Glosari Istilah Gaya Bahasa
Se questo è il primo satellite Orbi che si sta aggiungendo alla rete Orbi, attenersi alla seguente procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi nell'area centrale della casa per ottenere la migliorecopertura WiFi.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sul pannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non siaccende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.2. Posizionare il satellite Orbi (prosegue)Se sono già stati impostati un router e un satellite Orbi sulla rete Orbi, seguirequesta procedura:Posizionare il satellite Orbi in un angolo della propria casa lontano dal router e satelliteOrbi esistenti, ma comunque all'interno dell'area di copertura del router e satellite Orbi.Se la propria abitazione ha più piani, posizionare il satellite Orbi su un piano diverso daquello del router e satellite Orbi esistenti.Collegare il satellite Orbi a una fonte di alimentazione. Il LED di alimentazione sulpannello posteriore del satellite Orbi si illumina in verde. Se il LED di alimentazione non si accende, premere il pulsante di alimentazione.Router Orbi Satellite OrbiRouter OrbiSatellite OrbiSatellite Orbi3. Sincronizzare il satellite OrbiAttendere circa due minuti prima che il LED circolare del satellite Orbi sia bianco fisso.Quindi, premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del satellite Orbi e, entro due minuti,premere il pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) sul retro del router Orbi.Il LED circolare del satellite Orbi si accende di colore bianco, in seguito il colore cambia in unodei seguenti colori per circa 3 minuti e quindi si spegne:BluIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è buona.ArancioneIl router e il satellite Orbi sono stati sincronizzati correttamente e la connessione tra ilrouter e il satellite è sufficiente. Avvicinare il satellite Orbi al router Orbi.MagentaIl router e il satellite Orbi non sono stati sincronizzati. Spostare il satellite più vicino alrouter e riprovare.LED circolare (non mostrato nell'immagine)Pulsante Sync (Sincronizza) (utilizzato anche per la connessione WPS)Porte Ethernet Porta USBPulsante e LED di alimentazione Connettore di alimentazione CC Pulsante di ripristinoSupportoGrazie per aver acquistato questoprodotto NETGEAR. Visitare il sito Web /support per registrare il prodotto, ricevere assistenza, accedere ai download e manuali più recenti per l'utente e partecipare alla nostra community. Consigliamo di utilizzare solo risorse di assistenza NETGEAR ufficiali.Per consultare la Dichiarazione diconformità UE attuale, visitare la pagina: /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Per informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, visitare il sito Web all'indirizzo /about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.NETGEAR INTL LTDBuilding 3, University Technology CentreCurraheen Road, Cork, IrlandaNETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134, Stati Uniti© NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.Ottobre 2016Tutto impostato!Satellite Orbi (modello RBS50)Alimentatore(varia in base all'area geografica)213421567。
Ankara Istanbul
LON Heathrow
英国(United Kingdom)
英国(United Kingdom)
BUH Otopeni
MOW Sheremetyevo
6594.74?利雅得 Riyadh
约旦 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
7050.96安曼 Amman
巴勒斯坦 State of Palestine
7128.97耶路撒冷 Jerusalem
以色列 State of Israel
孟加拉国 People's Republic of Bangladesh
3025.66达卡 Dhaka
斯里兰卡 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
5164.05科伦坡 Colombo
马尔代夫 Republic of Maldives
5849.99马累 Male
8751.07安道尔 Andorra la Vella
葡萄牙 Portuguese Republic
9664.06里斯本 Lisbon
意大利 Italian Republic
8122.8?罗马 Rome
马耳他 Republic of Malta
8414.40瓦莱塔 Bamako
圣马力诺 Republic of San Marino
阿尔及利亚 Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
9107.23?阿尔及尔 Algiers
突尼斯 Republic of Tunisia
8638.93突尼斯 Tunis
摩洛哥 KiΒιβλιοθήκη gdom of Morocco9937.62拉巴特 Rabat
佛得角 Republic of Cape Verde
7983.66?圣马力诺 San Marino
Jaybird Tarah 运动向上耳机用户手册说明书
TarahESPAÑOL GUÍA DE USUARIOBIENVENIDAEn la caja 2 Estado de carga/batería 3 Emparejamiento 5 El ajuste perfecto 7 Tamaño de extremo de gel 7 Ajuste rápido y clip para camisa 8INSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASFunciones de botones 9 La aplicación Jaybird 12 Multipunto - Conexión a varios dispositivos 13 Smartwatches 14 Resolución de problemas 15 Especificaciones 16 Garantía, advertencias y seguridad 17BIENVENIDAJAYBIRD TARAHRENDIMIENTO ESENCIAL CORRE SIN CABLESPara instrucciones detalladas en vídeo, visita /support/Lee las instrucciones de seguridad que se incluyen por separado para obtener información importante sobre seguridad relativa al uso del producto antes de instalar o usar el producto.6 HORAS DE REPRODUCCIÓNRESISTENTES AL AGUA Y AL SUDOR (IPX7)AJUSTE DEPORTIVO - SEGURO Y CÓMODO 10 MINUTOS = 1 HORA DE REPRODUCCIÓNAJUSTE RÁPIDOSONIDO PREMIUM CON ECUALIZACIÓN PERSONALIZADA MÚSICA Y LLAMADASCable de carga USBintegradoExtremos de gel de silicona (Tamaño 1 / 2 / 3)EN LA CAJAESTADO DE CARGA/BATERÍARecomendamos cargar los auriculares con cualquier fuente de alimentación USB de 5 V y 500 mA. Los adaptadores/cargadores de pared/coche que suministran más de 5,5 voltios pueden dañar los auriculares Jaybird y no deben usarse.ESTADO DE CARGA/BATERÍAAl encender los auriculares, oirás un anuncio de nivel de batería. El anuncio de nivel de batería se redondea al 20% más cercano.El teléfono y la aplicación Jaybird también indicarán el nivel de la batería. La aplicación Jaybird indicará el nivel de batería con un margen del 1%.EMPAREJAMIENTOEMPAREJAMIENTOEL AJUSTE PERFECTO1. EL TAMAÑO CORRECTO DE EXTREMO DE GELPara un ajuste guiado, descarga la aplicación Jaybird o visita /support/tarahNota: Es muy habitual usar extremos de gel de diferentes tamaños en cada oído.EL AJUSTE PERFECTO2. AJUSTE RÁPIDO Y CLIP PARA CAMISAEl ajuste rápido ayuda a mantener el cable lejos del cuello y los hombros, lo que resulta ideal para el uso deportivo.Asegura los auriculares Tarah a la parte posteriorde la camisa mediante el clip para camisa incluido.INSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASFUNCIONES DE BOTONESENCENDIDO/APAGADOEnciende los auriculares: mantén presionado el botón central hasta que oigas un tono de "Encendido " ascendente y el LED se ilumine en blanco permanente.APAGA los auriculares: mantén presionado el botón central hasta que oigas un tonode "Apagado " descendente y el LED se ilumine en rojo antes de apagarse.PULSACIÓNLARGAINSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASReproduce o pon en pausa una canción o vídeo con sólo pulsar y soltar el botón central .Para omitir una canción , mantén presionado el botón Vol. +.Para retroceder , haz una pulsación larga del botón Vol. –.Para cambiar el volumen + o –, pulsa el botón Vol. + o Vol. –.Para activar el asistente de voz (Siri o Google Now), pulsa el botón central .SUBIR VOLUMEN SALTAR ADELANTEREPRODUCCIÓN/PAUSA CONTROL PERSONALIZADO ASISTENTE DE VOZCONTROL PERSONALIZADO BAJAR VOLUMENSALTAR ATRÁSPULSACIÓNDOBLE PULSACIÓNPULSACIÓN LARGAINSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASPara aceptar una llamada telefónica : pulsa el botón central .Para rechazar una llamada telefónica : pulsa dos veces el botón central .Para cambiar el volumen + o –: pulsa una vez el botón Vol. + o Vol. –.VOLUMEN +ACEPTAR / FINALIZAR UNA LLAMADA RECHAZAR UNA LLAMADAVOLUMEN –PULSACIÓNDOBLE PULSACIÓNINSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASLA APLICACIÓN JAYBIRDINSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASMULTIPUNTO - CONEXIÓN A VARIOS DISPOSITIVOSLa función multipunto te permite estar conectado a dos dispositivos simultáneamente. Por ejemplo, puedes estar conectado al portátil y el teléfono móvil. Mientras escuchas música en el portátil, podrás aceptar una llamada entrante en el teléfono.Tarah puede recordar hasta ocho dispositivos Bluetooth® emparejados y puede estar conectado activamentea dos dispositivos a la vez.INSTRUCCIONES DETALLADASSMARTWATCHESApple WatchOSAndroid WearGarminSamsungSi tienes el smartwatch adecuado, puedes dejar el teléfono móvil en casa. Simplemente sincroniza tu música con el smartwatch y empareja los auriculares Tarah con el smartwatch. Usa el manual del usuario del smartwatch para averiguar cómo emparejarun dispositivo Bluetooth.RESOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASRestablecimiento parcial: Si los auriculares no responden, coloca los Tarah en la base de carga y conecta la base de carga USB a unafuente de alimentación. Esto apagará los auriculares y realizará un restablecimiento parcial.Restablecimiento de fábrica: Si esto no resuelve el problema, es aconsejable restablecer los ajustes de fábrica originales de losauriculares. Antes de comenzar este proceso, "OLVIDA" o "QUITA" tu dispositivo Tarah de tu lista de dispositivos Bluetooth descubiertos en el dispositivo de audio.Ahora los auriculares se han restablecido y están listos para el emparejamiento. Ve al menú Bluetooth del dispositivo de audio y selecciona Tarah para volver a emparejar.ESPECIFICACIONESVersión de Bluetooth 5.0, multipuntoCódec SBCPerfil Manos libres, auriculares, A2DP, AVCRP, SPPRadio de acción efectivo10 metros (30 pies)Tiempo de reproducción 6 horas*Alimentación Auriculares Bluetooth: 5,0 V , 1 ATiempo de carga2 horasCarga rápida10 minutos = 1 hora de reproducciónDimensiones Tamaño de auricular de 13,25 x 23,6 mm, longitud de cable de 490 mmPeso Aproximadamente 13,85 g (sin extremos de gel)* E l tiempo de reproducción y el tiempo en espera pueden variar debido a las condiciones de uso. Si añades graves adicionales a tu perfil de sonido a través de la aplicación Jaybird se reduce el tiempo de uso.GARANTÍA, ADVERTENCIAS Y SEGURIDADDetalles de garantía completa, cuidados y mantenimiento en:/warranty +1.866.244.3399ADVERTENCIA: Debido a las características de aislamiento de estos auriculares, no los uses mientras conduces, montas en bicicleta o cuando haya tráfico de vehículos, o en cualquier otra actividad en la que no oírlos sonidos del entorno resulte peligroso. El uso de estos auriculares a volúmenes excesivos puede causar daños auditivos permanentes. Baja siempre el volumen antes de usarlos. Ten cuidado con respecto a la inserción de objetos en el canal auditivo. Uso por tu cuenta y riesgo. No uses el dispositivo mientras esté conectado a una fuente de alimentación que funcione con líneas principales de 110 o 220 V.Copyright 2018 LOGITECH. LOGITECH, JAYBIRD Y EL LOGOTIPO DE JAYBIRD SON MARCAS COMERCIALES O REGISTRADAS DE OF LOGITECH EUROPE S.A. Y/O SUS FILIALES EN ESTADOS UNIDOS Y OTROS PAÍSES.LA MARCA Y LOS LOGOTIPOS DE BLUETOOTH® SON MARCAS REGISTRADAS DE BLUETOOTH SIG, INC. GOOGLE PLAY Y EL LOGOTIPO DE GOOGLE PLAY SON MARCAS COMERCIALES DE GOOGLE LLC. APPLE,EL LOGOTIPO DE APPLE, IPHONE Y IPAD SON MARCAS COMERCIALES DE APPLE, INC., REGISTRADAS EN ESTADOS UNIDOS Y OTROS PAÍSES Y REGIONES. APP STORE ES UNA MARCA DE SERVICIO DE APPLE INC. LAS DEMÁS MARCAS COMERCIALES PERTENECEN A SUS RESPECTIVOS PROPIETARIOS. CUALQUIER USO DE ESAS MARCAS POR PARTE DE LOGITECH SE HACE BAJO LICENCIA O CON PERMISO.RESISTENTES AL AGUATus auriculares Jaybird Tarah poseen una calificación IPX7 de resistencia al agua. Los auriculares Tarah se han diseñado para resistir la lluvia, el barro y las aventuras al aire libre.Los auriculares Jaybird no se han diseñado para nadar, ducharse o exponerlos al agua de la piscina o del océano. En caso de exposición al agua salada o clorada, enjuaga los auriculares suavemente con agua dulce y sécalos al aire antes de usarlos.La base de carga no es resistente al agua, así que asegúrate de que los auriculares estén completamente secos antes de cargarlos.LIMPIEZA DE LOS EXTREMOS DE GELMantener los extremos de gel de los auriculares Jaybird limpios es esencial para un uso seguro e higiénico.IMPORTANTE: NO intentes limpiar los extremos de los auriculares sin haberlos quitado antes de los auriculares.1. Sujeta firmemente el extremo de gel con una mano y el auricular con la otra. Retira con cuidado el extremo de gel del auricular.2. Usa agua tibia y jabón suave en un paño húmedo para eliminar la suciedad y la cera del extremo de gel. NO uses productos de limpieza abrasivos.3. Enjuaga y seca completamente los extremos de gel antes de volver a colocarlos en los auriculares.4. Empuja y vuelve a colocar con cuidado los extremos de gel en los auriculares.Vídeo con instrucciones en AUDICIÓN RESPONSABLEEvita niveles de volumen excesivos y periodos de uso prolongados. Las sesiones largas con niveles de volumen excesivamente altos pueden causar discapacidad auditiva permanente.No uses los auriculares entre el tráfico.CUIDADOS Y MANTENIMIENTOLimpia los extremos de gel regularmente para eliminar restos de suciedad y acumulaciones de cera. Para la limpieza, retira los extremos de gel de los auriculares, limpia suavemente el polvo y la grasa con un paño seco, o usa agua tibia y un jabón suave para eliminar las acumulaciones. Enjuaga y deja secar completamente antes de volver a acoplarlos.Antes de cargarlos, asegúrate de que los auriculares estén completamente secos sin restos de sudor ni de agua.WEB-621-001314.002© 2018 Logitech. Logitech, Jaybird y el logotipo de Jaybird son marcas comerciales o registradas de Logitech Europe S.A. y/o sus filiales en Estados Unidos y otros países.。
Wireless Mouse Manual
Name and function of each part各部分的名称及其作用各部位名稱及功能Nama dan Fungsi dari Setiap BagianWireless MouseManualENGLISHSpecifications1Insert the battery2Turning the Power On3Pairing with a PCPower-saving modeWhen the mouse is left untouched for a fixed period of time while the power is ON, it automatically shifts to power-saving mode. The mouse is released from the power-saving mode when it is touched.* Mouse operation may be unstable for a few seconds after returning from the power-saving mode.Remove the battery cover.Re-attach the battery cover to its original state.Insert the battery.Slide the power switch to the ON position.The LED lamp will blink periodically according to theamount of battery left.* When the battery level is low, the number of times the LED lamp blinks will decrease.The pairing method may differ depending on the PC you are using.This section covers Windows and Macintosh standard Bluetooth functions. For more information, please read the instruction manual for your PC. Please carry out the pairing operation using your current mouse or touchpad on your device.Windows 10For macOS Catalina (10.15)From the Apple menu, click “System Settings...” to display the system environment settings screen.Click “Bluetooth” to display the“Bluetooth” environment settings screen.During the device search, hold down the pairing button on the bottomsurface for two to three seconds, and then release.Select “ELECOM IR Mouse”, and click “Connect” to start pairing.When it changes to “Connected”, pairing is completed.Click on the “Start” button on thelower left of the screen, and click on the “Settings” icon.Click on “Devices” on the “Windows Settings” screen.Click on “Bluetooth and Other Devices”, and click on “Add aBluetooth Device or Other Devices”.When the add device screen is displayed, hold down the pairingbutton on the bottom for two to three seconds, and then release.Click on “ELECOM IR Mouse” to begin pairing.When it changes to “Connected”, click on “Complete”.This product is added to “Mice, keyboards, pens”, displays“Connected” and pairing is complete.Click on “Bluetooth”.Pairing mode is activated, and the LED lamp blinks red.Pairing mode is activated, and the LED lampblinks red.Resolution1300 dpiCompatible standard Bluetooth 5.0 Class2Supported profile HOGP (HID Over GATT Profile)Radio wave method GFSK Radio frequency 2.4 GHz bandRadio wave rangeMagnetic surfaces (such as steel desks): approximately 3 mNon-magnetic surfaces (such as wooden desks): approximately 10 m * T hese are test values in company environment and are not guaranteed.Read method Optical sensor method Emitted light type Non-visible wavelength rangeDimensions (W × D × H)M-BY10BR /M-K5BR series : Approx. 53 mm × 93 mm × 37 mm M-BY11BR /M-K6BR series : Approx. 59 mm × 105 mm × 39 mm WeightM-BY10BR /M-K5BR series : Approx. 59 g *Including the battery M-BY11BR /M-K6BR series : Approx. 67 g *Including the battery Operational temperature/humidity 5°C to 40°C/ up to 90%RH (without condensation)Storage temperature/humidity -10°C to 60°C/ up to 90%RH (without condensation)Supported battery Any one of AAA alkaline battery, AAA manganese battery, AAA type nickel-metal hydride batteryOperational timeEstimate when using alkaline batteryContinuous operation time : Approximately 153 hours Continuous standby time : Approximately 500 days Estimated usage time : Approximately 309 days(The above is assuming the computer is used for eight hours a day with 5% of that time spent operating the mouse.)Supported OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1, macOS Catalina (10.15), Android OS 7 to 10, iOS iPadOS (13.4)(Updating the OS or installing a service pack may be necessary.)* C ompatibility information was retrieved during operation confirmation in our verification environment. There is no guarantee of complete compatibility with all devices, OS versions, and applications.123无线鼠标 / 蓝牙设备使用说明书基本规格1插入电池2接通电源3与计算机配对关于鼠标的省电模式为了抑制电池消耗,在将电源开关置于ON的状态时隔一段时间不操作,鼠标自动进入省电模式。
世界主要国家及其首都一览表(English version)
Country 中文名音标Afghanistan阿富汗[æf'ɡænistæn] Albania阿尔巴尼亚[æl'beiniə] Algeria阿尔及利亚[æl'dʒiəriə] Angola安哥拉[æŋ'ɡəulə] Argentina阿根廷[,ɑ:dʒən'ti:nə] Austria奥地利['ɔstriə] Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆['a:zəbai'dʒa:n] Bahamas巴哈马[bə'hɑ:məz] Bangladesh孟加拉国[,ba:ŋglə'deʃ] Belarus白俄罗斯['belərəs] Belgium比利时['beldʒəm]Benin贝宁[bə'nin; be'ni:n] Botswana博茨瓦纳[bɔ'tswɑ:nə] Bulgaria保加利亚[bʌl'ɡεəriə] Burma缅甸['bə:mə]Burundi布隆迪[bu'ru:ndi] Cambodia柬埔寨['kæmbəudiə] Cameroon喀麦隆[,kæmə'ru:n; 'kæm-] Chad乍得[tʃæd]Chile智利['tʃili]Colombia哥伦比亚[kə'lʌmbiə] Congo刚果['kɔŋɡəu]Costa Rica哥斯达黎加[,kɔstə'ri:kə] Cuba古巴['kju:bə]Cyprus塞浦路斯['saiprəs]Czech Republic捷克[tʃek]Denmark丹麦['denma:k] Dominica多米尼加[,dɔmi'ni:kə] Ecuador厄瓜多尔['ekwədɔ:] Estonia爱沙尼亚[es'təuniə] Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚[,i:θi'əupiə]Fiji斐济['fi:dʒi:]Finland芬兰['finlənd] Honduras洪都拉斯[hɔn'djuərəs] Hungary匈牙利['hʌŋɡəri] Indonesia印度尼西亚['indəu'ni:zjə,-ʒə] Iran伊朗[i'rɑ:n; i'ræn]Iraq伊拉克[i'rɑ:k; i'ræk] Israel以色列['izreiəl] Jamaica牙买加[dʒə'meikə] Jordan约旦['dʒɔ:dən] Kazakstan哈萨克斯坦[,ka:za:k'sta:n] Kenya肯尼亚['kenjə; 'ki:njə]Kuwait科威特[kə'weit]Laos老挝[laus; 'lɑ:əus]Latvia拉脱维亚['lætviə]Lebanon黎巴嫩['lebənən]Liberia利比里亚[lai'bi:riə]Libya利比亚['libiə]Lithuania立陶宛[,liθju:'einiə] Luxembourg卢森堡['lʌksəmbə:ɡ]Malawi马拉维[mɑ:'lɑ:wi]Malaysia马来西亚[mə'leiʒə; mə'leiziə]Mali马里['mɑ:li]Malta马耳他['mɔ:ltə]Mongolia蒙古[mɔŋ'ɡəuliə; 'mɔn-] Morocco摩洛哥[mə'rɒkəʊ] Mozambique莫桑比克[,məuzəm'bi:k]Namibia纳米比亚[nɑ:'mibiə]Nauru瑙鲁[nɑ:'u:ru:]Nepal尼泊尔[ni'pɔ:l; -'pɑ:l] Netherland荷兰['neðələnd]Nicaragua尼加拉瓜[,nikə'ræɡjuə; -'rɑ:ɡwə] Niger尼日尔['naidʒə]Nigeria尼日利亚[nai'dʒiəriə]Norway挪威['nɔ:wei]Oman阿曼[əu'mɑ:n]Pakistan巴基斯坦['pækistæn]Panama巴拿马['pænəmɑː; ,pænə'mɑː] Peru秘鲁[pə'ru]Philippines菲律宾['filipi:nz; fili'pi:nz] Poland波兰['pəulənd]Portugal葡萄牙['pɔ:tjuɡəl]Puerto Rico波多黎各ˌpɔrtə ˈriːkoʊRomania罗马尼亚[rəu'meinjə]Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯Senegal塞内加尔[,senə'ɡɔ:l]Slovakia斯洛伐克[sləu'vækiə; -'vɑ:k-] Somali索马里[səu'mɑ:li]South Africa南非[saʊθ'æfrikə]Sri Lanka斯里兰卡[,sri:'læŋkə]Sweden瑞典['swi:dən]Switzerland瑞士['switsələnd]Syria叙利亚['si:riə; 'si-]Tajikistan塔吉克斯坦[tə'dʒikəstɑ:n; tə,dʒikji'stɑ:n] Tanzania坦桑尼亚[,tænzə'niə; ,tɑ:nzɑ:'ni:ɑ:] Thailand泰国['tailænd; -lənd]Tunisia突尼斯[tju:'niziə; -siə]Turkey土耳其['tɜːkɪ] Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦[,tə:kmeni'stɑ:n; -'stæn] Uganda乌干达[ju:'ɡændə]Ukraine乌克兰[ju:'krein; -'krain] United Arab阿联酋[ə'miərət] Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦[uz,beki'stɑ:n] Venezuela委内瑞拉[,veni'zweilə] Vietnam越南[,vjet'næm]Yemen也门['jemən]Zambia赞比亚['zæmbiə] Zimbabwe津巴布韦[zim'bɑ:bwei; -wi]Capital 中文名音标Kabul 喀布尔['kɑ:bəl; kə'bu:l]Tirana 地拉那[ti'rɑ:nə; ti:'rɑ:nɑ:]Algiers 阿尔及尔[æl'dʒiərz] Luanda 罗安达[lu'ændə]Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯[,bwenəs'aiəriz]Vienna 维也纳[vi'enə]Baku 巴库['bɑ:ku:]Nassau 拿骚['næsɔ:]Dhaka 达卡['dækə]Minsk 明斯克[minsk]Brussels 布鲁塞尔['brʌslz]Porto-Novo 波多诺伏['pɔ:təu'nəuvəu; 'pəu-] Gaborone 哈博罗内[,ɡɑ:bə'rəunei]Sofia 索菲亚['səufiə; səu'fi:ə]Naypyitaw 内比都Bujumbura 布琼布拉[,bu:dʒəm'buərə]Phnom Penh 金边['nɔm'pen; pə'nɔ:m'pen]Yaounde 雅温得[,jaun'dei]Ndjamena 恩贾梅纳[,endʒə'meinə; əndʒɑ:-]Santiago 圣地亚哥[,sænti:'eiɡəu]Santa fe de bogota 圣菲波哥大Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔['bræzəvil; 'brɑ:-]San Jose 圣何塞[,sænhəu'zei] Havana 哈瓦那[hə'vænə]Nicosia 尼科西亚[,nikəu'si:ə]Prague 布拉格[prɑ:ɡ] Copenhagen 哥本哈根[,kəupən'heiɡən]Roseau 罗索[rəu'zəu]Quito 基多['ki:təu] Tallin 塔林['tælin]Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴['ædis'æbəbə] Suva 苏瓦['su:və]Helsinki 赫尔辛基['helsiŋki]Tegucigalpa 特古西加尔巴[te,ɡu:si'ɡælpə]Budapest 布达佩斯['bju:dəpest]Jakarta 雅加达[dʒə'kɑ:tə]Teheran 德黑兰[,tehə'ræn, -ra:n] Baghdad 巴格达['bæɡdæd]Jerusalem 耶路撒冷[dʒe'ru:sələm]Kingston 金斯顿['kiŋstən] Amman 安曼[æ'mɑ:n]Astana 阿斯塔纳['ɑ:stənə]Nairobi 内罗毕[naiə'rəubi]Kuwait City科威特城Vientiane万象[vjen'tjɑ:n]Riga里加['ri:ɡə]Beirut贝鲁特[beiˈru:t]Monrovia蒙罗维亚[mən'rəuviə]Tripoli的黎波里['tripəli; 'tri:pɔ:li:] Vilnius维尔纽斯[vilnius] Luxembourg City卢森堡城Lilongwe利隆圭[li'lɔŋwi]Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡[,kwɑ:lə'lumpuə] Bamako巴马科['bæməkəu]Valletta瓦莱塔[vɑ:l'lettɑ:]Ulan Bator乌兰巴托['u:lɑ:n'bɑ:tɔ:]Rabat拉巴特[rə'bɑ:t]Maputo马普托[mə'pu:təu] Windhoek温特和克['vinthuk]Aaron亚伦['εərən]Katmandu加德满都['ka:tma:n'du:] Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹[,æmstə'dæm] Managua马那瓜[mɑ:'nɑ:ɡwɑ:]Niamey尼亚美[njɑ:'mei]Lagos拉各斯['leiɡɔs; 'lɑ:ɡəs]Oslo奥斯陆['ɔzləu; 'uslu]Muscat马斯喀特['mʌskæt]Islamabad伊斯兰堡[is'lɑ:məbɑ:d; iz'læməbæd] Panama City巴拿马城Lima利马['li:mə]Manila马尼拉[mə'nilə]Warsaw华沙['wɔ:sɔ:]Lisbon里斯本['lizbən]San Juan圣胡安[,sæn'hwɑ:n; ,sɑ:n'hwɑ:n] Bucharest布加勒斯特['bju:kərest]Riyadh利雅得[ri:'jɑ:d; ri-]Dakar达喀尔[də'kɑ:]Bratislava伯拉第斯拉瓦[,bræti'slɑ:və] Mogadishu摩加迪沙[,mɔgə'diʃu:]Pretoria比勒陀利亚[pri:'tɔ:ri:ə]Colombo科伦坡[kə'lʌmbəu] Stockholm斯德哥尔摩['stɔkhəum; 'stɔ:k,hɔ:lm] Bern伯尔尼[bə:n]Damascus大马士革[də'mæskəs] Dushanbe杜尚别[dju'ʃɑ:nbi]Dar es Salaam达累斯萨拉姆['dɑ:r,essə'lɑ:m] Bangkok曼谷[bæŋˈkɔk]Tunis突尼斯['tju:nis]Ankara安卡拉['æŋkərə] Ashkhabad阿什喀巴德['æʃkəbæd] Kampala坎帕拉[kɑ:m'pɑ:lə] Kiev基辅['ki:jef]Abu Dhabi阿布扎比[,ɑ:bu:'dɑ:bi:] Tashkent塔什干[tæʃ'kent; tɑ:ʃ-] Caracas加拉加斯[kə'rækəs] Hanoi河内[hæ'nɔi] Sana萨那[sa'na] Lusaka卢萨卡[lu:'sɑ:kə] Harare哈拉雷[hə'rɑ:rei]。
AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
印度尼西亚语基础教程Pelajaran Ke-1印度尼西亚语字母表单词Pelajaran Ke-2Pelajaran Ke-3句型Siapa dia ? Dia mahasiswa.Siapa itu? Itu Li Li.Siapa ini? Ini paman.Siapa itu? Itu papa.Pelajaran Ke-4单词句型Buku apa itu? Itu buku ekonomi.Buku siapa ini? Ini buku dia.Diktat apa itu?Itu diktat bahasa Indonesia.Diktat siapa ini?Ini diktat teman saya.句型练习1)用tamu, tidur, mandi, makan, dapur回答:Kamar apa itu?Itu kamar .... .2)用tamu, tidur, baca, makan 回答Ruang apa itu?Itu ruang ... .3)用bahasa, ekonomi, politik, tata bahasa 回答Ilmu apa itu?Itu ilmu ... .4)用rakyat, dasar, menengah, Tionghoa, Indonesia 回答Sekolah apa itu?Itu sekolah ... .5)用diktat 替换buku:Apa itu? (Apakah itu?)Itu buku.Buku apa itu? (Buku apakah itu?)Itu buku tata bahasa.Buku tata bahasa siapa (siapakah) itu?Itu buku tata bahasa saya.Pelajaran Ke-5句型Itu diktat baru?Bukan. Itu bukan diktat baru.Ya, itu diktat baru.Itu kamar baru?Bukan, Itu bukan kamar baru.Ya, itu kamar baru.Pelajaran Ke-61. 辅音p x f v 的发音部位和发音方法2. 接续词音节的划分3. 外来辅音组合印度尼西亚语辅音表语音部分词汇Pelajaran Ke-7SAYA MAHASISWADIALOGSelamat pagi!Selamat pagi!Saya Ma Ning. Saya mahasiswa.Itu siapa?Itu teman saya. Dia mahasiswa juga.Silakan masuk!Saudara mahasiswa Universitas Peking?Ya, saya mahasiswa Universitas Peking.Dia mahasiswa Universitas Peking juga?Ya, dia mahasiswa Universitas Peking juga.Mana lencananya?O, dia belum punya lencana. Dia mahasiswa baru. Baru datang kemarin. Silakan duduk!,Terima kasih.Saudara belajar apa?Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia. Dia belajar bahasa Tionghoa .Ini kamar saudara?Bukan, kamar ini bukan kamar saya. Ini kamar teman saya. Kamar ini bersih.Ya, kamar teman saya ini bersih.Ini buku apa?Ini buku tata bahasa Tionghoa. Buku ini buku teman saya.O, ya, teman saudara belajar bahasa Tionghoa, ya!Ya, kami sama-sama belajar bahasa.TEKS1、Kalimat Berita. Subjek+PredikatIni bambu. Ini lampu. Itu batu.Dia guru. Kamu murid. Beliau mahaguru.Abik gemuk. Paman kurus. Ibu tinggi.Buku ini baru. Kamar itu bersih.Pena ini baik. Orang itu kurus.Itu diktat ilmu ekonomi. Ini kalimat bahasa Tionghoa.Ini kamar mahasiswa tingkat satu.Orang tua itu ayah saya. Rumah tinggi itu rumah kami.Mobil baru itu mobil beliau.Ibu kami dokter. Paman mereka mahaguru.Kakak kalian mahasiswa.Sepatu ini kepunyaan saya. Sepatu ini saya punya.Lencana ini kepunyaan adik. Lencana ini adik punya.Kertas itu kepunyaan nyonya. Kertas itu nyonya punya. 2、kalimat tanya.Ini apa? Ini mata. Itu apa? Itu batu.Apa ini? Ini betis. Apa itu? Itu pipa.Sekolah apa itu? Itu sekolah menengah.Bahasa apa itu? Itu bahasa Indonesia.Itu siapa? Itu Li Li. Ini siapa? Ini paman.Siapa itu? Itu kakak. Siapa ini? Ini teman saya.Pisau siapa itu? Itu pisau saya.Topi siapa itu? Itu topi adik.Saudara siapa? Saya guru.Nona siapa? Saya Li Li.Siapa tuan itu? Tuan itu mahaguru.Siapa orang itu? Orang itu pamannya.Ini pintu? Ya, ini pintu.Itu jendela? Bukan, itu bukan jendela.Dia guru? Ya, dia guru.Nona itu mahasiswa? Bukan nona itu bukan mahasiswa.Kamar ini bersih? Ya, kamar ini bersih.Adik saudara gemuk? Tidak, adik saya tidak gemuk.Rumah itu tinggi? Ya, rumah itu tinggi.Pena ini baik? Tidak, pena ini tidak baik. DAFTAR KATAPENJELA SAN1. ketajuh ke 用在基数词的前面表示次序,等于汉语的“第”,ke 加基数词变成序数词,ke 要与基数词连写。
Watt Pe
3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS1Instrucciones de uso09/15 ALF1 Eje2 Manguito (móvil)3 Barra de palanca4 Muelle helicoidal5Barra de palanca con pesaExiste peligro de daños debido a la gran fuerza centrífuga que se desarrolla, por este motivo:∙ Comprobar antes del experimento que laspesas estén unida firmemente a la barra del péndulo.∙ Introducir profundamente el eje en elmandril del motor de experimentación y ajustarlo con firmeza.∙ Mantener la distancia de seguridad.∙ Aumentar la velocidad angular lentamente. ∙ No tocar los cuerpos en rotación.∙ Interrumpir la alimentación eléctrica antesde desmontar el equipo.Las piezas giratorias pueden atrapar el cabello largo, prendas sueltas o alhajas, y enrollarlos. ∙ Para evitar este peligro, se debe usar unaredecilla si se tiene cabello largo.∙ Retire cualquier prenda de vestiro alhajano apropiada.El péndulo Watt sirve para demostrar el principio de la regulación de revoluciones, por ejemplo, en las máquinas a vapor.Centrado sobre un eje, se encuentra emplazado un péndulo doble. En posición de reposo, los péndulos se mantienen unidos mediante un resorte. Durante la rotación, los péndulos son elevados más y más a lo largo del eje dependiendo del número de revoluciones por segundo. Este desplazamiento se emplea técnicamente paratareas de regulación (regulador centrífugo). Diámetro máximo: 350 mm Altura:250 mm Diámetro del eje: 10 mmPeso: aprox. 0,4 kg3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg o ▪ Alemania ▪ Se reservan las modificaciones técnicas © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbHPara la ejecución de los experimentos se requieren adicionalmente los siguientes equipos.1 Motor de experimentación con engranaje 1002663 1 fuente de alimentación cc 0–20 V @230 V 1003312 o1 fuente de alimentación cc 0–20 V @115 V 1003311 1 trípode dúplex 1002836 Cable de experimentación∙ Montar el motor de experimentación sobreel trípode.∙ Introducir profundamente el eje delpéndulo de Watt en el mandril del motor de experimentación y ajustarlo con firmeza. ∙ Se hace el enlace de la fuente dealimentación con el motor de experimentación.∙ Primero se ajusta en cero la tensión desalida de la fuente de alimentación y luego se conecta.∙ Para incrementar las rotaciones porsegundo se aumenta lentamente la tensión de salida de la fuente y se observa la desviación del péndulo de Watt con respecto a la vertical.Fig. 1: Montaje experimental。
1 of 4 134946 Rev 1 - Pubblicato il: 05/15/19• Il sensore ruota utilizza un sistema di adattatori di montaggio in due parti per il montaggio su diversi tipi di mozzo/ruota.Vedere pagina 3 Compatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio. Isegni di identificazione dell’adattatore sono impressi nel supporto dell’adattatore in gomma e nel morsetto dell’adattatore.• Un montaggio diverso del sensore da quello specificato può causare danni al sensore stesso e/o alla ruota o provocare ildistaccamento del sensore ruota.• Il sensore deve essere montato verticalmente rispetto all’interno dei raggi sul lato non di trasmissione della ruota anteriore e deveessere a contatto con due raggi. Tuttavia, quando si pedala alchiuso, il sensore può essere spostato sul lato non di trasmissione della ruota posteriore utilizzando l’adattatore 0A. Ciò può compor-tare una leggera inclinazione del sensore, che non ne pregiudica il funzionamento. Il montaggio del sensore in qualsiasi altro orien-tamento comporta una lettura meno precisa della velocità e della distanza.• Posizionare il sensore ruota e fissarlo il più vicino possibile all’asse del mozzo con la superficie inferiore curva che corrisponda allacurvatura del mozzo.Vedere CORRETTO, INCORRETTO.Strumenti necessari:Occhiali di sicurezza, guanti da lavoro, chiave esagonale: Chiave esa-gonale da 2 mm2431Installazione1. Inserire il supporto dell’adattatore nel corpo del sensore ruota.2. Posizionare il morsetto del raggio sulla ruota come specificato in Compatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio. Pagina3.3. Posizionare il sensore ruota all’interno dei raggi e allineare il foro del bullone del morsetto di montaggio con il foro del sensore ruota. Premere e tenere insieme le due parti.4.Utilizzando una chiave esagonale da 2 mm, serrare il bullone adattatore a 0,5 Nm, tenendoCompatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio2ASolo mozzi HollowGram KNØT2BRaggiatura in seconda con il raggio d’uscita sul lato INTERNO della flangia.NOTA: Se il morsetto per raggio non si adatta agli angoli dei raggi, utilizzare l’adattatore dimontaggio 0A.4 of 4Si prega di fare riferimento . alla propria regione per letraduzioni linguistiche disponibili.I termini “componenti” si applicano a questo accessorio. Per ulteriori infor-mazioni, visitare l’area di supporto all’indirizzo .Contattare CannondaleAndare su . per informazioni di contatto perla propria regione.Sostituzione della batteriaVedere anche “Garmin Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza e sul prodotto”.Per controllare il livello della batteria, far fare due giri alla ruota. Se il LED (a) sul corpo del sensore ruota lampeggia in rosso, il livello della batteria è basso.bcdb“+”ag1. Rimuovere il sensore ruota dalla ruota utilizzando una chiave esagonale da 2 mm.2.Utilizzare una moneta nell’alloggiamento del coperchio (b) e ruotare il coperchio in senso antiorario fino a quando il trattino del coperchio (c) si allinea con il simbolo di sblocco (d) e viene allentato.Se necessario, utilizzare con cautela un piccolo cacciavite piatto sottile posto sotto il lembo del coperchio per sollevarlo. Usare solo una leggera pressione per evitare di danneggiare il coperchio, l’o-ring di guarnizione (e) o il coperchio. Non ruotare il cacciavite.3. Rimuovere la batteria dall’alloggiamento. Attendere 30 secondi.4.Inserire la nuova batteria (g) con il simbolo positivo “+” sulla batteria rivolto verso l’alto. Prendere nota del contrassegno “-” (h) nel coperchio, il contrassegno della batteria deve essere rivolto verso di esso. Individuare delle piccole linguette (f); inclinare leggermente la batteria sotto queste linguette prima di premerla.5.Per reinstallare nell’alloggiamento dell’unità, allineare il trattino del coper-chio (c) con il simbolo di sblocco (d) e inserire il coperchio con la batteria nuova.6.Utilizzare la moneta con una leggera pressione verso il basso e ruotare lo sportello della batteria in senso orario fino a quando il trattino del coperchio è allineato con il simbolo “CHIUSO”. Controllare lo sportello della batteria per assicurarsi che sia a filo con l’alloggiamento e non inclinato, mostrando o stringendo la guarnizione o-ring arancione. Allentare il coperchio e riprovare.NOTA: Il LED (a) lampeggia in rosso e verde per alcuni secondi dopo la sostituzione della batteria. Quando il LED lampeggia in verde e poi smette di lampeggiare, il dispositivo è attivo e pronto per l’invio dei dati.La prima volta che si collega un sensore wireless al dispositivo utilizzando la tecno-logia ANT+® o Bluetooth® , è necessario associare il dispositivo e il sensore. Dopo l’accoppiamento, il dispositivo si collega automaticamente al sensore quando si ini -zia un’attività e il sensore è attivo ed entro il raggio d’azione.NOTA: Le istruzioni di accoppiamento differiscono per ogni dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth. Vedere il manuale d’uso.• Portare il dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth entro 3 m dal sen sore.• Stare a 10 m di distanza da altri sensori wireless durante l’accoppiamento.Dopo il primo accoppiamento, il dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth riconosce automaticamente il sensore wireless ogni volta che viene attivato.Il Sensore ruota Cannondale deve essere accoppiato direttamente tramite l’appli -cazione Cannondale e non dalle impostazioni Bluetooth dello smartphone.1. Dall’App store sul proprio smartphone, installare e aprire l’App Cannondale.2. Portare il proprio smartphone a meno di 3 m dal sensore ruota.NOTA: Rimanere a 10 m di distanza da altri sensori wireless durante l’accoppia -mento.3. Mentre si è sulla schermata Pair a Sensor nell’Aapp Cannondale, far fare alla ruota anteriore almeno 2 giri per riattivare il sensore ruota. Il sensore ruota è atti-vo quando il LED nel vano batteria lampeggia in verde.4. Continuare a seguire le istruzioni nell’App Cannondale.NOTA: Se si abbina un sensore ruota supplementare all’App Cannondale:aggiungere una nuova bici al proprio Cannondale App Garage utilizzando un sen-sore ruota, facendo clic su “+Add Bike” dalla schermata Garage.oppureaggiungere un sensore ruota a una bicicletta esistente nel proprio Cannondale App Garage facendo clic su “+Add Sensor” dalla schermata Bike Details. Questo può essere utile se si hanno due set di ruote per una bicicletta .CHIUSOse allineato in questo modo.。
序号国家(中文) 国家(英文) 序号国家(中文) 国家(英文) (一) 亚洲(ASIA)1 阿富汗Afghanistan2 巴林Bahrain首都:喀布尔Kabul 首都:麦纳麦Manama(Al Manamah) 3 孟加拉国Bangladesh 4 不丹Bhutan首都:达卡Dhaka(Dacca) 首都:廷布Thimbu(Thimpu)5 文莱Brunei6 缅甸Myanmar(Burma)首都:斯里巴加湾市Bandar Seri Begawan 首都:仰光Yangon(Rangoon)7 柬埔寨Kampuchea(Cambodia) 8 塞浦路斯Cyprus首都:金边Phnum-penh 首都:尼科西亚Nicosia9 印度India 10 印度尼西亚Indonesia首都:新德里New Delhi 首都:雅加达Jakarta(Djakarta) 城市:孟买Bombay(Mumbai) 城市:万隆Bandung11 伊朗(波斯)Iran(Persia) 12 伊拉克Iraq首都:德黑兰Teheran(Tehran) 首都:巴格达Baghdad13 巴勒斯坦Palestine 14 以色列ISRAEL政府:特拉维夫--雅法TEL Aviv-Yafo 首都:耶路撒冷Jerusalem(Yerushalayim) 政府:特拉维夫Jerusalem首都:耶路撒冷(宣称)Jerusalem15 日本Japan 首都:耶路撒冷(宣称)首都:东京Tokyo 16 约旦Jordan城市:广岛Hiroshima 首都:安曼Amman 神户Kobe 18 大韩民国(韩国)Republic of Korea旧称汉城}} Seoul首都:首尔{{旧称汉城名古屋Nagoya 首都:首尔大阪Osaka 城市:釜山Pusan17 朝鲜Korea 20 老挝Laos首都:平壤Pyongyang 首都:万象Vientiane19 科威特Kuwait 22 马来西亚Malaysia首都:科威特城Kuwait city(Al kuwayt) 首都:吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur21 黎巴嫩Lebanon 城市:马六甲Malacca(Melaka)序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 首都:贝鲁特首都:贝鲁特Beirut(Bayrut) 24 蒙古蒙古 Mongolia23 马尔代夫马尔代夫 Maldives首都:乌兰巴托首都:乌兰巴托Ulan Bator(Ulaanbaatar)首都:马累首都:马累Male 26 阿曼阿曼 Oman25 尼泊尔尼泊尔 Nepal首都:马斯喀特首都:马斯喀特Muscat(Masqat)首都:加德满都首都:加德满都Katmandu 28 菲律宾菲律宾 Philippines 27 巴基斯坦巴基斯坦 Pakistan首都:马尼拉首都:马尼拉Manila首都:伊斯兰堡首都:伊斯兰堡Islamabad 30 沙特阿拉伯沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia 29 卡塔尔卡塔尔 Qatar首都:利雅得首都:利雅得 Riyadh(Ar Riyad)首都:多哈首都:多哈Doha(Ad Dawhah)城市:麦加城市:麦加Mecca(Makkah) 31 斯里兰卡斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 32 新加坡新加坡 Singapore首都:科伦坡首都:科伦坡Colombo首都:新加坡首都:新加坡Singapore 33 泰国(暹罗)泰国(暹罗) Thailand(Siam) 34 叙利亚叙利亚 Syria首都:曼谷首都:曼谷Bangkok首都:大马士革首都:大马士革Damascus(Dimashq) 35 土耳其土耳其 Turkey 36 东帝汶东帝汶 East Timor 首都:安卡拉首都:安卡拉 Ankara首都:帝力首都:帝力 Dili(dilly)城市:伊斯坦布尔城市:伊斯坦布尔Istanbul38阿拉伯联合酋长国阿拉伯联合酋长国 (简称:阿联酋)(简称:阿联酋) The United Arab Emirates (U (U..A .E .) 37 越南越南 Viet Nam 首都:河内首都:河内Hanoi首都:阿布扎比首都:阿布扎比 Abu Dhabi(Abu Zaby)城市:胡志明市(西贡)城市:胡志明市(西贡)Ho Chi Minh City(Saigon) 城市:迪拜城市:迪拜 Dubai(Dubayy) 39 也门共和国也门共和国 Republic of Yemen 首都:萨那首都:萨那Sanaa(Sana)(二) 非洲(非洲(AFRICA AFRICA AFRICA))序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 40 阿尔及利亚阿尔及利亚 Algeria 41 安哥拉安哥拉 Angola首都:阿尔及尔首都:阿尔及尔Algiers(Alger)首都:罗安达首都:罗安达Luanda(Loanda) 42 贝宁贝宁 Benin 43 亚速尔群岛(葡属)亚速尔群岛(葡属) Azores Is Azores Is..首都:波多诺伏首都:波多诺伏Porto-Hovo首都:安格腊首都:安格腊--杜-埃Angra do Heroismo序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 政府所在地:科托努政府所在地:科托努Cotonou 罗伊兹木(英雄港)罗伊兹木(英雄港)44 布隆迪布隆迪 Burundi 45 博茨瓦纳博茨瓦纳 Botswana首都:布琼布拉首都:布琼布拉Bujumbura首都:哈博罗内首都:哈博罗内Gaborone(Gaberones) 46 加那利群岛加那利群岛((西属西属) ) Canary Is Canary Is.. 47 喀麦隆喀麦隆 Cameroon首都:拉斯帕尔马斯首都:拉斯帕尔马斯Las Palmas首都:雅温得首都:雅温得Yaounde 48 乍得乍得 Chad 49 佛得角佛得角 Cape Verde首都:恩贾梅纳首都:恩贾梅纳N ’djamena ’djamena 首都:普拉亚首都:普拉亚 Praia 50 刚果共和国刚果共和国 Congo 51 科摩罗科摩罗 Comoros首都:布拉柴维尔首都:布拉柴维尔Brazzaville首都:莫罗尼首都:莫罗尼Moroni 52 埃及埃及 Egypt53 吉布提吉布提 Djibouti 首都:开罗首都:开罗 Cairo(Al Qahirah)首都:吉布提首都:吉布提Djibouti城市:亚历山大城市:亚历山大Alexandria 55 中非中非 Central Africa 54 赤道几内亚赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea首都:班吉首都:班吉Bangui首都:马拉博首都:马拉博((圣伊萨贝尔圣伊萨贝尔) Malabo(Santa Isabel) ) Malabo(Santa Isabel)57 埃塞俄比亚埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia 56 加蓬加蓬 Gabon首都:亚的斯亚贝巴首都:亚的斯亚贝巴Addis Ababa首都:利伯维尔首都:利伯维尔Libreville 59 加纳加纳 Ghana 58 厄立特里亚厄立特里亚 Ertra(Eritrea)首都:阿克拉首都:阿克拉Accra首都:阿斯马拉首都:阿斯马拉Asmera(Asmara) 61 几内亚比绍几内亚比绍 Guinea-Bissau 60 冈比亚冈比亚 Gambia首都:比绍首都:比绍Bissau首都:班珠尔首都:班珠尔Banjul 63 肯尼亚肯尼亚 Kenya 62 几内亚几内亚 Guinea首都:内罗毕首都:内罗毕Nairobi首都:科纳克里首都:科纳克里Conakry 65 利比里亚利比里亚 Liberia 64 科特迪瓦科特迪瓦((象牙海岸象牙海岸) ) Cote d Cote d’’Ivoire 首都:蒙罗维亚首都:蒙罗维亚 Monrovia首都:亚穆苏克罗首都:亚穆苏克罗Yamoussoukro 67 马达加斯加马达加斯加Madagascar 66 莱索托莱索托 Lesotho首都:塔那那利佛首都:塔那那利佛 (安塔那那利佛安塔那那利佛) )Tananarive (Antananarivo)首都:马塞卢首都:马塞卢Maseru 68 利比亚利比亚 Libya69 马拉维马拉维Malawi序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 首都:的黎波里首都:的黎波里Tripoli(Tarabulus)首都:利隆圭首都:利隆圭Lilongwe 70 马德拉群岛马德拉群岛((葡属葡属) ) Madeira Is Madeira Is.. 71 毛里塔尼亚毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania首都:丰沙尔首都:丰沙尔Funchal首都:努瓦克肖特首都:努瓦克肖特Nouakchott 72 马里马里 Mali 73 摩洛哥摩洛哥 Morocco首都:巴马科首都:巴马科Bamako 首都:拉巴特首都:拉巴特 Rabat 74 毛里求斯毛里求斯 Mauritius城市:达尔贝达城市:达尔贝达 ( (卡萨布兰卡卡萨布兰卡卡萨布兰卡) ) Darel Baida (Casablanca)首都:路易港首都:路易港Port Louis 76 莫桑比克莫桑比克 Mozambique 75 尼日尔尼日尔 Niger首都:马普托首都:马普托((洛伦索洛伦索- - 马贵斯马贵斯马贵斯) ) Maputo(lourenco- Marques)首都:尼亚美首都:尼亚美Niamey 77 留尼汪留尼汪留尼汪 Reunion 78 尼日利亚尼日利亚 Nigeria首都:圣但尼首都:圣但尼Saint-Denis 首都:阿布贾首都:阿布贾 Abuja 79 津巴布韦津巴布韦((罗得西亚罗得西亚) ) Zimbabwe(Rhodesia)城市:拉各斯城市:拉各斯Lagos首都:哈首都:哈拉雷拉雷拉雷((索尔索尔兹伯里兹伯里兹伯里) ) Harare(Salisbury) 80 卢旺达卢旺达 Rwanda81圣赫勒拿岛和阿森圣赫勒拿岛和阿森松岛等松岛等((英属英属) ) St St.. Helena and Ascension, etc Ascension, etc..首都:基加利首都:基加利Kigali82 圣多美和普林西比圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe首府:詹姆斯敦首府:詹姆斯敦Jamestown首都:圣多美首都:圣多美Sao Tome 83 塞内加尔塞内加尔 Senegal 84 塞舌尔塞舌尔 Seychelles首都:达喀尔首都:达喀尔Dakar首都:维多利亚首都:维多利亚Victoria 85 塞拉利昂塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone 86 索马里索马里 Somalia首都:弗里敦首都:弗里敦Freetown首都:摩加迪沙首都:摩加迪沙Mogadishu(Muqdisho) 87 南非南非 South Africa88 纳米比亚纳米比亚((西南非洲西南非洲) ) Namibia(south-west Africa) 行政首都:比勒陀利亚行政首都:比勒陀利亚 Pretoria首都:温得和克首都:温得和克Windhoek立法城市:开普敦立法城市:开普敦Cape Town 90 斯威士兰斯威士兰 Swaziland 89 苏丹苏丹 Sudan首都:姆巴巴内首都:姆巴巴内Mbabane首都:喀士穆首都:喀士穆Khartoum(Al Khurtum) 92 多哥多哥 Togo 91 坦桑尼亚坦桑尼亚 Tanzania首都:洛美首都:洛美Lome首都:达累斯萨拉姆首都:达累斯萨拉姆Dar Es Salaam序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 94 乌干达乌干达 Uganda 93 突尼斯突尼斯 Tunis首都:坎帕拉首都:坎帕拉Kampala首都:突尼斯首都:突尼斯Tunis96 西撒哈拉西撒哈拉西撒哈拉 Western Sahara 95 布基纳法索布基纳法索 Burkina-Faso首都:阿尤恩首都:阿尤恩El Aaiun首都:瓦加杜古首都:瓦加杜古Ouagadougou 98 刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国The DemocraticRepuplic of Congo97 赞比亚赞比亚 Zambia 首都:卢萨卡首都:卢萨卡 Lusaka首都:金沙萨首都:金沙萨 (利奥波德维尔利奥波德维尔) ) Kinshasa (Leopoldville)(三) 欧洲(EUROPE )序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 99 阿尔巴尼亚阿尔巴尼亚 Albania100 安道尔安道尔 Andorra首都:地拉那首都:地拉那Tirana (Tirane)首都:安道尔城首都:安道尔城Andorra 101 奥地利奥地利 Austria 102 比利时比利时 Belgium首都:维也纳首都:维也纳Vienna (Wien) 首都:布鲁塞尔首都:布鲁塞尔 Brussel (Brussels) 103 英国英国((大不列颠联合王国大不列颠联合王国) ) England城市:安特卫普城市:安特卫普Antwerpen (Antwerp) 首都:伦敦首都:伦敦 London 104 保加利亚保加利亚 Bulgaria 城市:伯明翰城市:伯明翰 Birmingham首都:索非亚首都:索非亚Sofia (sofija) 利物浦利物浦利物浦Liverpool 106-1 106-1 丹麦丹麦丹麦 Denmark曼彻斯特曼彻斯特Manchester首都:哥本哈根首都:哥本哈根Copenhagen (kobenhavn) 105-1 捷克捷克 Czech106-2 106-2 法罗群岛法罗群岛法罗群岛((丹属丹属) ) Faeroe Is Faeroe Is..首都:布拉格首都:布拉格 Praha (Prague)首都:托尔斯港首都:托尔斯港Torshavn 105-2 斯洛伐克斯洛伐克 Slovakia 108 法国法国 France首都:布拉迪斯拉发首都:布拉迪斯拉发Bratislava 首都:巴黎首都:巴黎 Paris 107 芬兰芬兰 Finland 城市:里昂城市:里昂 Lyon首都:赫尔辛基首都:赫尔辛基Helsinki 马赛马赛马赛 Marseille 109 德国德国((德意志德意志联邦共联邦共联邦共和国和国和国) ) Germany 尼斯尼斯尼斯 Nice首都:柏林首都:柏林Berlin斯特拉斯堡斯特拉斯堡斯特拉斯堡Strasbourg序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 波恩波恩波恩((政府暂驻政府暂驻) ) Bonn110 希腊希腊 Greece法兰克福法兰克福法兰克福//美因美因 Frankfurt/Main 首都:雅典首都:雅典 Athens (Athinai) 明兴明兴明兴((慕尼黑慕尼黑) ) Munchen (Munich)城市:比雷埃夫斯城市:比雷埃夫斯Piraievs (Piraeus) 汉堡汉堡汉堡Hamburg 112 冰岛冰岛 Iceland法兰克福法兰克福法兰克福//奥德奥德Frankfurt/Oder首都:雷克雅未克首都:雷克雅未克Reykjavik (reykiavik) 111 匈牙利匈牙利 Hungary 114 意大利意大利 Italy首都:布达佩斯首都:布达佩斯Budapest 首都:罗马首都:罗马 Roma (Rome) 113 爱尔兰爱尔兰 Ireland 城市:米兰城市:米兰 Milano (Milan)首都:都柏林首都:都柏林Dublin威尼斯威尼斯威尼斯Venice (Venezia) 115 列支敦士登列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 116 卢森堡卢森堡 Luxembourg首都:瓦杜兹首都:瓦杜兹Vaduz首都:卢森堡首都:卢森堡Luxembourg 117 马耳他马耳他 Malta 118 摩纳哥摩纳哥 Monaco首都:瓦莱塔首都:瓦莱塔Valletta首都:摩纳哥首都:摩纳哥Monaco 119 荷兰荷兰 The Netherlands (Holland) 120 挪威挪威 Norway 首都:阿姆斯特丹首都:阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam首都:奥斯陆首都:奥斯陆Oslo 政府所在地:海牙政府所在地:海牙 The Hague (The Hague (’’s Gravenage) 122 波兰波兰 Poland城市:鹿特丹城市:鹿特丹Rotterdam 首都:华沙首都:华沙 Warsaw (Warszawa) 121 葡萄牙葡萄牙 Portugal城市:格但斯克城市:格但斯克(但泽但泽) )Gdansk (Danzig)首都:里斯本首都:里斯本Lisbon (Lisboa) 123 罗马尼亚罗马尼亚 Romania124 圣马力诺圣马力诺 San Marino首都:布加勒斯特首都:布加勒斯特Bucharest (Bucuresti)首都:圣马力诺首都:圣马力诺San Marino 125 西班牙西班牙 Spain 126 瑞典瑞典 Sweden 首都:马德里首都:马德里 Madrid首都:斯德哥尔摩首都:斯德哥尔摩Stockholm 城市:巴塞罗纳城市:巴塞罗纳 Barcelona 128-1 128-1 俄罗斯俄罗斯俄罗斯 Russia直布罗陀直布罗陀直布罗陀((英属英属) )Gibraltar首都:莫斯科首都:莫斯科 Moscow (Moskva) 127 瑞士瑞士 Switzerland 城市:圣彼得堡城市:圣彼得堡(列宁格勒列宁格勒) )St St..Petersburg (Leningrad)首都:伯尔尼首都:伯尔尼Bern (Berne)序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 城市:日内瓦城市:日内瓦 Geneva 128-3 128-3 白俄罗斯白俄罗斯白俄罗斯 Belarus (Belorussia)苏黎世苏黎世苏黎世Zurich首都:明斯克首都:明斯克Minsk 128-2 乌克兰乌克兰 Ukraine 128-5 128-5 拉脱维亚拉脱维亚拉脱维亚 Latvia首都:基辅首都:基辅Kiev (Kiyev)首都:里加首都:里加Riga128-4 爱沙尼亚爱沙尼亚 Estonia128-7 128-7 摩尔多瓦摩尔多瓦摩尔多瓦((摩尔达维亚摩尔达维亚) ) Moldova(Moldavia)首都:塔林首都:塔林Tallin (Tallinn)首都:基希讷乌首都:基希讷乌 (基什尼奥夫基什尼奥夫) )ChisinauKishinev (Kisin Kishinev (Kisin’’ov) 128-6 立陶宛立陶宛 Lithuania首都:维尔纽斯首都:维尔纽斯Vilnius 128-9 128-9 阿塞拜疆阿塞拜疆阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan 128-8 格鲁吉亚格鲁吉亚 Georgia首都:巴库首都:巴库Baku (Baky)首都:第比利斯首都:第比利斯Tbilisi 128-11 128-11 哈萨克斯坦哈萨克斯坦哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan 128-10 128-10 亚美尼亚亚美尼亚亚美尼亚 Armenia首都:阿斯塔纳首都:阿斯塔纳Astana,Actaha首都:埃里温首都:埃里温Erivan (Yervan) 128-13 128-13 土库曼斯坦土库曼斯坦土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan 128-12 128-12 乌兹别克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekisten首都:阿什哈巴德首都:阿什哈巴德Ashkhabad (Ashabad)首都:塔什干首都:塔什干Tashkent (Tashkent) 128-15 128-15 塔吉克斯坦塔吉克斯坦塔吉克斯坦 Tadzhikistan128-14 128-14 吉尔吉斯斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kirghizstan (kirgghizia)首都:杜尚别首都:杜尚别((斯大林斯大林 纳巴德纳巴德) )Dusanbe (Dushanbe)(Stalinbad)首都:比什凯克首都:比什凯克((伏龙芝伏龙芝) )Biskek (Frunze) 129-1 塞尔维亚塞尔维亚 Serbia Monienegro 129-2 129-2 斯洛文尼亚斯洛文尼亚斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia首都:贝尔格莱德首都:贝尔格莱德Beograd (Belgrade)首都:卢布尔雅那首都:卢布尔雅那Ljubljana 129-3 克罗地亚克罗地亚 Croatia 129-4 129-4 马其顿马其顿马其顿 Macedonia首都:萨格勒布首都:萨格勒布Zagreb首都:斯科普里首都:斯科普里Skopje (skoplje) 129-5 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(简称波黑简称波黑) ) Bosnia and Herzegovina` 129-6 129-6 黑山黑山黑山 Montenegro(Rep) 首都:波德戈里察首都:波德戈里察 Podgorica首都:萨拉热窝首都:萨拉热窝Sarajevo 130 梵蒂冈梵蒂冈 Vatican城市:梵蒂冈城城市:梵蒂冈城Vatican City(四) 美洲(AMERICA )序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 131 安提瓜和巴布达安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua and Barbuda 132 阿根廷阿根廷 Argentina首都:圣约翰首都:圣约翰St St.. John’s John’s首都:布宜诺斯艾利斯首都:布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires133 巴哈马巴哈马 Bahamas 134 巴巴多斯巴巴多斯 Barbados首都:拿骚首都:拿骚Nassau首都:布里奇敦首都:布里奇敦Bridgetown 135 伯利兹伯利兹 Belize 136 百慕大百慕大((英属英属) ) Bermuda首都:贝尔莫潘首都:贝尔莫潘Belmopan首府:哈密尔顿首府:哈密尔顿Hamilton 137 玻利维亚玻利维亚 Bolivia 138 巴西巴西 Brazil (Brasil) 首都:苏克雷首都:苏克雷 Sucre 首都:巴西利亚首都:巴西利亚 Brasilia政府所在地:拉巴斯政府所在地:拉巴斯La Paz 城市:里约热内卢城市:里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro 139 加拿大加拿大 Canada圣保罗圣保罗圣保罗Sao Paulo 首都:渥太华首都:渥太华 Ottawa 140 开曼群岛开曼群岛 Cayman Is Cayman Is.. 城市:魁北克城市:魁北克 Quebec首都:乔治敦首都:乔治敦Georgetown 多伦多多伦多多伦多 Toronto 141 智利智利 Chile温哥华温哥华温哥华Vancouver首都:圣地亚哥首都:圣地亚哥Santiago 142 哥伦比亚哥伦比亚哥伦比亚 Colombia 143 哥斯达黎加哥斯达黎加 Costa Rica首都:波哥大首都:波哥大Bogota首都:圣何塞首都:圣何塞((圣约瑟圣约瑟) ) San Jose 144 古巴古巴 Cuba145 多米尼克联邦多米尼克联邦( (原译多米尼加原译多米尼加原译多米尼加) ) Commonwealth of Dominica首都:哈瓦那首都:哈瓦那La Habana (Havana) 147 厄瓜多尔厄瓜多尔 Ecuador首都:罗索首都:罗索Roseau首都:基多首都:基多Quito146 多米尼加共和国多米尼加共和国 Dominican Republic 149 圭亚那圭亚那 French Guiana首都:圣多明各首都:圣多明各Santo Domingo首都:乔治敦首都:乔治敦 Ge0rgetown 148 萨尔瓦多萨尔瓦多 El Salvador 150加拉帕戈斯群加拉帕戈斯群 (科隆群岛科隆群岛) ) Galapagos Is Galapagos Is.. (Colon Is (Colon Is..)首都:圣萨尔瓦多首都:圣萨尔瓦多San Salvador 152 格林纳达格林纳达 Grenada首都:伊萨贝拉首都:伊萨贝拉Isabela首都:圣乔治首都:圣乔治St St.. George’s George’s 151 格陵兰格陵兰 Greenland 154 危地马拉危地马拉 Guatemala首都:戈德霍普首都:戈德霍普Godthab首都:危地马拉城首都:危地马拉城Guatemala City序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 153 瓜德罗普岛瓜德罗普岛((法属法属) ) Guadeloupe I Guadeloupe I.. 156 海地海地 Haiti首都:巴斯特尔首都:巴斯特尔Basse-Terre首都:太子港首都:太子港 Port-au-Prince 155 圭亚那圭亚那 Guyana 158 牙买加牙买加 Jamaica首都:乔治敦首都:乔治敦Georgetown首都:金斯敦首都:金斯敦Kingston 157 洪都拉斯洪都拉斯 Honduras 160 马提尼克马提尼克((法属法属) ) Martinique首都:特古西加尔巴首都:特古西加尔巴Tegucigalpa首都:法兰西堡首都:法兰西堡Fort-de-France 159 马尔维纳马尔维纳斯群岛斯群岛斯群岛((福克兰克兰) ) Malvinas Is Is.. (Falkland) 162 蒙特塞拉特岛蒙特塞拉特岛((英属英属) ) Montserrat I Montserrat I..首都:斯坦利港首都:斯坦利港(Port) Stanley 首府:普利茅斯首府:普利茅斯 Plymouth161 墨西哥墨西哥 Mexico 163-1 163-1 荷属安的列斯群岛荷属安的列斯群岛荷属安的列斯群岛 The Netherlands Antilles Is Is..首都:墨西哥城首都:墨西哥城Mexico City首府:威廉斯塔德首府:威廉斯塔德Willemstad 163-2 阿鲁巴岛阿鲁巴岛((荷属荷属) ) Aruba I Aruba I.. 164 尼加拉瓜尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua首府:奥拉涅斯塔德首府:奥拉涅斯塔德Oranjestad首都:马那瓜首都:马那瓜Managua 165 巴拿巴巴拿巴 Panama 166 巴拉圭巴拉圭 Paraguay首都:巴拿马城首都:巴拿马城Panama City首都:亚松森首都:亚松森Asuncion 167 秘鲁秘鲁 Peru 168 波多黎各波多黎各 Puerto Rico首都:利马首都:利马Lima首府:圣胡安首府:圣胡安San Juan 169 圣基茨和尼维斯圣基茨和尼维斯 St St..Kitts and Nevis 170 圣卢西亚岛圣卢西亚岛 Saint Lucia I Saint Lucia I..首府:巴斯特尔首府:巴斯特尔Basseterre首府:卡斯特里首府:卡斯特里Castries171 圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛((法属法属) ) ) St St St..Pierre and Miquelon Is Is.. 172 圣文森特圣文森特和格林纳丁斯和格林纳丁斯和格林纳丁斯 Saint Vincent and Grenadines首府:圣皮埃尔首府:圣皮埃尔St St..Pierre首都:金斯敦首都:金斯敦Kingstown173 苏里南苏里南 Suriname 174 特立尼达和多巴哥特立尼达和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago首都:帕拉马里博首都:帕拉马里博Paramaribo首都:西班牙港首都:西班牙港Port-of-Spain 175 特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英属) Turk and Caicos Is Turk and Caicos Is.. 176 乌拉圭乌拉圭 Uruguay首府:科伯恩城首府:科伯恩城Cockburn Town首都:蒙得维的亚首都:蒙得维的亚Montevideo 177 美国美国 America (U America (U..S .A .) 178 委内瑞拉委内瑞拉 Venezuela 首都:华盛顿首都:华盛顿 Washington首都:加拉加斯首都:加拉加斯Caracas城市:亚特兰大城市:亚特兰大Atlanta179 美属维尔京群岛美属维尔京群岛Virgin Is Virgin Is.. (U (U..S .)序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 波士顿波士顿波士顿 Boston首府:夏洛特阿马利亚首府:夏洛特阿马利亚 Charlotte Amalie芝加哥芝加哥芝加哥 Chicago 180 英属维尔就群岛英属维尔就群岛 Virgin Is Virgin Is.. (U (U..K .) 纽约纽约纽约New York首府:罗德城首府:罗德城Road Town(五) 大洋洲(OCEANIA )序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 181 澳大利亚澳大利亚 Australia182库克群岛库克群岛( (新西兰新西兰新西兰) ) Cook Is Cook Is..首都:堪培拉首都:堪培拉 Canberra城市:悉尼城市:悉尼Sydney 首府:阿瓦鲁阿首府:阿瓦鲁阿Avarua 183 东萨摩亚东萨摩亚((美属美属) ) Eastern Samoa 184 斐济斐济 Fiji首都:帕果帕果首都:帕果帕果Pago Pago首都:苏瓦首都:苏瓦Suva 185 法属波利尼西亚法属波利尼西亚 French Polynesia 186 关岛关岛((美属美属) ) Guam I Guam I..首府:帕皮提首府:帕皮提Papeete首府:阿加尼亚首府:阿加尼亚Agana187 基里巴斯基里巴斯 Kiribati 188 马绍尔群岛马绍尔群岛 Marshall Is Marshall Is..首都:塔拉瓦首都:塔拉瓦Tarawa首都:马朱罗首都:马朱罗Majuro189 瑙鲁瑙鲁 Nauru 190 新喀里多尼亚岛(法属) New Caledonia I New Caledonia I..政府办公:亚伦政府办公:亚伦Yaren首府:努美阿首府:努美阿Noumea191 瓦努阿图瓦努阿图((新赫布里底新赫布里底) ) Vanuatu (New Hebrides) 192 新西兰新西兰 New Zealand (N New Zealand (N..Z .)首都:维拉港首都:维拉港Port Vila首都:惠灵顿首都:惠灵顿Wellington 193 纽埃岛纽埃岛((新西兰新西兰) ) Niue I Niue I.. 194 诺福克岛诺福克岛((澳大利亚澳大利亚) ) Norfolk I Norfolk I..首府:阿洛菲首府:阿洛菲Alofi首都:金斯敦首都:金斯敦Kingston195 贝劳贝劳((美托管美托管) ) Belau (Palau) 196 巴布亚新几内亚巴布亚新几内亚 Papua New Guinea首府:科罗尔首府:科罗尔Koror首都:莫尔兹比港首都:莫尔兹比港Port Moresby 197 皮特凯恩群岛皮特凯恩群岛((英属英属) ) Pitcairn Is Pitcairn Is.. 198 所罗门群岛所罗门群岛 Solomon Is Solomon Is..首府:亚当斯敦首府:亚当斯敦Adamstown首府:霍尼亚拉首府:霍尼亚拉Honiara 199 托克劳群岛托克劳群岛((新西兰新西兰) ) Tokelau Is Tokelau Is.. 200 汤加汤加 Tonga首府:法考福首府:法考福Fakaofo首都:努库阿洛法首都:努库阿洛法Nukualofa 201 图瓦卢图瓦卢 Tuvalu202 威克岛威克岛((美属美属) )Wake I Wake I..序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 序号序号 国家国家 (中文) 国家国家 (英文) 首都:富纳富提首都:富纳富提Funafuti首府:塞特尔门特首府:塞特尔门特Settlement203 萨摩亚萨摩亚 Western Samoa 204 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛(法属) Wallis & Futuna Is Wallis & Futuna Is..首都:阿皮亚首都:阿皮亚Apia首府:马塔乌图首府:马塔乌图Mata-Utu205 密克罗尼西亚密克罗尼西亚 Micronesia 206 北马里亚纳群岛北马里亚纳群岛((美) Northern Mariana Is Northern Mariana Is..首都:帕利基尔首都:帕利基尔Palikir首府:塞班首府:塞班Saipan。
Matematika,2001,Jilid17,bil.1,hlm.7–14c Jabatan Matematik,UTM.The Silver-Meal Heuristic Method forDeterministic Time-Varying DemandMohd OmarDepartment of Computer Sciences&IT,University of College Terengganu,21030Kuala Terengganu,Malaysia,mustafa@.myMustafa Mat DerisInstitute of Mathematical Sciences,University of Malaya,50603Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,mohd@.myAbstract Heuristic policies for time-varying deterministic processes with in-finite input rate have been thoroughly explored in the literature.This paper addresses heuristic decision rules for the situation of a deterministic linearly in-creasing and decreasing demand patterns with afinite input rate.We determine the timing and sizing of replenishment so as to keep the total relevant cost as low as possible.We extended the Silver-Meal heuristic method and found the penalty cost is very low.Keywords Production;Silver-Meal Method,Time-Varying Demand,Finite and Infinite Input Rate.Abstrak Polisi heuristik untuk masalah berketentuan berubah dengan masa dan penerimaan sekaligus telah banyak dibincangkan dan diselidiki dalam lit-erature.Kertas ini memperihalkan kaedah heuristik untuk masalah berketen-tutuan di mana permintaannya menoton naik dan menoton menurun dengan penerimaan tidak sekaligus.Masa dan saiz penambahan inventori akan diten-tukan supaya jumlah kosnya minimum.Kita menggunakan kaedah Silver–Meal dan didapati penalti kosnya amatlah rendah.Katakunci Pengeluaran,Kaedah Silver–Meal,Permintaan berubah dengan masa,sekaligus dan berkadaran.8Mohd Omar&Mustafa Mat Deris 1IntroductionMuch of the heuristic method on determining approximation optimal production sched-ules to satisfy a deterministic time-varying demand process has assumed an infinite input rate.Silver[18]showed how the Silver-Meal heuristic,which was developed for the discrete time-varying demand case,could be adapted to give an approximate solution procedure for continuous time-varying demand patterns.Instead offinding the lot sizes that min-imise the total ordering and inventory holding costs up to the time horizon,he determined each lot size sequentially,one at a time,byfinding thefirst local minimum of the total inventory cost per unit time.Phelps[14]proposed a computationally easier procedure by restricted the replenishment intervals to be constant.Under this restriction he determined the optimal number of replenishments using an iterative algorithm over the time horizon. Mitra et al.[10]developed the simplest method by modifying the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)model to accommodate the case of linear trend and afinite horizon.Ritchie[16] simplified the calculation of the optimal policy for linearly increasing demand and developed a heuristic version of Donaldson’s method by extending the time horizon to infinity.Ritchie and Tsado[17]showed how the batch quantities for this policy relates to the EOQ formula and suggested that a cubic equation should be used iteratively in order to determine the duration of the replenishment cycles.Teng[20]proposed a heuristic solution to the problem of linear increasing demand by using an approximate total cost tofind the number of re-plenishments and then by using Donaldson’s analysis to obtain the optimal times for those replenishments.Naddor[11]developed heuristic solution procedures and produced good results for linearly increasing demand.Brosseau[1]considered the optimal policy for the case of linearly decreasing demand and derived an analytical method for determining the optimal number of replenishments,the times of those replenishment and the corresponding optimum cost.Hill[8]carried the analysis of Smith[19]and Brosseau back in time to the period of relatively level demand which is likely to precede the decline in demand.Hariga [5]extended Silver’s model to cover the case of linearly decreasing demands.Hariga[5] also proposed the least-cost approach and the least-unit cost method,which were originally introduced for the case of discrete time-varying demand.All of the above procedures assumed instantaneous replenishment and are only valid in the context of purchasing.In the context of production it is generally more appropriate to assume that the input rate isfinite and at a constant rate.Hong et al.[9]extended Naddor’s work by assuming the production rate is uniform andfinite,and developed three different heuristic policies.Hill[7]considered how the existing methodology developed by Resh et al.[15],Donaldson[3]and others,derived for an increasing demand process,can be adapted when the production time for a batch is sufficiently long for afinite input rate to be appropriate.Recently,Omar et al.[13]considered how the existing heuristic procedure developed by Naddor can be adapted when the input rate isfinite.The purpose of this paper is to extend the Silver’s heuristic to the case where the input rate isfinite.In the next section, we outline the mathematical expressions and dynamic programming approach which was proposed by Omar et al.[13].We then show how to extend the Silver’s heuristic to the case of linearly increasing and decreasing demand withfinite input rate by using the single stage cost expression(see Omar et al.[13]).In the following section,we conduct a numerical comparative study.Finally,we conclude the paper in the last section.The Silver-Meal Heuristic Method for Deterministic Time-Varying Demand9 2Model assumptions and definitionsThe following terminology is used:•An inventory schedule is required for the period of(0,H).•The demand rate at time t,f(t),in(0,H)is linearly increasing or decreasing.•There is afixed setup cost of c1for each batch replenishment.•There is a carrying inventory cost of c2per unit per unit time.•t i is the time at which we start to manufacture the(i+1)st batch(t0=0).•Q i is the size of the i th batch.•n is the total number of batch replenishment(and therefore we define t n=H).•Thefinite production rate is P units per unit time.•Finally,we assume that P>f(t),t∈(0,H).The expression for the time-weighted stockholding with the input rate of P(T W S P), during any period(t i,t i+1)is(see,Omar et al.[13])T W S P(t i,t i+1)=t i+1t i y1(t)dt−t∗it iy1(t)−y2(t) dt.(1)wherey1(t)=t i+1t i f(t)dt−tt if(t)dt=t i+1tf(t)dt t i≤t≤t i+1(2) andy2(t)=P(t−t i)−tt if(t)dt t i≤t≤t∗i.(3)t∗i is the time for which the(i+1)st batch last.Equation(2)gives the inventory level during the period of(t i,t i+1)with infinite input rate while equation(3)gives the inventory level during the production period with afinite and constant input rate.The quantity produced during this period,(t i,t∗i)must balance the quantity demanded during(t i,t i+1),henceP(t∗i−t i)=t i+1t if(t)dt.(4)Define SSC P(t i,t i+1)as the single stage cost of meeting all demand from time t i to time t i+1by a single replenishment at time t i,when stock is zero with the production rate isfinite and at rate P.ThusSSC P(t i,t i+1)=c1+c2T W S P(t i,t i+1).(5)10Mohd Omar&Mustafa Mat Deris It follows that the total relevant cost with thefinite input rate of P(T RC P(n)),for n-batchesisT RC P(n)=nc1+c2n−1i=0T W S P(t i,t i+1).(6)If f(t)=a+bt,thusT RC P(n)=nc1+c2n−1i=0(t i+1−t i)23(2t i+1+t i)]−12(t i+1+t i)]2 .(7)Let C P(n,t)be a minimum total cost of meeting all future demand,starting with no stock at time t and making exactly n batches with thefinite input rate of P.The dynamic programming formulation for this problem is:C P(0,H)=0(8)C P(0,t)=∞0≤t≤HC P(n,t)=mint≤x≤HSSC P(t,x)+C P(n−1,x)where n=1,2,3,...,and0<t<H.We proceed the above calculation by calculating values C P(n,t)backwards in time from the horizon H for afinely-graded spectrum values of t.This procedure will be evaluated all possible solutions.For the optimal n-batch policy we need C P(n,0),the optimal solution with n-batches starting from time zero.3Extended Silver’s heuristic procedureSilver[18]modified the Silver-Meal heuristic to produce an approximation for the case of continuous linear increasing demand over afinite time horizon.He determined each lot size sequentially,one at a time,by minimizing the total variable costs per unit time.The criterion is appealing but is sub-optimal,particularly when there is a well-defined ending point in the demand pattern.From(5),the total relevant cost per unit time(T RCUT)for a batch made at time0 which meets all demand up to time T for afinite input rate,P,isT RCUT P(T)=c1+c2 T0y1(t)dt− t∗0[y1(t)−y2(t)]dtP Tf(t)dt.The necessary condition for T RCUT P(T)to be minimum is that d T RCUT P(T) /dT= G(T)=0,and,if f(t)=a+bt,this givesG(T)=(a2P)T2+(2bP)T3−3b2T4c2.(10)The Silver-Meal Heuristic Method for Deterministic Time-Varying Demand11 For all values of b,a root of G(T)=0can be found.When b>0,the root of(10)is unique and corresponds to a global minimum.For this case it is easier to solve equation (10)by numerical method.However when b<0,the analysis is more complicated.Numerical works agreed with Hariga’s result[5]for the case of infinite input rate.Let T0,T0=0is the solution for G (T)=0.If G(T0)>0,there exist two solutions T1and T2(T1<T2)to(10)which correspond to a local minimum and a local maximum to(9)respectively.The optimal solution is T1if T RCUT P(T1)<T RCUT P(H),and H otherwise.However when G(T0)< 0,the optimal solution will be H.4Numerical resultsTo demonstrate the effectiveness of this heuristic,we present two examples.We consider linearly increasing and decreasing demand patterns.The results below show the optimal cost,found from equation(7),and corresponding optimal number of orders.Silver solution cost follows with the penalty.Example1For this example,demand is linearly increasing with f(t)=6+t,c1=180,c2=2.0and H=11.Some results are given in Table1for different values of P.In that table,OC means Optimal Cost,ESSC means Extended Silver Solution Cost and P the value of 100(SSC−OCSilver HeuristicP n ESSC P en.2828.653912.063967.0331016.2331021.690123t iT12Mohd Omar&Mustafa Mat Deris simple adjustment that is slightly increase the period of time for the third replenishment from T=3.2055to T=3.4770,we get the better heuristic solution with penalty only 0.16%.The optimal replenishment for this case are at times0,4.20and7.79with the total relevant cost is1016.23.Following this adjustment,the penalty for the case of P is infinity was reduced from14.44%to only0.21%.For all cases,equation(4)give us the production period for each batch.Example2For this example,demand is linearly decreasing with f(t)=100−20t,c1=100,c2=7.5 and H=5.The results appear in Table2.Table2:Comparison between optimal method and heuristic procedure(Example2)Optimal Methodn OC1504926.320.5020041052.31 3.8440051138.410.1260051184.56 1.0580051199.370.85100051224.97 2.13∞51290.55 4.09Tables1and2give the Optimal Cost(OC)and the Extended Silver Solution Cost (ESSC)for differents input rates.As expected,the slower the input rate(P)the smaller the optimal number of batches(n)and the lower the corresponding cost.Finally P en. gives the percentage cost increase from using that Silver heuristic instead of the optimal approach.5ConclusionsIn this paper we have extended Siver Meal heuristic for time-varying demand processes to the case of afinite input rate.We have used a dynamic programming approach to obtain the optimal solution.Numerical work suggests that the cost penalty of using the unadjusted Extended Silver Meal heuristic is relatively small except when the demand termination point happen just after the 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世界港⼝代码代码中⽂名称英⽂名称ACADH英雄港(⼤西洋群岛)Angra do Heroismo ACARG阿尔吉内⾦(⼤西洋群岛)Arguineguin ACARR阿雷西费(⼤西洋群岛)ArrecifeACHOR奥尔塔(⼤西洋群岛)HortaACLSA拉萨利内塔(⼤西洋群岛)La Salineta ACMAR马⾥⼽特(⼤西洋群岛)MarigotACPDE蓬塔德尔加达港(⼤西洋群岛)Ponta Delgada ACPDR罗萨⾥奥港(⼤西洋群岛)Puerto del Rosario ACPHI菲利普斯堡(⼤西洋群岛)Philipsburg ACPRA普拉亚(⼤西洋群岛)PraiaAEABU阿布埃尔布霍希(阿联酋)Abu al Bukhoosh AEAJM阿治曼(阿联酋)AjmanAEAUH阿布扎⽐(阿联酋)Abu DhabiAEDAS达斯岛(阿联酋)Das IslandAEDUB迪拜(阿联酋)DubaiAEFAT法特油码头(阿联酋)Fateh Terminal AEJEA阿⾥⼭(阿联酋)Jebel AliAEJED杰贝尔丹那(阿联酋)Jebel Dhanna AEKLF豪尔费坎(阿联酋)Khor Fakkan AEMBS穆巴腊岛(阿联酋)Mubarras Island AEMSA沙奎港(阿联酋)Mina SaqrAEMZD扎伊德港(阿联酋)Mina ZayedAEQIW乌姆盖万(阿联酋)Umm al Quwain AERKT哈伊马⾓(阿联酋)Ras al Khaimah AESHJ舍尔杰(阿联酋)Sharjah ALDRZ都拉斯(阿尔巴尼亚)DurresALSAR萨兰达(阿尔巴尼亚)SarandeALSHG圣吉尼(阿尔巴尼亚)ShengjinALVLO发罗拉(阿尔巴尼亚)ValonaANBAR巴尔卡德拉(荷属安的列斯)BarcaderaANBUB布伦湾(荷属安的列斯)Bullen BayANCRB加拉加斯湾(荷属安的列斯)Caracas BayANFUI福克湾(荷属安的列斯)Fuik BayANKRA克拉伦代克(荷属安的列斯)Kralendijk ANORA奥拉涅斯塔德(荷属安的列斯)OranjestadANPHI菲利普斯堡(荷属安的列斯)Philips Bourg ANSAB萨巴(荷属安的列斯)SabaANSMB圣⽶歇尔斯湾(荷属安的列斯)St. Michiel's Bay ANSNB圣尼古拉斯湾(荷属安的列斯)San Nicolas Bay ANWIL威谦斯塔德(荷属安的列斯)Willemstad AOAMB安布⾥泽特(安哥拉)AmbrizeteAOAZZ安布⾥什(安哥拉)AmbrizAOBUG⽊格拉(安哥拉)BenguelaAOCAB卡宾达(安哥拉)CabindaAOLAD罗安达(安哥拉)LuandaAOLOB洛⽐托(安哥拉)LobitoAOMOC⽊萨⽶迪什(安哥拉)MocamedesAOPBN安博因港(安哥拉)Porto Amboim AOPLE亚历⼭⼤港(安哥拉)Porto Alexandre AOPSA萨拉萨尔港(安哥拉)Porto Salazar ARBHI布兰卡港(阿根廷)Bahia Blanca ARBUE布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷)Buenos Aires ARCMP坎帕纳(阿根廷)CampanaARCOU康塞普西翁(阿根廷)Concepcion ARCRD⾥⽡达维亚(阿根廷)Comodoro Rivadavia ARDME迪亚曼泰(阿根廷)DiamanteARIBY伊⽐奎(阿根廷)IbicuyARLPG拉普拉塔(阿根廷)La PlataARMDQ马德普拉塔(阿根廷)Mar del Plata ARNEC内科切阿(阿根廷)NecocheaARPAC阿塞维多港(阿根廷)Puerto Acedop ARPCO科罗拉多⾓(阿根廷)Punta Colorada ARPMY马德林港(阿根廷)Puerto Madryn ARPQU蓬塔基利亚(阿根廷)Punta Quila ARPUD德塞阿多港(阿根廷)Puerto Deseado ARQQN克肯(阿根廷)QuequenARRAM拉马约(阿根廷)RamalloARRCA雷卡拉达(阿根廷)RecaladaARRGL⾥奥加切耶⼽斯(阿根廷)Rio Gallegos ARROS罗萨⾥奥(阿根廷)RosarioARRZA圣克鲁斯(阿根廷)Santa Cruz(Arg.) ARSAE圣安东尼奥(阿根廷)San Antonio Este ARSFN圣菲(阿根廷)Santa FeARSLO圣洛伦索(阿根廷)San Lorenzo ARSNS圣尼古拉斯(阿根廷)San Nicolas ARUSH乌斯怀亚(阿根廷)Ushuaia ARVCN孔斯蒂图西翁镇(阿根廷)Villa Constitucion ARZAE萨拉特(阿根廷)ZarateASPPG帕果帕果(美属萨摩亚)Pago PagoAUADE阿德莱德(澳⼤利亚)AdelaideAUALH奥尔巴尼(澳⼤利亚)AlbanyAUARD阿德罗森(澳⼤利亚)ArdrossanAUBAH巴拉斯特⿊德(澳⼤利亚)Ballast Head AUBDB班达伯格(澳⼤利亚)BundabergAUBME布鲁姆(澳⼤利亚)BroomeAUBNE布⾥斯班(澳⼤利亚)BrisbaneAUBTB植物学湾(澳⼤利亚)Botany BayAUBUS巴瑟尔顿(澳⼤利亚)DusseltonAUBUY班伯⾥(澳⼤利亚)BunburyAUBWB巴罗岛(澳⼤利亚)Barrow Island AUBYP搏尤替⾓(澳⼤利亚)Beauty Point AUCAB喀斯喀特湾(澳⼤利亚)Cascade Bay AUCCU库维恩⾓(澳⼤利亚)Cape CuvierAUCFS科夫斯港(澳⼤利亚)Coff's Harbour AUCLT拉姆贝特⾓(澳⼤利亚)Cape Lambert AUCNS凯恩斯(澳⼤利亚)CairnsAUCTN库克敦(澳⼤利亚)CooktownAUCVQ卡那封(澳⼤利亚)Carnarvon AUDAM丹⽪尔(澳⼤利亚)DampierAUDBY德⽐(澳⼤利亚)DerbyAUDPO德⽂波特(澳⼤利亚)Devonport AUDRW达尔⽂(澳⼤利亚)DarwinAUEDB伊迪斯堡(澳⼤利亚)Edithburgh AUEPR埃斯佩兰斯(澳⼤利亚)EsperanceAUFRE弗⾥曼特尔(澳⼤利亚)FremantleAUGEX吉朗(澳⼤利亚)GeelongAUGFN格拉夫顿(澳⼤利亚)GraftonAUGLT格拉德斯通(澳⼤利亚)Gladstone AUGOV⼽弗(澳⼤利亚)GoveAUGTE格鲁特岛(澳⼤利亚)Groote Eylandt AUHBA霍巴特(澳⼤利亚)HobartAUHPT海波因特(澳⼤利亚)Hay PointAUIFL因尼斯费尔(澳⼤利亚)Innisfail AUKGC⾦斯科特(澳⼤利亚)KingscoteAUKIT⾦斯敦(澳⼤利亚)KingstonAUKWI奎纳纳(澳⼤利亚)KwinanaAULST朗塞斯顿(澳⼤利亚)Launceston AULUC户⾟达(澳⼤利亚)LucindaAUMAC麦克坦(澳⼤利亚)MactanAUMBH马⾥伯勒(澳⼤利亚)Maryborough AUMEL墨尔本(澳⼤利亚)Melbourne AUMKY麦凯(澳⼤利亚)Mackay AUMOU莫⾥扬港(澳⼤利亚)MourilyanAUNTL纽卡斯尔(澳⼤利亚)Newcastle(N.S.W.) AUPAL艾尔弗雷德港(澳⼤利亚)Port Alfred AUPER佩斯(澳⼤利亚)PerthAUPGI吉利港(澳⼤利亚)Port Giles AUPHE⿊德兰港(澳⼤利亚)port Hedland AUPHU会翁港(澳⼤利亚)Port Huon AUPJK杰克逊港(澳⼤利亚)Port Jackson AUPKL肯布拉港(澳⼤利亚)Port Kembla AUPLA拉塔港(澳⼤利亚)Port Latta AUPLO林肯港(澳⼤利亚)Port Lincoln AUPPI⽪⾥港(澳⼤利亚)Port Pirie AUPQQ麦夸⾥港(澳⼤利亚)Port Macquarie AUPST斯坦⽡克港(澳⼤利亚)Port Stanvac AUPTJ波特兰(澳⼤利亚)Portland(Vic.) AUPTL阿尔马港(澳⼤利亚)Port Alma AUPUG奥古斯塔港(澳⼤利亚)Port Augusta AUPWL澳尔科特港(澳⼤利亚)Port WalcottAUQDN伊登(澳⼤利亚)EdenAURAB拉⽪德湾(澳⼤利亚)Rapid BayAURDN⾥司登(澳⼤利亚)RisdonAUROK罗克汉普顿(澳⼤利亚)RockhamptonAUSRN斯特拉恩(澳⼤利亚)StrahanAUSTA斯坦利(澳⼤利亚)StanleyAUSTB斯坦豪斯湾(澳⼤利亚)Stenhouse Bay AUSYD悉尼(澳⼤利亚)Sydney(AU)AUTHE泰弗纳德(澳⼤利亚)ThevenardAUTIS星期四岛(澳⼤利亚)Thursday Island AUTSV汤斯维尔(澳⼤利亚)TownsganAUURN尤兰根(澳⼤利亚)UranganAUUSL乌塞勒斯卢普(澳⼤利亚)Useless Loop AUWAL沃拉鲁(澳⼤利亚)WallarooAUWEI韦帕(澳⼤利亚)WeipaAUWEP西港(澳⼤利亚)Western Port AUWYA怀阿拉(澳⼤利亚)WhyallaAUYAM扬⽪桑德(澳⼤利亚)Yampi SoundAUYBA杨巴(澳⼤利亚)YambaAUZBO鲍恩(澳⼤利亚)BowenBBBGI布⾥奇敦(巴巴多斯)BridgetownBDCHL查尔纳港(孟加拉)Chalna Anchorage BDKHL库尔纳(孟加拉)KhulnaBEANR安特卫普(⽐利时)AntwerpBEBGS布鲁⽇(⽐利时)BrugesBEBRU布鲁塞尔(⽐利时)BrusselsBEGNE根特(⽐利时)GhentBEHEX海⽶克瑟姆(⽐利时)HemiksemBELGG列⽇(⽐利时)LiegeBENIE尼乌波特(⽐利时)NieuwpoortBEOST奥斯坦德(⽐利时)OstendBGBAL巴尔奇克(保加利亚)BalchikBGBGS布加斯(保加利亚)BourgasBGKAV卡⽡尔纳(保加利亚)KavarnaBGMIC⽶丘林(保加利亚)MichurinBGNES纳塞巴尔(保加利亚)NessebarBGVAR⽡尔纳(保加利亚)VarnaBHAJY奥巴杰蒂(巴林)AlbajettyBHMIN⽶纳苏尔曼(巴林)Mina SulmanBHSIT锡特拉(巴林)SitraBJCOO科托努(贝宁)CoyonouBJPTN波多诺伏(贝宁)Porto NovoBMBDA哈密尔顿(百慕⼤)HamiltonBMSGE圣乔治(百慕⼤)St.George's BNBWN斯⾥巴加湾港(⽂莱)Bandar Seri Begawan BNKUB⽩拉奕(⽂莱)Kuala Belait BNMUA穆阿拉港(⽂莱)Muara HarbourBNSER诗⾥亚(⽂莱)SeriaBNTAS丹戎沙利隆(⽂莱)Tanjong Salirong BRADR安格拉杜斯雷斯(巴西)Angra dos Reis BRAJU阿拉卡茹(巴西)AracajuBRARB阿拉图(巴西)AratuBRARE阿⾥亚布兰卡(巴西)Areia BrancaBRATI阿拉卡蒂(巴西)AracatiBRBDT巴拉奥特菲(巴西)Barao de Teffe BRBEL贝伦(巴西)BelemBRCDO卡贝德卢(巴西)CabedelloBRFLN弗洛⾥亚诺波利斯(巴西)Florianopolis BRFOR福塔莱萨(巴西)FortalezaBRIBB因⽐图巴(巴西)ImbitubaBRIOS伊列乌斯(巴西)IlheusBRITJ伊塔雅伊(巴西)ItajaiBRITQ伊塔基(巴西)ItaquiBRJPA若昂佩索阿(巴西)Joao PessoaBRMCP马卡帕(巴西)MacapaBRMCZ马塞约(巴西)MaceioBRNAT纳塔尔(巴西)NatalBRNTR尼泰罗伊(巴西)NiteroiBRPAL阿雷格⾥港(巴西)Porto AlegreBRPCL波图塞尔(巴西)PortocelBRPET佩洛塔斯(巴西)PelotasBRPHB巴纳伊巴(巴西)ParnaibaBRPNG巴拉那⽠(巴西)ParanaguaBRPOU乌布⾓(巴西)Ponta do UbuBRREC累西腓(巴西)RecifeBRRIG⾥奥格兰德(巴西)Rio GrandeBRRIO⾥约热内卢(巴西)Rio de Janeiro BRSAN圣安娜(巴西)SantanaBRSAO圣保罗(巴西)Sao PauloBRSFS南圣弗兰西斯科(巴西)Sao Francisco do Sul BRSLM圣路易斯(巴西)Sao Luiz de Maranhao BRSPB塞佩提巴(巴西)SepetibaBRSSA萨尔⽡多(巴西)SalvadorBRSTM圣塔伦(巴西)SantaremBRTMT特龙贝塔斯(巴西)TrombetasBRTRM特拉曼达伊(巴西)TramandaiBRTUB图巴朗(巴西)TubaraoBSFPO弗⾥波特(巴哈马)FerrportBSNAS拿骚(巴哈马)NassauBSSRP南⾥登⾓(巴哈马)South Riding Point BSZSA⼩圣萨尔⽡多岛(巴哈马)Little San Salvador CAAKL阿克拉维克(加拿⼤)AklavikCAAMH阿默斯特堡(加拿⼤)AmherstburgCAANN安纳波利斯(加拿⼤)AnnapolisCAARI阿⾥沙特(加拿⼤)ArichatCABAD巴德克(加拿⼤)BaddeckCABAT巴瑟斯特(加拿⼤)BathurstCABCK布罗克维尔(加拿⼤)Brockville(Ont.) CABCO贝科莫(加拿⼤)Baie Comeau CABEH⽐弗港(加拿⼤)Beaver Habour CABEL贝拉顿(加拿⼤)Belledune CABGT巴⼽特维尔(加拿⼤)Bagotville CABRW布⾥奇沃特(加拿⼤)Bridgewater CABSC巴斯克湾(加拿⼤)Basque Cove CABUI布林(加拿⼤)BuringCABWD博特伍德(加拿⼤)BotwoodCABYR贝罗伯茨(加拿⼤)Bay Roberts CACAH坎索港(加拿⼤)Canso Harbour CACAQ卡拉凯特(加拿⼤)Caraquet CACBC卡姆拜钱斯(加拿⼤)Come-by-Chance CACBK科纳-布鲁特(加拿⼤)Comer Brook CACCB科威恰湾(加拿⼤)Cowichan Bay CACHI希库提⽶(加拿⼤)Chicoutimi CACHM彻梅纳斯(加拿⼤)Chemainus CACHT谢蒂坎普(加拿⼤)Cheticamp CACHV丘吉尔(加拿⼤)Churchill(Man.) CACLE克拉伦维尔(加拿⼤)Clarenville CACLT卡尔顿(加拿⼤)Carleton CACOB科堡(加拿⼤)Cobourg(Ont.) CACOC孔特勒科尔(加拿⼤)Contrecoeur CACOH康特⾥港(加拿⼤)Country Harbour CACOL科灵伍德(加拿⼤)Collingwood CACOX科莫克斯(加拿⼤)ComoxCACRO克罗夫顿(加拿⼤)CroftonCACTM查塔姆(加拿⼤)ChathamCACWL康沃尔(加拿⼤)Cornwall(Ont.) CADIG迪格⽐(加拿⼤)DigbyCADOM多⽶诺(加拿⼤)DominoCADWL丁沃尔(加拿⼤)DingwallCAESQ埃斯奎莫尔特(加拿⼤)Esquimalt CAFBB弗罗⽐舍湾(加拿⼤)Frobisher Bay CAFRV福雷斯特维尔(加拿⼤)Forestville CAGGW乔治敦(加拿⼤)Georgetown CAGOH⼽德⾥奇(加拿⼤)Goderich CAGOO古斯湾(加拿⼤)Goose Bay CAGPE加斯佩(加拿⼤)GaspeCAGRB格兰德班克(加拿⼤)Grand Bank CAHAL哈利法克斯(加拿⼤)HalifaxCAHAM哈密尔顿(加拿⼤)HamiltonCAHCT哈茨康滕特(加拿⼤)Heart's Content CAHMC哈麦克(加拿⼤)HarmacCAHOD霍利鲁德(加拿⼤)HolyroodCAHPT汉茨波特(加拿⼤)HantsportCAHRE格雷斯港(加拿⼤)Harbour Grace CAHSP哈佛圣⽪埃尔(加拿⼤)Havre St. Pierre CAION约纳(加拿⼤)Iona CAISH艾萨克斯港(加拿⼤)Isaac's Content CAKIN⾦斯顿(加拿⼤)KingstonCAKTM基提马特(加拿⼤)KitimatCALCP洛克波特(加拿⼤)LockeportCALHA拉阿沃(加拿⼤)La HaveCALIN⼩窄峡(加拿⼤)Little Narrows CALIV利物浦(加拿⼤)LiverpoolCALMD洛蒙德(加拿⼤)LomondCALMN利明顿(加拿⼤)LeamingtonCALOU路易斯堡(加拿⼤)LouisburgCALSC利斯科姆(加拿⼤)Lis CombCALUN卢嫩堡(加拿⼤)LunenburgCAMET梅泰根(加拿⼤)MeteghanCAMID⽶德兰(加拿⼤)Midland(Ont.) CAMIH⽶奇⽪科滕(加拿⼤)Michipicoten(Ont.) CAMOL蒙路易(加拿⼤)Mont LouisCAMON蒙塔古(加拿⼤)MontagueCANCT纽卡斯尔(加拿⼤)Newcastle(N.B.) CANGL新格拉斯哥(加拿⼤)New Glasgow CANNO纳奈莫(加拿⼤)NanaimoCANRC新⾥⼠满(加拿⼤)New Richmond CANSY北锡德尼(加拿⼤)North Sydney CANVK纳尼斯维克(加拿⼤)NanisivkCANWE新威斯敏斯特(加拿⼤)New Westminster CANWP阿真舍(加拿⼤)ArgentiaCAOAK奥克维尔(加拿⼤)Oakville(Ont.) CAOFA福尔斯海(加拿⼤)Ocean Falls CAOWS欧⽂桑德(加拿⼤)Owen SoundCAPAC艾利斯港(加拿⼤)Port AliceCAPAF艾尔夫雷德港(加拿⼤)Port AlfredCAPAR帕斯博勒(加拿⼤)ParrsboroCAPAS帕斯佩⽐亚克(加拿⼤)PaspebiacCAPCA卡提尔港(加拿⼤)Port Cartier CAPCO科尔本港(加拿⼤)Port Colborne(Ont.) CAPCR克雷迪特港(加拿⼤)Port Credit(Ont.) CAPDA达尔胡西港(加拿⼤)Port Dalhousie CAPHO霍普港(加拿⼤)Prot Hope (Ont.) CAPHS霍普⾟普森港(加拿⼤)Port Hope Simpson CAPHW霍克斯伯⾥港(加拿⼤)Port Hawkesbury CAPMU穆尔格拉维港(加拿⼤)Port Mulgrave CAPMW梅德韦港(加拿⼤)Port Medway CAPNO⿊⾓(加拿⼤)Point NoireCAPOW鲍威尔(加拿⼤)Powell RiverCAPRE普雷斯科特(加拿⼤)PrescottCAPRR鲁珀特港(加拿⼤)Prince Rupert CAPRS帕⾥桑德(加拿⼤)Parry SoundCAPTA塔西斯(加拿⼤)TahsisCAPTO⽪克图(加拿⼤)PictouCAPTU图佩尔⾓(加拿⼤)Point Tupper CAPUG帕格沃希(加拿⼤)PugwashCAPWE威莱尔港(加拿⼤)Port Weller(Ont.) CAQUE魁北克(加拿⼤)QuebecCARDL⾥维耶尔-迪卢(加拿⼤)Riviere du Loup CARIM⾥穆斯基(加拿⼤)RimouskiCAROB罗伯茨湾(加拿⼤)Roberts BankCASAD圣安德鲁斯(加拿⼤)St. AndrewsCASBR希布洛克(加拿⼤)SherbrookeCASBU谢尔本(加拿⼤)Shelburne(N.S.) CASCA圣凯瑟琳斯(加拿⼤)St. Catharines CASHH希特港(加拿⼤)Sheet Harbour CASLA圣劳伦斯(加拿⼤)St. Lawrence(NF.) CASNI萨尔尼亚(加拿⼤)Sarnia (Ont.) CASOR索雷尔(加拿⼤)SorelCASOU苏⾥斯(加拿⼤)SourisCASPD斯普林代尔(加拿⼤)SpringdaleCASPH希普港(加拿⼤)Ship HarbourCASQA斯阔⽶什(加拿⼤)SquamishCASSM苏圣马丽(加拿⼤)Sault Ste.Marie(Mich CASTW斯图尔特(加拿⼤)StewartCASUM萨默塞德(加拿⼤)SummersideCASVI七岛(加拿⼤)Seven Islands CASYD悉尼(加拿⼤)SydneyCATAD塔杜萨克(加拿⼤)TadoussacCATHD索罗尔德(加拿⼤)Thorold(Ont.) CATHU散德湾(加拿⼤)Thunder Bay(Ont.) CATOR多伦多(加拿⼤)Toront(Ont.)CATRR三河城(加拿⼤)Three RiversCATWI特威林盖特(加拿⼤)TwillingateCAVAN温哥华(加拿⼤)VancouverCAVIC维多利亚(加拿⼤)VictoriaCAVLF⽡利菲尔德(加拿⼤)ValleyfieldCAWAB⽡伯兰(加拿⼤)WabanaCAWAT⽡特逊岛(加拿⼤)Watson Island CAWEL威兰(加拿⼤)Welland(Ont.) CAWEY韦默思(加拿⼤)Weymouth CAWND温泽尔(加拿⼤)Windsor(Ont.) CAWOO伍德菲伯(加拿⼤)WoodfibreCAWTN沃尔顿(加拿⼤)WaltonCGPNR⿊⾓(刚果)Pointe NoireCIABJ阿⽐让(科特迪⽡)AbidjanCIASS阿西尼(科特迪⽡)AssinieCIFRE弗雷斯科(科特迪⽡)FrescoCISPY圣佩德罗(科特迪⽡)San PedroCITXU塔布(科特迪⽡)TabouCIZSS萨桑德拉(科特迪⽡)Sassandra CKARU阿鲁通加(库克群岛)ArutungaCKRAR拉罗通加岛(库克群岛)Rarotonga Island CLANF安托法加斯塔(智利)Antofagasta CLARI阿⾥卡(智利)Arica CLCCA克拉伦西亚(智利)Caleta Clarencia CLCGR克鲁斯格兰德(智利)Cruz Grande CLCHB查卡布科(智利)Chacabuco CLCLA卡尔德⾥拉(智利)Calderilla CLCLD卡尔德拉(智利)CalderaCLCNL科罗内尔(智利)CoronelCLCNR查尼亚拉尔(智利)ChanaralCLCNX卡博内格罗(智利)Cabo Negro CLCQQ科⾦博(智利)CoquimboCLCRR科拉尔(智利)CorralCLGRE格雷⼽⾥乌(智利)GregorioCLGYC⽠亚坎(智利)GuayacanCLHSO⽡斯科(智利)HuascoCLIQQ伊基克(智利)IquiqueCLLQN利尔奎(智利)LirquenCLLSC拉塞雷纳(智利)La SernaCLLTA洛塔(智利)LotaCLMJS梅希约内斯(智利)Mejillones CLPBO博⾥奥斯港(智利)Puerto Bories CLPEO彭科(智利)PencoCLPMC蒙特港(智利)Puerto Montt CLPNT纳塔莱斯港(智利)Puerto Natales CLPQI克姆智奇港(智利)Puerto Quemchi CLPQN克永港(智利)Puerto Quellon CLPUQ阿雷纳斯⾓(智利)Punta Arenas CLQTV坤脱罗(智利)QuinteroCLSAI圣安东尼奥(智利)San Antonio CLSVE圣⽂森特(智利)San Vicente CLTAL塔尔卡⽡诺(智利)Talcahuano CLTOM托梅(智利)TomeCLTOQ托科⽪亚(智利)Tocopilla CLTTC塔尔塔尔(智利)TaltalCLVAP⽡尔帕莱索(智利)Valparaiso CLWCA卡斯特罗(智利)CastroCLZAL⽡尔迪维亚(智利)ValdiviaCLZUD安库德(智利)AncudCMDLA杜阿拉(喀麦隆)DoualaCMKBI克⾥⽐(喀麦隆)KribiCMTKC提科(喀麦隆)TikoCMVCC维多利亚(喀麦隆)Victoria CNAOJ鳌江(中国)Aojiang CNBAO宝⼭马头(中国)Baoshan Matou CNBAS⼋所(中国)BasuoCNBHY北海(中国)BeihaiCNBLG北仑港(区)(中国)Beilungang CNBOH博贺(中国)BoheCNCAN⼴州(中国)Guangzhou CNCJG陈家港(中国)Chenjiagang CNCSM陈⼭码头(中国)Chenshan MatouCNCWN⾚湾(中国)Chiwan CNDDG丹东(中国)Dandong CNDJT东⾓头(中国)Dongjiaotou CNDLC⼤连(中国)Dalian CNDOU⽃门(中国)Doumen CNDQH⼤清河(中国)Daqinghe CNDSN东⼭(中国)Dongshan CNDXG⼤连新港(区)(中国)Dalian Xingang CNFOC福州(中国)Fuzhou CNGAO⾼港(中国)Gaogang CNGHI⼴海(中国Guanghai CNHAI海安(中国)HaianCNHAK海⼝(中国)Haikou CNHDO黄岛(区)(中国)Huangdao CNHME海门(中国)Haimen CNHUA黄埔(区)(中国)Huangpu CNHUI惠州(中国)Huizhou CNHXG海⼝新港(中国)Haikou Xingang CNJIA江阴(中国)Jiangyin CNJMN江门(中国)Jiangmen CNJNZ锦州(中国)Jinzhou CNJZU九州(区)(中国)Jiuzhou CNLHS绿华⼭(区)(中国)Luhuashan CNLIH莲花⼭(中国)Lianhuashan CNLKU龙⼝(中国)Longkou CNLSH旅顺(中国)LushunCNLSN岚⼭(中国)Lanshan CNLYG连云港(中国)Lianyungang CNMAW马尾(中国)MaweiCNMWN妈湾(中国)MawanCNNAN南澳(中国)NanaoCNNBA南堡(中国)Nanbao CNNGB宁波(中国)Ningbo CNNKG南京(中国)NanjingCNPLI蓬菜(中国)PenglaiCNPSI盘⽯(中国)PanshiCNQIS前⼭(中国)Qianshan CNQLN清澜(中国)Qinglan CNQSA企沙(中国)QishaCNQZJ泉州(中国)Quanzhou CNRSK乳⼭⼝(中国)Rushankou CNRZH⽇照(中国)RizhaoCNSDG⽔东(中国)Shuidong CNSDU三都(中国)SanduCNSHA上海(中国)Shanghai CNSHD⽯岛(中国)ShidaoCNSHK蛇⼝(中国)ShekouCNSPU⽯浦(中国)ShipuCNSQI赛岐(中国)SaiqiCNSSI嵊泗(中国)ChengsiCNSTB⽯头埠(中国)Shitoubu CNSWA汕头(中国)Shantou CNSWE汕尾(中国)ShanweiCNSYX三亚(中国)SanyaCNTAO青岛(中国)QingdaoCNTAP太平(中国)TaipingCNTGS京唐(中国)Jingtang CNTSN天津(中国)TianjinCNTXG天津新港(区)(中国)Tianjin Xingang CNWAZ湾仔(中国)WanzaiCNWEI威海(中国)WeihaiCNWNZ温州(中国)Wenzhou CNXMN厦门(中国)XiamenCNXSH响⽔(中国)Xiangshui CNXYG秀屿(中国)XiuyuCNYIK营⼝(中国)YingkouCNYNT烟台(中国)YantaiCNYPG洋浦(中国)YangpuCNYTN盐⽥(中国)Yantian CNYWG燕尾(中国)YanweiCNYXG营⼝新港(中国)Yingkou Xingang CNZHA湛江(中国)Zhanjiang CNZHE镇江(中国)Zhenjiang CNZHI镇海(中国)ZhenhaiCNZHU庄河(中国)Zhuanghe CNZJB张家埠(中国)Zhangjiabu CNZJG张家港(中国)Zhangjiagang CNZOS⾈⼭(中国)Zhoushan CNZPU乍浦(中国)ZhapuCNZSN中⼭(中国)Zhongshan CNZUH珠海(中国)ZuhaiCNZWN漳湾(中国)ZhangwanCOBAQ巴兰基利亚(哥伦⽐亚)Barranquilla COBUN布韦那⽂图拉(哥伦⽐亚)Buenaventura COCTG卡塔赫纳(哥伦⽐亚)CartagenaCOPOC科韦尼亚斯(哥伦⽐亚)Pozos Colorados COPUC波佐科罗拉多斯(哥伦⽐亚)Puerto Colombia CORCH哥伦⽐亚港(哥伦⽐亚)Rio HachaCOSMR⾥奥阿查(哥伦⽐亚)Santa Marta COTRB图尔博(哥伦⽐亚)TurboCRCAL卡尔德拉(哥斯达黎加)CalderaCRGLF⼽尔菲托(哥斯达黎加)GolfitoCRPAS彭塔雷纳斯(哥斯达黎加)PuntarenasCUANT安蒂亚(古巴)AntillaCUBAN巴内斯(古巴)BanesCUBCA巴拉科阿(古巴)BaracoaCUBHO翁达港(古巴)Bahia Honda CUBOG博卡格兰德(古巴)Boca Grande CUBOQ博克龙(古巴)Boqueron CUCAB卡⽡尼亚斯(古巴)CabanasCUCAI凯巴连(古巴)CaibarienCUCAR卡德纳斯(古巴)CardenasCUCAS卡西尔达(古巴)CasildaCUCEI塞巴胡埃萨(古巴)Ceiba Hueca CUCFG西恩富⼽斯(古巴)Cienfuegos CUCMA凯马勒那(古巴)Caimanera CUFEL费尔顿(古巴)FeltonCUGER新赫罗纳(古巴)Nueva Gerona CUGYB⽠亚⽡尔(古巴)GuayabalCUICR尼卡罗(古巴)NicaroCUIDS伊萨贝拉(古巴)IsabelaCUJUC胡卡罗(古巴)JucaroCUMAR马⾥埃尔(古巴)MarielCUMEL梅迪亚卢纳(古巴)Media LunaCUMLA马诺普拉(古巴)ManoplaCUMNT马纳蒂(古巴)ManatiCUMOA莫阿(古巴)MoaCUMZO曼萨尼略(古巴)ManzanilloCUNIQ尼克罗(古巴)NiqueroCUNVT努埃维塔斯(古巴)NuevitasCUPAO帕洛阿尔托(古巴)Palo AltoCUPAS帕斯特利洛(古巴)PastelilloCUPIL⽪隆(古巴)PilonCUPPA帕德雷港(古巴)Puerto Padre CUPRE普雷斯顿(古巴)PrestonCUPTA塔拉法港(古巴)Puerto Tarafa CUQMA马坦萨斯(古巴)MatanzasCUSAG⼤萨⽠(古巴)Saguala Grande CUSCS南圣克鲁斯(古巴)Santa Cruz del SurCUSLU圣卡西亚(古巴)Santa Lucia CUTAN塔纳莫(古巴)TanamoCUTDZ图纳斯德萨萨(古巴)Tunas de Zaza CUVIT维塔(古巴)VitaCVPAL帕尔梅拉(佛得⾓)Palmeira CVPPR普拉亚(佛得⾓)Porto Praia CYDIK泽凯利亚(塞浦路斯)Dikhelia CYFMG 法马古斯塔(塞浦路斯)Famagusta CYKAR卡拉沃斯塔西(塞浦路斯)Karavostassi CYKYR凯⾥尼亚(塞浦路斯)Kyrenia CYLAT腊基(塞浦路斯)LatchiCYLCA拉纳卡(塞浦路斯)Larnaca CYLMS利马索尔(塞浦路斯)Limassol CYMOI莫尼安克雷奇(塞浦路斯)Moni Anchorage CYMPB莫尔富湾(塞浦路斯)Morphou Bay CYPFO佩福斯(塞浦路斯)PaphosDEALT阿尔托纳(德国)AltonaDEBKE布腊克(德国)BrakeDEBLX布莱克森(德国)Blexen DEBON波恩(德国)BonnDEBRE不来梅(德国)BremenDEBRU布龙斯⽐特尔(德国)Brunsbuttel DEBRV不来梅港(德国)Bremerhaven DECOL科隆(德国)Cologne DECUX库克斯港(德国)Cuxhaven DEDUI杜伊斯堡(德国)Duisburg DEDUS杜塞尔多夫(德国)Dusseldorf DEECK埃肯弗尔德(德国)Eckernforde DEELS埃尔斯费莱特(德国)Elsfeth DEEME埃姆登(德国)EmdenDEFLF弗伦斯堡(德国)Flensburg DEFRA法兰克福(德国)Frankfurt DEGLU格吕克施塔特(德国)Gluckstadt DEHAM汉堡(德国)Hamburg DEHHF海利根港(德国)Heiligenhafen DEHSM胡苏姆(德国)HusumDEITZ伊策霍(德国)Itzehoe DEKAP卡珀尔恩(德国)Kappeln DEKEL基尔(德国)KielDEKRE克雷菲尔德(德国)Krefeld DELAB拉伯(德国)LaboDELEE累尔(德国)LeerDELUB卢卑克(德国)LubeckDELUH路德维希港(德国)Ludwigshafen DEMAI美因茨(德国)MainzDEMHG曼海姆(德国)Mannheim DENDT诺伊施塔特(德国)NeustadtDENHA诺登哈姆(德国)Nordenham DENUS诺伊斯(德国)NeussDEORT奥尔特(德国)OrthDEPAP帕彭堡(德国)Papenhurg DEREN伦茨堡(德国)Rendsburg DERSK罗斯托克(德国)RostockDESTA施塔德(德国)StadeDESTL斯特拉尔松(德国)Stralsund DESTS施塔德桑德(德国)Stadersand DETON滕宁(德国)TonningDEVEG弗格萨克(德国)Vegesack DEWAR⽡尔内明德(德国)Warnemunde DEWIS维斯马(德国)WismarDEWVN威廉港(德国)Wilhelmshaven DJJIB吉布提(吉布提)Djibouti DKAAB奥本罗(丹麦)Aabenraa DKAAL奥尔堡(丹麦)AalborgDKAGE阿灵厄(丹麦)AllingeDKAHS奥尔胡斯(丹麦)AarhusDKASN阿森斯(丹麦)AssensDKBDX班霍尔姆(丹麦)Bandholm DKBOG博恩瑟(丹麦)BogenseDKCPH哥本哈根(丹麦)Copenhagen DKEBJ埃斯⽐约(丹麦)EsbjergDKEBT埃伯尔措夫特(丹麦)Ebeltoft DKELS埃尔西诺(丹麦)Elsinore DKFAA福堡(丹麦)FaaborgDKFAK法克瑟莱泽普拉斯(丹麦)Fakse Ladeplads DKFDH腓特烈港(丹麦)Frederikshavn DKFDS腓特烈松(丹麦)Frederikssund DKFDV腓特烈斯韦克(丹麦)Frederiksvark DKFRC腓特烈西亚(丹麦)Fredericia DKGFH基尔夫港(丹麦)Gulfhavn DKGRA格罗斯滕(丹麦)Grasten DKGRE格雷诺(丹麦)GrenaaDKHAD哈泽斯莱乌(丹麦)Haderslev DKHBK霍尔拜克(丹麦)Holbaek DKHBO霍布罗(丹麦)HobroDKHIR希茨海尔斯(丹麦)Hirtshals DKHOR霍森斯(丹麦)HorsensDKHSL海斯勒(丹麦)HasleDKHSU海松(丹麦)HadsundDKKAL凯隆堡(丹麦)Kalundborg DKKAR卡勒拜克斯明讷(丹麦)Karrebaeksminde DKKOG克厄(丹麦)Koge DKKOL科灵(丹麦)KoldingDKKRR科瑟(丹麦)KorsorDKKTD凯特明讷(丹麦)Kerteminde DKLVG莱姆维(丹麦)Lemvig DKLYO林斯奥得(丹麦)Lyngs Odde DKMAS马斯讷松(丹麦)Masnedsund DKMID⽶泽尔法特(丹麦)Middelfart DKMRR玛丽艾厄(丹麦)Mariager DKMRS马斯塔尔(丹麦)Marstal DKNAE奈斯特韦兹(丹麦)Naestved DKNAK纳克斯考(丹麦)Nakskov DKNEX内克瑟(丹麦)Nekso DKNOR诺勒松⽐(丹麦)Norresundby DKODE欧登塞(丹麦)Odense DKORE奥勒霍兹(丹麦)Orehoved DKRAN兰讷斯(丹麦)Randers DKRKB鲁兹克宾(丹麦)Rudkobing DKROD勒兹⽐港(丹麦)Rodbyhavn DKRON伦讷(丹麦)Ronne DKRVG勒兹维(丹麦)Rodvig DKSAX萨克斯克宾(丹麦)Sakskobing DKSBK斯图伯克宾(丹麦)Stubbekobing DKSKA 斯卡恩(丹麦)Skagen DKSKK斯凯拜克(丹麦)Skaerbaek DKSKV斯基沃(丹麦)Skive DKSON桑讷堡(丹麦)Sonderborg DKSSV斯图德斯特鲁普(丹麦)Studstrup DKSTE斯泰厄(丹麦)StegeDKSTR斯楚厄(丹麦)Struer DKSVA斯⽡讷克(丹麦)Svaneke DKSVE斯⽂堡(丹麦)Svendborg DKTIS提斯特德(丹麦)Tisted DKTUB图堡港(丹麦)Tuborg Havn DKVEJ⽡埃勒(丹麦)Vejle DKVOR沃尔丁堡(丹麦)Vordingborg DMPOR朴次茅斯(多⽶尼加)Portsmouth DMRSU罗索(多⽶尼加)Roseau DOAZU阿苏阿(多⽶尼加共和国)Azua DOBCC博卡奇卡(多⽶尼加共和国)Boca Chica DOBRX巴拉奥纳(多⽶尼加共和国)Barahona DOCBJ卡沃罗霍(多⽶尼加共和国)Cabo Rojo DOHAI海纳(多⽶尼加共和国)Rio Haina DOLRM拉罗马纳(多⽶尼加共和国)La Romana DOMAN 曼萨尼约(多⽶尼加共和国)Manzanillo DOPAL帕伦克(多⽶尼加共和国)Palenque DOPOP普拉塔港(多⽶尼加共和国)Puerto Plata DOSAM萨马纳(多⽶尼加共和国)Samana DOSDQ圣多明各(多⽶尼加共和国)Santo Domingo DOSNZ 桑切斯(多⽶尼加共和国)SanchezSan Pedro de Macoris DOSPM圣佩得罗德马科⾥斯(多⽶尼加共和DZAAE安纳巴(阿尔及利亚)AnnabaDZAZW阿尔泽(阿尔及利亚)ArziwDZBJA贝贾亚(阿尔及利亚)BejaiaDZBSF贝尼萨夫(阿尔及利亚)BenisafDZCHE舍尔沙勒(阿尔及利亚)CherchellDZCOL科洛(阿尔及利亚)ColloDZDEL代利斯(阿尔及利亚)DellysDZGHA加扎韦特(阿尔及利亚)GhazawetDZJIJ吉杰利(阿尔及利亚)JijelDZMES莫斯塔加内姆(阿尔及利亚)MestghanemDZSKI斯基克达(阿尔及利亚)SkikdaDZTEN提奈斯(阿尔及利亚)TenesECBHA卡拉克斯湾(厄⽠多尔)Bahia de Caraguez ECEBL巴诺特⽶拉尔(厄⽠多尔)Balao Terminal ECESM埃斯梅拉达斯(厄⽠多尔)EsmeraldasECGYE⽠亚基尔(厄⽠多尔)GuayaquilECLLD拉利伯塔德(厄⽠多尔)La LibertadECMEC曼塔(厄⽠多尔)MantaECPBO玻利⽡尔港(厄⽠多尔)Puerto Bolivar ECSLR圣洛伦索(厄⽠多尔)San Lorenzo ECSNC萨利纳斯(厄⽠多尔)SalinasEENAJ纳尔⽡约埃苏(爱沙尼亚)Narva JoesuuEGADA阿代⽐耶(埃及)AdabiyaEGAIS艾因苏赫纳(埃及)Ain sukhnaEGAZA阿布宰尼迈(埃及)Abu ZenimaEGDAM杜姆亚特(埃及)DamiettaEGKOS库赛尔(埃及)KosseirEGMAH哈姆拉港(埃及)Mersa El Hamra EGMMA马特鲁港(埃及)Mersa Matruh EGPIB易⼘拉欣港(埃及)Port IbrahimEGPSD塞得港(埃及)Port SaidEGPTK陶菲克港(埃及)Port TewfikEGRAG拉斯加⾥⼘(埃及)Ras GharibEGRSH喇斯舒海尔(埃及)Ras Shukheir EGSGA萨法贾(埃及)SafagaEGSKR西迪基⾥尔(埃及)Sidi KerirEGSLM塞卢姆(埃及)SalumEGSUZ苏伊⼠(埃及)SuezEGWAF⽡迪费兰(埃及)Wadi FeiranEHDAK达赫拉(西撒哈拉)DakhlaEHLAA欧云(西撒哈拉)LaayouneESADR阿德拉(西班⽛)AdraESAGP马拉加(西班⽛)MalagaESAGU阿吉拉斯(西班⽛)AguilasESALD阿尔库迪亚(西班⽛)AlcudiaESALG阿尔赫西拉斯(西班⽛)AlgecirasESAVS阿维莱斯(西班⽛)AvilesESBCN巴塞罗那(西班⽛)BarcelonaESBIO毕尔巴鄂(西班⽛)BilbaoESBRL布雷拉(西班⽛)BurelaESBRX布⾥亚纳(西班⽛)BurrianaESCAD加的斯(西班⽛)CadizESCAR卡塔赫纳(西班⽛)CartagenaESCAS卡斯特利翁(西班⽛)CastellonESCCN科尔库维翁(西班⽛)CorcubionESCFI菲⼒斯特⾥(西班⽛)Cape Finistrerre ESCIL锡列罗(西班⽛)CilleroESCUR乌迪亚莱斯堡(西班⽛)Castro Urdiales ESDNA德尼亚(西班⽛)DeniaESESC埃斯孔布雷阿斯(西班⽛)Escombreras Harbour ESFER费罗尔(西班⽛)FerrolESGAN刚迪亚(西班⽛)GandiaESGAR加鲁查(西班⽛)GarruchaESGIJ希洪(西班⽛)GijonESHUV韦尔⽡(西班⽛)HuelvaESIBZ伊维萨(西班⽛)IbizaESJAV哈韦阿(西班⽛)JaveaESLCA拉卡莱拉(西班⽛)La CaleraESLEI阿尔梅⾥亚(西班⽛)AlmeriaESLPA拉斯帕尔马斯(⼤西洋群岛)Las PalmasESLUA卢阿尔卡(西班⽛)LuarcaESMOT莫特⾥尔(西班⽛)MotrilESMRS穆罗斯(西班⽛)MurosESMZO马萨龙(西班⽛)MazarronESPAS帕萨赫斯(西班⽛)PasajesESPOR波图加莱特(西班⽛)PortugaleteESPSO萨尔塔卡⽡略(西班⽛)Punta Saltacabllo ESRBS⾥⽡德塞利亚(西班⽛)RibadesellaESROS罗萨斯(西班⽛)RosasESROT罗塔(西班⽛)RotaESSAG萨贡托(西班⽛)SaguntoESSCI圣西普⾥安(西班⽛)San CiprianESSCR圣卡洛斯(西班⽛)San CarlosESSDR桑坦德(西班⽛)SantanderESSEO圣埃斯特班(西班⽛)San Esteban de Pravi ESSFO圣费尔南多(西班⽛)San FernandoESSFU圣费⾥乌德古绍尔斯(西班⽛)San Feliu de Guixols ESSOL索列尔(西班⽛)SollerESTAR塔拉⼽纳(西班⽛)TarragonaESTOR托雷维耶哈(西班⽛)TorreviejaESVGO维哥(西班⽛)VigoESVIL维利亚加西(西班⽛)VillagarciaESVIV⽐韦罗(西班⽛)ViveroESVLC巴伦西亚(西班⽛)Valencia ETMAS马萨⽡(埃塞俄⽐亚)Massawa FIBAR巴罗⽣特(芬兰)Barosund FIDEG代格⽐(芬兰)Degerby FIHEL赫尔⾟基(芬兰)Helsinki FIHKO汉科(芬兰)Hanko FIHMN哈⽶纳(芬兰)Hamina FIINK因科(芬兰)InkooFIISN伊斯奈斯(芬兰)IsnasFIKAS卡斯基宁(芬兰)Kaskinen FIKEM凯⽶(芬兰)KemiFIKOK科科拉(芬兰)Kokkola FIKTK科特卡(芬兰)KotkaFIKVH科维尔哈(芬兰)Koverhar FILOV洛维萨(芬兰)Loviisa FIMER梅⾥卡尔维亚(芬兰)Merikarvia FIMHQ玛丽港(芬兰)Mariehamn FIMTO曼蒂卢奥托(芬兰)Mantyluoto FINLI楠塔利(芬兰)Naantali FIOUL奥鲁(芬兰)OuluFIPAR柏尔加斯(芬兰)Pargas FIPAT帕特尼安密(芬兰)Pateniemi FIPOH斯库卢(芬兰)SkuruFIPRS⽪耶塔尔萨⾥(芬兰)Pietarsaari FIPRV波尔沃(芬兰)Porvoo FIRAA拉赫(芬兰)RaaheFIRAU劳马(芬兰)RaumaFIREP雷波萨⾥(芬兰)Reposaari FISMC塞马运河(芬兰)Saimaa Canal FITAI塔⽶萨⾥(芬兰)Tammisaari FITKS托基斯(芬兰)Toikis FITKU图尔库(芬兰)TurkuFITOP托⽐拉(芬兰)Toppila FITOR托尔尼奥(芬兰)Tornio FIVAA⽡萨(芬兰)VaasaFIVAS⽡斯克尔良托(芬兰)Vaskiluoto FIVEI卫特什露⼟(芬兰)Veitsiluoto FIWAL⽡尔卡姆(芬兰)Walkom FIYKS伊克斯⽪拉雅(芬兰)Ykspihlaja FJELL埃灵顿(斐济)Ellington FJLAM兰巴萨(斐济)Lambasa FJLEV累武卡(斐济)Levuka FJLTK劳托卡(斐济)Lautoka FJSUV苏⽡(斐济)SuvaFJSVU萨武萨武湾(斐济)Savusavu Bay FJVAT⽡提亚⾓(斐济)Vatia Point FKSTA斯坦利(马尔维纳斯群岛)Stanley FOKVI克拉克斯维克(法罗群岛)Klaksvig FOTHO托尔斯港(法罗群岛)Thorshavn FOTRA特朗斯⽡格(法罗群岛)Trangisvaag FOTVO特⽡罗伊⾥(法罗群岛)Tvoroyri FOVAG⽡格(法罗群岛)Vaag FOVES韦斯特门港(法罗群岛)Vestmanhavn FRABB阿布维尔(法国)Abbeville FRAJA阿维克修(法国)Ajaccio FRANT昂蒂布(法国)Antibes FRARC阿尔卡雄(法国)Arcachon FRATR昂蒂弗(法国)Antifer FRBAS巴森(法国)Bassens FRBAY巴约讷(法国)Bayonne FRBEC贝克德阿姆⽐斯(法国)Bec d'Ambes FRBES布雷斯特(法国)Brest FRBIA巴斯蒂亚(法国)Bastia FRBOD波尔多(法国)Bordeaux FRBON博尼法乔(法国)Bonifacio FRBYE布莱(法国)Blaye FRCAM卡马雷(法国)Camaret FRCEQ戛纳(法国)Cannes FRCER瑟堡(法国)Cherbourg FRCLY卡尔维(法国)Calvi FRCOC孔卡尔诺(法国)Concarneau FRCQF加来(法国)Calais FRDAH达乌埃(法国)Dahouet FRDKK敦刻尔克(法国)Dunkirk FRDOL多维尔(法国)Deauville FRDON栋⽇(法国)Donges FRDPE迪耶普(法国)Dieppe FRETA埃塔普勒(法国)Etaples FRFEC费康(法国)Fecamp FRFOS福斯(法国)FosFRGFR格兰维尔(法国)Granville FRGRV格拉沃利讷(法国)Gravelines FRHON翁弗勒尔(法国)Honfleur FRIRO伊尔鲁斯(法国)Ile Rousse FRLAV拉⽡拉(法国)Lavera FRLCT拉西约塔(法国)La Ciotat FRLDN朗代诺(法国)Landerneau FRLEH阿弗尔(法国)Havre FRLGU勒吉尔多(法国)Le Guildo FRLIB利布尔讷(法国)Libourne FRLNO拉努韦勒(法国)La Nouvelle FRLOC洛克蒂迪(法国)Loctudy FRLPE拉帕利斯(法国)La Pallice FRLRH拉罗谢尔(法国)La Rochelle。
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世界各个国家首都名称简介亚洲国家coun try 首都(capita l)阿富汗 Afghan istan喀布尔 Kabul孟加拉国 Bangla desh达卡 Dhaka不丹 Bhutan廷布 Thimph u缅甸 Burma仰光 Rangoo n柬埔寨 Cambod ia 金边 PhnomPenh中国 China北京 Beijin g/香港 Hong Kong/台湾 Taiwan/澳门 Macau印度 India新德里 New Delhi印度尼西亚Indone sia 雅加达 Jakart a日本 Japan东京 Tokyo老挝 Laos 万象 Vienti ane马来西亚 Malays ia 吉隆坡 KualaLumpur马尔代夫 Maldiv es 马累 Male (Maale)蒙古 Mongol ia 乌兰巴托 Ulaanb aatar尼泊尔 Nepal加德满都 Kathma ndu朝鲜 NorthKorea平壤 P'yongya ng巴基斯坦 Pakist an 伊斯兰堡 Islama bad菲律宾共和国 Philip pines马尼拉 Manila新加坡 Singap ore 新加坡 Singap ore韩国 SouthKorea首尔 Seoul斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka科伦坡 Colomb o泰国 Thaila nd 曼谷土耳其 Turkey安卡拉 Ankara越南 Vietna m 河内 Hanoi文莱斯里巴加湾市巴勒斯坦 Palest ine 无锡金 Sikkim甘托克欧洲阿尔巴尼亚Albani a 地拉那 Tirana奥地利 Austri a 维也纳 Vienna比利时 Belgiu m 布鲁塞尔 Brusse ls保加利亚 Bulgar ia 索非亚 Sofia克罗地亚 Croati a 萨格勒布 Zagreb塞浦路斯 Cyprus尼克西亚 Nicosi a丹麦 Denmar k 哥本哈根 Copenh agen芬兰 Finlan d 赫尔辛基 Helsin ki法国 France巴黎 Paris德国 German y 柏林 Berlin希腊 Greece雅典 Athens匈牙利 Hungar y 布达佩斯 Budape st冰岛 Icelan d 雷克亚未克Reykja vik爱尔兰 Irelan d 都柏林 Dublin意大利 Italy罗马 Rome列支敦士登Liecht enste in 瓦杜兹 Vaduz卢森堡 Luxemb ourg卢森堡 Luxemb ourg马其顿 Macedo nia Skopje马耳他 Malta瓦莱塔 Vallet ta摩纳哥 Monaco摩纳哥 Monaco荷兰 Nether lands阿姆斯特丹Amster dam挪威 Norway奥斯陆 Oslo波兰 Poland华沙 Warsaw葡萄牙 Portug al 里斯本 Lisbon罗马尼亚 Romani a 布加勒斯特Buchar est俄罗斯 Russia莫斯科 Moscow圣马利诺 San Marino圣马力诺 San Marino斯洛文尼亚Sloven ia Ljublj ana西班牙 Spain马德里 Madrid瑞典 Sweden斯德哥尔摩Stockh olm瑞士 Switze rland伯尔尼 Bern大不列颠联合王国 United Kingdo m伦敦 London南斯拉夫 Yugosl avia贝尔格莱德Belgra de大洋洲国家(countr y) 首都(capita l)澳大利亚 Austra lien堪培拉 Canber ra斐济 Fidsch i 苏瓦 Suwa基里巴斯 Kiriba ti 塔拉瓦 Tarawa瑙鲁 Nauru亚伦 Yaren新西兰 Neusee land惠灵顿 Wellin gton巴布亚新几内亚莫尔兹比港Moreab y汤加 Tonga努库阿洛法Nuku′alofa瓦努阿图 Vanuat u 维拉港 Vila西萨摩亚 Westsa moa 阿皮亚 Apia美洲国家(Countr y) 首都(capita l)安圭拉岛 Anguil la The Valley安提瓜岛An tigua and Barbud a 圣约翰 SaintJohn's阿根廷 Argent ina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires巴哈马 The Bahama s 拿骚 Nassau巴巴多斯岛Barbad os 布里奇顿 Bridge town伯利兹 Belize贝尔莫潘 Belmop an百慕大群岛Bermud a 哈密尔顿 Hamilt on玻利维亚 Bolivi a 拉巴斯 La Paz巴西 Brazil巴西利亚 Brasil ia加拿大 Canada温哥华 Ottawa智利 Chile圣地亚哥 Santia go哥伦比亚 Colomb ia 巴哥达 Bogota哥斯达黎加CostaRica 圣约瑟 San Jose古巴 Cuba 哈瓦那 Havana厄瓜多尔 Ecuado r 基多 Quito萨尔瓦多 El Salvad or 圣萨尔瓦多San Salvad or 格陵兰 Greenl and Nuuk (Godtha b)格林纳达 Grenad a 圣乔治 SaintGeorge's瓜德罗普岛Guadel oupe巴斯特尔 Basse-Terre危地马拉 Guatem ala 危地马拉 Guatem ala圭亚那 Guyana乔治敦 George town海地 Haiti太子港 Port-au-Prince洪都拉斯 Hondur as 特古巴加尔巴 Teguci galpa 牙买加 Jamaic a 金斯敦 Kingst on马提尼克岛Martin ique法兰西堡 Fort-de-France 墨西哥 Mexico墨西哥城 Mexico尼加拉瓜 Nicara gua 马那瓜 Managu a 巴拿马 Panama巴拿马城 Panama巴拉圭 Paragu ay 亚松森 Asunci on秘鲁 Peru 利马 Lima美国 United States华盛顿 Washin gton, DC乌拉圭 Urugua y 蒙得维的亚Montev ideo委内瑞拉 Venezu ela 加拉加斯 Caraca s非洲国家(Countr y) 首都(capita l)阿尔及利亚Algeri a 阿尔及尔 Algier s安哥拉 Angola罗安达 Luanda贝宁 Benin波多诺夫 Porto-Novo博茨瓦纳 Botswa na 哈伯罗内 Gaboro ne布隆迪 Burund i 布琼布拉 Bujumb ura喀麦隆 Camero on 雅温得 Yaound e乍得 Chad 恩贾梅纳 N'Djamen a刚果共和国CongoRep. 布拉柴维尔Brazza ville吉布提共和国 Djibou ti 吉布提 Djibou ti埃及 Egypt开罗 Cairo赤道几内亚E quato rialGuinea马拉博 Malabo厄立特里亚Eritre a 阿斯马拉 Asmara埃塞俄比亚Ethiop ia 亚的斯亚贝巴 AddisAbaba加蓬 Gabon利伯维尔 Librev ille冈比亚 The Gambia班珠尔 Banjul加纳 Ghana阿克拉 Accra几内亚 Guinea科纳克里 Conakr y几内亚比绍共和国比绍 BissauGuinea-Bissau肯尼亚 Kenya内罗毕 Nairob i莱索托 Lesoth o 马塞卢 Maseru利比里亚 Liberi a 蒙罗维亚 Monrov ia利比亚 Libya的黎波里 Tripol i马达加斯加Madaga sca 安塔那利佛Antana nariv o马拉维 Malawi利隆圭 Lilong we马里 Mali 巴马科 Bamako毛里求斯 Maurit ius 路易港 Port Louis毛里塔尼亚Maurit ania努瓦克肖特Nouakc hott摩洛哥 Morocc o 拉巴特 Rabat莫桑比克 Mozamb ique马普托 Maputo纳米比亚 Namibi a 温得和克 Windho ek尼日尔 Niger尼亚美 Niamey尼日利亚 Nigeri a 拉各斯 Abuja刚果民主共和国(扎伊尔)金沙萨 Kinsha saRepubl ic of the Congo卢旺达 Rwanda基加利 Kigali圣多美及普林西比民主共和国圣多美 Sao Tomei peSao Tome and Princ塞内加尔 Senega l 达喀尔 Dakar塞舌尔 Seyche lles维多利亚 Victor ia塞拉里昂 Sierra Leone弗里敦 Freeto wn索马里 Somali a 摩加迪沙 Mogadi shu南非 SouthAfrica比勒陀利亚P retor ia苏丹 Sudan喀土穆 Kharto um斯威士兰 Swazil and 姆巴巴内 Mbaban e坦桑尼亚 Tanzan ia 达累斯萨拉姆 Dar es Salaam 多哥 Togo 洛美 Lome突尼斯 Tunisi a 突尼斯 Tunis乌干达 Uganda坎帕拉 Kampal a西撒哈拉 Wester n Sahara无赞比亚 Zambia卢萨卡 Lusaka津巴布韦 Zimbab we 索尔兹伯里Harare。
介绍阿拉善的英语高中作文Alxa, a Land of Wonders in the Heart of the Gobi DesertNestled in the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert, Alxa is a captivating region that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and historical significance. As an autonomous prefecture in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, Alxa is a land of contrasts, where the harsh yet stunning desert landscape coexists with thriving oases and vibrant communities.One of the most striking features of Alxa is its diverse and awe-inspiring natural environment. The Gobi Desert, which covers a large portion of the region, is a mesmerizing landscape of undulating sand dunes, towering rock formations, and sparse vegetation that has been sculpted by the relentless winds over millennia. Visitors to Alxa can embark on thrilling adventures, such as camel trekking through the dunes or exploring the otherworldly rock formations of the Yadan National Geopark, where the erosive forces of nature have created a surreal and otherworldly terrain.Beyond the desert, Alxa is home to a network of oases that serve as verdant sanctuaries amidst the arid surroundings. These oases, fed by underground water sources, support a rich and diverse ecosystem, including lush forests, vibrant wetlands, and a variety of wildlife. The Badain Jaran Desert, a UNESCO World Heritage site located within Alxa, is particularly renowned for its towering sand dunes and the mysterious lakes that dot the landscape, reflecting the sky in a mesmerizing display of natural beauty.The cultural heritage of Alxa is equally captivating, with a deep-rooted connection to the traditions and customs of the Mongolian people. The region is home to numerous Mongolian settlements, where visitors can immerse themselves in the nomadic way of life, witnessing the herding of livestock, the weaving of intricate textiles, and the performance of traditional music and dance. The Alxa League Museum in the city of Alxa Left Banner offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history, showcasing ancient artifacts, traditional costumes, and the rich cultural legacy of the Mongolian people.One of the most iconic symbols of Alxa's cultural heritage is the Badain Jaran Temple, a remarkable complex of Buddhist monasteries nestled amidst the towering sand dunes. This ancient site, with its intricate architecture and serene atmosphere, serves as a testament to the region's long-standing spiritual traditions and the enduringinfluence of Tibetan Buddhism in the area.In addition to its natural wonders and cultural heritage, Alxa is also home to a vibrant and resilient local community. The people of Alxa have adapted to the challenges of the desert environment, developing innovative agricultural techniques and sustainable livelihoods that allow them to thrive in this harsh yet captivating landscape. From the herders who tend to their livestock in the vast grasslands to the artisans who create intricate handicrafts, the people of Alxa are a testament to the human spirit and the power of resilience.As a region that has long been shaped by the forces of nature and the traditions of its people, Alxa offers a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors. Whether you're drawn to the awe-inspiring natural beauty of the Gobi Desert, the rich cultural heritage of the Mongolian people, or the resilience and ingenuity of the local community, Alxa is a destination that will leave a lasting impression on all who visit.In conclusion, Alxa is a remarkable region that epitomizes the beauty, diversity, and resilience of the Gobi Desert. From its stunning natural landscapes to its vibrant cultural traditions, Alxa is a land of wonder that deserves to be explored and celebrated. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply someone in search ofa truly unique and unforgettable experience, Alxa is a destination that will captivate and inspire you.。
3,820 3,350 4,290 3,790 4,050 3,570 4,520 4,040 3,750 3,270 4,040 3,550 4,250 3,770
2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350 2,370 2,370 2,370 2,370 2,370 2,370
2,990 4,240 2,170
Optional Arrangement
Tour A (Min. 2 paxs): Sapi Island Day Trip with BBQ Lunch (Incl. Entrance Fee to Sapi Island, Jetty Fee & BBQ Fee) 沙比島一日遊連燒烤午餐 (包沙比島門票、碼頭費、燒烤費)
City Hotel: HK$490/person Nexus Resort Karambunai: HK$490/person Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort: HK$490/person
Tour E (Min. 2 paxs): 60 minutes of Aromatherapy Body Massage 60 分鐘全身肌肉鬆弛按摩
Ocean Wing Deluxe Seaview
Borneo Garden Deluxe - Seaview
Validity 有效日期
11Apr, 29Apr-07May 12-28Apr, 08May-15Jun
11Apr, 29Apr-07May 12-28Apr, 08May-15Jun
11Apr, 29Apr-07May 12-28Apr, 08May-15Jun
Agri Ishak Pasha Palace Though named as a "palace," the Ishak Pasha palace is more a kulliye. The palace is the most famous building after the Topkapi palace built in the 18th Century, during the Lale period, in the classical style. The building is located on the slopes of a hill 5 km. From the Dogubeyazit town. Besides displaying one of the finest examples of the Ottoman architecture, the palace is also known for its diverse history. According to the inscription on the Takkapi gate in the Harem quarter, the palace is built in 1199 Hicri (the Moslem calendar), or 1784 A.D. The building hovers on firm, stony ground because of its location on a slope. Although the palace is located within the centre of the Dogu Beyazit region, three sides of the building (the northern, western, and southern sides) are surrounded by steep rocks. The only access to the palace is through a slightly flat pass. The main gate, the Cumle gate, of the palace is erected against this pass. Since the palace is erected at a time when the castles lost their geographical advantage and when firearms began to be used instead of the sword, the palace's eastern wing defense is weak. The Cumle gate is made of traditionally carved and sculptured stone. Not many palaces built in the classical Turkish architectural style are left today. The Ishak Pasa Palace is one of them. The Carain Cave The cave is located 27 km. From Antalya at the Katran Mountains. The cave is a natural formation and was inhabited during the prehistoric ages (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, chalcolithic). The cave yielded skeletons and objects, like dressed stone tools and weapons, processed flintstones, that shed light on life in the prehistoric ages. The Bust of Alexander the Great The bust of Alexander the Great was discovered during the excavation of Pergamum. The bust found in Pergamum is part of a copy of the original statue of Alexander, a work by Lysippos, the personal sculptor of Alexander the Great. The bust dates from the 3rd Century B.C. The original Lysippos statue of Alexander has never been found, instead, there are several copies of the statue made in Greek and Roman periods. The Pergamum bust, the only piece remaining from the statue, is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Relief on Ivriz Hill The relief can be found at the spring of the Ivriz stream, 12 km. From Eregli - Konya. The 6.08 metres high relief was a religious sanctuary which dates back to the Late Hittite period in the 8th Century B.C. and depicts king Warpalavas giving offerings to Santaj, the Hittite god of fertility. For more information about the Hittites please refer to the Yazilikaya section of this site. Anadoluhisari Fortress Anadoluhisari on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus is the oldest Turkish building in Istanbul. It was constructed by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid I Yildirim in 1395, and later enlarged by Mehmet II (1451-1481) who built the outer walls. At the centre is a 25 m high square tower of four storeys, surrounded by a 20 m high wall 1.5 m thick in the form of an irregular pentagon. The 2 m thick outer wall measures 80 m from north to south and 65 m from east to west. As well as accommodation for the garrison the fortress contained its own mosque. Van Castle The Urartians constructed dozens of castles in this mountainous region of eastern Turkey, such as Toprakkale, Kalecik, Cavustepe, Edremit, Asagi Anfaz, Yukari Anfaz, Zengibar, Muradiye, Kecikiran, Hosap, Agarti, Delicay and Zernakitepe. The most important of all is undoubtedly Van Castle, which was built in the year 834 BC by King Sardur I of Urartu. The northern side rests against steep slopes and to the south are rocky cliffs. The castle measures 1800 m long by 1200 m wide, and within its walls are many royal tombs and inscriptions. Four walls surround the castle, two of Urartian construction, and two built nearly two thousand years later by the Akkoyunlu and Ottomans. In front of the north walls is an open air temple carved into the rock, and within the walls are a mosque, medrese, barracks and cisterns. Sultan Han (Alaeddin Kervansarai) The kervansarai is located in the town of Sultanhani, 40 km. From Aksaray. The han is one of the best examples of Selcuq architecture. As the greatest han built during the Selcuq period, it was construv-cted by Alaeddin Keykubat I. In 1229. The han was renovated and expanded to a greater size in 1278 after a fire broke out. The architecture of the han is Muhammed bin Havlan el-Dimiski. The han is built on a plan of 50x110 m., and consists of a winter and a summer residence. The most significant part of the han are the reliefs on the Main Gate. Grand Bazaar Throughout the Byzantine period, the grand bazaar was a hectic open air centre for trade. Mehmet II. Continued thistradition but added two covered bedesten (the older version of the modern shopping malls today). The bazaar extended to an even greater scale by Suleyman I. (1520-1566). The last additions of bedesten shops in the bazaar were made in 1701. Misir Carsisi (Egyptian Bazaar) The Egyptian Bazaar (Misir Carsisi) It is the second covered bazaar of Istan- bul. Was built during the era of Mehmet IV, in compliance with the request of Queen Mother Hatice Turhan. Built in 1660 by the architect Kasim Aga as part of the Yeni Camii Mosque Complex, the bazaar lies today next to the mosque. The bazaar has an 'L' shape with six gates and 86 shops operating in the bazaar today. Kizkalesi The Castle of Korykos on shore faces another fort, Kizkalesi (Maiden's Castle), that stands on a tiny island 200 meters offshore. Formerly a sea wall joined the two fortresses. The Maiden's Castle is located 60 km. From Mersin, near the Erdemli town. It is assumed that the castle originally had a road connecting the castle to the mainland. The road eroded with time and the the castle remains separated from the mainland. The Maiden's Castle, together with the Castle of Korykos, were built in the IV. Century B.C. by the Greek settlers to prevent assaults to the city of Korykos from the sea. The city of Korykos remained an important harbour in Southeastern Meditteranean until the XIII. Century A.D. The castle passed into Turkish hands when it was conquered by Ibrahim Bey of the Karamanoglu Principality in 1448 and was extensively renovated. The castle has a circumference of 900 m and eight towers.。
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Glosari Istilah Gaya Bahasa
1. Anafora
-pengulangan kata pada awal baris.
Tiap insan mengecap nikmat merdeka,
Tiap saat menghirup segar uadara kebebasan,
2. Epifora
-pengulangan perkataan pada akhir baris.
Fajar hilang ditelan sibuk kota,
Tawaku kemarau di dada kota.
3. Responsif
-pengulangan kata pada tengah baris.
Kemerdekaan adalah milik kami,
Kebebasan adalah impian semua,
4. Hiperbola
-gaya bahasa perbandingan yang menggambarkan sesuatu secara berlebihan-lebihan.
Darah mengalir menganak sungai,
Dia berendam air mata.
5. Hybrid
-penggabungan dua patah kata.
Contoh: menyinarresap, sedihpilu.
6. Inversi
-pembalikan kata iaitu urutan kata yang menyimpang daripada kebiasaan supaya menjadi baris yang lebih menarik dan menghasilkan kesan tertentu. Contoh:terasa sekali dingin angin.
7. Metafora
-gabungan kata yang menerbitkan makna yang lain daripada makna asal. Pada kebiasaannya, mengandungi 2 patah perkataan gabungan kata konkrit dan abstrak.
Contoh: jentera ingatan, gunung harapan,fajar cemerlang.
8. Personifikasi
- gaya bahasa perbandingan yang memberikan sifat manusia kepada benda,haiwan dan tumbuhan.
Contoh: hatiku dimamah sepi, mentari tersenyum riang.
9. Simbolik
-juga dikenali sebagai perlambangan. Melukiskan sesuatu dengan menggunakan benda lain sebagai lambang.
Contoh:’merpati’ melambangkan ‘kebebasan’ dan ‘gunung’ melambangkan ‘cita-cita.’
10. Simile
- gaya bahasa perbandingan yang digunakan untuk membandingkan sesuatu yang lain dengan menggunakan kata-kata perbandingan iaitu umpama,bak,bagai,macam,laksana.
Contoh: ibuku bagaikan pelita, dia berjalan laju seperti angin
11. Perbandingan terus
Gaya bahasa perbandingan yang tidak menggunakan kata bak, seperti, bagaikan, umpama, macam, laksana.
Contoh: tanahair adalah ibundaku, guruku mentari bersinar.
12. Sinkof
-kata singkatan seperti nak, saja, kau, tak, dah.
13. Kata ganda
- kata yang digandakan seperti rumah-rumah, bukit-bukau, warna-warni, daun-daun.
14. Alusi
- penggunaan nama tokoh manusia dengan membawa maksud tertentu. Contoh: Dengan langkah Hang Tuah, dia melonjakkan nama negara.
15. Asonansi
– pengulangan bunyi vokal dalam baris.
Contoh: [asonansi a] mereka mencipta jaya.
16. Aliterasi – pengulangan bunyi konsonan dalam baris. Contohnya, aliterasi k, akan kukendong impian keluarga.。