(江苏专用)高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Films and film events配套精编课件 牛津译林版选修8

Book 8 Unit 4 Films and film events
Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1. deliberately /dI ′lI bərətlI / adv.故意地 2. boycott 3. sponsor 4. modest 5. resemble /′bɔI kɒt/ vt.拒绝购买(或使用、参加),抵制 /′spɒnsə(r)/ n.赞助者,赞助商;vt.赞助,资 /′mɒdI st/ adj.不太大的,不太贵的,些许的; /rI ′zembl/ vt.看起来像,类似
Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1. view...as... 2. in defence of 3. point out 5. expose sb. to sth. 6. have access to 近、进入…… 把……看作…… 为……辩护;防卫,保卫 指出
4. make no restrictions on 对……不作限制 使某人接触、体验…… 有……的权利、机会;得以接
not well known
until 1981.
3.The skill with which
these three become their characters
is one of the film’s main attractions. 这三位演员扮演角色时所表现出来的技巧是这部电影的主要 亮点之一。 4.I think this is
盗取→ robber n.抢劫者,强盗
19. accumulate
/ə′kjuːmjəleI t/ vt.& vi.积累,积聚;逐渐
增加→ accumulation n.积累,积聚 20. fierce 的→ /fI əs/ adj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛 adv.凶猛地;猛烈地,激烈地
Book 8 Unit 4 Films and film events
Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1. deliberately /dI ′lI bərətlI / adv.故意地 2. boycott 3. sponsor 4. modest 5. resemble /′bɔI kɒt/ vt.拒绝购买(或使用、参加),抵制 /′spɒnsə(r)/ n.赞助者,赞助商;vt.赞助,资 /′mɒdI st/ adj.不太大的,不太贵的,些许的; /rI ′zembl/ vt.看起来像,类似
Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1. view...as... 2. in defence of 3. point out 5. expose sb. to sth. 6. have access to 近、进入…… 把……看作…… 为……辩护;防卫,保卫 指出
4. make no restrictions on 对……不作限制 使某人接触、体验…… 有……的权利、机会;得以接
not well known
until 1981.
3.The skill with which
these three become their characters
is one of the film’s main attractions. 这三位演员扮演角色时所表现出来的技巧是这部电影的主要 亮点之一。 4.I think this is
盗取→ robber n.抢劫者,强盗
19. accumulate
/ə′kjuːmjəleI t/ vt.& vi.积累,积聚;逐渐
增加→ accumulation n.积累,积聚 20. fierce 的→ /fI əs/ adj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛 adv.凶猛地;猛烈地,激烈地

7. expose vt. 8. preference n. 9. deliberately adv. 10. swift adj. 11. formal adj. 12. sincere adj. 13. entry n.
使接触,使面临;暴露,揭露 偏爱,偏好 故意地 迅速的,迅捷的 正式的,正规的;形式上的 真诚的,诚挚的 参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词条
1. resemble vt. 2.tiresome adj. 3. tense adj. 4. disappoint vt. 5. overlook vt. 6. attraction n.
看起来像,类似 讨厌的,令人厌烦的 令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的 使失望,使扫兴 忽略;不予理会;俯视 吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方; 吸引,吸引力
11. swift adj.
12. disappointment n.失望,沮丧;令人失望的人或事物
13.* formal adj.
14. tiresome adj.
15. shoot vt.&vi.
3.She was very tense (紧张的), but she preserved an appearance of nonchalance (漠不关心的).
4.In considering people for the job, we give preference (偏 好) to those with some experience.
高考英语(译林牛津)教材复习课件:选修8 Unit 4 Films and film events

If exposed to the sunlight for too long, you will
skin injured.
get your
To attract
The girl was attracted by the beauty of nature Attracted by the beauty of nature
can parents always compromise with the children
natural resources
some of which are rich in
experiment is of particular whether we icmapnorgteatnceenough money or not
losing →lost
thinking →thoug ht
Be → Being
disappointing →disappoi nted
Such →As/So
which →whom
attractions ideas
the greatest tourist
was exposed to a lot of new
financial sincerely
preference robbery
congratulations defending
are overlooked Resembling
exposed (to) accumulate
whom Whether
to give
of→for if → whether
representative finance
financial restriction
高考英语一轮复习课件选修八unit 4汇总

off as them _________ valuable antiques. pass the book ______ (2)Please ______ me. to
away (3)I was sorry to learn that his mother hadpassed __________.
3.in terms of...就„„来说;从„„角度
in need of 需要 in charge of 负责
in search of 搜寻 in hope of 希望 in spite of 尽管 in case of 万一
in place of 代替 in favor of 子 (1)要从一项投资的角度来考虑它。 Think of it _________ in terms of an investment.
was mistaken for the minister. He _______________
(4)你对简的看法完全错了。 You are completely ____________ mistaken about Jane.
2.condemn vt.谴责;使„„注定 condemn sb./sth.谴责某人/某事 be condemned to 被判以„„刑;使„„注定
运用 用 condemn 相关短语的适当形式填空
condemn (1)She knew that society would ______ her for leaving
her children. (2)He was found guilty and _____________ death. condemned to
away (3)I was sorry to learn that his mother hadpassed __________.
3.in terms of...就„„来说;从„„角度
in need of 需要 in charge of 负责
in search of 搜寻 in hope of 希望 in spite of 尽管 in case of 万一
in place of 代替 in favor of 子 (1)要从一项投资的角度来考虑它。 Think of it _________ in terms of an investment.
was mistaken for the minister. He _______________
(4)你对简的看法完全错了。 You are completely ____________ mistaken about Jane.
2.condemn vt.谴责;使„„注定 condemn sb./sth.谴责某人/某事 be condemned to 被判以„„刑;使„„注定
运用 用 condemn 相关短语的适当形式填空
condemn (1)She knew that society would ______ her for leaving
her children. (2)He was found guilty and _____________ death. condemned to
2019届一轮复习译林版选修八 Unit 4 Films and film events课件(58张)

1. finance vt.给……提供经费 2. overlook vt.忽略,未注意到; 用所给词的适当形式填空 不予理会;俯视 1.Vegetables harvested will 3. shoot vt.&vi.拍摄;射击;打 turn dry quickly when 猎;射门,投篮 exposed (expose) to sun 4. expose vt.使接触,使体验,使 directly. 面临;暴露,显露,揭露 disappointed 2 . — Are you 动 5. resemble vt.看起来像,类似 disappointing at the 词 6. accumulate vt.&vi.积累,积 news that our team was 聚;逐渐增加 defeated? 7. contradict vt.&vi.反驳,驳斥, —Yes,to be honest,my 与……相矛盾,相反 is not 8. disappoint vt.使失望,使扫兴 disappointment 9. zoom vi.快速移动;急剧增长 the result but their 10. boycott vt.拒绝购买(或使用, performance.(disappoint) 参加),抵制
基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破
cheerful holiday scenes.
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[单词回顾· 会拓展 ]
Yesterday the modest spokesman declared that
6.I send you my 3.做人要“坦诚” warmest ①sincere 真诚的,诚挚的 congratulations ②frank 坦白的;直率的 (congratulate) on your ③open 坦率的 success. ④honest 诚实的 7.(2017· 高考江苏卷, ⑤straightforward 坦率的 阅读 D)The loss of 4.聚焦 dis- 前缀词 glaciers (冰川) there ①disappoint v.使失望 due to global warming represents (represent) ②disabled adj.丧失能力的 an enormous threat to ③disadvantage n.不利条 件 agriculture.
1. finance vt.给……提供经费 2. overlook vt.忽略,未注意到; 用所给词的适当形式填空 不予理会;俯视 1.Vegetables harvested will 3. shoot vt.&vi.拍摄;射击;打 turn dry quickly when 猎;射门,投篮 exposed (expose) to sun 4. expose vt.使接触,使体验,使 directly. 面临;暴露,显露,揭露 disappointed 2 . — Are you 动 5. resemble vt.看起来像,类似 disappointing at the 词 6. accumulate vt.&vi.积累,积 news that our team was 聚;逐渐增加 defeated? 7. contradict vt.&vi.反驳,驳斥, —Yes,to be honest,my 与……相矛盾,相反 is not 8. disappoint vt.使失望,使扫兴 disappointment 9. zoom vi.快速移动;急剧增长 the result but their 10. boycott vt.拒绝购买(或使用, performance.(disappoint) 参加),抵制
基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破
cheerful holiday scenes.
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[单词回顾· 会拓展 ]
Yesterday the modest spokesman declared that
6.I send you my 3.做人要“坦诚” warmest ①sincere 真诚的,诚挚的 congratulations ②frank 坦白的;直率的 (congratulate) on your ③open 坦率的 success. ④honest 诚实的 7.(2017· 高考江苏卷, ⑤straightforward 坦率的 阅读 D)The loss of 4.聚焦 dis- 前缀词 glaciers (冰川) there ①disappoint v.使失望 due to global warming represents (represent) ②disabled adj.丧失能力的 an enormous threat to ③disadvantage n.不利条 件 agriculture.
2017届一轮复习 译林版选修8 unit4 Films and film events 课件

讨厌的,令人厌烦的 拍摄;射击;打猎;射门,投篮 拍摄,摄影;幼苗,嫩芽
tiresome (adj. ) 13. ________
shoot (vt. & vi. ) 14. _____ (n. )
accumulate (vt. &vi. ) 15. __________ fantasy (n. ) 16. _______
(1)resemble in
n. 相像,类似,相似
the resemblance between. . . and. . . .
„„与„„之间的相似之处 ②There was a remarkable resemblance between him and Peter. 他和彼得之间有着惊人的相似之处。
in preference to
have a preference for
give (a) preference to
develop a preference for
②I must say I have a strong preference for cycling to go to work. 应该说我更喜欢骑自行车上班。 ③In considering people for the job, we give preference to those with some experience. 在考虑这份工作的人选时,我们将优先考虑那些有一定工作经验的人。
最新高考英语一轮复习课件选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion

16.cookie n.饼干 17.teapot n.茶壶 18.cream n.奶油;面霜 19.shabby adj.破旧的;寒酸的
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
n.& vi.妥协;折中
Unit 4 Pygmalion
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
Ⅰ.单词 由简到难,水到渠成 The first step is as good as half over. 【识记阅读单词】 1.classic adj. 经典的;第一流的 n. 经典著作 2.caption n. (图片上的)说明文字;(电视、电影)字幕;(杂志等文章的) 标题;题目 3.plot n. 情节;阴谋 4.garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍等) (pl.)服装 5.betray vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛 6.ambassador n. 大使;使节 7.authentic adj. 真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的 8.status n. 身份;地位;职位 9.superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的 n. 上级;长官 10.stocking n. 长袜
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
5.复习前缀un-高频形容词 able→unable不能……的 acceptable→unacceptable不能接受的 like→unlike不像的 believable→unbelievable不可相信的 certain→uncertain不确定的 clear→unclear不清楚的 fair→unfair不公平的 comfortable→uncomfortable不舒服的
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
n.& vi.妥协;折中
Unit 4 Pygmalion
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
Ⅰ.单词 由简到难,水到渠成 The first step is as good as half over. 【识记阅读单词】 1.classic adj. 经典的;第一流的 n. 经典著作 2.caption n. (图片上的)说明文字;(电视、电影)字幕;(杂志等文章的) 标题;题目 3.plot n. 情节;阴谋 4.garment n. (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍等) (pl.)服装 5.betray vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛 6.ambassador n. 大使;使节 7.authentic adj. 真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的 8.status n. 身份;地位;职位 9.superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的 n. 上级;长官 10.stocking n. 长袜
选修 8
Unit 4 Pygmalion
5.复习前缀un-高频形容词 able→unable不能……的 acceptable→unacceptable不能接受的 like→unlike不像的 believable→unbelievable不可相信的 certain→uncertain不确定的 clear→unclear不清楚的 fair→unfair不公平的 comfortable→uncomfortable不舒服的
高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 4 Films and film events配套课件 牛津译林版选修8

One's life has value ________________ one brings value to the life of others.
2.whether...or...,引导让步状语从句,意为“不管是…… 还是……”
Whether you think the Academy Awards really resemble a film festival or not,everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best-known award a film can receive.
• ①Luckily we were in time for the train to Beijing. • ②He likes showing off how well he speaks English. • ③Take it easy.Our leader will give thought to your
(adv.)由衷地,真诚地;诚挚地 7.________(n.)祝贺,恭喜→________(vt.)祝贺,向……道
喜 8 . ________(n.) 抢 劫 →________(vt.) 抢基础知劫识通关, 打 劫 考点归纳拓展
• 9 . ________(vt.& vi.) 积 累 ; 积 聚 ; 逐 渐 增 加 →________(n.)积累,积聚
• 相关报道: • (1)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售; • (2)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法; • (3)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁录取。 • 耶鲁Yale 哈佛Harvard
2.whether...or...,引导让步状语从句,意为“不管是…… 还是……”
Whether you think the Academy Awards really resemble a film festival or not,everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best-known award a film can receive.
• ①Luckily we were in time for the train to Beijing. • ②He likes showing off how well he speaks English. • ③Take it easy.Our leader will give thought to your
(adv.)由衷地,真诚地;诚挚地 7.________(n.)祝贺,恭喜→________(vt.)祝贺,向……道
喜 8 . ________(n.) 抢 劫 →________(vt.) 抢基础知劫识通关, 打 劫 考点归纳拓展
• 9 . ________(vt.& vi.) 积 累 ; 积 聚 ; 逐 渐 增 加 →________(n.)积累,积聚
• 相关报道: • (1)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售; • (2)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法; • (3)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛和耶鲁录取。 • 耶鲁Yale 哈佛Harvard
译林牛津版高中英语选修8Unit4课件牛津译林版选修八Unit4 Project课件

Planning Choose a film to review.
comedy thriller action
film type
science romantic fiction comedy drama
plot major characters
Main Information about characters the character Ron Weasley
Played by
Harry’s friend and Rupert Grint schoolmate Harry’s friend and Emma schoolmate Watson
Films and film events
Can you name the films from which these pictures come?
The Promise
List the things that can help you decide what films you want to see: posters film festivals the recommendation by friends film reviews…
Played by
Daniel Radcliffe
Main Information about the Played characters character by Hagrid a very large person Robbie who works at Coltrane Hogwarts and rescues Harry from the Dursleys and takes him to the school

用法 归纳
everal/a few/...+of+关系代词(whom/which) (2)the+名词+of+关系代词(whom/which) (3)数词+of+关系代词(whom/which)
中whether ... or ..为. 固定句型,意为“不管 用
……是否……,不管是……还是……”,引导让步状 法
语从句,它还可以引导名词性从句。 归
(2)whether 之后可接动词不定式(即whether to do 纳
NO.2 纵联同主族词汇
NO.3 横拓同话题词汇
二 课堂重点释疑
深度 把 握
一 课前自主学习
NO.1 记牢重点短语
NO.2 多备常用词块
NO.3 背熟经典句式
Unit 4 Films and film events
板块 广度积累——词汇量不够,你读不懂
第二 板块
第三 板块
广度 积 累
一 课前自主学习
NO.1 再现单元内词汇
高中英语译林版选修8课件:Unit4单元尾 核心要点回扣.ppt

Ⅱ.重点短语 1.in defence regardless be aware 2.fill take part
为……辩护;防卫 不管,不顾 知道,意识到 填写 参加
3.be parallel give thought 4.have a fierce battle compare
与……平行 认真考虑 与……激烈较量 与……相比
• 9、春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,日子像桃子一样甜蜜。 2020/12/202020/12/20Sunday, December 20, 2020
• 10、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。2020/12/202020/12/202020/12/2012/20/2020 5:47:03 PM • 11、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。2020/12/202020/12/202020/12/20Dec-2020-Dec-20 • 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2020/12/202020/12/202020/12/20Sunday, December 20, 2020 • 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。2020/12/202020/12/202020/12/202020/12/2012/20/2020
Ⅳ.回顾话题 用本单元的词汇或句式完成写作任务 这位科学家在这个领域有了重大突破。他的同事举行了一次聚会对他的成 绩表示祝贺。聚会上,他的同事让他讲讲有关他的新突破的事情。他说:取得 重大突破前他参考了很多书,积累了很多经验,做了很多次实验,直到完成第 八次实验,才有所发现,他还说尽管他取得了很大的成就,但真的很累,需要 休假一个月。
译林牛津版高中英语选修8Unit4课件Unit 4 words

we decide.
trend 总的趋向或倾向 a recent trend in literature
1 shopkeeper 2 regular 3 magical 4 alongside 5 contradictory 6 broomstick 7 experienced 8 delete 9 complaint 10 tendency 11 confidential 12 bor潮流[(+to/toward)][+to-v] 有一种地区性合作的趋势。 (1)There is a tendency towards regional cooperation. (2)We have noticed a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.
1 maid 2 appointment 3 musical 4 formal 5 tiresome 6 agreement 7 sincere 8 satisfaction 9 realise 10 anecdote
女仆 约定 音乐剧 正式的 令人讨厌的 同意 一致 真诚的 满意 满足 实现 趣闻 逸事
on the contrary 正相反,恰恰相反 You didn't interrupt me. On the contrary, I like your company.
• 相关短语: • on the contrary • to the contrary • be contrary to
相反 与……相反 相反的
1. adj 矛盾的,对立的[( be contradictory to)] The prisoner's statement was contradictory to the one he had made earlier. 那个囚犯的供词与早些时候说的相矛盾。
译林英语选修八Unit4 ProjectPPT课堂课件(19页)

6.The way Tina ordered us around really made me
a little angry.
Tip 2
Make a change (from words to phrases)
want/decide make up one’s mind
译林英语选修八Unit4 ProjectPPT课堂课件(19页)-精品PP T课件
Composite 复合结构(with)
with the door open
with the price up
Prep. phrase with many things in her mind
doing主动 with the time going on
---By Unknown
译林英语选修八Unit4 ProjectPPT课堂课件(19页)-精品PP T课件
译林英语选修八Unit4 ProjectPPT课堂课件(19页)-精品PP T课件
Rewrite your composition and try to better it.
译林英语选修八Unit4 ProjectPPT课堂课件(19页)-精品PP T课件
Composite 复合结构(with)
1. He doesn’t like to sleep when the windows are open
He doesn’t like to sleep with the windows open. 2. He stood at the door and a computer was in his

6.robbery n.抢劫→___r_o_b__ vt.抢劫→__r_o_b_b_e_r___ n.强盗
7.accumulate vt.& vi.积累,积聚;逐渐增加→___a_c_cu_m__u_l_at_i_o_n___ n.积
累 8.fierce adj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的→___f_ie_r_c_e_ly____ adv.凶猛 地;猛烈地
2.However,he later finds out that his father was a wizard and that his mother was a witch,both of whom were murdered by an evil wizard—the same wizard who gave Harry the scar. 但是后来哈利发现他的父亲是巫师,母亲是女巫,他们都被一个邪恶的 巫师杀害——也就是给哈利留下伤疤的那个巫师。
12.__o_u_t_s_id_e__o_f ____在……外面 13.__v_i_e_w_._..a_s_._..____________把……看作…… 14.__b_e__li_k_e_ly__to__d_o_s_t_h_. ________很可能做某事 15.__i_n_o_n_e_'_s_o_p_i_n_i_o_n______在某人看来 16.__a_t_t_h_e_e_n_d__o_f _____在……末,在……结束时 17.__i_n_t_h_e_m__in_o_r_i_ty______占少数
6.__s_i_n_ce_r_e____ adj.真诚的,诚挚的
7.__e_d_g_e___ n.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 8.__p_a_r_tn_e_r____ n.伙伴,搭档;合伙人
6.robbery n.抢劫→___r_o_b__ vt.抢劫→__r_o_b_b_e_r___ n.强盗
7.accumulate vt.& vi.积累,积聚;逐渐增加→___a_c_cu_m__u_l_at_i_o_n___ n.积
累 8.fierce adj.激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的→___f_ie_r_c_e_ly____ adv.凶猛 地;猛烈地
2.However,he later finds out that his father was a wizard and that his mother was a witch,both of whom were murdered by an evil wizard—the same wizard who gave Harry the scar. 但是后来哈利发现他的父亲是巫师,母亲是女巫,他们都被一个邪恶的 巫师杀害——也就是给哈利留下伤疤的那个巫师。
12.__o_u_t_s_id_e__o_f ____在……外面 13.__v_i_e_w_._..a_s_._..____________把……看作…… 14.__b_e__li_k_e_ly__to__d_o_s_t_h_. ________很可能做某事 15.__i_n_o_n_e_'_s_o_p_i_n_i_o_n______在某人看来 16.__a_t_t_h_e_e_n_d__o_f _____在……末,在……结束时 17.__i_n_t_h_e_m__in_o_r_i_ty______占少数
6.__s_i_n_ce_r_e____ adj.真诚的,诚挚的
7.__e_d_g_e___ n.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 8.__p_a_r_tn_e_r____ n.伙伴,搭档;合伙人
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disappoint vt. 使失望, 使扫兴→____________ disappointing 物→__________ disappointed adj. 失望的 adj. 令人失望的→____________
congratulation n. 祝贺, 恭喜→___________ congratulate vt. 祝贺 (18)_____________ attraction n. 吸引人的特征; 有吸引力的地方; 吸引, (19)_________ attract vt. 吸引 吸引力→______
Unit 4
Films and film events
Ⅰ. 分类记单词 快速掌握 1. 阅读单词——认一认 准则, 原则, (评判的)标准 ______________________
(1)criterion n.
(2)entry n.
参赛作品; 进入, 加入; 条目, 词条 _____________________________
各种各样的, 广泛的; 宽阔的, 广阔的; 概括的
overlook vt. (5)________
忽略, 未注意到; 不予理会; 俯视
shoot vt. & vi. 拍摄; 射击; 打猎; 射门, 投篮 (6) _____
n. fantasy n. (7)__Байду номын сангаас____
拍摄, 摄影; 幼苗, 嫩芽
幻想, 想象
refer to 6. _______
pay attention to 7. ______________ have no access to 8. _______________ show off 9. ________ be aware of 10. __________ 11. have a tendency to. . .
提到; 参考; 有关 注意 没有……的机会/权利 炫耀, 卖弄 知道, 意识到 有……倾向 ___________
12. give thought to 13. expose. . . to. . . 14. a broad range of
认真考虑, 思考 ______________ 使……接触/体验…… ___________________ 范围广泛的 ___________ 三思; 反复考虑 ______________
parallel adj. (8)_______ n. fierce adj. (9)_____
平行的; 相似的
相似的人或事物; 相似特征 激烈的, 猛烈的; 凶狠的, 凶猛的
representative n. 代表→_________ represent vt. 代表 (10)_____________
(6)conquer vt. (7)scar n.
征服, 占领; 战胜, 克服 ____________________
伤疤, 伤痕; (精神)创伤 ____________________ 头晕目眩的; 使人眩晕的 ______________________
全部课程 (8)curriculum n. _________ (9)dizzy adj.
Ⅱ. 联想背短语 高效识记
in defence of 1. ___________ point out 2. ________
regardless of 3. ___________ outside of 4. _________
为……辩护; 防卫 指出 不管 在……外面 占少数
in the minority 5. _____________
finance vt. 给……提供经费 n. 财政, 金融; 资金 (11)_______
financial adj. 金融的, 财政的 →________
restriction n. 限制, 约束→_______ restrict vt. 限制; (12)_________
约束; 限定 expose vt. 使接触, 使体验, 使面临; 暴露, 显露, 揭 (13)______
公开地, 当众 ____________ 把……看作 ___________ 爱好, 喜爱 __________
preference n. 偏爱, 偏好→______ prefer vt. 更喜欢; 宁愿 (15)__________ formal adj. 正式的, 正规的; 形式上的→________ informal (16)______ adj. 不正式的, 不正规的
disappointment n. 失望, 沮丧; 令人失望的人或事 (17)______________
2. 核心单词——写一写 sponsor vt. (1)_______ n. modest adj. (2)_______ resemble vt. (3)________
赞助, 主办
赞助者, 赞助商
不太大的, 不太贵的, 些许的;
谦虚的, 谦逊的
看起来像, 类似
broad adj. (4)______
exposed adj. 暴露的, 无掩蔽的→________ exposure n. 暴露; 露→_______
曝光 contradict vt. & vi. 反驳, 驳斥; 与……相矛盾, 相 (14) _________ contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的, 对立的, 不一致的 反→____________
迅速的, 迅捷的 ______________
(3)swift adj.
(4)tiresome adj.
(5)tense adj.
讨厌的, 令人厌烦的 __________________
令人紧张的; 神经紧张的; ______________________ 绷紧的, 不松弛的 ________________
15. think twice
16. make an agreement
达成协议, 取得一致意见 ______________________
睡着; 入睡 __________
17. fall asleep
18. in public
19. view. . . as. . . 20. be fond of
congratulation n. 祝贺, 恭喜→___________ congratulate vt. 祝贺 (18)_____________ attraction n. 吸引人的特征; 有吸引力的地方; 吸引, (19)_________ attract vt. 吸引 吸引力→______
Unit 4
Films and film events
Ⅰ. 分类记单词 快速掌握 1. 阅读单词——认一认 准则, 原则, (评判的)标准 ______________________
(1)criterion n.
(2)entry n.
参赛作品; 进入, 加入; 条目, 词条 _____________________________
各种各样的, 广泛的; 宽阔的, 广阔的; 概括的
overlook vt. (5)________
忽略, 未注意到; 不予理会; 俯视
shoot vt. & vi. 拍摄; 射击; 打猎; 射门, 投篮 (6) _____
n. fantasy n. (7)__Байду номын сангаас____
拍摄, 摄影; 幼苗, 嫩芽
幻想, 想象
refer to 6. _______
pay attention to 7. ______________ have no access to 8. _______________ show off 9. ________ be aware of 10. __________ 11. have a tendency to. . .
提到; 参考; 有关 注意 没有……的机会/权利 炫耀, 卖弄 知道, 意识到 有……倾向 ___________
12. give thought to 13. expose. . . to. . . 14. a broad range of
认真考虑, 思考 ______________ 使……接触/体验…… ___________________ 范围广泛的 ___________ 三思; 反复考虑 ______________
parallel adj. (8)_______ n. fierce adj. (9)_____
平行的; 相似的
相似的人或事物; 相似特征 激烈的, 猛烈的; 凶狠的, 凶猛的
representative n. 代表→_________ represent vt. 代表 (10)_____________
(6)conquer vt. (7)scar n.
征服, 占领; 战胜, 克服 ____________________
伤疤, 伤痕; (精神)创伤 ____________________ 头晕目眩的; 使人眩晕的 ______________________
全部课程 (8)curriculum n. _________ (9)dizzy adj.
Ⅱ. 联想背短语 高效识记
in defence of 1. ___________ point out 2. ________
regardless of 3. ___________ outside of 4. _________
为……辩护; 防卫 指出 不管 在……外面 占少数
in the minority 5. _____________
finance vt. 给……提供经费 n. 财政, 金融; 资金 (11)_______
financial adj. 金融的, 财政的 →________
restriction n. 限制, 约束→_______ restrict vt. 限制; (12)_________
约束; 限定 expose vt. 使接触, 使体验, 使面临; 暴露, 显露, 揭 (13)______
公开地, 当众 ____________ 把……看作 ___________ 爱好, 喜爱 __________
preference n. 偏爱, 偏好→______ prefer vt. 更喜欢; 宁愿 (15)__________ formal adj. 正式的, 正规的; 形式上的→________ informal (16)______ adj. 不正式的, 不正规的
disappointment n. 失望, 沮丧; 令人失望的人或事 (17)______________
2. 核心单词——写一写 sponsor vt. (1)_______ n. modest adj. (2)_______ resemble vt. (3)________
赞助, 主办
赞助者, 赞助商
不太大的, 不太贵的, 些许的;
谦虚的, 谦逊的
看起来像, 类似
broad adj. (4)______
exposed adj. 暴露的, 无掩蔽的→________ exposure n. 暴露; 露→_______
曝光 contradict vt. & vi. 反驳, 驳斥; 与……相矛盾, 相 (14) _________ contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的, 对立的, 不一致的 反→____________
迅速的, 迅捷的 ______________
(3)swift adj.
(4)tiresome adj.
(5)tense adj.
讨厌的, 令人厌烦的 __________________
令人紧张的; 神经紧张的; ______________________ 绷紧的, 不松弛的 ________________
15. think twice
16. make an agreement
达成协议, 取得一致意见 ______________________
睡着; 入睡 __________
17. fall asleep
18. in public
19. view. . . as. . . 20. be fond of