

harvard references style参考文献格式

harvard references style参考文献格式

harvard references style参考文献格式引言概述:Harvard引用风格是一种常用的学术写作引用格式,被广泛应用于各个领域的研究论文和学术著作中。


正文内容:1. 正文引用格式1.1 书籍:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母缩写(年份),书名,出版地点,出版社。

1.2 期刊文章:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母缩写(年份),文章标题,期刊名,卷号(期号),页码。

1.3 学位论文:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母缩写(年份),论文标题,学位论文类型,学校名称。

1.4 网络资源:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母缩写(年份),文章标题,网站名称,获取日期,URL链接。

2. 引用的标注方式2.1 书籍:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注作者姓氏和年份。

2.2 期刊文章:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注作者姓氏和年份,同时注明页码。

2.3 学位论文:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注作者姓氏和年份。

2.4 网络资源:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注作者姓氏和年份,同时注明获取日期。

3. 多作者引用3.1 两位作者:同时标注两位作者的姓氏和年份。

3.2 三位或更多作者:标注第一位作者的姓氏,后加"等"或"et al.",再加年份。

4. 引用同一作者的多个作品4.1 同一年份的多个作品:在年份后加小写字母区分,如(2019a)、(2019b)。

4.2 不同年份的多个作品:分别标注不同的年份。

5. 间接引用和引用页码5.1 间接引用:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注原作者姓氏和年份,同时注明"引自"和引用的文献。

5.2 引用页码:在引用的句子结尾处用括号标注作者姓氏、年份和页码。



harvard reference list example -回复

harvard reference list example -回复

harvard reference list example -回复如何使用哈佛引用样式创建参考文献清单。






1. 标题参考文献清单应该以"参考文献"或"参考书目"为标题,居中放置,并使用加粗字体。

例如:参考文献2. 作者姓名按照"姓,名"的格式列出作者的姓名。



例如:Smith, J.Brown, A., Johnson, L.3. 出版日期在作者姓名后面,用括号括起来并紧跟着在逗号后添加出版日期。


例如:Smith, J. (2021, January 15).4. 文章或章节标题在出版日期后面,以引号将文章或章节的标题括起来。


例如:Smith, J. (2021, January 15). "The Importance of Harvard Referencing."5. 期刊名或书名在文章或章节标题后面,使用斜体字列出期刊名或书名。

这应该是斜体文本,例如:Smith, J. (2021, January 15). "The Importance of Harvard Referencing." Journal of Academic Writing.6. 出版地点和出版者在期刊名或书名之后,使用逗号将出版地点和出版者分隔开来。








二、引用排序的原则在哈佛参考文献列表引用排序时,应遵循以下原则:1. 作者姓名:在引用文献时,应按照作者姓名的字母顺序进行排序。


2. 出版物信息:在引用文献时,应提供完整的出版物信息,包括出版物名称、出版日期和页码等。

3. 引用多次:如果同一作者在同一研究领域发表了多篇文献,则可以省略重复的作者姓名和出版物信息。

4. 多个作者:如果有多个作者,应按照逗号分隔的方式列出,并使用和第一作者相同的引用格式。

三、示例以下是一个哈佛参考文献列表的引用排序示例:1. 莫特森, B. P., & 麦克唐纳, C. (2019). 细胞生物学研究的新进展。

细胞生物学杂志, 2(3), 235-245。

2. 弗里德, J. W., & 霍尔姆斯, R. D. (2020). 基因编辑技术的新发展及其应用。

生物技术通讯, 22(1), 34-38。

3. 布朗, S. M., & 王, L. (2018). 新一代基因检测技术的临床应用。

临床医学进展, 17(2), 56-60。

4. 张三, 李四, & 王五.(2021). 哈佛大学医学院的研究成果及其对医学的影响。

医学与健康, 3(5), 89-93。

5. 王五, 刘二狗, & 张三.(2022). 哈佛大学图书馆藏书目录及其利用价值。

最规范Harvard Reference

最规范Harvard Reference
#39;A Communist He Was, but Today, Che Sells',New York Times, 9 October, Newspaper Source Select, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 December 2010.
'Royal Dogfight' 2004,People, 61, 1, p. 28, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 December 2010.
Online Newspaper Article
[Author last name], [Author first initial] [Year], ‘[Title of article]’ [Newspaper Name], [Day month of publication], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCOhost], viewed [day month year].
Dates: Use on the year of the publication. For viewed dates use the format date month year with no punctuation between.
Journal or Magazine Article
'Metro Briefing | Connecticut: Hartford: Domestic Violence Proposal', 2005,New York Times, 10 January, Newspaper Source Select, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 December 2010.

Harvard Reference

Harvard Reference

2nd Edition: Updated December 2007University of WollongongAuthor-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide2008This guide was jointly produced by staff in the University Library, Learning Development and CEDIRThe style has been adapted from the publicationStyle Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers 2002 (6th edition)About this GuideAccurate referencing is critical to quality academic writing and avoidance of plagiarism. To assist students to develop this important skill, the need for a nominated style – in the absence of an established discipline-specific style – was identified by the University's Academic Senate: That Academic Senate approve the proposal that the University adopt the HarvardReferencing System as the default referencing system to be used in the absence ofdocumented Faculty/Discipline preferred referencing techniques, to be effective from2004Academic Senate 2003, Resolution 111/03, Minutes from 19/11/2003, UOW, WollongongAs the Harvard Referencing System has many variations, the Library, Learning Development and CEDIR have collaborated to produce the UOW Author-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide.The Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (2002) was used as the basis for tailoring the Guide. Other reputable sources were consulted for consistency, particularly when dealing with resource types not addressed in the Style Manual. Reference entries for additional resource types were developed based upon those included in the Style Manual. It is still not possible to include all variations, particularly as new resources are constantly emerging.At times you will still need to adapt the existing reference type examples to create an appropriate equivalent.Feedback on the guide may be sent to.au/scripts/WebObjects.exe/ccc.woa/wa/feedbackHow to Use this Guide•Remember, the keys to good referencing are1. Accuracy2. Consistency – make sure you apply the same principles and conventions through the entiredocument3. Verification – make sure there is enough information to help your reader locate the resourceIf the examples provided do not exactly match the elements of the resource youwish to reference:•Look carefully at a similar reference type and use the Format of keyelements, together with the examples provided, to construct entries in-text and within the reference list•If some of the key elements cannot be found, include as much detail asyou can•Always check with your lecturer or tutor for clarification, as the accuracy of your referencing is part of the assessment of your work•Refer to the Glossary for definitions of resource types, terms used and standard abbreviations AcknowledgementsStyle Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers 2002, 6th edn, John Wiley, Queensland.Learning Connection 2006, Referencing Using the Harvard Author-Date System, University of South Australia, accessed 23/6/2006,.au/learningconnection/student/learningAdvisors/documents/harvard-referencing.pdf2nd Edition: Updated December 2007AReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listABS/AustralianBureau of StatisticsSee Statistics PublicationAdvertisement See Ephemera: AdvertisementAnnual Report See ReportArchival Material Note: Archival material needs to be referenced in accordance with National Archives of Australia guidelines. Please see UOW Archives' Citing Archival Material .au/archives/guides/citearch.htmlMcCaffrey’s thoughts suggest … (NWUA: McCaffrey; D92/5, Notebooks). Wollongong University Archives: Francis McCaffrey; D92, Francis McCaffrey Collection, 1865-1932; D92/5, Notebooks.Artwork Format of key elementsArtist’s family name, Initial(s) year of production, Title of Artwork, material, held at location of gallery, museum, etc.Painting Lysistrata 1 (Boyd 1971) illustrates a key image of … Boyd, A 1971, Lysistrata 1, painting, held at Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.Photograph(Online)The presentation of Pompeii by Levin (1995) is aclassic …Levin, A 1995, Levin-1, photograph, Pompeii Forum Project ArchivalProjects: General Views, accessed 9/1/2007,/pompeii/images/b-w/levin/small/levin-1.gifPhotograph (Unpublished)The photo of the protea … (Smith 2006). Smith, G 2006, ‘Flowers in our garden 4’, photograph, in possession of theauthor, Shellharbour, NSW.When a work is unpublished, the title is placed in quotation marks and notitalicised. See Image In Another Source for a photograph appearing withinanother source.Sculpture The Lawrence Hargrave Memorial (Flugelman 1988) demonstrates … Flugelman, B 1988, Lawrence Hargrave Memorial, sculpture, held at Mt Keira escarpment, base of the walk to the Summit Track, Keiraville, NSW.Audiovisual Work Format of key elementsTitle year of production/broadcast, format, Publisher, Place of Recording, day and month of broadcast.Notes:•Only include the day and month of broadcast when applicable•This list of audiovisual works is not exhaustive. Use this reference format as a guide to help reference other audiovisual worksFilm The film, An Inconvenient Truth (2006), suggestsa … An Inconvenient Truth 2006, film, Paramount Classics and Participant Productions.Radio Program The plight of indigenous communities was talkedof … (Blackchat with Paulette Whitton 2006). Blackchat with Paulette Whitton 2006, radio program, Koori Radio, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 12 October.Television Program Several problems related to media control werepresented … (Lateline 2006). Lateline 2006, television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 20 September.Video Director, Pellizzari, frames the narrative from …(Rabbit on the Moon 1987).Rabbit on the Moon 1987, videorecording, Australian Film and Television.Video (DVD)Discipline involves … (Positive Discipline 2006). Positive Discipline: A Creative Alternative for Parents and Teachers 2006,DVD, Meridian Education Corporation, Bloomington, Illinois.Video (Online)See Website: Web VideoBReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listBlog SeeWebsite: Weblog4 of 29Book Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title of Book, Publisher, Place of Publication.ORAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title of Book, Series Title, description of work, edition, Editor (ed.) or other contributor,Publisher, Place of Publication.Note: The second version above expands on the first to include elements less commonly found. Include the following elementsonly if applicable:• Series Title•description of work - such as catalogue number or organisation for which a work is prepared•edition - only include for an edition other than the first edition•Editor (ed.) or other contributor - may include compiler (comp.), reviser (rev.), translator (trans.) or illustrator (ill.)1 Author Levy (2007) illustrates these issues … Levy, J 2007, Racing through History: Stock Cars then to Now, Children’sPress, New York.2 or3 Authors This view is noted by Sulsky and Smith (2005,p43) …OR… is one of the causes of stress (Sulsky & Smith2005, p43). Sulsky, L & Smith, C 2005, Work Stress, Thomson/Wadsworth, Belmont, California.When an in-text reference forms part of asentence, use the word and to link authors'names. Use an ampersand (&) when the in-textreference is inside brackets.Always use an ampersand (&) for multiple authors in the reference list.McCrum, Cran and MacNeil (1986) note that … McCrum, R, Cran, W & MacNeil, R 1986, The Story of English, Faber &Faber, London.More than 3 Authors Based on this premise, the study (Malinowski etal. 1999, p106)supports …Malinowski, W, Larsen, AA, Ngu, B & Fairweather, S 1999, Human Geography, Routledge, New York.No Author A History of Reclamation in the West (2000) is an interesting work that provides ... A History of Reclamation in the West 2000, History Program, Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, Utah.No Date Aguilar (n.d.) creates a character who … Aguilar, G n.d., Home Influence, James Nisbet, London.E-book Library Catalogue The electronic age has demanded changes inleadership (Cohan 2002, p6) where once …Cohan, PS 2002, E-leaders, Capstone Publishing, Oxford, UK, accessed31/8/2006, University of Wollongong Library.5 of 29E-book Database Rubin’s (2001) comprehensive coverage of thelatest animated and other videos …Rubin, M 2001, The Little Digital Video Book, Peachpit Press, Berkeley,California, accessed 17/11/2006, Safari Books Online database.E-book Online Totten’s (1836) text about algebra led the way fora ...Totten, S 1836, A New Introduction to the Science of Algebra: Designed forStudents in Colleges, and the Higher Schools and Academies, FJHuntington, Hartford, accessed 17/11/2006,/books?vid=OCLC05752750&id=Rn8AAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=science&as_brr=1The trend towards digitising classic literature canbe seen in the release of … (Dickens 1997).Dickens, C 1997, The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bleak House, accessed12/1/2007 /dirs/etext97/blkhs12h.htm2nd or Later Edition A program should reflect in its design a logicalpathway ... (Farrell 2007). Farrell, J 2007, Programming Logic and Design: Comprehensive, 4th edn, Thomson Course Technology, Boston, Massachusetts.Edited, Revised or Compiled, NoAuthor Cinema during the Great War was anothermedium for propaganda … (Wexman 2006).Wexman, VW (ed.) 2006, A History of Film, 6th edn, Pearson/A & B, Boston.Edited, Revised or Compiled, WithAuthor The tragic flaw of the main protagonist inCoriolanus (Shakespeare 1976) …Shakespeare, W 1976, Coriolanus, The Arden Shakespeare, PhilipBrockbank (ed.), Methuen, London.Include the publication date of the edition used. The Arden Shakespeare isthe Series title.Edited, More Than 3 Editors The editors Horngren et al. (1996) claim politicalprofessional ethics …Horngren, CT, Foster, G, Datar, SM, Black, T & Gray, P (eds) 1996, CostAccounting in Australia: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall, Sydney.In a Language OtherThan English Sand (1932) describes ... Sand, G 1932, Histoire de ma Vie (History of my Life), Calmann-Levy, Paris.ORSand, G 1932, History of my Life (in French), Calmann-Levy, Paris.In a Language OtherThan English, Personal Translation Dante (1975, p5) began his poem with “Nelmezzo del cammin di nostra vita” [In the middleof our lives (my translation)].Dante 1975, La Divina Commedia, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi Testi, Torino.In a Language OtherThan English,PublishedTranslation The author (De Certeau 1984) concludes … De Certeau, M 1984, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. S Rendall,University of California Press, Berkeley.Give the publication date of the edition being used if it is not the same dateas the original edition.6 of 29Chapter Restraint is crucial in maintaining … (Rose 2002).Rose, DB 2002, ‘Good hunters’, in Country of the Heart: An IndigenousAustralian Homeland, Aboriginal Studies Press for the Australian Institute ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, pp77-113.Chapter in an EditedBook Community and ideas of nationhood are complex… (Anderson 1995).Anderson, I 1995, ‘Aboriginal nation(s)?’, in S Perera (ed.), Asian & PacificInscriptions: Identities, Ethnicities, Nationalities, La Trobe University Schoolof English, Bundoora, Victoria, pp65-82.Multiple Works by the Same Author Research (Hess 1993, 1997) has concluded … Hess, DJ 1993, Science in the New Age: The Paranormal, its Defenders andDebunkers, and American Culture, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison,Wisconsin.Hess, DJ 1997, Can Bacteria Cause Cancer? Alternative Medicine ConfrontsBig Science, New York University Press, New York.Multiple Works by the Same Author in the Same Year Recent studies have revealed the causes ofnurses’ absence are … (Preston 1990a, 1990b).Preston, AC 1990a, Multivariate Analysis of Nurses’ Absence Behaviour,Business Research and Development Fund of the Confederation of WesternAustralian Industry, East Perth, WA.Preston, AC 1990b, Theories and Causes of Labour Absence: Reconcilingthe Economic and Psychology Approaches, Business Research andDevelopment Fund of the Confederation of Western Australian Industry, EastPerth, WA.Material Accompanying aBook Supplementary tables (Keller 2005) indicatetrends …Keller, G 2005, Statistics for Management and Economics, 7th edn, CD-ROM, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, California.Book Citing AnotherSourceSee Work Citing Another SourceBrochure See Ephemera: BrochureCReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Chapter SeeBook: ChapterBook: Chapter in an Edited BookComputer Program See Software7 of 29ConferenceUnpublished Paper Mayoral et al. (2005) suggest that surgery … Mayoral, R, Tsagarakis, N, Petrone, M, Clapworthy, G, Caldwell, D &Zannoni, C 2005, ‘Integration of haptic and visual modalities for a total hipreplacement planning system’, paper presented to the Third InternationalConference on Medical Information Visualisation - Biomedical Visualisation(MediVis 2005), London, England, 5-7 July 2005.Published Paper(Online)It has been suggested that planning for total hipreplacement … (Mayoral et al. 2005).Mayoral, R, Tsagarakis, N, Petrone, M, Clapworthy, G, Caldwell, D &Zannoni, C 2005, ‘Integration of haptic and visual modalities for a total hipreplacement planning system’, in Proceedings of the Third InternationalConference on Medical Information Visualisation - Biomedical Visualisation(MediVis 2005), London, England, 5-7 July 2005, accessed 3/10/2006, IEEEXplore database.Published Paper(Print)O’Connor (2005) suggests that academic writingis often …O’Connor, L 2005, ‘Writing, identity and ways of knowing in science’, inProceedings of the 2005 Annual International Conference of the Associationof Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ), Dunedin,New Zealand, 15-17 November 2005.Proceeding Grigg and Bond (2005) highlighted the issues in learning support so that … Grigg, G & Bond, C (eds) 2005, Supporting Learning in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 2005 Annual International Conference of the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ), Dunedin, New Zealand, 15-17 November 2005.Course Material See •E-reading•Lecture/PresentationCourse Reader Kegan-Gardiner (2005) argues that men … Kegan-Gardiner, J 2005, ‘Men, masculinities and feminist theory’, in Kimmel,MS, Hearn, J & Connell, RW (eds), Handbook of Studies on Men andMasculinities, Routledge, London, pp35-50, SOC330 Gender and SocietyCourse Reader Spring 2006, University of Wollongong.DReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listDictionary Entry See Encyclopedia/DictionaryDiscussion SeePersonal Communication8 of 29EReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list eduStream SeeLecture/PresentationElectronic Book See Book: E-bookEmail SeePersonal CommunicationEncyclopedia/ Dictionary Note: If no author or editor is identified in an encyclopedia/dictionary, the necessary information is given in the text and an entry in the reference list is optional.No Author The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1993, p66)defines ‘amercement’ as … The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 1993, 4th edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford.With Author/Editor(Online)A weblog is … (Ince 2001). Ince, D (ed.) 2001, A Dictionary of the Internet, accessed 29/11/2006, OxfordReference Online database.With Author/Editor(Print)A bureaucracy is … (Bendix 1968).Bendix, R 1968, ‘Bureaucracy’, in International Encyclopedia of the SocialSciences, vol.2, pp206-217.Ephemera Format of key elementsPrint: Author’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, format, Publisher, Place of Publication.Object: Author’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, format, viewed date, location details.Notes:•It is important when citing ephemera to describe the item and provide details of the source in the appropriate format•This list of ephemera is not exhaustive. Use this reference format as a guide to help reference other forms of ephemera•For online examples, see also Website: Web PageAdvertisement Advertisements like Lindt’s (2005) ‘IntenseIndulgence’ seduce consumers with … Lindt 2005, ‘Intense Indulgence’, Vogue Entertaining & Travel, Aug/Sept, p161.… the reminder to motorists displayed…(RTA n.d.). RTA n.d., How Fast are You Going Now?, billboard, viewed 7/1/2007, Princes Highway, Heathcote, NSW.Brochure (Online)The plan (Library Business Plan Summary 2006)hopes to …Library Business Plan Summary 2006, University of Wollongong Library,Wollongong, NSW, accessed 4/10/2006,.au/about/planning/pdfs/busplansummary.pdfBrochure(Print)The brochure (Opera: 2007 Sydney Opera HouseLife Amplified 2006) advertises the program for …Opera: 2007 Sydney Opera House Life Amplified 2006, brochure, Sydney.9 of 29Theatre/ConcertTicket The design of Chris Isaak's concert tickets ...(Chris Isaak Concert 2006).Chris Isaak Concert 2006, concert ticket, WIN Entertainment Centre, 20November.Equation See FormulaE-reading Notes:•When the e-reading is a link to a database, cite as for a Journal Article•When the e-reading is a link to a web page, cite as for a web page•When the item is scanned by the Library, add the access date and the words University of Wollongong Library e-readings Chapter It has been suggested … (Kell 2001, p34). Kell, P 2001, ‘Futures in the new globalised education markets’, in MKalantzis & A Pandian (eds), Literacy Matters: Issues for New Times,Common Ground, Altona, Victoria, accessed 25/10/2006, University ofWollongong Library e-readings.Journal Article It is important to note … (Cotterall 1995). Cotterall, S 1995, ‘Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy’, ELTJournal, vol.49, no.3, pp219-227, accessed 1/9/2006, University ofWollongong Library e-readings.FReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listFilm SeeAudiovisual Work: FilmFigure The data as presented in Figure iv (Crystal 1997,p227) ...However, if the figure, table or graph isreproduced in your work, also include a referenceto the original within your caption or label, e.g.... (Crystal 1997, p227, fig.iv). Crystal, D 1997, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 2nd edn Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Formula … as an exemplar of a complex application(Johnson 2003, eqs 5.2-5.6).Johnson, P 2003, Equations in Modern Science, Palgrave, London.10 of 29Reference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list GovernmentPublicationSee also Legal MaterialHansard/ ParliamentaryDebate (Commonwealth)Mr Braithwaite (Australia, House ofRepresentatives, Debates, 1989, p379) drewattention to ...Australia, House of Representatives 1989, Debates, vol.HR165, pp379-552.(Online)Mr Braithwaite (Australia, House ofRepresentatives, Debates, 1989) drew attentionto ... Australia, House of Representatives 1989, Debates, vol.HR165, pp379-552, accessed 14/2/2007,.au/piweb/TranslateWIPILink.aspx?Folder=HANSA RDR&Criteria=DOC_DATE:1989-03-02%3BSEQ_NUM:147%3BParliamentary Paper Sources of funding report … (Australia,Parliament 1999, Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Commercial Development CorporationAnnual Report 1998-99, Parl. Paper 414). Australia, Parliament 1999, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commercial Development Corporation Annual Report 1998-99, Parl. Paper 414, Canberra.Report Ergas (1986, p23) identified two consequences created by geographical dispersion. Ergas, H 1986, Telecommunications and the Australian Economy, Report to the Department of Communications, AGPS, Canberra.Report by a Government Agency The Australian Sports Drug Agency (2004, p16)lists alcohol, beta blockers ...Australian Sports Drug Agency 2004, Anti-Doping Information Handbook,Australian Sports Drug Agency, Canberra.Graph SeeFigure HReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Hansard See Government Publication: Hansard/Parliamentary DebateReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listImage In Another Source See also •Artwork•FigureBook The filmmaker often depicts characters viewed through a windshield, as the actor Dennis Hopperappears … (Cook & Gemunden 1997, p224). Cook, RF & Gemunden, G (eds) 1997, The Cinema of Wim Wenders: Image, Narrative, and the Postmodern Condition, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan.Newspaper Article The Traveston Dam site is captured byphotographer Mechielsen (in Roberts 2007, p4),providing background to …ORThe Traveston Dam site is captured byphotographer Mechielsen (2007, p4), providingbackground to ...Roberts, G 2007, ‘Dam blow for Beattie from federal Labor’, The Australian, 9 January, p4. Photograph by Les Mechielsen.When credit is given to the creator of the image in another source, list the creator at the end of the reference for that source.ORMechielsen, L 2007, ‘Inappropriate’, photograph, The Australian, 9 January, p4.Web Page Barnes’ (n.d.) image of the type of sculpture is … Barnes, G n.d., Wollongong - Monuments and Statues - Nike, P06\P06805,Wollongong, JPEG, accessed 12/02/2005.au/IllaIms/jsmall/P06/P06805.jpg Interview SeePersonal CommunicationJ-KReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listJournal Article Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume, issue number, page range, accessed date,database name (or URL).Note: Only include access date and database name (or URL) for journals accessed online1 Author Feinstein’s (2006) positive review claims … Feinstein, S 2006, ‘After daybreak: the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, 1945’,History, vol.34, no.3, pp89-90.2 or3 Authors Although Wong and Pang (2000, pp14-15)suggest that the moral character of a nurse …Wong, T & Pang, S 2000, ‘Holism and caring: nursing in the Chinese health care culture’, Holistic Nursing Practice, vol.15, no.1, pp12-21.Strong, Silver and Perini (1999) provide a strong connection between …OR... (Strong, Silver & Perini 1999).When an in-text reference forms part of a sentence, use the word ‘and’ to link authors' names. Use an ampersand (&) when the in-text reference is inside brackets. Strong, R, Silver, H & Perini, M 1999, ‘Keeping it simple and deep’, Educational Leadership, vol.56, no.6, pp22-24.Always use an ampersand (&) for multiple authors in the reference list.More than 3 Authors Weber et al. (2007) reported … Weber, F, Negreiros, R, Rosenfield, P & Steiner, M 2007, ‘Pulsars asastrophysical laboratories for nuclear and particle physics’, Progress inParticle and Nuclear Physics, vol.59, no.1, pp94-113.No Author In the article ‘Get familiar with glucosamine’ (2005) it describes … ‘Get familiar with glucosamine’ 2005, Holistic Nursing Practice, vol.19, no.6, p296.(Online)Madden (2002) argues “the demand forintermediation is not necessarily reduced by e-commerce” which is … Madden, G 2002, ‘Internet economics and policy: an Australian perspective’, Economic Record, vol.78, no.242, pp343-358, accessed 16/11/2002,ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest) database.ORThe warlike characteristics of the game … (Blair 1996). ORBlair, DJ 1996, ‘Beyond the metaphor: football and war, 1914-1918’, Journal of the Australian War Memorial, no.28, accessed 15/5/2007,.au/journal/j28/j28-blai.htmMultiple Worksby the Same AuthorSee Book: Multiple Works by the Same Author and apply the same principlesJournal CitingAnother SourceSee Work Citing Another SourceLReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listLecturePresentation Adams (2006) noted that … Adams, M 2006, The Stolen Generation, lecture, ABST150 Introduction toAboriginal Australia, University of Wollongong, delivered 10 August.Audio (eduStream)Adams (2006) spoke about … Adams, M 2006, The Stolen Generation, audio recording of lecture,ABST150 Introduction to Aboriginal Australia, University of Wollongong,delivered 10 August.Lecture Notes(Online)Lu (2006) discussed ... Lu, X 2006, MATH142 ‘Sequences and series’, lecture notes, accessed25/10/2006, eLearning@UOW.For online lecture notes available through e-readings, see E-reading.Lecture Notes(Print)Puotinen provides practice in … (2006, p12).Puotinen, M 2006, EESC304 Geographic Information Systems Ex2.3Practical Exercise Notes, Faculty of Science, University of Wollongong.Legal Material Notes:•The list of legal materials is not exhaustive. Use the examples as a guide to help reference other forms of legal material•See also Government PublicationAct The Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 (s.23)makes provision for common law rights andinterests.ORMining, commercial and agricultural leases…(Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth), ss.245-247).Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth).Bill The Companion Animals Amendment Bill 2006(NSW) (cl.2) makes provision for amending …Companion Animals Amendment Bill 2006 (NSW).Case Lord Buckmaster in Donahue v Stevenson [1932]AC 562) at 566 …Donahue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562.It was the opinion of Mason CJ and Brennan Jthat … (Mabo and others v. Queensland (no.2)(1992) 175 CLR 1 at 2).The number after the word ‘at’ refers to thespecific page number you are discussing.Mabo and others v. Queensland (no.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1.Reference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Magazine See Newspaper/Magazine ArticleManuscript (Unpublished)Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, ‘Title’, manuscript/format if applicable, held at location of library/archive/museum OR held by name and location of private collection.Note: It is important when citing an unpublished manuscript to describe the item and provide details of the sourceThe manuscript notes … (Buckingham 1964). Buckingham, J 1964, ‘Journey to Russia’, manuscript, held by G Langton,Perth, WA.Map Format of key elementsOriginator’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, map, scale, Series, sheet number, Publisher, Place of Publication, ‘Cited locationtitle’, coordinates.Notes:•Originator can be the cartographer, surveyor, or compiler•Include Series and/or sheet number only if applicable•Include Cited location title and coordinates only if citing a specific location on the mapThe map of Manilla (Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973) shows the … Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973, Manilla, NSW, map, 1:250,000, SH56-9, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.ORBureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973, Manilla, NSW, map, 1:250,000, SH56-9, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, ‘Black Jack Mountain’, 30° 55’S 151° 07’E.Media Release The treasurer, Peter Costello (2006), announcedthat … Costello, P 2006, Treasurer Announces National Competition Council Appointments, media release, accessed 15/1/2007,.au/tsr/content/pressreleasesMicroform Brandt’s (1982) photographs depict … Brandt, B 1982, Bill Brandt, Early Photographs, 1930-1942, microform,Chadwyck-Healey, Cambridge.Minutes of a Meeting The members (Learning Development Committee2006) put forward a motion to …Learning Development Committee 2006, Minutes from 8/11/2006, Universityof Wollongong, Wollongong.Music Score Beethoven’s (1976) composition displays … Beethoven, L 1976, Fourth and Fifth Symphonies, musical score, Dover,New York.。



"哈佛引用法"通常是指使用哈佛大学引文风格(Harvard referencing style),一种用于在学术写作中引用参考文献的标准格式。




1. **在文本中直接提及:**
- Smith(2005)指出...
2. **在括号中引用:**
- ...(Brown, 1998)。

- ...(Miller and Johnson, 2012)。

3. **在文献列表中的书写格式:**
-书籍引用格式:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母.(出版年份). 书名. 出版地:出版社。

-文章引用格式:作者姓氏,作者名字的首字母.(出版年份). 文章标题. 期刊名, 卷号(期号), 页码。





Harvard referencing: a guide for SoMstudents IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academicjournals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s oreditor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except forthe 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary ofnutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followedby the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at:(Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at:(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication areincluded in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary ofnutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing,79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronageintentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing,79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at:(Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb.Available at:(Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal ofRetail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at:(Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, thetitle can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:(Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So checkthat the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular,double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。





[2][3]目录• 1 参考文献o1.1 引用o1.2 书目• 2 延伸阅读• 3 参见引用[编辑]1. ^Harvard System of Referencing Guide. Anglia RuskinUniversity. 21 May 2012 [4 September 2012].2. ^"Author-date system, Chicago Manual of Style,Williams College Libraries, accessed 25 October 2010.3. ^ Pears, R and Shields, G Cite them right : the essentialreferencing guide (2008) ISBN 978-0-9551216-1-6书目[编辑]•American Psychological Association (2001). Citations in Textof Electronic Material, APA Style.•British Standards Institution (1990). Recommendations forciting and referencing published material, 2nd ed., London:British Standards Institution.•Chernin, Eli (1988). "The 'Harvard system': a mysterydispelled", British Medical Journal. October 22, 1988,pp. 1062–1063.•The Chicago Manual of Style (2003), 15th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN0-226-10403-6 (hardcover). ISBN0-226-10404-4 (CD-ROM).•Council of Science Editors (2006). Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, andPublishers, 7th ed. Reston, VA (USA): CSE.ISBN0-9779665-0-X•Mark, Edward Laurens (1881). Maturation, fecundation, and segmentation of Limax campestris, Binney", Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College,Volume 6.•Modern Language Association of America (2009). The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. NewYork: MLA. ISBN 1-60329-024-9•MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2008).Modern Language Association, 3rd edition. ISBN0-87352-297-4•Roediger, Roddy (April 2004). "What should they be called", APS Observer,17 (4), 2009, accessed 11 March2009.•"Lamont Libraries Lead RefWorksWorkshops" (2006). Harvard College Library. •"Research Service Libraries Take Part in PilotProject" (2009). Harvard University Library, February 18,2009, accessed 11 March 2009.•Turabian, Kate L., et al. (2007). A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 7th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.ISBN 0-226-82336-9•"Citation Tools" at Harvard Libraries (2008) –Includes hyperlinked "Tool Comparisons: RefWorks, EndNote,Zotero".•American Library Association (ALA) (November 2003). ALA Standards Manual.•Anglia Ruskin University Library (updated 2010). "Harvard System of Referencing Guide".•Mullan, W.M.A. (updated 2010). " Harvard referencegenerator for citing references".•Council of Science Editors (CSE), previously named Councilof Biology Editors (CBE) (2009). "Scientific Style andFormat: Introduction" and"Reference Links"–Includessection on "Grammar and Style" with hyperlinked "Citing theInternet: Formats for Bibliographic Citations".)•Duke University Library (last modified, 2 June 2008). "CitingSources: Documentation Guidelines for Citing Sources andAvoiding Plagiarism"–Provides hyperlinked "CitationGuides" pertaining to the most commonly used citationguidelines, including parenthetical referencing; includes:APA, Chicago, CBE, CSE, MLA, and Turabian styleguidelines.•Harvard College Library (2008). "Research Guides".(Compiled by the Staff of Harvard College Library.)•Harvard College Writing Program, HarvardUniversity (2008). Resources for Students: Guides to UsingSources.•University of Leeds Library (2009). "References and citationsexplained", accessed 25 October 2010.•University of Southern Queensland Library (2008). YourGuide to the Harvard AGPS ReferencingSystem and "Harvard Style (AGPS) - Web sources",accessed 25 October 2010.•Victoria University of Technology (2009). Harvard(AGPS) Style: Harvard (AGPS) Style: A Guide toReferencing Sources Used in Assignments], accessed 25October 2010.•ISO 690•文后参考文献著录规则分类:•文献学。







1. 书目参考格式:作者姓,作者名. (出版年). 书名. 出版地:出版商。

以下是一个书目参考格式的示例:Smith, J. (2010). The Power of Habit. New York: Random House.2. 期刊文章参考格式:作者姓,作者名. (出版年). 文章标题. 刊物名称,卷号(期号),页码。

以下是一个期刊文章参考格式的示例:Johnson, L. A., & Smith, P. (2017). The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health. Journal of Health Psychology, 26(2), 135-142。

3. 网页参考格式:网站作者名. (发布日期). 文章标题. 网站名称。


以下是一个网页参考格式的示例:Brown, A. (2019). The Importance of Sleep for Students. Health Education Online. Retrieved June 20, 2021, from [来源链接]。

请注意,在生成哈佛参考文献格式时应遵循以下要求和规则:1. 书目和期刊文章引用中的作者姓名按照以下顺序排列:姓,名字首字母。


2. 在书目和期刊文章引用中,书名或文章标题应用斜体或引号括起来。

3. 书目中的出版地和出版商,文章中的卷号和期号,以及网页中的发布日期和检索日期,都需要用括号括起来。

harvard reference文中引用格式

harvard reference文中引用格式

标题:深度解析Harvard Reference文中引用格式在学术写作中,引用格式是非常重要的一环,不仅可以展现学术严谨性,还可以向读者展示你的研究广度和深度。

其中,Harvard Reference是一种常见的引用格式,它要求作者在文中引用其他来源时,应当注明引用的来源、作者和出处,以及出版年份。

今天,我们将深度解析Harvard Reference文中引用格式的重要性、详细规则和个人见解。

一、Harvard Reference文中引用格式的重要性1.1 引用格式的重要性在学术写作中,引用可以帮助我们展现对学术研究的尊重和认可,同时可以让读者了解到我们所参考的文献和资料。


1.2 Harvard Reference的特点Harvard Reference作为一种广泛使用的引用格式,其主要特点是将作者的姓氏和出版年份直接引用在文中,而具体的引用信息则在引用列表中提供。


二、Harvard Reference文中引用格式的详细规则2.1 文中引用格式在文中引用其他来源时,需要按照以下格式进行:(作者姓氏, 出版年份)。


例如:(Smith, 2010, p.25)。

2.2 引用列表格式在文章的末尾,需要列出所有引用的文献和资料,按照以下格式进行:作者姓氏,作者名字初始。




例如:Smith, J. (2010). The Art of Academic Writing. London: Academic Press.2.3 特殊情况处理当文中有多个来源需要引用时,需要按照出版年份顺序排列,当年份相同的情况下则按照作者姓氏的字母顺序排列。


三、个人观点和理解3.1 对于学术研究的重要性在我的看来,Harvard Reference文中引用格式的重要性不言而喻。










两三个作者:当引用两三位作者的来源时,请列出所有的姓氏;四个或更多作者:在这种情况下,第一作者的姓氏应该用“et al”来表示;没有作者:如果可能,请使用负责该职位的组织来代替作者。






英文论文引用格式:HarvardReference格式----英国翰思教育Harvard Reference格式是英国学校学生用来写英文论文的一种引用格式;使用率相比其它引用格式较普遍一些。

那么如何使用Harvard Reference格式进行引用呢?Hansedu老师带你认识哈佛引用格式。

Harvard Reference格式包括两种类型:1. 直接引用或解释源时,使用正文引用;它们位于作品的正文中,并包含完整引用的片段。

根据来源类型的不同,哈佛大学参考文献中的一些引文可能如下所示:“After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…”(Fitzgerald, 2004).2. 参考资料列表位于工作结束,显示完整的引用,用于分配中使用的来源。

以下是哈佛参考书目中一本书的完整引用例子:Fitzgerald, F. (2004). The great Gatsby. New York: Scribner.Harvard Reference格式参考列表是为了让读者自己定位原始资料而创建的。











例:Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software testing. Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, p.156.Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448.Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151.Harvard Reference格式参考文献列表当同一作者有多件作品时,按年份排列引用次序。

harvard reference引用中文文章

harvard reference引用中文文章

对于写作,哈佛引用格式(Harvard referencing)是学术界广泛使用的一种引用风格。




1. 文内引用:在文章中引用他人观点或研究成果时,需要在引用处给出作者尊称和出版年份。

例如:Smith (2010)指出……2. 直接引用:如果是直接引用他人的文字,需要在引用处加上页码。

例如:Smith (2010, p. 25)指出……3. 多作者引用:当引用的文献有多位作者时,需要根据文献的作者顺序给出相应的引用信息。

例如:Smith and Johnson (2010)指出……4. 多篇文献引用:在文章中引用多篇文献时,需要按照作者姓氏字母顺序给出相应的引用信息。

例如:(Smith, 2010; Johnson, 2011)5. 文献综述:在文章的结尾部分,需要给出详细的文献综述,包括作者尊称、文章题目、出版地点等。


以下是一些常见的引用规范:1. 作者尊称的书写方式:在引用中,需要按照作者尊称的姓氏字母顺序排列,并且尊称之间用逗号隔开。

例如:Smith, J., Johnson, M.2. 出版年份的书写方式:在引用中,需要给出文献的出版年份,如果是多篇文献引用,年份之间用分号隔开。

例如:(Smith, 2010; Johnson, 2011)3. 文献综述的书写方式:在文章的结尾部分,需要按照文献的作者姓氏字母顺序给出详细的引用信息。

例如:Smith, J. (2010). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.哈佛引用格式是一种十分严谨的引用风格,它要求作者在文章中引用他人观点或研究成果时,必须给出详细的引用信息。

harvard 中文文献引用格式

harvard 中文文献引用格式

harvard 中文文献引用格式
















MLA格式,全名为Modern Language Association,是美国现代语言协会指定的论文引用格式,主要用于现代文学和语言学领域。



哈佛格式,全名为Harvard System或Harvard Reference System,是哈佛大学的论文参考文献标准,最初广泛用于物理学与自然科学论文,后推广至社科类研究论文。




哈佛文献引用标注harvard referencing

哈佛文献引用标注harvard referencing

Harvard referencing guideHSL-DVC1A bibliographical reference should contain sufficient information for someone else or yourself to trace the item in a library. It is very important to be consistent and accurate when citing references. The same set of rules should be followed every time you cite a reference. Citations in the text should give the author's name with the year of publication and then all references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper/dissertation.This guide aims to outline how to reference using the Harvard method. The Harvard method is not the only standard of referencing and you should consult with your lecturers which they recommend. For a more interactive tutorial on how to reference correctly refer to the …Tutorials by department‟ tab on the Information Skills Resource website.Harvard method of citation in the textAll statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be acknowledged, whether the work is directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised. In the Harvard System cited publications are referred to in one of the forms shown below:Single author:-In a study by Seedhouse (1997) coping with illness was investigated ....In a study (Seedhouse,1997) coping with illness was investigated ....When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year these are distinguished by adding lower case letters after the year within the brackets. Burnard (1992a) wrote about communication for health professionals that ....Two authors :-In the book by Basford and Slevin (1995) .....More than two authors:-Benner et al (1996) conclude that ....If more than one citation is referred to within a sentence, list them all in the following form, by date and then alphabetically:-There are indications that passive smoking is potentially threatening to the health.......... ( Francome and Marks, 1996; Bunton, 1995; Lupton, 1995)Harvard method of quoting in the textWhen quoting directly in the text use quotation marks as well as acknowledging the author's name, year of publication and page number of the quote in brackets.Short quotations e.g. up to 2 lines can be included in the body of the text:-Weir (1995) states that "defining roles and their remits is not simple"(p.10).Longer quotations should be indented in a separate paragraph:-Thomas and Ingham (1995) in discussing staff development state that: "Development is infectious, and staff who previously have recoiled from undertaking a degree or conversion course have been encouraged by the success of others"(p.33).If part of the quotation is omitted then this can be indicated using three dots:-Weir and Kendrick (1995) state that "networking is no longer solely within the male domain . . ."(p.88).Secondary referencingSecondary referencing is when one author is referring to the work of another and the primary source is not available. You should cite the primary source and the source you have read e.g. (Fiedler and Chemers, 1974, cited in Douglass, 1996). Secondary referencing should be avoided if at all possible.Harvard method of listing references at the end of the textReferences should be listed in alphabetical order by author's name and then by date (earliest first), and then if more than one item has been published during a specific year by letter (1995a, 1995b etc). Whenever possible details should be taken from the title page of a publication and not from the front cover, which may be different. Each reference should include the elements and punctuation given in the examples below. Authors' forenames can be included if given on the title page but they are notrequired to be. The title of the publication should either be in italics or underlined. The examples given are in italics:A book by a single author:Seedhouse, D. (1997) Health promotion: philosophy, prejudice and practice. Chichester, John Wiley.A book by two authors:Burns, Nancy and Grove, Susan K. (1997) The practice of nursing research: conduct, critique & utilization. 3rd edition. London, Saunders.A book by more than two authors:Mares, Penny et al. (1995) Health care in multiracial Britain. Cambridge, Health Education Council.A book by a corporate author (e.g. a government department or other organisation):Health Visitors' Association (1992) Principles into practice : an HVA position statement on health visiting and school nursing. London, Health Visitors' Association.An edited book:Basford, Lynn and Slevin, Oliver (eds) (1995) Theory and practice of nursing: an integrated approach to patient care. Edinburgh, Campion.A chapter in a book:Weir, Pauline (1995) Clinical practice development role: a personal reflection. In: K. Kendrick et al. (eds) Innovations in nursing practice. London, Edward Arnold. p. 5- 22.An article in a journal:Allen, A. (1993) Changing theory in nursing practice. Senior Nurse, 13(1), 43-5.An article in a newspaper:White, M. (1998) £68m to cut NHS waiting lists. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. If no author name is given then anon should be used instead.Anon (1998) Schemes to boost dental care. Guardian, Monday May 18 1998, p.8. Government publicationsIn broad terms White Papers contain statements of Government policy while Green Papers put forward proposals for consideration and public discussion. They are cited in the same way.A White paper:Department of Health (1996) Choice and opportunity: primary care: the future.Cm.3390. London, Stationery Office.A Green paper:Department of Health (1998) Our Healthier Nation: a contract for health. Cm 3854. London, Stationery Office.An Act of Parliament:Great Britain (1990) National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990. Chapter 19. London, HMSO.Conference proceedings:Published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Banks, S. et al (1998) Networked Lifelong Learning: innovative approaches to education and training through the Internet: Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference held at the University of Sheffield. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Paper from published conference proceedings with author or editor(s):Proctor, P. (1998) The tutorial: combining asynchronous and synchronous learning. In: Banks, S. et al. Networked Lifelong Learning: innovativeA thesis or dissertation:Stones, Marian (1995) Women, nurses, education: an oral history taking technique. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Sheffield.A secondary reference:Fiedler, F. and Chemers, M. (1974) Leadership and effective management. Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman & Co. Cited in: Douglass, Laura Mae (1996) The effective nurse: leader and manager. 5th edition. St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby. Acknowledgements:The following documents have been used in the compilation of this guide and further information can be obtained from them.Bournemouth University. Academic Services Group. Library and Information Services.(1996) Harvard System. [online] Bournemouth, Bournemouth University. [Accessed 9th June 1996].British Standards Institution (1989) BS Recommendations for references to published materials. BS.1629:1989. London, BSI.Citing electronic sources of informationThere is a separate guide giving details of how to cite electronic sources of information: “Citing electronic sources of information”.Citing online and audio visual sources ofinformationHSL-DVC2Data is available in various formats apart from printed documents such as books and journals. Increasingly information is becoming available electronically. This guidesets out to provide examples of how to cite these electronic sources of information in the Harvard style. There is a separate document outlining how to cite printed material. The standard copyright law applies equally to electronic sources and any referenceto other people's work should be acknowledged with citations in your text and inclusion in your reference list.The Information Skills Resource includes interactive tutorials on how to reference correctly. Select the ‘Tutorials by department’ tab for tutorials tailored for your subject area. Always check which referencing method your department recommends before submitting finished work.INTERNET SOURCESIndividual worksAuthor/editor surname, Initial. (Year) Title [online].Edition. Place of publication, Publisher. Available from: URL[Accessed date].Example:Marieb.E. (2000) Essentials of Human anatomy and Physiology: AWL Companion Web Site.[online]. 6th edition. San Francisco, Benjamin Cummings. Available from: /bookbind/pubbooks/marieb-essentials/ [Accessed 4th July 2001].Include the year of publication in brackets. Most Web pages are updated on a regular basis. Date of publication is the date the pages were last updated. If you are not sure of the date click on View and page source to check when last modified. If no publication date is given write (No date).Only mention an edition statement if the document clearly states that the pages have been rewritten rather than just updated.The accessed date is when you viewed, downloaded or printed the Web page. This statement is necessary to allow for any subsequent changes which may be made to the page or if the page is no longer available.The term publisher is used here to cover both the traditional idea of publisher of printed sources, as well as organisations responsible for maintaining sites on the Internet, such as the University of Sheffield. If the place of publication is not stated and cannot be ascertained then leave out.Often information is put on the Internet by organisations without citing a specificauthor. In such cases, ascribe authorship to the smallest identifiable organisational unit (this is similar to the standard method of citing works produced by a corporate body) or start with the title.Example:The University of Sheffield Library (2001) Nursing and Midwifery in the Library and on the Internet. [online]. Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Available from:/library/subjects/subnurse.html [Accessed 4th July 2001]. Citing electronic journalsAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title[online], Volume (part), location within the host. Available from:URL [Accessed date].The "location within host" is the equivalent of page numbering used with printed sources. If the document does not include pagination an alternative may be used eg date, labelled part, or the the total number of lines, paragraphs or screens. Example of an article from a journal available in print and electronic form: Handwashing Liaison Group (1999) Hand washing. BMJ[online], 318 (7185),686. Available from: /cgi/content/full/318/7185/686 [Accessed 4th July 2001].Examples of articles from journals only available online:Snyder, M. (2001) Overview and Summary of Complementary Therapies: Are TheseReally Nursing? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [online], 6(2), 31st May 2001. Available from: http://www.nursingworld/ojin/topic15/tpc15ntr.htm [Accessed 4th July 2001.Peterson, M. (1997) Skills to enhance problem-based learning. Medical Education Online [online], 2,3. Available from: http://www.med-ed-/f0000009.htm#reference [Accessed 4th July 2001].Citing a full text item from an online bibliographical databaseAuthor surname, Initial. (Year) Title of article. Journal title.Volume (part), pages. Full-text [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of full text article from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Newens, Andrew J. et al (1997). Changes in reported dietary habit and exercise levels after an uncomplicated first myocardial infarction in middle-aged men. Journal of Clinical Nursing 6(2), 153-160. Full-text [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc.[Accessed 28th May 1998].Citing an abstract from an online bibliographical databaseAn abstract should only be cited if it has proved impossible to obtain the full text of the article and it is essential to your work to do so.Author surname, Initial. (Year). Title of article. Journal title. Volume (part), pages. Abstract [online]. Online database name on host [Accessed date].Example of abstract from CINAHL via the Ovid online service:Redman, G. M. (1997). LPN-BSN: education for a reformed healthcare system. Journal of Nursing Education 36(3), 121-7. Abstract [online]. CINAHL, Ovid Technologies Inc. [Accessed 28thMay 1998].Citation from a database that includes citation instructionsSometimes the database instructs you on how to cite references. This might be at the end of the article. You must cite the reference as they state. Put in brackets at the end of the citation that this is the case.Example of such a citation:Renfrew MJ and Lang S. Early initiation of breastfeeding. (Cochrane Review) In: the Cochrane Library, issue 2. Oxford:Update Software;1998. Updated quarterly. (Citation as instructed)JISCmail/Listserv email listsThese discussion lists generate email messages which are sent directly to the subscriber. Many lists will archive the messages sent. References to these messages should be treated in a similar fashion to journal references; using the list name in place of the journal title and the subject line of the message in place of the article title.For "Available from" use the email address of the list administrator. These details,together with the author, will appear in the message header.Author, (Day Month Year). Subject of message. Discussion list [online]. Available from: JISCmail/Listserv email address [Accessed date].Examples:Nott, A.J. (26 Jan 2000) Integrated care pathways. Psychiatric- nursing [online]. Available from: /lists/psychiatric-nursing.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Sandall, J. (24 May 2001) Free web-based virtual midwifery library. Midwifery-research [online]. Available from: /lists/midwifery-research.html [Accessed 5th July 2001].Please note that items may only be archived on discussion group servers for up to a year. A local copy could be kept by the recipient, who is giving the citation, but a note should be given to this effect. It is also in your interest to print a copy of potentially temporary sources in case you need to prove a source after it has beendeleted/moved/changed.Usenet newsgroups/Bulletinboards/BlogsUsenet newsgroups allow people with similar interests to read and post messages in a common location on the Internet.Author (Day Month Year). Subject heading of message. Newsgroup [online].Available from: Name of Usenet newsgroup [Access date].Clark, D. & Young, J. (8 June 2001) Substance Misuse resource. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001].If the author's name and initial is not given, use the email/username.Example:news@ (7 June 2001) UK Learning Difficulty Website. Uk.sci.med.nursing [online]. Available from: news:uk.sc.med.nursing [Accessed 5th July 2001]. Example:Doctorow, C. (17 Jan 2010) Britain’s Business Secretary wants to turn the nation’s back on basic science [online]. Available from:/2010/01/17/britains-business-se.html [Accessed 19th January 2010].Personal emailIf you wish to make reference to personal email messages then the following format is recommended. You should get a sender's permission to quote a message especially if you quote their email address.Sender (Sender's Email address) (Day Month Year). Subject of Message. Email to recipient (Recipient's Email address).Example:McConnell, D. (D.McConnell@) (28th November 1997) Follow up to your interview. Personal email to L.Parker (l.a.parker@).Audio visual materialsAudiocassettes, CD-ROMs, film, microform, radio broadcasts,television, and videos When citing one of the above items information about the nature of the item should be given where necessary after the title.Example:Peters, T. (1991) Tom Peters Live. [Audiocassette]. Boulder,USA, CareerTrack Publications.Many CD-ROMs, films, videos and broadcasts are the co-operative work of many individuals. These should either be cited with the title as the first element, or if there is an individual with clear responsibility for the intellectual content his name should be used e.g. the director.Examples:Pride and Prejudice. [Video]. (1997) London, BBC.Encarta 98 Encyclopaedia. [CD-ROM]. (1998) New York, Microsoft Ltd. Henderson, David. (1985) Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 3 and 4. Nov - Dec 1985. Individual items within a programme should be cited as contributions.Example:Thatcher, Margaret. (1986) Interview. In: Six O'Clock , BBC 1. 1986 Jan 29.18.00hrs.。





在本文中,我们将详细介绍Harvard 引用格式的基本结构、正确使用方法以及常见问题解答。

1.Harvard引用格式的基本结构Harvard引用格式主要包括以下几个部分:- 序号:在正文中,对引用的文献进行编号,如[1],[2]等。

- 引用文献的作者姓名:按照姓氏首字母排序,并列出所有作者的姓名。


- 出版年份:用括号括起,放在作者姓名后的斜杠后面。

- 文献类型:可用缩写表示,如期刊文章、书籍、会议论文等。

- 出版地:用括号括起,放在出版年份后的斜杠后面。

- 出版社:放在出版地后的括号内。

- 文献页码:如果引用的是书籍或期刊文章的某一章节,需要列出章节页码。

2.如何正确使用Harvard引用格式以下是一些使用Harvard引用格式的示例:- 书籍:[1] 李明,张晓晓.2010.计算机网络基础[M].北京:清华大学出版社.- 期刊文章:[2] 王红,李伟.2015.基于机器学习的文本分类研究[J].计算机科学与技术,30(2):120-125.- 会议论文:[3] 张华,陈晨,杨洋.2017.面向物联网的数据挖掘技术[C]//全国计算机科学与技术大会.上海:华东师范大学,100-105.3.常见问题及解答- 问题1:如何处理多个作者的文献引用?解答:按照作者姓氏首字母排序,并列出所有作者姓名。

如:[1] 张三,李四,王五.2010.计算机网络基础[M].北京:清华大学出版社.- 问题2:如何省略作者姓名?解答:当同一文献被多次引用时,可以在第二次及以后的引用中省略作者姓名,只保留序号。


- 问题3:如何引用无作者文献?解答:在序号后直接列出文献类型和出版信息,如:[1].4.结论Harvard引用格式是学术写作中不可或缺的一部分。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Harvard StyleInstructionsNames: Author’s initials are used for their first name. If an author has more than one initial do not put any spaces between initials. Where a resource has multiple authors, all authors are listed by last name and then first initial separated by commas.Titles: Use sentence-like capitalization; only the first word and proper nouns. Include article or chapter titles in single quotation marks. Book and journal titles are fully capitalized.Dates: Use on the year of the publication. For viewed dates use the format date month year with no punctuation between.Journal or Magazine ArticlePattern:[Author last name], [Author first initial] [Year], ‘[Title of article]’, [Journal Name], [Volume number], [issue number], pp. [page number start]-[end], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCO host], viewed [day month year].Example:Maynard, W 1999 'Thoreau's House at Walden', Art Bulletin, 81, 2, pp. 303, Academic Search Premier, EBSCO host, viiewed 6 December 2010Journal or Magazine Article w/No AuthorPattern:‘[Title of article]’ [Year], [Journal Name], [Volume number], [issue number], pp. [page number start]-end], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCO host], viewed [day month year].Example:'Royal Dogfight' 2004, People, 61, 1, p. 28, Academic Search Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 6 December 2010.Online Newspaper Article[Author last name], [Author first initial] [Year], ‘[Title of article]’ [Newspaper Name], [Day month of publication], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCO host], viewed [day month year].Example:Lacey, M 2007, 'A Communist He Was, but Today, Che Sells', New York Times, 9 October, Newspaper Source Select, EBSCO host, viewed 6 December 2010.Online Newspaper Article w/No AuthorPattern:‘[Title of article]’ [Year], [Newspaper Name], [Day month of publication], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCO host], viewed [day month year].Example:'Metro Briefing | Connecticut: Hartford: Domestic Violence Proposal',2005, New York Times, 10 January, Newspaper Source Select, EBSCO host, viewed 6 December 2010.BookPattern:[Author last name] [Author first name initial] [Year], [Title of Work], [Publisher], [Location].Example:Nugent, P, & Vitale, B 2008, 'Chapter 11: Practice Questions with Answers and Rationales', Test Success: Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students (5th Edition) pp. 159-294 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F.A. Davis Company CINAHL Plus with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 6 December 2010.Online Book ChapterPattern:[Author last name] [Author first name initial] [Year], ‘[Title of chapter]’, in [Title of work], [Publisher], [URL or Database Name], [EBSCO host], viewed [day month year].Legge, J 1871, 'The She King, or, The Book of Poetry', in She King, or, the Book of Poetry , American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Historical Monographs Collection: Series 1, EBSCO host, viewed 6 December 2010.Conference PaperPattern:[Author Last Name], [Author First Initial] [Published Year], [‘Title of Conference Paper’], [Conference Title], [Conference Organization Name], [Conference City Location], [Conference State or Country Location], [pp. xx-xx].Example:Johnson, G 2008, ‘The Issue of Domestic Violence and Society Acceptance’,Domestic Violence, Governors for Change, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, pp.1-26.EBookPattern:[Author Last Name], [Author First Name Initial] [Year], [E book Title], [Publisher], [Publisher Location], accessed [Date Month Year], from [E Book Host Site or URL].Example:Clarke, R 2007, Time Can Never Destroy, Little Bear, Littleton, Colorado, accessed 1 October 2009, from .E Book ChapterPattern:[Author Last Name], [Author First Name Initial] [Year], ‘[Chapter Title]’, in [Editor last Name] Editor First Name initial] (ed), [E book Title], [Publisher], [Publisher Location], pp. [xx-xx], accessed [Date Month Year], from [E Book Host Site or URL].Example:Smith, J 2008, ‘Quantum Solutions’, in Wilber, K (ed),Quantum Physics and Holography in Psychological Context, Wilber Communications, Denver,Colorado, pp. 240-245, accessed 12 September 2008, from.WebsitePattern:[Website Page Name] [Year]. [Website Organization], [Website Organization Location], viewed [Date Month Year], <[URL]>.Example:Tommy Bolin Archives 2010. The Official Tommy Bolin Archives, USA, viewed 9 December 2010, /index.html.。
