hot and chilling injury 01-main

今天用英语教大家如何用应对炎热的夏天From: /englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2012-03-22/173842.html导语:在马路上煎蛋、烤鱼的景象,近几日已不是奇闻。
那么有关中暑症状和急救处理方法有哪些呢?Sunstroke, mainly the result of body being exposed to a high temperature for too long a time, can be described as a condition in which the body's ability to regulate heat fails.中暑主要是指由于长时间暴露在高温环境下,致使机体无法调节体温热量而引起身体不适的情况。
Symptoms of sunstroke: Headache, muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, hot dry skin, flushed skin, high body temperature, lack of sweating, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, seizures, loss of consciousness.中暑症状:头痛、肌肉痉挛、疲劳乏力、头晕目眩、皮肤干热发红、体温升高、汗液减少、脉搏呼吸加快、抽搐、丧失意识。
Treatment For Sunstroke:中暑处理方法:Get yourself out of the sun as soon as possible. Get inside an air-conditioned building or at least go under some shade.尽快远离太阳直射区域。

第二章 植物逆境生理研究进展
逆境(environmental stress)是对植物生长和生存不利的各种环境因素的总称,又称胁迫。植物在逆境下的生理反应称为逆境生理。
土壤中盐分过多对植物生长发育造成的危害叫盐害salt injury 。植物对盐胁迫的生理反应有以下几个方面: 产生渗透胁迫 离子失调 打破植物的能量平衡 有毒物质积累
对CO2 同化的非气孔性限制, 是指水分胁迫使叶绿体的片层结构受损,希尔反应减弱,光系统活力下降,最终表现为叶绿体的光合活性下降。
(2) 光合作用减弱
干旱胁迫可改变植物内源激素平衡,总趋势为促进生长的激素减少,而延缓或抑制生长的激素增多,主要表现为ABA大量增多,乙烯合成加强,CTK合成受抑制。如研究发现,小麦萎焉4 h后,其叶片中ABA含量增加了近10 倍。研究还证实,干旱时ABA 累积是一种主要的根源信号物质,经木质部蒸腾流到达叶的保卫细胞,抑制内流K+ 通道和促进苹果酸的渗出,使保卫细胞膨压下降,引起气孔关闭,蒸腾减少。

极端温度作业的管理要求This procedure describes the minimum requirements for the management of work in extreme hot or cold environments which may create a significant risk to health and cause harm.本规程描述了关于在极端高温或低温环境中作业(可能造成严重健康风险并且导致伤害)的最低管理要求。
Workplace conditions with the potential to cause a person's normal deep body core temperature of 37°C (98.6°F) to increase by 1°C.Extreme hot environments can lead to heat stress illnesses, such as heat rash, heat syncope (fainting), heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke.Extreme hot environments are characterised by factors such as especially high temperatures and/or humidity, radiant heat or low air velocity.可能导致个人正常深度核心体温37°C(98.6°F)增加1°C的作业场所条件极端高温环境可能导致热应力疾病,例如痱疮、热晕厥(昏厥)、热痉挛、热衰竭或中暑。

Hale Waihona Puke 2.烧伤休克的防治烧伤休克主要为烧伤局部或远隔部位毛细 血管通透性增加导致体液丢失所致,一般发展 较缓慢,且体液丧失量多可以从烧伤严重程度 进行预测,若给予及时适当处理,常可预防其 发生或减轻其严重程度。主要措施有:
(1) 补液治疗 (fluid replacement)
1 ) 补 液 公 式 : 伤 后 第 1 个 24 小 时 补 液 量 : 成 人 每 1%Ⅱ、Ⅲ度烧伤面积每kg体重补充胶体液0.5ml和电解质 液1ml,另加基础水分2000ml。 伤后8小时内输入一半, 后16小时补入另一半。伤后第2个24小时补液量:胶体及 电 解 质 均 为 第 1 个 24 小 时 实 际 输 入 量 的 一 半 , 另 加 水 分 2000ml。
方法:① 根据烧伤面积、深度、部位及污染或 感染情况考虑。烧伤面积大者一般趋向采用暴露,面 积小者多趋向于包扎。深Ⅱ度、Ⅲ度烧伤,除面积小 的外,宜用暴露;浅Ⅱ度烧伤,宜用包扎。四肢多考 虑包扎;头面、颈、会阴、臀等部位由于不易包扎, 且局部分泌排泄物也易污染敷料,均宜施行暴露;躯 干部烧伤,面积大而深者趋向于暴露,面积小而浅者 趋向于包扎。严重污染的创面宜用暴露。包扎创面感 染时,尤其是铜绿假单胞菌、真菌感染,宜改用暴露。
无论成人或儿童,将五指并拢,其 一掌面积为体表面积的1%,若医务 人员与患者的手大小相近,可用医 务人员的手掌来估计。

开水烫伤急救英语作文英文回答:First Aid for Scalds.Scalds are caused by exposure to hot liquids or steam. The severity of the scald depends on the temperature of the liquid, the length of exposure, and the area of the body affected.Immediate First Aid.1. Cool the burn: Immediately immerse the burned area in cool water for at least 10 minutes. Do not use ice, as this can further damage the skin.2. Remove clothing: Gently remove any clothing or jewelry that is touching the burned area.3. Cover the burn: Once the burn has been cooled, coverit with a clean, loose bandage or dressing.4. Elevate the burned area: If possible, elevate the burned area above the level of the heart to reduce swelling.5. Pain relief: Give the victim over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.6. Seek medical attention: Seek medical attention for any severe burns, such as burns that are more than two inches deep, involve the face, hands, feet, or genitals, or cause blisters.Treatment for Minor Scalds.Minor scalds can usually be treated at home. Keep the burn clean and dry, and apply a cool compress or aloe vera gel to soothe the pain. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce discomfort.Complications of Scalds.Scalds can lead to a variety of complications, including:Infection.Scarring.Fluid loss.Hypothermia.Prevention.The best way to prevent scalds is to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when handling hot liquids or steam. Some tips for preventing scalds include:Keep hot liquids and steam out of the reach of children.Use a stove cover to prevent spills.Wear gloves when handling hot cookware.Never leave children unattended near hot liquids or steam.中文回答:开水烫伤急救。

开水烫伤急救英语作文英文:First aid for burns caused by boiling water: A step-by-step guide in EnglishHello, I hope this article can help you understand and deal with the emergency situation of burns caused by boiling water. First, we must understand that burns caused by hot liquids, such as boiling water, are usually deep and painful. These burns need immediate treatment to avoid long-term consequences. In the event of such an injury, immediate action must be taken.1. Recognize the situation: If you or someone you know has been burned by hot liquid, immediately recognize the severity of the injury and seek medical attention.2. Cool the burn: Immediately apply cold water to the burn for 15-20 minutes. This will reduce pain and prevent further damage to the skin.3. Inspect the burn area: After cooling, inspect the burn area for any blisters or open wounds. If there are any, cover them with clean, sterile dressings and seek medical attention immediately.4. Treat the pain: Burn pain can be severe, so it’s important totreat it with pain medication or rest. Avoid using ice packs or alcohol to cool the burn as they can worsen pain and infection. Now let’s talk about how to write a step-by-step guide in English to help others understand and deal with this emergency situation. Step 1: Introduction Introduction to the topic of burns caused by boiling water and how to provide first aid for them.Step 2: Preparation Inform yourself about basic first aid principles and techniques before writing the guide.Step 3: Identify the situation Explain how to recognize the severity of a burn and what to do if it’s a serious injury.Step 4: Cool the burn Give detailed instructions on how to use cold water to cool a burn, including how much water to use and how often to change the water.Step 5: Inspect the burn area Explain how to inspect a burn area for any complications and what to do if there are blisters or open wounds.Step 6: Treat pain and infection Discuss various pain medications and show how to apply them properly, while also explaining how to prevent infection.Step 7: Conclusion Summarize the main points of the guide and remind readers to seek medical attention if they think their injuryrequires it.中文:当开水烫伤发生时,急救措施非常重要。

我在打中暑急救措施英语作文Emergency Measures for Heatstroke.Heatstroke is a severe condition that occurs when the body's temperature rises dangerously high due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention and treatment. Prompt action can save lives, so it's crucial to know the symptoms and steps to take in case of a heatstroke emergency.Recognizing the Symptoms of Heatstroke.The symptoms of heatstroke can vary from person to person, but they typically include a very high body temperature (abo ve 104°F or 40°C), hot and red skin, rapid pulse, and confusion or altered mental state. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and fainting. If someone is experiencing these symptoms, it's essential to act quickly.Taking Immediate Action.The first and most important step in treating heatstroke is to move the victim to a cool, shady place. If possible, bring them indoors to an air-conditioned environment. It's crucial to reduce their body temperature as quickly as possible.Next, call emergency services immediately. While waiting for help to arrive, try to cool the victim down by sponging them with cool water or applying ice packs totheir wrists, groin, and armpits. Avoid using ice directly on the skin, as this can cause frostbite.If the victim is unconscious or has difficulty breathing, place them on their side to prevent choking. If they are vomiting, turn them onto their side to prevent aspiration.Preventing Heatstroke.While it's important to know how to treat heatstroke,preventing it is even more crucial. Here are some tips to help reduce the risk of heatstroke:Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially when engaging in physical activities outdoors. Avoid drinks with a lot of sugar, as they can cause dehydration.Limit outdoor activity: Avoid being outdoors during the hottest part of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If possible, reschedule outdoor activities to cooler times of the day.Dress appropriately: Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that allows your body to cool more effectively. A wide-brimmed hat can help protect your head and neck from the sun's rays.Use sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with a high SPF to exposed skin to prevent sunburn, which can increase therisk of heatstroke.Check on others: If you have elderly relatives orneighbors who may be more susceptible to heatstroke, make sure to check on them regularly during hot weather.Be aware of medication side effects: Some medications can increase sensitivity to heat. If you take medication, talk to your doctor about whether it could increase your risk of heatstroke.In conclusion, heatstroke is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. By recognizing the symptoms, taking immediate action, and taking preventive measures, you can help protect yourself and others from the dangers of heatstroke. Remember, heatstroke is preventable, and with the right knowledge and preparation, you can stay safe during hot weather.。

中暑及其急救方法英语作文Title: Heatstroke and Its First Aid Measures。
Heatstroke is a serious medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, leading to thebody's inability to regulate its temperature. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Inthis essay, we will discuss heatstroke and its first aid measures.Firstly, it's important to recognize the symptoms of heatstroke, which include a high body temperature (usually above 104°F or 40°C), hot and dry skin (with no sweating), rapid heartbeat, throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and unconsciousness. If someone is exhibiting these symptoms, it's crucial to act quickly to prevent further complications.The first step in providing first aid for heatstroke is to move the affected person to a cooler place immediately.This could be indoors with air conditioning or in the shade if indoors is not available. It's essential to avoid direct sunlight and to lay the person down with their legs elevated slightly to help with blood circulation.Next, it's important to cool the person down rapidly. One effective method is to apply cool water to the skin and fan the person to increase evaporation. This helps to lower the body temperature. Placing ice packs or cold compresses on the neck, armpits, and groin can also aid in cooling the body quickly.It's crucial to remove any unnecessary clothing and loosen tight clothing to aid in the cooling process. However, it's essential to avoid using alcohol or ice baths for cooling, as these can cause shivering, which actually raises the body temperature further.Hydration is also key in treating heatstroke. Encourage the affected person to drink cool water or sports drinks with electrolytes to replenish lost fluids. However, avoid giving them drinks with caffeine or alcohol, as these canworsen dehydration.While providing first aid for heatstroke, it's important to monitor the person's vital signs continuously. If they become unconscious, check for breathing and perform CPR if necessary until medical help arrives.Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to heatstroke. To prevent heatstroke, it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially when engaging in outdoor activities in hot weather. Wearing lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing can also help to keep the body cool. Avoiding strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day and taking frequent breaks in the shade can also reduce the risk of heatstroke.In conclusion, heatstroke is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention. By recognizing the symptoms and providing prompt first aid measures, lives can be saved. Prevention is also crucial in avoiding heatstroke altogether. By staying hydrated, wearingappropriate clothing, and avoiding excessive heat exposure, the risk of heatstroke can be minimized.。

关于烧伤和烫伤的急救英语作文英文回答:First Aid for Burns and Scalds.Burns and scalds are caused by contact with heat or chemicals. The severity of a burn or scald depends on the temperature of the source, the length of time of contact, and the area of the body affected.Types of Burns.There are three main types of burns:First-degree burns: These are the least severe type of burn and only affect the outer layer of skin. Theytypically cause redness, pain, and swelling.Second-degree burns: These burns involve the outer layer of skin and the layer below it. They cause blisters,pain, and swelling.Third-degree burns: These are the most severe type of burn and destroy all layers of skin. They often cause scarring and can be life-threatening.Types of Scalds.Scalds are burns caused by hot liquids or steam. They are typically less severe than burns caused by flames or chemicals.First Aid for Burns and Scalds.The first aid for burns and scalds is to:1. Cool the burn: Run the burn under cold water for at least 10 minutes. Do not use ice, as this can damage the skin.2. Cover the burn: Cover the burn with a sterile bandage or dressing. Do not apply butter or other homeremedies to the burn, as this can worsen the injury.3. Relieve pain: Give the victim over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.4. Prevent infection: Keep the burn clean and dry to prevent infection.5. Seek medical attention: If the burn is severe, seek medical attention immediately.Additional Tips for First Aid for Burns and Scalds.Do not break blisters: Blisters protect the burn wound from infection. Breaking them can increase the risk of infection.Do not apply pressure to the burn: Pressure can damage the burn tissue and worsen the injury.Do not remove clothing that is stuck to the burn: If clothing is stuck to the burn, do not try to remove it. Cutaround the clothing and leave it in place until medical help arrives.Do not apply ice to the burn: Ice can damage the burn tissue and worsen the injury.中文回答:烧伤和烫伤急救。

烧伤急救措施英语作文Burns are a common injury that can happen to anyone at any time. Whether it's from a cooking accident, a fire, or even a hot surface, burns can be incredibly painful and require immediate attention. Knowing the proper first aid measures for burns is crucial in order to minimize the damage and promote healing. In this essay, I will discuss the urgent first aid measures for burns and the importanceof seeking medical attention, as well as the emotional impact of experiencing a burn injury.First and foremost, when someone sustains a burn injury, it is important to assess the severity of the burn. There are three classifications of burns: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree. First-degree burns are the mildest, causing redness and minor pain, while second-degree burns result in blistering and more intense pain. Third-degree burns are the most severe, causing damage toall layers of the skin and potentially even the underlying tissue. It is crucial to determine the severity of the burnin order to provide appropriate first aid.For minor burns, such as first-degree burns, the first step in providing first aid is to run cool water over the affected area for at least 10 to 15 minutes. This helps to cool the skin and reduce the risk of further tissue damage. It is important to avoid using ice or very cold water, as this can further damage the skin. After cooling the burn,it is important to cover it with a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth to protect it from further injury.It is important to avoid using cotton balls or fluffy materials, as these can stick to the burn and cause further damage.In the case of more severe burns, such as second-degree burns or larger first-degree burns, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. While waiting for medical help to arrive, it is important to continue cooling theburn with cool water and to cover it with a clean, dry cloth. It is crucial not to attempt to remove any clothing that is stuck to the burn, as this can cause further damage. Additionally, it is important to elevate the burned area ifpossible, as this can help to reduce swelling.In the event of a chemical burn, it is important toflush the affected area with cool running water for atleast 20 minutes. It is important to remove any clothing or jewelry that may have come into contact with the chemical, as it can continue to cause damage to the skin. It is important to seek medical attention immediately forchemical burns, as they can cause significant damage to the skin and underlying tissue.In addition to providing first aid for the physical aspects of a burn injury, it is also important to consider the emotional impact of experiencing a burn. Burn injuries can be incredibly painful and traumatic, and it isimportant to provide emotional support to the individual who has been injured. This can include offering reassurance, listening to their concerns, and helping them to access the appropriate medical care. It is also important to bemindful of any signs of shock or distress, and to seek professional help if needed.In conclusion, knowing the urgent first aid measuresfor burns is crucial in order to minimize the damage and promote healing. It is important to assess the severity of the burn and provide appropriate first aid, whether it is cooling the burn with water, covering it with a sterile bandage, or seeking medical attention. Additionally, it is important to consider the emotional impact of experiencing a burn and to provide the necessary support and reassurance to the individual who has been injured. By being prepared and knowledgeable about burn first aid, we can help to alleviate the pain and suffering of those who have been affected by burn injuries.。

Emergency First Aid Measures for Heatstroke Heatstroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body's temperature rises to dangerously highlevels due to exposure to excessive heat. It is crucial to act quickly and provide appropriate first aid to someone experiencing heatstroke to prevent further harm. Here are the recommended emergency first aid measures for dealingwith heatstroke.**Recognize the Symptoms of Heatstroke**The first step in providing effective first aid for heatstroke is to recognize the symptoms. Signs ofh eatstroke include a high body temperature (above 104°F or 40°C), hot, red, and dry skin, rapid and strong pulse, throbbing headache, nausea or vomiting, confusion, and loss of consciousness. If someone is displaying these symptoms,it is essential to act immediately.**Move to a Cooler Environment**The first action to take is to move the affected person to a cool and shady place. This helps reduce the body's temperature and minimize further heat exposure. If possible,bring them inside a building or under a tree with dense foliage. Avoid moving them vigorously as this may worsen their condition.**Reduce Body Temperature**Lowering the body temperature is crucial in treating heatstroke. Apply cool water or a cool, damp cloth to the skin, especially to the wrists, armpits, and groin. Fan them gently to increase evaporation and further cool them down. If available, use ice packs wrapped in a towel and place them on these areas. Avoid using ice directly on the skin as it can cause frostbite.**Rehydrate**Rehydrating the affected person is essential to prevent dehydration. Offer small sips of cool water or a sports drink containing electrolytes. Avoid giving large amounts of liquid at once as this can worsen the condition. If the person is unconscious or has difficulty swallowing, do not attempt to give them liquids. Instead, seek medical attention immediately.**Seek Medical Attention**Heatstroke is a medical emergency, and it is important to seek professional medical attention as soon as possible. Call emergency services or transport the person to the nearest hospital. Provide the medical team with as much information as possible about the person's symptoms and any relevant health history.**Monitor the Person's Condition**While waiting for medical assistance to arrive, continue to monitor the person's condition. Check their temperature regularly and reapply cool compresses if necessary. Keep them in a position that promotes blood flow and maintains their airways open. If their condition worsens or they lose consciousness, immediately begin CPRif trained or call for help.**Prevent Future Heatstroke**After the emergency situation has been handled, it is important to take measures to prevent future heatstroke. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, avoid exposure to excessive heat, take frequent breaks in cool, shady areas, and wear loose, light-colored clothing. Check onelderly or infirm individuals regularly to ensure they are not overheating.In conclusion, heatstroke is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires prompt and effective first aid. Recognizing the symptoms, moving to a cooler environment, reducing body temperature, rehydrating, and seeking medical attention are crucial steps in treating heatstroke. By taking these measures, you can help minimize the risk of further harm and ensure the affected person receives the necessary medical care.。

在国外,常称为采后病害(Post-harvest Diseases),是指果蔬产品从采后一直到消费者手中,这一相当长时期内所发生的病害,包括收获、分级、包装、贮藏、运输、进入市场销售等各个环节中发生的病害。
造成果蔬产品采后损失的生理原因主要有如下几种:低温伤害;高温热伤;营养失调;二氧化碳(氧缺乏)中毒;水分关系失调;二氧气硫中毒;乙烯中毒低温伤害:果蔬产品都有一个能忍受的最低极限温度,果蔬产品采后贮藏在低于这个温度的条件下就会产生生理病变叫低温伤害(low temperature injury)。
♦包括冷害(chilling injury)和冻害(freezing injury)。
♦冷害一般在温度0~15 ℃发生。

中暑急救英语作文Heatstroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body's temperature regulation fails and the body temperature rises to dangerous levels. It can be caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, especially when combined with dehydration and physical exertion. Heatstroke can be life-threatening if not treated promptly, so it's important to know the signs and symptoms, as well as the proper first aid measures to take in the event of a heatstroke emergency.The signs and symptoms of heatstroke can vary, but common indicators include a high body temperature (above 103°F), hot and dry skin, rapid pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and unconsciousness. If you suspect someone is suffering from heatstroke, it's crucial to act quickly to cool their body down and seek medical help.The first step in treating heatstroke is to move the person to a cooler, shaded area. If possible, bring them indoors or find a place with air conditioning. It's important to remove any unnecessary clothing and apply cool water to their skin, either by spraying them with a hose or placing damp cloths on their body. Using a fan to increase air circulation can also help lower their body temperature.In addition to these measures, it's important to encourage the person to drink cool water or sports drinks to rehydrate their body. Avoid giving them beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol, as these can contribute to dehydration. If the person is conscious and able to swallow, small sips of water should be given every 15 minutes until medical help arrives.While waiting for emergency medical assistance, it's important to continue monitoring the person's vital signs and be prepared to administer CPR if they become unconscious and stop breathing. It's crucial to stay with the person and provide reassurance and support until professional help arrives.Preventing heatstroke is also important, especially during hot weather and when engaging in physical activities. It's important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of waterand electrolyte-replacement drinks, and to take regular breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas. Wearing lightweight, light-colored clothing and using sunscreen can also help protect against heat-related illnesses.In conclusion, heatstroke is a serious medical emergency that requires prompt and proper treatment. By recognizing the signs and symptoms of heatstroke and taking immediate action to cool the body down, lives can be saved. It's also important to take preventive measures to avoid heatstroke in the first place. With awareness and preparedness, heatstroke can be effectively managed and even prevented.。

烫伤英语作文As I sat in the kitchen, the aroma of the freshly brewed tea filled the air, creating a sense of comfort and warmth. However, this tranquil moment was about to take an unexpected turn. The incident that followed is a lesson in caution and first aid that I will never forget.It was a chilly winter evening, and I had just poured hotwater into my favorite ceramic mug. The steam rose indelicate swirls, and I was eager to wrap my cold hands around the warmth it promised. In my haste, I failed to notice that my grip on the mug was slipping. The next thing I knew, the scalding liquid was spilling onto my lap, and the pain was immediate and intense.Panicking, I leaped from my chair, the searing heat on myskin causing me to drop the mug, which shattered on the floor. My first instinct was to scream, but I quickly realized thatI needed to act. I rushed to the sink and turned on the cold water, thrusting my hand under the stream. The cold water was a shock to my system, but it was a relief from the burning sensation.As I stood there, letting the water run over my hand, I recalled the first aid steps for burns that I had learned ina safety course. I knew that I needed to cool the burn as quickly as possible to minimize the damage. After several minutes, I gently patted my hand dry with a clean towel andinspected the damage. My skin was red and angry, but itdidn't appear to be blistering, which I took as a good sign.I decided to apply a burn ointment that I had in the medicine cabinet. The cool gel provided some relief, and I carefully wrapped my hand with a sterile bandage to protect the burn. The pain was still there, but it was manageable.The next day, I visited a doctor who confirmed that it was a first-degree burn and advised me to keep the area clean and moisturized. The doctor also warned me about the importance of not breaking any blisters that might form and to watch for signs of infection.This experience has taught me several valuable lessons. Firstly, it has reminded me of the importance of handling hot items with care. Secondly, it has reinforced the necessity of knowing basic first aid for common injuries. Lastly, it has shown me that staying calm in an emergency can make a significant difference in the outcome.In conclusion, burns are a common household injury that can range from minor to severe. Knowing how to respond quickly and effectively can not only alleviate pain but also prevent further damage. My烫伤 (burn) experience was a painful reminder of the importance of safety and preparedness in our daily lives.。

实施烫伤急救的英语作文Title: First Aid for BurnsIntroduction:Burns are common injuries that can occur in our daily lives. Knowing how to provide immediate first aid for burns is crucial to minimize damage and promote healing. In this essay, we will discuss the steps involved in administering first aid for burns.Body:1. Assessing the Burn:The first step in providing first aid for burns is to assess the severity of the burn. Burns are generally categorized into three degrees:- First-degree burns: Superficial burns that affect the outer layer of the skin, causing redness and mild pain.- Second-degree burns: Affecting both the outer and underlying layers of the skin, these burns cause blistering, intense pain, and redness.- Third-degree burns: The most severe type, these burns extend through all layers of the skin, often resulting in charred or white skin, numbness, and significant pain.2. Removing the Source of the Burn:If possible, remove the source of the burn immediately. For example, if the burn is caused by hot liquid or flames, move away from the source and extinguish any flames if necessary. However, ensure your own safety before attempting to help others.3. Cooling the Burned Area:For first-degree and second-degree burns, cool the burned area with running cool (not cold) water for at least 10 to 20 minutes. This helps to reduce pain, prevent further tissue damage, and soothe the affected area. Avoid using ice or very cold water as it may worsen the injury.4. Covering the Burn:After cooling the burn, cover it with a sterile non-stick dressing or clean cloth to protect the area from infection. Avoid using adhesive bandages directly on the burn as they may stick to the wound and cause additional pain when removed.5. Seeking Medical Attention:Depending on the severity of the burn, it is advisable to seek medical attention. Third-degree burns always require immediate medical attention, as they can cause significant tissue damage and complications. Additionally, second-degree burns that cover a large area or involve sensitive areas such as the face, hands, feet, or genitals should be assessed by a healthcare professional. 6. Providing Pain Relief:For mild to moderate pain associated with burns, over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be administered according to the recommended dosage. However, always consult a healthcare professional before administering any medication, especially in severe cases.Conclusion:Administering proper first aid for burns is essential in minimizing damage, promoting healing, and reducing pain. By promptly assessing the severity of the burn, removing the source, cooling the burned area, covering the wound, seeking medical attention when necessary, and providing pain relief, we can effectively address and treat burns. Remember, it is crucial to prioritize safety and consult a medical professional for severe burns to ensure appropriate care and management.。

关于烧伤和烫伤的急救英语作文英文回答:Burns and scalds are both types of skin injuries that occur when the skin is exposed to excessive heat. While burns are typically caused by dry heat, such as fire or flames, scalds are caused by wet heat, such as boiling water or steam. The severity of a burn or scald depends on several factors, including the temperature of the heat source, the duration of exposure, and the location of the injury.First aid treatment for burns and scalds involves the following steps:1. Cool the burn: Immediately immerse the burned area in cool (not cold) water for at least 10 minutes. Avoid using ice, as this can further damage the tissue.2. Remove clothing: Remove any clothing that is stuckto the burned area, but do not remove clothing that is difficult to remove.3. Cover the burn: Loosely cover the burned area with a clean bandage or wrap. Do not apply pressure to the burn.4. Control pain: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help reduce pain.5. Seek medical attention: Seek medical attention for burns that are severe, such as burns that are large, deep,or located on the face or other sensitive areas.中文回答:烧伤和烫伤。

中暑是指在高温环境下人体体温调节功能紊乱而 引起的中枢神经系统和循环系统障碍为主要表现 的急性疾病。除了高温、烈日曝晒外,工作强度 过大、时间过长、睡眠不足、过度疲劳等均为常 见的诱因。
热疲劳(heat exhaustion)
原因:水分和盐分的补给赶不上大量的流汗,形成了脱水症状的时候发生。 症状:有各样的症状,例如: 直肠温上升至39℃、皮肤寒冷、明显地流汗,等等。治疗方法:进行输液及冷却疗法。
热痉挛(heat cramps)
原因:大量流汗后只补充水分,盐分和矿物质不足时发生。 症状:突然的有痛性痉挛和硬直的产生。体 温比平常的高,明显地流汗。 治疗方法:经口注入食盐水。
一类是干热环境,这是以高气温、强辐射热及低湿度为特点,环境气温一般可较室外高5-15℃,相对湿度常在40% 以下;
另一类为湿热环境,即气温高,湿度高,但辐射热并不强。由于气温在35-39℃时,人体2/3余热通过出汗蒸发排泄, 此时如果周围环境潮湿,汗液则不易蒸发。
夏天持续的高温天气,使人变得心烦气躁、情绪低落、食欲不振、思维紊 乱、行为异常等。
情绪中暑的表现有:特别粗心,如打翻热水瓶等引起烫伤意外;上班提不 起精神,容易激动或情绪低落,不能静心思考;肝火也随着气温往上蹿, 常因一件微不足道的小事酿成祸端
情绪中暑可能衍生灼伤、心律失常、血压升高等意外。因此,在炎炎夏天, 除了要做好防高温中暑的准备,还要注意调节心理和保持良好的精神状态。 日常生活应劳逸结合,清淡饮食,多饮水以调节体温,多吃清火的瓜果蔬 菜等,给心情也降降温。

烫伤急救英语作文Title: First Aid for Burns。
Burns can happen unexpectedly and require immediate attention to minimize damage and promote healing. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to administer first aid for burns.Introduction:Burns can result from various sources such as heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. Regardless of the cause, prompt and proper first aid is crucial to minimize pain, prevent infection, and promote healing.Assessment:Before administering first aid, assess the severity of the burn:1. First-degree burns: These affect only the outerlayer of the skin, causing redness and mild pain.2. Second-degree burns: These affect both the outer and underlying layer of skin, causing blistering, severe pain, and possibly swelling.3. Third-degree burns: These are the most severe, involving all layers of the skin and potentially underlying tissues, often resulting in white or charred skin, numbness, and significant pain or even painlessness due to nerve damage.First Aid Steps:1. Stop the Burning Process:If the person's clothes are on fire, have them stop, drop, and roll to smother the flames.Use cool running water to cool the burned area forat least 10-20 minutes. Avoid ice or ice water, as it canfurther damage the skin.2. Protect the Burned Area:Cover the burn with a sterile, non-adhesive dressing or a clean cloth to protect it from dirt and further injury.Avoid applying any ointments or creams to the burn initially, as they can trap heat and worsen the injury.3. Seek Medical Attention:For first-degree burns or small second-degree burns, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain.For larger second-degree burns or any third-degree burns, seek immediate medical attention. These burnsrequire professional medical care to prevent complications and promote proper healing.4. Monitor for Shock:Burns can lead to shock due to fluid loss and pain. Keep the person lying down with their feet elevated unless they have a head, neck, back, or leg injury.Cover them with a blanket to keep warm and monitor their vital signs until medical help arrives.5. Prevent Infection:Once the burn has cooled, gently clean the area with mild soap and water.Apply an antibiotic ointment and cover the burn with a sterile bandage or gauze to prevent infection.When to Seek Emergency Medical Help:If the burn is larger than the palm of the person's hand.If the burn is on the face, hands, feet, groin, ormajor joints.If the burn is deep and appears white or charred.If the person shows signs of shock, such as pale, clammy skin, rapid breathing, or a weak pulse.Conclusion:Administering first aid for burns promptly andcorrectly can make a significant difference in the outcome of the injury. By following these steps and seeking medical help when necessary, you can help minimize pain, prevent complications, and promote healing for the individual affected by the burn. Remember, safety measures are essential to prevent burns, but accidents can still happen, so it's crucial to be prepared to respond effectively when they do.。
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Postharvest Biology and Technology 99(2015)114–119Contents lists available at ScienceDirectPostharvest Biology andTechnologyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /p o s t h a r v b ioChilling injury incidence and antioxidant enzyme activities of Carica papaya L.‘Frangi’as influenced by postharvest hot water treatment and storage temperatureN.Shadmani a ,S.H.Ahmad a ,∗,N.Saari b ,P.Ding a ,N.E.Tajidin aa Department of Crop Science,Faculty of Agriculture,University Putra Malaysia,Serdang,43400Selangor,D.E.,MalaysiabDepartment of Food Science,Faculty of Food Science and Technology,University Putra Malaysia,Serdang,43400Selangor,D.E.,Malaysiaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 21February 2014Accepted 5August 2014Available online 18September 2014Keywords:Chilling injury CatalaseAscorbate peroxidaseSuperoxide dismutase activitya b s t r a c tThe effect of double-dip hot water treatment (42◦C for 30min and 49◦C for 20min)with two different storage temperatures (6and 12◦C,85–90%RH)and storage durations (0–3weeks)on peel and pulp chilling injury incidence and antioxidant enzyme (catalase,ascorbate peroxidase,superoxide dismutase)activities of Frangi papayas,were investigated,with untreated fruit as controls.Peel and pulp chilling injury (CI)incidence was reduced in the treated fruit,especially in fruit stored at 6◦C,which was accompa-nied by increased ascorbate peroxidase activity.Thus,hot water dips followed by low storage temperature could prolong the storage life and reduce CI incidence of Frangi papaya.©2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe export potential of Frangi papaya is restricted by its limited storage life due to its highly perishable nature,susceptibility to chilling injury (CI),and deterioration of postharvest quality during transportation and storage.Long-term storage at low temperature may cause physiological injuries (Maharaj and Sankat,1990),and reducing the transport temperature slows the ripening process.Postharvest hot water dip (HWD)treatments can be applied to overcome the risk of CI and the decay of quarantined fruit (Schirra et al.,2004).Heating “Eksotika”papaya at 38◦C for 6–24h before storage at low temperature has been reported to reduce chilling injury (Ali et al.,2000).Changes in fruit membranes and structure are the first response of CI at the cellular level,and this affects membrane permeability.A secondary reaction would appear with symptoms such as elec-trolyte leakage,reduction in metabolic energy and cell lysis (Raison and Orr,1990).Oxidative damage is considered to be a response of tissues that are susceptible to CI.Fruit subjected to abiotic stress,such as low or high temperatures (Sairam et al.,2000;Sala and Lafuente,2004),have been shown to produce elevated levels of the reactive oxygen species (ROS)that cause oxidative damage∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+60389474837;fax:+60389408445.E-mail , ,sitihajarahmad@ (S.H.Ahmad).(Shigeoka et al.,2002).When plants are exposed to moderate heat treatments,weak oxidative stresses are induced,and this stress modulates antioxidant levels and causes tolerance to subsequent severe stress (Li,2003).The activity levels of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase,ascorbate peroxidase and superoxide dismu-tase have been related to tolerance to low temperatures and CI prevention (Imahori et al.,2008).The goal of a higher export rate of papaya with desirable qual-ities and minimised CI has yet to be achieved.Thus,it is critical to evaluate the CI incidence of papaya after hot water treatment and during storage.Heat treatments will provide more commercial benefits for local and regional producers and comply with quar-antine protocols from importing countries.Presently,there are no reports concerning the influence of postharvest hot water treat-ment and storage temperature on the chilling injury incidence of ‘Frangi’papaya.The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of hot water treatment and two different storage temper-atures (6and 12◦C)on chilling injury and antioxidant enzymes activities of ‘Frangi’papaya during a three week storage period.2.Materials and methods2.1.Sample preparation and heat treatmentPapaya (Carica papaya cv.Frangi)fruit at maturity stage 2,with less than 10%yellow skin,were harvested from a commercial farm in Lanchang,Pahang,Malaysia.The fruit were transported to/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2014.08.0040925-5214/©2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.N.Shadmani et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology99(2015)114–119115the Postharvest Laboratory,Faculty of Agriculture,Universiti Putra Malaysia within3h of harvest.Fruit of uniform size(450–550g) and appearance,that were free from blemishes and defects,were selected.A double-dip hot water treatment was applied to selected fruit byfirst immersing fruit in hot water at42◦C for30min and then immediately immersing fruit in hot water at49◦C for20min (Alvarez and Nishijima,1987).The hot water dip was performed in a water bath,and the required temperature was kept constant with a thermostat.During the treatment,the internal fruit temper-ature was determined by inserting a thermocouple into the pulp of a few fruit samples.During thefirst dip,the internal tempera-ture was44.7◦C;during the second dip,the internal temperature increased to46.3◦C.The hot water dipped and control(without hot water dip)fruit were dipped in Folicur®(Tebuconazole fungicide, Bayer Advanced TM)for60s and then cooled at ambient tempera-ture(25±2◦C)for20min.Chilling injury incidence and antioxidant enzymes activities were evaluated each week for three weeks of storage at6and12◦C with85–90%RH.The samples were assessed on day0of storage,and this measurement was considered to be week0.2.2.Internal and external chilling injury assessmentFruit were removed from storage on weeks0–3,and then incu-bated at ambient temperature(25±2◦C)for2days.Then the fruit were assessed visually for external injuries such as the occur-rence of skin pitting,scald(from dark olive to light brown spots), shrivelling and external water soaking.Pulp water soaking,hard lumps(around the fruit seed cavity or throughout the pulp),and internal mesocarp regions that failed to soften,were evaluated as internal injuries.These areas,which failed to ripen,appeared slightly lighter orange in colour than normal tissue.The assessment was performed according to the following hedonic scale:1=no abnormality,2=trace symptoms,small pits(1–15%),3=moderate symptoms,small to medium pits,blotchy appearance(16–30%), 4=moderate to severe symptoms(31–50%),5=severe symptoms (more than50%affected)(Proulx et al.,2005).The CI incidence was calculated by logarithmic transformation of the data.2.3.Peel electrolyte leakage determinationPapaya peel electrolyte leakage percentage was measured according to previous methods,Woolf and Lay-Yee(1997)with some modifications.The papaya peel was removed with a blade, and the exposed pulp was cut into10disks of2g each with a10-mm cork borer.Ten disks from each treatment and storage tempera-ture werefloated in separate conicalflasks.Eachflask contained 10ml of0.4M mannitol and was incubated for3h in a water bath (903,Protech,Malaysia)at30◦C under continuous shaking,and initial conductivity was measured by a conductivity metre(Acc-umet AB30,Fisher Scientific,Singapore).Total conductivity was measured when conicalflasks withfloated peel disks were auto-claved at120◦C for20min and cooled at ambient temperature. The electrolyte leakage percentage was calculated by dividing the initial conductivity by the total conductivity.2.4.Enzyme analysis2.4.1.Catalase(CAT)extraction and assayFor the enzyme extraction,fruit samples removed from storage were transferred immediately to-80◦C until measurements were made.One gram of papaya pulp(2-cm cubes from the fruit’s equatorial region)was taken and ground in liquid nitrogen with a mortar and pestle.The CAT activity was measured according to previously described methods,Blume and McClure(1980)with some modifications.The extraction buffer contained5mL of 50mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH7.0).The reaction mixture (1mL)contained500L of100mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH 7.8),150L of enzyme extract,250L distilled water and100L of50mM H2O2.The homogenate was centrifuged at10,000×g for 15min at4◦C.The reaction was begun by adding100L of50mM H2O2.The absorbance was measured at240nm using a spectropho-tometer(UV-Visible Double Beam,U-2800,Hitachi,Japan).One unit of enzyme activity was defined as one micromole of hydrogen peroxide oxidised mL−1min−1at25◦C.The results were expressed as enzyme units per gram fresh weight(U/g FW).The CAT activity was calculated using an extinction coefficient of39.4mM cm−1. 2.4.2.Ascorbate peroxidase(APX)extraction and assayRemaining samples from those described in section2.5.1were extracted with5mL extraction buffer.The extraction buffer con-tained the following:250L of50mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH7.0),50L of1mM l-ascorbic acid,5L of0.1M ethylene-diaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA)and1%of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP).The homogenate was centrifuged at10,000×g for15min at4◦C.APX activity was assayed according to previously published methods,Nakano and Asada(1981)with some modifications.The reaction mixture contained500L of100mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH7.0),100L of5mM l-ascorbic acid,250L of distilled water,50L of enzyme extract and100L of1mM H2O2.The final reaction volume was adjusted to1mL and APX activity was measured by the oxidation of ascorbate at290nm.The reaction was started by adding1mM H2O2.One unit of enzyme activity was defined as one micromole of ascorbate oxidised per millil-itre per minute at25◦C.The results were expressed as U/g FW. The APX activity was calculated using an extinction coefficient of 2.8mM cm− dismutase(SOD)extraction and assayRemaining samples were extracted with5mL extraction buffer. The extraction buffer contained5mL of50mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH7.8),and the homogenate was centrifuged at10,000×g for15min at4◦C.The assay was run using the SOD kit(Cell Tech-nology Inc.,USA)to draw the SOD standard curve.The absorbance was recorded at450nm using a microplate reader(Labomed,UVD-2950,Power Wave X340,Biotek Instruments Inc.,USA).Under these assay conditions,one unit of SOD activity inhibits the rate of increase in the absorbance(inhibition in reduction of WST-1 to a water-soluble formazan dye)at440nm by50%.The per-cent inhibition of the test sample correlated with SOD activity using a SOD standard curve.The results were expressed as U/g FW.2.5.Experimental design and data analysisThe experiments were conducted using a randomised complete block design in a factorial arrangement of treatments(two heat treatment levels×two storage temperatures×four storage dura-tions),with three replications.Three fruit per replicate,with three replicates,were assessed for each treatment,including the control. The experiment was repeated a total of three times,once each in June,July,and August2011.Thus,the data comprised3subsam-ples of fruit per replicate(pooled before statistical analysis)×3 replicates per season(block)×3seasons(blocks).The data were analysed using the analysis of variance in SAS,version9.13(SAS, Institute Inc.,Cary,NC,USA),and the means were separated by least significant difference(LSD)tests at P≤0.05.The regression analysis was conducted when the interaction effects between two factors were significant.116N.Shadmani et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology 99(2015)114–1190. e e l c h i l l i n g i n j u r y (l o g t r a n s f o r m e d )Storage tempera ture (°C)trol Fig.1.Effect of storage temperature on chilling injury to peels of control and hot water dipped ‘Frangi’papaya.Data shown are the means of three replications.Means followed by same letters are not significantly different according to the LSD test,P ≤0.05.n =9.3.Results and discussion3.1.Peel and pulp chilling injury incidenceThere was a significant difference in the CI development between hot water dipped and control fruit stored at 6◦C,and it could be concluded that the application of hot water as a pre-conditioning treatment induced tolerance of chilling (Fig.1).Similarly,hot water treated bananas had lower CI after 5days of storage at 7◦C (Wang et al.,2012).Chen et al.(2008)reported that heat pretreatment of bananas before storage at 8◦C delayed the induction of CI symptoms by 3days.Cold conditioning along with a hot water dip produced a decline in susceptible fruit CI.The results shown in Fig.1were similar to those for the reduc-tion of CI in heat-treated grapefruit stored at 2◦C (Sapitnitskaya et al.,2006),heat-treated pomegranates stored at 2◦C (Mirdehghan et al.,2007)and heat-treated ‘Flavorcrest’peaches stored at 0±0.5◦C (Murray et al.,2007).The tolerance induced by modulat-ing antioxidant systems could inhibit AOS accumulation (Sala and Lafuente,2000).Fig.2shows that as the storage period progressed,peel CI in control fruit increased remarkably.During weeks 1and 2,control fruit showed relatively constant rates of CI incidence.After week 2,control fruit showed increasing decay and areas of pitting on the fruit surfaces.Peel CI of treated fruit increased from week 0to week 2,but CI incidence was noticeably reduced compared to the control until week 3,and this might be attributed to the reduction of ethylene production after week 2of storage.However,the CI reduction of hot water dipped papaya after week 2may be attributable to the alterations in the surface gloss of the fruit.The possible modifications to the light reflectance characteristics could be induced by a loss of cuticular waxand/or00. e e l c h i l l in g i n j u r y(l o g t r a n s f o r m e d )Storage duration (week)Fig. 2.Relationships between peel chilling injury and storage duration of ‘Frangi’papaya in control ()and hot-water-dipped ()fruit.y (con-trol)=0.395x −0.22x 2+3.05x 3(R 2=0.76)and y(hot water dip)=−0.001+0.34x −0.09x 2(R 2=0.56).Solid lines indicate significant quadratic and cubic relationships.n = u l p c h i l l i n g i n j u r y (l o g t r a n s f o r m e d )Storage temperature (°C)Con trol Hot water dipFig.3.Effect of storage temperature on pulp chilling injury of control and hot-water-dipped ‘Frangi’papaya.Data shown are the means of three replications.Meansfollowed by the same letters are not significantly different by the LSD test,P ≤0.05.n =9.ultrastructural changes in the crystalline surface wax (Charles et al.,2008).Any modification in the skin could decrease the adhesion of pathogens,thus reducing colonisation.Hot water dipped fruit stored at 6◦C showed lower incidence of CI than heat-treated fruit stored at 12◦C (Fig.3).In addition,control fruit stored at 6◦C had significantly higher CI incidence than control fruit stored at 12◦C.Fig.3shows that the rate of chilling injury development increased in hot water dipped fruit when they were stored at 12◦C.The increase of CI incidence in hot water dipped fruit at 12◦C stor-age might be related to the low persistence of CAT activity after hot water treatment,as mentioned earlier with heat-treated ‘For-tune’mandarins (Sala and Lafuente,2000).CAT was correlated to the enhanced CI in hot water treated mandarins.CI symptoms were revealed at relatively high temperatures (e.g.,12◦C),and the symp-toms were exacerbated by reductions in temperature (Chen et al.,2008).Many CI symptoms may occur along with ripening progression and can be distinguished from senescence (Saltveit and Morris,1990).The results obtained for heat-treated bananas were differ-ent from those in this experiment.Pulp firmness in banana during storage both at ambient temperature for 10days and at low tem-perature (14◦C)for 8days did not show any heat damage in the treated fruit (Ummarat et al.,2011).Internal injury was lower in hot water dipped fruit stored at 6◦C compared with controlled fruit stored at the same temperature.The response of treated fruit to storage at lower temperatures with lower incidence of CI may be related to the antioxidant defence mechanism or to heat-shock treatment (Luengwilai et al.,2012).APX enzyme activity was sig-nificantly higher in hot-water-dipped fruit than in the control fruit when stored at 6◦C (Fig.6).These antioxidant enzymes may help control the oxidative responses that result from free radical species such as ROS (Wahid et al.,2007).3.2.Peel electrolyte leakageThe results shown in Table 1demonstrate that PEL was signif-icantly influenced by heat treatment and that heat-treated fruit had lower peel electrolyte levels than control fruit,by 24%.PEL was also significantly affected by storage duration,with a con-sistent increase (55%)until the end of the storage period.The increase of ion leakage during storage may be due to the respi-ration rate and is dependent on the integrity of the fruit tissue.The increases in respiration rate and ion leakage parameters are presumed to occur at the end of fruit ripening or when the fruit are exposed to rigorous stress conditions such as processing,cut-ting and/or exposure to high or low temperatures (Nyanjage et al.,1999).PEL was higher in control papaya than in heat-treated fruit (Table 1).The same useful effects of heat treatments have been mentioned earlier for other tropical and subtropical fruit,includingN.Shadmani et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology99(2015)114–119117 Table1Main and interaction effects of heat treatment,storage temperature and storage duration on peel and pulp chilling injury incidence and peel electrolyte leakage of‘Frangi’papaya.Factor Peel chilling injury(log y)Pulp chilling injury(log)Peel electrolyte leakage(%) Heat treatment(HT)No hot water dip(control)0.25a z0.18a21.36aHot water dip0.22a0.21a16.04bStorage temperature(ST)(◦C)60.26a0.20a19.34a120.22b0.18a18.06aStorage duration(SD)(weeks)00c0c10.81c10.24b0.17b19.75b20.34b0.23b20.10b30.39a0.40a24.15aHT×ST**nsHT×SD*ns nsSD×ST ns ns nsHT×ST×SD**nsns,not significant.y Data were log transformed.n=9.z Means within a column and factor followed by the same letter are not significantly different by the LSD test at P≤0.05.*Significant at P≤0.05.Table2Main and interaction effects of heat treatment,storage temperature and storage duration on catalase,ascorbate peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity of‘Frangi’papaya.Factor Catalase(U/g FW)Ascorbate peroxidase(U/g FW)Superoxide dismutase(U/g FW)Heat treatment(HT)No hot water dip(control) 2.22a z41.13b85.84aHot water dip 1.77b48.07a84.40aStorage temperature(ST)(◦C)6 1.74b35.75b79.89b12 2.25a53.45a90.35aStorage duration(SD)(weeks)0 1.84b74.66b34.59c1 1.77b43.79b96.00a2 2.41a54.18a73.13b3 1.96b45.84b96.69aHT×ST ns ns*HT×SD*ns nsSD×ST ns**HT×ST×SD ns**ns,not significant.z Means within a column followed by the same letter were not significantly different by LSD test at P≤0.05.*Significant at P≤0.05.n=9.pepper,tomato,cucumber and citrus(Lurie,1998;Sanchez-Ballesta et al.,2000;Saltveit,2001).A protective effect of heat treatment was observed in tomato,with less ion movement across the membranes and enhanced resistance against chilling-induced damage(Saltveit, 2005).Relative conductivity of grape tissue was increased by12.1% after3h chilling at−2◦C.Ultrastructural alterations related to CI have often appeared in membrane systems such as chloroplasts, mitochondria,nuclei,plasma membranes and tonoplasts(Kratsch and Wise,2000).3.3.Catalase,ascorbate peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activityCAT is the enzyme that preserves cells against AOS;it cataly-ses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water (Ghasemnezhad et al.,2008).The CAT activity of control fruit was reduced from week0to week1but then increased consistently until week2.CAT activity decreased markedly until week3(Fig.4). The increase of CAT activity in fruit stored at12◦C(Table2)may be due to the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide,which would cause the formation of hydroxyl radicals and the alleviation of chilling-induced peel injury(Table1).Differences in CAT activity between storage temperatures reflect the physiological differences related to the function of the antioxidant system in fruit.ROS accumulation is one of the mechanisms that contribute to the loss of membrane integrity and membrane-bound enzyme activities.The increase of H2O2and lipid hydro-peroxides has been reported earlier during fruit ripening and senescence(Lacan and Baccou,1998).LowerCAT 11.522.533.540123Catalase(U/gFW)Storage duration (weeks)Fig.4.Relationships between storage duration and catalase activity(U/g FW) of‘Frangi’papaya in control()and hot-water-dipped ()fruit.y(con-trol)=2.12−2.92x+3.14x2−0.72x3(R2=0.50).Solid line indicates a significant cubic relationship.n=9.118N.Shadmani et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology 99(2015)114–11920304050607080900123A s c o r b a t e p e r o x i d a s e (U /g F W )Storage duration (weeks)Fig.5.Relationship between ascorbate peroxidase activity (U/g FW)and stor-age duration of ‘Frangi’papaya stored at 6◦C()and 12◦C ().y (12◦C)=39.21−4.37x +17.98x 2−4.68x 3(R 2=0.50).Solid line indicates a significant cubic relationship.n =9.expression was found in hot-water-treated bananas than in the control fruit during cold storage (Wang et al.,2012).The fluctuating trend of CAT activity in control fruit during stor-age could be the result of increasing H 2O 2content during storage,as proposed by Huang et al.(2008)on ‘Cara Cara’navel oranges.They noted that the H 2O 2content in control fruit increased,especially in the middle stage of fruit ripening (week 2,as shown for papaya;Fig.4).The constant trend of peel CI incidence in control fruit dur-ing weeks 1and 2could be due to the increase in CAT activity.The increase of CI incidence in control fruit during week 3was similar to the reduction of CAT activity during the same week (Fig.2,Fig.4).The findings for ‘Navel’and ‘Valencia’oranges were not consistent with the results of this experiment.Hot water treatment signifi-cantly increased CAT activity in both peel and juice during storage at 1◦C for 20days.In addition,the reduction of CI was paralleled by higher CAT activity (Bassal and El-Hamahmy,2011).According to the results on papaya in this study,it did not seem that higher CAT activity correlated with resistance to CI in hot water treated papaya.There was a significant cubic relationship between APX activity and storage duration in papaya fruit stored at 12◦C (Fig.5).Enzyme activity increased from week 0to week 2of storage and slightly decreased thereafter.The R 2=0.50indicated that 50%of the variability in APX activity at 12◦C was due to the storage duration.These cellular changes will result in oxidative stress injuries and increase postharvest senescence.The results obtained from storage at 6◦C may indicate that the ascorbate-glutathione cycle in papaya did not provide antioxidant protection during 3weeks of cold storage as mentioned above for melon and tomato fruit (Barreiro et al.,2001;Mondal et al.,2006).The decreasing trend of the APX activity observed from week 1to week 3in papaya fruit stored at 6◦C was similar with mume fruit stored for 16days at 6◦C (Imahori et al.,2008).In this experiment,the high-est APX activity at 12◦C storage was observed at week 3(Fig.5),and consequently the reduction of peel CI was observed at week 3(Fig.2).It is possible that in fruit stored at 12◦C,the APX isoforms were synthesised,reducing the concentration of hydrogen perox-ide and consequently protecting the papaya from oxidative stress,as previously described by Ghasemnezhad et al.(2008)for Sat-suma mandarins.Fig.6indicates that APX activity was significantly higher in hot water dipped fruit stored at 6◦C.The increased activ-ity of antioxidant enzymes (APX)induced by heat treatments can protect against the membrane damage produced by chilling stress,consequently enhancing chilling tolerance (Zhang et al.,2005).Con-trol fruit stored at 12◦C showed significantly higher APX activity than control fruit stored at 6◦C (Fig.6).It is known that free radi-cals are produced during fruit ripening at optimum temperature that cause deteriorative changes related with senescence,but stor-age at chilling temperatures retards the normal ripening process and inactivates the production of free radicals (Huang et al.,2008).102030405060612A s c o r b a t e p e r o x i d a s e (U /g F W )Storage tempera ture ( °C )trol water dipFig.6.Effects of storage temperature and hot water dip on ascorbate peroxidase activity (U/g FW)of control and hot-water-dipped ‘Frangi’papaya.Data shown are the means of three replications.Means followed by the same letters were not significantly different by the LSD test,P ≤0.05.n =9.The high level of APX induced in cold storage may play a signifi-cant role in the alleviation of cold damage (Wang et al.,2012).The results obtained were consistent with Fig.1,which showed peel CI reduction of hot water dipped fruit stored at 6◦C.During the first week of storage,SOD activity of fruit stored at 12◦C increased and then decreased markedly until week 2of storage.SOD activity increased from week 2to week 3of storage (Fig.7).SOD activity in mangoes stored at 12◦C was higher than that of those stored at 6◦C.These results suggest a link between SOD activity and (O 2•−)scavenging activity at 12◦C (Kondo et al.,2005).CI occurrence in papaya fruit was not totally correlated with SOD production at 6and 12◦C,but the decreasing trend of peel CI (Fig.2)from week 2to week 3in fruit stored at 12◦C was similar to the increase of SOD at 12◦C (Fig.7).The enhanced SOD activity after week 2at 12◦C may inhibit the accumulation of superoxide radicals dur-ing storage and consequently reduce tissue damage (Vicente et al.,2006).The effects of chilling on SOD activity could be described by the different durations of cold exposure,and its activity clearly depended on the temperature regime during chilling (Sala and Lafuente,2004).In grape berries,CAT and SOD activities were steadily reduced under chilling stress.The increase of SOD activity could improve the fruit’s ability to dismutate superoxide radicals.In addition,the increased CAT and APX activities may be related to the elimination of hydrogen peroxide.Injury to plant tissues has been correlated with AOS increases with stresses such as expo-sure to chilling temperatures.Oxidative damage is regarded as an early reaction of the sensitive tissues to CI (Imahori et al.,2008).Protection of the plant cell from oxidative damage during stress is the primary mechanism by which plants resist stress (Kraus and Fletcher,1994).4060801001201400123S u p e r o x i d e d i s m u t a s e (U /g F W )Storage duration (week)Fig.7.Relationship between storage duration and storage temperature on super-oxide dismutase activity (U/g FW)of ‘Frangi’papaya stored at 6◦C ()and 12◦C(),y (12◦C)=66.73+155x −142.5x 2−32.22x 3(R 2=0.58).Solid line indicates a significant cubic relationship.n =9.N.Shadmani et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology99(2015)114–1191194.ConclusionsHot water treated fruit stored at6◦C showed significantly lower CI incidence and higher ascorbate peroxidise activity.These results demonstrated that SOD,CAT and APX activities may contribute to the alleviation of CI in fruit stored at6◦C.The integrated action of SOD,CAT and APX,might efficiently remove the AOS.The bal-ance among SOD,CAT,and APX activities is essential to cell survival during cold storage(Sala and Lafuente,2004).Plant injury caused by different biotic and abiotic stresses often involves an imbalance between the production and removal of AOS(Wise,1995).AcknowledgementThis work was funded by the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Food Science and Technology,Universiti Putra Malaysia,Serdang, 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