



激光损伤阈值测试Laser Damage Threshold TestingLaser Damage Threshold (LDT) is one of the most importantspecifications to consider when integrating an optical component intoa laser system. Using a laser in an application offers a variety ofbenefits to a standard light source, including monochromaticity,directionality, and coherence. Laser beams often contain high energies, though, and are capable of damaging sensitive optical components.When integrating a laser into an optical system, it becomes crucial tounderstand the effects of laser beams on optical surfaces and how laser damage threshold is quantified for optical components.The degree of damage induced to an optical component by a laser beam is highly dependent on the type of laser being used. Thermally-induced damage occurs under Continuous Wave (CW) laser operation. During exposure to the CW laser, the optical material may not have sufficient time to thermally relax, and failure can occur due to thermal damage to the bulk material or the optical coating. Alternatively, the damage caused by a short, intense laser pulse is due to ionization: the breakdown of the molecular bond. The electric field generated by the laser beam at the optical surface stimulates electrons at the outer energy band, causing ionization. However, it is important to keep in mind that lasers with long pulse widths (<10s) or high repetition rates(>10MHz) may also cause thermally induced damage. For these reasons, understanding laser damage threshold is crucial to designing and maintaining an optical system. -6T esting Laser Damage ThresholdLaser-induced damage threshold testing is a good method for quantifying the amount of electromagnetic radiation an optical component can withstand. There are a variety of different LDT tests. For example, Edmund Optics follows the ISO-11254 procedures and methods, which is the industry standard for determining the laser damage threshold of an optical component. Utilizing the ISO-11254 standard enables the fair comparison between optical components from different manufacturers.Edmund Optics' LDT testing is conducted by irradiating a number of test sites with a laser beam atdifferent energy densities for pulsed lasers, or different power densities for CW lasers. The energy density or power density is incrementally increased at a minimum of ten sites at each increment. The process is repeated until damage is observed in 100% of the irradiated sites. The LDT is the highest energy or power level at which no damage is observed in any of the irradiated sites. Inspection of the sites is done with a Nomarski-type Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscope with 100X - 150X magnification. Visible damage is observed and the results are recorded using pass/fail criteria. Figure 1 is a typical damage probability plot of exposure sites as a function of laserpulse energy.In addition to uncoated optical components, optical coatings are also subject to damage from the presence of absorption sites and plasma burn. Figure 2 is a real-world image of coating failure due to a coating defect. For additional information on the importance of LDT testing on coatings, view The Complexities of High-Power Optical Coatings.Figure 1:Exposure Histogram of Laser Damage Threshold Probability versus Exposure SiteFigure 2: Coating Failure from 73.3 J/cm3 Source due to Coating DefectDefining Laser Damage ThresholdThere are many variables that affect the Laser Damage Threshold (LDT) of an optical component. These variables can be separated into three categories: laser, substrate, and optical coating (Table 1).LDT is typically quantified with units of power or energy densities for CW and pulsed lasers, respectively. Power density is the power per cross-sectional beam area. Similarly, energy density is the energy per cross-sectional beam area of a specific pulse duration. Lasers are available with a multitude of different wavelengths and pulse durations, therefore, it is important that the optical component's LDT is suitable for the laser's parameters. As a general rule of thumb, Newton's square root scaling factor can be used to determine whether a laser can be used with an optic that is not rated at thesame LDT pulse duration specification. Equation 1 calculates a new LDT for the different pulse duration.(1)The LDT(y) is the estimated LDT for laser Y, and LDT(x) is the specified LDT for laser x. τ is the pulse duration for laser y, and τ is the pulse durat ion for laser x. Additionally, since the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength, then theoretically the LDT scales linearly as a function of wavelength, as expressed in Equation 2. yx(2)Where PD is the Power or Energy Density at the new wavelength, PD is the Power or Energy Density at the old wavelength, λ is the new wavelength, and λ is the old wavelength. A laser with a PD of 2 W/cm at 1064nm would have a power density of 1 W/cm at 532nm, 0.667 W/cm at 355nm, etc. (y)(x)yxCW222There are some drawbacks to the scaling, as there are non-linear effects associated with the conversion. However, they are a good rule of thumb for estimating the LDT of an optic at varying wavelengths and pulse durations. Note: Optical manufacturers only guarantee the specified LDT, not scaled estimations. Laser Damage Threshold (LDT) testing is crucial when working with laser optics. Understanding how LDT is tested and defined helps choose the right optical components for the application. Laser optics thatare designed with an LDT that is suitable for a given laser ensure superior results and product lifetime, and help avoid additional expenses due to damaged components.。






以K9玻璃为例,搭建激光损伤阈值的测试平台,利用光纤光谱仪采集强激光辐照 K9玻璃时所产生的激光等离子体闪光光谱,并对该光谱进行诊断分析,将该光谱中是否含有待测试光学元件材料中特征元素的光谱峰作为其是否收到激光损伤的标准。



%With the development of the laser towards high-power and high energy,laser-induced damage threshold of optics be-comes one of the important parameters to evaluate the laser damage resistance ofoptics.Therefore,accurately measuring of the laser-induced damage threshold optics become the focal point studied.And the key to accurately measuring of the laser-induced damage threshold is whether the laser-induced damage can be accurately identified when it occurs.In order to solve low accuracy, long testing time,narrow scope of applications and complex operation of the common damage identification methods,a newtes-ting method to diagnose the laser-induced damage of optics,called plasma diagnosis,is proposed in this paper.Based on this new method,the testing platform was set up,and the spectrum obtained by fiber spectrometer was analyzed under laser radiation by different laser energies.Take whether the spectral lines of the feature element contained in the measured optics occur as stand-ard.The laser-induced damage threshold of K9 glass has been tested,and the test result was compared to that measured by the plasma flash method and the microscope method.The results show that,the plasma diagnosis method proposed in this paper has high-accurate j udgment,high-testing speed,simple testing equipment,and easy to realization,which can greatly improve the testing efficiency of the laser-induced damage threshold of optics.【期刊名称】《光谱学与光谱分析》【年(卷),期】2016(036)005【总页数】4页(P1296-1299)【关键词】激光损伤;激光损伤阈值;等离子体;光谱分析【作者】葛锦蔓;苏俊宏;陈磊;吕宁【作者单位】南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏南京 210094; 西安工业大学陕西省薄膜技术与光学检测重点实验室,陕西西安 710021;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏南京 210094; 西安工业大学陕西省薄膜技术与光学检测重点实验室,陕西西安 710021;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,江苏南京 210094;西安工业大学陕西省薄膜技术与光学检测重点实验室,陕西西安 710021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH843各种高功率激光系统和强激光武器的发展,给光学元件提出了更高的抗激光损伤的要求。







激光微小光斑损伤光学玻璃,具有材料表面的 形貌不均匀变化和内部缺陷引起断裂[9 - 11],损伤区
基 金 项 目: 国 家“973 ”项 目; 国 家 科 技 攻 关 课 题 项 目 ( No. 2007BA107A00 - 1) 支持资助。
作者简介:谭 勇( 1975 - ) ,男,在读博士,讲师,主要从事非线 性光学,光与物质相互作用方面的研究。E-mail: laser95111@ yahoo. com. cn
为 T0 ( 这里是光谱相对强度,等价于入射光通量) ;
然后测试损伤后整个视场的透射光谱,记为 TD,那
么 T0 和 TD 在某一波长处的差,就是激光毁伤对这
一波长 λi 的透过率损失,表达式为:
ΔT( λi) = T0 ( λi) - TD( λi)
( 2)
假如进入光纤的( 光谱) 光通量在整个视场分
第 41 卷 第 12 期 2011 年 12 月
Vol. 41,No. 12 December,2011
文章编号:1001-5078( 2011) 12-1351-04
谭 勇,蔡红星,张喜和,金光勇,张
K9 光学玻璃的两个镜面反射损失光能量 8% ,则式
( 5) 中的 T 减去 8% 就是损伤样品透射前后的透过
激 光 与 红 外 No. 12 2011
谭 勇等 激光损伤光学玻璃的微区透过率研究
第 41 卷
域小等特征[12 - 14],利用传统的方法测量其透过率, 未损伤区域远远大于损伤区域,其结果几乎看不出 损伤后的变化,不均匀性和小区域材质的透过率测 量的难度 上 升[15]。 因 此,一 种 全 面 的、准 确 的 透 过 率测量必不可少。本文提出一种激光微小光斑损伤 玻璃的透过率测试新方法,并获得了激光毁伤光学 玻璃的阈值。 2 激光微小光斑损伤 K9 玻璃实验



He.Ne散 射 光 激ian-ping,MA Ping,XU Qiao
(Chengdu Fine Optical Engineering Research Center。Chengdu 610041,China)
Abstract:Precise laser damage threshold measurement is a necessary condit ion of studying highly resistant laser dam age optical elem ents.The uncertainty source of laser dam age threshold was analyzed: including laser energy measurement,facula efect ive area measurement,probabilit y account at each energy density and straight line fitting for points of da m age probability.T h e uncertainty component and relat ively composite uncertainty were calculated using stat ics principles a n d linea r f itting theory.It is shown by 1 064 am high reflective coating that relatively composi ̄ uncertaint y of laser da m age threshold measurement is 18.72% .
摘要 :激 光损 伤 阉值 的 准确测量 是研 究 高抗激 光损伤 光 学元件 的必要 条件 。分析 了激 光诱 导损 伤 闽值 的不 确 定度 来源 ,包括 激 光能量 测 量 、光 斑有 效 面积 测量 、各 能量 密度 处几 率 的计 算 以及 对损 伤 几 率 点 进 行 直 线 拟 合 4个 方 面 。 利 用 统 计 学 原 理 和 线 性 拟 合 等 理 论 对 不 确 定 度 分 量 及 测 试 结 果 的 相 对合成 不确 定度进 行 了理 论推 导和 计 算 。l 064 am 高反 薄膜样 品 的 实例 分析 表 明 。损伤 闽值 测量 的 相 对 合 成 不 确 定 度 为 18.72%。











图2 四种损伤测试方法示意图1-on-1测试方法是目前最普遍采用的元件损伤阈值测试方法,国际标准11254中定义的测试基本步骤是:a)用相同能量的单脉冲,分别照射测试元件上的m个点(m不小于10),每个点只辐照一次,每个辐照点用相衬显微镜观测是否出现损伤,记下m个测试点中发生损伤的点数n,得出这个能量密度下损伤几率为n/m。





收稿日期 : 2010 09 29 作者简介 : 戴 罡 ( 1984 ) , 男 , 博士生 , 主要从事长脉冲激光与光学薄膜相互作用的研究 .
( 总第 86 期 )
毫秒激光致光学薄膜损伤阈值的测试与分析 ( 戴
[ 4]
罡等 )
短脉冲激光高数个量级 , 破坏效果更佳 . Boley 等人研究了脉宽为 0. 5 ms, 单脉冲能量 125 J, 重复频率 200 H z 的激光作用在航空铝材上的效果, 指出当靶材表面有强气流吹过时 , 航空铝材更容易被击穿 . U sov 等人等给出了脉宽 1~ 20 ms, 单脉冲能量 20~ 40J, 重复频率 1~ 20 H z 激光打孔 , 深熔焊和切割 [ 6] 时的最有效参数. Diener 等人研究了脉宽为 3 ms、功率 2 000 W 的脉冲激光对红外 Ge 透镜的损伤, 测 量了损伤阈值并分析了损伤机理. 另一方面, 光学薄膜元件是光学系统中较为薄弱的环节, 光学薄膜的损伤能够对光学系统造成严重 的破坏 . 而激光引起的光学薄膜元件的损伤问题已经被持续地研究了很多年 , 特别是短脉冲激光损伤光 [ 7 9] 学薄膜的研究已经有了大量的报道 . 关于长脉冲激光损伤光学薄膜的损伤阈值与损伤机理的研究报 道并不多见, 因此有必要对长脉冲激光作用下光学薄膜的损伤阈值进行测试 , 进而分析损伤机理. 本文利用物理气相沉积法制备高反膜和增透膜, 测量了长脉冲激光作用下高反膜和增透膜光的损伤 阈值 , 结合光学显微镜和高分辨率 CCD 对其损伤形貌进行观测, 进而分析了损伤机理.
[ 5]
1. 1 膜层制备 为了分析脉宽为 1 ms 左右的激光作用下典型光学薄膜损伤差异 , 针对非激光系统中使用, 且无抗 激光损伤设计的普通光学系统中使用的高反膜和增透膜进行研究. T iO2 SiO2 高反膜和增透膜均是由物 理气相沉积法制备, 基底材料为 K9 玻璃 , 抛光光圈数 N = 3 , 局部误差 N = 0. 5, 洁度 B











图2 四种损伤测试方法示意图1-on-1测试方法是目前最普遍采用的元件损伤阈值测试方法,国际标准11254中定义的测试基本步骤是:a)用相同能量的单脉冲,分别照射测试元件上的m个点(m不小于10),每个点只辐照一次,每个辐照点用相衬显微镜观测是否出现损伤,记下m个测试点中发生损伤的点数n,得出这个能量密度下损伤几率为n/m。




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(Received 16 November 2010; accepted 17 February 2011; published online 4 April 2011)
The shock wave driven by short laser pulse is used to study the damage of brittle material K9 glass. The damage morphology of K9 glass surface indicates that the material has experienced different loading modes, respectively, at the central area and the surrounding area of the shock wave. At the central area of shock wave, the wavefront is plane and has a uniform pressure distribution, the material mainly suffers a longitudinal shock pressure; but on the edge the shock wave, the wavefront is approximately spherical, besides longitudinal pressure, transverse tensile stress will emerge inside the material. In the latter case, the damage threshold of the material is much smaller than that in the case of compressing by longitudinal pressure only. According to the relationship between damage area and shock pressure, an experimental method is proposed to measure the damage threshold of materials under shock loading. The damage threshold of K9 glass under spherical shock wave is measured to be about 1.12 GPa; and the damage threshold under plane shock wave is estimated to be between 1.82 and 1.98 GPa. They are much bigger than the damage threshold under static pressure. This method could also be used to measure the damage threshold of other materials when loaded by dynamic pressure. VC 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3564961]
Shock induced damage and damage threshold of optical K9 glass investigated by laser-driven shock wave
Yunfei Song,1 Guoyang Yu,1 Lilin Jiang,1 Xianxu Zheng,2 Yuqiang Liu,1 and Yanqiang Yang1,a)
In this article, an experimental method is proposed to measure the damage threshold of brittle materials under shock loading. The dynamic high pressure is loaded on target by a laser driven shock wave. The damage morphology under different shock pressure is observed through changing the energy of excitation pulse. The size of the damage spots is measured and the damage threshold can be calculated out based on the relationship between damage area and shock
1Center for Condensed Matter Science and Technology, Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China 2Laboratory for Shock Wave and Detonation Physics Research, Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuanle materials will break up when being compressed by high pressure. The damage threshold of material is an important parameter which can reflect the structural strength. The failure of most materials pressed by static pressure has been familiar to engineers, but it is an interesting issue whether the material under shock loading exhibits the same behavior as that under static pressure.1–3 In some special conditions, the material suffers an intense shock, such as how satellites in outer space are frequently impacted by micrometeorite with high speed of tens of km/s, therefore, it is desirable to investigate the damage of materials caused by the shock wave in the experiment. In a traditional investigation, the shock wave is produced by a gas-gun or an explosive,4,5 the peak pressure of the shock wave may be more than 100 GPa. However, a disadvantage of these kinds of manners is that it always needs a long period of time to prepare the experiment, and it is difficult to repeat the experiment in the same conditions; furthermore, the shock produced in these manners usually causes destructive damage to the target which makes the post-shock examination impossible. In the past 30 years, short pulse lasers have been applied more and more to the study of shock phenomenon because laser driven shock wave with high energy density has a lot of advantages, such as high peak pressure, ultrafast rise time of shock front, and a high repetition rate. Nowa-
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: yqyang@.
days, there is a greater understanding of the characteristics and effects of laser driven shock wave,6–8 and technology has also been used to study the damage of materials induced by shock loading. Using a laser driven shock wave to study the damage of materials, a high pressure can be loaded on the target in several nanosecond or less;9 moreover, the peak pressure of laser shock is high, but the duration is very short, so the whole shock wave only carries little energy. Therefore, the serious destruction of target can be avoided, which makes the post-shock examination much easier. In addition, it is easy to change the intensity of laser driven shock wave, which is mainly dependent on the energy of excitation laser pulse. This characteristic makes it convenient to measure the damage threshold of materials under shock loading through an experimental method. The characteristics of laser driven shock wave have been studied in many previous works and some papers have reported the investigation about the damage induced by laser shock, for instance, Resseguier et al, who has done a lot of work in studying the spallation of materials caused by laser driven shock wave.10–12 However, there is still no published work about how to measure the damage threshold of materials under strong shock loading.