C. 18
D. 21
20. 设有如下程序段,其结果是( )。
int a=100,b=100;
for(;a!=b;++a,b++ )
二 填空题 (共5题 ,总分值30 )
D. a=(a/100+0.5)*100.0
7. 设x和y均为int型变量,则执行下面的循环后,y值为( )。
for (y=1,x=1;y<=50;y++)
{ if ( x>=10) break;
if ( x%2==1) { x+=4;continue;}}(2分)
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
8. 以下不符合C语言语法的赋值表达式是( )。 (2 分)
int k=-1;
A. -1,-1
B. -1,65536
C. -1,32768
D. -1,65535
13. 以下程序输出的结果是( )。
{int i=0,j=0,a=6;
手把手教你怎么做Case(一)配套案例习题注:作者Summer,毕业于清华大学经管学院,TCC创始元老之一手把手教你怎么做Case(一)配套案例习题有没有人和我一样给羡然师兄的大作跪了?一定有!有没有人和我一样觉得market sizing这种面试题出来的结果特别不靠谱儿?一定有!有没有人和我一样面试一碰到market sizing的题,就冲面试官露出满脸不高兴?有吗?真的有吗?下文两个小case采用了楼主求职阶段以满脸不高兴应对的面试真题(亲看了下文就会知道,真的不牵扯泄密问题,楼主在挑选case时是非常有职业操守的),提供的部分面试者回答综合了当时TCC原老如范男神等人的讨论结果,仅供羡然师兄大作的拜读者们练手。
Case 1是typical 的market sizing,大家主要看解题思路,争取遇此题能够快速、完整、严密的喷出你精彩的回答;Case 2含有一些变形,更希望大家看到灵活应对、不断创新,把market sizing 和分析紧密结合的思考方式。
【Case I】Pretalk俗不可耐的大傻题,面试官犯困或没话找话时的经典用题面试官(临时被HR拽来,还没准备好面试题,看着弱小无知的群主毫无气场地走进、坐下,心里琢磨着问她点什么呢?低头,只见自己刚买的星巴克,转而深沉地说道):看见楼下的星巴克了么?先估算一下他家一天的营业额吧。
面试者(老子真心没看见,但要轻松微笑):看到,好,请让我想一下(这种题,沉默时间也就15-20秒,别再多了,定个基本思路,细节边说边想)我觉得可以这样估算…… …… (我是华丽丽的分界线)场外互动一下:亲们想如何估算?…… 面试者(续):Step1:我想您指的是工作日的日均营业收入吧?Step2:那么我主要算饮品的杯数,乘均价得饮品收入,乘百分比得非饮品的收入;Step3:饮品分为堂食和非堂食;Step4:开始边说边写)堂食分高峰非高峰,堂食的人数=座位数×上座率×翻盘率×时段小时数,(公式下面对应填两行数)座位大概20个,假设高峰上座率90%,每小时翻盘1次,早上加中午总共4个小时;再假设非高峰上座率50%,每小时翻盘0.5次,营业时间减高峰期还剩10个小时;这样算,每天堂食大约120杯;(别光自己瞎叨叨,随时目光交流一下,确认面试官还care你的存在)Step5:非堂食的人主要是在这座大厦工作的人,非堂食的杯数=每层员工数量×楼层数×星巴克渗透率×每日购买杯数,(公式下面对应填数)每层100人,共30层,30%的人不喝咖啡,每日0杯;30%的人困了才喝咖啡,这里又只有星巴克一家,算每日0.2杯;30%的人更频繁,每日0.6杯;还有10%的人习惯性购买,每日至少1杯;这样算来,每天非堂食大约1000杯;(楼主觉得说到这份儿上,面试官八成已经把你打断了,思路已经完全出来了,但如果TA继续要数儿.......)Step6:共1120杯,乘均价25,再加上非饮品收入,假设5-10%,那么楼下这家星巴克工作日的日均营业额在3万左右;面试官(通常不会就这么放过你,有TA觉得有意义的点,TA会追问,譬如非饮品为什么是5-10%啊,你可以答通过年报啊同类店家采访啊等等只要合理就行,如果实在没话,也保不齐TA突然来一句):还有别的算法么?面试者(老纸算了这么半天,有完没完。
画图练习三绘制图形要求:轮廓线线宽0.2 ;不要标注;尺寸要准确。
画图练习四绘制图形要求:轮廓线线宽0.2 ;不要标注;尺寸要准确。
图1-9绘制圆和正多边形 图1-10绘制组合线3、编辑命令练习【习题1-11】用Offset(等距线)、Trim(修剪)和Line命令绘制图1-11所示的图形。
图1—11用Offset和Trim等命令绘制图形 图1-12绘制等距线【习题1—13】用Offset(等距线)和Extend(延伸)命令将图1-13a修改为图1—13b。
visio,感觉smartdraw有许多不一样的地方。一开始 就是提供你大堆模版,以目录树的形式放在左边。你 的设计都可以纳入模版,并且在某个目录组织。 smartdraw也是大手笔,有许多visio没有的方便功能。 比如插入表格。smartdraw本身是独立提供图稿绘制 的工具,因而工具齐全。而visio更多是与word集成在 一起,能够充分利用 word的编排功能。
程的方式管理原码,提供非常适合再工程的浏览手段.整 个面板分成三个部分.左边树提供工程内的所有变量,函 数,宏定义,右边提供程序阅读和编辑,下边显示你鼠标 在原码触及的函数或者变量定义.最让人佩服的是 SourceInsigt不仅高亮你的关键字,而且以近乎完美的 板面编排让你看程序如果看报纸,好极了。 SourceInsigt提供函数交叉调用的分析,并以树状的形 式显示调用关系。
1.Rational Rose:大恐龙, 小项目中难以使用。虽然这是一个推荐
使用的高端工具,它使改进和维护设计、从模型生成报表、在平行协 作环境中与他人共同进行建模工作变得很方便。 Rose 2002功能上可以完成UML的9种标准建模,即静态建模(用例图 类图 对象图 组件图 配置图 )和动态建模(合作图 序列图 状态转 移图 活动图),为了使静态建模可以直接作用于代码,Rose提供了类 设计到多种程序语言代码自动产生的插件。 同时,作为一款优秀的分析和设计工具,Rose具有强大的正向和逆向 工程能力。正向工程这里指的是由设计产生代码,逆向工程指由代码 归纳出设计。通过逆向工程Rose可以对历史系统作出分析,然后进行 改进,再通过正向工程产生新系统的代码,这样的设计方式我们称之 为再工程。
《C语言程序设计》综合练习试卷(一)试题一判断题 (每题1分,共10 分)(用T表示正确、F表示不正确) 1.C的任何类型数据在计算机内部都是以二进制形式存储的。
1.以下程序运行后,输出结果是#include"stdio.h"void main( ){ char s[10]="abcde",*p;p=s+2;printf("%s \n",p);}A) cde B)字符c的ASCII码值 C)字符c的地址 D)出错2.对下面函数f,写出f(f(3))的值。
int f(int x){ static int k=0;x+=k--;return x;}A) 5 B) 3 C) 2 D) 43.以下程序运行后,输出结果是#define PT 5#define S(x) PT*x#include"stdio.h"void main( ){ int a=1,b=2;printf ("%d\n",S(a+b));}A) 15 B) 7 C) 8 D) 无正确答案4. 若有 float a[3][4]; 正确的引用第3行第1列的元素是A) **(a+2) B) *(*a+2) C) a[3][1] D) a[3][0]printf("%.1f,%d\n",10./4,10/8);的输出是A) 2.5, 1.25 B) 2.5, 1 CA) int a[ ]; B)int n=5,a[n];C) int n, a[n]={1,2,3,4,5}; D) int a[10/2];7.若有定义:struct person { char name[9]; int age; } ;person st[10]={{"john",17},{"paul",19},{"Mary",18}};能输出字母M的语句是A) printf("%c",st[2].name);B) printf("%c",st[3].name[1]);C) printf("%c",st[2].name[1]);D) printf("%c",st[2].name[0]);8.不能把字符串:“Hello!”赋给数组b的语句是A) char b[10]={'H','e','l','l','o','!','\0'};B) char b[10];b="Hello!";C) char b[10];strcpy(b,"Hello!");D) char b[10]="Hello!";9.若有 int a[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},*p=a;则表达式值为6的是A)*p+6 B)*(p+6) C)*p+=5 D)p+510. 已知:int *p,m=5, n; 正确的程序段是A) p=&n; scanf(" %d",&p); B) p=&n; scanf(" %d", *p);C) scanf("%d",&n); *p=n; D) p=&n; *p=m;11. 下面程序的运行结果是:#include"stdio.h"void main( ){ int x[4]={ 2,4,6,8},*p, **pp;p=x;pp=&p;printf("%d",*p);printf("%3d",**pp);}A) 4 4 B) 2 4 C) 2 2 D) 4 612.下面程序执行后a的值是#include"stdio.h"void main( ){ int a,k=4,m=6,*p1=&k,*p2=&m;a=p1!=&m;printf("%d\n",a);}A)4 B)1 C)0 D)运行时出错,a无定值13.下列语句序列中,能够将变量u、s中最大值赋给变量t的是A) if (u>s) t=u; t=s; B) t=s; if (u>s) t=u;C) if (u>s) t=s; else t=u; D) t=u; if (u>s) t=s;14. 若有 int a=7,b=12;则语句printf("%d",a&b);输出结果A) 19 B) 9 C) 5 D) 415.若有 FILE *fp; 以“只读”方式打开文本文件a:\aa.dat,下列语句中正确的是A) fp=fopen("a:\aa.dat","w");B) fp=fopen("a:\aa.dat","r");C) fp=fopen("a:\\aa.dat","w");D) fp=fopen("a:\\aa.dat","r");试题三阅读程序题( 每题4分,共24分)写出读下列程序的输出结果1. #include<stdio.h>void main(){ char ch;for(ch='a';ch<'f'; ch++){ putchar(ch-32);putchar(ch);}}2. #include"stdio.h"void main(){ int i;for( i=1;i<=4;i++){ if ((i%3)==0) { printf("$"); continue;} else printf("*");printf("#");}}3. #include "stdio.h"void main(){ int i;for(i=1;i<5;i++)switch(i%5){ case 5: printf(" 5");case 3: printf(" 3");case 1: printf(" 1");default: printf("%2d",i);}}4. #include"stdio.h"void main(){ int x[10];int t,i,j,m=1;for(i=0;i<10;i++){ m=-m;x[i]=m*i;}for(i=1;i<10;i++){ t=x[i];for(j=i-1; j>=0; j--)if(t>x[j]) break;else x[j+1]=x[j];x[j+1]=t;}for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%3d",x[i]);}5. #include<stdio.h>void main(){ void swap1(int x ,int y );void swap2(int *x,int *y);void swap3(int &x,int &y);int a1,b1,a2,b2,a3,b3;a1=a2=a3=10;b1=b2=b3=5;swap1(a1,b1);swap2(&a2,&b2);swap3(a3,b3);printf("a1=%d b1=%d\n",a1,b1);printf("a2=%d b2=%d\n",a2,b2);printf("a3=%d b3=%d\n",a3,b3);}void swap1(int x,int y){ int t;t=x;x=y;y=t; }void swap2(int *x,int *y){ int t;t=*x; *x=*y; *y=t; }void swap3(int &x,int &y){ int t;t=x; x=y; y=t; }6.struct node{int num;node *next;};int fun( node *h){ int s,n=0,i;node *p=h ;while(p!=NULL){ for(s=0,i=1;i<p->num;i++)if ((p->num)%i==0) s+=i;if (s==p->num) n++;p=p->next;}return n;}写出执行语句“printf(“%d\n”,fun(head));”的输出结果。
MiniCase 1
MiniCase 1 Homeland Security Data Integration
第二組 劉家蓁 / 曾揚仁 / 張采蘩
Homeland Security Data Integration --
導入RFID之挑戰 之挑戰 導入
– – – –
Homeland Security Data Integration--
• 選擇使用 Informatica 系統整合商來解決資料整併的問題 • Informatica 是一間致力於資料整合的公司,目前有超過 3300以上的公司與政府組織使用它們所開發的工具及軟體 • 主要幫助客戶解決 – Data consolidation 資料的彙總來減少系統和應用程式的 複雜 – Data Migration 系統升級時的資料移轉 – Data Synchronization 企業系統資料的一致性 – Data Warehousing 企業資料倉儲,資料轉換成有用的策 略性資訊,用來支援決策的制定
Homeland Security Data Integration --
• 考量所有的聯邦組織來建立一個企業架構 • 資料移轉
– 首先要確認所有使用中的軟體及資料庫,然後再決定那些要 保留或不保留
– 訂定並建立資料的共同主軸
– 考量資料的安全性
• 建立資訊分析及系統架構的防護元件 • 確認來自各地相當大量的資料,將資訊傳達到使用者的手 中 • 透過Data analysis,data mining,OLAP的幫助,提早發現、 偵測有計劃性的攻擊,以及找出恐怖份子 • 資料缺乏疑慮:加速將資訊移到它被需要的地方
int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,k;
4.已知:int a=5;则执行a+=a-=a*a;语句后,a的值为【6】。
main( )
{ float x=4.9;int y;
char ch;
unsigned int x=65535;
A) 65535B)1C)有错误D)-1
int x,y;
金融群面 case 1
Supporting new business start-ups (EY)IntroductionB&T operates in 30 countries worldwide. It employs 125,000 people. In the UK, B&T has 624,000 business customers. Many of these are small enterprises or start-up businesses. B&T offers a special service for these. This is called Local Business. To set up a new business can be a challenge. Entrepreneurs have to make key decisions when setting up. B&T offers support with this process.The business ideaThe first step is to come up with an idea. This needs to be new and original. Ideas come from many places. Some people get them from other businesses. Others use skills they have or spota gap in the market. Before setting up, market research is necessary. This is to find out about the target market. Researchneeds to look at questions of who, what, where, when and how.For instance:•Who is in the market already?•What is the target market?•Where are customers based?•When do they want the product?22018年8⽉24⽉星期五•How do I reach them?Desk research can provide the answers to these questions. Types of organisationNew businesses have to decide what legal form to take. There are three main types:1. Sole traders. Asingle owner controls the business. The owner takes all of the profit. She or he also takes all of the risk. If the business fails, the owner is liable for debts. This means the owner’s own money and assets are at risk. The sole trader could become bankrupt.2. Partnerships have between 2-20partners. Partners bring more skills. They may also bring more capital. Like the sole trader, most partners can lose their own assets if the business fails.3.Limited company.This is a separate legal body from its owners, who are shareholders. It is more complicated to set up, but the shareholders’level of risk is limited to the amount they put into the company. This is known as limited liability. Budgets and plansA new business needs a good plan to help prevent failure. The plan forecasts costs and revenues. It also sets out how the business will be financed. A detailed budget helps a business to keep control. A common problem is cash flow. Many new businesses need to offer customers credit in order to attract custom. This often leaves the business short of cash. B&T can help by giving advice on how to:•manage debt•avoid late payments•speed up payments from customers.A new business needs financial advice. It also needs a special banking service. B&T provides free business banking (for twelve months). It also provides support froma local business manager.FinanceB&T can also provide business finance such as: •overdrafts –these allow a person to withdraw more money from a current account than there is in it at the time•a business credit card –this allows for instant borrowing. It also creates flexibility•a bank loan - this is useful if the business wants to borrow larger amounts.Task:D&M is a UK based fashion retailer, it is targeted at young men and women aged 20-30 and is planning to enter into Hong Kong Market in 2010. Your group, as the representative of B&T HK, has been asked to give a presentation to the D&M Vice President, on how B&T Hong Kong can assist D&M in their new business start-up in Hong Kong.。
Example 1.3void main(){int max(int x,int y);int a,b,c;scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b);c=max(a,b);printf("max is %d\n",c); }int max(int x,int y){int t;if(x>y)t=x;elset=y;return(t);}Example1(1.6)#include<stdio.h>void main(){int max(int x,int y,int z);int a,b,c,sum;scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c); sum=max(a,b,c);printf("max= %d\n",sum);}int max(int x,int y,int z){int num;if(x>y)if(x>z)num=x;elsenum=z;elseif(y>z)num=y;elsenum=z;return(num);}练习2.4(5):2.5(4)2.6(4)方法一:开始置i=1置sum=0当i不大于100时,执行下面的操作:使sum=sum+i使i=i+1打印sum结束方法二:Begin1→i0→sumWhile i<=100{sum=sum+i;i=i+1;}32个关键字:(由系统定义,不能重作其它定义)auto break case char constcontinue default do double elseenum extern float for gotoif int long register returnshort signed sizeof static structswitch typedef unsigned union voidvolatile while类型转换在赋初值和不同类型数据进行混合运算时都会遇到。
1. 实例一:三维盒子建模首先,我们从一个简单的三维盒子开始。
建模步骤如下:1. 在3D建模软件中创建一个新项目。
2. 选择创建一个立方体模型。
3. 设置立方体的大小、位置和旋转。
4. 添加材质和纹理,使立方体看起来更加真实。
2. 实例二:汽车建模接下来,我们将建模一个简单的汽车。
建模步骤如下:1. 在3D建模软件中创建一个新项目。
2. 使用基本的几何图形(如长方体、球体、圆柱体等)创建车身、车轮和车窗等部分。
3. 对每个部分进行缩放、旋转和移动,使其符合汽车的形状。
4. 添加细节和纹理,提高汽车模型的质量。
3. 实例三:人物建模最后,我们将建模一个简单的人物。
建模步骤如下:1. 在3D建模软件中创建一个新项目。
2. 使用基本的几何图形(如长方体、球体、圆柱体等)创建人物的头、身体、四肢等部分。
3. 对每个部分进行缩放、旋转和移动,使其符合人体的形状。
4. 添加细节和纹理,使人物模型更加逼真。
此外,还需要根据实际需求选择合适的建模软件和工具,如Blender、Maya和3ds Max等。
27.对于下列代码段,说法正确的是(? ? )。
public class Student {
????? private String name;
????? private int age;
?? ?? public Student() {
18.下列循环语句实现先执行后判断循环条件的是(? ? )。
19.在switch-case语句中,需要与(? ? )语句搭配使用,用以结束对应case逻辑的执行。
29.下列修饰符在修饰类时,类不能直接用来创建实例的是(? ? )。
30.下列修饰符在修饰类时,不能被继承扩展的是(? ? )。
5.下列(? ? )是合法的标识符。
6.下列( )不是保留字
23.类内部内容不包括(? ? )。
(二)代谢性碱中毒对机体 的影响
γ -氨基丁酸转氨酶 (+)
制作者、主讲人:泰山医学院2011 级临本宋世博
2. 神经肌肉应激性升高 (increase in neuromuscular excitability) 机制: pH,
制作者、主讲人:泰山医学院2011 级临本宋世博
◆心律失常:窦性心动过速、期前收缩、阵发性 室上速 ◆心肌对洋地黄类强心剂毒性作用的敏感性增加
3.对肾功能的影响 (effect on renal function)
集合管对ADH反应性降低 ; 髓袢升支粗段对NaCl重吸收障碍
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制作者、主讲人:泰山医学院2011 级临本宋世博
• • 经短期内科治疗无效,说明瘢痕挛缩为引起幽门梗阻的主要因素。或经 检查诊断为胃溃疡,尤其是有恶变可疑者,于非手术疗法使炎症水肿消失后, 应择期行手术治疗。 既往所采用的单纯引流术,如幽门成形术或胃空肠吻合术,不能解决溃 疡病的问题。因此现在普遍施行胃切除术或迷走神经切断术,后者以选择性 或高选择性迷走神经切断术为主,而迷走神经干切断术已很少应用。选择性 迷走神经切断术加胃窦切除术,并作胃十二指肠吻合,曾经被认为是治疗幽 门梗阻最好的手术,但有时十二指肠不易游离。则作选择性迷走神经切断术 加胃窦切除术,而后行胃空肠吻合术。 近来主张作高选择性迷走神经切断术而不加幽门成形术者较多。如果溃 疡位于幽门部的前壁,在作幽门成形术时应将溃疡切除;但若溃疡是在后壁, 则幽门成形术不能同时切除溃疡;只有行胃窦切除才能切除溃疡,或将溃疡 旷置。总之,为幽门梗阻施行手术,首要任务是解决梗阻,其次是根治溃疡 病,究竟那种术式效果好,主要根据病情来考虑:病人的年龄、全身情况、 胃酸的高低、胃炎的程度,以及溃疡所在位置,还要考虑术者对各种术式的 熟练程度。如病情不允许作复杂手术,可选择简单引流手术,以解决当务之 急。
特色英语case资料1 文档
Case 1 (Page 23) 三种文化while visiting egyptThis case took place in 3 cultures. There seemed to be problems in communicatingwith people of different cultures in spite of the efforts to achieve understnading.1)In Egypt as in many cultures, the human relationship is valued so highly that it is not expressed in an objective and impersonal way. While Americans certainly value human relationships, they are more likely to speak of them in less personal, more objective terms. In this case, Richard’s mistak e might be that he choseto praise the food itself rather than the total evening, for which the food w as simply the setting or excuse. For his host or hostess it was as if he had attended an art exhibit an d complimented the artist by saying, “What beautiful frames your pictures are in!”2)In Japan the situation may be more complicated. Japanese people value order and harmony among a group, and that the group is valued more than any particular member. In contrast, Americans str ess individuality and are apt to assert individual differences when they seem justifiably to be in co nflict with the goals or values of the group. In this case, Richard’s mistake was making great effort s to defend himself even if the error is notintentiona. A simple apology and acceptance of the bla me would have been appropriate3) When it comes to England, w expect fewer problems between Americans and Englishmen than between Americans and almost any other group. In this case we might look beyond the gesture of t aking sugar or cream to the valuess expressed in this gesture: for Americans, “Help yourself”; for t he English counterpart, “Be my guest.” American and English people equally enjoy entertaining a nd being entertained, but they differ in the value of the distinction. Typically, the ideal guest at an American party is obe who “makeshimself at home”. For the English host, such guest behavior is presumptuous or rude.Case 2 (Page 24) 韩国留学生I was frustrated with a lowA common cultural misunderstanding in classes involvs conflicts between what is said to be direct communication style and indirect communication style. In American culture, people tend to say w hat is on their minds and mean what they say. Therefore, students in class are expected to ask ques tions when they need clarification. Mexican culture shares this preference of style with American culture in some situations, and that’s why the students from Mexico readily adopted the techniques of asking questions in class.However, Korean people generally prefer indirect communication style, and therefore they tend no t to say what is on their minds and to rely more on implications and inference, so as to be polite an d repectful and avoid losing face through any improper verbal behavior. As is mentioned in the cas e, to many Koreans, numerous questions would show a disrespect for the teacher, and would also r eflect that the student has not studied hard enough.Case 3 (Page 24)随身听Our school offers a term abroadThe conflict here is a difference in cultural values and beliefs. In the beginning, Mary didn’t realize that her Dominican sister saw her as a member of the family, literally. In the Dominican view, fa mily possessions are shared by everyone of the family. Luz was acting as most Dominican sisters woould do in borrowing without asking every time. Once Mary understood that there was a differe nt way of looking at this, she would become more accepting. However, she might still experience f rustration when this happened again. She had to find ways to cope with her own emotional cultura l reaction as well as her practical problem (the batteries running out).Case 4 (Page 25) 日本人对美国人看法A young Japanese student It might be simply a question of different rhythms. Americans have one rhythm in their personal a nd family relations, in their friendliness and their charities. People from other cultures have differe nt rhythms. The American rhythm is fast. It is characterized by a rapid acceptance of others. Howe ver, it is seldom that Americans engage themselves entirely in a friendship. Their friendship are w arm, but casual and specialized. For example, you have a neighbor who drops by in the morning fo r coffee. You see her frequently, but you never invite her for dinner------not because you don’t thin k she could handle a fork and a knife, but because you have seen her that morning. Therefore, you reserve your more formal invitation to dinner for someone who lives in a more dist ant part of the city and whom you would not see unless you extended an invitation for a special oc casion. Now, if the first friend moves away and the second one moves nearby, you are likely to res erve this------see the second friend in the mornings for informal coffee meetings, and invite the fir st one more formally to dinner.Americans are, in other words, guided very often by their own convenience. They tend to make fri ends rapidly, and they don’t feel like it necessary to go to a great amount of trouble to see friends o ften when it becomes inconvenient to do so, and usually no one is hurt. But in similar circumstanc es, people from many other cultures would be hurt very deeply.Case 5 (Page 60) 中国导游In early 1980sAnalysis: The Chinese guide should refuse the first offer because he is obeying the Chinese rules f or communication. We Chinese are modest, polite and well-behaved. Maybe the guide is waiting f or a second or third offer of beer, but he doesn’t know the reasons behind the rule in American cult ure that you do not push alcoholic beverages on anyone. A person may not drink for religious reas ons, he may be a reformed alcoholic, or he may be allergic. Whatever the reason, you do not insist on offering alcohol. So they politely never made a second offer of beer to the guide.Case 6 (Page 61) 中国医生的母亲Ten years agoWhen a speaker says something to a hearer,there are at least three kinds of meanings involved: utt erance meaning, the speaker’s meaning and the hearer’s meaning. In the dialogue, when Litz aske d how long her mother-in-law was going to stay, she meant that if she knew how long she was goi ng to saty in Finland, she would be able to make proper arrangements for her, such as taking her o ut to some sightseeing. However, her mother-in-law took Litz’s question to mean “Litz does not w ant me to saty for long”. From the Chinese point of view, it seems inappropriate for Litz to ask suc h a question just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival. If she has to ask the question, it wouldbe better to ask some time later and she should not let her mother-in-law hear it.Case 7 (Page 62) Analysis: 外国学生礼物As a foreign studentKeiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, excha nging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don’t have one to of fer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn’t offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show the care, respect, gratitude and further friendship. Keiko’s college friends would rather round up some of the necessary items and they are willing to have her use them. They really expected n othing from her. For in America, people donate their used household items to church or to the com munity. They would never consider these old items as gifts to Keiko. So Keiko’s valuable gifts hav e made her American friends feel uncomfortableCase 8 (Page 62) 爱上中国男孩I fell in love withWhen the Chinese girl Amy fell in love with an American boy at that time, it seems that she prefer red to celebrate Chritmas in the American way, for she wanted very much to appear the same as ot her American girls. She did not like to see her boyfriend disappointed at the “shabby” Chinese Chr istmas. That’s why she cried when she found out her parents had invited theminister’s family over for the Christmas Eve dinner. She thought the menu for the Chritmas meal created by her mother a strange one because there were no roast turkey and sweet potatoes but onl y Chinese food. How could she notice then the food chosen by her mother were all her favorites? From this case, we can find a lot of differences between the Chinese and Western cultures in what is appropriate food for a banquet, what are good table manners, and how one should behave to be hospitable. However, one should never feel shame just because one’s culture is different from othe rs’. As Amy’s mother told her, you must be proud to be different, and your only shame is to have s hame.Case 9 (Page 96) 日本人Phil Downing ,an eager your executive Traditional Japanese respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them. The elders in traditional Japanese families are typically overpowered. So the grandfather seemed to be an absolute authority for the young chairman. In Japanese culture challenging or disagreeing with eilder’s opinions would be deemed as being disrespectful. That is why the young chairman said nothing but just nodded and agreed with his grandfather. And it results in the Japanese. company’s withdrawal from the negotiations concerning a relationship with Phil’s company a wee k later.Case 10 (Page 97) 日本公司mr legrand is a French engineerIn Japan, a company is very much like a big family, in which the manager will take care of the em ployees and the employees are expected to cevote themselves to the development of the company and, if it is necessary, to sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the company. But to the French, a company is just a loosely-knit social organization wherein individuals are supposed to tak e care of themselves and their families. And the family is the number one priority, which is unlike the Japanese model “not involving females and the right to decide by dominant male”.Case 11 (Page 97)日本人在堪培拉In CanberraIn most cultures, an apology is needed when an offence or violation of social norms has taken plac e. To many Westerners, Japanese apologize more frequently and an apology in Japanese does not n ecessarily mean that the person is acknowledging a fault. To many Japanese, Westeners may seem to be rude just because they do not apologize as often as the Japanese would do. In this case, the at itude of the Australian student’s parents is shocking the Japanese but will be acceptable in an Engli sh-speaking society, for the student is already an adult and can be responsible for her own deeds.Case 12 (Page 98) 在加拿大One of canada’s leading banksIn this case, it seems that the Chinese expectation were not fulfilled. First, having two people sharing host responsibilities could be confusing to the Chinese.Second, in China, it is a tradition for the host to offer a welcome toast at the beginning of the meal. By not doing so, the Canadian might be thought rude. The abrupt departure of the Chinese from the banquet was probably an indication that they were not pleased with the way they were treated. The Canadians’ lac k of understanding of the Chinese culture would be a problem in their dealing with the visiting delegation.Case 13 第二次世界大战Near the end of World war IIThis example vividly illustrates that failures in intercultural translation may probably lead to very serious consequence, or even disasters to human beings. Definitely, translation is not such a simpl e process as rendering a word, a sentence or a text literally, but rather a far more complex one than most people assumed.For example, once a Chinese cosmetic manufacturer wanted to promote their products into the international market. The slogan of the advertisement was: ―sweet as Jade‖, since in Chinese ―jade‖ was always employed to compliment woman…s beauty; but unfortunately, it was not an appropriate word to describe the beauty of a lady in West ern cultures. In English, ―jade‖ in its use of referring a woman had the connotations such as vulgar, rude, immoral, or skitti sh. Undoubtedly, the sales in European countries were not satisfying.The seeming equivalents between languages may have very different connotations in different cultures, thus the translator should be cautious in the process of doing the translation so as to avoid misunderstandings.Case 14 我失骄杨君失柳“杨” refers to Yang Kaihui w h o w a s Mao Zedong…s deceased wife and ―柳‖ refers to Liuzhixun who was Li shuyi…s deceased husband. They can be translated in different ways, but itseems to be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve equivalence in translating from Chinese int o English.Adopting the literal translation strategy, version 1 appears to be faithful to the original but may easily confuse the readers in the target language. Version 2 employs the liberal translation strategy with an attempt to convey the original meaning as precisely as possible. However, the original poe tic flavor is lost as the rhetoric device — pun — is not reproduced.Case 15 轻快的龙舟如银河流星The translation seems to be faithful to the original, but it may not be really good for the purpose of intercultural communication. Foreign readers of the translation may find it strange and inappropri ate.The following is what a friendly American journalist has commented on the translation:My first reaction was unfortunately laughter because it is so full of mistakes. It omits some necessary information about the Dragon-Boat Festival, including its historical origins and when it actually takes place. These things are important… The copy seems to try to ―snow‖ the reader with fanciful, overblown assertions about how terrific it all is, but in uninten tionally hilarious language that leaves the reader laughing out uninformed… The brochure also suffers from lack of background material, the taking-if-for-granted that the reader already is fa miliar with many aspects of Chinese history and culture… It doesn…t tell you where to go, how t o get there, when things are open and closed, how much they cost, and so forth. All these are th ings people visiting an area want to know.Why is it that many Chinese travel guides read basically the same, no matter what region is being written about, and are so packed with indiscriminate hyperbole? Less exaggeration w ould actually be more convincingCase 16 红楼梦Comparing the two English versions, we can see that in Yang…s version more culturally-loaded me anings are conveyed from the original while Hawkes… version may be easier for English-speaking readers to comprehend.Look at some of the differences between the two versions of this extract:By comparing different translations of the same text, we can achieve a better understanding of cult ural gaps and differences and then learn to employ proper strategies to bridge those gaps in transla ting across languages for intercultural communication.Case 17两个男人在飞机上Two men meet on a planeWhen these two men separate, they may leave each other with very different impressions.Mr Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr Chu and feels they have g otten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr Chu…s smile seemed to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr Richards on is particularly pleased that he had treated Mr Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fai rather than using the western name, David, which seemed to him an unnecessar y imposition of western culture.In contrast, Mr Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr Richardson. He feels it will be difficult t o work with him, and that Mr Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that, instead of calling him David or Mr Chu, Mr Richardson used his given name, Hon-fai, the name rarely used by anyone, in fact. It was this embarrassment which caused h im to smile. He would feel more comfortable if they called each other Mr Chu and Mr Richardson. Nevertheless, when he was away at school in North America he learned that Americans feel unco mfortable calling people Mr for any extended period of time. His solution was to adopt a western name. He chose David for use in such situations.Case 18 美国厨师在巴基斯坦An American was a dinnerEven if the American knew Urdu, the language spoken in Pakistan, he would also have to understand the culture of communication in that country to respond appropriately. In this case, he had to say ―No at least three times.In some countries, for instance, the Ukraine, it may happen that a guest is pressed as many as s even or eight times to take more food, whereas in the UK it would be unusual to do so more than t wice. For a Ukrainian, to do it the British way would suggest the person is not actually generous. I ndeed, British recipients of such hospitality sometimes feel that their host is behaving impolitely b y forcing them into a bind, since they run out of polite refusal strategies long before the Ukrainian host has exhausted his/her repertoire of polite insistence strategies.Case 19 When visiting management professorTalking about what…s wrong is not easy for people in any culture, but people in high-context countries like China put high priority on keeping harmony, preventing anyone from losing face, an d nurturing the relationship. It seems that Ron Kelly had to learn a different way of sending messa ge when he was in China. At home in Canada he would have gone directly to the point. But in Chi na, going directly to the problem with someone may suggest that he or she has failed to live up to his or her responsibility and the honor of his or her organization is in question. In high-context cult ures like China, such a message is serious and damaging. In low-context cultures, however, the ten dency is just to ―spit it out, to get it into words and worry about the result later. Senders of unwel come messages use objective facts, assuming, as with persuasion, that facts are neutral, instrument al, and impersonal. Indirectness is often the way members of high-context cultures choose to com municate about a problem.Case 20 尊敬的节目主持人It seems that the letters of request written in English as well as in Chinese by Chinese peopleare likely to preface the request with extended face-work. To Chinese people, the normal and polit e way to form a request requires providing reasons that are usually placed before the requests. Of c ourse, this is just the inverse of English conventions in which requests are fronted without much fa ce-work. In the view of the English-speaking people, the opening lines of Chinese requests and some other speech acts do not usually provide a thesis or topic statement which will orient the listen er to the overall direction of the communication. Worst of all, the lack of precision and the failure t o address the point directly may lead to suspicions that the Chinese speakers are beating around th e bush. To them, the presence of a clear and concise statement of what is to be talked about will m ake the speech more precise, more dramatic, and more eloquent.However, the Chinese learning and using English in communication may find it difficult to co me to terms with the common English tendency to begin with a topic statement. In the Chinese cul ture, stating one…s request or main point at the beginning would make the person seem immodest, pushy, and inconsiderate for wanting things. If your speech gives others the impression that you ar e demanding something, you would lose face for acting aggressively and not considering the other s. Thus you…d be hurting people by claiming something for yourself.In such a situation, it is usually considered a smart strategy if you carefully delineate the justifi cations that will naturally lead to your request or argument. Therefore, instead of stating their prop osition somewhere in the beginning and then proceeding to build their case, Chinese people often f irst establish a shared context with which to judge their requests or arguments. Only after carefully prefacing them with an avalanche of relevant details, as if to nullify any opposition, will they pres ent the requests or arguments.Case 21 Kenneth,an American studentSometimes our best intentions can lead to breakdowns in cross-cultural communication. For exam ple, one of the very common manners of touching --- handshaking --- may result in conflict when performed with no consideration of cultural differences. Among middle-class North American me n, it is customary to shake hands as a gesture of friendship. When wanting to communicate extra fr iendliness, a male in the United States may, while shaking hands, grasp with his left hand his frien d…s right arm. However, to people of Middle Eastern countries, the left hand is profane and touchi ng someone with it is highly offensive. Therefore, in Vernon…s eyes, Kenneth was actually an extre mely offensive message to him.Case 22 Linda 波多黎各In Puerto Rican culture, as in some other Latin American and Eastern cultures, it is not right for a child to keep an eye-contact with an adult who is accusing him or her, while in the United States, f ailing of meeting other person…s eye accusing him or her would be taken as a sign of guiltiness. As the principal knew little about this cultural difference in using eye-contact, he decided that the girl must be guilty. Generally speaking, avoiding eye-contact with the other(s) is often considered as a n insult in some cultures, but may signify respect for authority and obedience in other cultures.Case 23 Selma had only recently arrived in ·····Just like smile, laughing does not always serve the same function in different cultures. Interestingly, for us Chinese, laughing often has a special function on some tense social occasions.People may laugh to release the tension or embarrassment, to express their concern about you, the ir intention to put you at ease or to help you come out of the embarrassment. In this case, the peopl e there were actually wishing to laugh with the American rather than laugh at her. Their laughing s eemed to convey a number of messages: don…t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it…s nothing; such t hings can happen to any of us, etc. Unfortunately the American was unaware of this. She thought t hey were laughing at her, which made her feel more badly and angry, for in her culture laughing o n such an occasion would be interpreted as an insulting response, humiliating and negative.Case 24 Ulrike SchumacherIt is obvious that there exists some difference between the British and Germans in their use oftouch. The lack of touch that seems to be natural in Britain may be considered strange by German s. What is required (in this case, shaking hands with each other) in one country could be taken as unnecessary in another.The appropriateness of contact between people varies from country to country. Figures from a study offer some interesting insight into this matter. Pairs of individuals sitting and chatting in coll ege shops in different countries were observed for at least one hour each. The number of times that either one touched the other in that one hour was recorded, as follows: in London, 0; in Florida, 2; in Paris, 10; in Puerto Rico, 180. These figures indicate that touch is used very differently in diffe rent cultures.Case 25 to Beijing 1998For people from the American culture and western European cultures, one…s time should be sched uled into segments or compartments which are to be kept discrete from one another. They prefer to do one thing at a time. They will be annoyed when they have made an appointment with somebod y, only to find a lot of other things going on at the same time. They don…t like to interrupt others a nd be interrupted by other while they are doing something. In contrast, people from many other cu ltures including the Chinese culture are more likely to operate with several people, ideas, or matter s simultaneously. They are more easily distracted and subject to interruptions, which they would n ot usually mind very much. The miscommunication between Katherine and the director can be asc ribed to their lack of knowledge about each other…s way of using time.In this case, to the Chinese director as well as many other Chinese people, it is natural to handl e the other things which needed to be dealt with immediately. He may have thought that, in this wa y, he utilized the time best. But to Katherine and most Westerners, it…s quite different. They tend to do things strictly according to their schedule and appointments with others, which is their conce pt of using time best.Case 26 Magid was an Arabian ·····Jack felt his privacy violated when he saw Magid standing at the door. It was absolutely a big‗surprise… for Jack---a surprise deviated from the giver…s real intention, and jack immediately sho wed his emotion as a conditioned reflex ,which wrote on the look ,saying ― I am completely not h appy to see you . A few seconds later, he smiled and said,Hi, Magid, come on in. This obvious change on his face was certainly noticed by Magid. Then, during the whole afternoon, they had coffee and chatted. It seemed they had a nice time together. However, it turned out that they both felt a li ttle uncomfortable. I guess. Jack, out of politeness, had to pretend he was very happy to see Magid , but from the bottom of his heart, he was so displeased with this dear old friend for not having ph oned to say he was coming that he might have expressed his unhappiness from time to time throug h nonverbal messages, such as facial expressions, hand movements and body postures. These mess ages might contradict his words. Magid could more or less perceive this subtle awkwardness that h e might be perplexed about.Here…s one thing I don…t understand. As Magid was aware of the embarrassment between Jack and him, why did he choose to stay such a long time at Jack…s instead of leaving earlier ?Next time, Magid should call his friend first to make sure it…s a right time to pay a visit when h e wants to see Jack.Case 27 Some years ago when JOE····We Chinese people usually attach great importance to taking good care of our guests. We often go out of our way to make a guest feel comfortable, and our kindness often knows no bound when it c omes to a foreign visitor. But westerners including North Americans are trained to spend time alon e and to do things for themselves from the time they are still very young. Therefore, they may feel uncomfortable when they are always surrounded by people attempting to be kind to them. Hospitality itself may be something universal, but the form and amount of hospitality differ greatl y from culture to culture.Case 28 During his stay in Japan·····The most striking feature of the Japanese house was lack of privacy; the lack of individual, inviola ble space. In winter, when the fusuma were kept closed, any sound above a whisper was clearly au dible on the other side, and of course in summer they were usually removed altogether. It is impos sible to live under such conditions for very long without a common household identity emerging which naturally takes precedence over individual wishes.Although it has become a standard practice in modern Japan for children to have their own roo ms, many middle-aged and nearly all older Japanese still live in this way. They regard themselves as ―one flesh‖, their property as common to all; the uchi (household, home) is constituted according t o a principle of indivisibility. The system of moveable screen means that the rooms could be used by all the family and for all purposes: walls are built round the uchi, not inside it.Case 29 In 1774From their experiences of sending some young people to be educated at the colleges run by the wh ite people, the Indians concluded that it was no good doing so, for those young people who had be en taught in the colleges returned home obviously incapable of making a living in the woods wher e the Indians lived. Just as their speaker said, different nations have different conceptions of things , what is good education for one may not be good for another.。
2.1a) In this case, we have two decision variables: the number of Family Thrillseekers we should assemble and the number of Classy Cruisers we should assemble. We also have the following three constraints:1. The plant has a maximum of 48,000 labor hours.2. The plant has a maximum of 20,000 doors available.3. The number of Cruisers we should assemble must be less than or equal to 3,500.4567D Resources Used=SUMPRODUCT(B6:C6,Production)=SUMPRODUCT(B7:C7,Production)1011FTotal Prof it=SUMPRODUCT(UnitProf it,Production)Rachel’s plant should assemble 3,800 Thrillseekers and 2,400 Cruisers to obtain a maximum profit of $26,640,000.b) In part (a) above, we observed that the Cruiser demand constraint was not binding.Therefore, raising the demand for the Cruiser will not change the optimal solution.The marketing campaign should not be undertaken.c) The new value of the right-hand side of the labor constraint becomes 48,000 *1.25 = 60,000 labor hours. All formulas and Solver settings used in part (a)remain the same.Rachel’s plant should now assemble 3,250 Thrillseekers and 3,500 Cruisers to achieve a maximum profit of $30,600,000.d) Using overtime labor increases the profit by $30,600,000 – $26,640,000 =$3,960,000. Rachel should therefore be willing to pay at most $3,960,000 extra for overtime labor beyond regular time rates.e) The value of the right-hand side of the Cruiser demand constraint is 3,500 * 1.20= 4,200 cars. The value of the right-hand side of the labor hour constraint is48,000 * 1.25 = 60,000 hours. All formulas and Solver settings used in part (a) remain the same. Ignoring the costs of the advertising campaign and overtimelabor,Rachel’s plant should produce 3,000 Thrillseekers and 4,000 Cruisers for amaximum profit of $32,400,000. This profit excludes the costs of advertising and using overtime labor.f) The advertising campaign costs $500,000. In the solution to part (e) above, weused the maximum overtime labor available, and the maximum use of overtime labor costs $1,600,000. Thus, our solution in part (e) required an extra $500,000 + $1,600,000 = $2,100,000. We perform the following cost/benefit analysis:Profit in part (e): $32,400,000Advertising and overtime costs: $ 2,100,000$30,300,000We compare the $30,300,000 profit with the $26,640,000 profit obtained in part (a) and conclude that the decision to run the advertising campaign and use overtime labor is a very wise, profitable decision.g) Because we consider this question independently, the values of the right-handsides for the Cruiser demand constraint and the labor hour constraint are the same as those in part (a). We now change the profit for the Thrillseeker from $3,600 to $2,800 in the problem formulation. All formulas and Solver settings used in part(a) remain the same.Rachel’s plant should assemble 1,875 Thrillseekers and 3,500 Cruiser s to obtain a maximum profit of $24,150,000.h) Because we consider this question independently, the profit for the Thrillseekerremains the same as the profit specified in part (a). The labor hour constraint changes. Each Thrillseeker now requires 7.5 hours for assembly. All formulas and Solver settings used in part (a) remain the same.Rachel’s plant should assemble 1,500 Thrillseekers and 3,500 Cruisers for amaximum profit of $24,300,000.i) Because we consider this question independently, we use the problem formulationused in part (a). In this problem, however, the number of Cruisers assembled has to be strictly equal to the total demand. The formulas used in the problemformulation remain the same as those used in part (a).The new profit is $25,650,000, which is $26,640,000 – $25,650,000 = $990,000 less than the profit obtained in part (a). This decrease in profit is less than$2,000,000, so Rachel should meet the full demand for the Cruiser.j) We now combine the new considerations described in parts (f), (g), and (h). In part (f), we decided to use both the advertising campaign and the overtime labor.The advertising campaign raises the demand for the Cruiser to 4,200 sedans, and the overtime labor increases the labor hour capacity of the plant to 60,000 labor hours. In part (g), we decreased the profit generated by a Thrillseeker to $2,800.In part (h), we increased the time to assemble a Thrillseeker to 7.5 hours. The formulas and Solver settings used for this problem are the same as those used in part (a).Rachel’s plant should assemble 2,120 Thrillseekers and 4,200 Cruisers for amaximum profit of $28,616,000 – $2,100,000 = $26,516,000.。
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