



















二、教学内容1. 审计学概论介绍审计学的定义、发展历程和研究内容,引导学生对审计学的认识和理解。

2. 审计环境与职业道德讲解审计环境对审计工作的影响和要求,培养学生正确的职业道德观念和道德修养。

3. 审计准则与审计流程详细讲解审计准则的内涵和应用,以及审计流程的实施步骤和注意事项。

4. 审计证据与工作底稿介绍审计证据的收集、评价和使用方法,培养学生正确处理审计问题的能力。

5. 审计风险与内部控制分析审计风险的特点和影响因素,介绍内部控制的基本概念和分类,培养学生审计风险评估和内部控制审计的技能。

6. 审计报告与意见讲解审计报告的组成要素和写作要求,培养学生准确表达审计结论和意见的能力。





五、教学资源1. 《审计学导论》教材2. 典型审计案例3. 多媒体教学设备六、教学进度安排- 第一周:审计学概论- 第二周:审计环境与职业道德- 第三周:审计准则与审计流程- 第四周:审计证据与工作底稿- 第五周:审计风险与内部控制- 第六周:审计报告与意见- 第七周:复与总结- 第八周:期末考试七、教学团队本课程由资深审计师负责授课,辅以行业专家和学院教师的指导。






《审计学》课程教案第一章:审计学概述1.1 教学目标了解审计学的定义、目的和重要性理解审计的类型和程序掌握审计报告的基本内容1.2 教学内容审计学的定义和起源审计的目的和重要性审计的类型(内部审计、外部审计、国家审计)审计程序(准备阶段、执行阶段、完成阶段)审计报告的格式和内容1.3 教学方法讲授法:介绍审计学的定义、目的和重要性,解释审计的类型和程序,讲解审计报告的基本内容案例分析法:分析实际案例,让学生更好地理解审计学的应用1.4 教学评估课堂讨论:学生参与课堂讨论,提出问题和观点,增强对审计学的理解第二章:审计程序2.1 教学目标理解审计程序的步骤和流程掌握审计证据的收集和分析方法学会制定审计计划和控制风险2.2 教学内容审计程序的步骤(初步调查、风险评估、计划审计工作、执行审计程序、完成审计工作)审计证据的收集和分析方法(观察、询问、检查、分析)审计计划的重要性和平衡控制风险的方法和原则2.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解审计程序的步骤和流程,阐述审计证据的收集和分析方法,介绍审计计划的重要性和控制风险的方法小组讨论法:学生分组讨论实际案例,提出审计计划和控制风险的策略2.4 教学评估审计计划设计:学生设计审计计划,检验对审计程序的掌握程度第三章:审计证据3.1 教学目标理解审计证据的概念和重要性掌握审计证据的收集和评价方法学会判断审计证据的充分性和适当性3.2 教学内容审计证据的概念和分类(实物证据、书面证据、口头证据、环境证据)审计证据的收集方法(观察、询问、检查、分析、重新计算、重新操作)审计证据的评价标准(充分性、适当性、可靠性、相关性、重要性)审计证据的评价过程和技巧3.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解审计证据的概念和分类,阐述审计证据的收集和评价方法,介绍审计证据的评价标准案例分析法:分析实际案例,让学生更好地理解审计证据的收集和评价过程3.4 教学评估审计证据评价设计:学生设计审计证据评价方案,展示对审计证据的理解和应用能力第四章:审计报告4.1 教学目标理解审计报告的作用和重要性掌握审计报告的格式和内容4.2 教学内容审计报告的作用和重要性审计报告的格式和结构(封面、摘要、、附件)审计意见的类型和表达(无保留意见、保留意见、否定意见、无法表示意见)4.3 教学方法4.4 教学评估第五章:内部控制审计5.1 教学目标理解内部控制的概念和重要性掌握内部控制的评估和审计方法学会识别和评价内部控制缺陷5.2 教学内容内部控制的概念和分类(预防性控制、纠正性控制、混合性控制)内部控制的评估方法(询问、观察、检查、分析)内部控制的审计程序(了解内部控制、评价内部控制的有效性、测试内部控制的有效性)内部控制缺陷的识别和评价5.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解内部控制的概念和第六章:财务报表审计6.1 教学目标理解财务报表审计的目的和重要性掌握财务报表审计的程序和步骤学会评估财务报表的真实性和准确性6.2 教学内容财务报表审计的目的和重要性财务报表审计的程序和步骤(初步调查、风险评估、计划审计工作、执行审计程序、完成审计工作)财务报表审计的关键领域(资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用)评估财务报表真实性和准确性的方法和技术6.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解财务报表审计的目的和重要性,阐述财务报表审计的程序和步骤,介绍评估财务报表真实性和准确性的方法和技术案例分析法:分析实际案例,让学生更好地理解财务报表审计的实践应用6.4 教学评估财务报表审计设计:学生设计财务报表审计计划,展示对财务报表审计的理解和应用能力第七章:审计风险与质量控制7.1 教学目标理解审计风险的概念和管理方法掌握审计质量控制的原则和程序学会评估审计风险和质量控制的效果7.2 教学内容审计风险的概念和管理方法(风险评估、风险应对)审计质量控制的原则和程序(内部控制、独立性、专业判断、职业道德)审计风险和质量控制的效果评估(风险水平、质量指标)审计风险和质量控制的应用实例7.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解审计风险的概念和管理方法,阐述审计质量控制的原则和程序,介绍审计风险和质量控制的效果评估案例分析法:分析实际案例,让学生更好地理解审计风险和质量控制的实践应用7.4 教学评估审计风险与质量控制设计:学生设计审计风险管理和质量控制方案,展示对审计风险和质量控制的理解和应用能力第八章:信息技术审计8.1 教学目标理解信息技术审计的概念和重要性掌握信息技术审计的程序和方法学会评估信息系统的内部控制和风险8.2 教学内容信息技术审计的概念和重要性信息技术审计的程序和方法(初步调查、风险评估、计划审计工作、执行审计程序、完成审计工作)信息系统的内部控制和风险评估(硬件、软件、数据)信息技术审计的工具和技术(数据分析、程序审查、系统测试)8.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解信息技术审计的概念和重要性,阐述信息技术审计的程序和方法,介绍评估信息系统的内部控制和风险的方法实践操作法:学生进行实际操作,学习信息技术审计的工具和技术8.4 教学评估信息技术审计设计:学生设计信息技术审计计划,展示对信息技术审计的理解和应用能力第九章:审计质量保证9.1 教学目标理解审计质量保证的概念和重要性掌握审计质量保证的程序和标准学会评估审计质量保证的效果9.2 教学内容审计质量保证的概念和重要性审计质量保证的程序和标准(内部控制、独立性、专业判断、职业道德)审计质量保证的效果评估(质量指标、客户满意度)审计质量保证的应用实例9.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解审计质量保证的概念和重要性,阐述审计质量保证的程序和标准,介绍审计质量保证的效果评估案例分析法:分析实际案例,让学生更好地理解审计质量保证的实践应用9.4 教学评估审计质量保证设计:学生设计审计质量保证方案,展示对审计质量保证的理解和应用能力第十章:审计伦理与职业道德10.1 教学目标理解审计伦理的概念和重要性掌握审计职业道德的原则和规范学会评估审计伦理和职业道德的影响10.2 教学内容审计伦理的概念和重要性审计职业道德的原则和规范(独立性、客观性、专业判断、保密性、职业道德)审计伦理和职业道德的影响评估(职业形象、信誉度、法律责任)审计伦理和职业道德的实际应用实例重点和难点解析1. 第六章:财务报表审计难点解析:理解财务报表审计的概念和流程,掌握评估财务报表真实性和准确性的方法和技术。






















二、审计的分类审计可以按不同的标志进行分类,具体表现为:(一) 审计按主体分类为国家审计、民间审计和内部审计1.国家审计国家审计的特征主要是在审计主体、审计内容和被审计单位上,体现了国家所有权的特征。







第一章:总论1、注册会计师的发展历程及审计方法的演变账项基础审计制度基础审计风险导向审计2、注册会计师鉴证业务与相关业务的区别比如:会计报表审计、审阅——鉴证业务代编财务信息、财务顾问、投资顾问——相关服务业务3、注册会计师承接业务应该以会计师事务所名义,不能以个人名义承接业务第二章:执业准则体系与法律责任1、执业准则体系架构、业务准则架构(审计、审阅、其他鉴证业务准则)2、鉴证业务要素3、鉴证业务的分类:按目标分:合理保证业务与有限保证业务按照责任方认定能否被预期使用者直接获得:责任方认定业务和直接报告业务4、审计法律责任成因被审计单位方面的责任:理解:错误、舞弊和经营失败的含义注册会计师方面的责任:违约、过失和欺诈的含义第三章职业道德1、职业道德一般原则独立性、专业胜任能力理解职业怀疑态度和应有的关注影响独立性的情形,业务承接:审计业务和相关服务业务是否影响独立性?2、专业胜任能力——注册会计师和会计师事务所对注册会计师而言对会计师事务所而言3、独立性概念框架(P75)审计、审阅业务对独立性的要求——经济利益第四章(不出题)第五章:审计目标和一般原则1、注册会计师审计的总目标-----对公允性和合法性发表意见,——为什么?目的:提高报表使用者对报表的信赖程度2、管理当局的认定:(P137)与各类交易相关的认定与账户余额相关的认定与列报和披露相关的认定1、审计重要性含义计算:固定比例法、审计重要性与审计证据、审计风险的关系2、审计重要性对审计报告类型的影响3、审计风险模型审计风险=重大错报风险*检查风险(计算)4、被审计单位管理层和治理层的责任5、注册会计师的审计责任第六章业务约定书与计划审计工作1、初步业务活动的目的2、总体审计策略和具体审计计划总体审计策略的概念、确定的内容(审计范围、报告目标、审计方向)第七章:审计证据和审计工作底稿1、审计证据的特征充分性和适当性(可靠性)什么样的证据更可靠如:注册会计师执行财务报表审计业务获取的下列审计证据中,可靠性最强的是( )。






































第一章审计概论第一节:审计的定义和特征1 审计的定义:审计是由国家授权或接受委托的专职机构或人员,依照国家法规、审计准则和会计理论,运用专门的方法,对被审计单位的财政、财务收支、经营管理活动及其相关资料的真实性、正确性、合规性、合法性、效益性进行审查和监督,评价经济责任,鉴证经济业务,用以维护财经法规、改善经营管理、提高经济效益的一项独立性的经济监管活动(1)审计主体:审计专职机构和专职人员(2)审计授权者:泛指国家审计机关、政府有关部门领导的授权,单位主管领导和相关领导的授权,是针对国家审计和内部审计而言的(3)审计客体:被审计单位在一定时期内能够用财务报表及有关资料表现的全部或一部分经济活动(4)审计依据:是审计人员在审计过程中用来评价和判断被审计单位经济活动真实性、合规性、合法性和效益性,据以提出审计意见、做出审计结论的客观标准。

主要包括国家相关的法律、法规;企业会计准则、会计制度,注册会计师执业准则;企业内部的预算计划、经济合同等(5)审计目的:社会审计的目的就是对被审计单位的财务报表及相关资料的合法性和公允性发表审计意见(6)审计本质:具有独立性的经济监管、评价、鉴证活动2审计的特征:(1)独立性:机构独立、业务工作独立、经济独立(2)权威性:权威性是审计机构正常发挥作用的保证,审计机构的独立性决定了其权威性第二节:审计的产生和发展1 政府审计的产生和发展(1)我国审计的产生和发展:西周时期就有了审计萌芽的思想秦汉时期是我国审计的确立阶段,主要表现在三个方面:①初步形成了统一的审计模式②“上计”制度日趋完善③审计地位提高,职权扩大中华人民共和国成立以后...1982年12月4日五届人大通过新宪法,明确规定了设立审计机关,实施审计监督1983年9月正式成立了中华人民共和国审计署1988年11月颁布了《中华人民共和国审计条例》1995年1月1日实施《中华人民共和国审计法》,从法律上确立了政府审计地位,为政府审计发展奠定基础(2)国外政府审计的产生和发展,大体可分为三种类型①隶属于议会(立法机构),由议会直接授权,如美国、英国、加拿大、西班牙、澳大利亚等国家,这类型的审计机构有很强的独立性和权威性②隶属于政府(行政机构),由政府直接领导,如罗马尼亚、菲律宾等国家,这类型的审计机构具有一定的独立性和权威性③隶属于财政部,由财政部直接领导,如瑞典,这类型的审计机构独立性和权威性较小2 内部审计的产生和发展(1)国外内部审计主要范围在现金交易、支付工资和盘点资产方面(2)20世纪初期,美国最早建立“内部审计师协会”,标志着内部审计作为一项独立的职业开始确立(3)国际上常采用的内部审计模式有:①内部审计隶属于董事会,由董事会领导,向董事会报告工作,在这种设置方式下的内部审计具有很高的独立性和权威性②内部审计隶属于董事会下面的监事会或类似委员会(如审计委员会)的领导,通过监事会向董事会或股东大会汇报工作,也具有较高的独立性和权威性③内部审计隶属于总经理,接受总经理的领导,并定期向总经理报告工作,可代表总经理对下属各单位部门进行经常性的审计监督,在这种设置方式下的内部审计具有一定的独立性和权威性④内部审计隶属于财会部门,由财会部门的主要负责人领导并向其汇报工作,独立性和权威性较弱3 注册会计师审计的产生和发展(1)我国注册会计师审计的产生和发展1918年9月北洋政府颁布《会计师暂行章程》,同年谢霖领取第一号会计师证书,创办了我国第一家会计师事务所:正则会计师事务所,标志着我国注册会计师制度正式诞生(2)国外注册会计师审计的产生和发展①详细审计阶段:注册会计师起源于16世纪的意大利合伙企业制度特点:注册会计师审计的法律地位得到了法律确认;审计的目的主要是查错防弊,保证企业资产的安全完整;审计报告的使用人主要为企业股东;审计的方法是对会计账目进行详细审计,即对有关的凭证、账簿、会计报表等资料进行周密、详尽地逐笔审查与稽核。





二、课程目标1. 了解审计学的发展历史和基本概念;2. 掌握审计学的基本原理和方法;3. 理解审计学在企业管理和社会监督中的重要性;4. 培养学生审计分析和判断的能力;5. 提高学生沟通和团队合作的能力。

三、课程内容1. 审计学概论- 审计学的定义和基本原理- 审计学的发展历史2. 审计的基本程序- 审计的目的和范围- 审计的程序和方法3. 审计的实务应用- 财务报表审计- 内部控制审计- 经济责任审计4. 审计法规和伦理规范- 审计法规的基本概念- 审计师的职业伦理四、教学方法1. 理论讲授:通过课堂讲解,系统介绍审计学的相关知识;2. 案例分析:通过案例分析,帮助学生理解审计理论与实务的联系;3. 实践操作:组织学生进行实地实习,提升实际操作能力;4. 讨论互动:通过讨论和互动,促进学生间的知识分享和思想碰撞。

五、教学评估1. 平时表现:出勤情况、参与讨论、作业和小组讨论等;2. 期中考试:考察学生对基本概念和理论的掌握程度;3. 期末考试:考察学生对整个课程内容的掌握情况;4. 课程作业:布置相关课程作业,考察学生对实务操作的掌握情况。

六、教材1. 主教材:《审计学导论》;2. 参考教材:《审计理论与实务》、《现代审计学》等。

七、教学安排1. 每周两节课,每节2小时;2. 课程督导每周一次;3. 实地实习时间安排根据教学计划确定。

八、作业要求1. 完成课程作业和小组讨论任务;2. 按时上交期中、期末考试试卷。






《审计学》课程教案一、课程概述1.1 课程定位《审计学》是会计学专业的一门核心课程,旨在帮助学生了解和掌握审计的基本理论、方法和实务操作,培养学生具备审计思维和审计技能。

1.2 课程目标通过本课程的学习,使学生能够:(1)理解审计的基本概念、目的和作用;(2)掌握审计的程序和方法;(3)熟悉财务报表的审计过程;(4)了解审计风险评估和管理;(5)培养学生具备审计实务操作能力。

二、教学内容2.1 审计的基本理论(1)审计的定义和特征;(2)审计的起源和发展;(3)审计的目的和作用。

2.2 审计程序和方法(1)审计计划和准备;(2)审计证据的收集和评价;2.3 财务报表的审计(1)资产负债表的审计;(2)利润表的审计;(3)现金流量表的审计。

三、教学方法3.1 讲授法通过教师的讲解,使学生掌握审计的基本概念、理论和方法。

3.2 案例分析法通过分析真实或模拟的审计案例,使学生了解审计的实际操作过程,提高学生的审计实务能力。

3.3 小组讨论法组织学生进行小组讨论,引导学生思考和探讨审计问题,培养学生的审计思维和团队协作能力。

四、教学资源4.1 教材《审计学》教材,作者:张红军。

4.2 课件教师自制的课件,内容包括审计的基本理论、方法和实务操作。

4.3 案例资料收集或编写一些审计案例,用于课堂分析和讨论。

五、教学评价5.1 平时成绩学生的出勤、课堂表现、作业和小组讨论参与度等,占总评的30%。

5.2 期中考试设置期中考试,考察学生对审计基本理论和方法的掌握程度,占总评的30%。

5.3 期末考试设置期末考试,全面考察学生对审计学知识的掌握和应用能力,占总评的40%。

六、教学安排6.1 课时安排本课程共计32课时,分别为4个学时/周,共8周完成。

6.2 教学计划(1)第1-4周:审计的基本理论、审计程序和方法;(2)第5-8周:财务报表的审计、审计风险评估和管理。

七、教学活动7.1 课堂讲授教师通过PPT等形式进行审计学的基本理论、程序和方法的讲授。












二、审计的分类审计可以按不同的标志进行分类,具体表现为:(一) 审计按主体分类为国家审计、民间审计和内部审计1.国家审计国家审计的特征主要是在审计主体、审计内容和被审计单位上,体现了国家所有权的特征。





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CHAPTER 09Production CycleLEARNING OBJECTIVESReview Checkpoints Multiple ChoiceExercises, Problems,and Simulations1. Describe the production cycle, includingtypical source documents and controls.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 20, 21, 22, 38 452. Give examples of tests of controls overconversion of materials and labor in aproduction process. 6, 7, 8, 9 23, 24, 26, 30, 37,39, 4146, 473. Identify and describe considerationsinvolved in the observation of physicalinventory and tests of inventory pricingand compilation. 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 1725, 27, 28, 29, 31,32, 33, 34, 35, 36,40, 42, 43, 4448, 49, 50, 51, 52,53, 54, 55, 56, 60,61, 624. Describe some common errors andfrauds in the accounting for productioncosts, and related cost of goods sold anddesign some audit and investigationprocedures for detecting these errorsand frauds.18 ,19 56 , 58,59, 60SOLUTIONS FOR REVIEW CHECKPOINTS9.1 Production planningProductionCost accounting9.2 GAAP recognizes specific identification, weighted average, FIFO, and LIFO methods of accounting forinventory.9.3 The auditor performs a walkthrough by talking to employees about their duties, observing performance, andexamining documents produced and agreeing them to related documents.A walkthrough of a production transaction will collect the following documents:Production order.Bill of materials.Materials requisitions.Inventory record (raw materials issue).Journal entry (moving raw materials to work in process).Labor report (time records).Journal entry (charging labor to work in process).Production cost analysis.Inventory record (finished goods addition).Journal entry (moving work in process to inventory).Documents should be agreed to production orders based on the bill of materials. The requisitions shouldalso agree to the inventory record, which is agreed to the journal entry.The labor report would be agreed to time records and the journal entry. The journal entries would besummarized and agreed to the production cost.The finished goods addition would be agreed to the production cost and the journal entry.Controls: The auditor would look for the following:Approval signatures on requisitions, and time records.Approvals of journal entries.Tests of accuracy of calculations.Separation ofa.Custody of the inventory.b.Record keeping.c.Authorization of use of materials and incurring time.d.Reconciliation of inventory records to physical counts.9.4 Some work to obtain assurance about th e reasonableness of the client’s sales forecast needs to beperformed. All the auditors need to accomplish is to learn about the assumptions built into the forecast forthe purpose of ascertaining their reasonableness. In addition, some work on the mechanical accuracy of theforecast should be performed to avoid embarrassing reliance on faulty calculations.9.5 If high levels of production were planned and carried out in anticipation of high sales that did not occur, theinventory should show an increase. The potential problem is overvaluation (overstatement) of slow-movingor obsolete inventory and understatement of cost of goods sold. Another potential problem is that overheadwould be allocated on inaccurate volume expectations.9.6 Failure to record materials used should be prevented by matching documents. For example, dated rawmaterials inventory issues not matched to materials in the production cost analysis indicate a possibleomission of material used in production. Use of prenumbered documents and reports to account for anumerical sequence is also a primary means of preventing omission of transactions.9.7 Auditors are looking for the separation of duties in authorization of transactions, custody of assets,recording of transactions, and periodic reconciliation. In the production cycle, these duties are separated as follows:a)Initial authorization is a production order prepared in production planning and control; authorizationsof labor hours and material to be used are given by the supervisor when job time tickets are given toemployees and material requisitions are sent to raw materials stores.b)Cost accounting clerks analyze independent recording of labor and materials in production cost fromrecords after comparing two sources.c)Raw materials stores maintain physical custody of raw materials, none of which are released withoutauthorization (requisition) and record of withdrawal. The supervisor maintains custody ofwork-in-process inventory.9.8 The production order record provides a control over the quantity of product manufactured by theproduction department. Used in combination with the bill of materials, this record provides an approvedlist of materials that should be used. This list can be compared to the actual materials used as recorded by the cost accounting department.9.9 This is a question about the direction of tests of controls.a.To determine whether all authorized production was completed and placed in inventory or written offas scrap, the auditors should select a sample of approved production orders from the productionplanning department files and then trace them forward through cost accounting to inventory orwrite-offs.b.To determine whether finished goods inventory was actually produced and costs were properlyaccumulated, the auditors should select a sample of production put in the Inventory account and thenvouch these production reports to approved production orders and cost calculations of material, labor,and overhead.9.10 The auditor considers these characte ristics in a review of the client’s inventory-taking instructions:s of client personnel responsible for the count.b.Dates and times of inventory taking.s of client personnel who will participate in the inventory taking.d.Instructions for recording accurate descriptions of inventory items, for count and double-count,and for measuring or translating physical quantities (such as counting by measures of gallons,barrels, feet, dozens).e.Instructions for making notes of obsolete or worn items.f.Instructions for the use of tags, punched cards, count sheets, computers, or other media devicesand for their collection and control (a typical inventory count sheet is illustrated at Exhibit 9.7).g.Plans for shutting down plant operations or for taking inventory after store closing hours and plansfor having goods in proper places (such as on store shelves instead of on the floor or of rawmaterials in a warehouse rather than in transit to a job).h.Plans for counting or controlling movement of goods in receiving and shipping areas if thoseoperations are not shut down during the count.i.Instructions for computer compilation of the count media (such as tags, count sheets) into finalinventory listings or summaries.j.Instructions for review and approval of the inventory count; notations of obsolescence or othermatters by supervisory personnel.k.Instructions for making changes and corrections to count tickets.9.11 Dual-direction sampling in the context of inventory test counts proceeds as follows:a.In one direction, a sample of inventory items can be chosen from the perpetual records orinventory count tags for test count to ascertain that recorded inventory was counted (existence).b.In the other direction, the auditor can count a sample of items in their locations, record them, andlater trace them to the perpetual records and inventory summary count sheets to ascertain whetherall inventory in place was recorded and counted (completeness).9.12 Amounts on inventory count sheets and tickets become the amounts in the inventory, so a fictitious item onthe count sheet or ticket becomes a fictitious item in inventory. If the auditors do not obtain controlinformation, the client can easily add amounts to the inventory count without the auditors’ kno9.13 The auditor should document:Whether the client’s personnel were following the inventory instructions.Test counts taken, including description, and quantity.The ticket or count sheet numbers that were used as well as the numbers of voided and unusedtickets.The last receiving reports and shipping documents used and the number of the next unused item.The condition of the inventory.Any inventory on hand that is not owned by the client.Any unusual items noticed during the count.9.14 The auditor must obtain shipping and receiving cutoff information during the physical inventoryobservation to ensure that items recorded as receipts or shipments in the accounting records matchpurchases included and sales excluded from inventory in the perpetual records. The perpetual records arecompared to the count to determine the book to physical inventory adjustment.9.15 In this type of situation, the auditor will arrange to be present during one more of the test counts, andimportantly, he or she will evaluate the cycle or statistical plan for validity. During his or her observation ofthe inventory taking, the auditor will employ the usual inventory audit procedures, perform test counts andbe responsible for a conclusion concerning the reasonable accuracy of perpetual quantity records.9.16 The client’s managers may be making record of the auditors’ test counts so they can fraudulently changethe counts on items the auditors did not count.9.17 Obsolete or slow-moving inventory is often indicated by:Inventory turnover ratios.Trend analysis of inventory levels.Days sales in inventory ratio.Sales trend analysis.Note: All of these procedures are more powerful as you disaggregate the data.9.18 If a client is counting inventory at multiple locations, the auditor must visit a sample of the locations on asurprise basis to observe the counts. The number of locations depends on the materiality of the inventoryshe or he will be visiting and the quality of the client’s controls. The auditor should notify the client thatsome locations so personnel will know to be cooperative but should not tell the client which locations willbe visited.9.19 An inventory roll-forward is the client’s process for updating the inventory balance for shipments andreceipts from the time of the physical count to the end of the fiscal year. Auditors will normally beconcerned with reviewing the controls over the roll-forward and testing the entries to supporting documents.The auditor can also use analytical procedures to determine the reasonableness of the ending inventory. SOLUTIONS FOR MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS9.20 a. Incorrect This is allowed by GAAP.b. Incorrect This is allowed by GAAP.c. Incorrect This is allowed by GAAP.d. Correct Although standard costs are commonly used, they must not be materiallydifferent than one of the allowed methods.9.21 a. Incorrect Raw materials and supplies purchased are linked through the acquisition andexpenditure cycle.b. Incorrect Labor and costs are linked through the payroll cycle.c. Incorrect Cost of goods sold and reduction to finished goods inventory is linked throughthe revenue and collection cycle.d. Correct The finance and investment cycle is not directly linked to the production cycle,although it is indirectly linked through investments in property, plant, andequipment.9.22 a. Incorrect This is what the company plans to sell, not produce. Some of the planned salesmay come from existing inventory, and some of the production may be sold infuture periods.b. Incorrect These reports indicate what was actually produced.c. Correct The production plan shows what is planned to be actually produced.d. Incorrect The purchases journal shows what was actually purchased during the period.9.23 a. Incorrect The job cost sheet indicates the costs used in production and would provideweak evidence as to the occurrence of any transactions or eventsb. Incorrect The job cost sheet indicates the costs used in production and would provide noevidence that production or any related accounts were complete.c. Correct The job cost sheets indicate the cost used in determining the accuracy ofinventory produced.d. Incorrect The job cost sheet indicates the costs used in production and would provide noevidence regarding the proper classification of transactions9.24 a. Incorrect This is a common practice that enhances efficiency.b. Incorrect See answer (a).c. Correct This weakness is an improper combination of inventory custody and record-keeping responsibilities.d. Incorrect See answer (a).9.25 a. Incorrect The most meaningful analytical procedures are performed at the mostdisaggregated level, in this case, the product level.b. Incorrect The most meaningful analytical procedures are performed at the mostdisaggregated level, in this case, the product level.c. Correct This is the most disaggregated level of the choices given.d. Incorrect The most meaningful analytical procedures are performed at the mostdisaggregated level, in this case, the product level.9.26 a. Incorrect This might detect the theft but wouldn’t prevent it.b. Incorrect This wouldn’t necessarily detect the theft.c. Correct The separate space facilitates security, and the frequent counts enable companypersonnel to detect shortages in a timely manner.d. Incorrect This would account for legitimately moved inventory, but those people stealinginventory would not file proper forms.9.27 a. Incorrect This step would not provide evidence of whether the items are owned.b. Incorrect This step would not detect obsolescence.c. Incorrect Ensuring physical presence would require tracing from the listing to inventorytickets.d. Correct If the sample is from the inventory in the physical location, the tracing has theobjective of auditing the completeness of the final inventory schedule.9.28 a. Incorrect This would make the count lower than the perpetual records.b. Correct Unrecorded credit memos means that the returned inventory is not in theperpetual records; thus, the recorded amount will be smaller than the amount onhand.c. Incorrect This would make the perpetual records higher than the physical countd. Incorrect This would make both the physical count and perpetual records too low.9.29 a. Incorrect Controls must be strong for the roll-forward to be reliable.b. Correct Auditors rely on accurate perpetual records to maintain an accurate inventorybalance during the intervening period between the physical count and thebalance sheet date.c. Incorrect Slow-moving inventory is easier to roll-forward.d. Incorrect This has nothing to do with when the count should be taken.9.30 a. Incorrect This step helps ensure existence as well as completeness; however answer (c) isbetter.b. Incorrect This ensures that goods will not be stolen (existence assertion).c. Correct Checking the numbering sequence on prenumbered receiving reports is a way todetect omission of the recording of inventory received.d. Incorrect These are not incompatible duties that must be separated.9.31 a. Correct An auditor does not expect all inventories to which the auditee has title to be onhand at the date of the count. Some purchased goods may still be in transit atthat time. Also, some inventory may be on consignment or in public warehousesalthough properly included in the count.b. Incorrect An auditor does review inventory pricing to ensure cost data are accurate.c. Incorrect An audit of inventory would include procedures to ensure that inventory isproperly presented and all required information is disclosed.d. Incorrect A review of the physical inventory includes the observation of inventory forobsolete and slow moving items9.32 a. Incorrect This may be done, but the persuasiveness is low because of the weak controls.b. Incorrect No! Controls are tested when they are strong and can be relied on.c. Correct If control risk is high, a timelier audit procedure may be necessary, andextending the results of work done on an interim basis to year-end might beinappropriate. Thus, observation of inventory at year-end would provide the bestevidence as to existence.d. Incorrect This can be done only if controls can be relied on.9.33 a. Incorrect This procedure does not provide evidence about rights and obligations.b. Correct Tracing the details of test counts to the final inventory schedule assures theauditor that items in the observed physical inventory are included in theinventory records. The auditor should compare the inventory tag sequencenumbers in the final inventory schedule to those in the records of his or her testcounts made during the client’s physical inventory.c. Incorrect The auditor would go in the opposite direction to test existence and occurrence.d. Incorrect This pertains to the presentation and disclosure assertion.9.34 a. Incorrect Physical presence does not necessarily imply ownership. The goods may bepledged or on consignment.b. Correct The major audit objective of testing the assertion of rights and obligations forinventories is to determine that the entity has legal title or similar rights ofownership to the inventories. Typically, the auditor will examine paid vendorsinvoices, consignment agreements, and contracts.c. Incorrect This is a test for cutoff.d. Incorrect The wording of the question implies that this is a test for presentation anddisclosure. The procedure does, however, reveal obligations for purchasecommitments. Answer (b) is better because of the way the question is worded.9.35 a. Incorrect Turnover has little to do with the existence assertion.b. Incorrect Turnover has nothing to do with rights and obligations.c. Incorrect See answer (b).d. Correct Assertions about valuation or allocation concern whether asset, liability, revenue,and expense components have been included in the financial statements atappropriate amounts. An examination of inventory turnover pertains to the auditobjective of identifying slow-moving, excess, defective, and obsolete itemsincluded in inventories. This audit objective relates to the valuation or allocationassertion.9.36 a. Incorrect See answer (d).b. Incorrect See answer (d).c. Incorrect See answer (d).d. Correct The first inclination is to choose answer (a) because the auditor is vouching, andvouching usually implies a test for existence. However, in this case, a vendorinvoice would provide evidence about only the amount that is being billed(valuation) but would not provide information regarding the fact that the goodswere received and appropriately included in the inventory status report.Vouching for existence and tracing for completeness are good guidelines, butshould not replace the students thought process on what evidence is beinggathered9.37 a. Incorrect Inspecting documents for approvals is a typical test of controls.b. Incorrect See answer (d).c. Incorrect See answer (d).d. Correct Policy and procedure manuals are least important because the most importantfeatures are the actual workings of the controls as indicated by the other threechoices.9.38 a. Incorrect This is the focus of substantive tests.b. Incorrect See answer (a).c. Incorrect Financial statements but not accounting systems per se should be produced inaccordance with GAAP.d. Correct Auditors need to determine whether the cost accounting system assigns costsproperly to the inventories.9.39 a. Incorrect Cost ledgers are focused more on cost than on quantities.b. Incorrect The perpetual inventory records are not original documents.c. Incorrect Receiving reports usually reflect materials going into raw materials, not work-in-process.d. Correct Material requisitions are the authorization for the inventory custodian to releaseraw materials and supplies to production personnel.9.40 a. Incorrect This tests whether the reductions in inventory for shipments were accurate.b. Incorrect This tests whether the additions to raw materials inventory for purchases wereaccurate.c. Incorrect This provides an overall test of the accuracy of the perpetual records.d. Correct If the controls are excellent and the roll-forward is tested, a recount is notnecessary.9.41 a. Incorrect If controls are weak and control risk is high, the auditor of a nonpublic companywould not test the controls.b. Incorrect Tests of controls do not test inherent risk.c. Correct The auditor tests the controls to reduce substantive tests.d. Incorrect This is not a requirement of GAAS for nonpublic companies.9.42 a. Incorrect Determining that the entity has the rights to the inventory does not provideevidence that all inventory items have been recorded in the ending balance.b. Incorrect Determining that the inventory is properly valued does not provide evidence thatall inventory items have been recorded in the ending balance.c. Incorrect Determining that the inventory is properly presented does not provide evidencethat all inventory items have been recorded in the ending balance.d. Correct Completeness by definition is the assertion that all items are reflected in thebalance.9.43 a. Incorrect The inventory may be observed, but to do this the auditor must go to the publicwarehouse. Depending on the distance this is usually not viewed as an efficientmeans of gathering evidence.b. Correct Sending a confirmation to the public warehouse asking for verification ofinventory held is an efficient method for gathering evidence of the existence ofthis inventory.c. Incorrect A calculation of the inventory value does not provide evidence of its existence.d. Incorrect Inspection is an evidence term usually reserved for the examination ofdocuments and would not provide better evidence of existence than aconfirmation.9.44 a. Correct Tracing tags to the inventory listing provides evidence that the items countedand recorded on the tags were recorded in the inventory list. This is thecompleteness assertion (i.e. the inventory list is complete).b. Incorrect To collect evidence of that items on the inventory sheet were counted the auditorwould determine if the items of the listing were counted by vouching to theinventory tags. This is the opposite of answer A and provides evidence ofexistence (items on the list exist), not completeness.c. Incorrect Tracing tags to the inventory listing would not provide any information aboutthe valuation (e.g. lower of cost or market).d. Incorrect Tracing tags to the inventory listing would not provide any information aboutthe valuation (e.g. items were properly valued).SOLUTIONS FOR EXERCISES, PROBLEMS, AND SIMULATIONS9.45Internal Control Questionnaire Items: Possible Error or Fraud Due to WeaknessQuestion Possible Error or Irregularity1 Fraud or error in production, payroll, or reporting concealed in cost records.2 Unauthorized production for personal products.3 Materials withdrawn from inventory or hours worked for unauthorized projects.4 Materials withdrawn for personal use.5 Production may be started for uneconomic jobs or personal projects.6 Materials and labor may be used for uneconomic jobs or personal projects.7 Errors in material usage or theft by storeroom employees.8 Errors in labor costs.9 Foreperson incorrectly requests material or assigns job skills.10 Not all material or labor accounted for correctly. The foreperson could also concealunauthorized material or labor in an authorized job.11 Production orders lost and accounting incomplete.12 Lost forms resulting in labor or material used but not recorded.13 Labor or material used but not recorded.14 Issue slips not compared to material used reports. Material withdrawn from inventorynot accounted for. Lost forms resulting in inventory not charged to Cost of GoodsSold.15 Failure to disclose agreements in footnotes.16 Inclusion of goods on consignment in inventory accounts.17 Scrap reporting incorrect. Incorrect perpetual inventories.18 Differences not investigated. Labor used not accounted for by assigning to a job.19 Incorrect costs used; inventory improperly valued.20 Comparison not made or difference not investigated. Production completed not put intoinventory.21 Inventory transactions posted in wrong period. Cutoff errors.22 Errors in summary entries not detected and corrected.23 Accounting entries may get put in the wrong account.9.46Tests of Controls Related to Controls and AssertionsProcedure (a) Strength (b) Assertion(1) Preparation of summary material andlabor entries. Valid work-in-process inventory transactions are recorded and none omitted (completeness).(2) Production cost sheets prenumbered andaccounted for. Valid finished goods inventory transactions are recorded and none omitted (completeness).(3) Independent check on materials and laborused. Recorded labor and material transactions are valid (occurrence).(4) Issue forms secure and used by authorizedpersonnel. Prenumbered and accountedfor. All material issues are authorized (occurrence). All issue forms are recorded (completeness).(5) Use of control account. Production transactions are recorded properly(classification).(6a) Recording of materials used. Material used is recorded in proper period(accuracy).(6b) Standard control number. Job accounting is complete (completeness).(6c) Material received custody. Material used is authorized (occurrence).(6d) Proper material received. Job cost accounting accurate (accuracy).(6e) Proper release of correct materials. Material release recorded accurately (accuracy).(6f) Material release authorized and timely. Authorized issue of material and in proper period(occurrence, accuracy).(7) Timely recording. Inventory recorded in proper period(completeness, cutoff).9.47Cost Accounting Test of ControlsProcedure EvidenceSample of Cost Accounting Payroll AnalysesReconcile periodic totals with payroll register record ofpayments.Incomplete costing deviation.Vouch costs to time records. Invalid time analyzed deviation.Trace cost accounting labor distributions to management reports and postings in general ledger and subsidiary account(s). Inaccurate reporting deviation. Incomplete accounting deviation. Wrong classification deviation.Sample of Recorded Labor Cost ItemsVouch labor cost entries and management reports tosupporting labor cost analyses.Invalid entries deviation.9.48Inventory Count Observation: Planning and Substantive Proceduresa. Sammy should find in the audit working papers a planning memo describing the client’sinventory-tak ing plan and notes about the auditors’ firsthand observation of the instructions beinggiven to counters, along with a memo about the auditors’ observation of the counting. This memoshould tell about supervision of the audit staff, and the working papers (test counts) should showthe review signatures of the supervising auditors.b. Working papers should document performance of these substantive procedures for the existenceand completeness assertions:cal inventory count.(1) Conduct an observation of the company’s physi(2) Scan the inventory compilation for items added from sources other than the physicalinventory count.(3) At year-end, obtain the number of the last shipping and receiving documents. Use theseto scan the sales, inventory/cost of sales, and accounts payable entries for proper cutoff.(4) Confirm or inspect inventories held in public warehouses.(5) Select sample of used tags and trace them to the items on the floor.9.46Sales/Inventory CutoffIn view of the information given, the following adjusting entries would be necessary:For the first item:Inventory Control 28,400Inventory Variation (CGS) 28,400For the third item:Sales 21,300Accounts Receivable 21,300Inventory Control 18,900Cost of Sales 18,900Because the goods in the first item were shipped prior to the taking of the physical inventory, the InventoryControl account was reduced by the cost of these goods in the adjustment that arose from the physicalinventory. Because the client credited Inventory Control for the cost of these goods on December 16, one ofthese two credits must be removed. The above entry reverses the one made on December 15 with respect tothese goods and leaves Cost of Sales properly charged with the $28,400 as a result of the December 16entry. The sales entry was made properly and requires no adjustment.In the second item, the client has reduced the control account at the shipment date prior to taking thephysical inventory. The control was in agreement with the physical count on December 15 so far as thesegoods were concerned, and the December 15 adjustment did not relate to these goods. Because the accountsinvolved are in agreement with the facts at both December 15 and December 31, no adjustment is necessary.The third item is a sale recorded too early, and both the revenue and cost recognition need to be revised.9.50Purchasing Cutoff。
