美国文学Herman Melville
米考伯(Moby-Dick)是美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)创作的一部经典小说,被誉为美国文学史上的巅峰之作。
美国文学史学习指南中文翻译H e r m a n M e l v i l l Last revision on 21 December 2020《白鲸》赫尔曼·梅尔维尔美国文学简史有些十九世纪伟大作家的创作生涯在他谈论起了是相当有趣的。
美国文学史及选读Herman Melville
3. Social Background
• Economic boom:
Industrialism Immigration Westward expansion
optimism and hope among people
4. Features
• American Romanticism was both imitative and independent.
政经情势,导致奴隶制度在美国南方被最终废除, 也对日后美国的民间社会产生巨大的影响。
2. Ideals:
• Ideals: Democracy and political equality became the ideals of the new nation.
Moby Dick
is hidden all the time
Mirrors(反 映) its enviorment
unknown and
unknowable truths mysterious
only the surface of the ocean is available for human observation and interpretation
Some events in this period
• American Civil War (1861-1865)
• 南北战争,又称美国内战(American Civil War),是美国历史上一场大规模的内战,参战 双方为美利坚合众国(简称联邦)和美利坚联盟
国(简称邦联)。这场战争的起因为美国南部十 一州以亚伯拉罕·林肯于1861年就任总统为由而 陆续退出联邦,另成立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为“总 统”的政府,并驱逐驻扎南方的联邦军,而林肯
Herman Melville赫尔曼.梅尔维尔简介
Herman Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819. He was a descendent of English and Dutch colonial families. His father, once a successful dry-goods. Melville‘s education began when he was five years old, and then he read widely. When he was 12 years old, his farther died because of bankruptcy . Since Melville was no longer attending school, he had to face the hard time of his family. In order to get rid of poverty, he began to work on merchant ship. Sailing broadened his vision. Then he became a successful writer. Withdrawn from literary circles, back in New York, being a clerk in a customhouse. His death went unnoticed by the public in 1891.
书记员巴特尔比 The story of Bartleby is simply about a man losing his will to live.
(2) Benito Cereno 《贝尼托•塞莱诺》 The story centers on a slave rebellion on board a Spanish merchant ship in 1799. It is regarded by many as Melville's finest short story.
赫尔曼 梅尔维尔
01 人物生平
03 评价 05 人物思想
02 写作特点 04 影响 Nhomakorabea赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville,1819年8月1日~1891年9月28日),19世纪美国最伟大的小说家、 散文家和诗人之一,与纳撒尼尔·霍桑齐名,梅尔维尔生前没有引起应有的重视,在20世纪20年代声名鹊起,被 普遍认为是美国文学的巅峰人物之一。英国作家毛姆认为他的《白鲸》是世界十大文学名著之一,其文学史地位 更在马克·吐温等人之上。梅尔维尔也被誉为美国的“莎士比亚”。
梅尔维尔1841年到1844年的航海生涯对梅尔维尔的一生影响很大,而这其中,相当的时间是在捕鲸船上,这 样,梅尔维尔的思想基本上被奠定了。坎坷的经历、丰富的生活和强烈的思想构成了以后梅尔维尔写作生涯的基 础。他的作品是他生活的写照,也是他思想的写照。
赫尔曼·梅尔维尔赫尔曼·梅尔维尔出生在纽约市一个有名望的家庭。他的祖父参加过美国独立战争。外祖 父是一名将领,祖父参与了波士顿倾茶事件。梅尔维尔年幼时家境富裕,受到良好教育,养成博览群书的习惯。 他十二岁时,父亲因破产而忧虑成疾,不久便去世了。小梅尔维尔不得不辍学做工,以帮助养家。他先后当过银 行小职员、农场工人、皮货店小伙计、农村教师等。家庭的不幸与环境的骤然变化使梅尔维尔感到被生活所遗弃, 形成了复杂深沉的性格。为了摆脱穷困,年仅十九岁的梅尔维尔到一艘开往英国的货轮上当差。航海开阔了梅尔 维尔的视野。他发现船是一个崭新的世界。在这里,船长主宰一切,是不容置疑的最高权威。海上生活异常艰苦, 甚至危险。但另一方面,人与人的关系与陆地上不同:船员相互平等,一切工作由大家合力完成。在他们的关系 里,家庭、宗教、文化背景上的差异都不重要了。当船抵达目的地英国工业城市利物浦时,梅尔维尔看到肮脏的 贫民窟和衣衫褴褛、面黄肌瘦的人群。资本主义的丑恶现实使年轻的梅尔维尔震惊难忘。这次首航给梅尔维尔提 供了创作素材,并使他的思想趋于成熟和独立,对他的民主、平等和人道主义思想的形成起了重要作用。从英国 返回后,梅尔维尔在捕鲸船“阿古希耐”号上当水手。
美国文学 梅尔维尔
style of writing
主要写作风格为哥 特式的浪漫主义, 大量运用讽喻和怀 疑论,以现代主义, 荒诞主义以及存在 主义为先导。
• 梅尔维尔身前没有引起应有的重视,在20世纪二 十年代声名鹊起,被普遍认为是美国文学的巅峰 人物之一。 《白鲸》直到出版后七十年,才获得 社会大众广泛的重视。 • 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔是美国最伟大的小说家之一, 也是美国象征主义文学大师。他不仅是小说家, 而且还是一位卓越的哲学家和诗人, 他以极其敏 锐的目光关注着自己生活的时代及其社会变迁。 • 英国作家毛姆认为他的《白鲸》是世界十大文学 名著之一,其文学史地位更在马克·吐温等人之 上。梅尔维尔也被誉为美国的“莎士比亚”。
His friendship with Hawthorne
During the summer of 1890 Melville and Hawthorne met and became good friends. They shared similar ideas and opinions on most kinds of fields. • Especially against the background of Transcendental optimism, Melville agrees with Hawthorne’s Blackness --- the evil at the core of life. • ―Evil in life and the human soul help make life and man better。 • ―To scale great heights, we must come out of the lowest depths. The way to heaven is through hell. We need fiery baptism in the fierce flame of our bosoms.(凤凰涅槃 浴 火重生)
Herman Melville麦尔维尔(1819—1891)Herman Melville1. Three important things in his life:* Going out to seaHis experiences and adventures on the sea furnished him with abundant material for his fiction writings, especially his masterpiece Moby Dick2) His marriageIn the history of American literature there were two authors had similar marriages. Melville and Scott Fitzgerald, both married above them and had to do hackwork(纯粹为糊口而写的东西,庸俗作品)for the money they needed to keep their wives in their extravagant style.3)His friendship with HawthorneDuring the summer of 1890 Melville and Hawthorne met and became good friends.They shared similar ideas and opinions on most kinds of fields.Especially against the background of Transcendental optimism, Melville agrees with Hawthorne’s Blackness --- the evil at the core of life. “Evil in life and the human soul help make life and man better”“To scale great heights, we must come out of the lowest depths. The way to heaven is through hell. We need fiery baptism in the fierce flame of our bosoms.”凤凰涅槃浴火重生• The original design of Moby Dick was just a text on the whale fishery.When Melville met Hawthorne, he had completed one third of Moby Dick. Without Hawthorne, Melville would have just written it about whaling hunting.With the influence of Hawthorne, Melville rewrote it into a world classic with a mixture of:游记、航海故事、寓言、捕鲸传说、有关鲸鱼与捕鲸业的百科全书、美国史诗、莎士比亚式的悲剧、抒情散文长诗、塞万提斯式的浪漫体小In Token of my admiration for his genius, this book is inscribed to NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE.2. Melville’s Major Works1) Novels(1)Polynsie Trilogy “波里尼西亚三部曲” from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islandsTypee 1846«泰皮»Omoo 1847«欧穆»Mardi1849«玛地»(2) Redburn 1849 «雷得本» an account of his voyage to England(3) White Jacket 1850 «白外衣»his life on a United States man-of-war军舰(4) Pierre《皮埃尔》 (1852):A darkly allegorical exploration of the nature of evil, which is psychologically complex and elaborate.(5) Israel Potter《伊斯雷尔·波特》 (1855):A historical romance(6) The Confidence Man《骗子的化装表演》(1857):Satirizes the selfishness and commercialism of Melville’s time.(7) Billy Budd《比利•巴德》(1891)A novella about a young sailor, personifying innocence, doomed by the malevolent hatred of a ship’s officer, personifying evil.2) Short storiesThe Piazza Tales《广场故事》(1856):Contains some of Melville’s finest shorter works(1) Bartleby, the Scrivener书记员巴特尔比The story of Bartlebyis simply about a manlosing his will to live.Subtitled, "A Story of Wall Street”, it is set in the business world of 19th-century New York.Bartleby, a scrivener was good at the copying part of his job, but when asked to proofread aloud one day he simply replied, "I prefer not to." From that moment forward, he used the phrase "I prefer not to" for every task requested of him, eventually "preferring not to" do any work whatsoever.Bartleby chose to rebel and become an anti-hero. It is intended to show the reader a dark side in all of us when the meaning of our existence is allowed to be challenged."Bartleby, the Scrivener" reflects Melville's own pessimism at the time. (2) Benito Cereno 《贝尼托·塞莱诺》The story centers on a slave rebellion on board a Spanish merchant ship in 1799.Earlier critics regarded Benito Cereno as a tale that primarily explores human depravity .It is regarded by many as Melville's finest short story.3) Poetry:(1) Battle-Pieces and the Aspects of War《战事集》(1866)(2) Clarel 《克拉瑞尔》 (1876)Melville’s Masterpiece Moby-Dick«白鲸»,«莫比•狄克»an encyclopedia of everything: history, philosophy, religion, the whaling industrya Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against fates in an indifferent and hostile world.Moby-Dick---“the world’s greatest sea novel”, compound of search, pursuit, conflict, and catastrophe.1. PlotThe novel’s plot is built on one conflict---Ahab vs. the WhaleIt is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat Moby Dick, for this white whale took Ahab’s leg.• Ishmael伊什梅尔, feeling depressed, seeks escape by going out to sea on the whaling ship, Peqoud裴廓德号.The captain is Ahab亚哈, the man with one leg.•• Moby Dick, the white whale, had sheared off Ahab’s leg on a previous voyage, and Ahab resolves to hunt him.• The ship makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy.• Eventually, the whale appears, and the Peqoud begins its doomed fight with it.• On the third day, the whale carries the Peqoud along with it to its doom.• All on board the whaler get drowned, except one, Ishmael,who survives to tell the tale.2. Characters• Ishmael伊什梅尔/以实玛利• The narrator of the story• Name: the first son of Abraham (from The Bible) symbol of orphans, exiles,wanderers and social outcasts,etc.starts out feeling badhopes to find an ideal lifecomes to see the folly of Ahab seeking to conquer naturefeels the significance of love and companionshiplearns to accept,an attitude which ensures his survival2) Ahab 亚哈• Name: Ahab, King of Israel (from The Bible, a tyrant) symbol of evil • The tyrannical captain of the PequodAhab has the qualities of a tragic hero – a great heart and a fatal flaw.•Melville portrayed Ahab an Emersonian self-reliant individual.But he is too much of self-reliance.For him, the only law is his own will;To him the world exists for his sake;He may do what he wills:lives may be sacrificedand nature may havebeen vanquished.His too much self-reliance leads to death—physical, spiritual, emotional, at the expense of all else.His tragedy stems from his extreme individualism or solipsism(唯我论). Moby Dick– a negative reflection upon Transcendentalism3. Symbols in Moby Dick1) The ship – Pequod and the voyage2) Moby Dick3) Ahab4) Queequeg’s Coffin1) The Pequod and the voyage(1) a symbol of doom 必遭毁灭的命运named after a Native American tribe in Massachusettsdid not long survive the arrival of white men (extincted)is painted gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones(2) the Pequod -the ship of the American soul象征执著探寻自然界秘密的美国精神the voyage - search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience/象征探索与发现的心灵历程2) Moby DickThe white whale is capable of many interpretations.For he is a mixture of evil and goodness:“paradoxically benign (kind and gentle) and malevolent (malicious and wicked),nourishing (providing sth good) and destructive,”“massive, brutal, monolithic(massive), but at the same time protean(changeable), erotically beautiful, infinitely variable.”various symbolic meanings to different peopeto the pequod’s crew--一只时而平静安详,时而恐怖暴虐的海怪a concept onto which they can displace their anxiety about dangerous and frightening jobsto Ahab---A symbol of evil邪恶与恐怖、难以征服而又必须予以摧毁的仇敌a manifestation of all that is wrong with the worldTo IshmaelMoby-dick is the embodiment of the mysterious nature or universea metaphor for the human relationship with God: God is unkown and cannot be pinned down(force)Paradoxical whiteness: Death and corruption Purity and innocenceA symbol of evilA symbol of goodnessA symbol of both白鲸既代表高洁安宁,也代表恐怖死亡,它是宇宙间一切对立矛盾的结合4).Queequeg’s Coffin• Queequeg’s coffin alternately symbolizes life and death.• Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chest to hold his belongings and an emblem of his will to live.• He perpetuates the knowledge tattooed on his body by carving it onto the coffin’s lid.• The coffin further comes to symbolize life when it replaces the Pequod’s life buoy.• When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael’s buoy(浮标), saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on.4. Themes of Moby Dick1) Melville's bleak view (negative attitude): the sense of futility and。
5.Artistic features
1) Language features Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American epic. Although it is presented in the form of a novel, at times it seems like a prose poem. It is difficult to read because much of the talk in the novel is sailors talk and much of the language is purposely old-fashioned and Elizabethan.
1.The story
Eventually the whale appears, the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat; on the second it swamps another. Ehen the third day comes, Ahab and his crew manage to plunge 使插入 a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod along with it to its doom. All on board the whale ship get drowned, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.
4. Symbolism and allegory 5. Artistic features: 1) Language style; 2) writing style 6. The excerpt
赫尔曼狄克的作品集《赫尔曼狄克的作品集》赫尔曼·狄克(Herman Melville,1819年8月1日-1891年9月28日)是19世纪美国一位杰出的作家,以其深刻的文学作品而闻名于世。
**4.《白天鹅》(The Confidence-Man)**《白天鹅》是一部具有象征主义特征的小说,通过一系列独立的故事线展现了社会中的各种欺诈和欺骗。
**5.《皮皮船长》(Billy Budd, Sailor)**《皮皮船长》是狄克的一部未完的小说,讲述了一位纯洁无瑕的水手在海军中的遭遇。
Character List
Ahab - The egomaniacal极端利己的,自大疯狂 的captain of the Pequod. Ahab lost his leg to Moby Dick. He is single-minded in his pursuit of the whale, using a mixture of charisma魅力;神授的能力; 非凡的领导力 and terror to persuade his crew to join him. As a captain, he is dictatorial but not unfair. At moments he shows a compassionate side, caring for the insane Pip and musing on his wife and child back in Nantucket.
Selected Readings in American Literature
Unit 5
HERMAN MELVILLE (1819-1891 )
Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)
American novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet.
He had little education. He had to leave school at the age of 15, and began to work.
He worked as a clerk, a farmer and a teacher, before becoming a cabin boy on a ship at about twenty.
约翰梅尔维尔美国文学的重要代表人物约翰梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)是19世纪美国文学中的一位重要代表人物。
二、主要作品2.1 《白鲸记》约翰梅尔维尔最著名的作品是《白鲸记》(Moby-Dick)。
2.2 《巴图比亚士》《巴图比亚士》(Bartleby, the Scrivener)是梅尔维尔的另一部重要作品。
2.3 《红字》梅尔维尔的作品《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国文学中的经典之作。
美国文学Herman Melville
Quest (of truth, knowledge, of identity, etc.) The limits of knowledge; alienation Fate Exploitation Religion
The whaling journey—quest of experience, knowledge and truth Pequod—1) symbol of doom and death; 2) symbol of American society or human world White or whiteness: 1) symbol of threat; 2) to some people, esp. to Ahab, symbol of evil; 3) symbol of death or corruption; 4) symbol of mystery (or mysterious, unnatural power)
Major works
Typee(1846) 《泰皮》(描写了他在马克萨斯岛上的食人部落泰
比人中的惊险经历,揭示了资本主义文明给当地土著人的淳 朴生活带来的破坏,因此受到教会的谴责)
Mardi(1849) 《玛地》 Omoo(1847) 《欧穆》 Each of these books drew from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands.
Symbolically, it is concerned with the hunt for absolute truth, and self-discovery.
美国文学课件Herman Melville
1) 2) 3) 4) Land : a symbol of safety Sea: adventure and danger The Pequod: the human world The voyage:tends to imply the voyage of
Elizabeth Shaw (daughter of Chief Justice of Boston )
Extravagant lifestyle
Writing for money
Friendship with Hawthorne
Meeting Hawthorne in the summer of 1850 Influenced by his black vision
Herman Melville
Occupation, Life story
3 4
Analysis of Moby Dick
Bank clerk Salesman Farm-hand Teacher Sailor Customs inspector Novelist Poet American’s Shakespeare
D. H. Lawrence on H. Melville
“He records also, almost beyond pain or pleasure, the extreme transitions of the isolated, far-driven soul, the soul which is now alone, without any real human contact”
白鲸 moby dick Herman Melville. 美国文学 英美文学 美国文学作品分析
Revenge Individual VS Fate
Human VS Nature
It symbolizes the world's different cultures mixed and intertwined, from a variety of the world as a patchwork of linen cloth, from different cultures, races, backgrounds interwoven, interdependent people together, interdependent, different from the novel State of the crew is the most vivid expression.
Queequeg's Coffin Queequeg's coffin alternately symbolizes life and death. Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chest to hold his belongings and an emblem of his will to live. He perpetuates the knowledge tattooed on his body by carving it onto the coffin's lid. The coffin further comes to symbolize life, in a morbid way, when it replaces the Pequod's life buoy. When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael's buoy, saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on. (Generally symbolizes bringing forth life, from death.)
Moby Dick is a negative reflection upon
a victim of extreme Ahab: too much of a self-reliant individualism individual to be a good human being
1. Which body part has Ahab lost to Moby Dick? (A) His leg (B) His arm (C) His eye (D) His fingers A
2. What is the name of Ahab’s ship? (A) The Town-Ho (B) The Rachel (C) The Samuel Enderby (D) The Pequod D
Themes of Moby Dick
Melville's bleak view (negative attitude): the sense of futility and meaninglessness of the world. His attitude to life is “Everlasting Nay” Man in this universe lives a meaningless and futile life, meaningless because futile. Man cannot overcome nature. Once he attempts to seek power over it he is doomed.
1) 2) 3)
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Born in New York City in 1819 His childhood was happy until he was 11 years old. It was then that his father went bankrupt and subsequently died from overwork, leaving heavy debts behind. He dropped school early and tried all kinds of jobs—banking, farming, clerking and teaching. When all this failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea
Detailed analysis of Moby Dick
全书有442页,共分成84章,因为篇幅过度冗长,曾一度认为不适合青 少年读者阅读,1851年出版,读者反应十分冷淡,第一年只卖出5本, 作者梅尔维尔则一生默默无闻;一直到《白鲸记》出版了七十年(1920 年)后,梅尔维尔在美国文学的地位才获得重新评价,福克纳说过: “看完《白鲸记》,第一个想法是希望这本书是我写的。”至今日, 《白鲸记》已被视为美国文学史上最伟大的小说之一。 白鲸记故事结构简单,是一部以捕鲸生涯为题材的小说,一位名叫亚哈 伯(Ahab)的“裴庞德号”(Pequod)捕鲸船船长带领全体船员,追 捕一条叫做“莫比· 狄克”的大白鲸的历险过程 the story: Ishmael, the narrator, is a schoolmaster who often feels depressed and restless, so he decides to seek escape by going out to sea. He leaves for Cape Horn and the Pacific. During the journey, he stops at the Sprouter Inn where he shares a room with a person named Queequeg. They quickly become good friends and decide to sign on the same whaling ship. Pequod. The captain is Ahab, a man with one leg. Moby Dick, the white whale, has sheared off his leg on a previous voyage, and Ahab resolves to hunt and kill him.
The Pequod catches lots of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually , the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight with it. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat, on the second it swamps another. When the third day comes, Ahab and his crew manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod along with it to its doom. All on board the whaler get drowned, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the truth.
After a few years of sea life, he returned to Boston. These experiences provided him materials for his writings In 1847, he married the daughter of a wealthy chief justice, which transferred him into a respectable adventurer After his marriage, he settled down at Arrowhead, Massachusetts. It was there that he made the acquaintance of his neighbor, Hawthorne. He died at 72 in 1891
Major Characters in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
Ishmael(以实马利)—the narrator, also a member of the crew of the whaler Pequod. Ahab(亚哈伯)—the egomaniacal (自大疯狂 的) captain of the whaler Pequod. Moby Dick—the great white whale. Starbuck—the first mate 大副of the Pequod. Queequeg(标枪手魁魁格)—Starbuck’s skilled harpooner and Ishmael’s best friend.
Major works
Typee(1846) 《泰皮》(描写了他在马克萨斯岛上的食人部落泰
比人中的惊险经历,揭示了资本主义文明给当地土著人的淳 朴生活带来的破坏,因此受到教会的谴责)
Mardi(1849) 《玛地》 Omoo(1847) 《欧穆》 Each of these books drew from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands.
主人公亚哈船长和白鲸莫比•迪克是一对尖锐的矛盾,这个矛盾集中代表了 人类与自然界的强烈的冲突。用我们关于人与自然的关系来衡量,这个 冲突的发生是客观的、必然的、不可回避的,是人与自然的关系的一个 非常形象化的体现。亚哈船长是人类在自然面前的代表,是人类派来征 服自然的。他是普通的人,却有着普通人所没有的坚毅刚强和不为名利 所动的种种美德,但同时,在他的身上我们还发现了疯狂、自私、刚愎 自用等种种劣迹,使我们对这一形象产生了全面立体的认识。
It is best known novel, is considered one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. It is not only a detailed account of whaling , but also a book of history, philosophy and religion. It is, there fore, an encyclopedia of the 19th century American mind and America itself.
Redburn《雷得本》, (1849) an account of a voyage to England White-Jacket《白外衣》, (1850) a story based on his brief career in the Navy Moby Dick 《白鲸》 (即《莫比· 迪克 )(1851) : of all these sea adventure stories, Moby-Dick proves to be the best. It is regarded as the first American prose epic. Some poems and short stories
Quest (of truth, knowledge, of identity, etc.) The limits of knowledge; alienation Fate Exploitation Religion
The whaling journey—quest of experience, knowledge and truth Pequod—1) symbol of doom and death; 2) symbol of American society or human world White or whiteness: 1) symbol of threat; 2) to some people, esp. to Ahab, symbol of evil; 3) symbol of death or corruption; 4) symbol of mystery (or mysterious, unnatural power)
Symbolically, it is concerned with the hunt for absolute truth, and self-discovery.
The novel can be understood from three levels
1. It is a novel of journey and whale catching. 2. It is a conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick. 3.It is a story of Ishmael, his thought about human being, the relationship between man and nature, man and God, man and man, etc.