adventure travel




不成,刘家人又不甘心吃这么个大亏。两条人命、一大条财路呢!听闻市井中有些不利于苏家的流言,他们也推波助澜了一把。 就算咬不下苏家的肉来,恶心也要恶心他们一把!年节,苏家人要是不敢出门,他们更有得说了。谁知苏家敢出门„„来得好! 刘家人匆匆都扎上白麻衣,不打不闹,在苏家人旁边走着总成吧!年节里,一群白麻的苍蝇围在旁边嗡嗡,心里够堵不?想顺 畅,放点血呀!两条人命呢!还想顺畅,能不放血吗?刘家人跟在苏家车轿边走。大老爷骑马,没睬他们。而他们没法不注意 到车轿都很素净,大老爷甚至穿了明显是丧服的熟麻布衣!还有些长作的家人,也都跟着自己主子服着丧。“大哥,你说他们 在给谁穿孝?”明蕙的小舅舅跟她大舅舅嘀咕。明蕙小舅妈在旁边来了句:“给蕙儿她们穿的?”“他们害死了她们娘俩,不 搭理我们,还肯穿孝呢!”明蕙小舅舅很鄙薄诸人的见识,继续眼巴巴问她大舅舅,“大哥,啊?”明蕙大舅舅脸板着,脑壳 下头,有限的脑汁在用力绞着,想计算一下这些都是啥等级的孝服,是不是给明蕙和她娘穿的级别?他觉得自己的脑子确实在 用力的运作了,但费了半天劲,却连一滴智慧的汁液都没挤出来,只挤出一团云雾。先人传下来的服制,不是人背的,坐在堂 上的老爷或许背得出来,他可不行。他谨慎的命令所有刘家人跟车轿保持安全距离,继续跟着,以观后效。第一百零二章 卖 身进京纵强贼(8)这里离慈恩寺已经很近了,进香的、观风景的、做生意的,都是人,看着刘家这群人,还以为是丐帮集会。 因他们那身孝服,岂止没按五服计算,更没到白事店里去定做,明蕙大舅舅问一个杠儿头借了一堆旧麻衣来,刘家人仓促间捞 到什么披什么,那些麻衣都既旧又脏而且破,有的都看不出白的底色了,灰一搭黑一搭的,在已经很臃肿的冬衣外头,大大小 小长长短短系着,确实很像乞丐。当年在慈恩寺前,他们也是这一身,但那时候不逢年不过节,再说寺庙前面本来就有很多乞 丐,他们不醒目,这会儿„„这会儿大过年的哪,兄弟们!谁家都穿了最新的衣服,谁家都拿最齐整红火的面貌出来出这个年 哪!你们一身破麻衣,聚众结队的,还敢说不是丐帮„„明蕙大舅舅被看得有点儿“芒刺在背”,他盼着苏家人拖了这么一群 丐帮在旁边,会更加的芒刺在背。说到底,富贵人家的脸皮比较薄嘛!不想丢脸,那就拿钱呀!不就是点钱,为什么这么不痛 快呢?明蕙大舅舅要仰天长叹了。他是死了个妹妹、一个侄女,死得是不明不白的嘛!怎么要点钱,就这么难?苏家再这样为 难他下去,小心他钱都不要了,到衙门里击鼓鸣冤,叫苏家偿命喔!——啊,慈恩寺的山门就在眼前了,苏家众人要下轿了。 明蕙大舅舅使个眼色:等这些人一



介绍冒险旅游英文作文Adventure travel is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing new and exciting things. It's about pushing your limits and trying something that you've never done before. Whether it's hiking in the mountains, diving in the ocean, or exploring a new city, adventure travel is all about seeking thrills and embracing the unknown.When you go on an adventure trip, you never know what to expect. You might encounter unexpected challenges, meet new people, or discover hidden gems that you never knew existed. It's all about embracing the uncertainty and being open to whatever comes your way.One of the best things about adventure travel is the adrenaline rush that comes with trying new and daring activities. Whether it's bungee jumping off a bridge,white-water rafting down a raging river, or skydiving from a plane, adventure travel is all about getting your heartracing and feeling alive.Adventure travel also gives you the opportunity to connect with nature in a way that you never have before. Whether it's camping under the stars, hiking through a dense forest, or exploring a remote desert, adventuretravel allows you to immerse yourself in the natural world and appreciate its beauty and power.Another great thing about adventure travel is the sense of accomplishment that comes with overcoming challenges and pushing yourself to new limits. Whether it's reaching the summit of a challenging mountain, completing a grueling trek, or conquering a fear, adventure travel is all about pushing yourself to new heights and proving to yourselfthat you are capable of more than you ever imagined.In conclusion, adventure travel is all about embracing the unknown, seeking thrills, and pushing yourself to new limits. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing the world in a way that you never have before. So if you're looking for an exciting and fulfilling travelexperience, consider embarking on an adventure trip and see where it takes you.。

【精编】中小学精品课件adventure travel课件.ppt

【精编】中小学精品课件adventure travel课件.ppt

Adventure travel: a kind of travel on which you
can have a new or unusual experience . At the same time, you can get close to nature and take exercise.
The basic equipment you need for hiking
cap/ hat
Where is rafting done ?
paddle boat
life jacket
Adventure Travel
Climbing Climbing
Space Travel
Where can you go hiking ?
in a forest
in the mountains
along a river
in a city
by boat
by bus
by car
by bike
by plane
by ship
by train
on foot
Q1: Do you like travelling ? Why or why not ?
Yes : exciting , interesting , make me happy , see beautiful scenery , visit place of interest // No : dangerous , make me tired ,waste time , cost much money



Travel Adventures: A Journey of Discovery Traveling is an adventure that takes us to places where we can discover new things, cultures, and experiences. Itis an exciting journey that opens our eyes to the world beyond our daily routines. Whether it is the bustling streets of a foreign city or the serene beauty of a remote location, travel探险 brings a sense of wonder and amazement.On my recent trip to the Amazon rainforest, I embarked on a journey of discovery that was both thrilling and eye-opening. The Amazon, known as the "lungs of the earth," is a vast and mysterious landscape that is home to an incredible diversity of plants and animals. As we ventured deeper into the rainforest, I was amazed by the lush green vegetation and the sounds of nature that surrounded us.One of the highlights of my trip was the opportunity to go river rafting on the Amazon River. As we floated downstream, I was able to observe the beauty of the rainforest from a unique perspective. The towering trees, exotic plants, and wildlife that we encountered along the way were truly breathtaking.Another memorable moment was my encounter with a local tribe in the deep jungle. They were friendly and welcoming, and they shared with us their way of life, culture, and traditions. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to connect with their way of life and understand their perspective on the world.However, the Amazon rainforest is also facing many threats, including deforestation, climate change, andillegal poaching. It was heartbreaking to see the impact of these threats on the ecosystem and the wildlife that call this place home. This experience made me realize the importance of protecting these natural habitats and the responsibility we all have to preserve them for future generations.My travel adventures in the Amazon rainforest were not only about discovery and exploration but also about learning and understanding. It was a humbling experience that taught me about the beauty and fragility of our planet and the importance of protecting it.**旅行探险:发现的旅程**旅行是一次冒险,带我们走向可以发现新事物、新文化和新体验的地方。

Adventure Travel

Adventure Travel

相关的主管部门制定有关探险旅游活动的专门法律 设立探险旅游组织和景区的的准入制度 要建立一种类似导游证的资格认证制度
政府应履行好服务与监管义务,设立一个服务性平台,专门针对探险旅 游等非常规旅游进行服务与监管 引导景区开发,联合景区建立并完善各种保障系统,并对已开发和部分 开发的景区定期进行安全风险评估
1.安全事故频发: 据中国登山协会的统计,2005年户外探险死亡人数为15 人,2006年为26人,2007年为29人,2009年死伤人员83 人,被困救出90人,2011年更甚,死伤为119人。 2.探险旅游组织形式不规范 : 探险旅游的组织形式主要有个人、旅行社和俱乐部三种形 式。 3.有关探险旅游的法律制度不完善,部门管理不到位: • 法律条例缺失 服务监管不到位 • 探险旅游者安全观念差,基本知识缺乏 • 景区服务与管理体系不完善 • 准入制度不完善
加强领队人员队伍建设,聘请受过专业训练、经验丰富的人做领队 对探险旅游者进行严格的筛选和控制 产品路线设计要保证科学和安全
水上:如“黑水”漂流、租船航行、潜水、汽艇、帆船运 动、筏运、皮艇漂流、划独木舟、冲浪、水撬、捕龟
3.按照风险程序分 硬探险:“硬探险”指旅游者愿意到偏僻的环境,挑战内 在的危险。这种危险是自然真实的,而不是人造的,对于 参与者来说具有高危险性,高参与性,富有挑战性,并且 对于参与者的身体条件有极高的要求,包括登山、高空速 降、洞穴探秘、跳伞运动以及潜水等。 软探险:“软探险”旅游者相对而言是初学者,他们寻求 一种被设计好的新奇活动。而这种活动也能给他们带来兴 奋感以及感情的抒发。“软探险”旅游在游客参与性程度 上较被动,此类旅游包括丛林步行、徒步旅行、骑马、皮 艇漂流等。

高一英语 Unit3 Adventure Travel(二) 人教版

高一英语 Unit3 Adventure Travel(二) 人教版

2. Hiking is a kind of adventure travel because (B )
A .it is not expensive is exciting
C .you need a lot of equipment for it
D. you will often put yourself in danger
2.What are the Chinese for the following words? A: white-collar B:white coffee C:white flag D:white lie
Nowadays, more and more people think their life is dull, so they try to experience something exciting, and some even lose their lives. Do you think it is worthwhile?
rivers or streams
boat,paddle, life jacket,etc. Somewhat expensive
good walking skills rafting and swimming skills
Possible dangers
lost,poisonous animals,hunger, thirst,etc.
A. learn rafting skills
B.know how to swim
C .put on a life jacket
D.wear leather shoes



冒险旅行作文英文英文,Adventure Travel。

Adventure travel is something that I am very passionate about. I love exploring new places and trying new things, and adventure travel allows me to do just that. Whetherit's hiking in the mountains, scuba diving in the ocean, or exploring a new city, I am always up for an adventure.One of my favorite adventure travel experiences was when I went on a backpacking trip through Europe. I traveled to several different countries and stayed in hostels along the way. I met so many interesting people and had some amazing experiences, like hiking in the Swiss Alps and exploring the streets of Paris.Another adventure travel experience that I loved was when I went on a safari in Africa. Seeing all of thewildlife up close and personal was truly incredible. I also enjoyed learning about the local culture and meeting thepeople who live in the area.Overall, adventure travel is a great way to experience new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone. It's a great way to learn about different cultures and meet new people. I can't wait to plan my next adventure!中文,冒险旅行。



冒险旅行的优缺点英语作文题目,Advantages and Disadvantages of Adventure Travel。

Adventure travel has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek thrilling experiences and unique encounters. However, like any form of travel, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.Advantages:1. Excitement and Thrill: One of the biggest advantages of adventure travel is the adrenaline rush it provides. Activities such as bungee jumping, skydiving, and white-water rafting offer an unparalleled sense of excitementthat many people crave.2. Personal Growth: Engaging in adventure travel often pushes individuals out of their comfort zones, leading to personal growth and development. Overcoming challenges, whether physical or mental, can boost confidence and self-esteem.3. Unique Experiences: Adventure travel allows people to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations and engage in activities that are not typically available in mainstream tourism. This can lead to unforgettable experiences and memories that last a lifetime.4. Connection with Nature: Many adventure travel activities take place in natural environments such as mountains, forests, and rivers. This provides an opportunity for travelers to connect with nature on a deeper level and develop a greater appreciation for the environment.5. Cultural Immersion: Adventure travel often involves interacting with local communities and experiencing their way of life. This can lead to a deeper understanding of different cultures and traditions, enriching the travel experience.Disadvantages:1. Risk of Injury or Death: Adventure activities can be inherently dangerous, increasing the risk of injury or even death. While safety measures are usually in place,accidents can still occur, especially in extreme sports or remote wilderness areas.2. Cost: Adventure travel can be expensive, especially when it involves specialized equipment, guides, and permits. This can be a barrier for some people, particularly thoseon a tight budget.3. Physical Demands: Many adventure activities requirea certain level of fitness and physical ability.Individuals who are not in good shape may struggle to participate fully or may be at a higher risk of injury.4. Environmental Impact: Some adventure activities,such as off-road driving or mountain climbing, can have a negative impact on the environment if not conducted responsibly. This includes damage to fragile ecosystems, disturbance of wildlife, and pollution.5. Limited Accessibility: Not everyone has the physical ability or desire to participate in adventure travel activities. This can exclude certain demographics, such as the elderly or people with disabilities, from fully experiencing these types of adventures.In conclusion, adventure travel offers many exciting opportunities for personal growth, unique experiences, and cultural immersion. However, it also comes with risks and challenges that need to be carefully considered. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages, individuals can make informed decisions about whether adventure travel is right for them.。



不同的旅游类型英语作文Travel is an incredible way to broaden one's horizons, discover new cultures, and immerse oneself in diverse environments. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Bali, each destination offers a unique experience. In this essay, we will explore three distinct types of travel: cultural tourism, adventure travel, andeco-tourism, highlighting their unique characteristics and the benefits they offer.**Cultural Tourism**Cultural tourism involves visiting destinations to experience their historical, artistic, and cultural heritage. This type of travel allows travelers to immerse themselves in the traditions, customs, and lifestyles of different communities. Visiting museums, historical sites, and art galleries are common activities in cultural tourism. One of the most popular cultural tourism destinationsis Japan. With its rich history and unique culture, Japan offers a captivating experience for travelers. Visiting the ancient temples and shrines of Kyoto, experiencing thetraditional arts of tea ceremony and flower arrangement, or sampling the delicious cuisine of Japan are just a few highlights of a cultural tourism trip to Japan.The benefits of cultural tourism are numerous. Itfosters cultural understanding and respect, allowing travelers to gain a deeper understanding of the world's diverse communities. It also promotes cross-cultural communication and can foster global unity and cooperation.**Adventure Travel**Adventure travel is centered around activities that involve a sense of thrill, excitement, and challenge. This type of travel is perfect for those seeking an adrenaline rush and the opportunity to push their physical and mental limits. Activities such as hiking, climbing, scuba diving, and paragliding are common in adventure travel.A popular adventure travel destination is the Himalayas, the mountain range that is home to the world's highest peak, Mount Everest. Hiking and climbing in the Himalayas offer breathtaking scenery and a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit. Other adventure travel activities inthis region include paragliding over the snow-capped peaks and trekking through the lush forests.The benefits of adventure travel include increased confidence, improved physical fitness, and a deeper sense of accomplishment. It allows travelers to挑战 their limits and push beyond their comfort zones, fostering growth and personal development.**Eco-Tourism**Eco-tourism focuses on protecting and preserving natural environments while providing educational and cultural experiences for travelers. This type of travel promotes sustainability and responsible tourism practices, ensuring that the natural habitats and wildlife are not harmed in the process.One of the top eco-tourism destinations is the Amazon rainforest, which is home to a diverse array of plant and animal species. Visiting the Amazon allows travelers to explore its rich biodiversity, take part in wildlife observation, and learn about the importance of conserving these fragile ecosystems.The benefits of eco-tourism are numerous. It supports sustainable development and conservation efforts, helping to protect vulnerable environments and species. It also fosters environmental awareness and education, encouraging travelers to adopt more sustainable practices in theirdaily lives.In conclusion, travel offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to different interests and preferences. Cultural tourism, adventure travel, and eco-tourism are just a few examples of the many types of travel available. Each type offers unique benefits and allows travelers to broaden their horizons, gain new perspectives, and immerse themselves in rich cultural and natural environments. As we continue to explore the world, it is important to remember to travel responsibly, respecting the cultures and environments we visit.。




它可以用作不同的短语或搭配,以下是一些常见的用法:1. Go on an adventure: 去冒险- We decided to go on an adventure and explore the uncharted island.2. Adventure travel: 探险旅行- She loves adventure travel and has climbed mountains all over the world.3. Adventure sports: 冒险运动- Many people enjoy adventure sports such as rock climbing and skydiving.4. Adventure movie/book: 冒险电影/书- The kids enjoyed watching an adventure movie with pirates and hidden treasures.5. Adventure game: 冒险游戏- He spends hours playing adventure games on his computer.6. Adventure park: 冒险公园- The adventure park has zip lines, a high ropes course, and other thrilling activities.7. Adventure seeker: 寻求冒险的人- John is an adventure seeker who is always looking for newchallenges to take on.8. Once-in-a-lifetime adventure: 一生一次的冒险- Climbing Mount Everest was a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for him.以上是一些常见的adventure的用法及搭配,希望对你有帮助!。



冒险旅行作文英文Adventure Travel。

I love adventure travel! It's all about exploring the unknown and pushing yourself to new limits. Whether it's hiking through dense jungles, diving into deep blue oceans, or climbing towering mountains, adventure travel is an adrenaline rush like no other.The feeling of stepping foot in a foreign land is exhilarating. The sights, sounds, and smells are overwhelming in the best way possible. You never know what you're going to encounter next, and that's what makes adventure travel so exciting.One of my favorite things about adventure travel is the opportunity to try new and daring activities. From bungee jumping off a cliff to skydiving from a plane, there's always something thrilling to experience. These activities not only get your heart racing but also help you conqueryour fears and build confidence.Meeting new people is another highlight of adventure travel. Whether it's fellow travelers or locals, the connections you make along the way are unforgettable. Sharing stories, learning about different cultures, and making lifelong friends are all part of the adventuretravel experience.Of course, adventure travel isn't always smooth sailing. There are challenges and obstacles to overcome. Fromgetting lost in unfamiliar territory to facing unexpected weather conditions, every adventure comes with its fair share of difficulties. But it's these challenges that make the journey even more rewarding.Adventure travel also allows you to appreciate the beauty of nature in a whole new way. From breathtaking landscapes to unique wildlife, there's so much to see and explore. Whether it's trekking through the Amazonrainforest or camping under the starry sky in the Sahara desert, nature's wonders never cease to amaze.In conclusion, adventure travel is an incredible way to break free from the ordinary and experience life to the fullest. It's about stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing the unknown, and creating unforgettable memories. So pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!。



冒险的旅行英文作文英文:Adventure travel is one of my favorite ways to explore new places and challenge myself. I love the rush of adrenaline that comes with trying something new and exciting. Whether it's hiking through rugged terrain, bungee jumping off a bridge, or white-water rafting down a roaring river, adventure travel always keeps me on my toes.One of my most memorable adventure travel experiences was when I went skydiving in New Zealand. It was something I had always wanted to try, but I was also terrified of the idea of jumping out of a plane. However, once I was up in the air, all of my fears melted away and I was able tofully enjoy the experience. The feeling of freefalling through the sky was absolutely exhilarating, and I feltlike I was on top of the world.Another adventure travel experience that I loved washiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru. The trailwas incredibly challenging, with steep inclines and rugged terrain, but the reward at the end was more than worth it. Seeing the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu at the end of the trail was truly awe-inspiring, and it was an experiencethat I will never forget.Overall, adventure travel is a great way to pushyourself out of your comfort zone and experience new things. It's not always easy, but the rewards are well worth the effort.中文:冒险旅行是我喜欢探索新地方和挑战自己的一种方式。




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冒险旅游的好处英语作文The Benefits of Adventure Travel。

Adventure travel has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. There are numerous benefits to embarking on an adventure trip, from the physical and mental challenges to the opportunity to explore new cultures and environments. In this essay, we will explore some of the key advantages of adventure travel and why it is a worthwhile pursuit for anyone seeking an exciting and fulfilling experience.First and foremost, adventure travel offers the chance to step outside of one's comfort zone and take on new challenges. Whether it's hiking through rugged terrain, white-water rafting, or rock climbing, adventure travel provides opportunities to push oneself physically and mentally. These challenges can be incredibly rewarding, as they foster a sense of accomplishment and personal growth. Overcoming obstacles in a foreign environment can alsoboost self-confidence and resilience, which can be valuable traits in all aspects of life.In addition to the physical and mental benefits, adventure travel also provides the opportunity to immerse oneself in new cultures and environments. Whether it's interacting with local communities, trying new foods, or learning about different traditions and customs, adventure travel offers a unique and enriching cultural experience. This can lead to a greater appreciation for the diversity of the world and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of humanity.Furthermore, adventure travel allows individuals to connect with nature in a profound and meaningful way. Whether it's exploring remote wilderness areas, camping under the stars, or observing wildlife in its natural habitat, adventure travel provides opportunities to experience the beauty and wonder of the natural world. This can foster a greater appreciation for the environment and a desire to protect and preserve it for future generations.Another benefit of adventure travel is the opportunity for personal reflection and introspection. Stepping away from the distractions of everyday life and immersing oneself in a new and unfamiliar environment can provide valuable perspective and insight. This can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction in life.Finally, adventure travel can also foster meaningful connections with others. Whether it's bonding with fellow travelers over shared experiences, forming friendships with locals, or deepening relationships with family and friends, adventure travel provides opportunities for meaningful and lasting connections. These connections can enrich one'slife and provide a sense of belonging and community.In conclusion, adventure travel offers a wide range of benefits, from physical and mental challenges to cultural immersion, connection with nature, personal growth, and meaningful connections with others. Whether it's exploring a new destination or embarking on a challenging outdoor adventure, adventure travel has the potential to enrich andtransform one's life in profound and meaningful ways. So,if you're looking for an exciting and fulfilling experience, consider embarking on an adventure trip and discover the many benefits it has to offer.。



























英语小作文旅游方式有哪些There are various ways to travel, each offering a unique experience and allowing individuals to explore different aspects of a destination. In this article, we will discuss some popular modes of travel that people opt for when embarking on a journey.1. Solo Travel:Solo travel has gained immense popularity in recent years as it offers individuals the freedom to explore at their own pace and indulge in self-discovery. It allows travelers to have complete control over their itinerary, enabling them to visit places that interest them the most. Solo travel also encourages personal growth, boosts confidence, and provides opportunities to meet new people and make lifelong connections.2. Group Tours:Group tours are a preferred choice for those who prefer a structured itinerary and the convenience of having everything planned for them. These tours are led by experienced guides who ensure that travelers get the most out of their trip. Group tours are a great way to explore a destination without worrying about logistics, as accommodation, transportation, and activities are usually pre-arranged. Moreover, group tours provide an opportunity to socialize and make friends with fellow travelers.3. Backpacking:Backpacking is a popular form of travel, especially among young adventurers. It involves carrying essential belongings in a backpack and traveling on a budget. Backpackers usually stay in budget accommodations like hostels or campgrounds and often rely on public transportation or hitchhiking to get around. This form of travel allows individuals to immerse themselves in thelocal culture, interact with locals, and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations.4. Road Trips:Road trips offer the freedom to explore multiple destinations within a specific region or country. Whetherit's a cross-country journey or a scenic drive along a coastline, road trips allow travelers to create their own itineraries and stop at attractions along the way. It provides an opportunity to witness breathtaking landscapes, discover hidden gems, and enjoy the thrill of the open road.5. Cruise:Cruises provide a luxurious and relaxing way to travel, especially for those who enjoy the comfort and convenienceof a floating hotel. With a wide range of onboardfacilities and entertainment options, cruises offer a complete vacation experience. Travelers can visit multiple destinations without the hassle of packing and unpacking,as the ship serves as their accommodation throughout the journey. Moreover, cruises often include various activities and excursions at each port of call.6. Adventure Travel:For thrill-seekers and adrenaline junkies, adventure travel is an ideal way to explore the world. It involves engaging in physically demanding activities such as hiking, mountaineering, rock climbing, skiing, or water sports. Adventure travel allows travelers to push their limits, conquer fears, and experience the thrill of exploring remote and untouched landscapes.7. Eco-Tourism:Eco-tourism focuses on responsible travel that promotes environmental conservation and supports local communities. It involves visiting natural areas, national parks, or wildlife sanctuaries while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Eco-tourism aims to educate travelers about the importance of conservation and sustainability, providing an opportunity to connect with nature and contribute to its preservation.8. Cultural Immersion:Cultural immersion travel aims to delve deep into the local culture and traditions of a destination. It involves staying with local families, participating in community activities, and learning about the customs, cuisine, and language of the region. Cultural immersion travel allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, break stereotypes, and foster cross-cultural exchange.9. Volunteer Travel:Volunteer travel combines the joy of traveling with the opportunity to make a positive impact on communities in need. It involves participating in volunteer projects such as teaching, healthcare, conservation, or community development. Volunteer travel allows individuals to contribute their skills and time to meaningful causes, creating a sense of fulfillment and leaving a lasting impact on the communities they visit.10. Staycations:Staycations have gained popularity in recent times, especially when travel restrictions or budget constraints limit the ability to venture far from home. Staycations involve taking time off work and exploring local attractions, trying new activities, or simply relaxing at home. It offers a break from routine without the need for extensive travel, allowing individuals to recharge and rejuvenate.In conclusion, there are numerous ways to travel, each offering a unique experience and catering to different preferences and interests. Whether it's solo travel, group tours, backpacking, road trips, cruises, adventure travel, eco-tourism, cultural immersion, volunteer travel, or staycations, the key is to choose a mode of travel that aligns with one's interests, budget, and desired experience. Traveling not only broadens horizons but also allows individuals to create lifelong memories and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.。




Adventure travel is tourists to remote or risk of shape of the environment full of mystery, risk and stimulating travel or inspection activities.•探险游起源于欧美,英文名称“outdoor travel”所以圈内部统称为“户外运动”或“野外探险运动”。



Adventure originated in Europe and the United States,English name "outdoor travel" so ring internal collectively referred to as"outdoor" or "the wild adventure sports". People live for a long time in cement forest, tired of the horses of the life, want to find a quiet butfull of magic exciting places experience fun adventure. Adventure isalso arises at the historic moment一些人长期居住于繁华都市,厌倦了车马喧嚣的生活,很想找一个幽静而富有神奇刺激的场所体验探险乐趣。



省级高中英语优质课:Adventure travel

省级高中英语优质课:Adventure travel

A. learn rafting skills B. know how to swim
C. put on a life jacket D. wear leather shoes
5. Which of the following is the most difficult?
A.Normal rafting
1.What’s the pass the text fast and choose the right answer
1. Adventure travellers want to __________. A. experience fun and excitement B. meet new friends C. try new kinds of food D. visit famous sites or beautiful places
We’d better wear a hat to __p_r_o_t_ec_t___ ourselves from the sun. if we want to take a normal rafting trip, we should choose a ___q_u_i_e_t ___ stream or a wide river without fallen trees or rocks. And _w__h_it_e_w_a_t_e_rrafting may give us more _e_x_c_it_e_m_e_n_t_ because the water in these streams and rivers look white when it runs _q__u_ic_k_l_y___.
2. Hiking is a kind of adventure travel because __________. A. it is not expensive B. it is exciting C. you need a lot of equipment for it D. you will often put yourself in danger
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Unit 3
Adventure Travel
Unit 3
Adventure Travel
the Summer Palace in
the Great Wall in China
Yuan Ming Yuan
the Sydney Opera House in
the Eiffel Tower in
Many of today’s __________ travellers are looking for an usual _________ and __________ becoming ______________ experience travel is more and more adventure Popular.Hiking is a good way to ______________nature , _____________ at get__________. close to the same time and the expense (费用)isn’t However, ________is very important. Don’t hike ______. Another exciting adventure is take exercise ________._________ expensive safety can be done where the rivers and ________are _______with few _________ alone rafting Norma-rafting trees and _________,while ____________________is more difficult and ________________.It is done where the water moves very wide _________. You streams shouldn't’t go __________ fallen rocks white-water rafting unless you can _________. You also should learn some _______skills of adventurous rafting. And you should always wear _________________. quickly rafting swim basic lift jacket
1.Read the text.
2.Prepare reading and talk on p20,and finish t What are good things for hiking? get close to…,take exercise ,not expensive 3. What are the two kinds of rafting? Normal rafting: wide;few fallen… White-water rafting: quickly;be careful not to hit…
Which means of transportation can we use to travel?
Normal Travel
Adventure Travel
flying persons
rivers ,streams boat,paddle, good clothes, life jacket expensive rafting skills hitting rocks, trees, falling into water
Possible dangers
The summary of the text.
the Arena in
the Leaning Tower in Italy
the Arc De Triomphe in
the Statue of Liberty in
the pyramid in
Aswan Dam in
Abu Simbel in Egypt
Angkor Wat in
Compare hiking and rafting.
Hiking Similarities
adventure travel, outdoors travel, get close to nature, safety tips
Places Equipment differences Cost Skills needed
Climbing cliffs
Bungee Jump
Bicycle Performance
1. Why is adventure travel becoming more and more popular?
mountains,forest, city;along rivers. good clothes, map, water, hat, cellphone,backpack cheap walking skills getting lost, poisionous animas and plants…
1. What should we do as a good traveller?
2. What do you think is the best way of travel? Eco-travel: You can protect the environment as well as have a good trip .