VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册(2009.4.8版)
VMediaX MRS系列高清录播服务器用户手册南京超然科技有限公司VMediaX MRS系列高清录播服务器用户手册声明版权信息版权所有南京超然科技有限公司保留所有权利。
更多信息请登录南京超然科技有限公司官方网站进行查询了解:VMediaX MRS系列高清录播服务器用户手册目录声明 (1)目录 (2)第一章快速安装 (4)1.1产品外观 (4)1.2安装前准备 (6)1.3产品安装 (6)第二章录播界面 (12)2.1首页 (12)2.2上传视频 (13)2.3录播管理系统 (13)2.4多媒体管理平台 (14)2.5系统管理 (15)第三章录制管理系统 (16)3.1录制方式 (16)3.1.1主叫任务 (16)3.1.2被叫任务 (16)3.2终端管理 (17)3.2.1新增终端 (17)3.2.2管理终端 (19)3.3连接管理 (20)3.3.1新增连接 (21)3.3.2管理连接 (22)3.4预案管理 (24)3.4.1新增预案 (25)3.4.2管理预案 (28)3.5任务管理 (29)3.5.1新增任务 (29)3.5.2管理任务 (32)3.6设备管理 (34)第四章观看视频 (35)4.1点播视频播放 (35)4.2直播视频播放 (38)4.3 AnyScreen(AS功能) (41)第五章多媒体管理平台 (42)5.1节目管理 (42)5.1.1直播管理 (42)5.1.2点播管理 (46)5.2专辑管理 (52)5.2.1专辑查看 (52)5.2.2专辑管理 (54)VMediaX MRS系列高清录播服务器用户手册5.3评论管理 (55)5.4分类管理 (56)5.4.1分类查看 (56)5.4.2分类管理 (57)5.5DBOX管理(AS功能) (58)5.6推送管理(AS功能) (60)5.6.1视频推送 (61)5.6.2直播推送 (63)5.7转码管理(MRS4000、MRS5000功能) (64)5.7.1转码管理 (65)5.7.2高级设置 (66)第六章系统管理 (67)6.1网络存储 (67)6.2用户管理 (68)6.3统计分析 (71)6.4参数设置 (72)6.5系统设置 (73)附录系统工具 (74)1.系统管理 (75)1.1系统概要 (75)1.2许可证 (75)1.3时间管理 (75)2.网络管理 (76)2.1适配器 (76)2.2 DNS (77)2.3路由表 (77)3.软件与服务 (78)3.1软件包管理 (78)VMediaX MRS系列高清录播服务器用户手册第一章快速安装1.1产品外观MRS系列录播服务器采用嵌入式操作系统,MRS系列录播服务器包括MRS3000、MRS4000、MRS5000。
使用本指南............................................................................................ 1
系统基本信息 ......................................................................................... 3
使用遥控器 ....................................................................................................................... 3 获取详细信息 .................................................................................................................... 6
维智WSDA系列伺服驱动器用户手册(EtherCAT总线通信型)版次:2020年10月12日第4版作者:产品应用测试部上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司目录1 安全注意事项 (1)1.1 警告 (1)1.2 注意 (2)2 基本信息 (3)2.1 前面板结构 (3)2.2 铭牌 (4)2.3 控制模式 (5)2.4 规格与功能 (5)2.4.1 基本规格 (5)2.4.2 从站规格 (7)2.4.3 基本功能 (8)2.4.4 保护功能 (8)2.5 产品安装 (8)2.6 系统接线图 (10)3 配线 (13)3.1 主回路接线 (13)3.1.1 端子 (13)3.1.2 电线规格 (14)3.1.3 接线说明 (17)3.2 USB通讯接口CN1接线 (18)3.2.1 端口定义 (18)3.2.2 线缆 (19)3.3 总线接口 CN2A/B 接线 (20)3.3.1 接线图 (20)3.3.2 线缆 (20)3.4 电机编码器线接口CN4接线 (21)3.4.1 端口定义 (21)3.4.2 说明 (22)3.4.3 线缆 (23)3.5 外置再生制动电阻器连接 (24)4 驱动器面板 (29)4.1 概述 (29)4.2 监视器模式 (31)4.3 参数设定模式 (41)4.4 EEPROM 写入模式 (41)4.5 辅助功能模式 (42)4.5.1 概述 (42)4.5.2 设置站别名 (44)4.5.3 解除报警 (44)4.5.4 试运行电机 (45)4.5.5 清零绝对值编码器 (45)4.5.6 初始化参数 (46)4.5.7 解除前面板锁定 (46)4.5.8 注册驱动器 (46)4.5.9 初始化对象字典 (47)4.6 驱动器面板锁定 (48)5 电机试运行 (48)5.1 准备工作 (48)5.2 进行基本设定 (48)5.2.1 打开伺服 (49)5.2.2 选择电机旋转方向 (49)5.2.3 启用超程防止功能 (49)5.2.4 设定电机过载率 (50)5.2.5 启用制动器 (50)5.2.6 伺服断开及报警时停止电机 (50)5.3.1 使用 iMotion 软件 (51)5.3.2 使用驱动器面板 (51)5.4 故障排查 (51)6 控制系统连接 (54)6.1 选择系统类型 (54)6.2 设置关联参数 (54)6.2.1 设置控制系统参数 (54)6.2.2 设置维智伺服驱动器参数 (55)6.3 设置站别名 (55)6.4 设定基准或回机械原点 (55)6.4.1 设定基准 (55)6.4.2 回机械原点 (56)6.5 运行电机 (56)7 绝对式系统 (56)7.1 安装与更换电池 (56)7.2 自制绝对式编码器电缆 (58)7.3 启用绝对值功能 (58)7.4 启用无限旋转绝对式功能 (58)8 增益调整 (58)8.1 准备工作 (58)8.1.1 设定驱动禁止输入 (59)8.1.2 设定转矩限制 (59)8.1.3 设定过速度保护 (59)8.1.4 设定位置偏差过大保护 (59)8.1.5 设定电机可动范围 (60)8.2 推定惯量比 (60)8.3 设置自适应滤波器 (61)8.3.1 操作步骤 (62)8.3.2 故障排查 (62)8.3.3 相关信息 (63)8.4 自动调整增益 (63)8.4.1 操作步骤 (64)8.4.3 相关信息 (65)8.5 手动调整增益 (67)8.5.1 执行基本调整 (68)8.5.2 切换增益 (69)8.5.3 抑制机械共振 (75)8.5.4 设置 2 段转矩滤波器 (76)8.6 总线控制系统调整增益 (77)9 驱动器注册 (77)9.1 获取序列号 (77)9.1.1 通过 iMotion 软件 (78)9.1.2 通过驱动器面板 (79)9.2 获取注册码 (80)9.3 注册驱动器 (81)10 异常与对策 (82)10.1 异常时应对思路 (82)10.2 警告 (83)10.2.1 查找警告 (83)10.2.2 警告码 (83)10.3 SDO传输中止码 (84)10.4 错误码一览表 (85)10.5 错误码详情 (90)10.5.1 Err10系列 (90)10.5.2 Err20系列 (97)10.5.3 Err30系列 (101)10.5.4 Err40系列 (105)10.5.5 Err50系列 (108)10.5.6 Err70系列 (112)10.5.7 Err80系列 (115)10.5.8 Err90系列 (124)10.5.9 其他错误码 (125)10.5.10 解除错误 (125)11 参数 (126)11.2 [分类 0]基本设定 (126)11.2.1 Pr001 (126)11.2.2 Pr002 (127)11.2.3 Pr003 (127)11.2.4 Pr004 (128)11.2.5 Pr011 (128)11.2.6 Pr012 (129)11.2.7 Pr013 (130)11.2.8 Pr014 (131)11.2.9 Pr015 (131)11.2.10 Pr016 (132)11.2.11 Pr017 (132)11.2.12 Pr018~Pr019 (133)11.2.13 Pr024 (134)11.3 [分类 1]增益调整 (134)11.3.1 Pr100~Pr104 (134)11.3.2 Pr105~Pr109 (136)11.3.3 Pr110 (137)11.3.4 Pr111 (138)11.3.5 Pr112 (138)11.3.6 Pr113 (138)11.3.7 Pr114 (139)11.3.8 Pr115 (140)11.3.9 Pr116 (142)11.3.10 Pr117 (142)11.3.11 Pr118 (142)11.3.12 Pr119 (143)11.3.13 Pr120 (143)11.3.14 Pr121 (144)11.3.15 Pr122 (144)11.3.16 Pr123 (144)11.3.17 Pr124 (145)11.3.19 Pr126 (145)11.3.20 Pr127 (146)11.4 [分类 2]控制抑制功能 (146)11.4.1 Pr200 (146)11.4.2 Pr201~Pr203 (146)11.4.3 Pr204~Pr206 (147)11.4.4 Pr207~Pr209 (149)11.4.5 Pr210~Pr212 (150)11.4.6 Pr214~Pr215 (151)11.4.7 Pr216~Pr217 (151)11.4.8 Pr218~Pr219 (152)11.4.9 Pr220~Pr221 (152)11.4.10 Pr222 (153)11.4.11 Pr223 (154)11.5 [分类 3]速度/转矩控制 (155)11.5.1 Pr300 (155)11.5.2 Pr302 (156)11.5.3 Pr304 (156)11.5.4 Pr312~Pr313 (157)11.5.5 Pr314 (158)11.5.6 Pr317、Pr318、Pr321、Pr322 (158)11.5.7 Pr323 (160)11.5.8 Pr326 (160)11.5.9 Pr327 (161)11.5.10 Pr343 (161)11.5.11 Pr344 (161)11.5.12 Pr345 (162)11.5.13 Pr346 (162)11.6 [分类 4] I / F 监视器设定 (162)11.6.1 Pr400~Pr406 (162)11.6.2 Pr408~Pr411 (165)11.6.3 Pr430 (167)11.6.5 Pr432 (168)11.6.6 Pr433 (168)11.6.7 Pr434 (169)11.6.8 Pr435 (169)11.6.9 Pr436 (170)11.6.10 Pr437 (171)11.6.11 Pr438 (171)11.6.12 Pr439~Pr440 (172)11.6.13 Pr441 (173)11.6.14 Pr449 (173)11.6.15 Pr450 (174)11.7 [分类 5]扩展设定 (174)11.7.1 Pr503 (174)11.7.2 Pr504 (174)11.7.3 Pr505 (175)11.7.4 Pr506 (176)11.7.5 Pr507 (177)11.7.6 Pr508 (177)11.7.7 Pr509 (177)11.7.8 Pr510 (178)11.7.9 Pr511 (179)11.7.10 Pr512 (179)11.7.11 Pr513 (179)11.7.12 Pr514 (180)11.7.13 Pr516 (180)11.7.14 Pr520 (180)11.7.15 Pr521 (181)11.7.16 Pr522 (181)11.7.17 Pr523 (181)11.7.18 Pr524 (181)11.7.19 Pr525 (182)11.7.20 Pr526 (182)11.7.22 Pr533 (184)11.7.23 Pr535 (184)11.7.24 Pr540 (184)11.7.25 Pr541 (185)11.8 [分类 6]特殊设定 (185)11.8.1 Pr601 (185)11.8.2 Pr602 (185)11.8.3 Pr604 (185)11.8.4 Pr607 (186)11.8.5 Pr608 (186)11.8.6 Pr609 (186)11.8.7 Pr611 (187)11.8.8 Pr612 (187)11.8.9 Pr615 (187)11.8.10 Pr617 (188)11.8.11 Pr623 (188)11.8.12 Pr624 (189)11.8.13 Pr627 (189)11.8.14 Pr628 (189)11.8.15 Pr629 (189)11.8.16 Pr630 (190)11.8.17 Pr632 (190)11.8.18 Pr633 (192)11.8.19 Pr638 (192)11.8.20 Pr640 (193)11.8.21 Pr642 (193)11.8.22 Pr643 (194)11.8.23 Pr647 (194)11.8.24 Pr650 (194)11.8.25 Pr651 (195)11.8.26 Pr660 (195)12 EtherCat通信规格 (195)12.2 帧结构 (196)12.3 ESC地址空间 (197)12.4 通信状态 (197)12.5 SDO (198)12.6 PDO (198)12.6.1 PDO映射 (199)12.6.2 分配对象 (200)12.6.3 映射配置 (200)12.7 DC通信同步模式 (201)12.8 SII EEPROM (201)12.9 寻址模式 (201)13 对象字典 (202)13.1 概述 (202)13.1.1 分类 (202)13.1.2 数据类型 (203)13.1.3 相关用语 (203)13.2 通信对象 (204)13.2.1 设备信息 (204)13.2.2 同步管理器通讯类型 (208)13.2.3 PDO通讯 (210)13.2.4 同步管理器 2 和 3 同步对象 (240)13.2.5 对象写入 EEPROM (250)13.2.6 对象恢复出厂 (251)13.2.7 故障履历 (252)13.3 驱动器参数对象 (259)13.3.1 2100h (259)13.3.2 2101h (260)13.3.3 2102h (262)13.3.4 2103h (263)13.3.5 2200h (264)13.4 厂商定义对象 (265)13.5 辅助功能对象 (266)13.5.1 信息监视器对象 (266)13.5.2 多圈绝对式编码器清零 (277)13.6 驱动协议对象 (277)13.6.1 功率驱动系统状态机 (277)13.6.2 控制模式设置 (283)13.6.3 位置控制模式 (287)13.6.4 速度控制模式 (325)13.6.5 转矩控制模式 (335)13.6.6 模式共通功能 (343)14 对象字典一览表 (370)14.1 1000h~1FFFh (370)14.2 2000h~2FFFh (378)14.3 3000h~30FFh (379)14.4 3100h~37FFh (392)14.5 6000h~6FFFh (394)1安全注意事项注意事项根据不遵守可能会造成危害的程度,分为警告和注意类型:警告:特别需要提示的内容,如果不遵守此类信息,可能会造成人身伤害甚至是死亡、机器损坏、或者其他财产损失。
© 2002 Fluke Networks. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Manual Title:DSP-4000 Series User Supplement Issue:3Print Date: July 2001Issue Date:10/02Revision/Date:Page Count:4This supplement contains information necessary to ensure the accuracy of the above manual. This manual is distributed as an electronic manual on the following CD-ROM:CD Title:DSP-4000 Series CD Rev. & Date:7/2001CD PN:1627320Supplement1981DSP-4000 Users Manual Supplement6/021Change #1On page 2-22, add the following footnote to Table 2-5:The LEDs, items 6-10 also briefly indicates the battery charge level when you turn on the remote.On page 2-44, under Battery Status, add the following before the note:When you turn on the remote, the LEDs briefly indicate the battery charge level. All five LEDs light up if the battery is fully charged; fewer indicate partial charge.DSP-4300 test tools show the battery status on the Autotest display. If the main unit is connected to a remote, the test tool also shows the approximate number of Autotests you can run with the currently-selected test standard. This number is based on the battery with the lower charge level.Under Battery Status Display, add the following:Conditioning the BatteryThe battery status is more accurate when the battery is properly conditioned. The test tool includes a battery conditioning feature. To condition the batteries, proceed as follows:1. Connect the main and remote units together with a calibration module, or with LIA adapters and anRJ45 patch cord or a cable.2. Connect ac adapters to both units.3. Turn on the remote.Manual Supplement DSP-4000 Users26/024. Press and hold ∆ while turning on the main unit. Release the key when the display goes blank.The conditioning function discharges then charges the battery. This may take several hours, depending on the battery status when conditioning starts. You can interrupt the conditioning if necessary. The ac power LEDs on the test tool and remote turn green when conditioning is complete.On page 3-6, under Link Performance Grade Result (Headroom), add the following after the second paragraph:On a DSP-4300 test tool, you can choose to see NEXT or the worst margin as the headroom value by selecting HEADROOM in SETUP. The worst margin is the measurement that came closest to failing or exceeded the limit by the greatest amount.On page 3-14, add the following text prior to Table 3-3:For ISO/IEC 11801-2002 and EN50173:2002 standards, NEXT is not evaluated where attenuation at the same frequency is less than 4 dB.On page 3-15, in Figure 3-6, add the following to the description of item 4:The limit line is dashed at frequencies where the attenuation is less than 4 dB.On page 3-19, add the following text prior to Table 3-5:For ISO/IEC 11801-2002 and EN50173:2002 standards, ACR is not evaluated where attenuation at the same frequency is less than 4 dB.DSP-4000 Users Manual Supplement8/02 3On page 3-20, in Figure 3-8, add the following to the description of item 4:The limit line is dashed at frequencies where the attenuation is less than 4 dB.Change #2On page 1-5, Figure 1-1, replace the Memory Card Reader with the following:USB Memory Card ReaderManual Supplement DSP-4000 Users410/02On page 8-5, add the following to the Replacement Parts :Your DSP test tool may have a gray or blue case. Part numbers for gray plastic parts are listed in Table 8-2. Part numbers for blue plastic parts are listed below. If a part you need is not listed, contact a Fluke Networks service center for assistance.The parallel memory card reader shipped with the DSP-4300 has been replaced with a USB Memory Card Reader. Use the model number given below to order a replacement memory card reader.DescriptionPart Number Battery door, main unit or remote, blue plastic 1992028Bail, blue plastic1992037Multimedia card reader, USB interfaceDSP-MCR-UChange #3On page 1-4, under Standard Accessories , at the bottom of the page, add the following :The DSP-4000 Series CableAnalyzer now includes LinkWare ™ Cable Test Management software, instead of CableManager ™ software. For information on using LinkWare, see the online help or the Getting Started Guide under Help on the LinkWare menu.。
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本“协议”受中华人民共和国法律保护和管辖,凯润公司对本“协议”拥有 最终解释权。您对本“协议”有任何问题请与凯润公司联系。 地址:北京市海淀区上地科技园嘉华大厦 E 座 702-703 邮编:100085 电话:010-82770909-877 邮箱:www.kefu@
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技有限公司的软件产品。 在使用本产品前,请仔细阅读下面的许可协议。 本《最终用户许可协议》 (以下简称“协议”)是您与北京凯润科技有限公司 (以 下简称“凯润公司”)之间有关 DX4000 软件产品的法律协议。所谓“软件产 品”不仅包括 DX4000 软件、加密锁、相关使用文档及宣传材料等,还包括对 DX4000 软件任何形式的升级软件和补充材料。 同意本协议的所有条款及此处包 含的任何补充的或特殊的许可条款是获得本产品使用许可权的必要条件。 您对本 软件的使用将表明您同意接受本“协议”中条款的约束。
eView4000系列触摸屏人机界面MT4200T, MT4200TK安装说明1.0 安装概述1.1 安装环境2.0 安装说明2.1 安装指南2.1.1 安装位置请注意在产品背后安装设备时,请确保交流电源线、PLC输出模块、接触器、启动器、继电器和其它类型的电气接口设备与MT4000系列产品的背面距离较远。
2.1.2 按照NEMA-4标准安装2.1.3 环境注意事项2.2 电源连接在安装产品前请确认符合所有当地和国家的电气标准,详情请向当地的供应商咨询。
2.2.1 电源要求2.2.2 接地要求2.2.3 CE 要求为保证MT4000系列产品符合EMC的规范,减小电气噪声的干扰,在产品的电源接线端子的外壳接地端子上必须接一条独立的#14 AWG 规格的接地电缆。
2.2.4 安全指导这个部分介绍了推荐的安装惯例和步骤。
ICS 3-304.81 安全性建议:必须仔细考虑紧急停止功能的作用,它必须独立于可编程控制器之外。
●ICS 3-304.81安全性建议是在国际电气制造业协会(NEMA)的许可下从NEMA ICS 3-304标准中复制而来的。
网络视频监控软件-4000操作说明目录一设备管理1.1 列表树配置 41.2 添加设备的操作 51.3 通道的配置 8二图像预览2.1非轮循预览 92.2按节点播放 92.3结束播放 10三云台控制3.1 485参数设置 113.2 云台控制 123.3 方向控制 12四录像和回放4.1 录像 134.2 客户端本地录像 134.3 集中存储服务器录像配置 144.4 NVR服务器的添加 14五维护管理5.1 本地配置 155.2 日志管理 165.3 日志查询 165.4 用户管理 185.5 用户的添加、删除 19一设备管理使用软件进行操作前,需要先对设备进行添加和配置操作。
1.1 列表树配置软件初始运行时,列表树里默认为空,右键点击列表树任意空白处可进行区域的添加。
1.2 添加设备的操作右键点击添加的区域,弹出区域管理菜单,选择“添加设备”。
版本:17 04.02
系统介绍........................................................................... 1
本手册内容介绍 ............................................................................................. 1 系统概述................................................................................................... 1
使用前的准备工作 ...................................................................9
RD4000接收机 .........................ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้..................................................................... 9 内置碱性电池 ............................................................................................. 9 安装和更换碱性电池........................................................................................ 9 可充电电池组 ............................................................................................. 9 安装可充电电池组.......................................................................................... 9 电池组充电 ............................................................................................... 10 电池低电量警告 ........................................................................................... 10
XMC4000中文参考手册-第20章 Δ-Σ解调器(DSD)
每一个转换通道可以独立运行,由一组专用的寄存器控制。每一个通道的转换结果可以储存在 专用的通道特定结果寄存器。 被选择的调制器信号通过片上滤波环节产生数字结果。 DSD 可以接受来自不同类型的外部调制器的数据。这些数据流可被送到可选择的输入引脚中。 特点 下面的特点描述了 Δ-Σ 转换器的功能。
连接外部标准的 Δ-Σ 调制器的选项 − 可选的数据流输入 − 可选的 Δ-Σ 时钟输入或输出
参考手册 DSD, V1.4
V1.2, 2012-12 请遵守产品信息使用协议
Device Guide XMC4500 XMC4000 家族
Δ-Σ 解调器(DSD)
抽取因子 4...32:1 数字 输入
输 入 选 择 调 整
数 辅助CIC 据 滤波器 移 位
数字 结果 服务 请求
抽取因子 4...256:1
CRANK / 盘车
当机组运行速度达到盘车切断条件时,控制器停止启动马达电磁阀 输出,进入“FPT”延时,发电机组继续运转到额定转速(例: 1500RPM),并不断监测机组所有状态,当发电机组建立正常的运 行速度、输出电压、油压、水温等数据,并且没有其它故障,液晶 随后按下边所示格式显示参数:(翻页可查阅更详细参数内容)
“FPT”Delay / “FPT”延时
VAC=0 (ave.) Hz =0 OIL=4.6 Bar kW =0 (sum) kWHr=0 RUN HOURS=0
=66.7 PSI
A=0 (ave.) RPM=0 H2O=70°C BATT=24V kVArHr=0 COUNTERS=4
控制器“D/C” 直流接线端
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
功能说明 油门控制电磁阀-共用触点(COM) 电瓶正极 电瓶负极 传感器接地点 不使用 不使用 水温传感器 油压传感器 第 2 组编程继电器-共用触点(COM) 油门控制电磁阀-常闭触点(N/C) 不使用 不使用 水温传感器故障控制输入 运行模式控制输入 遥距启动控制输入 第 2 组备用故障输入 第 4 组备用故障输入 第 2 组编程继电器-常闭触点(N/C) 油门控制电磁阀-常开触点(N/O) 磁力探头讯号输入(+) 磁力探头讯号输入(-) 油压传感器故障控制输入 紧急停机控制输入 自动模式控制输入 第 1 组备用故障输入 第 3 组备用故障输入 第 2 组编程继电器-常开触点(N/O) 启动马达电磁阀-共用触点(COM) 启动马达电磁阀-常开触点(N/O) 启动马达电磁阀-常闭触点(N/C) 故障警报继电器-共用触点(COM) 故障警报继电器-常开触点(N/O) 故障警报继电器-常闭触点(N/C) 第 1 组编程继电器-共用触点(COM) 第 1 组编程继电器-常开触点(N/O) 第 1 组编程继电器-常闭触点(N/C)
VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册
VX4000系列MCU用户手册VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册声明版权信息版权所有南京超然科技有限公司保留所有权利。
VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册目录声明 (1)目录 (2)第1章产品简介 (4)1.1 开箱检查 (4)1.2 设备的安装 (4)1.3 使用注意事项 (4)第2章快速操作指导 (6)2.1 系统登陆 (6)2.2 页面介绍 (6)2.2.1 快捷键 (7)2.2.2 管理菜单 (7)第3章MCU模块管理 (9)3.1 管理菜单 (9)3.2 会议快速创建及控制 (10)3.2.1 终端管理 (10)3.2.2 创建会议(模板) (12)3.2.3 会议基本控制 (14)第4章会议高级功能介绍 (17)4.1 会议调度功能 (17)4.2 多分屏功能 (18)4.3 主席功能 (20)4.4 发言者功能 (21)4.5 终端主动呼叫功能 (22)4.6 双流功能 (22)4.7 会议参数设置 (24)4.8 滚动字幕功能 (25)4.9 会场名称功能 (26)4.10 会场画面轮询功能 (26)4.10.1 广播轮询功能 (27)4.10.2 主席轮询功能 (27)4.11 点名功能 (28)4.12 语音激励功能 (28)4.13 互控级联功能 (29)第5章系统配置 (32)5.1 常规设置 (32)5.1.1 设备名称 (32)5.1.2 日志等级 (32)5.2 网络设置 (32)5.2.1 RTP最大缓存的包个数 (33)5.2.2 RTP最大Payload (33)5.3 H.323设置 (33)VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册5.4 其他 (34)5.5 系统 (35)5.5.1 状态 (35)5.5.2 系统 (35)5.5.3 日志下载 (36)5.6 产品信息 (36)第6章故障排除 (37)第7章安全事项 (40)第8章保修服务 (41)8.1 保修内容 (41)8.2 售后服务方式 (41)8.3 延长保修服务期限 (41)8.4 保修期以外的售后服务 (42)VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册第1章产品简介1.1开箱检查1.2设备的安装首先将设备安置在网络机房相应的机柜上;将电源线接入设备电源插口,将网线连接到LAN4口,按下电源开关;在客户端的PC机增加一个IP地址:10.10.10.x(x为除10以外的1~254之间的任意一个数字),子网掩码为255.255.255.0。
国家仪器 VXI VME-AT4000系列接口套件安装指南说明书
NA TIONAL INSTRUMENTS ®The Software is the Instrument ®Release Notes_____________________________NI-VXI ™ is a trademark of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.Installing the AT-MXI-2 under Windows 95Thank you for purchasing the VXI/VME-AT4000 interface kit from National Instruments. These release notes describe how to install the AT-MXI-2 and the NI-VXI software on a system running Windows 95. Refer to Getting Started with Your VXI/VME-AT4000 Series and the NI-VXI Software for additional information about the hardware installation.Follow these steps to install the VXI/VME-AT4000 kit under Windows 95.plete the following steps to shut down Windows 95 and install the new hardware.a.Select Shut Down from the Start menu.b.In the Shut Down Windows dialog box, select the Shut down the computer? option,then click Yes .c.When the screen displays the message It’s now safe to turn off your computer , power-off the computer.d.Insert the AT-MXI-2 hardware. Refer to your AT-MXI-2 getting started manual for installation instructions.2.Power-on the computer. When Windows 95 restarts, it automatically detects the newhardware. A New Hardware Found dialog box appears with the interface descriptionNational Instruments AT-MXI-2.3.In the New Hardware Found dialog box, click on the Do not install a driver option, then click OK .4.Determine what resources Windows 95 assigned to the AT-MXI-2 interface.a.Double-click on the System icon in the Control Panel . You can open the Control Panel by choosing Control Panel from the Settings menu in the Start menu.b.In the System Properties dialog box that appears, click on the Device Manager tab anddouble-click on the Other Devices item.c.Double-click on the National Instruments AT-MXI-2 item that appears under theOther Devices item.d.Click on the Resources tab. If the device is currently disabled because it has no assignedresources, the Resources tab contains text describing the problem and a SetConfiguration Manually button. Click on this button to continue. Otherwise, skip tostep 4g.e.Uncheck the Use Automatic Settings item.f.Look at the Conflicting Device List to see if there are any conflicts with theautomatically chosen configuration settings. If there are conflicts, you can use theChange Setting... button to select resources that have no conflicts. You must reserve I/O address space and Memory address space, IRQ level, and DMA channel.•The AT-MXI-2 I/O address space must be in the range 0x10 to 0xFFE0. 0x10 bytes of contiguous I/O address space are required. For example, if you are selecting abase I/O address of 0x340, enter 340-34F in the Value field.•The AT-MXI-2 Memory address space must be in the range 0xC8000 to 0xEFFFF.A minimum of 32 KB of address space are required. For example, if you areselecting a 32 KB window with a base memory address of 0xD0000, enter D0000-D7FFF in the Value field. NI-VXI for AT-MXI-2 will use up to 96 KB of addressspace, which can be split into two ranges (32 KB and 64 KB). Refer to GettingStarted with Your VXI/VME-AT4000 Series and the NI-VXI Software to determineyour memory requirements.•The valid options for the DMA channel are 1, 3, 5, 6, or 7.•The valid options for the IRQ level are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, or 15.g.Note the assigned I/O range, memory range, IRQ level, and DMA channel.h.Click OK to exit. If you had resource conflicts that had to be resolved in step 4f, aCreating a Forced Configuration dialog box appears. Click Yes in this dialog box tocontinue.i.Click on No in the System Settings Change dialog box.j Click Close to exit the System Properties dialog box.k.Click on No in the System Settings Change dialog box.l.Close the Control Panel.5. Restart Windows 95.a.Select Shut Down from the Start menu.b.In the Shut Down Windows dialog box, select the Restart the computer? option, thenclick Yes.6.DOS only: Create a DOS Only Prompt shortcut to run the NI-VXI for DOS utilities ratherthan using the DOS shell from the Start/Programs/MS-DOS Prompt menu. Many NI-VXI software utilities are combined DOS/Win16 applications. By default, Windows 95 runs such combined applications in Win16 mode when executing them in a standard MS-DOS shell. For NI-VXI for DOS, these combined applications must be run in DOS mode. Therefore, you must create a special DOS Only Prompt in which to run the NI-VXI for DOS utilities.Complete the following steps to create the DOS Only Prompt shortcut.a.Right-click the mouse button on the desktop and select Shortcut from the New menu list.The Create Shortcut dialog box appears.b.Click on Browse and double-click on the Dosprmpt item in the Windows directory(usually c:\windows). This initializes the Command Line correctly and returns you to the Create Shortcut dialog box.c.Click on the Next button and rename the shortcut icon to DOS Only Prompt.d.Click on the Finish button to close the Create Shortcut dialog box. The DOS OnlyPrompt icon should appear on the desktop.e.Right-click on the DOS Only Prompt icon and select the Properties menu item.f.Select the Program tab and click on the Advanced... button. The Advanced ProgramSettings dialog box appears.g.Select the first item, Prevent MS-DOS-based programs from detecting Windows.Also select the Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary item. Click OK to exit the dialogbox.h.Click on OK to exit the DOS Only Prompt Properties dialog box.7.Install the appropriate DOS or Windows NI-VXI software for the AT-MXI-2 from yourfloppy drive.a.For DOS, complete the following steps.1.Double-click on the DOS Only Prompt icon.2.Insert the NI-VXI Software for AT-MXI-2 disk into your floppy drive.3.Type X:\install (where X is the letter of your floppy drive).b.For Windows, complete the following steps.1.Insert the NI-VXI Software for AT-MXI-2 disk into your floppy drive.2.Select Run... from the Start menu.3.Type X:\setup (where X is the letter of your floppy drive).4.The InstallShield Wizard will guide you through the installation process. Make surethat on the last screen the checkbox Launch VXIedit to configure the system isselected.e VXIedit to configure the NI-VXI software to use AT-MXI-2 with the I/Orange, memory, DMA, and IRQ settings determined in step 4f. To do so, selectAT-MXI-2 Configuration Editor, followed by the Bus Configuration Editor. Youmay get a warning that VXIedit cannot read current AT-MXI-2 settings. This isnormal, since the board has not been initialized yet.c.To run 32-bit NI-VXI applications in Windows 95 you will need to install the NI-VXIupgrade for Windows 95.1.Insert the upgrade disk into your floppy drive.2.Select Run... from the Start menu.3.Type X:\setup (where X is the letter of your floppy drive).8.Determine whether or not your computer has Plug and Play BIOS.a.Double-click on the System icon in the Control Panel. You can open the Control Panelby choosing Control Panel from the Settings menu in the Start menu.b.In the System Properties dialog box that appears, click on the Device Manager tab.c.Double-click on the System Devices item.d.Look at the list that appears to see if you have Plug and Play BIOS.e.Click the OK button to exit the System Properties dialog box.f.Exit the Control Panel.9.If your computer does not have Plug and Play BIOS, proceed to step 10. Complete thefollowing steps to fix ni-pnp.ini so that NI-PnP does not perform the isolation sequence when your system starts.ing a text editor (for example, Notepad) open ni-pnp.ini located in the rootdirectory of the boot drive. Do not use a word processor, such as WordPad or MicrosoftWord, to edit this file.b.In the [System Info] section, make the following changes.1)Add the line IsaPnpSystemOverride = Yes.2)Replace IsaPnpIsolationMethod = IsolationSequencewith IsaPnpIsolationMethod = ReadPortSearch.c.Save the changes.10.Restart Windows 95.a.Select Shut Down from the Start menu.b.In the Shut Down Windows dialog box, select the Restart the Computer? option, thenclick Yes.11.(Optional) Run the interactive control utility.a.For Windows, complete the following steps.1)Choose Programs from the Start menu and select NI-VXI for AT-MXI-2.2)From the list that appears, select VICtext (Windows) to run the Windows version ofthe utility.b.For DOS, complete the following steps.1)Double-click on the DOS Only Prompt icon and switch into the directory where theNI-VXI software for DOS was installed.2)Type VIC to run the interactive control utility.。
ETERNUS4000 M500客户操作手册
3 Maintenance InformationThe following settings can be performed on this screen.☆Export Configuration☆Export Log☆Export Panic Dump3.1 Export ConfigurationProcedure1 Click [Export Configuration] under the Maintenance Information in the [Mainte-nanceInformation] menu.→The [Export Configuration (Initial)] screen appears.2 Click the [Execute] button and export the configuration information.→The [Export Configuration (Export File)] screen appears.3 Click the [Configuration file] link and save the exported file.When saving, use the specified extension.Caution:ï Set the file name extension to (.cfg).ï If you save a configurationís file, save the file within one minute after clicking the[Configuration file] link. If the download dialog box is left open for over a minute, thedownload operation may be terminated with an unsuccessfully downloaded file.If the downloaded file cannot be opened, the download has failed, try thedownload again.4 Click the [Menu] button.→Returns to the [Menu] screen.3.2 Export LogProcedure1Click [Export Log] under the Maintenance Information in the [Maintenance Infor-mation] menu.→The [Export Log (Initial)] screen appears.2Set the following items and click the [Execute] button.☆Time Specifying (Valid/Invalid)☆PBC log (With PBC Log/Without PBC Log)☆File size (Segmented file size)Caution:If the [Execute] button is clicked when the settings are not complete, an error screen appears.→The [Export Log (Checking Progress)] screen appears. When the export is completed, size ofthe log file is checked, and [Export Log (Save (Complete))] screen appears.the log file is checked, and [Export Log (Save (Complete))] screen appears.Caution:When checking log file size, when a part of the log is detected as export failure, a checkmessage whether to continue log export appears.When clicking the [OK] button, the screen returns to [Export Log], and jumps to [ExportLog (Save)] screen.3 Click the [Save] button to save the data.As a download dialog box is displayed, save the segment to user specified area.Caution:#When the file is segmented, take care that the segments are notoverwritten.#When exporting a log is finished, save the log immediately by clicking the[Save] button.#When more than one minute has passed after a download dialog box was dis-played,saving segment will be interrupted. When you save a log file, complete saving a segment withinone minute after clicking the [Save] button.Save completes.→Save completes.4 Click the [Next] button, and export the next segment.Repeat the operation from Step3, for each segment.Note:In saving the segment, if you click the [Save] button again before clicking the [Next] but-ton, you can save the aa segment displayed on the screen again.5 Click the [Menu] button.→Returns to the [Menu] screen.gment。
过程控制系统DE-VX 4100系列 说明书
操作手册过程控制系统DE-VX 4100系列By demig Prozessautomatisierung GmbH版本号 1.4.5, 2006-11-29DE-VX 4100DE-VX 4100 •i 目录1. 章节: (1)1.1 (1)1.1.1...........................................................................................................1 1.1.2.CE .........................................................................................................1 1.1.3...........................................................................................................1 1.1.4....................................................................................................2 1.1.5. (2)1.1.6. (2)1.2 (3)1.2.1. (3)1.2.2. (3)1.3 (4)1.3.1...........................................................................................................4 1.3.2...............................................................................................................5 1.3.3.........................................................................................6 1.3.4...........................................................................................................8 1.3.5...........................................................................................................8 1.3.6. (12)1.3.7. (13)2. 章节: Commands (15)2.1...............................................................................................................15 2.2........................................................................................................16 2.3"Time displacement"...............................................................................17 2.4"Start", "Stop", "Reset"............................................................................18 2.5"System selection"..................................................................................18 2.6 "Operation".............................................................................................19 2.6.1. (19)2.6.2. (19)2.7 "Step sequences" (20)3. 章节: Displays (21)3.1...............................................................................................................21 3.2 (22)3.3 (23)3.3.1................................................................................................................23 3.3.2. .. (23)3.3.3 (23)3.3.4 (24)3.4"Recorder" (24)3.5"Measurements" (26)3.6"Numerical" (28)3.7"Process view" (28)3.8"Trend" (29)3.9"Process" (30)3.10"Alarms" (30)3.11"Messages" (30)3.12"Edit symbol values" (31)4.章节: Programs (33)4.1 (33)4.2 (34)4.3"Program" (35)4.3.1 (35)4.3.2 (36)4.3.3 (36)4.3.4 (37)4.3.5 (38)4.4"Load" (39)4.5"Test" (40)4.5.1."Function" (40)4.6"Parameters" (41)4.6.1 (41)4.7"Process programs" (41)4.7.1 (41)4.8"Delete" (42)4.9"Print" (43)4.10"Diffusion Automatic" () (44)4.10.1 (44)4.10.2 (44)4.10.3 (46)4.10.4 (47)4.10.5 (48)4.10.6 (48)5.章节: Auxiliary programs (49)5.1 (49)5.2 (50)5.3"Current handling program" (51)5.3.1 (51)5.3.2 (51)5.3.3 (51)ii •DE-VX 4100DE-VX 4100 •iii 5.5 "Print""....................................................................................................52 5.5.1. (53)5.5.2. (53)5.6 "Delete" (54)5.6.1. (54)5.6.2. ........................................................................................................55 5.7"System data".........................................................................................55 5.8"Login"....................................................................................................56 5.9"Time".....................................................................................................56 5.10"Settings"................................................................................................57 5.11 "Backup/ Restore". (58)6. 章节: Manual (61)6.1...............................................................................................................61 6.2........................................................................................................62 6.3 "Manual".................................................................................................63"Set point of ramp"....................................................63 6.3.2. 2: "Controller".. (64)6.4"Automatic".............................................................................................65 6.5"DP adresses"........................................................................................65 6.5.1. ...........................................................................66 6.6 "DP status" (67)7. 章节: Compensation (69)7.1...............................................................................................................69 7.2........................................................................................................70 7.3"Compensation"......................................................................................70 7.3.1. ......................................................................................71 7.4"Compensation (card)"/ "Compensation (dp)".........................................72 7.5 "C-level (steel) compensation". (73)8. 章节: Startup (75)8.1...............................................................................................................75 8.2........................................................................................................76 8.3"Display parameters"..............................................................................77 8.3.1. .................................................................................................77 8.4"Recorder parameters"...........................................................................78 8.4.1. .............................................................................................79 8.5"Diagram parameters"............................................................................79 8.5.1................................................................................80 8.6 "Trend parameters" (81)8.6.1. (82)8.7.1 (82)8.7.2. "Scaling" (83)8.8"Texts" (84)8.8.1 (84)8.8.2 (85)8.8.3 (86)8.8.4 (86)8.9"Presentation" (87)8.9.1 (87)8.10"Printer" (88)8.11"Code" (89)8.11.1 (89)8.11.2 (90)8.11.3 (90)8.11.4 (91)8.11.5 (91)8.11.6 (91)8.11.7 (92)8.11.8 (92)8.11.9 (93)8.11.10 (94)8.12"Softkeys" (95)9.章节: Control (97)9.1 (97)9.2 (97)9.3 (98)10.章节: Programming (99)10.1 (99)10.2 (100)10.3"Programming" (101)10.3.1 (101)11.章节: (103)11.1 (103)11.2 (103)11.2.1 (103)11.2.2 (104)11.3/ (105)11.3.1 (105)11.3.2 (105)11.3.3 (105)11.3.4 (106)11.4 (109)iv •DE-VX 4100DE-VX 4100 •v 11.4.1.: (109)11.4.2. : (109)11.5 (111),4“15“ .............................................................111 11.5.2..............................................................................................................112 11.5.3./.................................................................................................112 11.5.4./..............................................................................................112 11.5.5.......................................................................................................113 11.5.6. (113)11.5.7. (113)11.6......................................................................................................114 11.6.1............................................................................................114 11.6.2./.................................................................................................116 11.6.3. (119)11.6.4. (120)12. 章节: (123)12.1 (123)12.1.1. ? (123)12.1.2. DE- VX 4100 (124)12.1.3. : (127)12.2 (PID) (129)12.2.1.DE- VX 4100..........................................................................129 12.2.2.PID (130)12.2.3. (132)12.3......................................................................................................137 12.3.1. ......................................................................................................137 12.4 .. (138)12.4.1. "prosys/2"..............................................................................138 12.4.2.(FTM)................................................................................138 12.4.3. "4001bkup".. (138)12.5 (141)12.5.1........................................................................................141 12.5.2........................................................................................141 12.5.3.......................................................................................................141 12.5.4. (141)12.5.5. (142)Index (143)DE-VX 4100 •1 1. 章节:章节:导论导论1.1信息介绍 1.1.1. 一般介绍为了避免错误操作而造成的危险和损失,请您务必在安装和使用DE-VX4100系列过程 控制器前,仔细阅读此操作手册。
XMC4000中文参考手册-第03章 总线系统
XMC4500 的目标是用于嵌入式系统。因此关键特点是时序确定性以及实时事件的低延迟。对 于通讯外设尤其需要总线带宽。 因此总线系统将提供:
时序确定 低延迟 性能 处理量 总线接口
本节介绍 2 种接口的特点。
存储接口 外设接口
XMC4500 XMC4000 家族
图 3-1
仲裁优先级 若发生同时对同一从部件的访问请求,总线控制权授予具有最高优先级的主部件。
参考手册 系统总线2012-12 请遵守产品信息使用协议
1) 较小的数字意味着较高的优先级
DSRAM 优先级依据数据存储来支持应用程序:
DSRAM1:通用数据存储 DSRAM2:以太网和 USB 数据存储
参考手册 系统总线,V1.1
V1.2, 2012-12 请遵守产品信息使用协议
总线系统的中心部分是围绕多层 AHB-lite 相容矩阵构建。通过这种技术手段主总线和从总线能 够以一种灵活的方式相连,同时保持较高的总线性能。 图 3-1 中描述的总线矩阵实现了一个优化拓扑使零等待状态数据访问主和从连接的总线矩阵。
参考手册 系统总线,V1.1
V1.2, 2012-12 请遵守产品信息使用协议
XMC4500 XMC4000 家族
表 3-1
每个从部件 1)的访问优先级 GPDMA0 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 GPDMA1 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 ETH - - 4 2 - - - - USB - - 5 3 - - - -
VIDEOJET Multi 4000 系列安装手册说明书
组播 在适当配置的网络中,组播功能允许同时对多个接收器进行实时视频传输。 要使用此功能,必须在网络 上实施 UDP 和 IGMP V2 协议。
访问安全性 编码器为访问网络、装置和数据通道提供了多种安全级别。 除多达三级密码保护以外,它们还支持用 RADIUS 服务器进行识别的 802.1x 身份验证技术。 通过使用存储在装置中的 SSL 证书,可以采用 HTTPS 来保护 Web 浏览器访问。 为了全面保护数据,每个通信通道,即视频、音频或串行 I/O,都可 以独立进行 AES 加密。
视频编码 VIDEOJET multi 4000 High Profile 编码器采用 H.264 视频压缩标准。 凭借高效的编码技术,即使在 传输高品质图像时,数据速率也能保持在较低水平,并且还能够在诸多限制下适应本地条件。
音频编码 VIDEOJET multi 4000 编码器采用 G.711、AAC 和 L16 音频压缩标准。 G.711 是实时传输的默认设 置。 对于录像,默认设置为 AAC。 在配置有 Web 浏览器时,您可以选择使用首选标准进行录像。 使 用视频管理系统时,上述做法也适用于实时音频。
– 切勿打开装置的外壳。 本装置中没有用户可维修的部件。 – 确保所有维护或维修工作仅由合格的维修人员(电气工程师或网络技术专家)执行。 如有任何疑
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
2014 年 2 月 | V1 | F.01U.298.750
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
VIDEOJET multi 4000
QNW4000 产品说明书
Q N W 4000I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A LThe exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerousvoltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.CAUTION.Do not use any power supply other than specified.WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.*The CAUTION label is attached on the1.Read these instructions.2.Keep these instructions.3.Heed all warnings.4.Follow all instructions.5.Do not use this apparatus near water.6.Clean only with dry cloth.7.Do not block any ventilation openings, install in accordance with the manufacture'sinstructions.8.Do not install near heat sources such a radiators, heat registers, stoves or otherapparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.9.Only use attachment/accessories specified by the manufacturer.10.Unplug this apparatus during lighting storms or when unused for long periods oftime.11.Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatushas been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have been fallen onto the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has beendropped.Caution:-Do not install this camera at sea, at coast or in coastal area or at any corrosivegas generating place.-Since it is not of totally weatherproof specifications, do not install this camera atany weather-beaten place.When it is used mounted with the shade for outdoor use (SS-20), the weatherproof specifications meet the requirements of IP54 (Conformable to IEC/EN 60529).This camera may be installed outdoors but with restrictions; do not install this camera at any place open to gusty wind and rain as seen in typhoon (e.g., high steel tower), to snow (e.g., cold district), to water spray (e.g., coast or coastal area), or to water (e.g., under the water).For further information of installation place, consult our dealer.These tapped holes are used to fix the camera on the tripod and mount the shade (optional) on the camera.The tapped holes for fixing the tripod are provided at 2 locations in the top and bottom surface of the camera. Each tapped hole is 5mm deep.INT (internal) control switchWhen the internal synchronization is used, set the switch to the INT side.LL (Line-Lock) control switchMatching the vertical synchronization with the power frequency is called the line-lock. When two or more cameras are switched by the video switcher to a monitor TV, the vertical sync. phase can be locked with the power frequency, and a stable vertical sync. is obtained without being disturbed at the time of switching.Line-lock is operative only when the AC 24V power supply is connected.Caution:1.normal fluctuation of the power frequency. The camera may not compensate for large fluctuation caused by power generated by an engine generator. etc.2.It takes about 10 seconds or more to obtain a stable synchronization after thepower is turned on. This is necessary to stabilize the camera against the power noise.In case the back lighting is too bright to shoot the main object clearly, set this switch to ON position.To increase the sensitivity, set this switch to ON position.When the DAY/NIGHT function is used, this switch is turned ON. (See P. 9.)This is an image output terminal. When the camera direction, the field angle or the focal point is adjusted, a monitor TV or other type display is connected to this terminal.When a monitor TV is connected to this terminal, remove the 2P connector beforehand.This volume is used to adjust the brightness of the image. If the lens iris is not appropriate, adjust the iris with this level adjusting volume.Vertical sync. phase adjusting potentiometer is set at the position fully that the delay time of vertical sync. phase against the phase of power frequency is shortest, when shipped from the factory.against the phase of power frequency longer.if the picture image on a monitor TV may flowwhen using the camera in combination with other camera(s) controlled by the Line-Lock synchronization.In this case, get a proper image by shifting the phase of vertical sync. signal of the camera against that of the other. If a proper image cannot be obtained even after this adjustment, resetof the other camera to shift the phase of vertical sync. signal of other camera.Caution:Before making adjustment, make sure that cameras have their power suppliesconnected with the same polarity. (not 180apart)This clamp fixes the cores of the coaxial cable.This clamp fixes the sheath of the coaxial cable.This is a supplementary ground terminal.Connect this to the AC24V 60Hz power supply.Connect this to the ground wire of the power supply cord.1.Remove the rear cover, the GND cable, and the two 2P connectors.2.Connect the coaxial cable and the power cable.After connecting the power cable on the terminal block, be sure to mount the protective cover.Caution:Fasten the weatherproof cap firmly, and make sure that the cable is fixed completely. If the cap is not fastened firmly, water leak may be caused.(The appropriate tightening torque: 4.0~4.5N .m)When connecting the coaxial cable, be sure to remove the 2P connectors.3.Connect the two 2P connectors and the GND cable.After connecting the connectors and the cable, mount the rear cover.Caution:The rear cover has a weatherproof seal. Before mounting the rear cover, make sure that the seal is set in the groove in the rear cover. If the setting of the seal is not sufficient, water leak may be caused.When mounting the rear cover, be careful not to pinch the two 2P connectors or the GND cable.Be sure to connect the ground wire of the power cable to the earth terminal .Do not use the power cable of flat type, which does not fit the weatherproof cap.For the power cable, use one attached with a force-fit terminal.If the force-fit portion of the force-fit terminal is protruded from the terminal block, insulate the force-fit portion.Terminal block1.Built-in LensThis camera is built in with a dedicated varifocal lens.F: 1.4f: 2.8mm~5.8mm2.Lens adjustmentAdjust the field angle of the lens with the zoom ring, and set the focus with the focus ring.After setting, lock the lens firmly with the focus ring locking knob and the zoom ring locking knob. (Factory setting: WIDE end / Infinite)Caution:When adjusting the iris of the auto iris lens, open the iris fully in the circumstance with sufficient light amount of the object beforehand. If the light amount of theobject is not sufficient, a malfunction may occur.This camera is provided with Day/Night function that can detect the brightness of the objects and automatically switch the color mode / black-and-white mode according to the detected brightness. This function allows the output of ordinary colored images for the outdoor monitoring during daylight and the output of black-and-white images for the night monitoring with a lack of sufficient light volume. Therefore, even at night, this camera can provide monitoring through images with little noise.Furthermore, since this function raises the sensitivity in the infrared area, even a dark object can be imaged more clearly at night when a commercially available infrared lamp is used together. To make this function enabled, set the Day/Night switch on the rear panel to "ON."When the Day/Night switch is set to "OFF," the camera operates as an ordinary color camera even at night.When the Day/Night switch is set to "ON" and the object becomes gradually brighter as the time passes like dawn, it may take time to switch from the black-and-white mode to the color mode. As a result, the image taken in the early morning may be in black and white. However, note that this is not a malfunction.The Day/Night function controls the mode switching between the color mode and the black-and-white mode according to the signal level.Since the signal level varies depending on the camera settings to shoot the object, the timing of Day/Night switching varies accordingly.When more than one screen is displayed by the controller or the like, the Day/Night mode may vary depending on the camera shooting conditions even if the brightness is the same.The heater glass unit has a weatherproof seal. Before mounting the heater glass unit, make sure that the seal is set in the groove in the heater glass unit.Note with care that if the setting of the seal is not sufficient, water may leak into housing.(1)Heater glass unitMounting method for the heater glass unit (DF-20)1.Remove the front cover.2.The removed front cover (with four screws) is notused.3.Instead of the front cover removed in the step 2.,mount the heater glass unit.4.Insert the connector of the heater glass unit wiringinto the connector jack in the main unit.5.Mount the heater glass unit.Caution:When mounting the heater glass unit, becareful not to pinch the wiring or bring the Heater glass unit (DF-20)(2)Shade (Cover for outdoor use)Mounting method for the shade (SS-20)Mount the camera on the ceiling mountingbracket using the tapped holes in the top of thecamera and the two fixing bolts attached to thecamera.Caution:When the camera is installedoutdoors, since its drip-proofperformance degrades, do not directthe front side of the camera upward atany degrees from the level position.Do not install the camera upsidedown.Fasten the fixing bolts firmly so thatthe camera cannot come off and dropdue to looseness.For mounting on the ceiling mounting bracket (Under eaves and indoor specifications)Use the fixing bolts attached to the shade. (Do not use the fixing bolts attached to the camera.)Caution:Fasten the fixing bolts firmly so thatthe camera cannot come off and dropdue to looseness.For mounting on the ceiling mounting bracket together with the shade (SS-20)Note:Weight and dimensions are approximate.Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.6X1NRNA02Printed in JapanELMO (Europe) G.m.b.H.Neanderstr. 1840233 Dusseldorf,GermanyTel. 0211-376051-53Fax. 0211-376630E-mail:******************ELMO Mfg. Corp.1478 Old Country Road,Plainview, NY 11803-5034U.S.A.Tel. 516-501-1400Fax. 516-501-0429E-mail:****************Web:ELMO Canada Mfg. Corp.44 West Drive, Brampton,Ontario, L6T 3T6,CanadaTel. 905-453-7880Fax. 905-453-2391E-mail:*******************ELMO CO., LTD.6-14, Meizen-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, 467-8567 JapanOVERSEAS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIESPRECAUTIONS FOR USE AND INSTALLATION*Never aim the camera at the sun.Never aim or point the camera at the sun even if you are not shooting.*Do not shoot intense light.Strong light such as a spot light on the image plane will cause blooming or smear. When strong light comes into the image plane,vertical stripes may appear on it. However,this does not mean that the camera is defect.*Take precautions when handling a camera.Do not drop your camera, or give it a strong shook or vibration. This may cause camera to malfunction.*Do not touch internal parts.Be sure not to touch the internal parts. This may cause to electrical shock.*Do not let the camera get wet.Install the camera at the place where it will not get wet.Should it gets wet, turn off the power immediately and contact your dealer.*Install your camera where no video noise appears.When camera cables have been laid near electric wires or television receivers, a noise may interfere the image.If noise occurs, relocate cables or reinstall equipment.*Check the ambient temperature and humidity.Avoid using camera in areas where temperature is consistently hotter or colder than the specified range (See Specifications chart below) or poor image quality or damaged parts may occur. Precautions should also be taken to avoid areas of high humidity.*Should you notice any trouble.If any trouble occurs while you are using the camera, turn off the camera and contact your dealer. Failure to do so may cause damage to the camera.*The socket-outlet should be installed near the equipment and should be easily accessible.。
视频拼接处理器PC端使用说明书NVMV3.2目录视频拼接处理器PC端 (1)使用说明书 (1)1概述 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2拓扑图 (3)2安装 (3)2.1安装环境 (3)2.2安装步骤 (3)3软件操作 (5)3.1登录 (5)3.2主界面和网络配置 (6)3.3信号管理 (7)3.4创建幕墙 (8)3.5屏幕底图 (9)3.6LED欢迎词 (9)3.7开窗操作 (10)3.8预案轮循 (12)3.9IP卡操作 (13)1概述1.1概述欢迎使用视频拼接处理器PC客户端,该软件当前版本为V1.0.4。
1.2拓扑图如下图1.1是拼接处理器应用的拓扑图:图1.1拓扑图2安装2.1安装环境视频拼接处理器PC客户端支持在windows XP、win7及win10系统环境下运行。
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VX4000系列MCU用户手册VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册声明版权信息版权所有南京超然科技有限公司保留所有权利。
VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册目录声明 (1)目录 (2)第1章产品简介 (4)1.1 开箱检查 (4)1.2 设备的安装 (4)1.3 使用注意事项 (4)第2章快速操作指导 (6)2.1 系统登陆 (6)2.2 页面介绍 (6)2.2.1 快捷键 (7)2.2.2 管理菜单 (7)第3章MCU模块管理 (9)3.1 管理菜单 (9)3.2 会议快速创建及控制 (10)3.2.1 终端管理 (10)3.2.2 创建会议(模板) (12)3.2.3 会议基本控制 (14)第4章会议高级功能介绍 (17)4.1 会议调度功能 (17)4.2 多分屏功能 (18)4.3 主席功能 (20)4.4 发言者功能 (21)4.5 终端主动呼叫功能 (22)4.6 双流功能 (22)4.7 会议参数设置 (24)4.8 滚动字幕功能 (25)4.9 会场名称功能 (26)4.10 会场画面轮询功能 (26)4.10.1 广播轮询功能 (27)4.10.2 主席轮询功能 (27)4.11 点名功能 (28)4.12 语音激励功能 (28)4.13 互控级联功能 (29)第5章系统配置 (32)5.1 常规设置 (32)5.1.1 设备名称 (32)5.1.2 日志等级 (32)5.2 网络设置 (32)5.2.1 RTP最大缓存的包个数 (33)5.2.2 RTP最大Payload (33)5.3 H.323设置 (33)VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册5.4 其他 (34)5.5 系统 (35)5.5.1 状态 (35)5.5.2 系统 (35)5.5.3 日志下载 (36)5.6 产品信息 (36)第6章故障排除 (37)第7章安全事项 (40)第8章保修服务 (41)8.1 保修内容 (41)8.2 售后服务方式 (41)8.3 延长保修服务期限 (41)8.4 保修期以外的售后服务 (42)VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册第1章产品简介1.1开箱检查1.2设备的安装首先将设备安置在网络机房相应的机柜上;将电源线接入设备电源插口,将网线连接到LAN4口,按下电源开关;在客户端的PC机增加一个IP地址:10.10.10.x(x为除10以外的1~254之间的任意一个数字),子网掩码为255.255.255.0。
1.3使用注意事项系统默认的管理员用户名不能修改,密码建议您在使用时进行修改,但必须妥善保存,VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册如果密码忘记将无法登录系统,只能通过厂商技术支持恢复MCU的出厂设置,将用户名和密码分别恢复为admin和123456。
VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册第2章快速操作指导2.1系统登陆启动IE浏览器,在地址栏中键入VX4000系列MCU的IP地址,进入VX4000系列MCU 的登录页面,输入用户名和密码(出厂默认管理员用户名和密码分别为admin,123456),点击登录按钮进入VX4000系列MCU管理页面。
VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册图2.2-1页面左侧是管理菜单,分为三大类:系统、网络和模块。
:可查看系统时间;VMediaX VX4000系列MCU用户手册:管理员点击此按钮可将MCU参数配置恢复成出厂默认设置;:管理员可将MCU重新启动;:管理员可将MCU关机;2)网络:管理员可以在此配置设备LAN1-LAN3网口地址,NAT映射地址,也可设置域名服务器地址;:管理员可以根据需求在此设置静态路由表。