



压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草美联英语提供drop a,the,his,etc.bombshell:犹如掷了一颗炸弹,突如其来地宣布使人震惊且通常令人不快的事She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that she was leaving.她在会上宣布了令人吃惊的消息,说她将要离开.It was then that he dropped the bombshell--he wasn't planning to come with us.那时他突然宣布一个令人不快的消息,他不准备跟我们一起去了.a drop in the bucket/ocean:an amount of something that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation 沧海一粟;九牛一毛$10 million is only a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to help these people effectively.要有效地帮助这些人,1000万美元只是九牛一毛而已.the last/final straw; the straw that breaks the camel's back:the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草;终于使人不堪忍受的最后一件事(或因素等)I've had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw,I can't take any more.我这一天已经够倒霉了,这样的堵车更是雪上加霜,我受不了了.the writing is on the wall:used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that something is going to have problems or that it is going to be a failure (看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.令人吃惊的是他们就没有一个人看出大难临头的预兆.The writing is on the wall for the club unless they can find $20 000.这家俱乐部就要大难临头了,除非他们能筹到2万美元.美联英语:。



• to strike or beat heavily 重击; • to throb, beat, or pound violently(指心脏)急 速跳动
thump you on the nose! 我要打断你的鼻梁! The excitement made her heart thump. 她兴奋得心怦怦地跳。
• a signal fire or light on a hill, tower, etc, esp one used formerly as a warning of invasion
• a lighthouse, signalling buoy, etc, used to warn or guide ships in dangerous waters 1.The beacon towers were used specifically for transmitting military information.
• 家庭职责要平等分担吗?
To hit sb/sth hard many times ,especially in away that cause serious damage 连续猛击、殴打 1. He had been badly battered about the head and face.他被打得鼻青脸肿。
Cater for to provide the things that a particular person or situation need or wants 满足需要、迎合
Cater to to provide the things that a particular type or person wants,especially things that you do not approve of 满足需要、迎合

The last straw that b

The last straw that b

The last straw that breaks a camel's back最后的一根稻草这是个出自阿拉伯的寓言一个主人有一匹老骆驼,它一天到晚任劳任怨地干活,有一次主人想看看这个老骆驼到底还能装多少货物,于是不断地加、不断地加,但是老骆驼还是没有垮,最后主人想是不是已经到了极限呢,于是轻轻地投了一根稻草在它背上,没想到就是这一根稻草使老骆驼轰然倒下。














压死骆驼的最后一根稻草的英语The Last Straw That Broke the Camel's BackThe phrase "the last straw that broke the camel's back" is a well-known metaphor used to describe a situation where a seemingly small or trivial event causes a larger problem to reach a breaking point. This metaphor is particularly apt when it comes to understanding the complexities of human relationships, both on an individual and societal level.At its core, the image of a camel being overburdened with straw until it can no longer bear the weight evokes a sense of injustice and the potential for a dramatic climax. The camel, a hardy and resilient creature, is pushed to its limits, and the final straw, seemingly insignificant on its own, becomes the catalyst for a collapse that has been building up over time.In the context of human relationships, this metaphor can be applied to a variety of situations. It may represent the accumulation of grievances in a personal relationship, where small annoyances and unresolved conflicts gradually erode the foundation of trust and understanding until a single incident triggers a major confrontationor even the end of the relationship. Similarly, it can be used to describe the breakdown of societal structures, where a series of seemingly minor issues or inequities eventually leads to a larger upheaval or revolution.One of the key aspects of the "last straw" metaphor is the idea of the final, seemingly insignificant event being the tipping point. This suggests that the real problem lies not in the final straw itself, but in the accumulation of burdens that have been placed upon the individual or system over time. It is the culmination of these pressures, often unnoticed or underestimated, that ultimately leads to the breaking point.This understanding can be a valuable lens through which to examine personal and societal challenges. By recognizing the gradual buildup of pressures and the potential for a single, seemingly minor event to trigger a dramatic response, we can better anticipate and address the underlying issues before they reach a crisis point.In the realm of personal relationships, this awareness can prompt us to be more attentive to the needs and concerns of our loved ones, and to address them proactively before they become overwhelming. In the broader societal context, it can encourage us to be more mindful of the cumulative impact of our actions and policies, and to strive for more equitable and sustainable systems that do not pushindividuals or communities to their breaking point.Ultimately, the metaphor of the "last straw that broke the camel's back" serves as a powerful reminder that even the smallest of actions can have significant consequences when combined with a larger context of strain and pressure. By understanding and heeding this lesson, we can work to prevent the camel from collapsing under the weight of too many burdens, and instead create a more resilient and balanced world.。






















为了更好地阐述这个话题,我们把讨论部分划分成以下三个方面:1. 现代社会中人心的扭曲随着社会的迅速发展和科技的快速进步,人们的思维方式和行为习惯也已经发生了很大的变化,人们变得更加注重自我,社会的竞争也更加激烈。




2. 稻草的意义在我们讨论这个问题的过程中,我们需要了解稻草的意义。




3. 解决压死骆驼的问题既然我们认为“最后一颗稻草”并不是导致事件走向极端的主要原因,那么如何解决这个问题呢?我们需要回归到我们的初心,强调传统的价值观和道德规范,践行善良和友爱,营造一个和谐、稳定的社会环境。







当然,这两则故事都是笑话,今人是不会再有此愚笨之举了, 但是,其中包含的哲理却永远给人以启迪。这两个故事的主 人翁都犯有同样一个错误,即形而上学。 “愚人吃盐”是不懂人食用盐是要适量的,一定数量的盐会 使食物味道有滋有味,但过了量,就会转变为又苦又涩了。
“笨人吃饼”虽然和“愚人”吃盐不同,但也是不懂量变达 到一定程度就会引起质变。他吃饼吃饱了。其本身就是一口 一口吃饼的量的积累过程,吃饱了不仅是最后那半个饼子的 作用,而是吃的全部饼子的作用,最后的那半个饼子只不过 是由量变到质变发生转化的关节点。他不懂得这一点,就像 “愚人吃盐”一样,只是看到了质变和量变的某一方面,割 裂了两者辩证关系。他们一个只强调和看到了量变看不到质 变;另一个只意识到了质变而没看到量变,都是割裂了量变 和质变辩证关系的形而上学。 这种思维方法在我们的实际工作和生活中的危害是极大的。
有一个人拥有一只听话的骆驼,他就想 知道骆驼到底能承载多少稻草。 然后,他就开始往骆驼身上放稻草,他 把所有的稻草都放了上去,就剩下了最 后的一根稻草。骆驼依然站在那里一动 不动。 主人便把最后一根稻草随便的 扔到了骆驼身上。 结果,骆驼就被这最后一根 稻草压死了。
事情发展已经到了极限的临界点,再增加任何一点 点地因素就会使之崩溃.
一根稻草,没有什么分量.谁也不会把一根稻草放 在眼里.可是如果你把稻草一根一根地往骆驼的背 上码放起来,最终总有一根稻草会把骆驼背压垮的. 再小的分量,积累起来,也可以沉重如山.
这与“滴水穿石”、“蚁穴溃堤”,都有相似的意 思.这句谚语所不同的是,它强调:切勿做添放最 后,一般来说不会有人担心他们 不蹦不跳。据报道,最近峨眉山旅游管理中心的 工作人员却为那里的猴子不“玩”而发愁。原因 是由于游客经常把自带的食品、饮料扔给猴子吃, 猴子们吃饱喝足,倒头大睡,缺乏必要的锻炼, 结果造成体重达标。其中,有的竟重达80多公斤, 不少猴子得了肥胖症,患了高血压、心脏病,本 来天性顽皮的猴子却不再顽皮。管理中心的工作 人员不得不采取措施,如禁止游客把自带的食品、 饮料扔给猴子,工作人员定时敲锣喂食,保证其 充分的活动时间,并合理搭配饮食,以便重新让 猴子“玩”起来。



压垮骆驼的那些稻草英语作文Straws That Broke the Camel's Back.The idiom "the straw that broke the camel's back"refers to the cumulative effect of minor stressors that can eventually lead to a major crisis or breakdown. It's a metaphor that illustrates how even seemingly insignificant burdens, when piled on top of one another, can become overwhelming. This concept can be applied to a wide range of situations in life, from personal relationships to business ventures to national economies.One common example of the straw that broke the camel's back is in the context of workplace stress. When employees are subjected to a constant barrage of demands, deadlines, and unrealistic expectations, it can take a toll on their physical and mental health. Initially, they may be able to cope with the workload, but as the pressure mounts, they may start to experience feelings of anxiety, burnout, and even depression. If these stressors are not addressed, theycan eventually reach a point where they can no longer cope, leading to a breakdown or other health problems.Another example of the straw that broke the camel's back is in the context of personal relationships. Relationships are built on a foundation of love, trust, and respect. However, when one or both partners repeatedly violate these principles, it can erode the relationship and lead to resentment and conflict. Small slights, such as not being there for each other emotionally or not pulling one's weight around the house, may not seem like much on their own. But over time, these seemingly minor grievances can accumulate and create a sense of disillusionment and bitterness. Eventually, even the smallest of disagreements can trigger a major blowout, leading to a breakup or divorce.In the context of economics, the straw that broke the camel's back can refer to the accumulation of debt and financial obligations. When individuals or governments spend beyond their means, it can lead to a situation where they are unable to meet their financial obligations.Initially, this may not be a major problem, but as debt continues to accumulate, it can become increasinglydifficult to manage. Eventually, even a small economic shock, such as a job loss or a rise in interest rates, can trigger a collapse of the entire financial system.The idiom of the straw that broke the camel's back is a powerful reminder that even seemingly insignificant stressors can have a cumulative effect. It's important to recognize when we are starting to feel overwhelmed and to take steps to address the underlying problems. This may involve setting boundaries at work, communicating our needs in a relationship, or seeking professional help to manage stress and anxiety. By taking proactive steps to address these stressors, we can prevent them from accumulating and potentially leading to a major crisis or breakdown.Here are some specific strategies for dealing with the straws that break the camel's back:Identify the stressors: The first step is to identify the sources of stress in your life. This may involvekeeping a journal to track your thoughts and feelings, or talking to a trusted friend or family member about what's going on.Set boundaries: Once you've identified the stressors, it's important to set boundaries to protect your time and energy. This may involve saying no to additional work commitments, delegating tasks to others, or limiting your exposure to certain people or situations.Communicate your needs: If you're feeling stressed in a relationship, it's important to communicate your needs to your partner. This may involve expressing your feelings, setting boundaries, or asking for help.Seek professional help: If you're struggling to cope with stress on your own, don't hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can help you identify the root of your stress, develop coping mechanisms, and create a plan for managing your stress levels.By taking these steps, you can prevent the straws thatbreak the camel's back from accumulating and leading to a major crisis or breakdown. Remember, even seemingly insignificant stressors can have a cumulative effect. By being proactive and addressing these stressors early on, you can protect your physical and mental health and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.。



压垮骆驼的稻草英语作文Title: The Last Straw That Broke the Camel's Back。

In life, we often encounter situations where the accumulation of seemingly insignificant events culminates in a significant outcome. This phenomenon is aptly illustrated by the expression "the last straw that broke the camel's back." This proverbial saying underscores the notion that a small, seemingly inconsequential action can ultimately lead to a major consequence. In this essay, I will explore the concept of the last straw, its implications, and its relevance in our lives.To begin with, the metaphor of the last straw that broke the camel's back originates from an old proverb, which highlights the idea that even the smallest additional burden can cause a substantial collapse. The imagery of a camel laden with heavy cargo, with each additional straw adding to its load, vividly portrays the gradual buildup of pressure until the breaking point is reached. This conceptextends beyond literal interpretation and finds application in various aspects of human experience.In personal relationships, for instance, conflictsoften escalate due to the accumulation of minor grievances over time. A series of small misunderstandings, unaddressed concerns, or unmet expectations can create tension within a relationship. While each individual incident may seemtrivial on its own, the cumulative effect can become overwhelming, leading to a rupture in the relationship—the proverbial "last straw." Whether it's a forgotten anniversary, a thoughtless remark, or a failure to communicate, these seemingly minor issues can erode trust and intimacy until the relationship reaches a tipping point.Moreover, the principle of the last straw is evident in societal contexts as well. Social movements and revolutions often arise not from a single egregious act of injustice,but from a culmination of systemic oppression and disenfranchisement. Each instance of inequality, discrimination, or abuse serves as another straw on the metaphorical camel's back, until the collective grievancesreach a boiling point, sparking widespread resistance and calls for change. History is replete with examples of transformative movements that were catalyzed by the proverbial last straw—the final injustice that galvanized people to demand justice and reform.In the realm of environmental sustainability, the metaphor of the last straw takes on a literal significance. The degradation of ecosystems and depletion of natural resources result from the cumulative impact of human activities—each emission of greenhouse gases, each tree felled, each plastic bottle discarded adds to the burden on the planet. While individual actions may seem inconsequential, their aggregate effect can lead to irreversible damage to the environment, pushing ecosystems beyond their tipping points and precipitating catastrophic consequences.Furthermore, in the context of personal growth andself-improvement, the concept of the last straw underscores the importance of recognizing patterns and addressing underlying issues before they escalate. Just as a camel canonly bear so much weight before collapsing, individuals have their limits in coping with stress, adversity, and emotional burden. Ignoring the accumulation of stressors or neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, breakdowns, or other negative outcomes. By paying attention to warning signs and taking proactive steps to alleviate pressure, individuals can avoid reaching their breaking points and maintain their well-being.In conclusion, the metaphor of the last straw that broke the camel's back encapsulates the idea that seemingly minor actions or events can have significant consequences when they accumulate over time. Whether in personal relationships, societal dynamics, environmental sustainability, or individual well-being, the principle applies universally, highlighting the importance of mindfulness, resilience, and proactive problem-solving. By acknowledging the cumulative impact of small actions and addressing underlying issues before they escalate, we can prevent the proverbial camel's back from breaking and navigate life's challenges with greater grace and resilience.。


3.1.3 斜交板桥的受力特点及构造
斜交角ϕ :桥轴线与支承线垂线的夹角
斜度 α :桥轴线与支承线的夹角
d ≥8mm ,l间≤20cm ,截面面积不宜小于板的截面面积的0.1%
3.1.2 装配式简支板桥构造
3.2.3 横隔梁的布置与构造
1. 横隔梁布置
3.2 装配式钢筋混凝土简支梁桥




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压倒祥子的稻草都作文英文回答:The final straw that broke Xiangzi's back was when he lost his job as a rickshaw puller. This event was the tipping point that pushed him over the edge and made him lose all hope.Before losing his job, Xiangzi had already been struggling to make ends meet. He worked long hours, pulling heavy loads and enduring the harsh weather conditions. Despite his hard work, he barely earned enough to survive. His life was already filled with hardships and setbacks, but losing his job was the last straw.Losing his job meant losing his only source of income. Xiangzi had no savings and no other skills to rely on. He had put all his hopes and dreams into being a rickshaw puller, and now it was all gone. This loss hit him hard, both financially and emotionally.Moreover, losing his job also meant losing his sense of identity. Being a rickshaw puller was not just a job for Xiangzi, it was a part of who he was. It was his way of contributing to society and feeling a sense of purpose. Without it, he felt lost and worthless.The final straw of losing his job pushed Xiangzi into a downward spiral. He started drinking heavily to numb his pain and escape reality. He became desperate and started engaging in illegal activities to make money. He lost all hope for a better future and became trapped in a cycle of self-destruction.中文回答:中文回答,压倒祥子的稻草是他失去了拉车工作。




In the vast desert, there was a starving camel with a high mountain on its back.骆驼因为贪多嚼不烂,把眼前的一堆稻草都吃了下去。

The camel, in its greed, gobbled up all the straw in front of it without a second thought.如此重担,山与骆驼沉重的背上。

The heavy burden weighed heavily on the camel's back.骆驼走得越来越艰难,最后不堪重负,四蹄朝天,摔倒在地,粉身碎骨。

The camel found it increasingly difficult to walk,and finally, unable to bear the weight, it collapsed and died.这就是传说中"压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草"的故事。

This is the story of the last straw that broke the camel's back.这个故事告诉我们贪婪是会害死人的。

This story teaches us that greed can kill.生活中,我们有时面临着很多选择,但要懂得分辨哪些是最重要的。

In life, we are often faced with many choices, but weneed to know which ones are the most important.不要因为贪图一时的享受而忽略了长远利益。

Don't be blindedby instant gratification and neglect long-term benefits.要学会控制自己的欲望,不要贪得无厌。



用英文介绍骆驼对人类的帮助作文英文回答:Camels have been incredibly helpful to humans throughout history. Their unique adaptations and abilities make them invaluable in various aspects of human life.Firstly, camels are well-known for their ability to travel long distances in harsh desert environments. Their strong, sturdy legs and padded feet allow them to walk on hot sand without sinking. This makes them ideal for transportation in arid regions where other animals or vehicles would struggle. For example, in the Middle East, camels have been used for centuries as a means of transportation for trade caravans. They can carry heavy loads and endure the scorching heat, making them reliable companions for long journeys.In addition to their transportation capabilities, camels also provide humans with a valuable source of foodand resources. Camel meat is consumed in many cultures, and their milk is highly nutritious and can be turned into various dairy products. Moreover, camels' fur and hides can be used for making clothing, tents, and other essential items. For nomadic tribes in desert regions, camels are not only a means of survival but also a source of incomethrough the sale of these resources.Furthermore, camels have been used in agriculture for centuries. Their ability to eat thorny desert plants and survive without water for extended periods makes them ideal for grazing in arid areas. They can help in clearing land and preventing desertification by consuming invasive plants. Camels are also used for plowing fields in some regions, as their strength and endurance make them suitable for pulling heavy loads.Lastly, camels have played a significant role inwarfare throughout history. Their size, speed, and agility make them formidable mounts in battle. They can carry soldiers and supplies across difficult terrains and have been used by various armies in desert warfare. The famousphrase "the straw that broke the camel's back" even originated from the practice of overloading camels with heavy supplies during military campaigns.中文回答:骆驼在人类历史上发挥了极大的帮助。



压垮祥子的稻草,作文英文回答:The straw that broke Xiangzi's back refers to the final event or circumstance that causes someone to reach their breaking point. In the novel "Rickshaw Boy" by Lao She, Xiangzi, the protagonist, is a rickshaw puller who faces numerous hardships and struggles in his life. The strawthat ultimately breaks him is the loss of his rickshaw.Throughout the story, Xiangzi endures physical exhaustion, poverty, and mistreatment from both his customers and the society. However, he remains resilient and determined to improve his life. He dreams of owning his own rickshaw and becoming his own boss, believing that it will bring him freedom and happiness.Xiangzi's dream seems to come true when he finally saves enough money to buy a rickshaw. He takes great pride in his new possession and works even harder to repay theloan he took to purchase it. However, his world comes crashing down when his rickshaw is stolen.This event becomes the final straw for Xiangzi, as it represents not only the loss of his means of livelihood but also the shattering of his dreams. The stolen rickshaw symbolizes the futility of his efforts and the harshreality that no matter how hard he works, he is still atthe mercy of a cruel and unforgiving world.The loss of the rickshaw pushes Xiangzi over the edge, and he descends into a downward spiral of despair and hopelessness. He becomes disillusioned with his life and loses the will to continue fighting. The straw that broke Xiangzi's back is not just the physical loss of therickshaw but also the emotional and psychological impact it has on him.中文回答:压垮祥子的稻草指的是最终导致某人达到崩溃点的事件或情况。



打破骆驼的破茧作文英文回答:Breaking the camel's back is a common idiom that refers to the final straw that causes a person to reach their breaking point. It signifies that there is a limit to how much one can endure before they finally snap. In my own life, I have experienced moments where I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, and one small thing pushed me over the edge.One example that comes to mind is when I was in college and trying to juggle a full course load, a part-time job, and extracurricular activities. I was already feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, but I was managing to keep it together. However, one day, my car broke down on the way to work, and I had to deal with a flat tire in the pouring rain. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I remember sitting on the side of the road, soaked to the bone, and just crying from frustration and exhaustion.Another example is when I was planning my wedding and dealing with all the pressure from family members and vendors. I was trying to make everyone happy and staywithin budget, but it seemed like every decision I made was met with criticism and complaints. Finally, when theflorist delivered the wrong flowers on the day of the wedding, I lost it. That was the final straw that broke the camel's back. I remember yelling and crying in the bridal suite, feeling like everything was falling apart.In both of these situations, I reached my breaking point because I had been carrying so much stress and responsibility for so long. The camel's back can only take so much before it finally gives out. It's important to recognize when we are reaching our limits and take steps to alleviate the pressure before it's too late.中文回答:打破骆驼的破茧是一个常见的成语,指的是最后一根稻草导致一个人达到极限的情况。



压死祥子的几根稻草英语作文英文回答:The crushing of Xiangzi in Lu Xun's novel is a complex and multifaceted process, involving a multitude of factors that gradually erode his spirit and ultimately lead to his demise. While it is difficult to pinpoint a single moment or event as the final straw that breaks Xiangzi's back, several key incidents serve as pivotal turning points in his descent into despair.First and foremost, the economic hardships faced by Xiangzi play a significant role in his downfall. The loss of his rickshaw, a symbol of his independence and livelihood, plunges him into poverty and desperation. Moreover, the rampant inflation and social unrest during the war years make it increasingly difficult for him to earn a decent living, further fueling his disillusionment and despair.In addition to the financial strain, Xiangzi's personal relationships also contribute to his decline. His failed marriage to Tiger Girl ends in tragedy, leaving him emotionally scarred and embittered. Furthermore, hisstrained relationship with his father adds to his sense of isolation and hopelessness.As Xiangzi's misfortunes accumulate, so does his psychological toll. The loss of his possessions, thebetrayal of those he trusts, and the constant struggle against adversity gradually erode his will to live. He becomes increasingly apathetic, withdrawn, and numb to the world around him.Finally, it is the loss of his dignity and self-respect that proves to be the ultimate straw that breaks Xiangzi's spirit. Having endured countless hardships and humiliations, he is stripped of his sense of worth and purpose. In a moment of profound despair, he succumbs to his fate and resigns himself to a life of misery and poverty.中文回答:在鲁迅的小说中,祥子被压垮是一个复杂且多方面的问题,涉及无数因素,这些因素慢慢地腐蚀他的精神,最终导致他的死亡。



沙漠动物英文作文300字英文,As the scorching sun beats down relentlessly on the vast stretches of sand, life in the desert seems almost impossible. However, amidst this harsh environment, a plethora of fascinating creatures call the desert home. From camels to scorpions, each animal has adapted uniquely to survive in this unforgiving landscape.One of the most iconic desert animals is the camel. With its hump storing fat for energy and its ability to conserve water efficiently, the camel is perfectly suited for life in the desert. In fact, the phrase "the straw that broke the camel's back" originated from the idea of overloading camels with too much weight, which could cause their backs to break—a testament to their importance in desert cultures.Another intriguing desert dweller is the scorpion. Despite its fearsome reputation, scorpions play a vitalrole in the desert ecosystem by controlling insectpopulations. The saying "to sting like a scorpion" illustrates the potency of their venom, which they use both for hunting and self-defense.In addition to these well-known creatures, there are countless other desert inhabitants, each with its own remarkable adaptations. Take the kangaroo rat, for example. This tiny rodent has evolved to thrive in arid conditions by obtaining all the water it needs from the seeds it eats—a feat that would be impossible for most mammals.Despite the challenges they face, desert animals have found ingenious ways to survive and thrive in their harsh environment. Whether it's the cunning fox or the resilient cactus, each species contributes to the delicate balance of life in the desert.中文,在灼热的太阳下,沙漠的生活似乎几乎是不可能的。



1、under-the-table 私下的During the 1850 – 1870 period the game was changing, however, with increasing commercialism and under-the-table payments to outstanding players.然而,19世纪50到70年代,(棒球)运动逐步职业化,杰出的运动员私下获得更多的收入。

2、big-time 赫赫有名的His personal history offers an inside look at aspects of financing, development and construction in big-time NewYork real estate.他的个人经历为赫赫有名的纽约房地产市场的融资、开发和建设提供了一个内部视角。

3、have the spring in one’s step 迈着轻快的步伐She looks ten years younger and she has the spring in her step.她看起来年轻了十岁,且迈着轻快的步伐。

4、made one’s day 使某人高兴一整天I’m sure my son made his day.我很确定我的儿子让他高兴了一整天。

5、the last straw 最终使人无法承受的事 / 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草The pressure was getting to him. The last straw came when they were on vacation in the Caribbean.他的压力越来越大,当他们在加勒比海度假时,问题终于让人无法忍受了。

6、judge a book by its cover 以貌取人Hippos look funny, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.河马看起来很有趣,但你不能以貌取人。





这就是我们今天要给⼤家介绍的俗语:the straw that breaks the camel's back。

The straw that breaks the camel's back,意思就是:那根压断了骆驼背的稻草。

现在,⼈们经常把它简化为:the last straw。


这是⼀个⾮常⽣⽓的妻⼦在对她的丈夫说话:"All these years I've tried to be a good wife, even though you're lazy, you drink too much and half of the time don't even have a steady job. But when I find out you are spending money on another woman, that's the last straw! I want you out of my house right now and I never want to see you again."这位太太说:“这些年来,尽管你很懒,喝酒过度,还经常没有固定的⼯作,但我⼀直尽⼒做⼀个贤惠的妻⼦。






"I put up with a lot from this guy. He borrowed my clothes, he borrowed my money, he borrowed my tennis racket. But when I caught him using my toothbrush that was the last straw, so I kicked him out!"他说:“我对这个家伙够宽容的了。

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drop a,the,his,etc.bombshell:犹如掷了一颗炸弹,突如其来地宣布使人震惊且通常令人不快的事
She dropped a bombshell at the meeting and announced that she was leaving.
It was then that he dropped the bombshell--he wasn't planning to come with us.
a drop in the bucket/ocean:an amount of something that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation 沧海一粟;九牛一毛
$10 million is only a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to help these people effectively.
the last/final straw; the straw that breaks the camel's back:the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草;终于使人不堪忍受的最后一件事(或因素等)
I've had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw,I can't take any more.
the writing is on the wall:used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that something is going to have problems or that it is going to be a failure (看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆
It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.
The writing is on the wall for the club unless they can find $20 000.
