



模块综合检测试题Ⅰ.语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l - 20各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

出处:2016年江西省赣中南五校高三上学期第三次联合考试(期末)新鲜度★★★★★难度★★★☆☆话题身残志坚生活强音关键词bravely体裁夹叙夹议短文词数 285 建议时间 15分钟正确率 /20I went to India for a 2-week vacation to visit my relatives. We stopped on a red light, and as always, there were a lot of activities outside the cars near the 1 . People walked in, between the cars 2 newspaper, water and a number of kids looked for a bit of charity from the car owners. It’s a familiar 3 in most poor developing countries.While we were 4 for the red light to turn green, I noticed a man outside a couple of 5 in front of ours trying to sell bottles of water. It’s 6 unusual at first. He was a man in his 40s with relatively 7 clothes. But he walked around in a strange way. He kind of 8 his way around the spaces. He was blind.Carrying a couple of water bottles on one hand, he 9 got to the outside of our car. Out of 10 , my mum decided to buy one water bottle. As she gave the man the money, the light turned green. The car behind sounded loudly and 11 , trying to get ahead of traffic. Seeing this, my mum kindly told the man to 12 the change. However, with his 13 sense of touch, he quickly went through his shirt pocket and threw the money at my mum’s 14 . It was the exact change. The cars behind us were really getting out of control, 15 we decided to go on our way.I broke down and even 16 when I got home. Here’s a blind man, born in 17 , trying to sell water bottles on the streets to make ends meet. He 18 our sympathy. Life hasn’t been 19 to him, yet he’s giving it his best shot. I think that is what 20 is all about facing life bravely.1. A. signs B. crossroads C. stations D. theatres2. A. giving B. buying C. selling D. throwing3. A. scene B. play C. activity D. street4. A. watching B. asking C. waiting D. changing5. A. blocks B. crossings C. turns D. cars6. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing7. A. expensive B. fashionable C. ragged D. fastened8. A. pushed B. drove C. cleared D. felt9. A. eventually B. quickly C. frequently D. happily10. A. curiosity B. sympathy C. thirsty D. politeness11. A. impatiently B. casually C. naturally D. carefully12. A. keep B. return C. borrow D. count13. A. poor B. superior C. limited D. enlarged14. A. hand B. arm C. face D. lap15. A. still B. yet C. so D. but16. A. smiled B. shouted C. complained D. cried17. A. pain B. poverty C. sadness D. loneliness18. A. refused B. enjoyed C. doubted D. cheated19. A. rich B. unfair C. kind D. bad20. A. kindness B. courage C. experience D. challenge【读后反馈】Ⅰ. 靓词charity n.慈善relatively adv.相对地Ⅱ. 难句1. While we were waiting for the red light to turn green, I noticed a man outside a couple of cars in front of ours trying to sell bottles of water.本句是复合句。



第一单元素质升级检测(本试卷满分150分,测试时间150分钟)第Ⅰ卷(选择题30分,每小题3分)一、(12分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音有误的一项是( )A.喝.(hè)彩剜.心(wān)彤.云(tóng) 央浼.(měi)B.塑.(sù)造角隅.(yú)歇憩.(qì) 睨.视(ní)C.讥诮.(qiào) 怂.恿(sǒng)滑稽.(jī) 撮.合(cuō)D.娇嗔.(chēn) 辗轧.(yà)颤.栗(zhàn) 蠕.动(rú)【答案】B(“睨”音为nì。

)2.下列词语的书写有误的一组是( )A.消耗庇佑朔风碎琼乱玉B.祈祷谗言辖制战战兢兢C.干躁蚱蜢抿嘴呐喊助威D.盘旋皱褶磨蹭撼天动地【答案】C(干躁→干燥。

)3.下列各句中,有语病的一项是( )A.围绕林冲的遭遇,课文情节的展开张弛有致、波澜起伏,反映了林冲性格思想的变化过程。




【答案】C(否定不当)4.下列文学常识表述有误的一项是( )A.小说的三要素是指人物、情节、环境。






高三英语综合过关检测五 试题(共23页)

高三英语综合过关检测五 试题(共23页)





1. What book has the woman bought?A.A history book.B. An English book.C. A book for a music course.2. When will Susan come?A.4:30.B. 4:45.C.5:25.3. Where does the man live?A. In New York.B. In Washington D.C. C. In Boston.4. Why isn’t the woman going to the movie?A. She has seen it already.B. She hasn’t got a ticket.C. She has to go and see the doctor.5. What do we know about Bob?A. He often does his homework with others’ help.B. He is interested in maths.C. He often forgets his homework.第二节〔一共15小题,每一小题1.5分,满分是22.5分〕听下面5段对话或者独白。





kFeSO 4溶液高三年级一轮复习——非金属及其化合物测试题可能用到的相对原子质量:H —1 C —12 N —14 0—16 Na —23 Al —27 Cl —35. 5K-39Fe —56Zn-65Mg-24Ca-40一、选择题(每小题仅有1个选项符合题意,每题5分,共50分)1. 科学家提出硅是“21世纪的能源二这主要是巾于作为半导体材料的硅在太阳能发电过程中具有重要的作用。

下列关于硅的说法中错误的是() A.自然界硅的贮量丰富 B.自然界屮存在大量单质硅 C.高纯度的硅被用于制作计算机芯片D.光导纤维的主要成分是SiO 22. 下表所列各组物质中,物质Z 间通过一步反应就能实现如图所示转化的是()物质选项、a b cA Al AICI3 A1(OH )3BHNO 3 NO NO 2CSiSiO 2 H 2SiO 3 DCH 2=CH 2CH3CH2OHCH3CHO3. 下列实验过稈屮,始终无明显现象的是()A. NO?通入FeSC )4溶液中B. CO?通入CaCl 2溶液中C. NH3通入AlCb 溶液中D ・SO2通入已酸化的Ba (NO 3)2溶液中4.下列固体混合物与过量的稀H2SO4反应,能产生气泡并有沉淀生产的是()A. NaHCO 3 和 A1(OH )3B. BaCl 2 和 NaClC. HCIO3 和 K 2SO 4D. Na 2SO 3 和 BaCO 3S-32 Cu-64A B NaOH 溶液一苯D5.实验是研究化学的基础,下图中所示的实验方法、装置或操作完全正确的是()A.①②B.②③C.®@④10. 碳跟浓硫酸共热产生的气体X 和铜跟浓硝酸反应产生的气 有足量氯化顿溶液的洗气瓶中(如图装置),下列有关说法正 A. 洗气瓶屮产生的沉淀是碳酸顿 B. 从Z 导管出來的气体中无二氧化碳 C. 洗气瓶屮产生的沉淀是亚硫酸顿D. 在Z 导管口有红棕色气体出现 二.填空题(每空2分,共50分)11. 胃舒平主要成分是氢氧化铝,同时含有三硅酸镁(Mg 2Si 3O 8nH 2O)等化合物。



(人教版-第一轮)及答案:模块综合检测(一)(90分钟 100分)1(4分)关于布朗运动的说法正确的是( )A 布朗运动是液体分子的运动B 悬浮在液体中的颗粒越大,其布朗运动越明显布朗运动是悬浮颗粒内部分子无规则运动的反映D 悬浮在液体中的颗粒越小,液体温度越高,布朗运动越明显2(4分)在用油膜法估测分子直径大小的实验中,若已知油酸的摩尔质量为M ,一滴油酸溶液中含纯油酸质量为,一滴油酸溶液滴到水面上扩散后形成的纯油酸膜的最大面积为S ,阿伏加德罗常为N A ,纯油酸的密度为ρ,以上各量均采用国际单位制单位以下判断正确的是( )A 油酸分子的直径M d S=ρ B 油酸分子的质量AM m N =分子 一滴油酸溶液中所含的油酸分子A m n N M =D 每个油酸分子的体积Am V N =ρ 3(2012·宜昌模拟)(4分)在下列叙述中正确的是( )A 物体的温度越高,分子热运动越剧烈,分子平均动能越大B 布朗运动就是液体分子的热运动对一定质量的气体加热,其内能一定增加D 当分子间距r <r 0时,分子间斥力比引力变得快;当r >r 0时,引力比斥力变得快4(4分)设合力为零时分子间距为r 0,分子之间既有引力也有斥力,它们与分子间距的关系有以下说法,其中正确的是( )A 随着分子间距的增加,分子间的引力减小得快,斥力减小得慢B随着分子间距的增加,分子间的引力减小得慢,斥力减小得快时,距离越大,分子力越大分子间距大于r时,距离越小,分子力越大D分子间距小于r5(2011·新课标全国卷)(4分)对于一定量的想气体,下列说法正确的是( ) A若气体的压强和体积都不变,其内能也一定不变B若气体的内能不变,其状态也一定不变若气体的温度随时间不断升高,其压强也一定不断增大D气体温度每升高1 K所吸收的热量与气体经历的过程有关E当气体温度升高时,气体的内能一定增大[|||X|X|K]6(4分)如图所示,竖直圆筒是固定不动的,粗筒横截面积是细筒的3倍,细筒足够长,粗筒中A、B两轻质活塞间封有空气,气柱长L=20 c活塞A上方的水银深H=10 c,两活塞与筒壁间的摩擦不计,用外力向上托住活塞B,使之处于平衡状态,水银面与粗筒上端相平现使活塞B缓慢上移,直到水银的一半被推入细筒中,若大气压强p相当于75 c高的水银柱产生的压强,则此时气体的压强为( )A100 cHg B85 cHg95 cHg D75 cHg7(4分)装有半杯热水的茶杯旋紧盖子放冷后,再打开盖时比较费力,其主要原因是( )A因温度降低而导致茶杯内空气分子与盖子分子间的引力增大B杯内气体因温度降低而压强减小放冷后盖子与茶杯间的最大静摩擦力增大D开盖时需要用力做功补充因温度降低而使茶杯减少的内能8(2012·南通模拟)(4分)如图所示,带有活塞的汽缸中封闭着一定质量的想气体,汽缸与活塞均具有良好的绝热性能将一个热敏电阻置于汽缸中(热敏电阻的阻值随温度的升高而减小),热敏电阻与汽缸外的欧姆表连接,汽缸固定不动,缸内活塞可自由移动且不漏气,活塞下挂一沙桶,沙桶装满沙子时活塞恰好静止现将沙桶底部开一小孔使沙子缓慢漏出,下列说法正确的是( )A气体体积减小,压强增大B气体对外界做正功,气体内能减小外界对气体做正功,气体内能增大D欧姆表指针逐渐向右偏转9(4分)一定质量想气体的状态经历了如图所示的b、bc、cd、d四个过程,其中bc的延长线通过原点,cd垂直于b且与水平轴平行,d与bc平行,则气体体积在( )Ab过程中不断增加Bbc过程中保持不变cd过程中不断增加Dd过程中保持不变10(4分)如图是密闭的汽缸,外力推动活塞P压缩气体,对缸内气体做功800 J,同时气体向外界放热200 J,缸内气体的( )[,,]A温度升高,内能增加600 JB温度升高,内能减少200 J温度降低,内能增加600 JD温度降低,内能减少200 J11(4分)如图所示,一定质量的想气体密封在绝热(即与外界不发生热交换)容器中,容器内装有一可以活动的绝热活塞今对活塞施以一竖直向下的压力F,使活塞缓慢向下移动一段距离后,气体的体积减小若忽略活塞与容器壁间的摩擦力,则被密封的气体( )A温度升高,压强增大,内能减少B温度降低,压强增大,内能减少温度升高,压强增大,内能增加D温度降低,压强减小,内能增加12(4分)氧气钢瓶充气后压强高于外界大气压,假设缓慢漏气时瓶内外温度始终相等且保持不变,忽略氧气分子之间的相互作用,在该漏气过程中瓶内氧气( )A分子总减少,分子总动能不变B密度降低,分子平均动能不变吸收热量,膨胀做功D压强降低,不对外做功13(8分)(1)为了将空气装入气瓶内,现将一定质量的空气等温压缩,空气可视为想气体下列图象能正确表示该过程中空气的压强p和体积V关系的是___________(2)在将空气压缩装入气瓶的过程中,温度保持不变,外界做了24 J的功现潜水员背着该气瓶缓慢地潜入海底,若在此过程中,瓶中空气的质量保持不变,且放出了5 J的热量在上述两个过程中,空气的内能共减小___________J,空气___________ (选填“吸收”或“放出”)的总热量为___________J(3)已知潜水员在岸上和海底吸入空气的密度分别为13 g/3和21 g/3,空气的摩=602×1023-1若潜水员呼吸一次吸入2 L的尔质量为0029 g/,阿伏加德罗常NA空气,试估算潜水员在海底比在岸上每呼吸一次多吸入空气的分子(结果保留一位有效字)14(2012·太原模拟)(8分)(1)下列说法正确的是___________A液体表面层分子间距离大于液体内部分子间距离,液体表面存在张力B扩散运动就是布朗运动把很多小的单晶体放在一起,就变成了非晶体D第二类永动机虽然不违反能量守恒定律,但它违反了热力第二定律(2)图中A、B汽缸的长度和截面积均为30 c和 20 c2,是可在汽缸内无摩擦滑动的、体积不计的活塞,D为阀门整个装置均由导热材料制成起初阀门关闭,A内有压强pA =20×105P的氮气B内有压强pB=10×105P的氧气阀门打开后,活塞向右移动,最后达到平衡求:①活塞移动的距离及平衡后B中气体的压强;②活塞移动过程中A中气体是吸热还是放热(简要说明由)(假定氧气和氮气均为想气体,连接汽缸的管道体积可忽略)15(2012·镇江模拟)(9分)(1)下列说法正确的是___________(填写选项前的字母)A压缩气体需要做功,说明气体分子间存在斥力B用手捏面包,面包体积会缩小,说明分子间有空隙温度相同的氢气和氧气,氢气分子的平均动能和氧气分子的相同D夏天荷叶上小水珠呈球形,是由于液体表面张力使其表面积具有收缩到最小趋势的缘故(2)如图所示为一沾有肥皂膜的闭合金属框,若将膜面上棉线圈内部的膜戳破后,棉线圈会被拉成圆形,这是因为___________的作用;与戳破前相比,肥皂膜的内能___________(选填“增加”、“减少”或“不变”)[](3)如图所示,一边长为L的立方体容器内充有密度为ρ的某种气体,已知该气体的摩尔质量为μ,阿伏加德罗常为NA,求容器内气体的分子[XXK]16(2012·泰安模拟)(9分)(1)给旱区送水的消防车停于水平面,在缓缓放水的过程中,若车胎不漏气,胎内气体温度不变,不计分子势能,则胎内气体( ) A 从外界吸热B 对外界做负功 分子平均动能减少 D 内能增加(2)气体温度计结构如图所示玻璃测温泡A 内充有想气体,通过细玻璃管B 和水银压强计相连开始时A 处于冰水混合物中,左管中水银面在O 点处,右管D 中水银面高出O 点1=14 c 后放入待测恒温槽中,上下移动D ,使左管中水银面在O 点处,测得右管D 中水银面高出O 点2=44 c(已知外界大气压为1个标准大气压,1标准大气压相当于76 cHg)①求恒温槽的温度②此过程A 内气体内能___________(填“增大”或“减小”),气体不对外做功,气体将___________(填“吸热”或“放热”)17(9分)(1)蒸汽机、内燃机等热机以及电冰箱工作时都利用了气体状态变实现能量的转移和转,我们把这些气体称为工质某热机经过一个循环后,工质从高温热吸热Q 1,对外做功W ,又向低温热放热Q 2,工质完全恢复初始状态,内能没有变根据热力第一定律,在工质的一个循环中,Q 1、Q 2、W 三者之间满足的关系是___________热机的效率1W Q η=不可能达到100%,从能量转换的角度,说明___________能不能完全转为___________能(2)如图表示一定质量的某气体在不同温度下的两条等温线图中等温线Ⅰ对应的温度比等温线Ⅱ对应的温度要___________ (选填“高”或“低”)在同一等温线下,如果该气体的压强变为原的2倍,则气体的体积应变为原的___________18(9分)(1)关于晶体和非晶体,下列说法正确的是( )A 金刚石、食盐、玻璃和水晶都是晶体B 晶体的分子(或原子、离子)排列是有规则的单晶体和多晶体有固定的熔点,非晶体没有固定的熔点D 单晶体和多晶体的物性质是各向异性的,非晶体是各向同性的(2)如图所示,一开口汽缸内盛有密度为ρ的某种液体;一长为l 的粗细均匀的小瓶底朝上漂浮在液体中,平衡时小瓶露出液面的部分和进入小瓶中液柱的长度均为l /4现用活塞将汽缸封闭(图中未画出),使活塞缓慢向下运动,各部分气体的温度均保持不变当小瓶的底部恰好与液面相平时,进入小瓶中的液柱长度为l /2,求此时汽缸内气体的压强大气压强为p 0,重力加速度为g答案解析1【解析】选D 布朗运动的主体是悬浮在液体(或气体)中的固体小颗粒,它是由大量的分子组成的所以布朗运动是大量的固体分子组成的整体的运动,而不是固体分子或液体分子的运动,A 、选项错误布朗运动的原因是大量液体(或气体)分子与颗粒不停地撞击,颗粒越大,撞击的不平衡性越不显著液体的温度越高,分子运动越剧烈,布朗运动也就越明显,故B 选项错误,D 选项正确2【解析】选B 、滴到水面上的油膜对应的纯油酸的体积m V =ρ,因此,油酸分子的直径V m d S S==ρ,A 错误;因1摩尔油酸分子的质量为M ,因此,每个油酸分子的质量为AM m N =分子,B 正确;一滴油酸溶液对应的纯油酸的摩尔为m M ,所以一滴油酸溶液中所含的油酸分子A m n N M =,正确;1摩尔纯油酸的体积为M ρ,所以每个油酸分子的体积AM V N =ρ,D 错误 3【解析】选A 温度是物体分子热运动平均动能的标志,A 正确;布朗运动是悬浮在液体中固体颗粒的无规则运动,不是分子的运动,B 错误;根据热力第一定律ΔU =W+Q 得错误;根据分子动论可知,分子间引力和斥力同时存在,都随分子间距离的增大而减小,斥力均比引力变快,D 错误4【解析】选B、D分子间的引力和斥力都随分子间的距离增大而减小,但斥力减小更快,故A错B对分子间距从r0开始变大时,分子力先变大后变小,若从r开始减小时,分子力变大,故选项错D对5【解析】选A、D、E对一定质量的想气体,有pVT=常量,当体积和压强不变时,温度也不变,而其内能仅由温度决定,故其内能不变,因此A正确在等温时,想气体内能不变,但其状态可以变,并遵循玻意耳定律,故B错由于pVT=常量,当V与T成正比时,p不变,故错对气体,在等压和等容情况下,由ΔU=Q+W知,对一定量的想气体每升高1 K,ΔU相同,但W不同,则Q不同,因此D正确由于一定质量的想气体的内能仅由温度决定,温度升高,内能增大,故E正确6【解析】选当有一半的水银被推入细筒中时,由于粗筒截面积是细筒截面积的3倍,因此,细筒中水银高度为H315 cm2⨯=,活塞A上方水银柱的总高度为Hh15 cm20 cm2=+=,因活塞A的重力不计,所以气体的压强p=p0+20 cHg= 95 cHg,正确,A、B、D错误7【解析】选B、质量恒定的气体体积不变,在温度降低时其压强减小,故选项B 正确;由于茶杯内压强减小使茶杯内外压强差增大,导致盖子和茶杯间的压力增大,故其最大静摩擦力增大,所以选项正确,选项A、D均错8【解析】选A、、D气体压强()m M gp pS+=-,当沙子的质量M减小时,气体体积减小,外界对气体做功,且为绝热过程Q=0,则由ΔU=W+Q知内能增大,A、正确,B错误由于内能增大使气体温度升高,热敏电阻的阻值减小,欧姆表指针向右偏转,D正确9【解析】选A、B首先,因为bc的延长线通过原点,所以bc是等容线,即气体体积在bc过程中保持不变,B正确;b是等温线,压强减小,则体积增大,A正确;cd是等压线,温度降低,则体积减小,错误;连接O、dO,则O、dO是等容线,且Vd<V,故d过程中体积不断增大,D错误10【解析】选A由热力第一定律ΔU=W+Q得:ΔU=800 J+(-200 J)=600 J,B、D 错;一定质量的想气体的内能大小只与温度有关,ΔU=600 J>0,故温度一定升高,A 选项正确,错11【解析】选由压力F 对密闭的气体做正功,则W >0,绝热活塞Q=0,由热力第一定律知想气体内能增大,温度升高,再根据pV/T=,V 减小,p 增大,故选 12【解析】选B 、漏气过程中瓶内氧气质量减少,密度降低,分子总减少,但因氧气温度不变,则分子平均动能不变,瓶内氧气分子总动能减少,故A 错B 对以瓶内剩余气体为研究对象,比较该部分气体前后两个状态,等效认为该部分气体膨胀后填补了漏出去那部分气体原所占据的空间,体积膨胀,故氧气对外做功当忽略了气体分子间相互作用时,氧气可看成想气体,其内能等于所有分子总动能,则这部分气体内能不变,由ΔU=W+Q 可知,必然吸收热量,由pV C T =,可知V 增大,p 应降低,故正确,D 错误13【解析】(1)选B 由玻意耳定律知pV=,p 与1V 成正比,选B (2分)(2)根据热力第一定律ΔU=W+Q ,第一阶段W 1=24 J ,ΔU 1=0,所以Q 1=-24 J ,故放热;第二阶段W 2=0,Q 2=-5 J ,由热力第一定律知,ΔU 2=-5 J ,故在上述两个过程中,空气的内能变ΔU=ΔU 1+ΔU 2=-5 J ;两过程Q=Q 1+Q 2=-29 J ,故空气放出的总热量为29 J (每空1分)(3)设空气的摩尔质量为M ,在海底和岸上的密度分别为ρ海和ρ岸,一次吸入空气的体积为V ,则有A A ()V m n N N M Mρ-ρ∆∆==海岸, 代入据得Δ=3×1022个(3分)答案(1)B (2)5 放出 29 (3)3×1022个14【解析】(1)选A 、D 液体表面存在张力的原因就是液体表面层分子间距大于液体内部分子间距,A 正确扩散运动是分子的运动,不是布朗运动,B 错误许多小晶体放在一起时,还是晶体,错误第二类永动机不违反能量守恒定律,但违反热力第二定律,制造不出,D 正确(2分) (2)①由玻意耳定律:对A 部分气体有:p A LS=p(L+)S (1分)对B部分气体有:pBLS=p(L-)S (1分)代入相关据解得:=10 cp=15×105 P(1分)②活塞向右移动的过程中A中气体对外做功,而气体发生等温变,内能不变,由热力第一定律知,A中气体从外界吸热(3分)答案(1)A、D (2)①10 c 15×105 P ②见解析15【解析】(1)选、D压缩气体需要做功,克服的是气体的压强,而并非分子间的斥力,A错;用手捏面包,面包体积减小,只能说明宏观物体间有空隙,不能说明微观分子间有空隙,B错;温度是分子平均动能的标志,温度相同,物体分子的平均动能相同,对;夏天荷叶上小水珠呈球形,是由于液体表面张力使其表面积具有收缩到最小趋势的缘故,这是因为在体积相等的各种形状的物体中,球形物体的表面积最小,D对(3分) (2)将棉线圈内部的肥皂膜戳破后,由于液体表面张力的作用,棉线圈会被拉成圆形,因周长一定,圆的面积最大,这样才能使肥皂膜的面积最小戳破后表面张力做正功,肥皂膜的内能减少(2分)(3)气体的体积V=L3,故气体的质量为=ρL3,气体的摩尔为3m L nρ==μμ故容器内气体的分子3AAL NN nNρ==μ(4分)答案(1)、D (2)液体表面张力减少(3)3A L N ρμ16【解析】(1)选A胎内气体经历了一个温度不变,压强减小,体积增大的过程温度不变,分子平均动能和内能不变,体积增大,气体对外界做正功,B、、D均错根据热力第一定律,气体一定从外界吸热A正确(3分)(2)①由于温度变前后左端被封闭气体的体积没有发生变,由查定律可得1212p p T T =,代入据可得恒温槽的温度22121p 120T T 273 K 364 K,t T 273 K 91p 90==⨯==-=℃(3分)②此过程中由于被封闭想气体温度升高,故内能增大;由热力第一定律知在没有对外做功的前提下应该从外界吸收热量(3分)答案(1)A(2)①364 K 或91℃②增大 吸热17【解析】(1)由热力第一定律、热量、做功、内能的符号规定得Q 1+(-Q 2)+(-W)=0,即Q 1-Q 2=W 再由热力第二定律知,内能不可能全部转成机械能而不产生其他影响(6分)(2)质量相同的气体,pV 之积越大,则温度越高取相同的体积V ,观察对应的压强p ,便可以比较出等温线Ⅱ的温度高再由玻意耳定律,p 1V 1=p 2V 2,当p 2=2p 1时,得211V V 2= (3分)答案(1)Q 1-Q 2=W内机械(2)低1218【解析】(1)选B 、本题考查晶体和非晶体的区别晶体和非晶体的区别:①单晶体都具有规则的几何形状,而非晶体没有一定的外形,多晶体也没有确定的几何形状;②单晶体具有各向异性的特性,非晶体具有各向同性的特性,多晶体也是各向同性的;③单晶体和多晶体有固定的熔点,非晶体没有固定的熔点金刚石、食盐和水晶都是晶体,玻璃是非晶体正确说法为B 、(3分)(2)设当小瓶内气体的长度为34l 时,压强为p 1;当小瓶的底部恰好与液面相平时,瓶内气体的压强为p 2,汽缸内气体的压强为p 3,依题意101p p g 2=+ρl ①(1分)由玻意耳定律123p S p ()S 42=-l l l ②(1分)式中S 为小瓶的横截面积联立①②两式,得2031p (p g )22=+ρl③(1分)又有231p p g 2=+ρl④(1分)联立③④式,得303g p p 24ρ=+l(2分)[&&&X&X&K]答案(1)B 、 (2) 03g p 24ρ+l。

高考总复习配测评卷高三一轮英语卷Units 1-4

高考总复习配测评卷高三一轮英语卷Units 1-4

高考总复习配套测评卷高三一轮英语卷Units 1-4:___________ 班级:___________ 姓名:______________ 考号:__________第一卷 (选择题,一共110分)第一局部:听力(一共两节,满分是30分)第一节(一共5小题;每一小题1.5分,满分是7.5分)1.When should Lucy return the bike?A.Before 5∶00.B.Around 6∶30.C.After 6∶30.2.Why is the man upset?A.He wanted to meet the woman’s parents.B.He wouldn’t be able to take a vacation.C.He didn’t know the woman’s plan.3.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In an office. B.In the kitchen. C.Over the phone.4.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Take the dictionary away.B.Buy a dictionary for herself.C.Use the dictionary at home.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The spring. B.The weather. C.The temperature.第二节(一共15小题;每一小题1.5分,满分是22.5分)听第6段对话,答复第6至8题。

6.What was the weather like last week?A.Nice and sunny. B.Hot. C.Neither hot nor cold. 7.What season is it now?A.Summer. B.Winter. C.Autumn.8.What does the man think the weather will be like this weekend? A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.听第7段对话,答复第9至11题。



高三英语大单元整体学习学程Improving yourselfMake a one year selfimprovement plan(b5u1,b5u2)班级:_________________小组:_________________姓名:_________________单元概述【单元内容】The theme of this unit is “Man and Self”, which involves the content of selfknowledge, selfenrichment and selfimprovement and the continuous improvement of selfcognition and selfmanagement ability.This unit’s topic is growing up. From If the extracts from poetry to the student's understanding of different ages in growth and the adult, from life planning for the future, memories of unforgettable moments in life to the novel The Little Prince excerpt reading, guide you to understand the responsibility of the growth from different angles and meaning, pour out growing pains and confusion, Finally, help you to set a firm goal in life and form a positive attitude towards life.【课标要求】By the end of the unit, you will be able to:1. reconstruct the Social Media Detox topic words by drawing a topicword mind map and think about ways to make friends;2. analyze the passage structure and features to sort out the benefits of managing yourself by rereading the passage of Social Media Detox3. conclude the ways of improving the ability of selfdiscipline and selfcontrol.by reading more topicrelated passages.;4. reconstruct the topicrelated mind map and making a one year selfimprovement plan in different aspects to constantly pursue a better self.【单元任务】In most countries, turning 18 marks the start of the adulthood. But what does reaching this milestone, the age of majority, really mean? Will you be pletely in charge of your own life and able to express yourself in new and exciting ways? What new responsibilities will this new freedom bring? Think of the growth of the harvest and thoughts, you should have a deeper understanding of the meaning and responsibilities of growth. Make a oneyear selfimprovement plan to improve yourself and be ready for your 18!【学习导航&评价预设】【单元学习目标追求】Improving yourself Construct the themerelated words to tell methods to improve yourself【Learning Objectives 】1. Listen for the gist and figure out the functional words and expressions by taking down the key words.2. Construct the theme related vocabulary of Improving yourself by making a mindmap.3. V oice the ideas on our understanding about Improving yourself.【Context and Task 】In most countries, turning 18 marks the start of the adulthood. But whatdoes reaching this milestone, the age of majority, really mean? Will you be pletely in charge of your own life and able to express yourself in new and exciting ways? What new responsibilities will this new freedom bring? You are reaching thissignificant period in your life! Are you ready for that? Start your preparation right now!Activity1. Listen to the following materials and finish the tasks below.1. Listen to the weather forecast and summarize the main idea.___________________________________________________________________________ ____2. Listen again and choose a topic for it.1How to promote values education.2How to inspire students to work hard.3How to introduce school programmes.4How to fairly distribute books and umbrellas.3.Listen again and plete the newspaper report.A school in our city came up with an innovative programme to promote the traditional value of 1__________. School principal Ms Wu gave several examples of how the programme works.To begin with, the school introduced an activity called the “unsupervised examination”for some of the classes. That means during this examination, there is no teacher 2_________________________. Before taking this examination, students first need to 3_________________________. Students generally expressed that it’s good to feel 4__________ and they quite enjoyed 5__________________ in the examination. In turn, they developed 6________________.The school also introduced what is called the 7“_______________”. Printed on each umbrella was a short statement about 8____________________. At the end of the term, all the umbrellas were returned 9_____________. None of them had been lost or damaged.Now Ms Wu and her colleagues plan to introduce the programme to 10_________________________. Everyone needs to work together to build a culture of honesty. They hope more teachers and students will get involved .1honesty.2present to oversee the students3sign a letter of mitment4trusted5the relaxed atmosphere6greater selfcontro7honesty umbrella8honesty and other values9in one piece10another branch of the schoolActivity 2. Construct the themerelated vocabularyPreview the texts and the supplies on 271BAY to activate your vocabulary about【Reflection】Improving yourselfAnalyze the structure of the passage Social Media Detox 【Learning Objectives】1. S ort out the benefits of Social Media Detox by analyzing the structure and features.2. Analyze the long and difficult sentences in the passages and apply to your writing.3.F igure out the effective management strategies to improve the ability of selfdiscipline.【Context and Task】Learning to manage yourself better isn’t about changing who you are as a person. Rather, it’s about helping yourself have a wellbalanced, fulfilling, happy and healthy life. Learning from others is one of the first and most challenging steps in this process. What we can do to improve ourselves? Let’s explore it.Activity 3. Analyze the structure of the passag e Social Media Detox1.Read the Social Media Detox and fill in the blanks.3.Summarize the benefits of Social Media Detox.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________Activity 4. Identify the tense of future continuous and past perfect passive and fill the proper forms into the blanks.1.Look at the sentences and answer the questions.a.I will be signing an organ donation agreement this time tomorrow.[句式解构] 本句的谓语动词是__________,时间状语是_________________,运用的时态为_________________________,时态结构为__________________________。



高考一轮复习单元过关:词汇检测(1)人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit 1Unit 1 Friendship一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。

第一组:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German,habit,teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice1A group of Frenchmen and ___________ are visiting Window to theWorld.2Please wait in line. Everyone will get his __________ .3The doorknob (|']把手)has come _________ . Who will fix it? 4Don't always stay indoors. You'd better go _____________ f or funtime.5I once studied some Japanese at college, but I'm afraid that I've___________ forgotten it now.6Don't scold him. After all, he is only a ____________ .7_________ often follows lightning.8People say that ___________ is second nature.9China is going through good economic ____________ t hese years. 10Since you have question, why not turn to him for some_?11My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really_________ me.12 ____________ w ell with others is considered a kind of ability. 13Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt__________ on the stage.14No one knew the ___________ why he was absent from class asecond time.15Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became【答案】1 Germans2 share3 loose4 outdoors5 entirely6 teenager 7Thunder8 habit 9 situation 10 advice 11 upsets 12 To communicate 13calm14 reason 15 crazy第二组:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, edotor, cheat, questionnaire,trust, dare16Do you know when President George Bush came into_ ?17I ___________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days toget rid of it.18Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief__________ with China Daily.19Can you design a _____________ to find out what kinds offriends your classmates like to make?20He is your father. How ____________ you say to him like that? 21Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates won't_________ him anymore.22Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No ___________ in exams! 23Mary got very unhappy, for other friends ____________ her at theparty.24I got 90 ___________ in the final English exam.25Before going shopping you'd better make a ________ of what youare going to buy.【答案】16 power 17 suffered 18 editor 19 questionnaire20 dare 21 trust 22 cheating 23 ignored 24 points 25 list 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series of on purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face 1 We've chatted online for some time but we have never met 2 It is nearly 11 o'clock yet he is not back. His mother __________________________ him. 3 The Lius _____________hard times before liberation. 4 ______________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam. 5 I think the window was broken ______________ by someone. 6 You should _____________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful. 7 They met at Tom's party and later on other. _____ English reading materials in the school library. 9 I am easy to be with and ________ well. in a small village so that they might not be found. 11 Which of the following statements is not right _______________ the above passage? 12 It's getting dark. I _____________ be off now. 13 More than 1,000 workers _____________ the general strike lastweek. about 3,000 yuan per month. 8 You can find 10 They 14 All her earnings【答案】 with each my classmates pretty 1 face to face 2 is concerned about 3 went through 4 In order to 5 on purpose 6 set down 7 fell in love 8 a series of 9 am getting along with 10 hid away 11 according to 12 have got to 13 joined in 14 adds up to。







1. How will the man go to Chicago?A. By busB. By planeC. By car2. At what time must the man be at the airport for the flight?A. 2:50 p.mB. 2:15 p.mC. 3:50 p.m3. How many marks did John get in the TOEFL test?A. 650B. 605C. 5374. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and studentB. Husband and wifeC. Doctor and patient5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A .In a school B. In a library C. In a hospital 第二节 (共12小题,每小题1.5分,满分18分) 每段材料读两遍听第6段材料,回答第6,7小题6. Who will get married on Sunday?A .The woman’ friend B. The man’s friend C. The woman7. where does the paintings probably come from?A .Japan B. France C. America8. What will the man do for the woman?A. Buying Some picturesB. Taking pictures of her friendC. Taking pictures of the painting听第7段材料,回答第9至11小题9. What is the man?A. A B. A salesmanC. A scientist10. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A. On a trainB. On a busC. On a plane11. Why is the woman traveling?A. Because she is traveling on holidayB. Because she is traveling on businessC. Because she is traveling to give a lecture听第8段材料,回答第12至14小题12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and studentB. Job-hunter and interviewerC. Brother and sister13. What foreign languages can the woman speak?A. German, French and SpanishB. English, Russian and GermanC. Japanese, French and Spanish14. What does the company deal with?A. Language teachingB. Foreign tradeC. International exchange听第9段材料,回答第15至17小题15. The first time the man talked with a foreigner in English, he felt _____.A. nervousB. eagerC. excited16. The man worried that _______.A. he spoke English with a strong local accentB. he might not be able to express himself clearlyC. he might make a lot of mistakes17. What do you think of the man the speaker talked to in New York?A .He is a fool B. He is impolite C. He was not an English speaker第三节 (共3小题,每小题1.5分,满分4.5分) 本段材料读两遍听第十段材料,将第18至20小题的信息补充完整,每小题不超过3个单词第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)1. Dave wanted to study till ________ midnight, but sleepiness got_____ best of him. A. 不填; the B. 不填; 不填 C. the; the D. the;不填2. At times, worrying is a normal________ to a difficult event or situation—a loved one being_______ in an accident, for example.A. response; injuredB. reaction; woundedC. reply; hurtD. reflection; died3. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you_______ now.A. wouldn’t be smilingB. couldn’t have smiledC. didn’t smileD. won’t smile4. ________ the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also be breaking some homes or will cause other family problems.A. WhenB. IfC. WhileD. As5. _______ today, he would get there by Saturday.A. If he leavesB. Was he leavingC. Would he leaveD. Were he to leave6. After he retired from office, Rogers _______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A. saved upB. kept upC. took upD. drewup7. When he was young, he used to ________ hard at his lessons.A. devote to workingB. devote himself to workC. be devoted to workD. be devoted to working8. At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to try our best to study well______ us students.A. in memory ofB. on behalf ofC. in honor ofD. in favor of9. They swear they will push ahead with the experiment whatever _____they might meet with.A. disadvantagesB. shortcomingsC. troublesD. hardships10. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection, without whichI ______of hunger.A. would be diedB. would have diedC. would dieD. will die11. ________ with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.A. FacedB. Having facedC. To faceD. Facing12.Though you may hate some customs in other countries, ______ , you must remember “Do in Rome as Rome does”.A. likewiseB. thereforeC. otherwiseD. anyway13. What the leader referred to in the report was really something_______. A. worthy of considering B. worth to be consideredC. worthy to be consideredD. worth being considered14. Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A. when takingB. when takenC. when to takeD. whento be taken15. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. Butit ______ all day.A. rainedB. rainsC. has rainedD. is raining第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。




第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共85分)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)1.We must work hard and make _______ continuous progress so that we can make _______great contr ibution to our country in the future.A. / ; aB. the ; aC. a ; aD. / : /2. ----Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please?----________ What’s it then?A.Just a minute.B. It’s very nice of you.C.That’s all right.D. At your service.3. It might rain tomorrow and _______ we’ll have to put off the sports meeting until next Friday.A. in which caseB. if possibleC. in caseD. in that case4. You can take away _________ you like most.A. whateverB. whicheverC. no matter whatD. no matter which5. _______ is mentioned above that the number of the students in senior high schools isincreasing.A. WhichB. AsC. ThatD. It6. The cook is ______ we dropped in the other day.A. whomB. on whomC. the oneD. the one on who m7. I’ll appreciate _______ if you do me the favor to send this message to Mr. Allen.A. thatB. itC. thisD. you8. I was nearly killed by a car yesterday which passed me at ____ I thought a very dangerousspeed.A. asB. whichC. whatD.that9. _______ to the sunshine for too long in summer, your skin will get burnt.A. Being exposedB. ExposingC. ExposedD. To expose10. The milk has _______. Could you go to the supermarket to get some?A. ru n out ofB. given outC. used upD. been run out11. --- You promised to call me last night.--- I called, but I just couldn’t _______.A. get throughB. get acrossC. get downD. get around12. --- How do you like the food in the new restaurant?--- Delicious! Actually their dishes couldn’t be _______A. strickenB. hitC. beatenD. struck13. I don’t believe what you said. It is not like her father, who is an honest man, _______ anyonein business.A. cheatingB. to cheatC. cheatsD. cheated14. --- You should have stopped him when he _______ in anger.--- I _______, but it so happened before I could.A. left; was going toB. ha d left; had toC. left; didD. had left; would15. Do you think it’s _______ it to spend a hot summer helping poor children learn English?A. worthyB. worthC. worthwhileD. meanwhile第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l 分,满分20分)It was raining. I went into a caféand asked for a coffee. 16 I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed 17 . I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls 18 their souls belonged to the 19 .I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man 20 in front of it. "I'm Steve", he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can't talk with you. I'm 21 ", he said. He was chatting online with somebody--probably someone he didn't know -- and, 22 , he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was 23 .Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried 24 to speak to that computer geek (怪人), 25 not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was 26 . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, "27 !"I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the caféwere looking at me. I___28 , and saw nobody showed any interest.29 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more 30 having a relationship with the 31 , particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to 32 the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 33 with people.I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn't even 34 that the coffee was bad, ___35 Steve didn't notice there was a person next to him.16.A.Before B.Since C.Although D.While 17.A.pain B.loneliness C.sadness D.fear 18.A.because B.when C.until D.unless 19.A.home B.world C.Net D.Cafe 20.A.sleeping B.laughing C.sitting D.learning 21.A.busy B.thirsty C.tired D.sick 22.A.first of all B.just then C.at the same time D.by that time 23.A.surprised B.delighted C.moved D.frightened 24.A.once B.again C.first D.even 25.A.but B.so C.if D.or 26.A.excited B.respected C.afraid D.unhappy 27.A.Shut up B.Enjoy yourself C.Leave me alone D.Help me out 28.A.walked about B.walked out C.raised my hand D.raised my head 29.A.From then on B.At that moment C.In all D.Above all 30.A.interested in B.tired of C.careful about D.troubled by 31.A.computer B.soul C.shop D.geek 32.A.tell B.plan C.imagine D.design 33.A.other than B.instead of C.except for D.as well as 34.A.pretend B.understand C.insist D.realize 35.A.as if B.just as C.just after D.even though第三节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe private automobile (私家车) has long played an important role in the United States. Infact, it has become a necessary and important part of the American way of life. In 1986, 69% of American families owned at least one car, and thirty-eight percent had more than one. By giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has freed them from having to live near their place of work. This has encouraged the growth of the cities, but it has also led to traffic problems.For farm families the automobile is very helpful. It has made it possible for them to travel to town very often for business and for pleasure, and also to transport their children to distant schools.Family life has been affected in various ways, The car helps to keep families together when it is used for picnics, outings, and other shared experiences. However, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents can't keep an eye on them. There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, or showing off by speeding or breaking down traffic laws. Mothers of victims (受害者) of such accidents have formed an organization called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). These women want to prevent further tragedies. They have worked to encourage the government to limit the youngest drinking age. Students have formed a similar organization, SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) and are spreading the same message among their friends.For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an adult. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?A. Cars have encouraged the growth of the cities.B. Cars can bring families together when they go for picnics.C. Cars have enabled people to live far from their place of work.D. Cars help city families to transport their children to faraway schools.37. What has been done to deal with the problem of drunk driving?A. Patents have paid more attention to their children.B. Some organizations have been set up against drunk driving.C. Mothers have tried to persuade their children not to drink alcohol.D. University students have asked the government to solve the problem.38. We can infer from the text that ____________ in America.A. it will be more difficult for people to get new carsB. parents will not allow their children to have their own carsC. the government will encourage people to use public transportationD. cars will still be popular though they have caused many problemsBPrincetonUniversityLocationThe University is in Princeton, New Jersey. It is an hour's train ride south of New York City and an hour's train ride north of Philadelphia.StudentsThere are 4,600 under graduates (本科生). There are also 1,900 graduate students, but Princeton is unusual among universities in having a student body made up largely of undergraduates.FacultyPrinceton has about 700 full-time faculty members (教员). There are another 300 or so part -time and visiting faculty. All faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.DegreesPrinceton offers two undergraduate degrees: the bachelor (学士) of arts (A.B.) degree and the bachelor of science in engineering (B.S.E.) degree.Academic YearAn academic year runs from September to late May and lasts two terms (fall and spring). A normal course load is four or five courses per term, although many students take extra courses.ResidencesPrinceton provides housing for all undergraduate students. Freshmen and second-year students are required to spend their first two years in one of five colleges. Each college has its own dining hall, common rooms and computer centers.Fees and Expenses (Academic Year 20XX-20XX)Tuition (学费): $29,910Room and board: $ 8,387Other expenses (books, telephone, etc.): $ 3,20XX3Total: $ 41,38039. How many kinds of faculty members are there in PrincetonUniversity?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.40. In Princeton University, an undergraduate will pay at least ________ for the Academic Year20XX-20XX besides tuition.A. $ 41,380B. $ 52,850C. $11,470D. $ 8, 38741. In what way is PrincetonUniversity different from other American universities according to thetext?A. It has five colleges.B. Its students are mainly undergraduates.C. It provides housing for all undergraduate students.D. All the faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.42. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees.B. An academic year lasts about nine months in PrincetonUniversity.C. Undergraduates should spend their first two years in one of five colleges.D. It's about an hour's train ride from PrincetonUniversity to the north of New York City.CSometimes, something that is considered to be negative turns out to be an advantage on the job. Though he is only l8 years old and blind, Suleyman Gokyigit is among the top computer technicians and programmers at InteliData Technologies Corp., a large software company with several offices across the United States."After our company united with another one last October, two diff erent computer networks were driving us crazy," recalls Douglas Braun, the InteliData president. "We couldn't even send e-mail to each other.”In three weeks Mr. Gokyigit created the software needed to connect the two networks. "None of the company's 350 other employees could have done the job in three months," says Mr. Braun. " Suleyman can 'see' into the heart of the computer.”Mr. Gokyigfi's gift, as Mr. Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to form an idea of the inside of a machine. "The computer permits me to reach out into the world and do almost anything I want to do," says Mr. GokyigitThe young programmer is at home with hardware as well, thanks partly to a highly devel oped sense of touch. Mitzi Nowakowski, an office manager at InteliData, remembers how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year. "Through feel, Suleyman can find the position of connectors, pins and wires much faster than most other people with sight," he says.Much of the student programmer's speed comes from his ability not to be interrupted while at the computer. When typing, he listens carefully to the synthesizer (合成器). His long, thin fingers fly over the keyboard. "Nothing seems to shake his attention," says Mrs. Nowakowski, his boss.Mr. Go kyigit is the only company employee who is available 24 hours a day. "We consider him our top problem solver." says Mr. Braun.43. According to Mr. Braun, Suleyman ________________A. can work wonders on computerB. is the best technician in the worldC. has done a hard job in three monthsD. has united InteliData Technologies Corp. with another computer company44. The underlined part "is at home with hardware" { paragraph 4 } means _________A. is good at dealing with computer hardwareB. is fond of computer hardwareC. works with computer hardware at homeD. feels comfortable when working with computer hardware45. Suleyman was quick while at the computer mostly because of ______A. his blindnessB. his attention on the synthesizerC. his long, thin fingersD. his ability not to be interrupted46. What does the text mainly tell us?A. Computer technicians are more likely to be gifted.B. One's disadvantages may prove to be advantages.C. The disabled can also play an important role in society.D. Top computer scientists have unusual abilities to form ideas of computers.DNo one likes the idea of being watched but, in today's high-tech society, a video camera cankeep its eye on you 24 hours a day. This is now even the case in schools, and the students are not particularly happy about it.“Luckily for me, the video cameras in our school are only installed along the corridors(走廊),”said Zhu Jiangyue, a Senior 2 student in Beijing. “It would feel like you're always being stared at if there were a camera in the classroom. You would have no privacy.”Two students in Shanghai learned this the hard way when their high school broadcast video pictures of them kissing on campus. They must have been annoyed by this and responded by filing lawsuit against the school for invasion of privacy and last month a local court agreed to hear it. It is the first case of its kind in China, and everyone has something to say about it.Li Xiang, a Senior 3 student in HunanProvince, thinks the schools behavior was unacceptable and unreasonable. "If I were one of the victims, I would be as angry as they are," said the 18-year-old. Every classroom in Li's school has a video camera above the door. They are generally used only when an exam is taking place but sometimes a student is allowed to control the camera. In this way, students needn’t worry about being watched in most part of their school life and can enjoy the benefits cameras bring as long as it doesn’t damage their self-respect.However, Peng Jianping, chairman of the Moral Education Research Centre in Guangzhou, thinks video monitoring causes more harm than good. “Schools hope to manage the students better with the help of video cameras,”he said. “But it won't actually work. Teachers and students should trust and respect each other. If video cameras are frequently used, teenagers will think their teachers don't believe them.”47. According to the passage, which of the statements is true?A. There are video cameras in every classroom in Beijing.B. Peng Jianping doesn’t agree to manage students better.C. Li Xiang thinks his school uses the video cameras in the correct way.D. Two students in Shanghai in this case didn't say anything about it.48. What does most school leaders want to use video cameras for?A. To monitor the campus for safety.B. To take pictures of students who are studying.C. To monitor the students in the exams.D. To manage the students better.49. What's the writer's opinion on the use of video cameras on the campus?A. He quite agrees.B. He doesn't agree.C. We don't know.D. He neither agrees nor disagrees.50. What's the best title for the passage?A. Manage the students better with video cameras.B. Video cameras on the campus.C. Why video cameras used on the campus.D. Better use of video cameras.第四节任务型阅读(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读短文内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的词: There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States. In the Northeast and Midwest, people are said to be closed and private. In the South and West, however, they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable (好客). Ask someone from St. Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is, and he or she will be polite to give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you, might give you a rather unexpected explanation. A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat. A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch.American stereotypes are abundant. New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful. Southerners are known for their hospitable and warmhearted character. People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate, living conditions, and historical development.When traveling from place to place, Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States.第五节书面表达(共1小题:满分25分)高考渐渐临近,不少学生的紧张焦虑之感逐渐增强。

高考语文一轮复习练习 第三单元素质升级检测 新人教版必修5

高考语文一轮复习练习 第三单元素质升级检测 新人教版必修5

(本试卷满分150分,测试时间150分钟)第Ⅰ卷(选择题30分,每小题3分)一、(12分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是( )A.咬文嚼.字(jué)令人神往.(wǎnɡ)落入下乘.(chénɡ) 一蹴.而就(cù)B.数.见不鲜(shuò) 锱铢必较.(jiǎo)举不胜.举(shēnɡ) 一言难尽.(jìn)C.一字之差.(chā) 轻鸢.剪掠(yuān)清沁.肺腑(qìn) 窸窣..飘零(xīsū)D.遥思远怅.(chànɡ) 眉眼颦.蹙(pín)垂涎.三尺(yán) 得鱼忘筌.(quán)【答案】C(A项“嚼”读“jiáo”;B项“较”读“jiào”,“胜”读“shèng”;D 项“涎”读“xián”。

)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )A.涵义蕴藉注消酩酊大醉B.含糊烂调疏朗自鸣得意C.因缘圆晕干躁回肠荡气D.啰嗦默契叫嚣深恶痛绝【答案】D(A项“注消”应为“注销”,B项“烂调”应为“滥调”,C项“干躁”应为“干燥”。

)3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.现在,成为“作家”当个“文化人”又成了那些歌星、影星们新的追求,然而他们所出的书,内容粗浅,文法不通,实在让人不忍卒读....。






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B5U1 Great scientists
班级________________ 姓名________________ 得分________________


1. ________________ adj. 积极的,肯定的11. characteristic n. ________________
2. ________________ vt. 拒绝12. victim n. ________________
3. ________________ vt. 打败13. suspect vt. ________________
4. ________________ n. 挑战14. spin v. ________________
5. ________________ vt. 处理15. absorb vt. ________________
6. ________________ adj. 疯狂的;痴迷的16. expert adj. ________________
7. ________________ v. 贡献;捐助17. attend vt. ________________
8. ________________ adj. 热情的18. severe adj. ________________
9. ________________ vt. 分析19. isolation n. ________________
10. ________________ vt. 宣布;通告20. construct vt. ________________


1. He needed more ______________ (science) experiments to support his theory.
2. The ______________ (analyse) of the food showed the presence of poison.
3. Follow the ______________ (instruct) when you operate the machine.
4. Nowadays, more measures must be taken to reduce the ____________ (pollute).
5. Thomas Edison made many valuable ____________ (contribute) to the development of our society.


1. ________________ 得出结论 6. make sense ________________
2. ________________ 对某人要求严格7. expose … to …________________
3. ________________ 提出8. be absorbed in …________________
4. ________________ 此外,除……之外9. under construction ________________
5. ________________ 丰富某人的知识10. contribute to … _________________
IV 语法填空。


1. John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies ____________ (examine).
2. All his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion ____________ the earth was not the center of the solar system.
3. John Snow became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people ____________ (expose) to cholera.
4. The student ____________ (dress) in white is my friend.
5. First John Snow marked on a map the exact places ____________ all the dead people had lived.
6. Yet Copernicus’s theory is now the basis ____________ which all our ideas of the universe are built.
7. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe ____________ more than 500
people died in ten days.
8. The boy ____________ (sit) between the two girls is one of the top ten campus singers.
9. The Christian Church rejected Copernicus’theory, ____________ (say) it was against God’s idea.
10. John Snow became interested ____________ two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people.


1. 他的老师责备他没有按时完成作业。

2. 每次周末回到家,她的妈妈都会给她做好吃的。

(使用every time引导的状语从句)
3. 他从这次考试中推断出她偏爱英语。

4. 如果说我比别人看得远一些,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上。

5. 我们社会中的每个人都应该对环保做出贡献。

6. 长时间暴露在阳光下对皮肤有害。

7. 只有全神贯注于学习,你才能取得进步。


....介绍下列Madame Curie的一些情况(满分15分)。

*参考词汇:波兰(Poland)巴黎大学(Paris University)
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