管理经济学 精简版第1章 管理者利润及市场1.1管理经济和经济学理论1.2经济利润的度量和最大化——使用资源的经济成本(1)机会成本:企业所有者由于使用资源生产产品和服务而放弃的收益。
企业的价值=()()()()∑=+=++⋯⋯++++T T 1t t t T 221r 1r 1r 1r 1πππππt 是t 预期的经济利润,t r 是风险调整贴现率,T 是企业存在的年数。
《经济学基础》课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解经济学的基本概念,如供求关系、市场、资源等。
2. 学生能掌握经济学的基本原理,如边际效应、机会成本、市场均衡等。
3. 学生能了解我国经济发展历程及当前经济形势。
技能目标:1. 学生能运用经济学原理分析日常生活中的经济现象,提高解决问题的能力。
2. 学生能通过小组合作、讨论等方式,培养团队协作和沟通表达能力。
3. 学生能运用图表、数据等工具进行经济学分析,提高数据分析能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能认识到经济学在生活中的重要性,激发学习兴趣。
2. 学生能树立正确的消费观、价值观,培养良好的经济行为习惯。
3. 学生能关注国家经济发展,增强社会责任感和使命感。
二、教学内容本章节教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 经济学基本概念:介绍市场、供求、价格、资源等基本概念,使学生了解经济学的基石。
2. 经济学原理:讲解边际效应、机会成本、市场均衡等基本原理,培养学生经济学思维。
3. 经济学分析方法:教授图表、数据等经济学分析工具,提高学生的数据分析能力。
4. 我国经济发展概况:介绍我国经济发展历程、现状及未来趋势,增强学生的国家意识。
5. 日常生活中的经济学:分析日常生活中的经济现象,引导学生运用经济学知识解决实际问题。
教学内容依据教材章节进行组织,具体安排如下:1. 第一章:经济学基本概念(第1-2节)2. 第二章:经济学原理(第3-4节)3. 第三章:经济学分析方法(第5-6节)4. 第四章:我国经济发展概况(第7节)5. 第五章:日常生活中的经济学(第8-9节)教学内容注重科学性和系统性,结合课程目标,合理安排教学进度,确保学生在掌握基本经济学知识的同时,能够将所学应用于实际生活。
经济学原理第九版中译本《经济学原理第九版(中译本)》是一本经济学教材,由N.G. Lomasky、Gertrude Ezorsky和亚伯拉罕·肯尼迪编写,并由华东师范大学出版社在中国出版。
大四的课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能深入理解并掌握大四阶段的核心学科理论知识,如经济学原理、高级数据分析等。
2. 学生能运用所学专业知识,分析并解决实际问题,形成对所学领域的深刻见解。
3. 学生能了解当前学科领域的发展动态和前沿问题,为未来研究或工作打下坚实基础。
技能目标:1. 学生能够独立完成课程论文的撰写,提高研究、分析、写作和表达能力。
2. 学生通过参与小组讨论和项目实践,培养团队合作、沟通协调和解决问题的能力。
3. 学生能够运用现代信息技术手段,如统计分析软件、数据库等,进行数据处理和分析。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生培养对所学专业的热爱和敬业精神,树立正确的人生观和价值观。
2. 学生通过课程学习,增强社会责任感和时代使命感,关注国家和社会发展。
3. 学生在学术研究中,遵循学术道德,尊重他人成果,培养诚信、公正的品质。
二、教学内容本课程依据课程目标,科学系统地组织以下教学内容:1. 专业理论知识深化:包括高级宏观经济学、高级微观经济学、国际经济学、金融市场与投资等核心章节的学习,每个章节配以案例分析和专题讨论,加深学生理论知识的理解。
2. 实践技能培养:结合统计软件应用、数据库管理、市场调研方法等教学内容,通过模拟项目操作,提高学生的实际操作能力。
3. 研究与创新:引导学生学习当前学科领域的前沿动态,进行文献综述和课题研究,鼓励学生提出创新性观点。
2. Answers will vary.
3. (a) normative 标准的inheritance tax 遗产税
(b) positive 肯定的,真实的
(c) normative
4. Average cost 平均成本 is $1.17 ($19.95?17 hours). Marginal cost 边际成本is $0.
5. (a) The state国家 should allow the market to provide what people want. Since gambling
赌博is not mandatory强制性的, only those who want to gamble will do so. Tax revenues that arise from casino 赌场gambling are paid that casino gambling is associated with criminal activity 犯罪活动that
has a cost to the community at large. In addition, gambling can be addictive,上瘾的 and sometimes entices 诱使those who can least 最少的afford it to participate. These concerns bear on对。。。有影响 the efficiency argument to the extent that there are costs from gambling not reflected in the price of gambling. These costs could potentially affect the community at large (e.g., more crime, the social cost of addiction上瘾) or the individual (to the extent that gambling creates unwanted addiction).
双语财政学第九版课件 (1)[14页]
❖ Public finance is the field of economics that
studies government activities and the alternative means of financing government expenditures.
❖ Circular flow in the mixed economy (figure 1.2)
❖ -The upper and lower loops represent transactions between household and business firms in markets. Households use the income they earn from the sale of productive services to purchase the outputs of business firms.
Public Finance
(9th Edition)
Author: David N. Hyman
Chapter 1 ❖Individuals and government
In this text, you will study the role governments play in allocation resources and how individual choices influence what governments do. You also will study how government policies affect the incentives of workers, investors, and corporations to engage in productive activities.
FYI: The Production Function• Y = A F(L, K, H, N)• Y = quantity of output• A = available production technology• L = quantity of labor• K = quantity of physical capital• H = quantity of human capital• N = quantity of natural resources• F( ) is a function that shows how the inputs are combined.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
ECONOMIC GROWTH ANDPUBLIC POLICY• Government policies that raise productivity and living standards– Encourage saving and investment.– Encourage investment from abroad.– Encourage education and training.– Establish secure property rights and maintain political stability.– Promote free trade.– Promote research and development.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
How Productivity Is Determined• Technological knowledge includes society’s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services.• Human capital includes the resources expended transmitting this understanding to the labor force.
FinancialAccounting第九版课程设计 (2)
Financial Accounting第九版课程设计项目背景金融会计是与金融有关的各种技术和知识的一种综合性运用,它主要研究和分析金融活动对财务报告的影响以及经济目标的实现过程。
Financial Accounting第九版是一本重要的财务会计教材,它涵盖了财务报表制作、管理分析和财务决策等方面的内容。
会计基础英文版第九版课程设计1. IntroductionThe Accounting Fundamentals course is designed for students who are interested in developing a strong foundation in accounting principles, concepts, and practices. This course is the ninth edition of the Accounting Fundamentals series and has been developed with a focus on helping students understand the basics of accounting through practical examples, discussions, and exercises. The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the accounting cycle, financial statement preparation, and the use of accounting information in decision-making processes.2. Course objectivesThe objectives of the course are as follows:1.To provide students with an understanding of accountingprinciples, concepts, and practices.2.To help students expln the accounting cycle and preparefinancial statements.3.To enable students to use accounting information to makebusiness decisions.4.To develop students’ critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities through practical examples and exercises.5.To prepare students for further studies in accounting,finance, and business.3. Course outlineThe Accounting Fundamentals course will cover the following topics:1.Introduction to accounting–Definition of accounting–The accounting cycle–Types of accounting–Ethics in accounting2.Financial statements–Balance sheet–Income statement–Statement of cash flows3.Accounting principles–Accounting equation–Journal entries–T-accounts–Debits and credits4.Inventory accounting–Methods of inventory accounting–Cost of goods sold–Valuing inventory5.Receivables and payables–Accounts receivable–Accounts payable–Bad debts6.Depreciation–Strght-line method–Accelerated method–Depreciation schedules7.Budgeting–Budgeting process–Types of budgets–Budgeted balance sheet and income statement8.Decision making–Cost-volume-profit analysis–Marginal analysis–Break-even analysis4. Course resourcesThe following resources will be provided to support students’ learning:•Textbook: Horngren’s Accounting Fundamentals (9th editi on) by Tracie L. Miller-Nobles, Brenda L. Mattison, and Ella MaeMatsumura.•Lecture slides: PowerPoint presentations covering the course topics and learning objectives.•Online quizzes: Multiple-choice quizzes to assess students’ understanding of the course material.•Practice exercises: Hands-on exercises to develop students’ skills in applying accounting principles and concepts.•Discussion forums: Online discussion forums to facilitate discussion and collaboration among students.5. EvaluationThe following components will be used to evaluate students’ performance in the Accounting Fundamentals course:•Quizzes: 20%•Practice exercises: 30%•Midterm exam: 25%•Final exam: 25%6. ConclusionThe Accounting Fundamentals course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles, concepts, and practices. Through practical examples, discussions, and exercises, students will develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities necessary for success in accounting, finance, and business. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to prepare financial statements, use accounting information to make business decisions, and pursue further studies in accounting and related areas.。
Probability Theory Basic Tutorial Course Design - 9thEdition (English Version)IntroductionThis document outlines the course design for the Probability Theory Basic Tutorial, 9th edition in English. The course is designed for students who have a basic understanding of mathematics and areinterested in probability theory. The m of the course is to provide a strong foundation in probability theory, including basic concepts, principles, and applications.Course ObjectiveThe course ms to:•Provide a basic understanding of probability theory•Introduce students to the fundamental concepts and principles of probability theory•Develop skills in using probability theory to solve real-world problems•Build a solid foundation for further study in probability theoryCourse ContentThe course will cover the following topics:Week 1: Introduction to Probability•Probability and its importance•Sample space and events•Probability axiomsWeek 2: Combinatorics•Permutations and combinations•Binomial theoremWeek 3: Conditional Probability and Independence•Conditional probability•Bayes’ theorem•IndependenceWeek 4: Probability Distributions•Discrete random variables•Probability mass function•Cumulative distribution functionWeek 5: Continuous Random Variables•Probability density function•Cumulative distribution function•Uniform, Exponential, and Normal distributionsWeek 6: Joint and Conditional Distributions•Joint distributions•Marginal distributions•Conditional distributionsWeek 7: Moment Generating Functions•Definition and properties of moment generating functions •Calculation of momentsWeek 8: Central Limit Theorem•Statement of the central limit theorem•Applications of the central limit theoremWeek 9: Markov Chns•Markov chns•Transition probability matrices•Steady-state probabilitiesWeek 10: Introduction to Stochastic Processes•Stochastic processes and random walks•Poisson processes•MartingalesCourse MaterialsThe following materials will be used for the course:•Textbook: Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course by Achim Klenke, 2nd edition (English version)•Lecture notes and exercises will be provided weekly•Online resources including interactive simulations, quizzes, and videos will be provided.Course AssessmentAssessment will be based on the following components:•Weekly assignments (40%)•Mid-term Exam (30%)•Final Exam (30%)ConclusionThis course design ms to provide students with a strong foundation in probability theory and an ability to apply the principles learned to real-world problems. The course materials provide a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental concepts, principles, and applications of probability theory necessary for further study in the field.。
Teaching Design for Linear Algebra English 9thEditionIntroductionLinear Algebra is a fundamental course in mathematics that studies linear relationships and mappings between vector spaces. This course is widely used in many fields such as physics, engineering, computer science, and economics. In this teaching design, we m to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques of linear algebra.The textbook we use is the English 9th edition of Linear Algebra by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres. This edition contns clear explanations, numerous examples, and exercises at the end of each section. We will use this textbook as our primary resource for teaching.Learning Objectives•Develop an understanding of basic concepts and operations in linear algebra, including vectors, matrices, linear equations,determinants, and eigenvalues.•Develop problem-solving skills in applying linear algebra concepts to real-world applications.•Develop critical thinking skills in analyzing complex linear algebra problems and proving mathematical theorems.Course OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to Vectors•Vector fundamentals•Vector addition and subtraction•Scalar multiplication•Dot product and projections•Cross productWeek 2: Linear Equations and Matrices•Systems of linear equations•Gaussian elimination•Matrices: notation and operations•Matrix inverses•Elementary matrices•LU factorizationWeek 3: Determinants and Eigenvalues•Determinants: properties and calculations•Cramer’s rule•Eigenvalues and eigenvectors•Diagonalization of matrices•Applications of determinants and eigenvalues Week 4: Vector Spaces•Vector spaces and subspaces•Span and linear independence•Basis and dimension•Orthogonal bases and Gram-Schmidt process•Applications of vector spacesWeek 5: Linear Transformations•Linear transformations and matrices•Change of basis•Kernel and range•Rank and nullity•Matrix of a linear transformationWeek 6: Inner Product Spaces•Inner product and norm•Orthonormal bases and orthogonal complements•Gram-Schmidt process in inner product spaces•Applications of inner product spacesTeaching Strategies•Lectures: Through lectures, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the concepts and techniques of linear algebra. We will use examples to illustrate and clarify the concepts presented in each section of the textbook.•Discussions: We will encourage students to participate in class discussions, where we can further expln and discuss anyunclear concepts or examples. We will also provide students with opportunities to ask questions and address any doubts they have during these discussions.•Group work: We will assign group work for students to complete in class or as homework to provide them with practicalapplication experience in solving linear algebra problems. We will also encourage students to discuss and work together on thesegroup assignments.•Assessments: In addition to regular homework assignments, we will design quizzes and exams to evaluate students’ understanding of the course. These assessments will be based on the coursecontent covered in the course outline and textbook.ConclusionThrough this teaching design, students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts and techniques of linear algebra, providing them with a strong foundation for further study or practical application. By actively participating in class discussions, completing group assignments, and regularly practicing with textbook exercises and assessments, students will gn critical problem-solving skills and hone their analytical abilities.。
教学内容第一章:概率基础理论1.概率的概念和性质2.古典概型和几何概型3.条件概率和乘法公式4.独立性、全概率公式和贝叶斯公式第二章:随机变量1.随机变量的概念和性质2.离散型随机变量和连续型随机变量3.随机变量的分布函数和密度函数第三章:概率分布1.离散型随机变量的概率分布2.连续型随机变量的概率分布3.均匀分布、正态分布和 Poisson 分布第四章:数理统计1.样本、样本空间和统计量2.点估计和区间估计3.参数检验和假设检验第五章:极限定理1.大数定律和中心极限定理2.统计推断中的极限定理应用教学方法本课程采用讲授、练习和探究相结合的教学方法。
教材概率论基础教程英文版第九版(Probability: Theory and Examples, Ninth Edition),作者:Richard Durrett。
参考资源1.Sheldon M. Ross. A First Course in Probability, TenthEdition (2018).2.Peter G. Olofsson. Probability, Statistics, and StochasticProcesses, Third Edition (2017).3.Allan Gut. Probability: A Graduate Course, Second Edition(2013).结束语本课程旨在通过系统讲解概率论基础知识,培养学生科学的思维方式,提高问题分析和解决问题的能力。
公司理财精要版英文原书第九版教学设计 (2)
IntroductionCompany finance is a crucial aspect of any organization, as it determines the financial stability and profitability of a company. Therefore, it is essential to understand the concepts and principles of corporate finance to make sound financial decisions. To achieve this, the Company Finance Essentials textbook has been developed to provide a comprehensive overview of the key topics in corporate finance. This paper presents a teaching design for the ninth edition of the Company Finance Essentials textbook.Learning ObjectivesThe primary m of this teaching design is to enable learners to:1.Understand the key concepts and principles of corporatefinance.2.Analyze financial statements to assess a company’sfinancial performance.3.Apply appropriate techniques and tools to make soundfinancial decisions.4.Evaluate investment opportunities using different methods.5.Understand the role and functions of financial markets andinstitutions.Teaching StrategiesTo achieve the learning objectives, the following teaching strategies will be employed:Lecture SessionsLectures will be used to present essential concepts, theories, and models in corporate finance to the learners. The lectures will be delivered using multimedia tools such as PowerPoint slides and videos to enhance the learners’ understanding and engagement.Class DiscussionsClass discussions will be used to encourage learners’ participation in the learning process actively. The learners will be divided into small groups, and each group will be given a case study to discuss and present their findings to the class. The case studies will be related to the topics covered in the lectures.AssignmentsThe learners will be given assignments to enable them to apply the concepts learned in the lectures and the class discussions. The assignments will include analyzing financial statements of companies, evaluating investment opportunities, and making financial decisions based on the avlable information.ExaminationsThe learners’ understanding and mastery o f the key concepts and principles of corporate finance will be assessed through written examinations. The examinations will consist of both objective and subjective questions that cover the topics covered in the lectures, the class discussions, and the assignments.Assessment of Learning OutcomesThe learning outcomes will be assessed through the following methods: Continuous AssessmentContinuous assessment of the learners’ progress will be carried out through the assignments and class participation. The learners’ performance in these activities will contribute to their final grade.ExaminationsThe learners’ understanding and mastery of the key concepts and principles of corporate finance will be assessed through the written examinations. The examinations will be designed to assess the learners’ ability to analyze financial statements, evaluate investment opportunities, and make sound financial decisions.ConclusionThe Company Finance Essentials textbook is a useful resource for the learners who want to understand the key concepts and principles of corporate finance. The teaching design presented in this paper will enable learners to achieve the learning objectives and apply the concepts learned in real-world situations. The teaching strategies employed, including lecture sessions, class discussions, assignments,and examinations, will provide a comprehensive learning experience for the learners.。
运筹学导论英文版提高篇第九版课程设计 (2)
Introduction to Operations Research, Advanced CourseDesign for the 9th EditionCourse OverviewThis advanced course in the 9th edition of Introduction to Operations Research focuses on applying the concepts and methods of operations research in real-world situations. The course covers optimization techniques, linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, simulation, and decision analysis. The course is designed to provide students with the ability to use these techniques to tackle problems in various fields such as transportation, logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare.Learning ObjectivesUpon the completion of this course, students will be able to:1.Apply optimization techniques in solving practical problems2.Formulate and solve linear and nonlinear programmingproblems3.Understand the principles of dynamic programming and applythem to practical problems4.Formulate and solve integer programming problems5.Understand simulation techniques and use them to modelcomplex systems6.Analyze decision-making processes and use decision analysistechniques to make better decisionsCourse ContentModule 1: Optimization TechniquesThis module covers the principles of optimization and various optimization techniques such as gradient descent, conjugate gradient, and Newton’s method. The module also covers unconstrned optimization and constrned optimization problems.Module 2: Linear and Nonlinear ProgrammingThis module covers the principles of linear programming and its applications in real-world problems. The module also covers nonlinear programming problems and the use of optimization software to solve them.Module 3: Dynamic ProgrammingThis module covers the principles of dynamic programming and its applications in solving sequential decision-making problems. The module also covers the Bellman equation, the principle of optimality, and the use of dynamic programming to solve real-world problems.Module 4: Integer ProgrammingThis module covers the principles of integer programming and its applications in various fields such as transportation and logistics. The module also covers the use of branch and bound, cutting plane, and other techniques to solve integer programming problems.Module 5: SimulationThis module covers the principles of simulation and its applications in modeling complex systems. The module also covers techniques forgenerating random numbers, selecting probability distributions, and validating simulation models.Module 6: Decision AnalysisThis module covers the principles of decision analysis and its applications in making better decisions. The module also covers decision trees, utility theory, and sensitivity analysis.Course DesignThe course is designed to provide a mix of theoretical concepts and practical applications. The course will use a combination of lectures, case studies, and computer lab sessions to teach the concepts and methods of operations research. The computer lab sessions will use optimization software such as Gurobi, CPLEX, and AMPL to solve real-world problems. The case studies will cover various fields such as transportation, logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare.EvaluationThe final grade for the course will be based on the following components:1.Assignments: 30%2.Mid-term Exam: 30%3.Final Exam: 40%ConclusionThis advanced course in the 9th edition of Introduction to Operations Research provides students with a deeper understanding of theconcepts and methods of operations research and their applications in real-world situations. The course is designed to prepare students for careers in various fields such as transportation, logistics, manufacturing, and healthcare, where operations research is used to solve complex problems.。
Advanced Financial Accounting 第九版课程设计简介Advanced Financial Accounting 第九版课程设计是一门专门针对会计学的高级课程。
本课程以 McGraw Hill Higher Education 出版的第九版书籍为参考教材,帮助学生深入理解会计学的各个方面,以及应用这些知识进行财务管理和决策。
教材信息本课程采用 McGraw Hill Higher Education 出版的 Advanced Financial Accounting(第九版)作为参考教材。
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Principles of Economics, 9th Edition: Course Design Course Overview
The Principles of Economics course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of economics. Students will learn about microeconomics, which studies the behavior of individual economic actors such as consumers and firms, and macroeconomics, which focuses on the aggregate behavior of the entire economy. The course is based on the 9th edition of Principles of Economics, written by N. Gregory Mankiw.
The course is divided into 14 modules, with each module covering a different topic. The first part of the course covers microeconomics, while the second part focuses on macroeconomics. The modules are designed to build upon each other, so that students can develop a clear understanding of the concepts and theories that underpin economic behavior.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1.Expln the basic concepts of economics and how they relate to
real-world situations
2.Analyze the behavior of individual economic actors such as
consumers, firms, and markets
3.Understand the factors that influence the level of economic
activity and growth in the economy
4.Evaluate fiscal and monetary policy and their effects on the
Course Content
Module 1: Ten Principles of Economics
This module introduces students to the ten basic principles of economics, such as how people make decisions and how markets work.
Module 2: Thinking Like an Economist
This module teaches students how to think like an economist, including how to make assumptions, use graphs, and analyze data.
Module 3: Interdependence and the Gns from Trade
This module explores the concepts of interdependence and trade, and how countries can benefit from specialization and trade.
Module 4: The Market Forces of Supply and Demand
This module explns the basic principles of supply and demand and how they interact in markets.
Module 5: Elasticity and Its Application
This module delves deeper into the concept of elasticity and how it affects the behavior of buyers and sellers in markets.
Module 6: Supply, Demand, and Government Policies
This module looks at how governments can influence markets through policies such as price controls and taxes.
Module 7: Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets
This module examines the concept of market efficiency and how it can be measured.
Module 8: Application: The Costs of Taxation
This module applies the concepts of supply and demand to taxation, analyzing the effects of taxes on the behavior of buyers and sellers.
Module 9: International Trade
This module explores the benefits and costs of international trade and analyzes the factors that influence trade patterns between countries.
Module 10: Externalities
This module introduces the concept of externalities and how they can affect market outcomes.
Module 11: Public Goods and Common Resources
This module examines public goods and common resources, analyzing
the role of government in addressing the problems associated with their provision.
Module 12: The Design of the Tax System
This module discusses the principles of tax design and how they can be applied to create an efficient and fr tax system.
Module 13: The Costs of Production
This module explores the factors that determine the costs of production and how firms make decisions about production.
Module 14: Firms in Competitive Markets
This module looks at the behavior of firms in competitive markets
and analyzes the factors that influence their decisions about pricing
and output.
Course Requirements
Students are expected to attend all lectures and complete all assignments on time. Assignments will include readings from the textbook, problem sets, and written assignments. Grades will be based on class participation, assignments, and exams.
The Principles of Economics course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories
that underpin economic behavior. Students will learn about micro and macroeconomics, market forces, taxation, international trade, and more. Through this course, students will be able to apply economic principles to real-world situations and make informed decisions about economic issues.。