



随着社会经济 的发展 , 电力的需求大大增加 , 对 电
力工业 也 得 到 了迅 速发 展 , 年 来 , 造 了 大量 的输 电 近 建 塔 。输 电塔结 构 具 有 轻 质 、 柔 、 阻 尼 的 特 性 , 高 小 自振 频 率低 , 此 对 风 荷 载 的作 用 比较 敏 感 , 强 风 作 用 因 在
( ) 导线 :G 1 L J一6 0 5, 3 / 自重 2 0 g m, 径 .6k/ 外
图 1 输 电塔线体 系 A S S模型 NY
F g 1 AN YS mo e o a s s in tw rl e s se i. S d l f r n mis o e —i y t m t o n

第3 0卷第 7期

输 电 塔 塔 线 体 系 风 振 响 应 分 析
谢华平 ,何敏娟
( .湘潭大学 土木工程 与力 学学 院 , 1 湘潭 4 10 ; .同济大学 建筑工程系 , 1 15 2 上海 20 9 ) 0 0 2
月“ 娜 ”台 风 在 浙 江 登 陆 , 坏 的 输 电 线 路 达 到 云 损 332k 20 4 m;05年 4月 , 于 江 苏 盯 胎 的 同 塔 双 回路 位
D vno 、 o e 等学者 I 对频域分 析方法进行 了 aepr H l s t m 9 研究 , 郭勇、 孙炳楠等 。 。 用频域方法分析了大跨越输电
wih u h s o dswe e a a y e t o tt o e l a r rn ;ta s si n twe - n y tm ;d n mi c aa tr t s y wo d : i d e gn e g r n mis o rl e s se i o i y a c h r ce i i ;wi d i d c d r s o s se n — u e e p n e n


5 5 4 4 3 3 g、避恒 2 2 l l
∞ 如∞如∞如∞如∞如0 -2400-1800.1200-600 0 600 1200 1800 2400
水平档距/m 圈3塔顶位移影响线 Fig.3 Influence Iine of tower
0 -2400.1800.1200一600
图2悬吊摆系统 Fig.2 Suspended mass pendulum system
第27卷第3期 2009年06月
V01.27.No.3 Jurl.,2009
郭 勇1,孙炳楠2”,叶 尹1,楼文娟2,沈国辉2
(1.浙江省电力设计院,浙江杭州 310014;2.浙江大学.浙江杭州310027, 3.浙江大学宁波理工学院,浙江宁波 315100)
定义顺导线向为z向,垂直导线向为y向,大跨 越工程整体为三跨四基塔结构。建立塔线体系的力 学模型时,两端耐张塔可视为固定端,跨越塔、悬挂绝 缘子和输电线分别采用动力等效的梁单元、空间杆单 元与悬链线索单元D3进行模拟。全部塔线体系的空 间有限元模型共有182个单元、181个节点,其中每





































保密□ ,在_____年解密后适用本授权书。 不保密□。
学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日
指导教师签名: 日期: 年 月 日
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
1 绪
1.1 研究的目的及源问题日益成为经济与稳定持续发展的瓶 颈。为了适应国民经济持续发展的需要,国家电网公司规划建设交流 1000kV 特高压 电网,突破局部区域电力自我平衡的束缚,在更大范围内优化配置电力资源,以促 进大煤电基地、大水电基地、大核电基地的集约化开发,实现我国有限能源资源的 高效利用和开发。特高压交流电网被喻为电力输送的高速公路,1000kV 级特高压输 电线路是迄今为止世界上最高电压的交流输电线路,目前世界上仅俄罗斯和日本拥 有 1000kV 特高压交流电网,但均为短距离输电,在我国还是空白。我国规划拟建的 特高压交流电网,属长距离大容量输电,具有输电效率高、损耗低的优点。 特超高压工程是我国“十一五”期间最重大的工程之一,举世注目。它的建设 对我国经济的持续发展将产生重大作用,不容任何闪失。其中输电塔结构作为特高 压输电线路的支撑体,一旦破坏会导致整个供电系统的瘫痪,不仅严重影响人们生 产建设、生活秩序,关系到国际名声,而且还会产生火灾等次生灾害,给社会和人 民的生命财产造成严重的后果。输电塔是一种高耸高柔性结构,对动荷载,尤其是 风荷载比较敏感,易产生较大的静位移和动力响应。在我国,输电塔系统的破坏情 况比较严重,输电塔被风吹倒之事,几乎每年都有发生。因此对输电塔进行风振控 制研究成为电力工程与土木工程界的一个重要研究课题,它既有其重要的理论意义, 又有其重要的经济价值。 本课题以晋东南-南阳-荆门 1000kV 输电线路工程为研究背景, 结合工程的特点, 通过三维有限元仿真和风速场的数值模拟,研究了输电塔的动力特性、风致相应、 提出了相关的减振措施,可作为我国特高压输电塔的建设和安全运营的技术参考。











具体研究内容包括:1. 建立特高压输电塔的数学模型,考虑其结构和材料等因素,分析其振动特性和抗风能力。

2. 研究特高压输电塔线体系受风时的动力响应特性,包括振动加速度、位移等参数。

3. 建立特高压输电塔线体系风振疲劳计算模型,分析其疲劳损伤程度和可靠寿命。

4. 对比分析不同特高压输电塔的风振响应和风振疲劳性能,寻求设计和改进建议,加强输电塔线体系的抗风能力。


三、研究方法和技术路线本课题主要采用数值模拟方法和实验测量方法,具体步骤如下:1. 建立特高压输电塔的数学模型,进行有限元分析,考虑其结构和材料等因素,确定其振动特性和抗风能力指标。

2. 构建特高压输电塔线体系的实验平台,进行风洞试验,测量塔体和导线等部位受风时的动力响应参数。

3. 基于测量数据,建立特高压输电塔线体系风振疲劳计算模型,分析其疲劳损伤程度和可靠寿命。


通过改变输电线的结构、材料等,提高输电线的 抗冰能力,减少覆冰的形成和附着。
根据不同的气候条件和输电线路特点,选择合适 的控制方法,并优化控制策略,以达到更好的控 制效果。
针对不同的覆冰情况,制定相应的防护措施,如增加巡检次数、加强线路监测、 做好应急预案等。
目前的研究主要集中在覆冰形成机制和脱落现象的 描述上,而对输电塔线体系风致覆冰脱落动力响应 的研究尚不够深入,缺乏系统性的分析和研究。此 外,覆冰脱落过程中的复杂力学行为和影响因素仍 需进一步探讨。
本研究旨在通过对输电塔线体系风致覆冰脱落动力响 应的研究,揭示其发生机制和影响因素,主要研究内 容包括:建立输电塔线体系的精细化模型;模拟和分 析不同风速、覆冰厚度等条件下的覆冰脱落现象;探 讨覆冰脱落过程中的力学行为和影响因素;提出相应 的防治措施和建议。
一款科学计算软件,可用 于输电塔线体系的简单模 型仿真和数据处理。
根据实测数据和规范 要求设定,需要考虑 风速随高度的变化。
根据实测数据和规范 要求设定,需要考虑 不同部位覆冰厚度的 差异。
根据实际工程进行建 模,需要考虑各部件 的物理特性和连接方 式。
通过与实测数据进行 对比,验证数值模拟 方法的准确性和可靠 性。
输电塔线体系风致覆冰脱落动 力响应分析
在气温较低的环境下,水汽在输 电线路表面凝结,形成冰层。
































建立了能够考虑SSI效应的输电塔线体系风振响应分析的两种简化模型,一种是基于ANSYS的简化模型一,将地基土用一系列COMBIN14弹簧单元等效,均匀分布于基础周围;另一种是基于MATLAB的简化模型二,输电线简化为垂链模型,输电塔简化为集中质量模型,地基基础采用S-R 模型。







要: 基于风洞试验得到的输电塔线性一阶广义荷载谱 , 推导了一般性的输电塔顺风向 、 横风向脉动风荷载功
率谱公式。利用此功率谱, 模拟了塔线体系顺风向 、 横风向脉动风荷载。对输电塔线体系及单塔的动力特性进行了分析 , 分析表明, 在远低于单塔同阶振型的自振频率时 , 塔线体系中的输电塔平面外振型就会与导地线振动耦合 。对单塔及输 电塔 - 线体系进行非线性动力时程分析 , 得到了位移、 加速度和内力等响应的时程 , 对比了有、 无横风向脉动风荷载的风 振响应, 并分析了风振响应的功率谱 。 关键词: 风工程; 输电塔线体系; 动力特性; 风振响应 中图分类号: TU392. 6 文献标识码: A
[16 ]
( 1) ( 2)
, 有: 2 F tpi ( t) = C pi ( 1 / 2 ) ρ a[ U i ( t) ] Ai
( 6)
C pi 、 Ui ( t ) 、 A i 分别为第 i 段的风荷载、 式中: F ( t) 、 压 力系数、 风速和构件投影面积; ρ a 为空气密度。 将风速 ( 1) 即 Ut ( t ) = Ut + 表示为 平 均 风 速 和 脉 动 风 速 之 和, u' i ( t) , 代入式( 6 ) 得: F tpi ( t) = C pi ( 1 / 2 ) ρ a[ U2 i + 2 U i u' i ( t) + u' i ( t) 2] Ai ( 7) u' i ( t) 相对比较小, 可以忽略, 故得到 i 段脉动风荷载 如下: F pi ( t) = C pi ρ a U i u' i ( t) A i ( 8)
2 2
输电塔线体系 ANSYS 模型



特高压输电线路风振响应特性及塔线体系影响分析发布时间:2021-03-16T12:33:34.273Z 来源:《中国电业》2020年30期作者:姜然凇[导读] 登塔是输电线路施工、巡视和检修的重要技术手段,而特高压输电线路截面大且为高耸的塔线耦合的弱阻尼系统,姜然凇中国电力工程顾问集团东北电力设计院有限公司吉林长春 130021摘要:登塔是输电线路施工、巡视和检修的重要技术手段,而特高压输电线路截面大且为高耸的塔线耦合的弱阻尼系统,其风致振动特性及其对登塔作业人员的影响对确保作业和人员安全具有重要意义。

针对±800 kV 直流输电线路建立了输电线路塔线耦合体系有限元模型,基于风速随高度变化的 Kaimal 谱和谐波叠加法生成了 2 m 高风速分别为 6、8、10 m/s 的风速时程,应用模拟的风荷载对三塔两线体系在 A、B 两种地形下的风振响应进行了时域分析,并讨论了铁塔振动对登塔作业人员的影响。

结果表明:在 2 m 高风速为 6 m/s 时,A、B 塔线体系整体风速都没有超过 10 m/s,铁塔各部位风致振动的位移较小,典型作业位置处作业人员基本没有不舒适感;在 2 m 高风速为 10 m/s 时,铁塔横担以及地线支架处位移较大,作业人员的登塔作业人员感到极不舒适,存在高空坠落风险。

建议登塔作业人员测量风速时将地面测量的风速修正到作业位置高度处,修正值小于 10 m/s 再进行登塔作业。



GB 26859—2011 《电力安全工作规程-电力线路部分》以及电网公司安全作业规程中均对高空作业的风速给出了相应的规定要求,然而风速的测量高度以及适用的高度都没有给出明确的要求。









三、研究内容和方法1. 研究内容(1)分析和梳理输电塔线体系的结构特点、受力情况和振动形态等信息;(2)根据实际工程情况,确定风洞实验模型的几何构型和实验参数,以及采用的传感器、数据采集器等实验设备;(3)进行风洞试验,对±800kV直流特高压输电塔线体系在不同风速下的受力情况、振动特征进行实验测量,并记录、分析和处理实验数据;(4)使用ANSYS工具对输电塔线体系进行有限元模拟计算,建立相应的计算模型,并通过计算分析和实验数据对比的方法,探究输电塔线体系结构参数对风振响应的影响;(5)在理论计算和实验测量的基础上,提出抑制输电塔线体系风振响应、改善其稳定性和可靠性的方案。

2. 研究方法在本研究中,将采用风洞试验和数值模拟计算相结合的方法,分析±800kV直流特高压输电塔线体系的动力学响应特性。











本文提出以下建模方法:1. 理论建模:基于流体力学、弹性力学等理论,建立输电导线微风振动的数学模型。


2. 实验建模:通过在实验室或现场进行实验,获取输电导线在不同风速、不同张力等条件下的振动数据。


3. 仿真建模:利用计算机仿真技术,将理论建模和实验建模的结果进行整合,建立输电导线微风振动的仿真模型。



本文提出以下仿真步骤:1. 设定仿真参数:根据实际需求,设定风速、风向、导线张力等仿真参数。

2. 运行仿真:利用仿真软件,运行建立的防振模型,得到导线在不同条件下的振动情况。

3. 分析结果:对仿真结果进行分析,得出导线振动的规律和特点。


五、防振措施及优化根据仿真分析结果,提出以下防振措施及优化建议:1. 增加导线的刚度:通过改变导线材料、结构等方式,提高导线的刚度,降低振动幅度。







二、建模方法1. 物理模型针对输电导线的微风振动问题,首先需要建立物理模型。



2. 数学模型在建立物理模型的基础上,需要进一步建立数学模型。





















对于输电导线而言,这种振动可能会引起多种问题:1. 损伤导线的表面:长期的振动会磨损导线表面的绝缘层,降低导线的电气性能。

2. 加剧导线的疲劳损伤:频繁的振动会导致导线内部的金属材料疲劳,增加断裂的风险。

3. 引发设备的松动和脱落:振动可能导致线路上的附件和设备松动,甚至脱落,进一步引发安全事故。


1. 防振建模在建模过程中,考虑了导线的材料特性、结构特点、风力特性等因素。




2. 仿真分析利用仿真软件对建立的模型进行了仿真分析。




四、仿真结果与讨论1. 仿真结果仿真结果表明,在微风作用下,输电导线会发生低幅度的连续振动。



2. 讨论根据仿真结果,可以得出以下结论:首先,针对不同地区和气候条件下的风力特性,应选择合适的防振措施;其次,应根据实际需要调整防振措施的参数,以达到最佳的防振效果;最后,定期对输电线路进行检测和维护,确保其稳定性和安全性。


of subsequent transmission tower line.
Key words:tower line couplingꎻtransmission tower lineꎻwind ̄induced responseꎻwind load
1 引言
2 风致响应的数值计算方式
[1] 刘孟龙ꎬ吕洪坤ꎬ罗坤ꎬ等. 真实山地地形条件下输电塔线体系
风致响应数值模拟[ J] . 振动与冲击ꎬ2020ꎬ39(24) :232 - 239.
[2] 吴田ꎬ张超ꎬ方春华ꎬ等. 特高压输电线路塔线体系风振响应特
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conductor have a certain coupling effectꎬwhen the transmission tower line receives the wind loadꎬthe coupling effect
may have adverse effects on the transmission tower line. In order to solve the above problemsꎬthis paper focuses on
不利风向角为 30°ꎬ且此时 15° 的主材轴力大于 45°
的主材轴力ꎮ 由此可得ꎬ塔线耦合作用会对输电塔
溶解气体分析和判断导则[ S] . 北京:中国电力科学研究院ꎬ2001.
[11] 国家质量监督检验检疫总局. GB / T 7595—2017 运行中变压
Abstract:Due to the characteristics of long transmission line and easy to be affected by the surrounding environ ̄



振 动 与 冲 击第29卷第8期J OURNAL OF V IBRAT I ON AND SHOCKVo.l 29No .82010输电杆塔阵风响应实测与准静态设计研究基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(50638010);教育部创新团队(I RT0518);高等学校博士点基金(20060141027)收稿日期:2009-04-17 修改稿收到日期:2009-06-17第一作者李宏男男,博士,教授,博士生导师,1957年生李宏男1,白海峰2,伊廷华1,任 亮1(1.大连理工大学海岸与近海工程国家重点实验室,大连 116024;2.大连交通大学土木与安全工程学院,大连 116028)摘 要:为分析输电塔的动力特性和阵风响应因子的变化规律,在现场风荷载条件下,对作用于新建输电塔的脉动风速及其各部位加速度和基底动应变响应进行了同步实测。



关键词:输电杆塔;动态测试;模态识别;有限元分析;动力特性;阵风响应因子中图分类号:TU 34 文献标识码:A输电塔线体系是风荷载作用下动力响应的敏感结构,即对分析模型与荷载的不确定性反应敏感,且结构使用中的可靠性评价也存在着设计者难以预料的诸多困难。


输电塔线的风致振动响应与稳定性研究 毕业论文外文翻译

输电塔线的风致振动响应与稳定性研究  毕业论文外文翻译

外文原文Dynamic behavior and stability of transmission line towersunder wind forcesRonaldo C. Battista a,b, Rosângela S. Rodrigues a, Michèle S. Pfeil aa Civil Engineering Program,COPPE–Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,CP 68506,Rio de Janeiro, CEP 21945-970, Brazilb COPPETEC Research, Consulting & Design,CP 68506, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 21945-970, BrazilAbstractA new analytical-numerical modelling for the structural analysis of transmission line towers (TLT) under wind action is presented and proposed as a rational procedure for stability assessment in a design stage. The numerical results obtained from a 3D finite element model are discussed in relation to the dynamic behavior and the mechanism of collapse of a typical TLT. A simplified two degree-of-freedom analytical model is also presented and shown to be a useful tool for evaluating the system fundamental frequency in early design stages. In order to reduce the TLT’s top horizontal along-wind displacements in the cross-line direction, nonlinear pendulum-like dampers (NLPD) installed on the towers are envisaged and their efficiency is demonstrated with the aid of comparisons between numerical results obtained from the controlled and the uncontrolled systems.© 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Transmission line; Stability; Dampers; Wind force; Dynamics; Steel tower1. IntroductionA new analytical-numerical modeling has been applied to a chosen type of steel transmission line towers (TLT): a conventional 32.86 m-high self-supporting tower. The structural modeling of the chosen TLT is based on observation of the system’s behavior and video images of some recent accidents in Brazil, when storm wind velocities reached values close to 100 km/h. The dynamic characteristics of the towers and the lateral movement of the electric cables have brought up the importance of fluid flow–cables–structure interaction when evaluating the towers behavior under the action of wind forces, leading to the new analytical-numerical modelling for the structural analysis of TLT’s, as originally proposed by Rodrigues [1] and Rodrigues et al. [2] and, almost simultaneously, by Yasui et al. [3] analyzing the differences in the behavior of power lines supported by tension- or suspension type transmission line towers. The overall results from the performed analyses were used to unveil the mechanism of collapse and envisage a remedial measure to attenuate top horizontal displacements and overall stresses, which is the installation of non-linear pendulum-like dampers (NLPD) on the top of the TLT, similar to the ones that have been proposed by Pinheiro [4], Battista et al. [5] and Battista and Pinheiro [6] for other slender and tall towers.2. Description of the structural modelFor simulating the actual behavior of the transmission lines and towers under wind action, the transmission line itself has to be included in the 3D finite element model (Fig. 1), which is composed of a central tower and adjacent spans of electric conductors and aerial wires for lightning protection.The tower structure and all cables were discretized with spatial frame elements. These elements instead of the most commonly adopted truss elements were used in the discretization of the tower structure to allow for the small bending stresses introduced by the rigid bolted connections which may be important in the evaluation of the ultimate structural strength. Although cables fundamental frequencies are not highly sensitive to the type of element used in their discretization, spatial frame elements with the actual bending stiffness of the cables were chosen to allow for numericalstability in situations where the cables experience very large displacement amplitudes and tension variations close to reversion of signal. This will be the case in the next step of this study when a non-linear dynamic analysis is to be performed.Fig. 1. 3D-FEM model of the structural system.The chain of insulators and the linkage of the tower to the lightning conductors were modelled as double-hinged suspension-rods, allowing for the actual mechanical behaviour. The neighbouring towers and the transmission line continuity, indicated by dashed lines in Fig. 1, are simulated in the model through adequate boundary conditions, involving elastic, inertial and kinematical characteristics.The dead weight and pre-tension loadings in the catenary cables and in the insulator’s suspension rods are considered in a geometric non-linear static analysis.Following the static equilibrium state, the time history response of the structure under wind action is obtained for the superposition of the n significant modes as follows:where m j is the modal mass, ξj is the modal damping ratio, ωj the circular frequency, r(t); ṙ(t)and ȑ(t); are respectively, the displacement, velocity and acceleration at time t, ϕj the vibration mode shape and ϕj T F wind is the generalized modal wind force.Mean wind forces were not considered for determining the frequencies and oscillation modes of the cables, as it can be shown [3] that frequencies have very close values independent if these forces are taken or not into account.3. Wind forcesThe wind velocity field is expressed in Eq. (2) only in terms of its horizontal component U in a system of cartesian coordinates (x; y; z), where x is the along-wind direction and z is the vertical direction:Referring to Eq. (2), Ū (z) is the mean wind velocity in the horizontal direction at z coordinate, i.e., Ū (z) is constant in direction and magnitude, and is a function of the height z: The small fluctuation of the mean wind velocity in the longitudinal direction u(y,z,t)—turbulence—is statistically determined as a function of the mean wind velocity Ū(z); the roughness length and the altitude above the ground level. The global wind force time history F wind; defined in terms of its component in the direction of the mean velocity—drag force—has the expression:where ρ is air density, A the effective area of the structure, C D(α) the drag coefficient corresponding to α angle of attack and U(t) is the flow velocity time history.The power spectral density function S u used in this work to characterize the energy distribution of the longitudinal fluctuating component u of the wind velocity (Eq. (2)) is the one suggested by Simiu and Scanlan [7].The cross-spectral density between the fluctuating velocities u1and u2 corresponding to two locations along the cable span is taken as the product of the spectrum S u and an exponential decaying function of the distance between the two location points [7].The generation of a field of uncorrelated fluctuating wind velocities υ(t) is performed by the autoregressive method, which consists of expressing the instantaneous value of υ(t) as a linear combination of some previous values of υ(t)plus a random impulse. The field of spatially correlated fluctuating wind velocities u(t) is obtained by pre-multiplying vðtÞto a matrix containing cross-correlation information between the generated signals given by the cross-spectral density function [8].3.1. Mean wind forcesThe map of basic wind velocities U0; given in the Brazilian design code ABNT/NBR6123 [9], indicates the value 50 m/s in the region in Brazil where the towers collapsed. This velocity is referred to a gust of 3 s time-duration, return period equal to 50 years, in open terrain at a height equal to 10 m. The design mean wind velocity (averaged over 10 min) was calculated according to where Ū (z) is the designmean wind speed at reference height z =10 m, U0 =50 m/s the basic wind speed, S1 = 1.00 is the topographical factor, S2 = 0.69 is the combined exposure factor and S3 ¼ 1:10 is the statistical factor (risk factor and service life required). The mean wind velocity profile along the height of the Delta tower, as depicted on Fig. 2, was constructed by the power law (Eq. (5)) using Ū (z ref) =Ū (10) and p, exponent related to the terrain roughness, equal to 0.15 (farmland, scattered trees and low buildings):3.2. Turbulence numerical simulation along the transmission line axisIn the auto-regressive method, the turbulence u(y, z, t) simulation is a linear combination of p values added to a zero-mean random impulse with variance σ2Nu.where ϕs are the auto-regressive parameters, p is the auto-regressive order and N(t) the zero-mean random process and variance equal to 1. According to Buchholdt et al. [8], the parameters ϕs are to be determined with a solution of an algebraic system ofFig. 2. Mean wind velocity—vertical profile.equations:where R u is the autocorrelation function of u(t) process, determined by the inverse Fourier transform of the energy spectrum S u(n). With σu2 as the u(t) variance, σNu2 inEq. (6), is given byUsing the procedure described above in a manner applied by Pfeil and Battista[10], 12 fluctuating wind velocity histories were generated associated to points alongthe transmission line axis, with longitudinal turbulence intensity equal to 0.14 androot mean square (RMS) value equal to 6.18 m/s.Then, the wind force time histories were determined according to Eq. (3), considering three angles of attack: α=0°(orthogonal to the transmission line axis), α=45°and α=30°,all in a horizontal plane. Equivalent nodal forces were applied according to influence lengths to the cables and chains of insulators and the drag coefficients, CD (α); were those given in the Brazilian design code [9].4. Self-supporting tower analysisThe self-supporting tower selected to be analysed is a Delta type (Fig. 3) with ASTM A36 and A572 steel angles, connected by bolts. It is part of a 230 kV transmission system designed for three simple Grosbeak type electric conductors(d =25.16 mm), two EHS lightning cables (d = 9.15 mm) and mean span equal to 450 m. The chains of glass pieces insulators are mounted on 2.90m length suspension-rods. 4.1. Soil–structure interactionThe soil–structure interaction was performed taking into account two types of soil: medium sand and clay soil. Linear elastic springs and rigid elements were used to simulate, respectively, the soil reaction and the reinforced concrete footings. The study of the structural dynamic characteristics has shown that, whichever is the type of soil selected, the first 10 lower value natural oscillation frequencies do not change.This was an expected result since the relevant design factor of a transmission line tower foundation is the overturning moment arising from the action of wind. Footings designed for this type of tower and load result in low tension and compression stresses on the soil and consequent very small settlements. This was an expected result since the relevant design factor of a transmission line tower foundation is the overturning moment arising from the action of wind. Footings designed for this type of tower and load result in low tension and compression stresses on the soil and consequent very small settlements.Fig. 3. Delta tower—silhouette and frontal view.4.2. Free vibration analysisThe result from a free vibration analysis of the structural system under initial stresses is shown in Table 1, together with a few of the modal shapes depicted in Figs.4 and 5. These results serve readily to give emphasis to the most important aspect of the structural system behavior: the electric cables lateral oscillation under the action of wind excites the tower’s dominant vibration modes. The fundamental period equal to 6.34 s (i.e., low frequency, f = 0.158 Hz) means that, when exposed to the dynamic effects of the atmospheric turbulence, the fluctuating response of the low damped tower-cables coupled system in the along-wind and across-wind directions can be significant.Table 1Natural vibration periods and frequencies and modal shapes descriptionTw=Tower, EC=Electric Conductor, LC=Lightning Conductor.Fig. 4. Mode shape 1—lateral oscillation (T =6.34 s).Fig. 5. Mode shape 7—lateral oscillation (T=2.08 s).4.3. Time domain analysisThe 3D-FEM model was analysed in the time domain (total time interval, T max, 840 s), considering the first 10 vibration modes in the response calculation. The wind forces transverse to the transmission line axis (α=0°), coinciding with the fundamental vibration mode direction, was the most unfavourable loadcase.The maximum horizontal displacement at the free end of the flexible cantilevered truss (Fig. 6) resulted equal to 1.26m in the along-wind direction, while in the vertical direction resulted in 1.34 m, both at time t =408 s. It should be noticed that these large amplitude displacements are not expected from the conventional design calculations for this kind of structure.The structural response under wind action can be assumed to be a stationary Gaussian process. In that case, the probability density function for maxima converges to the Cartwright and Lonquet-Higgins probability density function (Eq. (9)) and the mean, ƞe and the standard deviation, σƞe ; of the extreme values are given [11] by Eqs. (10a) and (10b):where υ is the zero-crossing frequency, T is the time duration, σ is the standard de viation of the sample and γ=0.5772 is the Euler’s constant.Hence by using Eqs. (10) and taking into account just the fluctuating part of the displacements in the along-wind and vertical directions, the mean and the standard deviation of the extreme values of the displacements at node 1 (Table 2) are determined for each direction. The across-wind direction was omitted, since the related displacements are negligible.4.4. Frequency domain analysisHaving determined the displacements at nodal point 1 in the time domain (Fig. 7), the density spectra S x and S z are obtained with the application of the fast Fourier transform algorithm to the displacements time histories. The resultant response spectra displayed in detail in Fig. 8, for a frequency range 0–0.24 Hz, show the three peaks corresponding to the vibration mode shapes 1, 2 and 3 (see Table 1).Fig. 6. Detail of the flexible cantilevered truss (nodal point 1).Fig. 7. Time histories—displacements at node 1.Working strictly in the frequency domain, Eq. (11) expresses the transfer relation between power spectra density functions of the stationary random excitation and response x(t),in the along-wind direction:where S fwind(ω) and Sx(ω) denote, respectively, the modal power spectra density functions of the excitation force and displacement amplitude and H(ω) is the modal complex-frequency-response function.Applying this formulation to a system with a single generalized degree of freedom (any of the lateral oscillation modal shapes) with frequency ωj , stiffness k j and damping ratio ξj ; subjected to a forcing excitation with frequency ω; the complex frequency-response function takes the form:Fig. 8. Response spectra—displacements at node 1.The maxima of modal responses may be determined by considering the excitation as a sinusoidal force with the same magnitude as the modal generalized force F mj in the natural frequency ωj, applied in direction X at the free end of the flexible cantilevered truss (Node 1 in Fig. 6).In the case of the structural system analysed herein, the first 10 natural frequencies are sufficiently close and the modal damping factors are low, leading to coupling of the vibration modes. It is then possible to apply the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) method to the modal responses presented in Table 3, which yields a displacement amplitude x =1.389m in the along wind direction (X direction) at El. 31.00m (Node 1 in Fig. 6):When the contributing modes have very close frequencies, the response amplitude may be also calculated by combining the modal responses (Table 3) in accordance to the complete quadratic combination method (CQC), in order to take into account the contribution of the other modes through the cross terms.The displacement amplitude at node 1 in the along wind direction (X) was then determined by the CQC method, resulting in x=1.392 m; a result which, as expected, is very close to that given by the SRSS method. In the CQC method, as the dampingratios are the same for all modes, ξj= 2%, the cross-correlation coefficients ρnm between modes m and n were calculated according to Eq. (14); themodal damping ratios in this case were taken as nearly mass proportional:where r =ωn/ωm and ωm >ωn.4.5. Tower and cables strength analysisChecking the interaction equations for the load and resistance factor design criteria (LRFD), in accordance with the design codes for steel structures—as for example ABNT/NBR8800 (1986), or the ASCE or yet the EUROCODE recommendations—the angle sections of those members connected to the foundation have exceeded the prescribed limit values, whichever limit state was verified: safety or serviceability. Other members, around level 28.00 m, were also ill-proportioned. These calculations were made by taking the stress resultants at one instant of time where a peak in time history occurred for the axial force in these angle section members.As indicated by the envelope of tension forces in the cables (Table 4), the limit tension ratio for maximum wind velocity recommended by the Brazilian code for transmission lines was not surpassed. The analysis resulted in working ratios equal to 24% for the electric conductors and 20% for the lightning conductors; in both cases not greater than the recommended limit, 50% of the nominal cable strength. These results rule out the possibility that the collapse of these transmission line towers had been caused by rupture of cables under the action of wind.The existing damping devices (Stockbridge) were not included in the 3D-FEMmodel. They are useful to attenuate high frequency small amplitude movements that result from low speed winds that may lead to rupture caused by fatigue. Conversely, in the present analysis the movements are of another nature; they are of low frequency and considerable large amplitude.It is important to emphasize here that the linear dynamic analysis carried out with the tower–cables coupled model is just a preliminary step of a complete appraisal of this aerodynamic problem. Further steps should be taken with a non-linear dynamic analysis, in order to take into account adequately the large displacements of the cables that are allowed by large angular displacements of the suspension-rods.Fig. 9. Double pendulum behavior—comparison.5. The important dynamic effect of the suspension-rodsAn important conclusion from this study is the fundamental role the suspension rods play in the coupled tower–transmission line system; the height of the chain of insulators (or of the suspension-rod) defines the dynamic characteristics of the tower–cables coupled model. The system has the tendency to behave like a doublependulum in the orthogonal direction to the transmission line axis, and a preliminary evaluation of the system fundamental frequency can be made with a two-degree-of freedom model (Fig. 9).Taking the following transmission line characteristics as used in the 3D model:(a) medium span: L =450 m;(b) chain of insulators: height=2.65m→ suspension-rod height L1=2.90 m;(c) electric conductors: Grosbeak (weight: μ=13.0 N/m, maximum tension: T rmax =31500 N);(d) and the sag s of cables hanging in catenary shape under the action of their own weight as given by Eq. (15) (where T r0 is equal to the tension at the middle of the span):where s ¼ 10:45m was obtained by considering that T r0 =Tr max; when the suspension points are at the same level and thus the tension variation is very small.The fundamental frequency can be estimated with the double pendulum model as given by Eq. (16), where L1 is the suspension-rod height and g is the acceleration of gravityThe length L2corresponds to the vertical distance between the straight line passing through the tips of two consecutive suspension-rods and the catenary centre of mass, i.e., L2 =2s=3:The model fundamental frequency based on the double pendulum linearized model (Fig. 10a) results in f dp= 0.175 Hz which may be considered a simple and close estimation of f1 at a preliminary design stage, compared to the result from the 3D-FEM analysis, f1 = 0.158 Hz.For the 3D-FEM Delta tower model with the tips of the suspension-rods restrained (Fig. 10b) each one of the swinging cables behaves like a simple pendulum and yields a fundamental frequency f1 = 0.168 Hz, which may be approximated by thefrequency given by the simple pendulum model, f p =0.189 Hz.The oscillation frequencies and mode shapes obtained for the 3D-FEM model considering the suspension-rods restrained are compared in Table 5 to those found with the new proposed model (free suspension-rods). As one can see, the values of frequencies are reasonably close for the two models. The main difference between these two models is that the tower is much more mobilized when the suspension-rods are free to swing and, as a consequence, it experiences larger amplitudes of the lateral top displacement. For restrained suspension-rods, the cables behavior begins to approach the one displayed by a simple pendulum with smaller oscillation amplitudes. This latter 3D model is close to that used in design practice, in which tower and cables are not coupled as in the 3D-FEM model, and the resultant of theFig. 10. Pendulum formulation—results.Table 5Natural frequencies and mode shapes considering suspension-rods effectsTw=Tower, EC=Electric Conductor, LC=Lightning Conductor.wind forces acting on electric and lightning conductors as well as on chains of insulators are applied to the tower’s linkage nodes.Table 6 summarizes and compares the results obtained with different models for the transverse displacements at the free end of the flexible cantilevered truss (Node 1, Fig. 6), considering the wind direction transverse to the transmission line axis. The models used for such comparison are the following:1. design practice (static analysis): The electric cables are not discredited; the wind design dynamic pressure q =2.4 kN/m2 is uniformly distributed along electric cables and the height of the tower, considering the obstruction effective area. The resultant of the wind forces on the cables are applied to the tower’s linkage nodes.2. equivalent cable-tower coupled model (static analysis): The new proposed model considering the mean wind velocity only, without turbulence.3. simplified cable-tower coupled model (time-history analysis for turbulent wind): The new proposed model with the suspension-rods restrained.4. cable-tower coupled model (time history analysis for turbulent wind): The new proposed model.6. Non-linear pendulum-like dampers as a solution for the problemSince the kinetic mechanism that leads to structural collapse has been identified, the next step is to attenuate the amplitudes of the tower’s top horizontal cross-line displacements in the along-wind direction, by means of an auxiliary dynamic device.Based on the works by Pinheiro [4] and Battista and Pinheiro [6], on dynamic control of slender towers under environmental loadings, the proposed remedial measure is to install non-linear pendulum-like dampers (NLPD), as depicted in Fig. 11, to reduce the amplitudes of horizontal cross-lines displacements at the towers due to the sway motion of the transmission lines induced by wind. The dimensions proposed on Fig.11 were determined with the solution of the non-linear two-degree-of-freedom system which formulation is summarized in the following section.Table 6Displacements response at the free end of the flexible cantilevered truss (node 1, Fig.6) of the tower for α=0°wind direction6.1. Equations of controlled motionIt is possible to design NLPDs to attenuate the amplitudes of vibration in the dominant fundamental mode by applying the 2D modal equations (Eq. (17)) for the simple model illustrated in Fig. 12, where subscript p stands for the pendulum’s properties. For that, the related modal properties (modal mass M; force F; stiffness K and/or frequency Ω) have to be extracted from the 3D-FEM model proposed herein. The Runge–Kutta method was used in the solution of the nonlinear system of equations:where (sin θ)” =θcosθ-θ2sinθ.The comparisons between the controlled and uncontrolled systems as well as the angular amplitude of the NLPD are shown in Fig. 13, for NLPD having damping ratioξp = 5% and stiffness k p =1 kN m/rad.The reduction of the horizontal cross-line displacements in the along-wind direction in the first mode of vibration reaches an efficiency rate over 90% when the NLPD system is designed to work almost in resonance with the first mode of the structural system under wind action. Because of the lack of space, the presentation and discussion of results from parametric and sensitivity analyses are herewith prohibitive.Fig. 11. The delta tower and the non-linear pendulum-like dampers.Fig. 12. Tower with NLPD and analogous simplified mechanical system.Fig. 13. Controlled and uncontrolled structure responses for ωe/ω1= 0.9 and ωe/ω1=0.97. ConclusionsA 3D-FEM model was constructed for analysing the dynamic coupled behavior of transmission lines and towers under the action of wind. The distinguishing feature of this model is its ability to account for the inertia forces which arise in the towers dynamics with the wind induced sway motion of the electric cables. The suspensionrods formed by the chains of insulators were identified as the most important component of the system when it comes to the analysis of wind flow and tower-lines coupled model interactive dynamic behavior and response. To attenuate the towers’s top horizontal cross-line displacements in the along-wind direction, NLPDs were envisaged leading to an efficiency rate around 90% when the NLPD system is designed to work almost in resonance with the wind-induced motion in the first mode of oscillation of the coupled structural system under wind action.The authors realize that the presented results obtained with the proposed new modelling are just a preliminary step for the better understanding of the mechanical behavior of transmission line towers under the action of wind. The proposed model has yet to be augmented with appropriate non-linear dynamics to allow for very large angular displacements of the suspension-rods and cables to better describe what seems to be its actual interactive mechanical behavior. Very recent preliminary results, which have been obtained by the authors from a non-linear model, seem very promising and shall be reported in the near future.References[1] R.S. 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1. 引言



2. 输电线路塔-线体系风致响应仿真
2.1 输电线路塔-线体系风场模拟


2.2 输电线路塔-线体系风致响应数学模型


3. 输电线路塔-线体系风致响应监测方法
3.1 监测装置的选择与布置


3.2 监测数据的采集与处理


4. 结论与展望







