



• ②引发剂
• n-BuLi存在较强的缔合现象, • 易导致分子量分布加宽, • 一般需加入极性添加剂来加快反应速度。
• ③添加剂 • 极性添加剂的种类很多, • 有醚类,如1G、2G和THF等; • 有胺类,如Et3N和TMEDA; • 有烷基金属化合物,如叔丁氧基钾(KOBu),
叔戊氧基钾(KOAm)等; • 还有复合添加剂。
• 实验表明上述星型SBS在端基官能化后与 极性聚合物、极性填料之间的相容性有很 大的提高。
• ⑥德国巴斯夫〔BASF)公司采用西弗碱和 环状胺类化合物为阴离子聚合封端试剂, 制备了一系列苯乙烯、丁二烯的两嵌段化 合物。封端剂的典型结构式可表示如下:
• 研究表明,上述化合物中的N-N键、C= N 双键能与阴离子活性种发生反应生成新的 氮负离子,在聚合物末端引入氨基。
• 国内SBS的研究始于70年代中期, • 目前已有燕山石化、 • 巴陵石化 • 和茂名石化 • 等几套万吨装置投入工业化生产。
• 但是SBS产品的品种和规格 • 难以满足不同用途的需要。 • 高附加值的新牌号SBS • 已成为国内厂家的竞争点。
2 SBS的合成、改性与表征 • 2.1 SBS的合成方法
• 但由于是高分子化学反应, • 故反应转化率较低。
• 而阴离子原位聚合法 • 目前国内外研究较少, • 主要原因是SBS阴离子聚合工艺条件苛刻
• 不当极易发生链终止或链转移反应。 • 但其优点是可原位一次性 • 合成带有极性基团SBS, • 产物官能化产率高, • 故发展潜力很大。
• ③以丁基锂为引发剂合成SBS,在没有进 行终止时,可用氯代多元醇(如a-氯代甘 油)进行封端中止,进一步用TDI扩链,合 成含异氰酸酯的SBS,反应式如下:











在反应性共混的研究中,Baker等[2]将增强PS(RPS)、羟基化PE(CPE)、PE 和PS同时加入双螺杆挤出机中熔融共混挤出得到共混改性PS,所得共混物性能比用(PS-g-PE)增容的PS/PE的性能更佳。








环氧化端羟基聚丁二烯型聚氨酯材料的研制邓昭昭;李雪飞;高国新;郑元锁【摘要】以N,N-二(2-羟丙基)苯胺(1s)作扩链剂,以甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)作交联剂,合成了一种环氧化端羟基聚丁二烯(EHTPB)型聚氨酯材料.研究了环氧值、固化时间、硬软段比、固化参数和填料对材料性能的影响.结果表明,Is与EHTPB最佳摩尔比为1.54,NCO与OH最佳摩尔比为2.05,催化剂最佳用量为0.075%,填料ZnO 用量为4.0%,SiO2用量为1.47%,在70℃条件下,最佳固化时间为5d.所制备的EHTPB型聚氨酯材料的力学性能优于HTPB型聚氨酯材料.【期刊名称】《固体火箭技术》【年(卷),期】2014(037)001【总页数】4页(P118-121)【关键词】环氧化端羟基聚丁二烯;端羟基聚丁二烯;拉伸强度;聚氨酯【作者】邓昭昭;李雪飞;高国新;郑元锁【作者单位】西安交通大学理学院,西安710049;西安交通大学理学院,西安710049;西安交通大学理学院,西安710049;西安交通大学理学院,西安710049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】V5120 引言端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)是一种遥爪聚合物,常被人们称为液体橡胶。





其中,邹德荣[7-8]以 HTPB/IPDI为基础体系,1,4-丁二醇为扩链剂,强度可达 3.71 MPa;以HTPB/IPDI为预聚体,DMTDA作为交联剂,强度可达4.77 MPa。

郭艳宏[9]用 HTPB 作软段,TDI作硬段,增加双酚A型环氧树脂(E-51),预聚体中NCO的含量在4.5% ~5.0%,E-51占25%时,弹性体材料力学性能最好。


离 聚物 及 其用 于 聚合 物改 性 的研 究 进展
( 1.福建师范大学福建省环境友好高分子材料工程技术研究中心,福州350007; 2. 福 建工 程学 院 环境 与 设备 工 程系 ,福 州 350 108 )
对离聚物的最初探索可追溯到20世纪70年 代。1974年,Ei s enber g等¨1开发了以聚苯乙烯为 基体的离聚物,并探讨了离子浓度、离子种类等对 聚苯乙烯黏弹性能的影响,实验证明,由于金属离 子的特殊作用,离子含量即使很低( <10%) ,但 仍对聚合物性能产生重要影响,如提高玻璃化转 变温度等。2003年,Tucker 等H1对聚酰胺与锂盐 中和的磺化聚苯乙烯离聚物( Li —SPS) 共混物进 行了研究,结果表明,共混物具有最低临界相容温 度( LCST) ,且LCST随着Li —SPS含量增加而上 升,表明离聚物对共混体系具有增容效果。从此, 离聚物的应用研究进入了发展时期。近年来,离 聚物在聚合物改性、新型高分子材料的开发与利 用方面倍受关注旧。1 0| 。本文主要综述了离聚物 的制备方法及其改性聚合物的应用进展。
适合于低程度离子化的情况,接枝法大致有:1) 在高分子链上接枝极性基团,再用皂化法将聚合 物中和生成盐;2) 合成含不饱和双键的金属配合 物单体,再将单体接枝至聚合物上制得离聚物。 刘涛等¨副在哈克转矩流变仪中,利用熔融接枝法 制备马来酸酐接枝三元乙丙橡胶( m—EPDM) 后, 将m—EPDM、硬脂酸锌、氧化锌和硬脂酸按一定 比例混合在转矩流变仪中熔融密炼,制备离聚物。 结果表明,随着氧化锌加量增加,断裂伸长率和拉 伸强度增加。当氧化锌加量较少时,共混物的拉 伸强度和断裂伸长率均较低,可能是因为氧化锌 造成了共混物的缺陷,且并未形成离聚物;而当氧 化锌加量( 质量分数) 为10%时,形成离聚物,拉 伸强度和断裂伸长率均较高。王林等¨钊采用熔 融接枝法制备了三元乙丙橡胶接枝马来酸锌离聚 物( EPDM—g—MAZn) ,并进行正交试验,考察了 影响离聚物制备的各种因素,结果表明,在反应温 度200℃,反应时间6 mi n下,当单体( MAZn) 加 量为20%,引发剂( DCP) 加量为2%时,离聚物的 接枝率最高。



型合硫酸 盐基 的 Sk I S离聚体 , 究 了离聚体 的形 态结构、 研 力学性 能、 离聚体时 S / I 氯醇橡胶 ( HR) 混 C 共
物的增容作 用以及 离聚体/ 聚丙烯( P 共混 物的 力学性 能。结果表 明 : P) 在透射 电镜 下硫 酸铅 基 离聚 体
呈现 黑色圆柱状或四方 晶形 离子微 区 , 硬脂 酸锌 作为 离子增塑 剂能提 高钠 离聚体的 力学性能 ; 随着 离子 基含量 的提 高, 离聚体 的拉 伸强度及 扯断伸 长率增 加 ; 少量 离聚体可 以提 高 S / I CHR共混物 的力 学性 能, 减小共混物的吸煤 油率; 扫描 电镜 图片显示 二者的相 容性 增加 ; 离聚体/ P共 混物在拉 伸 强度与 组 P 成的 关系方面呈现 协同效应 , 并且其耐 甲苯性能提 高。 关键词 :离聚体 ; 乙烯一 苯 丁二烯一 乙烯三嵌段共 聚物 ; 苯 共混物 ; 增容剂 ; 氯醇橡胶 ; 聚丙烯 ; 态结构 形 中图分类 号:r 2 Q35 文献标 识码 : A 文章编号 :0 53 7 (0 7 0—0 70 10 —1 4 2 0 )60 3 —4
笔 者 曾研 究过 由环 氧 化 ( 乙烯一 二 烯 一 苯 丁 苯 乙烯 ) 嵌段 共 聚 物 ( B ) S S 与硫 酸 氢 盐 开 环 反 应 制 备新 型硫酸 盐基 S S离 聚体 及 其 表征 , B 也报 道 过
3 的盐酸 、 6 氢氧化钾 、 四乙基溴化铵 ( E B 、 TA )
下挥 发掉 溶 剂后 , 0℃真 空 干 燥 至 恒 重 , 得 环 6 即
氧化 S S E B ) B (SS。
1 实 验 部 分
1 1 主 要原 料 .
12 2 S S离聚体 的合成 . . B


力 工 ・应 用 口
合橡工TT5B(1T CAY2CRB3D1 H胶业0 U0IS6 成 NE01RN~ I S,I—, )38 N H— 5 8R 0 3: Y 7 E U
顺 丁 烯 二 酸 钾 基 ( 乙烯 一丁 二 烯 一苯 乙 烯 ) 苯 嵌 段 共 聚 物 离 聚体 的力 学Байду номын сангаас性 能及 其应 用
得 环 氧 化 S S B。
共混 , 并研究 了以其为增容剂对氯醇橡胶( H ) C R
与 S S的共 混效 果 。 B
1 实 验 部 分 1 1 原 材 料 .
离聚 体 将 1 5 g环 氧 化 S S完 全 溶 解 于 B 1 0mL 0 甲苯 溶 液 后 , 入 质 量 分 数 各 为 环 氧 化 加 S S5 的 T A B % E B和 D MA。将 计算 并 称 量 好 的顺
S S 牌 号 为 Y 一 9 , 乙烯 / B , H 7 1苯 丁二 烯 ( 量 质 比) 3 / 0 P , 为 0 7 ; P 牌号 为 D D 0 8 均 为 巴陵石 G A6 9 , 油化工 公 司产 品。C HR, 号为 H 一 5 武汉 有 机 牌 5 ,
收 稿 日期 :0 5—1 3 修 订 日期 :0 6—1 0 。 20 2— 0; 20 2— 9
合成 厂产 品。 四 乙基 溴 化 铵 ( E B ,中 国医 药 TA )
上海 化 学 试 剂 公 司 产 品 。Ⅳ, 一二 甲 基 苯 胺 Ⅳ
作 者 简 介 : 武 钢 ( 9 7 ) 男 , 士 。 已发 表 论 文3篇 。 喻 17 一 , 硕
同效 应 ’ 。利 用 离 子 键 与极 性 键 的作 用 , 以磺




地址:300072 天津市南开区卫津路92号


• Teh 和Rudin 将引发剂、偶联剂溶于苯乙烯 单体中,在PE、PS 双螺杆共混挤出时加入 该苯乙烯单体,从而减小了PE 的自身偶联, 增加了PS 和PE 间的接枝反应。Baker 将 RPS、CPE(羟基化PE)、PE、PS 同时 加入双螺杆挤出机中,结果表明该法所得 共混物性能比用PS-g-PE 增容的PS/PE 性 能更好 。
5.4 医药
• 苯乙烯-马来酸酐共聚物、肝素同系物等具 有协同抗肿瘤活性,与常规的小分子抗肿 瘤药物配伍使用能够使复合药物的抗肿瘤 活性增强 。
• 综述:
• 改性后的PS 性能优异,用途广泛,尤其是淀粉与 PS 接枝物可生物降解,利于环境保护,开发应用 前景广阔。近几年来,新的缓释剂品种不断问世, 用于控制释放技术的高分子化合物也日益广泛, 特别是天然高分子材料以其价廉易得更加受到青 睐。但是对于以PS/淀粉为载体的缓释剂的研究还 处于不完善阶段,日后这种以改性聚合物为载体 的可降解性农药的研究必将成为热点问题
5.2 防水涂料
• 用丙烯酸接枝改性废聚苯乙烯(PS)泡沫 塑料,与石油沥青共混,制得水乳型防水 涂料,用作建筑物屋顶防水材料。实验结 果表明,丙烯酸可增大乳化效果,比单纯 PS 改性材料柔韧性要好,也可改善涂料的 附着性能与成膜性能,涂料的性能指标达 到防水涂料的要求
5.3 胶粘剂
• 聚苯乙烯(PS)的分子结构中含有苯环, 刚性大而柔性小,在极性物质表面粘接力 很弱。用聚苯乙烯直接制得的胶粘剂强度 不够且胶层又脆又硬,需加入改性剂进行 改性处理,在聚苯乙烯大分子链上引入极 性基团(如异氰酸酯中的-NCO 基),从而 相互交联形成酯类聚合物,使其对极性表 面有良好的粘接力。结果证明,用异氰酸 酯对聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料进行化学改性制备 的胶粘剂具有较好的粘接性能



【摘要】氨气是雾霾的主要污染源之一,开发高效的氨气吸附材料是一种有效的防治方法.本文选用4,4′-联吡啶、α,α′-二溴-对二甲苯和1,2,4,5-四(溴甲基)苯作为构筑单元,利用无需催化剂且操作简便的季铵化反应,原位合成了具有路易斯酸活性位点的多孔材料PAF-C1和PAF-C2.得益于骨架中路易斯酸位点的存在,这两种材料均具有良好的氨气吸附性能.其中,PAF-C2骨架中含有更多的路易斯酸位点,因此具备更优异的氨气吸附性能,在298 K和1×10^(5)Pa条件下其氨气吸附量可达5.5 mmol/g.此外,探究了材料的合成条件(温度、溶剂和保护气体)、原料用量及合成方式的影响.结果表明,以上不同反应条件制备的材料均保持优良的氨气吸附性能,从而使实现工业化合成高效氨气吸附材料成为可能.

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Novel Method for Preparation of Quaternary Ammonium Ionomer from Epoxidized Styrene–Butadiene–Styrene Triblock Copolymer and Its Use as Compatibilizer for Blending of Styrene–Butadiene–Styrene and Chlorosulfonated PolyethyleneHong-Quan Xie,1Yong Chen,2Jian-Guo Guan,3Dong Xie41Department of Chemistry,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan430074,China2Hubei Research Institute of Chemistry,Wuhan430074,China3State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing,Wuhan430072,China4Department of Biomedical Engineering,Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis,Indianapolis,Indiana46202Received10February2005;accepted12May2005Published online in Wiley InterScience().ABSTRACT:A novel method for the preparation of a quaternary ammonium ionomer of styrene–butadiene–sty-rene triblock copolymer(SBS)was developed by a ring-opening reaction of epoxidized SBS with triethylamine hy-drochloride in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst.The optimum conditions were studied.The ionomer was char-acterized by quantitative analysis,IR spectroscopy,and1H-NMR spectroscopy.Its water absorbency,oil absorbency, dilute solution viscosity,and use as a compatibilizer for the blending of SBS and chlorosulfonated polyethylene(CSPE) were investigated.The results showed that,under optimum conditions,the epoxy groups can be completely converted to the quaternary ammonium groups.The IR spectrum did not exhibit the absorption peak for quaternary ammonium groups,whereas the1H-NMR spectrum and titration method demonstrated it.With increasing ionic group con-tent,the water absorbency of the ionomer increased whereas its oil absorbency decreased.These indicated the amphiphi-lic character of the SBS ionomer.The dilute solution viscos-ity of the ionomer in toluene/methanol(9/1)solvent in-creased with increasing quaternary ammonium group con-tent.The ionomer was used as a compatibilizer for the blends of SBS and CSPE.The addition of a small amount of the ionomer to the blend enhanced the mechanical proper-ties of the blends:2wt%ionomer based on the blend increased the tensile strength and ultimate elongation of the blend nearly2times.The blends of equal parts SBS and CSPE behaved as oil-resistant thermoplastic elastomers.Key words:styrene–butadiene–styrene;ionomer;quater-nary ammonium salt;compatibilization;blendsINTRODUCTIONThe styrene–butadiene–styrene triblock copolymer (SBS)is an important thermoplastic elastomer with a multiphase structure,and it has been used in many applications.Because it has a nonpolar nature,recent research about its modification to contain polar groups has attracted much interest in order to widen its uses.An ionomer is a kind of polymer containing less than10%ionic groups,and it shows characteristic properties that are due to the presence of ionic do-mains.Ionomers made from SBS and hydrogenated SBS(SEBS),such as maleated and sulfonated SEBS1 and maleated SBS neutralized with metallic ions,2have been reported recently.Very few reports have been concerned with the quaternary ammonium iono-mers.3–6Reusche et al.3obtained a quaternary ammo-nium ionomer from styrene–isobutylene–styrene block copolymers by using the reaction of the sulfo-nated block copolymer with quaternary ammonium hydroxide.Huang et al.4prepared a quaternary am-monium ionomer from chloroalkyl-containing polysi-loxane with tertiary amine.Ma et al.5obtained the quaternary ammonium ionomer of methylstyrene–i-sobutylene diblock copolymer by bromination of the copolymer,followed by a reaction with triethylamine. Buzdugen et al.synthesized a quaternary ammonium ionomer from SBS via bromination of SBS with bro-mine,followed by a reaction with tertiary amine.6The ionomer was only characterizated by IR spectroscopy. However,Silverstein et al.7indicated that the quater-nary ammonium group has no characteristic absorp-tion peak in the IR spectrum.Until now,no otherCorrespondence to:H.-Q.Xie(xiehongquan88@). Contract grant sponsor:National Natural Science Foun-dation Committee of China.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.99,1975–1980(2006)research work about a quaternary ammonium iono-mer from SBS has appeared in the literature.This article deals with a novel method for the prep-aration of an amphiphilic quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBS via epoxidation of SBS,followed by a ring-opening reaction with a tertiary amine hydro-chloride and its characterization with quaternary ammonium group titration and IR and 1H-NMR spec-troscopies.Some properties and its application as a compatibilizer for the blending of SBS and chlorosul-fonated polyethylene (CSPE)were also studied.The aim of this work was to prepare an amphiphilic SBS with an ionic moiety in order to provide antielectro-static and polar properties to SBS to make it applicable for fabric coatings and as an adhesive between polar and nonpolar materials,as well as a compatibilizer for blending of polar and nonpolar polymers.EXPERIMENTALMaterialsA YH791-type SBS containing 30wt %polystyrene blocks was supplied by Yueyang Synthetic Rubber Factory.Triethylamine,acetone,formic acid (85%),hydrogen peroxide (30%),cyclohexane,tetraethyl am-monium bromide (TEAB),and ethanol were chemi-cally pure.Antioxidant 264(2,6-di-tert -butyl-4-meth-ylphenol)was an industrial product.Hydrochloric acid and KOH were used as analytical reagents.Epoxidation of SBSEpoxidation of SBS was carried out via a reaction of SBS in cyclohexane solution (SBS concentration ϭ13g/100mL)with HCOOH and 30%aqueous H 2O 2solution at 70°C for 2h,using 1wt %poly(ethylene glycol)/SBS as a phase transfer catalyst.The molar ratio of H 2O 2/HCOOH was 1.The product was pre-cipitated and washed several times with ethanol,fol-lowed by drying in a vacuum dryer at 60°C.Preparation of quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBSThe ionomer was made by the ring-opening reaction of epoxy groups in the epoxidized SBS (ESBS)with triethylamine hydrochloride salt (TEAS)as follows:ESBS was first dissolved in cyclohexane (ESBS concen-tration ϭ15g/100mL),into which was added 3wt %TEAB/ESBS as a phase transfer catalyst.An aqueous solution of TEAS was then added with vigorous stir-ring at 70°C for 5h with a 1.2molar ratio of TEAS/epoxy group.The reaction was terminated by adding a small amount of acetone solution containing antiox-idant 264.The mixture was washed with distilled water to neutrality and then precipitated by ethanol,followed by drying in a vacuum dryer at50°C.Chemical analysis and characterizationThe epoxy group in the ESBS was determined by the HCl–acetone method.8Briefly,about a 1-g sample was accurately weighed into an iodometric titration flask and 25mL of HCl–acetone (1/80)solution was added.The flask was stoppered and the mixture was stirred until thesample was dissolved.After standing in the dark for 1h,3drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added and the solution was titrated with standard alcoholic KOH solution to a pink color.The epoxy value was deter-mined according to the following equation:epoxy value (E )ϭ͑V 0ϪV 1͒N /10W1976XIE ET AL.where V 0and V 1represent the volumes (mL)of the standard alcoholic KOH solution used in the titration for the blank and sample,respectively;W is the weight of the sample;and N is the normality of the alcoholic KOH solution.Conversion of the epoxy group to the quaternary ammonium chloride group was obtained by subtrac-tion of two epoxy values determined before and after the ring-opening reaction divided by the original ep-oxy value.The quaternary ammonium groups were deter-mined by HClO 4titration.8An approximate 0.2-g sam-ple was accurately weighed into a conical flask,and 10mL of toluene were added to dissolve it.Then,10mL of glacial acetic acid/acetic anhydride (1/9)and 10mL of glacial acetic acid were added and the reaction was carried out at room temperature for 60min.After cooling,the mixture was titrated with 0.01M HClO 4–glacial acetic acid with 2drops of crystal violet solu-tion as an indicator.The HClO 4–glacial acetic acid solution was standardized with potassium hydrogen phthalate.The quaternary ammonium group content was derived from the following equation:quaternary ammonium group content (mmol/g)ϭ(V ϪV 0)N /Wwhere V and V 0are the volume (mL)of HClO 4–glacial acetic acid solution used in the titration of the sampleand blank,respectively;N is the normality of the HClO 4–glacial acetic acid solution;and W is the weight of the sample.The IR spectra were taken with an Equinox 55type FTIR spectrophotometer.The 1H-NMR spectra were obtained with a Varian Mercury Plus 300-MHz NMR spectrometer using CDCl 3as a solvent and tetram-ethyl silane as an internal standard.Water or oil absorbency was determined by im-mersing an accurately weighed sample (W b )in water or diesel oil at room temperature for 48h,followed by removing the liquid on the surface of the sample with filter paper and then weighing the sample (W a ),ac-cording to the following equation:absorbency (%)ϭ(W a ϪW b )ϫ100/W bThe dilute solution viscosity (␩r /C )of the ionomers in a mixed solvent of toluene/methanol (9/1)at about a 0.1g/100mL concentration was measured by an Ubbelohde viscometer at 25°C,where ␩r is the relative viscosity and C is the concentration of the solution.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSynthesis conditions for quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBSBecause the reaction was carried out in a mixture of cyclohexane and water phases,it is necessary to use a phase transfer catalyst,such as TEAB,to increase the conversion of epoxy groups.Figure 1shows that,in the absence of a phase transfer catalyst,the conversion of epoxy groups reaches only 66%,even with a reac-tion time of 6h.When 1wt %TEAB based on ESBS is used,the conversion can reach 95%at 5h.When 3wt %of the phase transfer catalyst is used,the ring-opening reaction is completed in 5h.Figure 1also indicates that increasing the ESBS con-centration causes the conversion of epoxy groups into quaternary ammonium groups to increase quickly be-low 11g/100mL and then gradually.However,the reaction solution becomes too viscous and difficult to stir when the ESBS concentration is over 15g/100mL.Hence,the optimum ESBS concentration is 15g/100mL.With an increasing molar ratio of TEAS/epoxy group,the conversion increases,as shown in Table I.At a TEAS/epoxy group molar ratio of 1.0the conver-sion reaches above 90%,whereas at a molar ratio of 1.2the ring-opening reaction is complete.Figure 2shows that the reaction temperature is very important in determining the conversion of epoxy groups.The reaction rate is lower below 60°C,but over 65°C the reaction rate increases rapidly.The op-timum temperature is 70°C for obtaining highconver-Figure 1The effects of the amount of phase transfer cata-lyst and ESBS concentration on the epoxy conversion.NOVEL METHOD FOR QUATERNARY AMMONIUM IONOMER FROM ESBS 1977sion.The conversion decreases at 75°C,probably be-cause of some side reactionsThe conversion increases rapidly within 1h and then gradually up to 5h,which is shown in Figure 2.In order to obtain higher conversion of epoxy groups,a long reaction time seems necessary.The conversion of the epoxy group in ESBS can reach 100%with the following optimum conditions:an ESBS concentration of 150g/L,a molar ratio of triethylamine hydrochloride/epoxy group of 1.2,and a weight ratio of TEAB/ESBS of 3%at 70°C for 5h.Characterization of quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBSThe purified quaternary ammonium ionomer was characterized by determination of the quaternary am-monium groups using the titration with perchloric acid method.8The results showed that the amountepoxy groups converted was almost equal to the qua-ternary ammonium group content.For example,the sample obtained by 100%conversion of a 12.12wt %epoxy group of ESBS was determined by perchloric acid titration to contain 2.88mmol/g quaternary am-monium groups.The FTIR spectrum of the quaternary ammonium groups containing SBS showed that absorption peaks at 810,880,and 1265cm Ϫ1for the epoxy groups dis-appeared.Absorption peaks at 967,914,and 759cm Ϫ1occur for the double bonds of the polybutadiene block and those at 699,1449,and 1311cm Ϫ1exist for the phenyl groups.The broad absorption peak at 3435cm Ϫ1indicates the OH group,which was formed dur-ing the ring-opening reaction of epoxy groups with triethylamine hydrochloride.It is known 7that no spe-cial absorption peak for quaternary ammonium groups appears in the IR spectrum.Figure 3shows the 1H-NMR spectrum of the qua-ternary ammonium ionomer of SBS,in which the pro-ton peaks at 1.45,1.65,2.05,3.13,4.67,4.98,5.41,and 6.5–7.3ppm indicate CH 3,CH 2,CH,quaternary am-monium groups,OH groups,1,2-unsaturated olefin groups,1,4-unsaturated olefin groups,and phenyl groups,respectively.The 1H-NMR spectrum demon-strates the presence of quaternary ammonium groups in the product.Properties of quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBSThe ionomer can absorb water,because it contains the hydrophilic quaternary ammonium ion group.Table II indicates that increasing the quaternary ammonium ion groups causes the water absorbency to increase,more obviously over 1.0mmol/g ionic groups.Table II also shows that the ionomer offers some oil-resistant properties.SBS is completely dissolved in diesel oil for 48h at room temperature,whereas theTABLE IEffect of Molar Ratio of TEAS/Epoxy Group on Conversion of Epoxy Group in ESBS to Form IonomerTEAS/epoxy (molar ratio)Epoxy in ESBS (%)Epoxy in product (%)Conversion(%)1.07.390.5293.01.17.390.3295.71.27.39100ESBS concentration ϭ15g/100mL;catalyst/ESBS ϭ3wt %;70°C;5h.Figure 2The effects of the reaction temperature and time on the epoxyconversion.Figure 3The 1H-NMR spectrum of the quaternary ammo-nium ionomer of SBS.1978XIE ET AL.SBS ionomer containing more than 1.5mmol/g qua-ternary ammonium groups absorbs oil but does not dissolve.The oil absorbency decreases when increas-ing the quaternary ammonium groups.This fact is attributed to the association of the ionic groups in the nonpolar oil,resulting in oil resistance.The ␩r /C of the ionomers in a mixed solvent of toluene/methanol (9/1)increases with increasing quaternary ammonium groups,as shown in Figure 4.It increases more sharply over 2.0mmol/g.This phe-nomenon can be explained by the fact that the more quaternary ammonium groups there are,the more the association between the macromolecules of the iono-mer,resulting in higher resistance to flow or higher viscosity.Behavior of quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBS as a compatibilizer for blending SBS with CSPE The ionomer was tested as a compatibilizer for blending nonpolar SBS and polar oil-resistant CSPE.Table IIIshows the effect of the amount of ionomer on the me-chanical properties of the blends with a 50/50weight ratio of SBS/CSPE.Both the tensile strength and ultimate elongation of the blend increase with the addition of a small amount of the ionomer to the blend.Two percent of the ionomer based on the blend seems to be enough as a compatibilizer.This phenomenon may be attributed to the ionic–polar interaction between the quaternary am-monium ion of the ionomer and the polar SO 2Cl group of CSPE on the one hand and to the miscibility between the SBS component and the SBS part of the ionomer on the other hand,thus enhancing the interfacial adhesion and compatibility between SBS and CSPE.Four percent ionomer lowers the mechanical properties of the blend.This is because the ionic groups of excess ionomer mol-ecules may associate with the ionic groups of the iono-mer molecules on the surface of the SBS phase,thereby decreasing the interfacial adhesion between the two phases and lowering the compatibilizing effect.The surfaces of the broken sections of the blends with and without the ionomer used as a compatibi-lizer were observed with a Hitachi 530scanning elec-tron microscope,as shown in Figure 5(a,b).Note that the surface of the broken section of the blend with the compatibilizer seems smoother than that without the compatibilizer.This indicates that the two compo-nents in the blend with the compatibilizer are more compatible than those in the blend without the com-patibilizer.The blend behaves as an oil-resistant thermoplastic elastomer with a toluene absorbency of 24%for 48h at room temperature.CONCLUSIONSA novel method for the preparation of a quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBS was developed by the ring-opening reaction of ESBS with triethylamine hy-drochloride in the presence of a phase transfer cata-lyst.This new synthesis method for the quaternary ammonium ionomer of SBS is easy and efficient to carry out with 100%conversion of the epoxy groups.The optimum conditions are:ESBS concentration of 150g/L,a molar ratio of triethylamine hydrochlo-ride/epoxy group of 1.2,and a weight ratio of TEAB/TABLE IIWater Absorbency and Oil Absorbency of QuaternaryAmmonium Ionomer of SBSQuaternary ammonium groups(mmol/g)Waterabsorbency (%)Oil absorbency (%)00.2Soluble 0.9715.3Partially soluble1.4458.0208.91.7661.2189.42.3489.7128.72.4093.0—2.8597.3102.8Figure 4The relationship between the dilute solution vis-cosity (␩r /C )and the quaternary ammonium groups of the SBS ionomer.TABLE IIIEffect of Amount of Ionomer Added on MechanicalProperties of SBS/CSPE (50/50w/w)BlendIonomer/blend(%)Tensile strength (MPa)Ultimate elongation (%)Permanent set (%)0 5.394520110.1286025212.117102848.513302057.396018NOVEL METHOD FOR QUATERNARY AMMONIUM IONOMER FROM ESBS 1979ESBS of 3%at 70°C for 5h.The IR spectrum did not exhibit the absorption peak for quaternary ammonium groups,whereas the 1H-NMR spectrum and titration method did demonstrate it.The quaternary ammo-nium ionomer of SBS can absorb some water and show oil resistance.With increasing ionic group con-tent,the water absorbency of the ionomer increases whereas its oil absorbency decreases.The dilute solu-tion viscosity of the ionomer increased with increasing quaternary ammonium groups content,because of the association of ionic groups between ionomer mole-cules.The ionomer can be used as a compatibilizer for the blends of SBS and CSPE.The addition of a small amount of the ionomer enhanced the mechanical properties of the blends.A 2%ionomer based on the blend increased the tensile strength and ultimate elon-gation of the blend nearly 2times.A blend of equal parts of SBS and CSPE behaved as an oil-resistant thermoplastic elastomer.We are indebted for the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation Committee of China.References1.Ghosh,S.K.;De,P.P.;Kastigir,D.;De,S.K.Macromol Rapid Commun 1999,20,205.2.Xie,H.Q.;Deng,J.C.China Synth Rubber Ind 2002,25,396.3.Reusche,D.A.;Mountz,D.A.Polym Prepr 1998,39.4.Huang,Z.X.;Yu,Y.Z.;Huay,Y.J Appl Polym Sci 2002,83,3099.5.Ma,Y.H.;Wu,G.Y.;Yang,W.T.J Polym Sci Part A:Polym Chem 2003,41,2755.6.(a)Buzdugan,E.;Ghioca,P.;Iova,M.C.;Badia,E.G.;Stribeck,N.Mater Plast (Bucharest)1998,35,45;(b)Buzdugan, 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