2018年送客途中英文作文-优秀word范文 (1页)


【2018-2019】请老师指导,敬语-优秀word范文 (17页)

【2018-2019】请老师指导,敬语-优秀word范文 (17页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==请老师指导,敬语篇一:敬语和谦辞敬语和谦辞一、在日常生活中习惯用的敬语:初次见面说“久仰”,很久不见说“久违”,看望别人说“拜访”,陪伴朋友说“奉陪”,邀友做客曰“恭请”,宾客来到说“光临(惠临)”,欢迎购买说“光顾(惠顾)”,贵宾来到说“莅临”,对方到来说“驾临” 指称对方用“ 大驾”,(驾:指车辆,借用为敬辞,称对方),等候客人说“恭候(恭迎)”,未及迎接说“失迎”,中途先走(无暇陪客)说“失陪”,请人勿送说“留步”,与人分别用“告辞”,向人祝贺说“恭贺(恭喜)”,请人批评说“指教”,请人指点说“赐教”,别人批评称“雅正”,别人好心(意见)称“雅意”,称对方指教为“雅教”,(雅:用于称对方的情意、举动。

)向人求教说“请教”,请人指教(求人看稿)说“赐教(见教)”,请改文章说“斧正”,赠送作品说“请斧正”,送物给我称“惠赠”,送人纪念称“惠存”,送人礼物说“笑纳”,对方著作称“大作”,“大方之家”学识广,求人教诲说“ 不吝指(赐)教”,求人回信说“ 请即赐复”,二、亲友间礼貌称呼对方来信说“惠书”,归还物品说“奉还”,请人赴约说“赏光”,请人决定说“钧裁”,请人帮忙(麻烦别人)说“劳驾”,求人办事说“拜托(敢烦或敢请)”,请人给予方便说“借光”,借用他人之力说“借重” 请人谅解曰“海涵(见谅)”,求人原谅说“包涵”,麻烦别人说“打扰”,言行失误说“失礼”,请人任职称“屈就”,问人任职曰“高就”,赞人见解说“高见”,施爱于我称“垂爱”,看重于我称“垂青”,友人念我称“垂念”,问我问题称“垂询”,仰慕已久说“久仰”,老人年龄问“高寿”,降低身份曰“屈尊”,请人任职说“屈就”,请人修改文章用“斧正(斧政)”,送人自作诗文书画说“请雅正(指教)”,询问姓名用“贵姓、尊姓大名、芳名(对女性)”,询问年龄用“高寿、贵庚、芳龄(对女性)”,受人好处表感谢用“ 叨(tāo)光”,受人指教表感谢用“叨教”,受人款待表感谢用“叨扰”,推辞于人说“敬谢不敏”,不再相送说“恕不远送”,请人讲话说“洗耳恭听”,称己之的请求为“不情之请”。

2019年4s店感人事迹-优秀word范文 (6页)

2019年4s店感人事迹-优秀word范文 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==4s店感人事迹篇一:我与昌河汽车4S店的感动故事我和昌河汽车4S店的感动故事感动会因为某个瞬间而铭记整个故事,感动会因为某个人而沸腾整个世界。









【推荐下载】报告类,在结尾谦卑的说话-优秀word范文 (14页)

【推荐下载】报告类,在结尾谦卑的说话-优秀word范文 (14页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==报告类,在结尾谦卑的说话篇一:请示报告结束语篇一:请示结语的常规写法有请示结语的写法一、请示结语的常规写法有:“当(妥、可)否,请批复(批示)”;“以上请示如无不妥,请批复(批准、审批)”;“特此请示,请批复(批示)”;“以上请示如无不妥,请转报??审批”等。














【最新2018】感谢对方集团多年来的支持和帮助-范文word版 (15页)

【最新2018】感谢对方集团多年来的支持和帮助-范文word版 (15页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==感谢对方集团多年来的支持和帮助篇一:感谢银行支持发言稿“携手农商行同发展共成长”尊敬的重庆市农村商业银行荣昌县支行的领导及各位朋友们:您们好!今天,我受拓新控股集团董事长的重托,代表拓新集团向多年来大力支持拓新事业发展的各位领导和朋友们,诚挚的道一声感谢!感谢您们多年来快捷、高效的工作流程和诚恳、廉洁的工作作风为拓新集团的不断壮大带来的发展“源泉”饮水思源,现在拓新所取得的每一点进步和成功,都离不开农商行的关注、信任与支持。










【参考文档】送行宴邀请函-优秀word范文 (13页)

【参考文档】送行宴邀请函-优秀word范文 (13页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==送行宴邀请函篇一:外校邀请函校外实习邀请函天津职业技术师范大学:现邀请贵校_____________学生到我单位进行实习。

在本单位实习期间我校承诺:1. 落实该实习生的相应实习环节;2. 对该实习生实习评价打分;3. 对该实习生实习期间管理负责;4. 该实习生实习期满后,让该生准时返校。


此致敬礼单位 _________________(盖章)年月日篇二:校外实习邀请函同学们:为规范我院08级学生第二学期的实习申请及审批手续,学院特拟定了标准格式的实习申请及安全保证书,请需要的学生自行下载、打印之后按要求填写。







【最新2018】感谢亲的支持和鼓励哦~您的满意是我们的动力哦~-word范文模板 (16页)

【最新2018】感谢亲的支持和鼓励哦~您的满意是我们的动力哦~-word范文模板 (16页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==感谢亲的支持和鼓励哦~您的满意是我们的动力哦~篇一:感谢客户支持的话篇一:天猫常用回复客户感谢的话感谢您光临本店1.您的满意是我们永恒的追求,售后如有任何问题建议请联系我们,我们将积极妥善地为您解决。


3. 亲爱的顾客您好,感谢您对我们产品的支持与信赖。

您的问题和建议我们会及时整理反馈上去,让我们努力为您排忧解难,期待您的再次光临!4.感谢亲的光临,期待再合作啦!,请相信,我们一直在努力,如果有失误,我们定当负责并努力让您满意.祝您生活愉快,越来越美丽!5.感谢亲购买本店的宝贝,收到宝贝后若有任何问题请您立即与我们的售后工作人员联络,我们一定会尽力为您处理,亲别忘记给我们一个好评价(*^__^*) ,期待您再次光临!6. 感谢亲光临!期待我们能有幸继续为您提供更多的惊喜!有不满意或者建议请您直接与我们联系哦~~请您千万记得收藏我们!哦,旺旺加为好友~这样可以及时联系哦.7. 感谢亲的支持和惠顾,期待下次能够能您提供更优质的服务!如果我们的产品和服务好,请推荐给您的朋友;如果还有什么不满意的,请一定告诉我哦。

8. 感谢亲的好评,授人玫瑰手有余香,您的好评是对我们最大的支持与鼓励,也将是我们不断前进的动力!谢谢您的光顾,希望与您有更多的合作!再次非常感谢,祝你生活愉快、万事如意.9.亲们的支持是我们成长发展的基石、提供优质服务的动力,我们承诺会以更快更好的服务回馈我们的顾客,也期待着您在将来为我们的发展提出宝贵意见。



2018-送客途中英文作文word版本 (1页)

2018-送客途中英文作文word版本 (1页)

2018-送客途中英文作文word版本本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==送客途中英文作文One day, Xiao Zhang drove his taxi and sent an American couple to a hotel. When they got there, the couple got out of the taxi, paid the driver and waved goodbye.Later, on the road, Xiao Zhang found a handbag on the back seat of his car. He picked up the bag and opened it, finding some US dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must be the foreign couple‘s.So he quickly drove back to the hotel and learned from the receptionist that the couple stayed in Room 518. He returned the bag to the couple. They were very thankful and praised him for his honesty.一天,小张开着出租车送一对美国夫妇去宾馆。








【2018-2019】201X年庆祝国庆祝福语送客户-word范文 (6页)

【2018-2019】201X年庆祝国庆祝福语送客户-word范文 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==201X年庆祝国庆祝福语送客户金秋十月,举国同庆,下面是小编为大家搜集的国庆节祝福语大全,供大家参考,欢迎大家借鉴。

1. 用最深情的文字编写问候,用最真诚的心灵送去祝福,用最灿烂的笑容迎接节日,用最美丽的心情面对世界。


2. 今天我要做一件简单而有意义的事,那就是用我灵巧的手指和真诚的心灵通过我的手机为你编织一件祝福的衣裳然后送给你作为节日礼物。

3. 舞动你的指尖,送出最美的祝福,点亮你的笑容,制作一份最好的礼物,放飞你的心情,装饰节日的欢乐,愿你在举国欢庆的日子开心幸福。

4. 病毒提示:当你看到这条短信时你的手机已经中了祝福病毒,这种病毒将会在未来的很长时间内不断提示你节日快乐,开心幸福。

5. 迎接另一个晨曦,带来全新空气。



国庆快乐!6. 夜夜的相思,天天的思念,远方的你,国庆节,你虽然寂寞,但却如此美丽!因为有我真心的祝福!7. 圣旨:奉天承运,皇帝召曰:由于你去年国庆借我五毛钱,至今未还,罚你三天不准拉屎,拉屎不准带纸,带纸不过三尺,直到憋死为止!钦此,领纸!8. 国庆中秋双双庆,在这个特别美好难忘的日子里,让我们所有的华夏子孙共祝愿祖国盛!家团圆!人幸福!9. 刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。


借此机会我呈上对你衷心祝福,祝你一切顺利,万事如意10. 炎黄子孙手携手共商祖国统一千秋业;中华儿女肩并肩同建民族兴旺万世功。



11. 与你相遇在秋高气爽的国庆,想你在初冬漫漫的圣诞,吻你在青草已绿的春天,只想轻轻地问你--国庆给我一次美好的约会,好吗?12. 每一阵清风细雨,都会让我将你轻轻想起;每一条祝福短信,都会将我们的心靠得更近;恰逢国庆之际,借此送上我的真挚问候,愿你天天快乐!13. 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。



快递在送的路上英语作文I just checked the tracking information for my package, and it looks like it's on the way! I can't wait to receive it.The delivery driver must be working hard to get my package to me. I hope they're taking good care of it.I wonder which route the delivery driver is taking to get to my house. I hope they don't hit too much traffic along the way.I hope the weather is good for the delivery driver. It would be terrible if they had to drive through a storm or heavy rain.I'm keeping an eye out for the delivery truck. I don't want to miss it when it arrives.I hope the delivery driver is able to find my houseeasily. I know some people have trouble with the GPS in our neighborhood.I wonder if the delivery driver has any other packages to drop off before mine. They must have a busy day ahead of them.I'm so excited for my package to arrive. I've been waiting for this for a long time.I hope the delivery driver is having a good day. I know their job can be tough, especially with so many packages to deliver.I'll make sure to thank the delivery driver when they arrive. I appreciate all their hard work.。



中国的送客英文作文Last night was a blast! We had such a great time at the party. The food was amazing and the music was on point. I can't believe how late we stayed up dancing and chattingwith everyone.But now it's time to send our guests on their way. It's always a little bittersweet to say goodbye, but we had such a good time together. I hope everyone had a safe and fun time, and that they'll come back to visit us soon.As our guests start to leave, I can't help but feel a little sad. It's always hard to see them go, but I knowwe'll see each other again soon. I'm already lookingforward to the next time we can hang out and make more memories together.I'm going to miss the laughter and the conversations we had tonight. It's always so much fun to catch up with everyone and hear about what's been going on in their lives.I hope we can stay in touch and keep the good times rolling.As the last of our guests head out the door, I can't help but feel grateful for the time we spent together. It's always a little sad to see everyone go, but I know we'll be reunited before we know it. Until then, safe travels and take care!。



送快递和从事繁重工作英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sending parcels and engaging in strenuous work are two common aspects of modern life that many people can relate to. Both activities require physical exertion and mental focus, as individuals strive to meet deadlines and complete tasks efficiently. In this essay, we will explore the challenges and rewards of both sending parcels and engaging in strenuous work, and discuss their impact on individuals and society as a whole.Firstly, let's examine the process of sending parcels. Whether it's a package for a loved one or a business shipment, the act of sending parcels involves careful preparation and organization. From selecting the right packaging materials to correctly filling out the necessary paperwork, there are many steps involved in ensuring that a parcel reaches its intended destination safely and on time. Additionally, sending parcels often requires individuals to navigate complex shipping regulations and logistics, which can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with the process.Despite these challenges, sending parcels can also be a rewarding experience. For many people, the act of sending a parcel is not just about delivering a physical object, but also about conveying a message of care and thoughtfulness to the recipient. Whether it's a birthday gift, a thank-you gesture, or a token of appreciation, sending parcels allows people to express their emotions and strengthen their relationships with others. Furthermore, the convenience of modern shipping services has made it easier than ever to send parcels to any corner of the world, connecting people across distances and cultures.On the other hand, engaging in strenuous work is a different but equally important aspect of modern life. Strenuous work can take many forms, from physical labor in fields and factories to mental exertion in offices and classrooms. Regardless of the type of work involved, individuals who engage in strenuous work often face physical and mental challenges that require resilience and determination. Long hours, repetitive tasks, and demanding deadlines are just some of the obstacles that workers may encounter in their day-to-day jobs.Despite the challenges of strenuous work, there are also many rewards to be gained from engaging in it. For many people, work is not just a means of earning a living, but also a source offulfillment and personal growth. Whether it's the satisfaction of completing a difficult task, the camaraderie of working with colleagues, or the sense of accomplishment from overcoming obstacles, strenuous work can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and dignity. Furthermore, the skills and knowledge gained from engaging in strenuous work can lead to professional advancement and financial stability, opening up new opportunities for personal and career development.In conclusion, sending parcels and engaging in strenuous work are two common aspects of modern life that play a significant role in shaping the experiences of individuals and society as a whole. While both activities present their own challenges and rewards, they also contribute to the interconnectedness and productivity of our global community. Whether it's sending a parcel to a loved one or putting in a hard day's work, these activities remind us of the importance of perseverance, empathy, and collaboration in our daily lives. So, the next time you send a parcel or tackle a challenging task at work, remember the impact that your actions can have on others and the world around you.篇2Sending parcels and doing hard work are two common activities we encounter in our daily lives. While they may seem very different on the surface, there are actually many similarities between the two. In this essay, we will explore the connections between sending parcels and doing hard work.First and foremost, both sending parcels and doing hard work require a certain level of effort and dedication. When we send a parcel, we need to carefully package the items, fill out the necessary forms, and deliver it to the correct location. This process can be time-consuming and requires attention to detail. Similarly, when we do hard work, we need to exert physical or mental effort to complete a task. Whether it is lifting heavy objects, working long hours, or solving complex problems, hard work requires persistence and determination.Furthermore, both sending parcels and doing hard work involve a sense of responsibility. When we send a parcel, we are entrusted with the task of safely delivering someone's belongings to their intended recipient. It is our responsibility to ensure that the parcel arrives in good condition and on time. Similarly, when we do hard work, we are responsible for meeting deadlines, achieving goals, and producing quality results. We must take ownership of our work and strive to do our best.Additionally, both sending parcels and doing hard work require organization and planning. Before sending a parcel, we need to arrange the items, decide on the packaging, and choose the shipping method. We also need to consider factors such as cost, delivery time, and tracking information. Likewise, when we do hard work, we need to create a plan of action, set priorities, and allocate resources efficiently. By planning ahead and staying organized, we can increase our efficiency and productivity.In conclusion, sending parcels and doing hard work share many common characteristics. Both activities require effort, dedication, responsibility, organization, and planning. By recognizing these similarities, we can appreciate the value of hard work in all its forms, whether it be sending parcels or performing laborious tasks. Ultimately, both activities contribute to our personal growth and development, allowing us to achieve success and satisfaction in our lives.篇3Delivering Packages and Engaging in Heavy WorkAs the world becomes increasingly reliant on e-commerce, the demand for delivery services has also skyrocketed. Delivery drivers play a crucial role in ensuring that packages reach theirdestinations in a timely and efficient manner. However, the job of a delivery driver is not an easy one; it involves long hours, physically demanding work, and navigating through various challenges. In this article, we will explore the experiences of delivery drivers who are tasked with the responsibility of sending packages and the strenuous work they endure on a daily basis.One of the most common challenges faced by delivery drivers is the sheer volume of packages they are required to deliver in a day. With the rise of online shopping, delivery drivers are often overwhelmed with an influx of packages that need to be delivered within strict time frames. This means that delivery drivers must work quickly and efficiently to ensure that all packages are delivered on time. This can be physically demanding, especially for drivers who are required to lift heavy packages and climb stairs to deliver them.In addition to the physical demands of the job, delivery drivers also face a number of logistical challenges. Navigating through traffic, finding parking, and locating hard-to-reach addresses are just a few of the obstacles that delivery drivers encounter on a daily basis. Time management is crucial for delivery drivers, as they must carefully plan their routes to ensure that all packages are delivered on time. This requires a high levelof organization and problem-solving skills, as delivery drivers must be able to adapt to unexpected changes and challenges.Despite the challenges they face, delivery drivers play a vital role in the economy by facilitating the smooth flow of goods and services. Without their hard work and dedication, thee-commerce industry would not be able to function effectively. It is important to recognize the contributions of delivery drivers and the sacrifices they make in order to ensure that packages are delivered to their destinations in a timely manner.In conclusion, delivering packages and engaging in heavy work is a demanding job that requires a great deal of physical endurance, time management skills, and problem-solving abilities. Delivery drivers play a crucial role in the e-commerce industry by ensuring that packages reach their destinations in a timely and efficient manner. Despite the challenges they face, delivery drivers continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the needs of customers are met. It is important to appreciate the hard work and dedication of delivery drivers and to understand the sacrifices they make in order to keep the economy running smoothly.。



描述送行经历英文作文英文:As I think back on my experience of sending someone off, I am filled with a mix of emotions. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with joy for the person embarking on a new adventure, but also tinged with sadness at the thought of saying goodbye. This experience took place when my best friend was moving to another country for work. We had been inseparable for years, and the thought of not having her around was almost unbearable.On the day of her departure, I accompanied her to the airport. As we stood in line at the check-in counter, I couldn't help but feel a lump forming in my throat. I tried to stay positive and cheerful for her, but I knew that once she was gone, things would never be the same. We hugged tightly, and I whispered words of encouragement, tellingher how proud I was of her and how I knew she would dogreat things in her new job. It was a tearful goodbye, butI knew it was important to send her off with love and support.After she passed through security, I found myselffeeling a sense of emptiness. It was strange to think that she wouldn't be just a phone call away anymore. I drove home feeling a mixture of sadness and happiness for her new chapter. I knew that distance wouldn't change our friendship, but I also knew that things would be different.中文:送别的经历总是让人感慨万分。



英语作文运输途中In the globalized economy, the transportation of goods plays a pivotal role in connecting producers with consumers. This essay delves into the various modes of transportation, the challenges faced, and the importance of efficient logisticsin today's world.Modes of Transportation1. Maritime Shipping: As the oldest form of long-distance transportation, maritime shipping remains a cost-effective method for moving large quantities of goods. It is, however, slower compared to other methods and is subject to weather conditions.2. Air Freight: For time-sensitive goods, air freight offers the advantage of speed. It is particularly useful for perishable items or high-value goods that require quick delivery.3. Rail Transport: Rail transport is efficient for bulk goods and offers a balance between cost and speed. It is also environmentally friendly compared to road transport.4. Road Haulage: Flexibility is the key advantage of road transport. It is ideal for short to medium distances and can provide door-to-door service.5. Pipeline: For liquids and gases, pipeline transport is a safe and efficient method. It is less affected by weather and has a lower risk of theft or damage compared to other modes.Challenges in Transportation1. Logistical Hurdles: Coordinating different modes of transport can be complex, especially when dealing with international shipments that require customs clearance and compliance with various regulations.2. Cost Management: The cost of transportation can vary greatly depending on the distance, mode of transport, and the weight and volume of the goods.3. Environmental Impact: With growing concerns about climate change, there is a need to reduce the carbon footprint of transportation. This has led to the development of more sustainable practices in the industry.4. Security Concerns: Ensuring the safety of goods in transit is a significant challenge, especially when dealing withhigh-value items that are attractive targets for theft.Importance of Efficient Logistics1. Economic Growth: Efficient transportation systems are essential for economic growth. They facilitate trade and enable businesses to expand their reach.2. Supply Chain Optimization: A well-managed transportationsystem can reduce lead times and inventory costs, leading to a more responsive and efficient supply chain.3. Customer Satisfaction: Fast and reliable delivery is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.4. Global Competitiveness: Companies that can move goods quickly and cheaply have a competitive edge in the global market.In conclusion, the transportation of goods is a complex yet critical aspect of modern commerce. It requires a delicate balance between cost, speed, and efficiency. As the world continues to evolve, so too must the transportation industry, adapting to new technologies and challenges to keep the global economy moving.。



送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文(精选12篇)在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的.语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。

那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文(精选12篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。

送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇1One day, Xiao Zhang drove his taxi and sent an American couple to a hotel. When they got there, the couple got out of the taxi, paid the driver and waved goodbye. Later, on the road, Xiao Zhang found a handbag on the back seat of his car. He picked up the bag and opened it, finding some US dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must be the foreign couple's.So he quickly drove back to the hotel and learned from the receptionist that the couple stayed in Room 518. He returned the bag to the couple. They were very thankful and praised him for his honesty.One day, Xiao Zhang, a taxi driver, sent an American couple to a hotel. When they arrived, they paid the fare and got out of the car. They waved goodbye to Xiao Zhang. He drove away for a while, suddenly he noticed a handbag on the back seat. He opened the bag and found some dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must belong to the American couple. So he drove back to the hotel as quickly as possible. He explained to the receptionist and got to know where the couple stayed. When the couple got back the bag that they were looking for from Xiao Zhang, they were very thankful. They were moved to tears by his honesty.In class, sometimes there are short episodes, which not only bring us unexpected feelings, but also let us understand profound truth.One day, in Chinese class, we were reading the text attentively when suddenly a bee came.The classroom was like a frying pan, and the students were talking about: "What is this?" "It's a bee! Get down!" "Be careful! I'm flying towards you!" We tried our best to dodge: some students got under the table, some girls jumped onto the chair, and some students were so scared that their faces turned pale and they sat still in their seats.Just when the boy in our class "Wang Dare" jumped onto the desk and picked up the book to pat the bees, the Chinese teacher stood up and shouted, "Don't panic, everyone! Don't hit the bees!" Hearing what the teacher said, "Wang Dare" stopped his hand and looked at the teacher in a daze. "Open the window and see off!" The teacher continued to command. The students sitting next to the window hurriedly opened the window and prepared to "see off your guests". But the bees were reluctant to give up and kept circling in the classroom. "Turn on the fan and let the wind take it away!" The teacher frowned and said. The students immediately hurriedly turned on all the fans and turned them to the maximum. The bee finally flew out of the classroom with its wings flapping under the cool wind.The classroom was calm again, and the students finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the teacher said earnestly: "Students, no matter what happens in the future, we should calm down and deal with it calmly, so that we can solve the problem." The students nodded.My cousin Taiyuan came to Xi'an to play on the second day of the New Year. I have had a good time with my cousin these days. Unfortunately, my cousin will return to Taiyuan today and he will go to work the day after tomorrow.In the morning, I got up and went to get out of bed. I went to the next room to find my cousin. I talked to him for a while and talked about the fun of the past few days. Suddenly, my father said that you two would play jump ball for a while. My cousin and I dressed, found a chessboard and sat on the ground.I said, "Shall we play gobang?" My cousin and I played gobang and checkers for a while. Anyway, we had a good time. Time flies. It will be four o'clock in the afternoon. Dad said, "It's raining outside. Let's go downstairs and leave early."We walked for a while and went to the Wei's Liangpi. We ordered a Liangpi and a Roujiamo for our cousin. My father and I ate a Liangpi and Roujiamo together. The meat bun is very delicious. The oil in it flows from my hands.After we finished eating, we went to the supermarket to buy something for my cousin and got on my father's car. We went to the North Railway Station together. On the way, my cousin and I talked all the time about our interesting things these days. He also invited me to play in Taiyuan during the summer vacation. I accepted the invitation happily. I wished it was summer vacation soon, so I could meet my cousin again.The time for chatting really passed too fast. Before we knew it, we arrived at the North Railway Station. We sent our cousin to the waiting room. My cousin and I were sad when we left. We always wanted to spend the summer vacation quickly.After seeing my cousin off, I drank some porridge. I had agood time today and had a peaceful sleep at night.送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇4Thursday is an unusual day. The English teacher who has taught us for nearly two years is leaving. This may be the last day. How we hope that the English teacher will not leave! But the weather is unpredictable, and God is not as good as we want.After the first class in the afternoon, our whole class knew that the teacher was leaving.After class, some students dragged the teacher into our classroom. As soon as the teacher came in, we spontaneously sang "Whenever I Walk by the Teacher's Window". When the third paragraph came, no one could sing anymore. The girls cried. The teacher said a few words of comfort to us, but no one stopped crying. Instead, they cried even more. The students gave gifts to the teacher one after another: some bought a 5 yuan item, but it was also a token of affection for the teacher, while Ding Ning bought a 22 yuan item. Look at us, we are empty handed, with only one yuan at most, and feel very ashamed.The teacher took the gift, and said a few words to us, a few words to say goodbye, the English teacher said, tears are coming down. I finally couldn't help crying. "Lao Wang" cried, "Lao Ren" cried, and all the boys criedSurprise the world and cry! "Don't go, teacher!" Wei Yao stood up and threw herself into the teacher's arms. The students and the teacher hugged each other. Finally, the teacher drew a smiling face on the blackboard. The teacher encouraged us to read the pronunciation of the letter i, and then walked out of the classroom with a smileThis affectionate Thursday, I will never forget, not to mention the respectable and amiable English teacher!送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇5The love of our parents is always around us, but we can't find it out. Many people do not understand their parents' gratitude, and there must be many people who grow up very filial to repay them. This time I will tell you a story about me and my mother When I was in the first grade, when I was still young, I would cry loudly every time I went to the school bus. Once, my mother sent me to the school bus. I didn't care about other people and shouted: "Mom, don't go, I don't want to go to school..." Mom comforted: "It's OK, I will return to my mother after a few days. Remember to study hard in school and eat more!" With that, my mother let go of my hand and got off the bus.I was blocked by the teacher outside the door and pushed to my seat. I quickly grabbed my head and looked at my mother through the window. Mother raised her head and shouted, "Pay attention to eating more and study hard!" I nodded and cried again.When the school bus started, I ran to the back of the school bus at one go. Fortunately, there was a seat and nobody was there. I lay down behind the school bus again. Whether it was vague or clear, I tried to look at the familiar figure: the woman in red dress and black skirt, with her mouth open, shouted and shook her hands. Gradually, my eyes became blurred and tears flowed. The figure became very small, very smallThat figure I will never forget all my life, my beautiful mother, I love you forever!送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇6My sister returned from Shenzhen less than a week ago. My father and I took them to the railway station.Put a lot of things into the car and start. On the bus, I smiledstrongly, tried to hide my regret, and told my sister something interesting.When we got to the station, we heard our aunt say, "It doesn't matter. You two can chat on WeChat, QQ, Ease... video chat if you can't see each other." When she saw our boring appearance, she said a few words of comfort to us."Exactly. Why didn't we think? We can also see each other through video chat." I said. "We can also write letters. How many times have you written before?" My sister suggested. We looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. During this period, we honed our circle of friends, played games together, and robbed red envelopes together... We usually didn't want to sleep after eleven o'clock. We wanted to play for a while longer. In the morning, we would dress up and play, make a noise, and fight against adults' words togetherArriving at the station, we slowly wanted to be together. My sister slowly walked in with her suitcase. After walking for a while, she turned around. I waved on the spot. I didn't get into the car until the three of them were drowned out of sight. After getting into the car, I felt my nose sore and suddenly wanted to cry. I lay in the car and wouldn't let my father see me. As soon as I lay down, tears began to flow down. I tried to keep silent and control my emotions.My sister and I will see each other again this time. I don't know when we can meet. It may be the summer vacation this year, or the first month of the next year.送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇7The spring is bright in March. The sky is filled with white clouds, and the flowers all over the bank are like floating mists. However, on such a beautiful day, the Yellow Crane T ower is filledwith the pain of parting. It turned out that Meng Haoran was going down the river to Yangzhou right away.At this time, Meng Haoran and Li Bai sat on the mat and were silent. Li Bai took the jug and poured out two full cups and handed one cup to Meng Haoran: "Brother Haoran, how long will you come back after you go out this time? Let's drink again today and do it!" At the end of the conversation, the two men raised their necks and drank it all at once. Meng Haoran's eyes glistened with tears: "Brother Taibai, this wine is still the same as before. I wonder if you can still taste such delicious wine when you come back from this trip?" Li Bai also smiled: "Brother Haoran, I'll keep this wine for you. When you come back, I'll buy you a drink!"Li Bai was silent for a long time, and then said, "I remember that we used to have fun traveling around the mountains and rivers, singing poems and painting pictures. But now you and I have to be separated from each other...""There is no feast that never ends..." Meng Haoran walked to the boat and turned around step by step. The boat slowly floated up and down to the east and wanted to go far. Finally, it disappeared at the junction of heaven and water, and a ship became a black spot. Li Bai still stood by the river, with tears in his eyes. Only the endless river water flowed towards the end of the sky. After a long time, Li Bai returned to the Yellow Crane Tower and wrote this famous poem: My old friend said goodbye to the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went to Yangzhou in March. The distant shadow of the lone sail is as clear as the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River flows across the sky. 送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇8The spring scenery is good in March, and the flowers along the river bank are beautiful. Like smoke, like fog. Li Bai learns thathis old friend Meng Haoran is going to Guangling, so he asks him to see him off at the Yellow Crane Tower. In the warm spring breeze and bright spring light, Li Bai and Meng Haoran in the Yellow Crane T ower look out over the river and spend the last time together. The river is sparkling, the egrets are flying and falling, and they are whispering together, as if they are seeing Meng Haoran off.In the picturesque scenery, they are drinking good wine and eating delicious food together. They talked about their thoughts and their past, and the happy time passed quickly. Unconsciously, the time of departure is drawing near. Li Bai could not help tears in his eyes and said with emotion: "Brother Meng, we left recently.I don't know when we will meet again. Come here and drink this wine!" Then Li Bai drank it all in one gulp. Meng Haoran smiled and said, "The flowers will bloom again. It's no big deal. Come on, let's have another pot." After drinking the last pot of farewell wine, the boat by the river also docked. Li Bai tightly held Meng Haoran's hand and told him, "It's a long way to go, Brother Meng, take care of yourself." Meng Haoran boarded the boat, stood at the bow and said goodbye to Li Bai: "Goodbye, brother Li. If you have time, remember to write often, and see you later."The boat gradually went far away, and the shadow of the sail gradually blurred and disappeared, and stayed at the place where water and sky meet. The fog on the river is getting heavier and heavier, and Li Bai's mood cannot be pacified for a long time. Although he is separated from each other, his heart is closely connected.送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇9Today is a special day. A little guest came to our house. She is my classmate, but she will transfer to Beijing soon. We need tobe far apart from each other. I don't know when we will meet again. She is Wu Yanzhao. It's really hard to think of this.Wu Yanzhao gave me several parting gifts: a Tibetan backpack, a rabbit toy, a tiger head bag and a huge red pencil. She made me always remember our pure friendship. I'll have a day with her today.She and I were led by my mother to take a group photo at the place where we took the big picture. We wore the same braids, made various poses, and took pictures one after another. Each picture and action represented our desire to never be separated. I'm going to give Wu Yanzhao the book "Smart Backpack", because I have one myself. I pasted the big head of our group photo on the book. I want Wu Yanzhao to carry the "backpack of wisdom" to Beijing to study hard, make progress every day, and work together with me to remember our friendship. I also gave her my favorite lucky colored ball, which was made of 24 colors of silk thread and carefully sewn with embroidery needles. It was a colorful hexahedron with yellow tassels on the bottom. It represented good luck, good luck and luck. I miss that this colored ball will bring luck and happiness to my best partner.I have a lot of heart to say to Wu Yanzhao, but I can't say a word. Let my gift represent my heart!送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇10"Outside the Changting Pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches into the sky, the evening wind caresses the willows and the flute sound is residual, and the sunset is outside the mountain." Whenever I hear this song, I think of the scene of seeing my friends off in my childhood.It was the beginning of school. The sun rose from the east asusual. I came to Kunshan Bus Station to see my good friend Wang Kai off at the dawn of the sunI tried hard to make a heavy step, holding a pen and a book. Wang Kai looked around in the hall. He was looking for me early.I waved to him. His car started at 10:30, and now it is 10:25. He and I have only five minutes to say goodbye!I thought I would cry, but unexpectedly, he and I smiled face to face. We did not say goodbye with tears, but with laughter. Five minutes passed with laughter, The horn of the reception room sounds: "Please get on the 10:30 bus as soon as possible. The bus is about to start. We stopped laughing. I looked down for a while. I was just about to give him my pen and notebook. I didn't expect Wang Kai had already got on the bus. Suddenly, the sky was overcast with dark clouds. It was just like the feelings of Wang Kai and me. Suddenly, it was raining cats and dogs in the sky, and my clothes were all wet. I watched the car drive quickly to the main road, and I watched The back of the car is getting smaller and smaller. I believe Wang Kai must be watching me in the car.When I got home, I thought: We should cherish the beautiful dawn of our childhood, because there is only one life, we must cherish it送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇11This is the most unforgettable moment for me. At this time, the sky is no longer so bright and lovely. The grassland is no longer so green. The sky was red, as if crying red. The grassland also turned yellow, and the water in the river seemed to be colored by the sky. The white and tender sheep walked slowly; Even the steeds chasing the wind every day bow their heads and sigh; The honest old ox also walked home silently. In this state,people feel lonely.The Mongolian people rode horses and we drove to see us off 150 miles away. The girls sang us a farewell song; The boys took our hands and looked at us, saying that they would always remember us; An elderly grandfather said to us affectionately, "Welcome to our next visit, children. The door here is always open for you." I took his hand and said, "Grandpa, I will come again next time. If you are free, you can come to the city to play. There are unexpected things for you." A cadre gave us Hada and milk wine.It's getting late. We should go back. The Mongolians stood beside the horses and waved to us. A gust of wind blew, and the willow tree remembered to see us off. We drove slowly and looked back at the Mongolian people in the distance from time to time. How can I bear to part from the deep love between Mongolia and Han? The blue grass in the horizon speaks of the setting sun. Yes, as Wang Bo said: "A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world."On the Way of DrivingThe author of this poem, Li Bai, is Taibai. His ancestral home is Chengji, Longxi. His ancestors lived in Central Asia at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He was born in Shaye City, Central Asia. When he was five years old, he moved with his father to Qinglian Township, Jiangyou, Sichuan Province. His name was Qinglian Gushi. Li Bai was a representative writer in the poetry circle of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and also a great romantic poet after Qu Yuan in the history of Chinese literature, known as the "Poetry Immortal".When the author wandered from Shu to Chu, he saw the bright moon in the water like a mirror, the river was calm, and hecouldn't help feeling nostalgic for his hometown, so he wrote this poem.In the poem, "The mountain runs away with the plain and the river runs into the wasteland." Two famous sentences are immortal, which is the image embodiment of his youth ideal and broad ambition. The poet wrote his vision and yearning for the world outside of Sichuan through the fresh feeling of entering the Chu world by rowing on the river. Li Bai has many ambitions and dreams. He hopes to go into politics, make achievements and accomplish great things. The poem went on to write: "Under the moon flying mirror, clouds grow and form sea towers. Still pity the hometown water, and send a boat thousands of miles away." The poet's vision shifted from the great plain to the white clouds and bright moon, and suddenly felt that his hometown behind him was more and more far away from him, so he could not help feeling a touch of homesickness.When Li Bai was sailing from Shu to Chu, he looked at the beautiful landscapes and the scenery on both sides of the river. With the help of the beautiful landscapes, he expressed his great ambition and his heroic thought of becoming a ranger. Then he said, "I still feel pity for the water of my hometown, and I will send a boat thousands of miles away." At this moment, he misses his hometown immeasurably.送客途中-On the Way of Driving作文篇12There is a Hope Primary School in a remote mountain village. There is a young female teacher named Miao Lan who leads more than 40 students to live and study together, like a family.Miss Miao takes great care of students in life, just like a big tree with luxuriant branches, which provides shelter and shade for students. Some students fell ill and she took them to the cityto see a doctor. Others dropped out of school because their families were poor. Teacher Miao took out his savings to pay tuition fees for him. On weekends, teacher Miao still visited his classmates' homes no matter what the weather was. Teacher Miao came home after class every day and was even more bitter. She lived and ate by herself. Then she corrected homework and prepared lessons for the students under the oil lamp. She was willing to go to bed late at night. These days, the students heard that Miss Miao was leaving the mountain village to live in the county town. They heard about the time when the teacher left: midnight tomorrow. In the middle of the night, Miss Miao wanted to be found by her students and left the village quietly. She had no idea that more than 40 of her students had been waiting at the station to see her off.The students all looked sad. Teacher Miao said to the students, "Don't be sad. I will go to the county to get married, and then I will settle down there."The monitor shouted, "Let's sing a song for Miss Miao, 'A good man is safe in his life.'" When the teacher got on the bus, the students cried, ran after the train, ran after Miss Miao, and kept singing.A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. The students never thought that Miss Miao was not going to get married. A few days ago, she felt unwell and went to the county to have a physical examination. It turned out that Miss Miao was suffering from leukemia. The doctor said that Miss Miao only had half a year to go. In fact, she went to the county town to get together with her family. What an ordinary teacher and what a great teacher Miss Miao is.。



寄快递相关英语作文Title: Sending a Parcel: A Guide to Shipping。

Sending a parcel is a common task in today's globalized world, and understanding the process of shipping can be beneficial. Whether you're sending a gift to a friend or shipping products for your business, knowing the ins and outs of parcel delivery can ensure a smooth and efficient transaction. In this guide, we'll explore the key steps involved in sending a parcel and provide useful tips for a hassle-free shipping experience.1. Choose the Right Courier Service:Selecting the appropriate courier service is crucial for timely and reliable delivery. Consider factors such as delivery speed, cost, and the reputation of the courier company. Popular international courier services include FedEx, DHL, and UPS, while local postal services may also offer competitive rates for domestic shipments.2. Package Your Item Securely:Proper packaging is essential to protect your item during transit. Use sturdy cardboard boxes or padded envelopes that are appropriate for the size and weight of your item. Secure the package with strong packing tape, and use bubble wrap or packing peanuts to cushion fragile items. Ensure the package is properly sealed to prevent any damage or loss during transit.3. Address the Parcel Correctly:Accurate addressing is vital to ensure your parcel reaches its intended destination. Double-check therecipient's address, including the street name, house number, city, and postal code. Include the recipient's full name and any relevant additional information, such as apartment numbers or company names. Similarly, provide your own contact information in case the courier needs to reach you for any reason.4. Complete Customs Documentation (for International Shipments):If you're sending a parcel internationally, you'll need to complete customs documentation. This typically includes a customs declaration form detailing the contents and value of the package. Provide accurate information to expedite the customs clearance process and avoid delays. Some courier services offer assistance with customs documentation to streamline the shipping process.5. Choose the Right Shipping Option:Courier services offer a variety of shipping options to suit different needs and budgets. Consider factors such as delivery speed, tracking capabilities, and insurance coverage when selecting a shipping option. Express services may offer faster delivery times but at a higher cost, while standard shipping may be more economical for less time-sensitive shipments.6. Track Your Shipment:Once your parcel is on its way, use the tracking information provided by the courier service to monitor its progress. Tracking allows you to stay informed about the status of your shipment and anticipate its arrival. Most courier services offer online tracking portals or mobile apps where you can conveniently track your parcel in real-time.7. Communicate with the Recipient:Keep the recipient informed about the status of their shipment, especially if there are any delays or issues with delivery. Provide them with the tracking information and estimated delivery date so they can anticipate when to expect the parcel. Good communication helps ensure a positive shipping experience for both parties involved.In conclusion, sending a parcel involves several key steps, from choosing the right courier service to properly packaging and addressing the item. By following theseguidelines and tips, you can ensure a smooth and successful shipping experience, whether you're sending a parcellocally or internationally. Remember to communicate effectively with the recipient and track your shipment to stay informed about its progress. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can send your parcel with confidence and peace of mind.。

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One day, Xiao Zhang drove his taxi and sent an American couple to a hotel. When they got there, the couple got out of the taxi, paid the driver and waved goodbye.
Later, on the road, Xiao Zhang found a handbag on the back seat of his car. He picked up the bag and opened it, finding some US dollars and a passport in it. He thought it must be the foreign couple‘s.So he quickly drove back to the hotel and learned from the receptionist that the couple stayed in Room 518. He returned the bag to the couple. They were very thankful and praised him for his honesty.








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