will become more technology-driven.B. It will rely less on technology.C. It will focus more on speaking skills.D. It will become less important.BThe following passage is about the benefits of volunteering.9. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To encourage people to volunteer.B. To describe different types of volunteering.C. To discuss the benefits of volunteering.D. To compare volunteering with other activities.10. According to the passage, which of the following is a benefit of volunteering?A. It can help you find a job.B. It can improve your physical health.C. It can increase your income.D. It can help you make new friends.11. What does the author suggest about the importance of volunteering?A. It is more important than paid work.B. It is a valuable way to spend your time.C. It is only for those who have extra time.D. It is a good way to make money.12. What is the author’s tone in the passage?A. Informative.B. Persuasive.C. Critical.D. Humorous.三、完形填空(共20分)13. A. although B. because C. if D. unless14. A. difficult B. easy C. impossible D. possible15. A. to B. for C. with D. by16. A. but B. and C. or D. so17. A. excited B. surprised C. disappointed D. confused18. A. asked B. told C. explained D. warned19. A. how B. what C. why D. when20. A. finally B. suddenly C. recently D. eventually四、语法填空(共20分)21. The book is so interesting that I can hardly put it down. (改为简单句)The book is ________ interesting ________ I can hardly put it down.22. She has been working in the company for five years. (保持句意不变)She ________ ________ in the company for five years.23. The children were playing in the park when it began to rain. (保持句意不变)The children were playing in the park ________ it began to rain.24. He is one of the most famous actors in the world. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ he in the world?25. I don’t think it will rain tomorrow. (保持句意不变)I ________ ________ it ________ rain tomorrow.五、书面表达(共30分)26. Write an essay of about 120 words on the following topic:“Why is it important to learn English?”参考答案:一、听力部分1-5: C, A, B, C, D二、阅读理解6-10: A, B, C, A, B11-12: B, A三、完形填空13-20: B, D, A, D, C, B, C, B四、语法填空21. so, that22. has worked23. when24. What is his position25. don’t believe, will五、书面表达范文:Why is it important to learn English?Learning English is of great importance for several reasons. Firstly, English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and masteringit can open up numerous opportunities for communication and collaboration with people from different countries. Secondly, a large portion of the world's information, including scientific research and literature, is published in English. Being proficient in English allows one to access this wealth of knowledge more easily. Lastly, learning English can also boost one's career prospects, as many multinational companies require employees to have a good command of English.In conclusion, learning English is not only a valuable skill for personal development but also a key to success in the globalized world.。
普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)模拟试题(五)英语上海高中教研教学I.Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Understandable.B. Pointless.2. A. Gather more information from others.C. Ask a professor to help them3. A. Find a different hotel.C. Pay for the conference in advance.4. A. Study her notes over the weekend.C. Take the quiz before the man does.5. A. The man looks very nice in a suit and tie.B.The man needn’t have changed his clothes.C.She likes the sweater the man is wearing.D.She does not think jeans are appropriate.6. A. He cannot walk because his foot is broken. C. He feels relieved about his injury.7. A. He cannot afford to buy a computer.B.He was the last person to leave the computer lab.C.He is worried about turning in his paper late.D.He used a typewriter for his paper.8. A. Look for another job.C. Ask his boss for a raise in pay.9. A. His grade was not as good as the woman's. C. He had hoped to get a better grade.10. A. He does not want to continue on the project today.B.He will work on the project without the woman.C.He does not know when the project is due.D.He will need five more hours to finish the project.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the bestanswer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. A lifeboat. B. A lucky personC. A sea storm.D. A shipwreck12. A. When the boat started to rock violently. B. When he saw someone in the waterC. When his wife screamed for life. C. When he found no life belt13. A. When it turned dark.B.When another ship found them.C.When they found the crew on a life boat.D.When a film was shot based on his experience.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Why American industries grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.B.How advances in transportation helped American cities develop.C.Transportation between the cities of the United States.D.Great American inventors of the nineteenth century.15. A. They could be controlled independently. B. They were resistant to fire.C. They could keep working for longer.D. They offered more room for passengers.16. A. It made the subways much quieter.B.It brought electric light to the tunnels.C.It enabled passengers to breathe cleaner air.D.It allowed subways to be repaired inexpensively.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. He found he had consumed too much fast food.B.People spent little time looking for organic food.C. A fast food restaurant opened near the Spanish Steps.D.The most well-known monuments in Rome were destroyed.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Pay as you sitWhat’s the appeal of coffee shops? It’s been said that JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books (21)________(sit) in one in Edinburgh.Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops.But if you’re spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and (22) ________ (not sell)your first novel yet, the costs can really add up. For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there’s a new alternative in London: a pay-per-minute cafe.You can stay for as long as you like in the Ziferblat coffee shop. You'll be given a clockwhen you come in to keep time. When you leave, you return the item and pay the bill. The cost of hanging out, eating, working and meeting new people in the place is 3 pence per minute—or £1.80 an hour. The shop’s owner, Ivan Meetin, says: ‘‘Everything is free, (23) ________the time you spend there”. Customers help (24) ________to coffee and cookies. They can also bring their own food to eat when (25) ________ (connect) to the Internet through Wi-Fi.Meetin’s customers clearly are not the types who rush to work with a paper cup (26) ________ (drink) from at their desks. They are there for the atmosphere. Informality is at the heart of Meetin’s concept. He’s always loved the idea of building his own house. “With my mates,we were building treehouses (27)________rules of society didn't exist, he says.Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like “social media”, but with a face. Like-minded people go there to socialize. Some feel so much at home (28) ________they wash the dishes.I'd like to try it at least once. Who knows---I (29) ________even start writing my own novel. (30) ________coffee shops are good enough for JK Rowling to spend quality time in, why can't I? Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can onlySnow school closures ‘no harm to learning’Closing schools on occasional days because of bad weather does not damage learning, research shows. The research wanted to find an answer to the winter argument about whether schools should _____31____ to stay open in heavy snow or shut their doors. Seven years of school test data showed no evidence that snow closures negatively affected results. The worst disruption was caused when schools tried to stay open but many staff and pupils were____32_____. The study, carried out by Joshua Goodman, assistant professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School in Massachusetts in the US, was an attempt to ____33_____ the impact of school days lost to bad weather.Almost as soon as the first winter snowflake falls, there are debates about whether schools should be kept open. The study suggests there are _____34____ arguments for them being closed. Prof Goodman was asked by the Massachusetts education department to find out whether there really was any loss to learning from snow closures. Looking at test results in the US state between 2003-10, he found no evidence that pupil _____35____ had been affected when schools were occasionally shut. A former high school teacher himself, Prof Goodman says schools can easily adapt to short-term closures, ____36_____their plans for the rest of the term. Such a clean break seemed to cause less disruption than trying to stay open, when many pupils might not be able to get into school. This creates a knock-on effect of pupils trying to catch up, he says. And this does seem to have a negative impact on results. Prof Goodman says that arguments over a few days of snow closures can often become very “emotional”---and they_____37____ that many pupils miss a greater number of school days through other types of absenteeism, such as____38_____. Such absenteeism by individuals does negatively affect their results, he says, more than an occasional _____39____ closure by the whole school. This good news for pupils wanting an authorised day off was ____40_____ by Prof Goodman: “Closures have no impact. Absences do.”III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Obviously, I did not feel so ready for the early races in my career as the races we’ve done recently. There is a lot to be said for just gaining experience—just getting out there and getting your feet wet teaches you the right skills and ____41_____ .It’s often not the most____42_____ prepared or the fittest teams but the teams who race intelligently and adapt to unexpected situations that win. To achieve this you have to be_____43____and patient. The only way to develop those _____44____is to get out and race or do long training trips with your team-mates and friends.Adventure races are such a huge ____45_____that when you enter a race you always think, “Am 1 ready? Did I train enough? Did I forget something?” I remember one race in particular, my very first Eco-Challenge and only my second race ever. When I did it, I felt totally _____46____ and unprepared. Most of my fear was due to lack of_____47____ and knowledge. I really had no idea what I was getting in to because I had never done a 24-hour race before. Even so, we won it somehow, and were invited to compete in the Eco-Challenge in Australia.Then we went to Australia and entered the race. We didn’t plan a _____48____ at all, but just ran as fast as possible from the start. Keeping my mouth shut and following my team-mates, I just tried to keep up with my team, who were more experienced than I was. Although we arrived at a few of the check points in first place and were among the top five, I knew we didn't ____49_____ there.______50___ , two of my team-mates decided not to continue the race after just a day and a half. One was feeling ill—he was just too tired to carry on, while another had severe problems with his feet but we had been going so fast that he felt ____51_____asking us to stop so he could take care of his blisters (水泡). The other two of us, feeling fresh still, had to ____52_____ with the rest of our team. Four days later, we watched in____53_____as the winners crossed the finishing line. I knew that our team had not been prepared or realistic about the pace we could keep, but not finishing that race was the most ___54______ lesson I could have learned.I _____55____ then to come back one day and finish the race, which was seven years—and thousands of race miles---ago.41. A. attitude B. decision C. timing D. behaviour42. A. partially B. mentally C. folly D. physically43. A. strong B. diligent C. intelligent D. flexible44. A. qualities B. ideas C. talents D. interests45. A. investment B. challenge C. step D. increase46. A. anxious B. afraid C. alone D. abnormal47. A. accessibility B. information C. experience D. equipment48. A. strategy B. goal C. campaign D.backup49. A. pause B. live C. belong D. appear50. A. To make the matters worse B. To cut a long story shortC. To sum upD. To start with51. A. obliged B. uncomfortable C. justified D. unfortunate52. A. move about B. keep up C. look on D. drop out53. A. annoyance B. excitement C. relief D. disappointment54. A. unexpected B. costly C. valuable D. specific55. A. promised B. requested C. offered D. agreedSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Who wants to be a millionaire? has been one of the most popular television quiz shows in Britain. In the show, the host asks a question and gives the contestant four possible answers. If the contestant gets the right answer, they win the money say £100—and then go on to the next question for, say, £250. The money increases for each question until, if the contestant has answered all the other questions correctly, the prize for the final question is one million pounds.In this extract from a show some years ago, the host of the show is television personality Chris Tarrant. Answering the questions is an ex-army officer, Charles Ingram.TARRANT: What kind of garment is an ‘Anthony Eden’?An overcoat, hat,shoe,tie?INGRAM: I think it is a hat.A cough from the audience.INGRAM: Again Tm not sure. I think it is ...Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: I am sure it is a hat. Am I sure?Coughing from the audience.INGRAM: Yes, hat, ifs a hat.In that show, Charles finally won a million pounds. But something wasn’t quite right. Charles Ingram didn't really seem very sure of himself; he obviously didn't know the answer at first. To many in the audience that night, it seemed as if he frequently repeated an answer as if waiting for a signal.He was.Charles Ingram's wife Diana was in the audience, and so too was a man with the extraordinary name of Tecwen Whittock. He had a bad cough. But a man sitting next to him in theaudience noticed that there was something strange about the cough. It was too loud, and it wasn't very regular. It only happened occasionally, almost as if he was coughing on purpose.He was.The three of them, Charles Ingram, Diana Ingram and Tecwen Whittock, had planned the whole thing. Whittock coughed to tell Charles when he had the correct answer. They began to notice it in the television control room, but at first they didn't believe it. In the end, though, it was just too obvious, and when tapes from the programme were played to a court in London a year later, there was no doubt. Charles and Diana Ingram were guilty of cheating on a game show. They were given prison sentences of 18 months and fined £15,000 each. Tecwen Whittock was sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined £10,000.Did the Ingrams and Tecwen Whittock get an appropriate sentence? How ‘bad' is it to cheat a television quiz show in which winning money is a matter of chance anyway? It is crimes like this that challenge our concepts of what is right and what is wrong, and since administering justice in the courts means that we have to decide on how serious something is (is robbery more or less serious than driving too fast, for example), the case of the cheating Ingrams is an excellent one to consider.56.We can learn from the extract of the show that Charles was his answer.A.pleased withB. surprised atC. sure ofD. hesitant over57.The pronoun “He”(in paragraph 7) refers to__________.A.Charles IngramB. Tecwen WhittockC.the man sitting next to Charles IngramD. the man sitting next to Tecwen Whittock58.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The three people were given the same fine and sentence. 'B.Diana Ingrain let Tecwen know which choice was correct.C.Tecwen told Charles which answer was right by coughing.D.It was the Ingrams that made the first plan for the cheating.59.According to the writer, what is the point of the case?A.It can offer a perspective to judge the severity level of crimes.B.It has been the first cheating case that is related to reality shows.C.It achieved the purpose of having the court reconsider the sentencing.D.It may serve as a warning for those who also want to do the same thing.(B)Read the two people’s quotes below and answer the questions that follow.Dr Michio KakuPhysicist and professor40,000 people will work in spaceDr Michio Kaku is a professor at the City College of New York and a graduate of Harvard University. His book, The Physics of the Impossible, is about how science fiction technology may be possible in the future.‘By 2030, space tourism will almost certainly be common and around 40,000 people willwork in space. A company called the Space Island Group is planning to build an international space station with hotels, research facilities, restaurants and sports arenas (for new zero-gravity sports). Other companies are working on similar projects. And what language will people speak in space? Well, it probably won’t matter because there is likely to be a tiny computer that fits in your ear and translates what you hear into your own language/Ray KurzweilScientist, inventor, author and entrepreneur (企业家)Our brains will merge with machinesMany of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions about the future have come true. For example, in the early 1990s he predicted the growth of the Internet. Now Kurzweil believes that robots and humans will one day merge."The future will be far more surprising than most people realise. By the end of the 2030s, robots will be more intelligent than humans. Before that time, humans and machines will start to merge. We have 100 trillion very slow connections in our brain. Tiny robots (nanobots) will be implanted in our brains to improve our memory and our thinking skills. These nanobots will allow our brains to talk directly to computers, and they will also allow our brains to communicate wirelessly with other brains. Billions of nanobots will also travel through our bodies. They will keep us healthy. As a result, we will be able to live forever.'60.According to Dr Michio Kaku, what will no longer be a barrier for people working in space?A.Time.B. Internet.C. Language.D. Gravity.61.According to Ray Kurzweil, what will nanobots do?A.They will help save some of our memories.B.They will help some parts in our brain work better.C.They will help us develop a logic way of thinking.D.They will help detect what disease we are down with.62.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.The future will surprise usB.The development of scienceC.Scientists worried about technologyD.Famous quotes about computers and the Internet(C)Digital assistants with anthropomorphic(拟人的)features, such as Siri, are increasingly common on phones and computers. Developing an emotional relationship with a piece of software can. However, cut both ways. As a study published in Psychological Science by Park Daeun, of Chungbuk National University in South Korea, and her colleagues, shows, one emotion sometimes involved in machine-human interaction is embarrassment.Dr Park and her team recruited 187 participants into their study. To start with each was presented with a series of statements on the changeability of intelligence. These included, “you have a certain amount of intelligence, and you can’t really do much to change it”,and “you can always substantially change how intelligent you are’, . Participants rated their responses to thesestatements on a six-point scale,on which one meant “strongly disagree,’ and six meant “strongly agree'\ The reason for this initial test was that Dr Park knew from previous work that those who believe intelligence to be changeable are comfortable asking for assistance while those who believe it to be fixed often feel ashamed to do so.The initial test done, the researchers presented their volunteers with a second, which involved looking at 16 sets of three words and trying to think of a fourth word that linked them. Sometimes the first three words were accompanied by an unrequested hint. Sometimes they were not.Hints appeared as the written form of the word in question, accompanied by a computer-shaped icon (图标). For half of participants this icon had a humanlike face, and the hint was placed inside a speech bubble originating from that face. For the other half the icon lacked a face and there was no speech bubble. After the final set of words had been displayed, participants were asked to agree or disagree with follow-up statements about their experience, such as 4tit was embarrassing to receive help during the task”, and “others might think I am incompetent(无能的) because I received help during the task”. This time, they quantified their feelings on a seven-point scale, with higher scores representing greater feelings of unease.The researchers found that participants who believed intelligence to be unchangeable felt more embarrassed and more incompetent after the tests. Specifically, those who tended to believe that intelligence is unchangeable were more likely to feel ashamed and embarrassed if the computer icons they had seen giving the hints had had faces and speech bubbles. In contrast, people who strongly believed that intelligence could be changed over time felt the same level of discomfort whether or not the icons had been anthropomorphized.A second experiment, in which a different set of participants were allowed to ask for help rather than having it offered to them at random had similar results. Dr Park therefore concludes that some people do, indeed, seem to wish to avoid losing face by seeking help from an icon that has, well, a face.63.Dr Park and her team’s initial test was intended to__________.A.find out the participants1 opinion of whether intelligence is fixedB.prove the findings of previous work that intelligence changes with ageC.choose from the participants those who are intelligent enough for the testD.highlight those who tend to feel ashamed to reveal how intelligent they are64.Which of the following is TRUE of Dr Park and her team’s second test?A.The participants were asked to sort out the different one among the given words.B.The participants were tested on how they felt about getting help in this way.C.The hints would appear as long as the participants hesitated for some time.D.The hints were given to help the participants how competent they were.65.The first experiment and the second experiment are different in.A.whether participants held the similar beliefs about intelligenceB.whether participants could decide if they need any helpC.whether the help was offered regularly or at randomD.whether the icons are computer-shaped or not66.What can be concluded from the passage?A.More should be done to make digital assistants more human-like.B.People’s idea of intelligence needs to be updated at the moment.C.Embarrassment is among most common emotions people have.D.Digital assistants are sometimes too human to appeal to users.Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Quantitative EatingAre you keen on QE (quantitative eating)? Do you have a high marginal propensity(边际倾向)to consume chocolate? Then you might be angered by the diet book, The Economists’ Diet:The Surprising Formula for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off^ from two self-described “formerly fat economists” on how to lose weight.__________A diet is described as a “self-imposed eating-austerity (艰苦朴素)programme”. There is some discussion of people’s general failure to give enough weight to the long-term consequences of their actions. And there is some neat use of the concept of diminishing returns (收益递减).Eat a wide variety of foods and you may always get pleasure from trying something different. But limit your diet and you will soon tire of eating more. 68 The authors think this is more important than exercise since the latter tends to make you hungry; it is easy to undo all the good work of a cycle ride with a snack.Eating less requires you to limit yourself to one square meal (defined as some meat and two side portions of vegetables) a day. The other meals should be very light; a non-creamy soup, a salad or a bowl of non-sugary cereal. If you do end up having a big meal or a treat, then the other meals should be skipped altogether.But the authors are not too prescriptive(规定的) The aim is to find a diet that works for each individual.___________. Only then can you see whether the diet is working.The book is full of perfectly sensible advice, such as avoiding unusual diets, the appeal of “low-fat” foods and the temptation to drink all your calories in the form of fancy drinks, alcohol and sugary coffees. 70 But, as experienced economists, the authors may have realised that, when it comes to diet plans, demand is almost infinite.IV.Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.The dangers of safetyTravelling by road is widely accepted as being the most dangerous way to travel with far more deaths per kilometer than rail, sea or air. In fact, while road traffic injuries represent about 25% of worldwide injury-related deaths, deaths on the road in the UK have been decreasing for some time. We take a look at why the number is decreasing, but why it seems impossible to avoid deaths completely.Over the years, different methods of reducing the number of crashes have been tried. The Locomotive and Highways Act of 1865 introduced the idea of speed limits to the motoring world. Since then, more and more ways of controlling the behaviour of drivers have been introduced, such as one-way streets and traffic signals, as well as compulsory driver testing and licensing. These days, there are many more methods of enforcement, including speed cameras and fines for breaking motor laws.Another solution is to make cars themselves safer in case of an accident. This means the main focus has been on passive safety or crash survival rather than active safety or avoiding crashes. There are many innovations by motor manufacturers, which have made cars safer, such as seat belts, anti-lock brakes and airbags. These improvements have tended to make the driver feel more in control and isolated him/her from the fast-moving and dangerous environment outside the car. It seems strange that as improvements have been made the number of crashes continues to increase.Actually, it is wrong to talk about safe and dangerous cars in this way. The key to this problem is not actually the car, but the driver. In fact, making drivers feel safer is not the solution to the problem, but it is the cause of the problem. As drivers feel safer, it encourages them to drive aggressively and to ignore other road users and therefore increases the number of crashes.V.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.请调整一下这张桌子,以适应这个孩子的身高。
2023届高考英语模拟试卷五(含参考答案)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1. How much did the man pay for the cap?A. Ten dollars.B. Forty dollars. C Fifty dollars2. Where is the man going to plant the tree?A. By the front door.B. At the back of the garage.C. At the other end of the garden.3. What did the man mean?A. He quite agreed with the woman.B. He enjoyed the lecture the whole time.C. The lecture was more than one hour long.4. What does the man really want to do?A. To read the advertisement.B. To meet the manager.C. To take the job.5. What's the time how?A. 8:30.B. 8:00.C. 9:00.第二节(共15小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高考语文模拟试题(5)本试卷共8页,26小题,满分150分.考试时间150分钟.注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上.用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上.2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上.3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁.考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回.一、语言文字运用(共24分,其中选择题每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,注音全都正确的一组是()A.挨.近(āi)逮.捕(dài) 绊.脚石(bàn)好逸恶.劳(wū)B.恫.吓(dòng)妩.媚(fǔ)我们俩.(liǎ)逡.巡不前(qūn)C.急遽.(jù)迷惘.(wǎng)颤.巍巍(chàn)乘.人之危(chéng)D.轻蔑.(mì)中.风(zhòng)处.方药(chǔ)缠绵悱.恻(fěi)2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一组是()A.上海世博会于10月31日在美丽的黄浦江畔落下了帷幕,它创造了世博会历史上的经典,留下了不可磨灭的永久印记,成为人类文明发展历程中的重要里程碑。
2023年湖南省郴州一中高考化学模拟试卷(五)1. 化学与生活、科技、社会发展息息相关,下列说法正确的是( )A. 陶瓷是以石灰石、纯碱、石英砂为原料,经高温烧结而成B. 加工馒头、面包和饼干时,可以加入适量膨松剂--碳酸氢钠、碳酸氢铵C. 冠醚可识别碱金属离子,冠醚与碱金属离子之间形成的配位键属于离子键D. 臭氧是非极性分子,是一种可以替代氯气的净水剂2. 设为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是( )A. 和的混合物中含有的电子数为B. 120g 由和组成的混合固体中数目为C. 分子中含有碳氧键的数目一定为D. 中未成对电子数为3. 室温下,下列各组离子一定能在指定溶液中共存的是( )A. 溶液:、、、B. 溶液中:、、C. 溶液:、、、D.溶液中:、、、4. 利用下列装置和试剂进行实验,不能达到实验目的的是( )ABCD比较Zn 与Cu 的金属性强弱除去中的HCl 并干燥制取乙酸乙酯必要时可加沸石制备 A.A B.B C.CD. D5.2020年9月,施普林格自然旗下国际专业学术期刊《自然-天文学》发表的一篇行星科学研究论文称,研究人员在金星大气中探测到了磷化氢气体。
工业制备的流程如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A. 白磷转化为红磷的过程为物理变化B. 次磷酸和磷酸都属于三元酸C. 参加反应,整个工业流程中共生成不考虑产物的损失D. 反应Ⅰ、反应Ⅱ和反应Ⅲ均属于氧化还原反应6. 我国科学家用激光将置于铁室中石墨靶上的碳原子炸松,再用射频电火花喷射氮气,获得超硬新材料氮化碳薄膜,结构如图,下列有关氮化碳的说法错误的是( )A. 碳原子采取杂化、氮原子采取杂化B. 氮化碳属于共价晶体C.氮化碳的化学式为D. 氮化碳硬度超过金刚石晶体7. 阿巴卡韦是一种核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂,有抗病毒功效。
下列关于其合成中间体的说法正确的是( )A. 分子式为B. 分子中所有碳原子共平面C. 可用碳酸氢钠溶液鉴别乙酸和MD. 1molM与足量钠反应生成的体积为8. 下列实验操作所得现象及结论均正确的是( )选项实验操作实验现象结论A 向固体上滴加浓盐酸产生黄绿色气体氧化性:B镁、铝为电极,氢氧化钠为电解质的原电池装置铝表面有气泡金属活动性:C海带中提取碘单质时,用苯做萃取剂液体分层,下层溶液为紫红色碘在有机溶剂中溶解度较大D将的KI 溶液与溶液混合充分反应后,滴加数滴KSCN 溶液,溶液颜色变红该反应为可逆反应 A. AB. BC. CD.D9. 甲池是一种偏二甲肼燃料电池,如图所示。
1.首个国家植物园选址在北京的主要原因是()A.气候适宜 B.交通便利C.科研水平高D.消费市场广2.如图,国家植物园根据千岁兰的生长习性和根系特征,把它种植在玻璃温室内的紫砂盆(透气但不透水,两个盆一竖一横叠高)中,依此推测千岁兰的原产地可能是()A.热带沙漠 B.温带沙漠C.热带雨林D.温带草原(高考风向题)冬季土壤微生物仍然保持一定的活性,土壤通过微生物活动向大气释放二氧化碳。
3.雪被对土壤二氧化碳排放通量的影响()A.在覆雪初期最明显B.与时间关系较弱C.在后融雪期最明显D.与雪深关系较弱4.雪被覆盖显著提高了土壤二氧化碳排放通量,这主要得益于雪被改善了土壤的()A.温度 B.水分C.结构D.厚度5.实验之前在样地插入塑料隔板围封,主要考虑的是()A.保证雪被长期稳定 B.提高雪被深度C.避免地表径流干扰 D.减小风力侵蚀“绿电”即绿色电力,是指通过零二氧化碳排放(或趋近于零二氧化碳排放)的生产过程得到的电力。
6.北京冬奥会实现全部场馆100%“绿电”,主要得益于()A.政策支持B.技术支撑C.资源禀赋 D.市场需求7.北京冬奥会举办期间使用的“绿电”主要是()A.水电和风电 B.水电和光电C.风电和核电 D.风电和光电8.北京冬奥会使用“绿电”的主要意义有()①加快能源清洁低碳转型发展②改变火电在电力生产结构中的主导地位③助力首都实现碳达峰、碳中和④加快构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统A.①②③ B.②③④C.①②④ D.①③④海底麻坑是一种大陆边缘海底常见的,类似火山口状的海底凹陷,通常发育在天然气水合物的赋存区。
1.设等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则“1322a a a +<”是“210n S -<”的( ) A .充分不必要 B .必要不充分 C .充要D .既不充分也不必要2.已知向量(3sin ,2)a x =-,(1,cos )b x =,当a b ⊥时,cos 22x π⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( )A .1213-B .1213C .613-D .6133.《聊斋志异》中有这样一首诗:“挑水砍柴不堪苦,请归但求穿墙术.得诀自诩无所阻,额上坟起终不悟.”在这里,我们称形如以下形式的等式具有“穿墙术”:====上规律,若=“穿墙术”,则n =( ) A .48B .63C .99D .1204.已知集合{}|1A x x =>-,集合(){}|20B x x x =+<,那么A B 等于( )A .{}|2x x >-B .{}1|0x x -<<C .{}|1x x >-D .{}|12x x -<<5. “角谷猜想”的内容是:对于任意一个大于1的整数n ,如果n 为偶数就除以2,如果n 是奇数,就将其乘3再加1,执行如图所示的程序框图,若输入10n =,则输出i 的( )A .6B .7C .8D .96.已知六棱锥P ABCDEF -各顶点都在同一个球(记为球O )的球面上,且底面ABCDEF 为正六边形,顶点P 在底面上的射影是正六边形ABCDEF 的中心G ,若6PA =,2AB =,则球O 的表面积为( )A .163πB .94π C .6πD .9π7.在平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M 为11A C 与11B D 的交点,若,AB a AD b ==,1AA c =,则与BM 相等的向量是( )A .1122a b c ++ B .1122a b c --+ C .1122a b c -+ D .1122-++a b c 8.给出下列四个命题:①若“p 且q ”为假命题,则p ﹑q 均为假命题;②三角形的内角是第一象限角或第二象限角;③若命题0:p x R ∃∈,200x ≥,则命题:p x R ⌝∀∈,20x <;④设集合{}1A x x =>,{}2B x x =>,则“x A ∈”是“x B ∈”的必要条件;其中正确命题的个数是( ) A .1B .2C .3D .49.已知等边△ABC 内接于圆τ:x 2+ y 2=1,且P 是圆τ上一点,则()PA PB PC ⋅+的最大值是( ) A 2B .1C 3D .210.设01p <<,随机变量ξ的分布列是则当p 在(,)34内增大时,( )A .()E ξ减小,()D ξ减小B .()E ξ减小,()D ξ增大 C.()E ξ增大,()D ξ减小D .()E ξ增大,()D ξ增大11.已知1F ,2F是双曲线222:1xC y a-=()0a >的两个焦点,过点1F 且垂直于x 轴的直线与C 相交于A ,B 两点,若AB =△2ABF 的内切圆的半径为( )A B C .3D 12.设x ∈R ,则“|1|2x -< “是“2x x <”的( ) A .充分而不必要条件 B .必要而不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必条件二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
【考点】速度3.如图所示,一个物体受到1N、2N、3N、4N四个力作用而处于平衡.现保持1N、3N、4N三60,此时作用在物体上的合力大小为()个力的方向和大小不变,而将2N的力绕O点旋转A .N 2B .N 22C .N 13D .N 33【答案】A【.解析】四力的合力为零,则可知1N 、3N 、4N 三个力的合力2N ;与2N 大小相等方向相反; 则2N 的力绕O 点旋转60°,其他三力的合力不变,那么现在变为2N 的两个力,其夹角成120°,因此这两个力的合力大小为2N ,故A 正确。
故选A 。
【考点】力的合成4.一个小石块从空中a 点自由落下,先后经过b 点和c 点,不计空气阻力.已知它经过b 点时的速度为v,经过c 点时的速度为3v.则ab 段与ac 段位移之比为 ( )A.1∶3B.1∶5C. 1∶9D. 1∶8【答案】C【.解析】物体做自由落体运动,有2ab 2gh v =,2ac 2gh 3v =() 联立求得:ab ac h 1h 9=;故选C 。
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