An Analysis of Feminism in Emma
An Analysis of Feminism in EmmaAn Analysis of Feminism in Emma摘要奥斯丁是一名具有敏锐洞察力的女性作家,她对英国十八世纪末、十九世纪初妇女面临的种种问题有着深刻的感受,因此她的小说富含女性主义观点.在奥斯丁的作品中,《爱玛》是最具有代表性的。
妇女应像爱玛一样,采取积极、真诚的态度,投身于社会生活中,争取应有的权利.关键词:奥斯丁;女性主义;爱玛;社会生活AbstractContemporary critics have already found feminist elements in the Austen novels. Of all her works, Emma is often regarded as the mostbecause it shows clearly Austen’s understanding of and feeling about the problems of women in her society. This thesis deals with the projection of Austen’s feminist views in Emma. Firstly, Emma is a typical intelligent woman. Although she may make mistakes, she possesses fundamentally sound judgment, equal to and even superior to men. She has self-awareness, an ability of self-criticism. More importantly, Emma has the power of authority which is rare in other Austen heroines. Lastly, Austen shows that women play an important role in social life. They should participate actively in social activities rather than confine themselves only to a small domestic circle.Key words: Austen, feminism, Emma, social lifeⅠ.IntroductionFeminism demonstrates, without any possibility of doubt, that the social sciences are sexist, biased, and rotten with patriarchalvalues.(Juliet,1996)The historical implication of "feminism" usually means movements for recognition of the claims of women for rights (legal, political, familial, etc) equal to those possessed by men. Women have never ceased to fight for their rights, though the feminist movement in the West did not take any visible shape till the nineteenth century in the name of women’s liberation movement. This liberation movement began to subside in the twentieth century as women had gained most of these political and legal rights. The feminism starting in the 1960s has been concerned not so much with the traditional women’s rights as with issues more deeply rooted than those for the previous liberation movement. The "feminism" refers chiefly to the theoretical speculations on women and women related subjects as the result of the contemporary women’s movement,which is markedly different from the previous feminism.Although we find problems with research exclusively “on women”, we see an emphasis on research by women as absolutely fundamental to feminist research. We reject the idea that men can be feminists because we argue that what is essential to ‘being femi nist’ is the possession of feminist consciousness.(Wallace,1995) And we see feminist consciousness as rooted in the concrete, practical and everyday experiences of being, and being treated as, a woman. Feminine consciousness is a particular kind of interpretation of the experience of being a woman as this is presently constructed in sexist society. No men know what it is to be treated as a woman; and even fewer interpret such treatment in the ways we shall define as central to ‘feminist consciousness’.Most non-feminist ‘scientific’ explanations of the unequal status of women in society are written in terms of ‘grand theory’, and are particularly good examples of this approach. ‘Grand theories’ provide us with abstract, universal explanations, each of which suggests one single ‘cause’ for the inequality of all women in all places and at all times. The most central and common belief shared by all feminists, whatever our ‘type’, is the presupposition that women are oppressed. It is from this common acceptance that there is indeed a problem, which there is something amiss in the treatment of women in society that feminism arises.This statement of women’s oppression is a factual one for feminists and is not open to debate. All feminists accept that women are oppressed on the basis of their own experiences and those shared with other women. Also all feminists agree that women’s oppression is not inevitable, but that it can and must be changed. (Christopher Gillie,1985) We concern the new understanding that women gain through consciousness-raising activities. This involves seeing the same reality differently. To express this another way, women’s understandings of our lives are transformed so that we see, understand and feel them in a new and quite different way, at the same time as we see them in the ‘old’ way. This ‘new way’ of seeing the same reality, whilst also seeing a new reality, involves a situation in which women come to understand the contradictions present within life. Reality is much more complex and multi-dimensional than we ordinarily suppose it to be, and it is contradictory.Ⅱ. Feminism in the Eighteenth CenturyThe current phase of feminism is usually seen as originating in the 1960s. Yet, the 1960s were not the beginning of history of women’s struggle. Probably since the beginning of cultural organization, many women have been acutely conscious of the inequality of their position and of the male misrepresentation by which the inequality is maintained.In the eighteenth century there was a feminist tradition in English Novel, although not very distinguished. English fiction in the eighteenth achieved, among other things, an enlargement of the scope of moral discourse, allowing new topics to be considered in new ways. Among the new topics, the moral nature and status of women was one of the most important.Eighteenth-century feminism was not in general specifically concerned with the political equality of women, though it is true that, from the start, it carried political implications, first brought out into the open by Catherine Macaulay and Mary Wollstonecraft in the early 1790s.The feminist impulse showed itself first in its objection to the assignment of women to an inferior status as spiritual and moral beings. The first well-articulated female claim to equality was not directed towards enfranchisement via the ballot box, but to delivery of women from the restrictions which it had pleased male theologians, moral philosophers and poets to impose upon women.( Kirkham,1997)The essential claim of feminism during this period (Enlightenment feminism) was that women, not having been denied powers of reason, must have the moral status appropriates to “rational beings”, formed in the image of a rational God. Feminist moralists were in general confident that an improvement in the status of women would be brought about through increasing their powers of rational understanding and reflection. The demand for an adequate education, the main practical concern of Enlightenment feminism, arose directly from this.Enlightenment feminism in the eighteenth century, with its emphasis on Reason and its preoccupation with the middle class, may not strike contemporary feminists as not having much to do with liberation, but this is a misunderstanding. The most orthodox beliefs, when applied to a class of persons previously excluded from serious moral and political discourse, may take on a new aspect.Jane Austen’s novels are the culmination of a line of development in thought and fiction which goes back to the start of the eighteenth century, and which deserves to be called feminist since it was concerned with establishing the moral equality of men and women and the proper status of individual women as accountable beings. ( Kirkham,1997)In this sense, Austen is progressive compared with most female novelists of her day, such as Fanny Burney, Charlotte Smith, Maria Edgeworth and Anne Radcliffe. Jane Austen ridicules the sentimental and romantic conventions in their fictions. Meantime, Austen differs from them in her rejection of contemporary and traditional conceptions of the heroine or the lady. The woman who is “innocent as an angel and artless as purity itself”(Bradbrook,1967) is satirized by Austen.In subverting the ideal female image, Jane Austen can be ranked with the famous feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, although Austen is never so radicalas Wollstonecraft to demand a complete reorganization of the society. Ⅲ.The Embodiment of Feminism in EmmaModem reviewers consider Emma as Austen’s masterpiece, especially because the novel shows clearly Jane Austen’s understanding of and feeling about the problems of women in her society. Claudia Johnson, a contemporary scholar, thought: “In its willingness to explore positive versions of female power, Emma itself is an experimental production of authorial independence unlike any of Austen’s othernovels."( Johnson,1988)A. Emma is a Woman who has Sound JudgmentTraditionally it was held that women were not endowed with powers of mind by nature and they were deprived of the inherent right to think and judge. Thus, any mental exercises were dangerous to women. Wendy Martin noted: “A thinking woman was considered such a breach of nature that a Harvard Doctor reported during his autopsy on a Radcliffe graduatehe discovered that her uterus had shriveled to the size of apea.”(Gilbert,1979) Even if this claim does not directl y advocate that imbecility in females is a great enhancement of their personal charms, it does tell us that feminine capacity is not for thinking, judging and reasoning. John Ruskin affirmed even in 1865 that the woman’s intellect, if she did have, was onl y for “sweet orderings of domesticity.” (Gilbert,1979)Female capability consisted in emotion. Therefore, it was a woman’s first duty in life to cultivate her feminine talents in the emotional realm so as to maximum their usefulness within the domestic orbit. Any woman who indulged her personal ambitions or a selfish desire for intellectual independence or economic independence was betraying what conduct books called her “womanhede’’ (Rowbotham,1989) Jane Austen never agreed with the idea that women were intellectual inferiors to men. Her belief in sound female intelligence leads her to create young women as rational beings rather than elegant ladies without mind. Emma is such a he mine, assertive, intelligent, powerful, and self-conf dent. Since Emma’s conduct is “directed chiefly by her own judgment”, her superior intellectual ability is in the first place characterized by her own judgment. Although Emma frequently makes mistakes, Jane Austen demonstrates that her judgment is basically sound and convincing.Emma’s good judgment is mainly reflected by her argument with Mr. Knightley, a sensible gentleman who has long been acting as Emma’s teacher as well as her brother. He quarrels with Emma because the latter has induced Harriet Smith to refuse Robert Martins proposal. This quarrelover Harriets marriage indeed does not display Emma’s ill-judgment, but Mr. Knightleys irrationality The arguments of both parties are more concerned with certain contemporary ideas about intellectual power, marriage and status than with Harriet Smith and Robert Martin themselves. In other words, they argue for their own sake, or from the point of view of different sexes respectively.When Mr. Knightley complacently tells Emma that Robert Martin “means to marry” Harriet, he takes it for granted that Harriet is very willing to accept the proposal. Here the expression “means to marry her” shows so evidently the male superiority Mr. Knightley does not seem to notice that he has totally ignored Harriets own wish and reduced her only to a silent object even without the right of saying “No”.Emma immediately finds it an old-fashioned stereotype of proposal, so she asks: “but is he sure that Harriet means to marry him? ”( Jane Austen,1994) which is theoretically and rationally a perfectly justifiable question. Emma tries to remind Mr. Knightley that any woman is entitled to make her own choice in marriage. However, Mr. Knightley regards Emma’s reaction as merely a fashionable, feminine pretense. Mr. Knightley praises Robert Martins good sense and talks about his own good intention. When he knows Harriet has refused Martins proposal, he is confused and angry. Now in Mr. Knightleys eyes “the fair lady”, Harriet, becomes “a greater simpleton”, “the foolish girl” and little better than a base-born idiot just because she rejects Martins proposal. Emma, by contrast, judges more rationally: “it is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage. A man always imagines a woman to be ready for anybody who asks her.”(Jane Austen,1994) Emma s remarks imply, on the one hand, that women are traditionally cultivated to be obedient,modest, selfless so that they are regarded merely as ornaments not only without the ability ofself-assertion but also without the right of refusal. On the other hand, Emma alludes to the fact that men are so accustomed to women’s deference that they cannot think otherwise.Mr. Knightley cant retort Emma’s argument and has to dwell on Harriets humble birth and slow mind. He exclaims: “A degradation to illegitimacy and ignorance,to be married to a respectable, intelligent gentleman farmer!”( Jane Austen,1994) His unjust contempt of Harriet due to her birth indicates distinctly his conservative thought that Harriet, as an illegitimate girl of unknown parentage, is not up to the role of a decent farmers wife. But Emma makes a brave defense of Harriet:“As to the circumstances of her birth, though in a legal sense she may be called Nobody it will not hold in common sense. She is not to pay for the offence of others, by being held below the level of those with whom she is brought up.” ( Jane Austen,1994)Emma shows her sound judgment in her objection to the general injusticeof the laws and discriminative attitude of the society towards illegitimate children. Although most people are prejudiced against Harriet for her low birth, including impartial Mr.Knightley, Emma alone dare announce Harriet should not be looked down upon for the sin of her parents because it is not her fault.Emma insists that Harriet is equal to any one as a human being. At the same time, Emma indirectly condemns the irresponsibility of Harriets parents, especially the unknown father, a symbol of paternal immorality. When Mr. Knightley calls Harriet a “simpleton” and an “idiot”, he is n’t aware that he has again fallen into contradiction. Mr. Knightley apparently regards a woman’s possession of intellectual power as a disadvantage, a misfortune, or more accurately a sin, because themale-dominated society prefers to cultivate foolish girls who are supposed to listen to men and follow their leadership.Emma responds by giving a retort:“...till they do fall in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces, a girl, with such loveliness as Harriet, has a certainty of being admired and sought after, of having the power of choosing from among many, consequently a claim to be nice. ...1 am very much mistaken if your sex in general would not think such beauty, and such temper, the highest claims a woman could possess.” ( Jane Austen,1994)Here Emma evidently criticizes a social willingness to believe physical beauty and submissive temper more admirable than intellectual capabilities or good sense in women. What this paternal society asks a woman to be is an angel in the house rather than a. creature of ration. Mr. Knightley can hardly deny that Emma is right in her judgment.As the novel develops, Mr. Knightley changes his mind about Harriet after frequent contact with Harriet. Mr. Knightley later tells Emma: “And I am changed also; for I am now very willing to grant you all Harriets good qualities. ”( Jane Austen,1994) “Harriet Smith has some first-rate qualities, which Mrs. Elton is totally without.”( Jane Austen,1994)He acknowledges Emma’s sound power of judgment and superior intelligence by saying “Nature gave you understanding.” In Emma Austen changes the traditional mentor-student relationship between man and woman and tries to show us that an intelligent woman like Emma is capable of making sound judgment, and teaching a man what is right and what is wrong.B. Emma is a Perfect Self-awareness WomanAlthough Emma is a heroine with superior intellectual power, readers do not overlook her weaknesses such as vanity, self-importance and snobbery. However, for all her faults we cant help caring for her because Jane Austen has given her a positive and attractive quality that is self-awareness. Mr. Knightley has told Emma that he believes in Emma’s“serious spirit”.This “serious spirit” refers to the power to objectively analyze ones own words and deeds, carefully examine ones own behavior, judiciously assess ones own right and wrong, and bravely correct ones mistakes. Those who have sound self-awareness and can truly examinethemselves continually will eventually expand their spirit and achieve moral improvement. On the contrary, Austen showed repeatedly those clever people without self-awareness may lose the opportunities of correcting their wrong-doings and tend to end in not only regret and unhappiness, but permanent disgrace.Emma has been scolded for her interference with Harriet Smith, her insult to Miss Bates as well as her indifference to Jane Fairfax. These criticisms lead her to recognize her errors.When Emma knows it is her whom Mr. Elton means to pursue rather than her friend, Harriet, she is so shocked and ashamed that she "sat down to think". She "looked back as well as she could". She wishes that she "had not persuded Harriet into liking the man" ( Jane Austen,1994)It is the first time that Emma finds that she has made a mistake about Harriet and begins to examine her own conduct. When Harriet declares she has fallen in love with Mr. Knightley, Emma realizes bitterly it is not Harriets fault, but her own. "The blunders, the blindness of her own head and heart" "had brought evil on Harriet, on herself and on Mr. Knightley".( Jane Austen,1994)Such recognition implies a total examination of herself and an admission that her scheme to find Harriet a husband of high rank has been irrational, obscure and delusive. It also implies her rejection of subjective supposition in favor of objective and impartial reasoning.Emma’s flirtation with Frank is also a disgrace, although at that time she is still in the dark about Franks engagement with Jane Fairfax. Emma does not really care for Frank and only feels intoxicated with Franks flattery. She admits to herself that she is being false andbself-indulgent. conscience also tells her that she has long been scornful and ungracious to Miss Bates. She makes a resolve to begin a regular, equal, kindly intercourse by calling upon Miss Bates the very next morning after Box Hill outing.Although Emma frequently commits errors, she is aware of them. From time to time she reconsiders her behavior, criticizes herself and tries her best to make reparation. The liveliness of her conscience, the depth of her intelligence and the sincerity of her sympathy open a path to her moral improvement and better sense.Lionel Trilling points out that Emma’s mistakes themselves are what make her lovable, because all human being are fallible and even the best mind makes mistakes.( Gooneratne,1970)In Jane Austen’s worlds, all the heroines have to struggle with their own weakness and fallibility and make efforts to arrive at a better judgment of themselves. And this processis never-ending.Those who can accomplish this are women of truly prominent intellectual and moral power. Emma stands among the very few of them. As Mrs. Weston says: “Emma has qualities which may be trusted; she will never lead any one really wrong; she will make no lasting blunder; where Emma errs once, she is in the right a hundred times.” ( Jane Austen,1994)C. Emma is a Woman who has the Power of AuthorityIn Jane Austen’s age, it was universally accepted that authority is based on rationality. As women are supposed to be only emotional creatures, the notion that women have authority or power is naturally rejected. An author for the Edinburgh Review dismissed the proposition that men and women would ever be equal "in power and influence upon the affairs of the world" and even warned that if women are "made ostensibly powerful...the spirit of chivalry...will speedily cease".( Newton,1997) This claim partly justifies what Simone de Beauvoir has said: men tend to construct positive masculine identity through a negative feminine image. Thus, women’s lack of authority rightly reflects the powerfulness of men as well as their superiority.In consequence, it is understandable that few women have authority because social ideology requires relinquishment of female authority of any form. But Jane Austen is daring in her attempt to subvert the traditional idea by creating a heroine with the power of authority in Emma.Emma Woodhouse is physically strong, intellectually active and morally superior. She refuses to have her destiny determined by a man. In fact, what makes Emma unusual is the fact that Emma is a woman who asserts her own authority. In so doing, she undoubtedly offends this male-domonated society. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mudricks accusation that "Emma has no tenderness" really means that she is not submissive to men: hers is “a dominating and uncommitting personality".( Johnson,1988) In an age when obedience was the only duty of women, the idea was rooted that women were not qualified for possession of authority because of their inferior intellectual capability. It was even advocated that womens possession of talent is "the possession of a dangerous heritage---a jewel which cannot with propriety be worn". If one says women "preside" in the home, the word preside may produce a startling effect upon the ear of man, (Newton,1997)so warned a conduct-book writer.Yet, Emma is the real ruler of the household at Hartfield. Her father is poor in health all his life and his intellectual, physical and even moral frailty necessitates his dependence upon Emma’s female strength and good judgment. So Emma has been mistress of the house ever since she was twelve. She manages the household with skillful diplomacy.At the dinner table, Emma takes the duties of "patriarchal hospitality"upon her own shoulders. She allows her father to talk, but supplies food to the visitors in a grand style. When disputes are very likely to break out among her guests, Emma always subtly steers them away from uncomfortable topics.Emma’s excellent superintendence over Hartfield, a symbol of superior female and power, is in sharp contrast with Mr.Woodhouses disability. Austen seems to have subverted the convention that female is supposed to be inferior to male. Instead, Austen hints that the reign of a capable intelligent woman is preferable to that of a man.Besides her authority in her domestic circle, Emma is also the leader of her whole community People in the neighborhood acknowledge Emmas preeminence. When the Coles,who have accumulated fortune out of trade, intend to hold a dinner party for respectable people in Hibury, the one to whom they attach special importance is Miss Woodhouse. Emma is so sure of herself that she says: "I always deserve the best treatment, because I never put up with any other."( Jane Austen,1994)At the end of the novel, Emma eventually marries Mr. Knightley and marriage often means relinquishment of female power. Wayne Booth has declared, “Marriage to an intelligent, amiable, good, and attractive man is the best thing that can happen to this heroine…’’( Johnson,1988)With Mr. Knightleys decision of moving to Hartfield after marriage, the ending of Emma turns back on the conventions. Considering his own high status Mr. Knightleys move into Hartfield is extraordinary---“how very few of those men in a rank of life to address Emma would have renounced their own home for Hartfield! ”(Jane Austen,1994) By moving to Hartfield, Mr. Knightley is now sharing Emma’s home, and placing himself within her domain. The fact suggests that Mr. Knightley openly justifies Emma’s authority.D.Emma have a Positive Attitude toward Social LifeJane Austen points out that if women want to play an important mle in the society, they must first develop a positive attitude toward social activities. This attitude originates from an acute consciousness that a woman is not supposed only to be a good wife and a good mother, but she is also a a member of the society. Thus, she has the right and the responsibility to contribute to her society as a man has always done. Those women who are enthusiastic about social life and sincerely concerned with others welfare can achieve fulfillment.Emma Woodhouse is a good case in point. Energetic and intelligent as Emma is, she always has a positive attitude toward her role in social life, which leads her to take an active part in social activities. In addition to caring for her family members, Emma is always concerned about others happiness, especially women’s well-being. Emma’s patronage of Harriet is a good example. Austen explicitly shows Emma’s intimacy with Harrietis of great social significance, because women, as socially weaker members, ought to be united and help each other. Those women who merely care for their own happiness actually "transgressed the duty of womanby woman".(Jane Austen,1994)Though Mr. Knightley criticizes of Emma’s indifference to the Bates, Emma never withdraws her concern for them. She takes care to send a hindquarter of pork to them when Miss Bates meations that they havent any meat to eat. Having seen Janes poor condition, Emma, "on reaching home, called the housekeeper directly to an examination of her stores;and some arrow-root of very superior quality was speedily dispatched to Miss Bates with a most friendly note".(Jane Austen,1994)When Emma does all these, she does not attempt to show off or get a good reputation. Her concern is sincere. She adopts an active and proper attitude toward social life and other people.Compared with Emma, Mrs. Elton is selfish. Though she declares "I always stand up for women",(Jane Austen,1994) her eagerness to defend her sex derives definitely from her obvious desire to show her superiority over all others.Though different from Mrs Elton, Jane Fairfax holds a passive attitude because she has a real desire to live within herself. Emma finds that "Jane was, besides, which was the worst of all, so cold, so cautious! There was no getting at her real opinion. Wrapt up in a cloak of politeness, she seemed determined to hazard nothing. She was disgustingly, was suspiciously reserved".(Jane Austen,1994) Not only is Jane reserved, but she does not care for others at all. Her true interest in life never goes beyond the confines of her own well-being.ConclusionJane Austen’s fundamental feminist concerns may be seen from her constant insistence on women’s intellectual power. Her firm belief in women’s intelligence leads her undoubtedly to revise the conventional female image in popular novels of her day. She depicts her heroines as rational creatures. Emma Woodhouse is very likely the most brilliant one of them. As a young ardent woman with distinguished intellectual capability, Emma has sound judgment. Emma’s ardent defense of Harriets right to refuse Martins proposal is a good example. Emma explicitly protests against the popular idea of her day that women are generally regarded as objects without their own will or right. The image of Emma shows that have superb intelligence which is equal to, and sometimes even superior to mens. Moreover, Emma’s feminism are manifested by her firm belief that women should participate actively in social life rather than confine themselves only to a small domestic circle. If a woman is merely interested in or concerned about her own family, her life and influence are miserably。
静的分析和直言不讳 的劝导慢慢使爱玛认识 到 自身 的不足 。 在爱 玛逐渐成熟 的过程 中, 两人 内心的交流促使他们走向婚 姻。可见 , 她与奈特莱 的结合就是建立在相互 尊重 、 互爱 相
慕、 相互帮助基础之上的。 在奥斯 汀的心 目中, 爱玛和奈特莱 这段门第相 当、 志趣相投 的婚 姻才是最美满 的婚姻 , 也是 作 者极力提倡 的理想婚姻 。 1 世纪末 的英 国, 在 8 奥斯汀 的这种
教训后 , 她终 于能以更成熟 的观 点对 待生活 , 从而在道德修
养方面获得进步。爱玛 能客观分析 自己的言行 , 反省 自己的
行为 , 检讨 自己的过失并加以改正。当爱玛发现艾尔顿追求 的对象是她本人而非海丽特 时 , 她第一次意识到 自己鼓动海 丽特爱慕艾尔顿是错 误的。 出游博 克斯 山时 , 下转第 7 ( 0页)
三 、 性 的 自审 意识 女
她果断、 机智 、 而且 自信 。她敏锐 、 理智 的判断力淋漓尽致 的
表现在她 与奈 特莱先生就海 丽特拒绝马丁求婚一 事进行争 论中。海 利特 在爱玛 的鼓动下拒绝 了马丁的求婚 , 为此奈特
简・ 奥斯汀在小说《 爱玛》 中表现 了女主人公强烈的 自审
意识。对于爱 玛 , 也许很难有谁会在小说 的开始就喜欢上这
莱大动肝火 , 爱玛 冷静 地说道:男人总不能理解女人竟会拒 “ 绝别人的求婚 。 人总以为凡有人上 门求婚 , 男 不管是什么人 , 女人一律来者不拒 。 当奈特莱说海丽特出生卑贱 , ” 无知无识
时 , 玛 的辩 护 生 动 地 展 现 了爱 玛 的 理性 和智 慧 。爱 玛 认 为 爱
二 、 性 的 婚 姻 意 识 女
熟的作品。这不 仅是 指她 的写 作技巧上 , 而且 也是指她思想认识上
1. 引言1.1 简·奥斯汀《爱玛》中女性意识的觉醒与缺失简·奥斯汀的小说《爱玛》着重探讨了女性意识的觉醒与缺失这一主题。
2. 正文2.1 女性角色的社会身份定位《爱玛》中女性角色的社会身份定位是一个重要的主题,简·奥斯汀通过这些角色展现了当时社会对女性的定位及其影响。
“集体无意识”和“原型”理论观照下艾米莉悲剧的必然性冯瑞贞,张 璘,任晓霏(江苏大学外语学院,江苏镇江212013) 摘 要:根据“集体无意识”和“原型”理论重新审视《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的女主人公艾米莉的悲剧,发现男性作家的集体无意识、人格面具的过度膨胀和暗影过度压抑使得艾米莉的悲剧成为必然,可清晰地窥见艾米莉作为女性无奈的人生轨迹和痛苦挣扎的心路历程。
关键词:集体无意识;原型;艾米莉;人格面具;暗影;异化 中图分类号:I712.074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167129247(2009)0120067203On the T ragedy of Emily from the Aspect ofCollective U nconsciousness and P rototyp al C riticism TheoryFENG R ui 2zhen ,ZH ANGLin ,REN X iao 2fei(School of Foreign Languages ,Jiangsu University ,Zhenjiang 212013,Jiangsu ,China ) Abstract :By reviewing Emily ’s tragedy in A Rose for Emily according to the Collective Unconsciousness and Prototypal Criticism theory ,it is found that it was male writers ’C ollective Unconsciousness ,hyperinflation of persona and repression of shadow that made Emily ’s tragedy inevitable.It was clear that Emily ,as a female ,lived a helpless life and her mind journey struggled. K ey w ords :Collective Unconsciousness ,Prototype ,E mily ,persona ,shadow ,allienation 一、荣格的“集体无意识”和“原型”理论 20世纪美国最伟大的小说家之一、1949年诺贝尔文学奖获得者威廉・福克纳的短篇小说,以虚构世界的广度和深度、感人至深的主题、深邃的道德寓意以及小说文体与叙述手法的多样性和艺术性给读者留下了深刻的印象。
1 女性主义批评理论的源起和发展女性主义批评理论源起于20世纪60年代末70年代初的欧美评论界。
揭露男性作品(androtexts)中隐含的歧视扭曲女性意识的意识形态程式(male sexism)。
重新梳理评价(spade work)文学史、思想史,发现历史上遭到埋没的女作家女思想家(gynotexts)。
但 出 人意 料 的是 ,麦 格 韦 契 提 供 的 物 质 来 源尽 管 帮 助皮 普 在 一 定 程 度 上 成 为 了 比 较 有 “ 位 ” 人 。 同 时 皮 普 的性 地 的 但 格也随着“ 位” 地 的改 变 而 发 生 了剧 烈 变 化 。奢 靡 的 物 质 生 活 腐 蚀 了皮 普善 良的性 格 , 皮普 变得 冷漠 自傲 、 视 亲 情 和 友 使 漠 情 。 时处 处 以 “ 等 人 ” 时 上 自居 , 应 该 不 是 麦 格 韦 契 所 愿 意 看 这 到的 , 事实就是如此。因此 , 但 当麦 格 韦 契 于 一 个 黄 昏夜 拜访
简 析 《 爱 玛 》 中 女 性 主 义 观 点
张 莉
( 安 电 子科 技 大 学 人 文 学 院 , 西 西 安 西 陕
摘 要 :简 ・ 斯 丁 作 为 英 国 小 说 伟 大 传 统 的缔 造 者 之 奥
707) 10 1
集 传 统与 反 抗 于一 身 , 为女 性 文 学的 发展 起 到 了重要 作 用 。 《 爱玛 》 奥 斯 丁六 部 已完 成 的 作 品 中是 最 具有 代 表 性 并 为奥 在
四 、 语 结
3其 他 因 素 . ( ) 化 背 景 的 影 响 1文 笼 统 地 说 , 化 是 一 种 社 会 现 象 。 人 们 长 期 创 造 形 成 的 文 是
产物 , 一种 历 史 现 象 , 社 会 历 史 的积 淀 物 。 切 地 说 , 化 是 是 确 文 是 指 一 个 国家 或 民族 的历 史 、 理 、 土 人 情 、 统 习俗 、 活 地 风 传 生 方式 、 文学 艺 术 、 为 规 范 、 维 方 式 、 值 观 念 等 。 行 思 价 狄 更 斯 生 活 在 维 多利 亚 时代 .正 逢 英 国工 业 文 明蓬 大 发 展 的 时期 , 市 和 乡 村 的 差 距 日益 加 大 , 们 在 社 会 剧 变 下 思 城 人 想 的差 异 逐 渐 分 化 。 时 的英 国 , 此 以伦 敦 为 代 表 , 面 辉 煌 , 表 像 个理 性 、 克制 的绅 士 社 会 , 地 里却 是 上层 社 会 人 士 被 压 抑 性 背 情 的爆 发 . 藏污 纳 垢 , 会 底 层 ~ 片混 乱 , 社 中产 阶级 上升 。 皮 普 的 性 格 正 是 在 这 种 大 背 景 下 出 现 了扭 曲 的发 展 历 程 。 普本 来 是 一 个 单 纯 善 良的男 孩 , 有 同龄 儿 童 所不 具 有 皮 具 的换 位思 考 的观 念 和 热 心 助 人 的 良好 品 性 。但 由 于 一 心追 逐 “ 等人” 上 的要 求 , 得 不 人 道 的社 会 机 构 、 落 的 社 会 道 德 、 使 堕 拜金 主 义 的 盛 行 腐 蚀 了他 纯 真 性 格 , 得 势 利 、 漠 , 人 对 变 冷 对 事 都 持 有 自私 自利 、 钱 至 上 的观 念 , 终 导 致 堕 落 。 金 最 ( ) 境 因素 的 影 响 2环 环 境 既 包 括 以 空气 、 、 水 土地 、 物 、 物 等 为 内容 的物 质 植 动 囚 素 , 包 括 以观 念 、 度 、 为 准 则 等 为 内容 的 非 物 质 因 素 ; 又 制 行 既 包 括 自然 因 素 , 包 括 社 会 因素 ; 包 括 非 生 命 体 形 式 , 又 既 又 包 括 生 命 体 形 式 。 环 境 是 相 对 于某 个 主体 而言 的 , 体 不 同 , 主 环境 的大 小 、 内容 等 也 就 不 同 。 环境变化是外部因素, 见证 着 人 物 的发 展 历 程 。 着 时 间 随 的 流逝 , 同 的环 境 影 响 着 皮 普 的性 格 变 化 . 带 给皮 普 相对 不 也
第27卷第1期鄂州大学学报2020年1月Vol.27No.l Journal of Ezhou University Jan.2020doi:10.16732/ki.jeu.2020.01.013女性主义视角下《爱玛》的思想解读王泽熙,刘宁(广东理工学院,广东肇庆526100)摘要:小说《爱玛》以英国小镇为背景,描绘了爱玛的日常生活,并以社会地位、爱情、婚姻、金钱为作品主题,通过爱玛这一女性人物形象以反讽的手法来反映社会对女性的不公。
女性视角下的集体无意识表现; 从女性惯有的爱情婚姻、家庭和阶级门第的观点出发进行研究,论述了《艾玛》中选择的
必然性; 借此可以看到简·奥斯汀作为女性作家,虽然较以前女性作家有了一些突破和挑战,但并不能完全走出父权社
关键词:《艾玛》; 集体无意识; 女性视角; 父权社会
中图分类号: I561. 4
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1674-344X( 2015) 03-0071-03
西方许多哲学家和心理学家都对“无意识”做出 了研究分析,而“集体无意识”理论的最终提出者是瑞 士哲学 家、心 理 学 家 荣 格 ( Carl Gustav Jung,1875 - 196) 。并且荣格把原型理论融入了“集体无意识”当 中,他曾指出“最 典 型 的 原 型 就 是 那 些 最 频 繁 地 对 自 我产生影响的原型,而且主要的原型意象来自集体无 意识,集体无意识主要由原型组成”[1]。“‘集体无意 识’本身是指 有 史 以 来 沉 淀 于 人 类 心 灵 底 层 的、普 遍 共同的人类本能和经验遗存,这种遗存既包括了生物 学意义上的 遗 传,也 包 括 了 文 化、历 史 上 的 文 明 的 沉 淀”[2],它是由先在形式—原型组成,这些原型仅能间 接地被意识到,赋予某些心理内容以确切的形式。作 家在进行文学创作时也会受到各种原型的影响,而最 终会以文学作品的确切形式向读者展示出来。
构中的无意识会被激活,并以此为原型,在文学作品中 会创造相对应的情境。
拉康( Jaques Lacan,1901 - 1981) 也认为无意识总 是先于我们而又总是逃避我们,它把我们作为主体带 进存在,但它又总是跑出我们的掌控,它能够表现为某 种可以最终满足我们的实在,但我们却从来不可能占 有它[5]。所以,作 为 社 会 中 的 个 人,她 的 行 为 通 常 会 受到无意识的影响。因为它总是先于我们而存在。因 此,作家在创作文学作品时同样也会受到先在的无意 识的影响与控制,而且表现最终满足作家的实在则是 对文学作品中人物命运和性格的刻画和描写。所以研 究作家所遗存的集体无意识,对研究文学人物的命运 选择有很重要的指导意义,从而也为现实中的人提供 一定的引导作用。
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种可以最终满足我们 的实在 , 但我们却从来不可能 占 有 它 J 。所 以 , 作 为社 会 中的 个 人 , 她 的行 为 通 常会 受 到无 意识 的影 响 。因为 它总是 先 于我们 而存 在 。因 此, 作 家在创 作文 学作 品时 同样 也会 受 到先 在 的无 意 识 的影 响与控 制 , 而且 表 现 最 终 满 足作 家 的实 在 则 是 对文 学作 品中人 物命运 和性 格 的刻 画和描 写 。所 以研 究作 家所 遗存 的集 体 无 意识 , 对研 究 文 学 人 物 的命 运 选择 有很 重要 的指 导 意 义 , 从 而 也 为现 实 中 的人 提 供
发 现 了一些 先天 的 、 固有 的直 觉形式 , 即知觉 与领 悟 的 原 型 。它们 是一 切 心理 过 程 的必 不 可少 的先 天 要 素 , 正 如一 个人 的本 能迫 使他 进入 一种 特定 的存 在模 式一 样, 原 型 也 迫 使 知 觉 与 领 悟 进 入 某 些 特 定 的人 类 范 型” 。而且 生活 是原 型最 初 的来 源 , “ 生 活 中有 多少 典 型 的情境 就有 多少 原 型 。无 尽 的重 复 已经 将这 些经 验 刻入 我们 的心 理结 构 中 , 不 是 以带 有 内容 的 意象 形 式, 而是 在开 始 时 , 以为 内容 的 形 式 , 仅 仅 代 表着 某 一 类知 觉 和行 为 的可能 性 。当 和特定 的原 型相 对应 的情 境 出现 时 , 这 个原 型 被 激 活 , 并 强 制地 显 现 出来 , 就 像 种 本 能 的驱 动力 一 样 ” … 。作 家 在 创 作 时 , 心 理 结
女性视 角下 的集体 无意识表现 ; 从女性惯有 的爱情婚姻 、 家庭和阶级 门第的观点 出发 进行研 究, 论述 了《 艾玛》中选择 的
必然性 ; 借 此可以看到 简 ・ 奥 斯 汀作 为 女 性 作 家 , 虽然 较 以前 女 性 作 家有 了一 些 突破 和挑 战 , 但 并 不 能 完 全 走 出 父权 社
会 带给女性 的压抑 , 这可以说是女性天然形成 的弱 点或是 永远无法摆 脱的枷锁 。所 以借《 艾玛》中对女性 的选择 的集体
无意识分析 , 以此带给我们一些启发和深思 。
关 键词 : 《 艾玛》 ; 集体无意识 ; 女性视 角 ; 父权社会
中 图分 类 号 : 1 5 6 1 . 4 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 6 7 4 . 3 4 4 X( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 3 - 0 0 7 1 03 -
从 女 性 视 角 漫 谈 集 体 无 意 识
— —
分析《 艾玛》中的选择
申梦 萍
( 安 徽 大 学 外语 学院 , 合肥 2 3 0 6 0 1 )
摘 要: 根据 集体 无意识和原型理论重新 审视 简 ・ 奥斯 汀女性 小说《 艾玛》 , 分析《 艾玛》中主人公 的最终选择 , 从 而找 到
西 方 许 多 哲 学 家 和 心理 学 家 都 对 “ 无 意识 ” 做 出 了研究 分析 , 而“ 集体 无 意识 ” 理 论 的最 终提 出者 是 瑞 士哲学 家、 心理 学 家 荣格 ( C a r l G u s t a v J u n g , 1 8 7 5— 1 9 6 ) 。并 且荣 格把 原 型理 论 融 人 了 “ 集体无 意识” 当 中, 他 曾指 出 “ 最典 型的原型就是那些最频繁地对 自 我 产生 影 响 的原 型 , 而 且 主要 的原 型 意 象 来 自集 体无 意识 , 集 体无 意识 主要 由原 型组 成 ” 。“ ‘ 集体 无 意 识’ 本 身是 指 有 史 以来 沉 淀 于人 类 心灵 底 层 的 、 普 遍 共 同 的人类 本 能和 经验 遗 存 , 这种 遗 存 既 包 括 了生 物 学 意义 上 的 遗 传 , 也包括 了文化、 历 史 上 的文 明 的沉 淀” _ 2 J , 它 是 由先在 形 式一 原 型 组成 , 这 些 原 型 仅 能 间 接地 被 意识 到 , 赋 予 某 些 心 理 内容 以确 切 的形 式 。作 家在 进 行文 学创 作 时也 会 受 到 各 种原 型 的影 响 , 而最 终会 以文学作 品的确 切形 式 向读者 展示 出来 。 荣 格对 原 型的定 义是 由力 比多和集 体无 意识 结合 统一的实体 J 。他认 为这种“ 经 由遗 传具有 的性质 ,
构 中的无 意识会 被激 活 , 并 以此 为原 型 , 在 文 学作 品 中 会 创造 相对 应 的情境 。 拉康( J a q u e s L a c a n , 1 9 0 1—1 9 8 1 ) 也认 为 无 意识 总 是 先于 我们 而又 总是 逃 避 我 们 , 它 把 我们 作 为 主 体 带 进存 在 , 但它 又 总是跑 出我 们 的掌控 , 它能 够表 现为 某
2 0 1 5年 3月
湖北第二师范学 院学报
J o u r n a l o f Hu b e i Un i v e r s i t y o f Ed u c a t i o n
Ma r . 2 01 5
第3 2卷第 3 期
Vo 1 . 3 2 N o 斯 汀 女性作 家对 爱情 婚姻观 的无意识
简 ・ 奥斯 丁 ( J a n e A u s t e n, 1 7 7 5—1 8 1 7 ) 是 1 9世 纪英 国浪漫 主义 女性小 说家 的代 表人 物 。虽然 她 的作 品主要是 以女 性 的婚姻 爱情 为 主题 , 但 是 以小见 大 , 这 些却能够折射出英 国当时的一些社会形态 , 在英 国文 学 的发展 历史 上有 着重 要 的意义 。 当时西 方在经 历 了 两次 工业 革命 以后 , 资本 主义在迅 速 发展 , 英 国成 为 了 世界 工 厂 。当时英 国的资产 阶级 发展 主要 依赖殖 民掠 夺 和对工 人 阶级 的压 榨从 而 积 累资 本 , 然 而 他 们 的 思 想 和意识 形态 却没 有跟 上经 济 的发展 速度 。封建 贵族 阶级 的统 治地 位仍 然 不 能 被撼 动 , 社 会 中男 尊 女卑 的 思想依然根深蒂固。处于父权体制中的女性没有经济 支撑 , 也毫 无社 会地 位可 言 , 这些 直接 的 因素迫使 女性