























1979 ...
May 11
Brownian Motion
Title: On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat
Atoms & Molecules become real objects
May 11
Brownian Motion
Title: On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat
Atoms & Molecules become real objects

英文介绍搞笑诺贝尔奖The Ig Nobel Prize

英文介绍搞笑诺贝尔奖The Ig Nobel Prize
The Ig Nobel Prize
The Ig Nobel Prize is an interesting imitation of the Nobel Prize.Its name is from the ignobel and Nobel Prize in combination.
Its purpose is to select those“people laugh at first glance,thought-provoking(发人深省) after”study. Annual awards ceremony in October,one to two weeks before the Nobel prizes take place at Harvard University’s Sanders Theater. 桑德斯剧场
Thanks for your attention!
• 授予荷兰、坦桑尼亚和奥地利的科学家 • The smell of cheese and smelly feet is the same as the attraction of female mosquitoes.
• 授予史密斯 • 131 species of frogs emit a variety of smells under pressure. • Some frogs smell like cashew,and the others smell like liquorice, mint and rotten fish.
Anatomy Prize
• 授予Frans de Waal,Jennifer Pokorny • They discover that chimpanzees can recognize other chimpanzees from seeing photographs of their rear butts.



• 奖项的主ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้方是科学幽默杂志《不可思议 研究年报》(Annals of Improbable Research,AIR),颁奖典礼的举办地点是 在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧院,获奖者随后还 要前往麻省理工学院进行公开演讲。但是 不要小看这个奖项,它的评委里面很多都 是真正德高望重的学者,是货真价实的诺 贝尔奖获得者。
• 在2012年6月11日的会议上,诺贝尔基金会 各委员会主管将2012年诺贝尔奖各奖项奖 金额设定为? • 800万瑞士法郎 • 那么搞笑诺贝尔学奖呢? • 只有廉价证书和奖品,没有任何奖金 • ,奖品是由廉价材料制成的手工艺品,"4个 星期内就会土崩瓦解"。
• 虽然搞笑诺贝尔奖只是科学的自嘲,或者 诺贝尔奖的“戏说”,但无论如何,它在 某种程度上也促进了人类对世界认识的深 化,更重要的是,它对和平的渴求是真实 而严肃的。这一点是值得肯定的。
• 化学奖 拥有瑞典 和卢旺达双重国籍的 Johan Pettersson被授 予搞笑化学奖,以表 彰其揭示了这样一个 奥秘:为何在瑞典小 城Andersl?v的某些房 屋内,一些人的头发 会变绿?
• 物理学奖 美国研究人员Joseph Keller 和Raymond Goldstein以及英国科学家 Patrick Warren和Robin Ball获此殊荣,他 们的研究课题是“人类马尾辫中头发的运 动及受力平衡”。
• 医学奖 法国科学家Emmanuel BenSoussan和Michel Antonietti获得搞笑医学 奖,他们的研究给出了医生该如何进行结 肠镜检查,从而让他们的病人发生爆炸的 可能性降至最低
知道让别人猜你身高,财产的时候 摆什么POSE?
• 心理学奖 来自荷 兰的Anita Eerland和 Rolf Zwaan,以及来 自秘鲁的Tulio Guadalupe被授予搞 笑心理学奖,其研究 题目是《向左倚靠会 让埃菲尔铁塔看上去 更小一些》。 • 亲,你知道是为什么 吗?

科学原来也可以这样搞笑 搞笑诺贝尔奖发人深省

科学原来也可以这样搞笑 搞笑诺贝尔奖发人深省

科学原来也可以这样搞笑搞笑诺贝尔奖发人深省和22年前到斯德哥尔摩领取诺贝尔化学奖一样,威廉·利普斯康(William Lipscomb)博士精神抖擞地出现在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场。

一道出现的数学家曼德布洛特(Benoit Mandelbrot)也是西装革履。



这是10月2日举办的第18届“搞笑诺贝尔奖”(the Ig Nobel Prize)的颁奖典礼现场。




用创办人和组织者马克·亚伯拉罕斯(Marc Abrahams)的话说,就是要“乍看之下令人发笑,细细品味发人深省”。








在观众们发出的阵阵尖叫声中,一位哈佛大学医学院系主任迅速拔剑而出,紧接着高呼道:“欢迎来到‘搞笑诺贝尔’!” 这幕热闹的场面让亚伯拉罕斯感叹不已。




Nobel prize in Physics
Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine

Kinds of the Noble
Nobel prize in literature
Nobel Peace Prize
The Prize in Economic Sciences
The Noble Prize may be the most inspiring reward to all the scientist , and all the winners are great , they all work hard for the world. They will inspiring us to research the science and work hard for the world forever.
The prizes
The Nobel winners will get plenty of money to continue their research. They will also get gold medals whose heads are Noble’s picture.
Linus Carl Pauling was the person who won two Noble Prize by himself.
Memoriable events of the Noble
Third MALALLA Yusuf Zahi ,the Pakistan girl ,was rewarded Nobel Peace Prize when she was just 17 in 2014 .And she was the young person who carry the prize.












搞笑的诺贝尔奖演讲稿1.George and Charlotte Blonsky, who were a married couple living in the Bronx in New York City, invented something.[马克· 阿伯罕斯]乔治和夏洛特· 布朗斯基是住在纽约布朗克斯的一对夫妻他们有一项发明2.They got a patent in 1965 for what they call, "a device to assist women in giving birth."他们在1965年获得了一项专利他们称之为“帮助妇女分娩的装置”3.This device consists of a large, round table and some machinery.这个装置是由一个大圆桌和一些机械组成4.When the woman is ready to deliver her child, she lies on her back, she is strapped down to the table, and the table is rotated at high speed.当妇女准备生孩子时她仰卧着被绑在圆桌上然后圆桌高速旋转5.The child comes flying out through centrifugal force.小孩通过离心力飞出来6.If you look at their patent carefully, especially if you have any engineering background or talent, you may decide that you see one or two points where the design is not perfectly adequate. (Laughter)如果你仔细看看他们的专利特别是如果你有任何工程背景或天分你可能会看到这个设计有一两点不完美的地方7.Doctor Ivan Schwab in California is one of the people, one of the main people,who helped answer the question, "Why don't woodpeckers get headaches?"加州的艾凡· 施瓦布医生他是帮忙找出这个问题的答案的主要人之一“为什么啄木鸟不会头疼?”8.And it turns out the answer to that is because their brains are packaged inside their skulls in a way different from the way our brains, we being human beings, true, have our brains packaged.结果答案是:因为他们头盖骨包裹大脑的方式和我们人类的方式不同当然,人类的大脑也被包裹在头盖骨里面9.They, the woodpeckers, typically will peck, they will bang their head on a piece of wood thousands of times every day. Every day!啄木鸟,特别典型的会啄木,把头撞向树每天都要上千回每天啊10.And as far as anyone knows, that doesn't bother them in the slightest.据我们所知这一点都不影响他们11.How does this happen?为什么会这样呢?12.Their brain does not slosh around like ours does.他们的大脑不会像人类的那样摇晃13.Their brain is packed in very tightly, at least for blows coming right from the front.他们的大脑非常紧密地压缩在一起至少可应付从前方的撞击14.Not too many people paid attention to this research until thelast few years when, in this country especially, people are becoming curious about很少人关注这个研究直到最近几年特别是这个国家,人们开始好奇15.what happens to the brains of football players who bang their heads repeatedly.对于频繁用头顶球的足球运动员他们的大脑会怎样呢16.And the woodpecker maybe relates to that.啄木鸟的研究可能与此相关17.There was a paper published in the medical journal The Lancet in England a few years ago called" A man who pricked his finger and smelled putrid for 5 years."几年前,在英国《柳叶刀》医学杂志上有一篇《一个五年来自己刺伤手指并闻其腐臭味的男人》的文章18.Dr. Caroline Mills and her team received this patient and didn't really know what to do about it.卡洛琳· 米尔斯医生和她的团队接受了这位病人却不知如何处理19.The man had cut his finger, he worked processing chickens, and then he started to smell really, really bad.这位男士割伤了他的手指他的工作是处理鸡肉后来他就变得非常难闻20.So bad that when he got in a room with the doctors and the nurses, they couldn't stand being in the room with him.以至于他在房间里时医生和护士都无法忍受呆在同一个房间21.It was intolerable.非常难以忍受22.They tried every drug, every other treatment they could think of.他们尝试了所能想到的每一种药物和每一种治疗方法23.After a year, he still smelled putrid.一年后他依旧散发腐烂的气味24.After two years, still smelled putrid.两年后还是腐烂的气味25.Three years, four years, still smelled putrid.三年,四年还是腐烂的气味26.After five years, it went away on its own.五年后腐烂气味自动消失了!27.It's a mystery.这至今是个谜28.In New Zealand, Dr. Lianne Parkin and her team tested an old tradition in her city.在新西兰莉安· 帕金博士和她的团队在她的城市试验了一个古老的传说29.They live in a city that has huge hills, San Francisco-grade hills.他们住在一个满是大山丘的城市像旧金山那样的山丘30.And in the winter there, it gets very cold and very icy.在冬季那里变得非常冷冷到结冰31.There are lots of injuries.常常发生事故32.The tradition that they tested, they tested by asking people who were on their way to work in the morning, to stop and try something out.他们试验的传统就是他们请早上去上班的人们停下来做两者之一的试验33.Try one of two conditions.做两者之一的试验34.The tradition is that in the winter, in that city, you wear your socks on the outside of your boots.这个传统是在冬天那个城市他们将袜子穿在靴子的外面35.And what they discovered by experiment, and it was quite graphic when they saw it, was that it's true.从他们的试验,他们看到很生动的画面里,他们发现是真的36.That if you wear your socks on the outside rather than the inside, you're much more likely to survive and not slip and fall.如果你将袜子穿在靴子子外面而不是里面你比较不容易滑倒37.Now, I hope you will agree with me that these things I've just described to you, each of them, deserves some kind of prize. (Laughter)我希望你们也同意我刚刚描述的`这些每一项都应该拿到某种奖品38.And that's what they got, each of them got an Ig Nobel prize.他们确实有得到刚介绍的每一项确实都拿到搞笑诺贝尔奖39.In 1991, I, together with bunch of other people, started the Ig Nobel prize ceremony.在1991年我和其他一些人创立了搞笑诺贝尔奖40.Every year we give out 10 prizes.每一年我们颁发十个搞笑诺贝尔奖41.The prizes are based on just one criteria. It's very simple.这个奖只有一个得奖标准,42.It's that you've done something that makes people laugh and then think.就是你做的能让人笑然后思考43.What you've done makes people laugh and then think.只要你做的能让人笑然后思考44.Whatever it is, there's something about it that when people encounter it at first, their only possible reaction is to laugh.不管是什么当人第一次碰到它时他们唯一的反应是笑45.And then a week later, it's still rattling around in their heads and all they want to do is tell their friends about it.然后一星期后那件事仍盘踞在他们的脑中他们唯一想做的就是要告诉他们的朋友46.That's the quality we look for.那就是我们要找的。



The selection mechanism of the
Nobel PrizeFra bibliotekSelection organization
The Nobel Foundation: Responsible for managing the awards and awards of the Nobel
Physiology or Medicine
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: Responsible for selecting the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, and Economics
The Nobel Prize winners' contributions have significantly advanced knowledge in various fields, leading to the development of new technologies, drugs, and other advancements that improve quality of life
Selection process
Any person may nominate a candidate for the Nobel Prize, and nominations must be submitted to the relevant selection organization
Experts in the field evaluate the candidates' achievements and select the winners



Alfred Nobel was cold to material gains and honor, and extremely honest. Once he stated why he was able to won so many honors in a letter: his medals did not come from his invention of dynamite. For example, Swedish government awarded his medal because of his talents in cooking; French government gave his medal because of his good relationship with one French minister; Brazil presented his medal because of becoming a friend of a Brazilian VIP by accident. He also gave us a story in his autobiography in humorous words:Alfred Nobel, his poor life was nearly ended in the hand of a kind-hearted doctor when he came to the earth.Major merits: always keep his hand nail clean and nice-looking by own and never by others.Major shortcomings: no family, low spirit, poor digestion.Only wish: never being buried aliveMost evil: never worship Plutus.Life achievements: noneThis is Alfred Nobel, a person who boasted himself "no achievements" and always kept his nail clean and nice-looking, had created mass material and spiritual property and left us lofty ideology of hardworking, looking down up material gains and honors.。

年搞笑诺贝尔奖 The Ig Nobel Prizes (英语学习).doc

年搞笑诺贝尔奖 The Ig Nobel Prizes (英语学习).doc

2010年搞笑诺贝尔奖The Ig Nobel Prizes 2010(英语学习)The venue for this year’s Ig Nobel Prize ceremony honouring science that “makes you laugh, then makes you think” was Harvard’s Sanders Theater. And the first cash prizes in the awards’20-year history raised the ugly suspicion that the Ig Nobels will become yet another awards ceremony that’s all about money.搞笑诺贝尔奖旨在表彰那些“乍看令人发笑,之后发人深省”的科学研究,今年的颁奖典礼在哈佛大学的桑德斯剧场举行。


Or maybe not. Because the cash prize, courtesy of a generous benefactor1), was a 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note. Last year’s economics prize went to the geniuses who rendered that note virtually worthless2); this year’s went to the bosses of Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and Magnetar, for their bold work with new and innovative financial products3).或者也未必。



Memoriable events of the Noble
Madame curie was the first woman who was rewarded the Noble Prize in 1903 ,and she also got two Noble Prize.
Linus Carl Pauling was the person who won two Noble Prize by himself.
Memoriable events of the Noble
Third MALALLA Yusuf Zahi ,the Pakistan girl ,was rewarded Nobel Peace Prize when she was just 17 in 2014 .And she was the young person who carry the prize.
The Noble Prize may be the most inspiring reward to all the scientist , and all the winners are great , they all work hard for the world. They will inspiring us to research the science and work hard for the world forever.
Forth The America scientist ,Raymond Davis ,won Nobel prize in Physics When he was 88 years old in 2002,and four year later he passed away . He was the oldest person who got the award.



亦然; 并证明同样的事可发生在整个国家的经济上。
责编: 周正旺
得 奖原 因 : 明一 款 胸 罩 , 上 紧急 事 故 可 发 遇
节 炎 。 年8岁 的他 说 :我两 只 手 的指 关节 没任 变成 两个 防 烟面罩 , 己救人 。 今 3 “ 救 何关 节 炎迹 象 , 以 向天 堂说 :妈 妈 , 可 ‘ 你错 了。” ’
数学 奖 : 巴布韦 储 备银行 及 行长 戈诺 。 津
经 济学 奖 :包 括 冰 岛央 行 在 内的4 冰 岛银 家 行 的董 事 、 和核 数师 。 高层
得奖原因 : 证明小银行可迅速变成大银行 , 反之
得奖 原 因 : 印制 的 钞票 面 额从 1 到 10 分 0 万亿 不等 , 人 民每 天要 处理 大量 数字 。 令
( 飘摘 自 09 0 2 《 飘 20年1月2 日 信息时报》 )
H_她 大 哥 对 她 发 脾 气 ,把 她 的 作 文 丢 出 窗
A 米 奇 的 外 婆 昨 天 多喝 了 几 杯 咖 啡 , 楼 梯 . 从 上 摔 了 下 来 。 米 奇 的 外 婆 也 就 是 我 母 亲 , 年 已 今 经 8 岁 了 . 以 我 要 米 奇 留在 家 里 照 顾 外 婆 和 他 0 所
oo∞ .l _吣
石薄 片 。 文学奖 : 爱尔 兰警 队 。
和平奖 : 瑞士伯尔尼大学 的博林格及铭 同僚 。 得 奖原 因 : 向一 名 他们 以为 是道 路 驾驶 重 犯 得奖原因: 发现 空 啤 酒瓶 比盛满 酒 的瓶 子 更 的男 子P a oJzy 出逾 5 张 告 票 ,其 实 “ rw rw ad 发 0 Pa o 具 杀 伤力 。
医学奖 : 国加州 的 昂格尔 医生 。 美



搞笑诺贝尔奖又来了!作者:来源:《大众科学》2020年第01期搞笑诺奖(Ig Nobels)创立于1991年,是一项对于真正的科学皇冠“诺贝尔奖”的善意的滑稽模仿秀,其官方宗旨是“奖励那些乍一看让人发笑,但随后却能让人深思的科学研究”。








成果:研究了树袋熊排出方形粪便的方式和原因获奖者:Patricia Yang,Alexander Lee,Miles Chan,Alynn Martin,Ashley Edwards,Scott Carver,以及David Hu树袋熊是已知的唯一一种会排出方形糞便的动物。






英文介绍诺贝尔文学奖及诺贝尔奖华人 获得者
56、死去何所道,托体同山阿。 57、春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。 58、种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴 理荒秽 ,带月 荷锄归 。道狭 草木长 ,夕露 沾我衣 。衣沾 不足惜 ,但使 愿无违 。 59、相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。 60、迢迢新秋夕,亭亭月将圆。
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you



诺贝尔英文简短介绍Alfred Bainhard Nobel, Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, manufacturer of military equipment and inventor of explosives, born October 21, 1833 in Stockholm, died on December 10, 1896.Nobel has 355 patent inventions in his lifetime, and in Europe and the United States and other five continents 20 countries opened about 100 companies and factories, has accumulated huge wealth.In 1895, the Nobel authorities ordered the majority of their assets (about 9.2 million US dollars) as a fund, the annual interest income is divided into five, the establishment of the Nobel Prize, divided into physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, Literary prize and peace prize 5 bonus (1969 Swedish bank additional economics award), awarded the world in these areas to make a significant contribution to human beings. To commemorate the contribution of Nobel, artificial elements Nuo (Nobelium) to Nobel named.School stageIn 1841, Nobel entered the local elementary school, which was the only school in his life to receive formal education. Nobel is the lowest attendance due to illness. But in school, he studied hard, so the results often come out on top.In 1842, the Nobel family moved to St. Petersburg, Russia. 9-year-old Nobel did not understand Russian, the body is not good, can not enter thelocal school. His father invited a tutor, counseling his brother three learning culture. Teachers often conduct assessment, to his father to report the situation, Nobel progress quickly.1850 years, 17-year-old Nobel, in the name of engineers to travel across the oceans, to the United States, in the famous Allison engineers in the workshop. After the expiration of the internship, he went to Europe and the United States to study for four years before returning home. In the study, every time he went to work immediately, began to work, in-depth understanding of the situation of industrial development in various countries.1850, studying chemistry for the United States.In 1852, back to St. Petersburg.In 1858, to raise his father's business funds to London.In 1859, because of his father's business failure with his brother Yemil back to Stockholm.Research stageIn 1860, began to engage in nitroglycerin explosives research.In 1863, the Nobel returned to Sweden, with his father and his brother jointly developed explosives, accidental explosion bombardment of the factory, killing his brother, the government banned them to test. He once set the lab on a barge on the lake outside Lake Stockholm. In the fall, Nobel succeeded in inventing nitrifying glycerol detonators; in October, patented nitroglycerin explosives was obtained.In 1864, due to the explosion of nitroglycerine factory, brother Yemir tragic death, close the Swedish factory, to build factories in Germany; in October, the establishment of nitroglycerine explosives company.In 1865, the establishment of gunpowder companies in Hamburg, Germany, and in Krupp plant.In 1866, nitroglycerin explosions continued to occur around the world, so everywhere to banned, nitroglycerine company in trouble, while invented glycerol explosives.In 1867 May, won the British patent explosives, the new Nobel detonator invented the success.In 1867, opened in Europe, Nobel, the cause of explosives, and his father at the same time won the Swedish Academy of Sciences Yaster Award.In 1871, the company founded the explosives company in the UK, working with Paul Biao.In 1873, settled in Paris.In 1876, Mrs. Stuart was employed as secretary, and later became keen on the peace movement.1878, completed the invention of plastic explosives; May, joined the oil industry, the establishment of the Nobel Brothers oil company.In 1880, won the Swedish King launched the scientific medal, and get the French Grand Medal.In 1884, he was recommended as a member of the Royal Society of London,the Paris Technical Association, and the Royal Society of Sweden.In 1887, made a patent for jet guns.In 1890, by the French persecution, and left for 18 years living in Paris, moved to San Limo, Italy, in the local creation of the Institute. In the next six years, he is constantly committed to a variety of new inventions,involving chemical, mechanical, electrical, medical and other fields.In 1893, he became an honorary professor at the University of Uruguay, Sweden, teaching philosophy.November 27, 1895, made a will, the Nobel Prize was born.On the evening of December 10, 1896, died at the ruins of San Antonio in San Limo, 63 years old.Scientific research achievementsIn October 1863, Nobel won the invention patent for explosives. Theinventor called it "Nobel Pilot".1864, made nitroglycerin explosives invention patent.In 1865, he repeatedly experimented, repeated study, developed into asolid toughness fuel, and has in Sweden, Britain and the United States made explosives patent.In 1866, it created a "diatomaceous earth explosives" that could absorb three times more nitroglycerin than its own, and as hard as clay, which became the cornerstone of the Nobel International Industrial Group.In 1867, the invention of safety detonator detonation device.In 1888, invented a smokeless explosive for the manufacture of military artillery shells, grenades and ammunition, also known as Nobel blasting explosives.In 1896, made a patented glass-made press nozzle with a fine hole, the invention also had a considerable impact on the textile industry.Nobel has made contributions not only in explosives, but also in electrochemistry, optics, biology, physiology and literature. Nobel's lifetime, only in the UK to apply for invention patents have as many as 355. In additionto explosives, Nobel has a theory of the use of nitroglycerin fuse, silent guns, metal hardening, welding, welding, and the stability of the bullet, the use of gas submarine equipment is extremely safe, The actual achievements; he made in the artificial rubber, artificial leather and nitrocellulose-based manufacturing of real paint or dyes, artificial gemstones and other aspects of experimental research have created.Nobel PrizeNobel died in 1895 before the will, the majority of its assets of $ 9.2 million as a fund, with its annual interest ($ 200,000 per year) to set up physics awards, chemistry awards, physiology or medicine, literature awards and peace prizes 5 bonuses (1969 Swedish bank additional economics award), reward those who made the greatest contribution in the above-mentioned areas of scholars. Beginning in 1901, the bonus was awarded at 4:30 pm on December 10 of the annual death of Nobel.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

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Peace Prize,2011
Arturas Zuokas, the mayor of Vilnius, LITHUANIA, for demonstrating that the problem of illegally parked luxury cars can be solved by running them over with an armed tank.
The Ig Nobel Prize is an interesting imitation of The Nobel prize. Its name is from the word “ignoble”and Nobel Prize in combination.
The first Ig Nobels were created in 1991 by Marc Abrahams, editor and co-founder of the Annals of Improbable Research, and the master of ceremonies at all subsequent awards ceremonies. Awards were presented at that time for discoveries “ that cannot, or should not, be reproduced". 10 prizes are awarded each year in many categories, including the Nobel Prize categories of physics, chemistry, physiology/medicine, literature, and peace, but also other categories such as public health, engineering, biology, and interdisciplinary research.
Literature Prize,201Needed to Evaluate the Impact of Efforts to Estimate Costs of Reports and Studies
Mathematic Prize,2015
Some scientists have carried out a survey which suggests that chicken will walk like dinosaurs with heavy sticks attached to their hips.
ig Nobel prize
Literature Prize,2015
Thank you!
"Last, but not least, there are the Ig Nobel awards. These come with little cash, but much cachet, and reward those research projects that 'first make people laugh, and then make them think'" — Nature