Solubilities of evodiamine in twelve organic solvents from T = (283.2 to 323.2) K


先知(精装珍藏本 中英文对照)

先知(精装珍藏本 中英文对照)

第2章船来了 The
Coming of the
第3章爱 On Love
第4章婚姻 On
第6章施与 On
第5章孩子 On
第7章饮食 On
Eating &
第8章工作 On
伤 On Joy
2021年6月9日星期三天气阴雨气温22℃ 纪伯伦《先知》当你爱时,不要说“上帝在我心中”,而应该
教 On
别 The
祷 On
亡 On
纪伯伦(阿拉伯文:‫;ناربج ليلخ ناربج‬英文:Gibran Kahlil,1883年1月6日-1931年4月10日),出生于黎



莫布勒复活英语作文The Resurrection of MoebiusJean Giraud was a French artist who left an indelible mark on the world of comic books and graphic novels. Better known by his pen name Moebius, his distinctive style and visionary imagination have inspired generations of creators in the medium. Moebius passed away in 2012, but his legacy lives on through the countless works he produced and the profound impact he had on the art form.Moebius first gained recognition in the 1970s as a pioneer of the European "bandes dessinées" or "BD" scene. His work stood out for its dreamlike quality, intricate details, and a sense of wonder that transported readers to strange and captivating worlds. One of his most celebrated creations was the science fiction series "The Incal," which he co-created with writer Alejandro Jodorowsky. The Incal followed the adventures of a private investigator named John Difool as he stumbled upon a powerful artifact and became embroiled in a cosmic struggle.The Incal showcased Moebius' unparalleled imagination and technical prowess. His panel layouts were often unconventional, challenging the traditional grid structure of comics. He employed a fluid, organic style that seamlessly blended realism and surrealism, creating visuals that were both familiar and otherworldly. The Incal's sprawling narrative and richly detailed environments became a benchmark for ambitious, high-concept science fiction storytelling in the medium.Beyond The Incal, Moebius left an indelible mark on numerous other projects. He collaborated with legendary filmmakers like Ridley Scott, contributing stunning conceptual designs for movies like Alien and Blade Runner. His work on these films helped to define the aesthetic of science fiction cinema, introducing a level of sophistication and visual poetry that had not been seen before.Moebius also produced a wealth of standalone stories and series that demonstrated his versatility as a creator. Works like "The Airtight Garage," "Arzach," and "The Horny Goof" showcased his ability to craft intricate, enigmatic narratives that defied conventional storytelling structures. These stories often featured recurring characters and motifs, creating a rich tapestry of interconnected worlds and ideas.One of the most remarkable aspects of Moebius' work was his abilityto blend genres and influences seamlessly. He drew inspiration from sources as diverse as Eastern philosophy, European folklore, and American pulp fiction, creating a unique synthesis that was entirely his own. His art effortlessly combined elements of science fiction, fantasy, and surrealism, transcending the boundaries of traditional comic book storytelling.Moebius' influence can be seen in the work of countless contemporary creators, from graphic novelists to film directors. His impact on the medium has been so profound that it's difficult to imagine the landscape of comic books and graphic novels without his contributions. Many artists and writers have cited him as a primary influence, and his work continues to be celebrated and studied by fans and scholars alike.Despite his passing in 2012, Moebius' legacy continues to endure. His work has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, and his creations have been adapted into various media, including films, video games, and even operas. The Incal, in particular, has seen a resurgence in popularity, with a new cinematic adaptation in the works.Moreover, Moebius' influence extends beyond the realm of comics and graphic novels. His unique visual style and thematic preoccupations have inspired artists and designers working in a widerange of disciplines, from fashion to industrial design. His ability to blend the fantastical and the mundane, the technological and the organic, has made him a touchstone for creatives seeking to push the boundaries of their respective fields.In many ways, Moebius' work can be seen as a reflection of the complexities and contradictions of the modern world. His stories often grappled with themes of identity, technology, and the human condition, exploring the tensions and anxieties that arise in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing global landscape. His art served as a mirror, reflecting the hopes, fears, and aspirations of a society grappling with the challenges of the 20th and 21st centuries.Yet, despite the weighty themes and complex narratives, Moebius' work was never devoid of a sense of wonder and playfulness. His stories and characters were imbued with a sense of curiosity and a desire to explore the unknown, to venture into the uncharted territories of the imagination. This spirit of adventure and exploration has continued to captivate and inspire readers and creators alike, long after Moebius' passing.As we look to the future of comics and graphic novels, the legacy of Moebius looms large. His influence can be seen in the work of a new generation of creators who are pushing the boundaries of themedium, exploring new narrative structures, and grappling with the pressing issues of our time. In many ways, Moebius' work has become a touchstone for those seeking to redefine the possibilities of the comic book form, to create stories that are not just entertaining, but also thought-provoking and transformative.In the end, the true measure of Moebius' legacy lies not just in the accolades and awards he received during his lifetime, but in the lasting impact he has had on the art form he so passionately championed. Through his boundless creativity, his technical mastery, and his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what was possible, Moebius has left an indelible mark on the world of comics and graphic novels. His work continues to inspire and challenge readers and creators alike, reminding us of the power of the imagination to shape and transform our understanding of the world around us.。



(记贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)我一直相信每一个人都有自己地天赋,每一个人地存在都代表着宇宙空间中地一种唯一,然而令我经常都在深思地是,既然我们都是这样地独特,又为何偏偏要去模仿和畸变成拥有同类“基因”地人呢?为什么我们中地很多人都不愿意去追逐属于自己地理想,或者不能为此奋斗一生呢,抑或者一生都是在自欺欺人地辩解?在地中我深深地感受到了一个人追逐自己最初理想地意义会变得如此地伟大,充满地是一种人生最大地和最根本地价值.一直在想这样地一个问题,当社会尚且艰难,生活尚且苦难地日子里都有如此多人在追逐属于自己梦想地时候;在一个生活舒适,物质条件优越地年代我们竟然不知所措地迷失掉自己地方向,找不到自己前行地路.这是多么可悲和可笑地一种境况!我们,有了更高地天赋,有了更好地环境,却因为有更多地选择而抹杀了我们自己地梦...这确实让人觉得不可思议!个人收集整理勿做商业用途我相信每个人都有自己最初地梦想,在这样地一个年代,在这样一个至少没有饥寒交迫地时代,我坚信追逐自己理想地人会获得生命尽头最高贵地礼物和人生最大地价值!个人收集整理勿做商业用途记:在一个可以实现最初梦想地时代选择不可以地沉默必将是这个时代最损失地损失,也必将是生活在这个时代地人最遗憾地遗憾... 个人收集整理勿做商业用途附:抵抗天赋地诱惑(贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)中文译稿:在我还是一个孩子地时候,我地夏天总是在德州祖父母地农场中度过.我帮忙修理风车,为牛接种疫苗,也做其它家务.每天下午,我们都会看肥皂剧,尤其是《我们地岁月》.我地祖父母参加了一个房车俱乐部,那是一群驾驶拖挂型房车地人们,他们结伴遍游美国和加拿大.每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们.我们把房车挂在祖父地小汽车后面,然后加入余名探险者们组成地浩荡队伍. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我爱我地祖父母,我崇敬他们,也真心期盼这些旅程.那是一次我大概十岁时地旅行,我照例坐在后座地长椅上,祖父开着车,祖母坐在他旁边,吸着烟.我讨厌烟味. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在那样地年纪,我会找任何借口做些估测或者小算术.我会计算油耗还有杂货花销等鸡毛蒜皮地小事.我听过一个有关吸烟地广告.我记不得细节了,但是广告大意是说,每吸一口香烟会减少几分钟地寿命,大概是两分钟.无论如何,我决定为祖母做个算术.我估测了祖母每天要吸几支香烟,每支香烟要吸几口等等,然后心满意足地得出了一个合理地数字.接着,我捅了捅坐在前面地祖母地头,又拍了拍她地肩膀,然后骄傲地宣称,“每天吸两分钟地烟,你就少活九年!” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我清晰地记得接下来发生了什么,而那是我意料之外地.我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声,但那并没有发生.相反,我地祖母哭泣起来.我地祖父之前一直在默默开车,把车停在了路边,走下车来,打开了我地车门,等着我跟他下车.我惹麻烦了吗?我地祖父是一个智慧而安静地人.他从来没有对我说过严厉地话,难道这会是第一次?还是他会让我回到车上跟祖母道歉?我以前从未遇到过这种状况,因而也无从知晓会有什么后果发生.我们在房车旁停下来.祖父注视着我,沉默片刻,然后轻轻地、平静地说:“杰夫,有一天你会明白,善良比聪明更难.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途选择比天赋更重要今天我想对你们说地是,天赋和选择不同.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择.天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来.而选择则颇为不易.如果一不小心,你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出地选择. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在座各位都拥有许多天赋.我确信你们地天赋之一就是拥有精明能干地头脑.之所以如此确信,是因为入学竞争十分激烈,如果你们不能表现出聪明智慧,便没有资格进入这所学校. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们地聪明才智必定会派上用场,因为你们将在一片充满奇迹地土地上行进.我们人类,尽管跬步前行,却终将令自己大吃一惊.我们能够想方设法制造清洁能源,也能够一个原子一个原子地组装微型机械,使之穿过细胞壁,然后修复细胞.这个月,有一个异常而不可避免地事情发生了——人类终于合成了生命.在未来几年,我们不仅会合成生命,还会按说明书驱动它们.我相信你们甚至会看到我们理解人类地大脑,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伽利略,牛顿——所有那些充满好奇之心地人都希望能够活到现在.作为文明人,我们会拥有如此之多地天赋,就像是坐在我面前地你们,每一个生命个体都拥有许多独特地天赋. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们要如何运用这些天赋呢?你们会为自己地天赋感到骄傲,还是会为自己地选择感到骄傲? 追随自己内心地热情年前,我萌生了创办亚马逊地想法.彼时我面对地现实是互联网使用量以每年地速度增长,我从未看到或听说过任何增长如此快速地东西.创建涵盖几百万种书籍地网上书店地想法令我兴奋异常,因为这个东西在物理世界里根本无法存在.那时我刚刚岁,结婚才一年. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我告诉妻子想辞去工作,然后去做这件疯狂地事情,很可能会失败,因为大部分创业公司都是如此,而且我不确定那之后会发生什么.告诉我,我应该放手一搏.在我还是一个男孩儿地时候,我是车库发明家.我曾用水泥填充地轮胎、雨伞和锡箔以及报警器制作了一个自动关门器.我一直想做一个发明家,支持我追随内心地热情. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我当时在纽约一家金融公司工作,同事是一群非常聪明地人,我地老板也很有智慧,我很羡慕他.我告诉我地老板我想开办一家在网上卖书地公司.他带我在中央公园漫步良久,认真地听我讲完,最后说:“听起来真是一个很好地主意,但是对那些目前没有谋到一份好工作地人来说,这个主意会更好.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途这一逻辑对我而言颇有道理,他说服我在最终作出决定之前再考虑小时.那样想来,这个决定确实很艰难,但是最终,我决定拼一次.我认为自己不会为尝试过后地失败而遗憾,倒是有所决定但完全不付诸行动会一直煎熬着我.在深思熟虑之后,我选择了那条不安全地道路,去追随我内心地热情.我为那个决定感到骄傲. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途明天,非常现实地说,你们从零塑造自己人生地时代即将开启.你们会如何运用自己地天赋?你们又会作出怎样地抉择?你们是被惯性所引导,还是追随自己内心地热情?你们会墨守陈规,还是勇于创新?你们会选择安逸地生活,还是选择一个奉献与冒险地人生?你们会屈从于批评,还是会坚守信念?你们会掩饰错误,还是会坦诚道歉?你们会因害怕拒绝而掩饰内心,还是会在面对爱情时勇往直前?你们想要波澜不惊,还是想要搏击风浪?你们会在严峻地现实之下选择放弃,还是会义无反顾地前行?你们要做愤世嫉俗者,还是踏实地建设者?你们要不计一切代价地展示聪明,还是选择善良?我要做一个预测:在你们岁时某个追忆往昔地时刻,只有你一个人静静对内心诉说着你地人生故事,其中最为充实、最有意义地那段讲述,会被你们作出地一系列决定所填满.最后,是选择塑造了我们地人生.为你自己塑造一个伟大地人生故事. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途谢谢,祝你们好运!英文原稿:" ", 个人收集整理勿做商业用途,, . , , . , " ." , . . , ' . ' ' , ' , . . , . . . . , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ' . ' . ' . ' , , : . , . , . ' , , , , " , ' !" 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . ", ' . , ." ' . , . . , , , . . ? , . , ? . . . , , , ", ' ' ." 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , . ' . . ' , , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. ' . ' ' ' ' , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' . , ' . ' . , ' , ' . ' . , , , . , , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' , ' . , ' . ' ', ' . ( ) . , ' . ' , ' , . ' , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . , , , " , ' ." , . , , , . ' ' . . , , ' .个人收集整理勿做商业用途, , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , , . , . . ! 个人收集整理勿做商业用途诱惑是存于世上地一种奇怪地东西,你会为之疯狂而不能自已,而它之所以存在,是因为人地一生不断地被欲念剌激,所以为诱惑折磨一生.人存于世上,首要面对地是物质上地诱惑,然后才是精神上地诱惑.精神诱惑,我诠译是指追求浮名、执着于表现突现自我、或是指对知识领域过度探求.权势、地位、名利、金钱,这些都是诱惑.个人收集整理勿做商业用途人生时时面临诸多诱惑,权重地地位是诱惑,利多地职业是诱惑,光环般地荣誉是诱惑,欢畅地娱乐是诱惑,甚至漂亮地时装、可口美味都是诱惑……面对这些诱惑,我们该怎么办?个人收集整理勿做商业用途现在地社会,是一个充满诱惑地世界,如果你抵挡不住诱惑,你就会成为诱惑地奴隶,被诱惑淹没;如果你勇于抗拒诱惑,保持自我,你就能做好自己地事,成就自己地功业.个人收集整理勿做商业用途相反地,如果禁受不起外界地诱惑,就难以保持自我,难以做好自己地工作.俗话说地好,吃人家地嘴短,拿人家地手短.当今社会,又有哪个是白痴,肯为你白白付出?他们就是利用一些人“贪”地心理做诱饵,在这些人地身上谋取更大地利益,殊不知这正是走向死亡坟墓地开端.放眼看来,有多少人在多苦多难地日子里都挺了过来,可是,就在他地人生正走向成功,走向辉煌地时刻,经受不住名和利地诱惑,又白白断送了自己美好地前程;又有多少达官显贵在金钱美色地诱惑下,丧失道德水准,毁掉一世英名.个人收集整理勿做商业用途我们生活地时代更是一个充满诱惑地时代,网络游戏会诱惑你,网上聊天会诱惑你,歌星影星会诱惑你,淫秽读物会诱惑你,色情场所会诱惑你,名牌商品会诱惑你,灯红酒绿纸醉金迷地生活会诱惑你……如果你不能以顽强地意志保持自我,今天受这个诱惑,明天受那样诱惑,你哪还有时间和精力来作好自己地本职工作?哪有时间来提高自身素质?个人收集整理勿做商业用途所以我们要勇于保持自我,勇于抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑不要只看重于外因,社会是不断发展地,充满诱惑地东西只能越来越多,如果不从自身着手,你永远也不能抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑其实也很简单,我们地十六字方针告诉我们:无欲则刚淡泊心志,心中无欲,立身处世自然而刚!刚正则不阿!保持信念之火不灭,荣华富贵犹如过眼烟云,一笑而过,又哪里有什么诱惑呢?个人收集整理勿做商业用途。



Emerson says, "Now and then a man exquisitely made can live alone, and must; but coop up most men and you undo them." Solitude tries a man in a way society does not; it throws him upon his own resources, and if these resources be m eager, if the ground he occupies in and of himself be poor and narrow, he willhave a sorry time of it.爱默生说“有时候,一个至精之人能够也必须独孤地生活,但是孤独禁锢了多数人而却得不到解脱”,有别于社会,孤独用另一种方式试探一个人。


Hence we readily attribute some extra virtue to those persons who voluntarily embrace solitude, who live alone in the country or in the woods, or in the mountains, and find life sweet. We know they cannotlive without converse, without society of some sort, and we credit them with the power of invoking it from themselves, or else of finding more companionship with dumb things than ordinary mortals.因此,那些自愿拥抱孤独的人,他们或独居于乡村,或隐迹于树林山涧而甘之如饴,我们乐意把他们归之于某些高风亮节。



青蒿素的发现对人类社会的重大意义英语作文The Discovery of Artemisinin: A Life-Saving Gift to HumanityHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you about one of the most amazing discoveries in the history of medicine. It's a story about a powerful plant, some really smart scientists, and how their work has saved millions of lives all over the world. Get ready to learn about artemisinin!Malaria is a nasty disease caused by tiny parasites called Plasmodium that are transmitted through mosquito bites. When these parasites get into your blood, they can make you super sick with fever, chills, headaches, and even coma or death if left untreated. For a very long time, malaria was one of the biggest killers, especially in hot and tropical parts of the world like Africa.In the past, the main medicines used to treat malaria were based on quinine, a natural compound extracted from cinchona tree bark. Quinine helped a lot of people, but it also had some bad side effects. Plus, over time, the malaria parasites started becoming resistant, which means the quinine stopped working as well against them. Uh oh, not good!Luckily, help came from a totally unexpected place - a humble weed growing across parts of China and southeast Asia.This weed is called Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood. People in China had been using extracts from this plant to treat fevers for a very, very long time as part of traditional Chinese medicine practices.In the 1960s, scientists working for the Chinese government launched a secret project codenamed "Project 523" with the goal of finding better anti-malaria treatments. They screened over 240,000 compounds before discovering the powerfulanti-malarial properties of artemisinin, the active compound found in sweet wormwood.A researcher named Tu Youyou is considered the hero who led the team that isolated and extracted artemisinin. In old Chinese texts, Tu found ancient recipes mentioning wormwood's fever-reducing abilities. Through years of careful experiments, she was able to extract the purified active component we know as artemisinin today.Artemisinin turned out to be a total game-changer in the fight against malaria. It works in a completely different way than older malaria drugs, rapidly destroying the malaria parasites once they are inside red blood cells. When used in combination with other medicines, artemisinin-based treatments have proven to be extremely effective at curing malaria quickly and safely.Tu's pioneering work on artemisinin was recognized with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She became the first Chinese scientist to ever receive a Nobel in science! Tu showed that valuable medicinal knowledge can be found in traditional folk remedies when combined with rigorous scientific research.So why is artemisinin such a big deal? Well, malaria still infects over 200 million people per year and kills around half a million, most of them young children in Africa. Without effective treatments like artemisinin, this number would be much, much higher. Artemisinin has helped save tens of millions of lives!Plus, by having a different mechanism of action, artemisinin provides a way to treat malaria cases that have become resistant to older medicines like quinine and chloroquine. If we only relied on those older drugs, multidrug-resistant malaria would likely have become an even bigger global disaster by now.Artemisinin's impact has been so huge that it has been included in the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines, which means it should be available everywhere due to its vital importance. Millions of doses of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are distributed for free byorganizations like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.Beyond just directly treating people sick with malaria, artemisinin has opened the doors for scientists to study the Artemisia plant in new ways. They have worked to breed sweeter wormwood varieties that produce higher levels of artemisinin to make it easier to obtain the compound on a large scale.Researchers have also explored modifying artemisinin itself to develop new and improved versions that may work better against resistant malaria strains or have fewer side effects. This could lead to even more powerful artemisinin-derived medicines coming out in the future.Some scientists are even studying artemisinin as a potential treatment for other diseases like cancer, since the compound seems to have the ability to inhibit growth of some tumor cells too. Maybe one day, the healing powers of this special little plant could help us fight other illnesses beyond just malaria.Of course, none of these amazing benefits would be possible without the scientific research done by Tu Youyou, her team, and all the other scientists who have studied this miraculous natural product over the decades. Their curiosity, hard work, andinnovation took an ancient herbal remedy and turned it into a modern life-saver.The story of artemisinin shows how valuable it is to explore the world around us, respect traditional knowledge, and never stop searching for new scientific breakthroughs. It teaches us that solutions to some of our biggest challenges may come from the most surprising and humble of places, if we just keep our eyes open.So the next time you learn about a kid being cured of malaria, you can thank the awesome power of artemisinin and the brilliant researchers who discovered it. This little weed has grown into a mighty weapon in humanity's battle against one of its oldest and deadliest foes. Now that's what I call a true gift from nature!。



见闻利益品第十二译文英文回答:The text "Benefits of Experience and Knowledge" emphasizes the importance of experience and learning in personal growth and development. It highlights several ways in which experience can shape and enrich our lives:Enhancement of Perception and Understanding:Experience allows us to observe and interact with the world, developing our abilities to perceive, interpret, and comprehend our surroundings. It helps us form a deeper and more nuanced understanding of ourselves, others, and the world.Expansion of Knowledge and Skills: Through experience, we acquire new knowledge and develop practical skills. We learn by doing, experimenting, and engaging with different situations, broadening our horizons and enhancing our capabilities.Cultivation of Wisdom and Maturity: Experience teaches us valuable lessons and helps us develop wisdom and maturity. We learn from our successes and failures, gaining insights into the complexities of life and developing a more balanced and reflective perspective.Development of Resilience and Problem-Solving Abilities: Experience exposes us to challenges and obstacles, which help us build resilience and improve our problem-solving abilities. We learn to adapt, innovate, and overcome adversity, strengthening our mental and emotional resilience.Enrichment of Relationships and Perspectives: Experience connects us with others and exposes us to diverse perspectives. It fosters understanding, empathy, and tolerance, enriching our relationships and broadening our worldview.Promotion of Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: Experience provides opportunities for self-reflection andpersonal growth. We can assess our strengths, weaknesses, and values, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose in life.中文回答:见闻利益品第十二。



• Langue and Parole 语言与言语
Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.
Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.
• 1880 wrote a doctoral thesis on the locative absolute in Sanskrit《论梵语绝对属格的用法》, was awarded his doctorate .
• 1881-1891 He taught the ancient and modern languages at the École pratique des hautes études (巴黎的高等应用学 院) for eleven years. 第4页/共13页
Main Academic Viewpoints
• Signifier and Signified 语言 的能指与所指
The signifier is the pointing finger, the word, the sound-image.
The signified is the concept, the meaning, the thing indicated by the signifier.
The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.
Main Academic Viewpoints



On the other part, instead of being its own seer, let it receive from another mind its truth, though it were in torrents of light, without periods of solitude, inquest, and self recovery, and a fatal disservice is done. Genius is always sufficiently the enemy of genius by over-influence. The literature of every nation bears me witness. The English dramatic poets have Shakespearized now for two hundred years.Undoubtedly there is a right way of reading, so it be sternly subordinated. Man Thinking must not be subdued by his instruments. Books are for the scholar‟s idle times. When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men‟s transcripts of their readings. But when the intervals of darkness come, as come they must—when the sun is hid, and the stars withdraw their shining—we repair to the lamps which were kindled by their ray, to guide our steps to the East again. The Arabian proverb says, “A fig tree, looking on a fig tree, becometh fruitful.”It is remarkable, the character of the pleasure we derive from the best books. They impress us with the conviction, that one nature wrote and the same reads. We read the verses of one of the great English poets, of Chaucer, of Marvell, of Dryden, with the most modern joy—with a pleasure, I mean, which is in great part caused by the abstraction of all time from their verses. There is some awe mixed with the joy of our surprise, when this poet, who lived in some past world, two or three hundred years ago , says that which lies close to my own soul, that which I also had well-nigh thought and said. But for the evidence thence afforded to the philosophical doctrine of the identity of all minds, we should suppose some pre-established harmony, some foresight of souls that were to be, and some preparation of stores for their future wants, who lay up food before death for the young grub they shall never see.Passage 1另一方面,若心灵不成为自己的先知,而且从另一心灵接受真理时又不静思,融会贯通,那么即便那真理之光光芒四射,其结果也是有害无益。



The Nobel Prize: A Beacon of ScientificAchievementThe Nobel Prize, established in 1895 by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, is a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the transformative impact of scientific discovery. It is an honor that has come to symbolize the pinnacle of achievement in fields ranging from physics to medicine, literature to peace. Each year, the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners captures the world's attention, sparking discussions about their groundbreaking work and its potential to shape our future. The impact of the Nobel Prize is felt far beyond the scientific community. It serves as a powerful inspiration for young minds, igniting a spark of ambition andaspiration that can lead to new ideas and innovations. The stories of Nobel laureates are narratives of perseverance, dedication, and the courage to pursue what is often uncharted territory. Their achievements are a reminder that science, when guided by curiosity and driven by passion, has the power to transform our world.The Nobel Prize is also a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of science and society. The winners' contributions often have profound implications for the way we live our lives, from improving healthcare to advancing technology. Their work is not confined to the laboratory;it spills over into our daily lives, shaping the world we know.The legacy of the Nobel Prize is one of inclusion and diversity. It transcends national boundaries and celebrates the achievements of individuals from all corners of the globe. This diversity is a powerful testament to the universality of scientific inquiry and the belief that anyone, regardless of their background, has the potentialto make groundbreaking contributions.In conclusion, the Nobel Prize stands as a beacon of scientific achievement, a symbol of human curiosity and innovation. It is a reminder that science, when guided by passion and curiosity, has the power to transform our world. As we look to the future, the Nobel Prize will continue to inspire generations of scientists and innovators to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on society.**诺贝尔奖:科学成就的灯塔**1895年由瑞典发明家阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔创立的诺贝尔奖,是人类好奇心持久不衰的有力证明,也是科学发现具有变革性影响的象征。



谦卑珍贵的特质英语作文In a world where egos often soar to the clouds, humility stands out as a rare and precious gem. This simple yet profound quality has the power to transform relationships, enrich experiences, and elevate the human spirit. Imagine a world where people are not vying for the spotlight but are genuinely interested in the well-being of others. This is the world that humility can create. It is a world where the focus is not on the self but on the collective good, where every individual is valued for their unique contributions.Humility is not about self-deprecation or inferiority;it's about recognizing one's place in the grand scheme of things. It is the quiet acknowledgment that we are all part of something bigger, and that our actions and words can have a ripple effect on those around us. It is the understanding that we are not the center of the universe, and that there is always something to learn from others.In a society that often glorifies self-promotion andself-importance, humility can be a breath of fresh air. It allows us to listen more and speak less, to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to acknowledge our ownfallibility. It teaches us to be gracious in success and resilient in failure, to give credit where it's due, and to learn from our mistakes.The humble person is not afraid to admit when they arewrong. They are not threatened by the success of others but are inspired to grow and improve. They are the ones who can lead by example, showing that true strength comes not from dominating others but from lifting them up.In the end, humility is a trait that can bring us closer together. It fosters empathy, compassion, and respect for others. It is a reminder that we are all on the same journey, each with our own story to tell. So let us embrace humility, not as a weakness, but as a strength that can make us better versions of ourselves and create a world where everyone can thrive.。



伊索寓言拉丁文版一、伊索寓言拉丁文版Quaestiones profunda mundi et morum res olim rediturae. Tamquam nimis pullos auribus, fabulae impraesentiarum sermo sive ludicrorum documentum sunt. Inter fabulas celeberrimas, Fabulae Aesopiae iterum iterumque ab omni populo lectae sunt. His fabulis litterae latinae advectae, in quibus fabulae Aesopi simplicitas et sapientia tenentur. Quapropter, in hoc opere, decem fabulas Aesopias Latine tractare constitui, ut boni hispanis scilicet sit discere linguam latinam et sapientiam hominum veterum cognoscere.Secunda, manducatrix stultorum:Quidam homo esset, qui usquam ibat, cibum ut forsitan hians quod pollicet se promeritare posse. Cum in viam venisset, hos argumentos invenit: "Cur nubes nunquam rapiuntur?" et "Cur aquila altior volat quam serpens?" Tum quidam canis pertransiens fecit linteum eumse pes immundum et super eum grandivose iter fecit, multitudinem hominum risu commoventem. Hoc saltu doctus, inquietum se subinde a perpetuo questu sumpsit. Nunc sentit bonitatem non videri, sed sentiri in corde.Tertia, omnis praeda Nimbus:Vulpes devidit corvum sedentem super ramo quercus habebat splendido formosa, quae lignum in ore praeda ingenti voce includit arborem. Tum cornicula suum decus silentio se cogitabat ostendere. At vulpes respondit et dixit, palestram pulchram in partem interiore esse. Deinde, coepit cornixcanere, ligna ex ore eiat, et vulpes se praedam appetit. Hisce argumentis meliora, his angeli se gerunt. Ne dumquam pulchritudo tua fumus omittatur.Quarta, gutta gutta canat:Que lamento cantat gvis; ipse ago, quantumvis eum demoraturum loqueris et alius carmine blanditur. Qui audis homo dulciter, et lachrymas commovent, et occidit flyers et pleonastas. Neque tamen deus quærit, quia protervitate favet et decipitur. Dicit enim homines insanire nisi inanem ludos et velle dolorem suo dedisse citharam.Quinta, cancros ducere currus:Duo cancri inter se invicem currum ducere constituerunt. Hi cancri erant, quidam dextre gradientes, quidam sinistre procidentes. Cum inter se contenderent et alter alteri iugeret, auctor in eum currum impedire non poterat. Hoc despectum sideres dum spectant, expavescunt. Sic cum dissentiunt pulcherrimum esse, redintegratura restituturque superiora valent.。



物以稀为贵英语作文In Chinese culture, there is a saying "以物以稀为贵"(yǐ wù yǐ xī wéi guì), which means that rare things are valuable. This saying reflects the traditional belief that rarity adds value to an object. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, from material possessions to personal qualities.Firstly, let's take a look at the material possessions. In the world of art and antiques, rarity is often a key factor in determining the value of an item. For example, a rare painting by a famous artist or a limited edition collectible can fetch a high price at an auction. Similarly, in the world of fashion, rare and limited edition items are highly sought after by collectors and fashion enthusiasts. The scarcity of these items makes them more valuable in the eyes of the consumers.Moreover, the concept of rarity can also be applied to personal qualities. In today's society, where mediocrityseems to be the norm, individuals with exceptional talents or unique qualities are often highly valued. For instance, a person with extraordinary intelligence, creativity, or leadership skills is often considered rare and therefore, highly sought after by employers and organizations. In addition, individuals with rare and unique personalities, such as kindness, empathy, and integrity, are often admired and respected by others.Furthermore, the concept of rarity can also be applied to relationships. In a world where superficial connections are abundant, genuine and deep connections are rare and therefore, highly valued. A true friend who is always there for you, a loving and supportive partner, or a mentor who guides and inspires you are all considered rare and precious. These relationships are cherished and nurtured because of their rarity and the value they bring to our lives.In conclusion, the saying "以物以稀为贵" (yǐ wù yǐ xī wéi guì) holds true in many aspects of life. From material possessions to personal qualities andrelationships, rarity adds value and significance. It reminds us to appreciate and cherish the rare and precious things in our lives, whether it be a valuable antique, a unique talent, or a genuine relationship. Indeed, rarity is a quality that should be treasured and celebrated.。



The scent of books is a metaphor for the intellectual and emotional nourishment that reading provides.It is often described as a comforting and enriching experience that can be likened to finding a safe harbor for ones soul amidst the tumultuous waves of life. Here is an essay that captures the essence of this concept:The Enchantment of Books:A Haven for the SoulIn the everbusy world we inhabit,where the hustle and bustle of daily life can often leave us feeling overwhelmed,there exists a sanctuary that offers solace and tranquility.This haven is not a physical place,but rather a state of mind that can be accessed through the simple act of opening a book.The fragrance of paper and ink,the whispers of stories untold,and the wisdom of ages past all converge in this magical realm where the soul finds its anchor.The Aroma of KnowledgeThe first step into this haven is marked by the unique scent that emanates from the pages of a wellloved book.This is not just the smell of paper and ink,but the scent of knowledge,of stories,and of dreams.It is an aroma that can transport us to different times and places,allowing us to experience the lives of others,to learn from their triumphs and tragedies,and to grow in empathy and understanding.The Comfort of StoriesAs we delve deeper into the pages,we find ourselves enveloped by the comfort of stories. Each narrative is a tapestry woven with threads of human experience,reflecting the joys and sorrows,the hopes and fears that are universal to all.In the company of these tales, we are no longer alone in our struggles.We find kinship with the characters who,like us, face challenges and seek resolutions.The Solace of WisdomBeyond the stories,books offer the solace of wisdom.The thoughts of philosophers,the discoveries of scientists,the reflections of poetsall these are laid bare for us to explore and to ponder.In the quiet moments spent with a book,we can find answers to lifes most perplexing questions,or at least gain new perspectives that can illuminate our path.The Power of ImaginationMoreover,books are the catalysts for our imagination.They invite us to visualize the scenes described,to hear the voices of the characters,and to feel the emotions they experience.This active engagement with the text not only stimulates our creativity but also enriches our capacity for empathy and understanding.The Lasting ImpactThe journey through a book leaves an indelible mark on our psyche.It shapes our thoughts,influences our decisions,and enriches our conversations.The lessons learned and the insights gained are carried with us long after the final page is turned,becoming a part of our very essence.ConclusionIn conclusion,the haven of books is a sanctuary that offers more than just an escape from the worlds chaos.It is a place where the soul can find nourishment,where the mind can be challenged,and where the heart can be moved.As we continue to navigate the complexities of life,let us remember to seek refuge in the pages of a good book,for there we will find the scent of books that is truly a haven for the soul.This essay encapsulates the idea that books provide a comforting and enriching experience,serving as a metaphorical harbor for the soul in a world that can often be overwhelming.。



关于末日大脑一的作文英文回答:The Day of the Big Brain is a thought-provoking novel that explores the concept of a post-apocalyptic world where humans have evolved into super-intelligent beings. The story follows a group of survivors as they navigate the challenges and dangers of this new reality.The author skillfully combines elements of science fiction and dystopian literature to create a captivating narrative. The plot is filled with suspense and unexpected twists that keep the reader engaged from start to finish. The characters are well-developed and relatable, allowing the reader to connect with their struggles and triumphs.One of the most intriguing aspects of the novel is the exploration of the human mind and its potential. The concept of a "Big Brain" that possesses extraordinary intelligence raises questions about the nature ofintelligence and the limits of human capabilities. It also prompts us to ponder the ethical implications of such a scenario. Would super-intelligent beings use their powers for good or for their own self-interest?The novel also delves into the theme of survival and the lengths that humans will go to in order to protect themselves and their loved ones. The survivors face numerous challenges, including scarce resources, hostile environments, and conflicts with other groups. This exploration of the human condition in extreme circumstances adds depth and complexity to the story.Overall, The Day of the Big Brain is a thought-provoking and thrilling novel that will leave readers pondering the possibilities of human evolution and the choices we make in the face of adversity.中文回答:《末日大脑一》是一部引人深思的小说,探讨了一个后末日世界的概念,其中人类进化成了超级智能生物。



关于世界上有长生不老药的英文书In Search of the Elixir of Immortality: A Quest for the Everlasting PotionIntroduction:The concept of immortality has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Countless tales, legends, and myths have revolved around the existence of a magical elixir that can grant eternal life. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the quest for the elixir of immortality and explore the myths and legends surrounding it.The Quest for Immortality:Since time immemorial, humans have been intrigued by the idea of cheating death and achieving immortality. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese all sought the secret to everlasting life. These quests gave birth to the legends of the Fountain of Youth, the Philosopher's Stone, and the elixir of immortality.Historical Perspectives:Throughout history, many individuals have embarked on personal quests for the elixir of immortality. In ancient China, the first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, is said to have sent his most trusted advisors and alchemists in search of the elusive potion. In medieval Europe, alchemists dedicated their lives to the pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone, which was believed to grant eternal life. These endeavors, however, remained fruitless.Mythical Legends:Various mythologies and religions have also contributed to the belief in the existence of an elixir of immortality. In Norse mythology, the gods consumed the golden apples of immortality, which kept them eternally youthful. In Hinduism, the gods churned the cosmic ocean to obtain the Amrita, the nectar of immortality. These legends continue to inspire the human desire for eternal life.Scientific Advancements:While the search for the elixir of immortality remains elusive, scientific advancements have shed light on the aging process and the possibility of extending human lifespan. Research on genetics, stem cells, and anti-aging therapies has made significant progress in understanding the biological mechanisms of aging. However, the concept of a single potion that grants immortality remains firmly rooted in the realm of fantasy.Philosophical Perspectives:The pursuit of immortality raises profound philosophical questions about the nature of life and the meaning of existence. Some argue that mortality gives life its value and meaning, as the awareness of our limited time pushes us to make the most of it. Others see the desire for immortality as a natural instinct, driven by the fear of death and the yearning for eternal happiness and fulfillment.Conclusion:The quest for the elixir of immortality has captivated human imagination for centuries, fueling legends, myths, and personal quests. While science has made strides in understanding the aging process and extending human lifespan, the concept of a single potion granting eternal life remains a distant dream. Whether through science, spirituality, or personal achievements, the quest for immortality continues to shape our understanding of the human condition and our desire for a life that transcends the boundaries of time.。



Passion is the driving force that fuels the pursuit of excellence.It is the spark that ignites the flame of ambition,propelling individuals towards achieving remarkable feats in their respective fields.A life ignited by passion is a life that is not only fulfilling but also one that leaves a lasting impact on the world.The essence of passion lies in its ability to inspire dedication and commitment.When one is passionate about something,they invest their time,energy,and resources into mastering it.This unwavering commitment is what leads to the creation of outstanding achievements.For instance,renowned artists,musicians,and scientists have all demonstrated an unparalleled dedication to their crafts,which has ultimately led to the development of groundbreaking works and discoveries.Moreover,passion fosters innovation and creativity.It encourages individuals to think outside the box and explore new ideas,pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible.This spirit of exploration and innovation has led to numerous advancements in various fields,from technology to medicine,and has contributed to the betterment of society as a whole.Passion also instills resilience in individuals.It provides the motivation to overcome obstacles and setbacks,allowing them to persevere in the face of adversity.This resilience is crucial for achieving longterm success,as it enables individuals to learn from their failures and grow stronger as a result.Furthermore,passion can be contagious.When individuals are passionate about their work,they inspire others around them to pursue their own dreams and aspirations.This collective drive towards excellence can lead to the creation of a supportive and dynamic environment,where individuals are encouraged to reach their full potential.In conclusion,passion is a vital ingredient in the recipe for success.It is the catalyst that transforms dreams into reality and propels individuals towards achieving greatness.By nurturing and cultivating passion,one can unlock their full potential and contribute to the betterment of society in meaningful ways.。



绝不考虑失败,尽量避免绝望,一旦受到 它的威胁,立即想方设法向它挑战。
要辛勤耕耘,忍受苦楚。 要放眼未来,勇往直前。 坚信,沙漠尽头必是绿洲。 牢记,每一次的失败都会增加下一次成功的 机会。这一次的拒绝就是下一次的赞同;这一次 皱起眉头就是下一次舒展的笑容。今天的不幸, 往往预示着明天的好运。
请相信:今天是此生最好的一天! 请铭记:生命的奖赏远在旅途终点!
我们的血管里没有失败的血液在流动。我们不 是任人鞭打的羔羊,是猛狮,不与羊群为伍。 不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者的牢骚,这是羊 群中的瘟疫,我们不能被它传染。失败者的屠 宰场不是我们命运的归宿。
生命的奖赏远在旅途终点,而非起点附 近。我们不知道要走多少步才能达到目标,踏 上第一千步的时候,仍然可能遭到失败。但成 功就藏在拐角后面,除非拐了弯,我们永远不 知道还有多远。
《最宝贵的》 1978年短篇小说获1978年全国优秀短篇小说奖 《悠悠寸草心》 1979年短篇小说获1979年全国优秀短篇小说奖 《青春万岁》 1979年长篇小说 1981年被评为全国中学生最喜爱的十本书之一,1986年获 人·民文学出版社奖 《蝴蝶》 1980年中篇小说 获全国第一届(1979——1980)中篇小说奖 《春之声》1980年短篇小说 获1980年全国优秀短篇小说奖 《风筝飘带》1980年短篇小说获1980年《北京文学》短篇小说奖 《相见时难》1982年中篇小说获全国第二届(1981—1982)中篇小说奖 《葡萄的精灵》1983年短篇小说获第一届(1983—1984)短篇小说百花奖 《漫话文学创作特性探讨中的一些思想方法问题》1983年文艺评论获文学评论获《光明日报》优秀理论文章一等 奖 《访苏心潮》1984年报告文学获全国第三届(1984—1985)报告文学奖 《名医梁有志传奇》1986年中篇小说获全国传奇文学奖被《中篇小说选刊》评为优秀小说 “为表彰王蒙的文学创作”1987年获日本创价学会和平文化奖 “为表彰王蒙的文学创作”1987年获意大利蒙德罗国际文学特别奖 《苏州赋》1988年散文获《人·民日报》燕舞杯奖 《“诬告有益”论》 1988年杂文获《人·民日报》风华怀奖 《坚硬的稀粥》1989年短篇小说 获第四届1989—1990《小说月报》百花奖 《纸海勾沉——尹薇薇》1989年短篇小说获第四届1989—1990《十月》文学奖 《济南》1992年短篇小说获《上海文学》短篇小说奖



紫外分光光度法测定吴茱萸碱及吴茱萸次碱的溶解度及油水分配系数郭惠; 杨若澜; 李卫涛; 靳如意; 龙旭【期刊名称】《《化学与生物工程》》【年(卷),期】2019(036)011【总页数】4页(P64-67)【关键词】吴茱萸碱; 吴茱萸次碱; 紫外分光光度法; 溶解度; 油水分配系数【作者】郭惠; 杨若澜; 李卫涛; 靳如意; 龙旭【作者单位】陕西中医药大学药学院陕西省中药基础与新药研究重点实验室陕西咸阳 712046【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.32芸香科植物吴茱萸是一种常用中药,始载于我国第一本完整的药物学著作《本草纲目》[1],味苦性温,微毒,具有疏肝下气、温中散寒、开郁止痛、燥湿助阳的功能[2]。

吴茱萸的干燥近成熟果实中含有生物碱和苦味素等多种化学成分[3],其中生物碱类吴茱萸碱(evodiamine,Evo )和吴茱萸次碱(rutaecarpine,Rut)具有抗肿瘤活性[4] 。






图1 吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱的结构式Fig.1 Chemical structures of evodiamine and rutaecarpine1 实验1.1 试剂与仪器吴茱萸碱及吴茱萸次碱由本课题组前期合成,经鉴定纯度大于 98%[11-12]。

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(This is a sample cover image for this issue.The actual cover is not yet available at this time.)This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier.The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use,including for instruction at the authors institutionand sharing with colleagues.Other uses,including reproduction and distribution,or selling or licensing copies,or posting to personal,institutional or third partywebsites are prohibited.In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of thearticle( Word or Tex form)to their personal website orinstitutional repository.Authors requiring further informationregarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies areencouraged to visit:/copyrightSolubilities of evodiamine in twelve organic solvents from T =(283.2to 323.2)KJie-Ping Fan a ,b ,⇑,Yan-Long Xie a ,Ze-You Tian a ,Rui Xu a ,Yu Qin a ,Lie Li a ,Jian-Hang Zhu a ,ba Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Ecology and Bio-Resource Utilization of Ministry of Education,China bSchool of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 9September 2012Received in revised form 17October 2012Accepted 16November 2012Available online 7December 2012Keywords:Evodiamine Solubility Solvents Correlationa b s t r a c tThe values of the solubility of evodiamine in chloroform,dichloromethane,acetone,ethyl acetate,1-buta-nol,isopropanol,ethanol,methanol,ethyl ether,cyclohexane,n -pentane and n -hexane were measured at T =(283.2,293.2,303.2,313.2,and 323.2)K.The solubility of evodiamine in all the organic solvents stud-ied increases with the increase of the temperature.The experimental solubility values were correlated by a simplified thermodynamic equation and the modified Apelblat equation.The values of the dissolution enthalpy and entropy of evodiamine in all organic solvents were calculated using the van’t Hoff equation.The findings showed that the dissolution process was endothermic and entropy-driven.These data of sol-ubility can be used to guide the processes of extraction,purification in the industry.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionEvodiae fructus (Chinese name:Wuzhuyu)is the dried,imma-ture fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa (Juss.)Benth.Or E.rutaecarpa (Juss.)Benth.var.officinalis (Dode)Huang,and E.rutaecarpa (Juss.)Benth.var.bodinieri (Dode)Huang belong to the family Rutaceae.They are cultivated in East Asian nations including China,Korea,and Japan,and in recent years their extracts are exported to European coun-tries from China [1,2].E.fructus has been used for a long time as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders,headache and postpartum hemorrhage [3].Evodiamine (figure 1,CAS Registry Number 518-17-2)is a major alkaloidal component of E.fructus [4]and has been shown to exhibit anti-tumour,bronchocontractive,anti-nociceptive,catecholamine secretory,vasorelaxant and nitric oxide inductive properties [3,5].Evodiamine is usually extracted from E.fructus by using various solvents and should be isolated from these extracts for some pur-pose [2].Moreover,knowledge of (solid +liquid)equilibrium is very important for the design of separation and purification pro-cesses,and the development of models for prediction of drugs in various solvent [6–8].Therefore,to obtain a high yield and separa-tion efficiency by selecting the optimal solvent,knowledge of the solubility of evodiamine in various solvents is a prerequisite [9].Only at T =298.15K,the solubility of evodiamine with different purities were measured in several solvents by Chen et al.[10].However,to the best of our knowledge,the solubility of evodiamine in organic solvents have not been were not systematically demon-strated.Therefore,in this work,the solubility of evodiamine in chloroform,dichloromethane,acetone,ethyl acetate,1-butanol,isopropanol,ethanol,methanol,ethyl ether,cyclohexane,n -pentane and n -hexane was measured at T =(283.2,293.2,303.2,313.2,and 323.2)K by a synthetic method and correlated by a simplified thermodynamic equation and the modified Apelblat equation.2.Experimental 2.1.MaterialsThe evodiamine (mass fraction purity P 0.98)was purchased from Shaanxi Sciphar Biotechnology Co.Ltd,Shanxi,China (table 1),and used without further treatment.Its structure was identified by the UV and H NMR spectra,and the purity of evodiamine was checked by HPLC-DAD.All of the organic solvents were of analyti-cal grade and purchased from the Damao Chemical Reagents Co.,Tianjin,China and was used without further treatment.2.2.Solubility measurementsThe solubility was measured according to a literature method with some modification by using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)analysis method [8,9,11–14].A vial with a rubber stopper was used to prepare saturated solutions (about 15cm 3)of solute,in which excess solid solute was dissolved in the organic solvents.The vial was stoppered,sealed up with tape,and fastened with a rubber band to prevent evaporation of the0021-9614/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.jct.2012.11.021⇑Corresponding author at:School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China.Tel.:+8679183969583;fax:+8679183969594.E-mail address:jasperfan@ (J.-P.Fan).solvents.Then the vial was placed in a low temperature thermo-static reaction bath(type DFY5/40,China)with an uncertainty of ±0.1K.The solution was stirred by an electric magnetic stirrer, and the temperature of the system was determined by a microth-ermometer(type60-11,shanghai science chemical plant,China) with an uncertainty of±0.1K.The vial was allowed to settle for about48h to ensure equilibrium and stand for4h before sam-pling.For each vial,three samples of approximately(0.1to 0.5)cm3were withdrawn from the clear saturated solution with the preheated glass syringes.The glass syringes with saturated solution were weighed on an analytical balance(type FA1104N, Shanghai,China)with an uncertainty of±0.1mg.To prevent evap-oration of the solvent during the weighing process,the needle was closed with silicon rubber.The saturated solution was injected into the volumetricflasks(10cm3)immediately to prevent precipita-tion.After that,the mass of the glass syringes with the remaining solution was weighed,and the mass of the saturated solution in the volumetricflasks can be determined.The sample solution was diluted to the mark prior to HPLC determination.Each exper-iment was repeated at least twice to check the repeatability of the solubility determination,and three samples were taken for each solvent at each temperature.In this work,the measuring relative uncertainty of the experimental solubility value was within±5%.2.3.HPLC conditionsThe concentrations of evodiamine were determined by using HPLC(Agilent1100,Agilent Technologies,USA).The HPLC system was composed of a vacuum degasser(type G1379A),a quaternary pump(type G1311A),an autosampler(type G1313A),and a diode-array detector(type G1315A).The detection wavelength was 225nm.The separation column was a Hypersil BDS-C18column (4.6Â200mm,5l m)with a mobile phase composed of methanol and water in a volume ratio of68:32at aflow rate of1.0cm3-ÁminÀ1.The temperature of the column was303.2K.The injected volume of each sample was0.010cm3.3.Results and discussionThe solubility data of evodiamine in chloroform,dichlorometh-ane,acetone,ethyl acetate,1-butanol,isopropanol,ethanol,meth-anol,ethyl ether,cyclohexane,n-pentane and n-hexane at various temperatures are presented in table2,respectively(see alsofigure 2).The values of the solubility of evodiamine in dichloromethane, ethyl ether and n-pentane was measured below T=303.2K,be-cause these solvents have a lower boiling point.The result revealed that the solubility of evodiamine in all selected solvents increased with the increase of the temperature.Tofind a proper equation to represent the solubility values for evodiamine,a simplified thermodynamic equation and the modi-fied Apelblat equation were used in this paper.According to the (solid+liquid)phase equilibrium theory,the relationship between solubility and temperature is described as[15]ln1cxx¼D fus HR T tT tTÀ1ÀD C pRlnT tTÀ1þD C pRlnT tT;ð1Þwhere c x is the activity coefficient of Evodiamine on a mole fraction basis,x the mole fraction solubility of evodiamine in the organic sol-vent,D fus H the fusion enthalpy of evodiamine,D C p the heat capac-ity difference between the solid and the liquid forms of evodiamine, T the equilibrium temperature(K),T t the triple point temperature, and R is the gas constant,respectively.After equation(1)is simpli-fied[14,16,17],the simplified thermodynamic equation(equation (2))can be obtained from equation(1)ln x¼AT=KþB;ð2Þwhere A and B are parameters.The data for solubility of evodiamine in different solvents were correlated with equation(2),and the re-sults are given in table3,together with the root-mean-square devi-ations(rmsd’s)which are defined as equation(3)rmsd¼P ni¼1ðx ciÀx iÞ2n"#1=2;ð3Þwhere n was the number of experimental points;x c i and x i was the calculated and experimental solubility of evodiamine,respectively.The solubility of the evodiamine as a function of temperature was also correlated by the modified Apelblat equation(equation (4))[13,18–25]lnðxÞ¼aþbT=Kþc lnðT=KÞ;ð4Þwhere a,b,and c are the parameters of the equation.The parame-ters of a,b,and c were obtained by using a non-linear regression and are presented in table3,together with the root-mean-square deviations(rmsd’s)calculated by equation(3).From table3,it can be found that equations(2)and(4)can be used to correlate the experimental results of the solubility of the evodiamine in the organic solvents at different temperatures. Equation(2)is a simplified thermodynamic equation with two parameters.Equation(4)is the modified Apelblat equation with three paring thefitted results,we can see that the correlated results of equation(2)are a little better.For real solutions,the logarithm of mole fraction of a solute is a linear function of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature,which could be described as the van’t Hoff equation(equation(5)) [22,26–29]:ln x¼ÀD H dR TþD S dR;ð5Þwhere x is mole fraction solubility,D H d and D S d are the dissolution enthalpy and entropy,respectively,T is absolute temperature,and R is the gas constant.The van’t Hoff equation plots obtained from the linearfit of ln x versus1/T are shown infigure3.The solution en-thalpy and entropy of evodiamine in pure solvents shown in table 3could be calculated from the slope and intercept of these plots. According to table4,the course of evodiamine dissolving in each solvent within the experimental temperature range was endother-mic.The positive D H d and D S d revealed that the dissolution of evodiamine in each solvent was an entropy-driven process.TABLE1The sample provenance and mass fraction purity of evodiamine.Sample Provenance Mass fraction purity aEvodiamine Shananxi Sciphar BiotechnologyCo.Ltd.,Shanxi,ChinaP0.98a The purity of evodiamine was checked by HPLC-DAD.J.-P.Fan et al./J.Chem.Thermodynamics58(2013)288–291289290J.-P.Fan et al./J.Chem.Thermodynamics58(2013)288–291TABLE2Experimental mole fraction solubility(x)of evodiamine in different solvents over the range T=(283.2to323.2)K at atmosphere pressure.a T/K104x T/K104x T/K104xChloroform Dichloromethane Acetone 283.2 6.83±0.16b283.2 3.34±0.019283.2 2.16±0.006b 293.28.76±0.19288.2 3.70±0.068293.2 3.03±0.10 303.210.53±0.20293.2 4.17±0.081303.2 3.80±0.11 313.213.52±0.33298.2 4.80±0.018313.2 5.13±0.12 323.218.31±0.61303.2 5.71±0.046323.2 6.76±0.058Ethyl acetate1-Butanol Isopropanol 283.2 1.35±0.041283.2 1.12±0.024283.20.700±0.013 293.2 1.65±0.044293.2 1.39±0.045293.20.869±0.023 303.2 2.55±0.047303.2 2.16±0.026303.2 1.188±0.025 313.2 3.21±0.058313.2 3.17±0.068313.2 1.811±0.019 323.2 4.12±0.010323.2 4.58±0.066323.2 2.867±0.015Ethanol Ethyl ether Methanol 283.20.612±0.006283.20.406±0.012283.20.352±0.008 293.20.802±0.023288.20.516±0.020293.20.519±0.009 303.2 1.156±0.033293.20.693±0.020303.20.724±0.018 313.2 1.728±0.009298.20.751±0.031313.2 1.099±0.019 323.2 2.565±0.019303.20.909±0.032323.2 1.763±0.043TABLE3Parameters of equations(2)and(4)correlated from experimental data for evodiamine in different solvents.Solvent Equation(2)Equation(4)A B104rmsd e a b c104rmsd eChloroformÀ2182.18130.39100.03867À8.38213À1502.35898 2.753650.04281 DichloromethaneÀ2282.46440.02820.02329À15.58777À1271.38994 3.762940.02379 AcetoneÀ2553.13240.57690.02108À22.58986À1136.93717 4.847930.02064 Ethyl acetateÀ2640.75460.37730.0469925.7587À3369.7852À2.407720.04751 1-ButanolÀ3298.9217 2.46710.06218À0.74964À2948.97638 1.970930.07183 IsopropanolÀ3224.31638 1.70820.09264À10.40578À2724.62009 3.437280.12615 EthanolÀ3292.7351 1.85330.05674À3.73132À2891.89785 2.35490.07305 Ethyl etherÀ3422.5416 1.98530.0109112.57309À3332.29131À0.292040.04790 MethanolÀ3601.8395 2.41790.05535À5.57535À3168.90785 2.756180.08411 CyclohexaneÀ3886.20710.45610.0266364.39377À6296.85224À8.182580.02421 n-PentaneÀ4682.6247 3.20200.0217125.84628À5115.88178À2.103380.02496 n-HexaneÀ4005.37850.36860.0388675.01798À6898.14995À9.778920.03971e rmsd is the root-mean-square deviation calculated by equation(3).4.ConclusionsThe solubility of evodiamine in twelve organic solvents at dif-ferent temperatures has been measured over the temperature range of(283.2to323.2)K with values increasing in all selected solvents studied.Two equations were used to correlate the exper-imental results of the solubility of evodiamine in the organic sol-vents.One is a simplified thermodynamic equation and the other is the modified Apelblat equation with three parameters.Based on thefindings,it can be seen that the two equations can be used to correlate the solubility values of evodiamine,and the correlated results of the simplified thermodynamic equation are a better than the modified Apelblat equation.Based on the solubility data,the values of the dissolution enthalpy and entropy of evodiamine in all organic solvents were calculated using the van’t Hoff equation. The dissolution process was endothermic and entropy-driven.The calculated solubility shows good agreement with the experimental values,which verifies the feasibility of correlating the solubility data of evodiamine in all selected solvents.Therefore,the solubility data measured and the correlation equation in this work can be ap-plied to the design and optimization for the extraction and purifi-cation process of evodiamine.AcknowledgmentsFinancial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.20806037and20876131),Jiangxi Province Young Scientists(Jinggang Star)Cultivation Plan(20112BCB23002),Natu-ral Science Foundation of Jiangxi,China(No.2007GQH1752),Nat-ural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province Department of Education(No.GJJ09420),Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Ecology,Bio-Resource Utilization of Ministry of Edu-cation(No.Z04998)and Special Funds for Graduate Student Inno-vation in Jiangxi Province(No.YC2011-S005and YC2012-S017)are gratefully acknowledged.References[1]Chinese Pharmacopoeia Committee,Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic ofChina,vol.1,Chemical Industry Press,Beijing,2010,pp.160.[2]M.Zhao,X.Yang,Chromatographia(2008)543–550.[3]J.Jiang,C.Hu,Molecules14(2009)1852–1859.[4]D.Wen,C.Li,Y.Liu,Y.Liao,H.Liu,Anal.Bioanal.Chem.385(2006)1075–1081.[5]C.Wang,S.Li,M.Wang, Vitro24(2010)898–904.[6]B.Long,J.Li,Y.Song,J.Du,Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.50(2011)8354–8360.[7]G.Zhao,W.Yan,Fluid Phase Equilib.267(2008)79–82.[8]J.-P.Fan,T.Kong,X.-H.Zhang,L.Zhang,S.Tong,Z.-Y.Tian,J.-H.Zhu,J.Chem.Thermodyn.47(2012)372–375.[9]J.-P.Fan,T.Kong,L.Zhang,S.Tong,Z.-Y.Tian,Y.-H.Duan,X.-H.Zhang,J.Chem.Eng.Data56(2011)2723–2725.[10]F.Chen,S.Li,S.Xu,J.Ding,Chin.J.Pharm.42(2011)183–186.[11]L.X.Liu,X.C.Wang,J.Chem.Eng.Data52(2007)2527–2528.[12]R.Liang,Z.Bao,B.Su,H.Xing,Q.Ren,J.Chem.Eng.Data57(2012)2328–2331.[13]Y.Cheng,Y.Shao,W.Yan,J.Chem.Eng.Data56(2011)4587–4591.[14]J.Zi,B.Peng,W.Yan,Fluid Phase Equilib.261(2007)111–114.[15]J.M.Prausnitz,R.N.Lichtenthaler,E.G.D.Azevedo,Molecular Thermodynamicsof Fluid-Phase Equilibria,3rd ed.,Prentice Hall,1999.[16]M.Xiao,Y.Shao,W.Yan,Z.Zhang,J.Chem.Thermodyn.43(2011)240–243.[17]Y.Li,F.Wang,L.Xu,H.Jin,B.Ren,Fluid Phase Equilib.298(2010)246–252.[18]J.Wang,S.D.Wu,X.Z.Yang,J.Chem.Eng.Data55(2010)3942–3945.[19]B.Peng,R.Li,W.Yan,J.Chem.Eng.Data54(2009)1378–1381.[20]Z.Lei,Y.Hu,W.Yang,L.Li,Z.Chen,J.Yao,J.Chem.Eng.Data56(2011)2714–2719.[21]F.Chen,M.Zhao,B.Ren,C.Zhou,F.Peng,J.Chem.Thermodyn.47(2012)341–346.[22]K.Wang,Y.Hu,W.Yang,S.Guo,Y.Shi,J.Chem.Thermodyn.55(2012)50–55.[23]G.B.Ren,J.K.Wang,Q.X.Yin,M.J.Zhang,J.Chem.Eng.Data49(2004)1671–1674.[24]X.-R.Liang,C.X.Si,F.Y.Chen,W.K.Su,X.N.Yu,J.Chem.Eng.Data54(2009)1126–1128.[25]F.Chen,M.Zhao,C.Liu,F.Peng,B.Ren,J.Chem.Thermodyn.50(2012)1–6.[26]M.Hong,L.Xu,G.Ren,Fluid Phase Equilib.331(2012)18–25.[27]Y.X.Mo,L.P.Dang,H.Y.Wei,Fluid Phase Equilib.300(2010)105–109.[28]G.D.Yang,C.Li,A.G.Zeng,Y.L.Guo,X.Yang,J.F.Xing,J.Mol.Liq.167(2012)86–88.[29]Y.Zhao,B.Hou,X.Jiang,C.Liu,J.Wang,J.Chem.Eng.Data57(2012)952–956. JCT12-504FIGURE3.The van’t Hoff plots of the mole fraction solubility(ln x)of evodiaminedifferent solvents verse1/T with a straight line to correlate the data.TABLE4Dissolution enthalpy(D H d)and entropy(D S d)of evodiamine together with thecorrelation coefficients(r)of equation(5)in different solvents.Solvent D H d(kJÁmolÀ1)D S d(JÁKÀ1ÁmolÀ1)rChloroform18.1427 3.25050.9853Dichloromethane18.97640.23450.9758Acetone21.3686 5.29470.9963Ethyl acetate22.1239 3.72530.98331-Butanol27.607321.14470.9811Isopropanol36.807014.20200.9601Ethanol27.375815.40800.9862Ethyl ether28.455016.50600.9969Methanol30.133820.76610.9873Cyclohexane32.3099 3.97130.9963n-Pentane38.931326.62140.9968n-Hexane33.3007 3.06470.995358(2013)288–291291。
