Presenting the H-Brothers


Pledge Educator Handbook

Pledge Educator Handbook

ForewardThe contents of this handbook are the result of a compilation of information from various chapters and various brothers affiliated with the Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity for the use by any chapter which is interested in establishing or improving its pledge education program. It should be understood that each chapter is self-governing and solely responsible for its day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month operation and nothing herein is intended as or should be deemed as supervision, direction, monitoring, oversight or as an effort to control the local chapter by the Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity, which is a fraternal affiliation of over 200 chapters, over 10,000 active undergraduate members and over 200,000 alumni and several nonprofit corporations, including, but not limited to Pi Kappa Alpha Corporation, a Tennessee nonprofit corporation which serves as a clearinghouse and an administrator for purposes of organizing meetings and conventions, publishing fraternal publications and performing other functions for the entire International Fraternity.This handbook is an educational guideline only which contains suggestions and recommendations developed by various chapters which were able to develop successfulpledge education programs. It is published and available to any chapter through the clearinghouse in Memphis as a form of brotherly advice for whatever use one wants to make of it.All ideas herein are optional and nothing is mandatory. Participation as pledge educatoris by the voluntary choice of each chapter and each member with the understanding that one generally gets out of something what one is willing to put into it. Thus, any language contained herein which could possibly be construed as “mandatory” such as “do this” or “do that” is only in the form of a recommendation that if one wishes to get the most benefit out of using the suggestions in the handbook, then the suggestions can be utilized with the understanding that any handbook is, at most, a guide and that the users should substitute their own experience and judgment to use, adapt or modify the suggestions and recommendations contained herein. In other words, the handbook is a guide from which the users can use to establish, improve or build their own programs, using their own knowledge, common sense, ideas and experienceand to assist the users from time to time as a reference for ideas and suggestions. In turn, each chapter is encouraged to share good ideas with other chapters by advising the administrative clearinghouse for possible inclusion in future publications.Program OverviewThe strongest fraternities on any campus are the chapters whose members enjoy the most prestige as undergraduatesand later in life. These are the fraternities that treat each individual with respect and treat them as a brother. Theyare strong because they do not have cliques within the organization. They do not indulge in activities that makethem have ill feeling toward each other. The Chapter does not believe in breaking members down in order to buildthem back up, instead, chooses to build on where the new members are and offer continued growth and development.One of the most challenging yet rewarding positions in the Fraternity is the Pledge Educator. As Pledge Educator,you are an essential element in the development and eventual success of the chapter’s membership. The Pledge Educator position offers great opportunity to inspire future leaders in the chapter. The Pledge Educator’s role is tobe a continual motivator, maintain an organized program, and to educate the chapter membership on the immense benefits to be gained from an effective pledge education program.Pledge Educator & CommitteeAs the chapter’s pledge educator your role is one of a teacher, requiring a maximum of time and responsibility. Inthe eyes of these new members, you are Pi Kappa Alpha. You must lead as a role model, because every thing youdo will be viewed by the new members as the “right thing to do”. It is important that your program is organized, providing an open network between chapter members and new members. The success of this program can be measured through the pledge retention rate, pledge class grade point average, and by what kind of leaders the pledge class produces.When developing the chapter’s pledge education program it is important that the emphasis is on consistency of communication with the chapter and the pledge class. As chairman you need to feel comfortable with your inter-personal skills and your ability to stay true to what is right if members want to influence how you educate the new members. You are the point man for motivating the chapter to demonstrate a positive environment and to help members understand the importance of a positive pledge education program. As the leader of the committee you arethe main liaison between the chapter and the pledge class.A successful pledge education program has a working committee of at least one, but hopefully three assistants.Each committee member should be delegated specific tasks within the committee (see PROGRAM TASKS for examples). Though it is the pledge educator who is ultimately in charge of following through with commitments,it’s important to give specific roles to committee members. A well-balanced committee will have a chair and three members:ChairmanBig Brother/Little Brother Scholarship/Retreat Pledge Class ProjectCoordinator Coordinator Coordinator◊ Big Brother/Little Brother Coordinator: This committee member coordinates and plans activities for the Big Brothers to do with the Little Brothers. It is his role to create an environmentthat allows these friendships to grow.◊ Scholarship/Retreat Coordinator: The role of this committee member is to administer progress reports, set study hours, offer tutors, and educate new members about the resources available oncampus. He also assists in planning the pledge class retreat.◊ Pledge Class Project Coordinator: This committee member’s role is to coordinate and help organize the pledge class project. He works with the chairman to assure that ideas like ceremonialpaddles, fundraisers, house projects, are planned, publicized and run efficiently. This member canalso monitor the point system.The Big Brother/Little Brother Coordinator is a basic but essential part of the chapter’s pledge education program. Careful attention to the organization, planning and follow-through of this program can be one of the valuable aspects of the pledge education period. Care must be taken in the selection of those members that will serve as Big Brothers to each pledge. Those men who do not fulfill their responsibilities as a Big Brother should be replaced with another member to ensure that these responsibilities are met.A Big Brother (sometimes called Pledge Father) is an initiated member who serves as an advisor, guide, confidante and friend to a pledge, and sets an example for the pledge to follow as an active. The relationship often continues well past initiation, but is most important during the initial stage of orientation and assimilation into Pi Kappa Alpha. The Big Brother program should maintain a frequent communication with his Little Brother, partake in all Big/Little Brother Activities, and make an effort to develop a sincere and helpful interest in the progress of his little brother, both academically and fraternally. He should be a friend to his Little Brother, offering insight into the chapter as a result of his experience.1. Selection of Big Brothers - The most common method of selection is accomplished by having each pledgesubmit to the Big Brother Coordinator the names of three chapter members they would like as their BigBrother. Every member wishing to participate as a Big Brother will submit a list of three pledges he would like to have as a Little Brother. The entire committee should then take the requests of all the pledges andmembers and match them, giving each pledge and active their first choices when possible. Care should be taken to try to match compatible personalities of pledges and actives to foster a beneficial relationshipbetween them. The entire process, from explaining the program to the pledge class to presentation of theBig Brothers to the pledges, should take no more than two to three weeks.2. Presentation of Big Brothers - Many Pi Kappa Alpha chapters have developed meaningful and traditionalBig Brother ceremonies over the years which emphasize the importance of the position to the active chapter and the pledges alike. The ceremonies are a means of presenting the Big Brothers to the pledges in anatmosphere of solemnity to impress upon them the significance of the event. Following is a sample scenario for a Big Brother ceremony:The attire for the event should be coat and tie for both pledges and members. The pledges should bebrought into a darkened room with only a candle providing light at the front of the room. The SMC orPledge Educator should be positioned near the candle. The pledges should position themselves facing the front of the room standing in a single line and be given instructions to look toward the candle.When they are in place, the Big Brothers should quietly file in the room taking their places behind theirLittle Brothers. The SMC or Pledge Educator should then give a brief discourse on the purpose of the Big Brother Program and what it could mean to each pledge. He may want to call upon his own personalexperience or some particularly memorable incident involving a pledge and his Big Brother. In closing, he should then make a statement such as:"To each pledge, I now introduce you to one of my brothers who will be a friend, a guide and a futurebrother to you. I have the utmost confidence that this man will play a significant role in your pledge-ship, and I wish you a long and close friendship."At this point, the Big Brothers place their hands on the pledges' shoulders and turn them around to meet one another for the first time as Big/Little Brothers. The entire ceremony should be carried out with a veryserious tone.It is appropriate to have some sort of celebration following, or for the entire group to go to dinner following the ceremony.3. The Big Brother's Role - The Big Brother should make an effort to establish contact with his LittleBrother frequently each week, if not daily. The pledges should be instructed to take the initiative to makeplans with their Big Brothers for various activities. The Big Brothers should do likewise. The Big Brother must make a consistent effort to establish open and honest communication with the pledge. He shouldattend all chapter meetings to report on his Little Brother's progress, if necessary. The Big Brother should be at all Big Brother/Little Brother group activities, and file weekly Big Brother reports promptly with the Big Brother Coordinator. If a pledge is having difficulties, his Big Brother should work to assist him inovercoming the obstacles that are impeding his performance.4. Big Brother/Little Brother Activities - In order to ensure an adequate amount of interaction between allBig and Little Brothers, the Big Brother Coordinator should plan and organize several activities involving all pledges and their Big Brothers. This will guarantee that the Big Brother with overwhelming timecommitments and other obligations has the opportunity to plan for spending time with his Little Brotherwith plenty of advance notice. It also provides for positive interaction and some memorable experiences for the pledge and his Big Brother. These activities should be scheduled for every other week and the schedule of events should be determined at the beginning of the pledge education period.Below are some suggestions for Big/Little Brother activities:Big/Little Brother Athletic Events - Football games, bowling or two-on-two basketball provide for friendly competition with other Big/Little Brother pairs. Prizes for the best performance or winners add to the fun.Canoe Trip/Camping - An afternoon or weekend spent with his Big Brother can enhance the friendship between the pledge and his Big Brother.Big/Little Brother Dinners - Away from the chapter house or on weekends is the best time and setting for this activity.Big\Little Brother Awards - For best combined GPA, or for imaginative, humorous awards.Big\Little Brothers Set-up Dates - Big and Little Brothers set each other up with blind dates for a party where the Little Brother picks up his Big Brother's date and vice versa.Big/Little Brother Community Service Projects - Teams compete for a prize based upon the amount of money raised or hours worked.Big Brother Reports - Due to the large number of pledges in many pledge classes, there is a need for a means of guarantee that each Big Brother provides a consistent stream of information to the Big Brother Coordinator on a regular basis. Individual meetings between the Big Brothers and the Big Brother Coordinator are not always feasible, nor are weekly group meetings of all Big Brothers always possible.A weekly written report provides concise and permanent records of the Big Brother's evaluation of the pledge's progress. Included in this manual is a sample Big Brother's Report for your use. These reports should be submitted to the Pledge Educator at least 24 hours in advance to provide him time to evaluate them. The report should be saved in folders for each pledge to allow chronological review of his performance.It is suggested that the Big Brother Coordinator recommend to the Big Brothers that they plan to purchase a small gift for their Little Brother upon initiation. Sample items would include an inexpensive Fraternity badge, a jersey, a paddle, a set of Fraternity glasses or other gift.Scholarship/Retreat CoordinatorTo aid the studies of the pledges, the Scholarship/Retreat Coordinator will organize several projects that will make the study time for the new members more productive. First, the Scholarship/Retreat Coordinator will reserve a place for the pledges to study. Each pledge will be required to attend these study sessions at least once a week and are encouraged to attend every night. A test file will be made available for you to study the exams previously given by your professors. Also, speakers have been scheduled to come into your meetings and talk on such subjects as note taking and time management.The Scholarship/Retreat Coordinator should consider setting up meeting times for the new member class to explore the resources the university or college offers. One week, the coordinator may bring the pledge class to the library and have a library assistant give a tour. Another week, the coordinator may take the pledge class to the Writing Center and ask them to use this resource by the end of that week. The Coordinator can do this with the Math Lab, Language Labs, Tutoring Center, etc. until all resources are covered and the pledge class feels comfortable utilizing the resources available.Pledge Class RetreatMany chapters have handed down the tradition of pledge class "walk-outs" or "sneaks" that have had several worthy intentions, yet fell short of the goals because they were, in large part, purely social events. A pledge class retreat is a more effective vehicle for:! Developing friendships among the pledge class.! Allowing for goal setting and planning.! Providing a working atmosphere for teaching about Pi Kappa Alpha.! Providing a conducive atmosphere for reflecting about the purpose of the Fraternity and each pledge's role in Pi Kappa Alpha's future.Keep in mind that the retreat should be fun. It should also be informative and productive, but above all, it should be a good time for all those in attendance. The pledges can accomplish many things in an enjoyable environment. The key to the retreat's success is to have a healthy mix of work and play that allows for meeting the goals of the retreat while engaging in plenty of recreation.The retreat must be away from the chapter house and all other easily reached distractions. The setting should be in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. A farm, a cabin in the woods, a lake home, a beach cottage, a pledge's house in the country, or some other suitably distant location prevents the temptation to leave the retreat for a brief time. The pledge class should understand that their attendance for the entire retreat is important to the event's success. A weekend is optimal for the retreat, with activities beginning on Friday evening and concluding on Sunday morning. Meals, activities and recreational time should be spent as a group. A minimum number of chapter members should be present to allow for the greatest participation by the pledges. It is suggested that the Pledge Educator and any other members who are needed to head sessions be present. Five members are normally sufficient to conduct the retreat.In most situations it is recommended that the pledge class organize the purchase of food (the use of alcohol is not recommended) for the weekend, that all pledges acquire sleeping bags or suitable bedding and that clothes for athletic activities and any other scheduled events be brought for the weekend. The retreat must be held within the first two to three weeks of the pledge education period to maximize its effectiveness. It is during this period that the pledges are most receptive to the material and information that will be discussed throughout the weekend. It is also during this time that their enthusiasm and attitude about Pi Kappa Alpha is best suited for retreat activities.The retreat schedule should be pre-determined, but leave a few opportunities for any activities or exercises that the pledges may want to undertake on their own. A sample schedule for the pledge class retreat follows:Pledge Class Retreat ScheduleFRIDAYP.M. Dinner7:007:30 P.M. Arrive At Retreat Location8:30 p.m Discuss “Why I joined Pi K A”8:00 p.m. Learn Pi Kappa Alpha songs and chapter songs9:30 p.m Goal-settingtimep.m Free10:3011:30p.mSATURDAYUpa.m. Wake8:00a.m. Breakfast8:309:00 a.m. Presentation “Statement of Position on Hazing”gameFootballa.m. Touch11:00p.m. Lunch12:301:30 p.m. Seminar: “What makes Rush Successful”3:00 p.m. Leadership Exercises (elect executive board)5:00 p.m. Outdoor Activity (i.e., softball game) p.m. Dinner6:307:30 p.m. Presentation on Fraternity Finances8:30 p.m. Discussion: “What do I expect from the Fraternity?”songs9:30allp.m. Reviewtimep.m. Free10:00Sunday9:00 a.m. Evaluate the retreat & Closurea.m. Depart10:00Pledge Class Projects/ActivitiesClassroom-style education is only part of an effective pledge education program. Many of the most memorable experiences, the development of some of the closest friendships, and some of the most enjoyable times will result from the projects and activities that the pledge class will undertake. These activities teach valuable lessons in organization, camaraderie, appreciation for Pi Kappa Alpha, and a sense of duty to the community, to name just some of the benefits that result.The Group Projects Coordinator of the committee is responsible for the organization of these activities and should be prepared to outline the planned activities for the pledge education program and their scheduled dates. He should also be prepared to explain to the pledges why the activities are a required part of the program and what benefits the pledges should hope to receive from completion of the projects.It is recommended that the pledge class have a vital role in the decisions made regarding the exact activities to be undertaken. The Group Projects Coordinator may want to give the pledge class a list of suggestions for each project category and let the pledge class decide on the specific activity. Your chapter may have a traditional annual activity for which the pledge class is responsible each year, and this would automatically be included in the calendar of activities for the pledges.Following the Group Projects Coordinator's presentation on the proposed activities to the pledge class, they should be given a week to consider them and discuss the options, making their decisions at the following week's meeting. From this point, the Group Projects Coordinator works with the pledge class officers in further planning, organization, implementation and follow-up of the activities. At the pledge class meeting following the completion of each project, the Group Projects Coordinator should lead a brief discussion of the outcome of the project. It is essential that the Group Projects Coordinator maintain written records in a notebook regarding his efforts in carrying out his responsibilities. This notebook will be used by future Group Projects Coordinators as a guide.Suggested Activities for Pledge Class Projects1. Community Service Projects. There are numerous organizations that can be chosen by the pledge class asthe focal point for a community service project: neighborhood associations; organizations established tobenefit the elderly, the needy, the handicapped; churches; neighborhood parks in need of cleaning up; etc.2. Fund Raising Projects. The pledge class can generate funds for many purposes. Most often they are raisedto purchase a gift for the chapter, to fund projects of renovation or addition to the chapter house, or todefray the cost of the initiation fees of the pledges. The list of ideas that can be utilized is substantial. Many ideas can be gathered from other organizations on your campus or nearby campuses.3. Pledge Class Athletic Teams. Many campuses have separate leagues or tournaments exclusively for inter-fraternity pledge class competition. If your campus doesn't offer such a competition, the pledge class may want to start a sporting tournament to be sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha. Another suggestion is to hold achapter athletic event.4. Pledge Class Social Events. A social event between the pledges and a sorority pledge class can assist thepledges in meeting other members of the Greek system and give them valuable experience in planning asuccessful social activity. Many chapters also have an all-chapter formal or dance sponsored and organized entirely by the pledges.5. Pledge Class Gift. Another common tradition among Pi Kappa Alpha chapters is the presentation of a giftfrom the pledges to the chapter. The gift can take the form of a purchase of an item for use in the chapterhouse at chapter activities, or a project to improve the chapter house. Fund raising by the pledge class isusually needed to accomplish this. Sample ideas are a plaque to display at the chapter house or a banner to hang at athletic events, a television or stereo for the chapter, remodeling a chapter room at the chapterhouse or other physical improvements, etc.6. Ceremonial Paddles. A Fraternity paddle from a pledge to his Big Brother has long been a tradition of PiKappa Alpha and is a great remembrance of friendships for many years. They can be obtained from one ofmany companies specializing in fraternity items or can be individually made by each pledge using auniform design, or each pledge creating a design of his own.7. Special Events. Many campuses maintain traditional events at which your pledges will want to berepresented. Throughout the year, notable speakers will be featured on your campus and the PledgeEducator and Group Projects Coordinator will want the pledge class to attend. It is suggested that the entire pledge class attend an IFC meeting to gain an understanding of its functions and benefits to each fraternity.Other events will arise that will be of value to the pledge class, and the Group Projects Coordinator willrequire or suggest that the pledge class attend.TransitionMany chapter’s pledge education programs are inconsistent, and therefore, ineffective. Perhaps one year your chapter will appoint a capable leader who establishes a solid foundation of programming but the following year a new pledge educator brings down this foundation by not building on the momentum established by the previous chairman. Much of this inconsistency can be blamed on poor transition between the old and new chairman. Throughout the year, the chairman must keep a detailed handbook on the chapter’s pledge education program. Each pledge class activity should be listed by filling out an event summary form. The planning process and the follow-up of the activities must also be explained in the handbook (see event summary in CHAPTER WRITTEN PROGRAM).The handbook should also advise the pledge educator on the type of chapter members to select for the pledge education committee. If the departing chairman has definite opinions, this section, Notes for Successor, could specifically name chapter members to be appointed to the committee. The handbook must be updated and handed down from pledge educator to pledge educator. This system will result in a better fraternity experience for the undergraduate members of the chapter and will ensure a future of the chapter with a strong pledge class.The role of the pledge educator is vital to the success of the chapter’s current and future. Your leadership and organizational skills are the key components to the chapter’s success. You must remember that the chapter has entrusted you to perform your role well, relations between the chapter and the pledge class will be strong, and the chapter will enjoy the fruitful results of loyal and active chapter members.Program Tasks / PlanningI. Garnet & GoldA. Contact Secretary about ordering G&G and pledge pinsB. Review with PledgesII. PledgeManualsA. SyllabusB. Include informational items and pamphletsC. Pledge requirements1. A point system may be used to evaluate the pledges2. Athletic event3. Community service event4. Housing Project (if applicable)5. Rush event(s)6. Social event7.E xams8. Grade Point (pledges can be assigned academic big brothers within the 1st week of installation)9. ParticipationIII. Guest SpeakersA. Hold seminar(s) on chapter operations & conducting business on a weekly basisB. Hold seminars on other pertinent issues (risk management & rush mandatory)IV. CalendarsA. Inform pledges of chapter eventsB. Inform chapter of pledge eventsV. PledgeRetreatA. Lodging arrangements (& Directions)B. FoodC. InitiativesVI. ExamsA. Mid-term or weekly testsB. FinalVII. Weekly reports to the active chapter on pledge program progressVIII. Chair pledge CommitteeA. Meetings: Go over grades, points, financesPlanningEarly Summer• Transition with last Pledge Educator• Start Pledge Educator Handbook• Get Forms from IMC• Create Tentative Calendar / Pledge Education syllabus for the entire year• Make arrangements for Fall Pledge RetreatLate Summer• Set goals• Give Tentative Calendar to IMC• Submit estimated budget (itemized list)• Create Pledge Education Committee• Assign Duties• Set Committee Goals• Hold Committee Mtgs. (as needed)• Start Pledge ManualsAugust• Finalize Pledge Manuals• Make arrangements with SC to order Garnet & Gold and pledge pinsFall Semester• Transition with Rush Chairmen• Get phone numbers and addresses of pledges• Meet with Athletics, Rush, Community Service, Fundraising, Campus involvement, Scholarship, THC, IMC & SMC to discuss pledge activities and plans• Hold Pledge Meetings• Hold seminar on Chapter operations• Hold seminar on Risk Management• Hold Pledge Retreat• Inform chapter of upcoming events• Start making arrangements for Winter Pledge Retreat (end of Oct.)• Pledge education committee meeting• Review winter Pledge calendar / syllabusNovember• Make sure Ingress has been completed by this point• Pledge education committee meeting• Review Pledge Program with IMC to make additions or changes• Start making pledge manuals for winter pledgesSpring Semester• Transition with Rush Chairmen• Get phone numbers and addresses of pledges• Meet with Athletics, Rush, Community Service, Fundraising, Campus involvement, Scholarship, THC, IMC & SMC to discuss pledge activities and plans• Hold Pledge Meetings• Hold seminar on Chapter operations• Hold seminar on Risk Awareness• Hold Pledge Retreat• Inform chapter of upcoming events。

Boy on a Dolphin《金童海豚(1957)》完整中英文对照剧本

Boy on a Dolphin《金童海豚(1957)》完整中英文对照剧本

(朱莉 ·伦敦演唱的《海豚上的男孩》)("Boy on a Dolphin" by Julie London playing)有一个故事他们讲♪ There's a tale that they tell ♪一只海豚和一个男孩的歌♥声♪ Of a dolphin and a boy ♪金子做的♪ Made of gold ♪歌♥词: With the shells and the pearls in the deep ♪ With the shells and the pearls in the deep ♪♪他已经睡了很多年了♪ He has lain many years fast asleep ♪他们是怎么说海豚上的男孩的♪ What they tell of the boy on a dolphin ♪谁能说这是真的♪ Who can say if it's true? ♪♪他会从海洋深处升起吗♪ Should he rise from the depths of the ocean ♪任何愿望都可以实现♪ Any wish that you wish may come true ♪你说他只是一尊雕像♪ You say he's only a statue ♪一尊雕像能做什么♪ And what can a statue achieve? ♪然而当我凝视你的时候♪ And yet while I'm gazing at you ♪我的心告诉我的头脑去相信♪ My heart tells my head to believe ♪如果那个被神施了魔法的男孩♪ If the boy whom the gods have enchanted ♪应该从睡眠中醒来♪ Should arise from sleep ♪我心中的愿望就能实现♪ And the wish of my heart could be granted ♪我希望♪ I would wish ♪你只爱我♪ That you loved only me ♪(喘气)(panting)嗨,瑞芙!Hey, Rhif!菲德拉,你为什么这么做?Phaedra, why you do that?因为你懒,我在工作。

外研版高中英语学案必修第一册精品课件 Unit 3 Section C

外研版高中英语学案必修第一册精品课件 Unit 3 Section C

Task 3 Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.
1.When did the story take place?
A.In the Olympic Games.
B.In the 2016 World Triathlon Series.
Step Three Post-reading
Ⅰ.课文语法填空 In the 2016 World Triathlon Series in Mexico,when Alistair came round the
corner,he saw his brother about 1. to fall (fall) onto the track.He ran towards Jonny,caught him and 2. started (start) pulling him towards the finish line.The move put Jonny in second place and Alistair 3._h_i_m_s_e_l_f ___(he) in third.It was 4. an unexpected end to the race,but Alistair did not want to discuss it 5. with the media.He just wanted to see his younger brother, 6. who had been rushed to the medical area.
时间状语从句 阿利斯泰尔在酷热中奋力奔向终点,但就在他转过弯道时,却看到弟弟快要 倒在跑道上。
1.feature 项目

2021新译林版高中英语选择性必修二第一单元Reading Language points 课件

2021新译林版高中英语选择性必修二第一单元Reading Language points 课件
extend v. 1) to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area 延伸; 伸展
e.g. The company extended its operations in Europe. 这家公司扩大了在欧洲的业务。 2) to continue for a longer period of time, or to make something last longer 持续; 延长
explore to consider or discuss something, in order to help you decide what you should do
6 How do these differences come about? come about: to happen or start to happen 发生 e.g. How did it come about that the man is dismissed? 那个人被解雇了,怎么回事?
investigate to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem
look into sth. (everyday English) to find out more about a problem, especially after someone has asked you to do this
C. focuses on
D. comes to
7 …they may contradict each other in terms of factual details. contradict vt. to disagree with something, especially by saying that the opposite is true 反驳,驳斥;相矛盾 e.g. The witness statements contradict each other and the facts remain unclear. 目击者的说法互相矛盾,真相依然未明。 contradict oneself 自相矛盾



新视野大学英语第三版第二册视听说答案制作延安大学刘锟Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) new things(2) At the moment(3) quite difficultTask 31, 3, 7, 8Task 41. (1) ever learned2. (1) a combination3. Learning to drive4. (1) nine cases5. French6. hatedListeningTask 2Activity 1e-c-a-g-d-h-b-fActivity 2(1) speak(2) saying the wrong(3) native speakers(4) pronunciation(2) found (2) body movements (2) by most standards(5) talking to himself(6) making mistakes(7) listening skills(8) listeningActivity 31. (1) embarrassed2. anything you like3. (1) voice4. (1) how it sounds5. on the Internet6. sound likeViewingTask 2Activity 1BABAActivity 2DABADRole-playTask 2Activity 11Activity 2G:1, 3, 5(2) hear (2) pronunciation (2) the news (3) English television R:2, 4, 6, 7Activity 31. (1)2. (1)3. (1)4. (1) you should eat should not spend Why don't it's a good (2) (2) (2) (2) a good You're am not sure that's suppose so ConversationsTask 1BDDCATask 2CDACPassageTask 1DACDTask 2(1) alternative(2) numerous(3) traditional(4) academic(5) countryside(6) athletes(7) take advantage of(8) Secondary(9) in a collective effort(10) serve asUnit testPartⅠCBBCCPartⅡBADCBPartⅢAADBCPartⅣ(1) political(2) Traditional(3) acquire(4) bear in mind(5) difficult(6) invented(7) successful(8) reason for(9) thousands of(10) brainsUnit 2SharingTask 2(1) different countries(2) home(3) places(4) culturesTask 31, 4, 5Task 41. mature2. airport3.4. scenery5. culture6. languageTask 5b-a-d-f-c-e ListeningTask 2Activity 11. slowly sinking2. two and a half3. try and stop4. temporary5. permanent Activity 23, 4, 5ViewingTask 2Activity 1DBBCDActivity 21. busy2. bars3. friendliness4. elegant5. views6. (1) beaches (2) cheap7. (1) changing (2) sunset8. criedRole-playTask 2Activity 13Activity 2(1) trying to(2) takes(3) looking for(4) right way(5) the first left(6) until you reach(7) get to(8) Is it far(9) Go left(10) on the left PresentingTask 1(1) isolated(2) far(3) plane(4) three months(5) culture(6) way of life(7) speak to(8) find out(9) history(10) dreams Conversations Task 1 ADBCDTask 2ADCAPassageTask 1DABDTask 2(1) scared(2) perceive(3) negative(5) lose faith in(6) goes down(7) depressed(8) preferably(9) adapt(10) revealUnit testPartⅠABBAAPartⅡBCADPartⅢCADBPartⅣ(1) vacation(2) walks of life(3) routine(4) adventure(5) treat(6) popularity(7) gain a better understanding of(8) similarities(9) perspective(10) marvelousUnit 3SharingTask 2(1) concerts(2) a bar(3) bandTask 31. (1) keep fit2. (1) small children3. (1) eating and drinking4. (1) friends around5. (1) love to read6. (1) playing the guitar Task 4 1, 6ListeningTask 2(1) free art exhibition(2) a concert(3) dinner(5) museum(6) paintings(7) entertainers(8) comedy(9) comedy club(10) Covent Garden(2) theater (2) seeing friends (2) houses (2) a jazz club (2) oil painting (2) watching films ViewingTask 2Activity 1(1) sightseeing(2) beach(3) get away from(4) relaxing(5) a dozen(6) fantastic(7) attitude(8) perfectActivity 2BAABABActivity 3c-e-f-b-a-dRole-play Task 2Activity 1(1) Book a table(2) 4(3) Saturday(4) 10 o'clock(5) two tickets(6) Starr(7) June the fifth(8) June the ninth(9) dinner with friends(10) eight-thirty(11) Saturday(12) dinner tonight(13) 098845673Activity 2(1) repeat(2) check(3) catch(4) slow down(5) speak upTask 1Activity 1e-d-b-f-a-cActivity 2b-a-c-e-dConversations Task 1DCCBCTask 2DAADPassage Task 1AADDTask 2(1) objectives(2) farthest(3) recognized(4) separated into(5) involves(6) is referred to(7) life-threatening(8) designed(9) endurance(10) putting themselves at risk Unit test PartⅠACBBBPartⅡDBDCAPartⅢCDCCPartⅣ(1) have a passion for(2) looked upon(3) take risks(4) probably(5) ignore(6) attractive(7) familiar(8) obviously(9) powerful(10) requires Unit 4 Sharing Task 2(1) finding out(2) a normal person(3) feel about fame Task 32, 3, 4Task 42. worthwhile3. a model4. real fame5. invention6. in the street Task 5b-a-c-f-e-dListeningTask 2(1) advertising(2) enjoy the job(3) travel(4) chance(5) go traveling(6) a doctor(7) have time(8) play the piano(9) writing songs(10) make more time ViewingTask 2Activity 11. (1) the attitude2. speed3. (1) Formula One4. ambitious drivers Activity 2(1) speed(2) survive(3) October(4) richest(5) track(6) bank(7) glory(8) better(2) the talent (2) big guys Activity 3(1) 7(2) 4(3) everythingRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) White House(2) tomorrow afternoon(3) a space flight(4) next week(5) her husband(6) 80(7) three or four(8) organize(9) this weekend(10) restaurant service(11) French(12) Paris(13) directions(14) bookActivity 2R:1, 2, 4 O:3, 5, 6 PresentingTask 11. South Wales2. a rock star3. his dream4. (1) drum kit(2) write songs5. apart from ConversationsTask 1BBCDDTask 2ABBDPassageTask 1BDACTask 2(1) commentators(2) exaggerated(3) focus on(4) lead an active life(5) laid the foundation(6) annual(7) a series of(8) advocating(9) abolish(10) influentialUnit testPartⅠCACCCPartⅡCBBAPartⅢBCCBAPartⅣ(1) champion(2) challenges(3) Regardless of(4) inspiration(5) remarkable(6) legendary(7) dominance(8) appeal in(9) aspire to(10) magnificentUnit 5SharingTask 2(1) cities(2) mix of people(3) peace and quietTask 3d-e-a-c-f-bTask 41, 2, 5Task 51. horribly2. get round3. (1) on the go (2) take time out (3) missing out4. green transport5. (1) crimeListeningTask 2(1) shopping(2) good nightlife(3) safe(4) cheap(5) terrible(6) restaurants(7) fantastic(8) fast(9) green(10) crowded(12) atmosphere(13) clean(14) safe(15) see(16) do(17) beautiful(18) perfect(19) culture(20) too muchViewingTask 21. a combined age2. (1) forgotten(4) 16 times(2) committing crimes (2) stuck indoors (5) closure (3) felt right (6) meet3. 404. (1) available online (2) 2 million Role-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. a hotel2. The air conditioning3. send someone upConversation 21. a restaurant2. (1) 20 minutes (2) the service charge3. busy timeConversation 31. a train station2. an hour3. wrong type of snowActivity 2C:1, 2, 5 R:3, 4, 6 ConversationsTask 1AABADTask 2AADBPassage Task 1BDCDTask 2(1) join up(2) reaction(3) makes increasing sense(5) aims(6) monitored(7) access to(8) experimenting with(9) eye-catching(10) commuting Unit test PartⅠBCDABPartⅡBCDACPartⅢDCBDDPartⅣ(1) widespread(2) property(3) penetrates(4) robbed(5) victim(6) argue about(7) contribute to(8) population(9) remains unsolved(10) proposedUnit 6SharingTask 2(1) a researcher(2) gets too busy(3) relax(4) flatTask 33, 4Task 4c-e-a-d-b-fListeningTask 2(1) a free bus(2) a dentist(3) Lunch(4) a cheap(5) a surprise holiday(6) free coffee(7) bring their children(8) free drinks(9) go fishing(10) all the fishViewingTask 2(1) traveling to work(2) live abroad(3) cheap houses(4) an online map company(5) working(6) drive(7) 700(8) 38 pounds(9) quality of life(10) the trafficRole-playTask 2Activity 11, 3Activity 21. like2. can't stand3. absolutely love4. (1) don't like5. don't mind6. keen on7. hate8. (1) not very keen on(2) prefer (2) want to bePresenting Task 1 Activity 11. (1) shaped2. (1) personal3. at home4. beautiful website (2) faces (2) special message Activity 2 c-e-a-b-d Conversations Task 1 BDACC Task 2 ADBBPassage Task 1 BBADTask 2(1) evaluate(2) compensation(3) negotiating(4) confirm(5) schedule(6) circumstances (7) turn down (8) start over (9) work out (10) informed Unit testPartⅠPartⅡBDDCCPartⅢCADBCPartⅣ(1) opportunities (2) practical (3) define(4) compassion (5) focusing on (6) significance (7) think big(8) plays a huge role (9) attend(10) ContentedUnit 7SharingTask 2(1) enjoy(2) live without (3) plan my life(4) listening to musicTask 3b-e-f-a-d-cTask 51. (1) on it all the time2. (1) my laptop3. beyond that4. (1) computer(2) my husband(2) phone (2) Internet(3) essentialListeningTask 2 Activity 11, 2Activity 21. on the Internet2. videos3. (1) a break4. reading books5. (1) the computer(2) someone in the office (2) sports and going out(3) looking through (3) live in the real worldViewingTask 2 Activity 11, 4Activity 2CBDDCRole-playTask 2 Activity 1Reasons(1) all the time (2) texting(3) watch much television (4) terrible (5) for work(6) an emergency (7) a problem with (8) go on the Internet (9) Someone elseSpeaker 1:c-a-b Speaker 2:b-a-cPresentingTask 1(1) 2(2) near the sea(3) real achievement (4) 12(5) talked online (6) hello (7) lonely (8) a new girl (9) bored(10) my real friends (11) a club(12) good-looking(13) start talking to him (14) on the dance floor (15) haven't been dancingConversationsTask 1BCDDCTask 2BBACPassageTask 1DAADTask 2(1) response (2) illegal(3) in charge of (4) consequently (5) relied heavily on (6) linked to (7) anticipate (8) familiar with (9) remedy (10) betrayingUnit testPartⅠADBCBPartⅡBCADCPartⅢABCDDPartⅣ(1) refer to(2) involves(3) unique(4) valuable(5) at your expense(6) associated with(7) responsible(8) minimize(9) regularly(10) maintainUnit 8SharingTask 2(1) come from(2) most of my family(3) talking to peopleTask 3c-e-a-f-b-dTask 41. (1) height2. (1) my sister3. (1) a younger version4. quite calm5. (1) my brothersTask 52, 6(2) same traits (2) similar to (2) organized (2) quite different (3) think about things (3) mathematical (3) louderListeningTask 2(1) 1689(2) advisor(3) soldiers(4) sailors(5) dull(6) incredibly(7) surname(8) great funViewingTask 2(1) islands(2) There are no rules(3) an account(4) a digital(5) male(6) half animal(7) edit(8) short(9) face(10) features(11) pick(12) personality(13) online stores(14) over three million(15) chatRole-playTask 2Conversation 11. speaking and listening2. conversationConversation 21. summer camp2. Different agesConversation 31. online classes2. demandingActivity 2(1) So for me the most important thing is to(2) I suppose I'd have to say(3) In my opinion(4) One thing I'd like to say is that PresentingTask 1Activity 1(1) BBC breakfast TV(2) hair color(3) businesswoman(4) personality(5) buildingActivity 21, 3, 4, 5, 6Conversations Task 1 BCCDA Task 2 CDABPassage Task 1 CCABTask 2(1) infancy(2) assumed(3) inherited(4) rooted in(5) fairs(6) compensate for(7) cement(8) witness(9) exposed to(10) contributed to Unit test PartⅠ BBCCB PartⅡ BDAA PartⅢ BCCAA PartⅣ(1) kicked out of(2) hang out(3) involved(4) useless(5) failure(6) fell in love with(8) especially(9) took off(10) succeed。

The Change-Up《两男变错身(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本

The Change-Up《两男变错身(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本

一个月后史蒂夫·德赖弗手指激♥情♥该你了Your turn.来了擦on, fuck.行了行了醒了Okay, I'm awake.早上好Good morning.你俩今天怎么这么早就折腾啊You guys are up a little early today, huh.做噩梦了?Did we have some nightmares or something?看看你给爸爸准备了什么好东西?Let's see what you made for daddy.一起看看吧Let's see.我也不想裤子里夹着那玩意儿睡觉I wouldn't like to sleep with that in my pants, either.但大学时确实有过这么一次But it did happen once in college.宝贝你能把那瓶子放下么?Can you leave that bottle alone, honey?放下好不好?Can you put it down?宝贝... 莎拉...Honey... Sarah...别别! 哦亲爱的!No, no! Sweetheart!擦Damn.先回你小暖窝里待会儿吧I know. I'll have you back in your warm little bed in one second. 去吧宝贝Here you go. Back to bed, sweetheart.尿布换好啦You got a fresh, dry diapy.彼得...彼得别介!Peter, please!头撞不过床的咱不是讨论过了么Buddy, we talked about the head thing.我来给你贴上新尿布Let me get you all hooked up.待好了别掉下去Hang on, don't fall.哦不Oh, no.彼得... 哦Peter... Oh.搞定爹要看电视了Okay. A little something for daddy.斯蒂尔库和巴♥赫♥ 麦克劳德法律事务所早上好-Steel, Kuhbach, McCloud Law Firm. -Good morning.早上好洛克伍德Good morning, Lockwood.早上好斯蒂尔先生Good morning, Mr. Steel.谢谢Thank you.孩子都好吧?How are the kids?哦很好他们很好Oh, they're terrific. Just terrific.有孩子真是一大乐事Children are such a joy.是啊当然Yes, absolutely. Always.并购的事怎么样了?Any word on the Amalgamated merger?就差签字了That's all but signed.这单谈成了就该进行你的合伙人资格评估了And just in time for your partner review, no less.真的? 我都没注意Really? Oh, I hadn't noticed.评估在合伙人专用套间进行洛克伍德I look forward to having your antic sense of humor别太僵硬死板好好表现in the partner suite, Lockwood.希望你顺利通过It can get a touch dry up there.好的谢谢Thank you so much. Hmm.不过这双温莎结[一种领带系法]But a Double Windsor?快别了又不是赛狗去Come on, son. This is not the dog track.哦当然No. Yes.好的Yeah.这就重系谢谢提醒Absolutely not. Thank you.嗨Hi.真的戴夫又不是去赛狗Seriously, Dave, this isn't the dog track.啊早上好塞布丽娜Yeah. Good morning, Sabrina.上周他说我的鞋像意大利黑♥手♥党♥穿的Last week he told me my shoes were dangerously Italian.什么?what?并购材料? 要我去汇报?My turn with the Amalgamated files?嗯我调整了下评估程序以便体现新的每月预测Yeah, I adjusted the WACC to reflect the new monthly projections, 23到29条也进行了预谈判and I pre-negotiated articles 23 through 29.好的Okay.顺便说下我更喜欢你以前的样子I like the way you had it before, by the way.是啊谢谢Yeah. Thank you.早上好帕特里夏Good morning, Patricia.弟弟便便妹妹鸡鸡洞洞Penis, shit, vagina, cock, wolf pussies.米奇我上班呢Mitch. I'm at work.-吓着了吧 -多明白啊-Did I get you? -Yeah. You sure did.-免提呢? -是啊You got me on speakerphone? Yep.秘书听到了?Did the secretary hear?是秘书听到了一点儿没落Yes, the secretary heard. She heard it all.哈爽That's awesome.爽个屁你丫磕了多少?Not really. How stoned are you right now?就来了点大♥麻♥I've taken some weed.-真的? -嗯Have you? Mmm-hmm.-知道现在几点了么? -嗯Do you know what time it is? Mmm-mmm.早上九点It's like 9:00.我勒个去Holy fuck-knuckles.-猜我现在跟前放着个啥? -你那破钟?Guess what I'm looking at right now. A bong?不是我昨晚在街上看见个蒲团No, I found a futon on the street last night.就跟那流浪汉打架抢过来了他太弱了I sort of had to fight a bum for it. He was so thin.还抢了个很漂亮的纳瓦霍马鞍垫...And it also came with this vintage Navajo pony blanket... 哥们儿赚大发了So I think that's pretty much a win for me.米奇成年人都是要工作的Mitch, you know the adults are about to fire up a work day. -我知道就是想你了没别的 -我也想你I know, I just miss you, dude, that's all. I miss you, too.三年级起咱俩就是最亲近的兄弟We've been super best buddies since third grade.我好久都没见着你了I haven't seen you in forever.嗯我太忙了Oh, I've been swamped.我们正对双胞胎进行睡眠训练We're sleep-training the twins,我都快累的喘不动气了and I just haven't had a moment to breathe.真倒霉我就是超想见你I'm sorry, man. I'm just super-excited to see you.咱今晚说好的聚会还算数吧?We are still on for tonight, right?-大卫? -嗯?David? Yep.当然当然为了... 那啥-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -For the thingy.亚特兰大勇士队对佛罗里达马林鱼队别说你忘了Braves-Marlins. Please don't tell me that you forgot.没Didn't forget.你几点来接我?What time are you going to pick me up?别让我自己看球大卫Don't you bail on me, David.不会的I am not going to bail.如果你不来我就照"眼睛强♥奸♥"的字面意思对你If you bail on me, I'm going to literally eye-rape you.明白I got it.我会真的捅到你的眼睛里... 喔!I will actually place myself inside your ocular... Oh!我爸来了It's my dad.老米奇·普隆克很少见啊Mitch Planko, Sr. making a rare appearance.他瞅我老费劲了This guy fucking hates me.-6点去找你 -知道了-I'll pick you up at 6:00. -Got it.挂了Kirk out.爸Dad.你来干嘛?What are you doing here?就是过来告诉你Oh, I just came by to tell you儿子你是多么让我骄傲how incredibly proud of you I am, son.我虽然有点高了I'm pretty baked right now,但还是能听出来你在讽刺我but I think you're being sarcastic.是么?Right?不高中退学去当演员No, dropping out of high school这决定挺不赖的to be an actor was a great decision.我碰巧见着你给那肉商做的演出了I saw you in that commercial for meat, incidentally.你这香肠演的人类已经阻止不了你了That was the most brilliant portrayal of baloney I have ever seen. 你过来干嘛?Why are you here?来看看你想不想一起吃点早餐Just came by to see if you'd like to have some breakfast.不行啊我10分钟后有个超重要的电♥话♥会要开I can't. I got a super-duper important conference call in 10 minutes. -你没工作 -你没头发You don't have a job. You don't have any hair.是啊Right.好吧那我就在这儿说吧Well, then I'll just say it here.我又要结婚了I'm getting married again,想要你来参加婚礼and I'd like you to come to the wedding.-什么时候? -下周六When's the wedding? Next Saturday.我的未婚妻帕梅拉My betrothed, Pamela, would like you想让你来讲几句话to be there to say a few words.你下次结婚我再去吧I'll catch the next one.嗯好吧那我最好回去Yeah, right. Okay, well, then I'd better get home弄弄我的鞋and boil my shoes.-见到你很高兴 -我也是Great visiting. You, too.好吧Good.吃小孩的妖怪And the baby-eating monster从深渊里爬了上来!rises from the deep!爸爸你喜欢哪个?Hey, Daddy, which one do you like better?帝王斑蝶还是斑星弄蝶?The southern monarch or the many-spotted skipperling? 爹永远都是斑星弄蝶的粉I am a many-spotted skipperling man, all the way.帝王斑蝶就是炫点儿的蛾子不是么?The monarch is just a glorified moth, don't you think? 嗯我觉得也是Yes. I tend to agree.-妈妈! -嗨!Hi, Mom! Hi!今天太郁闷了What a bad, bad day.嗨Hi.分区规划委又让我们停业The zoning board shut us down for the millionth time.克莱因医生把双胞胎的免疫卡丢了Dr. Klein lost the twins' immunization records.凯拉在芭蕾课上又受欺负了And Cara got bullied in ballet class again.你跟爸爸说了么?Did you tell Daddy?做小踢腿时妮可莱特·彼得斯把我推倒了Nicolette Peters keeps knocking me over during the battement glissé. 哦真可怜小瓢虫你没事吧?Oh, I'm sorry, sugarbug. Are you okay?我们正努力和平解决这事儿We just need to keep striving for verbal resolution.嗯好和平解决Yeah, yeah. Verbal resolution, sweetheart.你觉得今晚在哪儿谈比较合适?So where do you want to do this tonight?谈什么?Do what?今天是交流日Dialogue Night.哦上帝Oh, my God.亲爱的...Honey...别说了Don't even say that.非常抱歉是我不好I'm so sorry. I suck.蒂尔曼医生说一周就一次一次就一小时Dr. Tillman said just once a week, for one hour.对不起I'm sorry.三个月前就这么建议咱们了That was three months ago.我知道我听他说了I know. I heard her.我也想坐下来好好跟你交流一小时And I want to sit and talk with you for an hour每周几次都行但今天不行more than once a week, but tonight, I cannot.为什么? 你有事?Why? What are you doing?我答应米奇要跟他I promised Mitch I would sit and watch一起看比赛...a game with him tonight, and...What?能不能往后推推?Can we please just slide the Dialogue Night again?真对不起I'm so sorry.周一不行I can do Monday night.谢谢Thank you.他来早了He's early.你要整天吃鹰嘴豆泥和打飞机Yeah, you'd be early, too,你也会无聊地早点过来if all you did all day was eat hummus and masturbate. 什么是鹰嘴豆泥?What's hummus?地中海地区人们吃的一种流食That is a Mediterranean spread, honey.什么是打飞机?What's master-ate?就是薄脆饼干It's a cracker.嗨米奇发型不错Oh, hey, Mitch. Your hair looks good.谢谢Thanks.为了拍个脑残的卫生巾广♥告♥剪的Yeah, I had to cut it for a fucking tampon commercial. 米奇叔叔!-Uncle Mitch!我的小芭蕾舞演员挺好的吧?How's my favorite ballerina doing?-你好米奇叔叔 -你好啊Hi, Uncle Mitch. Hi! Wow!天哪你怎么这么轻减肥呢?Gosh, you're so light. Are you dieting?你要不要来参加我的舞蹈演出会?Do you want to come to my dance recital?哦不去了宝贝No, honey.米奇叔叔只喜欢一种舞蹈The only style of dancing that Uncle Mitch likes就是女人们攀着钢管群魔乱舞involves a big, shiny pole, and a broken woman with daddy issues. 好了不聊了Yeah, story time is over.去弄弄你的头发吧Go fix your hair.喔Ow.真香啊杰姆Mmm, smells good in here, Jame.嗯Mmm.哇! 好吃的!Ooh! Num-nums!蔬菜泥!Vegetable medley!-最近怎么样? -挺好的How are you? Good.-过得不错? -是啊You're good? Yeah.没找女朋友?Are you dating anyone?-你知道我看上谁了? -谁?Ooh! You know who I ran into? Who?德鲁伊山社区星巴克的西卡姆女士Mrs. Hickham at a Starbucks in Druid Hills.-我们的社会学老师? -是啊Our social studies teacher? Yeah.我约她她不甩我I asked her out and she wouldn't go out with me,太过分了高中时我俩还搞过呢which is crazy, because I nailed her in high school.-你俩? -整个学期我都在跟她的嘴巴约会You did? I dated her mouth for a full semester.都弄好了洗澡换尿布乖乖的-Okay. -Bathed, diapered, and in the PJs.戴夫能满足你么? 我是说在床上Is Dave meeting your needs, sexually?-能吧我想 -不错-Yeah, I guess. -Good.-有时不行 -哦Not really, mmm-mmm. Ahh.真想把你捆眼前说"我行"I would like to strap you to my face and say the alphabet. 别扯了That's going too far.噢!Oh!瞧这俩小傻蛋!Look at these little fuckers!你叫什么?What's your name? Hey.你叫什么? 嗯?What's your name? What's your name?他俩怎么不说话? 不是痴呆吧?Why can't they talk yet? Are they retarded or something? 说什么呢别胡扯Don't say... You can't say that.他不是唐氏症患儿吧Well, this one right here looks a little Downsy.-闭嘴 -开个玩笑么-Or that. -I'm kidding.-确实有点儿像 -滚A little bit, though? No.小南瓜比赛结束我们就回来好吧?Pumpkin, we'll see you right after the game, okay?去吧Have fun.小家伙真好玩哦怎么哭了I like it. Oh, God.-走吧 -拜拜Let's go. Okay. Bye.米奇戴夫二人组Mitch and Dave.米奇戴夫二人组进城过夜生活啦Mitch and Dave, out on the town.哦哥们儿忘告诉你了!Oh, dude, I didn't tell you!这周哥要演个主角I booked a major movie role this week.试镜通过了I auditioned for a movie role, I got it.-哥第一个主角啊 -不赖啊片子叫什么?Yeah, first one. Hey, good for you. What is it called?"无名牛片"Untitled Awesome Movie.真的? 叫这名?Truly? That's the name?-嗯 -嗯恭喜Yeah. Yeah. Good for you.-来根不? -不了Do you want to hotbox this nut sack? No, no.-明天还有事儿呢 -扶下车把嗯方向盘I've got a big day tomorrow. Take the wheel. Steer. Steering wheel. 扶下方向盘Oh, steer for me.拜托米奇Mitch, come on, buddy.咱得活着才能看比赛不是么?Let's make it to the game in one piece, don't you think?试试? 好歹是辆菲罗不过不幸没气囊Want to try that? This Fiero, unfortunately, is airbag-free.明天又不是周末It's a work day tomorrow.-尝尝呗 -好好给我来一口Come on. All right, I'll take one hit.喔! 你他♥娘♥的♥... 个猪猡!Oh! What the... You motherfucker!专心开车先Let's just focus on the driving.你是老大? 擦太过分了Just say no, Reagan. God, why would you do that?-行了专心开车 -我去!Well, we're driving. God!-车速这么快 -太恐怖了This is a car carrying a lot of speed. This is terrible.扶好方向盘我得再来一根!Hit the steering wheel. I'm going again!喔! 干了!Whoo! Drink!三振出局啊牛! 干了!I'll drink to that. All right! That was a strikeout.一起出来玩儿真好你最近怎么样?Huh, what's going on? It is good to see you again.是啊我也很高兴It's good to see you, too, Dave.女生追得怎么样了?What's going on with the women, huh?我追过一些很好很不错的女孩I've been seeing a number of very, very nice ladies.-看照片 -哇I got some pictures. Wow.这是塔蒂阿娜That is Tatiana.塔蒂阿娜Tatiana.姓什么?What's her last name?塔蒂阿娜·"半夜三点求我搞"It's Tatiana Calls-me-at-three-in-the-morning-and-wants-to-fuck-stein. 爱他妈姓啥姓啥Who gives a shit what her last name is?米奇她让我想起了塞布丽娜Mitch. Reminds me a little bit of Sabrina.哈! 嗯? 谁是塞布丽娜?Yeah! Wait, who's Sabrina?塞布丽娜是...Sabrina. She's this...是我公♥司♥一个新来的法律助理She's this new law associate at my work.她太漂亮了天哪米奇太绝了She's so hot. Oh, Mitch, is she hot. Uh-oh.跟时尚大♥片♥里的模特似的She's like fall-out-of-a-magazine hot, you know?她是你"癌症名单"上的第一个吧?I bet she's number one on your cancer list, right?什么名单?What is that?-得了吧你能不知道? -啥玩意儿?Come on, you know what that is. What is that?每个已婚男人都有这么个名单Every married guy has a cancer list.就是你老婆突然得癌症死掉后It's the first three women you'd have sex with你会跟她上♥床♥的三个女人if your wife suddenly died of cancer.简直有病That's fucking sick.那可是我孩子的妈啊Come on. That's the mother of my children.嗯我知道Oh, I know.不过要列的话嗯她是第一个But I'll play. Yes, she'd be at the top of that list.就像天上掉下的林妹妹了解It's like a gift. Yeah.不说我了接着说你这个-But I interrupted you. -Tell me about this one again. 上周塔蒂阿娜穿了条黑色紧身迷你裙God, last week, Tatiana, she comes over,过来找我she's wearing this tight black mini-dress,你知道她跟我说什么了?and you know what she says to me?-慢点说 -什么也没说Tell me slow. No, nothing.因为塔蒂阿娜只想在凌晨3点Because all Tatiana wants to do at 3:00 in the morning 跟我一直不停地搞没时间说话is fucky, fucky, rubber ducky.这女人就是一性♥饥♥渴♥!This chick is insatiable!她想在院子里每种姿势都来一遍She wants it in every position under the sun.主呀你走狗屎运了God, you're so lucky.我们试了老汉推车如坐针毡We do the Wheelbarrow, the Arabian Goggles,金鸡独♥立♥ 观音座莲the Lonesome Dove, the Arsenio Hall,隔岸观火爱神之弓金鸡独♥立♥...the Jelly Donut, the Pastrami Sandwich, the Wolfgang Puck...跟你说吧男的都受不了And let me tell you something, no man is that hungry.什么? 有这么多花样?What? I don't even know what these are.-你已经结婚啦家庭妇男了戴夫 -是啊You're married. You're married, Dave. That's true.总之我俩做的越来越激烈Anyway, we start going at it然后我鼻子就开始流血and it gets so intense that my nose starts bleeding.不能吧Come on.安妮·赖斯笔下的吸血鬼This is Dracula, Anne Rice-type shit在那一刻灵魂附体happening right in front of me.真牛Good for you.等我们做完喘匀了气儿When all is said and done, when we finish up, and the dust settles, 她抬头看着我说she looks up at me, and she says,"米切尔下周二我过来... ""Mitchell, next Tuesday, I am coming back here,"咱俩得好好的干""and we're really going to fuck."日!Yes!日啊! 塔蒂阿娜Yes! Tatiana.妈的米奇啊米奇米奇Fuck. Mitch, Mitch, Mitch.你真是...You're just...这些事儿我都没戏了How did I miss this?疯狂做♥爱♥ 嗑药放纵一切I missed all the sex and the drugs and the bad choices,我他妈急什么啊! 急个什么劲啊!and I just fucking rushed it, didn't I? Wasn't I rushing?你是挺急的You were busy.急着考个好大学Rushing to get into a good college, right?进个好法律学院And then into a good law school.一旦进了个好法律学院Once I got into a good law school,我就想进个好法律事务所I just wanted to get into a good law firm.遇到杰米结婚生了凯拉就完啦I met Jamie, we got married, we had Cara, and that was it. 20多岁时都没享受到现在晚啦I pissed away my 20s, right? Now it's too late.行了别身在福中不知福了你还缺啥啊Look, shitbird. You got it made!火♥辣♥的老婆You have an extremely hot wife,漂亮的房♥子and you got a beautiful house满屋的东西吃的还有孩子that's full of furniture and food and kids.又赚那么多钱And you make a ton of money.晚上下班回家And you come home at the end of the day一屋人都关心你and you're surrounded by people who give a shit about you. 你永远都不会觉得孤独You're never lonely.你还想要什么?What more do you want?想要什么? 听着I'll tell you what I want, okay?我想换种活法儿I want something different.我想像你这么过I want your life, you know?我想要塞布丽娜想要塔蒂阿娜I want Sabrina. I want Tatiana.想和不认识的女人做♥爱♥And sex with strange, new women.你简直就是活在梦里You're living the dream.一年工作一周当演员多幸福How much fun is it being an actor, working one week a year? 我想抽上一整天的大♥麻♥I want to smoke weed all day.我想完整地看完一本书I want to start a book that I actually finish.我想没那么多事儿催命似的I would like to take a nice, solid dump拉个便便都得赶紧的速度解决because I'm not constantly stressed out.我想学学旱冰I want to learn how to rollerblade.我还想嘘一个And I'd like to take a piss.我也想去喷泉那儿吧Me, too. Fountain, fountain, fountain.好吧Perfect.喔!Whoo!这小妞不高兴了This chick does not look happy.我真是挺嫉妒你的生活的I was just saying that I really envy your life.-真的 -我还嫉妒你的呢That's all. I envy yours.你才不呢你就是不想让我郁闷罢了No, you don't. You're just trying to be nice.扯真的我真是嫉妒你I'm not. I do, I envy it.我嫉妒你No. I envy yours.我想过上你的生活I wish I had your life.分片儿停电?it's rolling blackouts or something?可能吧Yeah, I guess.看你嘘的又高又远Look at your flow, it's so nice and thick.身强体壮啊It's confident.-你的热气腾腾的 -谢谢Yours is very steamy. Thanks.我的泌尿大夫说我是热性尿My urologist says I run a little hot.-好了没? -好了Good to go? Oh, yeah.-你还能开车么? -没问题!Can you drive? Oh, yeah!大爷的!Holy fuck-knuckles!我的钟呢?Where is my bong?谁他妈的孩子?Whose fucking kid is that?这他妈什么枕头啊这是?What is with all these goddamn pillows?杰米! 天哪!Jamie! Jesus!-怎么了? -太他妈恶心了!What? That's fucking disgusting!赶紧盖上又不是在非洲!Put those tits away, this isn't Africa!我怎么在这儿? 我昨晚没走?What am I doing in this bed? Did I sleep here last night? 我搞你了?Did I fucking nail you?还没醒酒呢?Are you still drunk?戴夫!Dave!洛克伍德跑哪儿去了?Where is Lockwood?搞什么飞机?What the fuck?哦天哪Oh, my God.我变成戴夫了?I'm Dave?我日啊!Oh, my God!开开门戴夫!Open the goddamn door, Dave.赶紧的开门快!Come on, open up the door, right now.擦Fuck.快点兄弟赶紧把门打开Come on, buddy, open up the door immediately.速度点儿Let's do it.戴夫! 速度开门!Dave, come on. Open up the door, right now!-行了我醒了 -快他妈的开门!-Okay, I'm awake. -Open up this fucking door!快他妈开门戴夫!Open the goddamn door, Dave!米奇?Mitch?我怎么在你的公♥寓♥?Why am I in your apartment?戴夫赶紧的开门!Dave, hurry up, open up the door!这事儿太邪了看见我你就知道了-Something very bad has happened. -Wait until you see me. -看见你自己你就知道了! -我勒个去着什么急Wait until you see you! Jesus Christ, relax.太邪了哥们儿快开门!-Super freaky, dude. -Let's do it!哦Oh.他妈怎么回事?What the hell is this?我就知道哦天哪I knew it. Oh, my God.猫了个咪滴这他妈怎么回事?Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this?瞧瞧吧Look at this.没错我就是你Yeah, it's you.你是我鼻子嘴巴都是我的And this is all me. All of this shit is mine.不用谢You're welcome.我现在是个小矮子了I got this.你要干嘛?What are you doing to me?快住手我怎么这么有劲-Hey, stop it. -I'm so strong.你要掐死你自己了You're choking yourself!赶紧醒醒Must wake up.醒醒!Wake up!憋死了快把我的手拿开I can't breathe. Take my hands off you.-醒醒! -滚一边儿去!Wake up! Get the fuck off me!啊! 行了行了别打了!Okay, okay, okay!去照照镜子快!Go look in the mirror. Right there!明白了?All right?我变成傻子了I'm a douche bag.我他妈就是个洋娃娃!I'm a fucking tool!噢! 你干啥了都?Oh! What did you do?我♥干♥啥了? 你以为我想变成你啊? What did I do? You think I want to be you?谁说我想变成你的!Who said I wanted to be you?日咱俩说的Holy shit, we did.咱俩说的想要过对方的生活We wished for each other's lives昨晚在那个鬼喷泉里嘘嘘的时候when we were pissing in that fucking fountain last night.咱俩说想要过过对方的生活We wished we had each other's lives.我只是不想你郁闷而已!I was just trying to be nice!上帝啊!Oh, my God!到喷泉有条近道!I know a shortcut to the fountain.这边!Go this way.看车! 慢点开Careful! Easy.知道了知道了I got it. I got it.到了喷泉然后呢?What are we going to do when we get to the fountain?接着朝里面嘘嘘We're going to take a piss in it, or...我才不管呢咱俩得换回来I don't give a shit. We're gonna get our lives back.开什么国际玩笑You've got to be kidding me.嗨! 喷泉呢?Hey, where is the fountain?重建了It is getting restored.什么重建? 搬哪儿去了?What are you talking about, restored? Where did you take it? 不知道我只管把这儿填平I don't know, guy, I just fill the hole.我又不是喷泉发言人I'm not the fountain spokesman.你大爷的...Hey, motherfucker...谁谁知道喷泉搬哪儿了?Whoa, whoa, who could tell us where it is?问问区管委会吧Maybe ask the district manager.没有没查到Nope. It is not in the computer.嗯什么时候能查到?Okay, when will it be in the computer?明天? 明天维克托就回来了Maybe tomorrow. That's when Victor gets back.没在公园里电脑里也查不到It's not in the computer, it's not in the park.谁是维克托?Who is Victor?知道档案存在哪个盘里的人The guy that knows how to find shit in the computer.你们怎么能搞丢个喷泉?How can you lose a fountain?-这对我们很重要明白? -这可是个喷泉啊!This is a big deal to us, okay? I mean, it's a fountain!-能不能再仔细查查? -简直不可想象!Can you look a little bit harder? That's incredible!查不到It is not in the computer.你摆个臭脸给谁看...Yeah, but your attitude is right on your shoulders.别激动! 别介!No, no, no!不要有肢体接触There was no physical contact.没事了没事了We're okay. We're fine. We're fine.45分钟后我有个这辈子最重要的会我完啦I have the biggest meeting in my life in 45 minutes. This isn't happening. 你今天有什么安排?Did you have something you wanted to do today?今天也是我演出的大日子I've got day one of my big break movie.我要是不去开会就不能成为合伙人If I don't make this meeting, I don't make partner,这15年我就白干了!and the last 15 years of my life, everything I've done, wasted!好吧我去All right, fine, I'll do it.明白了我去I've got it. I'll do it.-我来演你 -干什么?I got you. Do what?我是个演员啊人型变色龙I'm an actor. Human chameleon.睡着了我都能演律师给我你的钥匙I can do lawyer in my fucking sleep. Give me the keys.哦你想出演"我"这个角色?Oh, you'll play me in one of your productions?-嗯给我钥匙 -不行Yeah, give me the keys. Okay, no.-为什么? -因为你...Why? Because you're...注意言辞啊Careful.因为电视上演的那些远远不够米奇Because there's more to being a lawyer than what you see on TV, Mitch. -真的? -当然Is there? Yeah.-我反对! -哦天哪I object! Oh, my God.-怎么样? -不怎么样!Okay? No!这么不行啊兄弟你都不知道做律师的首要原则是什么Wrong, my friend. You don't know the first thing about being a lawyer. 你又不是个有经验的演员You're not a trained actor.你是? !Neither are you.试试吧戴夫就一天Save it, all right, Dave?咱俩可是米奇戴夫二人组啊!It's one day. We're Mitch and Dave!就一天咱俩干什么不行啊快给我钥匙We can do one day of anything. Give me the keys.没别的主意就听我的走吧Let's go. Do you have a better plan?大爷的好吧Shit. Okay. All right.-你只有41分钟了知道么? -好的!You've got 41 minutes, okay? Great!你去我家穿上我的衣服Go to my house, get dressed in my clothes.然后去我公♥司♥ 找到我的法律助理塞布丽娜Then you go to my office, find my legal associate, Sabrina.从她那儿拿上并购合同Get the merger documents from her,拿到会议室然后...take them to the conference room, and...哦上帝啊合伙人都在那儿Oh, God, the partners are going to be there.听好了一个字都别说Listen, do not say a single word.如果有人问我问题呢?What if somebody asks me a question?没人问你问题They're not going to ask you a damn thing.一旦开始开会你就什么都别说Once the meeting starts, you will continue to say nothing.有人跟你要并购合同时When a partner asks you for the merger documents,你默默地递过去就行了you will then silently hand them over.明白了演个大人物保持我的本色I get it. Play it big, but maintain my reality.-很简单 -不! 你要默默无闻的It's pretty simple. No! You play it small.我费了九个月的劲I have spent the last nine months才做成这桩并购banging out the terms of this deal.你只需要把文件递出去就行了The only thing you have to do is hand over the documents, that's it. 得了吧哥们儿! 激动个屁啊!Dude, easy as fuck.开会时可不能这么说啊米奇You can't say things like that in the meeting, Mitch.好要品行端正True. Good note.你呢去我家所有的资料都在冰箱上For me, you go to my house, okay? All my info is on my fridge.到了片场就去化妆室When you get to the set, you go to hair and makeup,记得好好背背台词and you learn your lines.最重要的是别他妈给我演砸了嗯?Most of all, do not fuck this up for me, all right?这可是我出名的机会啊明白不?This is my big break, my Raging Bull. Do you hear me?你要尊重我的艺术尊重我的生活You respect my art, you respect my life.你也要尊重我的You respect mine.-行了明白了抱一个 -嗯就这样吧Yeah, I got you. Power hug. Come on. Yeah, okay.等等你得去接凯拉-Hold on. -You got to pick up Cara.四点去芭蕾舞教室接凯拉听见了?Pick up Cara from ballet at 4:00, okay?等好儿吧您那I am fucking all over that shit.我勒个去Holy shit.大清早的打高尔夫去洛克伍德?Early morning on the golf course, Lockwood?哈哈! 聪明!Ha-ha! Terrific!啊! 好吃的!Num-nums!我擦真多!Fucking score!都能他妈开个店啦Fucking grocery store.都是给小米奇的Look at all of this for little Mitchie-poo.太棒了!Nice!你在这儿啊Oh, there you are.我把10-19条统计变式重做了别的没动准备好了么?I redid the 10-19 variants, everything else is the same. Ready? 你一定是塞布丽娜吧?。



专题2025中考备考初中英语阅读理解说明文真题精选专项训练AThe scientific method is used for simple experiments that students may do in the classroom or very difficult experiments that scientists are doing all over the world.It is a way of thinking that helps you to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions.There are usually four steps in the scientific method,including observation(观察),hypothesis(假设),experiment,and conclusion.The steps may not always be completed in the same order,but the first step is usually observation and asking a question about your observation.For example,you had a sick stomach,and ate a candy bar.An hour later,you observed that you felt much better.Here,you can ask a question,such as,"What makes a sick stomach feel better?"The second step is to state a possible answer to the question,or a hypothesis,such as, "______"A good hypothesis includes three things:The explanation for the observations,it is able to be tested,and it will usually predict new outcomes or conclusions.The third step is the experiment,to test the hypothesis.An experiment is a test which will either challenge or support the hypothesis.The hypothesis will then be true or false.The final step is to think about what happened when you tested the hypothesis and draw a conclusion.The conclusion will either clearly support the hypothesis or it will not.If the results support the hypothesis,a conclusion can be written and you can share it with the rest of the world.If it does not support the hypothesis,you may choose to change the hypothesis or write a new one based on what was learned during the experiment.1.Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the passage?______A. How do the four basic steps in the scientific method work?B. What makes a good hypothesis based on the observation?C. The conclusion will always clearly support the hypothesis.D. Learning the scientific method may help students succeed in science.2.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3?______A. A candy bar makes a sick stomach feel better.B. It was the medicine you took an hour earlier that made you feel better.C. Eat a candy bar again,and see what happens to your sick stomach.D. Ask people if eating a candy bar has made a sick stomach feel better.3.What does the underlined word " it" in the last paragraph refer to(指的是)?______A. the hypothesisB. the conclusionC. the questionD. the observation4.Which of the following sentences about the experiment is TRUE?______A. An experiment is a test to always support the hypothesis.B. An experiment does not have to be part of the scientific method.C. An experiment is a test to either challenge or support a hypothesis.D. An experiment is only used when scientists are trying to prove a hypothesis.BWhat would happen if you tried to blow a soap(肥皂) bubble in below-freezing weather?Would it freeze and fall to the ground?Would you have to hit it with a stone to break it?These questions came into my mind one cold winter day.It was too cold to play in the snow,but it was a perfect time to experiment with blowing frozen bubbles.To blow frozen bubbles,I had to wait until the air outside was very cold.For this activity,that meant 10 degrees below 0 Fahrenheit or colder.I didn't have the bubble things that come in a bottle,so I used dish-washingsoap.Adding a drop of glycerin made the soap work even better.I chose a place out of the wind,and blew bubbles the same way I always do.I watched to see what would happen.Here's what I learned.If the temperature is low enough,the skin of the bubble frosts(结霜) over,becoming cloudy instead of clear.And what about those rainbow swirls(漩涡状物体) that you see in soap bubbles?The rainbow colors stay even(均匀的) when the bubbles frost,but they don't spin anymore.The bubbles still float in the air.They don't fall to the ground any faster than they would on a warm summer day.When these frozen bubbles break,they don't turn into tiny drops of soap as summer bubbles do.They turn into shiny rainbow pieces and fly slowly to the ground.Sometimes a frozen bubble will roll across the snow without breaking.If it breaks,it may leave a strong bubble skin on the ground.Leave the bubble alone and it may stay there for a long time.Sometimes could catch a bubble and hold it until the heat of my hand made it pop.I learned one other thing about blowing frozen bubbles.It's so much fun.I want to try it again next year!5.How does the writer begin the passage?______A. By comparing two types of bubbles.B. By describing the freezing cold weather.C. By asking some questions about the subject.D. By presenting the tools needed to do the experiment.6.What is this passage mainly about?______A. Making soap that can work even better.B. Making bubbles that will stay longer.C. Inventing a new kind of soap that makes clearer bubbles.D. Finding out what happens to bubbles in freezing temperatures.7.According to the passage,what will happen if you blow frozen soap bubbles?______A. Cold enough,the skin of the bubbles will stay clear.B. When the bubbles frost,the rainbow colors will spin faster.C. A frozen bubble may roll across the snow without breaking.D. When these frozen bubbles break,they turn into tiny drops of soap.8.What is the best title for the passage?______A. A science clubB. Broken bubblesC. A happy childD. Frozen bubblesCIf you grew up in an unusual family and felt limited by heavy thoughts, how would you change your life story? In the book Educated, the US writer Tara Westover shows us how she deals with hard times.The book talks about Westover's life. Her father had a junkyard (废品场) in Idaho, US. It's a very smallmountain village. Tara and her brothers and sisters worked every day. Before she turned 17, she had never traveled outside. None of the kids in her family had ever been to a school or a hospital. As she got older, she felt that she needed to get away from this uncomfortable situation. Luckily, Westover's older brother taught her to read. With hard work, Westover went to college on a scholarship, and later got a PhD (博士学位) in History at Cambridge University.Education changed her, her life, her way of thinking and even her luck. After reading the book, I come to feel the deepest thanks for my own family, and the education I got. Education allows girls like Westover to fly like birds toward their own goals. It allows us to get a different view, find new experiences, better understand others and explore the wider world. I wish for all of us to be like free and powerful birds, growing and changing through challenges and difficulties.9.What's the writing purpose of paragraph 1?A. To attract readers' interest.B. To collect Westover's opinion.C. To show how to deal with hard times.D. To explain how to change one's life story.10.What can we learn about Westover's life from paragraph 2?A. Her brother got a PhD in History.B. She changed her life with hard work.C. Her life in the village was comfortable.D. She left the small village in childhood.11.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. Directions of birds' flying.B. The ways of thinking.C. Experiences of girls' growing.D. The power of education.12.What is the text?A. A news report.B. A book review.C. A science fiction.D. A reading plan.DChinese culture has great attraction for people both at home and abroad. We have seen many people from around the world express their love for Chinese culture in different forms. A growing number of foreigners have even chosen to live in China for its culture.Interested in Chinese classical literature, Canadian artist Brandon Collins-Green or Lin Buran in Chinese expresses his understanding of A Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin and Chinese poems through thousands of paintings. Often painting throughout the night, he has created more than 4,200 works. Living alone in the center of Nanchang, he has come a long way since he first came here in 2015 to study ancient Chinese literature.Brandon loves learning about the lifestyle of ancient Chinese people. "So far, I have read the novel three times, translated most of its poems, songs, lantern riddles (谜语), and dialogues into English, and completed over 1 million words of articles and 2,000 related paintings during my PhD studies," said Brandon with pride and satisfaction.Timur Kuvatov, director-general and editor-in-chief of the Kazakhstan Today News Agency, is a Chinese kung fu fan. He has won kung fu championships a lot of times and also served as a coach for the Kazakhstan kung fu team. "Chinese kung fu is a treasure of Chinese culture. It is not just a sport but also reflects the Chinese way of dealing with people, their understanding of life, nature, and the world," he said.Vincent Cazeneuve, known as Wensen Qi in Chinese, is a French artist devoted to lacquer (漆器) creation. He came to live in Chongqing in 2009. His works have been shown in art institutions both in and outside of China, and his fans have even collected some of them.What is the charm of Chinese culture that attracts these people? It lies in its richness and openness. Also its cultural background differences make foreigners curious about the lifestyles, way of thinking, and values of the country.13.What has Brandon done to express his love for Chinese culture?A. He has created many famous Chinese poems.B. He has decided to move to China with his friends.C. He has written thousands of Chinese lantern riddles.D. He has translated part of Cao Xueqin's novel into English.14.As to Chinese culture, what is Timur Kuvatov interested in?A. Kung fu.B. Paintings.C. Literature.D. Lacquer creation.15.What does the writer express through the stories of Brandon, Timur and Vincent?A. Chinese names are more attractive to foreigners.B. The influence of Chinese art proves greater abroad.C. Chinese culture is getting popular around the world.D. China is an ideal country for people from abroad to live.16.What can be the best title for the passage?A. New look of traditional Chinese cultureB. Charm of Chinese culture in foreigners' eyesC. Development of Chinese culture in the WestD. Culture differences between the East and WestEIt is generally neither too hot nor too cold in Suzhou. Sometimes summer can be hot and wet. Winter can be a little cold, but not too cold if the wind is not blowing too strongly.Months Average(平均) Temperature A verage RainfallJanuary-February 2-10℃5-7cmMarch 7-13℃9-10cmApril-May 12-24℃7-9cmJune-August 22-31℃19-22cmSeptember-October 17-28℃5-7cmNovember-December 5-17℃4-5cmMany of the classical gardens in the city are designed with the change of seasons in mind. They show different features during different months. The Master of Nets Garden is full of different kinds of trees. Each of them blooms(开花) in a different season. The view of thisgarden changes according to the time of year.Rain should not be a problem. It shouldn't stop you from enjoying your stay in Suzhou. Instead, many would say the classical gardens are at their best in rain or heavy fog.17.What's the average temperature in Suzhou in March?A. 2-10℃.B. 7-13℃.C. 12-24℃.D. 5-17℃.18.To better explain the design features of the gardens, the writer ________.A. gives an exampleB. asks a questionC. makes a surveyD. lists some numbers19.What's the best title for the text?A. Gardens in Suzhou.B. Rain in Suzhou.C. Seasons in Suzhou.D. Weather in Suzhou.FChina has named the spacecraft that will put its astronauts on the moon. The new manned spacecraft is Mengzhou and the lunar lander is Lanyue. China plans to land its astronauts on the moon around 2030. Check the table to learn the details on China's exciting journey to the moon.MENGZHOU AND LANYUETake Chinese People's Dream To The Moon CloserMengzhou —The manned spacecraftMeaning of the name: Dream boatThe name carries the Chinese people's spaceexploration dreams to the moon.Main tasks:•Carry out China's manned lunar exploration•Operate near-Earth space station Payload:For lunar tasks, it can carry 3 astronauts round trip between the ground and lunar orbit (轨道). Fornear-Earth orbit tasks, it can carry 7 astronauts round trip between the ground and space station. Lanyue —The lunar landerMeaning of the name: Clasping the moonThe name symbolizes the bravery and confidence of the Chinese people in exploring the universe and landing on the moon. Main tasks: •Transport between lunar orbit and lunar surface•Serve as the center for astronaut activities, energy supply, and data transmission on the moon •Support lunar exploration and activities Payload:It can carry 2 astronauts round trip, lunarrover, and scientific payloads.Exploration Steps1. Two Long March-10 rockets are launched (发射). One carries Mengzhou and the othercarries Lanyue.2. The two spacecraft meet and join in lunar orbit and the astronauts enter the lander.3. The Lanyue lander sends the astronauts to the lunar surface.4. The astronauts carry out scientific exploration and sample (样本) collection on the lunarsurface as planned.5. After completing the job on the moon, the Lanyue lander takes the astronauts to go up tolunar orbit.6. The two spacecraft meet and join again, and the astronauts take the lunar samples to theMengzhou spacecraft.7. The Mengzhou spacecraft returns to Earth with the moon samples.20.Which of the following is Lanyue's task?A. Operate near-Earth space station.B. Support Earth exploration and activities.C. Transport between the ground and space station.D. Work as the center for energy supply on the moon.21.What can we learn from the exploration steps?A. The same rocket sends Mengzhou and Lanyue into space.B. Astronauts reach and leave the moon in the Lanyue lander.C. Mengzhou and Lanyue join together at the space station.D. The Lanyue lander returns to Earth with the samples on the moon.22.What is the purpose of this passage?A. To encourage the youth to make inventions for China's moon program.B. To tell the reader about the history of China's lunar exploration journey.C. To offer suggestions on how to take up challenges in the lunar exploration task.D. To give information on the new spacecraft for China's manned lunar exploration task.GThink about how much time you spent outside last week. Really "outside." Walking from the car into the mall doesn't count.Now think about how much time you spent indoors—on the Internet or playing video games or watching TV.You may say, "I play inside more than outside and I like to play games on the computer."If so, it's likely that you spent more time inside four walls than outside in fresh air. Kids today spend two fewer hours per week on sports and outdoor activities than kids did 20 years ago. That's according to a University of Michigan study. Non-moving activities are more popular. The costs "include overweight, greater stress, higher rates of physical and emotional illness and less joy…," says Richard Louv, writer of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.Play is important, even for adults. ▲Outdoor activity betters your senses. The next time you sit down to message your friends, take note of your senses during and after your texting. Then do the same experiment after you've done something outside. You will find being outdoors brings the senses to life. "Hiking, exploring, and fishing help hone all of your senses," says Betsy Keller. She's a professor of exercise and sports sciences at Ithaca College in New York. "Smell, sight... all of your senses are in use when you're outside."Outdoor play frees your mind. Are you stressed out? Having trouble devoting your mind to what you're doing?Too much time indoors — away from the natural world — may be a cause. Louv uses a term to describe the set of problems caused by too much time indoors: nature deficit disorder. He says, "I use it to describe the price we pay for being so separated from nature."Spending time outdoors brings you closer to the environment. When you're out, breathe in fresh air, hear the leaves crackle underfoot and search cool birds and plants in the woods. It can help you feel more connected to the natural world. No woods nearby? Nature can be found right outside your back door or in your local park.So the next time you sit down to spend quality time with a video game, consider treating yourself to a little outdoor play instead.23.How does the writer first introduce the topic of outdoor play?A. By presenting the results of a recent study.B. By introducing different kinds of outdoor play.C. By inviting the reader to think about his or her own case.D. By telling the reader outdoor play is good for body and mind.24.Which sentence should go in ▲ in Paragraph 5?A. Outdoor play helps form relationships.B. Just getting outdoors does wonders.C. Nature can remind us of life beyond our worries.D. The outdoors is the best place to practise physical skills.25.Which word is closest to the meaning of "hone" in Paragraph 6?A. improveB. limitC. produceD. organize26.Which of the following is a good way to enjoy outdoor play?A. Walking from your car into the mall.B. Spending your quality time with TV drama series.C. Playing a video game of making sandcastles by the beach.D. Watching in your local park how fast the clouds are moving.HNature is amazing!Take a close look at the world of insects (昆虫),you'll discover many unbelievable things.Consider butterflies,for example.They have beautiful,colorful wings,and strong,fantastic flying skills.On summer days,you always see them flying freely over flower gardens and wild fields.But,did you know how butterflies become the lying insects?It's one of the amazing wonders of nature.In the beginning,female butterflies lay a small and colorful egg on a leaf or stem (茎) of a plant.It's hard to believe that the egg will become something completely different in a few days.It becomes a walking insect.This insect is called caterpillar.It now has legs,eyes and a large body.A new life has begun.The caterpillar can eat,walk and see.But it is still not a butterfly.Soon,after growing big,the caterpillar makes a cover for itself.It covers itself in the nice protective blanket (保护层) and goes to sleep.This stage is known as the"pupa (蛹)" stage.After a period of time,the blanket breaks and a wet,weak butterfly appears.It now has six legs,a mouth,eyes and wings.Shortly,the wings fill with blood,and the beautiful,colorful butterfly spreads its wings and flies away.After a few weeks,this adult butterfly lays her eggs,and the cycle begins all over again.This is just one example of the wonders of nature.Look around the natural world,and you will learn many truly amazing things.27.What is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1?______A. Butterflies are a kind of insect.B. Butterflies are good at flying.C. Butterflies have colorful wings.D. Butterflies have a good sense of smell.28.What does the underlined word "caterpillar" in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?______A. 幼虫B. 雏鸟C. 飞蛾D. 蝴蝶29.What is the right order of the development process (发育过程) of a butterfly?______①It becomes a pupa.②It becomes a walking insect.③Female butterflies lay an egg.④It spreads wings and flies away.A. ①→②→③→④B. ①→②→④→③C. ③→②→①→④D. ③→②→④→①30.Which of the following best describes a butterfly after the blanket breaks?______A. It has legs,eyes and a large body.B. It has legs,eyes and a mouth.C. It has six legs ,a mouth ,eyes and wings.D. It has legs ,eyes ,a mouth and a large body.31.What can be the best title for the text ? ______A. One Insect ,Different ColorsB. One Insect ,Four LivesC. The Kinds of ButterfliesD. The Habits of ButterfliesIThe summer vacation is on the way!Spend time on your computers or on your mobile phones ?Stay at home and watch TV ?Why don't you join one of the following clubs to develop your new interests and hobbies ?DANCE CLUB Like to dance7 Come and join our club.Members meetfrom 2 pm to 5 pm on Mondays to practice dancing.There will be a big show in the end and you r parents will be invited to watch yourwonderful performance.COOKING CLUB Can you cook ?No ?Do you like cooking ?Yes ?Our club is the most popular one with more than 50 members.Membersmeet at 9 am every Sunday to learn to cook a dish.Then you can tastethe delicious food cooked by yourself with your partners.Of course ,you can also put your works on WeChat.PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The club is perfect for students who lovetaking pictures.Members take courses on Fridays ,from 9 am to 11am.You will enjoy photos that top photographers have taken in thecourses.The best teachers from art schools will also teach you how totake wonderful photos.CHESS CLUB If you are interested in improving your creativity andproblem-solving ability ,you can't miss the chess club.Members meet at 2:30 pm on Wednesdays to play and study chess together.You willlearn more about the knowledge and skills of playing chess.32.Who will be invited to watch your performance in the dance club ? ______A. Your parents.B. Your teachers.C. Your friends.D. Your classmates.33.If Kate wants to learn how to make delicious food,what club can she join?______A. Chess club.B. Dance club.C. Cooking club.D. Photography club.34.How long do the courses last on Fridays in the photography club?______A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. Three hours.D. Four hours.35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?______A. There will be a big show in the photography club.B. Cooking club members meet at 9 am every Friday.C. Dance club is the most popular one with more than 50 members.D. Chess club can help improve your creativity and problem-solving ability.36.What does the writer advise students to do during the summer vacation?______A. To use mobile phones.B. To spend time on computers.C. To stay at home and watch TV.D. To develop new interests and hobbies.JAnyone who has seen The Sound of Music,the Oscar-winning movie,knows thefamous city of Salzburg in Austria.The musical movie was filmed in and around thecity.To enjoy the amazing (令人惊叹的) city,you only have to walk through thealleys(小巷).The sounds of music in Salzburg are not just from the famous film.Mozart,one of the greatest musicians,was born here,and the city is proud of him.You'll hear Mozart's music all over the city.And you can visit Mozart's birthplace,learn about his childhood and even try the chocolate named for him:a Mozart ball!Don't miss visiting the Salzburg Residenz,which was the rulers' palace in the past.It was here that Mozart performed(表演) for the first time in his life.A visit to Salzburg in December must include time in the Christmas markets,which can be found here and there.Visit the marketplaces for a hot drink.Then enjoy the beautiful handiwork for sale.Salt was so important to the city of Salzburg that the city was named for it.This " white gold"brought wealth to the rulers.You can visit the Hallein Salt Mine (矿),one of the oldest in the world.Take a train ride into the mountain,where miners will explain the mining process (过程).Then enjoy a boat ride across an underground lake.These are just a few of the enjoyable places in this small Austrian city.There are much more waiting for you to explore.Make sure to plan a trip to this breathtaking city.Its history and culture will excite your senses.37.What do we know about The Sound of Music?______A. It was filmed by Mozart.B. It is an Oscar-winning movie.C. It is a movie of Salzburg's chocolate.38.Where did Mozart perform for the first time in his life?______A. In a Christmas market.B. At the Hallein Salt Mine.C. At the Salzburg Residenz.39.What is the "white gold"in Paragraph 4?______A. Salt.B. Music.C. A hot drink.40.Which of the following does the writer agree with?______A. Salzburg is too small to visit.B. Salzburg is a place worth visiting.C. There is nothing interesting in Salzburg.41.What section(部分) of a magazine is the text taken from?______A. Travel.B. Sports.C. Science.KEnergy is the ability to do work.Solar energy comes from the Sun.There is alsoenergy that comes from wind and water.But do you know that energy can come from people,too?When you pedal abike,you produce energy.You use your legs to push the pedals.Your energy istransferred (转移) to the bike.That makes the bike move.Now imagine riding your bike to create enough power to run a computer.Some students at one school did just that!They jumped on bikes connected to generators (发电机) and pedaled in place.Soon they were producingelectricity.This energy is needed to run their computers.Here is how bicycle-powered energy works.When a student pedals the bike,the back wheel spins.The wheel spins the generator.The generator produces electricity.As long as a student pedals the bicycle,electricity moves through the generator.The electricity can be used right away.This energy can also be stored and used later.People use bicycle-powered energy to run small devices (设备) such as small televisions and fans.They often use less than 100 watts per hour.However,it would be a mistake to use pedal power to run a fridge.This large machine often uses more than 700 watts per hour.The electricity for these machines comes from power lines overhead or underground.Pedal power can be seen in schools,gyms,and homes.What a fun way to provide electricity!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。



新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程2答案Unit 1 (1)Sharing (1)Listening (2)Viewing (3)Role-play (3)Conversations (4)Passage (4)Unit test (5)Unit 2 (6)Sharing (6)Listening (7)Viewing (8)Role-play (8)Presenting (9)Conversations (10)Passage (10)Unit test (11)Unit 3 (12)Sharing (12)Listening (13)Role-play (14)Presenting (15)Conversations (16)Passage (16)Unit test (17)Unit 4 (18)Sharing (18)Listening (19)Viewing (19)Role-play (20)Presenting (21)Conversations (22)Passage (22)Unit test (23)Unit 5 (24)Sharing (24)Listening (25)Viewing (26)Role-play (26)Conversations (27)Passage (28)Unit 6 (30)Sharing (30)Listening (30)Viewing (31)Role-play (32)Presenting (32)Conversations (33)Passage (33)Unit test (34)Unit 7 (35)Sharing (35)Listening (36)Viewing (37)Role-play (37)Presenting (39)Conversations (39)Passage (40)Unit test (41)Unit 8 (42)Sharing (42)Listening (43)Role-play (44)Presenting (45)Conversations (46)Passage (46)Unit test (47)Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) new things(2) At the moment(3) quite difficultTask 31, 3, 7, 8Task 41. (1) ever learned (2) found2. (1) a combination (2) body movements3. Learning to drive4. (1) nine cases (2) by most standards5. French6. hatedListeningTask 2Activity 1e-c-a-g-d-h-b-fActivity 2(1) speak(2) saying the wrong(3) native speakers(4) pronunciation(5) talking to himself(6) making mistakes(7) listening skills(8) listeningActivity 31. (1) embarrassed (2) hear2. anything you like3. (1) voice (2) pronunciation4. (1) how it sounds (2) the news (3) English television5. on the Internet6. sound likeViewingTask 2Activity 1BABAActivity 2DABADRole-playTask 2Activity 11Activity 2G:1, 3, 5 R:2, 4, 6, 7 Activity 31. (1) you should eat (2) a good2. (1) should not spend (2) You're3. (1) Why don't (2) am not sure that's4. (1) it's a good (2) suppose so ConversationsTask 1BDDCATask 2CDACPassageTask 1DACDTask 2(1) alternative(2) numerous(3) traditional(4) academic(5) countryside(6) athletes(7) take advantage of(8) Secondary(9) in a collective effort(10) serve asUnit testPartⅠCBBCCPartⅡBADCBPartⅢAADBCPartⅣ(1) political(2) Traditional(3) acquire(4) bear in mind(5) difficult(6) invented(7) successful(8) reason for(9) thousands of(10) brainsUnit 2SharingTask 2(1) different countries(2) home(3) places(4) culturesTask 31, 4, 5Task 41. mature2. airport3. theater4. scenery5. culture6. languageTask 5b-a-d-f-c-e ListeningTask 2Activity 11. slowly sinking2. two and a half3. try and stop4. temporary5. permanent Activity 23, 4, 5ViewingTask 2Activity 1DBBCDActivity 21. busy2. bars3. friendliness4. elegant5. views6. (1) beaches (2) cheap7. (1) changing (2) sunset8. criedRole-playTask 2Activity 13Activity 2(1) trying to(2) takes(3) looking for(4) right way(5) the first left(6) until you reach(7) get to(8) Is it far(9) Go left(10) on the left PresentingTask 1(1) isolated(2) far(3) plane(4) three months(5) culture(6) way of life(7) speak to(8) find out(9) history(10) dreams Conversations Task 1ADBCDTask 2ADCAPassageTask 1DABDTask 2(1) scared(2) perceive(3) negative(4) result in(5) lose faith in(6) goes down(7) depressed(8) preferably(9) adapt(10) revealUnit testPartⅠABBAAPartⅡBCADPartⅢCADBPartⅣ(1) vacation(2) walks of life(3) routine(4) adventure(5) treat(6) popularity(7) gain a better understanding of(8) similarities(9) perspective(10) marvelousUnit 3SharingTask 2(1) concerts(2) a bar(3) bandTask 31. (1) keep fit (2) theater2. (1) small children (2) seeing friends3. (1) eating and drinking (2) houses4. (1) friends around (2) a jazz club5. (1) love to read (2) oil painting6. (1) playing the guitar (2) watching filmsTask 41, 6ListeningTask 2(1) free art exhibition(2) a concert(3) dinner(4) bus home(5) museum(6) paintings(7) entertainers(8) comedy(9) comedy club(10) Covent Garden ViewingTask 2Activity 1(1) sightseeing(2) beach(3) get away from(4) relaxing(5) a dozen(6) fantastic(7) attitude(8) perfect Activity 2 BAABABActivity 3c-e-f-b-a-dRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) Book a table(2) 4(3) Saturday(4) 10 o'clock(5) two tickets(6) Starr(7) June the fifth(8) June the ninth(9) dinner with friends(10) eight-thirty(11) Saturday(12) dinner tonight(13) 0Activity 2(1) repeat(2) check(3) catch(4) slow down(5) speak up PresentingTask 1Activity 1e-d-b-f-a-cActivity 2b-a-c-e-dConversations Task 1DCCBCTask 2DAADPassageTask 1AADDTask 2(1) objectives(2) farthest(3) recognized(4) separated into(5) involves(6) is referred to(7) life-threatening(8) designed(10) putting themselves at risk Unit testPartⅠACBBBPartⅡDBDCAPartⅢCDCCPartⅣ(1) have a passion for(2) looked upon(3) take risks(4) probably(5) ignore(6) attractive(7) familiar(8) obviously(10) requires Unit 4 SharingTask 2(1) finding out(2) a normal person(3) feel about fame Task 32, 3, 4Task 41. exciting2. worthwhile3. a model4. real fame5. invention6. in the streetTask 5b-a-c-f-e-dListeningTask 2(1) advertising(2) enjoy the job(3) travel(4) chance(5) go traveling(6) a doctor(7) have time(8) play the piano(9) writing songs(10) make more timeViewingTask 2Activity 11. (1) the attitude (2) the talent2. speed3. (1) Formula One (2) big guys4. ambitious driversActivity 2(1) speed(2) survive(3) October(4) richest(5) track(6) bank(7) glory(8) betterActivity 3(1) 7(2) 4(3) everythingRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) White House(2) tomorrow afternoon(3) a space flight(4) next week(5) her husband(6) 80(7) three or four(8) organize(9) this weekend(10) restaurant service(11) French(12) Paris(13) directions(14) bookActivity 2R:1, 2, 4 O:3, 5, 6 PresentingTask 11. South Wales2. a rock star3. his dream4. (1) drum kit (2) write songs5. apart fromConversationsTask 1BBCDDTask 2ABBDPassageTask 1BDACTask 2(1) commentators(2) exaggerated(3) focus on(4) lead an active life(5) laid the foundation(6) annual(7) a series of(9) abolish(10) influential Unit testPartⅠCACCCPartⅡCBBAPartⅢBCCBAPartⅣ(1) champion(2) challenges(3) Regardless of(4) inspiration(5) remarkable(6) legendary(7) dominance(9) aspire to(10) magnificentUnit 5SharingTask 2(1) cities(2) mix of people(3) peace and quietTask 3d-e-a-c-f-bTask 41, 2, 5Task 51. horribly2. get round3. (1) on the go (2) take time out (3)missing out4. green transport5. (1) crime (2) committing crimes ListeningTask 2(1) shopping(2) good nightlife(3) safe(4) cheap(5) terrible(6) restaurants(7) fantastic(8) fast(9) green(10) crowded(11) friendly(12) atmosphere(13) clean(14) safe(15) see(16) do(17) beautiful(18) perfect(19) culture(20) too muchViewingTask 21. a combined age2. (1) forgotten (2) stuck indoors (3)felt right(4) 16 times (5) closure (6)meet3. 404. (1) available online (2) 2 millionRole-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. a hotel2. The air conditioning3. send someone upConversation 21. a restaurant2. (1) 20 minutes (2) the service charge3. busy timeConversation 31. a train station2. an hour3. wrong type of snowActivity 2C:1, 2, 5 R:3, 4, 6 ConversationsTask 1AABADTask 2AADBPassageTask 1BDCDTask 2(1) join up(2) reaction(3) makes increasing sense(4) sustainable(5) aims(6) monitored(7) access to(8) experimenting with(9) eye-catching(10) commutingUnit testPartⅠBCDABPartⅡBCDACPartⅢDCBDDPartⅣ(1) widespread(2) property(3) penetrates(4) robbed(5) victim(6) argue about(7) contribute to(8) population(9) remains unsolved(10) proposedUnit 6SharingTask 2(1) a researcher(2) gets too busy(3) relax(4) flatTask 33, 4Task 4c-e-a-d-b-fListeningTask 2(1) a free bus(2) a dentist(3) Lunch(4) a cheap(5) a surprise holiday(6) free coffee(7) bring their children(8) free drinks(9) go fishing(10) all the fish ViewingTask 2(1) traveling to work(2) live abroad(3) cheap houses(4) an online map company(5) working(6) drive(7) 700(8) 38 pounds(9) quality of life(10) the trafficRole-playTask 2Activity 11, 3Activity 21. like2. can't stand3. absolutely love4. (1) don't like (2) prefer5. don't mind6. keen on7. hate8. (1) not very keen on (2) want to be PresentingTask 1Activity 11. (1) shaped (2) faces2. (1) personal (2) special message3. at home4. beautiful website Activity 2c-e-a-b-d Conversations Task 1BDACCTask 2ADBBPassageTask 1BBADTask 2(1) evaluate(2) compensation(3) negotiating(4) confirm(5) schedule(6) circumstances(7) turn down(8) start over(9) work out(10) informed Unit testPartⅠBACCDPartⅡBDDCCPartⅢCADBCPartⅣ(1) opportunities(2) practical(3) define(4) compassion(5) focusing on(6) significance(7) think big(8) plays a huge role(9) attend(10) ContentedUnit 7SharingTask 2(1) enjoy(2) live without(3) plan my life(4) listening to musicTask 3b-e-f-a-d-cTask 51. (1) on it all the time (2) my husband2. (1) my laptop (2) phone (3)essential3. beyond that4. (1) computer (2) InternetListeningTask 2Activity 11, 2Activity 21. on the Internet2. videos3. (1) a break (2) someone in the office (3)looking through4. reading books5. (1) the computer (2) sports and going out (3)live in the real worldViewing Task 2 Activity 1 1, 4 Activity 2 CBDDCRole-play Task 2 Activity 1Reasons(1) all the time(2) texting(3) watch much television(4) terrible(5) for work(6) an emergency(7) a problem with(8) go on the Internet(9) Someone elseActivity 2Speaker 1:c-a-bSpeaker 2:b-a-cPresentingTask 1(1) 2(2) near the sea(3) real achievement(4) 12(5) talked online(6) hello(7) lonely(8) a new girl(9) bored(10) my real friends(11) a club(12) good-looking(13) start talking to him(14) on the dance floor(15) haven't been dancing ConversationsTask 1BCDDCTask 2BBACPassageTask 1DAADTask 2(1) response(2) illegal(3) in charge of(4) consequently(5) relied heavily on(6) linked to(7) anticipate(8) familiar with(9) remedy(10) betrayingUnit testPartⅠADBCBPartⅡBCADCPartⅢABCDDPartⅣ(1) refer to(2) involves(3) unique(4) valuable(5) at your expense(6) associated with(7) responsible(8) minimize(9) regularly(10) maintainUnit 8SharingTask 2(1) come from(2) most of my family(3) talking to peopleTask 3c-e-a-f-b-dTask 41. (1) height (2) same traits (3)think about things2. (1) my sister (2) similar to (3)mathematical3. (1) a younger version (2) organized (3)louder4. quite calm5. (1) my brothers (2) quite differentTask 52, 6ListeningTask 2(1) 1689(2) advisor(3) soldiers(4) sailors(5) dull(6) incredibly(7) surname(8) great fun ViewingTask 2(1) islands(2) There are no rules(3) an account(4) a digital(5) male(6) half animal(7) edit(8) short(9) face(10) features(11) pick(12) personality(13) online stores(14) over three million(15) chatRole-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. speaking and listening2. conversation Conversation 21. summer camp2. Different ages Conversation 31. online classes2. demandingActivity 2(1) So for me the most important thing is to(2) I suppose I'd have to say(3) In my opinion(4) One thing I'd like to say is that PresentingTask 1Activity 1(1) BBC breakfast TV(2) hair color(3) businesswoman(4) personality(5) buildingActivity 21, 3, 4, 5, 6Conversations Task 1BCCDATask 2CDABPassageTask 1CCABTask 2(1) infancy(2) assumed(3) inherited(4) rooted in(5) fairs(6) compensate for(7) cement(8) witness(9) exposed to。























2020-2021学年高一英语(2019)选择性必修第一册UNIT 1同步单元测试

2020-2021学年高一英语(2019)选择性必修第一册UNIT 1同步单元测试

UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

AOPENINGS AND PREVIEWSAnimals Out of PaperYolo! Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph, in which an origami(折纸术) artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio. Merri Milwe directs. In previews. Opens Feb. 12.(West Park Presbyterian Church, 165 W. 86th St. 212-868-4444.) The AudienceHelen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan, about Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years. Stephen Daldry directs. Also starring Dylan Baker and Judith Ivey. Previews begin Feb. 14.(Schoenfeld, 236 W. 45th St. 212-239-6200.)HamiltonLin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton, in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story. Thomas Kail directs. In previews. Opens Feb.17.(Public, 425 Lafayette St. 212-967-7555.)On the Twentieth CenturyKristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in the musical comedy by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, about a Broadway producer who tries to win a movie star's love during a cross-country train journey. Scott Ellis directs, for Roundabout Theatre Company. Previews begin Feb. 12.(American Airlines Theatre, 227 W. 42nd St. 212-719-1300.)1.What is the play by Rajiv Joseph probably about?A.A type of art.B.A teenager's studio.C.A great teacher.D.A group of animals.2.Who is the director of The Audience?A.Helen Mirren.B.Peter Morgan.C.Dylan Baker.D.Stephen Daldry.3.Which play will you go to if you are interested in American history?A.Animals Out of Paper.B.The Audience.C.Hamilton.D.O n the T w entieth Century.【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文。



新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程2答案Unit 1 (1)Sharing (1)Listening (2)Viewing (3)Role-play (3)Conversations (4)Passage (4)Unit test (5)Unit 2 (6)Sharing (6)Listening (7)Viewing (7)Role-play (8)Presenting (9)Conversations (9)Passage (10)Unit test (11)Unit 3 (12)Sharing (12)Listening (12)Role-play (14)Presenting (15)Conversations (15)Passage (16)Unit test (17)Unit 4 (18)Sharing (18)Listening (19)Viewing (19)Role-play (20)Presenting (21)Conversations (22)Passage (22)Unit test (23)Unit 5 (24)Sharing (24)Listening (25)Viewing (26)Role-play (26)Conversations (27)Passage (27)Unit 6 (29)Sharing (29)Listening (30)Viewing (30)Role-play (31)Presenting (32)Conversations (32)Passage (32)Unit test (33)Unit 7 (34)Sharing (34)Listening (35)Viewing (36)Role-play (36)Presenting (37)Conversations (38)Passage (39)Unit test (39)Unit 8 (41)Sharing (41)Listening (42)Role-play (43)Presenting (44)Conversations (44)Passage (45)Unit test (46)Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) new things(2) At the moment(3) quite difficultTask 31, 3, 7, 8Task 41. (1) ever learned (2) found2. (1) a combination (2) body movements3. Learning to drive4. (1) nine cases (2) by most standards5. French6. hatedListeningTask 2Activity 1e-c-a-g-d-h-b-fActivity 2(1) speak(2) saying the wrong(3) native speakers(4) pronunciation(5) talking to himself(6) making mistakes(7) listening skills(8) listeningActivity 31. (1) embarrassed (2) hear2. anything you like3. (1) voice (2) pronunciation4. (1) how it sounds (2) the news (3) English television5. on the Internet6. sound likeViewingTask 2Activity 1BABAActivity 2DABADRole-playTask 2Activity 11Activity 2G:1, 3, 5 R:2, 4, 6, 7 Activity 31. (1) you should eat (2) a good2. (1) should not spend (2) You're3. (1) Why don't (2) am not sure that's4. (1) it's a good (2) suppose so ConversationsTask 1BDDCATask 2CDACPassageTask 1DACDTask 2(1) alternative(2) numerous(3) traditional(4) academic(5) countryside(6) athletes(7) take advantage of(9) in a collective effort(10) serve asUnit testPartⅠCBBCCPartⅡBADCBPartⅢAADBCPartⅣ(1) political(2) Traditional(3) acquire(4) bear in mind(5) difficult(6) invented(7) successful(9) thousands of(10) brainsUnit 2 SharingTask 2(1) different countries(2) home(3) places(4) culturesTask 31, 4, 5Task 41. mature2. airport3. theater4. scenery5. culture6. language Task 5b-a-d-f-c-e Listening Task 2Activity 11. slowly sinking2. two and a half3. try and stop4. temporary5. permanent Activity 23, 4, 5 Viewing Task 2Activity 1 DBBCDActivity 21. busy2. bars3. friendliness4. elegant5. views6. (1) beaches (2) cheap7. (1) changing (2) sunset8. criedRole-playTask 2Activity 13Activity 2(1) trying to(2) takes(3) looking for(4) right way(5) the first left(6) until you reach(7) get to(8) Is it far(9) Go left(10) on the left Presenting Task 1(1) isolated(2) far(3) plane(4) three months(5) culture(6) way of life(7) speak to(8) find out(9) history(10) dreams Conversations Task 1ADBCDTask 2ADCA Passage Task 1DABDTask 2(1) scared(2) perceive(3) negative(4) result in(5) lose faith in(6) goes down(7) depressed(8) preferably(9) adapt(10) revealUnit testPartⅠABBAAPartⅡBCADPartⅢCADBPartⅣ(1) vacation(2) walks of life(3) routine(4) adventure(5) treat(6) popularity(7) gain a better understanding of(8) similarities(9) perspective(10) marvelousUnit 3SharingTask 2(1) concerts(2) a bar(3) bandTask 31. (1) keep fit (2) theater2. (1) small children (2) seeing friends3. (1) eating and drinking (2) houses4. (1) friends around (2) a jazz club5. (1) love to read (2) oil painting6. (1) playing the guitar (2) watching films Task 41, 6ListeningTask 2(1) free art exhibition(2) a concert(3) dinner(4) bus home(5) museum(6) paintings(7) entertainers(8) comedy(9) comedy club(10) Covent Garden ViewingTask 2Activity 1(1) sightseeing(2) beach(3) get away from(4) relaxing(5) a dozen(6) fantastic(7) attitude(8) perfectActivity 2BAABABActivity 3c-e-f-b-a-dRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) Book a table(2) 4(3) Saturday(4) 10 o'clock(5) two tickets(6) Starr(7) June the fifth(8) June the ninth(9) dinner with friends(10) eight-thirty(11) Saturday(12) dinner tonight(13) 098845673 Activity 2(1) repeat(2) check(3) catch(4) slow down(5) speak up Presenting Task 1Activity 1e-d-b-f-a-cActivity 2b-a-c-e-dConversations Task 1DCCBCTask 2DAADPassageTask 1AADDTask 2(1) objectives(2) farthest(3) recognized(4) separated into(5) involves(6) is referred to(7) life-threatening(8) designed(9) endurance(10) putting themselves at riskUnit testPartⅠACBBBPartⅡDBDCAPartⅢCDCCPartⅣ(1) have a passion for(2) looked upon(3) take risks(4) probably(5) ignore(6) attractive(7) familiar(8) obviously(9) powerful(10) requiresUnit 4 SharingTask 2(1) finding out(2) a normal person(3) feel about fame Task 32, 3, 4Task 41. exciting2. worthwhile3. a model4. real fame5. invention6. in the street Task 5b-a-c-f-e-dListeningTask 2(1) advertising(2) enjoy the job(3) travel(4) chance(5) go traveling(6) a doctor(7) have time(8) play the piano(9) writing songs(10) make more timeViewingTask 2Activity 11. (1) the attitude (2) the talent2. speed3. (1) Formula One (2) big guys4. ambitious driversActivity 2(1) speed(2) survive(3) October(4) richest(5) track(6) bank(7) glory(8) betterActivity 3(1) 7(2) 4(3) everythingRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) White House(2) tomorrow afternoon(3) a space flight(4) next week(5) her husband(6) 80(7) three or four(8) organize(9) this weekend(10) restaurant service(11) French(12) Paris(13) directions(14) bookActivity 2R:1, 2, 4 O:3, 5, 6 PresentingTask 11. South Wales2. a rock star3. his dream4. (1) drum kit (2) write songs5. apart fromConversations Task 1BBCDDTask 2ABBDPassageTask 1BDACTask 2(1) commentators(2) exaggerated(3) focus on(4) lead an active life(5) laid the foundation(6) annual(7) a series of(8) advocating(9) abolishUnit test PartⅠCACCCPartⅡCBBAPartⅢBCCBAPartⅣ(1) champion(2) challenges(3) Regardless of(4) inspiration(5) remarkable(6) legendary(7) dominance(8) appeal in(9) aspire toUnit 5SharingTask 2(1) cities(2) mix of people(3) peace and quietTask 3d-e-a-c-f-bTask 41, 2, 5Task 51. horribly2. get round3. (1) on the go (2) take time out (3) missing out4. green transport5. (1) crime (2) committing crimesListening Task 2(1) shopping(2) good nightlife(3) safe(4) cheap(5) terrible(6) restaurants(7) fantastic(8) fast(9) green(10) crowded(11) friendly(12) atmosphere(13) clean(14) safe(15) see(16) do(17) beautiful(18) perfect(19) culture(20) too muchViewingTask 21. a combined age2. (1) forgotten (2) stuck indoors (3) felt right(4) 16 times (5) closure (6) meet3. 404. (1) available online (2) 2 millionRole-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. a hotel2. The air conditioning3. send someone upConversation 21. a restaurant2. (1) 20 minutes (2) the service charge3. busy timeConversation 31. a train station2. an hour3. wrong type of snowActivity 2C:1, 2, 5 R:3, 4, 6 ConversationsTask 1AABADTask 2AADBPassageTask 1BDCDTask 2(1) join up(2) reaction(3) makes increasing sense(4) sustainable(5) aims(6) monitored(7) access to(8) experimenting with(9) eye-catching(10) commutingUnit testPartⅠBCDABPartⅡBCDACPartⅢDCBDDPartⅣ(1) widespread(2) property(3) penetrates(4) robbed(5) victim(6) argue about(7) contribute to(8) population(9) remains unsolved(10) proposed Unit 6 SharingTask 2(1) a researcher(2) gets too busy(3) relax(4) flatTask 33, 4Task 4c-e-a-d-b-f ListeningTask 2(1) a free bus(2) a dentist(3) Lunch(4) a cheap(5) a surprise holiday(6) free coffee(7) bring their children(8) free drinks(9) go fishing(10) all the fish ViewingTask 2(1) traveling to work(2) live abroad(3) cheap houses(4) an online map company(5) working(6) drive(7) 700(8) 38 pounds(9) quality of life(10) the trafficRole-playTask 2Activity 11, 3Activity 21. like2. can't stand3. absolutely love4. (1) don't like (2) prefer5. don't mind6. keen on7. hate8. (1) not very keen on (2) want to bePresentingTask 1Activity 11. (1) shaped (2) faces2. (1) personal (2) special message3. at home4. beautiful websiteActivity 2c-e-a-b-dConversationsTask 1BDACCTask 2ADBBPassageTask 1BBAD(1) evaluate(2) compensation(3) negotiating(4) confirm(5) schedule(6) circumstances(7) turn down(8) start over(9) work out(10) informed Unit test PartⅠBACCDPartⅡBDDCCPartⅢCADBC(1) opportunities(2) practical(3) define(4) compassion(5) focusing on(6) significance(7) think big(8) plays a huge role(9) attend(10) Contented Unit 7 SharingTask 2(1) enjoy(2) live without(3) plan my life(4) listening to musicb-e-f-a-d-cTask 51. (1) on it all the time (2) my husband2. (1) my laptop (2) phone (3) essential3. beyond that4. (1) computer (2) InternetListeningTask 2Activity 11, 2Activity 21. on the Internet2. videos3. (1) a break (2) someone in the office (3) looking through4. reading books5. (1) the computer (2) sports and going out (3) live in the real worldViewing Task 2 Activity 1 1, 4Activity 2 CBDDC Role-play Task 2 Activity 1Reasons(1) all the time(2) texting(3) watch much television(4) terrible(5) for work(6) an emergency(7) a problem with(8) go on the Internet(9) Someone else Activity 2Speaker 1:c-a-b Speaker 2:b-a-cPresentingTask 1(1) 2(2) near the sea(3) real achievement(4) 12(5) talked online(6) hello(7) lonely(8) a new girl(9) bored(10) my real friends(11) a club(12) good-looking(13) start talking to him(14) on the dance floor(15) haven't been dancing Conversations Task 1BCDDCTask 2BBACPassageTask 1DAADTask 2(1) response(2) illegal(3) in charge of(4) consequently(5) relied heavily on(6) linked to(7) anticipate(8) familiar with(9) remedy(10) betraying Unit testPartⅠADBCBPartⅡBCADCPartⅢABCDDPartⅣ(1) refer to(2) involves(3) unique(4) valuable(5) at your expense(6) associated with(7) responsible(8) minimize(9) regularly(10) maintainUnit 8SharingTask 2(1) come from(2) most of my family(3) talking to peopleTask 3c-e-a-f-b-dTask 41. (1) height (2) same traits (3) think about things2. (1) my sister (2) similar to (3) mathematical3. (1) a younger version (2) organized (3) louder4. quite calm5. (1) my brothers (2) quite differentTask 52, 6ListeningTask 2(1) 1689(2) advisor(3) soldiers(4) sailors(5) dull(6) incredibly(7) surname(8) great fun ViewingTask 2(1) islands(2) There are no rules(3) an account(4) a digital(5) male(6) half animal(7) edit(8) short(10) features(11) pick(12) personality(13) online stores(14) over three million(15) chatRole-playTask 2Activity 1 Conversation 11. speaking and listening2. conversation Conversation 21. summer camp2. Different ages Conversation 31. online classes2. demanding(1) So for me the most important thing is to(2) I suppose I'd have to say(3) In my opinion(4) One thing I'd like to say is that PresentingTask 1Activity 1(1) BBC breakfast TV(2) hair color(3) businesswoman(4) personality(5) buildingActivity 21, 3, 4, 5, 6ConversationsTask 1BCCDATask 2CDAB PassageTask 1CCABTask 2(1) infancy(2) assumed(3) inherited(4) rooted in(5) fairs(6) compensate for(7) cement(8) witness(9) exposed to(10) contributed toUnit testPartⅠBBCCBPartⅡBDAAPartⅢBCCAAPartⅣ(1) kicked out of(2) hang out(3) involved(4) useless(5) failure(6) fell in love with(7) positive(8) especially(9) took off(10) succeed。

外研版高中英语必修一《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件

外研版高中英语必修一《Family matters》Section Ⅵ PPT课件
传统中式婚礼有八个步骤,包括提亲、生辰八字、纳吉、过 大礼、确定婚期、置办嫁妆、迎亲、婚礼仪式。
Chinese Funeral 中国丧礼 Chinese funeral rites and burial customs are determined by
the age of the deceased (逝者), cause of death, status and position in society, and marital (婚姻的) status.
Section Ⅵ 多模态学习——用英语介绍中国(婚丧嫁娶)
Whether a man can succeed or not depends on his attitude. Winners always command and control their life with the most positive thinking and the most optimistic spirit.
中国的婚礼习俗是中国传统礼仪文化的一大部分。中式婚礼 场面正式隆重。
There are eight majorcluding proposal making, birthday matching, marriage divination, betrothal (订婚) gifts presenting, wedding date fixing, dowry urging, welcoming the bride to the wedding and performing the formal wedding ceremony.
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Unit 3 Family matters
Ⅰ 重点单词 重点词汇夯实练 1.①It is usual that you can meet many teenagers on holiday when __a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h_in_g____ (approach) the seaside in summer. ②They have a very communicative approach to __t_e_a_c_h_in_g____ (teach) languages. ③I’d like to ask his opinions but I find him difficult __t_o_a_p_p_r_o_a_c_h____ (approach).

Samson Agonistes力士参孙介绍PPT

Samson Agonistes力士参孙介绍PPT

push down the two columns and die together with his enemy
Talks between Samson and Chorus. It tells us the whole story that Samson was persecuted.(迫害)
Samson Agonistes
Basic idea: Fight till last gasp(奄奄一息) though blinded.
A poetical drama modeled on the Greek tragedy Taken from the Old Testament (Judges) of the Bible(see in Comparision)
deals with the final phase of Samson‘s life and recounts
the story as told in the Old Testament Book of Judges (《旧约· 士师记》).

Boy on a Dolphin《金童海豚(1957)》完整中英文对照剧本

Boy on a Dolphin《金童海豚(1957)》完整中英文对照剧本

(朱莉 ·伦敦演唱的《海豚上的男孩》)("Boy on a Dolphin" by Julie London playing)有一个故事他们讲♪ There's a tale that they tell ♪一只海豚和一个男孩的歌♥声♪ Of a dolphin and a boy ♪金子做的♪ Made of gold ♪歌♥词: With the shells and the pearls in the deep ♪ With the shells and the pearls in the deep ♪♪他已经睡了很多年了♪ He has lain many years fast asleep ♪他们是怎么说海豚上的男孩的♪ What they tell of the boy on a dolphin ♪谁能说这是真的♪ Who can say if it's true? ♪♪他会从海洋深处升起吗♪ Should he rise from the depths of the ocean ♪任何愿望都可以实现♪ Any wish that you wish may come true ♪你说他只是一尊雕像♪ You say he's only a statue ♪一尊雕像能做什么♪ And what can a statue achieve? ♪然而当我凝视你的时候♪ And yet while I'm gazing at you ♪我的心告诉我的头脑去相信♪ My heart tells my head to believe ♪如果那个被神施了魔法的男孩♪ If the boy whom the gods have enchanted ♪应该从睡眠中醒来♪ Should arise from sleep ♪我心中的愿望就能实现♪ And the wish of my heart could be granted ♪我希望♪ I would wish ♪你只爱我♪ That you loved only me ♪(喘气)(panting)嗨,瑞芙!Hey, Rhif!菲德拉,你为什么这么做?Phaedra, why you do that?因为你懒,我在工作。

外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册精品课件 Unit 5 Section C

外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册精品课件 Unit 5 Section C

by an insect
B.hardly react to the chemicals the neighbour released
C.can release some chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten to drive the
insects away
Plants also use sound to communicate.Some plants make 7.__n_o_i_s_es_____
(noise) with their roots and some plants make even noises when there is a
drought. the wasps to kill the insects that are eating their leaves
答案 A
2.What can we infer from paragraph 4? A.People can’t hear the noise created by the plants because we can’t use sound to communicate with them. B.All the plants can make noises with their roots. C.Only chilli plants can tell if a neighbour plant is helpful or unfriendly. D.When some plants make clicking noises,perhaps it suggests drought is coming.
Most 8. surprisingly (surprise),plants have 9. an



Reading for detailed information (Para. 2)
Reason 1: To satisfy our curiosity about _th_e__u_n_k_n_o_w__n
our nature
curiosity about the unknown
explore the furthest
新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修三 Unit 2 Out of this World Extended Reading
China’s exploration in space
Dongfanghong 1, 1970
Shenzhou 5, 2003
Tiangong 1, 2013
Chang’e 4, 2019
the universe
visit thick and wild forests
climb vast mountain
cross deep oceans
our Earth
Reading for detailed information (Para. 2)
Para.6 It influences__th_e__y_o_u_n_g_.
Reading for structure Which of the following best shows the structure of the text?
Reading for structure
Para 1: Why do we continue to explore space? Para 2 To satisfy our curiosity



新视野大学英语第三版第二册视听说答案Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) new things(2) At the moment(3) quite difficultTask 31, 3, 7, 8Task 41. (1) ever learned2. (1) a combination3. Learning to drive4. (1) nine cases5. French6. hatedListeningTask 2Activity 1e-c-a-g-d-h-b-fActivity 2(2) saying the wrong(3) native speakers(4) pronunciation(2) found (2) body movements (2) by most standards(5) talking to himself(6) making mistakes(7) listening skills(8) listeningActivity 31. (1) embarrassed2. anything you like3. (1) voice4. (1) how it sounds5. on the Internet6. sound likeViewingTask 2Activity 1BABAActivity 2DABADTask 2Activity 11Activity 2G:1, 3, 5(2) hear (2) pronunciation (2) the news (3) English television R:2, 4, 6, 7Activity 31. (1)2. (1)3. (1)4. (1) you should eat should not spend Why don't it's a good (2) (2) (2) (2) a good You're am not sure that's suppose so ConversationsTask 1BDDCATask 2CDACPassageTask 1DACDTask 2(1) alternative(2) numerous(3) traditional(4) academic(5) countryside(6) athletes(7) take advantage of(8) Secondary(9) in a collective effort(10) serve asUnit testPartⅠCBBCCPartⅡBADCBPartⅢAADBCPartⅣ(1) political(2) Traditional(3) acquire(4) bear in mind(5) difficult(6) invented(7) successful(8) reason for(9) thousands of(10) brainsUnit 2SharingTask 2(1) different countries(2) home(3) places(4) culturesTask 31, 4, 5Task 41. mature2. airport3. theater4. scenery5. culture6. languageTask 5b-a-d-f-c-e ListeningTask 2Activity 11. slowly sinking2. two and a half3. try and stop4. temporary5. permanentActivity 23, 4, 5ViewingTask 2Activity 1DBBCDActivity 21. busy2. bars3. friendliness4. elegant5. views6. (1) beaches (2) cheap7. (1) changing (2) sunset8. criedRole-playTask 2Activity 13Activity 2(1) trying to(2) takes(3) looking for(4) right way(5) the first left(6) until you reach(7) get to(8) Is it far(9) Go left(10) on the left PresentingTask 1(1) isolated(2) far(3) plane(4) three months(5) culture(6) way of life(7) speak to(8) find out(9) history(10) dreams Conversations T ask 1 ADBCDTask 2ADCAPassageTask 1DABDTask 2(1) scared(2) perceive(3) negative(4) result in(5) lose faith in(6) goes down(7) depressed(8) preferably(9) adapt(10) revealUnit testPartⅠABBAAPartⅡBCADPartⅢCADBPartⅣ(1) vacation(2) walks of life(3) routine(4) adventure(5) treat(6) popularity(7) gain a better understanding of(8) similarities(9) perspective(10) marvelousUnit 3SharingTask 2(1) concerts(2) a bar(3) bandTask 31. (1) keep fit2. (1) small children3. (1) eating and drinking4. (1) friends around5. (1) love to read6. (1) playing the guitar T ask 4 1, 6ListeningTask 2(1) free art exhibition(2) a concert(3) dinner(4) bus home(5) museum(6) paintings(7) entertainers(8) comedy(9) comedy club(10) Covent Garden(2) theater (2) seeing friends (2) houses (2) a jazz club (2) oil painting (2) watching films ViewingTask 2Activity 1(1) sightseeing(2) beach(3) get away from(4) relaxing(5) a dozen(6) fantastic(7) attitude(8) perfectActivity 2BAABABActivity 3c-e-f-b-a-dRole-play Task 2Activity 1(1) Book a table(2) 4(3) Saturday(4) 10 o'clock(5) two tickets(6) Starr(7) June the fifth(8) June the ninth(9) dinner with friends(10) eight-thirty(11) Saturday(12) dinner tonight(13) 098845673 Activity 2(1) repeat(2) check(3) catch(4) slow down(5) speak up PresentingTask 1Activity 1e-d-b-f-a-cActivity 2b-a-c-e-dConversations T ask 1DCCBCTask 2DAADPassage T ask 1AADDTask 2(1) objectives(2) farthest(3) recognized(4) separated into(5) involves(6) is referred to(7) life-threatening(8) designed(9) endurance(10) putting themselves at risk Unit test PartⅠACBBBPartⅡDBDCAPartⅢCDCCPartⅣ(1) have a passion for(2) looked upon(3) take risks(4) probably(5) ignore(6) attractive(7) familiar(8) obviously(9) powerful(10) requires Unit 4 Sharing T ask 2(1) finding out(2) a normal person(3) feel about fame Task 32, 3, 4Task 41. exciting2. worthwhile3. a model4. real fame6. in the street Task 5 b-a-c-f-e-d ListeningTask 2(1) advertising(2) enjoy the job(3) travel(4) chance(5) go traveling(6) a doctor(7) have time(8) play the piano(9) writing songs(10) make more time ViewingTask 2Activity 11. (1) the attitude2. speed3. (1) Formula One4. ambitious drivers(1) speed(2) survive(3) October(4) richest(5) track(6) bank(7) glory(8) better(2) the talent (2) big guys Activity 3(1) 7(2) 4(3) everythingRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) White House(2) tomorrow afternoon(3) a space flight(4) next week(5) her husband(7) three or four(8) organize(9) this weekend(10) restaurant service(11) French(12) Paris(13) directions(14) bookActivity 2R:1, 2, 4 O:3, 5, 6 PresentingTask 11. South Wales2. a rock star3. his dream4. (1) drum kit(2) write songs5. apart from ConversationsTask 1BBCDDABBDPassageTask 1BDACTask 2(1) commentators(2) exaggerated(3) focus on(4) lead an active life(5) laid the foundation(6) annual(7) a series of(8) advocating(9) abolish(10) influentialUnit testPartⅠCACCCPartⅡCBBAPartⅢPartⅣ(1) champion(2) challenges(3) Regardless of(4) inspiration(5) remarkable(6) legendary(7) dominance(8) appeal in(9) aspire to(10) magnificent Unit 5SharingTask 2(1) cities(2) mix of people(3) peace and quiet Task 3d-e-a-c-f-bTask 41, 2, 51. horribly2. get round3. (1) on the go (2) take time out (3) missing out4. green transport5. (1) crimeListeningTask 2(1) shopping(2) good nightlife(3) safe(4) cheap(5) terrible(6) restaurants(7) fantastic(8) fast(9) green(10) crowded(11) friendly(12) atmosphere(13) clean(14) safe(15) see(16) do(17) beautiful(18) perfect(19) culture(20) too muchViewingTask 21. a combined age2. (1) forgotten(4) 16 times(2) committing crimes (2) stuck indoors (5) closure (3) felt right (6) meet3. 404. (1) available online (2) 2 million Role-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. a hotel2. The air conditioning3. send someone upConversation 21. a restaurant2. (1) 20 minutes (2) the service charge3. busy timeConversation 31. a train station2. an hour3. wrong type of snowActivity 2C:1, 2, 5 R:3, 4, 6 Conversations Task 1AABADTask 2AADBPassage T ask 1BDCDTask 2(1) join up(2) reaction(3) makes increasing sense(4) sustainable(5) aims(6) monitored(7) access to(8) experimenting with(9) eye-catching(10) commuting Unit test PartⅠBCDABPartⅡBCDACPartⅢDCBDDPartⅣ(1) widespread(2) property(3) penetrates(4) robbed(5) victim(6) argue about(7) contribute to(8) population(9) remains unsolved(10) proposedUnit 6SharingTask 2(1) a researcher(2) gets too busy(3) relax(4) flatTask 33, 4Task 4c-e-a-d-b-f ListeningTask 2(1) a free bus(2) a dentist(3) Lunch(4) a cheap(5) a surprise holiday(6) free coffee(7) bring their children(8) free drinks(9) go fishing(10) all the fish ViewingTask 2(1) traveling to work(2) live abroad(3) cheap houses(4) an online map company(5) working(6) drive(7) 700(8) 38 pounds(9) quality of life(10) the trafficRole-playTask 2Activity 11, 3Activity 21. like2. can't stand3. absolutely love4. (1) don't like5. don't mind6. keen on7. hate8. (1) not very keen on(2) prefer (2) want to bePresenting Task 1 Activity 11. (1) shaped2. (1) personal3. at home4. beautiful website (2) faces (2) special message Activity 2 c-e-a-b-d Conversations T ask 1 BDACC Task 2 ADBBPassage T ask 1 BBADTask 2(1) evaluate(2) compensation(3) negotiating(4) confirm(5) schedule(6) circumstances (7) turn down (8) start over (9) work out (10) informed Unit testPartⅠBACCDPartⅡBDDCCPartⅢPartⅣ(1) opportunities (2) practical (3) define(4) compassion (5) focusing on (6) significance (7) think big(8) plays a huge role (9) attend(10) ContentedUnit 7SharingTask 2(1) enjoy(2) live without (3) plan my life(4) listening to musicTask 3b-e-f-a-d-cTask 51. (1) on it all the time2. (1) my laptop3. beyond that4. (1) computer(2) my husband(2) phone (2) Internet(3) essentialListeningTask 2 Activity 11, 21. on the Internet2. videos3. (1) a break4. reading books5. (1) the computer(2) someone in the office (2) sports and going out(3) looking through (3) live in the real worldViewingTask 2 Activity 11, 4Activity 2CBDDCRole-playTask 2 Activity 1Reasons(1) all the time (2) texting(3) watch much television (4) terrible (5) for work(6) an emergency (7) a problem with (8) go on the Internet (9) Someone else Activity 2Speaker 1:c-a-b Speaker 2:b-a-cPresentingTask 1(2) near the sea(3) real achievement (4) 12(5) talked online (6) hello (7) lonely (8) a new girl (9) bored(10) my real friends (11) a club(12) good-looking(13) start talking to him (14) on the dance floor (15) haven't been dancing ConversationsTask 1BCDDCTask 2BBACPassageTask 1DAADTask 2(1) response (2) illegal(3) in charge of (4) consequently (5) relied heavily on (6) linked to (7) anticipate (8) familiar with (9) remedy (10) betrayingUnit testPartⅠADBCBBCADCPartⅢABCDDPartⅣ(1) refer to(2) involves(3) unique(4) valuable(5) at your expense(6) associated with(7) responsible(8) minimize(9) regularly(10) maintainUnit 8SharingTask 2(1) come from(2) most of my family(3) talking to people Task 3c-e-a-f-b-dTask 41. (1) height2. (1) my sister3. (1) a younger version4. quite calm5. (1) my brothersTask 52, 6(2) same traits (2) similar to (2) organized (2) quite different (3) think about things (3) mathematical (3) louderListeningTask 2(1) 1689(2) advisor(3) soldiers(4) sailors(5) dull(6) incredibly(7) surname(8) great funViewingTask 2(1) islands(2) There are no rules(3) an account(4) a digital(5) male(6) half animal(7) edit(8) short(9) face(10) features(11) pick(12) personality(13) online stores(14) over three million(15) chatRole-playTask 2Activity 1 Conversation 11. speaking and listening2. conversationConversation 21. summer camp2. Different agesConversation 31. online classes2. demandingActivity 2(1) So for me the most important thing is to(2) I suppose I'd have to say(3) In my opinion(4) One thing I'd like to say is that Presenting Task 1Activity 1(1) BBC breakfast TV(2) hair color(3) businesswoman(4) personality(5) buildingActivity 21, 3, 4, 5, 6Conversations T ask 1 BCCDA Task 2 CDAB Passage T ask 1 CCABTask 2(1) infancy(2) assumed(3) inherited(4) rooted in(5) fairs(6) compensate for(7) cement(8) witness(9) exposed to(10) contributed to Unit test PartⅠ BBCCB PartⅡ BDAA PartⅢ BCCAA PartⅣ(1) kicked out of(2) hang out(3) involved(4) useless(5) failure(6) fell in love with(7) positive(8) especially(9) took off(10) succeed。



U n i t3T h e P r e s e n tThey say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. Everyone was so kind to the old lady on her birthday. Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort to please herIt was the old lady's birthday.She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street, and the little boy from the ground floor brought up her letters on the rare occasions when anything came.Today she was sure the would be something. Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy. Her husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work the aged.The old lady was proud of Myra, but Enid was the daughter she loved. Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner.One evening, however, Enid said, "I've arranged for Mrs. Morrison to look after you for a few days, Mother. Tomorrow I have to go into hospital--just a minor operation, I'll soon be home."In the morning she went, but never came back--she died on the operating table. Myra came to the funeral, and in her efficient way arranged for Mrs. Morrison to come in and light the fire and give the old lady her breakfast.Two years ago that was, and since then Myra had been to see her mother three times, but her husband never.The old lady was eight today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps--perhaps Myra might come. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lined or endured just as you chose to look at it.Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited--like a child. She would enjoy her day.Yesterday Mrs. Morrison had given the flat an extra clean, and today she had brought a card and a bunch of marigolds when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake, and in the afternoon she was going down there to tea. The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a packet of mints, and said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come."I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents," he said, "I did last were when I was six."What would she like A pair of slippers perhaps. Or a new cardigan.A cardigan would be lovely. Blue's such a pretty colour. Jim had always liked her in blue. Or a table lamp. Or a book, a travel book, with pictures, or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things.She stood by the window, watching. The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat fast. Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.Then clatter, clatter up the stairs. Johnnie knocked at her door."Granny, granny," he shouted, "I've got your post."He gave her four envelopes. Three were unsealed cards from old friends. The fourth was sealed, in Myra's writing. The old lady felt a pang of disappointment."No parcel, Johnnie""No, granny."Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post. That was it. It would come later by parcel post. She must be patient.Almost reluctantly she tore the envelope open. Folded in the card was a piece of paper. Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday -- Buy yourself something nice with the cheque, Myra and Harold.The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.人们说血浓于水,即我们的亲属比别人对我们更重要;老太太生日这天,所有的人都对礼物这天是老太太的生日;为了静心等候邮件,她一早就起床了;邮差打马路那头过来的时候,她从三楼的公寓套间里一眼就可以看到;她难得有信,偶尔有邮件寄来,总是由住在底楼的小男孩给她送上来;她相信今天肯定会有东西来;迈拉尽管在别的时候绝少写信,可母亲的生日她是不会忘记的;当然,迈拉很忙;她丈夫当上了市长,迈拉自己也由于悉心为老年人工作而获得一枚奖章;老太太颇以迈拉自豪,但她真心疼爱的女儿却是伊妮德;伊妮德始终没结婚,但她似乎以跟老母同住,并任教于附近的一所小学而心满意足;然而一天傍晚,伊妮德却说:"妈妈,我已安排让莫里森太太来照顾你几天;明天我要去住院——只是动个小手术;我很快会回家来的;"第二天早上她去了,却再也没有回来——她死在了手术台上;迈拉来参加了葬礼,并以她特有的干练方式,安排莫里森太太来家生火,并为老太太准备早餐;那是两年以前的事了,打那以后,迈拉来看过她母亲三次,可她丈夫却一次也没来过;今天是老太太的八十寿辰;她穿上了她最好的衣裙;也许——也许迈拉会来的吧;不管怎么说,八十大寿毕竟非同一般——你又活了十年,或者说又熬过了十年,是活是熬,全在于你怎么看了;即便迈拉不来,她也会寄礼物来的;老太太对这点是拿得准的;脸颊上的两片红晕,使她满脸生辉;她心情激动——激动得像个小孩;她的这个生日一定会过得很快活;昨天,莫里森太太把这套公寓房间额外打扫了一遍;今天来准备早餐时还带来一张生日卡和一束万寿菊;楼下的格兰特太太特地做了一只蛋糕,下午老太太要下楼到她家去吃茶点;小男孩约翰尼也上楼来过,送来了一盒薄荷糖,还说要等她邮件来了以后再出去玩;"我猜你准会收到好多好多礼物,"他说;"上个礼拜我六岁生日,就收到好多好多;"她想要样什么礼物呢也许是一双拖鞋,或者是一件新的羊毛开衫;要真是一件羊毛开衫那就太好了,蓝盈盈的,那颜色该多么漂亮;过去吉姆就总喜欢她穿蓝的;再不就是一盏台灯,或者一本书,一本带照片的游记;一只小钟也行,钟面带醒目黑色数字的小钟;让人喜欢的东西可真多;她站在窗口张望着;邮差骑着自行车过了拐角;她心跳加快了;约翰尼也看到了邮差,立即向大门口跑去;接着,楼梯上传来"得得得"的脚步声;约翰尼敲了敲她的门;"奶奶,奶奶,"他叫着说,"我拿到你的信了;"他交给她四封信;三封没封口,是老朋友寄来的生日卡;第四封是封口的,上面的字迹出自于迈拉之手;失望的痛楚攫住了老太太的心头;"没有包裹吗,约翰尼""没有,奶奶;"也许是包裹太大了,没有随信件邮班同来;对了,准是这个缘故;待会儿会有包裹邮班送来的;她一定要有耐心;她几乎是带着几分勉强之意撕开了信封;只见生日卡里夹着一张折叠起来的纸;卡上印有"生日快乐"的字样,下面写着一句附言——拿这张支票给自己买样称心的东西吧——迈拉和哈罗德;支票像只断了翅膀的小鸟似的飘落到地板上;老太太慢慢地弯下腰,把支票从地上捡了起来;她的礼物,她的可爱的礼物她用颤抖的手指把支票撕了个粉碎。

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