Unit 4 Advertising




Unit 4 AdVertiSi ngPart I BUSin ess VOCabUIaryDireCti ons: There are 20 in complete Senten CeS in this part. FOr each SentenCe there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONEthat best completes the Senten ce. The n mark the COrreSP Onding Ietter On theAnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center. ThiS Part totals 20POin ts, One POint for each Senten ce.C1 Outdoor advertis ing is One of the fastest grow ing _____________ i nthe market.A marketsB SeCti onsC Segme ntsD SeCtOrSD2 The world of outdoor advertis ing billboards, tran sport and ‘ Street furniture ' is _________ about $18 billio n a year, just 6% of all theworl d' S SPending on advertising.AWOrthWhiIeB WOrthy CVaIUed DWOrthC3 The soaring costs of TV are ____________________ clients to conSider alter natives.A mak ingB driv ingC PrOmPt ing Dlett ingA4 BMW ran ashelters.‘ teasers ' CamPaign in Britain on busA exclusivelyB largelyC greatly Din CIUSiVeIyC5 Placing an ad on a bus SheIter for two WeekS ___________________ at about £ 90.A works onB works away CWOrkS out DCaICUIateSD6 We are facing a _______________ With our market share. What are Wegoing to do about it?A promotio nB saleC order DCriSiSA7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation forCreati ng imag in ative and ____________ CamPaig ns.A effectiveB efficie ntC effectD efficaciousC8 Focus now n eeds to _______________ pote ntial clie nts that it stillhas PIe nty Of CreatiVe ideas to offer.A en SureB assure CCOnVinCe DPerSuadeB9 Focus has been asked to _____________________ ideas for advertising CamPaig ns to man ageme nts of the compa nies COnCern ed.A offerB PreSe ntC SUPPIyD furnishD10 The little village Where he lived would be a popular touristA placeB Site CViSit D resortB11 Thank you for the above order ______________ our bicycles.A ofB forC by DagainstC12 It is StiPUIated in our Sales Con firmation No. 2007021 __________ the 5,000 bicycles you Ordered are to be ShiPPed in two equal lots in MarCh and April 2007.A WhiChB WhereC thatD WhatA13 You requested that 80% of the bicycles _______________ in MarCh and the bala nce in April.Abe ShiPPed BShiPPed Cto ShiP DhaVe bee n ShiPPedC14 Although We have the qua ntity _____________ stock, it is too late for US to ShiP 80% of your order in March.A fromB forC inD atD15 We have received your Ietter of 28 March, __________ US to modify the PreViOUS arra ngeme nts for the ShiPme nt of the CaPti oned order.AaSked Bto ask Cbeing asked DaSkingA16 You now WiSh to adva nce the date of ShiPme nt ____________ one mon th.A byB to Cfor DatA17 In the CirCUmStances, We regret _____________ Unable to meet your request.A to be Bbeing C be D having beenA18 In this case, you must ____________ the additi onal charges.A bearB have borne Cto bear D beari ngD19 PIeaSe take the above ___________ acco Untand let US know your decisi on as soon as POSSible.A toB for Cby D intoB20 We are PleaSed to inform you that the CaPti Oned order ___________ now bee n dispatched.A haveB hasC areD isPart II PhraSe Tran slati OnDireCtiOnS : DireCtiOnS : There are 20 Chinese PhraSeS in this part. You are required to translate them into English and Write down your tran slati OnOn the An SWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 POin ts, OnePOint for each phrase.1竞争对手产品COmPetitOrS ' PrOdUCtS2隐性广告SUbIimi nal advertis ing3广告媒体AdVertiS ing media4体育赞助SPOrtS spon SOrShiP5免费样品Free SamPIe6广告标语AdVertiS ing sloga n7大众媒体MaSS media8售点展示poin t-of-sale display9户外广告Outdoor advertis ing10大众市场Mass-market11电视黄金时段栏目广告Prime-time TV slot12市场份额Market Share13街道设施Street furniture14公交车候车亭BuS Shelter15金融服务finan cial SerViCe16营销组合Marketing mix17公共关系PUbIiC relati OnS18广告宣传活动AdVertiS ing CamPaig n19价格促销PriCe promoti On20潜在客户Pote ntial clie ntPart III SentenCe Tran slati OnDireCtions : There are 10 SentenCeS in this part. You are required totranslate them into Chinese and Write down your translation on the AnSWer Sheet. ThiS Part totals 20 poi nts, two POintS for each Senten ce.1. The world of outdoor advertis ing billboards, tran sport and‘ Street furniture ' is worth about $18 billion a year, just 6%of allthe world ' S SPending on advertising.整个户外广告市场(露天广告牌,公共交通和路边设施)大约价值180亿美元一年,只占了全世界广告支出的6%。



语篇翻译(一)课文注释AdvertisementsNowadays,we can find advertisements almost wherever we go。

we are so used to①them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day。

I did some research on② advertisements, and havesomevery important information to share with you.What is an advertisement?An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to ③buy a product or service,or to believe in④ an idea. Newspapers,magazines, the Internet,radio and television are the most common places to find them。

There are two main types of advertisements--commercial advertisements and public service advertisements(PSAs)。

A commercial advertisements is one which someone has paid for⑤to advertise a product or service. PSAs are often run for free⑥,and are meant to⑦educate people about health,safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare⑧.Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?There are laws to protect people from advertisements that cheat⑨people. However,we still must be aware of⑩the skilful methods usedin ads to try and sell us things。

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

商务英语翻译 Unit 4

• • • • •
• • • •
(2)拟人 使宣传的产品富于人物的情感和特侦,更人性化。 如:Apple thinks different(苹果电脑,不同凡响)。 (3)仿拟 仿照人们熟知的现成的语言材料,根据表达的需要临时 创造出新的语句,使语言生动活泼。 如:Where there is a way, there is a Toyota (车到山前必有 路,有路必有丰田车),就是模仿耳熟能详的谚语Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者,事竟成)。 (4)双关 为加深语意,利用词的多义和同音,有意使语句具有双 重意义,言在此而意在彼。 如:we lead, others copy(理光打印机广告:我们领先, 他人模仿),copy一语双关,既体现打印机复印的功能, 又表现该品牌的领先地位。
• 参考译文:
• • • • • • • • • •
(1) 没有买卖,就没有杀害 (2) 开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车 (3) 因为绿色属于树木,地球才有了脉搏 (4) 保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务 (5) 使地球充满生机! (6) 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利 (7) 授人以鱼,不如授人以渔 (8谨防扒手 (9) 知识是一宝库,而实践就是开启宝库大门的钥匙 (10) 工作时工作, 玩乐是玩乐, 依此方法做, 轻松与欢 乐
• 句法特点(Sentences) • (1)多用简单句 • 广告语言必须简练,能一下子抓住人们的注意 力,引起大家的兴趣。 • 如:Nobody is perfect • Quality first. Customer supreme • (2)常用疑问句、祈使句和省略句 • 广告中采用疑问句和祈使句可激起人们的反应, 使之采取行动。 • Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick? • to indulge • You decide

商务英语unit 4

商务英语unit 4

Unit 41. 中东和平谈判正在进行当中。









A technological revolution is under wayA formal negotiation is under way.The subway is under construction.Your proposal is under considerationSelect goods / a select school/ a select group (number) ofBe happy with /aboutTake advantage of cut-price offersBe certain/sure/set to doRetail food market is saturated.Even when the market reaches saturation, the production process doesn’t stop.Prospect of growth / a bright prospect / a dim/ bleak prospectLarge supermarket chains/ chain storeTake over / hand overTake over 20 billion yuan of customer depositsI took over as the editor of the magazineInterest rates on savingsROI = return on investmentThere is a question market over long-term profitability. / feasibilityWiden margins and boost profitsThe effect is marginalMake marginal adjustmentThe new technology will boost the food production.This policy will be a great boost to economy.Boost the morale / confidence of the playersThis film/book has been boosted in Time recently.Create good/bad publicity / hurt the brand / build up a corporate imageDon’t share their fearsOwn-label car / real estate agent /He has no incentive /drive to improve his performance.Offer bonus points with every purchaseThese points add up to free air milesIt really pays to stay loyal to the brand.It pays to keep on the right side of your boss.Competitive edgeDirect / phone sellingThis price is really value for moneyOverheads / running costTurnover / personnel turnover / turnover rate of inventory1. which word is the odd one out?1) trademark brand copyright patent2) innovate stretch diversify extend3) target promote market advertise4) incentive benefit selling-point specification5) customer retailer end-user consumer6) bona fide authentic genuine counterfeit7) discontinue phase out launch recall8) global domestic worldwide international9) shelf-life life expectancy life insurance life cycle10) design name image reputation2. match the nouns then use them to complete the sentences below.Shelf brandLoyalty lifeThird marketOwn partyWindow awarenessMarket schemeRetail advantageCompetitive leaderBlack displayBrand outlet1) We produce fresh pasta so our products only have a short ________.2) We don’t make anything ourselves. We contract out to ______ manufacturers.3) The new ________ encourages customers to buy more of our goods.4) Every year billions of dollars worth of illegal software is sold on the _______.5) The new features will give us a _________ over our nearest rivals.6) Supermarkets sell their __________ products more cheaply than other brands.7) The TV advertisements really helped increase ________ and raise our profile.8) With 62% market share, they are clearly the __________ in this sector.9) With such a boring _________ , it’s no wonder people don’t go into the shop.10) We’re reducin g costs and cutting the number of _______ we sell through.e the following words to complete the email below.Feedback brand loyalty pricing policy premiumLoss-leader household name brand awarenessSamHere’s a quick summary of the market 1_______ on the S220. As expected, a lot of the sales are through existing customers, with 65% of them having upgraded to the S220, so 2_______ seems high. But only 15% of non-current customers had heard of the S220 series so we need to build up 3_________ . I mean 15% doesn’t exactly make the S220 a 4_________ , does it?I think we need to review our 5__________ and think about special promotional discounts and other targeted offers to help grow market share. I know the S220 cost a lot to de velop and I don’t want to turn it into a 7________ but I really think we’re charging too much of a price 8________ to establish a wide enough customer base.Let me know what you think.JulesA niche market /distributor / distribution channelMarketing and Sales●How are you going to promote construct x?●Well, first of all we’ll include it in the new catalogue.●OK. What about advertising?●We’re going to run a campaign in the press, but only in specialist publications. This is a nicheproduct.●Right. Are you going to do a mailing?●Yes, just a flier to our regular customers.●Will you offer them any kind of giveaway?●No, but there will be a discount on orders in the first thirty days●Sounds good.●Well, we’ll see.●Do you think we should focus mainly on the domestic market or go for overseas sales right at thebeginning?●I think domestic to start with. That way we don’t have to worry about distribution problems untillater.●I think I agree. What about pricing?●Well, this is a unique product, there’s no real competition, so it’s going to be fairly high-priced. Don’tyou think so?●Well, that sounds fair. Any thoughts about the package?●Standard ---- a hard case containing the discs and the manual. Technical drawings on the outside togive a precise, professional image.●Are you going to have any point-of-sale displays in computer shops?●Just a poster, using the same image as the packaging.●Well, it all sounds very good.●You’ll find all the details in the report.Point-of-saleSelling pointArouse public awareness of resources conservationReview 11. This ________ here shows exactly how our payment processing works.a) graph b) flow chart c) pie chart2. we had to get a bank _______ to finance the new machinery.a) credit b) finance c) loan3. the market was flooded with cheap _______ products from abroad.a) genuine b) bona fide c) counterfeit4. all our products come with a standard one-year _________.a) warranty b) shelf life c) contract5. the head of department will have to _________ the payment.a) authorise b) summarise c) analyse6. I’m afraid delivery will be late because we have a ________ of ordersa) back date b) batch c) backlog7. we don’t make any profit on it. We’re using it as a ________ to get market share.a) trademark b) loss-leader c) concession8. we’re paying ________ of about 6 % on our finance.a) tax b) penalties c) interest9. we’re moving our headquarters to a new ________ next month.a) leasehold b) location c) construction10. everyone agreed and it was a _________ decision.a) unanimous b) summary c) representative11. I hope the terms of the agreement are to your _________.a) satisfaction b) entertainment c) convenience12. tell the ______ we need to assess the damage before we can pay anything.a) end user b) broker c) claimant13. they’re going to streamline the management _______ to reduce costs.a) administration b) orientation c) structure14. I think the brand’s strong enough to ______ into financial services.a) diversify b) globalise c) innovate15. we’re going to start _______ our com puter systems in autumn.a) renovating b) upgrading c) constructing16. the new product features should give us a competitive ________.a) expectancy b) premium c) advantage17. we improved our ______ channels to get products into shops more quickly.a) distribution b) consignment c) transaction18. we’ll have to be very careful how we ________ suc a small budget.a) supervise b) allocate c) finance19. the company went bankrupt and called in the _____.a) auditors b) accountants c) receivers20. the major TV campaign should help to increase brand _________.a) feedback b) reputation c) awareness21. the contractor put in a _________ for the construction project.a) grant b) statement c) tender22. we put our savings into a high-interest ________ account.a) deposit b) deficit c) debit23. we work very hard at ________ good relationships with our customers.a) launching b) establishing c) negotiating24. we’re hoping to pay off the _______ credit by the end of the year.a) pending b) outstanding c) overdrawn25. supermarkets can maximize profits by selling _________ goods.a) third-party b) black market c) own-brand26. The motorways and new airport have improved the __________.a) capacity b) commuting c) infrastructure27. With a modest budget we had to go for the most ____________ plana) cost-effective b) sophisticated c) state-of-the-art28. They’ve got a good _________ of designing innovative products.a) analysis b) track record c) assessment29. We’re introducing a loyalty _________ with a points card system.a) scheme b) objective c) factor30. With all these new orders, we’re struggling to _________ demand.a) produce b) cater c) satisfy31. The trainee made a lot of mistakes due to a lack of adequate _________.a) brainstorming b) supervision c) control32. We produce locally to avoid the high import ___________.a) tariff b) bonus c) price33. We use a ________ firm to distribute our heavy machinery all over the UK.a) haulage b) courier c) public transport34. With _________ below 2 percent, prices haven’t increased for two years nowa) income tax b) depreciation c) inflation35. They _____ the product due to falling sales after 8 years on the market.a) recalled b) prevented c) discontinued36. You have to fill in two forms to claim back your travel _________.a) overheads b) expenses c) investments37. It all depend s on your _________ of view, doesn’t it?a) point b) type c) angle38. They took out a __________ tot stop other companies copying the design.a) warranty b) patent c) deed39. The__________ investment in the new factory caused financial problems.a) sensible b) suitable c) substantial40. Many _____ dotcom companies go bankrupt within 18 months.a) established b) start-up c) preliminary41. I have to report to my _________ every two weeks.a) chief executive b) company secretary c) line manager42. All 230 ________ stayed in the same hotel where the conference was held.a) members b) delegates c) guests43. My ________ takes care of all my correspondence and my diary.a) partner b) apprentice c) assistant44. Many UK supermarkets have _________ their brands into banking services.a) pushed b) diverted c) stretched45. The brand enjoys very high awareness ---- it’s pretty much a _______ name.a) household b) common c) universal46. Make sure the goods are all in order before you sign the _______ notea) advice b) cover c) delivery47. We have to submit our tax ________ to the tax office by 8 February.a) remittance b) return c) application48. I f sales don’t pick up, we’ll have to review our pricing ______.a) policy b) prediction c) value49. We need to freshen up the window displays at our retail _________.a) offices b) outlets c) facilities。



M4 U1 Advertising短语归纳Welcome & Reading1.make sb. aware of the needs of othersbe aware of sth2.social problems3.be used to sth./doing sthbe used to do sthused to do sth4.do some research on/into sth5.share sth with sb.6.persuade sb to do sth=persuade sb into doing sth7.believe in=trustmercial advertisementspublic service advertisements9.pay (money) for sth10.for free=free of charge11.be meant/intended to do sthbe meant/intended for sth./sb.12.mean to do sthmean doing sth13.public welfare14.protect sb from sth15.cheat sb into doing sth=fool sb into doing sthcheat in exams16.make a fool of sb.17.even if=even thoughas if=as though18.bad breathhold one’s breathout of breathtake a deep breath19.cure sb of sthcure his cancer=cure him of cancercure him of the bad habit20.be proud of21.feel pleased withIt’s a/my pleasure.With pleasure.a pleasant smell/voicethe pleasing news22.make a connection with23.fall for the trickplay tricks on......trick sb. into doing sthment on sthmake comments on sth.25.not all adsall......not......both not...=not...both...26.aim to do sthaim at sth=be aimed at sth27.lead/live a hard life28.how to deal with=what to do withthe book deals with history.29.benefit the publicbenefit from......get benefit from...be beneficial to sth/sb=be of benefit to sb/sth.30.Follow/take the advice/suggestions31.wish to do sth32.when it comes to sth/sb33.be a slave to +n.34.be supposed to do sthWord power, grammar&task1.at low/high prices2.be tired of ...3.open two new branches4.in the downtown area5.on sale6.be popular with...7.in the face of pressure8.recommend a book to merecommend doing sthrecommend sb to do sthrecommend that sb. (should) do sth9.be amazed by sth10.the fantastic storye across12.senior high studentsbe senior to sb.13.skilful writingbe skilful at/in sth14.eye-catching logos15.make good use of ...16.be satisfied with...17.rise/go up to/by...18.decrease/fall to/by...19.be optimistic about...20.bargain with sb about/over/for sth Project1. a planned programme2.reach a certain audience3.have a clear aim in mind4.figure out5.get sb to do sthmake/let/have sb do sth6.three major questions7.determine to do sthbe determined to do sth8.do a little research9.in advance 10.it is time to do sthit is time that sb did sth.it si time that sb should do sth11.appeal to the audienceappeal to sb. to do sth12.react to sth13.care about14.be concerned with/about...15.get the message across to sb16.put together17.depend onit depends.18.due to19.poisonous chemicals20.result in lung cancer and heart disease21.cost countries a lot of money22.cause great damage to ...23.choose...as...24.discourage sb from doing sth.25.convince sb to do sthconvince sb of sthbe convinced of sth26.urge sb to do sthurge sth on/upon sburge that sb. (should) do sth27.provide students with more informationrm about/of sthanize an essay competition30.as well31.be fully aware of32.shock sb into doing sth33.be related to sth/doing sth.。

商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4

商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4

Marketing is the ongoing process of 【moving people closer to making a decision (to purchase,
use, follow or conform to someone else’s products, services or values) 】.
营销一词的含义是什么?市场营销是一个不断 推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到 做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用 他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价 值取向。营销人员运用市场营销推广组合的变 量来制定营销推广计划。
Comprehensive Reading
修饰 process
C. Sometimes (50%) D. Never(0%)
In what ways are you easily persuaded into buying something? By______.
A. TV commercial B. Newspaper Advertisement C. Quality D. package E. Brochures F. Leaflets G. Price H. After-sales service
n. 产品 n. 制造业者,厂商 市场调查
n. 品牌 n. 市场营销 媒体计划
n. 形象塑造 实体环境
n. 人员 n. 放置 目标市场
distribution channel generic advertising at no cost marketing effort process drawback product pricing marketing mix charge junk mail sales strategy at regular price

人教新版选择性必修三 Unit 4高考英语大一轮单元复习(人教版新教材新高考专用)

人教新版选择性必修三 Unit 4高考英语大一轮单元复习(人教版新教材新高考专用)

二、部分倒装 只把谓语的一部分(助动词、be动词或情态动词)置于主语之前的句子,叫部 分倒装句。 1、具有否定意义的副词 (never, not, neither, nor, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely, rarely, nowhere等)或含否定词的介词短语(at no time, by no means, in no case, in no way, on no condition, under/in no circumstances, on no account等) 置于句首时, 句子常用部分倒装。
1. wage n. 工资 【常见搭配】wages of ¥200 a week 一星期200元的工资 wage cuts 减薪 a weekly wage of $100 周薪100美元 a wage increase of 5% 5%的涨薪
2. enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的 【词性转换】enthusiasm n. 热情 enthusiast n. 热衷者;热心的人 enthusiastically adv. 热情地 【常见搭配】be enthusiastic about (doing)… 对(做)……狂热/迷恋
二、强调谓语 强调句型“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他”不能用于强调谓语。需要强调 谓语时,用“助动词do/does/did+动词原形”的形式。 He did come to see you yesterday. My father does smoke a lot. I do work hard.
8. advertising n. 广告活动;广告业 【词性转换】advertise vt. & vi. 公布;宣传;做广告 advertiser n. 广告商 advertisement n. 广告 【常见搭配】advertise for sb/sth 为寻求某人/某物而登广告 put/place an advertisement 发布一则广告



Unit 4 AdvertisingPart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market.A marketsB sectionsC segmentsD sectorsD2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising.A worthwhileB worthyC valuedD worthC3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives.A makingB drivingC promptingD lettingA4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters.A exclusivelyB largelyC greatlyD inclusivelyC5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90.A works onB works awayC works outD calculatesD6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it?A promotionB saleC orderD crisisA7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns.A effectiveB efficientC effectD efficaciousC8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still has plenty of creative ideas to offer.A ensureB assureC convinceD persuadeB9 Focus has been asked to _________________ ideas for advertising campaigns to managements of the companies concerned.A offerB presentC supplyD furnishD10 The little village where he lived would be a popular tourist ________________.A placeB siteC visitD resortB11 Thank you for the above order ______________ our bicycles.A ofB forC byD againstC12 It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 2007021 ____________ the 5,000 bicycles you ordered are to be shipped in two equal lots in March and April 2007.A whichB whereC thatD whatA13 You requested that 80% of the bicycles ____________ in March and the balance in April.A be shippedB shippedC to shipD have been shippedC14 Although we have the quantity ______________ stock, it is too late for us to ship 80% of your order in March.A fromB forC inD atD15 We have received your letter of 28 March, ___________ us to modify the previous arrangements for the shipment of the captioned order.A askedB to askC being askedD askingA16 You now wish to advance the date of shipment ____________ one month.A byB toC forD atA17 In the circumstances, we regret ___________unable to meet your request.A to beB beingC beD having been A18 In this case, you must _____________ the additional charges.A bearB have borneC to bearD bearingD19 Please take the above ____________ account and let us know your decision as soon as possible.A toB forC byD intoB20 We are pleased to inform you that the captioned order _____________ now been dispatched.A haveB hasC areD isPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 竞争对手产品Competitors’ products2 隐性广告Subliminal advertising3 广告媒体Advertising media4 体育赞助Sports sponsorship5 免费样品Free sample6 广告标语Advertising slogan7 大众媒体Mass media8 售点展示point-of-sale display9 户外广告Outdoor advertising10 大众市场Mass-market11 电视黄金时段栏目广告Prime-time TV slot12 市场份额Market share13 街道设施Street furniture14 公交车候车亭Bus shelter15 金融服务financial service16 营销组合Marketing mix17 公共关系Public relations18 广告宣传活动Advertising campaign19 价格促销Price promotion20 潜在客户Potential clientPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ isworth about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the world’s spending on advertising.整个户外广告市场(露天广告牌,公共交通和路边设施)大约价值180亿美元一年,只占了全世界广告支出的6%。


newsபைடு நூலகம்aper adverts read by many
read quickly or ignored
banners spam
you can target a market by choice of website
very cheap to produce and deliver
•- have a memorable domain name
•- email campaigns (spam)
•- send out a monthly newsletter
•- have competitions or give something for free
2. Listen again and choose the best ending A, B or C for each sentence 1 – 5.
they disappear quickly
people delete them before reading
Listening: Advertising on the web
1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention? - use search engines to put your name at the top of the listings •- get links on other sites •- through a site review •- get free advertising

M4 Unit 1 Advertising 短语

M4 Unit 1 Advertising 短语

1.使人民了解他人的需要和周围的危险make people aware of the needs of others and the dangers around them2.对......做研究do research on3.接受某种观念believe in an idea4.对... 有益(2种)be of benefit to.../be beneficial to...5.销售产品或服务的好方法a good way to sell products or services6.欺骗,捉弄play tricks on 诱使某人做某事trick sb into doing sth7.上……的当,受……骗fall for8.在报纸上登广告put an advertisement in a newspaper9.过健康的生活live healthy lives10.说服某人做某事persuade sb into doing / to do sth11.在心理上与……联系起来make a mental connection with12.开始全国性的公益广告宣传活动begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign13.关注普遍存在的社会问题deal with widespread social concerns14.当提到某事的时候when it comes to…15.……的奴隶be a slave to …16.旨在使大众受益be meant to benefit the public17.但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。

Not all ads play tricks on us though.18.鼓励人们支持公益事业项目encourage people to support public service projects19.公益广告往往是免费投放的。

牛津高中英语Unit 1 Module 4 Advertising Reading的教学设计

牛津高中英语Unit 1 Module 4 Advertising Reading的教学设计
优 缺 点提 出 宝贵 的 建议 。
S t e p 1 : Ta l k a b o u t t h e d r o u g h t i n t h e s o u t h w e s t e n r p a r t o f C h i n a
教师用一段 v i d e o向同学们展示西南旱灾情况 ( 土地龟裂 , 人 畜渴水 , 庄 稼枯死) 鼓励学生讨论 西南 旱灾 , 并在此基础上 提出两
中学课 i 辅导 2 0 1 3 年 第 2 4 期
牛 津 高中 英 语U n i t 1 M o d u l e 4 A d v e r t i s i n g R e a d i n g 的 教 学 设 计
@ 倪 四 美
摘要 :本文列举 了牛 津高 中英语 U n i t l M o d u l e 4 A d v e r t i s i n g R e a d i n g的教 学设计 , 对每一个步骤都 作 了详细的介 绍 , 但 细读 以 后还是有一些细小的环节需要修 改, 所 以恳请读者 能就该设 计的
有效信息 。 ( 2 ) 鼓励学生多渠道 阅读 , 搜集 资料 , 并分组合作制作广 告, 提高学生动手能力 。 ( 3 ) 教师应注重启 发式教学 , 设计具有针对 性, 启发性的问题 , 引导学生主动思维 , 大胆实践 。并对学 生在学 习过程 中的表现予以及时而恰当的评 价。 情感 、 态度 和价值观 : ①通过对西南旱 情的关注与讨论 ,后 向学生展示两则广告 , 学
面, 若是亲 自动手围绕某一 主题 去制作广告 , 则是一 项可望 而不 可及 的任务 。 另外 , 大部分学生是城里 的独生子女 , 养成了“ 自我 ” 为 中心和 自私 、 冷漠的性格 , 对社会 和他人不够关心 , 责任感不强 。

商务英语Unit 4 参考答案

商务英语Unit 4  参考答案

Unit 4 AdvertisingPart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market.A marketsB sectionsC segmentsD sectorsD2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising.A worthwhileB worthyC valuedD worthC3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives.A makingB drivingC promptingD lettingA4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters.A exclusivelyB largelyC greatlyD inclusivelyC5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90.A works onB works awayC works outD calculatesD6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it?A promotionB saleC orderD crisisA7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns.A effectiveB efficientC effectD efficaciousC8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still has plenty of creative ideas to offer.A ensureB assureC convinceD persuadeB9 Focus has been asked to _________________ ideas for advertising campaigns to managements of the companies concerned.A offerB presentC supplyD furnishD10 The little village where he lived would be a popular tourist ________________.A placeB siteC visitD resortB11 Thank you for the above order ______________ our bicycles.A ofB forC byD againstC12 It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No. 2007021 ____________ the 5,000 bicycles you ordered are to be shipped in two equal lots in March and April 2007.A whichB whereC thatD whatA13 You requested that 80% of the bicycles ____________ in March and the balance in April.A be shippedB shippedC to shipD have been shippedC14 Although we have the quantity ______________ stock, it is too late for us to ship 80% of your order in March.A fromB forC inD atD15 We have received your letter of 28 March, ___________ us to modify the previous arrangements for the shipment of the captioned order.A askedB to askC being askedD askingA16 You now wish to advance the date of shipment ____________ one month.A byB toC forD atA17 In the circumstances, we regret ___________unable to meet your request.A to beB beingC beD having been A18 In this case, you must _____________ the additional charges.A bearB have borneC to bearD bearingD19 Please take the above ____________ account and let us know your decision as soon as possible.A toB forC byD intoB20 We are pleased to inform you that the captioned order _____________ now been dispatched.A haveB hasC areD isPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 竞争对手产品Competitors’ products2 隐性广告Subliminal advertising3 广告媒体Advertising media4 体育赞助Sports sponsorship5 免费样品Free sample6 广告标语Advertising slogan7 大众媒体Mass media8 售点展示point-of-sale display9 户外广告Outdoor advertising10 大众市场Mass-market11 电视黄金时段栏目广告Prime-time TV slot12 市场份额Market share13 街道设施Street furniture14 公交车候车亭Bus shelter15 金融服务financial service16 营销组合Marketing mix17 公共关系Public relations18 广告宣传活动Advertising campaign19 价格促销Price promotion20 潜在客户Potential clientPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ isworth about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the world’s spending on advertising.整个户外广告市场(露天广告牌,公共交通和路边设施)大约价值180亿美元一年,只占了全世界广告支出的6%。



2)Anything to do with my finances is ma
wife’s province.
Try, Try Again -------- T,H,Palmer
Try, a lesson you should heed, Try, Try again; If at first you don’t succeed, Try, Try again; Then your courage should appear, Foe, if you will persevere, You will conquer, never fear; Try, Try again.
capacity n.the ability to understand or do sth.能力,才能 例句: The capacity to respond to stimuli
skilled a.having skilled;needing skill熟练的,有技巧的;技术性的 例句:A skilled technician takes years to train.
• 3)If you look out of the window on the left side of the
bus,you'll see that we're now____________the Tower of
• 4)There'll certainly be some preblems,but nothing that

商务英语 Unit 4 advertising词汇讲解

商务英语 Unit 4 advertising词汇讲解

low end adj.低端的,质量一般的 high-end adj. 高端的,高档的
high-end product 高端产品
mass n. 批量,大量
mass market 大众市场 mass production 批量生产 mass media 大众媒体,大众传ombard v. 轰炸;连珠似炮地问
The warships bombarded the port. 战舰炮轰港口。 The speaker was bombarded with questions. 演讲者受到了连珠炮般的质问。
shelter n. 遮蔽,庇护
In the storm I took shelter under a tree. 下暴雨时我在树下躲避。
Unit 4 Advetising
arty - artier - artiest adj. degrade v. 贬低,降低,降解 degradable adj. 可能降解的 biodegradable 生物可降解的 biodiversity n. 生物多样性 biochemistry n. 生物化学 biomaterial n. 生物材料
This is a matter of prime importance. 这件事至关重要。 prime time (电视的)黄金时间
shelter n. 隐蔽处,庇护所
a bus shelter 公共汽车候车亭
endorse v. 支持,赞同
I fully endorse your opinions on this subject. 我完全拥护你对此课题的主张。 (approve, support, be in favor of, behind)



Unit 5Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the autho r’s purpose of writing.C.II. Judge. according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F. Refer to Paragraphs 1 and2.Though it is true that what interested the woman was the all-sided description of the friendship between the two characters, the plot of the movie was far from exciting; it was in many ways a slight movie..2. T. Refer to Paragraph3.3. F. Refer to Paragraph4. The shift was not simply from men to women. It in depth represented a shift from one type of friendship to another. In other words, female friendship depicted in movies nowadays was distinct in nature from male friendship portrayed in earlier movies.4. T. Refer to Paragraph 8.5. T. Refer to Paragraph 16.6. F. Refer to Paragraph 18. The author only says that in the double standard of friendship the female version was becoming accepted as the general idea for once.III. Answer the following questions.1. She thought it was a trivial movie, particularly with regard to its dull plot. At the same time she found it gentle and affecting on the ground that the movie described in detail the characteristics of the friendship between two women.2. Because in the past men were exclusive images for friendship in movies and they were presented as the only inheritor of a primitive capacity for friendship. Women, on the other hand, were portrayed choosing each other as companions just as they picked berries with little genuine friendship involved. Nowadays, the female friendship was becoming a fashionable theme of movies to take the place of the make friendship.3. The male friendship, i.e. the bonding relationship between buddies, is established on the need for co-operation in the activities that men are engaged in or in the adverse situations they are confronted with. In other words, without the need to dothings together, there would probably be no buddies at all. In contrast, the female friendship borders on love, the need for mutual emotional support. Women friends desire to be together as a result of spiritual attachment, regardless of whether they are involved in the same act or not.4. Men become buddies only when they have undergone together competitive, adverse or dangerous situations like sports games and wars, but women are not real friends unless they have exchanged three loathsome secrets. This fact shows again that the male friendship is activity-oriented while the female friendship isemotion-rooted.5. It is intended to illustrate that female friends exchange their confidences.6. Because what men described as friendship was nothing of the kind at all to the woman. As she saw it, when two women see each other only once a year, they cannot count as best friends; when two women do not call each other long distance without a real reason, they don’t count as intimates; and when two women don’t have dinner together alone without a company of their spouses, they don’t count as chums. But in such situations, men still describe them as bosom friends.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text.1. Slowly, the movie gave a panoramic picture of friendship…2. This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a truthful description of friendship.3. The two sides must have been mortally wounded in the OK Corral gunfight.4. Buddies hold on together in face of adversity; friends cling tightly to each other for emotional support.Structural analysis of the textWe can summarize the author’s viewpoint with the following sentence: A buddy is a fine life-companion but a friend is that part of the race with which you can be human.The more specific differences between a buddy and a friend are given below:1.Buddies bonded, but friends loved.2.Buddies faced adversity together, but friends faced each other.3.Buddies seemed to “do” things together; friends simply “were” together.Vocabulary exercisesI. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with appropriate forms of words chosen from the text.1. cosmic2. bonding3. primal4. adversity5. palpably6. loathsomeII. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. fragility2. drastic3. replacement4. Trendy5. portrayal6.inheritance7.confidence8. embarrassingIII . Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text .1. hang together2. pick on3. soldiering4. showing…off5. will make a difference6. binges7. intimacy8. resiliencyIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. example2. projects3. friendly4. finished5. not to hurry6. reasonableGrammar exercisesI. Note the parts omitted in the following sentences.Ellipsis is commonly employed in comparative constructions. What can be omitted includes the subject, the predicate verb, the complement and the adverb of the second clause.II. Improve the following sentences.1.The students of Class One are more hardworking than those of Class Two.2.He has sat at the table for several hours and drunk considerably more winethan is good for his health.3.The greater the achievements(are), the more modest we should be.4.It is said that British parents take better care of the animals than of theirchildren.5.Tom likes pop music more than his eighteen-year-old daughter does.6.Mary would do it much more quickly than I would.III. Fill in the blanks with rather or fairly.1. rather2. rather3. fairly4. fairly5. fairly6. rather7. rather8. ratherIV. Rewrite the following in direct speech.What have you done to your clothes? You look awful. How can you have managed to get so muddy? If you’ve been playing on the riverbank, it’s extremely naughty of you. You know the banks are very slippery and that you might fall in and drown. You both know you’ve been forbidden to play near the river.V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences .1. It never rains but (it) pours.William Handy was not the first composer of the blues, but he was the first to make the music more popular.2.They didn’t find her until the next day.It was not until nearly 11 o’clock that they sighted the snowcapped peak.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets .1. Your remarks border on rudeness.2. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.3. On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4. A person’s appearance makes a difference in how others judge him.5. Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.6. Having inherited a considerable wealth, the twin sisters were eager to show off their jewelry.7. Public interest has once again shifted focus to the changes in the urban environment.8. In contrast, even the most modern aircraft look clumsy and slow.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.如同在其他许多欧洲国家一样,在法国,朋友通常是相同性别的,友谊则基本上被认为是男人之间的一种关系。


Unit 4 Advertising
Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian educator, philosopher and scholar — a professor of English literature, a literary critic, a rhetorician, and a communications theorist. McLuhan's work is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory.
A What advertising media can you think of?
newspaper TV
direct mail
Outdoor advertising
A Understanding outdoor advertising. What outdoor advertising can you think of?
Online advertising
1. Strengths ➢ wide coverage ➢ no time and space limit ➢ cost-effective; quick in spread ➢ clearly targeted ➢ can be changed at any time 2. Weaknesses ➢ disordered and blended ➢ lack of credibility



选修二unit4重点词汇●Adversity n.逆境,厄运近义词:disaster/tragedy/evil/grief词组:adversity quotient 逆境商数adversity consciousness 忧患意识Adversity is a good discipline 逆境成才●Qualified adj.具备……的学历〔资格〕的;v.取得资格〔或学历〕,合格;近义词:regular/entitled/eligible同根词:adj.qualifying使具有资格的n.qualification资格;条件;限制;给予资格qualifier限定词,[语] 限定语;取得资格的人;修饰语vi.qualify取得资格,有资格词组:qualified for有担当…的资格qualified personnel人才;合格人员qualified teachers师资;百分百合格师资qualified as虽然具备,有担当…的资格qualified candidate合格的候选人;合资格人员qualified person合格人士;有资格的人员qualified certificate附条件证明书qualified accountant合格的会计师●Assign v.分派,布置〔工作、任务〕;安排〔某物〕;近义词:portion/part/ticket同根词:adj.assignable[经] 可安排的;可指定的;可让渡的n.assignment安排;任务;作业;功课assignation安排;约会;指定;[经] 转让词组:assign work派活;指派工作assign a value安排一个值;赋值assign to指派; 指定到;●Abandon v.抛弃,遗弃;n.放任,放纵近义词:desert/yield/quit同根词:adj.abandoned被抛弃的;无约束的;恣意放纵的;寡廉鲜耻的n.abandonment抛弃;放纵词组:with abandon恣意地,放纵地abandon ship弃船abandon oneself to沉溺于; 沉湎于with abandon尽情地●Resolve v.解决〔问题或困难〕;打算,下定决心;n.决心,坚决的信念近义词:solve/condition/conclude同根词:adj.resolved下定决心的;已解决的;断然的resolvable可分解的;可解决的;可溶解的resolvent分解的;有溶解力的;消散的adv.resolutely坚决地;毅然地n.resolution[物] 辨别率;决议;解决;决心resolving分解;解析resolvent溶剂;分解物;消肿药词组:resolve into使分解为…;归结为fail to resolve解决未果Genuine adj.真正的,非伪造的;真诚的,真心的近义词:actual/sincere/true/real/positive同根词:adv.genuinely真诚地;老实地n.genuineness真实,真正;真诚,真挚词组:genuine leather真皮genuine gold纯金,赤金genuine diamond真钻石的genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴●Guidance n.指导,指引;〔等的〕制导近义词:direction/aiming/lead/steering同根词:adj.guided有指导的;有向导的n.guide指南;向导;入门书guideline指导方针guidebook旅行指南;指导手册词组:under the guidance of在…的指引下guidance system[空][海]制导系统career guidance就业指导;就业辅导vocational guidance就业指导traffic guidance交通指南;航路指示operational guidance操作指南;运行管理inertial guidance惯性引导parental guidance局部不适合儿童观看的;父母的指导window guidance窗口指导〔银行的一种信贷安排方式〕guidance counselor询问参谋careers guidance就业指导;择业辅导●mitment n.承诺,保证;托付;承当义务;近义词:assurance/certification/guarantee/security/pliance 同根词:adj.mitted坚决的;效忠的;承当义务的missioned受委任的,受任命的;服役的,现役的mission会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状missioner理事;;行政长官;总裁mittal托付;承当义务;赞助;收监;献身词组:organizational mitment组织承诺;组织认同感professional mitment专业承诺make a mitment承诺firm mitment包销承诺;坚决的承诺affective mitment感情承诺;情感认同financial mitment财务承诺;财政承当public mitment公开投入management mitment管理层承诺;管理会continuance mitment连续承诺Advertise v.为……做广告,登广告;公布,征聘;宣扬;近义词:message/instruct同根词:n.advertisement广告,宣扬adj.advertising广告的;广告业的v.advertize做广告词组:advertisement pany广告公司mercial advertisement商业广告advertisement plan广告筹划classified advertisement分类广告Motive n.动机,目的,缘由; v.使产生动机,激起近义词:incentive/goals/intention/topic/purpose同根词:adj.motor汽车的;机动的motivated有动机的;有乐观性的motionless静止的;不运动的motivational动机的;激发性的;有关动机的;动机说明n.motion动作;移动;手势;恳求;意向motivation动机;乐观性;推动motor发动机,马达;汽车词组:motive force动力;起动力,原动力motive power动力ulterior motive隐秘不明的动机profit motive利润动机learning motivation 学习动机intrinsic motivation内在动机;内在鼓励achievement motivation成就动机extrinsic motivation外在动机。

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pp.32-33: Questions: 1. Outdoor advertising is increasing in many
countries. Is this a good thing? 2. What products do you think are suitable for
outdoor advertising? 3. Make a list of the advantages and
Successful advertising campaigns
p.33 Listening
Consumer advertising: aimed at people who buy for
their own use
Business advertising: aimed at people who buy for
use in business
Classification by geographic area:
Outdoor advertising (billboards, kiosks, public
transport, events)
Direct-mail advertising (through the Postal Service
and by e-mail)
POP (point of purchase) advertising
suggest reuse. (new and repeated consumers) To stimulate the distribution. To build brand awareness, preference and
loyalty. To lower the cost of sales. (For the cost of reaching
Advertising Media & Methods
wall paintings web banners web popups mobile telephone screens shopping carts skywriting human directional town criers 街头公告员 blimps painted vehicles “logojets” in-flight ads
This process includes developing products, pricing them strategically, making them available to customers through a distribution network, and promoting them through sales and advertising activities. 4Ps (marketing mix): product, pricing, place (distribution) & promotion (communication)
disadvantages of the major media.
What makes a good advertisement?
p.31 Product
Reasons for liking
____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _____
What is your attitude towards advertising, positive or negative?
What is advertising?
What is advertising?
Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods and services), or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.
✓ Avoid errors, especially legal ones.
Characteristics of advertising English
Brief 简练 Affability 亲切 Creativity 创新 Dainty 考究
“KISS” principle: Keep it simple, stupid. Keep it sweet & simple. Keep it short & simple.
Advertising’s role in marketing
Advertising is one of the numerous tools used in the promotion, or communication aspect of marketing. (a promotional or communication tool)
What makes a good advertisement?
Creative and effective ads should seek to:
✓ Attract attention and retain attention. ✓ Communicate the key benefits ✓ Achieve the objective of the advertising
Warm-up Discussion
What are your impressions of advertising in daily life?
What part has advertising played in your purchase or selection of products or services?
International/global advertising (foreign markets) National advertising Regional advertising (in one area or region) Local advertising (in only one city or local trading area)
Functions of Advertising
To identify products and differentiate them from others. (branding)
To communicate information. To induce consumers to try new products and to
Unit 4 Adververtising Language associated with advertising
Key words
advertise advertisement advertising advertiser advertising agency advert ad
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
What makes a good advertisement?
What is your favourite ad? Why? What is the ad you dislike most? Why? Make a summary of the elements of a good
Advertising’s role in marketing
Marketing is a process—a series of actions or methods that take place sequentially—aimed at satisfying customer needs profitably.
just one prospect through personal selling, companies can reach thousands of people through media advertising.)
Classifications of Advertising
Classification by target audience (目标受众):
Classifications of Advertisement
Classification by medium:
Print advertising (newspaper, magazines, brochures,
Electronic advertising (television, radio: commercials;
subway platforms shopping bags inflatables train cars event tickets and
supermarket receipts e-mails (spam) street furniture p.31
Reading & Discussion