Accuracy of the pseudo steady state approximation for moving boundary diffusion problems
天 然 气 工 业Natural Gas Industry 第41卷第6期2021年6月· 74 ·形状因子及复杂结构井拟稳态流动阶段井底压力渐近解的计算方法徐有杰1 刘启国1 李晓平1 杨思涵1 张楷2 谭晓华11.“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学2.中国石油西南油气田公司勘探开发研究院摘要:寻求一种实用、有效的油气藏形状位置因子(以下简称形状因子)计算方法,对于准确获取复杂结构井拟稳态流动阶段井底压力渐近解及产能指数具有重要的意义。
研究结果表明:①通过计算不同形状封闭边界直井拟稳态流动阶段无因次井底压力及压力导数,求得两者的差值,则可以反求形状因子,并且采用该方法计算的形状因子与Dietz形状因子结果非常接近,验证了该方法的准确性;②通过求取复杂结构井拟稳态流动阶段无因次井底压力及压力导数之差,可以求得复杂结构井拟稳态流动阶段井底压力渐近解系数(b Dpss),进而可以获得任意复杂结构井拟稳态流动阶段井底压力渐近解;③基于新方法计算的大斜度井拟表皮因子与Ozkan等的计算结果相对误差在1%以内,验证了新方法的准确性;④对于矩形封闭边界油气藏中的常规直井,拟稳态流动阶段Blasingame递减曲线的无因次产量曲线斜率为-1,并且长宽比越大,晚期线性流特征越明显;⑤对于矩形封闭边界油气藏中压裂直井,在外边界长度一定的情况下,若长宽比越大,单井控制面积则越小,b Dpss越大,晚期线性流特征越明显,Blasingame递减曲线在非稳态流动阶段所处的位置越高,而在单井控制面积相同的情况下,若无因次裂缝导流能力越大,b Dpss则越小,Blasingame递减曲线在非稳态流动阶段所处的位置越高。
§3-1 试井及试井分析
对于水井,有: (1)注入能力测试(Injectivity Test-IT)-水井
注水井的注入测试(Injection Test)等价于油井的压力降落测 试。所谓注入测试是指注入时 对注水井所进行的测试。此时 井底压力随时间是逐渐增加的。 注入流量很容易维持恒定,但 其分析比较困难。
由于不稳态时的Y函数特征呈直线。当直线受 干扰时,可由干扰的特征来判断地层性质的变化。
左图表示气水或气油边 界的影响,说明井底附 近存在低粘区域。由于 低粘区域传导性高于高 粘区,表现在函数上则 为其值增加。
图A表示井底附近存在高粘区,即有油水或油气边界存在。 图B表示井底附近存在两条断层,渗透率发生突变的情况。
(3)外边界作用阶段 A.如果为无限大油藏(Infinite Reservoir),径向流动阶段一直 延续下去。 B.若有封闭边界(Closed Outer Boundary):过渡段,径向流动阶段到 边界影响的阶段; 拟稳态流动阶段(Pseudosteady State),主要反映封闭边界的影响。 拟稳态流动阶段:任意时刻地层内压力下降速度相等; C.若有定压边界(Constant Pressure Boundary): 过渡段,径向流动阶段到边界影响的阶段; 稳定流动阶段(Steady State),主要反映定压边界的影响。 稳态流动阶段:地层内压力不随时间变化;
§3-1 试井及试井分析
油 藏 评 价 分 析 方 法
岩心分析方法 地球物理方法
井点取心处的绝对渗透率,反 映渗透率沿深度的变化,静态 依赖岩心分析和其它资料,精 度不高,静态 流体静止条件下近井地层的 渗透 率 , 静 态 流动条件下井周围平均渗透 率,用于评价产能,动态参数 流动条件下井周围各层平均渗 透率,大孔道,动态参数 流 动 条 件 下 地 层 的 吸 水 剖 面、 生产剖面
Purification and Characterizationof 3-Hydroxyisobutyrate Dehydrogenase from Rabbit Liver*
(Received 87)
Paul M. Rougraff, Ralph PaxtonS, Martha Kuntz, DavidW. Crabb, and Robert A. Harris8 J. From the Departments of Biochemistry and Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianqpolis,Indiana 46223 3-Hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase (3-hydroxy- tural, kinetic, and regulatory features. In 1957, Robinson and 2-methyl propanoate: oxidoreductase, NAD+ EC Coon (1)reported on the characteristics of HIB dehydrogen1.1.1.31) was purified 1800-fold from rabbitliver by ase isolated from pig kidney. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2) and detergent extraction, differential solubility in polyeth- Candida rugosa (3) enzymes have also been studied. Addiylene glycol and (NH4)%S04, column and chrotional characterization of mammalian HIB dehydrogenase is phenyl-Sepharose, matography on DEAE-Sephacel, of interest because 3-hydroxyisobutyrate increases in serum CM(carboxymethy1)-Sepharose,Affi-Gel Blue, and U1- and urine in ketoacidosis (4),and it is a good substrate for trogel AcA-34. The enzyme had a native Mr 74,000 hepatic gluconeogenesis (5). Furthermore, the exact pathways of and appeared to be a homodimer with subunit M, = for complete catabolism of the R- and S-isomersof 3-hydrox34,000. The enzyme was specific for NAD+. It oxidizedyisobutyrate remain uncertain for want of a description of the both S-3-hydroxyisobutyrate and R-3-hydroxyisobu- kinetics and substrate specificities of the enzymes involved tyrate, butthe kc.JKm was approximately 360-fold higher for the S-isomer. Steady state kinetic analysis (6). Recently, it was shown that HIB dehydrogenase is a major indicates an ordered Bi Bi reaction mechanism with contaminant in commercial preparations of RhodopseudomoNAD+ binding before 3-hydroxyisobutyrate. The enzyme catalyzed oxidation of S-3-hydroxyisobutyrate nas spheroides 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC between pH 7.0 and 11.6 with optimal activity between; Ref. 7). Since the latter is used for enzymatic determination of serum ketone bodies @), serum and tissue 3pH 9.0 and 11.0. The enzyme apparently does not have hydroxybutyrate concentrations may have been significantly a metal ion requirement. Essential sulfhydryl groups may be present at both the 3-hydroxyisobutyrate and overestimated in numerous studies because of the contribution by 3-hydroxyisobutyrate. For this reason and because of NAD+binding sites since inhibitionbysulfhydryla binding agents w s differentially blocked by each sub- our limited understanding of the physiological regulation of strate. The enzymeis highly sensitive to product inhi- valine catabolism, it is important to determine 3-hydroxyisobition by NADH which may play an important physbutyrate concentrations in biological samples. Because HIB iological role in regulating the complete oxidation of dehydrogenase willprove useful for this purpose and for valine beyond the formation of 3-hydroxyisobutyrate. elucidating 3-hydroxyisobutyrate catabolism, we sought an inexpensive source and purification procedure for this enzyme. Rabbit liver is relatively rich in HIBdehydrogenase (1) and is commercially available in the frozen state. We report here the homogeneous purification and characterization of 3-Hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase (3-hydroxy-2-meth- rabbit liver HIB dehydrogenase. ylpropanoate: NAD’ oxidoreductase, EC; HIB dehydrogenase)’ catalyzes an NAD’-dependent, reversible oxidaEXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES’ tion of 3-hydroxyisobutyrate to methylmalonate semialdehyde. This mitochondrial enzyme, essential for valine catabolism, has not been well characterized with respect to strucRESULTS
油藏数值模拟 chapter1
Michael J. Economides
Dowel1 Schlumberger
l-l INTRQDUCTION Well and reservoir evaluationsare of particular importancein thejustification of stimulation treatments.Pressure transient and well performance analyses are the obvious available tools. This chapter will include two parts: (1) an outline of the fundamentals pressuretranof sient analysis, and (2) skin characterization,idiosyncrasiesof tight reservoirs,and recommended methodologies applicableto wells and reservoirs that are candidatesfor stimulation. l-2 FUNDAMENTALS OF PRESSURE TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Pressuretransient analysis, long establishedin groundwater hydrology, has becomea major tool in petroleum reservoir engineeringduring the last 40 years. van Everdingen and Hurst (1949) introduced what is believed to be one of the first major works in modem pressuretransient analysis.In their paper, they usedLaplacetransformations in formulating analytical mathematicalsolutions to fluid flow problems in porous media. Their work extended and transferred to the petroleum literature much of the analytical work done in the heat conduction area. Homer (1951) presenteda practical methodologywhich has becomethe mainstay in pressurebuildup analysis. Homer, using the principle of superposition, developed a simpleinterpretation graphingtechnique allowed and that the calculation of the permeability, skin effect, and average reservoir pressure. It was not until 1970 that Agarwal, Al-Hussainy, and Rameypresenteda major work that usheredin a new era in the field. Type-curve matching and well responsediagnostics became widely usedapproach pressuretrana to sient analysis. Since 1970, numerous publications on different reservoir and well geometries, effects of dual porosity, fractures,two-phaseflow, and multilayer reservoirs have been written.
• 骨架型结构中药物的释放特点: • 不呈零级释放,药物首先接触介质,溶解, 然后从骨架中扩散出来,显然,骨架中药 物的溶出速度必须大于药物的扩散速度。 这一类制剂的优点是制备容易,可用于释 放大分子量的药物。
• • • • • • • 包衣:采用的阻滞材料有肠溶材料和阻滞剂 制成微囊 制成不溶性骨架片剂 增加黏度,减低扩散速度:液体制剂和注射剂 制成植入剂 制成药树脂:解离型药物 制成W/O型乳剂
其他:如海苯索、丙戍酸钠、盐酸二甲双胍、 氯化钾、硫酸亚铁
骨架型(缓释骨架片盐酸普萘洛尔) 膜控型(缓释胶囊,内装小丸,膜控释,如5-单硝 酸异山梨酯) 渗透泵型(沙丁胺醇控释片) 植入型(十八甲基炔诺酮) 透皮给药系统(硝酸甘油透皮贴剂) 脉冲式释药系统或自调式释药系统(迟释制 剂)(异博定) 缓释颗粒、小丸、微囊压制片(盐酸曲马多片)
• ( 1 )包衣: 将药物小丸或片剂用阻滞材 料包衣。 • 可以一部分小丸不包衣,另一部分小丸分 别包厚度不等的衣层,包衣小丸的衣层崩 解或溶解后,其释药特性与不包衣小丸相 同。阻滞材料有肠溶材料和水不溶性高分 子材料。
血药浓度 A B C
A: 不包衣小丸 B: 包较薄衣层的小 丸 C: 包较厚衣层的小 丸 T: A,B,C相加的血药 浓度-时间曲线 示意
缓释制剂:指口服药物在规定溶剂中, 按要求缓慢地非恒速释放,且每日用药次数 与相应普通制剂比较至少减少一次或用药间 隔有所延长的制剂。 控释制剂:指口服药物在规定溶剂中, 按要求缓慢地恒速或接近恒速释放,且每日 用药次数与相应普通制剂比较至少减少一次 或用药间隔有所延长的制剂。
第31卷 第1期2024年1月Vol.31, No.1Jan.2024油 气 地 质 与 采 收 率Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency 气井定产量和变产量弹性二相法的通式及应用陈元千,刘洋,王鑫(中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083)摘要:对于受封闭边界控制的气体流动,当气井完成试气和关井取得原始地层压力之后,若以某稳定产量开井生产,测试的井底流压的压降曲线,根据压力动态的变化特征,可划分为非稳态阶段、过渡阶段和拟稳态阶段。
本文基于陈元千提出的压力一次方、压力平方和拟压力表示的定产量弹性二相法,以及基于Blasingame 提出的压力一次方表示的变产量弹性二相法,分别建立了气井定产量和变产量弹性二相法的通式。
关键词:气井;定产量;变产量;拟压力;压力一次方;压力平方;弹性二相法文章编号:1009-9603(2024)01-0072-06DOI :10.13673/j.pgre.202307027中图分类号:TE32+8文献标识码:AThe general formula and application for the elastic two-phasemethod with stable and variable rate of gas wellsCHEN Yuanqian ,LIU Yang ,WANG Xin(Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration Development , PetroChina , Beijing City , 100083, China )Abstract : For the gas flow controlled by the closed boun&dary , after the completion of gas testing and shut-in to obtain the origi ‐nal formation pressure , the pressure draw down curves can be divided into three stages : unsteady state , transit state and pseudo-steady state. The pseudo-steady state is called elastic two-phase state , and the pressure within the well control range of the elastic two-phase state decreases at a constant velocity. This article established the general formulas for the stable rate and variable rate elas ‐tic two-phase method of gas wells , based on the stable rate elastic two-phase method represented by pressure first power , pressure square and pseudo pressure proposed by Chen Yuanqian , and the variable rate elastic two-phase method represented by pressure first power proposed by Blasingame. The practical application shows that the general formula provided in this paper are practical and ef ‐fective.Key words : gas well ;stable rate ;variable rate ;pseudo-pressure ;pressure one power ;pressure squared ;elastic two-phase method弹性二相法又称为拟稳态法(Pseudo-Steady-State Method )或气藏探边测试法(Reservoir Limit Testing Method )。
ANSYS Fluent重叠网格技术介绍
• 理论介绍
✓ 重叠网格的拓扑 ✓ 重叠网格的连接性 ✓ 重叠网格的设置与诊断
• 设置推荐 • 功能支持与限制 • 案例展示
• Connect cell zones by interpolating cell data in overlapping regions
✓ Different from standard non-conformal (face zone) interfaces
• Sufficient mesh overlap is important • Enables:
✓ Structured mesh around individual parts ✓ Part swapping ✓ Moving cell zones without having to use re-meshing or smoothing β
• Grid Pris some control over the overlap minimization ✓ Meshes with higher grid priority are favored during the minimization
• The Overset technique has an important topological constrain
✓ Physical boundaries (e.g. walls, inlets, outlets symmetries etc.) are not allowed to intersect with each other
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:电子信息系专业:通信工程班级:B090310姓名:王海涛学号:B09031018外文出处:annul reviews附件: 1.原文; 2.译文2013年06月Signal generatorSignal generator is refers to produce the parameters of electric testing signal equipment. According to the signal waveform, the function can be divided into sine signal (waveform) signal, pulse signal and random signal generator and so on four categories. Signal generator also called source or oscillator, in production practice and science and technology has been widely used in the field. Various waveform curve can be represented with trigonometric function equation. Can produce various waveform, such as triangle wave, sawtooth wave, rectangle wave (including square wave), sine wave of the circuit is called a function signal generator.Also known as the signal generator, which is used to produce specific parameters required for the circuit being measured electric testing signal. In testing, research, or adjust the electronic circuits and devices, measurement circuit of some electric parameters, such as measuring the frequency response, noise coefficient, for voltmeter, etc, are required to conform to the conditions set by the technology of electrical signals, to simulate a used in the actual work of excitation signal of the device under test. When the requirement of system steady state characteristics of the measurement, need to use sine signal source of known amplitude and frequency. When the transient characteristics of the testing system, and to use front time, pulse width and repetition period known rectangular pulse source. And the parameters of the signal source output signal, such as frequency, waveform, the output voltage, or power, can under certain ?Working principle of the signal generatorSignal generator is used to produce frequency of 20 hz ~ 200 KHZ sine signal (low frequency). Besides has the voltage output, and power output. So the usage is very wide, can be used for testing or repair a variety of electronic instruments and equipment in the frequency characteristic of the low frequency amplifier, gain, passband, also can be used for outer modulation signal of high frequency signal generator. In addition, electronic voltmeter in calibration, it can provide ac voltage signal. Low-frequency signal generator: the principle of the system including the main vibration level, the main vibration output adjustment potentiometer, voltage amplifier, attenuator, power amplifier and output impedance converter (output transformer) and instructs the voltmeter.Main vibration level low frequency sinusoidal oscillation signals, the voltage amplifier amplification, to achieve the requirement of the output voltage amplitude, the attenuator can be directly output voltage output, with the main vibration output adjustment potentiometer to adjust the size of the output voltage.Signal generator is introducedSine signal generator: sine signal is mainly used in the measuring circuit and frequency characteristic of the system, the nonlinear distortion, gain and sensitivity, etc. According to the frequency range can be divided into low-frequency signal generator, high-frequency signal generator and the microwave signal generator; According to the output level can be adjusted the scope and degree of stability can be divided into simple signal generator (signal) and standard signal generator (attenuation to the output power can be accurately - 100 decibels below milliwatts) and power signal generator (output power up to tens of milliwatts); Way frequency change into tuner type signal generator, frequency sweep signal generator, program-controlled signal generator and frequency synthesis type signal generator, etc.Low frequency signal generator: this includes audio (200 ~ 20000 hz) and video (1 hz ~ 10 MHz) range of sine wave generator. Main vibration level generally use RC oscillator, difference frequency oscillator is also available. For ease of testing system frequency characteristic and asked for peace amplitude-frequency characteristic waveform distortion.High frequency signal generator, frequency of 100 KHZ to 30 MHZ frequency, VHF signal generator of 30 ~ 300 MHZ. General use LC tuned oscillator, frequency can be read by tuning capacitor dial scale. Main purpose is to measure all the receiver technology indicators. Output signal is available internally or with the low-frequency sine amplitude modulation or frequency modulation signal, the output frequency voltage can decay to microvolt under 1.The output signal level can accurate readings, adjustable amplitude or frequency can also be used for electricity meter reading. In addition, the instrument and to prevent leakage signal of good shielding.Standard signal generatorMicrowave signal generator: from decimeter wave to millimeter wave band of the signal generator. Signal is usually by uhf triode with distribution parameters of the resonator and the reflex klystron, but has gradually be microwave transistor, field effect tube and gunn diode solid-state devices to replace the trend. Instrumentsgenerally rely on mechanical tuning cavity to change frequency, each covering one octave, signal power is general by cavity coupling can be up to 10 milliwatts. Simple signal source requires only can add 1000 HeFang wave amplitude modulation, while standard signal generator will output a benchmark level adjustment to one milliwatt, again from the back with the attenuator db milliwatts of the readout signal value; Must also have internal or with rectangular pulse amplitude modulation, in order to test the radar receiver.Frequency sweep and program-controlled signal generator, frequency sweep signal generator can produce constant amplitude, frequency, in limited within the scope of linear change signal. In hf and VHF frequency scanning voltage or current control oscillation circuit components (such as a varactor tube or core coil) to implement the frequency sweep oscillator; In microwave paragraph early use voltage tuning frequency sweep, use change the backward wave pipe spiral electrode of the dc voltage to change the oscillation frequency, then widely used magnetic tuning frequency sweep, YIG ferrite ball for microwave solid oscillator tuning circuit, by scanning current control dc magnetic field changes the resonance frequency of the ball. Frequency sweep signal generator with automatic sweep, hand control, process control and remote control, etc.Frequency synthesis type signal generator: this signal generator is not produced by the oscillator directly, but rather serve as standard frequency source with high stability crystal oscillator, frequency synthesis technology is used to form the arbitrary frequency of the signal, is the same as the standard frequency source frequency accuracy and stability. Output signal frequency according to decimal Numbers often go, highest can reach 11 digital high resolution. Frequency except by manual selection can also be programmed control and remote control, also can be carried out step magnitude frequency sweep, is suitable for automatic test system. Direct frequency synthesizer by addition, multiplication, crystal oscillator, filter and amplification circuit, frequency transformation rapidly but complicated circuits, high output frequency can reach around 1000 MHZ. Use morer indirect frequency .Function generator, also called waveform generator. It can produce certain cyclical time function waveform (mainly sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave and pulse wave, etc.). Frequency range can be from a few hz JiWei hz ultra-low frequency until even tens of megahertz. Except for communications, instrumentation and automatic control system test, also widely used in othernon-electric measurement field. One method of figure 2 to generate the waveform, the integral circuit and a certain threshold switching circuit with hysteresis characteristics, such as Schmitt trigger is connected into a loop, integrator can square integral into triangle wave. Schmitt circuit and can make a triangle wave rises to a certain threshold or fall into another threshold jump to form a square wave, frequency division can along with the integrator of the RC value of the variable .Pulse signal generator: width, amplitude and repetition frequency adjustable rectangular pulse generator, can be used to test the transient response of linear systems, or use the analog signal to test the radar, road and other performance of the pulse number system. Pulse generator is mainly composed of master oscillator, delay, pulse forming stage, output stage and attenuator etc. Master oscillator circuit for harmonic oscillator, usually in addition to outside the self-excited oscillation, the main work according to the trigger mode. Usually after additional trigger signal output a front-facing first trigger pulse, in order to trigger the oscilloscope observation instrument, in advance and then after a period of delay time is adjustable to output the signal pulse, the width can be adjusted. Some can output pairs of main pulse, ?Random signal generator: random noise signal generator and the pseudo random signal generator can be divided into two kinds of signal generator.Noise signal generator: completely random signal is within the working frequency band with uniform white noise spectrum. Commonly used white noise generator are: working at 1000 MHz saturated diode type of coaxial system under white noise generator; Microwave gas discharge tube waveguide system used in white noise generator; Using the noise of the crystal diode reverse current solid-state (can work under 18 GHz) across the spectrum, etc. The intensity of the noise generator output must be known, usually with the output noise power over the resistor thermal noise decibels (referred to as the s/n ratio) or by their noise temperature. With white noise as input signals, for example, and measure the output of the network signal and the input signal of the cross-correlation function, you can get the impulse response function of the networkSignal generator applicationsSignal generator also called source or oscillator, in production practice and science and technology has been widely used in the field. Various waveform curve can be represented with trigonometric function equation. Can produce various waveform, such as triangle wave, sawtooth wave, rectangle wave (including squarewave), sine wave of the circuit is called a function signal generator.Function signal generator in circuit experiment and test equipment has the very wide range of USES. In communications, broadcasting and television system, for example, require rf (radio frequency), the radio frequency wave is the carrier, the audio frequency (low frequency), to carry out or pulse signal, video signal needs to be able to produce high-frequency oscillator.In industry, agriculture, biomedical and other fields, such as the high frequency induction heating, melting, quenching, ultrasonic diagnosis, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging, etc., all need power or big or small, frequency or high or low of the oscillator.信号发生器信号发生器是指产生所需参数的电测试信号的仪器。
What is Bayesian classification?
Bayesian classification is based on Bayes theorem
Bayesian classifiers have exhibited high accuracy and fast speed when applied to large databases
Classification vs. Regression
Classification predicts categorical class labels Prediction Regression models continuous-valued functions, i.e. predicts numerical values
Two step process of prediction (I)
Step 1: Construct a model to describe a training set
• the set of tuples used for model construction is called training set • the set of tuples can be called as a sample (a tuple can also be called as a sample) • a tuple is usually called an example (usually with the label) or an instance (usually without the label) • the attribute to be predicted is called label Training algorithm
A安培ampere安装,固定mount安装install按键开关key switchB把…转换为…convert…into…百分比percentage摆动swing半导体semiconductor磅,平方英寸psi保险丝,熔断器fuse 爆炸explosion备用,备份back-up备用standby泵,泵入pump比值比率ratio避雷lightning shielding避雷器lightning arrester编组的marshalling变电站substation变更modification变换转换convert变压器transformer变压器油箱tank变质老化,变坏deterioration 标称电压nominal voltage标么值per unit system冰雪sleet并联补偿shunt compensation不带电的deenergized不可接受的unacceptable不可预见的unpredictable 不足的insufficient布置layout布置安装arrangement步骤措施procedure部分componentC参考坐标reference frame 槽slot测定determine插座receptacle差分保护differential protection 超出exceed持续不断的sustained尺寸,方面dimension 冲击shock冲击式水轮机impulse turbine 臭氧ozone除尘器precipitator触电死亡electrocute 传导电流conduction current 传动轴,轴shaft传输delivery传输电平transmission level 串联补偿series compensation串联绕组series winding瓷绝缘子porcelain insulator 磁场field磁场magnetic field磁芯,铁心core磁性灭弧magnetic blowout 磁滞损耗hysteresis loss 粗略的rough淬火,熄quenchingD大坝,水坝dam 大功率容量bulk—power 大体上substantially大致的approximately带电energize带电导体live conductor 弹簧spring挡板barrier导电率c onductivity等面积equal-area等效电路equivalent circuit 低熔点low-melting-point 低位差low head抵消作用cancellation effect底座footing地线ground wire典型的typical电磁力electromagnetic 电功率electric power电弧are电解electrolysis电抗capacitance电抗reactance电缆管,输水管raceway电离,游离ionization 电离ionize电离反应ionizing effect 电力系统power system电流current电流表ammeter电流互感器current transformer 电能electric energy电势potential电压表voltmeter电压不足undervoltage电压互感器potential transformer 电压应力voltage stress电源power source电晕corona电阻resistance电阻率resistivity定子stator动触头moving contact动能kinetic energy动态模型dynamic model短持续时间short—duration短路short circuit断开break up断路器breaker断路器件circuit breaker断续器interrupter堆积云cumulus clouds对称的,均匀的symmetrical对流convectionE额定功率rating二次绕组secondary windingF发电机generator阀valve反应堆reactor非峰期off—peak废气exhaust分段section分接tap分解decomposition分离的parting峰荷peak—load伏特volt幅值, 量值, 振幅magnitude辐射状的radial辐射状系统radial system辐条型的spoked辅助的auxiliary 负荷密度load density负载load附着物attachment复杂的complicatedG感抗inductance干扰,妨碍interference高度海拔elevation高幅值的high—magnitude高位差high head隔离开关disconnect switch给…馈电feed更新update公用绕组common winding功率平衡power balance 构件组件member估算rate故障fault关闭,断开switch out惯性inertia惯性矩moment of inertia光电效应photovoltaic effect锅炉boiler过热器superheaterH行波traveling-wave核反应堆nuclear reactor核燃料fissionable material恒定的constant横臂cross-arm互联interconnection户外的open—air环网系统loop system黄铜brass火花放电隙spark gap火线lineJ击穿breaking down击穿strike机械功率mechanical power机械力mechanical force基本负荷base-loading激发initiate级联,串列连接tandem 极,电极pole极大地,剧烈的intense 极性polarity极性变换reversal几分之一 a fraction of技术要求specification继电器relay加长lengthen架空电缆overhead cable尖部,端部,小费tip间隔,距离interval 间隙clearance监视监视仪monitor减轻a lleviate建立establish交流发电机alternator焦化charring角动量angular momentum角速度angular velocity绞合的stranded接触contact节约的sparingly结合混合combine截面cross section介电强度dielectric strength介电系数k-factor介质agent金属波纹管metal bellows金属的metallic紧急情况emergency静触头stationary contact静电的electrostatic局部in local regions局部过热local overheating 巨大的enormous聚乙烯polyethylene绝缘insulation绝缘带tape绝缘漆insulating varnish绝缘体,绝缘的dielectric 绝缘子insulator绝缘子串insulator stringK开关设备switchgear 开路open—circuit抗拉张的tensile可靠性reliability可裂变的fissionable空隙voidL雷电lightning雷击lightning stroke离心力centrifugal force离子偶ion—pair理想的desirable力矩torque励磁电流field current 连接的关联的associated联机,联网点on—line 两重的duplicate临界的,极限的critical 临近处vicinity零序电流zero sequence current另外in addition漏磁通leakage flux漏电creepage炉膛,燃烧室furnace裸导线bare conductorM埋地电缆underground cable 灭弧的arc-suppressing 民用的residential敏感的susceptible模拟计算机analog computer磨煤机mill 磨煤机pulverizer末端的终端的terminal母联bus—coupler母线busbarN内部的internal内电压internal voltage内燃机internal combustion engine逆弧,再次点燃电弧reignite凝汽器c ondenserO欧姆ohmP排定安排schedule排放release旁路bypass旁路位移电流shunt displacement current 配电盘,开关屏switchboard配电网distribution network配电线路distribution circuit喷管nozzle喷溅喷洒spray频闪仪stroboscope平方square平衡状态equilibrium state平均负荷average load破坏性因素destructive agency破裂ruptureQ启动initiation启动装置trigger起反应,起反作用react起作用function气泡bubble汽包炉筒drum汽轮发电机turbine—generator汽轮机steam-driven turbine牵线式的guyed切断deenergizes切换transfer氢hydrogen清除clear去离子效应deionizing effect去能deenergizeR燃烧combustion扰动disturbance绕组winding热交换器heat exchanger热效率thermal efficiency人工的手动的manually日负荷曲线daily load—demand curve软导线cord软延长线extension cordsS三相电three—phase三相交流电流three phase alternating current 删除eliminate闪光,发火花flash闪络,飞弧flashover设备appliance设备facility设备外壳enclosure射流jet识别,辨认distinction使成环loop使共振,谐振resonate示意图,方式scheme示意图schematic diagram事故电路removal of fault适用的adaptable室,腔chamber释放,松开断开,trip输出的outgoing输电线transmission line竖向的,垂直的vertical衰减振荡响应damped oscillatory response水电厂hydroelectric power plant水斗式水轮机pelton wheel水库reservoir水龙头kitchen faucet水轮机hydraulic turbine瞬间的momentarily瞬时额定值momentary rating瞬时功率instantaneous power瞬态稳定度transient stability伺服机构,跟踪装置servomechanism随时瞬时from minute to minute所规定的prescribedT炭化char套管bushing特征,特点feature特征特性characteristic替代取代supersede调度员dispatcher调换transpose调节器regulator铁壳的metal-clad停断cease停电outage通风ventilation通风管stack通路corridor同步synchronism 同步转速synchronous speed同时的simultaneous铜损copper loss凸极式转子salient pole rotor 图,简图diagram图解说明illustrate退火annealingW弯曲flex 完全的radically网孔mesh网络系统network system危害damage危险hazard微秒microsecond维修检修maintenance尾水渠tail race稳定的stable稳态条件steady-state condition 涡流eddy current涡流损耗eddy current loss 涡轮机turbine蜗壳spiral casing污染contaminate无法使用的inoperative无功功率表varmeter无论何种原因for any reason 无刷励磁brushless excitation无损失lossless无限长母线infinite busX熄灭extinguish显示测定sense现象phenomena线圈coil线性的linearly相角phase angle相量phasor相邻的adjacent向中心,向内inward谐波的harmonic泄露spilling星形连接wye-connected星型轮spider悬挂suspension旋转转动rotationY烟囱chimney阳极塔positive遥控remote control叶片blade一次绕组primary winding一捆bundle一匝线圈turn已电离的ionized以…速度at…r ate以热离子形式thermionically异常的,不规则的a bnormal 易熔的fusible阴极辉点cathode spot引入的incoming引入线箱service(entrance) box应用,使用application永久的permanent用电设备utilization equipment油浸纸介质oil-impregnated paper有功功率表wattmeter有利的advantageous有气空的porous有时on occasion余量excess与…同相位in phase with预见到anticipate原动机prime云母micaZ匝数比turns ratio再热器reheater在某些情况下in some cases暂时的temporary真空vacuum振荡oscillation蒸发,气化evaporate蒸馏extract正极阳极anode正弦波sinusoid正弦的sinusoidal正弦稳态sinusoidal steady state支撑结构supporting structure直径diameter直流交流回路dc/ac circuit值得考虑的相当大的considerable值守值班station滞后lag置入,嵌入embed中间的intermediate中性点, 中性线neutral重合闸reclosing重要的主要的significant周围periphery轴axis转而。
缓释、控释制剂 Sustained and Controlled Release ...
4.影响药物释放的因素: (1)半透膜的厚度:越厚越慢。 (2)半透膜的渗透性:与膜的孔隙率有关,孔隙率越大, 越有利于水的渗透。 (3)片芯处方:渗透活性物质浓度越高,渗透压越大。 (4)释药小孔直径:越小,释药慢,反之则快。 (5)片剂的大小:越大,释药越快。 5.特点 (1)只要膜内药物维持饱和溶液状态,则以零级速率恒定 释放药物。理论上药物的释放与药物的性质无关。 (2)体内外相关性好。 (3)材料易得,工艺简单,但激光打孔设备较昂贵。
骨架型 不溶性骨架片 亲水性骨架片 溶蚀性骨架片 水不溶性膜包衣片 微孔膜包衣片 渗透泵片
(1)对半衰期短或需要频繁给药的药物,可减少给药次数,提高病人的服 药顺应性。 (2)可使血药浓度平稳,避免峰谷现象有利于降低药物的毒付作用,特别 对于治疗指数较窄的药物,制成缓释、控释制剂可保证用的安全性与有 效性。 (3)可减少药物的总剂量,采用比普通制剂更小的剂量而达到更好的治疗 效果等。
dC k D A(C s Ct ) dt
公式中dC/dt:溶解速度;kD:溶解速度常数;A:表面 积;Cs:药物的饱和溶解度;Ct:药物的浓度。
方法: 1.以缓慢的溶蚀(或溶解)材料制成骨架型 或包衣型片剂、小丸及颗粒。 2.降低药物的溶解度或溶出速率,
二、扩散速率控制 (Control the rate of diffusion )
2.控释制剂(controlled-release preparations):药物能够在预定时间内,以预 定的速率释放,使血药浓度长时间维持在有效浓度 范围内的一类制剂。
1、Prefix/ suffix/ root前缀决定意义后缀决定词性2、词以类记,场景词汇分类动物类/人类发展史类/教育旅游交通/结构建筑/医疗卫生/自然环境/社科类/管理类/艺术类3、读写记忆法、拼读记忆法Mesmerize v. 吸引、迷住Mesmerizing adj. 迷人的、引人注意的AttractiveFascinatingAbsorbEye-catchingCaptivatingConcentrateCon: 1.together 2.fullyCentr: 中心Ate: v后缀Tact: touch4、Repeat-ant n. 表人AssistantAttendantContestantApplicantParticipantInhabitant inhabit=dwell(dwelling住所dweller居民)Descendant 子孙后代offspringComplainant 原告Defendant 被告★Not only…but also, and such the benefits as … and …Fabulous adj. 难以置信的;传说的;寓言中的;极好的Descend 上升ascend 下降Defend 1、保卫;2、防御;3、辩护Immigrant emigrant emigrationIssue > problemcurrently 现今more currently 最新asylum=refugee难民refuge v. 避难persecution 迫害★1st is …, followed by …-al,adj. 属于…的,具有…性质的Personal peoples 民族Interpersonal relationship 人与人之间的关系Parental 父母的maternal 母亲的paternal 父亲的Indulgence 放纵溺爱v. indulge 放纵Regional affairs 地区争端尤其、特别、exceptionalExceptionally/ extremely/ particularlyFairly = veryIn the international arena 在当今世界上/在国际舞台上Bungee 蹦极n. 行为、状况DenialBetrayal/ disloyal=unfaithful disloyalty/ traitorUndoubtedly = there is no denying thatJudasYou Judas = you are such a traitor描述:portray / depict / picturePortrayal 绘画self-portrait 自画像More and more = increasingly评估:appraise / assess / evaluate军队:army / troop / militaryEspousal = support public espousal of sthspouse 配偶espouse 支持(n)board school 寄宿学校Appraisal = assessment = evaluation n.RefusalWithdrawal 收回(吵架);撤回(打仗);取钱遭难:disaster / catastrophe / calamity / cataclysmFireplace 壁炉(听力)intact forest 原始森林-in 否定前缀-cyn. 指人或事物的性质、状态、职位、官职、社会阶层EmergencyFluency 流利性accuracy 准确性cy-t n.- adj.Tissue 器官organ 组织复杂:intricacy -ate intricate 描述各种复杂complexity 描述结构复杂(西直门桥)complication 类似人脑反:simplicity谬论:Fallacy 反truth / right fallacious错误的wrong / incorrect / erroneous error n. err v.Tell the right from the wrong 明辨是非Deficiency 缺点、缺乏mentally / physically challenge 心理/生理残疾Intelligence 机密Perpetual 永久的(能源、动力)Permanent 永久的Eternal 永久(感情、精神)Idiocy = foolishness = stupidityBe of + n. > adj.Captaincy rugbyPresidency 总裁、总统、大学校长Fancy chef 主厨chief executive Bankruptcy merge v. 合并、融合merger n. 兼并Infancy / childhood / teenage / youth / middle age / old age senior citizens 老年人Phase 一段时间Intimacy 反estrangement 疏远bosom friends e+n. 使…Intimate adj.Democracy 民主体制demo 前缀人民Autocracy 专制、独裁autonomy 自治Bureaucracy 官僚主义bureau 局bureau of security Aristocracy 贵族(集合名词)Supremacy = paramountcy 至高无上supremeCogency 说服力Efficiency 效率Sufficiency 反deficiency / shortage / insufficiencyProficiency 熟练、驾轻就熟Indecency 猥琐Decency be decently dressed 衣着得体Elegant elegance / cy 长久以来、性质(内)/ 表象(外、偶尔)Ascendancy 优势、优越利弊:Ascendancy / descendancy merits / demerits pros / consPungency 一针见血(文章)Incompetency 不称职的competency 能力Capable / capability 否定前缀:il(l), in(积累), de, im(bmp), un, ir(r), dis,Illegitimacy 不合法、私生Legitimate 合法的Illiteracy 文盲、无知Literature --------literacy n./adj. 有文化的(人)Conspiracy 阴谋、诡计词根spire 1、breath 2、breatheConspire 共谋、协力Aspire = be determined / fervently / ardently / hope / pursue / firmpursue of happiness looking for chase after chase away (驱散)InspireExpire 终止、结束、到期run out 反:unexpiredRespire v. 呼吸respiration 呼吸作用Perspire 出汗(专业)sweat 出汗(口语)per: 表穿过★encouraging / motivating / inspiringEntrepreneurs 创业者、企业家Robustly / strongly / firmly / ferventlyGo to gym = workout = do some exercise进步、提升、提高Enhance / advanceTrigger (n./v.) 扳机;促进推动、激励、激发Spar促进推动、激励、激发Propel促进推动、激励、激发propeller 螺旋桨propellant 推动燃料Simulate evoke provokeGenius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspirationHarp 竖琴pianist violinistCholesterol 胆固醇tissue 器官Respiratory organ 呼吸器官circulatory organ 循环器官blood circulation 血液循环Asthma 哮喘ailment 小恙Fatal 致命的belly 腹部Smallpox 天花Diabetes 糖尿病Influenza 流感Polio 小儿麻痹HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) germ bacteriaContagious / infectious 传染的;感染的Cardiac 心脏的Epidemic 广泛的;流行性的Acute / chronic 急性的/ 慢性的-ious adj. 属于…的;有…性质的ContagiousCurious 好奇的curiosity n. 好奇Contradicious 矛盾的Malicious 恶毒的malicious wordsLaborious 体力劳动的Industrious 勤劳的Spacious 具有空间感的Rebellious 反复无常的rebel 反叛;叛乱Gender 性别shuttle 往返shuttle hours 通勤时间shuttle bus 通勤车space shuttle 宇宙飞船monotonous 单调的daily-routined 单调的constellation 星座Pluto 冥王星dem(o) = people 人民epidemic / pandemic 传染的;流行的/ 广泛流行的pan:泛democrat 民主主义者autocrat 独裁者monocracy / monocrat 独裁统治/ 独裁者dictationship / dictator 独裁统治/ 独裁者plutocracy / plutocrat 财阀统治bureaucracy / bureaucrat 官僚统治/ 官僚主义者demagogy 煽动;蛊惑人心demography 人口统计学graph = gram 写;画;记;图形★according to the graph / gramDemographyPhotography 摄影;摄影术Autograph 手稿Biography 传记;自传bio 与生命相关essays 散文集Dissertation 毕业论文Historiography 编史工作Pseudograph 冒名作品pseudo 前缀: fake pseudoname 笔名艺名Monograph 专题论文;著作Chronograph 计时器Seismograph 地动仪Potential 潜伏的Chron 词根时Chronic latency / latent period 潜伏期Synchronic 同时发生synchronical synchronically syn : 同义词Chronicle 编年史Chronicler 写编年史的人Chronolgy 年代学-logy 学、论、法Methodology 方法论Climatology 气象学Oceanology 海洋学Mineralogy 矿产学Etymology 昆虫学tropical rainforest; subtropical; submarine; subsidy (政府)补贴;津贴Dialectology 方言学dialect 方言accent 口音Dent = tooth (牙齿) 凹痕Dentist 牙医nursing staff 医院当中工作的人stuff=thingsSurgeon 外科plastic surgeon 整容physician 内科psychiatrist 心理医生Denture 假牙Indented 锯齿状的jagger n. 齿轮Edentate adj. 无齿的;n. 贫齿兽Centipede 蜈蚣decade 十年millennium 千年Dict,dic,doc = say,assert 说话、断言claim reckon 估计、计算Dictate 口授;命令;听写dictation 听写Dictator 发命令者;独裁者Docile 温顺的;易驯服的Document 文件;证书diploma 证书(学位)licenseDocumentary 纪录片horror 恐怖片thriller 惊悚cartoon / amination Dictionary a walking dictionary / skeleton skinningDictum 格言;断言there is a dictum going…Benediction 祝福Malediction 诅咒Contradict v. 反驳;否认the facts contradict his theoryContradiction n. 矛盾;对立Predict = foresee = forecast 预言;预告;预计predictionCord = heartCordial 至诚的cordially = sincerely yours cordially cordiality n. 挚诚;热情Record recorder recordableConcord concordance concordant adj. 和谐;达成一致Discord discordance discordant 不和谐;不一致;不协调Make / reach a concordanceFail to make / reach a concordance a&bDistribution assignment allocation 分配Distributor 分店Dean 系主任CoreCordate 心形的Ate adj. 有…性质的;如…形状的Roseate 玫瑰状的;玫瑰色的PrivateFortunate adj. 幸运的;吉祥的fortune 顺境adversity 逆境adverse adj. 不利的adversary n. 对手considerate 体贴的;考虑周到的considerable 大量的passionate adj. 热情的energetic 有活力的enthusiastic 热情的proportionate 按比例分开proportion 比例percentagereach proportion / percentage ofdeterminate 决定determine a is solely determined by bdeterminant n. 决定性因素/条件abomination 厌恶;憎恨hatred n. create a abomination / hatred between a & b contaminate = make sth dirty = pollutiondiscriminate 分别对待racial discriminate 种族歧视dominate 主导;主宰dominant n. 主导性因素enlighten = illuminate 启迪;启示;启发illuminous the Enlightenment 启蒙运动nominate 推荐;提名nominee 被提名的人(作品)terminate = put sth to an end 终结;结束;终止terminal terminatoranthrop 人类;人anthropology / anthropologist 人类学/ 人类学家philanthropy / philanthropist 慈善的/ 慈善家philanthropic 博爱的benevolence n. 仁慈;善行misanthropy / misanthropist / misanthropic 厌恶人类的phile 爱phobia 对…恐惧mania 对…爱好;狂热maniac 疯子;疯狂的work maniac 工作狂biblio 书bibliography = reference booksbibliophile 热爱书的人bibliophobia 厌恶书的人bibliomania 热爱书的人hydrophobia 恐水症francophobe 厌恶法国Francophile 亲法者japanophile 亲日派bible 圣经cert 确定,确实certainty 必然的事to one degree / extent or another 以这样或那样的程度to some measure 在一定程度上by degrees = graduallyascend / descend by degrees-ty 后缀n. 表性质、情况、状态Specialty 独特/ novelty 新颖/ penalty 酷刑/ subtlety 微妙/ entirely / entire / completely Penalize / punish / punishment / empire / emperor / uncertaintyClin 表趋向Decline / reclineRecline on a sofa / recline against in(on) / recline chairInclinev. 倾向于incline to / towardsI incline to the view that…Incline to do 倾向做assume / assert / maintain / containn. a slop 斜坡inclination~ to / towards do sth for sthCult 耕,培养(精心)CultivateEg: she tries to cultivate an air of sophisticatedSophisticated = skillfulCultivatable 可耕、可养的CultivationCultivator数据走势:An upward trend / climb / grow / surge / upsurge / soar / rocket /rocket highA rocketing high can be found…A downward trend / fall / decline / decrease / drop / reduce / slump / plummet / nose-dive There is a nose-dive…Remain stable / steady / stay / constant / maintain the same level / level out / level offA leveling out can be seen……Consume v. 消失Fluctuate around 波动 a minor 最小值Circumstance = atmosphere = ambience (积极、抽象)-ure n. 行为、结果、状态、情况Departure 离开(closure – conceal / disclosure / reveal)Pleasure with pleasureProcedure : 步骤Sculpture / sculptor 雕像/ 雕塑家Floriculture / floriculturistFlora & fauna = plants & animalsNo big dealNo biggie3 dimensional film dimension n. 规模、维度Sb needs to chill 冷静jail sprinkler 洒水车Cycle 圆、环、轮n. 周期、循环Cyclone / trade wind / typhoon / hurricane / tornado / whirlwind / gale / gust / blizzard / hail / thunderstorm / tempest / downpour / drizzle / droplet / sprinkle / shower / sleet / avalanche / deluge / flood / precipitationReach a precipitation of……Autocycle / motorcycleHemicycleUnicycle / bicycle / tricycleUni- / multi-Unilateral 单边的Multilateral 多边的Multinational = internationMulticentric 多中心的Multistorey 多层的Multi-purpose 事半功倍Bi 双by 侧、旁、非正式、副Byroad / bystreet / bypath 小径By time / pastime by hobby / by workBy name / nicknameBy-effect = side effects by-product by-business 自己是老板biweekly 半月刊/ bimonthly 双月刊/ bisexual / bifacial / bilateraltritriangle trilateral 三边的trinity 三位一体,唯一的神trisection 三等分trigonometry 三角学elite 精英versatile 多才多艺joyous = gayoccasion 机会What’s your favorite……Pastime = 宠物、运动Spirit 精灵-try 学术、行业Chemistry / forestry / geometry / dentistry / merchantry旅游场景Cosmopolitan city / metropolitan city 大都市Cosmopolis / metropolis 大都市Cosmology 宇宙学metro 地下交通Characteristics / features / specialties / properties / traits 特点1.必游之地tourist attraction2.历史文化名城 a world-renowned historic & cultural cityWorldly / corny 世俗的3.故地重游an old haunt worthing a revisitSpinning / haunting 萦绕Trip 短途journey 长途(艰辛)excursion = packer 远足Explorer / treckBon voyage 一路顺风Facility 设施infrastructure 基础设施Chromosome 染色体Protagonist 主人公main characters 主角real estate 房地产交通便利:convenience / expedientelevated highway 高架桥、立交桥bus rapid transit BRT 快轨fast train / bullet train / express train / airport expressmake plans before you goitinerary 计划(旅行)schedule / agenda / timetable / journal / diary / datebook / calendar at the top of the agenda 最重要it = goinitiate / initial / initiation / initiative 1.primary 2.最重要at hand = handy = just around the corner 方便go away / get off / fuck off / piss offvital / significant(有意义) / crucial(关键) / critical(关键) / essential / necessary / indispensable(无可替代)/ irreplaceable / imperative(无可比拟)essence 精华at this very crucial / critical juncture 千钧一发-active 表具有…性质、倾向、作业Affirmative 肯定的Comparative 比较的、相当的Argumentative 争辩的、好辩的argumentations 论证Designative 指定的Shanghai located in the yangze river delta(三角洲)Topography: flood plain(冲积平原) / basin(盆地) / bluff(悬崖) / ridge(山脊)/ gorge(峡) / canyon(峡谷) / waterfall / cascade(小瀑布) / blonde(金发) / highland(高地) / plateau(高原) Ridged 崎岖的entrepreneur 企业家branch 分支、子公司Boast v. 1.sth作主语表拥有;2.sb作主语表夸耀。
城镇供热保温管网系统散热损失现场检测方法1 范围本标准规定了城镇供热保温管网系统散热损失现场检测方法的术语和符号、测试方法、测试分级和使用条件、测试、数据处理、误差分析及测试报告。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 10295 绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定热流计法GB/T 17357 设备及管道绝热层表面热损失现场测定热流计法和表面温度法JJF 1059.1-2012 测量不确定度评定与表示3 术语和符号下列术语和符号适用于本文件。
3.1 术语3.1.1稳定传热 steady heat transfer保温管道绝热结构层内,各点径向温度不随时间而改变的传热过程。
3.1.2热流计法 heat flow meter apparatus method采用热阻式热流传感器(热流测头)和测量指示仪表,直接测量保温管道保温结构径向传热的热流密度测试方法。
3.1.3表面温度法 surface temperature method通过测定保温结构外表面温度、环境温度、风向和风速、表面热发射率及保温结构外形尺寸,计算出其径向传热的热流密度测试方法。
3.1.4温差法 temperature difference method通过测定保温结构各层材料厚度、各层分界面上的温度、以及各层材料在使用温度下的导热系数,计算出保温结构径向传热的热流密度测试方法。
3.1.5热平衡法 heat balance method在管网系统稳定运行工况下,现场测定被测管道的介质流量、管道起点和终点的介质温度和(或)压力,根据焓差法或能量平衡原理,计算该管道的全程散热损失值的方法。
考研英语:词汇accuracy的中文翻译解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“考研英语:词汇accuracy的中文翻译解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯!考研英语:词汇accuracy的中文翻译解析accuracy的中文意思不可数名词:精确度,准确性英语解释(mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a numberthe quality of being near to the true value相似短语accidental accuracy随机精度accuracy and source strength准确度和能源强度accuracy constraint精度约束accuracy distribution精度分配accuracy for vertical control高程控制精度accuracy life精度寿命,精确度寿命accuracy of an instrument仪表准确度accuracy of firing射击准确度accuracy of manufacturing制造精度accuracy of measuring计量准确度相似单词accuracyn.[U]精确度,准确性CCabbr.Carbon Copy, 抄送[域] Cocos Islands , 科科斯群岛Cc共路信令ccabbr. (= cubic centimeter) 立方厘米abbr. (= Carbon Copy) 副本(email中的抄送) methyloccccus甲基球菌属DNCCC=Defense National Communication Control Center国防部国家通信控制中心[美]DRCCC=Defense Regional Communications Control Center 国防通讯分区控制中心[美]beccaccian. [鸟]丘鹬icccm客户间通信约定ICCCM客户间通信约定新单词neritidae怎么翻译及发音n. 蜑螺科snicked是什么意思及用法[ snick ]的过去式plutocratically的中文意思[ plutocracy ]的相关副词[ plutocrat ]的相关副词[ plutocratic ]的相关副词[ plutocratical ]的相关副词4142的中文释义four thousand one hundred and forty two7142什么意思及同义词seven thousand one hundred and forty twomallards是什么意思及反义词[ mallard ]的复数形式2001的中文解释two thousand and onerewires是什么意思及用法[ rewire ]的第三人称单数[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数考研英语:词汇accumulate翻译解析accumulate是什么意思及发音动词及物动词:积累,积聚不及物动词:(数量)逐渐增加,(质量)逐渐提高词形变化时态accumulated,accumulating,accumulates单词分析这些动词均含“积聚,聚集,积累”之意。
2009 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2009 MCM A: Designing a Traffic CircleMany cities and communities have traffic circles—from large ones with many lanes in the circle (such as at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Victory Monument in Bangkok) to small ones with one or two lanes in the circle. Some of these traffic circles position a stop sign or a yield sign on every incoming road that gives priority to traffic already in the circle; some position a yield sign in the circle at each incoming road to give priority to incoming traffic; and some position a traffic light on each incoming road (with no right turn allowed on a red light). Other designs may also be possible.The goal of this problem is to use a model to determine how best to control traffic flow in, around, and out of a circle. State clearly the objective(s) you use in your model for making the optimal choice as well as the factors that affect this choice. Include a Technical Summary of not more than two double-spaced pages that explains to a Traffic Engineer how to use your model to help choose the appropriate flow-control method for any specific traffic circle. That is, summarize the conditions under which each type of traffic-control method should be used. When traffic lights are recommended, explain a method for determining how many seconds each light should remain green (which may vary according to the time of day and other factors). Illustrate how your model works with specific examples.2009 MCM B: Energy and the Cell PhoneThis question involves the “energy” consequences of the cell phone revolution. Cell phone usage is mushrooming涌现, and many people are using cell phones and giving up their landline telephones. What is the consequence of this in terms of electricity use? Every cell phone comes with a battery and a recharger.充电器Requirement 1Consider the current US, a country of about 300 million people. Estimate from available data the number H of households, with m members each, that in the past were serviced by landlines. Now, suppose that all the landlines are replaced by cell phones; that is, each of the m members of the householdhas a cell phone. Model the consequences of this change for electricity utilization使用 in the current US, both during the transition and during the steady state. The analysis should take into account the need for charging索价 the batteries of the cell phones, as well as the fact that cell phones do not last as long as landline phones (for example, the cell phones get lost and break).Requirement 2Consider a second “Pseudo US”—a country of about 300 million people with about the same economic status as the current US. However, this emerging新兴的 country has neither landlines nor cell phones. What is the optimal最理想的 way of providing phone service to this country from an energy perspective观点? Of course, cell phones have many social consequences and uses that landline phones do not allow. A discussion of the broad明显的 and hidden隐藏的 consequences of having only landlines, only cell phones, or a mixture of the two is welcomed.Requirement 3Cell phones periodically定期的 need to be recharged.充电 However, many people always keep their recharger plugged 塞in. Additionally, many people charge their phones every night, whether they need to be recharged or not. Model the energy costs of this wasteful practice for a Pseudo US based upon your answer to Requirement 2.Assume that the Pseudo US supplies electricity from oil. Interpret 解释your results in terms of 就……而言barrels桶 of oil.Requirement 4Estimates vary on the amount of energy that is used by various recharger types (TV, DVR, computer peripherals, and so forth) when left plugged in but not charging the device.充电器插着单没用来给手机充电Use accurate data to model the energy wasted by the current US in terms of barrels of oil per day.Requirement 5Now consider population and economic growth over the next 50 years. How might a typical Pseudo US grow? For each 10 years for the next 50 years, predict the energy needs for providing phone service based upon your analysis in the first three requirements. Again, assume electricity is provided from oil. Interpret your predictions in term of barrels of oil.2008 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2008 MCM A: Take a BathConsider the effects on land from the melting of the north polar ice cap due to the predicted increase in global temperatures. Specifically, model the effects on the coast of Florida every ten years for the next 50 years due to the melting,with particular attention given to large metropolitan areas. Propose appropriate responses to deal with this. A careful discussion of the data used is an important part of the answer.2008 MCM B: Creating Sudoku数独 PuzzlesDevelop an algorithm演算法 to construct 构造Sudoku puzzles 困惑of varying difficulty.Develop metrics公尺的 to define a difficulty level. The algorithm and metrics should be extensible 可扩充的to a varying number of difficulty levels.You should illustrate阐明 the algorithm with at least 4 difficulty levels.Your algorithm should guarantee a unique solution.Analyze the complexity复杂度 of your algorithm. Your objective目标 should be to minimize the complexity of the algorithm and meet the above requirements.2007 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2007 MCM A: Gerrymandering选区不公正的重新划分Gerrymandering The United States Constitution宪法 provides that the House of Representatives shall be composed of 由什么组成some number (currently 435) of individuals who are elected from each state in proportion比例 to the state’s population relative相应的,成比例的 to that of the country as a whole. While this provides a way of determining how many representatives 州议员each state will have, it says nothing about how the district行政区,辖区 represented by a particular 特定的representative shall be determined geographically. This oversight疏忽出错 has led to egregious 极坏的(at least some people think so, usually not the incumbent) district shapes 情况that look “unnatural” by some standards. 标准Hence the following question: Suppose you were given the opportunity to draw congressional美国国会的 districts for a state. How would you do so as a purely纯粹的“baseline”基准线 exercise to create the “simplest” shapes for all the districts in a state?The rules include only that each district in the state must contain the same population. The definition of “simple” is up to you; but you need to make a convincing 令人信服的argument论据 to voters选举人 in the state that your solution is fair公平的. As an application应用 of your method, draw 草拟制定geographically地理上的 simple congressional districts for the state of New York.2007 MCM B: The Airplane Seating ProblemAirlines are free to seat passengers waiting to board上飞机 an aircraft in any order whatsoever无论什么. It has become customary习惯上的 to seat passengers with special needs first, followed by first-class 头等的passengers (who sit at the front of the plane). Then coach and business-class passengers are seated by groups of rows, beginning with the row at the back of the plane and proceeding行进 forward.Apart from consideration 考虑的事of the passengers’ wait time, from the airline’s point of view, time is money, and boarding time is best minimized. The plane makes money for the airline only when it is in motion,运转 and long boarding times limit the number of trips航行 that a plane can make in a day.The development of larger planes, such as the Airbus A380 (800 passengers), accentuate更突出 the problem of minimizing boarding (and deboarding) time.Devise想出 and compare procedures步骤 for boarding and deboarding planes with varying numbers of passengers: small (85–210), midsize (210–330), and large (450–800).Prepare an executive 执行的summary, not to exceed超出 two single-spaced pages, in which you set out your conclusions to an audience of airline executives, gate agents,代理人 and flight crews. 工作人员An article appeared in the NY Times Nov 14, 2006 addressing procedures currently当前 being followed and the importance to the airline of finding better solutions. The article can be seen at:/2006/11/14/business/14boarding.html2006 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2006 MCM A: Positioning and Moving Sprinkler 洒水器Systems for Irrigation灌溉There are a wide variety of techniques available for irrigating a field. The technologies range from advanced drip洒下 systems to periodic 周期性的flooding. One of the systems that is used on smaller ranches is the use of “hand move” irrigation systems. Lightweight 轻量的aluminum 铝pipes 输送管with sprinkler洒水器 heads are put in place across fields, and they are moved by hand at periodic 周期性的intervals距离to insure that the whole field receives an adequate amount of water. This type of irrigation system is cheaper and easier to maintain 维修than other systems. It is also flexible, allowing for use on a wide variety of fields and crops. The disadvantage is that it requires a great deal of time and effort to move and set up the equipment at regular intervals. 距离Given that this type of irrigation system is to be used, h ow can it be configured 安装to minimize the amount of time required to irrigate a field that is 80 meters by 30 meters? F or this task you are asked to find an algorithm算法 to determine how to irrigate the rectangular矩形的field that minimizes the amount of time required by a rancher农场工人to maintain the irrigation system.One pipe输送管 set is used in the field. You should determine the number of sprinklers洒水器 and the spacingbetween sprinklers, and you should find a schedule计划表 to move the pipes, including where to move them.A pipe set consists of a number of pipes that can be connected together in a straight line. Each pipe has a 10 cm inner diameter直径 with rotating 转动spray喷雾器 nozzles 管嘴that have a 0.6 cm inner diameter. When put together the resulting pipe is 20 meters long. At the water source, the pressure is 420 Kilo- Pascal’s and has a flow rate of 150 liters per minute. No part of the field should receive more than 0.75 cm per hour of water, and each part of the field should receive at least 2 centimeters厘米 of water every 4 days. The total amount of water should be applied as uniformly相同地 as possible.2006 MCM B: Wheel Chair Access at AirportsOne of the frustrations失败 with air travel is the need to fly through multiple多路的 airports, and each stop generally requires each traveler to change to a different airplane. This can be especially difficult for people who are not able to easily walk to a different flight's waiting area. One of the ways that an airline can make the transition easier is to provide a wheel chair and an escort 护卫队to those people who ask for help. It is generally known well in advance which passengers require help, but it is not uncommon to receive notice when a passenger first registers 注册at the airport. In rare instances an airline may not receive notice from a passenger until just prior 在先前的to landing.Airlines are under constant pressure to keep their costs down. Wheel chairs wear out and are expensive and require maintenance.维修费 There is also a cost for making the escorts护卫队 available. Moreover, wheel chairs and their escorts must be constantly moved around the airport so that they are available to people when their flight lands. In some large airports the time required to move across the airport is nontrivial. The wheel chairs must be stored somewhere, but space is expensive and severely 严重地limited in an airport terminal.总站 Also, wheel chairs left in high traffic areas represent a liability责任 risk as people try to move around them. Finally, one of the biggest costs is the cost of holding a plane if someone must wait for an escort and becomes late for their flight. The latter cost is especially troubling because it can affect the airline's average flight delay which can lead to fewer ticket sales as potential customers may choose to avoid an airline.Epsilon Airlines has decided to ask a third party to help them obtain a detailed详细的 analysis of the issues and costs of keeping and maintaining wheel chairs and escorts available for passengers. Theairline needs to find a way to schedule the movement of wheel chairs throughout each day in a cost effective way. They also need to find and define the costs for budget planning in both the short and long term.Epsilon Airlines has asked your consultant group to put together a bid 索价to help them solve their problem. Your bid should include an overview 概要and analysis of the situation to help them decide if you fully understand their problem. They require a detailed description of an algorithm that you would like to implement which can determine where the escorts and wheel chairs should be and how they should move throughout each day. The goal is to keep the total costs as low as possible. Your bid is one of many that the airline will consider. You must make a strong case as to why your solution is the best and show that it will be able to handle a wide range of airports under a variety of circumstances.Your bid should also include examples of how the algorithm would work for a large (at least 4 concourses), a medium (at least two concourses), and a small airport (one concourse) under high and low traffic loads. You should determine all potential costs and balance their respective weights. Finally, as populations begin to include a higher percentage of older people who have more time to travel but may require more aid, your report should include projections of potential costs and needs in the future with recommendations建议 to meet future needs.2005 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2005 MCM A: Flood PlanningLake Murray in central South Carolina is formed by a large earthen dam, 水坝which was completed in 1930 for power production.Model the flooding downstream 顺流的,下游的in the event there is a catastrophic灾难的earthquake that breaches破坏 the dam.Two particular questions:Rawls Creek is a year-round stream that flows into the Saluda River a short distance downriver 下游的from the dam. How much flooding will occur in Rawls Creek from a dam failure,and how far back will it extend?Could the flood be so massive大规模的 downstream that water would reach up to the S.C. State Capitol Building, which is on a hill overlooking the Congaree River?2005 MCM B: Tollbooths收费站Heavily-traveled toll roads such as the Garden State Parkway, Interstate 95, and so forth, are multi-lane divided 分开的highways that are interrupted at intervals距离 by toll通行费 plazas.广场 Because collecting tolls is usually unpopular, it is desirable 向往的to minimize 使减到最小motorist车主 annoyance恼怒 by limiting the amount of traffic disruption中断 caused by the toll plazas. Commonly, a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza. Upon根据 entering the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles运载工具 fans out to the larger number of tollbooths, and when leaving the toll plaza, the flow of vehicles is required to squeeze 压缩back down to a number of travel lanes equal to the number of travel lanes before the toll plaza. Consequently,结果 when traffic is heavy, congestion拥挤 increases upon departure离开 from the toll plaza. When traffic is very heavy, congestion also builds at the entry to the toll plaza because of the time required for each vehicle to pay the toll.Make a model to help you determine the optimal最理想的 number of tollbooths to deploy使展开 in a barrier关口-toll plaza. Explicitly 明确地consider the scenario局面 where there is exactly one tollbooth per incoming travel lane.Under what conditions is this more or less effective than the current practice?Note that the definition of “optimal” is up to you to determine.2004 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2004 MCM A: Are Fingerprints Unique?It is a commonplace belief that the thumbprint of every human who has ever lived is different. Develop and analyze a model that will allow you to assess the probability that this is true. Compare the odds (that you found in this problem) of misidentification by fingerprint evidence against the odds of misidentification by DNA evidence.2004 MCM B: A Faster QuickPass System“QuickPass” systems are increasingly appearing to reduce people's time waiting in line, whether it is at tollbooths, amusement parks, or elsewhere. Consider the design of a QuickPass system for an amusement park. The amusement park has experimented by offering QuickPasses for several popular rides as a test. The idea is that for certain popular rides you can go to a kiosk near that ride and insert your daily park entrance ticket, and out will come a slip that states that you can return to that ride at a specific time later. For example, you insert your daily park entrance ticket at 1:15 pm, and the QuickPass states that you can come back between 3:30 and 4:30 pm when you can use your slip to enter a second, and presumably much shorter, line that will get you to the ride faster. To prevent people from obtaining QuickPasses for several rides at once, the QuickPass machines allow you to have only one active QuickPass at a time. You have been hired as one of several competing consultants to improve the operation of QuickPass. Customers have been complaining about some anomalies in the test system. For example, customers observed that in one instance QuickPasses were being offered for a return time as long as 4 hours later. A short time later on the same ride, the QuickPasses were given for times only an hour or so later. In some instances, the lines for people with Quickpasses are nearly as long and slow as the regular lines.The problem then is to propose and test schemes for issuing QuickPasses in order to increase people's enjoyment of the amusement park. Part of the problem is to determine what criteria to use in evaluating alternative schemes. Include in your report a non-technical summary for amusement park executives who must choose between alternatives from competing consultants2003 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2003 MCM A: The Stunt PersonAn exciting action scene in a movie is going to be filmed, and you are the stunt coordinator! A stunt person on a motorcycle will jump over an elephant and land in a pile of cardboard boxes to cushion their fall. You need to protect the stunt person, and also use relatively few cardboard boxes (lower cost, not seen by camera, etc.).Your job is to:∙determine what size boxes to use∙determine how many boxes to use∙determine how the boxes will be stacked∙determine if any modifications to the boxes would help∙generalize to different combined weights (stunt person & motorcycle) and different jump heightsNote that, in “Tomorrow Never Dies”, the James Bond character on a motorcycle jumps over a helicopter.2003 MCM B: Gamma Knife Treatment PlanningStereotactic radiosurgery delivers a single high dose of ionizing radiation to a radiographically well-defined, small intracranial 3D brain tumor without delivering any significant fraction of the prescribed dose to the surrounding brain tissue. Three modalities are commonly used in this area; they are the gamma knife unit, heavy charged particle beams, and external high-energy photon beams from linear accelerators.The gamma knife unit delivers a single high dose of ionizing radiation emanating from 201 cobalt-60 unit sources through a heavy helmet. All 201 beams simultaneously intersect at the isocenter, resulting in a spherical(approximately) dose distribution at the effective dose levels. Irradiating the isocenter to deliver dose is termed a “shot.” Shots can be represented as different spheres. Four interchangeable outer collimator helmets with beam channel diameters of 4, 8, 14, and 18 mm are available for irradiating different size volumes. For a target volume larger than one shot, multiple shots can be used to cover the entire target. In practice, most target volumes are treated with 1 to 15 shots. The target volume is a bounded, three-dimensional digital image that usually consists of millions of points.The goal of radiosurgery is to deplete tumor cells while preserving normal structures. Since there are physical limitations and biological uncertainties involved in this therapy process, a treatment plan needs to account for all those limitations and uncertainties. In general, an optimal treatment plan is designed to meet the following requirements.1.Minimize the dose gradient across the target volume.2.Match specified isodose contours to the target volumes.3.Match specified dose-volume constraints of the target and criticalorgan.4.Minimize the integral dose to the entire volume of normal tissuesor organs.5.Constrain dose to specified normal tissue points below tolerancedoses.6.Minimize the maximum dose to critical volumes.In gamma unit treatment planning, we have the following constraints:1.Prohibit shots from protruding outside the target.2.Prohibit shots from overlapping (to avoid hot spots).3.Cover the target volume with effective dosage as much as possible.But at least 90% of the target volume must be covered by shots.e as few shots as possible.Your tasks are to formulate the optimal treatment planning for a gamma knife unit as a sphere-packing problem, and propose an algorithm to find a solution. While designing your algorithm, you must keep in mind that your algorithm must be reasonably efficient.2002 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2002 MCM A: Wind and WatersprayAn ornamental fountain in a large open plaza surrounded by buildings squirts water high into the air. On gusty days, the wind blows spray from the fountain onto passersby. The water-flow from the fountain is controlled by a mechanism linked to an anemometer (which measures wind speed and direction) located on top of an adjacent building. The objective of this control is to provide passersby with an acceptable balance between an attractive spectacle and a soaking: The harder the wind blows, the lower the water volume and height to which the water is squirted, hence the less spray falls outside the pool area.Your task is to devise an algorithm which uses data provided by the anemometer to adjust the water-flow from the fountain as the wind conditions change.2002 MCM B: Airline OverbookingYou're all packed and ready to go on a trip to visit your best friend in New York City. After you check in at the ticket counter, the airline clerk announces that your flight has been overbooked. Passengers need to check in immediately to determine if they still have a seat.Historically, airlines know that only a certain percentage of passengers who have made reservations on a particular flight will actually take that flight. Consequently, most airlines overbook-that is, they take more reservations than the capacity of the aircraft. Occasionally, more passengers will want to take a flight than the capacity of the plane leading to one or more passengers being bumped and thus unable to take the flight for which they had reservations.Airlines deal with bumped passengers in various ways. Some are given nothing, some are booked on later flights on other airlines, and some are given some kind of cash or airline ticket incentive.Consider the overbooking issue in light of the current situation: Less flights by airlines from point A to point B Heightened security at and around airports Passengers' fear Loss of billions of dollars in revenue by airlines to dateBuild a mathematical model that examines the effects that different overbooking schemes have on the revenue received by an airline company in order to find an optimal overbooking strategy, i.e., the number of people by which an airline should overbook a particular flight so that the company's revenue is maximized. Insure that your model reflects the issues above, and consider alternatives for handling “bumped”passengers. Additionally, write a short memorandum to the airline's CEO summarizing your findings and analysis2001 年美国大学生数学建模竞赛MCM、ICM 试题2001 MCM A: Choosing a Bicycle WheelCyclists have different types of wheels they can use on their bicycles. The two basic types of wheels are those constructed using wire spokes and those constructed of a solid disk (see Figure 1) The spoked wheels are lighter, but the solid wheels are more aerodynamic. A solid wheel is never used on the front for a road race but can be used on the rear of the bike.Professional cyclists look at a racecourse and make an educated guess as to what kind of wheels should be used. The decision is based on the number and steepness of the hills, the weather, wind speed, the competition, and other considerations. The director sportif of your favorite team would like to have a better system in place and has asked your team for information to help determine what kind of wheel should be used for a given course.Figure 1: A solid wheel is shown on the left and a spoked wheel is shown on the right.The director sportif needs specific information to help make a decision and has asked your team to accomplish the tasks listed below. For each of the tasks assume that the same spoked wheel will always be used on the front but there is a choice of wheels for the rear.∙Task 1. Provide a table giving the wind speed at which the power required for a solid rear wheel is less than for a spoked rear wheel.The table should include the wind speeds for different road grades starting from zero percent to ten percent in one percent increments.(Road grade is defined to be the ratio of the total rise of a hill divided by the length of the road. If the hill is viewed as a triangle, the grade is the sine of the angle at the bottom of the hill.) A rider starts at the bottom of the hill at a speed of 45 kph, and the deceleration of the rider is proportional to the road grade.A rider will lose about 8 kph for a five percent grade over 100meters.∙Task 2. Provide an example of how the table could be used for a specific time trial course.∙Task 3. Determine if the table is an adequate means for deciding on the wheel configuration and offer other suggestions as to how to make this decision.2001 MCM B: Escaping a Hurricane's Wrath (An Ill Wind...)Evacuating the coast of South Carolina ahead of the predicted landfall of Hurricane Floyd in 1999 led to a monumental traffic jam. Traffic slowed to a standstill on Interstate I-26, which is the principal route going inland from Charleston to the relatively safe haven of Columbia in the center of the state. What is normally an easy two-hour drive took up to 18 hours to complete. Many cars simply ran out of gas along the way. Fortunately, Floyd turned north and spared the state this time, but the public outcry is forcing state officials to find ways to avoid a repeat of this traffic nightmare.The principal proposal put forth to deal with this problem is the reversal of traffic on I-26, so that both sides, including the coastal-bound lanes, have traffic headed inland from Charleston to Columbia. Plans to carry this out have been prepared (and posted on the Web) by the South Carolina Emergency Preparedness Division. Traffic reversal on principal roads leading inland from Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head is also planned.A simplified map of South Carolina is shown. Charleston has approximately 500,000 people, Myrtle Beach has about 200,000 people, and another 250,000 people are spread out along the rest of the coastal strip. (More accurate data, if sought, are widely available.)The interstates have two lanes of traffic in each direction except in the metropolitan areas where they have three. Columbia, another metro area of around 500,000 people, does not have sufficient hotel space to accommodate the evacuees (including some coming from farther north by other routes), so some traffic continues outbound on I-26 towards Spartanburg; on I-77 north to Charlotte; and on I-20 east to Atlanta. In 1999, traffic leaving Columbia going northwest was moving only very slowly. Construct a model for the problem to investigate what strategies may reduce the congestion observed in 1999. Here are the questions that need to be addressed:1.Under what conditions does the plan for turning the twocoastal-bound lanes of I-26 into two lanes of Columbia-boundtraffic, essentially turning the entire I-26 into one-way traffic, significantly improve evacuation traffic flow?2.In 1999, the simultaneous evacuation of the state's entire coastalregion was ordered. Would the evacuation traffic flow improve under an alternative strategy that staggers the evacuation, perhaps。
1 无水气井产能方程
态流动的气井产能方程 为 [10]
PR - Pwf = Aq+Bq
軈 軈 -3
ln( 0.472re )+S rw
B= 2.282×10 2
βγg Z軈T
rw h
2 气井产水时产能方程
μg /(mPa·s)
表 2 气藏平均相渗数据表 Table 2 The average relative permeability of gas reservoir
第 22 卷 第 4 期 2010 年 12 月
文 章 编 号 :1673-8926(2010)04-0112-04
Vol.22 No.4 Dec. 2010
吕栋梁1,唐 海1,吕渐江1,马小明2,余贝贝2,汪全林1
(1.西南石油大学石油工程学院; 2.中国石油大港油田分公司勘探开发研究院)
2. 2 气井产水时产能方程的修正
三维双楔面定常超声速流动研究杨旸;滕宏辉;姜宗林【摘要】The shock structures formed by the supersonic flow over three-dimensional intersecting wedges are simplified and analyzed on the two-dimensional characteristic cross section by the pseudo-steady shock wave reflection theory. Three-dimensional Euler equations are solved to validate the analytical results. Numerical results demonstrate that transitional and double Mach reflections, which could not form in two-dimensional steady shock wave reflections, would form for some combinations of wedge angles and inflow Mach numbers in this steady supersonic flow. This phenomenon is analysed in this paper, and combinations of. wedge angles and inflow Mach numbers for different shock wave reflection patterns are solved. Moreover, the effects of the dihedral angle of the corner and the sweep angle of the leading edges are discussed. It is found that the regular-Mach reflection transition in this problem accords with the von Neumann criterion.%将三维对称双楔面上超声速流动形成的定常激波结构简化到二维截面进行分析,利用二维非定常激波楔面反射理论求解该三维激波相互作用结构,并通过求解三维Euler方程对该理论分析结果做出数值模拟验证.数值模拟结果显示,对于双楔面超声速流动,在一定的双楔面倾角和来流马赫数的组合下,三维空间内的定常激波在取定的二维截面上形成了二维定常激波反射中无法形成的过渡马赫反射及双马赫反射等结构.通过理论分析解释了该现象的形成原因,并分析得出了形成不同激波反射结构的楔面倾角和来流马赫数的组合范围.此外,还探讨了两楔面间夹角以及楔面前缘后掠角对该激波反射结构的影响,发现相对于适用于菲定常激波楔面反射的声速准则,该问题中的规则-马赫反射转变更遵循于适用于定常激波反射的von Neumann准则.【期刊名称】《空气动力学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(030)006【总页数】6页(P713-718)【关键词】三维双楔面;超声速流动;激波反射【作者】杨旸;滕宏辉;姜宗林【作者单位】中国科学院力学研究所高温气体动力学重点实验室,北京100190;中国科学院力学研究所高温气体动力学重点实验室,北京100190;中国科学院力学研究所高温气体动力学重点实验室,北京100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O354.30 引言三维双楔面超声速流动是一个具有广泛应用背景的研究问题。
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R2 z Yl + **e
where t, is a characteristic time. If these are substituted into equations (4), (5) and (6) and coefficients of R2/tCD equated, the following sets of equations are obtained, co = A, + B,
solid-fluid chemical reactions, the solid often consists of an unreacted core surrounded by an envelope of reacted material [l-3]. The interface between reacted and unreacted solid moves inward from the particle surface until all of the solid is reacted. The fluid must thus diffuse through the reacted solid region to reach the interface and react. The rigorous mathematical treatment would consist of solving a non-steady state diffusion problem with a moving boundary. Similar equations occur in melting and freezing problems in heat conduction, and it is known that usually only problems involving plane geometry have analytical solutions [4]. Since most reacting systems consist of approximately spherical particles, these solutions are not directly applicable. For this reason, various approximation schemes are necessary for the calculations. One of the most common of these involves the assumption that the rate of movement of the interface is very much slower than the rate of diffusion. In this case, the interface can be taken to be stationary at any time and a steady-state diffusion problem solved to 6nd the concentration profile. The mass flux as found from this expression is then equated to the rate of disappearance of the unreacted solid in order to determine the location of the interface as a function of time. YAGI and KUNII [3], NARSMBAN [5] and LEVBNSPIEL [2] have recently given examples of the use of this method.
Department BISCHOFF
of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas
(Received 1 October 1962; in revisedform 9 May 1963)
Abstract-The problem of heterogeneous solid-fluid chemical reactions with a moving boundary is A better approximation to the commonly treated by means of the pseudo steady state approximation. exact solution has been derived in order to estimate the accuracy of the pseudo steady state method. It is found that for solid-gas systems the pseudo steady state approximation is valid but for solidliquid systems it may be in error.
i a --r2_=_r2ar
acboundary conditions, c(R t) = co, c(r,, r) = 0, (2)
ac (I,, 0 ps dr, __% =.Ddt
An approximate solution can be obtained by the method used by PEKERIS and SLICHTER for ice formation on a cylindrical pipe [7]. The steady state solution of equation (1) is of the form c=A+T
BR A, B constant
This leads one to try the following more general solution,
c = A(t) + -
Equations (8) can be solved, and an expression for Y. found,
dy,+ 1 2y,
- 1 --y1=-2-YO YO- 1
-R2 !+ dv = _ D
D dt
Using the condition that at t = 0, y. = 1, Y, = 0 gives a solution
where y = r,/R. Equations (4), (5), (6), are three simultaneous ordinary differential equations for y(t), A(t) and B(t). Approximate solutions sufficient for our purposes can be obtained by using
Chemical Engineering Science, 1963, Vol. 18, pp. 711-713. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford.
Printed in Great Britain.
Accuracy of the pseudo steady state approximation for moving boundary diffusion problems K. B.
A problem similar to the one just discussed was studied by IQRKALDY [6] who considered the case of diffusion in a system with infinite boundaries. He showed that the pseudo steady state approximation is not valid for the infinite boundary problem. It was also stated that for finite boundaries of characteristic length 1, an approximate steady state is reached after “diffusion time,” 12/D. The purpose of this paper is to approximately solve the full problem in order to get an estimate of the error involved in the pseudo steady state method. We shall assume constant density, no gas-phase resistance, and very rapid chemical reaction rate, although more complex cases could be treated if desired. The diffusion equation becomes for this case [4],
B(t)R + r2A(t) + 3rRB(t) + . .. r 60
t = &(l - 3yg + 2yZ)
where the dots denote a time derivative. It can be shown by direct substitution that equation (3) satisfies equation (1). Using equation (3) in the boundary conditions, equation (2), c,=a+B+$(A+38) O=A+y+6D D R’ (yV + 3yB) R” (2yA + 3B) (4) (5) (6)