英文专业文献导读》教学大纲课程编码:11272006课程名称:英文专业文献导读英文名称:Introduction to Professional English Literature开课学期:9学时/学分:60/3课程类型:专业课(选修)开课专业:信息管理与信息系统专业本科生选用教材:张强华等主编:《信息管理专业英语实用教程》,清华大学出版社,2005 年版。
主要参考书:1.祁延莉:《信息管理专业英语》,北京大学出版社,2005 年2 月第一版2.肖永英:《信息管理专业英语》,中国科技出版社,2001 年版。
3.李季方傅欣冯启华:《信息管理英语教程》,清华大学出版社,2004 年版执笔人:王丽伟一、课程性质、目的与任务专业英语是信息管理与信息系统专业为本科生开设的专业选修课程。
三、各章节内容及学时分配Unit 1 (4 学时)教学目的与要求了解管理的作用和技巧,熟悉管理过程的四项基本职能:规划,组织,领导和控制。
2. 会议文献 (1) 《科技会议录索引》(Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, ISTP) (2) 《世界会议》(World Meetings) (3) 《会议论文索引》(Conference Papers Index) (4) 《会议文献出版指南》(Directory of Published Proceedings)
3.2.4 专业性文献 专业性文献只要是指涉及某一个专业领域的文 献信息。 专业性文献检索工具有很多,例如: 计算机科学(Computer Science) 系统理论、控制(System Theory, Control) 情报与通信电路(Information and Communication Circuit) IEEE出版物索引(Index to IEEE Publications)
4. 机读型文献 通过编码和程序设计,把文字、资源转换成数 学语言和机器讲义,用磁性材料为存储介质,阅读 时借助计算机将其内容按要求输出或阅读的一种文 献。 优点:存储信息量大、查找文献快速方便。 缺点:相应设备投入大,短期难以普及。 种类:穿孔卡片(punched card)、磁带(tape)、软 盘(floppy disk) 、硬盘(hard disk) 、只读光盘(CDROM)。
3. 学位论文文献 (1) 《国际学位论文文摘》(Dissertation Abstracts International, DAI) (2) 《学位论文数据库》(PorQuest Digital dissertations, PQDD) 4. 专利文献 常用的专利文献检索工具有: (1) 世界专利索引公报(World Patents Index Gazette) (2) 优先权周报(WPI Weekly Concordance) (3) WPI累积索引(WPI Cumulative Index) (4) 世界专利文摘周报(World Patents Abstracts Journal)
英语专业参考文献Title: The Role of English Language Proficiency in the Professional Development of English MajorsIntroduction:The field of English language teaching has witnessed a growing interest in the importance of English language proficiency among English majors. English language proficiency plays a crucial role in the professional development of English majors as it helps them acquire essential skills needed to succeed in the language-related fields. This paper aims to explore the significance of English language proficiency in the context of English majors' professional development.1. English Language Proficiency as a Key Skill:In their study titled "English Language Proficiency and the Employability of Malaysian Graduates", Janice Yeo and Tan Bee Tin highlight how English language proficiency is considered a critical skill for employability. They argue that English proficiency facilitates effective communication, which is vital in fields such as journalism, translation, and interpretation.2. Implications for Language Teaching Methods:In "English Language Proficiency and Teaching Methodology," Peter Roy explores the connection between English language proficiency and effective teaching methodologies. He argues that English majors with higher language proficiency are more likely to adopt and adapt various teaching methodologies successfully, fostering a positive learning environment for their students.3. Employment Opportunities in English Language-related Fields: In "The Impact of English Language Proficiency on Employability Prospects: A Case Study of Indian IT Professionals," Usha Barapatre and Shweta Sinha examine how English language proficiency influences the employability prospects of Indian professionals in the IT sector. Their findings highlight that those with higher English language proficiency are more likely to secure job opportunities in multinational companies or organizations that require English language skills.4. Cultivating Critical Thinking Skills:In their article "English Major Students' English Proficiency and Their Critical Thinking Skills," Fu Zuo and Jan Chin contrast the relationship between English language proficiency and critical thinking skills. They argue that English majors with higher language proficiency tend to have developed higher levels of critical thinking skills, enabling them to analyze and interpret texts more effectively.5. Writing Skills for Academic and Professional Success:In "English Proficiency and Writing Skills: A Study of English Majors in China," Liu Jian and Deng Yan examine the relationship between English language proficiency and academic writing skills. They found that English majors with higher language proficiency exhibited better academic writing skills, which are crucial for their success in postgraduate studies or research-related positions. Conclusion:The aforementioned studies emphasize the significance of English language proficiency in the professional development of Englishmajors. English language proficiency not only enhances employability prospects but also contributes to effective teaching methodologies, critical thinking skills, and academic writing abilities. Therefore, English majors should prioritize the development of their language proficiency to excel in their chosen career paths.。
加强专业英语( S ) E P 教学的必要性
S ees  ̄vn提出了E P S 教学 的四个特征: 1 ( )需求上满足特定的
() () 句法和语篇 我国目前在世界经济舞 台上的影响 , 令全球瞩 目, 正处 于前 学习者;2 内容上与特定专业和职业相关; 3 词汇、 上放在与特定专业 、 职业相关活动的语言运用上;4 与普通英语 () 所未有 的经济 、 文化 、 科技繁荣期 , 加入W O , T 后 经济的发展急需 大量 的专业能力强 、 又精通外语的复合型人才。程雨 民认为:高 “
专业英语教学如何培养高素质 、 有能力参与 国际经济和技术竞争
世纪的英语教学的主流 。
们的教学重任还是在专业课上。 他们认 为E P S 课备课量大 , 对教师 据报道 , 当今英语世界的文字交流有8%是 以专门用途英语 有专业和语言的双重要求, 0 费时费力, 不如上专业课有成就感。 这 为媒介 的。H 【 ij n a r认 为 , u h fnadwt c no e 专门用途英语( n i r 也就造成了EP Efs f l h0 S 师资的不稳定 。 陈冰冰认为, 应对本科英语教育毕
矛盾和提升E P S 教师的素质。
科相关的英语 , 是根据学习者的特定目的和特定需求 开设的英语 课。 如通过对会计英语 、 国际税收英语、 工程管理英语 、 地质英语 、 药剂专业英语等相关专业英语的学习, 就会培养学生利用所学的
专业英语在工作 岗位开展相关涉外交际 、 交流及研究工作。 作者 简 介 : 守明, 翁 河北建 材职 业技 术学院教 师。
罗选 民等在对全国十四所大学五十多个专业英语阅读调查 后表明 , 生心 目中的专业英语 阅读课老 师应该是 : 专业 知 学 懂 识( 13%)英语 口语好( 1 6 、 4. 8 、 3 . %)英语 功底扎实(20 %)综 7 3. 6 、 合素质( 包括汉语功底 ) 1.6 、 高(49%) 教学 能力 强(45 %) 1. 0 及人 格魅力(77 %) 这些要求也许过高 , 1.1 。 但有两点是肯定的。 第一 , 必须懂专业知识; 第二, 英语必须过硬。 韩萍等认为, 目前许多高校的现状来看 , 从 绝大多数担 任专
文献综述大学生英语词汇学习策略研究一、前言英国语言学家 D. Wilkins说,“Without grammar little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”英语词汇的重要性可见一斑,没有词汇,一切都无从谈起。
二、主题1. 大学生英语词汇学习策略的现状分析词汇量的大小直接影响着学生的听、说、读、写、译等各项技能的发展。
一、英语专业毕业论文的性质和意义1.英语毕业论文的性质臧学运认为英语专业毕业论文除了具备一般论文的学术特征:学术性(scholarly),规范性(formal), 创新性(original)之外,必须体现出其英语专业的特色,即专业性(professional)。
2. 英语专业毕业论文写作的意义毕业论文的写作是一个个、非常复杂的过程,它包括很多的步骤,如选题,文献的检索和收集,撰写初稿,修改再到定稿等。
Drying characteristics ofsweet cherrya b s t r a c tThe effects of alkali emulsion of ethyl oleate and air temperature (60, 70 and 75 ◦C) on the drying characteristics of sweet cherrywere studied using a hot air dryer at a constant air velocity of 2.0 m/s. Itwas observed that both the alkali emulsion of ethyl oleate and air temperature affected the drying time. The drying times of pre-treated samples were 19.5–22.6% shorter than those of control samples. Five semi-theoretical thin-layer models, namely, Lewis, Henderson and Pabis, Logarithmic, Page,Wang and Singh modelswere used for the modeling of the drying kinetics. The fit quality obtained with each model was evaluated using statistical tests. After comparing experimentally obtained values with the calculated values from the models, it was concluded that Page model represents the drying characteristics better than the other models. The effective moisture diffusivity was determined by using Fick’s second law and was observed to lie between 5.683×10−10 and 1.544×10−9m2/s for the pre-treated and control samples. Rehydration ratio was significantly affected by pre-treatment and air temperature. It was found to increase proportionally with the increase in air drying temperature.Keywords: Sweet cherry; Drying; Mathematical models; Pre-treatment solution; Rehydration ratio1.IntroductionCherries occupy the Cerasus subgenus within Prunus genous of Rosaceae family, subfamily Prunodeae. Prunus甜樱桃的干燥特性摘要对油酸乙酯碱乳液和空气温度(60℃,70℃,75℃)对甜樱桃干燥特性的影响进行了研究,使用热风干燥机在一个恒定的空气流速为2.0m/s进行干燥。
下面是店铺带来的关于毕业论文英文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!毕业论文英文参考文献(一)[1]徐安律.原住民小说《圆屋》获美国国家图书奖[N].中华读书报,2012(004).[2]Coulombe,JosephL.ReadingNativeAmericanLiterature[M\. NewYork:Routledge,2011.[3]Erdrich,Louise.TheRoundHouse\M\.NewYork:HarperCollin sPublishers,2012.[J].作家,2013(12):1.[4]杨恒.弱者的失语法律的缺位--评美国国家图书奖获奖作品《圆屋》[J].博览群书,2013(6):84-88.[5]Said,Edward.CultureandImprerialism[M].NewYork:Vintage Books,1994.[6]Erdrich,Louise.LoveMedicine[M],NewYork:HarperPerennia l,1993.[7]罗世平.凝视:后殖民主义文学折射[J].国外文学,2006(4):122.[8]任一鸣.《后殖民:批评理论与文学》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008.[9]Halliday,Lisa.LouiseErdrich[J].ParisReview,2010(52):133-137.[10]温语晴.书写印第安文化的温暖和困境一美国当代作家路易丝·厄德里克和她的作品.[11]陈榕.《凝视》[A].《西方文论关键词》[C].ed.赵一凡.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2011.[12]Russo,Maria.Disturbing the spirits[i]. New York TimesBook Review, 2012(10): 9[13]Said, Edward. Culture and Imprerialism[M]. New York: Vintage Books,1994.[14]Fanon,Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth[M]. New York: Grove Press,1968.[15]徐安律.原住民小说《圆屋》获美国国家图书奖[N].中华读书报,2012(004).毕业论文英文参考文献(二)[1] 陈鹏.高速公路服务区及收费站建筑节能研究[D].中南大学,2007[2] 清华大学建筑节能研究中心.中国建筑节能年度发展研究报告[M]2014.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2014:39[3] 李慧玲.绿色建筑理念下的高速公路服务区建筑设计研究[D].西安:长安大学,2011[4] 公通字[2009]46 号.民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰防火暂行规定[S].新乡市建筑工程质量监督站印发.2009[5] 汤旭东.建筑工程中的现浇聚苯复合材料屋面保温技术[J].江西建材,2014,(11):45[6] 杨欣霖.高速公路服务区绿色建筑技术体系研究[D].西安:长安大学,2011[7] 欧志华,郭俊明.浅谈我国建筑节能50%设计标准的含义[J].建筑节能,2007,35(12):60-62[8] 邹惠芬,王国业,郭立杰等.严寒地区窗户热工性能对建筑能耗的影响分析[J].沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版).2009,25(5):982-986[9] 崔洪军,刘孔杰.国外服务区建设及研究现状[J].中国交通报,2008,(12):138-139[10] 郎松军.建筑结露的起因和防治方法初探[J].四川建筑,2002,22(Z1):201-203[11] 王金奎,史慧芳,邵旭.体形系数在公共建筑节能设计中的应用[J].低温建筑技术,2010,(5):98-99[12] 王丽颖,丘雨佳.对德国被动式居住建筑节能技术的考察[J].长春工程学院学报,2013,14(3):38-40[13] 赖有志,陆京海,杨军霞,张童.现浇轻质泡沫混凝土在屋面工程中的应用[J].施工技术.2011,40(14):79-94毕业论文英文参考文献(三)[1]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78.[2]黄梅.女人的危机和小说的危机--女人与小说杂谈之四[J].读书,1988(01):5.[3]孙宗白.真诚的女作家多丽丝·莱辛[J].外国文学研宄,1981(3):70.[4]施旻.《金色笔记》是女性主义文本吗·一关于多丽丝·莱辛及其《金色笔记》的论争[J].东岳论丛,2000(5): 132-134.[5]李福祥.多丽丝·莱辛笔下的政治与妇女主题[J].外国文学评论,1993(4):40-43[6]黎会华·多丽丝·莱辛《金色笔记》中的现代主义技巧分析[J].外语研究,2003(6):73.[7]陈才宇,刘新民.金色笔记[M].北京:译林出版社,2000.[8]黎会华·解构菲勒斯中心:构建新型女性主义主体一《金色笔记》的女性主义阅读[J].浙江师范大学学报,2004(3):33.[9]韩小敏,纪卫宁.析伍尔夫与莱辛文学创作的相似性[J].理论专刊,2004(8):125-126.[10]姜红.有意味的形式[J].外国文学,2003(4):96-98.[11]徐燕.《金色笔记》的超小说艺术[J].宁波大学学报,2003(3):78-80[12]蒋花,史志康.整合与对话一论《金色笔记》中的戏仿[J].当代外国文学,2007(2):78.[13]卢婧.《金色笔记》的艺术形式与作者莱辛的人生体验[D].南京师范大学博士学位论文,2008.[14]佘海若.迟来的正义:被缚的自由女性一记2007年诺贝尔文学奖[J].今日科苑,2007(23): 19-24.[15]刘颖.建构女性的主体性话语一评多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》[J].邵阳学院学报,2004(4).[16]范晓红.从《金色笔记》解读多丽丝·莱辛的生态整体观[D].南京师范大学,2011.[17]Brewster, Dorothy. Doris Lessing\M\. New York: Wayne, 1965: 161.[18]Spilka, Mark. Lessing and Lawrence: the Battle of theContemporary Literature,1975(16): 218-240.。
——题记Chemical modification of silica silica-gel -gel with diethylenetriamine via an end-group protection approach for adsorption to Hg(II)ABSTRACTFour kinds of silica-gel supported diethylenetriamine adsorbents with different structures, were preparedby so-called ‘heterogeneous heterogeneous-direct--direct--direct-amination’amination’’ (hetero (hetero--DA), ‘homogeneous homogeneous- - direct-amina direct-amination’’ tion’’ (homo (homo--DA), ‘‘heterogeneous end end--group protection’’ (hetero (hetero--EGP), and ‘‘homogeneous end-group pr protection’’ otection’’ (homo (homo-EGP) -EGP) methods, respectively. The obtained products were named SG-HE-dD, SG-HO-dD, SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pD, respectively (where SG means silica-gel; HE means heterogeneous, HO means homogeneous, d means direct, p means protected and D means diethylenetriamine). Their structures were characterized by FT-IR, elemental analysis, porous structure analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. The adsorption capabilities of such adsorbents towards Hg(II) were studied and evaluatedby static method.SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pD showed higher performance towards Hg(II) adsorption than corresponding counterparts SG-HE-dD and SG-HO-dD, even though the former two possessed lower contents of diethylenetriamine (DETA). The kinetics data indicated that the adsorption proce ss was governed by the film diffusion and followed pseudo-pseudo-fifirst-order rate model for SG-HE-dD,SG-HO-dD and SG-HE-pD and pseudo-second-order model for SG-HO-pD.The Langmuir model was applied to fit the experimental equilibrium data for all adsorbents.The end-group protection method exhibited its advantage in preparation of effective adsorbent for metal ions uptake compared to the direct-amination method. Keywords:Chemical modification of silica Chemical modification of silica-gel -gel Diethylenetriamine End-group protection Adsorption Hg(II)1. IntroductionAs a result of heavy metal ion release from industrial wastewater, water pollution has become a serious problem. Waste streams contain solutions of metal ions, such as mercury, nickel,copper, lead, and so on. In particular, mercury compounds which are harmful to human health and aquatic life must be removed from sewage down to extremely low concentrations. Many literatures have discussed the removal of metal ions from aqueous solutions using approaches based upon adsorption, solvent extraction and polymeric membranes [1[1––4]. Recently, researches have reported the application of organic molecule-functionalized mesoporous silica-gel for the removal of metal ions from aqueous solution[5[5––7]. In this method, the organic molecule anchored on the surface of silica-gel relied on coordination bonding to the metals. Thus the approach featured advantages over those used in other methods because of its good selectivity for metal ions and free operation. Moreover, silica-gel was used as an matrix, not only due to the facility of immobilization process, but also to be relatively simple in comparison to organic polymers, with fastermetal ion-exchange kinetics, good swelling resistance in different solvents, and chemical stability [8]. It followed that a similar polyamine approach could be applied to metal ion-containing aqueous solutions via chelation on amine groups using silica-gel modified with polyamines [9polyamines [9––10].Anchoring an organic polyamine on the silica-gel surface via covalent bond is the most reliable method for preparing silica-gel-based adsorbents [11,12]. The direct heterogeneous synthesis and homogeneous synthesis have often been used for these purposes[13purposes[13––15].2. Experimental2.1. Materials and methodsSilica-gel obtained from Tenghai Chemical Institute, Qingdao,Shandong, China, with particle size in the range 6060––100 mesh was treated and activated as before [17]. The silylant agent 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTS, Qufu Wanda Chemicals Factory, China) and salicylaldehyde (Sal, Shanghai Chemical Factory, China) were used without further purification; diethyle-netriamine (DETA) and toluene were distilled under reduced pressure just before use. Solvents used were of analytical reagent grade. Stock solutions of Hg(II) (0.1 mol dmÀ3) were prepared as follows: analytical reagent grade Hg(NO3)2ÁH2O was dissolving in 20 cm3 (0.5 mol dmÀ3) of HNO3 to avoid hydrolysis, then diluted to 1000 cm3. The buffer solution of pH 1.01.0––2.0 was adjusted to a desired value with HNO3/H2O and pH3.0HNO3/H2O and pH 3.0––6.0 was adjusted with sodium acetate/acetic acid solutions. 2.2. Preparation of SG-HE-dD, SG-HO-dD, SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pDThe preparation of SG-HE-dD, SG-HO-dD, SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pD (where SG means silica-gel; HE means heterogeneous, HO means homogeneous, d means direct, p means protected and D means diethylenetriamine) was according to the approach described in Ref. [21]. The typical procedures as follows.Hetero-DA method: 20.0 g of silica-gel reactivated with 20 cm3(92.0 mmol) of GPTS in toluene, under reflux of the solvent in dry nitrogen. After filtering and washing, the solid (SG-G) was dried.Then SG-G (10.0 g) was reacted with DETA (26.1 cm3, 240.1 mmol) and the solid was filtered, washed and dried, to obtain the product,SG-HE-dD.Homo-DA method: GPTS (10 cm3, 46.0 mmol) reacted with DETA(10 cm3, 92.0 mmol) in methanol (100 cm3). The mixture was refluxed under a nitrogen atmosphere for 12 h and the solution was concentrated to approximately 60 cm3. The resulting compound GD reacted with 10.0 g of silica-gel suspended in 100suspended in 100 cm3 of dry toluene. The final solidcm3 of dry toluene. The final solid was filtered, extracted and dried, to obtain the product, SG-HO-dD. Hetero-pD method: The Schiff base, diethylenetriamine bissalicylaldehyde (DETA-(DETA-bS),bS), was first produced by the method described in the literature [22]. DETA-bS (30.0 g) reacted with 10.0 g of SG in methanol. After refluxing, the solid was filtered,extracted and dried, to obtain the compound, SG-HE-DS. The salicylaldehyde was liberated during hydrolysis and the product SG-HE-pD was obtained as reported [19]. The product SG-HE-DS(6.3 g) was stirred with 100 cm3 of HCl (6 mol dmÀ3) at 333 K for 24 h and salicylaldehyde was liberated as yellow oil during the hydrolysis. Yellow product SG-HE-pD in the hydrochloride form was filtered off, washed with ethanol and dried under vacuum. The resulting product in the free amine form was obtained by stirring with distilled water by adding sodium hydroxide (pH 8.0hydroxide (pH 8.0––9.0) till pH of solution remained at 8.08.0––9.0 for 2 h. Then it was washed by distilled water until the washings were neutral.Homo-pD method: 24.0 g of DETA-bS reacted with 8 cm3(37.5 mmol) of GPTS in 100 cm3 of methanol. The mixture was refluxed under dry nitrogen atmosphere and the solvent was evaporated subsequently. This condensed solution reacted with silica-silica-gel of 8.0 g in dry toluene. After refluxing, the gel of 8.0 g in dry toluene. After refluxing, the solid was filtered, washed and dried to give the product named SG-HO-DS. The resulting product SG-HO-pD was obtained during hydrolysis as previously described [19].2.3. Effect of pH on adsorptionThe effect of pH on the adsorption of Hg(II) was studied by adding 50.0 mg of silica-gel adsorbents to 1 cm3 of 0.1 mol dmÀ3 Hg(II) and 19 cm3 of buffer solution at different pH values in 100 cm3 Erlenmeyer flask. This mixture was mechanically shaken for 24 h at 303 K to attain equilibrium. Then a certain volume of the solutions was separated from the adsorbents and the residual concentration of Hg(II) was detected by means of AAS. The adsorption amount was calculated according to the equation.q=(C0-C)V/Wq, the adsorption amount (mmol gÀ1), C0 and C, the initial and the final concentrations of metal ions in solution, respectively(mmol cmÀ3), V, the volume (cm3), W, the weight of SG-HE-dD, SG -HO-dD,SG-HE-pD and SG-HE-pD (g).2.4. Adsorption kineticsAdsorption kinetics were performed by mixing a 30 mg of silica-gel adsorbents with 20 cm3 of Hg(II)(5.0 Â 10À3 mol dmÀ3,pH 4.0) solution in a 100 cm3 Erlenmeyer flask at 293 K. One milliliter of the solution was taken at different time intervals,where the residual concentration of Hg(II) was determined via AAS.2.5. Adsorption isothermsComplete adsorption isotherms were obtained by soaking 30 mg of dry adsorbents in a series of flasks containing 20 cm3 of different initial metal ion concentrations varying from 0.625 to 10 mmol dmÀ3 for 3 h. The initial pH was adjusted to 4.0 for Hg(II) while keeping the temperature at 293 K. Later onthe residual concentration was determined where the Hg(II) uptake was estimated.3. Results and discussion3.1. PreparationA direct reaction of the synthesized silylant agent with activated silica-gel in non-aqueous solvent yields the immobilized compound. When the objective was to expand the organic chain, in order to include a series of desirable functions, two main routes are followed: (i) heterogeneousroutes are followed: (i) heterogeneous——the previous anchored silica-gel reacts to another molecule or (ii) homogeneoushomogeneous—the—the silylant agent is firstly prepared before immobilizing [14]. In present paper,we reported the similar incorporation of DETA through heterogeneous and homogeneous methods and chose GPTS as coupling agent to link silica-gel and functional molecular DETA. The procedures were represented in Scheme 1(A, B). A uniform distribution of ligands on the surface of silica-gel prepared by nhomogeneous route was considered better than by the heterogeneous route [13]. However, homogeneous route still cannot avoid intra- and inter-strand bridging reactions due to N-alkylation at the primary amine groups and secondary amine in DETA [16]. These cross-linking reactions should decrease the amount of immobilized ligand (DETA). Moreover, complicated cross-linkings should bring about steric restrictions on the formation of metal chelate.In attempting to eliminate undesirable cross-linkings and increase the adsorption capacity, we protected the primary amine groups of the DETA by Schiff base formation prior to immobilization, and then the original amine could be regenerated by acid hydrolysis. The objectives, SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pD, were presumed to have a structure as depicted in Scheme 1, in which GPTS had the unique chance to react with the secondary amine of DETA.4. ConclusionThe following conclusions can be deduced from t he above results:(1) FT-(1) FT-IR and elemental analysis confirmed the four IR and elemental analysis confirmed the four kinds of efficient modification of diethylenetriamine bridged by 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane on silica-gel.(2) The BET surface area, BJH desorption average pore diameter and BJH desorption cumulative volume of pores of silica-gel decreased after functionalization. On condition that the N content was low for SG-HE-pD and SG-HO-pD, their values of BET surface area, BJH desorption average pore diameter and BJH desorption cumulative volume of pores were respectively larger than those for SG-HE-dD and SG-HO-dD for the larger pores were stuffed because of the serious cross-linking during the direct-amination reaction and the hydrogen bonding interactions between basic amino groups and residual silanols.(3) Thermogravimetric analysis revealed that the adsorbents prepared by heterogeneous reaction had higher stability(almost 673 K) although a low adsorption capacity. And those four kinds of adsorbents can be applied in the case of no more than 523 K.(4) The maximum adsorption capacity was observed on SG-HO-pD, although a lower N content than SG-HO-dD was observed.The maximum adsorption of all adsorbent occurred at pH 4.0 for Hg(II). An adsorption kinetics study indicated that pseudo-pseudo-fifirst-order rate model provided an excellent fitting of SG-HE-dD, SG-HO-dD and SG-HE-pD and pseudo-second-order model provides an excellent fitting of SG-HO-pD. The isotherm adsorption data of Hg(II) on all adsorbents was well fitted by the Langmuir isotherm model. References[1] E. Guibal, Interactions of metal ions with chitosan-based sorbents: a review, Sep. Purif. Technol. 38 (2004) 43Technol. 38 (2004) 43––74.[2] J.P. Ruparelia, S.P. Duttagupta, A.K. Chatterjee, S. Mukherji, Potential of carbon nanomaterials for removal of heavy metals from water, Desalination 232 (2008)145232 (2008)145––156.[3] H. Deligoz, Emin Erdem, Comparative studies on the solvent extraction of transition metal cations bycalixarene, phenol and ester derivatives, J. Hazard. Mater.154 (2008) 29Mater.154 (2008) 29––32.[4] A. Vijayalakshmi, D.L. Arockiasamy, A. Nagendran, D. 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专业英语英文 文献
英语专业文献综述范文A Comprehensive Review of English Major Literature Introduction:English Major, a popular field of study in many universities around the world, encompasses various subjects such as literature, linguistics, and cultural studies. As part of their curriculum, English majors often engage in extensive research and critical analysis of literary works. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of literature encompassing various themes and authors within the field of English Major.Literature Review:1. The Role of Literature in Society:This section explores the significance of literature in society, focusing on the ways it reflects the values, beliefs, and concerns of a given community. Key texts discussed include Terry Eagleton's "Literary Theory: An Introduction" and Raymond Williams' "Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society," which provide valuable insights into how literature shapes and is shaped by societies.2. Feminist Literary Criticism:With the rise of feminist theory in the late 20th century, feminist literary criticism emerged as a prominent field within English Major. This section reviews key works such as Mary Ellmann's "Thinking about Women" and Elaine Showalter's "A Literature of Their Own," discussing their contributions to the field and the ongoing debates surrounding gender representation in literature.3. Postcolonial Studies:Postcolonial studies examine the impact of colonialism on literature and the ways in which marginalized voices are represented within it. Edward Said's "Orientalism" and Homi K. Bhabha's "The Location of Culture" are analyzed to understand the complex dynamics between colonizers and the colonized, and how these dynamics are reflected in literary texts.4. Linguistics:As a subfield of English Major, linguistics focuses on the scientific study of language and its structure. The works of Noam Chomsky, such as "Syntactic Structures" and "The Minimalist Program," are reviewed to understand the underlying principles of language acquisition and syntax.5. Literary Analysis Techniques:This section delves into various techniques employed in the analysis of literary texts. Roland Barthes' "The Death of the Author" and Terry Eagleton's "How to Read Literature" are examined, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of different approaches to literary analysis and interpretation. Conclusion:English Major literature encompasses diverse themes and authors, reflecting the complex interplay between societies, cultures, and languages. This review provides a comprehensive overview of key topics within the field, including the role of literature in society, feminist literary criticism, postcolonial studies, linguistics, and literary analysis techniques. By critically engaging with theseworks, English majors can develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of literature and its relation to the world around them.。
英语专业参考文献下面是一个英语专业参考文献的示例,不包含实际的参考内容:参考文献1. Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Pearson Education.这本著名的教材被广泛应用于英语教育领域,从语言学和教育学的角度阐述了语言学习和教学的原理。
2. Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic Structures. Mouton de Gruyter.作为近代语言学的重要里程碑之一,乔姆斯基的这本著作提出了“生成语法”的概念,并从语法结构的角度探讨了语言的本质。
3. Cook, V. (2008). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. Routledge.这本教材是第二语言习得和语言教学领域的重要参考书之一。
4. Crystal, D. (2003). English as a Global Language. Cambridge University Press.本书探讨了英语作为全球语言的历史、现状和未来发展趋势。
5. Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2010). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Pearson Education.作为语言教育领域的权威辞典之一,该词典收录了大量与语言教学和应用语言学相关的术语和概念。
园艺蔬菜栽培的英语专业文献Gardening Vegetable Cultivation in English Professional LiteratureVegetable cultivation in the field of horticulture is a fundamental practice that involves the growth and care of various plant species for the purpose of harvesting edible fruits, stems, roots, leaves, or flowers. This article aims to delve into the English professional literature related to gardening vegetable cultivation, discussing important concepts, techniques, and trends in the field.1. Introduction to Gardening Vegetable CultivationGardening vegetable cultivation involves the process of planting, growing, and harvesting vegetables for personal consumption or commercial purposes. It requires knowledge in areas such as soil preparation, plant selection, pest control, irrigation, and crop rotation. English professional literature on this subject provides valuable guidance to horticulturists, farmers, and enthusiasts worldwide.2. Soil Preparation and Nutrient ManagementSuccessful vegetable cultivation begins with proper soil preparation. English professional literature emphasizes the importance of soil fertility, texture, drainage, pH levels, and organic matter content. Techniques such as composting, mulching, and cover cropping are recommended for maintaining soil health and optimizing plant growth. Nutrient management, including the use of fertilizers and soil amendments, is also extensively discussed in the literature.3. Plant Selection and Seed StartingSelecting the appropriate vegetable varieties based on climate, season, and intended use is crucial for a successful harvest. English professional literature provides comprehensive information on vegetable characteristics, disease resistance, and yield potential, aiding gardeners in making informed decisions. Seed starting techniques, including germination requirements, temperature control, transplanting, and hardening off, are also covered.4. Pest and Disease ManagementGardeners face various challenges due to pests and diseases that can damage crops. English professional literature provides detailed insights into integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, including cultural, biological, and chemical control measures. The literature emphasizes the importance of regular monitoring, early detection of pests and diseases, and the use of environmentally friendly solutions for sustainable vegetable production.5. Irrigation and Water ManagementProper irrigation is essential for the health and productivity of vegetable plants. English professional literature explores different irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and furrow irrigation. It discusses factors influencing irrigation scheduling, including soil moisture levels, weather conditions, plant water requirements, and water conservation practices.6. Harvesting and Post-Harvest HandlingKnowing the right time to harvest vegetables and handling them properly post-harvest ensures optimal quality and shelf life. English professionalliterature provides guidance on techniques such as proper harvesting methods, temperature and humidity control, washing, sorting, packaging, and storage. It also covers topics related to quality assessment, transportation, and market requirements for commercial vegetable production.7. Sustainable Practices and Emerging TrendsEnglish professional literature in the field of gardening vegetable cultivation highlights the importance of sustainable practices for long-term crop productivity and environmental conservation. It discusses emerging trends such as organic gardening, permaculture, vertical farming, and hydroponics. The literature encourages the use of innovative techniques and technologies to address challenges related to climate change, water scarcity, and urbanization.8. ConclusionGardening vegetable cultivation is a dynamic field that constantly evolves with new research and practices. English professional literature serves as a valuable resource for individuals involved in vegetable cultivation, providing knowledge, techniques, and insights to enhance productivity, sustainability, and overall success in this area. By accessing and utilizing this literature, horticulturists and farmers can stay informed about the latest developments and contribute to the advancement of vegetable cultivation practices.。
1.作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990).2. 作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (1990).3. 如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规不需使用括号夹注In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.4. 在英文撰写的论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:(Zhang, 2005)〔二〕引用文献中具体观点或文字引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码出版年份,没有页码是文献引用不规的表现。
1.引用一个作者文献〔1〕引用容在一页Emily Bronte “expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social〞(Taylor, 1988, p. 11).〔2〕引用容在多页上Newmark (1988, pp. 39-40) notes three characteristically expressive text-types: (a) serious imaginative literature (e.g. lyrical poetry); (b) authoritative statements (political speeches and documents, statutes and legal documents, philosophical and academic works by acknowledged authorities); (c) autobiography, essays, personal correspondence (when these are personal effusions).注意在这些例子中引文超过一页时的页码标记方法:APA的规是(1988, pp. 39-40)。
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Clinical from an ChinaH e p at o b i l i a r y & P a nc r e a ti c Di s e a se s I n te r n a ti o na l , V o l 1,N o 4 (N o ve m b e r ), 2002,487-491487T ransplantationexperience in liver transplantation organ transplantation center in Shu-Sen Zheng, Ting-Bo Liang, Wei-Lin Wang, Dong-Sheng Huang, Yan Shen , Min Zhang, Xiao Xu and Ling-Jun MouObjective : To sum up the experience in liver transplantation in a period of ten years at a single center. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 120 patients receiving liver transplantation from April 1993 to October 2002. The patients ,clinical characteristics, surgical techniques, complications and survival were compared in the phases of 1993-1997 (phase I), 1999 (phase H), and 2000- 2002 (phase m).Results : Malignant liver diseases were m^jor indications for liver transplantation in phase I (100 %) and n (53. 3%), but decreased markedly in percentage in phase m (34.0%). When compared with recipients in phase I and n, the survival of recipients with benign liver diseases in phase m was significantly improved with the 3-month, 6-month and 1-year survival rates of 85.7%,84.5% and 83.1%, respectively. For patients with malignant liver diseases ,the 3-month, 6-month and 1-year survival rates were 87.4%, 81.1% and 46.0%, respectively. The reinfection rate of hepatitis B virus was 24% 12 months after transplantation. With technical refinements, the incidence of postransplantation vascular complications has significantly decreased from 29.4% in phase I and n to 4.9% in phase m. Biliary complications remained one of the m^jor obstacles to longterm survival. No veno-venous bypass was applied in phase m, providing a promising outcome.Conclusion : Strict selection of potential recipients, technical refinement, appropriate management of vascular and biliary complications,andprophylaxisofrecurrences of hepatitis B and malignant liver diseases are important to obtain long-term survival of patients receiving liver488 Shu-Sen Zheng, Ting-Bo Liang, Wei-Lin Wang et altransplantation in China.(HBPD Int 2002;1:487-491) Key words: liver transplantation; complications;veno-venous bypass; hepatitis B recurrenceIntroductionith the improvement of perioperative management and technical refinement, orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT), which was started in the late 1970s and nearly abandoned in the 1980s, faces its second upsurge in China since the 1990s. From April 1993 to October 2002, 120 patients with various end-stage liver diseases underwent liver transplantation at our center. To summarize our experience in liver transplantation, we retrospectively analyzed the clinical data in a period of ten years.MethodsThree phases of the liver transplant program at our center can be defined: phase I, April 1993 - 1997 ;phase II,February 1999-December 1999;and phase III,January 2000-0ctober 2002 (Table 1).In the 120 patients, 6 received combined liv- er-kidney transplantation, and 2 living-related liver transplantation ( LRLT ).[1_ 3] Patients in phaseFrom die Department of Surgery, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhgiang University School of Medicine,Hangzhou 310003, China (Zheng SS, Hang TB, Wang WL, Huang DS, Shen Y, Zhang M, Xiao Xu and Mou LJ) Correspondence: Shu-Sen Zheng, MD, PhD( Tel: 86- 571-87236570;Fax:86-571-87072577Email:zhengss @mail. hz.2/. cn)WClinical experience in liver transplantation from an organ transplantation center in China 489BD: benign disease ; MD: malignant disease ; MS: maximum survival ( until October 1,2002) ; PMD: percentage of malignant disease in each phase.I and II were all subjected to veno-venous bypass (V-V bypass), whereas those in phase III were not. Triple regimen of cyclosporin ( CsA), aza- thioprin ( Aza ) /mycomphenolate mofetil ( MMF) and steroid were used as the first line immunosuppressantsafterlivertransplantation ,followed by a dual regimen of immunosuppressive therapy consisting of tacrolimus (FK506) and steroid. Lami- vudine was used routinely for prophylaxis of HBV reinfection for recipients with hepatitis B. Systemic intravenous chemotherapy was given routinely in patients with malignant liver tumor. Comprehensive therapy including local hepatectomy, transhepaticartery chemotherapy and embolism (TACE), and percutaneous alcohol injection (PEI) was prescribed selectively for recurrent cases. Radiotherapy was given immediately after occurrence of bone metastasis. One patient with early portal vein thrombosis received emergencythrombectomyandretransplantation thereafter. Biliary tractballoon dilation and/or stent placement wereapplied in patients with vascular and/ or biliary complications such as stricture or stenosis. ResultsTwo recipients with malignant tumors in phase I died of intracranial infection and primary graft dysfunction on day 43 and 21 respectively after transplantation. Of the 15 patients in phase II, 7 suffered from benign hepatic diseases and 8 malignant diseases with survival rates of 57.1% , 100% (3-month); 57.1%,62.5% (6-month); 42. 9%,25.0% (1-year), respectively. The major fetal complications included massive hemorrhage after operation, dysfunction ofliver graft, failure of acute rejection treatment, vascular complications ,and disorder of the nervous system. Tumor recurrence was another fatal fector for the recipients with malignant lesions, usually occurring 6 months after transplantation. The common sites of recurrence and metastasis were the lung, liver graft, bone and retroperitonium.490 Shu-Sen Zheng, Ting-Bo Liang, Wei-Lin Wang et alPatients with tumor invasion to the portal vein, giant hepatic carcinoma (diameter >10 cm), high level of preoperative AFP or hepatectomy history appeared to have a higher recurrence rate and earlier recurrence. But patients with Klatskin tumor showed satisfactory results. The two recipients with cholangiocarcinoma survived 29 and 20 months respectively with a good quality of life. In the 103 patients of phase III, the percentage of benign liver disease for OLT increased to 66.0%(68/63), but that of malignant liver disease for OLT decreased to 34.0% (35/103 ). The operative mortality and technique-related complications de-creased gradually. The 3 -month, 1-year survival rates of patients with benign liver diseases were 85.7%, and 83.1%, whereas 87.4% and 46.0% for malignancy. The major complications in this period were biliary tract stricture, bile mud forma- tion or recurrence of primary diseases ( e. g. rein-fection of HBV). The recurrence of HBV-related hepatitis or reinfection of HBV was usually noted within 6-12 months after operation. Serum HB- sAg positive conversion was found following HBV duplication in the graft by immunostaining test. Finally the patients could be defined as HBV carriers or have HBV-related hepatitis. The recurrence rate of hepatitis B was 3. 8% , and the serum positive rate was 11% (the 6-, 12-month positive rates were 12% and 24% ). Of the 3 patients with recurrent hepatitis B in YMDD mutation ,one died of feilure of hepatic function, one had the recurrence of HCC, and one recoveredClinical experience in liver transplantation from an organ transplantation center in China 491after persistent administration of lamivudine. HBV DNA was serologically negative and liver function was normal in the recovered. The incidence was 12.5%for biliary complications including bile leakage, stricture, and sludge of the intrahepatic biliary tract. The overall incidence was 9. 2% for vascular complications including stricture of the hepatic artery/portal vein, thrombosis, and stenosis of the inferior vena cava from distortion. However ,the percentage of the vascular complications in phase III was only 4. 9%. The treatment modality for the biliary or vascular complications was radiological intervention, though some patients received re-operationJ4"6] Refering to OLT in other countries, we successfully performed OLT without V-V bypass for 75 patients in phase III. A significant difference was observed in operation time, bleeding volume, blood transfusion volume during operation, and ICU stay time between patients with V-V bypass and those without V-V bypass (Table 2 ). But it was not found in creatine, BUN, and failure of renal function after OLT.DiscussionSince liver transplantation was first performed in 1963 in the USA, it has been accepted by the Nation Institutes of Health. It is estimated that over 80 000 patients received liver transplantation in a- bout 150 transplantation centers around the world with the maximum survival being more than 30 years. In China, liver transplantation was started in 1977 and has been developing rapidly in recent years. The majority of the few patients undergoing liver transplantation in the early period in China died shortly after operation because of technical problems, lack of effective immunosuppressants, and poor perioperative management. Fortunately, frequent international academic communication in the last two decades hasTable 2. Comparison of characteristics of recipients with and without V-V bypassWith Without P Operative 8.6±2.15.6±1.4<0.0 Anhepatic 82 ±1553 ±10<0.0 Intraoperative 6800 3750 ± <0.0 (ml)Blood 7200 4200 <0.0 ICU stay 15.7±1.36.3 ±0.8<0.0 Bowel 3.3 ±0.23.2±0.2>0.0 (d)492 Shu-Sen Zheng, Ting-Bo Liang, Wei-Lin Wang et alnarrowed the gap between China and Western countries in liver transplantation. Since the early 1990s, a total of 120 liver transplants have been performed at our center.In phase I (the initial period), the longest survival of the two patients was only 43 days. Both were died of early complications, which was obviously related to inadequate experience in postoperative management [7] and unskilled techniques. Contrast to phase I, the incidence of lethal complications decreased sharply in phase II and III. Poor general conditions of recipients such as preoperative hepatic encephalopathy, during upper digestive tract hemorrhage, severe jaundice ,ascites, and malnutrition before operation and uncontrollable intracranial hemorrhage, thrombosis or central pontine myelinolysis after operation were all major causes of death in phase I. In addition, systemic fungi infection was another cause of failure, which was closely related to graft function. More importantly, tumor recur-rence was a vital factor leading to the death of recipients with malignant liver disease in late stage after OLT. Most hepatocellular carcinoma recipients were found tumor recurrence in 6-12 months, and died in 1 - 2 years after operation, except three patients with Klatskin tumor survived over 2 years. Patients with large tumors, portal vein/hepatic vein invasion, and high AFP level before operation were associated with high possibility of recurrence and distant metastasis. Thus HCC patients especially those with large tumors (>5 cm) were only considered as relative potential candidates for transplantation. The percentage of malignant diseases obviously decreased from 100% in phase I,53.3% in phase II to 34% in phase III. This is due to the modification of inclu-sion criteria of recipient-candidates in phase III. Strict inclusion criteria could avoid liver transplantation for patients with advanced HCC in our hospital. Patients with small HCC are still candidates for liver transplantation, especially those with severe liver cirrhosis and liver lobe resection is rather dangerous. Experience of other centers revealed that OLT for small HCC is as good as for benign liver diseases. Moreover, the life quality of patients with advanced malignant liver diseases is not poor shortly after operation, though the long-term result is not exciting. Most of these patients may not only have a satisfectory free-tumor survival in short-term, but also recover more quicklyClinical experience in liver transplantation from an organ transplantation center in China 493than those with severe benign liver diseases after operation because the former usually have better general conditions, as was proved by the 3 - 6 month survival rate of our patients with malignant tumors in phase II and III.HBV reinfection is a main factor influencing the long-term survival of patients with benign liver disease after transplantation in Asia, especially in China. About 85% of our recipients were HBV- related liver cirrhosis patients with HBsAg and/or HBV DNA positive before OLT. Postoperative prescription of immunosuppressants especially corticosteroid induced the duplication and reactivation of HBV. Serum HBV markers including HBsAg ,HBeAg and HBV DNA turned to be negative soon after the operation, and antibodies of HBsAb and HBcAb appeared simultaneously ignoring of previous HBV states. Studies^5-* showed that the rate of HBV recurrence could reach 100% if no prophylatic treatment was given. The reinfection rate (12% in 6 months, and 24% in 12 months in our group) remains high in spite of the use of new analogue of nucleosides such as lamivudine and famiciclovir in recent years. We found that HBV reinfection is characterized first in hepatic tissue by immunostaining, then conversion of serum positive markers and finally the patient pres-enting as a HBV carrier or a fellow of HBV hepa- titis.「8_10] The longer lamivudine is used, the higher rate of HBV YMDD mutation is. Theoretically, the strain of HBV YMDD mutation is resistant to lamivudine therapy, and whether the drug should be used continuously is questioned. Most centers insist on the continuous use of lamivudine while adding HBIG simultaneously. The long-term use of lamivudine would improve the pathological changes of liver tissue although HBV mutation exists. Fortunately, a new analogue of nucleosides named as adefovir used clinically in other contries is potent to inhibit duplication of HBV mutation strain. Combined use of HBIG and adefovir may effectively control the recurrence of YMDD varia- ted hepatitis」11] We prefer to prescribe a larger dose of lamivudine (150 mg/d), while tapering or stopping the use of corticosteroid. Famiciclovir therapy is added sometimes.V-V bypass is necessary in anhepatic phase for maintenance of patients’ central venous pressure and arterial blood pressure.494 Shu-Sen Zheng, Ting-Bo Liang, Wei-Lin Wang et alRenal function recovered soon after operation with V-V bypass. Although V-V bypass technique has been widely used in OLT in most Chinese centers, more and more their counterparts abroad performed OLT without V-V bypass in recent years.[12’13] In phase IE, we have abandoned V-V bypass in anhepatic stage because of its disadvantages of disturbance of coagulation state, large volume blood transfusion needed, and high-cost. OLT without V-V bypass is valuable because of its short time of opera-tion and ICU stay, and decreased bleeding and exogenic blood transfusion during operation. It seems to lower the incidence of renal dysfunction or shorten the recovery time of gastrointestinal function. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all recipients are suitable for the operation without V-V bypass. To those with acute or chronic hepatic failure, hepatic tumor, and metabolic hepatic disease without dysfunction of the heart, lung and kidney, V-V bypass is not advisable because of their good resistance to anhepatic stage insult. But for those patients with renal dysfunction, poor cardiac function, or pulmonary artery hypertension, V-V bypass is still recommended to maintain a stable physiologic state during operation. V-V by-pass is not indispensable if fine techniques of operation and anesthesia ensured, and it is believed that 2 hours portal vein clampping is safe.Although liver transplantation has undergone a tremendous progress in biliary reconstruction and vascular anastomosis, the incidence of biliary and vascular complications remains high. Biliary complications occur several months after OLT and their causes are obscure. The incidence of vascular complications in our group obviously decreased from 29.4% in phase I to 4.9% in phase III because of the improvement of surgical techniques with magnification of loop. Contrarily, the inci-dence of biliary complication was kept at a high level of 12. 6%, though it was lower than that reported by other centers. Measures taken to improve graft harvesting technique, methods for biliary anastomosis, T-tube drainage and prophylaxis and prompt treatment of postoperative CMV infection are important to further decrease the inci-dence of biliary and vascular complications after OLT.In summary, liver transplantation has been developing rapidly in recent years inClinical experience in liver transplantation from an organ transplantation center in China 495China. The profiles of recipients change in different periods. End-stage benign liver disease is the main cause for OLT now. Though the result has been improved gradually and the 1-year survival rate of 83.1% is satisfectory for patients with benign disease ,problems such as HBV reinfection, vascular and biliary complications need to be resolved.Competing interestNo benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.References1Zheng SS, Pan SL, Huang ZY. 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