【关键词】高校英语专业、基础英语、口语能力、教学、重要性、方法、手段、问题、挑战、策略、职业发展、加强、必要性1. 引言1.1 高校英语专业基础英语教学的重要性在当今全球化的背景下,英语已经成为世界上最为通用的语言之一,具有重要的国际交流和沟通功能。
2. 正文2.1 口语能力在英语学习中的重要性口语能力在英语学习中的重要性无可置疑。
目前就国内多数高校学生而言, 英语是一门不可缺少的基础性学科。
从大学英语教学效果来看, 英语课堂大多数气氛沉闷, 台上教师唱独角戏, 而台下学生只是机械记录。
多数学生用英语回答问题时, 仅仅是照本宣科朗读课文。
一旦脱离课本, 除了会最基本的单词表述外, 多半是无从下“口”, 更谈不上口语表达的多样化。
实际生活中, 更多学生学的是“哑巴英语”。
本文通过问卷调查, 了解了大学生英语口语学习的现状及存在的问题, 分析了造成这些调查结果的原因, 并从中得到启示。
一、研究设计1.调查分析的理论依据2003年4月教育部制定的《大学英语课程教学要求》要求在强调外语教学中听、说、读、写、译五项技能协调发展的同时, 更强调突出了听说技能的重要性。
“要求”明确指出: 外语教学的目的在于培养学生的交际能力。
著名语言学家乔姆斯基认为: 人类学习语言不是单纯的模仿、记忆的过程, 而是创造性运用的过程。
”2.调查分析的对象和工具本次调查以本校12级英语师范专业(4班) 37名学生( 男1人, 女36人, 其中34人已通过四级考试, 占91.89﹪) 为对象, 问卷主要是针对目前大学生英语口语学习的现状, 设计了20 道有关“你认为影响你英语口语水平的主要原因是什么( 包括学和教两方面) ”的小题和一道开放式题目, 对调查对象以问卷形式为主,由作者当场发放问卷, 并要求学生当场独立完成( 当场发放问卷149份, 收回149份,有效问卷149份) 。
【关键词】高校英语专业、基础英语教学、口语能力培养、探讨、重要性、现状分析、影响因素、提高策略、实践案例分析、建议、展望、总结1. 引言1.1 背景介绍随着全球化的深入发展,英语已经成为一门全球通用的语言,在各行各业中都起着重要的作用。
1.2 研究目的研究目的是通过对高校英语专业基础英语教学中口语能力培养的探讨,深入分析口语能力在英语学习中的重要性,总结现有口语能力培养的现状和存在的问题,探讨影响口语能力培养的因素,提出有效的策略和方法来提高学生的口语表达能力。
关于高校英语专业基础英语教学中的口语能力培养探讨1. 引言1.1 背景介绍高校英语专业是培养学生综合运用英语能力的重要阶段,其中口语能力的培养尤为重要。
1.2 问题引出在高校英语专业基础英语教学中,学生普遍存在着口语能力较弱的情况。
【问题引出结束】1.3 研究意义口语能力在英语专业教学中具有重要意义,它是学生综合语言能力的重要组成部分。
以下策略可以帮助学生完成高质量、多元化的语言素材积累:1. 营造温馨沉浸式语言环境:创建充满英语元素的课堂氛围,例如使用英语进行课堂教学、播放英语歌曲和电影片段、组织英语角等,让学生在自然的环境中接触英语,感受到语言的魅力。
2. 广泛泛读英文材料:鼓励学生阅读不同类型的英文书籍、报刊、杂志和网站,扩大词汇量,提升对英语的理解能力,并学习地道英语表达。
3. 积极主动进行英语听力训练:利用多种听力材料,如英语广播、音频课程等,注重培养学生的听力理解能力,建立英语语音语调的感知。
4. 利用科技辅助学习:通过英语学习网站、APP等获取丰富的音频、视频和练习素材,满足不同学习需求。
以下策略有助于催发学生的表达欲望,并提升口语表达能力:1. 模拟真实交际情景:将课堂教学与生活交流结合起来,设计情景对话、角色扮演、小组讨论等活动,让学生在模拟真实交流中练习口语表达。
2. 鼓励学生积极主动开口说:克服学生开口难的问题,热情鼓励他们在课堂上主动积极参与互动,勇于表达自己的想法和观点。
3. 提供有效反馈与指导:教师要对学生的口语表达进行及时有效的反馈,指出错误,并给予针对性指导,帮助学生纠正发音和语法错误。
4. 重视培养学生自信心:鼓励学生大胆尝试,克服怯场心理,增强自信心,提升表达能力。
5. 多元化评价:不仅关注学生的口语流利程度,更要注重内容、逻辑、语调、表达等方面的综合发展,评价学生的口语能力水平。
一、口语能力在英语专业中的重要性1.1 口语能力的重要性英语口语能力是指学生在口头交流中运用英语进行表达和沟通的能力。
1.2 口语能力对职业发展的重要性在当今社会,英语已经成为各行各业的通用语言,因此英语口语能力对于学生的就业前景和职业发展至关重要。
1.3 口语能力对学生个人发展的重要性除了对职业发展的重要性外,口语能力对学生个人发展同样至关重要。
2.1 存在的问题在当前的高校英语专业基础英语教学中,口语能力的培养依然存在诸多问题。
教学研究浅谈大学英语课堂学生口语能力培养策略刘 辉(焦作大学外国语学院,河南 焦作 454000)【摘要】在我国新课程改革不断深入及素质教育进一步推进的新时代背景下,人们对大学英语课程教学给予了越来越高的关注与重视。
练 , 勤奋好 学 。但有部 分学 生懒学 , 是学 要 或 习程 度 不够 , 口语 练 习受 到 了严 重的 局 限 使 性。
3培 养 口语交际能力的教学策略
31 营造 良好 的 口语交 际氛围 , 设有效 的 口 . 创 语交 际情 境
高 职学 生在 口语 课堂 上 少开 口甚 至不愿 开 口或怕 出错 而不敢开 口的现象 较多 , 这种时 候, 教师就 要充 分调 动学生 的积极性 , 发挥教 师的主导作 用 , 让学 生从被动 接受知识 和处于 被发 问状 态 自主 地投 入 到语 言 交 际环 境 中 。 因此 , 师的角色也 由传统的 “ ”变 为学生 教 教 主 动的 “ ” 于是 在课 堂组 织形式 安排 上就 学 , 要 有所 变化 , 我认为 教师 可以根 据课 文需 要 , 适 当 安 排 些 与 所 学 内 容 相 关 并 能 激 发 学 生
交 际能力 可分 为 口语交 际能 力和 书面语 交际能力。本 文主要阐述英语 口语交 际能力 。 所谓 “ 口语交 际” 人们在交往 中利 用 口语语 是 言表 达思 想 、传 递信 息 , 达到理 解 与协调 , 进 而 影响 和调节 相互 关系 的活动 。 口语 交际能 力则是在 此交 际过 程中表 现 出的 灵敏 、机智 的听说 能力和待人处 事的能力 , 是现 代公民必 备的 能 力。为此 , 我们应 在 口语交 际情境 中 , 培养学生这 种能力 。大学英语 口语课 , 作为培 养学 生 口头 交 际能 力的一种 重 要课堂 教学 形 式, 对其 重要性 认识 虽有增 强 , 教学进 展缓 但 慢, 其现 状不 容乐观 。 由于多种 原因 , 使学 致 生 口头交 际能力依然薄 弱。如 何改变此现状 , 以改 进 口语 教学 , 亟待 我 们外 语教 师 共 同探
关键词:英语专业;口语交际能力;调查分析ABSTRACTNowadays, English as a communicating device is playing a more and more important role. Therefore, English teaching and learning become matters of considerable social importance. In order to know the present situation of English majors‟oral communicative competence, a questionnaire survey is made on it..The writer tries to analyze from the students‟ utterances with the contextualization cue as a focus in the process of inference. What‟s more,the empirical investigation and analysis and the experiment show us that FLT curriculum should also be both learner-centered and communication-oriented and the teacher should cultivate the students‟awareness of culture and context through implementing a serious of activities.Keywords:English majors,spoken English communicative competence; investigation and analysisContents1.Introduction (1)2. Oral Competence (2)2.1 Four standards of oral English (2)2.2 The requirement of English speaking abilities for English majors (4)3. Survey (4)3.1 The survey of current status of Spoken English (4)3.2 The results and analysis of survey (5)4. Problems of cultivating English speaking abilities of English majors (7)4.1 Problems in the curriculum setting (7)4.1.1 The limited oral English courses (7)4.1.2 The problems about the teaching material and evaluation system (8)4.2 Lack of diversification means in English Language Teaching (8)4.3 Traditional Culture and Learner Anxiety (9)4.4 Problems of students in the improvement of English speaking ability (10)5. Solutions in cultivating English speaking abilities of English majors (11)5.1 Adjust the curriculum setting (11)5.1.1 The reform of curriculum setting (11)5.1.2 Make uniform and standardized teaching materials (12)5.2 Use of diversification means in English Language Teaching (13)5.3 Activators to Release Students‟ Speaking Potential (15)5.4 Classroom English for Students (16)6. Conclusion (17)Appendix: Questionnaire (18)Acknowledgements (18)References (19)1. IntroductionThe ultimate goal of English language teaching is making students improve their English language abilities of thinking and communicating[1]1.In foreign language teaching, the four basic skills——listening, speaking, reading and writing---have been greatly improved on the part of English major students in the past decades. However, these skills have not been developed at the same rate. Many students understand others' English but can not express themselves effectively in English. For the majority of students, speaking still remains the most difficult skill for them to master even after four years study at universities. It is well known that the teaching of oral English has been the weak aspect of our EFL (English as a foreign language) teaching[2]13. The production of spoken English——learning to speak English is considered to be one of the most difficult aspects of English learning. It is often the case that even English major students find it hardest to improve their oral English. Although they have strong desire and motivation, in terms of concrete learning and practice, they find it much more difficult than expected. As a result, some students are in the dilemma that they can hardly express themselves freely even when they are juniors or seniors. In that case, their advantage over other non-English majors is weakened. Therefore, how to improve and develop oral English teaching in Chinese schools has drawn attention of both teachers and educators, and it becomes one of the most important issues in EFL teaching field nowadays.To change this situation, more efforts have been made to work out more effective ways to improve students' oral English level. Although many researchers and educators have tried to put various teaching theories and methods into practice to improve the teaching of oral English, there is not much progress made so far. Thus, it's urgent for teachers to conduct research on other aspects and to find more effective ways. It is indicated by the survey that the research on oral English teaching, though diverse and various, mainly focuses on its grammatical use and linguistic, but not on the role of psychological factors, especially the role of cognition. Many linguists and educators have studied the objective factors of teaching oral English, i.e. English language itself and its social property, but seldom take the subjects of oral English learning, namely learners, into account. So the methodology procedures suggested by researches haven't produced any obvious effect on the teaching of oral English.Considering the current situation of teaching oral English and its research in China, the author intends to make the further study with the purpose of finding the effective ways to improve English majors‟ oral English.2. Oral competenceEnglish as a communicating device is playing a more and more important role. Therefore, English teaching and learning is becoming a matter of considerable social importance. For learners of English as a foreign language (EFL), oral communicative ability is not necessarily well guaranteed by other receptive and productive abilities, as the former involves psychomotor flexibility in articulation as well as capability in interactive strategies. To make English majors achieve the goal of good oral English we also set the standard of English language speaking.2.1 Four standards of oral EnglishIn order to achieve successful oral communications, all these competences should work together. Besides, after baptism from history, we get the oral English standard of English majors.(1) pronunciation(including volume, stress, intonation and tone)To learn English very well, first of all, we must learn how to pronounce English well. Generally Chinese students think wrongly that the reason why they can‟t pronounce English well is that they don‟t practice enough. Most people think if they can practice reading English more, their pronunciation will be better. In fact, the greatest reason why Chinese people can‟t pronounce English well is that they don‟t know the secret of English pronunciation. Teaching of English phonetics aimed at improving learners ‟pronunciation and intonation is in one form or another included as an integral part in English teaching at different levels and kinds. However, the unsatisfactory performance in English pronunciation and intonation of most English learners in China seems to imply that the achievement of English phonetics teaching in China is not as m uch as expected in improving English learners‟ pronunciation and intonation. Chinese students always have the following problems in pronunciation. (a) They use a similar tone in their mother tongue instead of English which they find it difficult to pronounce(b) They confuse the similar phonology in mother-tongue and English.(c) They are confused by the individual phoneme which made the acceptationdifference.(2) accuracy(including grammar, word diction and tongue)[3]6Accuracy is an important indicator of assessment in oral communication. V ocabulary and grammatical mistakes are serious in students spoken English as an important factor in accuracy. Many studies have found Intralingua factors (such as over-generalization) and Interlingua factors (mother negative transfer) are the two main reasons leading to mistakes. And Interlingua interference with the wrong language is relatively serious. Most of the mistakes come out because they use the Chinese language as their mother tongue. Take the definite article “the” for example, there is no “article” in Chinese, so students do not pay attention to the study “article”. They do not know much about the meaning or the features of the word. And they may believe that definite article will not affect the word much. In addition to the negative migration of the mother tongue, learners do not know much about the grammar similarities and differences between Chinese and English.(3) fluency(including speech pace, match long and short sentences)Oral English fluency is one of the pursued objectives of the second language learning and foreign language teaching. According to Webster's New Third International Dictionary, fluency is defined as: (words), such as mellifluence, easy and rapid. This is the general common-sense understanding. In English learning, fluency usually refers to the ability of expressing themselves freely.(4) communicative competence(including independence, flexibility and speaking manners)In order to speak in another language, one needs to know how to articulate sounds in a comprehensible manner, one needs an adequate vocabulary, and have mastery of syntax[4]3. These various elements add up to linguistic competence which, first put forward by Noam Chomsky, refers to the ability of an ideal native speaker to construct and recognize grammatical sentences in his language. Chomsky‟s linguistic theory excludes all the social factors. While linguistic competence is necessary, for someone who wants to communicate competently and appropriately in another language, it is still not enough since the circumstances in which language behavior occurs will never be an ideal one. People in actual communication are always influenced by some conditions such as distractions, shifts of attention and errors in applying their knowledge of the language in actual performance. Since they havedifferent age, education background, occupation, social status, and etc, their language behaviors are quite different from each other. And all those social factors will be reflected on the language they use. Thus in 1974, the sociolinguist Dell Hymes[5] (1972) proposed the notion of communicative competence as an alternative to Chomsky‟s linguistic competence. Besides linguistic competence, communicative competence also includes a range of other sociolinguistic and conversational skills that enable the speaker to “know when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner”2.2 The requirement of English speaking abilities for English majorsSyllabus[6]of English Majors in Colleges and Universities require students to achieve these goals in English oral expression [7]:(a) English majors are supposed to master the English language.They can express their ideas more clearly, compensate for breakdowns in communication due to limiting conditions in the actual communication situation in one or more of the other areas of communicative competence(b) English majors are capable of enhancing the effectiveness of communication on different occasions with different people and using appropriate forms of language to reflect the different communicative functions;(c) English majors are able to establish the confidence in speaking English with enthusiasm and interest;(d) English majors should combine accuracy with fluency in the English oral expression.3. Survey3.1 The survey of current status of Spoken EnglishEnglish major students compared to the non-professional English language learners in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation of various capacities up with a much higher level, they should not only have an ordinary language communicative competence, but also should have to use relatively, correctly appropriate and effective oral English language communication ability[8].To the vast majority of English learners, even they spend years of time in Englishlearning, the oral ability is still the most difficult to grip. Therefore, this article has done a preliminary investigation and study.1) Objective of thesurvey.In order to find the current status of spoken English, 100 English major students of senior and junior in Zhejiang University of Science and Technology were investigated.2) The methods of survey.The survey was conducted by asking students to answer the questionnaires.Researchers on 15, 16, and 17 Mar. 2009 three days, 100 volumes issued, and a total of 87 valid questionnaires were taken back.3) The tool of survey.In this study, the survey tool is a questionnaire [9] a total of eleven questions, in which the first are multiple-choice questions and the next eight are individual-choice questions. And the last one is an open question, about the recommendations of the current teaching and learning of oral English.3.2 The results and analysis of surveyTable 1-1*Multinomial ChoiceAs to the Table 1-1, the data tell us the obvious problems in oral English teaching and learning. And big percentages show that we should find ways to solve the problems immediately. Because, if we don‟t face the problems more and more English major students would suffer from the current oral English system and we will go intoa vicious circle. As to the questions we can analyze these problems:1) The vast majority of students lack self-confidence and realize that the most urgent ability to improve is speaking ability.2) Most students think that usual practice and language environment are the top things related to the improvement of oral English study. Only a few of them think that classroom learning is directly related to it. There are two reasons, the first one is that they think classroom learning is too limited and they can‟t improve much in it. And the second one is that the old methods of classroom learning are too hard to change and be useful to them.3) There is a big majority of the students think that good English is related to good jobs. According to the Survey Report of the Requirement of Using English in the Employment Market, English ability has been a common requirement in employment.4) Because students have less sense of requirements in the Syllabus of English majors they don‟t know what they will learn and how they will develop. The direction of the English majo rs‟ development is unclear. After four years‟ learning and training the students still can‟t reach the goal of teaching and learning.4.Problems of cultivating English speaking abilities ofEnglish majorsEnglish major students compared to the non-professional English language learners in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation of various capacitiesup with a much higher level, they should not only have an ordinary language communicative competence, but also should have to use relatively, correctly appropriate and effective oral English language communication ability[10]. The development of ideation will help English major students to improve their comprehensive quality.According to the survey we have made. The author has discovered four main problems in oral English teaching and learning. The problems have been the block in the development of English speaking ability.4.1 Problems in the curriculum settingThrough the data in the survey we found that the current English speaking curriculum planning needs to be improved immediately. A big range of the students think that they are unsatisfied with the planning.4.1.1 The limited oral English coursesWe find that oral English classes at the foundation stage are arranged 2 periods a week. It is very difficult to give the opportunity to all the 30 students who can fully practice their oral English, for the time assigned to each student is only 4 minutes a week.From the fifth to the eighth semester, some schools do not have the native speaking teachers, so in the high-grade English teaching, the stage of oral English capacity-building has become a blank. When the students are in the advanced level, they even don‟t have the opportunity to speak English either inside or outside school. That makes them unfamiliar with English speaking language.On the other hand, the English major courses include advanced English, English translation, English culture communication, English reading, writing and listening and so on. These kinds of courses take up large proportions on their own characteristics and they also occupy large percentage on the student‟s curriculum. However, oral practice is paid less attention to in class. Although all the courses are about English, and the textbooks are written in English, the teachers of these courses do not realize they have the duty to help the students cultivate good oral English ability so that they design little oral practice in their courses.4.1.2 The problems about the teaching material and evaluation systemThe English majors don‟t have the scientific system of oral English teaching material or evaluation system. Each foreign teacher gives lessons to students basicallyaccording to their own ideas. And the university does not give them a very clear requirement, while the foreign teachers‟awareness to students‟current level is not clear enough. Therefore, the design of class is sometimes blind in a certain degree. Oral class is a great degree of freedom, and sometimes even a little bit arbitrary. We know that English is not arbitrary[11]. Many regular expressions have their own way, so we must have a system oral English teaching material.The university has n‟t enhanced the communication with foreign teachers, strengthened the management of oral English classes or established a scientific standardized evaluation system.English course evaluation is an important part in English course. Scientific evaluation system is to achieve an important guarantee for curriculum goals. English courses should be based on the evaluation of the objectives of curriculum standards and requirements, the implementation of the whole process of teaching and the results of an effective monitoring would be successfully achieved.4.2 Lack of diversification means in English Language TeachingEnglish speaking courses are different from the Basic English, reading and other curriculums. It is a “communication tool”to study not the “knowledge”[12]. The means of English speaking teaching must break the traditional focus on grammar teaching, instead of subject-oriented body system of perfect model, and make the students in a “natural language learning environment”. From easy to digestive, step by step, emphasis should be laid on spoken language training[13]. The teachers should use new teaching methods to improve the oral English level of students. However, readers can see from the survey that 54 of the 87 English major students are dissatisfied with it, and the rest are satisfied. That is to say more than half of them are dissatisfied with the current teaching methods. Since the current teaching methods can‟t meet the requirements of most of students, they should be improved immediately.The foreign teachers have different professional quality of teaching. If the teachers is not professional enough, the oral English class is not as efficiency as possible. Only high-quality foreign-language teachers can cultivate high-quality students. Oral teaching is a highly practical course, which requires flexibility in teaching methods and teaching art skills.1) The content in class is not compact enough, the instructional design is toosimple, many students do not have the sense of achievement, in terms of language knowledge they harvest less.2) There is no serialization of the design of teaching, each class of the content of these is isolated and have little contact with each other.3) The foreign teachers have too little sense of the student‟s knowledge level, it lead to the teaching content has little connected with the students cognitive level.4) Sometimes, the teaching content is the same in both freshmen and sophomore.The teachers do not meet the two grades students‟ cognitive level.4.3 Traditional Culture and Learner AnxietyWhat hinders students from speaking in class is mostly not the teacher, not the students themselves but the teaching method under the traditional culture[14].Generally speaking, Chinese students tend to consider their teachers the main source of learning, which, to a great extent, results from the philosophical foundation for education in China laid by Confucius, one of the greatest thinkers in ancient China[15].Even today, no one can deny his unparalleled contribution to Chinese education. Many of his wise sayings and maxims still govern the behavior of learners in China. Take TEFL[16]for example, students are still accustomed to a classroom situation dominated by a teacher-centered, book-centered, grammar-translation method and an emphasis on rote learning. Most of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to the students, it is only a one-way information conveying or activity guiding. There is little student initiative and, if any at all, little student-student interaction. Teachers who are keen on spoon-feeding their students generally receive higher appreciation than teachers who are not because test results would be linked to teachers‟bonus. Students are likely to associate games and communicative activities in class with entertainment exclusively and accordingly, are skeptical of their use as learning tools[17]. So any attempt from teacher for interactions such as games, role-plays, talk-based communication activities, i.e. pair/group/team work, risks resistance or even resentment are for these students. Chinese culture, teachers are viewed as knowledge holders. If teachers do not display their knowledge in lectures, or if they play games with students or ask students to role-play in class, then students think that their English teachers are not doing their job!4.4 Problems of students in the improvement of English speaking abilityWith social developments, Standard fluent oral English highlights the growing importance in English Major Courses. Oral English teaching is one of the most vivid courses in basic course teaching. It still has some problems from the aspects of students. These issues are part of high school left behind problems. If the problems are not solved in time, they will affect the improvements of the students in English speaking to a large extent.(1) Heavy accent of spoken EnglishThe problem is widespread among students in general. Students‟ pronunciations are affected by the heavy dialect. The students are from different regions of secondary school. They were educated under the impact of examination education, the local secondary education are often re-examination of teaching spoken language skills and neglect the result of the vast majority of students in initial stages, in which their English pronunciations has not been corrected.(2) Poor communication skills —— Spoken words are less.In the initial phase of oral teaching is facing one of the biggest problems is students lack of spoken words. The foundation year of English Majors Level in the course of the input word is not small. However, students‟ word is still the traditional attitude. They try to remember the meaning and spelling of words and rarely take the initiative to learn the use of the word. This influences students during the time of speaking practice. The big lag in oral English has a serious impact on the ability of self-expression.(3) Less time to practice.Proficiency use is unnatural. The important part of oral expression is self-expression. To achieve this degree a large amount of exercise is required The English Major Speaking practice for students in the extra-curricular time is short. On the one hand, it is difficult to find exercise on suitable occasions. At the same time, students themselves are largely inert psychological impact by the Ring expression of natural spoken English to fluency.(4) The psychological quality is not good enough.Lack of confidence is also a problem in the basic stage of the freshman. As the problems listed above led to the unconfident expression, they choose to say nothing, which is why their oral English can‟t improve any more.5. Solutions in cultivating English speaking abilities ofEnglish majors.According to the survey we have made and the problems we have analyzed. The author has discovered four main problems in oral English teaching and learning. The problems have been the block in the development of English speaking ability."Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and Universities" is a scientific outline with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The “syllabus” in the training objectives and teaching content reflects the communicative competence. However, the problems still exit.The most important thing is to find appropriate ways to solve these problems, and cultivate the English majors to be excellent both in English pronunciations and expression.Here we list the four main problems and the solutions accordingly in oral English teaching and learning. The first one is from the aspect of the education system and the college operation; the second one is from the aspect of teaching methods of the oral English teachers especially the foreign teachers and the last two aspects are of the English majors themselves.5.1 Adjust the curriculum settingWe have known the situation that the period of professional oral English classes in the foundation stage is 2 times a week. It is very difficult to give the opportunity to all the 30 students who can fully practice their oral English, for the time assigned to each student is only about 4 minutes a week. However, the fact is that the teacher speaking takes up most of the time so that most students don‟t have the opportunity to open their mouths or have conversation with the foreign teacher. So the time divided to each student is not equal. And we don‟t have oral English lessons in the advanced level. If the students do not use extra time to strengthen the oral training, their spoken English ability is hard to improve. From the fifth to the eighth semester, some schools do not have the native speaking teachers, so in the high-grade English teaching, the stage of oral English capacity-building has become a blank. When the students are in the advanced level, they even don‟t have the opportunity to speak English either inside or outside school, which makes them unfamiliar with English speaking language. On the other hand, the English major courses include advanced English, English translation, English culture communication, English reading, writing and listening and so on. These kinds of courses take up large proportions on their own characteristics and they also occupy large percentage on the student‟s curriculum.However, oral practice is paid less attention to in the classes. Although all the courses are about English, and the text books are written in English, it is still a waste of resource, because it does nothing with oral English ability improvement. Also the teachers of these courses do not realize they have the duty to help the students cultivate good oral English ability.5.1.1 The reform of curriculum settingWe should adjust the curriculum setting, which should make more chances for the students to talk with or even make friends with the foreign teachers. The oral English classes should be set into each semester during the four years study. No oral English class in junior and senior teaching and study would lead to serious problems of the whole English majors.The students should establish the language environment by themselves. We should get at the root of the problems and bring up some related countermeasures, so as to improve the teaching quality and level up the general standard of students‟pronunciation and intonation. To realize the English majors sustainable development, the major setting and curriculum arrangement should be lead to market system, instead of running a school by closing the door, we must run the school according to the talent market and social demand and change with time.As we all know, the reason why it is difficult for Chinese students to learn English well mainly is the lack of language background and environment. How to get rid of this bottleneck is the study subject of Language education. Swain[18] carried out in 1985 the famous "water test" (immersion program).“She argued that French immersion students do not demonstrate native-speakers productive competence not because their comprehensive input is limited, but rather because their comprehensive output is limited."The curriculum setting should be adjusted to the requirements of the situation and the students. Practice makes perfect, that is why we should set more oral English courses and give more opportunities in the other special courses to input and output the speaking language.5.1.2 Make uniform and standardized teaching materialsThe oral English classes of English majors should have scientific system of oral English teaching materials[19]and evaluation system. It is commonly to see that the foreign teachers give lessons to students basically according to their own ideas. So the government and the education department should set the oral English teaching。
摘 要 英语 口语教 学在 高职 英语教 学 中占有 重要 地
位 。但 由于 多种 因素 的影 响 , 学生 的实 际应 用 能力一 直 难 以得 到提 高。 本 文分析 了影 响 学生 口语 水平 的 几个 因素 ,提 出 了 培 养 学生 口语 能 力的建 议 关 键 词 口语教 学 ;能 力培 养 ;课 堂教 学
D O I :1 0 . 3 9 6 9 /j . i s s n . 1 0 0 1 -8 9 7 2 . 2 0 1 3 . 0 2 . 0 9 1
浅职 业 技 术 学 院 , 山 东省 济 宁 市 2 7 2 0 0 0
Ho w t o D e v e l o p S t u d e n t s ’ Ab i l i t y o f Or a l E n g l i s h ?
t h a t a f f e c t s t u d e n t s o r a l E n g l i s h a n d g i v e s s o me
s u g g e s t i o n s o n h o w t o i mp r o v e o r a l E n g l i s h . Ke y wo r d s o r a l En g l i s h t e a c h i n g; a b i l i t y t r a i n i n g; c l a s s r o o m t e a c h i n g
Ab s t r a c t 0 r a ]E n gl i s h t e a c h i n g i s o f g r e a t i m p o r t a n c e I n
En g } i s h t e a c h i n g. H o we v e r, d u e t o d i f f e r e n t
训练。提 出了大学生口语能力培养教 学过程 中, 坚持“ 要 两手抓 , 两手都要硬” 抓好课 堂和课后训练。 , 关键 词 : 学生 ; 大 英语 口语能力; 培养措施 ; 师生互为主体
中图分类号: 6 20 G 4 . 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :6 1 18 (0 9 0 —O 6—o 17 - 50 20 ) 7 o 6 3
目前 , 大学英 语教 学改革 在全 国高校 如 火如荼
够 达到 四级 的水 平 , % 左 右 的 同学 口语 也 是 很 出 5
地开展着 , 几乎每位大学英语教师都在尝试着新条 件下 的多媒体 大学 英 语 教学 , 不 断增 强 学生 英语 在 综合能力的同时 , 大家都不约而 同地将重点放在努 力提高学生听说能力上。尤其是 20 08年奥运会 的 成功举 办 , 出去 , 走 引进来 , 每一 位 当代 大 学生 成 为 文化交流的使者 , 不仅要学习英语文化 , 也肩负着传 承和传播中国五千年文化的责任。语言是言语交流 的一种 方式 , 言是 交流 的工具 , 语 只能在使 用 中实 现 它的价值。雅科布逊认为 , 和任何符号系统一样 , 语 言首先 是为 了交流 。这就 需要创 造一个 良好 的语 言 环境 , 语言环境的营造需要把学生 口语 的培养贯穿 在整个 大学英 语 的教学过 程 中。
力的提高。由于受交际习惯、 自身能力等问题 的困 扰, 口语能 力提高不 明显 , 而这在 大部 分 的一 般 院校 属 于普遍现 象 。 二 、如何 因地制宜 提高 大学生 英语 口语能 力 1师生 互为 主体 的新 型教学 观 . 新型 的教学观 应是 “ 生互 为 主体 ”, 种 教 学 师 这 观 以培养 与发挥人 的主 体性 为 价 值取 向 , 以发 挥 师 生 的积极性 、 能动 性 和创 造 性 为前 提 , 以创 设 平 等 、 和谐 的教学 环境为 条件 , 以知识 为载体 , 师生 主动参 与, 进而达 到相互促 动 、 学相长 的 目的 。在 这种 教 教 学 观指导下 的教学 活 动 有三 个 特 点 : 一是 师 生 双 向 主 动 。教师 的主动 在 于对 学 生 的 引 导与 启 发 , 生 学 的主动在于 与教 师协 调 配 合 , 积极 思 考 , 分 吸 纳 。 充 二是师生双 向能动。师生双方在教学 中都充分发挥 自身的主观 能动性 , 对 对 方 的 主观 能动 性 给予 激 并 发、 肯定和鼓 励 , 而使学 习 的内容逐 步深化 。三是 从
【关键词】高校英语专业、口语能力、基础英语教学、培养、研究、重要性、现状分析、策略探讨、实践、展望、结论总结1. 引言1.1 研究背景现代高校英语专业教学中,口语能力的培养一直备受重视。
.1.2 研究目的本研究旨在探讨高校英语专业基础英语教学中口语能力的培养问题。
具体目的包括:1. 分析口语能力在英语专业教学中的重要性,揭示其在学生语言能力提升中的作用和地位;2. 调查当前高校英语专业基础英语教学中口语能力培养的现状,发现存在的问题和不足;3. 探讨有效的口语能力培养策略,为提高学生口语表达能力提供理论支持和实践指导;4. 探讨如何在基础英语教学中,通过创新教学模式和方法,培养学生的口语能力;5. 基于实践经验,总结基础英语教学中口语能力培养的实践效果和经验,为后续教学提供借鉴和参考。
1. 提高学生参与口语练习的积极性,让学生持续感受到口语掌握能力的提高。
2. 针对学生口语背景分层次制定教学计划。
3. 鼓励学生多参加英语口语竞赛等活动。
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[ 作者简介 ] 江
华( 1 9 8 2一 ) , 女, 讲师 , 硕士, 从事英语教 学与研 究。
1 43 ・
2 实 证 研 究
2 . 1 研究 问题
笔 者尝试 用 三种方 法有 意识地 培养 学生 的实 时 口语交 际能力 。经 过一 年 的教学 实验 , 检验 这些 方法是 否
究确实与 C h o m s k y的研究理想讲话者抽象语言理论方向非常不 同, 这就使 当时很多学者和教师深信 , 交 际能
力理论将对人类语言实际运用规律的探索甚至语言教学产生深远影响 , 并直接给语言教学 , 包括一语 、 二语甚
至 外语 教学 的人 们 带来 黎 明曙光 和行 动上 的指 引 。在 此基 础上 , 逐 渐发展 为外 语交 际教学思 想并 对外 语教 学 实 践产 生深 远影 响 。在这 种 背景下 , 外 语交 际能 力理论 越 发显 出指 导教 学 的威 力 和 良好 效果 L 2 J 。
的知识称为交际能力 的四个参数。一位能够 回答这四个问题的实际讲话者或听话者( 与理想讲话 者相对) 将
能 在一 定文 化环 境 中有效 地使 用这 种语 言或 其 它交 流手段 , 即具 有交 际 能力 【 l J 。 H y me s的交 际能力 概念 针对 C h o ms k y理解 的 c o m p e t e n c e和 p e r f o r ma n c e的 差别 , 提 出 了不 同看 法 。他 特 别 强调 语 言运用 能力 , 并 非要 为语 言教 学和外 语 教学创 立 一个新 标 。但是 他 强调语 言交 际运 用实 际规 律 的研
英语专业学生实 时 口语 能力培养探析
江 华
( 吉林建 筑 大学 城建 学 院 , 吉林 长春 1 3 0 1 1 1 )
[ 摘 要] 实时 口语交际能力是衡量一个英 语学 习者能 力和水平 的最 高标准 。 目前 , 因课堂 条件 和
教学水平 的限制 , 它成 为广大英语专业学生难 以突破 的障碍 。“ 突然性 假说 ” 的提 出 , 使得一 线教师
2 . 2 研 究方 法 采 用定 量 和定性 相结 合 的研 究方 法 , 对 收 集到 的数 据用 社 会科 学 统 计 软件 ( S P S S ) 进 行 定 量分 析 并 检验
T值 。
2 . 3 研 究对 象 研 究 对象来 自吉林 建 筑大学 城建 学 院外语 系英语 专业 大 一年级 2 0 1 5级 1班 , 共计 1 5名学生 。
备 的能 力 的做法 , 清 楚 明确地 培养 实 时外语交 际能力 的 正确 目标 是 培养 外 语 的 突然 性 能力 即非 准备 能力 , 这
才能培养出真正的应付课堂内外真实交 际需要 的外语能力——外语交际能力 J 。简言之 , 外语交 际能力 的 本质特征是突然性 , 在此理论指导下的教学手段的变革和课堂模式的研究也如雨后春笋般发展起来。
[ 文章编号] 2 0 9 5 — 7 6 0 2 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 0 — 0 1 4 3 — 0 4
1 外语 交际能 力本 质—— 突然性 的提 出
外语交际能力是使人有效运用语言的知识并使用该知识进行交际的能力。这一术语最早 由 D e l l H y m e s
在他的论文《 论交际能力》 中提 出。H y m e s 把能够 回答语言的语法性 、 适合性 、 得体性和现实性 , 这 四个 问题
2 . 4 研究 步骤
有 三位 老师 分别 承担 这个班 级 的综 合 英 语初 级 、 英 语 泛读 和 英 语初 级 听力 课 程 。在 运 用 “ w h a t 提 问法 ”
“ 随进随出法” “ 类同传翻译法” 等教学方法后 , 在一年时间内每两个月进行一次 口 语考试 , 考试内容为时下流
[ 收稿 日期 ] 2 0 1 6— 0 7— 2 9 [ 基金项 目] 吉林省高等教 育学会 2 0 1 5年度 高教科研课题“ 基于 实时 口语 交际能 力培 养 的独立 学院英 专生综英课 堂教 学手段
与 方 法 改 革研 究” ( J G J 2 0 1 5 D 3 2 2 ) 。
正视培养学生 即席 的、 无准备的交际能力 的重要性 。本 文在此理论 基础上进 一步进行 了实证研究 ,
提 出了新 的教学方法并运用 S P S S进行定性 和定量 分析 , 检验 了该方法 的有效性 。 [ 关键 词】 实时 口语能力 ; 突然性
【 中图分类号] G 6 4 2
[ 文献 标识码] A
第3 5卷 第 l O期
V0 1 . 3 5 No . 1 0
长春 师范 大 学学 报
J o u na r l o f C Байду номын сангаас a n g c h u n No r ma l Un i v e r s i t y
2 0 1 6年 l O月
Oc t . 2 O 1 6
导, 所以它的理论价值和实用价值都很大。由于外语交际能力理论没有重视 其本质特征, 人们对交际能力理
论 的解 释 和理解 也有 差异 。明确人 类交 际 活动 和语 言交 际能力 的本 质特 征是 具有 突然 性 的 , 在 实践 中按 照交
际能力本质特征——突然性 , 要求纠正交际能力培养的整体思路 , 扭转在一切准备好 的思路上培养一切有准
交际能力理论的提出与完善是世界语言教学和外语教学领域划时代的事件 。越来越多的事实逐渐使外
语 教学 工作 者发 现 , 缺乏 对外语 交 际能 力本 质特 征突 然性 的研究 或 将交 际 能 力构 成 和 本 质属 性混 为一 谈 , 就 是 整个 语 言交 际理论 体 系 中被 忽视 多年 的 “ 短板 ” 。开 展交 际能 力本 质 特征 突 然性 的研 究 可 以促 进 外语 交 际 能 力理 论 的完善 和 发展 , 又可 以为 交 际能 力 培养 实 践 提供 过 程评 价 和 方 法 调 整 的客 观 标 准 及 原则 方 法 的指