生物医学工程专业英语 Unit04[56页]
生物工程专业英语[整理版]Specialized English in BiotechnologyThis material is dedicated to studentsmajoring in Biotechnology at Hefei University.All rights reservedContentsLesson 1 What isBiotechnology? ......................................................... ....................... 3 Lesson 2 Where Did BiotechnologyBegin? ................................................................4 Lesson 3 Brief History ofBiotechnology .......................................................... .......... 7 Lesson 4 Dogma, DNA, andEnzymes ...................................................................... 10 Lesson 5 Polymerase Chain Reaction - XeroxingDNA ............................................ 12 Lesson 6 Monoclonal AntibodyTechnology .............................................................14 Lesson 7 The Human GenomeProject ................................................................ ...... 16 Lesson 8 Whose Genome is It, Anyway?................................................................. .. 19 Lesson 9 Agriculture - AnOverview ............................................................... .......... 21 Lesson 10 Gene Gun Speeds Search for New OrchidColors .................................... 24 Lesson 11 Transforming Plants ................................................................. ................. 26 Lesson 12 Animals and AnimalHealth ................................................................. ..... 29 Lesson 13Biomining .............................................................. ................................... 31 Lesson 14Biofuel ................................................................ ...................................... 32 Lesson 15 New Foods and Food Producers ...............................................................34 Lesson 16 Blazing a Genetic Trail inMedicine (37)Readingmaterials .............................................................. . (39)Lesson 1 What is Biotechnology?Biotechnology in one form or another has flourished sinceprehistoric times. When the first human beings realized that they could plant their own crops and breed their own animals, they learned to use biotechnology. The discovery that fruit juices fermented into wine, or that milk could be converted into cheese or yogurt, or that beer could be made by fermenting solutions of malt and hops began the study of biotechnology. When the first bakers found that they could make a soft, spongy bread rather than a firm, thin cracker, they were acting as fledgling biotechnologists. The first animal breeders, realizing that different physical traits could be either magnified or lost by mating appropriate pairs of animals, engaged in the manipulations of biotechnology.What then is biotechnology? The term brings to mind many different things. Some think of developing new types of animals. Others dream of almost unlimited sources of human therapeutic drugs. Still others envision the possibility of growing crops that are more nutritious and naturally pest-resistant to feed a rapidly growing world population. This question elicits almost as many first-thought responses as there are people to whom the question can be posed.In its purest form, the term "biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the humanenvironment. Prehistoric biotechnologists did this as they used yeast cells to raise bread dough and to ferment alcoholic beverages, and bacterial cells to make cheeses and yogurts and as they bred their strong, productive animals to make even stronger and more productive offspring.Throughout human history, we have learned a great deal about the different organisms that our ancestors used so effectively. The marked increase in our understanding of these organisms and their cell products gains us the ability to control the many functions of various cells and organisms. Using the techniques of gene splicing and recombinant DNA technology, we can now actually combine the genetic elements of two or more living cells. Functioning lengths of DNA can be taken from one organism and placed into the cells of another organism. As a result, for example, we can cause bacterial cells to produce human molecules. Cows can produce more milk for the same amount of feed. And we can synthesize therapeutic molecules that have never before existed.Lesson 2 Where Did Biotechnology Begin?With the BasicsCertain practices that we would now classify as applications of biotechnology have been in use since man's earliest days. Nearly 10,000 years ago, our ancestors were producing wine, beer, and bread by using fermentation, a natural process in which the biological activity of one-celled organisms plays a critical role.In fermentation, microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds are mixed with ingredients that provide them with food. As they digest this food, the organisms produce two critical by-products, carbondioxide gas and alcohol.In beer making, yeast cells break down starch and sugar (present in cereal grains) to form alcohol; the froth, or head, of the beer results from the carbon dioxide gas that the cells produce. In simple terms, the living cells rearrange chemical elements to form new products that they need to live and reproduce. By happy coincidence, in the process ofdoing so, they help make a popular beverage.Bread baking is also dependent on the action of yeast cells. Thebread dough contains nutrients that these cells digest for their own sustenance. The digestion process generates alcohol (which contributesto that wonderful aroma of baking bread) and carbon dioxide gas (which makes the dough rise and forms the honeycomb texture of the baked loaf).Discovery of the fermentation process allowed early peoples to produce foods by allowing live organisms to act on other ingredients.But our ancestors also found that, by manipulating the conditions under which the fermentation took place, they could improve both the quality and the yield of the ingredients themselves.Crop ImprovementAlthough plant science is a relatively modern discipline, its fundamental techniques have been applied throughout human history. When early man went through the crucial transition from nomadic hunter tosettled farmer, cultivated crops became vital for survival. These primitive farmers, although ignorant ofthe natural principles at work, found that they could increase the yield and improve the taste of crops by selecting seeds fromparticularly desirable plants.Farmers long ago noted that they could improve each succeedingyear's harvest by using seed from only the best plants of the current crop. Plants that, for example, gave the highest yield, stayed the healthiest during periods of drought or disease, or were easiest to harvest tended to produce future generations with these same characteristics. Through several years of careful seed selection, farmers could maintain and strengthen such desirable traits.The possibilities for improving plants expanded as a result of Gregor Mendel's investigations in the mid-1860s of hereditary traits in peas. Once the genetic basis of heredity was understood, the benefits of cross-breeding, or hybridization, became apparent: plants with different desirable traits could be used to cultivate a later generation that combined these characteristics.An understanding of the scientific principles behind fermentation and crop improvement practices has come only in the last hundred years. But the early, crude techniques, even without the benefit of sophisticated laboratories and automated equipment, were a true practice of biotechnology guiding natural processes to improve man's physical and economic well-being.Harnessing Microbes for HealthEvery student of chemistry knows the shape of a Buchner funnel, but they may be unaware that the distinguished German scientist it was named after made the vital discovery (in 1897) that enzymes extracted from yeast are effective in converting sugar into alcohol. Major outbreaks of disease in overcrowded industrial cities led eventually to the introduction, in the early years of the present century, of large-scale sewage purification systems based on microbial activity. By this time it had proved possible to generate certain key industrial chemicals (glycerol, acetone, and butanol) using bacteria.Another major beneficial legacy of early 20th century biotechnology was the discovery by Alexander Fleming (in 1928) of penicillin, an antibiotic derived from the mold Penicillium. Large-scale production of penicillin was achieved in the 1940s. However, the revolution in understanding the chemical basis of cell function that stemmed from the post-war emergence of molecular biology was stillto come. It was this exciting phase of bioscience that led to the recent explosive development ofbiotechnology.Lesson 3 Brief History of BiotechnologyBiotechnology seems to be leading a sudden new biological revolution. It has brought us to the brink of a world of "engineered" products that are based in the natural world rather than on chemical and industrial processes.Biotechnology has been described as "Janus-faced." This implies that there are two sides. On one, techniques allow DNA to be manipulated to move genes from one organism to another. On the other, it involves relatively new technologies whose consequences are untested and should be met with caution. The term "biotechnology" was coined in 1919 by Karl Ereky, an Hungarian engineer. At that time, the term meant all the lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living organisms. Ereky envisioned a biochemical age similar to the stone and iron ages.A common misconception among teachers is the thought that biotechnology includes only DNA and genetic engineering. To keep students abreast of current knowledge, teachers sometimes have emphasized the techniques of DNA science as the "end-and-all" of biotechnology. This trend has also led to a misunderstanding in the general population. Biotechnology is NOT new. Man has been manipulating living things to solve problems and improve his way of life for millennia. Early agriculture concentrated on producing food. Plants and animals were selectively bred, and microorganisms were used to make food items such as beverages, cheese, and bread.The late eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century saw the advent of vaccinations, crop rotation involving leguminous crops, and animal drawn machinery. The end of the nineteenth century was a milestone of biology. Microorganisms were discovered, Mendel's work on genetics was accomplished, and institutes forinvestigating fermentation and other microbial processes were established by Koch, Pasteur, and Lister.Biotechnology at the beginning of the twentieth century began to bring industry and agriculture together. During World War I, fermentation processes were developed that produced acetone from starch and paint solvents for the rapidly growing automobile industry. Work in the 1930s was geared toward using surplus agricultural products to supply industry instead of imports or petrochemicals. The advent of World War II brought the manufacture of penicillin. The biotechnical focus moved to pharmaceuticals.The "cold war" years were dominated by work with microorganisms in preparation for biological warfare, as well as antibiotics and fermentation processes.Biotechnology is currently being used in many areas including agriculture, bioremediation, food processing, and energy production. DNA fingerprinting is becoming a common practice in forensics. Similar techniques were used recently to identify the bones of the last Czar of Russia and several members of his family. Production of insulin and other medicines is accomplished through cloning of vectors that now carry the chosen gene. Immunoassays are used not only in medicine for drug level and pregnancy testing, but also by farmers to aid in detection of unsafe levels of pesticides, herbicides, and toxins on crops and in animal products. These assays also provide rapid fieldtests for industrial chemicals in ground water, sediment, and soil. Inagriculture, genetic engineering is being used to produce plants that are resistant to insects, weeds, and plant diseases.A current agricultural controversy involves the tomato. A recent article in the New Yorker magazine compared the discovery of the edible tomato that came about by early biotechnology with the new "Flavr-Savr" tomato brought about through modern techniques. In the very near future, you will be given the opportunity to bite into the Flavr-Savr tomato, the first food created by the use of recombinant DNA technology ever to go on sale.What will you think as you raise the tomato to your mouth? Will you hesitate? This moment may be for you as it was for Robert Gibbon Johnson in 1820 on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey. Prior to this moment, the tomato was widely believed to be poisonous. As a large crowd watched, Johnson consumed two tomatoes and changed forever the human-tomato relationship. Since that time, man has sought to produce the supermarket tomato with that "backyard flavor." Americans also want that tomato available year-round.New biotechnological techniques have permitted scientists to manipulate desired traits. Prior to the advancement of the methods of recombinant DNA, scientists were limited to the techniques of their time - cross-pollination, selective breeding, pesticides, and herbicides. Today's biotechnology has its "roots" in chemistry, physics, andbiology . The explosion in techniques has resulted in three majorbranches of biotechnology: genetic engineering, diagnostic techniques, and cell/tissue techniques.Lesson 4 Dogma, DNA, and EnzymesThe Central DogmaThough it comes as no surprise that the composition of DNA between different organisms is different, it is not immediately obvious why the muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells of any one particular vertebrate are so different in their structure and composition when the DNA of every one of their cells is identical. This is the key to one of the most exciting areas of modern cell biology. In different cell types, different sets of the total number of genes (genome) are expressed. In other words, different regions of the DNA are "active" in the muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells.To understand how this difference in DNA activity can lead to differences in cell structure and composition, it is necessary to consider what is often known as the central dogma of molecular biology: "DNA makes RNA makes protein." In molecular terms, a gene is thatportion of DNA that encodes for a single protein. The dictum "one gene makes one protein" has required some modification with the discoverythat some proteins are composed of several different polypeptide chains, but the "one gene makes one polypeptide" rule does hold.DNA Contains the Blueprint for all Cell ProteinsMessenger RNA is a precise copy (transcript) of the coded sequenceof nucleic acid bases in DNA, and this message is translated into aunique protein molecule on specialist organelles (ribosomes) present in the cytoplasm of all cells. Proteins, which are largely made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (0), and nitrogen (N), are constructed from 20 different, common amino acids. The versatility of proteins, the workhorse molecules of the cell, stems from the immense variety of molecular shapes that can be created by linking amino acids together in different sequences. The smaller proteins consist of only a few dozen amino acids, whereas the larger ones may contain in excess of 200 amino acids, all linked together in a linear chain by peptide bonds.As the proteins are released from the ribosome, they fold intounique shapes, under the influence of chemical forces that depend on the particular sequence of amino acids. So the protein primary sequence, encoded in the gene and faithfully transcribed and translated into an amino acid chain, determines the three-dimensional structure of the emerging molecule. The human body possesses some 30,000 different kinds of proteins and several million copies of many of these. Each plays a specific role - for example, hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood, actin and myosin interact to generate muscle movement, and acetylcholine receptor molecules mediate chemical transmission between nerve and muscle cells.Enzymes - Protein BiocatalystsAn essential group of proteins - the enzymes - act as biological catalysts and regulate all aspects of cell metabolism. They enable breakdown of high-energy food molecules (carbohydrates) to provideenergy for biological reactions, and they control the synthetic pathways that result in the generation of lipids (e.g., fats, cholesterol, and other vital membrane components), carbohydrates (sugars, starch, and cellulose - the key components of plant cell walls), and many vital small biomolecules essential for cell function.Though grouped together for their capacity to speed up chemical reactions that would proceed only very slowly at room temperature, different classes of enzymes vary greatly in their structure and function. Most cells contain about a thousand different enzymes, each capable of catalyzing a unique chemical reaction.Lesson 5 Polymerase Chain Reaction - Xeroxing DNAWho would have thought a bacterium hanging out in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park would spark a revolutionary new laboratory technique? The polymerase chain reaction, now widely used in research laboratories and doctor's offices, relies on the ability of DNA-copying enzymes to remain stable at high temperatures. No problem for Thermus aquaticus, the sultry bacterium from Yellowstone thatnow helps scientists produce millions of copies of a single DNA segment in a matter of hours.In nature, most organisms copy their DNA in the same way. The PCR mimics this process, only it does it in a test tube. When any cell divides, enzymes called polymerases make a copy of all the DNA in each chromosome. The first step in this process is to "unzip" the two DNAchains of the double helix. As the two strands separate, DNA polymerase makes a copy using each strand as a template.The four nucleotide bases, the building blocks of every piece of DNA, are represented by the letters A, C, G, and T, which stand for their chemical names: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. The A on one strand always pairs with the T on the other, whereas C always pairs with G. The two strands are said to be complementary to each other.To copy DNA, polymerase requires two other components: a supply ofthe four nucleotide bases and something called a primer. DNA polymerases, whether from humans, bacteria, or viruses, cannot copy a chain of DNA without a short sequence of nucleotides to "prime" the process, or getit started. So the cell has another enzyme called a primase thatactually makes the first few nucleotides of the copy. This stretch of DNA is called a primer. Once the primer is made, the polymerase can take over making the rest of the new chain.A PCR vial contains all the necessary components for DNA duplication: a piece of DNA, large quantities of the four nucleotides, largequantities of the primer sequence, and DNA polymerase. The polymerase is the Taq polymerase, named for Thermus aquaticus, from which it was isolated.The three parts of the polymerase chain reaction are carried out in the same vial, but at different temperatures. The first part of the process separates the two DNA chains in the double helix. This is donesimply by heating the vial to 90-95 degrees centigrade (about 165 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 seconds.But the primers cannot bind to the DNA strands at such a high temperature, so the vial is cooled to 55 degrees C (about 100 degrees F). At this temperature, the primers bind or "anneal" to the ends of the DNA strands. This takes about 20 seconds.The final step of the reaction is to make a complete copy of the templates. Since the Taq polymerase works best at around 75 degrees C (the temperature of the hot springs where the bacterium was discovered), the temperature of the vial is raised.The Taq polymerase begins adding nucleotides to the primer and eventually makes a complementary copy of the template. If the template contains an A nucleotide, the enzyme adds on a T nucleotide to the primer. If the template contains a G, it adds a C to the new chain, and so on to the end of the DNA strand. This completes one PCR cycle.The three steps in the polymerase chain reaction - the separation of the strands, annealing the primer to the template, and the synthesis of new strands - take less than two minutes. Each is carried out in the same vial. At the end of a cycle, each piece of DNA in the vial has been duplicated.But the cycle can be repeated 30 or more times. Each newlysynthesized DNA piece can act as a new template, so after 30 cycles, 1 billion copies of a single piece of DNA can be produced! Taking intoaccount the time it takes to change the temperature of the reaction vial, 1 million copies can be ready in about three hours.PCR is valuable to researchers because it allows them to multiply unique regions of DNA so that they can be detected in large genomes. Researchers in the Human Genome Project are using PCR to look for markers in cloned DNA segments and to order DNA fragments in libraries.Lesson 6 Monoclonal Antibody TechnologySubstances foreign to the body, such as disease-causing bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents, known as antigens, are recognizedby the body's immune system as invaders. Our natural defenses against these infectious agents are antibodies, proteins that seek out the antigens and help destroy them.Antibodies have two very useful characteristics. First, they are extremely specific; that is, each antibody binds to and attacks one particular antigen. Second, some antibodies, once activated by the occurrence of a disease, continue to confer resistance against that disease; classic examples are the antibodies to the childhood diseases chickenpox and measles.The second characteristic of antibodies makes it possible to develop vaccines. A vaccine is a preparation of killed or weakened bacteria or viruses that, when introduced into the body, stimulates the productionof antibodies against the antigens it contains.It is the first trait of antibodies, their specificity, that makes monoclonal antibody technology so valuable. Not only can antibodies beused therapeutically, to protect against disease; they can also help to diagnose a wide variety of illnesses, and can detect the presence of drugs, viral and bacterial products, and other unusual or abnormal substances in the blood.Given such a diversity of uses for these disease-fighting substances, their production in pure quantities has long been the focus ofscientific investigation. The conventional method was to inject a laboratory animal with an antigen and then, after antibodies had been formed, collect those antibodies from the blood serum (antibody-containing blood serum is called antiserum). There are two problems with this method: It yields antiserum that contains undesired substances, and it provides a very small amount of usable antibody.Monoclonal antibody technology allows us to produce large amounts of pure antibodies in the following way: We can obtain cells that produce antibodies naturally; we also have available a class of cells that can grow continually in cell culture. If we form a hybrid that combines the characteristic of "immortality" with the ability to produce the desired substance, we would have, in effect, a factory toproduce antibodies that worked around the clock.In monoclonal antibody technology, tumor cells that can replicate endlessly are fused with mammalian cells that produce an antibody. The result of this cell fusion is a "hybridoma," which will continually produce antibodies. These antibodies are called monoclonal because they come from only one type of cell, the hybridoma cell; antibodies producedby conventional methods, on the other hand, are derived from preparations containing many kinds of cells, and hence are called polyclonal. An example of how monoclonal antibodies are derived is described below.A myeloma is a tumor of the bone marrow that can be adapted to grow permanently in cell culture. When myeloma cells were fused withantibody-producing mammalian spleen cells, it was found that the resulting hybrid cells, or hybridomas, produced large amounts of monoclonal antibody. This product of cell fusion combined the desired qualities of the two different types of cells: the ability to grow continually, and the ability to produce large amounts of pure antibody.Because selected hybrid cells produce only one specific antibody, they are more pure than the polyclonal antibodies produced by conventional techniques. They are potentially more effective than conventional drugs in fighting disease, since drugs attack not only the foreign substance but the body's own cells as well, sometimes producing undesirable side effects such as nausea and allergic reactions. Monoclonal antibodies attack the target molecule and only the target molecule, with no or greatly diminished side effects.Lesson 7 The Human Genome ProjectSince the beginning of time, people have yearned to explore the unknown, chart where they have been, and contemplate what they have found. The maps we make of these treks enable the next explorers to push ever farther the boundaries of our knowledge - about the earth, the sea,the sky, and indeed, ourselves. On a new quest to chart the innermost reaches of the human cell, scientists have now set out on biology's most important mapping expedition: the Human Genome Project.Its mission is to identify the full set of genetic instructions contained inside our cells and to read the complete text written in the language of the hereditary chemical DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). As part of this international project, biologists, chemists, engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, and other scientists will work together to plot out several types of biological maps that will enable researchers to find their way through the labyrinth of molecules that define the physical traits of a human being.Packed tightly into nearly every one of the several trillion body cells is a complete copy of the human "genome" - all the genes that make up the master blueprint for building a man or woman. One hundred thousand or so genes sequestered inside the nucleus of each cell are parceled among the 46 sausage-shaped genetic structures known as chromosomes.New maps developed through the Human Genome Project will enable researchers to pinpoint specific genes on our chromosomes. The most detailed map will allow scientists to decipher the genetic instructions encoded in the estimated 3 billion base pairs of nucleotide bases that make up human DNA. Analysis of this information, likely to continue throughout much of the 21st century, will revolutionize our understanding of how genes control the functions of the human body. Thisknowledge will provide new strategies to diagnose, treat, and possibly prevent human diseases. It will help explain the mysteries of embryonic development and give us important insights into our evolutionary past.The development of gene-splicing techniques over the past 20 years has given scientists remarkable opportunities to understand the molecular basis of how a cell functions, not only in disease, but in everyday activities as well. Using these techniques, scientists have mapped out the genetic molecules, or genes, that control many life processes in common microorganisms. Continued improvement of these biotechniques has allowed researchers to begin to develop maps of human chromosomes, which containmany more times the amount of genetic information than those of microorganisms. Though still somewhat crude, these maps have led to the discovery of some important genes.By the mid-1980s, rapid advances in chromosome mapping and other DNA techniques led many scientists to consider mapping all 46 chromosomes in the very large human genome. Detailed, standardized maps of all human chromosomes and knowledge about the nucleotide sequence of human DNAwill enable scientists to find and study the genes involved in human diseases much more efficiently and rapidly than has ever been possible. This new effort - the Human Genome Project - is expected to take 15 years to complete and consists of two major components. The first - creating maps of the 23 pairs of chromosomes - should be completed in the first 5 to 10 years. The second component - sequencing the DNA。
生物医学工程专业英语 Unit10[66页]
![生物医学工程专业英语 Unit10[66页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c4b0d9a3c8d376eeaeaa31e6.png)
Text: Biomedical Instrumentation
Note, for example, that most voltages are in the microvolt range and that pressures are low (about 100 mm Hg=1.93 psi =13.3 kPa). Also note that all the signals listed are in the audio-frequency range or below and that many signals contain direct current (DC) and very low frequencies. These general properties of medical parameters limit the practical choices available to designers for all aspects of instrument design.
Text: Biomedical Instrumentation
The major difference between medical instrumentation and conventional instrumentation systems is that the source of signals is living tissue or energy applied to living tissue. The principal measurement and frequency ranges for each medical and physiological parameter are major factors that affect the design of all the instrument components. Most of the medical parameter measurement ranges are quite low compared with nonmedical parameters.

生物医学工程专业英语English:Biomedical engineering is a multidisciplinary field that applies principles and techniques of engineering to solve problems in biology and medicine. It involves the design and development of medical devices, diagnostic equipment, prosthetics, pharmaceuticals, and other healthcare technologies. Biomedical engineers work at the intersection of engineering, biology, and healthcare to improve the quality of patient care, enhance the efficiency of medical procedures, and advance medical research. They collaborate with healthcare professionals, scientists, and industry experts to innovate new solutions for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases and injuries. Biomedical engineering encompasses various subfields such as biomaterials, biomechanics, bioinformatics, medical imaging, tissue engineering, and rehabilitation engineering. This diverse range of specialties allows biomedical engineers to address a wide array of health-related challenges, from creating artificial organs to developing advanced medical imaging techniques. The field also plays a crucial role in addressing global health issues by designing affordable and accessible healthcare technologies for underservedpopulations. Overall, biomedical engineering is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field that combines cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of biological systems to improve human health and well-being.中文翻译:生物医学工程是一个跨学科领域,应用工程学原理和技术解决生物学和医学中的问题。
医学专业英语上册(第四章)chapter 4 musculoskeletal system

Axial skeleton
The axial skeleton includes the bones in the head, neck, spine, chest and trunk of the body. These bones form the central axis for the whole body and protect many of the internal organs such as the brain, lungs, and heart. The head or skull is divided into two parts consisting of the cranium and facial bones. These bones protect the brain and special sense organs from injury. The cranium covers the brain and the facial bones surround the mouth, nose, and eyes. Muscles for chewing and head movements are attached to the cranial bones. The cranium consists of the frontal , parietal , temporal, ethmoid , sphenoid , and occipital bones. The facial bones are the mandible , maxilla , zygomatic , vomer, palatine , nasal , and lacrimal bones. The cranial and facial bones are illustrated in Figure 3.1 and described in Table 3.1. Figure 3.1 The cranial and facial bones (seen from the lateral part)

All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells.所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。
The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein. Several ribosomes may become attached to a single mRNA strand; such a combination is called a polysome. Most cellular proteins are manufactured on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Exportable proteins and membrane proteins are usually made in association with the endoplasmic reticulum.核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。

Internal device 内部器件
assembler language 汇编语言
alternating current circuits 交流电路
passive electrical circuits 无源电路
three phase circuits 三相电路
refraction [ri'fr1k54n] n. 折光,折射
disk [disk] n.圆盘形表面,太阳表面,磁盘
illusion [i'lju:94n] n. 幻影,错觉,幻想
polarize ['poul4raiz] vt.vi. (使)偏振,(使)极化,(使)两极分化
trough [tr3:f] n. 木钵,水槽,马槽,波谷
instrument ['instrum4nt] n. 工具,手段,仪器
passive ['p1siv] a. 消极的,被动的,无源的
analog ['1n4l3g] n.模拟
module ['m3dju:l] n. 组件,模块,课程模块
charaபைடு நூலகம்teristic ['k1rikt4'ristik] n. 特性,特征,特色a. 特性的,典型的,有特色的
Inductive reactance 感抗
Insulating materials 绝缘材料
AC resistance 交流阻抗
with units of ohms 以欧为单位
adjustment with a screw 调整螺丝
in the shape of cylinder ['silind4] 成圆柱体壮

1 Unit 1 Biomedical Engineering Lesson 1A History of Biomedical EngineeringIn its broadest sense, biomedical engineering has been with us for centuries, perhaps even thousands of years. In 2000, German archeologists uncover a 3,000-year-old mummy from Thebes with a wooden prosthetic tied to its foot to serve as a big toe. Researchers said the wear on the bottom surface suggests that it could be the oldest known limb prosthesis. Egyptians also used hollow reeds to look and listen to the internal goings on of the human anatomy. In 1816, modesty prevented French physician Rene Laennec from placing his ear next to a young woman’s bare chest, so he rolled up a newspaper and listened through it, triggering the idea for his invention that led to today’s ubiquitous stethoscope.广义上来说,生物医学工程与我们已经几个世纪以来,甚至数千年。
医学英语教程生物医学Unit 4课文翻译

Unit 4 Common Diseases and Ailments现代医疗与疾病There is no end in sight in the battle between human beings and the diseases that can destroy them. However, in the past few decades, the nature of the enemy has changed dramatically.人类与摧毁他们的疾病之间的战斗看来将永无休止的进行下去。
In countries where modern medical facilities are available, infectious diseases that were once widespread killers can now be prevented or diagnosed early and cured.在一些现代医疗设施齐备的国家,过去一度是大规模的杀手的传染性疾病现在已经可以被预防或者被很早地诊断出来并治愈。
Thanks to vaccines, antibiotics, and improved sanitation, most of the dreaded epidemics of the past are not likely to recur.多亏了疫苗,抗生素,还有公共卫生条件的改善,过去绝大部分令人可怕的传染病已经不大可能会卷土重来了。
Today's major killers are noninfectious diseases-especially the various forms of cardiovascular disease and cancer. As life expectancy increases, people are more likely to succumb to degenerative conditions that the aging body is susceptible to.今天人类主要的杀手是那些没有传染性的疾病---------尤其是指各种各样类型的的心血管疾病和癌症。

生物专业英语第一课Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。

1 Unit 1 Biomedical Engineering Lesson 1A History of Biomedical EngineeringIn its broadest sense, biomedical engineering has been with us for centuries, perhaps even thousands of years. In 2000, German archeologists uncover a 3,000-year-old mummy from Thebes with a wooden prosthetic tied to its foot to serve as a big toe. Researchers said the wear on the bottom surface suggests that it could be the oldest known limb prosthesis. Egyptians also used hollow reeds to look and listen to the internal goings on of the human anatomy. In 1816, modesty prevented French physician Rene Laennec from placing his ear next to a young woman’s bare chest, so he rolled up a newspaper and listened through it, triggering the idea for his invention that led to today’s ubiquitous stethoscope.广义上来说,生物医学工程与我们已经几个世纪以来,甚至数千年。

Punnett square:庞纳特方格
A method used to determine the probabilities of combination in a zygote(受精卵)
Text 1. Early theories of inheritance early ideas of inheritance included Hippocrates’ theory of pangenesis and August Weismann’s germ plasm theory.
3.Mendel’s classic experiments
Mendel studied genetics through plantbreeding experiments with the garden pea, a plant species that is self-fertilizing(自受精) and breeds true(each offspring is identical to the parent in the trait of interest). 孟德尔通过豌豆实验研究遗传学,豌豆是 自花授粉植物和纯品系。
Breed true(to type):生出后代酷似其双亲 breed in and in: 近亲交配繁殖
breed out and out: (动物的)异种繁殖
breed out:在人工繁殖过程中消除(品种的特
Having been exposed to theories of the particulate nature of matter while a university student and having a background in mathematics, Mendel carried out a series of carefully planned experiments that demonstrated the particulate nature of heredity. 当他还是大学生时就提出了物质的粒子 属性理论,同时他学习数学。孟德尔进 行了一系列周密安排的实验来证实遗传 的颗粒性。
生物医学工程专业英语 Unit02[73页]
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Bioinformatics represents a new field at the interface of the ongoing revolutions in molecular biology and computers. Bioinformatics is defined as the use of computer databases and computer algorithms to analyze proteins, genes, and the complete collection of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that comprises an organism (the genome).
n. 生物信息学
molecular biology 分子生物学
computer algorithm 计算机算法
n. 基因组
computer database 计算机数据库
deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
Text: Genomics and Bioinformatics
structural data
biochemical pathway 生化途径
disease process
genome-sequencing projects
结构化数据 疾病过程
Text: Genomics and Bioinformatics
While the discipline of bioinformatics focuses on the analysis of molecular sequences, genomics and functional genomics are two closely related disciplines. The goal of genomics is to determine and analyze the complete DNA sequence of an organism, that is, its genome. The DNA encoding genes can be expressed as ribonucleic acid (RNA) transcripts and then, in many cases, further translated into protein.

生物医学工程专业英语词汇(精选5篇)第一篇:生物医学工程专业英语词汇navigate ['næviɡeit] vt.驾驶,操纵;使通过;航行于high-pitched ['hai'pitʃt]adj.声调高的;声音尖锐的;紧张的;陡的echoesn.回声;共鸣;反响(echo的复数)Submarine n.潜水艇;海底生物sonar ['səunɑ:] n.声纳;声波定位仪(等于asdic)chirp 唧唧声;喳喳声;[通信] 啁啾声divided by 除以element n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境detect 探测probe 探针scan 扫描foetus 胎儿rendering.翻译;表现;表演;描写;打底;(建筑物等)透视图atrium 中庭,心房(atria)heart values 心脏瓣膜ventricle 室,心室wave 波wavelength 波长Doppler shift 多普勒频移stationary固定的静止的artery 动脉blood flow 血流,血流量trace 踪迹carotid 颈动脉turbulent 混乱的,骚乱的rapid 急流deposit 在···处储存cavitation 空化physiological 生理的direct correlation 直接相关dyslexia 阅读障碍Reliable data 可靠数据ongoing 前进,不间断的misdiagnosis 误诊echo sounding 回声探测characterize vt.描绘…的特性;具有…的特征submerged 水下的,在水中的diagnostic 诊断法,诊断的gallstones 胆结石breast masses 乳房包块tumors 肿瘤innovations 创新,改革gray scale 灰度,灰阶static 静态的internal organs 内脏spectral 光谱的hand-held 手提式,便携式scanner 扫描仪clinical 临床的,诊断的Sonography 超声波扫描术platform平台superior 优秀的resolution 分辨率clarity 清晰度initially 最初地therapy 治疗法chemotherapy 化学疗法Ultrasonic waves 超声波disruptive破坏的malignant 恶性的,有害的transducer传感器pulse 脉冲Disk Storage 磁盘储存器Piezoelectric Effect 压电效应electric currents 电流crystals 晶体propagate 传播,传送Receipt 接收electrical signals 电信号Insertions 插入obstetrics 产科学gynecology 妇科学,妇科医学extensively 广阔地non-invasive 非侵入性的,非侵入的pregnancy 怀孕exclude 排除,排异ectopic 异位的molar 磨碎的cardiac pulsation 心脏搏动congenital 先天性的malformations 畸形multiple pregnancies 多胎妊娠placental position 胎位abdomen 下腹gel 胶体uterus ['ju:tərəs] n.[解剖] 子宫beams 光线thin slices 薄片recompose [,ri:kəm'pəuz] vt.改组;重写;重新安排;使恢复镇静intrauterine 子宫内的implantation 移植missed abortion 过期流产gestation age 怀孕年龄gestation [dʒes'teiʃən] n.酝酿;怀孕;妊娠期due date 到期日multiple embryos多重胚胎embryos [‘embriəuz] n.胚胎;晶胚abnormalities 畸形,异样情况Down syndrome 唐氏症Hydrops 积水first trimester早期妊娠chromosomal [‘krəuməsəuməl] adj.染色体的hydrocephalus [,haidrəu‘sefələs] n.[内科] 脑积水anencephaly [æn,ensə'feiliə, ,ænen'sefəli] n.先天无脑畸形sac 囊,液囊visualized 直观的,直视的yolk sac卵黄囊diameter 直径femur ['fi:mə] n.[解剖] 股骨;大腿骨embryo 胚胎polydactyl 多指畸形dysmorphia 畸形clubbing of feet 脚部联合cleft lipn.[口腔] 唇裂;[胚][口腔] 兔唇palate ['pælit] n.味觉;上颚;趣味spina bifida [,spainə'baifid ə,-'bi-] 脊柱裂Transvaginal 经阴道的calculations 计算amplitude 振幅duration 持续Amplification 放大Scan Converter 扫描变换器Vibrate 振动anatomical 解剖的,结构上的conventional 常见的vibrations 振动共鸣amplifier 放大器compensation 补偿sequence 序列,顺序format 格式,版式matrix 矩阵matrix 格式修改storage 存储trackball 轨迹球floppy disk 软磁碟thermal printers 热感性印刷机therapeutic 治疗的blood clots 血栓kidney stones 肾结石Portability 可移植的Veterinary 兽医的Joint 关节mysterious [mi'stiəriəs] adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的laureate ['lɔ:riət] adj.戴桂冠的;荣誉的rotating anode 旋转阳极fluoroscopic 荧光静的image intensifier 图像增强器fluoroscopy 荧光镜检查radiography 放射线照相术mammography 乳房x线照相术electromagnetic [i,lektrəumæɡ‘netik] adj.电磁的radiation [reidi'eiʃən] n.辐射;发光;放射物Emitted v.排放(emit的过去分词);发散charged particles带电粒子photons ['fəu,təns] n.光子;光量.penetrate ['penitreit] vt.洞察;穿透charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] n.费用;电荷;掌管decelerate 减速collision 冲突target 目标,靶子braking radiation 制动辐射bombarding 急袭的,爆炸的vacancy 空缺,空位electron [i'lektrɔn] n.电子material [mə'tiəriəl] adj.重要的;物质的accelerated 加速的Bremsstrahlung 轫致辐射electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射region 地区electromagnetic spectrum 电磁谱elastically [i'læstikli] adv.有弹性地;伸缩自如地Rebounding 弹回Photoelectric 光电的Compton Scattering 康普顿散射Pair Production 电子偶的产生Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射coherent [kəu'hiərənt] adj.连贯的,一致的 dominant ['dɔminənt] adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的interaction processes 互动过程relevant 有关的cross-sections 横截面Photoelectric absorption光电吸收linear attenuation coefficient线性衰减系数probability of ···的概率Avogadro [avɔ'gadrɔ] n.阿佛加德罗radiation intensity 辐射强度traversing 穿过,通过thickness 厚度molecule 分子Ionisation 电离作用release 释放free radicals 自由基,游离基hydrogen ['haidrədʒən] n.[化学] 氢peroxide [pə'rɔksaid] n.过氧化氢;过氧化物excited molecules 受激分子Barium meal钡餐Flat Panel 扁平面板Formation 形成,构造incident 附带的Subject contrast 受照者对比度Sharpness 清晰度shortened form简称absorption 吸收anatomical structure 解剖结构density 密度contrast medium 放射照影剂kilovoltage 千伏电压filtration 过滤predominate 支配,主宰,在···中占优势Hence 因此,今后Primary beam 初级束流signal to noise ratio 信噪比collimate 校准,瞄准proportion 比例tray 托盘receptor 受体,接收器air gap 气隙oblique 倾斜的geometry 几何学image formation 成像,图像形成Point source 点声源Infinite 无限的finite 有限的Penumbra 半影Focal spot 电子焦点,焦斑Penetration 参透,突破target angle 目标夹角loading capacity 负荷容量gradient 梯度,坡度,倾斜度inherent 固有的,内在的Quantum noise 量子噪声Grainy 粒状的exposure factors曝光系数at this stage 眼下scope 视野Cine电影;电影院Spot 地点,现场spot film 【放射学】缩影片;点片Curtain 幕;窗帘Slotn.位置;狭槽。

生物医学工程中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文对照外文翻译文献Biological effects of the Magnetic Stimulation on the T oad Heart Abstract-W e stimulated the exposed toad heart by a low frequency and high energy magnetic. By analyze the data of this experiment, it shows that the pulsating of the weak toad heart would make change after stimulated by magnetic. W eak heartbeat strengthened, the single peak curve would become the two peaks curve with atria wave and ventricle wave after the magnetic stimulation. But the cycling of rhythmic pulsatile curve of toad doesn't change.I. INTRODUTIONAll life forms have magnetism. All kinds of magnetic field would have some effects on the configuration and activities of life forms that whichever environmental magnetic, additional magnetic or inside magnetic of organism. The biologic effects are related to the characteristics and附录Ⅳ英文文献及翻译the intension of the magnetic field, as well as the species and the tissues of the life forms.The experimentation showed that magnetism stimulation in some range would control the growth of rat tumour, whatever they are in or out the body. Much more they can induce the cancer cells dead.30mT magnetic stimulation would increase the content of NO in the liver and the kidney.Magnetic also can improve the activity of some enzyme and promote the regeneration of nerve tissue.Cell would increase, the bones would be concrescence, the scar would be rehabilitate.The bloodrheology and blood cell number both of human and rat would change obviously, DI the blood mucosity would be low.Heart is the most important apparatus of life. It pulsates day and night. Heart once stop pulsating, the life for danger.Numerous scholar pays attention to the role of magnetic field.But they just studied the effects of magnetic stimulation of the heart pacemaker. The experiments about direct effects of stimulate heart by magnetic is very few.The toads are our experiment animals.W e stimulated and noted by the magnetic stimulation equipment and the noted equipment of pulsatile curve made by ourselves. Analyze the results.II. STUFFA.Experiment equipments:①magnetic stimulation equipment; (magnetic intension 8-10T, impulse width 150ms,maximal stimulation frequency 5Hz);②software of noted pulsatile curve (made by ourselves);③cardiomuscular transducer;④Ringer.Sol ;⑤Batrachia instruments; ⑥clip of frog heart; ⑦cotton thread; ?burette.B.Experiment animals: toads.III. METHODA. Destroy the brain and the spinal cord of the toad by stylet:Penetrate into the occipital aperture upright with stylet,destroyed the brain upwards, take back the stylet and destroy the spinal downwards. If the limb of toad were relaxed, it showed that the brain and spinal were destroyed completely.B. Expose the toad heart: Make the toad lying on its back on the winding center. The magnetic aspect is upright through the toad heart.Cut the ventral skin of toad, snip the breastbone,expose the rat heart. Nip the heart tip by clip carefully.Make the cotton thread tied with the clip of frog hear the linked with the cardiomuscular transducer. Do not make the toad heart leave thorax, or it would disturb the experiment results.C.Noted the result:Connect the cardiomuscular transducer with the computer. Take notes the curve of toad heart without giving the stimulate of magnetic fieldD. After three minutes, noted the weak pulsatile curve.E . Make the magnetic intension 10T, electricize 10s.Stimulate the toad heart and record the pulsatile curve.IV. RESUL TSThe abscissa of cardiac rhythmic pulsatile curve is time, the ordinate is constriction power. Take notes for the pulsatile curve of toad heart that exposed just.W e can know the rhythmic pulsatile cycle of the toad heart is 1.5s from fig 1 which show the cardiac rhythmic pulsatile curve of the toad which was exposed the heart just now. There are two waves in each cycle, one is atria wave, the other is ventricle wave. The atria wave is 0.5s and the ventricle wave is 1.0s. The constriction power of atria is less than that of ventricle. The amplitude of constriction power of ventricle is the 2 times of the atria.Fig. 4.1. It is rhythmic pulsatile curve of the toad without magnetic stimulation.The constriction power of toad heart would become weakerafter the toad heart was exposed for a while. At the same time,atrium wave and ventricle wave can not be already distinguished. Heart contracting amplitude were reduced obviously, do not go to the half of original atrium wave. The rhythmic pulsatile cycle of the toad heart is still 1.5s.Fig. 4.2. It is the weak pulsatile curve of toad without magnetic stimulation.But we can distinguish the atria wave and the ventricle wave again after giving the toad heart a magnetic stimulation on following picture. And the amplitude of ventricle waves is more than that of the single wave. The rhythmic pulsatile cycle of the toad heart is still 1.5s.There were six toads as experiment animal in our experiment.After exposing heart a time, the rhythmic pulsatile curve all became single peak curve. Stimulate them when the single amplitudewas 0.95. Noted the data and analyze them.Following is the pulsatile curve of the six toads recorded which were stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.3. It is the pulsatile curve of the fist toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.4. It is the pulsatile curve of the second toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.5. It is the pulsatile curve of the third toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.6. It is the pulsatile curve of the fourth toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.7. It is the pulsatile curve of the fifth toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.8. It is the pulsatile curve of the six toads which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.V. COMPARISIIONRecord ventricle wave amplitude and atrium wave amplitude of the six toads after magnetic stimulation.T able. 5.1. From "T oad1"to "T oad6" expressed the six toadswhich was stimulated by magnetic field. The "T oad0" expressed the toad which was not stimulated by magnetic field. "T oad7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.amplitudes of atria wave amplitudes of ventricle wave T oad0 2.275 2.34T oad1 1.140 1.170T oad2 1.120 1.129T oad3 1.165 1.18T oad4 1.120 1.128T oad5 1.214 1.230T oad6 1.151 1.169T oad7 0.95 Express the toad which was not stimulated by magnetic with"T oad 0", and express the toad which pulsate weakly with"T oad 7". Make histogram to contrast by these data. The first histogram was made by the data of the pulsatile amplitudes of when toad was not gets stimulate and pulsate weakly, as well as the pulsatile amplitude of the fist stimulated toad. After magnetic stimulation, amplitudes of atria wave and ventricle wave were higher than single wave of weak heart. But it is more low than the amplitudes of heart when just exposes obviously.Fig. 5.1. The histogram was make by the amplitudes of the toad exposed heart justly and the toad which stimulated by magnetic field, the toad which pulsate weakly. The "T oad 0" expressed the toad which was not stimulated by magnetic field. The "T oad 1" expressed the fist toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. The "T oad 7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Make histogram respectively with the data of amplitude of each toad stimulated by magnetic field and the amplitude of single wave. Make histogram with the data of amplitudes of six toads stimulated by magnetic field, and compare them.Fig. 5.2. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the first toad which was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly. The"T oad 1" expressed the fist toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. The"T oad 7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.3. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the second toad which was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly The "T oad2" expressed the second toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. The "T oad7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.4. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the third toad which was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly. The"T oad 3" expressed the third toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. The"T oad 7" expressedthe toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.5. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the fourth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly. The "T oad 4" expressed the fourth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field.The "T oad 7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.6. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the fifth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly. The "T oad5" expressed the fifth toadwhich was stimulated by magnetic field. The "T oad7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.7. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which puls,"T oad 6" expressed the sixth toad which was stimulated by ma "T oad 7" expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.8. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 5.9. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad which pulsate weakly.There is discrepancy between the pulsatile a each toad which stimulated by magnetic field. This is dividual discrepancy, it is related with the strong of the experiment animals. But if compared these pulsatile amplitudes of toads which stimulated by magnetic field with amplitude of the toad which pulsated weakly at the same time of discrepancy is very not obvious.VI. CONCLUSIONSThere are a P wave and a QRS wan pare the pulsatile curve with the electrocardiogram to we can discover that the P wave that express atrium constriction is earlier than atria wave.the ORS wave that express ventricle constriction is earlier than ventricle constriction is earlier than ventricle wave. Heart constriction connected closely with the change of biological electricity of cardiac muscle. Before heart contracts,must occur on muscle cell membrane a movement potential that can be conducted, passthrough then excited-contract unite can just arouse muscle cell contract to respond. The P wave and QRS wave of electrocardiogram reflect atrium and ventricle respectively with the electrical change in polarization course. Atrium wave and ventricle wave reflect atrium and ventricle respectively the mechanical campaign. Mechanical campaign is only initiated from electrical campaign. So P wave is earlier than atrium wave, QRS wave are earlier than ventricle sixth toad which wave.When the pulsatile rhythmically of heart stopped or in disorder.the electric attack would be helpful on clinic data. The magnetism stimulation may have the same effects as the electric stimulation based on electromagnetism.The pulsatile curve of toad which just exposed heart can divide into atrium wave and ventricle wave. After a time, heart is weak gradually, right now, heart contracts intensity weakens obviously. Atrium wave can not already distinguish with ventricle wave on the curves of toad weak pulsatilecurve Original two summit curves change to single summit curve,and contract range reduces obviously. Do not go to the half of original atrium wave. But heart pulsatile period still ask 1 second. Stimulate toad heart, the direction of magnetic field vertical cross toad heart center from the back to belly. T ake T oad 6 notes at once, the pulsatile curve of toad recovery became original two summit curves. And the amplitude of ventricle six toads which wave worth than single wave is in height of.T ested result proves that the magnetic stimulation of high energy can promote toad heart strength obviously, but for the pulsatile curve period does not be acted on obviously. Can make the curve of pulsatile curve already can not be districted the atrium wave and ventricle of the weak heart recovery that atrium constrictionwith ventricle constriction alternately.The cell of cardiac muscle has special electrical physiology.Electrical stimulate can affect the electrical physiology moving of heart obviously. Magnetic field and electric field have the characteristic that changes mutually. The role of extra magnetic field can also arouse the ion current in the organism toad 7 cell of cardiac muscle to occur change. Therefore, it changes the electrical physiological campaign of the cell of cardiac muscle, change heart contract condition.Compared with direct electrical stimulation, the magnetic stimulation has a lot of advantages. It shows by clinical information, eliminate the heart shake of human body with current (go through chest wall) to need the energy of 150-350 J probably, directly eliminate heart shake to need the energy of 16-24 J probably. Specific size and the current distribution of electrode have relevant uniformity. The magnetism of biological organization is even basically, magnetic field reaches the deeply layer organization of organism very easily on toad through skin and skeleton. The magnetic stimulation does not have wound. The resistance rate of skin and skeleton is great.Induction current and organization resistance become inverse ratio. There is a small current passes through organism when was stimulated by magnetic field, so person does not have uncomfortable feeling. The body and coil are not contacted in the magnetic stimulation therefore we can stimulate directly without doing any handling for skin in advanced, will not arouse pain.And the body does not have electricity connect with environment, so have very good safety.Just start for the study of biological effects of the magnetic stimulation on life-form.Quantification of the effects of the magnetic stimulation of pulsatile curve still needs to be studyfurtherACKNOWLEDGMENTThis paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Chinese (No. 59977024)REFERENCES[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, "Article Title", Journal,Publisher, Location, Date,pp. 1-10.。

• 2.4 • 论文摘要的写作首先要学会模仿,然后是要 遵循规定。可以根据自己的情况,采用翻译 式的写法,即先写好中文摘要,然后翻译成 英文摘要,这是初学者常采用的方法。 • 2.4.1 • 2.4.2 • 2.4.3 《Science》 • 2.4.4 《Nature》 • 2.5 写作摘要的10
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• SCI——Science Citation Index《科学引文 索引》 • EI——Engineering Index《工程索引》 • ISTP——Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings《科技会议录索引》 • 4.5.1 科学引文索引SCI
图1.1 IEEE-BMES Information Page-Field of Interest
• 1.2 • 在国家自然科学基金委员会NSFC的分类管 理中,生物医学工程属生命科学部四处管理, 生命科学四处的资助范围包括:神经科学 (神经生物学、神经病学和精神病学)、心 理学、生物医学工程学、医学影像学和放射 医学。 • 1.3 • 1.3.1 • 1.3.2
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static sensitivity静态灵敏度
zero drift零点漂移
intercept 截距
manufacturing misalignment 制造误差
ambient temperature环境温度
vibration 振动
shock 冲击
sensitivity drift灵敏度变化
5.7 体内电极
percutaneous electrodes 经皮电极 electrolyte 电解液 electrolyte gel 导电膏 extracellular fluid 细胞外液 strainless steel 不锈钢 insulating varnish 绝缘漆 hypodermic 皮下的 subcutaneous皮下的 cardioscope 心脏镜
vacuum-deposited film 真空沉积薄膜
dummy element 虚拟元件
voltage divider 分压器 null-balance 零平衡 deflection-balance 偏转平衡 adjustment 调整器
effective permeability有效导磁率 self-inductance自感 mutual-inductance互感 differential transformer 差动变压器 parallel connection 并联 dielectric properties 介电特性
muscle spindle肌梭
neuromuscular 神经肌肉的
end-plate region终板区
neurotransmitter 神经递质

4.1 发酵技术的特点发酵技术的起源主要来自生产食品和饮料对微生物的利用,这些食品和饮料包括奶酪、酸奶酪、含醇饮料、醋、泡菜、发酵腌菜、腊肠、酱油和一些东方风味食品(表4.1)。

Nondisjunction:不分离 The failure of separation of paired chromosomes at metaphase, resulting in one daughter receiving both and the other daughter cell none of the chromosomes in question. Nondisjunction can occur during a meiotic or mitotic division.
Law of independent assortment: 独立分配定律 Members of one gene pair will separate from each other independently of the members of other gene pairs.
Law of segregation:分离定律 When gametes are formed by a diploid organism, the alleles that control a trait(特征) separate from one another into different gametes, retaining their individuality(个性,个 体状态)
与此同时,孟德尔从1856年起开始进行他的著名的植物育种实验。 1865年他推导出了著名的遗传学定律,他将定律用一篇论文表述出来, 并将论文呈交给布鲁恩自然历史学会。1866年他的成果被发表在该学会 学报上,题目是“植物杂交实验”。三年后又在同一杂志上发表了第二 篇论文。 1868年孟德尔被任命为牧师会会长,专职行政事务。 1900年,孟德尔的研究成果被发现。

5.8 微电极
electrolytic solution 电解液 electrolytic etching 电解腐蚀
storage condition储存条件 input impedance输入阻抗
steady-state sinusoidal稳态正弦
effort input variable作用力输入变量
flow input variable流速输入变量
第二章 基本传感器及其原理
manufacturing tolerance制造公差
electrocardiograph 心电图
input ranges输入信号的量程
minimal resolvable 最小可分辨
normal linear operating range 额定的线性工作范围
maximal operating range最大的工作量程
1.5 生物医学仪器的分类
quantity that is sensed 转换参数
organ system 生理系统
clinical medicine 临床医生 resistive 电阻的
inductive 电感的
capacitive 电容的
ultrasonic 超声波的
electrochemical 电化学的
cardiovascular 心血管
pulmonary 肺
nervous 神经
endocrine 内分泌
Pediatrics 儿科学
Obstetrics 产科学
Cardiology 心脏病学
Radiology 放射学
blood pressure 血压
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UNIT 4 Biomaterials
目录 contents
1、 Text: Biomaterials 2、 Listening: Biomaterials 3、 Writing: Article 4、 Speaking: Conference Presentation
Chromium n.铬 trace element 微量元素
metallic n.金属的
Text: Biomaterials
A second difference is in the way that materials are actually made. Whereas the engineer takes a “top-down” approach, selecting a material to fabricate a part according to an established goal and an exact design plan, natural structures develop in the opposite way (that is, “bottom up”). Both the material and the whole organism (a plant or an animal) grow according to the principles of biologically controlled self-assembly.
hierarchical structure 层次结构
Text: Biomaterials
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for technical developments, but only in recent years have materials scientists started to consider the complex hierarchical structure of natural materials as a model for the development of new types of highperformance engineering materials. It is by no means obvious how the lessons learned from biological materials can be applied to the design of new engineering materials.
Chromium n.铬 trace element 微量元素
metallic n.金属的
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Text: Biomaterials
The reasons for this difficulty are some striking differences in the design strategies that are common in engineering and the ways in which natural materials are constructed. First, the choice of elements is by far greater for the engineer. Elements such as iron, chromium and nickel are only trace elements in biological tissues and are not used in metallic form, in contrast to their use in different types of steel, for example.
hierarchical structure 层次结构
Text: Biomaterials
The reasons for this difficulty are some striking differences in the design strategies that are common in engineering and the ways in which natural materials are constructed. First, the choice of elements is by far greater for the engineer. Elements such as iron, chromium and nickel are only trace elements in biological tissues and are not used in metallic form, in contrast to their use in different types of steel, for example.
Text: Biomaterials
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for technical developments, but only in recent years have materials scientists started to consider the complex hierarchical structure of natural materials as a model for the development of new types of highperformance engineering materials. It is by no means obvious how the lessons learned from biological materials can be applied to the design of new engineering materials.