week 5_Business Markets and Business Buying Behavior


MKT - Week 5 - Market Segmentation

MKT - Week 5 - Market Segmentation

How would you describe the needs and characteristics of each
segment? How could the marketing mix be changed to serve the segments?
Choosing a Market Segment
The firms current situation
Situational analysis (recall chapter 1)
Opportunities Constraints
The consumers wants and needs
What do your current or potential customers need/want?

Natalia: As we all know, the company wants to enter the growing MP3 market. We have been a significant player in the electronic and entertainment market for many years and senior management has decided that now is the right time to grab a share of the MP3 market. Therefore, the main purpose of today‟s meeting is to outline the various segments in this market in order to gain some understanding of the best target market for us. So who has some ideas about the various segments? Bianca: Obviously the Apple iPod has made the MP3 a fashion accessory – there‟s clearly a segment that are attracted to the fact that it is a trendy thing to have and be seen with. Ivan: Another big segment is sporty people. For instance, I know a lot of people who use them when they are exercising or out walking. Ann: But it not just limited to people who exercise. I see lots of people on the bus and train with them. And these days you often see people who have blue-collar jobs (like cleaners and tradesmen) with them as well. Harrison:They are certainly very popular these days. I understand that many people buy them as gifts at Christmas, and they are also becoming popular as a birthday gift for children. Homer: That‟s right. I know a family where all the kids have their own MP3. But it sounds like many people just have one as a distraction from exercise or traveling – does anyone know if there‟s a „music lovers‟ segment out there. Ian: My understanding is that they fall into two groups. The first love high quality music – and they have been a little slow in adopting MP3′s because they want better quality. The other group love having all their music in one place. And they really like all the features of MP3′s. Ellen: But this market is not limited to music. Pod-casts of radio interviews are becoming common. There are people out there who mainly use their MP3 to download radio shows and listen to them when they can. Likewise, putting books onto MP3 format is also starting to grow. Harry: Let‟s not forget the traditional „shoppers‟ segment that is present in every market, as well as the ones who always want the best in the market. Natalia: OK, there are quite a few segments here. Let‟s firstly list each of them and then describes them.



Unit 6Goodbye, Free Trade?Exercises1.Answer the questions on the text.1) What was the result when the House of Representatives passed theHawley-Smoot Tariff Act in 1930?The economic recession in the United States became even worse.2) According to the author, what happens when a currency appreciates?It diminishes the export advantage of the country and makes it difficult to increase exports or even maintain the status quo.3) How did American politicians take advantage of the public’s stronganti-free-trade sentiment in the United States?They created a talking point in charges of unfair trade so that they thought they could benefit in the mid-term elections.4) What did American politicians and economists agree and disagree over theHawley-Smoot Tariff Act?Almost all of them agreed that it was a bad law, but they disagreed whether it triggered the Great Depression in the 1930s.5) What did Milton Friedman think were the more important reasons for theGreat Depression?The malfunctioning gold standard system and inept monetary policy of the Federal Reserve.6) What was the foreign reaction unexpected by the American lawmakers afterthe Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was enacted?The trading partners were angered and imposed discriminatory tariffs on American goods. Canada in particular, as the largest export market for the US, reacted fiercely and handed its market over to the British competitors.7) Why is it unlikely for the US to adopt another Smoot-Hawley today in the eyeof the author?(1)The US is much more integrated into the world economy today than it was inthe 1930s.(2)Import restrictions seldom achieve their intended goals, instead, often end uphurting American industries and consumers.(3)The Americans have learned to consider the possible strong foreignretaliation against US exporters.8) What were the respective results for those countries withdrawing from thegold standard and those clinging to it during the 1930s according to the author?Those countries going off the gold standard allowed their currencies to depreciate, avoided protectionist trade policies and, instead, used monetary policy to end price deflation and stimulate economic growth.Those countries choosing to stay on pursued protectionist trade policies by imposing high tariffs, import quotas and exchange controls, which did little in boosting their economic growth. Thus they suffered a longer economic depression.9) How does the author justify his support for the policy of "quantitativeeasing"?(1) Historically, the most important tool for resisting protectionist sentiment in the1930s was a monetary policy that would promote economic growth.Today the US is in a similar situation. Taking right monetary policy can alleviate the pressure on Washington to adopt protectionist trade policy and can help to raise output before it leads to a high inflation.(2) He also quotes what Charles Evens said: Additional measures taken by the Fedto stimulate growth should condoned, not condemned.(3) What Mr. Friedman wrote 1997 about Japan: The surest road to a healthyeconomic recovery is to increase the rate of monetary growth, to shift from tight money to easier money.10) What does the author imply about the US Congress?In comparison with the Fed, the US Congress is following a trade protectionist policy in blaming other countries for its unemployment and may cause serious trade retaliations from trading partners.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)As the financial scandal involves so many people, the probe in to it could dragon for another year.2)In the age of globalization more individuals are forced to integrate intomultinational work teams.3)Many in Europe are now very much worried that it may sink into a Japan-styleeconomic recession.4)But the business leaders yesterday warned against interest rate rises, arguing thatinflation was being driven not by consumer spending, but by rising commodity prices.5)After the call scandal, the American automakers and some politicians there wereso eager to keep their rival Toyota at bay in the auto market.6)Under the current labor law, two categories of employees are exempt fromminimum wage and overtime requirements.7)Though the local partner made a revised offer, the foreigner investor refused andreverted back to the original agreement conditions.8)Last Friday the two parties met for more than five hours only to end up walkingaway from the table once again, reaching no agreement at all.9)When the government supervises banks, it should take into account their payand bonus structures which may often be the source of corruption.10)The customers severely affected in the incident demanded that the company putin place effective measures to avoid occurrence of such things in the future. 11)It’s critical to take hold of any opportunity coming your way because it willnever come back again once lost.12)At times of economic depression, people are more inclined to unethical means intheir business.3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A__________________________ B____________________________________ 1)unfair trade A) Restrictions that governments put in placeon the purchase or sale of a foreign or localcurrency, particularly by those in shortageof hard currencies. 62) real estate B) Escalation of protectionism between two ormore countries that impose punitive tariffsand barriers in retaliation for each other. 83) business cycle C) A general decline in prices often caused bya reduction in the money supply or a decreasein spending. 54) trade protectionism D) Unjustifiable and discriminatory policiesand supports by a government to its ownfirms, ranging from export subsidies to anti-competitive practices. 15) price deflation E) Land, buildings, homes or anything fixed,immovable, or permanently attached that canbe traded in the market. 26) exchange control F) The policy of imposing duties or quotas onimports in order to protect home jobs,markets or industries from overseascompetition. 97) competitive currency devaluation G) A company or country with whom you havean ongoing business relationship and engagein importing or exporting activities. 108) trade war H) A predictable long-term pattern ofeconomic activity that an economyexperiences four stages including decline,recession, recovery and boom. 39) import barriers I) The currency devaluation by a governmentto make its goods more competitive in theinternational markets. 710) trading partner L) The economic policy of restrainingbusiness between states through a variety ofgovernment actions to discourage importsand prevent foreign take-over of domesticmarkets and companies. 44. Translate the following passage into Chinese.按官方的说法,中美间过去三天日益严重的贸易纠纷涉及轮胎、鸡肉和汽车,但实际上远远超出此范围。



LSE金融相关专业申请(由难到易)London School of Economics and Political Science伦敦政治经济学院由Beatrice和Sidney Webb创立于1895年。










MSc Accounting and FinanceCompulsory courses(* half unit)o Corporate Finance and Asset Markets or Asset Markets A* and Corporate Finance A* (or another course with permission)o Financial Reporting in Capital Markets or Management Accounting, Strategy and Organisational Controlo or both Accounting, Strategy and Control* and Financial Reporting, Capital Markets and Business Combinations*OptionsChoose a total of two full units from the following:o Accounting in the Global Economy*o Accountability, Organisations and Risk Management*o Accounting, Strategy and Control* † ~o Applied Corporate Finance*o Corporate Finance Theory*o Corporate and Financial Crimeo Financial Reporting in Capital Markets † #o Financial Reporting, Capital Markets and Business Combination* † #o Derivatives*o Financial Risk Analysis*o Fixed Income Markets*o Forecasting Financial Time Series*o Global Financial System*o Leadership in Organisations: Theory and Practice*o Management Accounting, Strategy and Organisational Control † ~o Portfolio Management*o Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Analysis*o Real Estate Finance*o Valuation and Security Analysis*o Law of International Economic and Financial Sanctions*One option from the wide variety of courses available in other departments (with permission)Entry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/study/graduate/taughtProgrammes2012/MScAccountingAndFinance.aspxMSc Accounting, Organisations and InstitutionsCompulsory courseso Accounting, Organisations and Institutions†o Management Accounting and Financial Accounting: Decisions, Control, Reporting and Disclosure~Options(* half unit)Courses to the value of two full units from the following:o Management Accounting, Strategy and Organisational Control #o Accounting, Strategy and Control* #o Accountability, Organisations and Risk Management*o Valuation and Security Analysis*o Accounting in the Global Economy*o Institutions, Environmental Change and Development*o Institutions and the Global Environment*o The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries*o The Historical Context of Business*o The Development and Integration of the World Economy in the 19th and 20th Centuries o International Economic Institutions since World War I*o Corporate Governanceo Regulation of Financial Marketso Regulation, Risk and Economic Lifeo Economic Sociology*o Law of International Economic and Financial Sanctions*o Financial Reporting, Capital Markets and Business Combinations* ^o Financial Reporting in Capital Markets ^o Risk and Governance: A Sociological Approach*o Corporate Social Responsibility and International Labour Standards*Any other course with the approval of the programme directorEntry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/study/graduate/taughtProgrammes2012/MScAccountingOrganisationsAn dInstitutions.aspxMSc Risk and StochasticsCompulsory courses(* half unit)o Stochastic Processes*o Insurance Mathematicso Stochastic Financeo Computational Methods in Finance and Insurance*OptionsChoose two from:o Derivatives*o Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Analysis*o Continuous Time Optimisation*o Probability and Measure*The Mathematics of the Black and Scholes Theory*o The Foundations of Interest Rate and Credit Risk Theory *o Time Series*o Advanced Probability Theory*o Quantifying Risk and Modelling Alternative Markets*o Financial Statistics*Entry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/study/graduate/taughtProgrammes2012/MScRiskandStochastics.aspxMSc FinanceCourse Guideso N.B. These course guides are for 2010/11 and may be subject to change.Term 1: Compulsory courses∙Corporate Finance∙ Asset MarketsTerm 2: Optional coursesStudents choose four half-unit options from the following list of courses. N.B. Students must select at least three options from the list of dedicated courses (*)Exclusive to MSc Finance / MSc Finance and Private Equity students:o Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets*o Topics in Portfolio Management*o Applied Financial Valuation*o Financial Engineering*o Risk Management for Financial Institutions*o Cases in Corporate Finance*Also:o Corporate Finance Theoryo International FinanceEntry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/finance/prospectiveStudents/mscFinanceFT/Home.aspxMSc Finance and Private Equity Programme StructureCourse Guideso N.B. These course guides are for 2010/11 and may be subject to change.Term 1: Compulsory courseso Corporate Financeo Asset MarketsTerm 2: Compulsory courseo Private Equity (half unit)Optional coursesStudents must choose three half-unit options from the following list of courses. N.B. Students must select at least two options from the list of dedicated options (*)Exclusive to MSc Finance / MSc Finance & Private Equity students:o Fixed Income Securities and Credit Markets*o Topics in Portfolio Management*o Applied Financial Valuation*o Financial Engineering*o Risk Management and Financial Institutions*o Cases in Corporate Finance*Also:o Corporate Finance Theoryo International FinanceEntry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/finance/prospectiveStudents/mscFinancePrivateEquity/ProgrammeStruct ure.aspxMSc Management and Regulation of RiskPaper 1o FM403 (mandatory core course)Paper 2Elective, from an approved list of quantitative courses** including:o Applied Corporate Finance*o Corporate Finance and Asset Marketso Financial Risk Analysis*o Fixed Income Markets*o Forecasting Financial Time Series*o International Finance*o Accounting in the Global Economy*o Portfolio Management*o Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Analysis*o Stochastic Processes*o Real Estate Finance*o Valuation and Securities Analysis*Paper 3Elective, from an approved list of qualitative courses** including:o Corporate and Financial Crimeo Corporate Governanceo Environmental Assessment* oro Economic Appraisal and Valuation*o Environmental Regulation: Implementing Policyo Concepts in Environmental Regulation*o Law of Corporate Financeo Regulation of Financial Marketso Regulation, Risk and Economic LifePaper 4o Elective, selected from a paper not taken in 2 or 3 above, or another course within the School with the approval and permission of the programme director.**o* Indicates half unit courseso** This list of courses is not exhaustive. Further options may be available. Admission to certain options may depend on your prior knowledge of the subject and approval of the course director.Practitioner Seminars (Non-examined)o These seminars are designed to highlight the experiences of major institutions dealing with large-scale risk. Deutsche Bank has generously agreed to provide high-level involvement in developing seminars that are closely integrated into the teaching of the programme.Practitioners from other fields may also participate in this aspect of the programme in the future.Internships (optional)o The programme will work with sponsors to actively organise internships directly related to the programme and interests of students.o Deutsche Bank offers a 9-week Analyst Internship Programme for graduates and applications are currently open for opportunities in Summer 2013. Please see the link below for details of the programme and the divisions in which opportunities are available (including Risk) and the relevant application deadlines.Entry requirements:—IELTS 7.0 (单项不低于5.5)/finance/prospectiveStudents/mscManRegRisk/mscMRRprogrammeStructur e.aspx。


Unit 5 Business Meeting
Setting Starting Point Text Understanding the Text
Activity 1 Dealing with Language Focusing On Grammar Activity 2
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Understanding the Text
Task 2 Complete the passage that summarizes the text.
To hold successful business meetings, a few things should be taken care of. Before a meeting, 1. being prepared can ensure the better results. And the organizer can show the participants the list of topics to be covered by 2. s_e_t_tin_g__a_n_a_g_e_nd_a_. During a meeting, usually two things may largely affect the meeting process. Firstly, the participants won’t feel the meeting is a waste of time if they have good 3. __tim__e_k_e_e_p_in_g___. Secondly, everyone should 4. _m__a_in_ta_i_n_fo_c_u_s__ by sticking to the point. After a meeting, the 5. __m_i_nu_t_e_s__should be circulated to all the participants for affirmation.



一.READINGPART ONEQuestions 1-7. Read these sentences and the share prices below.. Which stock market does each sentence(1-7) describe?. For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.Example:the index went up more than one thousand.Answer:A1. the share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries'relations.2. Over the week ,turnover rose by T $ 5. 83bn.3. Many people went to buy capitalization stocks.4. In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices.5. Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.6. On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.7. the falling of composite index rose by 1. 3 per cent on the week.A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday's Bt 10bn.B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday's rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the weekD. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China's MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.PART TWOQuestions 8-12. Read this letter to the editor of The Economist.. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.. For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.. Do not mar4 any letter twice.. One answer has been given as an example.Sir-You state on February 13th that New Mexico has "few natural resources ",... ...example... In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas , seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuelminerals ...8...Non-fuel minerals contributed about $ 1 billion and coal $ 509 million.Taxes from production of fuels and minerals, and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about $ 5. 65 billion, ... 9 ... In addition, during fiscal year 1991 , payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were S 108 million ,all earmarked for public education.... 10 ... About $566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production. ...11 ... Tourism is an important industry in New Mexico, yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production.New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states. It does not have a deficit. ...12...States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns. Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6. 1/00 in the year to October 1992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United States.Charles ChapinExample :CA. It has a broadly based tax structure an important point.B. In 1992 it produced more oil than Colorado and Kansas combined.C. However, the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state's strongest economic forces.D. During fiscal year 1992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about $6.1 billion.E. the combined value of oil and gas production was $ 2. 8 billion.F. Some 16, 000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry.G. the $39 million earned by these funds in 1991 was used to finance education and other public services.H. Only S 25 million came from agricultural taxes.I. New Mexico's extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state's $ 1. 9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991.PART THREEQuestions 13-20. Read this letter about Compensation Trade ,and answer the following questions.Ministry of Foreign Trade 19th January , 1 993Xi Changan StreetBeijing , ChinaDear Sirs,This letter is in regard to the window glass business between our firm and the China National Light industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Daren Branch and the Daren Window Glass Factory.1. Our two sides sincerely worked in the past and the window glass business has already been done successfully. However, the quantity of products doesn't meet our requirements. This company wants to develop the trade and business further in this line. We now expect to begin working with all the other branches and window glass factories on the same basis ,i. e. compensation trade.2. For the U. S. A. market, we require very large quantities of small cut sizes. Therefore, we are asking your prompt assistance to help us out in expanding glass-cutting business. We would highly appreciate it if you take this matter into consideration. We are certain that ,with your prompt cooperation, our purchases of Chinese window glass for sale in the U. S. A. market will very quickly increase to a large and substantial volume. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries ,the time is now right for a very quick and large increase in trade between us.3. For your information, we are doing everything possible to cooperate in achieving our mutual goal of making the window glass business a very large one. We have offered to purchase various equipment for your Dairen factory which will increase its products, improve quality and raise its efficiency. We have offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form of buy-back of glass. We have also cooperated with the factory in making suggestions for better efficient packing and containerization. The factory has been very cooperative and receptive to our ideas. As we want to begin our business with the other branches too ,we plan to offer the same suggestions and proposals to purchase machinery for them.4. From this letter, you can see that we are very sincere in our desire for a long-term relationship between our two countries and our firm and the various branches of the China National Light industrial Products Import and Export Corporation, Window Glass Departments .During our next visit to China, we will discuss the appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent for Chinese Window Glass in the U. S. A. market. Since we have discussed this question in the past ,we expect that the official appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent will be made during our next trip.Thank you for your prompt attention to the above. Best regards.Sincerely yours ,Norman GoldsteinAssociates , INCQuestions 13-16. For questions 13-16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.. For each paragraph(1-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.. Do not mark any letter twice.13. Paragraph 1...14. Paragraph 2...15. Paragraph 3...16. Paragraph 4...A Our hope for a long-term relationshipB Our successful cooperation in the pastC the diplomatic relations between our two countriesD Our wish to increase the quantity of productsE Our need of help in glass-cuttingF Our goal to make the window glass business largeG Improvement of equipment in Chinese factoriesQuestions l7-20. Using the information in the test ,complete each sentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list below (A-G).. For each sentence(17-20) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.. Do not mark any letter twice.17. When we visit your country again next time ,we hope you'11...18. On the basis of compensation trade ,we are going to...19. In order to enlarge our window glass business, we're doing our best to...20. To other branches that have business with us, we'll...A take this problem into consideration.B develop and expand the trade and business further.C make our company the sole agent in China.D offer to buy equipment for them.E accept payment for this equipment.F start cooperation with other branches and factories.G cooperate with you and realize our common dream.PART FOURQuestions 21-35. Read this advertisement a hat Fidelily Emerging Markets.. Choose the best word to fil1 each gap.. For each question (21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.. One answer has been given as an example.the dynamic developing economies of the world are ripe with potential. Not only havethey ...example...extraordinary levels of ...21 ..., but we believe this looks set continue , backedby ...22 ...inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Mark, Fund is ...23...to help you capitalize on this promising outlook.the ...24...to real success in Emerging Markets is research and resources, of Fidelity's foremost ... 25 ... As the world's largest ... 26 ... investment management organization , we can draw upon a (n) ...27... network of offices covering developing economies across Asia ,Latin America and Europe.This local presence means we can ... 28... a hands-on approach ,searching out a capitalizing on investment...29...as soon as they come to light. As a result, Fidelity I become one of the world's ... 30... names in emerging stockmarkets : where we ...31... manage 5pounds billion ?So act now to ...32... out more about the Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund ---and get the potential of these dynamic markets teamed with the strength of the Fidelity organization. For more ...33 ... , call us , freeof ...34 ..., from any of the countries below. If you... 35... elsewhere ,please use the UK number or post or fax the coupon.Example:A. deniedB. climbedC. demonstratedD. mentionedAnswer: C21. A. growth B. decrease C. height D. diminish22. A. slow B. increasing C. reducing D. fast23. A. thought B. designed C. considered D. supposed24. A. road B. method C. reason D. key25. A. words B. slogans C. ways D. strengths26. A. independent B. wealthy C. prosperous D. national27. A. intensive B. thick C. narrow D. extensive28. A. move B. apply C. reply D. demand29. A. situations B. disadvantages C. opportunities D. conditions30. A. few B. many C. honourable D. leading31. A. currently B. formerly C. recently D. likely32. A. look B. discover C. find D. learn33. A. news B. data C. information D. knowledge34. A. money B. pay C. fee D. charge35. A. live B. wait C. talk D. sleepPART FIVESection AQuestions 36-40. Read this text about car sales in the world.. In most of the lines (36 -40) there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are Correct.. If the Line is correct, put a tick (√ ) in the space on your Answer Sheet.. If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.Example :While new car sales in Japan are predicted to rise up by...up...5 per cent next year, 1990's record of 5.1 million won't be exceeded...√...WORLD NEW CAR SALES36. New car sales fell down last year to a six-year low, but demand37. is forecast to begin a sustained period of growth in 1994 and38. rose to record levels through out the second half years of the 1990s39. the short-term recovery is being driven chiefly by a strong rise in the demand40. in North America ,where new car sales are forecast to increaseby 11 percent to 10. 46 million this year ,as well by the continuingexpansion of demand in the Asia-Pacific region.PART FIVESection BQuestions 41-45.. the following is a business contract.. In each line there is one wrong word.. For each numbered line (41 - 45) write the correct word in the space on your Answer Sheet.Example :We have to hold you responsibility for the loss we've been made to sustain...responsible...This serves to authorize the Chairman of the F. T. Arbitration Commission to41. appoint an arbitrator on behave of this corporation to settle the dispute42. existed between the plaintiff and the defendant ,concerning the defendant's.43. failure to meet their oblige under contracts concluded for the supply of44. 8,000 metric tons of Aluminium ingots. Should the defendant failing to45. appoint an arbitrator with in the time specific by the F. T. Arbitration .Commission ,this corporation would have an arbitrator appointed forthe defendant.二. WRITINGPART ONEQuestion 46You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible.. Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation's manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators.. Explain the reason.. Mention your urgency.. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.PART TWOQuestion 47You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts.Read the following charts which show , the trend of consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development.. Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases.. Write on your Answer Sheet.三.LISTENINGPART ONEQuestions 1-12. You will hear three telephone conversations.. Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.Message One. Questions 1-4MESSAGEVisiting City: BarcelonaMain Features:1. the Old City: old buildings2. (1) ... beautiful, magnificent3. several (2)...restaurants food is cheap(3) ...4. Staying Hotel (4) ...Message Two Questions 5-8Hiring RegistrationDate : 5th Jan. Time : 10:30Name of the customer : Kate (5)...Contact No : (6)...Service Details :l. An appartment near (7)...street ,with air-conditioner and heating system . 2. Rent :on more than (8)...a month ,including water and gas 3. Renting Period: about 1.5 years from FebruaryMessage Three. Questions 9- 12 Telephone Message Date : 1st April Time : 9:45 Item : buying (9)... Purpose : 10 for meeting room, (10) ...for the office Total money: (11)... Deadline for purchasing : before ( 12)...,AprilPART TWO Questions 13-22Section One Questions 13-17 . You will hear five short pieces. . For each piece decide where the speaker is. . Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece. . You will hear the five pieces twice.13... 14... 15... 16... 17...places A on the plane B at the bank C at the airport D at the office E at the theatre F at the hotel G at the customs H on the busSection TwoQuestions 18- 22. You wt71 hear another five short pieces. . For each piece decide what the speaker is going to do next. . Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece. . You will hear the five pieces twice.18... 19... 20... 21... 22...Next actions A to stop smoking B to fall into sleep C to leave a company D to mail a parcel E to go shopping F to go to the beachG to resign from the officeH to find a motelPART THREEQuestions 23-30. you will hear a report presented by a journalist from Tokyo. He talks about the difficult situations met by Japanese chemical groups. He gives some important figures of four biggest chemical groups in Japan.. you have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct answer.. Mark one letter (A ,B or C).23. the crisis met by Japanese chemical groups is caused by, one of the reasons.A over capacityB high pricesC high cost24. the productions manufactured by Asahi Chemical, Japan's largest poly tyrene manufacturer take up of the market.A 12%B 25%C 26.625.________ is Japan's biggest plastics group.A Mitsubishi KaseiB Mitsubishi petrochemicalC Mitsui Petrochemical industries26. On Oct. 1st, Mitsubishi Petrochemical is going to merge with.A Kawasaki plantB Mitsui petrochemicalC Mitsubishi Kasei27. the dividend of remains the same as in last year.A Mitsubishi PetrochemicalB Mitsui petrochemical industries and Shin-EtsuC Sumitomo Chemical28. chemical group is not explained in detail in this report.A Shin-EtsuB Mitsubishi KaseiC Mitsui petrochemical29. chemical group has the highest per share according to the report.A Mitsubishi PetrochemicalB Shin-EtsuC Mitsui Petrochemical Industries30. is going to open a new plant.A Shin-EtsuB Mitsui PetrochemicalC Mitsubishi Petrochemical商务英语BEC中级模拟试题(附参考答案)一. 阅读部分PART ONE1. D2. B3. A4. C5. B6. B7. CPART TWO8. E 9. G 10. I 11. F 12. APART THREE13. D 14. E 15. G 16. A 17. C 18. F 19. G 20. DPART FOUR21. A 22. B 23.D 24. D 25. D 26.A 27.D 28. B 29.C30. D 31. A 32.C 33. C 34. D 35.APART FIVESection A36. down是多余,应删掉.37. 没有多余的词38. years是多余,应删掉.39. the 是多余,应删掉.40. 没有多余的词.Section B41. behalve应改为behalf42. exist应改为existing43. oblige应改为obligations44. failing应改为fail45. specific 应改为specified二.写作部分PART ONE .Question 46(Sample for reference)Dear Mr. Max Remington ,As our company is purchasing a set of equipment ,a lot of materials -have to be translated, which is impossible to do within four months. Could you advertise for two experienced translators in the newspapers? It is urgent.PART TWOQuestion 47(Sample for reference)Near the end of 1994, people suddenly become "rich'', buying a lot of things. We have received the report that the real hourly wages of workers become even less ,so they do not have enough money to buy so many things. Although the employment is rising towards the end of 1994 ,the growth is very slow. Therefore ,not many people find jobs to earn enough money to buy goods. Then where does the big consumer confidence come from? We have discovered that people overspend with various credit cards ,buying goods. And they are not worried about returning the borrowed money. This it is our turn to be concerned about this kind of consumer confidence.三.听力部分1. Cathedral2. museums3. special4. Barcelona5. Murphy6. 553227887. Sunny 8. 120pounds 9. coffee sets10. 2 11. 96pounds 12. 10th13. F 14. H 15. B16. E 17. C 18. F19. A 20. E 21.Hh22. D 23. A 24. B25. B 26. C 27. BPart One. Questions 1 to12.Message One. Questions 1 to 4.F1 : Good morning ,Garble Travel Agency. Can I help you?M1 : Yes , please. I'd like to have some information about the city of Barcelona. I have 5 days holiday.F1 : Well, there are lots of places to visit in Barcelona. You could go to the Old City, which is the real Barcelona of many centuries ago. I think you'd enjoy it.M1 : So there are many old buildings in the Old City?F1 : Yes ,and these old buildings are quite w6ll-preserved. And there's a cathedral near the Old City. It's very magniF1cent.M1 : I've heard about it. Any place else?F1 : Well ,there're also several very interesting museums and a lot of good restaurantsM1 : If I go to Barcelona ,where could I stay? Have you any suggestion?F1 : Well ,you'd better stay at the Barcelona Hotel ,which is near the Old City. The food there is cheap and special as well.Message Two. Questions 5-8.M1 : Good morning. Can I help you?F1 : Oh, yes. I want to rent an apartment. My name is Kate Murphy.M1 : Is it K-A-T-E,M-U-R-P-H-Y.F1 : Yes , that's right.M1 : then what kind of apartment do you prefer?F1 : Well ,l want to live near Sunny Street.M1 : Sunny Street ,right. Anything else?F1 : the rent should not be more than 120pounds a month ,including water and gas. I'd like an air conditioner and heating system.M1 : How long are you going to rent it?F1 : About a year and a half, from February.M1 : Do you have the contact number?F1 : It's 55322788M1 : OK! As soon as I find an apartment I will call you.F1 : Thank you. I'm looking forward to your answer.Message Three. Questions 9 to 12.F1 : Yes ,Mr. Wilson. Chris speaking.M1 : Hello ,Chris. Could you buy some china for our meeting room?F1 : How much money do you want to spend?M1 : Er , f80 `for 10 coffee sets. What do you think.Fl : I'll manage. I suggest we buy two more sets for our office.M1 : Let's see... OK ! I aGREe. 12 coffee sets with 96pounds.F1 : When do you want them?M1 : Before the 10th of April. By the way ,I want to look at the sample beforehand.F1 : OK! I will select some samples for you.M1 : Thank you. Bye.F1 : Bye-bye , Mr. Wilson.Part Two. Questions 13-22.Section One. Questions 13-17.Question ThirteenA couple called today and they said they couldn't arrive tonight.You're lucky to find this vacancy. This is a busy time of the year. Please fill out this registration card and be sure to list your car's license number.Question Fourteenthere's no charger for transfers if you have paid your fares already. Would somebodygive this young boy a hand? He's handicapped. I think you'll have to move over and let the young boy take this seat. Squeeze through!Question FifteenPlease sign your name on the check and don't forget the date. Then give me the checkand your driver's license. I'll give it to you in fifties. If you want to transfer your money from your savings account to the check account ,you have to fill out these slips as well.Question SixteenMy name is Dan Sloan. I paid for two tickets by credit card by telephone about two weeks ago on June 2nd ,I remember. I hope they're good seats. They're about halfway up the first balcong.Question SeventeenIt's too bad that our flight is delayed for an hour. Our plane is supposed to leave at 9:10,but now it's already 10: 00. Let's go to Gate 2 and wait for the check-in. I'm a little nervous. I am flying for the first time.Section Two.Questions 18-22...Question EighteenI vote against visiting the mountains and riding horses. I was thrown from a horse last year. I vote that we go to the seashore. We could go swimming in the sea or take long walks along the beach and collect seashells.Question NineteenCigarettes will do no good to your health. And it's medically proven that they can c ause lung cancer and a lotof other diseases. If you feel run-down without them ,I'll give you a prescription which will help you sleep.Question Twentythe Gamble Department Store has just opened a new shop near St. Maria Street. In the advertisement ,they're going to have a big celebration for the grand opening and the first one thousand customers can get free T-shirts.I want to get one.Question Twenty-oneEleven hours on the road is long enough for anyone, especially in this hot weather. I'm anxious to get back to the family house. But I don't think we should overdo it. Let's rest for a while ,shall we?Question Twenty-twoIn the package ,there's a beautiful glass necklace. It's a birthday gift for my husband's sister who's living in Lincolnshire. I packed it very carefully, so I'm sure it won't break on the way. But still I want to insure it forf25 just in case.Part Three. Questions 23 30.By Paul Abrahams in TokyoResults from Japan's largest petrochemicals companies for the year to March 3lst reflect the crisis facing a sector plagued by sluggish domestic demand ,over capacity ,plunging prices and the appreciation of the yen. News of the sector's cire trading position follow this week's decision by Showa Denko to sell its polystyrene business.the company, a marginal manufacturer, sold its 30, 000 tonnes a year Kawasaki plant to Asahi Chemical, Japan's largest polystyrene manufacturer with capacity of about 333, 000 tonnes a year, equivalent to about 25 per cent of the market. The move was the latest in a series of alliances and mergers as the troubled industry restructures.Mitsubishi Petrochemical , the country's biggest plastics group , reported a loss of Y8,39bn ( $ 80m) compared with pre-tax profits last year of Y8.25bn. The group made an operating loss of Y13.8bn,the first since 1982. The poor result came despits cost-cutting measures, lower raw material prices ,and Y4bn worth of profits from equity sales.Turnover fell 12.2 per cent from Y372bn to Y326bn, as prices and volumes declined. Earnings per share, which reached Y52. 5 in 1991 , fell to a loss per share of Y9.44. the group, which is scheduled to merge with Mitsubishi Kasei on October 1st ,cut its dividend from Y8 per share to Y4.Mitsubishi Kasei's pre-tax profits fell 76. 8 per cent from Y9.3bn last year to Y2.2bn. the group reported its first operating loss in 40 years at Y467m, and only managed to post positive pre-tax results by selling Y15.7bn worth of equities. Turnover fell 1.8 per cent ,the fourth yearly decline ,to Y696bn. The dividend was halved to Y3 per share.Mr. Morihisa Takano ,managing director, said the newly merged group would generate pre-tax profits ofY10bn on sales of Y855 bn during the year to March 1995.He predicted petrochemicals prices would bottom out during the summer. No decision had been made about the dividend ,but the new company could pass it during the current year, he Pre-tax profits at MitsuiPetrochemical industries, Japan's biggest polyethylene maker, plunged 75 per cent from Y9bn to Y2. 26bn on sales down 9. 3 per cent at Y272bn. The company blamed poor demand for the slump which offset the benefits of cost-cutting measures. The dividend is unchanged at Y6 per share. The group forecast pre-tax profits for the current year marginally up at Y3bn on turnover of Y276bn.Shin-Etsu, one of Japan's biggest makers of polyvinyl chloride , reported profits down 26.1 per cent from Y17. 6bn to Y13bn. Sales increased 0. 2 per cent from Y275bn to Y276bn. Net profits fell 26. 6 per cent to Y7.08bn, or Y21.85 per share.the group maintained the final dividend at Y3.75, making the full-year pay out Y7.5 per share. Shin-Etsu forecast pre-tax profits for the current year of Y15.5bn on sales of Y277bn.the outlook for the petrochemicals industry remains blsak. The imbalance between supply and demand for ethylene, the basic building block of petrochemicals ,is about 2.8m tonnes of ethylene and is set to deteriorate further this year.A massive 700,000-tonne-a-year ethylene complex owned by Maruzen ,Mitsui Petrochemical and Sumitomo Chemical comes on stream later this year and Mitsubishi Petrochemical is also commissioning a new300,000-tonne-a -year plant this year.一.READINGPART ONEQuestions 1-7. Read these sentences and the three company plans below.. Which company does each sentence describe?. For each sentence mark one letter(A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet.ExampleTo combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company.Answer: B1. The company has businesses in four continents of the world.2. The company has appointed a new manager in charge of medicines.3. New automobiles will be developed in its program centers.4. A reform is being carried out in its organizations.5. Goods for hair protection makes a lot of money for the company.6. It tries to be more ready to meet the needs of the customers.7. The company is made up of fourteen subcompanies all over the world.A . FORDTo save up to $ 3 billion a year, Ford is merging its manufacturing, sales, and product development operations in North America and Europe-and eventually in Lation America and Asia. And in a move toward a more horizontal organization the company is setting up five program centers with worldwide responsibility in develop new cars and trucks.B. IBMBig Blue is reorganizing its marketing and sales operations into 14 worldwide industry groups ,such as banking ,retail ,and insurance. In moving away from an organization based on geography, IBM hopes to eliminate turf wars and make itself more responsive to customers.C. BMSBristol-Meyers Squibb is revamping its consumer business by appointing a new chief responsible for its worldwide consumer medicines business such as Bufferin and Excedrin. The 11, 400 million U. S. dollars drug company also has formed a new unit with worldwideresponsibility for its Clairol and other hair-care products.PART TWOQuestions 8-12. Read this proposal about the CPT Word Processor.. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.. For each blank ( 8 -12) mark one letter(A -I)on your Answer Sheet.。

unit5Business Contracts and Orders

unit5Business Contracts and Orders

8) 多种贸易方式相结合的合同 (Contract with Different Trade Forms) 经济全球化是信息技术和知识经济发展的必然结果。伴随着 经济全球化的澎湃浪潮,跨国公司迅速发展,国际资本流动 规模空前,金融全球化的进程明显加快,在这种新的形势下, 国际合作项目越来越多,传统的贸易方式已远不能满足多方 合作的需要,故在国际间普遍采用多种贸易方式相结合的方 式进行合作。因而,如何综合应用多种贸易方式是当前非常 迫切需要研究的课题。例如,利用国际投资、信贷、租赁, 来引进技术,进口设备,或进件装配、产品返销、偿还贷款 这类多种经济合作方式。 这些贸易方式相结合的合同应包括: 涉外信贷合同 (Contract for Creditsand Loans) 国际BOT投资合同 (Contract forInternational Build-OperateTransfer) 国际租赁合同 (Contract forInternational Leasing Affairs). 此外,涉外合同还有国际运输合同、聘请雇员合同、保险合 同等。

3) 合资或合营合同 (Contract for Joint Venture or Joint Production) 投资当事人按一定的法律和法规建立的合资经营企业、 合作经营企业、合作开采自然资源,其特点是共同投资、 共同经营、共同管理、合作开采、共负盈亏、共担风险。 这类贸易方式的合同内容复杂,涉及诸方面的法律,如 合资经营企业法律、法规,并涉及土地、资源、工业、 设施、税收、外汇、技术引进、专利转让、许可证、劳 动等的法令和政策。 4) 补偿贸易合同 (Contract forCompensation Trade) 国际贸易中一方从另一方引进设备、技术或原料,不支 付现汇,而是在约定期限内以引进设备制造的产品或企 业所获利益予以补偿,称补偿贸易方式。这种贸易方式 所适用的合同有易货 (Barter:两国间不使用货币的商品 交换,其特点是进口和出口相结合,换货的总金额相等, 不需用外汇支付,现代国际贸易中已很少使用)和补偿贸 易合同。



Chapter 6 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior1) Business buying behavior refers to the buying behavior of organizations that buy all of the following EXCEPT ________.A) products for use in production of other productsB) services for use in production of other servicesC) products purchased to resell to othersD) products purchased to rent to othersE) products purchased for personal consumptionAnswer: EDiff: 1 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-12) In one way or another, most large companies sell to ________.A) consumersB) other organizationsC) employeesD) not-for-profit companiesE) the service sectorAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-13) Which of the following is NOT a way that business and consumer markets differ?A) market structure and demandB) nature of the buying unitC) satisfaction of needs through purchasesD) types of decisionsE) decision processesAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-14) There are many sets of ________ purchases made for each set of ________ purchases.A) consumer; businessB) tangible; intangibleC) service; productD) business; consumerE) product; serviceAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-15) Which of the following is true about business marketers in comparison to consumer marketers?A) They deal with far fewer but far larger buyers.B) They deal with far more but far small buyers.C) They deal with a more elastic market.D) They deal with fewer demands in fluctuation.E) They deal with the same decision buying process.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-16) In a typical organization, buying activity consists of two major parts: the buying ________ and the buying ________.A) committee; timeB) time; reorder pointC) economic order quantity; reorder pointD) center; decision processE) deciders; influencersAnswer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 172Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-27) The buying center and the buying decision process are affected by all of the following factors EXCEPT ________.A) internal organization factorsB) interpersonal factorsC) individual factorsD) external environmental factorsE) self-concept factorsAnswer: EDiff: 2 Page Ref: 172Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-28) The decision-making unit of a buying organization is called the ________.A) business buyerB) buying centerC) buying systemD) business-to-business marketE) supplier-development centerAnswer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-29) A ________ consists of the actual users of products, those who control buying information, those who influence the decisions, those who do the actual buying, and those who make the buying decisions.A) supplier development teamB) cross-functional teamC) buying centerD) quality management centerE) partnership management teamAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-210) A(n) ________ controls the flow of information to others in the buying center.A) userB) influencerC) buyerD) gatekeeperE) deciderAnswer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 174AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-211) A buying center is not a fixed, formally identified, unit within an organization, but rather a set of ________ assumed by different people for different purchases.A) budgetary limitsB) informal job titlesC) buying rolesD) status rolesE) marketing positionsAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-212) Which of the following is NOT included in the decision-making unit of a buying organization?A) individuals who use the product or serviceB) individuals who influence the buying decisionC) individuals who make the buying decisionD) individuals who supply the productE) individuals who control buying informationAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 174Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-213) The major influences on the buying process at General Aeronautics include company policies and systems, technological change, and economic developments. The types of influences on the buying process in this scenario are most accurately categorized as ________ and ________.A) individual; environmentalB) organizational; interpersonalC) individual; organizationalD) environmental; interpersonalE) organizational; environmentalAnswer: EDiff: 3 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-214) Which of the following types of factors influencing members of a buying center are typically the most difficult for marketers to assess?A) economicB) technologicalC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) politicalAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-215) Policies, procedures, and systems are all examples of ________ influences on business buyer behavior.A) environmentalB) authoritativeC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) culturalAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-216) Status, empathy, and persuasiveness are all examples of ________ influences on business buyer behavior.A) environmentalB) individualC) interpersonalD) organizationalE) culturalAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-217) The first step of the business buying process is ________.A) general need descriptionB) alternative evaluationsC) problem recognitionD) order-routine specificationE) performance reviewAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-318) A buyer would be most likely to review trade directories in which stage of the business buying process?A) problem recognitionB) general need descriptionC) product specificationD) supplier searchE) supplier selectionAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-319) In which stage of the business buying process is a supplier's task to make sure that the supplier is giving the buyer the expected satisfaction?A) problem recognitionB) performance reviewC) supplier searchD) supplier selectionE) order-routine specificationAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 179Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-320) B-to-B e-procurement yields many benefits. These include all of the following EXCEPT ________.A) reduced transaction costsB) more efficient purchasing for both buyers and sellersC) elimination of inventory problemsD) reduced order processing costsE) elimination of much of the paperwork associated with traditional ordering proceduresAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-321) The leading barrier to expanding electronic links with customers and partners online is ________.A) costB) lack of trained personnelC) concern over securityD) lack of knowledgeE) lack of evidence of efficiencies gained through e-procurementAnswer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-322) Government organizations tend to favor ________ suppliers over ________ suppliers.A) local; domesticB) unionized; nonunionizedC) foreign; domesticD) domestic; foreignE) nonunionized; unionizedAnswer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 182AACSB: Multicultural and DiversitySkill: ConceptObjective: 6-423) The main differences between business and consumer markets include market structure and demand, the nature of the buying unit, and the types of decisions.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-124) One set of business purchases is made for each set of consumer purchases.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 168Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-125) A business marketer normally deals with far fewer buyers than the consumer marketer does. Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 169Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-126) Buyers have different buying styles influenced by interpersonal factors such as age, income, education, professional identification, and attitudes toward risk.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 176Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-227) According to the stages of the business buying process, after completing a general need description,a business buyer should next invite qualified suppliers to submit proposals.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 177Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-328) Proposals should be marketing documents and not just technical documents.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 178AACSB: CommunicationSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-329) Suppliers are more likely to stay price competitive when the purchasing company uses single sourcing than when it uses multiple sourcing.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 178AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 6-330) When conducting a performance review, the seller monitors different factors than those monitored by the buyer to make sure that the seller is giving the expected satisfaction.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 179Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-331) E-procurement typically reduces drudgery and paperwork, thereby freeing purchasing personnel tofocus on more strategic issues.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-332) The benefits of e-procurement include access to new suppliers, lower purchasing costs, and more time-efficient order processing and delivery.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 181AACSB: Use of ITSkill: ConceptObjective: 6-333) Unfortunately, most governments do not provide would-be suppliers with detailed guides describing how to sell to the government.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 183Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-434) It is rare that noneconomic factors play a role in government buying.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 183Skill: ConceptObjective: 6-435) Explain the advantages of systems selling.Answer: Many business buyers prefer to buy a packaged solution to problem from a single seller instead of buying separate products and services from different sellers and then integrating them. The sale often goes to the firm that provides the most complete system that meets the customer's needs. Systems selling, also called solutions selling, is a key business marketing strategy for winning and holding accounts, as it fosters an interdependent relationship between the seller and buyer.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 173AACSB: Analytic SkillsSkill: ApplicationObjective: 6-2。


What were the results?
Porters Value Chain analysis
This TOOL checks the PERFORMANCE DATA of a company to see if any part of the business can be improved to give more customer service and so make MORE PROFIT.
What did Starbucks learn from this experience?
Never take your customers for granted Every market is different – especially
International markets Partner with a local company which has
Performance data – what is it?
Information about the PERFORMANCE of a company
– Supporting the customers Coffee Machines, free Wifi , Social media marketing
– Supporting the quality Buy the best beans at the best
What can you tell from this analysis?

Unit 5 Business Models[153页]

Unit 5 Business Models[153页]

value proposition n. 突出价值主张 value architecture n. 价值体系 articulate [ɑːˈtɪkjʊlət] v. 明确有力地表达 dimension [dɪˈmɛnʃ(ə)n, dʌɪˈmɛnʃ(ə)n] n. 方面
*In the early history of business models it was very typical to
*For example, bricks-and-clicks business model indicates the
business model by which a company integrates both offline (bricks) and online (clicks) presences. One example of the bricks-and-clicks model is when a chain of stores allows the user to order products online, but lets them pick up their order at a local store. Another example is direct sales model. Direct selling is marketing and selling products to consumers directly, away from a fixed retail location. Sales are typically made through party plan, one-to-one demonstrations, and other personal contact arrangements. A text book definition is: “The direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, usually in their homes or at their jobs.”

~个人珍藏~市场营销原理课件 管理学经典教材(英文版)菲利普·科特勒kotler07_exs

~个人珍藏~市场营销原理课件 管理学经典教材(英文版)菲利普·科特勒kotler07_exs
Case Study
Gulfstream Aerospace
• Sells jets exclusively • Multiple people are for corporate use involved in the decision • 300 – 500 • Buying influences customers worldwide include the CEO, pilot, board members, even • Rational, objective, spouses and human factors influence business • Company has been buyer’s decisions highly successful
• Business Buyer Behavior:
The buying behavior of organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services or for the purpose of reselling or renting them to others at a profit.
First-time purchase
New task

Business Buyer Behavior
• Systems Selling:
Buying a packaged solution to a problem from a single seller.

Convenience is a major benefit







Ⅰ. 单项选择1、—Mum, we have won the game against Yuhua Middle School .—____________!A.Thank you B.The same to you C.Congratulations D.Never mind2、The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is _______ great book. My favourite part of _______ book is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island.A.a; a B.a; the C.the; 不填 D.不填; the3、Miss Lin _____ a lot of work for the poor area since 2015.A.does B.did C.has done D.will do4、I _____ Chinese dishes for my foreign friends tomorrow evening.A.will cook B.have cookedC.cook D.cooked5、________ runners took part in the half marathon(半程马拉松) in Haikou in April.A.Hundred B.Hundreds C.Hundreds of6、Today is my little sister’s ______ birthday. My family will get together to celebrate it.A.nine B.ninth C.the ninth D.the nine7、-Did you go to Jim's birthday party?- No, I __________.A.haven't invited B.didn't inviteC.am not invited D.wasn't invited8、---We’d like you to start work tomorrow if possible.---I’m sorry, but I can’t possibly start until Monday.?A.Do you agree with me B.Is that a good ideaC.Do you think I’m right D.Will that be all right9、--- _______ fine weather it is!--- Yes, shall we go boating together?A.What a B.How C.What D.So10、—Are you coming to Daming’s birthday party?—He’s my best friend.A.What a pity! B.Never mind. C.Much better! D.You bet!Ⅱ. 完形填空11、There are always top students around us. Let's take Jenny as an example. As the monitor, she spends a lot of time working for our class, but she still gets good grades in all subjects. How can she do that? Here is some of her advice. Hard work is not the whole story. It's not how long you sit at the desk. It's 1 you do while you are sitting.Studying is a matter of personal preference(偏爱). Some people like working late at night when the house is 2 ,while others like doing their work 3 in the morning. No matter which way you use, try to do your best.Studying is your business and business comes after entertainment(娱乐). When you are studying, phone calls should go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks uneaten. Studying is the only thing in your mind. 4 should pull you away from what you are studying.Studying is like 5 . You chew(咀嚼)it one bite at a time. You can plan what to do today, but don't do too much. On the other hand, you will not study well without a good plan. It all depends on how you 6 your time.Maybe she is right, so why not have a try?1.A.what B.why C.how D.that2.A.clean B.beautiful C.quiet D.big3.A.alone B.lonely C.quickly D.early4.A.Something B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything5.A.drinking. B.eating C.sleeping D.dancing6.A.realize B.cost C.take D.arrangeⅢ. 语法填空12、The Value of a DollarWhen I was nineteen, I had a job at a local bookstore. One night, a young couple came in and walked here and there looking for a book. They seemed 1.(be) the usual type to give mall 2.(worker) a hard time. When they came to the register (收银处), she was a dollar or two short of 3.(buy) the book she wanted.She looked 4.(disappoint). I had a customer discount (折扣) card and it was still active. I told the girl 5.(gentle), “Hang on, don’t worry, you’ll have the money to buy the book.” I put in my password.She gave me a 6.(thank) smile. With a dollar left, she and her boyfriend left the store. I believed that I would never see 7.(they)again.I don’t remember 8.long it was, but they did return later that evening just to bring me 9.beautiful card that said “It’s people like you who make the world a 10.(good) place to live in.”I’m deeply moved by the little girl and her boyfriend. In fact, they have also made the world a little brighter.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、On June 26, 5, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole“map” of the human body: DNA.DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do.DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time.In 2, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family.It is because of small things named “genes” in our body.In 3, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.In 4, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Mattaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts.Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do.By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people.Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs.Man will have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technology (技术) isn’t limited in use.1.When did we first know why we look like other people in our family?A.In 2.B.In 3.C.In 4.D.In 5.6.What does the underlined word “genes” mean in the passage?A.The “map” of DNA.B.A special language.C.Small parts of DNA.D.Several illnesses.7.What did the two scientists first discover in 4?A.The “map” of DNA.B.A new illness.C.The language of DNA.D.A message of DNA.8.What can we do if we understand some “words” of the language inside the body?A.Make people get new jobs.B.Make medicine for new illnesses.C.Make maps of human.D.Make people less attractive.9.What do people think about DNA technology?A.It can cause good or bad results.B.It can cause good results.C.It can cause good results but won’t work.D.It can cause only bad results.B14、The right name is important in the business world. All you have to do is to think of the names for some of the products you buy every day and you'll agree that the name and the product are connected in everyone's mind.In many countries, successful trade or brand(商标)names are protected by law so that other companies cannot make the same product by copying. Businesses register(注册)a company or a product name with the government. In fact, more than 1,000product and company names are registered every hour. Many companies spend a lot of money to find the right name for their products. A good example of this is in the car industry. Some successful names for cars have powerful associations(联系).The Ford Mustang and the Jaguar are only two examples of choosing the names of animals that are fast and strong.When a U.S. company decides to sell its product in another country, it has to make sure that the product name translates properly. When Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink to China it looked for the right name. It wanted a name that would do two things. One was to present its image in Chinese and the second was to be close to its first brand name-Coke. It took some efforts before finding the right word-which sounds similar and translates as "happiness in the mouth". Asian company names are not new to the United States. The brand names of Samsung and Sony have been successful. Finding the right brand name is a big business. Asian companies that sell to foreign markets pay to find a name that will connect with its customers. There are even naming companies that offer help in inventing product names. These companies can charge(要价)up to $ 100,000 a word for their good names. But it's worth it. Successful companies know how important the right brand names are for their development.1.How many brand names are mentioned(提及)in the article?A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.2.Trade names are protected by law in many countries .A.to make companies pay for naming serviceB.to help people choose the best productsC.to present good images of the productsD.to prevent products from being copied3.What can we learn from the article?A.Many companies care about the cost of finding the right names.B.Creative trade names can help companies to have a larger sale.C.The government often does business with naming companies.D.It is considered necessary for cars to be named after animals.4.What is the best title for the article?A.The Importance of Right Brand Names B.The Rules of Naming BusinessC.The Development of Brand Names D.The Methods of Choosing NamesC15、Last week, Chicago became the first city in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”. People turned off the lights in the city’s tallest buildings, so that thousands of birds could get to their winter homes. Every year in autumn, some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south, and come back the next spring.Lights mean danger to birds. Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky. Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mistake them as stars. This means they can not find the right way to go home.This month, about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter. Birds fly to warmer places for a few reasons. Many birds cannot live in the cold, so they fly to warmer places. But there are other reasons,too. Birds need to look for food in the south. Another reason is that they want to have baby birds. Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year, so they fly back there.There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world, and about 600 kinds of birds migrate(迁徙). Some birds can fly a very long way. Sometimes they fly to other countries. We have fewer birds today because there are fewer places for birds.1.Why did people in Chicago turn off their lights last week?A.Because people wanted to save money.B.Because people liked the dark night.C.Because people were afraid that birds would make much noise.D.Because people were afraid that birds would lose their way.2.Today we have fewer birds because __________.A.lots of birds are often ill B.people kill lots of birdsC.there are fewer places for birds D.other animals eat them3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.All birds fly to warmer places every year.B.Some birds have to fly to warmer places in autumn.C.Some birds can fly a long way to other countries.D.About 600 kinds of birds migrate in the world.D16、Chicago is a famous city in the US. If you have a chance to go to the US, it is a good idea to pay a visit to Chicago.Chicago is the third largest city in the US. It is home to people who have migrated from all over the world. People move to Chicago from different places to live with their families or friends who arrived here first. They come by train, plane and ship to live in this great city.The center of Chicago is called The Loop. You can see many tall buildings here, even some of the tallest in the world. As you travel away from The Loop, you will find there are communities of different foreign cultures. But you can’t travel east of The Loop because of Lake Michigan.When you travel south of The Loop, you will find areas like Chinatown. There, people from China celebrate many of the same festivals as people in their hometowns do, for example, the Chinese New Year. They also celebrate the holidays of the US.Chicago is also called the Windy City, so don’t forget to take more clothes with you.1.The underlined word "migrated"means "_____________"in Chinese.A.生长B.移居C.逃离D.改变2.Chinatown is in the _____________ of The Loop.A.south B.north C.east D.west3.After reading the passage, we can know _____________.A.Chicago is the second largest city in the USB.people can’t take ships to ChicagoC.in Chicago we can see all the tallest buildings of the worldD.some people in Chicago celebrate the Chinese New Year4.If we can read the passage in the magazine, the name of the magazine may be "_____________". A.Famous Cities B.Public HolidayC.Beautiful Counties D.Holidays and CelebrationsE17、GREENWOOD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLName: Paula VannettiClass: 4-B Term 3 / 2016 Timetable1.How long does each class last?A.For one hour. B.For two hours. C.For three hours. D.For four hours.2.How many classes are there at the school each day?A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Twenty-nine.3.When can students start to have lunch?A.At 11:00. B.At 11:30. C.At 12:30. D.At 13:30.4.What can students learn at the after school clubs at Greenwood?A.Music and Geography. B.ICT and Art.C.PE and Guitar. D.Guitar and Basketball.5.How many Italian classes do students have in one week?A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.F18、Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign outside: “ Second-hand clothes bought and sold. ” He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, “ How much will you give me for these? ” The owner looked at them and said “ Two dollars. ”“ What? ” Tom said, “ I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars. ”“ No. ” said the owner, “ They weren’t worth a cent more than two dollars.”“Well,” said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. “ Here is your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth.”Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the owner could think of anything to say. 1.At first, the owner thought that Tom ____________ .A.wanted to steal the trousersB.wanted to sell the trousersC.wanted to fool himD.wanted to buy the trousers2.In fact, the trousers ____________ .A.were hanging inside the shopB.were stolen by Tom from the shopC.had been the shop owner’sD.had been Tom’s3.From the story we know that ____________ cheaper than the list price.A.the owner sold the trousers two dollarsB.Tom sold the trousers one and a half dollarsC.the owner bought the trousers three dollarsD.Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a halfⅤ.书面表达19、书面表达(15分)Jackson是澳大利亚的一名游客,春节期间来中国进行乡村游。

市场营销原理题库2(ch5-ch8 with answer)

市场营销原理题库2(ch5-ch8 with answer)

10) ______
11) People will forget much that they learn. They tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. This is called ________. A) selective distortion B) selective attention C) selective attitude D) selective retention E) perceptual vigilance
14) What determines whether the buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase? The answer lies in the relationship between the consumer's expectations and the product's ________. A) consumer market B) recognition C) brand personality D) perceived performance E) service quality
5) _______
6) ________ marketers are now taking to the streets, as well as cafes, nightclubs, and the Internet, in record numbers. Their goal: to seek out the trendsetters in each community and subtly push them into talking up a specific brand to their friends and admirers.



商务英语实习周记范文商务英语实习周记范文精选5篇(一)Business English Internship DiaryWeek 1:This week marked the start of my internship at XYZ Company. I was excited and nervous at the same time. On my first day, I was introduced to the team I would be working with, which consisted of the sales and marketing departments.I spent most of my time familiarizing myself with the company's products and services. I read through product brochures and watched online presentations to better understand the features and benefits. This knowledge would be essential for me to effectively communicate with potential clients and customers.I also attended several team meetings where I gained insights into the company's business strategies and goals. It was interesting to see how different departments collaborated to achieve common objectives. I realized how important effective communication and teamwork was in a business setting.Towards the end of the week, I was given the opportunity to shadow one of the sales representatives during a client meeting. It was a great learning experience as I observed the salesperson's techniques and strategies in action. I also had the chance to interact with the client and ask questions to better understand their needs and expectations.Overall, the first week of my internship was a whirlwind of learning and new experiences. I am excited to continue to learn and grow in my role at XYZ Company.Week 2:In the second week of my internship, I was assigned my first project, which involved conducting market research on potential competitors. This required me to gather information on competing products, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics.To begin the research, I utilized various online sources such as industry-specific websites, market reports, and competitor websites. I compiled the information into a comprehensive report, which included an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor.I presented my findings to the sales and marketing departments, who were impressed with the depth of research and insights. It was rewarding to see my hard work pay off and to receive positive feedback from my colleagues.In addition to my project, I also had the opportunity to attend a business networking event with my team. This was a great opportunity to meet professionals from different industries and exchange ideas. I learned the importance of building and maintaining professional relationships, as they can lead to potential business opportunities in the future.As my internship progresses, I am becoming more confident in my abilities and am excited to take on more challenging projects. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow in a professional setting and look forward to the weeks ahead.Week 3:This week, I was assigned the task of creating a promotional campaign for a new product launch. I was given the freedom to develop my own ideas and come up with a comprehensive marketing plan.I started by conducting market research to identify the target audience for the new product. I then brainstormed creative ideas for promotional activities such as social media campaigns, influencer collaborations, and email marketing.Once I had gathered all my ideas, I presented my marketing plan to the marketing department for feedback. They provided valuable suggestions and insights that helped me refine my strategies.After incorporating the feedback, I finalized the marketing plan and presented it to the management team. They were impressed with my ideas and gave me the green light to proceed with the campaign.In addition to my project, I also had the opportunity to accompany the sales team on a client visit. It was interesting to see how the sales process worked from start to finish and to witness how the sales team built strong relationships with their clients.Overall, this week was filled with creativity and practical learning. I am grateful for the trust and responsibility given to me by my colleagues, and I am excited to see the results of the promotional campaign.Week 4:In the fourth week of my internship, I had the opportunity to attend a trade show with the sales team. This was a valuable experience as I got to observe firsthand how companies promoted their products and services, and how they interacted with potential customers.I was also given the responsibility of assisting with the company's social media accounts. This involved creating relevant and engaging content, scheduling posts, and analyzing the performance of the company's social media presence.Additionally, I continued to work on the promotional campaign for the new product launch. I collaborated with the marketing team to execute the marketing strategies and monitor the campaign's performance. It was exciting to see the impact of our collective efforts and witness the positive response from the target audience.As my internship comes to a close, I can confidently say that it has been a valuable learning experience. I have gained a deeper understanding of various aspects of business, including sales, marketing, and market research. I am grateful for the guidance and support of my colleagues and look forward to applying the skills and knowledge I have gained in my future endeavors.商务英语实习周记范文精选5篇(二)Title: Internship Report on Business EnglishIntroduction:This report provides an overview of my recent internship experience in the field of business English. The purpose of the internship was to gain practical knowledge and skills related to business communication, professional writing, and intercultural competence. This report outlines the objectives of the internship, the tasks undertaken, and the key learning outcomes.Objectives:The main objectives of the internship were as follows:1. To develop proficiency in business communication skills, including verbal and written communication.2. To understand and apply the principles of professional writing in a business context.3. To enhance intercultural competence and adaptability in a multicultural business environment.4. To gain exposure to real-life business scenarios and processes.Tasks Undertaken:During the internship, I was assigned various tasks that helped me achieve the objectives outlined above, including:1. Drafting and editing business correspondence, such as emails and memos.2. Conducting market research and writing reports on consumer behavior and trends.3. Assisting in the preparation of business presentations and delivering them to clients.4. Proofreading and editing business documents, ensuring accuracy and consistency.5. Collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop marketing strategies and promotional materials.Key Learning Outcomes:Through my internship experience, I was able to achieve several key learning outcomes, including:1. Improved business communication skills, including effective verbal and written communication.2. Understanding and applying principles of professional writing, including clarity, conciseness, and professionalism.3. Enhanced intercultural competence, including the ability to work effectively with diverse teams and clients.4. Acquired knowledge of market research techniques and the ability to analyze and interpret data.5. Gained practical experience in various aspects of business operations and processes.Conclusion:Overall, my internship in the field of business English provided valuable insights and practical skills. It allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life business scenarios and enhanced my overall understanding of effective communication in a professional setting. The experience has been instrumental in shaping my future career aspirations in the field of business communication.商务英语实习周记范文精选5篇(三)商务英语实习报告实习单位:ABC国际贸易有限公司实习时间:2020年7月1日-2020年8月31日实习部门:国际业务部一、实习背景ABC国际贸易有限公司是一家专门从事国际进出口贸易的公司,拥有多年的经验和强大的国际贸易网络。

商务谈判实训(双语) Unit 5 strategies and tactics for Business Negotiations

商务谈判实训(双语)  Unit 5  strategies and tactics for Business Negotiations
Unit 5 Strategies and Tactics for Business Negotiations PowerTemplate [商务谈判策略与技巧]
Business English for Economy and Trade
Unit 5 Strategies and Tactics for Business Negotiations
Knowing the strategic considerations
Knowing and applying five common negotiation strategies
Knowing and applying negotiation tactics for five common negotiation strategies Developing and practicing negotiation strategies and tactics under different situations
Case 1
Now Orvel knew where the seller was vulnerable. “Here’s what I can do: I can give you $700 in cash right now, and I can have a truck and three of my friends here to move it out of your way by noon today.” The seller hesitated: “Well, I suppose that would work. I can always buy a new piano when we get settled.” Orvel left before the seller could reconsider. By the time the group returned with the truck, the seller had received three other offers at his asking price, but because he had accepted the cash, he had to tell them that the piano had already been sold.

business week英文介绍

business week英文介绍


它由麦格劳-希尔公司(McGraw-Hill Companies)于1929年创立,最初名为“BusinessWeek”,后来在2009年被彭博社收购,并更名为Bloomberg Businessweek。

《BusinessWeek》的主要内容包括:1. 经济分析:提供最新的全球经济趋势和分析。

2. 公司报道:对全球各大公司的新闻和动态进行深入的报道。

3. 市场资讯:涵盖股票、债券、商品和外汇市场的最新消息。

4. 行业洞察:对各个行业的发展趋势进行深度研究和预测。

5. 管理策略:为企业家和管理者提供实用的商业战略和建议。

6. 科技与创新:关注新兴技术和科技创新带来的影响和机会。

7. 个人理财:提供投资和财务规划方面的指导。

此外,《BusinessWeek》还定期发布一些特别报告,如“Best Places to Launch a Career”(最佳职业启动地)、“Best Undergraduate B-Schools”(最佳本科商学院)等,这些报告以其公正性和权威性广受认可。

2.英文介绍:BusinessWeek is a business magazine in the United States and one of the globally renowned financial media outlets. It was founded by McGraw Hill Companies in 1929, originally named "BusinessWeek", but was later acquired by Bloomberg in 2009 and renamed as Bloomberg Businessweek.The main content of BusinessWeek includes:1. Economic analysis: Provide the latest global economic trends and analysis.2. Company reporting: Provide in-depth coverage of news and trends from major companies around the world.3. Market news: covering the latest news in the stock, bond, commodity, and foreign exchange markets.4. Industry Insights: Conduct in-depth research and predictions on the development trends of various industries.5. Management strategy: Provide practical business strategies and recommendations for entrepreneurs and managers.6. Technology and Innovation: Pay attention to the impact and opportunities brought by emerging technologies and technological innovation.7. Personal finance: Provide guidance on investment and financial planning.In addition, BusinessWeek regularly releases special reports such as "Best Places to Launch a Career" and "Best Undergraduate B-Schools", which are widely recognized for their impartiality and authority.。

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• Manufacturers make items for resale to others. • Wholesalers buy or handle merchandise for eventual resale to organizational users, retailers, and other wholesalers. • Retailers buy or handle goods and services for sale (resale) to the final consumer. • Government purchases and uses a variety of routine and complex goods and services in performing its duties and responsibilities. • Nonprofit Institutions act in the public interest or to foster a cause and do not seek financial profit.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 8
Key Terms and Differences (1)
Organizational consumers operate differently in the marketplace than final consumers. They
Derived Demand
The success and purchases of organizational consumers are ultimately based on Final Consumer Demand.
Palm Plaza Hotel
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Are fewer in number & geographically concentrated Derive demand from final consumers Have shorter distribution channels Employ buying specialists Have cyclical demand
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 3
Types of Organizational Consumers (1)
Nonprofit Institutions Organizational Consumers
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 5
Business Markets
Market Structure and Demand Fewer and larger buyers Geographic concentration
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 12
Business Buyer Behavior
Participants in the Business Buying Process
Chapter 6- slide 10
Accelerator Principle
Final consumer demand affects several layers of organizational consumers.
Retailers Malls Direct Marketers Nonprofits Schools Manufacturers Refineries Wholesalers Jobbers Ore Lumber Farmers Distributors Grains
Buying center is all of the individuals and units that participate in the business decision-making process
– Users – Influencers – Buyers – Deciders – Gatekeepers
Chapter 6- slide 7
Business Buyer Behavior
Major Types of Buying Situations
Straight rebuy is a routine purchase decision such as reorder without any modification Modified rebuy is a purchase decision that requires some research where the buyer wants to modify the product specification, price, terms, or suppliers New task is a purchase decision that requires thorough research such as a new product
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 13
Business Buyer Behavior
Participants in the Business Buying Process
Use formal vendor & value analysis. Commonly lease equipment. Use competitive bidding. Use buying teams. Buy based on specs.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Derived demand
• Inelastic demand • Fluctuating demand
Buyer and seller dependency
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 6
Chapter 6- slide 2
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Business Markets
Business buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. Also included are retailing and wholesaling firms that acquire goods to resell or rent to others for profit.
• Buying center provides a major challenge • Who participates in the process
– Their relative authority – What evaluation criteria each participant uses – Informal participants
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 11
Understanding the Accelerator Principle
Just a 1% change in demand at the final consumer level, may cause several percentage points change in demand for organizational goods and services. Example: 1% decline in auto purchases by final consumers reduces dealers’ demand for cars. This results in reduced demand by auto makers for steel, paint, glass, labor, equipment/plants, as well as reduced demand from steel plants for ore and transportation carriers.
WholesalCopyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 6- slide 4
Types of Organizational Consumers (2)