



英语作文题《如何学好英语》英汉对照英语作文题《如何学好英语》英汉对照How To Learn English!Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.Use all of your ResourcesEven if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.Surround Yourself with EnglishThe absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking inEnglish.” .Listen to Native Speakers as Much as PossibleThere are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate. The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become.Watch English Films and TelevisionThis is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.Listen to English MusicMusic can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. And if you like to sing, fine.Study As Often As Possible!Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language.Do Exercises and Take TestsMany people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.Record YourselfNobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.Listen to English By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you. Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.To sum up, this is the basic method to learn English well.如何学好英语!这里有一些技巧可以帮助你掌握英语。



雅思写作课教案教案标题:雅思写作课教案教案目标:1. 帮助学生了解雅思写作考试的要求和评分标准。

2. 提供学生写作技巧和策略,以提高他们的写作能力。

3. 鼓励学生进行写作练习,并提供反馈和指导。

教案步骤:引入阶段:1. 引入话题:介绍雅思写作考试的重要性和对学生未来学术和职业发展的影响。

2. 激发学生兴趣:分享一些成功的雅思写作范例,并让学生思考如何提高自己的写作能力。

知识讲解阶段:1. 解释雅思写作考试的两个任务:任务一为图表描述,任务二为论述型文章。

2. 详细介绍雅思写作考试的评分标准,包括任务完成度、语言运用、组织结构和词汇使用等方面。

3. 分析高分范文,解读其优点和特点,引导学生理解如何达到高分要求。

技巧训练阶段:1. 提供写作技巧和策略,如如何快速理解题目要求、如何构思和组织文章结构、如何运用恰当的词汇和句式等。

2. 引导学生进行写作练习,根据不同的题目要求,进行任务一和任务二的练习。

3. 鼓励学生相互交流,互相评价和提供建议,以促进写作能力的提高。

反馈与评估阶段:1. 收集学生的写作练习,并提供详细的反馈和评估,包括语法错误、词汇使用、逻辑结构等方面的指导。

2. 鼓励学生反思自己的写作过程和成果,提出改进的建议,并设立目标以进一步提高写作能力。

3. 给予学生积极的鼓励和肯定,激发他们的学习动力和自信心。

延伸活动:1. 鼓励学生阅读雅思写作考试的参考书籍或相关文章,扩展他们的写作知识和词汇量。

2. 提供额外的写作练习题目,让学生继续巩固和提高他们的写作能力。

3. 组织写作比赛或小组讨论活动,以增加学生的写作实践机会和合作能力。

教案评估:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与程度和表现,包括他们对写作技巧和策略的理解和应用。

2. 收集和评估学生的写作练习,以了解他们在写作能力方面的进展和问题。

3. 学生的自我评估和反思,以及他们对课程的反馈和建议。

教案扩展:1. 针对学生在写作过程中的常见问题,提供个别辅导和指导,以帮助他们克服困难。



1.她们应当尝试第二次旳想法值得考虑The idea that they should try a second time is worth considering.2.她工作很努力旳事实我们都懂得The fact that she works hard is well known to us all.3.她们体现了她们将会再次来拜访中国旳但愿They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.4.我们队获得决赛胜利旳消息令人兴奋。

The news that our team has won the final match is exciting.5.学生应当学些实用旳东西旳建议值得考虑。

The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering.6.爸爸许下了我通过英语考试就给我买CD player旳承诺My Dad made a promise that he would buy me CD player if I passed the English test.7.你是从那里得到我不会来旳想法?Where did you get the idea that I could not come?8.我们还没有解决我们要去哪里度过暑假旳问题.We haven’t settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.9.她表达但愿再到中国来访问。

He expressed the hope that he would ome over to visit China again.10.作为一种孝顺旳儿子,我接受了爸爸旳决定,要当医生,虽然我对这样旳前程毫无爱好An obedient son, I had accepted my father’s decision that I was to be a doctor, though the prospect interested me not at all.11.然而,从一开始,我仍活着这个事实却偏偏被忽视了。




































一、课程基本信息课程名称:雅思英语培训课程授课对象:雅思考生授课时间:每周二晚上7:00-9:00授课地点:教室101授课教师:张老师二、教学目标1. 帮助学生掌握雅思考试的基本题型和答题技巧;2. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写能力;3. 培养学生的英语思维和应试能力;4. 使学生能够在雅思考试中取得理想成绩。

三、教学内容1. 雅思考试简介及题型分析2. 雅思听力技巧训练3. 雅思阅读技巧训练4. 雅思写作技巧训练5. 雅思口语技巧训练四、教学进度安排第1周:雅思考试简介及题型分析第2周:雅思听力技巧训练第3周:雅思阅读技巧训练第4周:雅思写作技巧训练第5周:雅思口语技巧训练第6周:模拟考试及讲解五、教学方法和手段1. 讲授法:结合多媒体课件,讲解雅思考试的基本题型和答题技巧;2. 案例分析法:通过分析雅思真题,让学生掌握答题技巧;3. 练习法:布置课后练习,巩固所学知识;4. 模拟考试:进行全真模拟考试,提高学生的应试能力。

六、教学过程1. 导入(1)介绍雅思考试及题型;(2)分析雅思考试的特点和难点。

2. 雅思听力技巧训练(1)讲解听力题型及答题技巧;(2)播放雅思听力真题,让学生进行实战演练;(3)讲解答题思路,分析错误原因。

3. 雅思阅读技巧训练(1)讲解阅读题型及答题技巧;(2)让学生阅读雅思阅读真题,分析文章结构;(3)讲解答题思路,分析错误原因。

4. 雅思写作技巧训练(1)讲解写作题型及答题技巧;(2)让学生进行雅思写作实战演练;(3)讲解答题思路,分析错误原因。

5. 雅思口语技巧训练(1)讲解口语题型及答题技巧;(2)让学生进行雅思口语实战演练;(3)讲解答题思路,分析错误原因。

6. 模拟考试及讲解(1)进行全真模拟考试;(2)讲解考试中的常见错误及应对策略。

七、教学评价1. 课堂表现:学生的出勤率、课堂互动情况;2. 课后练习:学生的练习完成情况、错误原因分析;3. 模拟考试:学生的考试成绩及改进方向。



雅思作文教案教案标题:提高雅思作文能力的教学计划教学目标:1. 帮助学生了解雅思写作考试的评分标准和要求。

2. 培养学生在有限时间内组织思路、提炼观点和展开论述的能力。

3. 提高学生的写作技巧,包括词汇选择、句子结构和逻辑连贯性。

4. 培养学生批判性思维和论证能力,提高他们的写作水平。

教学内容和步骤:第一课:了解雅思写作评分标准和要求1. 引入:给学生介绍雅思写作考试的评分标准和要求,包括任务完成度、语言使用、组织结构和词汇表达等方面。

2. 分析评分标准:与学生一起分析评分标准的每个方面,并解释每个方面的重要性和对分数的影响。

3. 练习评分:给学生一篇范文,让他们根据评分标准进行评分,并讨论评分结果。

第二课:组织思路和提炼观点1. 引入:与学生分享一篇雅思作文题目,让他们用5分钟时间列出可能的观点和论据。

2. 讨论观点:学生互相分享自己列出的观点,并讨论哪些观点是最有说服力和相关性的。

3. 编写提纲:引导学生根据讨论的观点编写一个简洁明确的提纲,包括引言、主体段落和结论。

第三课:提高写作技巧1. 词汇选择:介绍一些常用的高级词汇和短语,让学生学会运用它们来丰富自己的写作。

2. 句子结构:引导学生使用不同的句子结构,如倒装、强调句和条件句等,使写作更加多样化和有吸引力。

3. 逻辑连贯性:讲解如何使用过渡词和连接词来使文章的逻辑关系更加清晰和连贯。

第四课:批判性思维和论证能力1. 引入:与学生分享一篇有争议的话题,并引导他们思考不同观点的利弊。

2. 讨论论证:学生分组讨论不同观点的论证方式,并选择最有说服力的观点进行辩论。

3. 辩论练习:组织学生进行小组辩论,让他们运用批判性思维和论证能力来支持自己的观点。

第五课:综合训练和反馈1. 综合训练:给学生一篇雅思作文题目,让他们在规定时间内完成一篇作文,并运用之前学到的技巧和策略。

2. 互评和反馈:学生互相交换作文并进行评价,老师也给予详细的反馈和建议。



雅思写作课程教案第一章:雅思写作简介1.1 课程目标让学生了解雅思写作考试的格式和要求帮助学生掌握雅思写作的基本技巧和策略1.2 教学内容雅思写作考试的评分标准雅思写作考试的格式和要求雅思写作的常见问题和错误1.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作考试的评分标准和格式要求分析雅思写作的常见问题和错误让学生进行一些练习题,以巩固所学的知识第二章:雅思写作Task 12.1 课程目标让学生掌握Task 1 的写作技巧和策略帮助学生提高Task 1 的写作速度和准确性2.2 教学内容Task 1 的写作格式和要求Task 1 的写作技巧和策略Task 1 的常见问题和错误2.3 教学活动介绍Task 1 的写作格式和要求分析Task 1 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些Task 1 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第三章:雅思写作Task 23.1 课程目标让学生掌握Task 2 的写作技巧和策略帮助学生提高Task 2 的写作速度和准确性3.2 教学内容Task 2 的写作格式和要求Task 2 的写作技巧和策略Task 2 的常见问题和错误3.3 教学活动介绍Task 2 的写作格式和要求分析Task 2 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些Task 2 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第四章:雅思写作Coherence and Cohesion4.1 课程目标让学生了解Coherence and Cohesion 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生掌握Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略4.2 教学内容Coherence and Cohesion 的定义和作用Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略Coherence and Cohesion 的常见问题和错误4.3 教学活动介绍Coherence and Cohesion 的定义和作用分析Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Coherence and Cohesion 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第五章:雅思写作Lexical Resource5.1 课程目标让学生了解Lexical Resource 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生扩大词汇量和提高词汇运用能力5.2 教学内容Lexical Resource 的定义和作用扩大词汇量的方法和技巧提高词汇运用能力的技巧和策略5.3 教学活动介绍Lexical Resource 的定义和作用分析扩大词汇量和提高词汇运用能力的技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Lexical Resource 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第六章:雅思写作Grammatical Range and Accuracy6.1 课程目标让学生了解Grammatical Range and Accuracy 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生掌握Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略6.2 教学内容Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的定义和作用Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的常见问题和错误6.3 教学活动介绍Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的定义和作用分析Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第七章:雅思写作模拟测试与讲解7.1 课程目标让学生通过模拟测试检验自己的写作水平帮助学生通过讲解提高自己的写作技巧和策略7.2 教学内容设计一份接近真实雅思写作考试的模拟测试对学生的模拟测试作品进行讲解和评价针对学生的错误和不足提供针对性的建议和指导7.3 教学活动发放模拟测试题目,让学生进行限时写作对学生的作品进行评价和讲解根据学生的表现提供针对性的建议和指导第八章:雅思写作常见话题及范文解析8.1 课程目标让学生熟悉雅思写作的常见话题帮助学生通过分析范文提高自己的写作技巧和策略8.2 教学内容雅思写作的常见话题及其特点分析范文的结构、论点、论据和表达方式让学生模仿范文的写作风格和技巧8.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作的常见话题及其特点分析范文,讲解其结构、论点、论据和表达方式让学生模仿范文的写作风格和技巧,进行练习第九章:雅思写作策略与技巧9.1 课程目标让学生掌握雅思写作的策略与技巧帮助学生在写作过程中更高效地发挥自己的优势9.2 教学内容雅思写作的策略与技巧,如:审题、构思、时间管理等如何有效地应对雅思写作中的各种挑战,如:论点不足、时间紧张等让学生了解自己的写作风格和习惯,找到适合自己的写作策略和技巧9.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作的策略与技巧分析学生在写作过程中的困难和挑战,提供应对策略让学生进行实际操作,找到适合自己的写作策略和技巧第十章:雅思写作课程总结与提升10.1 课程目标让学生回顾整个课程的内容和收获帮助学生进一步提高自己的雅思写作能力10.2 教学内容回顾雅思写作的各个方面的技巧和策略分析学生在课程中的进步和不足,提供针对性的建议激发学生继续学习雅思写作的热情和信心10.3 教学活动学生分享自己在课程中的收获和感悟教师总结课程的重点和难点,提供针对性的建议鼓励学生持续学习,不断提高自己的雅思写作能力重点解析本文档为雅思写作课程的教案,共包含十个章节。




二、教学内容1. 雅思考试简介- 介绍雅思考试的背景和重要性;- 解释雅思考试的四个模块:听力、口语、阅读和写作;- 引导学生了解雅思考试的评分标准。

2. 雅思听力技巧- 教授学生如何提高听力技巧,包括注意力集中、积累词汇、理解主旨和细节等;- 给予学生一些听力练习的机会,并提供反馈和建议。

3. 雅思口语技巧- 引导学生了解雅思口语考试的要求和形式;- 提供一些口语练习的话题和范例,帮助学生提高表达能力和流利度;- 提供学生在小组中互相交流和评价的机会。

4. 雅思阅读技巧- 教授学生如何快速有效地阅读雅思考试的文章,包括扫读、略读和详读;- 对不同类型的题目进行讲解,提供解题技巧和策略。

5. 雅思写作技巧- 引导学生了解雅思写作考试的要求和形式;- 提供一些写作练习的话题和范例,帮助学生提高表达能力和逻辑思维;- 教授学生如何进行论证和组织文章结构。

三、教学过程1. 教师简要介绍雅思考试的背景和重要性,并引导学生思考他们选择参加雅思考试的原因。

2. 教师分别对听力、口语、阅读和写作进行详细讲解,包括考试形式、评分标准和技巧要点。

3. 教师将学生分成小组,进行一些听力、口语和阅读的练习。


4. 教师给学生提供一篇雅思写作的范文,讲解其中的论证和结构,并引导学生进行写作训练。

5. 教师总结本节课的重点和要点,并鼓励学生进行自主学习和练习。

四、教学评估1. 教师对学生的听力、口语、阅读和写作进行实时评估,包括准确度、流利度、理解能力和表达能力等方面。

2. 学生之间的互动和小组讨论也可以作为教学评估的一部分,以便了解学生的合作能力和互动能力。

五、教学资源1. 雅思考试官网和相关教材;2. 视听资料和练习题;3. 雅思写作范文和练习题。

教案35 雅思真题与范文解析(二)

教案35 雅思真题与范文解析(二)

第35讲:雅思真题与范文解析(二)一、复习提问剑三范文分析二、新课讲解改前:The view that TV can bring us more advantages has shown itself to be true throughout these years. This is not to say that televisions are not of disadvantages for human being, in fact, they have caused a lot of trouble. But it has been proven that TV is now playing a very important part in our li123 For instance, it can keep us in formed about current events, instructive and entertaining.From the TV shows, we can follow the late developments in science and politics. A lot of television programs introduce people to things they have never thought of before and never heard of before. Also, it can provide life broadcast of the important sportmatches, allow us to know the newest result of football leagues in every country. As a result, people all over the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other. The most distant countries and strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room.TV provides enormous possibilities fro education like school programs via closed-circuit television. TV provides special broadcasts for those in TV university, or open university. It also offers specialized subjects like language teaching, sewing, cooking, painting, cosmetics, etc.TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. On watching the varied relaxed programs, people can release themselves, so that that can continue with the new work mettlesomely.In summary, Although TV does many benefits for people nowadays, don’t waste so much time on it, and select the ones which can do you a favour.改后It is generally agreed that TV can benefit its audience. This is not to say that watching TV programs is of no disadvantages for us; in fact, TV programs have caused a lot of troubles to us. But there is no doubt that TV is playing an increasingly important role in our li123 For instance, TV can keep us informed, can be instructive, and can be entertaining.TV exists to inform its audience. A lot of TV programs expose us to the things that we have never thought of or heard of. For example, by watching TV, we can follow the latest developments in science, politics, and sports. The news broadcasted by BBC, the world largest broadcasting company, informs us of the latesttechnical breakthroughs and the current political affairs; TV provides live broadcasts of important matches, allowing us to know the newest results of football leagues in every country. By watching TV, people across the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other, and the most distant countries and strangest customs are brought right into one’s living room.In addition to its informing effect, TV can also be instructive. This is especially true in view of the enormous educational opportunities TV provides. Via closed-circuit televisions, or through public televisions, TV provides special broadcasts of educational programs such as language teaching, sewing, cooking, painting, and cosmetics for those who are interested. The educational function of TV is one of the factors that make it increasingly popular.TV is not only informing and instructive but also entertaining. Undoubtedly, TV is the most appropriatesource by which we are looking for entertainments. If one is a music fun, he or she can stay at home and watch a lot of free musical performances on TV; if one is interested in celebrities, he or she can watch thelate-night shows on TV and have a “visual dating” with his or her idols. The entertaining effect of TV is another factor that adds to its popularity.The informing, instructive, and entertaining effects of TV make this broadcasting means increasingly popular. But, for your good, don’t fall in love with TV as watching it can often be a waste of time.三、课后作业背诵常用句子及造句。



一、课程名称:雅思作文备考课程二、课时安排:40分钟三、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握雅思作文的基本结构和写作技巧;2. 提高学生的词汇和句型运用能力;3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维能力;4. 帮助学生提高雅思作文的得分。

四、教学内容:1. 雅思作文概述- 雅思作文评分标准- 雅思作文题型分析2. 雅思作文写作技巧- 开头段:引出话题、提出观点- 主体段:论证观点、举例说明- 结尾段:总结观点、提出建议3. 词汇和句型运用- 常用词汇:描述趋势、原因、结果、对比等 - 常用句型:强调句、倒装句、虚拟语气等4. 逻辑思维和批判性思维能力- 如何构建论点- 如何进行论证- 如何反驳对方观点五、教学过程:1. 导入- 简要介绍雅思作文的重要性及评分标准- 引导学生思考如何提高雅思作文得分2. 雅思作文写作技巧讲解- 以实例分析开头段、主体段、结尾段的写作方法- 强调写作过程中的逻辑性和连贯性3. 词汇和句型运用- 列举常用词汇和句型,并结合实例进行讲解- 引导学生进行词汇和句型的替换练习4. 逻辑思维和批判性思维能力训练- 提供练习题目,引导学生进行思考和分析- 鼓励学生提出不同观点,培养批判性思维能力5. 课堂互动- 组织学生进行小组讨论,分享写作心得- 针对学生的写作问题进行解答和指导6. 总结与反馈- 总结本节课的重点内容- 鼓励学生在课后进行练习,巩固所学知识六、课后作业:1. 阅读一篇雅思作文范文,分析其结构和写作技巧;2. 根据所学知识,完成一篇雅思作文练习;3. 将课后作业提交至教师邮箱,以便教师进行批改和反馈。

七、教学评价:1. 学生对雅思作文写作技巧的掌握程度;2. 学生词汇和句型运用的熟练程度;3. 学生逻辑思维和批判性思维能力的发展情况;4. 学生课后作业的质量和完成情况。




课程名称:雅思英语写作课程课程目标:1. 提高学生的雅思写作能力,使其能够在规定时间内完成一篇高质量的作文。

2. 帮助学生掌握雅思写作的基本结构和技巧。

3. 培养学生的批判性思维和逻辑表达能力。

课程时长:2课时教学对象:雅思写作基础班教学材料:1. 雅思写作真题集2. 写作技巧讲解PPT3. 写作练习稿纸4. 评分标准表教学步骤:第一课时一、导入1. 欢迎学生,简要介绍本节课的教学目标和内容。

2. 提问:同学们,你们对雅思写作有什么疑问或期待吗?二、写作技巧讲解1. 雅思写作评分标准及各部分要求。

2. 雅思写作常用句型和连接词。

3. 雅思写作段落结构及展开方式。

4. 雅思写作中常见的错误及修改方法。

三、案例分析1. 展示一篇雅思写作真题,引导学生分析文章结构、论点及论证方法。

2. 学生分组讨论,分析文章的优点和不足。

四、写作练习1. 分发写作练习稿纸,要求学生在规定时间内完成一篇作文。

2. 学生独立完成作文,教师巡视指导。

第二课时一、作文点评1. 学生展示自己的作文,教师进行点评,指出优点和不足。

2. 学生互评,相互学习,共同进步。

二、写作技巧巩固1. 复习上一节课讲解的写作技巧,巩固记忆。

2. 针对学生在写作中遇到的问题,进行个别辅导。

三、写作模拟练习1. 分发一篇雅思写作真题,要求学生在规定时间内完成作文。

2. 学生独立完成作文,教师巡视指导。

四、总结与作业布置1. 总结本节课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。

2. 布置课后作业:复习本节课讲解的写作技巧,完成一篇作文。






课程名称:雅思写作课时:2课时教学目标:1. 帮助学生了解雅思写作的基本结构和评分标准。

2. 提高学生的写作技巧,包括观点阐述、论证、词汇和语法运用等。

3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维能力。

教学重点:1. 雅思写作的结构和评分标准。

2. 论证技巧和观点阐述。

3. 词汇和语法运用。

教学难点:1. 如何在短时间内完成高质量的作文。

2. 如何在作文中运用丰富的词汇和语法。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 介绍雅思写作考试的基本情况和评分标准。

2. 分析雅思写作考试中常见的题型和题目特点。

二、写作结构讲解1. 雅思写作分为Task 1和Task 2两部分。

2. Task 1:图表题,要求学生根据图表内容进行描述和分析。

3. Task 2:议论文,要求学生就某一话题发表自己的观点。

三、评分标准讲解1. Task 1评分标准:描述准确性、逻辑性、连贯性和词汇运用。

2. Task 2评分标准:任务回应、连贯与衔接、词汇资源、语法范围与准确性。

四、论证技巧和观点阐述1. 如何提出观点:举例、引用数据、引用名言等。

2. 如何论证观点:正反论证、举例论证、对比论证等。

五、词汇和语法运用1. 词汇积累:常用词汇、短语和同义词。

2. 语法运用:时态、语态、从句等。

第二课时一、写作练习1. Task 1:图表题写作练习,要求学生根据图表内容进行描述和分析。

2. Task 2:议论文写作练习,要求学生就某一话题发表自己的观点。

二、作文批改与点评1. 学生自评:根据评分标准,对自己的作文进行自评。

2. 互评:学生之间互相批改作文,并给出意见和建议。

3. 教师点评:针对学生的作文,进行详细点评,指出优点和不足。

三、总结与反馈1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。

2. 收集学生反馈,了解学生对本节课的满意度。

教学评价:1. 学生能够熟练运用所学知识,完成雅思写作任务。

2. 学生的作文质量有所提高,能够达到雅思写作评分标准。









三、教学步骤:Step 1: Introduction (5分钟)1.向学生介绍雅思写作部分的考试形式和内容,包括任务类型(Task 1和Task 2)和要求。


Step 2: Task 1 (15分钟)1.讲解Task 1的基本要求和写作技巧。



Step 3: Task 2 (15分钟)1.讲解Task 2的基本要求和写作技巧。



Step 4: Vocabulary and Grammar (15分钟)1.教授常用的雅思写作词汇和短语,并提供词汇表供学生参考。


Step 5: Writing Practice (20分钟)1.要求学生根据给定的题目进行写作练习。



Step 6: Review and Wrap-up (5分钟)1.复习今天的内容,查漏补缺。










ArgumentIn IELTS, for both the academic and the General Training modules, the second writing task is often an argument or a discussion on a given topic. In this unit, we will be discussing how to write an argument.An argument is a set of statements in support of an opinion or proposed course of action. It is expressed in an orderly way, and is used to try to convince someone that the opinion or course of action is correct.In this unit, we will discuss:How to plan an argumentHow to support an argumentHow to organize an argumentHow to refute an argumentThe first step in planning an argument is to list the points you wish to make. Some of these may be facts. Some may be opinions. Facts are statements which are known to be true. Opinions are personal beliefs which may or may not be true .It is important to distinguish between facts and opinions in arguments. An argument consisting only of opinions will not be convincing to your reader. See the following sentences:1 The sun rises in the east2Qing Dao is a city in Shan Dong Province.3Qing Dao is a beautiful city.4The Ghost Show, which is broadcast on Friday nights, is a terrible program.Exercise1Which of the following statements are facts or opinions?1Only weak people smoke cigarettes.2There is a drastic statistic relationship between lung cancer and cigarette smoking.3 Smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer.二How to support an Argument(如何支撑论点)When you write an argument, you must try to convince your reader that your points are correct and reasonable. To do so you must provide strong support for your arguments. Here are some ways of supporting an argument(你应该通过一些途径支撑论点,举例法,给出相关的理由或者事实,引用事实,或适当的过度词,等)1Supporting an argument by giving lots of examples2Supporting an argument by giving relevant and accurate reasons or facts as evidence.3Supporting an argument by giving a quotation.4Supporting an argument by using transitional words and phrases that signal your supporting evidence.5Supporting an argument by expressing your opinion in a clear way in a topic sentence.6supporting an argument by mentioning a source.一Giving examplesRevolutions which overthrow despotic governments by violent means often end by establishing another kind of despotism. A good example is the French Revolution of 1789, which began as an expression of democratic will, and ended by establishing Napoleon as of the Emperor of the French.二Write two relevant supporting statements for each of the sentences below.1Public money should be spent on persuading people to give up smoking2Drinking and driving don’t mixUp to 75% of fatal road accidents involve alcoholPeople drink much more when they are worried.三A quotation may consist of a word , phrase ,sentence ,paragraph or longer expression from the text of another writer. Quoting an authority on a subject is a way of reinforcing an argument and strengthening a point of view. Quotations also add colour and feeling to writing. But take care not to overwork the technique. It is unnecessary to substantiate every assertion you make by bolstering it up with a quotation. Select the quotations and use them sparingly.“Prevention is better than cure”“Actions speak louder than words”四The transitional words and phrases used in an argumentative writing include to begin with ,first ,next, because, since, more important, furthermore , besides, etcEg An earlier age of retirement has certain advantagesA More opportunities for jobs for younger peopleB Ambitious younger workers would be reach the top without a lot of older people blocking the way.五A good topic sentence of an argumentative essay ought to be clear and to the point. It can be placed at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of a paragraph.Eg School athletes should take part in school sports but should not be excused from taking a full schedule of other subjects. Athletes should not base all their hopes on having sports careers. Dr Brown , the distinguished basketball star, pointed out that all school athletes should prepare for an alternative career ,because sports life is not long and mostly, only a small number of these athletes might succeed in this career …….六Eg As Professor Hones points out that in an increasingly technological society, some form of tertiary training is fast becoming essential.Experimental work undertaken in this country suggests that…….How to Organize an argument 怎样组织论点A good argument has to be effectively organized so that your reader can follow the chain of argument and convinced by it. In academic writing two methods are commonly used. They are called the deductive method and the inductive method. When we use the deductive method, the main statement is made at the beginning followed by a supporting statement or statements. When we use the inductive method it is effective to outline the evidence first and present the main the point last as a conclusion.Eg Ask most people what causes strikes and they will probably say: more money. In fact, there are many causes of strikes. Moreover, a single strike could have a number of causes rather than a single cause.Obviously, the demand of more money is a major cause of strikes. A second cause is the demand for improving working conditions. But “working conditions” covers many things. It includes the physical environment of the workplace, such as the quality of eating and recreational facilities, together with the safety and cleanliness of the workplace itself. “working conditions” also includes the psychological climate of the workplace.Quite often when a strike is called the official reason given is inadequate pay. But industrial psychologists have found that this may be disguising the real reasons. Such reasons might be the unpleasant attitude of a supervisor or a company official, or it might be the tedium of highly repetitive work.Furthermore, the workers themselves may not be aware of “hidden”reason. They may only be aware of general dissatisfaction, and “inadequate pay”may just be a convenient excuse for expressing that dissatisfaction.In addition to expressing dissatisfaction, strikes have the effect of breaking the monotony of repetitive work.In conclusion, although demanding for more money is usually the main reason of strikes, there are also some other reasons.How to refute an argument怎样反驳论点If there were no evidence for an alternative point of view, there would be no need for argument. A good argument always takes the opposing point of view seriously. If this were not the case, the argument would be more like a quarrel, consisting of the exchange of opinions and prejudices without support from evidence or reasoning. When you are writing, your refutation should do one of the following:Re—state the opinionCorrect your opponent’s facts(修正或者改正对方的观点)Deny that counterargument is related to the topic否认驳论与主题有关Indicate that the counterargument is insufficient(指出驳论不足)When you want to refute an argument, you need to restate the opinion, so the person you are writing to can understand. To show that we don’t personally hold the opinions we intend to refute, we often write as reported speechEg 1 Some people assert that all pop music is rubbish.2 It is ridiculous to say that English ought to be taught everywhere3 It used to be stated that there were jobs which women were physically incapable of doingYour opponent’ facts ---Some people say that cutting trees harms the environment and destroys valuable natural resources.Your correction--- Selective harvesting is actually good for forests and for people because it increases productivity and provides jobs and timber.Deny that the counterargument is related to the topicWhen the topic is something about “insufficient public transportation” and the writer’s purpose is to persuade people to agree with the idea of changing and expanding the bus system ,but the writer talks a lot about the nice drivers and free fare for university students, it shows that his argument is irrelevant. You can write : “Although nice drivers and free fare for students is true, it is not related to the topic.”Indicate that the counterargument is insufficientWrite a statement for each statement to show that the following ideas are insufficient1 Cutting trees causes erosion and landslides, and destroys natural resources.2 Cars are very convenient. It can be fairly quick to send you to anywhere you want to go.。



单句翻译练习–Day 11.该项计划经过了广泛的讨论。


(conscious of)3.对他独特的思维方式,老师们大加赞赏。

(unique; praise)4.每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。

(access to education)5.只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。

(Only when...can you)6.令我们大家感动的是,这位科学家身在异乡仍心系祖国。

(think of)7.大火过后,这所房子所剩无几. (remain)8.在最近的十年中,我国经历了历史性的变化.(experience)9.我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论.(before)10.多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素.(lack; Vitamins)11.他从来没有意识到,题目越容易就应该越仔细.(occur)12.只有通过亲身实践,你才能真正理解志愿服务的重要性.(Only…; volunteer service)单句翻译练习 - Day21.所有的公共汽车驾驶员都必须对每个乘客的安全负责. (responsible)2.如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激.(appreciate)3.中国在国际事务中正发挥着越来越重要的作用.(role)4.任何想让台湾独立的人必将以失败告终.(end up)5.毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很大的影响.(doubt)6.他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素.(Seldom)7.你不吃早餐也无助于减肥.(skip)8.边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的.(against)9.成功由三个重要因素组成: 天才,勤奋加上运气.(consist of)10.许多市民中意乘地铁,是因为它不会发生交通拥堵.(in favor of)11.许多人进行体育运动不仅是为了保持健康,也是为了缓解压力.(not only)12.研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量.(concern)单句翻译练习 - Day31.这部有关战争的影片值得一看。



• 7. 数据表白发展中国家旳生活水平远低于发达国家 。
• The figures prove that the living standard of developing countries is much lower than that of developed ones.
• • 8. 2023年中国游客旳数量降至最低点。
21.该图表表白了黄豆旳销售量增 长了3倍。
The chart shows that the sales of soybean rose three times.
22.在1930s,日本有车旳大幅上 升。
There is a sharp growth in the car ownership in Japan in 1930s.
• The number of visitors in China falls to the lowest point in 2000.
9. A是B旳3倍。 A is three times as much as B.
10. 在1980年肉类旳消耗量有明显 旳增长,到达了2023万吨。
In 1980, the consumption of meat rose significantly, to 2 million tons.
4.该图表白在头3个月蔬菜价格经历了 一种迅速上升旳阶段。
The diagram reveals that the price of vegetable experiences a sharp increase in the first three months.
5.该饼状图展示了10月份某超市售卖旳 多种肉类旳百分比。
This is a curve graph which describes the trend of oil supply and demand.


Band Task Response Coherence and Cohesion 9 fully addresses all parts of the task presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well 新东方批改网(),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划, 考前模拟,能力测试,立即来注册吧。本文来源于网络。 uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention skilfully manages paragraphing uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’ Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as ‘slips’
IELTS Writing 雅思写作
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang University
新东方批改网(),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划, 考前模拟,能力测试,立即来注册吧。本文来源于网络。


































1The whole procedure can be divided into five steps.2从柱状图中我们可以推导出书信不像E-mail这样流行。

2 It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E-mails.3该表格提供了有关美国离婚率的数据。

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Those who stress only practical skills and techniques but ignore the function ofbooks are short-sighted.(2)牢靠掌握书本知识的人比那些没有掌握的人更能调整自己,适应未来的生活。

Those who have a good command over the knowledge provided in the books canadjust themselves and adapt better to the future than those without.(3)只有催促学生多读、多写、多做练习,才能提高教育。

Only by urging students to read more, write more and do more exercises caneducation be improved.赞成教授实用技能:(1)如果教育只造就了不能把理论用在实践当中的人,那它就是失败的。

Education is nothing but a failure if it only cultivates people who are unable to puttheory into practice.(2)我们应该鼓励学生了解社会,以便他们更能适应真正的生活,而不是只给他们提供书本知识。

Instead of offering student book knowledge only, we should encourage them to getto know the society so that they could better adapt themselves to real life.(3)教育是人的自我延伸。


Education is a gradual extension of oneself. It not only takes place in schoolbuildings but also requires a life-long pursuit.2.男女分校赞成:(1)在同性别的学校里,学生可以集中精力,不会因为早恋而分心。

In schools of the same sex, student could devote themselves fully to the studywithout distractions by puppy love.(2)一些诸如性教育之类的敏感课程可以在单性学校里自由地教授。

Some sensitive subjects such as sex education can be taught freely in schools of thesame sex.反对:(1)单姓学校不能提供真实的社会环境,所以其学生缺乏对社会的现实准备,他们成人后将在这个社会中工作。

Single-sex schools fail to provide a read social environment, so students there lackthe realistic preparation for the society, in which they will be expected to functionwhen they become adults.(2)学生需要广泛的交流来增加经验,而不是和异性隔离开来。


Students are in need of extensive exchanges to get more experiences, instead ofbeing isolated from the opposite sex. What should be remembered is that anyaction violating the rule of nature will lead to undesirable outcomes.3.兼职利弊赞成:(1)在培养年轻人的独立性的意义上来说,学生兼职是有益的。

In the sense of cultivating young people’s independent spirit, part-time jobs are ofgreat benefits.(2)兼职经验使学生了解什么是工作,能让他们对未来的工作做好心理准备。

Part-time job experience gives students an insight into what work is about andmakes them prepare psychologically for their future jobs.(3)兼职能帮助学生在实践中应用自己的知识,同时,他们的经验将是他们更了解自己在课堂和书本上学到的东西。

Part-time jobs can help students apply their knowledge into practice, and, in return,their experience will make them know better what they have learned in classes andbooks.反对:(1)学生兼职不好,因为他们会变成以钱为中心。

It is not good for students to do part-time jobs because they will become money-centered.(2)学生的主要任务是努力学习。


The main task of students is to study hard. Social experience can be gained laterafter they finish their studies.4.家长应管教孩子赞成:(1)现在年轻人都是以自我为中心,对别人漠不关心,不够体贴。


The fact that young people nowadays are self-centered, indifferent, andinconsiderate is largely the outcome of parental permissiveness in their childhood.(2)我们这个时代里青少年犯罪的泛滥主要是因为父母的溺爱。

The spread of juvenile delinquency in our age is largely due to parentalpermissiveness.(3)如果让孩子向做什么就做什么,就会彻底毁了孩子的一生。

If parents let their children do whatever they want to, they will ruin their children’slife entirely.反对:(1)父母使用暴力来维持纪律和权威是不正当的。

Parents are not justified in using violence to keep discipline and maintain authorityover their children.(2)只有轻松的家庭环境才能有助于孩子身体和心理的成长。

Only a relaxed family atmosphere can help the physical and psychological growth ofchildren.(3)真相是现在的父母对孩子不够关心,时常疏忽他们的发展,因为父母只对自己的事业感兴趣。

The truth is: parents nowadays do not take enough care of their children and oftenneglect their development because the parents are only interested in their careers.5.高中毕业先工作一年再上大学赞成:(1)一年的工作经验让学生对社会现实和残酷竞争有初步的了解,对学生以后的工作非常重要。

One-year working experience provides initial understanding of social reality andcruel competition in the world, which is of vital importance to students’ futurecareer.(2)学生能明确自己的奋斗目标,把握自己的人生方向,在步入学校后会更努力实现自己的梦想。

Students may get to know what they want to achieve and what they want in theirlife. They will try harder to fulfill their dream once they go to college.(3)工作经验使学生学会合作和让步,掌握未来成功所需的人际交往和技巧。

Working experience enables students learn to cooperate and compromise andmaster interpersonal skills needed for future success.反对:(1)社会复杂,到处都是危险,这会增加家长的担心。

The complicated society is full of dangers for students, which increases families’concerns.(2)在上大学之前工作是浪费时间,应该在年轻的时候多学点东西。

Working before college education is a waste of time. Students should gain moreknowledge when they are still young.教育类模拟真题:1.Some people think that theoretical knowledge should be given priority in collegeeducation while others suggest that more practical skills be taught. Which side are you with? Give your opinion and reasons with your own experience.有人认为大学教育应该注重理论性知识,而有些人建议提供更多的实用性知识。
