国际贸易实务 章 (13)
国际贸易实务教案第一章:国际贸易基本概念1.1 教学目标了解国际贸易的定义和分类掌握国际贸易的基本术语和流程理解国际贸易的基本原理和作用1.2 教学内容国际贸易的定义和分类国际贸易的基本术语(如FOB、CIF等)国际贸易的流程(如询价、报价、合同签订等)国际贸易的基本原理(如比较优势、绝对优势等)国际贸易的作用和意义1.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易的基本概念和原理案例分析法:分析具体的国际贸易案例,加深学生对知识的理解1.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易的流程和作用,促进学生的思考和交流第二章:国际贸易政策2.1 教学目标了解国际贸易政策的基本概念和分类掌握国际贸易政策的目的和工具理解国际贸易政策的影响和评价2.2 教学内容国际贸易政策的基本概念和分类(如关税、配额等)国际贸易政策的目的(如保护国内产业、促进出口等)国际贸易政策的工具(如关税、非关税壁垒等)国际贸易政策的影响(如价格、产量等)国际贸易政策的评价(如有效性、公平性等)2.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易政策的基本概念和分类案例分析法:分析具体的贸易政策案例,加深学生对知识的理解2.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易政策的基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论贸易政策的目的和工具,促进学生的思考和交流第三章:国际贸易实务操作3.1 教学目标掌握国际贸易实务的基本流程和操作了解国际贸易合同的签订和履行熟悉国际贸易支付方式和风险管理3.2 教学内容国际贸易实务的基本流程(如询价、报价、签订合同等)国际贸易合同的签订和履行(如货物描述、价格条款等)国际贸易支付方式(如信用证、汇付等)国际贸易风险管理(如信用风险、汇率风险等)3.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易实务的基本流程和操作案例分析法:分析具体的贸易实务案例,加深学生对知识的理解3.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易实务的基本流程的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易合同的签订和履行,促进学生的思考和交流第四章:国际贸易运输与保险4.1 教学目标了解国际贸易运输的基本概念和流程熟悉国际贸易保险的种类和操作掌握国际贸易运输和保险的风险管理4.2 教学内容国际贸易运输的基本概念和流程(如海运、空运等)国际贸易保险的种类(如平安险、水渍险等)国际贸易保险的操作(如投保、索赔等)国际贸易运输和保险的风险管理(如货物损坏、延误等)4.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易运输和保险的基本概念和流程案例分析法:分析具体的运输和保险案例,加深学生对知识的理解4.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易运输和保险的基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论运输和保险的风险管理,促进学生的思考和交流第五章:国际贸易争议解决5.1 教学目标掌握国际贸易争议解决的基本方式和方法了解国际贸易仲裁和诉讼的程序和规定熟悉国际贸易惯例和规则的作用和应用5.2 教学内容国际贸易争议解决的基本方式(如协商、调解等)国际贸易仲裁的程序和规定(如仲裁申请、仲裁裁决等)国际贸易诉讼的程序和规定(如诉讼管辖、证据规则等)国际贸易惯例和规则的作用和应用(如国际贸易术语的使用等)5.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易争议解决的基本方式和方法案例分析法:分析具体的贸易争议解决案例,加深学生对知识的理解5.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易争议解决的基本方式的理解小组讨论:讨论仲裁和诉讼的程序和规定,促进学生的思考和交流第六章:国际贸易营销与沟通6.1 教学目标理解国际贸易营销的基本概念和策略掌握国际贸易沟通的技巧和工具熟悉国际贸易营销组合(4P's)在国际贸易中的应用6.2 教学内容国际贸易营销的基本概念和策略(如市场细分、目标市场选择等)国际贸易沟通的技巧(如跨文化沟通、商务谈判等)国际贸易营销组合(产品、价格、地点、促销)在国际贸易中的应用国际贸易营销案例分析6.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易营销的基本概念和策略案例分析法:分析国际贸易营销案例,加深学生对知识的理解角色扮演法:模拟国际贸易营销和沟通场景,提高学生的实际操作能力6.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易营销的基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易营销策略和沟通技巧,促进学生的思考和交流模拟营销计划:学生分组制定模拟营销计划,评估其营销策略和沟通效果第七章:国际贸易风险管理7.1 教学目标理解国际贸易风险的基本类型和影响掌握国际贸易风险管理的方法和工具熟悉国际贸易风险规避和控制策略7.2 教学内容国际贸易风险的基本类型(如信用风险、市场风险、操作风险等)国际贸易风险管理的方法和工具(如信用保险、汇率避险等)国际贸易风险规避和控制策略(如合同条款设计、风险分散等)国际贸易风险案例分析7.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易风险的基本类型和管理方法案例分析法:分析国际贸易风险案例,加深学生对知识的理解模拟演练法:学生分组进行风险管理模拟演练,提高风险识别和管理能力7.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易风险的基本类型的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易风险管理的方法和工具,促进学生的思考和交流第八章:国际贸易合同管理8.1 教学目标掌握国际贸易合同的基本要素和条款了解国际贸易合同的履行和管理流程熟悉国际贸易合同的违约和争议解决机制8.2 教学内容国际贸易合同的基本要素(如货物描述、价格条款、交付期限等)国际贸易合同的履行和管理流程(如货物生产、质量控制、物流管理等)国际贸易合同的违约和争议解决机制(如违约责任、仲裁和诉讼等)国际贸易合同案例分析8.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易合同的基本要素和履行管理流程案例分析法:分析国际贸易合同案例,加深学生对知识的理解角色扮演法:模拟国际贸易合同履行和违约场景,提高学生的实际操作能力8.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易合同的基本要素的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易合同的履行和管理流程,促进学生的思考和交流第九章:国际贸易与可持续发展9.1 教学目标理解国际贸易与可持续发展的关系掌握国际贸易对环境和社会的影响熟悉国际贸易可持续发展的政策和实践9.2 教学内容国际贸易与可持续发展的关系(如贸易开放度、贸易与环境等)国际贸易对环境和社会的影响(如资源过度开采、劳动力权益等)国际贸易可持续发展的政策和实践(如绿色贸易、社会责任贸易等)国际贸易可持续发展案例分析9.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易与可持续发展的关系和影响案例分析法:分析国际贸易可持续发展案例,加深学生对知识的理解小组讨论法:讨论国际贸易可持续发展的政策和实践,促进学生的思考和交流9.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易与可持续发展的关系的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易对环境和社会的影响,促进学生的思考和交流第十章:国际贸易发展趋势与挑战10.1 教学目标理解国际贸易发展趋势和变化掌握新兴贸易方式和业态熟悉国际贸易面临的挑战和应对策略10.2 教学内容国际贸易发展趋势和变化(如全球价值链第十一章:电子商务与国际贸易11.1 教学目标理解电子商务在国际贸易中的应用和影响掌握电子商务交易的基本流程和工具熟悉电子商务对国际贸易政策和法律的影响11.2 教学内容电子商务的基本概念和类型(如B2B、B2C等)电子商务在国际贸易中的应用(如在线交易、电子支付等)电子商务交易的基本流程(如询价、报价、合同签订等)电子商务工具(如电子市场、电子商务平台等)电子商务对国际贸易政策和法律的影响(如跨境数据流动、隐私保护等)11.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解电子商务的基本概念和应用案例分析法:分析电子商务在国际贸易中的具体应用,加深学生对知识的理解实践操作法:学生实际操作电子商务平台,了解交易流程和工具的使用11.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对电子商务基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论电子商务在国际贸易中的应用和影响,促进学生的思考和交流操作演示:学生演示使用电子商务工具的过程,评估其对电子商务交易流程的掌握程度第十二章:区域贸易协定与自由贸易区12.1 教学目标理解区域贸易协定的基本概念和类型掌握自由贸易区的成立和管理机制熟悉区域贸易协定对国际贸易的影响12.2 教学内容区域贸易协定的基本概念和类型(如关税同盟、自由贸易区等)自由贸易区的成立和管理机制(如关税优惠、贸易自由化等)区域贸易协定对国际贸易的影响(如贸易创造、贸易转移等)区域贸易协定案例分析12.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解区域贸易协定的基本概念和类型案例分析法:分析自由贸易区的成立和管理机制,加深学生对知识的理解模拟谈判法:学生分组模拟区域贸易协定的谈判过程,提高实际操作能力12.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对区域贸易协定的基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论自由贸易区的成立和管理机制,促进学生的思考和交流第十三章:国际贸易与知识产权保护13.1 教学目标理解国际贸易中知识产权保护的重要性掌握国际贸易中知识产权保护的基本原则和规则熟悉国际贸易中知识产权保护的实践和挑战13.2 教学内容国际贸易中知识产权保护的基本概念和原则(如专利权、商标权等)国际贸易中知识产权保护的规则(如TRIPS协定等)国际贸易中知识产权保护的实践(如知识产权侵权处理等)国际贸易中知识产权保护的挑战(如跨境知识产权保护等)13.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易中知识产权保护的基本概念和原则案例分析法:分析国际贸易中知识产权保护的实践和挑战,加深学生对知识的理解角色扮演法:模拟国际贸易中知识产权保护的场景,提高学生的实际操作能力13.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易中知识产权保护的基本概念的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易中知识产权保护的规则和实践,促进学生的思考和交流第十四章:国际贸易与投资14.1 教学目标理解国际贸易与投资的关系掌握国际贸易投资政策的基本原则和规则熟悉国际贸易与投资实践和挑战14.2 教学内容国际贸易与投资的关系(如贸易促进投资、投资影响贸易等)国际贸易投资政策的基本原则和规则(如非歧视原则、公平待遇等)国际贸易与投资实践(如外国直接投资、跨国并购等)国际贸易与投资的挑战(如投资风险、投资保护等)14.3 教学方法讲授法:讲解国际贸易与投资的关系和投资政策的基本原则和规则案例分析法:分析国际贸易与投资的实践和挑战,加深学生对知识的理解模拟谈判法:学生分组模拟国际贸易与投资的谈判过程,提高实际操作能力14.4 教学评估课堂问答:检查学生对国际贸易与投资的关系的理解小组讨论:讨论国际贸易投资政策的基本原则和规则,促进学生的思考和交流重点和难点解析本文主要介绍了国际贸易实务教案,内容涵盖了国际贸易基本概念、政策、实务操作、风险管理、营销与沟通、合同管理、可持续发展、电子商务、区域贸易协定、知识产权保护以及国际贸易与投资等方面。
第十三章 海运提单与装船通知 《国际贸易实务模拟操作教程》PPT课件
• (1) 表明货物的所有权:持单人只要是经过合法背书转让拿到提单的, 即可向船公司
• 主张拥有货物所有权并办理提货(换成提货单后)。 • (2) 运送合同:由于货物装船后才签发提单,因此提单相当于托运人
与船公司所缔结 • 的运送合同。 • (3) 装船收据:提单亦可以当作船公司收到货物时,发给托运人作为
• 2、填写完成后,回到业务中心,点
• 出口商宏昌国际股份有限公司( Grand West Foods Corp.) 完成货物装船后, 寄发
• “装船通知” 给进口商Carters Trading Company,LLC (请 参阅Form13-2):
• 出口商宏昌国际股份有限公司( Grand West Foods Corp.) 完成报关等手续后,将货
• 物装船出运,船公司签发提单(请参阅Form13-1):
第二节 装船通知
• 装船通知( Shipping Advice),是出口商向进口商发出的货 物已于某月某日或将于某月
• 某日装运某船的通知,其内容通常包括合同或信用证号码、 货名、装运数量、船名、装船日
• 期、装货港、预定抵埠日期(Estimated Time of Arrival; ETA) 等。
• 在SimTrade实习平台软件中,寄发装船通知在“业务中心 “页面中完成,具体步骤为:
• 1、点标志为“进口商” 的建筑物,再点“添加单据”, 添加“Shipping Advice”,并到单据列表中进行填写;
第十三章 海运提单与装船通知
• 第一节 海运提单 • 模拟操作提示13-1 • 应用案例分析13-1 • 第二节 装船通知 • 模拟操作提示13-2 • 应用案例分析13-2
一、常用的计量单位 1、重量(Weight) 吨(Metric Ton ,M/T ),公斤(Kilogram, Kg ),克( Gram, g),磅(Pound, lb ),盎司(Ounce, oz )等 2、个数 件、个、只(Piece,pc),套(Set),打(Dozen, doz)等 3、长度 米(Meter,m),英尺(Foot,ft),码(Yard,yd)等 4、面积 平方米(Square Meter,sqm)等 5、体积 立方米(Cubic Meter,cum)等 6、容积 升(Liter,l),加仑(Gallon,gal),蒲耳式(Bushel,bu.)
—— 中间商介绍交易或代买代卖而收取的报酬。 在合同或发票中明示的称“明佣”,常用佣金率表示。 例:USD200/Doz. CIF SAN FRANCISCO INCLUDING 5% COMMISSION . 简写为: USD 200/Doz . CIFC5 SAN FRANCISCO 佣金计算公式:佣金=含佣价×佣金率 净价=含佣价-佣金 佣金一般由卖方收到货款后另行支付给中间商。
第三节 其他七种贸易术语
Free Alongside Ship ( … named port of shipment ) —— 船边交货 ( … 指定装运港) 卖方的义务是在指定的装运港将货物放置于船边时,交货完成,风险转移。 FAS与FOB类似,主要区别在于交货风险转移点,FAS在船边,FOB在船舷。
Annual Work Summary Report
汇报人 | 小智
第一节 贸易术语概述 一、贸易术语(Trade Terms) —— 是一种表示在国际贸易中,交易双方有关责任、费用与风险划分的专门用语。 二、关于贸易术语的国际贸易惯例 《1932年华沙-牛津规则》 (Warsaw-Oxford Rules) 《1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941) 《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS2000) 该通则由国际商会制定,共分为四组13种。
5.<2000年通则)在<1990年通则)的基础上,根据国际贸易飞速发展的需要,对常用的贸易 术语进行了重大的调整。()
1.J 2.X3.X4.X5. Xo
6.在FOE、CFR和CIF之后加注的港II名称有的是装运港,有的是目的港,但其交货地点 都是在装运港
8.F组中包扌舌的三种贸易术语均属于在装运港交货的术语,因此,仅适用于水上运输方式。 ()
9.采用C组术语成交时,卖方有义务订立运输契约,并且自负风险和费用将货物运到约定 的目的地。 ()
参考答案1. J 2.V
案例7 空运方式到底该用CIP还是CIF
●案情简介:某出口公司A同新加坡的客户因价格 条款发生了一些分歧,一直争执不下。A和这个客 户做的业务是空运方式进行运输,A认为CIF只是 用于“海运及陆运方式”,而不是用于“空运方 式”,所以坚持用CIP条款(并且银行方面也坚持 按照国际惯例空运必须使用CIP)。可客户坚持要 用CIF,他们认为CIP比CIF多一项费用。CIP和CI F在费用上究竟有什么区别?A的做法是不是正确?
我某公司以FOB条件出口一批冻鸡。 我某公司以FOB条件出口一批冻鸡。合同签订后 FOB条件出口一批冻鸡 接到买方来电, 接到买方来电,称租船较为困难委托我方代为租 有关费用由买方负担。为了方便合同履行, 船,有关费用由买方负担。为了方便合同履行, 我方接受了对方的要求。 我方接受了对方的要求。但时至装运期我方在规 定装运港无法租到合适的船, 定装运港无法租到合适的船,且买方又不同意改 变装运港。因此,到装运期满时货仍未装船, 变装运港。因此,到装运期满时货仍未装船,买 方因销售季节即将结束便来函以我方未按期租船 履行交货义务为由撤销合同。试问: 履行交货义务为由撤销合同。试问:我方应如何 处理。 处理。
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国际贸易实务-练习题与答案Chapter 13
Chapter 13一.Chapter Summary1. Liner transport is the import transport of cargoes from one seaport to another along regular maritime routes according to a schedule. Liner rates usually include the stevedoring charges for loading and unloading.2. Liner transport freight covers basic freight and various kinds of surcharges. Basic freight may be collected according to weight, measurement, weight or measurement, ad, val., weight/measure or ad val. Surcharges include bunker adjustment factor, port surcharges, transshipment surcharges, heavy lift and long length additional, etc.3. Charter transport is a tramp service, picking up cargo only when it is chartered(hired)from the ship owner. There are two types of charter transport’ voyage charter and time charter.4. Under a voyage-charter party, the vessel remains under the control of the ship owner who is responsible for equipping and manning the vessel. Some terms used specially in voyage charter-party are: liner terms, FI(Free In), FO(Free Out), FIO(Free In and Out), lay days, dispatch money and demurrage.5. Time charter means the ship owner agrees to charter a vessel to the charter for a specified period of time.6. Rail transport is a major mode of transport in terms of capacity, only second to ocean transport. It is popular in multimodal transport and transshipment and widely used in landbridges.7. Air transport has the benefits of faster delivery, better security, less packaging and lower insurance, though it is generally perceived as expensive. There are three types of air transport services: schedule airline, chartered carriers, and consolidated consignments by freight forwarders.8.Intermodal transport involves the transport of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transport(rail, ship, and truck), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes.9. Containerization has the advantages of lowing charges, risks and improving efficiency. The modes of container services include CY/CY,CY/CFS,CFS/CY and FS/CFS. Container capacity is measuredin twenty-foot equivalent units(TEU, or sometimes teu). Most containers today are of the 40-ft(12.2m)variety and are known as 40-foot containers.10. The three functions performed by a bill of lading are: receipt for the goods, evidence of the contract of carriage and document of title to the goods. There are a number of different types of bill of lading including shipped (on board) B/L, received for shipment B/L, clean B/L and unclean B/L, straight B/L, blank B/L and order B/L, direct B/L, transshipment B/L, through B/L, liner B/L,charter-party B/L, container B/L, long form B/L, short form B/l, on deck, B/L, stale B/L, ante-datedB/L and advanced B/L.11. The three rules governing bill of lading are the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules, The Hague Rules were generally well received and have been adopted 58 maritime nations. There are some weakness of the Hague Rules. The Hague-Visby Rules 1968 made some important amendments to the Hague Rules. Hamburg Rules drafted in 1978 and came into force on November 1,1992, and several major amendments were made in the Rules.12. Sea waybill is receipt or the goods, an evidence of contract of carriage, but it is not a document of title. The functions of air waybill are the same as sea waybill. Multimodal transport documents evidence the contract of carriage of goods by at least two modes of transport.13. Shipment clause usually includes time of shipment, port(place) of shipment and destination, partialshipment and transshipment,etc. 二.Review QuestionsA. Brief define the concepts1. liner transport2. voyage charter3. charter-party4. lay days5. dispatch money6. demurrage7. time charter8. landbridge transport9. Intermodal transport(multimodal transport)10. Bill of lading11.shipped B/L12. Received for shipment B/L13. Clean B/L14.unclean B/L15.straight B/L16.blank B/L17.order B/L18.blank endoresment19.direct B/L20.transshipment B/L21.through B/L22. Liner B/L23.charterparty B/L24.container B/L25.long form B/L (or blank back B/L)27. On deck B/L28.stale B/L29.ante-dated B/L30,advanced B/L31.sea waybill32.Air waybillB.Questions and problems1.What are the functions performed by ocean Bs/L?2.In international trade ,why do the importer usually require the exporter to provide "clean on board B/L made out to order and blank endorsed"?3.What are the differences between a "through B/L"and a "multimodal transport document"?4.What is the virtue of containerization?C.Multiple-choice questions1.The most commonly used mode of transport in international trade is______a .air transport.b . road transport c.ocean transport d.railway transport2.If an item is marked with "M" in the tariff , the the liner rate for this item is collected on ____a. its unit. b .its weight c. its capacity d. its measurement3.FIO in the voyage charter-party means that the shipowner is ____a .only responsible for the charges of loadingB. Only responsible for the charges of unloadingC. Responsible for both the loading and unloading chargesD.responsible neither for the loading charges nor for the unloading charges.4.Liner terms in the voyage charge-party means that the shipowner is _____a .only responsible for of loading chargesB. Only responsible for unloading chargesC. Responsible for both the loading and unloading chargesD.responsible neither for the loading charges nor for the unloading charges.5. In voyage charter ,the shipowner is only responsible for loading under____a . FI b. FO c.FIO d. Liner terms6. Lay days are commonly expressed as ____a. Running daysb. Working daysc. Weather working daysd. Eight hour's working days7.Which of the following modes provides door-to-door container service or house-to-house container service?a.CY/CY container serviceb.CY/CFS container servicec.CFS/CY container serviced.CFS/CFS container service8.Container capacity is measured in ___A.FEU(Forty-foot Equivalent Units)b.TEU(Twenty-foot Equivalent Units)C.EEU(Eight-foot Equivalent Units)d.NEU(Nineteen-foot Equivalent Units)9.The document which can be transferred by endorsement is ____A.rail waybillB.Air waybillC.Sea waybillD.Order bill of lading10.Which of the following are NOT rules governing bill of lading?a.The Hague Rulesb.The Hague-Visby Rulesc.The Hamburg Rulesd.The New York Rules11. In the filed of consignee of a B/L ,"To order of ABC CO.Ltd"is marked . This B/L is____A.a straight B/LB.A blank B/LC. An order B/LD. A direct B/L12.Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions except____A. Evidence of the contract of carriageB. Receipt for the goods shippedC. Doucment of title to the goodsD. Non-negotiable document13.Which of the following terms on the B/L shows that the Bill of Lading is a clean B/L?A. One carton shortB. Insufficient packingC. In apparent good order and condituionD. Miss safety seal14.The issuance of ___is unlawfulA. Stale Bs/LB. On deck Bs/LC. Ante-date Bs/LD. Charter-party Bs/L15. The air freight forwarder assembles a number of individual shipments into one consignment and dispatched them on one air waybill .This type of air transport service is called____A. ConsolidationB. Scheduled airlineC. Chartered carrierD. Air express serviceD.True or false questions1.Ocean transport is a very fast mode of transport.2.FIO indicates that the shipowner is responsible for the costs of loading goods onto the vessel and unloading goods from the vessel.3.Time charter generally dose not include loading and unloading costs in the charter rate.4.In voyage charter ,the vessel is under the control of the charterer who is responsible for equipping and manning the vessel.5.A "B/L blank endorsed"refers to the B/L without any endorsement6.All bills of lading are transferable7.A bill of lading with a notation of "insufficient packing"is a foul bill of lading8.A short form bill of lading is usually not acceptable9.According to the GISG, in the absence of terms as to whether transshipment is allowed or not in the contract ,transshipment is to construed as allowed.10.Time charter means that the charterer hires the vessel for a period of time without crew11.Dispatch money and demurrage clause normally appear in the time charter-partyE.Calculationpany A exported 200 cartons of Goods X to Australia .The gross weight and measurement for each carton was 80kg and 100cm*4cm*25cm respectively.Suppose that the freight for the goods was calculated on W/M. The basic was US$80 per freight ton .Surcharges including 10% of port surcharges nd 15%of transshipment surcharges were also collected .How much should Company A pay for the freight?pany A exported 20 metric tons of Goods X to Japan . The goods were packed in cartons each containing 20 kilograms. The total gross weight of this batch of goods was 22060 kilograms and themeasurement of each carton was 42cm*28cm*25cm. The export price of the goods was US$570 per M/T CFR Kuwait. The freight was collected on W/M, the basic freight rate was US$70 ,and port surcharges were 20%.Calculate the FOB price for the exports.V. Answers to review questionsA. Briefly define the concepts1.liner transport:The transport of cargoes from one seaport to another regular maritime routes according to a schedule.2.Voyage charter :Transport vessel or vehicle charter for one or a specified number of trips(voyages)3.Charter-party:Written contract between the shipowner and the chartery days:Also called lay time .The number of days allowed by the ship owner to load or unload cargo without incurring demurrage or late charges5.Dispatch money: When so agreed in the charter-party ,this is paid by the shipowner to the charterer as a result of the vessel completing loading or discharging before the stipulated time6.Demurrage :Penalty paid by the charter to the shipowner for exceeding lay days in loading or unloading.7.Time charter :Transport vessel or vehicle charter for a fixed period instead of for a certain number of voyages or trips.ndbridge transport :Transportation from one seaport to another by railway across continents instead of by ocean ship.9.Intermodal transport (multimodal transport):Transport of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle ,using multiple modes of transport(rail,ship ,and truck),without any handing of the freightitself when changing modes10.Bill of landing (B/L):A transport document issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper with whom the carrier has entered into a contract for the carriage of goods.11.Shipped B/L:B/L issued by the shipping company after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel12.Received for shipment B/L: A received for shipment B/L arises where the word "shipped"dose not appear on the bill of lading. It merely ackonwledges that the goods have been received by the carrier for shipment.13.Clean B/L:B/L that is free from any adverse remarks,made by the shipping company, about the condition ,packaging ,or quantity of the goods being shipped.14.Unclean B/L:B/L with adverse remarks or notations (called "clauses")by the carrier that the goods received for shipping (or their packaging )look wet, or otherwise in doubtful condition ,or not ofcorrect quantity.15.Straight B/L:B/L with designated consignee16.Blank B/L:Also called Open B/L or Bearer B/L ,means that there is no definite consignee of the goods17.Order B/L :B/L that the goods are consigned or destined to the order of a named person18.Blank endorsement: An open endorsement that carries only the signature of the endorser and dose not specify in whose favor it is made (who is the endorsee)19.Direct B/L: B/L that indicates the goods are shipped from the port of loading direct to the port of destination without involving transshipment.20.Transshipment B/L:B/L that indicates the goods need to be transshipped at an intermediate port21.Through B/L:B/L issued for containerized door-to door shipments that have to use different shipsand /or different means of transport(aircraft, railcars, ships ,trucks,etc.)from origin to destination .Unlike in case of a multimodal Bill Of Lading, the principal carrier or the freight-forwarder (whoissued the through B/L)is liable under a contract of carriage only for its own phase of the journey, and acts as an agent for the carriers executing the other phases.22.Liner B/L:B/L issued by a liner company for shipment on scheduled port calls through scheduled routes.23.Charter-party B/L:B/L issued by the carrier (or its agent)based on the charter-party.24.Container B/L:B/L issued when the goods are conveyed by container25.Long form B/L:B/L more detailed with the terms and conditions of carriage which are printed onthe back of the page26.Short from B/L(or blank back B/L):An abbreviated type of B/L27.On deck B/L:B/L containing the notation that the goods have been loaded on the deck of the vessel28.Stale B/L:B/L presented to the consignee or buyer or its bank after the stipulated expiry date of presentation or after the goods are due the port of destination29.Ante-dated B/L:B/L which is dated before the date on which it is issued30.Advanced B/L:B/L issued before the shipment hasn't yet been effected31.Sea waybill:A non-negotiable document that constitutes evidence of the contract of carriage and of the receipt of the goods by the carrier32.Air waybill :The consignment note used for the carriage of goods by airB.Questions and problems1. The B/L performed as a receipt for the goods, an evidence of contract of carriage and document of title to the goods.1) Receipt for goods: The bill of exchange acts as a receipt for the goods received. A bill oflading describes the goods put on board a vessel ,states the quantity ,and their condition2) Evidence of the contract of carriage: The B/L is an evidence of the contract of carriagebetween the shipper and the carrier .The bill becomes conclusive evidence of the terms of the contract of carriage once it is negotiated to a good faith third party.3) Document of title to the goods : The named consignee or the holder of a bill of loading ,provided he has receiver it in good faith through due negotiation , has a claim to title and ,by surrendering the bill ,to delivery of the goods2."Clean on board B/L made out to order and blank "endorsed" is a B/L issued when the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel and it is free from any adverse remarks.Moreover, it is a negotiable instrument and can be transferred by only carring the signature of the endorser. As such , the importer is ensured that goods had been shipped on board and were in apparent good order and condition when the shipment was effected and the B/L is easy to be transferred.3.Multimodal transport document could be regarded as an extension of the through bill of lading . The essential difference is that under a through bill of lading , the principal carrier concludes several separate contracts carriage for subsequent segments of the transport as agent for the shipper or as agent for the on-carriers . It doses not normally accept responsibility for segments undertaken by the other carriers involved. The multimodal transport document goes a step further . Under this contract of carriage,the multimodal transport operator or freight forwarder takes responsibility as pricipal for the entire carriage. The multimodal transport operator may in fact offer a complete service but often the principal carrier will subcontract with other carriers.It does this not as an agent of the shipper but as the principal party to the subcontracts. So far as the shipper is concerned it can rely on one contract ofcarriage withe the multimodal transport operator4.The virtue of containerization is that by simplifying and speeding up the cargo-handling process at each transfer point , it minimizes interruptions and restores as many efficiencies as possible.C.Multiple-choice questions1.c2.d3. d4.c5.b6.c7.a8.b9.d 10.d 11.c 12,d 13.c 14.c 15.aD.True of false questions1.F2.F3.T4.F5.F6.F7.T8.F9.F 10.F 11.FE.Calculation1. 1)Total weight:0.08M/T*200=16M/T2) Total volume:100/100*40/100*25/100*200=20cm^33)As the total volume was greater than the total weight, thus volume was the basis for collecting freight.4) Total freight=total weight *(basic freight rate +surcharges)2. 1)Total carton :20M/T*1000/20kg=1000cartons2) Total weight:22260kg/1000=22.26M/T3)Total volume :42cm/100*28cm/100*25cm/100*1000=29.4cm^34) As the total volume was greater than the total weight, thus volume was the basis for collecting freight.5) Total freight=total volume *(basic freight rate +surcharges)=29.4*(70+70*20%)=US$2469.66)Freight per M/T=US$2469.6/20=I=US$123.487)FOB price=CFR-F=570-123.48=US$446.52。
第一章练习答案Unit 1 A brief introduction to international tradeI. Answer my questions1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications. It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental.2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies.3. To gain profit.4. To see out foreign markets and procurement.5. There are four major forms which are the following:Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise.6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg.the United States ) and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year.7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing.8. Yes. There are great differences between them.1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties.2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarily for financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments.9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC (the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation).10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest.11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate.12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capacity to make purchase.13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitment and least risk of a firm’s resources.14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens,copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising.15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business.II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right1. J2.A3.E4.B5.C6.D7.I8.G9.F 10.HIII Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese1 购买力11经济复苏;恢复2潜在销售量12 经济衰退3加价,涨价13间接投资4国内市场14有形货物5制成品15有形进出口6边际利润16收入及支出;岁入及岁出7市场占有率17超额能力8贸易歧视18贸易中间人(商);经纪人9时机选择19全部包建的工程承包方式10经销周期20许可证协定IV. Case Study.Batteries called “white elephant” exported from China were very popular in Southeast Asia, but in United States no one was interested in the goods. Why?Batteries called "white elephant" exported from China were very popular in Southeast Asia, because "white elephant" was a lucky thing in Southeast Asia, but no one was interested in it in the market of Europe and the United States. The boss of the company was very strange that the quality of the battery or the price of reasons, so he asked his staff to investigate. Finally he found that is the brand "white elephant" to be blame. The brand's name translated into English was "white elephant" which meant something were no use but cumbersome in Western countries. It was really a bad translation from culture information perspective. The meaning derived from a legend. According to the legend, there was a king who hated a minister, so he gave a white elephant to the minister for punishment. The minister has to take care of the white elephant, he couldn't give it to others or kill it because it's the king gave it to him. However, the appetite of the white elephant was so great, and the minister became poorer. So it showed people in western countries would not buy the battery for the consumers have no willing to buy something useless but cumbersome.V. Please try to find out some cases about cultural differences in doing international business. (Open)VI. Please determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALES. Then put T for TRUE or F for FALES in the bracket at the end of each statement.1. ( T )2. ( F )3. ( F )4. ( T )5. ( F )6. ( T )7. ( T )8. ( F )9.(T )10.(T)11.(F)12.(F)13.(T)14.(T)15.(F)Ⅶ.Translate the following into English1.Trade is often said to be the "engine" of development. Although this analogy is too simple, itdoes illustrate the importance of foreign trade in economic development. Although the healthy growth of exports is not always sufficient for rapid and sustained economic growth, it is undeniable that there is a positive and close link between the two. The role of trade development in economic growth is manifested in many ways. Among them are: the benefits of professional division of labor, the role of international competition in promoting domestic economic efficiency and the ability to pay for the import of goods needed for development, as well as more generally , the encouragement of investment and entrepreneurship.2.International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced by one country withgoods and services produced by another country. In addition to the visible trade, that is, the import and export of goods and cargos, there are also invisible trade, which refers to the exchange of labor between countries. Countries such as Greece and Norway, which have vast maritime fleets and provide transport services, reflect a form of invisible trade. For some countries, invisible trade is just as important as raw materials and commodity exports for some other countries. In both cases, these countries can make money to buy the goods they need.3.International trade is varied in a variety of ways. Underwriting refers to the seller , in aparticular area and within a certain period of time , to give foreign customers the exclusive right to sell the designated commodity trade. In this deal, the goods are taken over by the underwriter, sold on their own and are self-financing. This is different from a commission-only agent, and because the underwriter enjoys a franchise in a particular area, making it distinct from the general sale and purchase agreement.4.No country in the world can produce all the products it needs, so all countries participate inthe international division of labor for effective production and reproduction. Sometimes , a country can buy goods and services abroad from a barter, which refers to the exchange of onegood for another and not for money. Barter trade by itself is not enough to meet the needs ofa country's imports. However, as a mode of trade, it is attractive to developing countries thathave a shortage of foreign exchange or shortage of inflow of foreign capital to meet the demand for foreign trade.Ⅷ. Multiple Choices1-5 D D A D B 6-10 A A A B A第二章练习答案Unit 2 General Procedures of Export and Import TransactionI. Answer the following questions1.Please tell us the procedures of international trade.The procedures of an export or import business are so complicated that it may take quite a long time to conclude a transaction. Varied and complicated procedures have to be gone through in the course of export or import transaction. From the very beginning to the end of the transaction, the whole operation generally undergoes four stages: preparing for exporting or importing, business negotiation, implementation of the contract, and settlement of disputes(if any). Each stage covers some specific steps. Since the expo rt and import trades are two sides of the same coin, and one country’s export is another country’s import.2.What are the parties involved in export and import transaction?The parties who are involved in export and import transactions are numerous and can be described as variously. The basic parties are the buyer who purchases the goods and the seller who provides the goods.3.What are the specialists involved in export and import transaction?Many specialists may be involved in export and import transaction, including:(1) A shipping agent and /or foreign forwarder (forwarding agent) will take responsibility for the documentation and arrange for the goods to be shipped by air, sea, rail or road. These services may be carried out by the supplier’s own export department, if they have the expertise.(2) Airlines, shipping lines, railway companies or haulage contractors will actual transport the goods.(3) Both the importer’s and exporter’s banks will be involved in arranging payments if a letter of credit or bill of exchange is used.(4) Customs and Excise officers may need to examine the goods, check import or export licensing and charge duty and /or V AT.(5) A chamber of Commerce may need to issue a Certificate of Origin, if this is required by the importer’s country.(6) An insurance company insures goods in transit.(7) A lawyer if a special contract has to be drawn up.4. What are the documents needed in export and import transaction?An import/export transaction usually requires a lot of complicated documents because it is difficult to make many different arrangements when one firm is dealing with another on the other side of the world. The number and type of documents needed depend on the specific requirements of the exporter and importer. Generally, the documents needed include:(1) Bill of Lading.(2) Commercial Invoice.(3) Proforma Invoice.(4) Consular Invoice.(5) Packing List.(6) Weight Memo.(7) Certificate of Inspection.(8) Certificate of Origin.(9) Insurance Policy (Certificate).(10) Sales Contract.(11) Sales Confirmation.II. Filling the blanks with the suitable words in the text:1.meeting/satisfying;2.agent, foreign/overseas;mission;4.own;5.setting;6.patent;7.profits;8.outlets; 9.joint, venture; 10.subsidiaryIII. J udge the following statement, mark True (T) or False(F)1F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10. T 11. T 12.F 13. T 14. F 15.TIV. Explain the meaning of the words or phrases below as requested1. Offer: An offer is a proposal made by sellers to buyers in order to enter into the contract.2. Withdrawal: It means an offer by the offerer has been withdrawn before it is reached to the offeree in order to prevent its entry into force.3. Enquiry: An enquiry is a request for business information, such as price lists, catalogue, samples, and details of the goods or trade terms. It can be made either by the importer or the exporter.4. Acceptance: Acceptance is a statement made by other conduct of the offerees indicating unconditional consent to an offer.5. Shipping agent: Shipping agent(船代)is a ship owner's representative whose job is to find the ships to carry.V. Compose a letter of enquiry with the following particulars:Messrs. Arthur Grey & Son,19 Cheapside,London, E.C.2Dear Sirs,We have obtained your name and address from China Council for Promotion of International Trade and learned that you are one of the leading exporters of Ice Box in your district.We are now interested in 100 sets of the said article and should be pleased if you would let us know whether you can supply us with the quantity and quality we desire. Please quote us your best price on CIF Guangzhou basis. When offering, please state clearly terms of payment, time of delivery, packing conditions together with illustrated catalogue for our consideration.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,VI. Please make your offer according to the following particulars:Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 5th May. We are glad to learn of the inquiries you have had from your customers for our raincoats. Our "D.D." range is particularly suitable for warm climates, and during the past years we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries, from many of whom we have already had repeated orders. This range is popular not only because it is light in weight,but also because the material used has been specially treated to prevent excessive condensation on the inside surface.For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows:"D.D." Raincoats100 men's medium @ US$14.50 US$ 1,450100 men's small 14.0 1,400100 women's medium 13.2 1,320100 women's small 12.7 1,270US$ 5,440Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sightShipment: Shipment will be effected within three or four weeks after receiving the L/C.This offer is subject to our final confirmation. We feel you may be interested in our other products and enclose some pamphlets for your reference.We are awaiting your early orders.Yours sincerely,VII. Write a counter-offer according to the following particulars:Dear Sirs,We thank you for your quotation May 10 for 1,000 sets of Hair IceBox. We find your price as well as delivery date satisfactory, however, we would give our suggestions of an alternation of your payment terms.Our past purchase of other household electrical appliances from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On the basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months. Under the present circumstances, this question is particular taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interests.In view of our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest that you accept either “cash against documents on arrival of goods” or “drawing on us at 60 day’s sight”.Your first priority to the consideration of the above request and an early favorable reply will be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely,VIII. Case StudyQuestions:(1) What is your opinion? Give the reasons to support your opinion.(2) How to prevent such dispute?(1) The first letter of Company A and Company B can be considered as an offer, during which Company A made a request for packaging. While Company B modified the terms of the offer, which can be considered as a counter offer or a new offer. After the counter offer was issued by Company B, Company A did not reply. Although it indicated that it was bound by the offer of the company B, yet Company A did not expressly accept to Company B,(2)At this time , the contract is not established. Therefore, Company B refused to honor the contract on this ground. Company A would fall into the passive status. In order to avoid this situation, Company A, in receipt of the B Company's offer, should promptly accept it.Ⅸ.Multiple Choices1. BCE2. AB3. BCD4. ABE5. ADE6. BCDE7. CD8. ABC9. ABC 10. ABC第三章练习答案Unit 3 Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsI. Translate the followings from Chinese into English:1 terms of payment2 written form of contract3 execution of the contract4 sales contract5 purchase confirmation6 terms of transaction7 trading partners 8 the setting up of a contract9 trade agreement 10 consignment contract11 the contract proper 12 extension of the contract13 the contracting parties 14 special clause15 general terms and conditionsII. Answer the following questions in English:1 A contract is an agreement which sets forth bind obligations of the relevant parties. And any part that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation.2 There are two parties of business contract negotiations: oral and written. The former refers to direct discussions abroad; written negotiations often begin with enquiries made by the buyers.3 A written contract is generally prepared and signed as the proof of the agreement and as the basis for its execution. A sales or purchase confirmation is less detailed than a contract, covering only the essential terms of the transaction. It is usually used for smaller deals or between familiar trade partners.4 The setting up of a contract is similar to that of a trade agreement or any other type of formal agreements. It generally contains: 1) the title. The type of the contract is indicated in the title; 2) the contract proper. It is the main part of a contract; 3) the signature of the contracting parties indicating their status as the seller or the buyer; 4) the stipulations on the back of the contract and are equally binding upon the contracting parties.5 It generally contains the time of shipment, the mode of payment described in addition to an exact description of the goods including the quantity, quality, specifications, packing methods, insurance,commodity inspection, claims, arbitration and force majeure, etc.III. Translate the following into Chinese:合同是在双方达成协议的基础上制定的,而协议又是双方进行商务谈判的结果。
A、平安险+ 水渍险B、一切险+ 偷窃、提货不着险C、水渍险+ 偷窃、提货不着险D、平安险+ 一切险6、在海洋运输货物保险业务中,共同海损()。
第1章 国际贸易概述则规CIF成交的合同,物在装港装上船后即由方货运风险卖【案例1-1】 2010通定,规转买该卖负责货时达与2010通则对CIF的定有矛移到方。
第3章 国际贸易术语风险转则FOB移的界限是装【案例3-1】 按2000通由方,因在则买负责为2000通中,运买货说货经过2020通则应港方指定的船舶的“船舷”,物落在甲板上明物已越“船舷”;按个术语风险转为由方,因,则开将FOB、CFR、CIF三移的界限改卖负责为从2010通始,已货说货还应卖负责“船上”,物落在甲板上明物未交到船上,因此由方。
辩货变质虽发经检构【案例3-2】 M公司的申无道理。
【案例3-3】 FOB一些不法口商不法承人或代勾起取物提供了可为进与运货结来骗货没运对买货轮资没乘之。
须这种损业进银没责货运卖【案例3-4】 有矛盾。
则规运输个运双应约卖处【案例3-5】 2020通定,如果涉及多承人,方定方在何完成货义务风险处发转约则卖将货给运时交,在何生移;如果未定,推定方物交第一承人完成货义务风险转给买卖将货给运时货义务交,移方。
国际贸易理论与实务(第四版)-13第13章 国际贸易术语-PPT文档资料
国际货物买卖合同的内容 交易磋商和合同的履行 介绍国际贸易中常见的,特别是对我国经济发 展有重要作用的贸易方式
第三篇 国际贸易实务
第14章 国际贸易术语 第15章 主要贸易条件 第16章 国际货物运输 第17章 国际货物运输保险 第18章 商品检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁
• 《通则》以“越过船舷”作为划分买卖双方所承担的风险和费用 责任的界限。这里的风险是反映货物灭失或损坏的风险,而费用 是指正常运费以外的费用。
• 在实际业务中,难以把握船舷这条界限划分双方的责任,所以卖 方应向买方提供“已装船提单”,这表明双方约定由卖方承担货 物装入船 舱为止的一切风险和费用责任。提单上表明的装船日期, 为买方开始承担风险的日期。
在CFR方式中,卖方向买方发出装船通知,还具有通知买方及 时办理保险的作用。
(四)《1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本》中的FOB 《修正本》将FOB分为六种,只有第五种FOB Vessel是装运港船上交
货,与《通则》中的FOB相近。但该术语规定出口报关的责任在 买方而不在卖方 (五)关于租船运输时,装卸费用的负担问题
(二)FOB方式中的船货衔接问题 • 《通则》规定,买方应给予卖方关于船名、装船地点和所要求
的交货时间的充分通知。 • 在实务中,为了保证卖方备货和买方派船接货互相衔接,这一
(三)CFR方式中的装船通知 • 不论以何种方式成交,卖方都有义务向买方发出装船通知。但
用,即运费和保险费; • 其二,确定交货条件,即说明交货方式与交货地点,以及买卖双
(1)统一按照FOB价格计算佣金,理由是: 运费、保险费是卖方固定支付的,并非卖 方销售收入因此不应支付佣金。(看教材 例子) 此种方法对卖方和中间商都不利: 对卖方:减少了外汇收入 对中间商:减少了佣金 (2)按成交价或发票金额计算佣金: 公式:净价=含佣价 (1-佣金率)
(四)折扣的计算与支付方法 一般是按照实际发票金额乘以约定的折扣率。 折扣额 = 原价 (含折扣价)× 折扣率 总折扣额 = 成交商品数量 × 每单位数量折扣 折扣的支付方法一般是由买方在支付货款时从货 价中予以扣除。折扣也可以不从货价中扣除,而 由卖方按协议另行支付给买方,这种做法通常在 给“暗扣”或“回扣”时采用。
交易折扣:卖方根据中间商不同的推销能力等给予 的折扣,又称为特别折扣 现金折扣:卖方鼓励买方尽早付款而给予的折扣 促销折扣:卖方为中间商的各种营业推广活动而给 予折扣作为报酬或补贴。
国际贸易实务讲义2019/ Nhomakorabea/21按签约时汇率计算,对买方有利 按付款时汇率计算,对卖方有利
国际贸易实务讲义 5
3. 规避外汇风险的其他方法:
(1)调整报价或改变币种 进口合同中,卖方坚持使用硬币,在确定价格时,可要求 压低价格,将汇率可能上浮的因素考虑进去。反之,出口 合同中,买方坚持用软币的,可适当的提高价格。 (2)订立保值条款 (Exchange Clause)
2019/1/21 国际贸易实务讲义 13
案例2解析: 本案既然是按CIF价格条件和信用证付款方式达 成交易的,则价格条件就是商业发票内的主要项 目,贸易术语是商品单价的一个组成部分。制单 人不应该在发票的单价项下漏打“CIF”字样。而 且在信用证付款条件下,银行是凭单据付款,制 单人漏打“CIF”字样,使单据表面上与信用证规 定不符,开证银行有权拒绝付款。 本案商业汇票上漏打“CIF”字样,虽然没有影响 开证人的实际利益,但他抓住单证上的问题,有 理不饶人,或者拒付货款,或者杀价。由此可见, 在制单工作中,必须一丝不苟。
国际贸易实务案例第十四章国际贸易术语 (2)第十五章主要贸易条件 (5)第十六章国际货物运输 (7)第十七章国际货物运输保险 (9)第十八章商品检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁 (10)第十九章国际贸易结算 (13)第二十章交易磋商和合同的签订 (16)第十四章国际贸易术语1.上海甲公司与德国乙公司签订了出口肠衣的合同,价格条件是CFR汉堡,甲公司依合同的规定将肠衣用木桶装妥后交承运人所属的"托福"号货轮运输。
对于该案,请回答下列问题:a. 本案应由哪家公司与承运人签订海上货物运输合同?b. 本案应由哪家公司办理投保?c. 哪家公司应向保险公司提出索赔要求?2.某外贸公司按CIF伦敦向英商出售一批核桃仁,由于该商品季节性较强,双方在合同中规定:买方须于月底前将信用证开到,卖方保证运货船只不得迟于12月1日抵达目的港。
问这一合同的性质是否还属于CIF合同?为什么?3.2004年4月我苏州某外贸公司与美国某外贸公司签订合同出售一批玻璃器皿,价格条件为CIF旧金山,支付条件为不可撤销的跟单信用证,装运时间为5月下旬,并要求我方提供已装船提单及其它有效单证.合同订立后,我方随即与上海某货运公司签订了运输合同,并于5月中旬将货物备妥,装上承运人派来的货车出运.但在运往码头的途中,由于驾驶员的过失发生了车祸,耽误了时间,错过了信用证规定的装货时间.得到发生车祸的消息后,我出口商立即与进口商洽商要求将信用证的有效期和装船期延展15天,并本着诚信原则告知对方有两箱器皿可能已受损.美国进口商回电:同意延期,但要求全部商品的货价降低5%.我出口商回电据理力争,同意受损的两箱可以降价5%,而其余的货物并未受损,不应降价.但进口商坚持要全部降价.最终我方只能作出让步.受损的两箱降价5%,其余的降价1.2%.为此我方受到货价和利息共计20万美元.事后我方与货运公司交涉,要求货运公司对此作出赔偿, 货运公司同意对受损的两箱进行赔偿,利息损失只同意赔偿50%.其它损失货运公司认为是出口商与进口商的协定所致,与己无关.但我出口公司认为所有损失都是由于承运人的不当而造成的,坚持要求货运公司应作全部赔偿.经过多方协商最终货运公司赔偿各种损失共计8万美元.出口商实际损失高达12万美元.在本案例中,出口商耗尽时间和精力,仍然没有追回全部损失,这说明在内陆交货的时候使用CIF价格术语已不是那么妥当,请问你认为应采用哪一种贸易术语更妥当?4.我国出口商与韩国进口商签订了一份CFR合同,合同规定由卖方出售2000公吨小麦给买方。
问:我方这样做是否正确?为什么?2.我某进出口公司对日本某客户发盘,供应棉织浴巾4000打,每打CIF大阪80美元,装运港大连;现日商要求我方改报FOB大连价,问:我出口公司对价格应如何调整?如果最后按FOB条件签订合同,买卖双方在所承担的责任、费用和风险方面有什么不区别?3.我某出口公司与外商按CIF Landed London 条件成交出口一批货物,合同规定,商品的数量为500箱,以信用证方式付款,5月份装运。
速遣费是指在要求旳装卸期限内,租 船人提前完毕装卸作业,船方应向租 船人就所节省旳时间支付一定旳奖金。
滞期费是指在要求旳装卸期限内,租 船人未能完毕装卸作业,租船人对超 过旳时间应向船方支付一定旳罚金。 一般速遣费率为滞期费率旳半数.
装运条款:装运时间,装运港(地 )目旳港(地),分批装运装运等
海轮旳舱面上装有1000台拖拉机, 航行中遇大风浪攻击,450台拖拉机被卷 入海中,海轮严重倾斜,如不立即采用 措施,则有翻船旳危险,船长下令将余 下旳350台拖拉机全部抛入海中。
• 请问:这800台拖拉机旳损失由谁承担, 属于何种性质?
2、推定全损构成情况: (1)保险标旳物受损后,其修理费用超出货品修 复后旳价值。
(2)保险标旳物受损后,其整顿和继续运往目旳 港旳费用,超出货品到达目旳港旳价值。
(3)保险标旳物旳实际全损已经无法防止,为防止 全损所需旳施救费用,将超出获救后标旳物旳价值。
(4)保险标旳物遭受保险责任范围内旳事故,使 被保险人失去标旳物旳全部权,而收回标旳物旳全 部权,其费用已超出收回标旳物旳价值。
20—年10/11/12月份装运,允许分批和转运。 (shipment during Oct./Nov./Dec.20--,with
partial shipments and transshipment allowed )
3月份装500公吨。 (During Mar.500 metric tons)
第九章 运送单据
是全部权凭证 是运送契约旳证明
A.FOB Liner TermsB.FOB StowedC。
FOB Trimmed D.FOBST2.根据《2000通则》的解释,采用()术语成交时,卖方要负责订立运输合同,但不负责货物从交货地点至目的地的风险。
国际贸易实务(英文版) 国贸实务13(汇款)
Buyer Remitter
(2) Apply
(1)Sign the Contract
Seller Payting Bank Buyer’s Bank
(3) Notify and transfer money
Paying Bank Seller’s Bank
1 信汇( Mail Transfer, M/T ) 2 电汇( Telegraphic Transfer, T/T ) 3 票汇( Demand Draft, D/D )
(Remitter) Importer
(1) Apply (2) Notify
(Payee) Exporter
Paying Bank
(Remitter) Importer
(1) Apply (2) Draft
(3) Send
(5) Pay (4) Present
Buyer’s Bank (Remitting Bank)
Seller’s Bank (Paying Bank)
Payment Procedures of D/D
Remitting Bank
Notify by telegraphic Debit Note
Paying Bank
Mail Transfer, M/T
Sales contract
Remitting Bank
Notify by mail Debit Note
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易货贸易,是指在换货的基础上,把等值的出口货 物和进口货物直接结合起来的贸易方式。
五、按运输方式划分 A
多式联运 贸易
第一节 国际贸易的产生及 1 发展
第二节 国际贸易的基 2 本概念
第三节 国际贸易的分 3类
4 第四节 国际贸易法律、条约和 惯例的适用
图1-1 转口贸易流程图
( 买卖合同
( 买卖合同 (
现汇贸易,又称为自由结汇贸易,是用国际货币进 行商品或劳务价款结算的一种贸易方式。
☼ 假定以2000年为基准年(基期),进出口价格 指 数 均 为 100 , 商 品 贸 易 条 件 指 数 也 是 100 。 2015年底该国的出口价格指数下降5%进口价格 指数上升10%,请问,该国2015年的贸易条件相 对于2000年是改善了还是恶化了?
第一节 国际贸易的产生及 1 发展
☼ 一般地说,无论是公约、国内法或惯例,只有在当 事人约定采用该公约、国内法或惯例,当事人约定 的事项不明确或没有约定时,才适用该公约、国内 法或惯例的规定。
☼ 如果当事人在同一事项上同时选择了多种标准,国 内法或公约的效力并不比惯例的效力优先,国内法 的效力也并不比公约优先。相反,惯例、公约和国 内法的效力依次递减。
第二节 国际贸易的基本 2 概念
第三节 国际贸易的分 3类
4 第四节 国际贸易法律、条约和 惯例的适用
总贸易 体系
也称一般贸易体系,是指以国境作为统计货物进 出口的方法。按照此方法,所有进入本国国境的 货物一律计入进口贸易;所有离开本国国境的货 物一律计入出口贸易。
增速 (%)
增速 (%)
增速 (%
29727.6 34.7 15779.3 31.3 13948.3 38.7
36420.6 22.5 18968.0 20.32 17434.5 24.9
38667.6 6.2 20487.8 7.9 18182.0 4.3
41606.3 7.6 22106.3 7.9 19509.3 7.3
国际货物买卖合同适用的法律 国内法 国际条约 国际贸易惯例
☼ 国内法是指由国家制定或认可并在本国主权管 辖范围内生效的法律。
☼ 国际货物买卖合同必须符合国内法,即符合某 个国家制定或认可的法律。
☼ 国际条约是两个或两个以上主权国家为确定彼 此的政治、经济、贸易、文化、军事等方面的 权利和义务而缔结的诸如公约、协定、议定书 等各种协议的总称。
出口商品与进口商品价格的比率,它表示出口一单位商品能 换回多少单位进口商品。
一是用物物交换表示, 当出口产品能交换到 更多的进口产品时, 贸易条件改善了,反 之,则贸易条件恶化 了
二是用贸易条件指数 表示。所谓贸易条件 指数就是出口商品价 格指数与进口商品价 格指数之比。
将外国生进产口和贸加易 工的货物外购后, 因内销而运进国 境
出口贸易 将本国生产和加 工的货物因外销 而运出国境
复出口与,复是进指口输入本国的外国货物未经 加工而再输出。很大程度上与经营转口 贸易有关。 复进口,是指输出国外的本国货物未经 加工而再输入。多因偶然因素(如出口 退过货境)贸所易造成。 从甲国经过丙国国境向乙国运送的货物,
01 02
《托收统一 规则》
《跟单信用证 统一惯例》
有关贸 易术语 的国际
惯例 C
《1932年华沙—牛津规则》 《美国1941年对外贸易定义 修订》 《2000年国际贸易术语解释 通则》 《2010年国际贸易术语解释 通则》
3、合同当事人选择的用于处理合同争议所适用 的规范,可以是国际公约、某一国内法,也可以
☼ 试问,2016年与2015年相比,甲国服装贸易规 模是扩大还是减少呢?
顺差 出口贸易总额﹥进口贸易总额
逆差 出口贸易总额﹥进口贸易总额
平衡 出口贸易总额=进口贸易总额
矿物燃料、润滑油 及有关原料
化学成品及 有关产品
机械及运 输设备
43030.4 3.4 23427.5 6.1 19602.9 0.4
39586.4 -8.0 22765.7 -2.8 16820.7 -14.1
☼ 2015年,甲国某单件服装出口价格为15美元/件, 该年的该服装出口贸易额为150亿美元。2016年, 甲国该单件服装出口价格为18美元/件,该年的 该服装出口贸易额为160亿美元。
净一出国口在与某净种进货口物上既有出口也有进口, 如出口量和值大于进口量和值,叫净出 口。 一国在某种货物上既有出口也有进口, 如出口量和值小于进口量和值,叫净进 口。
直接贸易:货物生产国与货物消费国直接买卖货物 的行为
间接贸易:货物生产国与消费国之间经由第三国商 人进行贸易的行为
一定时期的不变价格为标准来计算的对外贸易值, 剔除价格变动因素来计算的贸易值,用来反映对 外贸易的实际规模。 贸易量=贸易额/价格指数
2010-2015年中国对外贸易额增长情况 (单位:亿美元)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
食品、 活动物
动植物 油、脂、
按原料分 类制成品
☼ 对 外 贸 易 地 理 方 向 ( direction of foreign trade)是指一国出口货物和服务的去向地及进 口货物和服务的来源地。其表明一国和地区与 其他国家和地区之间经济贸易联系的程度。
• 国际贸易惯例本身不是法律,它对合同当事人 没有普遍的强制性,只有当事人在合同中规定加以 采用时,才对当事人有法律约束力
《关于国际货物 销售的统一法公 约》( ULIS)
《国际货物销售 时效公约》 ( CISC)
专门贸 易体系
也称特殊贸易体系,是指以关境作为统计货物进 出口的方法。按照此方法,所有通过海关结关进 入的货物一律计入进口贸易;所有通过海关出口 的货物均记为出口贸易。
贸易额 贸易量
也称为贸易值(value of trade),是指用货币 表示的贸易金额,反映一定时期(通常是一年内) 贸易规模。 贸易额通常分为对外贸易额和国际贸易额两种
4 第四节 国际贸易法律、条约和 惯例的适用
世界各国(地区)之间商品、服务和生产要素交换的活动, 是各国之间分工的表现,反映了世界各国之间在经济上的相 互共存。其中,国代表国家(或地区,比如欧盟);际代表 方向;而贸易表示一种交换活动。
2、交换客体相 同
各经济体之间进 行交换的都是商 品和服务,即有 形商品和无形商
3、交易目的相 同
都是为了获取利 益的最大化
1、国际贸易的 难度比较大
2、国际贸易的 程序比较复杂
3、国际贸易的 风险较大
☼ 如果用Px表示出口商品的价格指数,用Pm表 示进口商品的价格指数, N表示贸易条件指 数
☼ 则:N=(Px/Pm)×100
▲当N >100时,表明同等数量的出口
▲当N <100时,表明同等数量的出口
☼ 主要有适用于贸易伙伴之间的双边和多边贸易 协定,比如《WTO规则》和《联合国国际货物销 售合同公约》
国际贸易惯例 international trade practice
也称国际商业惯例,是指国际组织根据国际贸 易实践中逐渐形成的一般习惯做法制定成文的规则 ,这些规则根据当事人意思自治的原则,被国际上 普遍接受和广泛使用,而成为公认的国际贸易惯例 。